Day: August 25, 2024

Chapter 63 – Paper Ghost Wedding

Chapter 63


“Demon Monk?”


“Yes… yes…”


Haowei and Si Lan exchanged glances again, surprised that Yu Wuxia had already replaced Xue Rong.


“However, after defeating the Old Ghost King, Prince Xue Rong’s cultivation fluctuated greatly, only in recent years becoming unfathomably deep, unknown to outsiders.”


Si Lan speculated that Yu Wuxia had initially reached some sort of agreement with Xue Rong, first borrowing Xue Rong’s body, and later completely taking over.


He couldn’t help but recall the first time he encountered Xue Rong in the ghost realm. At that time, he hadn’t found his mother’s soul, and after causing a ruckus in the ghost palace, he sat at the Tianmen Gate with a long whip, watching a group of old ghosts bully a young ghost below.


Unable to stand it, he wielded his whip to chase away the old ghosts.


The young ghost, with a pale face, got up from the ground and bowed in his direction. At that time, he was not yet of age, and his figure looked almost the same age as the young ghost.


The young ghost looked at him, choosing his words carefully, “Xue Rong thanks Brother for saving my life. May I know Brother’s name?”


“Si Lan.”


The young ghost bowed in thanks again, standing under the Tianmen Gate, and left after a moment’s gaze.


The incident of him causing a ruckus in the ghost palace was soon known by Si Shaoxun. Si Shaoxun caught him, dragged him to apologize to the Old Ghost King in the ghost palace, and then took him back to the demon realm to be punished in confinement.


Years later, the next time he heard the name Xue Rong, it was when Xue Rong had become the King of the Underworld.


He felt a bit sentimental, asked the ghost messenger a few more questions, and then released him. He and Haowei went to check Xue Rong’s sleeping quarters.


Xue Rong’s quarters were unlike other eerie places in the underworld, instead, they were bright and clean, filled with light. On the walls hung four paintings of plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums. Below the paintings, two incense sticks burned softly. Behind eight screens, there was only a single rope hanging in mid-air, serving as a bed.


Besides this, the room was empty.


Haowei walked to the paintings and cast a spell in the air. The plum blossoms in the painting trembled, and the petals formed an illusion, subtly changing the scene in the painting with simple strokes.


In the snow, plum blossoms falling, a light gray robe tightly wrapped around a yellow official’s robe. Under the robe, a slender, pale ankle was exposed, the foot arched and toes curled tightly, as if enduring some pain.


With just a few strokes, everything was depicted vividly.


Si Lan’s ears turned slightly red, and his gaze moved to the other three paintings. The paintings of orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums also changed. The orchid hung down, and as jade dew dropped, in the previously blank space appeared two intertwined figures.


A fragile waist like willow on jade stone, two pale legs wrapped around the person above. Silent, yet more evocative than sound.


Si Lan could no longer bear to look and turned away, grumbling, “How can Yu Wuxia be so shameless?”


He had actually hung four erotic paintings of himself and Immortal Jiaheng in his room, intending to view them at leisure.


If Immortal Jiaheng knew, he would probably be furious.


Haowei said, “These four paintings are manifestations of Yu Wuxia’s desires.”


Si Lan frowned, “In these paintings, Immortal Jiaheng looks younger than Yu Wuxia. Could it be that the Immortal Jiaheng we saw before deliberately appeared old?”


“Yes, I suppose Immortal Jiaheng, knowing Yu Wuxia’s intentions, showed himself in that form.”


“Even if Immortal Jiaheng is handsome, how could Yu Wuxia fall for him?”


The entanglements between the two of them across past and present lives were hard to believe, considering that the monk’s disciple who endured cutting flesh and bones would fall for the one who devoured him.


Haowei glanced at Si Lan with deep meaning, “Sometimes, liking someone can be just a glance.” It isn’t that complicated.


After speaking, Haowei, recalling something, took out the erotic painting given to him by Shanshi Immortal and placed it beside the “Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum” paintings. The scenes in the five paintings seemed to move, half-hidden, indicating a taboo and unknown love.


At this moment, a hand suddenly reached out from the “Orchid” painting near Si Lan, pulling him into the painting. He saw another hand reach out from the “Plum” painting and grab Haowei.


Before they could react, they were already pulled into another time and space.


Si Lan felt like he was falling rapidly from the sky, stabilizing himself in panic after landing. Instinctively, he called out, “Haowei,” but there was no response.


It was pitch dark around him, and he couldn’t see anything. He cast a spell to create a small flame, illuminating the illusion around him. He found himself in a forest of dead trees, seemingly scorched by fire, with no leaves on the branches and the bark wrinkled in layers.


The flame flickered in the wind, casting shadows of the trees that seemed to weave a dense, sinister net over him. As the flame dimmed, he could faintly see headless corpses hanging from the branches, a truly terrifying sight.


But when the flames lit up, the branches were clean and empty.


He didn’t know where he was but knew that Yu Wuxia had dragged him in here, intending to trap him in an illusion. Just as he was pondering what was important enough for Yu Wuxia to trap him, Xiao Xie Li’s voice suddenly rang in his mind, asking for help.


“Honored One, senior brother… senior brother… sob sob…”


Si Lan asked, “What happened to Quze?”


“Senior brother was captured, Honored One. I was also beaten up and thrown to the bottom of a cliff, sob sob…” Xie Li’s words were garbled and trembling due to his crying, making Si Lan’s heart ache even more.


Si Lan steadied his mind, “Did you see who captured Quze?”


“Sob sob, it was a monk. The monk even pinched my face.”


A monk… Could it be Yu Wuxia?


Why capture Quze?


He suddenly thought of the last person to be sacrificed on Linglong Mountain. He had initially thought the sacrifice would be the fox demon imprisoned under Linglong Mountain or some other nearby demon, so he hadn’t considered anyone else.


Thinking about it now, Dayong, Jiuying, and Gui Kui all had tragic fates, plagued by disaster. They had the Lone Luan evil destiny, and Quze seemed to fit this as well.


Could the last sacrifice be Quze?


Suppressing his shock, Si Lan comforted Xie Li, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll have Song Cheng and Song Ye come to rescue you. How did you end up at the bottom of the cliff?”


“Sob sob, I was beaten and then kicked down from the sky. Honored One, you must avenge me and beat that nasty monk.”


Half of Xie Li’s words were true and half were false. True, he did fall to the bottom of the cliff. False, he wasn’t beaten or kicked down by Yu Wuxia. Instead, Yu Wuxia had ridden a fierce giant beast to Zhu Yun Peak and captured Quze.


Xie Li had clung to Quze’s robe, refusing to let go despite being swatted by the beast’s wings. Later, Yu Wuxia approached, pinched his face, and, taking advantage of his distraction, tapped his forehead, causing him to fall limply from the sky.


When he woke up, he was at the bottom of the cliff.


Feeling wronged, Xie Li exaggerated his story, hoping Si Lan would seek revenge for him and Quze.


“Okay.” Worried about Xie Li’s safety, Si Lan assured him while simultaneously contacting Song Cheng and Song Ye through telepathy, instructing them to rescue Xie Li.


After that, he called out to Haowei several times through telepathy before finally getting a response. It seemed like Haowei had just been through a battle, with the faint sound of rolling boulders in the background.


Haowei’s voice was hoarse, “I’m here.”


He quickly asked, “How are things on your end?”


“I’m fine, I…” Si Lan’s words were cut short when he glimpsed the “headless corpses” hanging from the withered branches, seemingly coming to life and lunging at him. He quickly dodged the attack, drew his whip, but then saw that the “corpses” had vanished.


In the eerie silence of the withered forest, there was no sign of life except him. He accidentally stepped on a broken branch, producing a creaking sound. Quickly moving his foot, he discovered a skull beneath the branch.


Black hair oozed out of the skull’s eye sockets, entangling his feet. He immediately conjured a talisman to destroy the skull. The other skulls on the ground also started to move, breaking through the cover of the withered trees, slowly turning towards him, their dark eye sockets seemingly staring at him.


Frightened by the creepy scene, Si Lan furrowed his brow, warily watching the skulls while trying to contact Haowei again, but to no avail.


He had no choice but to take out the compass from his Qiankun Bag to check his position. The needle spun around once, was about to stop, then suddenly started spinning wildly, unable to point in any direction. At the same time, the skulls on the ground flew towards him.


He quickly drew a formation to fend off the skulls’ attacks and flew above the withered forest, hoping to get a clearer view of the strange place. However, he found that the forest had no end.


The skulls followed his movements, piling up like a small mountain, wrapping around the barrier.


In the next moment, the barrier turned into a net, enveloping the skulls. The skulls struggled desperately inside, like fierce beasts trying to tear open the barrier, but they remained firmly sealed.


At this moment, a strange sound of drums and gongs came from afar.


A wedding procession emerged from the eerie misty corner, with two figures resembling guards leading the way. Four bearers carried a red sedan chair, its red pennant swaying gently, with a matchmaker standing beside it.


As the procession approached, Si Lan noticed that all their eyes were sewn shut, dense stitches crisscrossing their eyelids like centipedes coiled in their sockets. Although their mouths were tightly closed, it was clear they were filled with dirt, preventing them from making any sound.


Seeing that they couldn’t see him, Si Lan landed next to the sedan chair and cast a spell to lift the curtain, revealing a paper bride inside.


The paper bride was painted lifelike, with delicate and gentle features, almost indistinguishable from a real person.


When he met the bride’s gaze, a chill ran down his spine. He reached out to touch the bride, realizing that the reason she looked so lifelike was that the paper was covered with a layer of human skin.


From the corpses in the withered forest, he guessed that this place was some kind of sacrificial formation, but why was there a paper bride?


Suppressing his unease, he cast a spell and sat in the sedan chair, accompanying the paper bride.


After an unknown amount of time, the sedan chair stopped. The matchmaker lifted the curtain, and a paper groom dressed in wedding attire appeared, bending down to carry the bride into the wedding hall.


The groom, like the bride, was a paper figure covered in human skin.


Si Lan looked ahead at the eerie and sinister wedding hall, noticing that both the servants and the elders seated there had their eyes sewn shut and mouths filled with dirt.


How did these people end up like this?


Could it be that they were not supposed to see the appearance of this newlywed couple?


Suppressing his inner shock and chill, Si Lan watched as the couple bowed in ceremony and entered the bridal chamber, following them inside.


The bridal chamber was bizarrely arranged, without a bed but with two graves. Walking up to the graves, he looked at the inscriptions on them. He had expected them to be plaques for a married couple, but after reading the words, he discovered they were actually for a stepson and stepmother.


He raised his head and looked at the paper people in the bridal chamber, vaguely understanding their identities. Originally stepmother and stepson, they fell in love later on.


This relationship defied conventional morality and was not tolerated by society.


Therefore, all the “people” attending this wedding had their eyes sewn shut. These “people” couldn’t see them, so naturally, they couldn’t condemn them.




A deep, unfamiliar male voice suddenly echoed in the bridal chamber.


Si Lan’s heart jumped. Following the voice, he turned around and saw a figure that had appeared behind him at some point.


The figure was indistinct, its features blurred. The lead-gray kasaya moved without wind, with a deep brown rosary hanging from the chest, all indicating the identity of Yu Wuxia.


Looking at the phantom of Yu Wuxia, Si Lan’s heart raced for a moment. Instinctively, he lowered his brows and held his breath, then heard Yu Wuxia’s voice.


“These lovers, during their lifetime, one was a young stepmother who became a widow at twenty-five, and the other was a stepson who had just turned sixteen and become an adult. Clearly in love, they were condemned by society for their stepmother-stepson relationship, deemed contrary to social norms, and suffered cruel punishment, flayed alive and thrown into the river.”


“After their death, their resentment lingered, transforming into fierce ghosts who killed everyone in the village, sewing shut their eyes and silencing their mouths. Yet in doing so, they too faced punishment, trapped here day after day, repeating their obsession of becoming partners in life.”


“Junli, do you think they did wrong?”


Yu Wuxia’s voice seemed to come from a distant place, carrying fatigue of travels and a casual indifference, as if asking him, yet also speaking to himself.


This was the first time Yu Wuxia had spoken to Si Lan.


Si Lan speculated that these paper people were likely an incident Yu Wuxia had dealt with when he was a disciple of Buddhism. Presumably, it was during that time that Yu Wuxia resonated with the fate of these paper people.


“Do you know how they can break this curse? As long as one of them wavers in their heart, no longer wanting to be with the other, they can be freed from this curse and reincarnate. Yet, after a thousand times, ten thousand times, each time they chose to hold each other’s hands and enter the tomb.”


“So they did nothing wrong; it is the norms and ethics of this world that are wrong. Even if they face endless calamities, they will resist these norms and ethics to the end.”


Si Lan understood that Yu Wuxia’s words were actually hinting at his relationship with Jia Héng Immortal.


A disciple falling in love with his master was already something society could not tolerate, let alone when the disciple was a Buddhist, making it the most taboo of taboos.


Si Lan dared not speak lightly, afraid of touching Yu Wuxia’s sore spot, simply saying, “Although this world has many heartless and rigid rules, there are also people like me who oppose them.”


Pausing, Si Lan added, “How is Quze now?”


Laughter echoed from the phantom.


“If you break this illusion, enter the Pentagram Array in the Linglong Mountain, naturally, you will see Quze. However, if you come back in three days, you might only see his body.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 3

       Why are you so annoying!—-This was the funniest comment Jiang Tongyan had ever heard about him.

       It was the kind of funny and a little clumsy cuteness. Jiang Tongyan once again believed that this person was not very smart.

       He had never discriminated against people with disabilities. He had even devoted himself to charity for many years and donated much money. However, he couldn’t help but take a second look at the young man who was ‘healthy yet mentally disabled’ on the bed.

       “Okay, very good.” Jiang Tongyan said, “It is said that you can still grow taller at the age of 23. Hey, how old are you?”

       Qian Xiaoke looked at him and thought for a moment, “Then I can still grow taller. I’m 20.”

       Speaking of ‘20’, Qian Xiaoke began to hold the quilt and feel wronged, “I was only 20, and you ruined me! I’m so pitiful!”

       Jiang Tongyan was speechless.

       If he didn’t know that this person was Zhou Mo’s friend, he really suspected that he had encountered the legendary ‘honey trap’. This person really seemed like a fraud trying to stage an accident!

       Jiang Tongyan rolled his eyes, “You cry by yourself; I’m leaving.”

       “Where are you going?” Qian Xiaoke threw himself forward, almost exposing his buttocks. He quickly came back and wrapped himself in the quilt.

       “Didn’t I say that I had an appointment?”

       “You slept with me last night, and you’re going to make an appointment with someone else today?” Qian Xiaoke frowned and said, “Are all you rich people so heartless, ungrateful, and unreasonable?”

       “…You are the one who is heartless, ungrateful, and unreasonable.”

       “How am I heartless, ungrateful, and unreasonable?”

       Jiang Tongyan grabbed a throw pillow from the nearby sofa, stretched his long leg over, and covered Qian Xiaoke’s head with it, then directly pushed him onto the bed.

       Qian Xiaoke was frightened, and the fear in his heart turned into a scream, “Ugh! Murderer!”

       “Shut up!” Jiang Tongyan said, “I don’t have time to play an idol drama with you here. If you are sleepy, continue to sleep. If you are not sleepy or don’t want to sleep, call the front desk and ask them to send you breakfast.”

       When Jiang Tongyan used the pillow to cover his head, he didn’t really use much force. After all, he was just an ordinary handsome boss, not a cold-blooded killer. He didn’t want to retire early because of a murder lawsuit.

       Qian Xiaoke stopped yelling and jumped up. A pair of round eyes appeared from the edge of the pillow and looked at Jiang Tongyan.

       “There’s breakfast?”

       “Five-star hotel, VIP suite,” Jiang Tongyan said, “It’s normal to have some special services. Have you seen the world?”

       “No,” Qian Xiaoke said, “I’ve only stayed in a 131-night express hotel, and it’s a national chain.”

       “… I’m not interested in where you’ve stayed!”

       “You asked it yourself. Why do you have such a bad temper?” Qian Xiaoke pushed him away, turned around, and stretched out his arm to take the phone, “I’m going to order breakfast. I’m so hungry.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him and thought that this guy really didn’t seem to show any signs of a hangover. He wasn’t sure whether to say he had extraordinary talent or that Zhou Mo’s wine was truly so good it didn’t cause a hangover.

       Qian Xiaoke picked up the hotel landline and dialled, and Jiang Tongyan stood by the bed and looked at him.

       His bare back—the skin was tender and white.

       His slender waist—not even a hand’s length, was quite sexy.

       Jiang Tongyan’s body trembled, and he quickly retracted his gaze.

       He couldn’t let this guy seduce him. It would be a waste of time.

       “Stay here,” Jiang Tongyan said, looking at the time again, and having to go out quickly, “Don’t touch my things.”

       He walked to the table and picked up a card on it, “Your ID card is here with me. If I lose something, it will be easy to catch you.”

       After saying that, he looked down at the ID card in his hand, “Qian Xiaoke, tsk tsk.”

       Qian Xiaoke was holding the phone and ordering food at the front desk at the moment and didn’t pay any attention to Jiang Tongyan.

       “Qian Xiaoke, what’s wrong with you?” Jiang Tongyan suddenly yelled.

       Qian Xiaoke was startled, frowned, and glared at him, “Don’t make noise!”

       Then he turned back and continued to discuss the breakfast issue with the front desk with a smile. When he ordered breakfast and hung up the phone satisfactorily, he found that this man was still there.

       “Aren’t you in a hurry to go out?”

       “Didn’t you say you were twenty this year?” Jiang Tongyan looked at him coldly, “You’re already twenty-seven!”

       “… What’s wrong with being twenty-seven? I look young!”

       “You’re just a liar who talks nonsense!”

       “That’s better than a dog like you who takes advantage of others!”

       “Who are you calling a dog again?”


       “Say it again!”

       Qian Xiaoke stopped talking, and he burrowed into the quilt.

       Jiang Tongyan was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He put his ID card into his pocket and left angrily.

       Qian Xiaoke saw him leave and quickly got out of bed to find his mobile phone. Jiang Tongyan placed it on the table next to the sofa.

       Just when he picked up the phone, the room door was opened again. Jiang Tongyan stood at the door, looking at Qian Xiaoke, who was naked and almost fainted.

       Facts had proved that men really couldn’t stand the temptation.

       Last night, they both drank too much. Jiang Tongyan stripped the man and rinsed him again, but he didn’t have any evil thoughts about this body. At that time, his head was heavy, and he didn’t have time to think so much, but now his mind was clear, and his eyes were bright. The tender-skinned guy stood there naked with his butt facing him. This visual impact was really a bit big.

       Jiang Tongyan took a deep breath and pressed his eyes hard.

       “I advise you to put on your pyjamas.” Jiang Tongyan said, “I don’t want to see such an eye-catching scene when I return later.”

       He complained in his heart: I am really a dog who says one thing and means another.

       Qian Xiaoke picked up the phone and trotted back to the bed, “You have slept with it; why are you still pretending?”

       Jiang Tongyan: “I already said I was tired. I didn’t sleep with you.”

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t believe it. He wanted to send a message to Zhou Mo to find out about this man’s background.

       “Forget it.” Jiang Tongyan entered the room, found his phone, and went out again.

       In the VIP suite of a five-star hotel, Qian Xiaoke was wrapped in a blanket, waiting for his luxurious breakfast to be served. At the same time, he sent a WeChat message to his good friend Zhou Mo.

       The Most Charming Person in The Galaxy: Momo, do you remember the man who danced with me last night? The tall and handsome one.

       Zhou Mo, who had been drinking all night last night, shouldn’t have woken up at this time, but he was forced to get up because he had to pee.

       When he returned from the toilet, he touched his phone and took a look, and he happened to see Qian Xiaoke’s WeChat.

       He replied: Aren’t all the people I invited tall and handsome?

       The Most Charming Person in The Galaxy: No, it’s the one who danced with me, the one who seems to be interested in your flight attendant friend.

       Zhou Mo recalled: Oh, you mean Shen Huiming? What’s wrong with him?

       Shen Huiming?

       Qian Xiaoke wrapped in a blanket and thought that his name was barely okay. Although it’s a bit inferior compared to his own name, it was not too tacky.

       The Most Charming Person in The Galaxy: It’s nothing, but he slept with me last night!

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Chapter 2

       Jiang Tongyan felt that this guy might not be very smart.

       Last night was Zhou Mo’s birthday party. Although he wasn’t very familiar with Zhou Mo, he had been a longtime friend of Zhou Mo’s husband. This time, he happened to be in town from New York for a project, so he accepted the invitation and attended the party.

       Jiang Tongyan agreed to attend Zhou Mo’s birthday party for another reason—Zhou Mo said he wanted to introduce him to a boyfriend.

       It was said that he had both looks and charisma. Handsome, reserved, with good character, and dedicated to his work, he earned quite well. He was reputed to be the ‘Most handsome man in civil aviation’.

       Jiang Tongyan wasn’t the kind of person who judged everything by appearances, but if someone happened to be good-looking, that was naturally a pleasant thing.

       Jiang Tongyan, whose love life had not been smooth, agreed to it. Surprisingly, this handsome guy really suited his taste. It could even be said that he was the perfect type tailored to his preferences.

       However, as the saying goes, life is full of surprises.

       Just as Jiang Tongyan was surprised that he had really met his ideal type, something even more unexpected happened. His ‘archenemy’, Shen Huiming, seemed to have a subtle, unspoken relationship with this handsome guy.

       The reason why Shen Huiming was Jiang Tongyan’s ‘archenemy’ was that all the ups and downs in Jiang Tongyan’s love life over the years were because of this person.

       The two were college classmates back then, and whoever he liked ended up falling in love with Shen Huiming. Jiang Tongyan was hit hard by this and made two decisions.

       The first decision: stay away from Shen Huiming.

       The second decision: seal your heart and lock away his love.

       After that, Shen Huiming returned to the country to start a company. Jiang Tongyan received several good offers domestically, but to distance himself from Shen Huiming, he resolutely stayed in New York and also never thought about pursuing a relationship again.

       He was afraid.

       However, no matter how much he planned, he could never have expected to meet Shen Huiming during his ‘blind date’. He felt that if the love-hate entanglements between the two of them over the years were written into a novel, it would definitely be a model of love and conflict in the BL genre, complete with the kind of past-life grudges and complications.

       His blind date was intercepted, which made him want to roll his eyes, but he didn’t expect that there would be troubles to come.

       At the birthday party, he danced with a pretty boy, and after the dance, they naturally sat together and drank a few glasses of wine.

       This guy, on the other hand, whether intentionally or due to genuinely poor alcohol tolerance, started causing a scene and acting drunk not long after.

       There was a Chinese saying: A person’s character is reflected in their drinking behaviour.

       This kid’s drinking behaviour was really bad.

       After three glasses of wine, he started crying while holding Jiang Tongyan’s arm.

       “Gege, I’m really miserable; how can I be so miserable!”

       Jiang Tongyan: “Calm down. I’m not your gege.”

       “Gege, do you think I look pretty? But why doesn’t anyone love me?”

       Jiang Tongyan: “Calm down, everyone likes a flower in the high mountain1This phrase is used to describe people who are admired from a distance and seem unattainable or aloof, often suggesting that they are seen as idealised or perfect by others..”

       “Gege, no one loves me. I’m just the withered cabbage in the field!”

       Jiang Tongyan: “Calm down; even when the cabbage is put on sale, someone will still buy it. If you sell yourself… human trafficking is illegal.”


       In short, that night, Jiang Tongyan, who was usually untouchable, was practically harassed by this little drunkard. It felt as though this guy was stuck to Jiang Tongyan like a second skin, impossible to shake off or remove.

       Jiang Tongyan was worried, especially when he saw his blind date leaving with Shen Huiming, he was even more worried.

       So, he started drinking.

       In this way, in the sad sobs and the undispersed sorrow, he also got drunk.

       Jiang Tongyan couldn’t remember how the two of them got back to the hotel from the birthday party. What he could remember clearly was that the boy vomited all over the two of them.

       Jiang Tongyan didn’t have a serious obsession with cleanliness, but he was indeed a clean person. Generally speaking, unfamiliar people shouldn’t even think about touching him, using his things, or sleeping in his bed.

       So, when his clothes were suddenly soiled by someone, he sobered up instantly.

       He quickly stripped the two of them of their dirty clothes and threw them into the trash can in the bathroom.

       Clothes that had been vomited on could not be washed clean. Bacteria and terrible memories would remain on it forever.

       However, Jiang Tongyan was only sober for a few minutes. Then he vaguely remembered that he had taken the shower head and showered both of them, but he had no memory.

       When he woke up in the morning, he was indeed lying in the same bed with the boy, both naked and even hugging each other.

       Jiang Tongyan was also shocked at the time. He subconsciously felt that he might be a bit fvcked up—he actually did this with someone without knowing it.

       But then he looked at the ceiling calmly for a while and suddenly remembered an academic discussion he had read before, which said that men could not have sex when they were seriously drunk. In addition, he carefully observed the environment in the quilt and the bodies of the two people—yes, although it was shameful, he saw both of their naked bodies and examined them carefully.

       Jiang Tongyan was almost certain that the two of them just hugged each other and slept.

       He did not believe that he was gifted and could have sex with others after drinking.

       But obviously, the person in front of him did not think so.

       Qian Xiaoke said, “I’m so miserable, my chastity…”

       Jiang Tongyan didn’t bother to pay attention to him, looked at the time and said, “Alright, you go ahead and quietly reminisce. I’ll step out for a moment.”

       Qian Xiaoke, who was curled up in the quilt and pretending to cry, sat up suddenly when he heard that he was leaving, “Where are you going?”

       “I have an appointment.” Jiang Tongyan said calmly, “After you’ve finished crying, you can… never mind, just wait for me to come back.”

       Qian Xiaoke grabbed the quilt and covered it in front of him, “What are you going to do to me again?”

       “Calm down, I just want to say that you vomited on your clothes yesterday and made me throw them away.” Jiang Tongyan glanced at him and felt that although this guy had slept his hair into a mess, he was still cute. Of course, if he was a little more normal, he would be even cuter, “You can’t go out now unless you want to run around naked.”

       “…You want to imprison me?!” Qian Xiaoke had read many famous BL works and knew all kinds of scenes by heart. Although he liked to watch the scenes of imprisoning the little beauties, novels were just novels. In reality, this was illegal!

       “Calm down,” Jiang Tongyan said, “I don’t have that fetish.”

       He thought to himself: Even if I were to imprison someone, I wouldn’t imprison you. Wouldn’t it be better to imprison a mute person?

       “I’m going out to have meal with someone. When I come back, I’ll bring you some clothes. You can put them on before you go.” Jiang Tongyan was a very nice person. “What size do you wear?”

       He sized up the person on the bed and said, “Are you 1.6 meters tall? Are large children’s clothes enough?”

       Qian Xiaoke shouted angrily, “Who are you mocking? Who wears children’s clothes? I was 1.75 meters tall in junior high school!”

       “Oh, what about now?”

       Qian Xiaoke pouted, “… I haven’t grown any taller since junior high school. Is that not allowed? Is it illegal? Why are you so annoying!”

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Chapter 1

       Qian Xiaoke said, “It all started from a birthday party.”

       Qian Xiaoke has a friend named Zhou Mo.

       Zhou Mo, this person, was good-looking, rich, and good at talking and socialising. He used to be a flight attendant and later got together with a rich boss. The two of them fell in love, got to know each other deeply, and even went abroad to get married and obtain their marriage certificate.

       Logically speaking, someone like Qian Xiaoke, who strictly limited spending on T-shirts to under 50 yuan each and preferred jeans that cost no more than 100 yuan, shouldn’t have been acquainted with someone like Zhou Mo. But fate was unpredictable—after all, even the son of a billionaire might have ended up sharing a meal with a homeless person.

       Qian Xiaoke had nothing to do in college and had no place to vent his gay feelings, so he went to a gay forum and posted a message.

       Many years had passed, the forum had been closed, and its glorious history had become a forgotten past. However, Qian Xiaoke still clearly remembers the title of the post he posted—Let’s gossip about those years with my sexy neighbour!

       He became famous overnight because of this post and became a forum celebrity. He updated 300 to 500 words every day. After each update, he would manually highlight it at the end: True story! Any similarity is purely coincidental!

       Actually, it was a bullshit. At that time, he lived on campus with three other roommates, getting up in the middle of the night to kill mosquitoes and looking for slippers in the morning. As for that post, it was just a made-up story.

       But he was so excited to make it up, and others were also excited to read it.

       Until one day, he received a private message from the forum.

       The person who sent him the private message was Zhou Mo, the most popular handsome guy in the forum at that time.

       At that time, Zhou Mo had already worked and often posted selfies of himself wearing a flight attendant uniform. The uniform was coquettish and handsome, and many people coveted it.

       But Qian Xiaoke wasn’t tempted because the two of them were clearly too similar.

       Zhou Mo sent him a private message saying: You made this up, right?

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t admit it, but Zhou Mo seriously circled all the illogical places and made Qian Xiaoke bow his head and admit his mistakes.

       But later, Qian Xiaoke didn’t stop updating because of this incident. Zhou Mo liked to see him making up stories, and he didn’t expose him in public. Zhou Mo even chased after the story even more vigorously.

       The two of them got to know each other like this, and they became good friends until Qian Xiaoke graduated.

       Qian Xiaoke studied Chinese but didn’t do particularly well, and he graduated from a campus that wasn’t that great either. After graduation, he had a hard time finding a job. At that time, Zhou Mo was already in a relationship with Cheng Sen, so they pulled some strings and got Qian Xiaoke a job as a receptionist at Cheng Sen’s workplace.

       After deducting five insurances and one housing fund, he got 3,500 yuan a month.

       Qian Xiaoke shared a small and old second bedroom with someone else, and he had to pay 1,500 yuan a month without water, electricity, gas, etc.

       Life was pretty tight.

       But Qian Xiaoke was always optimistic and always thought tomorrow would be better.

       However, his colleague said to him, “Xiaoke, you know, people like us have to rely on rich people to change our fate completely.”

       Qian Xiaoke: “People like us? What kind of people are we?”

       “The oppressed masses at the bottom of the capitalist system.”

       Qian Xiaoke admitted that he was a poor guy and had no capital to turn over, but he felt that living with the mentality of relying on rich people was not very positive.

       “I can’t rely on it.” Qian Xiaoke said, “It’s harder than the college entrance examination.”

       The colleague looked at him and said, “That’s right.”

       Qian Xiaoke: “…”

       “Look at our male lady of the house—flitting around like a butterfly, charming and smooth-talking. Only someone like that could land someone of Mr Cheng’s calibre.”

       Qian Xiaoke pouted, “Zhou Mo also makes a lot of money himself.”

       “Tsk, tsk, you don’t understand.” The colleague waved his hand and left.

       Although he didn’t quite agree with the values ​​of this colleague, Qian Xiaoke recognised that he couldn’t rely on rich people.

       He felt that he didn’t have the beauty of Su Daji1Su Daji was the favourite consort of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang dynasty in ancient China. In legends and fictions, she is portrayed as a malevolent fox spirit who kills and impersonates the real Daji. Her identification as a fox spirit seems to have originated from at least the Tang dynasty., nor was he as smart as Zhuge Liang2Zhuge Liang, also commonly known by his courtesy name Kongming, was a Chinese statesman, strategist, and inventor who lived through the end of the Eastern Han dynasty and the early Three Kingdoms period of China.. Moreover, he didn’t have a mouth as eloquent as Wang Xifeng3Wang Xifeng is one of the principal characters in the classic 18th-century Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber.. He was good at nothing, so it was normal that no one loved him.

       However, although Qian Xiaoke had never been in a serious relationship, he had a lot of crushes on people.

       That Daniel Wu, that Takeshi Kaneshiro.

       That Ronaldo and Beckham.

       He loved each one deeply.

       It was just a pity that every crush of his ended in vain.

       Zhou Mo’s birthday was also Qian Xiaoke’s birthday. Originally, Zhou Mo said they could celebrate together, but Qian Xiaoke said, “Forget it. I’ll just be a guest at your birthday party.”

       Actually, what Qian Xiaoke really meant was: I have no money, don’t pull me in!

       That day, Qian Xiaoke happily went to Zhou Mo’s birthday party, happily danced with the handsome guy, and happily drank a lot of wine.

       And later, he got drunk happily.

       After getting drunk, Qian Xiaoke was dizzy. He knew that he had said a lot of things, but he didn’t remember what he had said. Before he lost consciousness, his last impression of the world was that there was a handsome guy holding him, and this guy looked very rich.

       In short, when Qian Xiaoke woke up, he was lying naked on the big bed in the hotel.

       The white quilt wrapped his fair body, and his mind was blank.

       He glanced at the side, opposite the bed, and saw a man standing by the window smoking.

       The man, with a majestic back, reminded him of a story by Zhu Ziqing4Zhu Ziqing, born Zhu Zihua, was a renowned Chinese poet and essayist. Zhu studied at Peking University, and during the May Fourth Movement became one of several pioneers of modernism in China during the 1920s..

       Qian Xiaoke suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to eat oranges.

       But it was obvious that this person was not his father. His father would not wear a shirt and trousers, and he did not have such tall and strong arm muscles.

       Although he meant to mock his father, Qian Xiaoke knew that his father would not be angry.

       He moved, and the other party looked back at him.

       He was a handsome guy.

       The kind of handsome guy with a good style.

       Qian Xiaoke sat up, and the quilt slid to his waist. He took a breath of cold air and quickly grabbed the quilt to cover his chest.

       Qian Xiaoke looked at the man in front of him with horror. He vaguely remembered this man. They had danced together before.

       “You!” Qian Xiaoke was like the brainless female lead in a brainless romance drama at this moment, “Me!”

       Jiang Tongyan held a cigarette in one hand and put one hand in his trouser pocket, standing there and looking indifferently at the boy who looked like he had seen a ghost on the bed.


       His voice was also very nice, low and sexy, the voice of an old smoker.

       Qian Xiaoke liked this kind of voice.


       “You slept with me?” Qian Xiaoke was shocked, “You slept with me without my permission?”

       “… I didn’t.” Jiang Tongyan frowned at him.

       “You must have!” Qian Xiaoke said firmly, “Otherwise, why am I not wearing any clothes?”

       “Because you vomited last night, and it was disgusting.”

       “Liar!” Qian Xiaoke said, “It’s over, I’m dirty.”

       Jiang Tongyan rolled his eyes and took a puff of a cigarette.

       “I was drunk last night too.”

       Qian Xiaoke heard it, “Don’t try to use this excuse to offend yourself!”

       “What I mean is, it’s said that when someone is very drunk, they can’t get it up.” Jiang Tongyan said, “Theoretically speaking, we just slept together. I didn’t do anything to you.”

       Qian Xiaoke raised his hand and signalled him to shut up.

       “No need to say, I understand. You are a liar who slept with me but didn’t admit it.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him helplessly, “Then what do you want?”

       Qian Xiaoke took a deep breath and suddenly lay back.

       “Let me cry alone for a while.” Qian Xiaoke said, “At the age of 20, I also have the right to shed tears for my lost virginity!”

Helloo, this is the sequel of Laws of Love with the main character of the other ML (Jiang Tongyan)~
There’s already a translation until chapter 10 on another site, and I’ll try to update regularly until I catch up with the last translated chapter and will update it regularly once a week~
But dw, once I finished the translation I will increase the release rate~

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(It’s very easy to buy for jjwxc because they support Paypal payments~)

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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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Chapter 44

       A few days after the National Day holiday, it started to become rainy and gloomy. Everyone seemed preoccupied and unhappy, spending their days at home gloomily watching the dark sky and wet ground outside.

       Zhan Xiusong said that his glasses were broken and he had to go back to get a new pair of glasses, so he left early. Not long after, Zhan Weiguang also went back to school. The house, which had been lively for a few days, became cold and quiet again.

       After a short break, Zhan Pengcheng became busy at work and started to go out early and come back late. Often when he returned home, Zhan Weiyang was already asleep, as if everything had returned to the time before the National Day, but Zhan Weiyang did not sleep in Pei Qing’s bedroom again.

       Sometimes when Zhan Pengcheng came back from outside, he would go to Zhan Weiyang’s room first. If it were still early, he would chat with him for a few words. If it were late, he would also check whether Zhan Weiyang’s quilt was covered and then gently close the door and go back to his room.

       After the National Day holiday, Zhan Weiyang started school.

       Usually, he was quite happy when he thought about the start of school; after all, he could see Chen Youyou at school, unlike at home, where he could only see Zhan Weiguang every day. However, at the start of school this time, he was not very happy.

       On the first day of class, Zhan Weiyang arrived at school earlier than Chen Youyou. He sat in his seat, and opened the book to be read for morning self-study and spread it on the table. He was a little absent-minded and didn’t even realise when Chen Youyou entered the classroom. When he realised, morning self-study had already started. Chen Youyou sat in front of him with his back to him as if he was reading a book seriously.

       He waited until the end of get out of class, Chen Youyou turned around and asked him, “W-why did you, ignore me just, now?”

       Zhan Weiyang found it strange, “When?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Just, before morning self, study.”

       Zhan Weiyang said. “You didn’t talk to me.”

       Chen Youyou was not very happy, “I did.”

       Zhan Weiyang said to him, “Sorry, I didn’t hear it.” Then he lay listlessly on the table.

       In the morning, there was a school-wide assembly. The principal spoke from the stage at the front of the playground, addressing issues such as the importance of maintaining discipline after the long holiday. However, none of the students below were paying serious attention to his speech.

       Later, after the speech, the principal said that Xie Ling, a first-year student in the school, had won a scholarship in the city. His tone was full of pride, and he was eager to call Xie Ling to the stage to accept the congratulations of all the students in the school.

       Chen Youyou glanced at Zhan Weiyang but saw that he was still not angry, and his gaze did not even fall on the podium.

       He felt strange in his heart. After the school-wide assembly, on the way back to the classroom with Zhan Weiyang, he asked Zhan Weiyang, “You don’t, plan to continue to pursue, Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t hear what he said clearly, and asked, “What?”

       Chen Youyou leaned close to his ear and shouted, “Xie Ling!”

       Zhan Weiyang was startled and said, “Why are you so loud?”

       Several girls passing by turned their heads to look at them and then walked past them with laughter.

       Chen Youyou said, “You, gave up?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything. He looked ahead with a depressed look.

       At lunchtime, Chen Youyou and Zhan Weiyang sat in a corner. He ate rice with a spoon and asked Zhan Weiyang, “W-what on earth, is going on?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t know.” After that, he stared at the front in a daze and even forgot to eat.

       Chen Youyou raised his hand and waved it in front of him, “Are you, do you not, like Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him, unsure if he dared to answer the question casually.

       Chen Youyou had a puzzled expression on his face.

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly leaned forward as if he had something to say to Chen Youyou.

       Chen Youyou immediately leaned forward and took the initiative to turn his ear to listen to what he said.

       In the end, Zhan Weiyang said, “What do you think I should do after I’ve pursued after Xie Ling?”

       Chen Youyou was puzzled, “Do, what? D-date him.”

       Zhan Weiyang moved his mouth, wanting to say something but not saying it.

       Chen Youyou hadn’t finished his meal yet, so he urged him impatiently, “So you, what are you, going to say?”

       Zhan Weiyang whispered again, “Can I not date him?”

       Chen Youyou was stunned, “What the hell, was wrong with you?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’ll just pursue him.”

       “T-then what?”

       “That’s it, no dating.”

       “What are, you trying to do? Challenging the, arrogant male, junior? Wow, I-I didn’t realize for so long that you’re actually such a scum, scumbag!” Chen Youyou had too much to say, and he got more and more anxious as he spoke.

       Zhan Weiyang asked curiously, “What is a scumbag?”

       Chen Youyou blushed and said, “Just, it means you are a jerk, who plays and messes with other’s feelings.”

       Zhan Weiyang said quickly, “I’m not, don’t be angry.”

       Chen Youyou wanted to pinch his thigh to make himself speak more smoothly, “I’m not angry, I just feel very excited.”

       “What’s exciting?” Zhan Weiyang didn’t understand.

       Chen Youyou said, “When you catch him, dump him immediately. Even if he kneels down and begs you, don’t a-agree.”

       Zhan Weiyang imagined the scene and felt a little difficult. He said, “I don’t think he will.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Make, him fall in love, with you.”

       Zhan Weiyang said distressedly, “It’s too difficult.”

       Chen Youyou stretched out his hand and grabbed his face, twisting it hard.

       Zhan Weiyang hurriedly stretched out his hand to push his hand and said, “Ah, it hurts.”

       Chen Youyou then let go and said with a look of regret, “W-why don’t, you try at all!”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him innocently and helplessly.

       Chen Youyou threw the spoon into the plate, thinking seriously, and said, “How about this, we will deflate Xie Ling’s tyres later, and you, ride a bike with him.”

       Zhan Weiyang was afraid, “I won’t go.”

       Chen Youyou said angrily, “Don’t you, still want to pursue him?”

       Zhan Weiyang did not answer. In fact, he had been thinking about this problem for several days. He was reluctant to turn into a tree so quickly. He still had to wait for Pei Qing to be willing to teach him another way of kissing. He indeed felt he should work hard to improve his score.

       According to the System’s requirements, he should actively pursue Xie Ling, but he had not taken action for a long time.

       On the one hand, he did not want to get close to Xie Ling, fearing that he would provoke the System’s reaction. On the other hand, he seemed to have to get close to Xie Ling so that the System would not deduct all his points.

       After struggling for a while, Zhan Weiyang said to Chen Youyou, “But I don’t have a bicycle either.” He was still subconsciously looking for an excuse to refuse.

       Chen Youyou said, “I, I will lend mine, to you.”

       Worried that classes would end too late in the afternoon, they went to deflate Xie Ling’s bicycle tyre at the end of the second class.

       The two of them were sneaking around in the bike shed. When Zhan Weiyang saw Chen Youyou pulling out the valve core, he worriedly asked, “Is this difficult to fix?”

       Chen Youyou said, “I don’t know.” After a pause, he said, “Who cares.”


       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

       Chen Youyou looked up at him and said, “If you, don’t feel good, just accompany him, to fix the tyre and, get closer to him.” After that, he successfully deflated the rear tyre of Xie Ling’s bicycle. When he stood up, he said, “Isn’t he, poor? If you are more generous, he might, be a little, moved.”

       “Really?” Zhan Weiyang asked absentmindedly.

       Chen Youyou didn’t notice his absent-mindedness, and he really didn’t know what was going on, so he could only say, “I guess so.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him.

       Chen Youyou felt that Zhan Weiyang’s eyes were strange.

       After a while, Zhan Weiyang leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Do you know how to kiss?”

       Chen Youyou had never kissed anyone before, but at this time, he certainly couldn’t show weakness in front of Zhan Weiyang and immediately said, “Of course, I know.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very confused, “Isn’t it done by just sticking it on?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Huh?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “What else is there to do?”

       Chen Youyou suddenly felt embarrassed and asked with red ears, “You, do you mean, the kind of intense ones?”

       Zhan Weiyang had never seen intense ones on TV, so he asked, “How intense?”

       Chen Youyou raised both hands, pinched his fingers together, pointed the left and right fingertips, and rubbed them back and forth intensely.

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly realised, “Oh! I know.”

       Chen Youyou was puzzled: How did he know? What the heck did he know?

After thinking about it a lot, I decided to change the title translation. I thought about it a lot too when I first translated the story but ended up understanding the context wrong. Instead of the capture target that was wrong, I thought it’s the system that is wrong
Sorry for the confusion ><

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