Day: October 26, 2023

Chapter 12 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 12


Injury to an artist is not a minor matter. After reporting the situation to Qiu Fei, Qu Di received instructions. Qiu Fei told Qu Di to go to a private hospital and find Tang Xiyan’s personal doctor, and the company would later release the news about Tang Xiyan’s injury.


Tang Xiyan’s injury was on his back, and Qu Di dared not touch it carelessly. He could only let Tang Xiyan wear his coat. But Tang Xiyan also needed to wear a hat, a mask, and sunglasses, creating a look that attracted a lot of attention.


During the distance from the hospital entrance to the doctor’s office, many people, after some initial doubt, pulled out their phones to take pictures. Qu Di thought that it wouldn’t take more than an hour for Tang Xiyan’s photos to go viral on the internet.


As for whether people could recognize him, Qu Di wasn’t worried at all. It seemed like the fans these days had superhuman abilities and could determine whether or not their idol was present based on their walking style.


Arriving at the doctor’s office, Tang Xiyan could finally take off his mask and sunglasses. He said, “I told you not to come. Look, every time I come to the hospital, there’s a crowd of people taking pictures of me.”


“The company will handle this matter, and it’s not something to be ashamed of.”


The doctor’s name was Yu Zhiyuan, and he looked quite young, with delicate features and neat chestnut hair. The most eye-catching feature about him was the small mole just below his lips, giving him an intriguing charm. Coupled with his white coat and his upright expression, he seemed to exude a mysterious sensuality.


He was currently writing a report with his head down and didn’t even bother to look up. “What happened this time?”


Tang Xiyan didn’t seem to have the best relationship with Yu Zhiyuan. He didn’t even look at him and acted like a temperamental child. Annoyed, he said, “I injured my back.”


“That means you’re not dead. I’ll finish writing this report, and if you’re still alive by the time I’m done, I’ll take a look at you.”


“I need to get back to work! Ah…” Tang Xiyan accidentally touched a muscle on his back, causing him to grimace in pain.


Yu Zhiyuan raised his head and glanced at the doctor. He had a flat tone and said, “It’s just a few blisters. You can puncture them yourself and apply some medicine. It’s incredible that you came to the hospital for such a minor issue.”


Silence followed. The doctor was not quite what he had imagined.


“Do you think I wanted to come? Even if I were on my deathbed, I wouldn’t want to see your face. It’s all because this assistant insisted on dragging me here,” he said, pointing the blame at his assistant.


Yu Zhiyuan didn’t seem to be in a friendly mood, and Qu Di spoke carefully, “I’m sorry, Dr. Yu. I asked him to come. My main concern was the risk of infection. The wound has been closed for almost a whole afternoon. Would you please take another look?”


Yu Zhiyuan turned his gaze toward Qu Di. His tone was much softer than when he talked to Tang Xiyan, “Are you the new assistant?”


Qu Di nodded.


“Do you like dogs?”


Qu Di was puzzled, “No.”


“Then how could you stand being his assistant?”


Before he could react, Tang Xiyan jumped up from his seat, “Hey! Who are you calling a dog!?”


“Oh, you’re making some progress. You could tell that I was talking about you?” Yu Zhiyuan retorted.


“I… I…” Qu Di saw that Tang Xiyan was about to attack, so he quickly restrained him, “Calm down, you still have an injury.”


Yu Zhiyuan looked at his computer screen, typing with one hand while speaking, “He’s tough. Don’t worry too much. The nurse will clean the wound later, and I’ll prescribe some antibiotics. Take them and apply ointment for a week. Avoid pulling on the wound and exposing it to water, and keep the wound clean.”


Then, he handed over the prescription to Qu Di, saying, “Take this to get the medication from the pharmacy later.”


Next, he looked at Tang Xiyan and started to dismiss him, “You can leave now.”


The two of them were inherently incompatible, and Tang Xiyan made an obscene gesture at him, “I’m going to replace you starting tomorrow!”


“I couldn’t hope for anything better.”


Qu Di took the prescription to get the medicine but met an acquaintance on the way.




Fang Yingying was standing at the beverage vending machine, planning to buy something to drink when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw Qu Di, whom she hadn’t seen in a long time.


However, there was no joy of reunion on her face; she seemed rather distant. “Qu Di, why are you in Y City?”


“I’ve come to work here. What about you?” Fang Yingying had been running that flower shop, and it was unlikely she would come here to struggle like him.


She hesitated for a moment and said, “My boyfriend works here, so I followed him.”


“Really? Congratulations. By the way, how’s your flower shop doing?”


“It’s doing fine. My family is helping me run it.”


“Your family? Weren’t you always worried about them asking for money when they visited your shop?” Fang Yingying’s father was a gambling addict and had visited her shop several times to ask for money. She had always been on guard against him.


Fang Yingying played with her hair uncomfortably and said, “Actually, a company noticed me and I’m going to participate in a talent show. The flower shop is not that useful, and I’m not renewing the lease when it expires.”


She had never lived a decently comfortable life, and although she felt a bit uneasy seeing Qu Di, she couldn’t help but show off the enviable life she was living now.


Qu Di finally noticed her expensive jewelry. Although he didn’t understand, they didn’t look fake. It seemed she had truly found her luck. He congratulated her, “Congratulations.”


“By the way, why are you here at the hospital?” Fang Yingying had come to the hospital for a follow-up due to a throat infection that had resulted from a fever a few days ago.


He waved the prescription in his hand, “I… I came to get medicine for a friend.”


Fang Yingying, who had become more at ease since she saw him, gave a sweet smile, “Let’s stay in touch more often. I have something to do now, so I’ll leave.”




Fang Yingying quickly left and got into a low-key black Rolls-Royce after exiting. She sent a message to Tang Chaobai to let him know she was heading back.


Qu Di returned to the hospital and left with Tang Xiyan. On the way, he seemed to want to ask something but hesitated. Finally, he asked, “It seems like you don’t get along well with Dr. Yu. A private doctor in a regular family shouldn’t be so confrontational with the employer.”


“Did you offend him?” After comparing the two, one being Tang Xiyan, who spoke without thinking, and the other being the seemingly cold and refined doctor, Qu Di thought that Dr. Yu must have been driven to this by Tang Xiyan.


With a disapproving look, Tang Xiyan immediately spilled the beans about Dr. Yu: “Don’t be fooled by his appearance; he’s actually a star chaser! His home is covered with posters, and he buys merchandise every day. He’s the kind of ‘beta’ who shouts ‘hubby’ at pictures of his idol on the computer!”


“… Really?” Qu Di clearly didn’t believe it. Couldn’t you come up with a more believable lie?


“Hey, what kind of look is that? Why would I lie to you? He lives next door to me, and he started idolizing stars since he was a child. Later, he became a doctor and toned it down.”


“I thought you and he had such a falling out because he’s petty! He must have lost his brain in his mother’s womb!”


“What did you do?”


Tang Xiyan grumbled, “I didn’t do much. When we were in college, he liked Luna, the pure and innocent female star of that time. You know, right?”


“I know.” After starring in a time-travel drama, she became popular, but her career didn’t take off afterward. Her resources were limited, and her acting skills were subpar, so she gradually faded from the A-list.


“I told him that Luna’s personal life was chaotic, and he was downcast for weeks. Then he fell in love with a young idol group called Once, always shipping them and losing his mind. He would inexplicably burst into laughter while reading medical books. Ha-ha-ha, really like a brain-damaged patient!”


“Cough, then I told him that the group members fought for resources every day and wouldn’t speak to each other off-camera. They even wanted to twist each other’s necks. Finally, two years ago, he became infatuated with Zhou Zhou, that seemingly super-A aloof Omega…”


At this point, Tang Xiyan suddenly stopped, and his gaze became evasive.


“Go on!” Gossip mongers hated it when someone told only half of the story.


“Well, that guy, behind the scenes… He seemed interested in me




Tang Xiyan was still annoyed when talking about this, but he couldn’t bring himself to say that an Omega had touched his butt.


“Touched what?” Qu Di accurately seized the key point. If someone likes you, you don’t have to beat them up, do you?


Tang Xiyan’s gaze flickered. “He didn’t touch anything. I misspoke. In the end, I just gave him a beating and sent him straight to the hospital. Damn it!”


Qu Di knew about this incident. It had made headlines for a whole week, causing a big stir. Legally, assaulting an Omega as a non-Alpha was a serious civil offense. Initially, everyone condemned Tang Xiyan for not being an Alpha and even breaking an Omega’s arm, even saying he should be sent to prison.


However, unexpectedly, someone later revealed that Tang Xiyan had also been hospitalized and that it was actually Zhou Zhou who had acted first. Plus, Zhou Zhou had publicly apologized on social media, waived the chance to hold Tang Xiyan responsible, and announced his retirement. After that, public opinion shifted, and everyone sided with Tang Xiyan. That’s when things settled down.


Now, it seemed that the situation wasn’t as simple as it had appeared.


Tang Xiyan didn’t reveal one thing: he had been sent to the hospital not by Zhou Zhou but by his older brother. He dared not retaliate, and at the time, he felt quite wronged. He had been harassed, but his brother still wanted to beat him up and had sent him to the hospital. The next day, public opinion shifted in his favor, and he knew it was probably because of his brother.


After hearing the whole story, Qu Di seemed to understand. Repeatedly tarnishing the image of one’s idols would undoubtedly make their fans angry, and Dr. Yu had clearly not had any luck with Tang Xiyan ruining things behind the scenes.


Qu Di greeted the director, and they didn’t have any more scenes with Tang Xiyan to shoot that day. They returned to the hotel, but at the entrance, they ran into Shu Yi and his assistant, Zheng Siyi, who were also returning.


Shu Yi walked over to them, and they entered together. “How are you feeling? Are you better now?”


“It’s nothing serious. I can go home tomorrow.”


“Don’t push yourself too hard. We can shoot scenes without you for now.”


Tang Xiyan seized the opportunity to change the topic. “Weren’t you supposed to shoot two more scenes? Why is it ending so soon?”


Based on the previous schedule, he thought they’d be filming until late at night.


Shu Yi sighed, saying, “There’s been a problem. Wen Gu and Yang Ji had a conflict, and the director had no choice but to stop filming and let them cool down. We’ll continue tomorrow.”


“Yang Ji?” He actually dared to clash with Wen Gu. Everyone in the industry knew that, although Wen Gu had a good temper, he was strict about acting and often made his co-stars cry. He was scarier than the director.


“One scene just couldn’t satisfy Wen Gu, and they’ve already redone it nearly ten times. Wen Gu got angry and walked off the set.”


“The past few days went smoothly, didn’t they?” There was just one scene, but it was highly rated, and they got it right on the first take.


Shu Yi pointed out the issue, “The previous scenes were easy to act, like daily life. It was easy to do well. But this scene focuses on emotional expression and progression, and Yang Ji’s acting is too superficial. He doesn’t see the depth of the character. Those who understand acting can tell that he doesn’t grasp it.”


After Shu Yi said this, he noticed Qu Di was quite interested, listening intently. He joked, “You seem quite interested. Do you want to learn acting too?”


Under Shu Yi’s deep gaze, Qu Di’s face felt hot. “Shu Yi, please don’t tease me. I… I was just thinking.”


“Oh, really?” Shu Yi seemed to be thinking about something, and he glanced at Qu Di thoughtfully, then returned to his normal self and bid them farewell.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 12 – The Sea of ​​Fire Swallows the Dragon

Chapter 12


Si Lan had no choice but to cast another barrier, separating their line of sight.


No impropriety was allowed.


Although he had vaguely guessed the outcome, he had not expected the process to be like this. He could tell that at this moment, Lou Yu did not love the Moth King, and everything he did was merely to kill the Moth King.


However, the more it was like this, the more worried he became. Because once Lou Yu’s heart was moved, even if it was just a little, for Lou Yu, it would be an irreversible hell.


Si Lan furrowed his brow deeply, worrying about Lou Yu in his heart.


The Little White Dragon looked up at Si Lan, flicking its dragon whiskers.


Everything in the illusion had already happened.


No matter how much he worried, it wouldn’t change anything.


After an unknown amount of time, Lou Yu’s voice came from outside, with a hint of hoarseness.


“Why is your foot injured?”


“Uh, it happened while walking.” Zhong Mu’s voice was as if it had been soaked in water, inexplicably carrying a soft, sticky tone. “I’m not used to walking.” But ever since he met Lou Yu, he had been walking on two legs like a human.


Lou Yu fell silent for a while and then asked, “Why do you like me?”


“I saw you in a dream a long time ago. I saw you standing under the Soaring Dragon Tree, wearing a red wedding gown. When I walked towards you, you suddenly turned and smiled at me. Your smile was beautiful. But when I hugged you, your figure disappeared with the wind.”


Zhong Mu spoke seriously, but Lou Yu didn’t believe this reason. He closed his eyes, concealing all of his emotions.


He couldn’t understand Zhong Mu’s affection.


Zhong Mu still clung to him closely, seeming a bit shy, burying his head deeply in his neck, mumbling, “Although I have taken on a male form after transforming, I can also treat you like a woman would, and I…”


Lou Yu’s cheeks inexplicably grew hot, interrupting Zhong Mu, “I’m a bit thirsty.”


He was a cultivator of the unfeeling path and didn’t like to talk about matters of romance. What happened just now was simply Zhong Mu helping him recover, similar to the cultivation practice of “dual cultivation” in the cultivation world.


The more Lou Yu thought about it, the hotter his cheeks became.


Zhong Mu immediately got out of bed to fetch water for Lou Yu and almost tripped due to his weak legs.


When he brought the water over, he saw that Lou Yu had fallen asleep again.


Zhong Mu set the water aside, propped his chin with one hand, and lay on the bed, quietly watching Lou Yu.


Si Lan couldn’t help but feel that his friend was acting like a scoundrel who ignored the other person once he was satisfied, as if nothing had happened.


He looked at the Moth King’s affectionate eyes, feeling extremely complicated. This Moth King was somewhat cruel in his innocence and naive in love.


Perhaps spending too much time in the dark Demon Valley, where he only saw soft, white moths, led to his infatuation with Lou Yu, a remarkable and elegant cultivator. He fell in love at first sight.


But he hadn’t thought about how pie could fall from the sky or how a handsome man could appear in the demon realm. All of this was just a trap.


Thinking of this,Si Lan looked at the little white dragon, which he had found unconscious in the desert. Wasn’t it also somewhat strange?


The little white dragon sensed his scrutinizing gaze and instinctively retracted its claws, looking wary.


Because of Lou Yu’s injury, the wedding had to be postponed.


Zhong Mu heard somewhere that in the human world, after a wedding ceremony was held, the husband would devote himself entirely to his wife. If they had children, their relationship would become even stronger. So he was eager to conclude the marriage with Lou Yu, wanting to firmly bind this human to him.


After half a month of recuperation, Lou Yu’s body had fully recovered. Zhong Mu couldn’t figure out the human customs, and Lou Yu was equally clueless. So he brought a few humans to Demon Valley and inquired about the ceremony.


However, those humans were terrified when they saw him and even attempted to attack him with knives. But he suppressed the urge to kill, remembering his promise to Lou Yu. After some coercion and temptation, he finally learned about the wedding ceremony.


Since both he and Lou Yu had no parents, they regarded the Soaring Dragon Tree as their father and mother.


On the day of the wedding, Zhong Mu wore a red wedding gown, the first time he had worn so many clothes in his life, and he felt a bit nervous and excited.


He walked up to Lou Yu and looked at him expectantly. Lou Yu’s gaze flickered, but he didn’t say anything.


Seeing this, Zhong Mu sighed. He probably wasn’t suited for human clothing.


The two of them stood in front of the Soaring Dragon Tree, paying their respects to heaven and earth, to their parents, and to each other.


Si Lan could see that on that night, the Moth King was very happy. He drank a lot of wine and didn’t even notice Lou Yu’s covert actions.


Si Lan, though not directly involved, felt a heavier heart than those directly affected. The festive red that filled Demon Valley seemed to be replaced by a sinister shade of red.


This relationship began with slaughter, bonded through slaughter, and ended with slaughter.


Zhong Mu, in a drunken stupor, leaned against Lou Yu.


Lou Yu placed him in front of the bed and, in the darkness, silently watched him.


Zhong Mu, with a half-smile, absentmindedly tugged at the corner of Lou Yu’s clothing, like a child, pressing his head against Lou Yu’s clothes.


“The groom in the dream will fade away, but in reality, I’m holding the groom. It seems that dreams are not always reliable.”


Zhong Mu finished speaking with a smile but didn’t hear Lou Yu’s response. He lifted his head and saw Lou Yu’s face shrouded in shadows, unclear.


In the next moment, a burst of firelight outside the window illuminated Lou Yu’s cold features.


Zhong Mu felt an inexplicable unease and before he could say anything, the moths outside suddenly screamed in agony.


The sea of fire silently approached, like a raging fire, spreading from the Soaring Dragon Tree, consuming Demon Valley along with its red lanterns and banners.


The Soaring Dragon Tree was a spiritual form created by the thoughts of past Moth Kings, weaving a powerful protective barrier around the entire Sacred Demon Valley. Now, the Soaring Dragon Tree was being devoured by the flames.


The barrier was broken, and numerous human cultivators arrived.


Zhong Mu finally realized that something was wrong, stumbled out, and saw that Demon Valley was engulfed in flames. The gory redness was unmistakable.


These human cultivators, who appeared from nowhere, wielded their swords like the wind and moved like phantoms.


The moths, weakened by not consuming meat and now without the protection of the Soaring Dragon Tree, were no match for the cultivators.


Demon Valley was filled with the desperate cries and screams of the moths.


“Your Highness, run.”


An injured servant rushed over, grabbing his arm, trying to take him away.


He pushed the servant aside, turned around, and saw Lou Yu approaching step by step.




“Zhong Mu, Xuan Zhi is just my pseudonym. My real name is Lou Yu.” Lou Yu’s voice was unfamiliar, cold and ominous, like a demon in hell.


Zhong Mu’s face turned pale, and he couldn’t help but stagger backward. In his ears, he heard the words Lou Yu had spoken to him when they first met.


“Do you know that Lou Yu, the Sect Master of the Xuanling Sect in the mortal world, has a mission to exterminate demons and monsters? The Water Monster of the Qing River and the Eagle Demon of the Enchanted Forest have already perished by his hand. The next might be you.”


So, this man was Lou Yu.


Zhong Mu seemed to find it hard to accept and asked, “Why?”


“As you said, it’s a world where the strong prey on the weak. You devour humans, and now, humans are exterminating demons.”


Zhong Mu burst into laughter at the phrase “the strong preying on the weak.”




Clearly, Lou Yu had deceived him!


Deceived him into preventing the moths from consuming meat and revealing the secret of the Soaring Dragon.


At this moment, a cultivator swung his sword toward Zhong Mu. The servant rushed forward to shield Zhong Mu from the attack but was torn in two by the sword’s force, yet he used his last breath to plead.


“Your Highness, run.”


Zhong Mu wanted to escape, but the cultivators were relentless, and he had to transform into his true form. His crimson wings instantly swept away numerous cultivators.


His only thought at this moment was not to disappoint his people; he needed to escape…


However, when he soared out of the sea of fire and into the sky, Lou Yu was already holding a sword, waiting for him.


In the night sky, Lou Yu’s wedding gown fluttered in the wind, and his face remained unclear in the shadows. Only the sword was visible, gleaming with a chilling light.


Zhong Mu looked at the sword in Lou Yu’s hand, self-mockingly curling his lips. It seemed that Lou Yu had long found out how to kill him in secret. Coating the sword with the branch of the Soaring Dragon was an attempt to destroy his soul.


Zhong Mu clenched his teeth, his gaze fierce, and initiated an attack on Lou Yu. However, he had lost the protection of the Soaring Dragon and was no longer a match for Lou Yu. After just a few moves, he sustained several injuries.


He spread his wings, attempting to encircle Lou Yu, but Lou Yu seized the opportunity and drove the sword into his heart.


His eyes widened in an instant, intense pain spreading from his heart throughout his body.


“I originally… ” Lou Yu approached him, and the two were very close, nose to nose. “Didn’t plan to kill you, but why did I discover that you were preying on humans?”


Preying on humans?


He hadn’t preyed on humans!


Suddenly, he remembered that he had captured humans and brought them to Demon Valley, but it was to ask them about human wedding customs…


Could it be that Lou Yu had misunderstood him and thought he was preying on humans because of that?


He wanted to open his mouth to explain, but the longsword was deeply embedded in his heart, causing excruciating pain, making it impossible to speak.


As he fell rapidly, his body was frozen in place, and he gazed at Lou Yu, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face and crossing Lou Yu’s cheek.


It was unfortunate.


Unfortunately, Lou Yu had never loved him, never believed in him.


Unfortunately, he had poured out all his sincere feelings in vain.



At first, Si Lan was eager to kill the moths for their treatment of humans. However, when he saw the moths being burned alive by the fire, his mood became heavy once again.


From the moment of birth, life is not equal, but at the moment of death, it is. And in the journey from birth to death, if it can truly be summarized with the phrase “the strong prey on the weak,” then everything becomes simple.


He looked up at Lou Yu in the sky. As a spectator, he had a moment of belief that Lou Yu had fallen in love with Zhong Mu.


But at this moment, he had his doubts.


If it was true love, why could Lou Yu be so heartless?


Is it true that those who practice the Heartless Dao are truly without feelings and desires?


The scene continues, and after leaving the Sacred Demon Valley, Lou Yu returns to the Xuanling Sect.


Lou Yu, alone, successively exterminated three demons and monsters that had harmed humans, earning great fame in the cultivation world. Countless people came to the Xuanling Sect to meet him, including some of the humans who were once captured and taken to the Demon Valley by Zhong Mu.


“Master, thanks to you, we were rescued from the Demon Valley. However, that Moth King is really strange. He captured us but didn’t eat us; instead, he asked us some weird questions.”


Lou Yu, sitting in a high seat, supports his head with one hand. Upon hearing this, he raises his eyelids gently. “What questions?”


“Well, it’s about the human wedding ceremony. Every detail, he forced me to explain to him all night. It’s really funny. He’s a moth, yet he’s asking about these things.”


Lou Yu slowly relaxes his hand and sits on the high seat without uttering a word.


He recalls the words Zhong Mu once said to him, “I’ve heard that you humans have a wedding ceremony, and if a couple becomes husband and wife, the husband must forever protect and not betray the wife. I, too…”


At the time, he interrupted Zhong Mu because he didn’t want to hear that moth talking about love and romance…


So, that unfinished “I, too” was a reference to his intention to marry him according to human customs?


Did he capture those mortals just to understand the purpose of a wedding ceremony?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 72 – Illegitimate child

Chapter 72 – Illegitimate child


Jian Luo was in intense pain. If he had the chance to start over, he would definitely choose to mind his own business and not get involved in so many things.


A group of children watched in astonishment. But it was Jian Sheng who reacted the fastest. He quickly crouched down and looked at Jian Luo with concern. “Brother, are you okay?”


Jian Luo was in so much pain that he couldn’t speak. He groaned twice and managed to say through gritted teeth, “Something’s wrong.”


Jian Sheng couldn’t smell anything unusual, so he didn’t know what had happened. He thought Jian Luo might have suddenly fallen ill and felt helpless. 


However, some of the children started asking questions:

“Are you okay?”

“What’s that smell?”

“It seems like the scent of a cub.”

“Where did the cub come from?”


The children might have been slow to react, but they understood one thing: someone in front of them seemed to be in great pain and needed help. Despite their somewhat disdainful remarks, they were not the kind to ignore the suffering of weaker beings.


Jian Sheng hastily said, “Call the hospital, brother is in urgent need. Contact the nearest hospital.”


Although he said so, Jian Sheng had never contacted a hospital before, so he didn’t know the quickest way to do it.


One of the children immediately said, “Let’s make the call.”

“Come on, let’s do it.”

“Is there a hospital nearby?”


The children all helped to contact the hospital. Meanwhile, in the distance, Xiu Liang had noticed the commotion. While she couldn’t be sure who was in trouble, she had a bad feeling. She quickly ran over and squatted beside Jian Luo. A single glance made her panic. Unlike the others, she knew the situation and was extremely worried. She asked urgently, “Luo Luo, are you okay?”


Jian Luo leaned on Xiu Liang for support and clutched his stomach. “My stomach hurts…”


Xiu Liang’s heart skipped a beat. She was bewildered, “What’s wrong? Why does your stomach hurt?”


Jian Luo couldn’t articulate his pain.


The children were busy dialing hospital numbers, but the outcome was becoming clear: the phone lines, which were not very active to begin with, were now all occupied and couldn’t be reached.


The scent covered a wide area, not just the flea market square but also the school’s administrative offices, which quickly noticed the unusual situation.


The school principal immediately stood up and asked, “Is it the smell? Has something happened to the children?”


Sitting next to him, the school director, who had been chatting, said, “The smell… it doesn’t seem to be from a child. It’s more like…”


He hesitated and stopped, his words trembling slightly. Both of them stared at each other, eyes widened in disbelief.


Finally, it was the school director who reacted first. “Oh no, if there are cubs involved, it’s a disaster!”


The principal shared the same thought as the director. The scent of a cub couldn’t be disguised, and the innate bond between Dark Stars and their cubs was strong. If a cub was in trouble on their territory, the consequences were unimaginable.


Inside the flea market, Jian Luo was in so much pain that he was on the verge of passing out. Sweat poured down his forehead, and his vision blurred. After a while, one of the children finally realized what was happening.


The children were around ten years old on average, but as replicas, they still possessed some basic qualities of staying calm in emergencies.


Quickly, the first child ran over, took out a small fan he had just bought, and saw Jian Luo sweating profusely. He squatted in front of Jian Luo and fanned him gently. The other children soon followed suit, each contributing in their own way.


Only the class monitor hesitated, saying, “I wonder if this is real or fake…”


Jian Luo was surrounded by the children, and the ambulance still hadn’t arrived. Xiu Liang couldn’t sit still any longer. “Luo Luo, send him a message. Ask him to come and pick you up.”


Jian Sheng was curious. “Mom, who are you sending a message to?”


Xiu Liang choked up and didn’t know whether to tell him or not.


Amid the chaos of the children arguing back and forth, the entire scene fell into disarray. Then suddenly, the entire place fell silent. It wasn’t just one person who noticed first; others quickly fell silent as well.


They automatically made way, and at the end of the path stood a man in a deep blue military uniform. His black military boots made a crisp and cold sound as he walked, and his expression was somewhat stern and icy, sending shivers down everyone’s spines.


An overpowering presence came with powerful beings, especially when they were in a bad mood, shrouding them with an aura of dominance that made weaker creatures tremble.


Jian Luo, still hunched over and clutching his stomach in pain, hadn’t had time to react when a coat suddenly descended from the sky. The familiar scent instantly enveloped him, rescuing him from the pain of consciousness.


Jian Luo lifted his head and met the blood-red eyes of Lu Shifeng. His lips quivered, and he bit his teeth, managing to say with difficulty, “You came… so quickly?”


Lu Shifeng carried Jian Luo bridal style, and although Jian Luo was considered an adult, for Lu Shifeng, picking him up felt as easy as holding a cat. 


The surrounding children all watched in amazement, their eyes fixed on Lu Shifeng, as if they were in a dream and dared not make a sound.


Lu Shifeng scanned the crowd and lightly parted his lips, saying, “Make way.”


Standing by Lu Shifeng’s leg was Jian Sheng, the child who was most shocked by the situation. He watched as Lu Shifeng held Jian Luo, thinking that Jian Luo was about to be bullied. After all, what did a marshal have to do with a child? Were they taking his brother away?


Although Lu Shifeng was his idol, Jian Sheng wasted no time and grabbed Lu Shifeng, saying, “Why are you taking my brother?”


Su Liang, taken aback, quickly pulled his unlucky son away and smiled at Lu Shifeng. “I’m sorry, the child doesn’t understand.”


Jian Sheng looked at his mother in astonishment.


Lu Shifeng glanced at Jian Sheng and then turned and walked away.


The series of events had happened too quickly, and they were too shocking. It wasn’t until Lu Shifeng’s figure was almost out of sight that the children began to react slowly.


“Oh my God, is that Lu Shifeng?”


“Is it him?”


“It’s really him?”


“But besides him, who else could have such a strong presence?”


The children exchanged puzzled glances, all stunned by what had just happened. But in no time, they all caught on. The first child to react rushed to Jian Sheng. “Jian Sheng! Is your brother in a relationship with the marshal?”


Jian Sheng was dumbfounded.


“Jian Sheng, why didn’t you say it earlier?” Another child grabbed Jian Sheng’s arm. “Can we take a photo with the marshal for the class?”


Slowly, more children gathered around.


Just as the scene was getting lively, someone suddenly shouted, “The principal is here!”


The entire place fell silent.


The elderly principal, following his instincts, arrived. He had prepared himself for anything, but he didn’t expect to find a group of onlookers.


The principal was about to speak when Su Liang hurried over. She smiled at him and said, “It seems it’s not too late. Can we all have a private conversation?”


Everyone exchanged glances and nodded.


Meanwhile, in another location, Jian Luo sat in the car with Lu Shifeng holding him in his lap. Jian Luo curled up in the embrace of the imposing marshal, who was naturally tall and sturdy. Holding Jian Luo felt like cradling a small chick.


Jian Luo endured the abdominal pain, unable to stop trembling.


Lu Shifeng gently patted his back and said, “Hang on a little longer.”


“Is it…?” Jian Luo gritted his teeth, his eyes welling up with tears. “Is it a miscarriage?”


Their eyes met. Jian Luo’s eyes were teary and full of misery, pure and genuine concern.


Lu Shifeng didn’t confirm or deny it. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Don’t you dislike it?”


“I don’t dislike it that much…” Jian Luo said pitifully. “It’s been four or five months, and even with a pet, there’s an emotional connection. It’s not like it has a heart of stone.”


It seemed like an honest confession, considering the circumstances. Lu Shifeng didn’t scare him and said calmly, “There’s a scent of soul stones on your body. Did you burn soul stones nearby?”


Jian Luo nodded.


“Hmm,” Lu Shifeng said, “that’s not a big deal. Soul stones are completely harmless to dragonkind. The pain you’re feeling is probably because it’s too excited.”




There was a moment of silence in the carriage.


Jian Luo’s face alternated between pale and flushed. He stared at Lu Shifeng in disbelief. “Just because of that?”


Lu Shifeng couldn’t help but smile faintly. He let Jian Luo lean against him and placed his hand on Jian Luo’s slightly rounded belly, teasing the baby inside. “You mischievous little one.”


Jian Luo felt thoroughly exasperated.


As time passed, he began to feel much better.


Just as he was thinking about this, his communication terminal beeped. Seeing that it was from Jiang Jiang, he hesitated for a moment before answering, “Hello?”


Jiang Jiang sounded somewhat excited. “Luoluo, are you at the academy? There are photos of you online, saying you have the scent of a dragon and that the marshal went to see you. He speculated…”


Jian Luo was curious. “What did he speculate?”


Oh no, had the situation been exposed?


He had planned to live honestly as a streamer after unloading his cargo.


Jiang Jiang took a deep breath. “He speculated that you might be the marshal’s illegitimate child!”



T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 87 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 87


Compared to the intense scenes on the battlefield, the two figures in a private box in the resting area appeared particularly leisurely. Due to the large number of participants in the preliminary rounds, apart from the main observation area with random switching of the broadcast outside, the official organizers of the Bounty League also thoughtfully arranged several exclusive VIP boxes. Each of these boxes was quite pricey, but they came equipped with independent holographic projection systems, allowing viewers to switch between different match groups, providing an exceptional viewing experience.


Wen Ye and Bing Yunlin, both being semi-professionals who were involved with the military, were not suitable to participate in such civilian competitions. Their presence at this event was solely to assist Lu Jingning and the other two.


In the cozy atmosphere of the box filled with the fragrance of tea, a holographic projection displayed Lu Jingning, who had just taken the first place in the ranking, securing a new stronghold. With the additional bounty points from previous kills, he had already accumulated a total of 40 points, essentially securing his spot as the top qualifier in the group.


Bing Yunlin was intrigued as he glanced at the figures on the screen and said with a faint smile, “It’s a pity; I wonder what would happen if these two were to face each other.”


Wen Ye, feeling slightly exasperated by Bing Yunlin’s curious nature at such a time, responded, “It’s wise that they haven’t clashed yet. If they exhaust too much energy in the first round of preliminaries, the later matches will be quite challenging. Lu Jingning made the right choice this time.”


“I know that, of course. I just find it a bit regretful,” Bing Yunlin chuckled, then glanced at the nearly frozen expression of Lan Yuanzhou on the screen, shaking his head. “However, Lan Yuanzhou has taken notice of him.”


Wen Ye’s expression turned slightly serious, “That’s not a good thing.”


Bing Yunlin took a sip from his cup and commented, “Speaking of which, Lan Yuanzhou has been famous for quite a while. What do you think of his strength? Have you ever fought against him before?”


“For now, we haven’t crossed paths,” Wen Ye shook his head. “Lan Yuanzhou’s true strength has always been as unpredictable as his personality.”


Bing Yunlin smiled lightly, “Interesting.”


Wen Ye, with a reminder, said, “This isn’t the time to derive pleasure from others’ misfortunes. Don’t forget, our mission is to win the championship in the league.”


In other words, you’re not here just to watch the excitement.


“I know, I won’t forget,” Bing Yunlin replied.


For some reason, whenever Bing Yunlin saw Wen Ye’s serious demeanor like a seasoned veteran, he couldn’t help but feel amused. He suppressed the urge to smile and adjusted the controller, switching the holographic projection to another group match.


Observing Wen Xingchen standing calmly near the finish line on the screen, Bing Yunlin lightly patted Wen Ye’s shoulder, offering ambiguous praise, “Not only Lu Jingning but your younger brother also has some interesting ideas.”


After observing the situation in the video, Wen Ye’s eyebrows showed a hint of surprise. So much so that Bing Yunlin unconsciously moved closer, without realizing it.


Breathing softly brushed against the skin, and in that moment, Wen Ye seemed distracted.


Bing Yunlin always carried a faint aroma of tea with him.


Somehow, it smelled quite nice.



In the preliminary map of Group E06, the live broadcast remained fixed on one person. This group didn’t have any star players, resulting in significantly fewer viewers compared to other live streams.


Originally, even the director had prepared for a complete match without any exciting points. Unexpectedly, halfway through the competition, a dark horse emerged.


This dark horse shattered the peaceful status quo and brought about a bloody and chaotic scene.


The map in Group E was different from Lu Jingning’s Group C. Initially, all participants were randomly placed at various starting points, and as they progressed along their paths, all branches eventually converged into a single main road leading to the four strongholds and the final destination.


Wen Xingchen didn’t rush to take action at the beginning but swiftly reached the main intersection as soon as possible.


By this point, many others hadn’t yet occupied the strongholds. To secure valuable points, they had to pass through the mandatory path where Wen Xingchen stood.


In Lu Jingning’s words, it was like an endless stream of targets!


And now, at Wen Xingchen’s feet lay a scattered collection of “bodies,” and their numbers continued to increase.


After all, the allure of high points was strong. Even those who hadn’t secured any kill points were eager to take a chance.


As a result, people kept coming and ended up trapped by the gatekeeper. It seemed that no one could escape alive.


By the way, let me add a sentence: This demon brother is ridiculously handsome.


Wen Xingchen’s combat style was similar to Wen Ye’s; he wouldn’t choose any flashy moves unless necessary. His actions were simple, aiming for a single fatal strike. Initially, after completing a few kills, the audience in the live broadcast admired his graceful and skillful moves. However, as the “bodies” on the ground piled up, no one paid attention to how he defeated his opponents anymore.


All the viewers felt like emotionless “scoring machines,” and their reactions were limited to shaking their heads in resignation whenever a new figure appeared in their sight.


“Oh, another kill given away. Still too young.”


In a blink of an eye, Wen Xingchen smoothly dealt with another opponent, taking them down in less than two seconds. The fluidity of his movements resembled the holographic game players slashing through low-level monsters, utterly overwhelming them due to the vast difference in strength.


Wen Xingchen casually kicked the new “body” at his feet to the side, furrowing his brow in contemplation. Although it was only the first round of the preliminary, he didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. Even without knowing the situation, looking at the total score, he could guess that he had entered a “free points” match. His luck was really good.


Glancing at his current points, Wen Xingchen thought it was enough. He didn’t linger at the intersection and turned around to head towards the strongholds in the main road’s rear.


As he made his way, he acquired the 10-point coefficient from all four strongholds, and adding the 20 points for arriving first at the finish line, he secured a grand slam and exited the arena.


The intersection fell quiet. After Wen Xingchen had left for quite some time, a figure hesitantly emerged from the nearby bushes. This person had been squatting there for a while, carefully observing before making a move to avoid becoming one of those unlucky souls.


After surveying the scene of “bodies” in front of him, he finally let out a sigh of relief. He had indeed been observing for a while and only now decided to run toward the stronghold. The score leaderboard was updated once again.


Shang Moutu, the second in all four strongholds, had a total of 24 points. Adding the 15 points for reaching the finish line, he had a total of 39 points, securing second place in the group.



Meanwhile, at the Time-Space Square, participants were coming and going after leaving the virtual cabin. This area was the passage for all participants who had finished their matches to leave the arena. A colorful mix of various races from across the galaxy made for a vibrant scene.


Wen Xingchen thought he had left early enough, but as soon as he walked through the teleportation gate into the square, he happened to see Lu Jingning entering from another entrance.


As if sensing his gaze, Lu Jingning turned and greeted him with a bright smile, “Hey, Wen-ge, you’re fast too!”


Seeing his cheerful expression, Wen Xingchen knew what had happened. He approached and said matter-of-factly, “I took first place.”


Lu Jingning grinned, “Of course!”


Just then, a figure faintly appeared near the teleportation gate Lu Jingning had passed through. Lan Yuanzhou had just exited the virtual cabin and nearly vomited blood upon hearing their conversation.


He hesitated for a moment before looking at the ground full of “bodies.” Then he let out a sigh of relief, feeling grateful that he had observed carefully before taking action, avoiding becoming one of the unfortunate victims.


Swallowing nervously, he finally confirmed that Wen Xingchen had left the map, and he started running towards the stronghold.


The total points on the ranking board were updated once again.


Lu Jingning was far ahead in total points, leaving Shang Moutu in second place far behind.


Lan Yuanzhou: “…”


He had never before felt that being a calm and composed participant would be so detrimental. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so thoroughly humiliated and even lacked the confidence to retaliate.


Expecting Lan Yuanzhou to lose his temper, Lu Jingning was surprised to see him smile instead. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen an Omega as interesting as you. Who’s the little brother? See you next time in the arena!”


Looking at the retreating blue figure, Lu Jingning found him a little annoying. While he understood the competitive spirit, saying such things in front of his boyfriend wasn’t saving face.


Narrowing his eyes slightly, Lu Jingning pointed towards the central screen and said disdainfully, “What nonsense are you talking about? A loser like him, don’t exaggerate!”


Lan Yuanzhou looked in the direction Lu Jingning pointed and saw the information displayed on the screen.


Zone C, Group 09, Preliminary Round 1, Frei Star System, Bai Chen.


Author’s Note: Shang Moutu: Sour and sweet, that’s me.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

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