Day: October 24, 2023

Chapter 10 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 10


Qu Di didn’t dare to look in Yang Ji’s direction. He absentmindedly fanned Tang Xiyan, who had been complaining about the heat. After returning to his seat, Yang Ji asked his manager, “Who’s that beta? Why does he seem so close to Xiyan?”


The manager glanced and replied, “Xiyan’s personal assistant.”


“Is that so…” He retracted his gaze, feeling slightly better. After all, he was just a personal assistant, and when it came down to it, he didn’t differ much from regular crew members, except he served just one person.


Not long after, Qiu Fei and Qiu Wenhuan entered one after the other.


Qu Di politely introduced them, “Brother Fei, Assistant Qiu.”


Both of them acknowledged, and Qiu Fei handed the breakfast he had bought to Qu Di. “Have you eaten? I brought three sandwiches for you. It was busy this morning; you should eat more.”


Qu Di accepted it and said, “Thank you, but I’ve already eaten. I’ll leave it for Xiyan later.”


Tang Xiyan saw that his manager had brought breakfast for a personal assistant but hadn’t thought of him at all. He exclaimed, “Qiu Fei, what’s wrong with you? Your cash cow is right here! Are you mixing up priorities, giving it to the wrong person?”


Qiu Fei gave him a sideways glance. “You should eat less recently; you’ll look fat on camera.”


Not far away, Shu Yì saw Qiu Fei and greeted him with a smile. “Qiu Fei.”


Qiu Fei, who had been Shu Yì’s manager when he first debuted, quipped, “Hey, it’s been a while, isn’t it? Does this idol emperor now require an appointment for a meeting?”


“Others might, but if you come, I’ll open a green channel for you.”


Tang Xiyan glanced behind them but didn’t see Tang Chaobai. He asked Qiu Wenhuan, “I… um… Where’s Mr. Tang? Didn’t he say he’d come today?”


Qiu Wenhuan replied, “Mr. Tang suddenly had something come up and couldn’t make it. It wouldn’t be good to stand people up, so I’m here on his behalf.”


“What… so early in the morning, what could be more important than this?” His older brother always prioritized his affairs, and apart from the company going bankrupt, he couldn’t think of anything more important.


“Anyway, Mr. Tang has already informed them, so whether he comes or not doesn’t make much of a difference.”


The atmosphere on their side was pleasant, with everyone chatting. On the other hand, things were a bit awkward for Yang Ji. Qiu Fei was a well-known top-tier manager in the industry, and even Shu Yì had been under his management when he first debuted. Therefore, Shu Yì could strike up a conversation, but for Yang Ji, a newcomer from the same company, it was impossible to join in.


Yang Ji’s manager had noticed the situation and decided to help by addressing Qiu Wenhuan with a casual “Assistant Qiu.” Qiu Fei had no way of recognizing him, but he had met Tang Chaobai’s assistant a couple of times before.


However, Qiu Wenhuan didn’t recall this particular individual. He often moved between different departments of the company, and he responded to anyone who greeted him.


Nonetheless, he didn’t want to embarrass him. He nodded and said, “Hello.” Then he noticed Yang Ji, who was sitting nearby. Before an actor joined the company, they had to be approved, and Qiu Wenhuan knew this person.


Qiu Wenhuan approached Yang Ji and asked, “Your name is… Yang Ji, right?”


Yang Ji was somewhat taken aback and quickly stood up. “Hello, Assistant Qiu.”


“I almost forgot you’re also part of this production. How’s it going? Are you adjusting well?”


Qiu Wenhuan thought about introducing him to Tang Xiyan, as he was also from their company.


“Xiyan, this is Yang Ji from our company. If he has any questions, you can teach him.”


Tang Xiyan inexplicably disliked this person. He spoke with a cold tone, “Teach what? I’m a singer; I’m busy enough with my own stuff, how can I manage others?”


After saying this, he turned to look at Qu Di, who was sitting next to him. “Qu Di, fan me. Why did you stop?”


Qu Di hastened his movements. “Oh.”


Yang Ji was almost unable to maintain his smile. He had never experienced such disregard, but he couldn’t get angry. He forced a smile and said, “It’s okay. Master is too busy, and I don’t want to trouble him.”


Qiu Wenhuan noticed the tension between Yang Ji and Tang Xiyan but didn’t push the matter further. He consoled Yang Ji for a moment and gave him some instructions before leaving to discuss Tang Chaobai’s matters with the director.


Qiu Fei nudged Tang Xiyan with his elbow and whispered, “What’s gotten into you? We’re from the same company and the same production. Show a little courtesy.”


He thought Tang Xiyan had improved his behavior recently, but he seemed to be reverting to his old self.


Tang Xiyan remained silent and simply grabbed one of the sandwiches Qu Di had placed on the table, devouring it in one bite. He then glanced at Qu Di, who was fanning him without any expression, as though he were an emotionless fan.


Qu Di was startled by his stare. “What’s wrong?”


Tang Xiyan took a fierce bite and said, “Nothing!”


He had noticed that Yang Ji had been watching Qu Di, and after a quick observation of his assistant, he came to a conclusion: this guy named Yang had really questionable taste.


The opening ceremony proceeded as planned. After the formalities, it was time for the main actors to be interviewed and photographed by the media. Tang Xiyan and Wen Gu were the leads of the TV series, attracting the most attention. Moreover, their characters had many romantic scenes together, and since Tang Xiyan already had a substantial following, the media was keenly interested in their interactions.


Compared to the others, the newcomer Yang Ji felt left out. People occasionally mentioned him, asking if he had confidence and such, but as time passed, nobody seemed to care about his presence anymore.


After the interviews, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon. The director suggested they have lunch. Naturally, no one would refuse the first cast gathering. To facilitate the shoot, all the actors and crew were accommodated in a hotel nearby. As there were many people, the director decided to book a few tables on the hotel’s first floor for a shared meal.


Qu Di didn’t sit at the same table as Tang Xiyan and went to a different table with Zheng Siyi. He didn’t know anyone there, so he tried to establish a connection with Zheng Siyi, even though she didn’t seem very willing to engage with him.


Originally, he remembered the rule of not drinking alcohol, but later, the director got drunk and staggered over to their table, insisting on toasting them.


Everyone had their glasses raised, and he couldn’t refuse. He ended up forcing himself to drink a glass. However, as the liquid hit his throat, he almost wanted to spit it out. A sharp, burning sensation spread from his tongue. He quickly swallowed it down but felt like his esophagus and stomach were being burned by that tiny cup of transparent liquid.


He usually only had a couple of sips of beer at gatherings, and he had never experienced such strong liquor. After downing a glass, he started to feel his head getting a bit dizzy. He could barely hold his chopsticks.


Turning to look at Tang Xiyan, who was still eating, he wasn’t too worried. With Qiu Fei around, nothing serious should happen. After telling Zheng Siyi that he was going outside for some fresh air, he went to the door to clear his head.


At this moment, Yang Ji, who had been quiet and hadn’t said much, stood up and told his manager, “I’ll use the restroom.”


As Yang Ji exited the banquet hall, he noticed Qu Di sitting on a sofa in the lobby, leaning back with his arm covering his eyes.


“Qu Di.”


Hearing the voice, Qu Di’s heart trembled. He stood up and created some distance between them. “Mr. Yang, is there something you need?”


Yang Ji didn’t like Qu Di’s avoidance, but he didn’t want to show it. He glanced at the people around them and found someone at the front desk watching them. So, he turned to walk outside. “Come with me.”


Qu Di didn’t want any further involvement with him and declined his request straightforwardly, “No, I don’t need to. Tang Xiyan is still inside. I just felt a bit unwell, but I’m fine now. I’ll head back.”


This was the first time Qu Di had rejected his request. In a moment of anxiety, Yang Ji blurted out, “You have some skill, finding an Alpha right away. I underestimated you. But look at yourself; you won’t hold Xiyan’s interest for long.”


Insulting words flooded into Qu Di’s ears one by one, but he didn’t want to engage further. He brushed it off as water off a duck’s back. After all, he had seen what kind of person Yang was on the day they broke up.


Yang Ji watched as Qu Di walked away, not paying attention to his words, and acted as if he hadn’t heard anything. It was as if his harsh words had landed on cotton, completely unnoticed. In such a public place, he couldn’t approach him any further. He clenched and relaxed his hand in his pocket. With a dark expression, he muttered to himself, “You’re quite something!”


When Qu Di returned to the banquet hall, the director had already left, as he had gotten drunk and had to be helped back. People were starting to disperse. He saw Tang Xiyan, who seemed to be looking for him, and waved to get his attention. Tang Xiyan, upon seeing him, ran over and scolded, “Where did you go again?”


Qu Di rubbed his stomach and replied, “That drink was too strong; I felt unwell, so I went outside for some fresh air.”


Tang Xiyan sniffed and said with some disdain, “No wonder you reek of alcohol.”


Qiu Fei chimed in, “He definitely didn’t dare to drink with you, so he went to find these little assistants. I had a few drinks, and even Li Mèng, who can’t handle alcohol, tried to outdrink him. She ended up passed out on the table.”


Qu Di asked, “Are we going back now?”


Qiu Fei checked the time and said, “There’s nothing left to do. Let’s go back and rest. I’ll leave first. Qu Di, keep an eye on him, and call me if anything happens.”


In the following months, Qu Di was the one primarily accompanying Tang Xiyan. Qiu Fei had been busy with the new talent he was managing, so he could only come by occasionally.


“Let’s go, let’s go! I don’t need to babysit you; you’re not a child.”


After Qiu Fei left, Yang Ji returned. His manager rushed over and asked why he had been gone so long. He made up a casual excuse.


Qu Di took out a room key card and handed it to Tang Xiyan. “This one is yours, on the 53rd floor, Room 5316. Your luggage was placed there yesterday. In the first drawer of the wardrobe, you’ll find socks. In the second drawer, you’ll find underwear. Your clothes are already arranged and hung in sets in the closet. Just grab and wear…”


Tang Xiyan didn’t want to listen to his nagging and asked, “What about you? Where are you staying?”


“I’m on the 12th floor, Room 1233. I’m sharing with a logistics staff member. If you need anything, just call me.”


Tang Xiyan furrowed his brow. “Why are you still in a double room? Is Tang Yi that short on money?”


Qu Di didn’t mind, and he had seen the logistics staff today. It was a young beta who had graduated recently.


He handed the key card to Tang Xiyan. “I’m just a personal assistant. This is enough for me. You can sleep peacefully in your presidential suite.”


Tang Xiyan suggested, “How about I pay for a single room for you?”


Qu Di hurriedly stopped him. “Please don’t. I don’t want to stand out. Don’t worry about me.”


“Forget it; you’re too kind.”


The two of them took the elevator together. When they reached the twelfth floor, Qu Di got off first. He walked alone down the carpeted corridor, and the overly quiet hallway felt somewhat eerie. He quickened his pace but was startled by a pair of feet at the corner.


As he focused his gaze, he felt that the shoes seemed somewhat familiar. He took a few steps closer and discovered that it was, in fact, Shu Yi. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed.


Qu Di called him a couple of times as he crouched down, but Shu Yi showed no reaction at all. As he got closer, he smelled a strong scent of alcohol, mixed with the faint minty pheromones of an Alpha.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 10 – The Demon King Loves the Immortal

Chapter 10


The moth spirit, upon hearing these words, awoke from his slumber. He lazily yawned, stretching and sitting up. He had no upper clothing on, and his snow-white skin was prominently exposed.


Si Lan instinctively averted his gaze, but his peripheral vision caught an unexpected glimpse of the spirit’s body. Upon realizing that the spirit was male, Si Lan maintained a stern expression and continued to observe.


This moth spirit had a subtly androgynous, beautiful appearance, making it difficult to distinguish their gender.


“Lift his face,” the moth spirit tilted his head and instructed. The attendants promptly raised Lou Yuqing’s face.


The moth spirit, with a lazy expression, examined Lou Yuqing’s face closely, and suddenly, a glint of fascination appeared in his eyes, as if he had discovered something amusing. He approached Lou Yuqing, closely studying his features.


“This human is quite handsome. I find it hard to devour him,” the moth spirit said languidly. “How could he have fallen into the Demon Valley and survived?”


The Demon Valley, located on the outskirts of the Holy Realm, was protected by an array. Ordinary humans who fell into it would have their internal organs turned to ash. Even practitioners would be left powerless, if not dead. Yet, this man who had fallen appeared only unconscious.


“Perhaps he miraculously survived, but living prey is more nourishing,” an attendant said, showing deference.


The moth spirit chuckled oddly, “Keep him here, and the rest of you may leave.”




The moth spirit placed Lou Yuqing on the white jade platform, his own body partially resting against Lou Yuqing’s. His gaze seemed a mix of curiosity and obsession as he studied Lou Yuqing’s face.


Si Lan, witnessing this scene, furrowed his brow. He couldn’t fathom the moth spirit’s intentions. The spirit simply continued to gaze at Lou Yuqing for a while, and then, surprisingly, used a strand of hair to touch Lou Yuqing’s face… and his throat.


The more you look into it, the more it seems to be explicit.


Si Lan was debating whether to look away when Lou Yuqing, lying on the white jade platform, suddenly opened his eyes.




Lou Yuqing coughed unexpectedly and opened his eyes.


“You’re awake?” The moth spirit moved closer to Lou Yuqing. His soft body almost pressed against Lou Yuqing’s chest as he spoke. His black hair cascaded down gently on Lou Yuqing’s cheeks.


Lou Yuqing, confronted with the close proximity of this figure, seemed momentarily unable to react. His gaze slowly drifted downward, and when he saw the delicate, fair collarbones, his eyes abruptly shut, and he turned his head, his face turning crimson.


Si Lan, observing this, couldn’t help but smirk. He hadn’t recognized the moth spirit either, so it wasn’t entirely his fault.


At that moment, Si Lan noticed movement on his clothing. He lowered his gaze to see two small pink claws emerging from his collar, followed by two pink dragon horns and a pair of golden eyes.


Si Lan was surprised to find that Little White Dragon had also ventured into this illusion with him. It seemed to be curious about everything, even if it was a true dragon’s offspring, it couldn’t resist its inquisitive nature.


“Hahaha… Why is this human so adorable?” The moth spirit reached out to playfully rub Lou Yuqing’s blushing ears, as if he were handling an amusing toy.


Upon hearing the spirit’s voice, Lou Yuqing’s furrowed brows slightly relaxed, and he became aware that the spirit was male. He tried to use his magic to push the man away but found himself unable to use his powers.


It seemed that his cultivation had been sealed by the formation when he jumped into the Demon Valley from the Holy Realm.


Lou Yuqing’s expression grew somber as he opened his eyes, realizing he couldn’t employ his magic. He asked, “Where is this?”


“It’s the Demon Valley in the Holy Realm.”


The moth spirit tilted his head and inched closer to Lou Yuqing. The dark strands of his hair gently brushed against Lou Yuqing’s face as he spoke.


Lou Yuqing stared at the face right in front of him, appearing completely unresponsive at first. His gaze then dropped, and when he noticed the man’s exquisitely fair collarbones, he instantly closed his eyes, turned his head away, and blushed.


Si Lan watched the scene, amused by the fact that Lou Yuqing, like him, had initially mistaken the spirit for a woman.


However, Lou Yuqing’s expression changed when he noticed the delicate situation. He opened his eyes again and attempted to use magic to push away the man before him, only to realize that his powers were sealed. It appeared that his cultivation had been restricted when he descended into the Demon Valley.


Lou Yuqing’s gaze darkened, and he sat up on the white jade platform, distancing himself from the moth spirit. The spirit, undeterred, still sat close, even placing a hand on Lou Yuqing’s shoulder.


Lou Yuqing wanted to say something, but then he noticed the moth spirit’s massive wings behind him and refrained from speaking. The person before him, seemingly of ambiguous gender, was actually a monster!


The moth spirit saw Lou Yuqing scrutinizing his wings and, to show off, folded his wings against his chest, shaking them a few times for Lou Yuqing to see clearly.


“In our Holy Realm, the stronger your cultivation, the more beautiful your wings become.”


Lou Yuqing remained silent, his brow slightly furrowed. He instinctively went on guard against the moth spirit. He hadn’t forgotten his mission to enter the Demon Valley of the Holy Realm to kill the troublesome creature that caused havoc in the mortal realm, the Moth King.


At this point, Lou Yuqing was likely injured by the formation and saved by this moth spirit.


His top priority now was to find a way to recover his cultivation quickly.


“Do you like my wings?” The moth spirit fluttered his wings and leaned in closer to Lou Yuqing. Lou Yuqing, looking at the spirit’s striking red wings, furrowed his brow.


Seeing Lou Yuqing’s reaction, the moth spirit wasn’t offended. He laughed and leaned over Lou Yuqing’s shoulder, gently pressing his pale fingers against Lou Yuqing’s skin.


Lou Yuqing stiffened, and his gaze turned strange as he looked at the moth spirit. He wondered why this male moth spirit lacked a sense of propriety.


“I know that you humans don’t appreciate our form, but it’s alright; I can take on a human appearance as well…”


With that, the moth spirit was surrounded by a white mist, and his wings slowly disappeared within the mist, revealing an entirely human body.


This body was perfectly proportioned, with flawless fair skin, akin to a finely carved jade sculpture. Although also a man, Lou Yuqing’s face turned red immediately when he saw this transformation. He hurriedly turned his head.


“What is this? Please… please put on some clothes.”


The moth spirit muttered, “You humans are so concerned about appearances.” Yet, he couldn’t help but chuckle, clearly enamored by this handsome human.


The moth spirit grabbed a thin veil from the edge of the white jade platform and dr4p3d it lightly over himself. He looked like a seductive enchantress, partially veiled, with every move radiating an irresistible charm.


He approached Lou Yuqing’s face, and Lou Yuqing immediately withdrew, maintaining a distance. Lou Yuqing seemed wary, but the spirit couldn’t resist teasing him. “You humans are so afraid of me…”


“Don’t worry, I won’t eat you.” The moth spirit circled around to the other side of Lou Yuqing, his eyes intense, but the expression in those eyes was even scarier than wanting to devour him.


Lou Yuqing, unsure of the moth spirit’s intentions, didn’t want to speculate on the thoughts of a mere moth spirit. Since the spirit didn’t seem hostile, he tentatively asked, “Since this is the Demon Valley in the Holy Realm, where is the Moth King?”


“I am the Moth King.”


Si Lan, hearing this, was mildly surprised. The young figure with snow-white skin, clean features, and androgynous looks was the Moth King?


Lou Yuqing, at this moment, appeared just as surprised as Si Lan, staring at the young man before him with a puzzled expression.


The young man’s long hair cascaded loosely down his back, with a strand of black hair resting on his chest. This, combined with the delicate figure underneath the white veil, created a mesmerizing and captivating sight.


Lou Yuqing averted his eyes, unable to reconcile the figure in front of him with the ruthless and ferocious Moth King he had learned about.


The Moth King was known for his brutality, delighting in devouring humans, especially when they were alive. Anyone who fell into the Demon Valley was usually consumed by the moths. As a result, the number of victims dropped, and the Moth King led his moths to actively capture humans.


The Moth King excelled in illusions and song, luring humans to their doom. In one of his most horrifying acts, he led the moths to devour an entire village of humans overnight.


Lou Yuqing’s master, responsible for investigating the bloodbath in the village, had instructed Lou Yuqing on his deathbed to slay the Green River Water Monster, the Lost Forest Eagle Demon, and the Moth King in the Holy Realm. Over the years, Lou Yuqing had managed to kill the Green River Water Monster and the Lost Forest Eagle Demon, leaving only the Holy Realm Moth King.


In the illusion, the Moth King smiled and introduced himself, “They all call me the Moth King, but you can call me Zhong Mu.”


Zhong Mu found that Lou Yuqing was silent all the time, so he came close to Lou Yuqing. The tip of his small nose was directly next to the tip of Lou Yuqing’s nose, and his slender eyelashes almost touched Lou Yuqing’s eyes when they blinked.


That charming and beautiful face gradually enlarged in Lou Yuqing’s pupils, like a blooming poppy flower, filled with toxins.


“Why are you not talking?”


Lou Yuqing calmed down and stepped back calmly, trying to avoid Zhong Mu. In the end, Zhong Mu directly grabbed Lou Yuqing’s lapel and suddenly pulled Lou Yuqing forward. Lou Yuqing was caught off guard and bumped into Zhong Mu’s face, the corner of mouths touched.


Si Lan saw this scene and quickly reached out to cover the little white dragon’s eyes.


This scene was not suitable for children.


“…” The little white dragon.


Lou Yuqing’s pupils dilated instantly and his limbs stiffened. Zhong Mu was like a greedy child, and he moved and kissed along the corners of Lou Yuqing’s lips little by little, as if he was tasting something delicious and new. His eyes didn’t look like a devil at all, but were clean and bright, as pure as a child’s, looking at Lou Yuqing intently.


“Well, it’s obviously not sweet…” But he still really wanted to touch him.

Zhong Mu felt his heart beating thumping, which was the impulse and possession of unknown love. His heat seemed to have come early… I didn’t expect that his first estrus would be for a weak and pitiful human being.


Zhong Mu still wanted to feel the touch of kissing, and was about to kiss Lou Yuqing again, but didn’t know that Lou Yuqing obtained a sharp piece of rattan.


Lou Yuqing held on to the cane tightly and was about to stab Zhong Mu in the neck when Zhong Mu was not paying attention.


At this time, a horn suddenly sounded outside.


Zhong Mu’s thoughts were interrupted instantly. He let go of Lou Yuqing’s clothes, looked out the door and murmured, “It seems that the results of this hunt was not too bad.”


With that said, Zhong Mu turned around and looked at Lou Yuqing, “Do you want to go see the trophies with me?”


Lou Yuqing wiped the corners of his mouth and hid the cane in his sleeves, his eyes dark and deep, “Yeah.”


Si Lan’s vision also changed with the two of them, and came outside.


In the dark valley bottom, a group of moths gathered together, holding weapons and cheering in celebration, and the cheers were mixed with the painful howls of humans.


Most of the “trophies” tied together by the rope net are dead, and the living ones are just hanging on and struggling to survive.


Blood covered the entire ground, and the smell of blood was everywhere. Even after living in the demon world for more than a thousand years, Si Lan couldn’t bear to look at it and turned away.


Zhong Mu sat on the high platform and looked down at the group of celebrating moths below. He leaned on his seat, supported his head with one hand, and listened casually to his subordinates’ report on the capture.


Lou Yuqing clenched her fingers tightly and moved the corners of her lips, “Those who are still alive, can you let them go?”


“Are you begging me?”


Zhong Mu tilted his head, opening his beautiful eyes like a child, looking at Lou Yuqing for a moment.


Lou Yuqing’s Adam’s apple bobbed, as if he wanted to say something, but he held it back, with a look of unhappiness on his face. If it weren’t for his total lack of cultivation, why would he bow his head like this? He had never been so aggrieved in his life.


“If I beg you, would you let those people go?”


Zhong Mu nodded.


Lou Yuqing closed his eyelids and was just about to ask for mercy when Zhong Mu snuggled softly onto Lou Yuqing’s shoulder and said, “Please beg me again when you go back. I think I only want to see you beg me in private.”


Lou Yuqing looked at Zhong Mu’s hand on his shoulder, his expression stiffened, but he didn’t avoid it.


Lou Yuqing is a practitioner of the ruthless way and cannot understand love. In his eyes, those joys, tears, infatuation, and lingering are meaningless expressions of emotion.


But he never thought that one day he would use this emotion to achieve some purpose.


Zhong Mu turned around and ordered the moths to release the humans who were still alive. After hearing this, the moths all showed expressions of surprise and dissatisfaction, and their eyes towards Lou Yuqing were filled with hatred.


“King, you must not be enarmoured by a human being.”


Si Lan saw the anxious look on the moth’s face when he spoke, and suddenly understood what the moth was feeling.


In the world of moths, moths fall in love with humans, which is probably the same as in the world of humans, humans fall in love with roast duck.


Very funny.


Si Lan exhaled and lowered his eyes to look at the little white dragon in his arms. He didn’t know if his pheasant was also food in the eyes of the little white dragon…


Thinking of this, Si Lan shuddered.


Zhong Mu ignored the moths’ advice and made a gesture. The moths reluctantly retreated and let out the humans who were still alive. Then the carnival began, and they danced around the piled corpses, spreading their wings and shouting.


After the carnival, there is a gluttonous feast.


Lou Yuqing avoided his gaze and tried his best to hide his anger. Zhong Mu saw Lou Yuqing’s discomfort and took Lou Yuqing away.


Zhong Mu said casually as he walked, “After you humans catch the chickens, you pluck the feathers, chop them into pieces, stir-fry, braise, or deep-fry them. You can eat them however you want. You don’t think that’s remotely cruel at all.”


As a member of the chicken clan, Si Lan couldn’t help but nodded when he heard this, and then shook his head… It seemed to be the truth, but it seemed not to be the truth.


He saw Lou Yuqing’s expression condensed, and there was a faint feeling of disgust between his eyebrows.


Lou Yuqing said, “That’s different.”


“How could it be different? When you eat others, you say that the weak eat the strong. But when others eat you, you start talking about benevolence and morality, and even regard those races that harm you as evil people, and kill them all. It has risen to the level of doing justice for heaven, punishing evil and promoting good. But at this time, why don’t you say that the weak should eat the strong?”


Lou Yuqing’s voice was neither soft nor serious, “Humans are not necessarily weak. Do you know that Lou Yuqing, the master of the Xuanling Sect in the human world, his mission is to kill monsters. The Qinghe water monster and the confusing forest eagle monster have already died at his hands. The next one could be you.”


“Lou Yuqing?” Zhong Mu didn’t care, “No cultivator has ever been able to enter the Demon Valley unharmed. I’m not afraid of them.”


Lou Yuqing said nothing.


After walking a distance, Zhong Mu suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Luo Yuqing.


“By the way, I forgot to ask, what’s your name?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 70 – Long ge, you’re the best!

Chapter 70 – Long ge, you’re the best!


The entire classroom turned their attention towards the door. Fei Yuhuan furrowed his brow and asked, “Which one is Jian Sheng?”


Even the class teacher was somewhat surprised. How did this troublemaker end up here? Fei Yuhuan, the little overlord of the Dragon Clan, was a prominent figure in the school, just slightly overshadowed by Lord Dragon himself during his time at school.


“Um, what’s the matter, young man?” The class teacher tried to salvage the situation for her student. “This isn’t the way to resolve problems.”


Fei Yuhuan frowned, “Are you Jian Sheng?”


The class teacher shook her head, “I’m not.”


“You take over,” Fei Yuhuan leaned against the door, arms crossed, his tone unfriendly. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”


Jian Sheng was feeling a bit uneasy. He glanced at his son, as if worried that he might associate with troublemakers.


But Jian Sheng wasn’t too afraid. He stood up and said, “I am.”


Compared to the Dark Star people, humans were quite frail, especially Jian Sheng, who had always been undernourished. In front of Fei Yuhuan, he appeared even more fragile.


Jian Sheng turned to the class teacher, “Teacher, I’ll be right back.”


The class teacher nodded.


Before he left, Jian Luo pulled him aside, “If anything happens, call for help in time.”


Although he didn’t want to jump to conclusions about others, this Fei Yuhuan seemed extremely formidable, comparable to Lord Dragon in terms of aura.


Jian Sheng gave him a reassuring look.


As the parent-teacher conference was coming to an end, Jian Luo prepared to leave. Before he left, he had a chat with the class teacher about the children’s recent developments.


The class teacher said, “Mr. Jian, on behalf of the children, I would like to invite you and your mother to our flea market.”


Jian Luo was surprised, “Why invite me?”


“It’s evident that you care for the children and don’t mind being around them,” the class teacher said politely. “Under your guidance, the children were lively and enthusiastic today. We sincerely hope you can join us at the flea market.”


Jian Luo wasn’t particularly interested in these activities, but he didn’t want to refuse directly. “But I can’t be of much help.”


The class teacher smiled, “We’re just inviting you to have fun; we don’t really need your assistance. If you have the time, please grace us with your presence.”


Jian Luo thought for a moment and didn’t rush to decline, “Alright.”


Ever since he became pregnant, his tolerance for children had increased for no apparent reason. He simply liked children.


Seeing them always made him think of little dragons. He hoped that the little dragons would be happier in the future and encounter more kind-hearted people, so the world would be gentler to them.


“Ding Ling Ling.”


The bell signaling the end of the class rang outside.


Jian Luo bid farewell to the class teacher and left. As he came out, he met Jian Sheng returning and accidentally bumped into his brother. He quickly checked to see if he was hurt.


Jian Luo rushed even faster, “Ah Sheng, are you okay?”


Jian Sheng shook his head, “I’m fine. Why would I be hurt? I came to return something to Senior.”


This piqued Jian Luo’s interest, “Return what?”


Jian Sheng scratched his head in embarrassment, “I found his meal card the day before yesterday. Since I can’t enter the S-class classrooms, and I was busy these days, I didn’t get a chance to return it.”




Jian Luo was actually a bit disappointed, “Is that it?”


Jian Sheng was puzzled, “What’s wrong?”


Seeing his younger brother’s innocent gaze, Jian Luo couldn’t help but suppress his own thoughts. After all, children could also have pure friendships, and as an adult, he should fully support them!


The group returned to the peaceful park.


On the way, Jian Sheng couldn’t resist asking Jian Luo about the voting issue, “Brother, you didn’t rig the votes, did you? Some people…”


Jian Luo patiently replied, “No.”


Jian Sheng: “…”


Slightly more clever, their father, Su Liang, stepped in to answer for Jian Luo, “Because your big brother is going to do a livestream, he’s getting to know more people. Surely there are some kind-hearted folks among them.”


This explanation seemed to work.


Jian Sheng completely believed it.


Jian Luo smiled a little guiltily and didn’t argue with the excuse Su Liang had given. In reality, he didn’t have any reservations about revealing Lu Shifeng’s identity. He just wasn’t sure where this relationship was heading, and he decided it was best to leave it at that for now.


Once they returned home, the three of them began to discuss the flea market.


Su Liang, preparing dinner while wearing an apron, commented, “Dark Star people are very skilled in high-tech. If we sell ordinary things, they won’t be interested.”


Jian Sheng, helping with the vegetables in the living room, added, “Each of them has different preferences; there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.”


That was indeed true. Dark Star people had varied tastes, with no unified standard.


Jian Sheng and Su Liang chatted on and off, but they couldn’t come up with a plan. Meanwhile, Jian Luo, sitting on the couch and watching TV, decided to contact Lu Shifeng.


He thought for a moment and began typing a message to Lu Shifeng: “Hello?”


This message seemed a bit formal, as he was asking for help. Perhaps he should sound friendlier. With that in mind, Jian Luo changed it to: “Dragon bro, you there? ^-^”


After sending the message, he expected to wait for a while for a response, but surprisingly, Lu Shifeng replied quickly: “What’s up?”


Jian Luo felt a mix of disappointment and excitement. “Oh, do you know what Dark Star students usually like or what’s popular at the flea market?”


After sending the message, there was silence. Jian Luo occasionally glanced at his communicator while watching TV but received no reply. He began to feel a bit anxious and secretly held some expectations.


This kind of hidden anticipation was reminiscent of his teenage days when he chatted with his crush on WeChat. However, he attributed it to the anxiety he felt for his younger brother.


After a while, Lu Shifeng finally responded: “Different ethnic groups have different preferences; there’s no unified answer.”


Jian Luo wasn’t sure whether to feel disappointed or relieved. “Oh, I see.”


Lu Shifeng followed up with some advice: “Rather than asking them what they like, it’s better to stick to your strengths and make the most of them.”


It was as if he were a seasoned general guiding an inexperienced soldier.


Jian Luo rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and finally found a direction. His eyes lit up as he came up with an idea. “Got it, I understand!”


Lu Shifeng was quite satisfied with his response and sent Jian Luo a document. The document was quite large, and given the slow internet in their area, it might have been sent earlier but only just appeared on Jian Luo’s communicator.


As the document was being received, Jian Luo couldn’t resist his curiosity. “What’s this?”


“Have a look,” Lu Shifeng replied succinctly. “It’s a compilation of the most popular items at flea markets in recent years.”


Jian Luo was amazed. Was Lu Shifeng some kind of genius? How could he find something like this?


Jian Luo admired Lu Shifeng, and in addition to admiration, he felt an unusual emotion welling up inside him. It was a feeling of being seen and cared for. Even if it was just because there were children present, the feeling of being noticed and cared for by Lu Shifeng was simply wonderful.


Regardless of the reason, he was genuinely thankful for Lu Shifeng’s kindness. “Dragon bro, you’re amazing!”


Lu Shifeng responded with a plain, “Is that so?”


Jian Luo had to compliment him further, “No, really. Thank you so much. I’ll definitely repay you later!”


Lu Shifeng, looking at the word “repay,” narrowed his eyes and replied, “No need to go to great lengths. If you really want to repay me, just be a good boy and take your medicine. Don’t mess around. That would be a repayment in itself.”


Jian Luo was left speechless.



After chatting with Lu Shifeng, Jian Luo began to read the documents. There were indeed many things that could be borrowed from them, whether it was more toys or food, they were among the top choices.


Thinking about it, the flea market was just a few days away. Mass-producing toys was not practical and wouldn’t be done in time. If they had to, it was quicker and simpler to make food.


After hearing Jian Luo’s thoughts, Su Liang asked, “But Luo Luo, how do we know what these races like to eat?”


Jian Luo stood up, a smile on his face. “Who doesn’t know?”


The next day – the flea market.


This was a relatively bustling day at the academy. Different classes and sections sold similar items, mostly based on the preferences of different races.


The Dark Star didn’t just have a few major noble families; there were also smaller clans like the rabbits, dogs, and cats. These races all existed in reality.


The dog race liked to sell various bone decorations, rabbits liked to sell grass-made woven toys, and cats liked to make various traps. Of course, these were all basic-level items. As you went higher in class, the variety and rarity of items increased.


Many classes were bustling with activity, but there were only a few people in Class G. In fact, the children had all carefully brought something with them.


Jian Sheng brought a food platter prepared for Jian Luo, divided into four small sections, containing different foods tailored to the tastes of several noble races.


Jian Sheng, who was next to Jian Luo, asked, “Brother, do you think they will really like it?”


“Hmm?” Jian Luo remained calm. “If they don’t like it, then what? I can make a taste survey next time for targeted improvements.”


“You really don’t waste any effort.”


Soon, students approached their booth, attracted by the aroma of the food. The food on the platter had different colors and flavors, including spicy sticks that the Dragon race liked, sweet cakes preferred by the Phoenix race, and a slightly salty cake for the Pixiu. The different flavors were alluring.


The children from Class G, however, showed little interest.


Jian Sheng encouraged, “Shall we come up with a catchy slogan?”


No one agreed.


Finally, a little girl said, “Class Leader, there’s no one here to attract with slogans.”


Compared to the small stalls of the major noble families, there was so much to explore, and nobody had the time to come to this remote place to find trouble. Not only this little girl, but the others also seemed dejected, looking as though they were waiting for it to end.


Everyone seemed lifeless, like they were participating in an activity forced upon them.


Jian Sheng was not satisfied; he found a board and started making a sign that said, “Buy something and get snacks.”


As he was making it, people passing by were drawn to the commotion of creating the sign. When they approached, they saw the pastry platter and couldn’t help but ask, “How are these snacks sold?”


Jian Sheng hurriedly replied, “They’re not for sale. When you buy an item, you get a snack.”


The child who asked was from the dog race, a subsidiary of Pixiu. His nose was sharp, and he had his eyes on the cake from a distance. It was simply too enticing.


The young boy from the dog race looked around the stall and then pointed to a workbook, saying, “I’ll buy a workbook.”


Jian Sheng’s eyes lit up with joy. “Alright!”


He quickly helped with the packaging, and soon, their first sale was made, unexpectedly fast and unbelievable. Once it started, the rest of the business seemed to go smoothly.


Word spread, and more and more children came, all lured by the promise of prizes.


“Have you gotten your prize yet?”

“You haven’t tried these snacks?”

“Hurry up, the prizes will run out.”


The Dark Star people generally loved to eat, especially children. Their expressions of likes and dislikes were usually more straightforward. Gradually, the booth that had initially been ignored began to attract more people.


Some children were initially indifferent but became interested as more people gathered. Those with good manual skills approached Jian Sheng and said, “Class Leader, let me help.”


The livelier ones shouted to attract customers, “These items are not negotiable, but they’re very affordable. This ball isn’t just for taking pictures; look, it can also record videos…”


The other children also started doing various tasks, and the entire class was visibly bustling with activity.


This change didn’t go unnoticed by the students from the opposite class. They were a higher class than Class G, usually looking down on them with superiority. However, they couldn’t believe that this time, Class G had actually improved and not only won the vote but also attracted so many customers at the flea market.


One child asked, “Class Leader, what should we do?”


Their class leader, a girl, snorted. “We’ll also give away snacks, just like them.”


A curious child asked, “What activity should we organize?”


After thinking for a moment, the girl took out a framed handguard from her storage grid with pride. “Do you know what this is? It’s a handguard used by Marshal Lu, Marshal Lu touched it.”


To the children, Marshal Lu Shifeng was a legendary figure. The items associated with him were like celebrity memorabilia. When this item came out, it instantly attracted a crowd of onlookers.


The class leader smiled triumphantly. “Anyone who buys something can take a picture with it, touch it, and help make a sign!”


The other children all agreed.


Their efficiency was also fast, and in no time, they had made a sign. Many passersby were attracted by the sight of the three characters “Lu Shifeng,” a testament to the charisma of Marshal Lu.


Jian Sheng noticed Jing’s reaction and turned to Jian Luo. “Brother, it seems like they’re selling Marshal Lu’s handguard over there!”


Jian Luo, who had been dozing off in the back, was startled.


Jian Sheng eagerly said, “I really like Marshal Lu, do you want to go see it, Brother?”


“…Not interested.”


Jian Luo casually remarked, “It might be fake, who knows.”


“Brother, you’ve never seen it, how can you say it’s fake?” Jian Sheng pulled him. “Come on, let’s take a look.”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 85 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 85


In the blink of an eye, the day of the official start of the bounty league had arrived. The competition venue was bustling with a large crowd of people, showcasing the prosperity of the interstellar era.


Lu Jingning arrived early in the morning and was already feeling irritated due to the crowds pushing and shoving around him. He noticed a sudden wave of people screaming and running past him, their high-pitched voices causing him to frown. He couldn’t help but ask, “What’s going on over there? They’re acting like they’ve taken some kind of stimulant.”


Bing Yunlin replied, “Oh, it should be some celebrity contestants who have arrived.”


Lu Jingning’s lips twitched, “Celebrities in this mediocre competition? Who could they be?”


Yan Hebin explained in a nonchalant tone, “No matter which bounty league it is, it will attract a large number of spectators, and many professional bounty hunters use such events to increase their popularity and attract more fans.”


It was evident that Yan Hebin had done his homework, although he didn’t seem like someone who would pay attention to such things.


Lu Jingning looked over at the man dressed in blue who had just descended from a flying vehicle not far away. He snorted disdainfully at the screaming fans around, “Who the heck is that? Dressed like a blue duck, and with just that appearance, he has so many fans? What if I show up? Will I sweep them all off their feet?”


Yan Hebin glanced at him and said, “… The bounty league mainly focuses on combat strength.”


Lu Jingning raised an eyebrow, “Do you really think his combat strength could be higher than mine?”


Yan Hebin replied, “… Forget I said anything.”


Listening to their conversation, Wen Xingchen had a somewhat bad feeling. He reached out and pulled Lu Jingning into his arms, his eyes slightly lowered, and reminded him as his boyfriend, “Lu bro, let’s discuss something. When you enter the arena, be a little more low-key, don’t show off too much, and don’t make the audience go wild.”


Lu Jingning felt a bit unhappy about his lack of trust, “Do I look like the kind of person who would attract unwanted attention?”


Wen Xingchen maintained a calm smile in response to the skepticism, “Of course not. I’m just worried that your striking appearance might unintentionally win over too many hearts.”


Lu Jingning felt comfortable hearing this and thought for a moment, “That’s true. I’ll try to be more restrained, then.”


Wen Xingchen continued to hold him gently, “Thank you very much.”



Since everyone’s preliminary rounds were divided into different groups, after completing the registration and exchanging words of encouragement, they each went to their respective competition venues.


Lu Jingning was placed in Group C, No. 10, and followed the provided map to the venue. As he approached the building, he glanced at the black square structure before him. The venue was far from the spectator area, and the noise from outside faded away, creating an atmosphere of seriousness.


Just as he was about to take a step forward, he suddenly halted his movement.


A figure flashed by in his peripheral vision, and before he could fully see the person’s appearance, they had disappeared into the entrance of the neighboring group.


It wasn’t someone familiar, but the striking white hair was too eye-catching and reminded him of a particularly profound memory.


Lu Jingning’s blood froze for a moment.


He stood still for a while but eventually shook his head inwardly, resuming his steps and entering his own competition venue.


Although white hair was not a common hair color among humans, it was not unheard of among the Insect race. With the diverse mix of participants in this bounty league, there were quite a few Insect contestants as well. It was unlikely to be anything more than a coincidence, right?


After completing the registration at the entrance, Lu Jingning was taken to his designated virtual cabin. Once fully immersed in the virtual data, he opened his eyes again and found himself in the waiting area of the virtual space.


As the competition hadn’t started yet, all participants were waiting here. When he appeared, he felt countless gazes converging on him from all directions.


But in the next second, they silently turned away.


Oh, an Omega, and a very beautiful one.


But no matter how attractive he was, what use would it be here?


Most people were here for fame or profit. Even if they were a bit conceited, they would only focus on the competition rewards. During the matches, some participants might form teams to pursue ranking points, but they were usually people they recognized. As for new participants like him, they were more cautious in finding teammates.


Lu Jingning didn’t mind being ignored by others. He hadn’t planned on finding a teammate anyway, so being left alone was actually quite peaceful.


He did notice a few young participants nearby who would occasionally glance his way and mutter among themselves.


“Hey, have you guys noticed that this Omega looks a bit familiar?”


“Is he a celebrity from some modeling company?”


“Maybe, I feel like I’ve seen him on a live stream before.”


“Tsk, people are so lucky! Why can some people ride the waves smoothly just because of their looks, while I have no future even after entering the military academy?”


“Why worry about others so much? Focus on preparing for the competition! If you’re eliminated in the preliminaries, you’ll be done for!”


“I know, but… does this Omega really look like a celebrity? I somehow don’t think so.”


“It’s already so late, why are you still concerned about others? Prepare well for the competition! If you can’t advance in the preliminaries, then it’s truly over!”


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but feel amused, “Newbies are all the same, a bit thin-skinned…”


He looked up at the countdown on the screen; there were less than three minutes left.


At this moment, a few more participants arrived, and to his surprise, one of them was the blue duck he had seen outside.


After entering the arena, the system automatically provided everyone with a simple and uniform combat suit. However, this particular guy with blue hair not only had blue hair but also wore blue eyeshadow, making his flamboyant appearance impossible to ignore.


Lu Jingning observed as a crowd instantly gathered around him, a stark contrast to the lack of attention he received when he arrived.


Lu Jingning: “…”


Well, what can he say? The guy is a celebrity contestant, after all!


Soon, all participants from the preliminary rounds gathered, and there were quite a lot of them in one group, around fifty people.


When the countdown reached one minute, the system began to explain the specific rules of the preliminary round to everyone. Lu Jingning listened for a while and got a rough idea. 


In simple terms, it was a score-snatching match. Killing other participants would earn two points, and the top three players who successfully occupied the independent bases inside the arena would earn 10, 6, and 3 points, respectively. The top three players to reach the finish line would get 20, 15, and 10 points. In total, there were four independent bases in all the maps, so even if someone secured the first place in all bases, they could only get a total of 40 points. This meant that the primary source of points would be from other participants.


Lu Jingning quickly came up with a plan. First, kill monsters, then take over bases!


As the contestants waited anxiously for the preliminary round to officially begin, numerous live broadcast channels were already available on various star networks. However, due to the large number of venues for the preliminary rounds, the audience was dispersed across multiple channels.


Fortunately, the group Lu Jingning was in had the blue-haired celebrity, so the number of viewers on their channel was quite substantial.


Most of the viewers were fans of the blue-haired guy, and they were mainly there to watch their idol. As a result, the barrage on the live broadcast page was harmonious.


At this moment, the screen was focused on the waiting area, and the topics of discussion revolved around the contestants’ appearances.


The barrage rolled slowly –


“Wow, besides my husband, there are so many handsome guys in this group! My feminine heart!”


“Just thinking that these young ones will be covered in blood in a moment makes me… feel a bit excited!”


“Ah? Was that an Omega just now? Quickly, show it again! Ah ah ah, so handsome! Almost blinded my eyes!”


“Do you need more than one husband? Why look at the Omega? Damn, but he’s really good-looking!”


“Which talent agency is responsible for training these newcomers? But where are his teammates? Is he planning to solo the whole thing?”


“Why isn’t anyone teaming up with him?! Even if I were given such a beautiful leg accessory, I’d be happy!”


“Don’t seduce me! I’m devoted to my husband, no climbing over walls for me!”



Each live broadcast room had corresponding staff handling the situation. They noticed that the topics in the barrage seemed to revolve around the same person, so they quickly shifted the focus to the blue-haired celebrity.


Just at this moment, the countdown ended, and the competition officially began.


As the participants’ bodies were enveloped in beams of light, the background switched to another wilderness.


As expected, many participants chose to actively score points at the beginning of the match. As a result, the arena turned into a scene of bloodshed.


The audience instinctively covered their eyes before the bloody scenes appeared, fearing to witness the good-looking Omega being drenched in blood.


However, just as other participants engaged in violent combat, the person in front of the camera flashed and had already moved away from the center of the battle zone.


Then, in the next second, the Omega in the video punched the head of a nearby contestant, rendering the unfortunate guy unconscious. He casually lifted the unconscious player like he was holding a convenient weapon and swung him around.


Next, as he re-entered the battlefield, he plowed into it like a bowling ball, scattering everyone in all directions.


The barrage paused for a few seconds in confusion.


Audience: ???


What’s with this Omega???


Why did they feel pity for him just now?!!



At the same time, in a dormitory at the Imperial Navy University.


Jian Luan, who was concerned about the competition, happened to witness this scene and fell into contemplation with an expressionless face.


This vaguely familiar scene reminded him of some not-so-good memories.


After the competition, he wondered if he could have a chat with that brother who had been turned into a weapon?


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

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