Chapter 7: A Cure for Hair Loss?


Two days later, after some preparations, Su Muluo’s coffee shop officially opened.


Although it was a new opening, the storefront remained unchanged; only the owner had changed. If it weren’t for regular passersby, no one might have noticed.


There was little business in the morning, but Su Muluo wasn’t worried. He sat at the counter playing with his little black dragon. Around three or four in the afternoon, two girls walked past the coffee shop, chatting and laughing. One of them, named Song Nan, glanced inside and immediately pulled her friend: “Hey, it looks like this place has a new owner.”


Her friend, Yang Yueyue, also stopped and looked over—the afternoon sunlight streamed through the glass window, falling on the young man inside. His dark eyes smiled, and his soft black hair gently framed his fair face. It was unclear who he was talking to.


“He’s really good-looking,” Yang Yueyue’s eyes lit up. “I suddenly feel like having some coffee.”


They exchanged a glance and pushed open the coffee shop door.


Su Muluo was scratching the little black dragon’s chin, making it squint in comfort. When he saw the two girls walk in, he put the little dragon into his pocket and gently asked, “What would you like to drink?”


The two girls thought he was indeed very good-looking! They walked to the ordering area, where they saw various coffee drinks listed, just like any other coffee shop—except for one special coffee that was priced several times higher than the others.


So expensive!


Song Nan couldn’t help but feel curious and glanced at Su Muluo. “Boss, what’s different about this special coffee?”


“It’s very delicious and has some special effects,” Su Muluo replied.


Yang Yueyue blinked and said, “It’s not some kind of health soup, is it? Something that promotes hair growth?”


Su Muluo chuckled. “If you have that concern, it can help.”


Yang Yueyue didn’t believe it, thinking Su Muluo was joking. She said lightheartedly, “Alright, then I’ll have a special coffee with three parts sugar.”


Speaking of hair loss, she did have that issue. Her job often required her to work late into the night, getting only a few hours of sleep for days on end. The lack of sleep and high stress resulted in losing clumps of hair each morning, which was especially distressing since her hair wasn’t thick to begin with.


Of course, she didn’t believe drinking coffee could promote hair growth; she was just curious how something so expensive could taste so good. Song Nan, on the other hand, hesitated. She didn’t have hair loss problems, but she had been suffering from insomnia recently, unable to sleep well at night and feeling sluggish during the day, even getting scolded by her boss for dozing off at work… She was worried that drinking this coffee might make her insomnia worse.


Su Muluo seemed to see her concern and said gently, “Don’t worry, maybe after drinking it, you’ll have a good dream tonight.”


Song Nan smiled, thinking how could coffee help with sleep. But the boss was good-looking, and his voice was pleasant, so she was willing to support his business—her sleep was already terrible, another cup of coffee wouldn’t make it worse.


“Then I’ll have a special coffee too, thanks,” she said.


Su Muluo nodded. “Find a seat you like.”


Song Nan and Yang Yueyue chose a spot by the window, while Su Muluo took out two coffee cups, skillfully extracting, frothing milk, and making latte art. Before placing the brewed coffee on the saucer, he took out a delicate little box, opened it, revealing a layer of glittering powder.


He used tweezers to place a very small, precisely measured grain of powder into each coffee cup. This process was hidden behind the counter, so the customers couldn’t see his actions.


Before long, Song Nan and Yang Yueyue’s coffee was served. They first admired the beautiful latte art, then eagerly took a sip.


The next second, their eyes widened.


The coffee tasted slightly bitter at first, with a faint fragrance. Quickly, the bitterness faded, replaced by a delicate sweetness that enveloped them like soft foam, pulling them into a gentle dream, even making their souls tremble slightly in pleasure.


Song Nan sighed contentedly, seeing her friend’s face also lit up with surprise and happiness. They had never tasted such delicious coffee before; it was like a sensory and spiritual delight, making them wish they could stay immersed in it forever.


It was so good, how could coffee taste this amazing?


Even after leaving the coffee shop, Song Nan and Yang Yueyue were still savoring the memory of that astonishing coffee. For some reason, when they looked at each other, they felt their friend’s complexion seemed much better, with fairer skin and a more vibrant look…


Probably because the coffee was so good, it improved their mood, making them see each other in a better light.


The two girls thought this and happily walked away arm in arm.




At night, Su Muluo sat at the counter, tallying the day’s earnings.


By the end of the first day, the coffee shop had fewer than ten customers, most drawn in by his appearance. Only the first two girls ordered his special coffee. But Su Muluo wasn’t discouraged; he knew it was just the first day, and from the girls’ reactions, they clearly loved his special coffee.


As long as the coffee is good enough, there will be returning customers. The more returning customers, the better the business. Su Muluo was very confident in his special coffee because he added a rare and invaluable treasure—powdered essence from a phoenix feather.


A single phoenix feather could be ground into a small box of essence powder. Just one tiny bit in a cup of coffee would make it incredibly delicious. Moreover, the essence from the phoenix feather was highly beneficial to the human body. Adding just a bit to a coffee could significantly improve a person’s constitution, and drinking a few more cups could even prolong life.


After all, Su Muluo was a phoenix, with treasures all over his body. However, he didn’t intend to sell indiscriminately because he had only lost thirty feathers over the years. He had already planned it out: the special coffee would be limited to twenty cups a day, and each person could only buy one cup. This way, the essence from one feather could last for a year.


Once the reputation of his special coffee spread, more customers would be drawn in. If they couldn’t get the special coffee, they would opt for the regular coffee—Su Muluo was equally confident in his regular coffee, as many of today’s customers had praised it.


Of course, he could sell the feathers directly and become rich instantly, but he came to the human city to experience life. Getting money too easily would take away the fun.




A small black dragon lay in Su Muluo’s palm, its dark golden eyes half-closed as it made a soft sound.


Su Muluo looked down at it and said, “Sleepy?”


The small black dragon rubbed against his finger.


Su Muluo smiled, stood up, took out a small bowl with a cat paw print from under the counter, filled it with cat food, and placed it on the counter. Then he walked out of the café with his little black dragon, leaving the lights on and the door slightly ajar.


—After they left, an orange cat slipped in from outside, looked around to make sure no one was there, and then jumped onto the counter to eat its dinner.


Morning, six o’clock.


The sky wasn’t fully bright yet, but the alarm clock had already gone off. Song Nan groggily opened her eyes. For some reason, the usually annoying alarm sound wasn’t so unbearable today.


She sat up in bed, stretched, and felt incredibly refreshed, as if she had had a wonderful dream… No, wait.


She did have a good dream last night, not a nightmare, and she hadn’t experienced insomnia. She had slept comfortably all night—a rare occurrence for her lately.


Probably because of the good sleep, she felt energetic even after waking up early. Song Nan got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, and was startled by her reflection in the mirror.


Due to insomnia, she had dark circles under her eyes that she usually covered with makeup when going out. But today, the dark circles were completely gone!


Not only that, but her face was also rosy and fair, and her eyes were bright and lively, wiping away all traces of fatigue and weariness. She looked like a new person!


What happened?


Song Nan held her face in disbelief, looking left and right. Just then, her phone rang. It was her friend Yang Yueyue calling.


“Nan Nan! My hair grew back!”


Yang Yueyue’s voice was excited to the extreme, and she sent several selfies. Song Nan was equally amazed. Overnight, her friend’s hair had returned to its thick, black state from years ago!


Not just that, Yang Yueyue’s skin and complexion had also improved significantly, looking like a completely different person from yesterday!


This couldn’t be real. What happened overnight to cause such dramatic changes for both of them?


As Song Nan rejoiced for herself and her friend, she suddenly thought of something. With a mix of disbelief and excitement, she said to her friend,


“Yueyue, do you remember the café we went to yesterday?”


Over the next few days, Su Muluo’s café business picked up slightly, with a few regular customers. Though none had ordered the expensive special coffee, they had grown fond of the regular coffee. Plus, the attractive owner was a bonus—who wouldn’t enjoy a good-looking barista and a great cup of coffee on a leisurely afternoon?


So far, the special coffee hadn’t sold much due to its price, but Su Muluo wasn’t worried. The regular coffee alone was drawing in customers.


It was Saturday, and the café had three or four customers, a bit busier than the day before. Su Muluo sat at the counter, scrolling through his phone with one hand while gently cupping a soft little dragon with the other.


The small black dragon had been sleeping a lot lately, curled up in the phoenix’s palm. Su Muluo wasn’t sure if this was normal, but since the little dragon showed no other signs of distress, he let it be.


Perhaps it was gathering energy to transform into human form soon?


Su Muluo glanced at the little black dragon and gently poked it.


The small black dragon murmured in its sleep, turning over to hug one of the phoenix’s fingers.


Amusement flickered in Su Muluo’s eyes as he continued to browse his phone.


He was reading the monster forum of Lin City. A few days ago, a significant event had occurred: a monster had been attacked by another monster, and humans were somehow involved. The incident was still under investigation, and the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs hadn’t released details yet, so the forum was full of speculation, ranging from revenge to love affairs, like reading a novel.


Generally, the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs didn’t interfere much in monster conflicts, as monsters had their own rules. But if it happened in a human city and involved ordinary people, the bureau would step in.


While reading, another customer entered. Su Muluo looked up and saw the girl who had ordered his special coffee on the first day. This time, she brought a new friend.


“Yang Jie, this is the café I told you about,” Song Nan said to her colleague as they walked in. She then turned to Su Muluo and said, “Boss, do you remember me? I came here last time.”


Su Muluo nodded and said, “I remember, you came with your friend, right?”


Song Nan didn’t expect him to actually remember her. She immediately smiled and said, “Yes, thank you for the coffee! Ever since I drank it, I haven’t had any insomnia, and my best friend’s hair has grown a lot. If she wasn’t so busy with work, she would have come personally to thank you.”


Because of that cup of coffee, she had been sleeping soundly these days, no longer troubled by insomnia. Her physical and mental states had greatly improved, and she looked more attractive, drawing attention wherever she went in the company. Her work efficiency had also increased, and even her previously critical boss had praised her today.


Her best friend, Yang Yueyue, had a similar experience. Yang Yueyue had tried many medicines for her hair, but none had worked. She had planned to save money for a hair transplant this year, but a single cup of coffee solved everything. Now, she constantly flaunted her beautiful hair on social media, overjoyed.


Su Muluo smiled slightly and said, “So, do you want the special coffee again this time?”


Before Song Nan could speak, her colleague tugged at her sleeve and whispered, “Xiao Nan, does the coffee here really help with hair loss? It seems quite expensive.”


Su Muluo: “…”


What? Did they come here just for this reason?


Song Nan whispered back, “It’s true, Sister Yang. Didn’t I show you Yueyue’s photos? Besides, the coffee here is really good, and it’s much cheaper than a hair transplant. There’s no harm in trying.”


Her colleague agreed, “Alright, I’ll give it a try then.”


Song Nan nodded and then smiled at Su Muluo, saying, “Two special coffees, three sugars.”


Having overheard their conversation, Su Muluo felt a bit complicated. He had a strange feeling about people coming to drink his coffee just for hair loss… Or to put it another way, he, a phoenix, whose feathers were priceless treasures, was being used to treat hair loss!


This was too…


Just then, a customer near the bar heard their conversation and couldn’t help but say, “Boss, really? Your special coffee helps with hair growth?”


Su Muluo: “…It has other effects as well.”


His feathers were not specifically for hair growth!


“That’s great!” The customer didn’t care about his thoughts and said cheerfully, “I’ll have a cup too. I’ve been losing some hair lately.”


Su Muluo: “…”


Fine, as long as it makes money.


Life is hard, the phoenix sighed.

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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