Month: December 2023 (Page 5 of 5)

Chapter 98 – I see you're quite happy now

Chapter 98 – I see you’re quite happy now


Jian Luo had originally been holding the cup offered by the Elf King, but he couldn’t drink any more at the moment. He tried to maintain his composure and then placed the cup on the table.


The Elf King was still in high spirits and turned to Lu Shifeng, asking, “How do you feel about it, Marshal?”


The expression on Lu Shifeng’s face made Jian Luo seriously doubt if the Elf King was really going to send the elves to his bed without any hesitation.


The room fell silent, and everyone’s attention unintentionally turned to Marshal Lu.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow and asked, “For me?”


In the front hall, elves stood side by side. They all had a delicate and shy appearance, fair skin, and a charming figure, especially their features and body proportions, which were exquisite.


Lu Shifeng slowly turned the cup in his hand and said, “They look quite appealing.”


A soft “thud” came from beside them.


Everyone looked towards the unremarkable human standing next to Marshal Lu. Jian Luo felt his face heat up and muttered, “Sorry, my hand slipped.”


The fallen cup was picked up, and Jian Luo gave a half-hearted apology to everyone before turning his attention back to the table.


Lu Shifeng glanced at him and said calmly, “Since His Majesty has taken an interest, I can’t refuse this generous offer.”


Jian Luo suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with disbelief. He stared at Lu Shifeng with a fierce expression, resembling a ruffled bunny.


Lu Shifeng continued, “My adjutant is quite fond of the elves, and coincidentally, he’s been idle lately. So, let’s gift them to him.”


Jian Luo’s eyes widened even more, and he couldn’t believe it. He stammered, “Me?”


The Elf King, seated above, had no objections. He said, “Very well, since Marshal Lu has said so, let’s proceed this way.”


Under the Elf King’s assignment, several elves approached Jian Luo. The elves were indeed beautiful, but their beauty was ethereal and unapproachable. If they all gathered around him, looking at him affectionately and exuding an otherworldly aura, it would feel somewhat overwhelming.


Jian Luo’s heart tightened, and he shot a discreet glare at Lu Shifeng. In a hushed voice, he asked, “What are you up to? Why are you giving them to me? What would I do with elves?”


Lu Shifeng, still playing with his wine cup, cast an interested glance at Jian Luo and smiled slyly, “Aren’t we getting a little tired of each other? I thought I’d indulge you.”


Jian Luo snorted softly, “Fine, I’ll take them. It’s not like they’ll be wasted. Why get angry over it? Even if I can’t enjoy their beauty, there are always more ways than difficulties!”


The banquet concluded.


The elves were very hospitable. They arranged temporary accommodations for Jian Luo and Lu Shifeng in a scenic location within the Elf Valley. Even though it was a temporary residence, the interior was elegantly decorated and exuded a refreshing and refined atmosphere.


Lu Shifeng had some business to attend to and couldn’t stay, so he arranged for guards and left Jian Luo to explore the estate. When he returned in the late afternoon, it was already dusk.


Secretary Jin stood at the door to welcome him. She took his overcoat and said, “Marshal.”


Lu Shifeng nodded. “And how are those elves? If he doesn’t like them, come up with a reason to reassign them tomorrow.”


Teasing Jian Luo was one thing, but business was another matter.


Lu Shifeng had a brilliant idea, which seemed quite reasonable. However, he was utterly surprised when Secretary Jin mentioned it. She appeared hesitant and said, “Well, they… seem to get along quite well with Luoluo.”


Lu Shifeng frowned. After all, elves were usually shy and reserved. Given their slightly haughty nature, one wouldn’t expect them to get along with Jian Luo, who was carefree and easygoing. Furthermore, those elves were initially meant to be awarded to him. Jian Luo had given them a fierce look at the banquet, as if he were about to devour them. But now they were getting along well?


Marshal Lu was somewhat displeased.


Lu Shifeng took a few steps into the room and said, “I’ll go take a look.”


The Elf Valley was always covered in lush vines, creating a picturesque atmosphere. As he passed through the green vine corridor, he heard lively sounds of laughter and conversation from a garden not far away.


“Come on, another round!”


“I’ve won, hahaha!”


“Today’s luck is amazing!”


Lu Shifeng stood in place, watching Jian Luo in loose clothing, confidently managing a mahjong game. Although his belly had grown larger, it didn’t hinder his agility in handling the cards. The three elves sitting with him, although less skillful, managed to keep up.


Jian Luo was relaxed, even taking off his coat and wearing just a simple T-shirt. If not for the limited range of his movements due to his growing belly, Lu Shifeng suspected he would have floated up into the sky. He stood by silently, watching him, as though he could sense an endless surge of vitality emanating from Jian Luo. It was effortless for Jian Luo to draw attention, just sitting there without doing anything.


This had been Lu Shifeng’s impression of Jian Luo for a long time. Despite the hardships and challenges of life, Jian Luo never seemed to be unhappy for long. He was like a blazing and brilliant sun, occasionally experiencing dark moments, but they never lasted too long. He would rise again, shining brilliantly.


Fragile yet resilient, weak yet powerful.


Lu Shifeng never believed that Jian Luo’s good life was due to him. He felt that even without him, Jian Luo could slowly build his career.


The radiance of some people couldn’t be concealed.


One of the elves sitting in the chair not far away said, “Your Highness, wouldn’t you like to freshen up just in case Marshal Lu returns?”


Jian Luo replied hurriedly, “It’s fine, it’ll be a while before he comes back.”


“This…” The elf hesitated, “Shouldn’t you prepare?”


Jian Luo’s hands didn’t stop moving. “No need. When the time comes, I’ll just say I was studying.”


“Is that so?”




Jian Luo’s movements paused, and the familiar deep voice seemed like a spell, causing him to stiffen. He reluctantly turned his head and met the gaze of Marshal Lu.


Lu Shifeng stood straight, leaning against the vines and raising an eyebrow. “Studying what?”




Jian Luo hesitated and lowered his head, saying, “Studying… puzzle games.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at the mahjong tiles. “Such as?”


Jian Luo coughed and quickly looked at the elves next to him, improvising, “These are puzzle games from their elfin culture, called mahjong.”


The elves widened their eyes.


Lu Shifeng glanced at them and spoke lazily, “Is that so?”


Jian Luo hurriedly said, “Yes, yes.”


To prevent the situation from being exposed, he came closer and affectionately took Lu Shifeng’s arm. “I made noodles today, you can try some Yangchun noodles. I’ll go get two bowls for us to taste. I can’t eat without you, especially since you’re not here, I can’t adapt at all.”


The three little turtles in his belly were quite demanding, and he wasn’t sure whose genes they’d inherited. Regardless, he was exceptionally obedient and had none of these troublesome characteristics.


Lu Shifeng said, “You can’t adapt?”


Jian Luo mumbled, “Yes.”


“I see you’re adapting quite well.” Lu Shifeng smirked. “You seem to be having a great time without me. Whether I come back or not doesn’t seem to matter.”


“… Are you a professional eavesdropper or something?”


Unexpectedly, what happened next exceeded Lu Shifeng’s expectations. These three elves were originally sent to amuse Jian Luo. The elves were usually bored and reserved, and their personalities didn’t quite match. They had originally planned to send them away the next day. However, what Jian Luo did during the afternoon gradually “transformed” these three elegant elves.


In Jian Luo’s words: “I can’t just gather some soldiers to play mahjong, right? It would disrupt their training. But the elves are different. They are all idle. Just a casual sentence, and suddenly, Luoluo helped the elves integrate.”


So, Lu Shifeng realized something he hadn’t noticed before. He had always thought that ensuring Jian Luo’s material well-being was sufficient. However, he hadn’t paid much attention to how Jian Luo, who had been alone on the battleship for months, was coping with the boredom. Jian Luo was not a solitary person by nature; he enjoyed play and laughter. Yet for these past few months, he had not complained even once.


Thus, when Jian Luo was still half-asleep and reluctant to get out of bed in the morning, Lu Shifeng said, “Get up.”


The person on the bed grumbled a few times and then returned to sleep. But shortly after, they resurfaced and stared wide-eyed, unable to conceal their excitement. “Is it real? Is it real?”


Lu Shifeng was worried he might strain himself. “Careful, did you forget about your condition?”


Jian Luo got up rather energetically, nearly tumbling over Lu Shifeng. Fortunately, he steadied himself. He was excited and said, “Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier? I didn’t even prepare for it.”


Lu Shifeng looked at the person in his arms. Despite the messy hair from sleep, his skin was fair. Due to the pregnancy, he had some swelling, but he had also gained a bit of fat. Excitement made his eyes sparkle, and he looked oddly adorable. Marshal Lu gently asked, “Prepare for what?”


“I have a mahjong game scheduled!”


“… Fine.”


After tidying up in the morning, Lu Shifeng took Jian Luo for a stroll in the Elf Valley. Despite being a renowned beauty in the entire universe, the elves were remarkably low-key. They avoided external influences and lived in seclusion in the Elf Valley, isolated from the world.


Their intention this time was to establish relations with the Dark Star. Although their planet had been safe in the past, the recent surge of interstellar piracy had made even the smaller and weaker races potential targets. Given the fertile resources of the Elf Planet, it had become a desirable prize.


The elves hoped to establish relations with the Dark Star for their safety.


Walking through the Elf Valley, Jian Luo said, “This place is genuinely clean. It’s unlike the planets we’ve visited before. It’s ideal for a vacation.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you like it here?”


“Yeah,” Jian Luo replied casually. “I hope the ecology here can remain this way and not be destroyed. The elves are lucky. They’re beautiful, and their place of residence is like a picturesque paradise. I hope this kind of earthly paradise can last, unspoiled by those with ulterior motives.”


Walking beside him, Lu Shifeng spoke slowly, “What shapes them also has the power to destroy them.”


Jian Luo was puzzled.


Lu Shifeng ascended the mountain steps with an undisguised air of pride. “Survival of the fittest. If you want to enjoy something, you must have the capability to protect it. If you are blessed with exceptional conditions, you should utilize them to the fullest rather than seeking pleasure. Falling behind results in being beaten. It’s best to be so strong that no one can dictate to you. Otherwise, there’s no one else to blame.”


Jian Luo’s gaze met his, and it was a pair of blood-red eyes, momentarily frightening in their unfamiliarity. “Everything is the same.”


In that moment, Jian Luo suddenly felt a bit afraid. While Lu Shifeng was speaking about the elfin race, he recalled the words the Queen had spoken to him. She had said that the Earth’s sudden and unexplained destruction was linked to the mighty Dark Star in the universe. The destruction of many planets at that time was not coincidental.


A planet, with billions of living beings at the very least, was destroyed with the wave of a hand. Dark Star’s people would go to any lengths to achieve their goals, and the survival or extinction of a race was just a number to them.


What about himself? As the only human capable of carrying a child, what awaited him?


Would he be taken and subjected to experiments? Or would there be even worse consequences in store for him?


Perhaps Lu Shifeng was treating him well now because of the child, but who could predict the future? Jian Luo had once naively believed that Lu Shifeng wouldn’t harm him. However, if what the Queen had said was true, and if Lu Shifeng changed his mind in the future?


Lu Shifeng had shown no mercy to the people of those planets, all in the name of the Dark Star’s interests and the survival of their race. If it came to a question of the greater good of the race, would he treat himself the same way?


Jian Luo didn’t know what expression was on his face at this moment, but he guessed it probably wasn’t a good one.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 137 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 137: Extra Story Eight 


“Did you hear? The number of Omega recruits has increased again this year!”


“Oh? It’s been steadily rising in recent years, hasn’t it?”


“But, doesn’t this make it easier for us single Alphas to get into relationships?”


“However, ever since Marshal Lu took over the joint forces, the proportion of Omegas entering the army has noticeably increased.”


“Speaking of which, isn’t that Marshal a true legend? Just thinking that such a figure came from our Imperial Navy makes me excited!”


“Yeah, and there’s Marshal Wen too! The heroes of the Imperial Navy! I applied to the Imperial Navy just for them; after all, they’re both my seniors, haha!”


“Look at you boasting, as if anyone isn’t a disciple of those heroes.”


At the beginning of the new academic year at the Imperial Naval Academy, several senior Alphas gathered at the school gates to welcome the new students. During a lull, they chatted casually, some remarks drifting in and out.


Such scenes unfolded every year at the start of the school year, yet each year seemed to carry a slightly different sensation.


This change occurred subtly and imperceptibly.


The massive insectoid army had been completely blocked by the joint forces at the outskirts of remote star systems, restless but restrained by deterrence for over a year. This situation temporarily returned human life to a relatively peaceful state.


Everyone hoped for this peace to endure for as long as possible.


Among the seniors, a male student with chestnut curly hair happened to glance up and saw two figures walking shoulder to shoulder from outside the school.


His gaze paused involuntarily, surprised, “Are those two our instructors? How come I’ve never seen them before?”


Others followed his gaze, all fixating on the same spot.


Someone couldn’t help muttering softly, “Are you kidding?”


Indeed, they hadn’t been seen before, yet their faces seemed oddly familiar, seen frequently on the front page of information reports.


The two figures didn’t perform any special actions, merely walked naturally. However, the aura exuding from their entire beings carried an inexplicable sense of natural intimidation, causing the students to feel a dryness in their throats.


Golden strands of hair reflected the warm glow of stars. Despite the passing years, the hardships of prolonged battles hadn’t worn away too much of their striking features.


Having not returned to the Imperial Naval Academy for many years and with the campus having undergone several renovations, Lu Jingning momentarily paused upon entering the campus, taking note of the students around before walking over.


As they looked at him in a daze, he generously flashed a bright smile, aiming to ease their tension, “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the principal’s office?”


From a distance, they hadn’t seen clearly, but now, facing this distinctive face up close, the senior students didn’t respond. Instead, they felt more bewildered.


So, were they dreaming?


The person they had just been discussing suddenly appeared right in front of them!


Someone was the first to react but couldn’t think straight; their minds were filled with just one thought: If this truly was Marshal Lu, then the person beside him should be…


Wen Xingchen noticed the gazes directed at them, his eyelashes drooping slightly as he calmly reminded, “So, does anyone know?”


His calm tone fell upon everyone’s ears. The vibrant atmosphere, previously lit up by Lu Jingning’s smile, suddenly vanished. In its place, a strong sense of intimidation, not born of anger but authority, swept through.


Unlike Lu Jingning, because of the inherent sensitivity among Alphas, coupled with Wen Xingchen’s long-term battlefield dominance through pheromones, his words made everyone reflexively stand at attention in a neat row, “Yes, sir!”


Lu Jingning found it somewhat amusing and lightly nudged Wen Xingchen with his elbow, “Brother Wen, you scared the kids.”


Wen Xingchen remained silent for a moment before stepping back.


Within a short time, some seniors felt a thin layer of sweat covering their bodies. Only then did they sense the pressure ease a bit, allowing their befuddled minds to start functioning.


One of them wiped off a bead of sweat, pointing to a nearby tall building, “If you’re heading to the principal’s office, it’s that building over there. Top floor.”


“Thank you.”


Lu Jingning finished speaking and was about to walk away with Wen Xingchen when someone suddenly called out, “Excuse me, please wait?”


He turned back in confusion, “Is there something else?”


The person, upon being looked at, blushed profoundly. After stammering for a while, they finally managed to say, “Excuse me… you’re Marshal Lu Jingning, right?”


Lu Jingning wasn’t surprised to be recognized, “Hmm? That’s me.”


The person’s face flushed even more like it was on fire. Finally, summoning courage, they blurted out, “I… I’m your devoted supporter! May I have your autograph, please?”


Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes widened.


Damn, this kid’s usually silent, why so cheeky now?


They all wanted that too, aaaaah!


Lu Jingning, being gracious, replied, “Of course.”


Seeing their companion actually getting an autograph, envy erupted among the others. Unable to contain themselves, they followed suit, asking for autographs as well.


Lu Jingning was genuinely accommodating, swiftly signing on the back of their clothes with ornate and eye-catching strokes.


Noticing their hesitant expressions, he understood and turned to Wen Xingchen with a smile, “Brother Wen, want to join me in signing?”


Initially indifferent, Wen Xingchen casually agreed, taking the pen and adding his signature.


As they departed, the expressions directed at Lu Jingning were filled with unabashed admiration.


He was the person they admired, a perfect Omega, beautiful, kind-hearted, and incredibly powerful!


The thought lingered in their minds for a long time, so much so that it wasn’t until the two walked far away that they slowly snapped out of it, exchanging glances with one another.


“Hey, I heard earlier that there would be alumni gathering at the school today.”


“And they’ll be giving speeches at the freshman welcome ceremony.”




“Damn, this batch is so lucky!”


“I’m starting to get excited. If these two are here, maybe other big shots…”


As their conversation tapered off, an eerie silence enveloped them. They all looked towards the school gates, eyes brimming with anticipation and eagerness.



Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen continued towards the principal’s office. Lu Jingning noticed the curve of Wen Xingchen’s lips and couldn’t help but glance at him, “What’s so funny?”


Wen Xingchen replied, “I was thinking, you’re always so popular wherever you go.”


Lu Jingning grinned at him, “Aren’t you the same, Marshal Wen?”


Just as Wen Xingchen was about to respond, Lu Jingning’s communicator rang. He tilted his head, signaling Wen Xingchen to answer.


Glancing at the caller ID, Lu Jingning showed it to Wen Xingchen before calmly accepting the call. “Alright, alright, we’re already inside the school gates. You’re all grown-ups, why so impatient?”


The voice on the other end, clearly from Yu Qingcang, stuttered for a moment before grumpily saying, “Isn’t it because you two are too slow? Everyone’s waiting at the principal’s office, and it’s just you two missing.”


Lu Jingning nonchalantly acknowledged and suddenly remembered something, “Is Jinjin also here?”


The communicator crackled with confusion for a moment before Ren Jin’s soft voice came through, sounding excited, “Lu-ge, I’m here! Waiting for you!”


Lu Jingning replied, “Okay, downstairs, we’ll be right there.”


As Yu Qingcang took over the communicator again, it seemed he finally realized something and gritted his teeth, emphasizing, “What do you mean ‘your Jinjin’? Ah Jin obviously belongs to me!”


Oh my, possessiveness at its peak!


Lu Jingning couldn’t resist teasing him, “Yours? Ask Ren Jin if the Lu Supporters Club is still active.”


Yu Qingcang almost wanted to smack the communicator against that smug face but controlled himself, taking a deep breath and gritting his teeth, “Just get here already!”


Lu Jingning moved the communicator away from his ear for a moment, then calmly responded, “Fine, fine, we’re downstairs, we’ll be there soon.”


After ending the call, he noticed Wen Xingchen’s amused expression and mockingly scolded him, “You’re slow too, why are you laughing?”


Wen Xingchen pressed the elevator button and gestured, “Heard that. So please enter, Marshal Lu.”


Lu Jingning couldn’t hold back, finally laughing out loud, “Alright, you’re the same, my Marshal Wen.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

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