Chapter 22: A Light Kiss


Despite feeling aggrieved, the little black dragon kept its mouth shut, showing no intention of making a sound.  


Su Muluo looked at the small dragon, feeling it was being deliberately obtuse, relying on the fact that he couldn’t do anything about it. How detestable.  


If you have the guts, just never turn into a human again!  


Thinking this, Su Muluo patted the little black dragon’s head.  


After a while, drowsiness swept over him again. He pulled the quilt over himself and lay back down on the bed.  


The little black dragon made a soft sound, “Ao?”  


Going to sleep again?  


“I’m sleepy,” Su Muluo said. “It must be because you passed some bad stuff to me.”  


The little black dragon silently accepted the blame, grew larger again, and wrapped around its phoenix.  


Su Muluo, with his eyes half-closed and feeling too tired to move, lazily pushed it away, “Don’t take advantage of me.”  


The black dragon pretended not to hear.  


When its phoenix was sleepy, it would become soft and adorable, allowing it to be intimately entwined. Even if it went a bit too far, it was fine.  


It loved its phoenix the most.  


Thinking this, the black dragon happily buried its head in the crook of its phoenix’s shoulder.  


Su Muluo lazily let it entwine him. After a few minutes, he grumbled a bit, “You’re cold.”  


When the black dragon grew larger, its body was covered with cold scales. It wasn’t so bad when the temperature wasn’t too low, but now it felt a bit chilly.  


Hearing this, the black dragon paused for a second, then pulled the quilt over Su Muluo, “Ao.”  


Su Muluo gently tugged the corner of the quilt, burying half his face into the soft pillow and closed his eyes.  


The black dragon watched its phoenix fall asleep in its embrace and nuzzled him affectionately.  


In doing so, it knocked off a feather.  


The black dragon: “…”  


Su Muluo had already fallen asleep and didn’t notice. The black dragon quietly picked up the feather and gently wrapped itself around its phoenix again.  


Its phoenix had indeed been a bit off lately.  


The black dragon thought.  


It decided to observe for another day, and if there was no improvement, then it would…  


Holding this thought, the black dragon gently rested its head against Su Muluo’s, guarding its phoenix quietly throughout the night.  


Su Muluo had a very restful sleep and felt much less drowsy when he woke up.  


Opening his eyes, he found himself staring into the dark golden eyes of the black dragon. Feeling good, he petted its head.  


The black dragon nuzzled into his palm affectionately. Su Muluo then got up and saw a white feather beside his pillow.  




He picked up the feather silently and glanced at the black dragon beside him.  


The black dragon instantly shrunk to a tiny size, hugging its tail tightly and let out a soft cry, “Ao.”  


It wasn’t me who knocked it off!  


Su Muluo: “Doesn’t matter, I blame you.”  


Despite his words, he didn’t do anything to the little black dragon and instead sighed softly, putting the feather away.  


Over the recent period, he had already lost six feathers, more than he had lost in the past few hundred years combined. Though he tried to console himself that it was just molting season and new feathers would grow back, he still felt a bit unhappy.  


The little black dragon noticed his unhappiness and rolled in his hand, nudging his fingers with its small, soft horns.  


Su Muluo rubbed the little black dragon’s head, checked his phone, and saw it was time to go to the café. He got up to wash and get ready.  


Recently, the temperature had dropped sharply, showing signs of winter approaching. It even rained last night, bringing a chill wind down the street. Su Muluo, dressed in a soft, light-colored trench coat, held the warm little black dragon in his hands.  


Because of the cold weather, Qiansui didn’t want to go out either. When Su Muluo arrived at the café, he saw it sitting at the entrance with a few well-behaved stray cats behind it.  


After a few seconds of staring at each other, Su Muluo said, “Are these your friends?”  


Qiansui: “Meow.”  


Su Muluo chuckled and said, “Let them in then.”  


So, a group of cats lined up and entered the café, with Su Muluo giving each of them a can of cat food.  


While the cats were burying their heads in the cat food, Qiansui watched them from the side. When they finished eating, it meowed and led them into the staff lounge.  


At first, Su Muluo didn’t pay much attention, thinking Qiansui just wanted to play with its friends there. But when the sounds of cats meowing continuously and intensely came from inside, he realized something was wrong.  


A group of cats gathered in one room, meowing so loudly; could it be that Qiansui was…  


His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly walked over and pushed open the lounge door.  


Inside the lounge, the bathroom door was open, and a boy was squatting inside, trying hard to push a few frantically screaming cats into a foam-filled bathtub.  


Su Muluo: “…”  


The boy looked no older than eighteen, with a very delicate appearance and green eyes—it was Qiansui in human form.  


Noticing someone outside, Qiansui looked up, expressionless, and gazed at Su Muluo.  


“What?” he asked. “Do you need something?”  


Su Muluo: “I thought you were molesting the cats.”  


Qiansui: “???”  


Qiansui’s eyes widened in anger. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the little black dragon poking its head out of Su Muluo’s pocket. He swallowed his words and calmly said, “No, I’m giving them a bath.”  


Then he added, “I’ll clean up afterward.”  


Su Muluo, finding his suppressed anger amusing, said, “Alright, I won’t disturb you then.”  


He then closed the door and left.  


Although the weather was very cold today, many customers still came to the café. They sat with their warm coffee, chatting leisurely, creating a very pleasant atmosphere.  


After a while, a customer walked in. It was a young man with earrings who had been coming in frequently these days. As soon as Su Muluo saw him, he put the little black dragon into his pocket, hiding it from view.  


With the air conditioning on, the young man sighed in relief as he entered. “So warm. Boss, one special coffee.”  


He handed Su Muluo some cash and habitually glanced at Su Muluo’s hands, looking for the toy loach from the other day.  


Of course, Su Muluo wasn’t going to show it to him and calmly met his gaze. After a few seconds, the young man awkwardly coughed and went to find a seat.  


Meanwhile, the door to the staff lounge opened, and an orange cat led a few freshly washed cats out.  


These cute cats immediately caught the attention of the other café customers, who wanted to play with them. For a moment, the café was filled with soft meows, making Su Muluo wonder if he had opened a pet store instead.  


As the customers played with the cats, Qiansui jumped onto the bar counter, looking down at them coldly from his vantage point.  


Su Muluo felt its gaze was oddly similar to that of a mother-in-law scrutinizing her son-in-law. Because of this, he guessed the reason why it brought these stray cats here.  


With the weather turning cold, it would be tough for these cats to survive the winter. If someone was willing to adopt them, their lives would be much easier.  


Hearing all the meowing in the café, the little black dragon thought its phoenix had other cats outside and angrily poked its head out, letting out a cry, “Ao!”  


Where are these meows coming from?  


Su Muluo poked it, “I didn’t touch them, you little jealous creature.”  


The little black dragon looked around warily, making sure there were no other cats around its phoenix, then grabbed onto Su Muluo’s sleeve, trying to climb into his hand.  


Qiansui silently moved aside, keeping a distance that would allow it to escape at any moment. Su Muluo glanced at it and said, “If you have other friends, you can bring them over. Just don’t be too noisy at night, or we’ll get complaints.”  


Qiansui was silent for a few seconds before saying a small “Thank you.”  


As they talked, Su Muluo noticed a black cat sitting alone among the group. Whether it was because it was missing half an ear or its entirely black fur, it wasn’t as popular as its companions, sitting quietly and watching the others.  


At that moment, a hand tentatively reached out to it—it was the young man with the earrings.  


The black cat looked up at him for a few seconds, then leaned in and nuzzled his palm.  


The young man, eyes wide with delight, tried to pick it up. But before he could fully extend his hand, the black cat jumped into his arms.  




A few minutes later, the young man excited


ly approached the bar with the black cat in his arms.  


“Boss, can I adopt this cat?” he asked. “I feel like we have a special connection!”  


Su Muluo glanced at Qiansui, who was also observing the young man.

### Chapter 22: A Light Kiss


There was a sound.


So, Su Muluo spoke on its behalf, “Is it willing to go with you?”


The young man looked down at the black cat, which obediently lay in his arms and meowed at Qiansui.


“It called out!” The young man was even more excited, “Boss, look! It wants to go!”


Su Muluo glanced at Qiansui, seeing it had no objections, he said, “Alright, remember to take good care of it, or you might be watched.”


At first, the young man didn’t understand Su Muluo’s words, thinking he was joking. But as he was about to leave, he inadvertently met the gaze of the nearby orange cat and shivered.


That look, why does it seem like that of a mafia boss?


Muttering to himself, the young man lovingly petted the black cat in his arms and left.


By the end of the day, most of the cats Qiansui brought had been taken by the café’s customers. Su Muluo noticed that as those customers left, Qiansui marked them, probably planning to visit their homes later to check if they were treating the cats well.


At seven in the evening, Qiansui was curled up with the remaining two cats, eating cat food. Su Muluo, feeling a bit sleepy, said to it, “You close the door later. Don’t go out tonight.”


Qiansui paused its eating and looked up, “Every time you say that, something happens.”


Su Muluo smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, it’s not aimed at you.”


Then he put on his coat and walked out.


The night was colder than the day, with a cold wind sweeping through the streets, people hurrying along wrapped in their clothes.


Su Muluo walked slowly down the street, a warm little dragon wrapped around his wrist. As before, he walked from the bustling city center to a deserted street and stopped there.


The street lamps cast a dim light, and three figures silently appeared.


They wore black hoodies, their faces hidden in the hoods, making it impossible to see their features. However, Su Muluo immediately recognized their true forms—they were three bird demons.


Bird demons… which meant they were from the bird tribe.


Su Muluo thought of the bird tribe elder he had seen at the Bureau of the Otherworldly and said, “Is there something you need?”


The three bird demons stood silently, none responding.


Su Muluo lowered his eyes slightly, feeling very sleepy.


Then he said blandly, “If there’s nothing, I’ll be leaving.”


As he turned to leave, the three bird demons suddenly moved.


Wings sprouted from their backs, and they rushed towards Su Muluo at great speed—only to be instantly knocked back.


Three figures crashed heavily to the ground, cries of pain ringing out. Su Muluo stood under the streetlamp, looking at them with no emotion.


“I don’t know you, and I don’t want to know your intentions,” he said. “Get lost.”


The three grimaced, looking up to see the extremely beautiful young man standing under the cold moonlight, his ink-colored eyes cold and emotionless.


… This person’s power was unfathomable, and his nature was cold and ruthless, not someone to be provoked.


The three bird demons exchanged glances, turned into three differently colored birds, and quickly flew away.


In reality, they didn’t know that Su Muluo was simply exhausted, feeling he would fall asleep at any moment. So, he kept a stern face, not wanting to deal with them.


After the bird demons left, the area fell silent. Su Muluo took the little black dragon in his hands, intending to fly back, but suddenly stumbled and had to hold onto a nearby streetlamp.


The little black dragon’s dark golden eyes narrowed, “Roar?”


“Nothing…” Su Muluo steadied himself, his long eyelashes drooping, eyes dark and unclear, as if holding an indissolvable ink, “I’m just a bit sleepy… want to sleep.”


Drowsiness surged like a dense tide, irresistible. His vision began to blur, and he wanted to comfort the little black dragon’s anxious cries… but the words never came out.


The phoenix lost consciousness, falling into the arms of a man the next moment.


He was a man with black hair and black clothes, his features handsome and deep, with unique dark golden eyes.


His strong arms wrapped around Su Muluo’s waist, effortlessly holding the phoenix. His beautiful brows furrowed slightly, his gaze dark, staring unblinkingly at his phoenix.


Su Muluo lay heavily on his shoulder, feeling cold, and unconsciously clutched at his clothes.


The man: “…”


The man lowered his head slightly, affectionately brushing his forehead against Su Muluo’s, placing a light kiss between his brows, and quickly left.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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