Category: The Dragon Egg I Nurtured for a Thousand Years Finally Hatched (Page 1 of 2)

The Dragon Egg I Nurtured for a Thousand Years Finally Hatched

Chapter 18 – Pluck My Feathers??

Chapter 18: Pluck My Feathers??


After a while, Hu Yan woke up. Following her, Liu He and Hu Xiao also gradually came to.


Hu Xiao opened her eyes somewhat confused, and saw Hu Yan slowly getting up from the ground not far away. Her gaze slightly focused, and she walked over.


“Little Yan.”




Hu Yan looked up. She had red fox ears and three fox tails. In this space, her face had returned to its original form, beautiful and striking.


“Sister,” Hu Yan chuckled when she saw Hu Xiao, “you’re here.”


A hint of joy flashed in Hu Xiao’s eyes. Just as she was about to say something, she saw the smile on Hu Yan’s face disappear, replaced by sharp hatred.


“You really are my good sister,” she said coldly, “just so eager to see me captured by them?”


Hu Xiao was stunned by these words, as if the coldness in Hu Yan’s eyes had stabbed her. Her always calm expression suddenly changed: “No!”


“I just want to talk to you, to persuade you to stop. Don’t continue anymore.” Her tone was a bit flustered, and she tried to grab Hu Yan’s hand, “It’s been two hundred years, why must you persist—”


Hu Yan dodged and sternly said, “Shut up!”


She stared intently at Hu Xiao, the fox ears on her head standing upright, revealing a fierce look.


“You betrayed me! I thought you were trustworthy, that’s why I told you how to get in here, but you kept betraying me again and again!” Hu Yan said, “Do you know, in a few days it will be Yang Lang’s two hundredth death anniversary. I’ve collected ninety-eight human skins, only one more, and I can revive him!”


“There is no method of resurrection! You’ve been deceived!” Hu Xiao took a step forward and tightly grabbed Hu Yan’s shoulders, “Leave with me! Little Yan, I can protect you—”


The last sentence was deliberately lowered, whispered into Hu Yan’s ear. Hu Yan coldly stared at her for a while, and then, in her anxious and pleading gaze, said:


“I don’t believe you.”


The light in Hu Xiao’s eyes suddenly went out.


At the same time, the red in the space started to surge. The ground turned into thick blood, and the sky slowly fell, connecting with the ground to form a sea of blood.


Liu He exclaimed, “Not good!”


Seeing the situation, she immediately wanted to rush up and stop it, but it was too late—Hu Yan was instantly swallowed by the blood sea, merging with the blood.


The blood sea churned, forming a grim face. At the same time, a giant hand emerged from the blood sea, grabbing Hu Xiao in its palm.


Hu Yan’s wanton laughter echoed through the space, and the grim blood face stared at Hu Xiao intently, saying, “Only one skin left! Sister, give me your skin, won’t you? I’m just one short!”


“You’re crazy! The dead can’t be revived, let alone that’s your sister!” Liu He said incredulously, “Hu Yan! If you dare to harm another person, you’ll be guilty beyond forgiveness!”


“What does it matter! I’ve already killed so many people, in the end, you’ll execute me anyway!” Hu Yan laughed wildly, then brought the blood face close to Hu Xiao, “Sister! Come stay with me! Didn’t you say you’d always be with me? Come stay with me!”


Liu He: “Don’t listen to her! Hu Xiao! Don’t let your sister take another life!”


“…” Hu Xiao seemed to not hear Liu He’s words at all. She stared at Hu Yan without blinking and softly said, “I know… I know… You want me to stay with you, right?”


“Of course!” Hu Yan’s face twisted almost beyond recognition, her laughter becoming more piercing, “Die with me! Go to hell with me, Sister!”


The blood sea churned wildly, the blood face split open halfway, and it opened its bloody maw to swallow Hu Xiao whole.


Liu He gritted her teeth. Hu Yan was a three-hundred-year-old fox demon, already considered powerful in the demon world. Outside, she might be able to fight her, but just now when the blood sea swallowed Hu Yan, Liu He suddenly felt her whole body stiffen, as if her power had been sealed—which meant, this red umbrella had completely merged with Hu Yan. Now, she was within Hu Yan, suppressed at every turn, and it was hard to exert her true strength.


Seeing that Hu Xiao was about to be devoured, Liu He, in desperation, thought of Su Muluo, who was still nearby. She suddenly realized that since entering here, Su Muluo had not spoken.


“Mr. Su, can you help her?”


Liu He looked to Su Muluo for help, but surprisingly, Su Muluo did not respond—he just quietly watched Hu Xiao over there, motionless.


Meanwhile, the blood face was already pressing down on Hu Xiao’s head, about to truly devour her, while she seemed unaware, still quietly looking at Hu Yan.


“Sister, Sister—” Hu Yan called out to Hu Xiao again and again, her voice sticky and malicious, “Stay with me, Sister—”




The sound of a blade piercing flesh rang out, and Hu Yan’s movements stopped abruptly.


At this moment, Hu Xiao raised her head and reached out her hand, slowly touching Hu Yan’s face.


She gazed at her sister, her eyes extremely gentle.


But in her hand was a bone blade, stabbing into Hu Yan’s body.




Suddenly, Hu Yan seemed to wake up from a long dream, her eyes snapping open as she became fully conscious.


She exchanged glances with Hu Xiao, her eyes filled with shock, disbelief, and an indescribable sadness and despair.


In her sister’s hand was her bone blade.


Years ago, she and her sister had exchanged bone blades. These were lethal weapons made from their own bones and blood. If pierced by a bone blade, one’s cultivation would dissipate instantly, and their soul would be annihilated.


In their youth, they entrusted their lives to each other, but now, they were about to take each other’s lives.


“Didn’t you want me to stay with you?” Hu Xiao smiled gently, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Let’s go together.”


She pulled out the blood-stained bone blade and turned it on herself. At that moment, Hu Yan moved slightly, as if to stop her—but in the end, she retracted her hand.


The sea of blood stood still for a few seconds, then surged violently, with crimson blood spreading everywhere, swallowing the sisters in an instant.


Before being completely consumed, Hu Xiao reached out to hug Hu Yan. Their figures lingered in the sea of blood for only a second before turning into nothingness.




Liu He watched the figures disappear into the blood sea, unsure of what to think.


But soon, she felt the ground shaking beneath her and realized the sea of blood was about to engulf her too.


Damn! How could she escape from here?!


Liu He’s expression changed. It was Hu Xiao who brought her into this space, and now Hu Xiao was dead. Would she be trapped here forever?!


As Liu He anxiously pondered a solution, Su Muluo, who had remained still, gently raised his hand and pressed it on her shoulder.


The next second, the sea of blood collapsed, the sky tore open with massive cracks, and the scene before Liu He shifted abruptly, bringing her back to the interrogation room.




The red umbrella fell to the ground, completely broken into several pieces. This time, it was no longer a weapon of a fox demon but a truly lifeless object.




Liu He looked at Su Muluo, taking a moment to regain her composure.


In those brief seconds, Mr. Su had directly broken the space and brought her out!


That’s incredible!


Liu He gasped inwardly, once again marveling at the power and hidden depths of the person before her.


However, she also had a question. After pondering for a while, she couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Su, why didn’t you intervene earlier?”


Su Muluo was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, “It was her choice.”


From the beginning, he knew Hu Xiao would choose this outcome. Because before they entered, he heard Hu Xiao say softly to him—


“Please don’t stop me.”


In Hu Xiao’s eyes, she couldn’t save those who had been killed by Hu Yan, nor could she save Hu Yan. She didn’t want to watch her sister continue to sink, nor did she want to see her sister leave her… So, she asked Su Muluo not to interfere with her choice, no matter what.


For her, the best outcome was to die with her sister, ending their century-long pain and struggle with her own hands.


“……” Liu He was stunned for a long time, her emotions fluctuating, and finally sighed, “As expected, I still don’t understand demons.”




With the deaths of Hu Xiao and Hu Yan, this matter came to an end. Over the past two hundred years, Hu Yan had killed nearly a hundred people and demons, but because of the closed-off information in the past, and her deliberate choice of solitary individuals with no family or friends, she had gone undetected.


As she killed more and more, she gradually fell into depravity, eventually becoming completely reckless and striking within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings , finally meeting her deserved end.


Su Muluo left the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings  and returned to his rented apartment.


On the sofa, a small black dragon climbed into Su Muluo’s hand, rolled over, and exposed its soft belly.




Don’t be upset, let me cheer you up.


“I’m not upset,” Su Muluo said, rubbing its soft belly, “I just don’t know if what I did was right.” He paused slightly and added, “But at least this was the result Hu Xiao wanted.”


The little black dragon looked at its phoenix and gave a soft “awoo,” rubbing its tiny horns against him.


Su Muluo chuckled, stroked its little horns, and said, “Alright, this matter is over. Let’s rest for a day and go to the shop tomorrow.”


The little black dragon agreed, rolling around in his hand. After that, they stayed in the house for the entire day, not going out.


At eight in the evening, Su Muluo took a bath. Feeling a bit sleepy, he went to bed early with the little black dragon.


He felt more tired than usual today. Nestled in the soft blanket, he looked at the little black dragon beside his face and said, “Don’t take advantage of me.”


The little black dragon obediently squeaked and wagged its tail.


Su Muluo felt the dragon’s response was unreliable, but he was too sleepy to care. He patted the little black dragon’s head and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep.


The little black dragon didn’t sleep. It kept its dark golden eyes on Su Muluo—until his breathing steadied and he was completely asleep. Then it instantly grew larger.


A black dragon lay on the bed, happily wrapping its body around Su Muluo’s slender waist, completely encircling its phoenix.


It liked the phoenix during the day and also at night when the phoenix just wanted to sleep and would let it coil around him softly.


And even if the phoenix found out in the morning, he wouldn’t really be angry.


The black dragon thought so, burying its head in Su Muluo’s shoulder, sniffing the scent it liked.


But as it nuzzled, the texture suddenly changed, from a human shoulder to fluffy feathers… The black dragon lifted its head, and its gaze froze.


In its embrace was now a phoenix.


Not a beautiful human form, but a phoenix with jade-like white feathers, gracefully slender and beautiful.


The black dragon was silent.


It completely didn’t understand why its phoenix had reverted to his original form while sleeping. Afraid to move, the dragon hesitated for a few seconds before slowly inching closer to the phoenix, tentatively touching him.


So soft.


The black dragon’s eyes lit up. Looking down at the phoenix’s beautiful feathers, it had the urge to dive in and rub its head against them.


However, the phoenix usually treasured his feathers. If the dragon messed them up, the phoenix would definitely get angry and might not let the dragon hug him in the future.


With this thought, the black dragon carefully placed its chin among the phoenix’s feathers, gently rubbing them.


And then, a feather fell out.


The black dragon: “…”


Staring in shock at the fallen feather, the black dragon thought, it didn’t even use any force!


Maybe it fell out on its own?


The black dragon looked at the feather, then at the phoenix, back at the feather, and again at the phoenix, trying to pick up the feather and hide it, hoping the phoenix wouldn’t see.


But, as luck would have it, just as the black dragon was about to tuck the feather under the pillow, the phoenix on the bed opened his eyes.


First, he glanced at the enlarged black dragon. Then he reverted to his human form and sat up, noticing the feather in the black dragon’s mouth.


Su Muluo: “…”


Su Muluo: “You plucked my feather??!”


The black dragon: “…”


The black dragon immediately shrank back to its small form, looking up at him obediently, letting out a soft whimper.


It didn’t pluck the feather. It was innocent.


“You actually plucked my feather!” Su Muluo, unconvinced by its innocent look, took back his feather. “I haven’t even really pinched your tail!”


Although he didn’t know why he had reverted to his original form while sleeping, the little black dragon must have thought his feathers were beautiful and cruelly plucked one!


Too much!


The phoenix was about to explode, glaring at the little black dragon for a few seconds before squinting slightly: “Did you also transform to take advantage of me earlier?”


The little black dragon: “…”


Oh no, if plucking the feather could be explained, the latter accusation was irrefutable.


And so, a minute later, a pitiful little black dragon was tied up and hung on the doorknob, swaying in the wind.


It looked very aggrieved.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 17 – A Brewing Conundrum

Chapter 17: A Brewing Conundrum


Su Muluo hadn’t lost a feather in nearly a century. Now, losing three made him feel terrible.


He even thought he might be going bald!


The little black dragon was completely oblivious to its phoenix’s current mood. It happily hugged the three soft, white feathers, smelling their pleasant scent and burying its head in them.


They smelled wonderful, all carrying the scent of the phoenix.


Su Muluo: “…”


He looked at the little dragon, sulking as he tried to take his feathers back.


The little black dragon tightened its grip on the feathers, unwilling to let go. “Aoo!”


It wanted them!


Su Muluo said, “You don’t let me touch your tail, yet you want me to give you my feathers.” Despite his words, he didn’t take back his feathers, letting the little black dragon continue to hold onto them.


The café was already closed, and Qiansui had snuck out. Su Muluo thought for a moment and took the little black dragon into the employee rest room, heading to the bathroom mirror.


He placed the little black dragon on the sink—then in the next second, a bird as white as jade fluttered lightly in front of the mirror, examining its reflection from different angles and grooming its feathers.


Thankfully, its feathers were still beautiful and dense, not appearing bald from losing just three feathers.


The phoenix’s mood immediately lifted. Meanwhile, the little black dragon on the sink was staring intently at its phoenix, its dark golden eyes unblinking, and its tail flicking, clearly wanting to wrap itself around the phoenix.


The phoenix met its gaze and reverted to human form, holding the little dragon in his hand.


“It’s probably because you’re going to shed scales,” Su Muluo said, “so I lost feathers too.”


Little black dragon: “?”




It wasn’t shedding scales! It was just itchy, and dragons don’t shed scales!


“Then why haven’t I lost so many feathers before?” Su Muluo countered. “No matter what, it’s because of you.”


Little black dragon: “…”


Its phoenix was blaming it again, and there seemed to be nothing it could do. It turned its head sulkily, clutching the feathers even tighter.


Seeing how precious the little black dragon found those feathers, Su Muluo thought for a moment and then smiled. “How about I make these feathers into a bracelet? Once you transform into a human, I’ll give it to you.”


The little black dragon’s eyes lit up, but Su Muluo slowly emphasized the latter part: “But only if you transform.”


Little black dragon: “…”


The little black dragon was silent for a few seconds, looking between the phoenix and the feathers. It made up its mind to transform into a human as soon as possible. That way, it could have the feather bracelet and hug the phoenix every day!


With this thought, its mood improved significantly, rubbing against Su Muluo’s fingers.


Su Muluo petted the small horns on its head, thinking that his feather loss today might indeed be connected to the little black dragon. After all, it had been itchy recently, possibly due to a scale problem, and he lost feathers at the same time… It seemed like quite a coincidence.


Maybe there was a mysterious connection between them?


With this in mind, Su Muluo, holding the little black dragon, left the café and went to the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


At the Bureau, Hu Xiao sat motionless in the interrogation room, separated by a glass window.


Liu He stood at the door, saying to Su Muluo, “Mr. Su, we’ve clarified the situation. You can now enter the red umbrella.”


Su Muluo nodded. Liu He hesitated, then cautiously asked, “But… I’d like to request to accompany you. It’s not that I don’t trust you; it’s just that I need to compile a report for the higher-ups, and I want to be personally involved in the final capture to understand more details. I promise I won’t be a burden or interfere with you!”


Su Muluo didn’t mind Liu He joining, as she seemed easy to get along with. He replied gently, “Alright.”


Liu He breathed a sigh of relief. The incident of the demon attack in Lin City was supposed to be handled by their Bureau, but Mr. Su acted faster, making them feel quite embarrassed… If they did nothing, it would be even more embarrassing!


With everything ready, they were about to enter the umbrella. Before departing, Su Muluo asked Liu He, “Hu Xiao has helped me before. After we catch Hu Yan, what punishment will she face?”


“Punishment is inevitable. She admitted during questioning that she covered up for Hu Yan multiple times, making her an accomplice to some extent,” Liu He explained. “But since she helped you and is willing to lead us to the real culprit, we can offset her crimes to some extent—we’ll just detain her for a while and not give her the same fate as her sister.”


Hu Yan’s fate, naturally, was execution.


Su Muluo didn’t say anything further. Detention for a while might indeed be an acceptable outcome for Hu Xiao.


The two entered the interrogation room, where a broken red umbrella lay before Hu Xiao. Seeing Su Muluo, she gently touched the umbrella’s handle. “Are we leaving now?”


Liu He replied, “Let’s not delay any longer.”


Hu Xiao nodded silently, biting her finger to let a drop of blood fall onto the red umbrella.


Instantly, the umbrella emitted a sinister red glow, illuminating the entire room. Amid the glow, Su Muluo and Liu He heard Hu Xiao’s voice, “Come over and hold my hand.”


Liu He immediately stepped forward and grabbed Hu Xiao’s wrist. Su Muluo placed his hand lightly on her shoulder, maintaining some distance.


Hu Xiao slowly closed her eyes, and the umbrella’s red glow seemed to guide itself into her body… A few seconds later, their surroundings changed.


They were no longer in the interrogation room but in a blood-red space, with no visible boundary between sky and ground, extending endlessly as if it would never end.


However, the place wasn’t deserted. Not far from them, a woman knelt—dressed in a red-and-white gown with a trailing hem, cradling a skeleton in her arms.


That was Hu Yan.


However, the moment Su Muluo saw Hu Yan, the scene before his eyes changed again.




He looked around, no longer seeing the blood-red space, but instead, a small bridge over flowing water, a picturesque rural scene.


An illusion.


Fox demons are adept at beguiling the heart and creating illusions. However, Hu Yan’s power was not on par with Su Muluo’s, so this illusion couldn’t deceive him at all.


The stream flowed silently, and at the other end of the small bridge was a household. Su Muluo didn’t break the illusion before him but calmly walked over, pushed open the door, and entered the small courtyard.


In the courtyard were a few peach trees, pale pink petals falling under the window, outlining the silhouette of a couple embracing.






The woman’s bell-like laughter came from inside the window, along with a man’s passionate vows. They laughed and played wantonly, like the most genuine lovers in the world.


A breeze passed through the courtyard, sweeping away a few peach petals. Soon after, frost and snow fell, and it turned to winter in the blink of an eye.


This was no longer the countryside but a bustling capital. The small courtyard had disappeared, replaced by a grand mansion.


Red silk hung high, lanterns and streamers adorned the place. The man who had made passionate vows to his beloved woman in the courtyard now donned wedding robes, marrying another woman.


The wedding procession passed noisily through the street, and among the onlookers stood a stunningly beautiful woman, staring blankly at the groom on the horse.


The next moment, the scene changed again. Su Muluo heard the woman’s shrill and painful scream, surrounded by several cultivators. The man just now held a knife, with a bloodied human face in his hand.


All of this fell into Su Muluo’s eyes. Soon, both the cultivators and the man were dead. On the blood-stained ground, only the woman with her face peeled off was left, holding the man’s corpse and kneeling in a daze for a long time.




Su Muluo looked at the woman, seemingly moved by her story, his expression slightly softening, even lowering his guard.


At that moment, a pale, thin hand quietly approached him from behind. When it reached a very close distance, it suddenly extended sharp nails, aiming straight for Su Muluo’s heart—




A white feather flashed with a sharp cold light, instantly severing the woman’s hand, but no blood flowed because the hand was also fake.


“……” The woman holding the corpse raised her head, her cold gaze fixed on Su Muluo. She said, “What did I do wrong? Why did you push me to this point?”


Su Muluo looked at her calmly. His earlier relaxed guard was merely a pretense to make this woman reveal her true face.


“Before asking what you did wrong, think about what you have done.” He said, “Weren’t you just trying to kill me?”


Hu Yan fell silent. Su Muluo glanced at the corpse in her arms and continued, “Since this person betrayed you, why kill for him?”


“Betrayed?” When mentioning her lover, the hatred in Hu Yan’s eyes suddenly vanished, replaced by an obsessed love, “No, Yang Lang never betrayed me. He just fell in love with another woman.”


Su Muluo: “……”


“Men are all infatuated with appearances. That woman was just younger and more beautiful, so she stole Yang Lang’s heart.” Hu Yan stroked the corpse in her arms, muttering, “As long as I resurrect Yang Lang and find a prettier face for myself, he will love me again.”


She finished speaking and laughed softly, then suddenly grabbed the corpse’s neck, her eyes fierce.


But the next second, the fierceness in her eyes faded, turning back into that pure love.


Su Muluo: “……”


He took in Hu Yan’s changing expressions and, after a few seconds of silence, suddenly realized something.


She had gone mad.


When her lover betrayed her and peeled off her skin with his own hands, this fox demon went mad.


Now she probably couldn’t distinguish between love and hate. She was just immersed in her own world, believing she still loved this man and willingly hunted for human skins for him, growing increasingly mad… So even her sister couldn’t stop her.


Hu Yan was still obsessively holding the man’s corpse, but Su Muluo didn’t want to look anymore. He raised his hand and casually wiped in the air—


The illusion shattered, Hu Yan’s eyes widened, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.


The next second, Su Muluo returned to the blood-red space. Hu Yan fell into a brief coma due to the illusion’s collapse, as did Liu He and Hu Xiao.


They had also entered the earlier illusion, and its collapse affected them both. Though uninjured, they lost consciousness.


Su Muluo didn’t expect this outcome, indicating Hu Yan’s considerable strength relative to Liu He and Hu Xiao. With everyone unconscious, he could only wait for them to wake up.


The space was silent. A small black dragon poked its head out of his pocket and softly cried.


It wanted to be held.


Su Muluo looked down at it, picked up the little dragon, and said, “Did you hear what Hu Yan just said?”


The little black dragon wagged its tail, indicating it didn’t care to listen.


Su Muluo said, “She just said men only love appearances.”


Little Black Dragon: “Rawr?”


Su Muluo: “So you must be attracted to my beauty.”


Little Black Dragon: “?”


“Unlike you,” Su Muluo said with a smile, “you’re just a little black mud eel, nothing attractive about you, so I’m slightly more noble than you.”


Little Black Dragon: “……”


To prove it wasn’t attracted to the phoenix’s beauty, the little black dragon thought seriously for a moment and said, “Rawr!”


But back when we were both in eggs, I already liked you.


We were both still eggs then!


Su Muluo said, “That seems to be the case.” He thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled, “But even as an egg, I was a very good-looking egg, unlike you, resembling a duck egg.”


“So you still crave my beauty.”


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Little Black Dragon looked at Su Muluo, feeling that his phoenix was mischievous, always teasing him and trying to pin the blame on him!


So, it straightforwardly hugged Su Muluo’s hand and let out a justified “roar.”


Yes, I crave your beauty!


When I become human, I’ll marry the phoenix as my wife!


Su Muluo: “…”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar!” And every day we’ll kiss, every day I’ll press you onto the bed and do naughty things!


Su Muluo: “???”


Su Muluo stared at this extremely arrogant Little Black Dragon for a few seconds, then expressionlessly threw it out.


“Keep dreaming!”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 16 – Bald?

Chapter 16: Bald?


Despite the teasing, Su Muluo still took the little black dragon out of his pocket and coaxed it properly.


“You’re my favorite. Don’t be mad, okay?”


The little black dragon hummed, curling up in Su Muluo’s palm with its little head held high, flicking its tail.


“Kiss me and I’ll forgive you.”


“No kisses, go away,” Su Muluo responded.


He was just teasing the little black dragon, and the dragon knew it, not really angry but seizing the opportunity to be coaxed by its phoenix.


The little black dragon liked when the phoenix smiled at it, spoke sweetly in a gentle tone, and wanted to hold the phoenix tightly, keeping him close always. Of course, the latter part was just a small fantasy of the dragon’s. If it truly tried to confine the phoenix, the phoenix would surely be unhappy.


Thinking of this, the little black dragon let out a “roar,” turning its head away in a pouty manner, as if saying, “If you don’t kiss me, I won’t pay attention to you.”




Kissing was out of the question, so Su Muluo stroked the little black dragon from head to tail like petting a cat, making the little dragon hum and wag its tail.


“Happy now?”


The little black dragon lay limply, hugging Su Muluo’s finger and snuggling against it.


With a slight smile, Su Muluo patted its small head and then turned his attention to the red umbrella on the ground.


He hadn’t expected the fox demon to hide in the umbrella, but it didn’t matter. Now that the umbrella was in his hands, the fox demon had effectively cut off her escape route.


On the other side of the room, the woman in white stirred and slowly opened her eyes.


Her body still ached from the separation of her soul. She struggled to sit up and looked up, seeing a very handsome young man sitting in front of her.


“What’s your name?” Su Muluo asked directly.


“…” The woman in white was silent for a few seconds before softly saying, “Hu Xiao.” Before Su Muluo could ask further, she added, “The one just now was my sister, Hu Yan.”


“You’re both fox demons. Haven’t you registered with the Extraordinary Beings Bureau?” Su Muluo inquired.


Hu Xiao shook her head. “My sister and I mostly live in the mountains. We only come out during this time of the year…”


She glanced at Su Muluo as she spoke, and he made a “please” gesture, prompting her to continue.


“In a while, it will be the seventh day of the ninth lunar month, the death anniversary of my sister’s lover. During this period, she comes to human settlements to find a suitable skin for her lover.”


Su Muluo raised an eyebrow. “So that’s why she attacked me.”


Hu Xiao did not deny it. “She initially chose that dog demon, Yu Haozhi, because his affectionate behavior with his girlfriend reminded her of her lover. But soon she set her sights on you, so I went to your café.”


Su Muluo’s pocket moved, and he calmly pressed down on the little black dragon inside. He didn’t want to expose his dragon to this fox demon—so far, neither Hu Xiao nor Hu Yan knew he had a real dragon, and there was no need for them to know.


“So, you and your sister are accomplices in murder?”


“…” Hu Xiao was silent for a few seconds before saying, “I’ve never killed anyone. I went to your café to delay her from attacking you.”


This was an unexpected answer. Su Muluo looked at Hu Xiao, who continued, “All these years, I’ve tried to stop her, but she is stronger than me. Many times, I’ve been powerless and couldn’t save anyone.”


“Even so, the Extraordinary Beings Bureau may still hold you accountable,” Su Muluo noted. After all, living together for so many years, Hu Xiao was likely seen as complicit in her sister’s actions.


Hu Xiao showed little reaction to this, calmly stating, “I know. Because she’s my sister, I lacked the courage to report her. Sometimes, I even helped cover for her… For the past two hundred years, I’ve enabled her killings, letting her go further down this path.”


“You’ve anticipated this day for a long time,” Su Muluo observed, noting the calm in her eyes.


“Yes, I knew the truth would come out eventually. I don’t regret it. The moment I chose to hide her actions instead of reporting her, there was no turning back.”


Su Muluo was silent for a few seconds, then asked, “Where is your sister’s lover now?”


Hu Xiao’s expression remained calm throughout, but a clear hatred flashed in her eyes at this question.


“He’s dead,” she said. “Killed by my sister.”


Unsurprised, Su Muluo asked, “Can you tell me his story?”


“There’s nothing much to say,” Hu Xiao coldly replied. “He was a merchant who deceived my sister, saying he didn’t mind her true nature and would marry her if she helped him reach the capital. But after she did, he married another woman and tried to kill my sister, intending to skin her and use her bones to become a cultivator… Then he died.”


She remembered the rainy day when her sister knelt in the mud, holding a skeleton, and turned back to her.


“It’s wonderful,” Hu Yan had said softly, a satisfied smile on her face. “Sister, look, he’s still with me.”


Hu Xiao had stood frozen, seeing her sister’s face covered in blood, a shocking red. The merchant had found other cultivators, and they had skinned Hu Yan’s face, nearly killing her.


But Hu Yan survived, clutching the skeleton in the rain for a long time. Since then, every year around the ninth lunar month, she would hunt for a new skin for her lover.


“She turned the merchant’s flesh and bones into an umbrella, infusing it with her fox tail, half of her power,” Hu Xiao said softly. “She believed that way, they could be together… Maybe I should have told her sooner that it was all a delusion, just her own fantasy.”


Su Muluo was silent for a while after hearing the story. Just then, hurried footsteps echoed from outside the room. He looked up and saw people from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings arriving.


Hu Xiao remained unresponsive. Su Muluo glanced at her and said, “It’s all over now. I’ll tell them you helped me, which might lessen your punishment.”


No matter what, Hu Yan could not be forgiven, but Hu Xiao still had a kind heart. She came to his café hoping to help him—unaware of Su Muluo’s strength—just thinking that her presence might deter her sister from harming the café owner.


Hu Xiao shook her head at his words, giving Su Muluo a faint smile. “No need. I deserve punishment; it’s my just deserts… and also the release I’ve been waiting for many years.”


“And, my sister is hidden inside the umbrella. If you want to find her, I can take you in.” Her expression was weary, yet somewhat relieved. “After all these years, we must face this day… At least in the final moments, I want to be with her and have a proper conversation.”


As Hu Yan’s older sister, she undoubtedly loved her dearly, not wanting to see her harm others or fall into the hands of the Bureau. Initially, she tried to stop Hu Yan from killing. When that failed, she covered her tracks instead.


For a century, Hu Yan had blood on her hands, betrayed by her lover, while Hu Xiao lived in torment, haunted by her conscience. When the truth was finally revealed and their crimes exposed, she found her release, able to breathe easier at last.


“Mr. Su,” Liu He entered with the Bureau agents, scanning the room before focusing on Hu Xiao. “Is this the culprit?”


“No,” Su Muluo picked up the red umbrella from the ground, feeling the overwhelming aura of blood on it. “The culprit is hiding inside this.”


Liu He eyed the red umbrella, frowning slightly. “Quite a weapon, no wonder it can hide its presence… So, we need to go inside to find it?”


Su Muluo replied, “Let me handle it. I want to end this personally.”


If the Bureau took Hu Xiao inside, she might not get the chance to speak to Hu Yan.


Liu He was surprised, about to protest, but seeing Su Muluo’s determined look, she held back. 


Mr. Su’s mind was made up; it wasn’t wise to oppose him, especially since it also benefited them.


She said, “Alright, but first we need to take her back for questioning and figure out the details. Can you wait a bit?”


Su Muluo agreed, “No problem, I need to go back for a bit too.”


He had to close his café, as he had left Qiansui impersonating him there.


Liu He nodded and ordered her men to take the red umbrella and Hu Xiao back to the Bureau. Su Muluo left as well, returning to the café with the little black dragon.


Inside the café, someone who looked exactly like Su Muluo stood stiffly at the counter, a dark expression as if someone owed him five million.


The café was empty of customers. Su Muluo stepped inside, and Qiansui instantly reverted to his orange cat form, grabbing a cat food can and scurrying away.


Su Muluo laughed, closed the door, and took the little black dragon out of his pocket, sitting at the counter to tally the past two days’ earnings.


Due to the fox demon sisters, he had barely opened for business these past two days, resulting in pitifully low income, not even enough to cover daily expenses, let alone the monthly rent.


Of course, he wasn’t broke; he had millions in his bank account. Still, looking at the meager earnings was disheartening.


The little black dragon, lying in Su Muluo’s palm, suddenly felt its scales itching and started rubbing against his phoenix hand.


Su Muluo, glancing between the earnings and the oblivious little dragon rubbing its scales, scratched its scales and said, “If your scales fall off, you’ll become a bald little dragon.”


Little Black Dragon: “?”


Su Muluo: “So grow up before you go bald, instead of just eating all the time.”


Little Black Dragon: “??” When did it ever just eat all the time!


And it wasn’t bald!


The little black dragon grumbled, hugging Su Muluo’s finger for an explanation. Su Muluo, eyes filled with laughter, said, “You always itch, feels like you’re going bald.”


Little Black Dragon: “Aoo!”


Annoyed, the little dragon wanted to grow big and wrap itself around him. But it was too itchy, so it kept rubbing its scales against his fingers.


Su Muluo laughed, petting the irritated little dragon’s head, then held it up and scratched its itchy scales.


As he scratched, a feather suddenly fell.


Little Black Dragon: “?”


The soft white feather landed on its head, and it sniffed it, recognizing the phoenix’s scent, hugging it tightly.


Another feather fell.


Then another.


Su Muluo: “…”


After a century, he was losing feathers again.


But this time was different. He usually lost one, at most two feathers. Now, he lost three.


Three whole feathers!!


Su Muluo stared at the feathers, then at the happy little dragon hugging them, suddenly filled with a horrifying thought—


Could he be going bald because of this little dragon??

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 15 – The Master of Shifting Blame

Chapter 15: The Master of Shifting Blame


The afternoon streets were bustling with people. Su Muluo cast an invisibility spell on himself and trailed the woman in the white dress with long black hair.


She walked quickly, navigating through the crowded streets without being hindered. From the reactions of the people around, it seemed they hadn’t noticed her.


After an hour of walking, Su Muluo stopped by the street and watched the woman enter an old residential building. The stairs were exposed, so he could clearly see her ascend to the fourth floor and enter her apartment.


These buildings were very old, likely the type of rental where no contract was needed. This suggested the woman was a demon who wasn’t registered with the supernatural bureau and didn’t have an ID.


With this in mind, Su Muluo didn’t rush to follow her. Instead, he stood across the street from the building and revealed himself.




The little black dragon, curious why its phoenix had stopped, looked up and called out. Su Muluo looked down at it and said, “Let’s wait a bit.”


He planned to observe the surroundings and test the woman.


A few minutes later, the curtains of her apartment were drawn open. Su Muluo saw her standing by the window for a while before she turned and went back inside.


Had she noticed him?


Su Muluo still didn’t move. The woman wouldn’t leave the building in front of him, and he wanted to see her reaction to his presence—would she choose to attack or flee?


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, idly resting on its phoenix’s fingers as it waited… After a while, it suddenly turned over, rubbing its back against Su Muluo’s palm.


Su Muluo: “?”


He looked down at the little dragon, seeing it wriggle against his hand with its soft scales as if it was itchy. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Little Black Dragon: “Squeak.”


Its scales were itchy.


Su Muluo found this odd. “Did you get something dirty on you?” He bent his finger to scratch the little dragon’s back scales.


The little dragon’s dark gold eyes squinted in comfort, purring contentedly. Su Muluo continued scratching it, running his fingers from head to tail—except for the tip, which the little dragon clung to, refusing to let him touch it.


After a while, the little dragon seemed less itchy. It chirped at Su Muluo and rolled affectionately in his palm.


Su Muluo petted it, still a bit worried. “So, what was wrong just now?”


The little dragon shook its head, indicating it didn’t know either.


Su Muluo thought for a moment. “Are you going to shed your scales?”


He wasn’t very knowledgeable about dragons and wasn’t sure if little dragons shed their scales shortly after birth. As a young phoenix, he hadn’t experienced anything like molting.


The little dragon continued shaking its head. Seeing its confused expression, Su Muluo smiled.


“I see, your scales are about to fall off,” he teased. “You’re turning back into a little mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “?”


Su Muluo: “A little mud eel spirit.”


Little Black Dragon: “??”


The little dragon lifted its head in anger, chattering at Su Muluo.


Su Muluo remained calm. “I can’t understand you. You’re noisy, just like a mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Frustrated, the little dragon flopped onto its side in Su Muluo’s hand, wriggling furiously.


Unlike last time, it didn’t tie itself into a knot. Su Muluo watched it for a moment, then couldn’t help but laugh, petting its head again.


The little dragon grabbed onto his finger and wouldn’t let go.




“Alright, alright,” Su Muluo chuckled. “I was just kidding. You’re not a little mud eel spirit. You’re my little dragon, okay? Don’t be mad.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar!”


Su Muluo: “I’m not going to kiss you. Kiss yourself.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar roar!”


Su Muluo put it in his pocket.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Its phoenix was bullying it!


Too much!!


Curled up angrily in his pocket, the little black dragon sulked while outside, Su Muluo looked up to see the woman in white at the window again.


With his excellent vision, he saw her pale face staring straight at him—completely different from her previous expression.




Su Muluo didn’t wait any longer and walked toward the residential building. As he reached the fourth floor, he saw a girl standing in front of the woman in white’s door.


“Open the door! Is anyone inside?”


The girl in the red dress banged on the door. She had long black hair down to her waist and a strikingly beautiful face, a stark contrast to the delicate and reserved look of the woman in white.


Su Muluo watched her knock for a while and asked, “Are you her neighbor?”


“Who?!” The girl in red jumped in surprise, turning to look at him warily. “Who are you?!”


Su Muluo replied, “I’m her friend.”


“…Really?” The girl in red scrutinized him from head to toe, her gaze finally settling on his face for a few seconds. “Can you contact her?”


Su Muluo wouldn’t say no and reveal he was lying. Instead, he asked, “What’s wrong with her?”


The girl in red pointed to the window beside the door. “I saw her standing still at the door with a terrifying expression. When I asked what was wrong, she turned back inside. I felt something was off and wanted to check on her, but no one responded to my knocking. It’s too strange.”


The window faced the hallway; it was the same window Su Muluo had seen earlier. Before he went upstairs, the woman had stood by it, but now she was gone, and the curtain was drawn.


Su Muluo thought for a moment, then stepped forward and said to the girl in red, “Step aside.”


The girl in red looked at him expectantly. “Do you have a key?”


Su Muluo politely replied, “No.”


Then he kicked the door open.


Girl in red: “…”


With a loud bang, the door slammed against the wall, stirring up a small cloud of dust, and the interior of the apartment was revealed.


It looked like a one-person residence, sparsely furnished and not very large. From the entryway, they could see the living room and kitchen, both empty, with no sign of the woman in white.


The girl in red called out softly, “Is anyone here?”


There was no response.


She cautiously peeked inside, but Su Muluo had already stepped in, heading straight for the rooms after confirming the living room and kitchen were empty.


The girl in red hurriedly followed him. “Wait! Are you really her friend? How can you just enter a girl’s room… Ah!”


Her last words turned into a scream as she froze at the room’s entrance, eyes wide with horror.


The ceiling fan creaked as it turned, a woman hanging from it. Her long black hair dr4p3d down, and her neck twisted unnaturally to one side. Her pale face bore wide-open eyes, staring blankly at the door.


“Ah—someone’s dead—ah!!!”



In the midst of the red-dressed girl’s continuous screams, Su Muluo remained motionless.


“Are you blind?! What are you doing? Call the police! She’s hanging herself! Can’t you see?!”


Ignoring her, Su Muluo observed the woman in white for a few seconds, then calmly said, “If a demon could be strangled by a rope, that would be too funny.”


“What? What are you talking about?”


The girl stared intently at Su Muluo. He slightly lowered his head, glanced at her, and then laughed, “The fox’s tail is showing.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the red-dressed girl’s face suddenly changed.




In the next moment, a cold wind arose, and the red-dressed girl disappeared, enveloping the entire room in shadows, turning it dark and somber.


The body of the woman in white gently swayed. Su Muluo turned around and saw the red-dressed girl standing in the shadows, holding a blood-red umbrella. Her once beautiful face was now smooth and featureless.


Her red umbrella opened, and the painful face of a woman— the woman in white—kept appearing on it.


Su Muluo immediately recognized this as the fox demon that had previously attacked him. The woman in white was not dead; her soul was trapped in that eerie red umbrella.


“You’re not her neighbor at all,” Su Muluo said. “Let me guess, are you sisters?”


The fox demon, though faceless, sneered and touched the face of the woman in white on the umbrella. Her voice was sharp and filled with hatred, “Yes, she is my dear sister. She lured you here and pretended to persuade me to run away… But this is better. I don’t even have to come to find you.”


“Oh,” Su Muluo replied. “It seems like I have no grievances with you.”


The fox demon giggled, pushing the red umbrella downward. Seductive eyes emerged on the umbrella, staring directly at him.


“We have no grudge, but you have a pretty face.” Her laughter rang like a bell, filled with sweet malice. “Such a beautiful face, even more beautiful than my lover’s. If I could swap it onto his face, he would love it.”


As soon as she finished speaking, something in Su Muluo’s pocket moved. He calmly reached in and held down the restless little black dragon.


“Is your lover here too?”


“…” The fox demon did not answer, instead raising the umbrella, causing the eyes to disappear from its surface. “Are you trying to trick me? How mean. If you’re waiting for the Special Abilities Bureau idiots to come, I suggest you—”


Before she could finish, she suddenly threw the red umbrella.


The umbrella opened, revealing a huge, toothy mouth. From the mouth spewed thick, foul-smelling blood, rushing towards Su Muluo—


Su Muluo’s face remained calm, though inwardly he sighed, thinking how dirty this was. Nowadays, demons fought so messily?


He then slightly bent his slender fingers. A flash of cold light, like white feathers, thundered through the blood tide. It was so fast that it touched the fox demon’s brow in an instant.


Her pupils contracted. In that moment, she almost unleashed her peak reflexes, twisting her head to avoid it—but the target wasn’t her. The sharp line of attack sliced through the umbrella’s handle, severing it in two.


Half of the red umbrella fell to the ground, the blood tide vanished, and simultaneously the fox demon let out a piercing scream, convulsing on the floor.


She was defeated, in a single move.




Su Muluo looked at the fox demon writhing in pain, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn’t expected that cutting the umbrella would provoke such a strong reaction. It seemed the umbrella was not just her weapon, but deeply connected to her.


As the umbrella was destroyed, the face of the woman in white began to protrude, and her entire soul was released, slowly drifting back to her body.


Su Muluo had already taken down the woman in white from the ceiling fan. Seeing her eyes closed but her breath restored, he knew she was alright.


He had also contacted the Special Abilities Bureau, and they would arrive soon. Once they captured the fox demon, they could unravel the events that had transpired.


In previous battles, the fox demon had used human skins to fight him, abandoning them to escape if things went wrong. But now, her true form was here, and she couldn’t escape no matter what.


Just as Su Muluo was thinking this, he noticed blood seeping from the faceless fox demon, splashing heavily onto the umbrella. In the next second, she turned into a pool of thick blood, merging with the umbrella, disappearing completely.




Su Muluo stared at the unmoving red umbrella on the ground, silent for a moment.


He poked the little black dragon.


“It’s all your fault.”


The little black dragon, inexplicably blamed: “?”


Su Muluo righteously said, “You didn’t remind me.”


Little black dragon: “??”


The little black dragon couldn’t believe its phoenix not only bullied it but had now done so twice in one day. Feeling it was intolerable, it angrily raised its head and roared at Su Muluo.




I’m upset! I want a kiss and a hug! And at least two kisses!


Su Muluo stared at it for a few seconds and said, “I won’t kiss you, little mud eel.”


Little black dragon: “???”


Su Muluo: “Turn into a human, then I’ll kiss you.”


Then he quickly poked it again and stuffed it back into his pocket.


Little black dragon: “……”


Too much!!


It’s Fuming to the point of tying itself in knots.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 14 – Keeping Track

Chapter 14: Keeping Track




After a suffocating silence, Su Muluo took the initiative, getting up and staring at the little black dragon, “Were you trying to take advantage of me again?”


The little black dragon: “…”


It silently shrank back to its small form, looking very innocent.


Su Muluo said, “Pretending to be innocent won’t work! I saw you grow bigger!”


The little black dragon hugged his finger, rubbing against it clingily.


Su Muluo, unmoved by its act, said coldly, “You just wanted to take advantage of me! You even waited for me to fall asleep!”


Just like yesterday, utterly incorrigible and very naughty.


Thinking of this, Su Muluo gave the little black dragon’s head a good rub, messing it up into a little ball.


The little black dragon, knowing it was at fault, could only sulkily let itself be rubbed around. However, Su Muluo didn’t use much force and stopped after a few rubs, letting the little dragon flop weakly onto the sheets, looking pitiful and powerless.


Su Muluo knew his dragon was best at acting pitiful after taking advantage, so he wouldn’t be fooled. “If you do this again, I’ll hang you on the doorknob and let the wind blow you all night.”


The little black dragon: “???”


With a “chirp,” the little black dragon clung tightly to Su Muluo’s hand, wrapping itself around it energetically, showing none of the weakness from a moment ago.


Su Muluo’s lips curled slightly. Of course, he couldn’t bear to let his little black dragon be hung up and blown by the wind, but if he didn’t scare it a bit, this unruly dragon would become even more outrageous.


However, tonight he definitely couldn’t secretly tie the little black dragon into a knot or take any photos. Su Muluo lay back down and put his phone back on the bedside table.


The little black dragon stared at the phone, feeling something was off, and suddenly thought of something, chirping at Su Muluo.


“Why did you just pick up your phone?”


Su Muluo: “…”


Of course, he couldn’t say he was planning to take sneaky revenge photos, so he calmly said, “To check the time.”


The little black dragon didn’t seem to believe him and chirped again.


“But you pretended to sleep earlier.”


“That was because of you!” Su Muluo lifted the blanket and covered the little black dragon’s head. “I’m not talking to you anymore, I’m going to sleep!”


The little black dragon: “…”


With suspicious eyes, the little black dragon watched Su Muluo, feeling that its Phoenix must be hiding something. But having just been caught in its mischief, it didn’t dare to push too far—if its Phoenix really got angry and hung it on the doorknob, it would be too embarrassing.


It had to become human faster so that its Phoenix couldn’t abandon it. Plus, if it could turn into human form, it could hug its Phoenix and stroke his feathers while sleeping.


Thinking of this, the little black dragon felt a bit happy, crawling to the pillow and curling up next to Su Muluo.


Su Muluo glanced at it, patted its little horns, and closed his eyes.


This time he wasn’t pretending to sleep. Since he had just threatened to hang the little black dragon on the doorknob, it certainly wouldn’t dare to take advantage of him again. Feeling assured, he fell asleep peacefully.


The little black dragon also quickly fell asleep, comforted by the scent of its beloved Phoenix. But its sleep was uneasy. In the middle of the night, its body suddenly twitched, and it woke up, crawling to the head of the bed and curling up in pain.


In the dark room, the little black dragon’s body emitted a faint golden light, which was so weak it wasn’t noticeable in the night. The golden light continued to flicker, sometimes merging into the little black dragon’s body, sometimes seeping out, as if it was constantly releasing and absorbing it. This process went on for a long time until the night was almost over and dawn was breaking. The last bit of golden light was finally absorbed by the little black dragon.


The little black dragon let out a breath, looking exhausted, but its dark golden eyes were brighter than usual. It rested for a few seconds before quietly crawling back to its Phoenix’s side.


Su Muluo seemed to sense its presence, and in his sleep, he turned his head slightly and raised a hand to gently cover his dragon.


The little black dragon nestled in Su Muluo’s palm, staring at its Phoenix for a few seconds before closing its eyes contentedly.




Su Muluo didn’t sleep well.


He had several fragmented dreams in which his dragon was either injured or leaving him, all very unsettling.


So when he woke up and found the little black dragon still sleeping soundly in his palm, he felt a sense of relief.


Waking up earlier than usual, Su Muluo didn’t get up immediately. He quietly watched the little black dragon until it moved and slowly opened its eyes.


——As their eyes met, Su Muluo frowned. He didn’t know if it was just his imagination, but the little black dragon seemed a bit listless today.


“What’s wrong? Didn’t sleep well?”


The little black dragon chirped softly to indicate it was fine and lazily rolled over in Su Muluo’s palm, nuzzling against him.


Su Muluo scratched the little black dragon’s chin. Normally, it would hum contentedly, but today it didn’t. Instead, it lowered its eyelids sleepily.


Su Muluo grew more concerned, wondering if his harsh tone yesterday had upset the little black dragon or if it had caught a cold. “Are you mad at me? Or did you catch a cold last night?”


The little black dragon shook its head. Seeing Su Muluo’s worried expression, it thought for a moment, then grew slightly larger, wrapping itself around its Phoenix’s waist and burying its head in his shoulder.


Su Muluo: “…”


Alright, since his dragon wasn’t feeling well today, he would let it have its way.


He patted the little black dragon’s head, letting it cling to him.


After half an hour, the little black dragon seemed to feel better. It shrank back to its small size, wriggling affectionately in Su Muluo’s hand.


“So what happened just now?” Su Muluo asked.


The little black dragon chirped.


“Didn’t wake up properly.”


Su Muluo didn’t believe it, staring at the little dragon for a few seconds. The little dragon looked back at him with its round eyes, giving an innocent look as if saying, “I’m not lying, I’m very good.”


Su Muluo: …Tsk.


If the little black dragon didn’t want to say, he couldn’t force it. He could only let it rest more and prepared a bowl of honey water for it—he knew this little dragon loved sweet things, especially honey water. Once, when his finger had a bit of honey on it, the little dragon had licked it off.


The honey water was fragrant and sweet, and the little black dragon happily buried its head in the bowl, drinking up the entire bowl of honey water, even letting out a satisfied burp.


Su Muluo rubbed the little dragon’s belly and asked, “Are you full?”


The small black dragon whined softly. Seeing that it had indeed recovered, Su Muluo felt somewhat relieved. After observing it for a while longer at home to ensure it was truly fine, he cradled it in his palm and took it out with him.


Today was Saturday, and although the café opened later than usual, it wasn’t long before customers started coming in. The first was Song Nan, a regular visitor.


“Boss, why didn’t you open yesterday?” Song Nan asked. “I wanted to have your coffee, but you weren’t here.”


Su Muluo had a good impression of Song Nan since she had brought many customers to his café. He apologized gently, “Sorry, something came up yesterday. It must have been a wasted trip for you.”


Song Nan waved it off. “It’s fine, as long as you’re open today.”


As they chatted, another customer walked in. Su Muluo glanced sideways and saw a woman with long black hair and a gloomy expression.


“…”, he quickly looked away as if nothing had happened and continued chatting with Song Nan, “A friend of mine had an accident yesterday, so I went to visit him.”


He didn’t lower his voice, and the words reached the ears of the woman who had just entered, causing her to pause briefly.


“Oh, I see!” Song Nan said. “How is your friend doing now?”


“Not too good, but not too bad either,” Su Muluo replied, changing the subject. “Would you like the special coffee today?”


“Of course! Two cups!”


Song Nan had brought a friend along, and after ordering, the two of them found a seat, holding hands.


Meanwhile, the woman with long black hair approached the counter. Unlike usual, she didn’t just order and leave. After a moment of silence, she quietly asked Su Muluo, “Did your friend get into trouble?”


Su Muluo met her gaze. “Yes, he seemed to have run into some bad people. Why?”


“…”, the woman didn’t answer immediately. After another pause, she said, “One special coffee, please.”


Su Muluo nodded slightly and prepared three cups of coffee.


The woman turned and walked to a corner of the café. Su Muluo watched her back, more convinced of his suspicions.


It turned out the attacker yesterday wasn’t this woman.


Though she was a fox demon like the one who attacked him, she wasn’t injured and didn’t have the aura of a killer. The red umbrella of the fox demon yesterday had clearly been stained with a lot of blood.


Despite this, Su Muluo remained cautious. He still had doubts that needed to be confirmed.


After a while, the woman with long black hair finished her coffee and hurriedly left the café. Su Muluo then walked around the counter and entered the staff rest area behind a hidden door.


In the rest room, a ginger cat jumped down from the bed, ready to go out. Su Muluo immediately picked it up and put it back on the bed.


Qiansui: “???”


Little Black Dragon: “???”


The little black dragon, feeling very displeased, clung to Su Muluo’s hand where the cat had been, rubbing vigorously to remove the cat’s scent—it only allowed the phoenix to have its scent, no other creatures were allowed!


Su Muluo didn’t stop the little black dragon’s possessive behavior, a hint of amusement in his eyes. He then looked at Qiansui and said, “I need a favor from you.”


Qiansui: “…Thanks for the offer, but I’m still recovering and don’t want to fight.”


“I’m not asking you to fight,” Su Muluo said. “You can shapeshift, right? Transform into me and watch the shop for a while. If customers come, just tell them we’re out of coffee beans and to come back tomorrow.”


Qiansui looked at him, clearly reluctant. “I’m just a cat, I don’t understand what you’re saying.”


“Please, just a small favor.”


“No, meow meow meow.”




Su Muluo pulled out the little black dragon.


The little black dragon bared its teeth, looking fierce.


Qiansui: “…”


Moments later, a very unenthusiastic “Su Muluo” walked out of the staff rest area and stood mechanically behind the counter.


Meanwhile, the real Su Muluo, with his little black dragon, quietly followed the woman with long black hair out of the café.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 13 – Misdeeds

Chapter 13: Misdeeds


  Despite his laughter, Su Muluo promptly untangled the knot the little black dragon had tied itself into.


  Then he continued to laugh, bending over in laughter at one point.


  Little black dragon: “…”


  It glared silently at Su Muluo all the way until the car was nearly at the bureau, suddenly growing larger—


  And entwining him tightly.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  He looked at the black dragon pressing against him, coiling around him tightly and not letting go, saying, “Let go.”


  The black dragon said nothing.


  Su Muluo nudged it, “Don’t take advantage of me!”


  The black dragon flicked its tail.


  Su Muluo: “Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me! Let go of me!”


  The black dragon hummed and coiled around him again.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  Su Muluo was exasperated and decided that tonight, after the little black dragon fell asleep, he would tie it into a knot.


  A heart-shaped knot!


  After a while, the car stopped at the entrance of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings . The black dragon shrank back into a small size, its tail wrapped around Su Muluo’s wrist, looking obedient and cute.


Su Muluo didn’t want to look at it at all. He stuffed it into his pocket and walked into the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


In the elegantly decorated VIP room, Liu He poured a cup of tea for Su Muluo and said, “Mr. Su, please have some tea.”


The tea fragrance lingered. Little Black Dragon peeked out from Su Muluo’s pocket, sniffed, then disinterestedly went back in.


Su Muluo glanced at it and asked, “How is my friend?”


Liu He replied, “Your friend has been taken to the hospital. He’s not seriously injured, just some scr4p3s. He’ll wake up after a while.” She paused briefly and added, “The cat demon was more heavily injured, but thankfully not life-threatening. After treatment, she just needs some time to recover.”


Su Muluo nodded, relieved, and asked, “Have you found any clues from that piece of human skin?”


“We have,” Liu He said. “We examined the skin and detected the aura of a fox demon, female, about three hundred years old. Quite powerful.”


Su Muluo thought to himself, *Only three hundred years?* He didn’t show it on his face, though, and simply nodded seriously. “I see.”


Liu He glanced at him, a slight smile on her lips. “It may not seem like much to you, but a three-hundred-year-old fox demon is quite formidable in our circle, both among cultivators and in the current demon realm.”


Seeing that she understood his thoughts, Su Muluo dropped the pretense and said calmly, “I see. I wasn’t aware.”


He hadn’t paid much attention to affairs between the demon realm and human world; after all, he had spent over a thousand years secluded in the mountains with Little Black Dragon. But he could sense some changes; demons didn’t seem as strong as they used to be.


Liu He continued, “We’re not certain if the aura on the skin belongs to the perpetrator, but it’s highly likely. However, there hasn’t been any record of a three-hundred-year-old fox demon in Lin City recently, so she either arrived in the human city recently or is a fugitive from another city.”


After hearing her out, Su Muluo asked, “I remember she had another weapon, a red umbrella with a heavy grudge aura, likely stained with blood.”


Liu He pondered, “That’s a crucial clue. We’ll follow up on that… But Mr. Su, do you know why she attacked your friend?”


Su Muluo paused for a moment and replied, “Because of me.”


The demon likely wanted to test his strength, similar to the hound demon last time. But she didn’t dare confront him directly, so she chose Huang Gaigai, who was closer to him, hoping to lure him out.


“She must have set her sights on something of mine and desperately wants it,” Su Muluo said. “But she doesn’t know I have the true dragon. If she did, she wouldn’t have attacked me.”


Liu He asked, “Have you noticed anyone suspicious around you?”


Su Muluo thought for a moment and answered, “No.”


As he said that, he felt Little Black Dragon in his pocket stirring again, as if it wanted to peek out.


Su Muluo remained composed and pressed the little dragon back down.


The two continued talking for a while until an employee of the Bureau entered and whispered something to Liu He.


After listening, Liu He nodded to the employee to leave and then looked at Su Muluo.


“Your friend has woken up,” she said. “To prevent the exposure of the demon’s existence and ensure his safety, we erased his memory of the attack and told him it was a car accident.”


Su Muluo knew the Bureau had such regulations. Erasing Huang Gaigai’s memory was to keep him out of trouble. He didn’t say anything further, only asked, “Can I go see him?”


“Yes, I’ve finished questioning him. You’re free to come and go from the Bureau now,” Liu He smiled. “If you notice anything suspicious later, please let me know.”


Su Muluo nodded and got up, taking Little Black Dragon with him as he left.


Meanwhile, Huang Gaigai was lying in a hospital bed, still groggy from just waking up. When Su Muluo walked in, he was genuinely happy, momentarily forgetting he was in a hospital. He rubbed his thick hair, “Look at my hair! It’s grown so much since I drank your coffee! It’s really amazing!”


Su Muluo calmly replied, “That’s our family’s secret recipe.” Then he asked, “How are you feeling now? Are you okay?”


“I’m alright, just a bit dizzy,” Huang Gaigai said. “They told me I was in a car accident, but I can’t remember anything…”


He touched his head, trying to recall what happened before he lost consciousness. But no matter how hard he tried, his mind was blank.


Su Muluo sat down beside the bed and casually said, “Don’t you remember? It was raining, and there was a cat beside you.”


Huang Gaigai looked at him in confusion, “A cat?”


After saying that, he paused, a fragment suddenly flashed through his mind, extremely blurry and fleeting before disappearing.


“I… I think I dreamt of a cat,” he murmured. “It should be my Qiansui, because the meow sounded similar, but not as fierce… Qiansui is usually well-behaved and doesn’t meow like that. If it did, I must have upset it or scared it…”


But what did the car accident have to do with Qiansui? His cat hated rainy days and would never go out in the rain.


Frowning, Huang Gaigai felt like he was forgetting something important, something he shouldn’t forget… But no matter what, he couldn’t remember.


Su Muluo watched him for a moment, sighed almost imperceptibly, and then reassured him, “At least you’re okay now. Oh, remember to let your parents know you’re safe.”


Huang Gaigai, reminded by Su Muluo, suddenly remembered and said, “Right, right! I still need to tell my parents. There’s no way I can catch the flight today. Sigh, my dad is definitely going to scold me again…”


His attention quickly shifted from his recent memories to the present reality.




Half an hour later, Su Muluo bid farewell to Huang Gaigai and returned to the café from the hospital.


He had intended to go to the Paranormal Bureau to pick up Qiansui, only to find out that Qiansui had already gone back on his own, so he returned to the café.


It was already dusk, and only a small lamp was lit in the café. An orange cat was lying on the counter, slowly eating the cat food in its bowl.


Su Muluo’s first reaction was, “So, you can feed yourself.”


He then walked over to check on its condition and found that it looked much healthier, likely due to the proper treatment it received at the Paranormal Bureau.


Qiansui was silently eating the cat food, not paying any attention to Su Muluo’s gaze. After a while, seeing that Qiansui was almost done eating, Su Muluo said, “Huang Gaigai’s memory was erased.”


Qiansui responded with an “Oh,” showing no particular emotion, and said, “That’s good. Saves him from a shattered worldview.”


Su Muluo added, “If you want, I can tell him the truth. After all, you saved him.”


Qiansui replied, “You were the one who saved him, not me.” It finished the last bit of cat food, wiped its face with its paw, and said indifferently, “Besides, I was just repaying the favor of him picking me up. From now on, we owe each other nothing.”




Su Muluo said no more; he knew there was nothing else he needed to say.


Qiansui pushed the clean cat bowl towards him, jumped off the counter, and silently walked into the shadows towards its employee resting room.


After leaving the café, Su Muluo took the little black dragon home.


“This world is indeed very complex,” he said, looking at the little dragon lying in his palm. “There are many things I don’t understand.”


The little black dragon looked up at him, affectionately hugging his finger, its two soft little horns nuzzling against him.


Su Muluo knew this was the little black dragon’s way of comforting him. He smiled slightly and said, “I’m not sad, just a bit regretful. But it’s Qiansui’s decision, so I have to respect it.”


The little black dragon made a “chirp” sound.


Su Muluo found that he could somehow miraculously understand what the little black dragon was saying. Even though it was just a two-character sound, a complete thought formed in his mind.


Was this what they called a telepathic connection?


He thought about it in surprise while shaking his head and said, “It’s not her.”


When he was at the Paranormal Bureau in the morning, Liu He had asked him if there were any suspicious people around him. He said no, but he was actually hiding something. He had recently met a suspicious person, a woman with long black hair and a gloomy face who often came to his café.


From the first time he saw her, he could tell she wasn’t human but a demon.


A fox demon.


Su Muluo had been suspicious of this woman for some time and had even marked her. But during his fight with the woman holding the umbrella today, he found that she didn’t have his mark, indicating that they were not the same person.


Even so, there must be some connection between them. Su Muluo felt that the woman who frequented his café was not simple. Without understanding her true intentions, telling the Paranormal Bureau would only alert the enemy.


The little black dragon tilted its head after listening to Su Muluo, its dark golden eyes narrowing slightly.




Su Muluo replied, “…I wasn’t always staring at her.”




“I didn’t think she was beautiful!”


“Chirp chirp!”


“I certainly wasn’t always thinking about her!” He knocked the little black dragon on the head and said, “What’s in your mind? Sunflower seeds?”


The little black dragon grumbled, claiming one of Su Muluo’s hands and flicked its tail.


Su Muluo looked at this little dragon who loved to get jealous and remembered how it clung to him in the car this morning. He decided to tie it up in a knot when it fell asleep later and take several photos to hang by the bed!


The little black dragon, unaware of Su Muluo’s thoughts, rubbed its chin against Su Muluo’s fingertips and yawned.


At night, Su Muluo lay in bed, watching the little black dragon curled up beside his pillow. “Time to sleep, goodnight,” he said.


The little black dragon obediently chirped.


Su Muluo patted its head and closed his eyes.


The room was dark and soon fell silent. Su Muluo’s breathing became steady, appearing to be asleep, but he was actually paying attention to the little black dragon’s movements.


The little black dragon lay quietly, seemingly asleep. Su Muluo waited for a while, ensuring the dragon was indeed motionless, then quietly reached for his phone on the bedside table and turned his head—


At the same time, the little black dragon grew larger, wrapping its body around Su Muluo’s waist.


Their eyes met.


Little black dragon: “…”


Su Muluo: “…”


Two individuals caught in their mischievous acts, neither knowing what to say, creating a very awkward moment.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 12 – Angry and Tied Up

Chapter 12: Angry and Tied Up




A thunderclap strikes, pouring heavy rain outside the coffee shop. The fine rain weaves a web on the glass display window, dripping into the accumulated water on the ground.


There are few pedestrians on the road, and only one customer in the coffee shop. Su Muluo sits at the bar, and with a glance, he can see the woman with long black hair and a gloomy face sitting in the corner, silently drinking her coffee.


As the rain intensifies, Su Muluo lightly taps a coffee cup overturned on the bar, ready to wait for the woman to finish her coffee so he can close the shop and go home.




He taps the coffee cup several times, and suddenly it lifts up, revealing the head of a small black dragon crawling out from underneath.


Su Muluo stares at the Little Black Dragon for a few seconds, then stuffs it back in.


The Little Black Dragon: “…”


He sulkily lies flat at the bottom of the coffee cup, wagging its tail.


But the next moment, the coffee cup over its head was taken away. Su Muluo tapped its head lightly and said, “Next time, no biting me, no taking advantage of me.”


The small black dragon brightened its eyes and “Ao”ed, rubbing its head against Su Muluo’s fingertip, looking very obedient on the surface.


Actually, it would dare next time.


Su Muluo probably guessed what this dragon was thinking. His eyebrows raised slightly, and he reached out to pinch its tail tip.


The small black dragon immediately hugged its own tail.




Another thunderbolt struck, and the rain intensified. The woman in the corner of the coffee shop also set down her cup at this moment and stood up.


Seeing her prepare to leave in the pouring rain, Su Muluo asked, “Need an umbrella?”


The woman paused at his words, turned her head to glance at him without any expression on her face, and replied, “No need.”


Then, without looking back, she walked into the pouring rain outside the shop. The figure in a white dress quickly blurred by the rain.


After the woman left, Su Muluo scratched under the small black dragon’s chin and asked, “Ready to go back?”


The small black dragon hummed comfortably and nestled into Su Muluo’s palm.


Su Muluo chuckled softly, cupping the little dragon in his hand, stood up, and closed the coffee shop door.


Huang Gaigai felt like he had really hit rock bottom today.


He had to catch an early flight this morning, but mistakenly set his alarm an hour late. He finally rushed out, hailed a taxi on the street, but due to the torrential rain, the taxi got stuck in traffic two kilometers away from the airport—staring at the endless line of cars ahead and realizing how little time was left for his flight, Huang Gaigai gritted his teeth and got out of the car, planning to run there alone with his luggage.


Fortunately, the airport was very close, just two kilometers away. Normally, he could get there in half an hour walking briskly. Unfortunately, today it was raining heavily. Huang Gaigai dragged his suitcase with one hand and held an umbrella with the other, walking alone in the midst of the storm. He felt like crying but had no tears.


If only he had postponed it one more day with his dad, things wouldn’t have been so rushed. He didn’t even have time to thank Muluo…


The wind blew Huang Gaigai’s hair. Since the last time he drank the specially brewed coffee Muluo made for him, he was amazed to find that overnight he had grown a lot more hair, and even his complexion had improved a lot. He had wanted to personally thank Su Muluo, but his parents urged him to return early, leaving him in a rush. He didn’t have time to find Su Muluo and could only thank him by text.


He wondered if Muluo minded, and Qiansui, he wondered how it was doing over there…


Lost in thought, Huang Gaigai didn’t notice a step beneath his feet. In a moment of carelessness, he stepped into empty space and fell down with his luggage.






The suitcase tumbled, the umbrella blown away by the wind, and Huang Gaigai fell into a puddle, soaking his clothes in icy rainwater.


This is terrible!


He grimaced and tried to get up from the ground. It was then that he saw someone in front of him.


It was a woman with long black hair, wearing a white dress, holding a bright red umbrella, standing in front of him with her back turned.


Huang Gaigai was slightly stunned. In that moment, the sounds of cars and rain seemed to fade away, leaving the world strangely quiet, and he hadn’t noticed.


“Ah… thank you.”


The red umbrella shielded him from some of the rain. Huang Gaigai stood up slowly, puzzled why the woman had her back turned, but still politely thanked her.


The woman stood motionless, neither responding nor leaving.


Huang Gaigai became even more puzzled. Looking left and right, unsure if it was his imagination, the sky seemed much darker, and the streets around were empty, even the traffic that was just blocked had disappeared.


The heavy rain continued, and within a hundred meters, there were only the two of them.


“… “


Huang Gaigai felt a chill down his spine, sensing something was wrong. He looked at the woman in front of him, who still had her back turned, and suddenly remembered the horror stories he had heard.


“… Thank you, um, you don’t have to hold the umbrella for me anymore…”


His facial muscles trembled slightly, forcing a smile, while discreetly taking a step back, wanting to escape from there.




As if bones were being forcibly twisted, the woman with the red umbrella’s head turned ninety degrees to the left.


Huang Gaigai: !


The sound frightened him, breaking out in a cold sweat. Seeing the woman’s side face after she turned around, he widened his eyes in terror.


It was a smooth face, without any features, like a piece of white paper stretched over her neck.


In that moment, countless “holy crap” thoughts surged in Huang Gaigai’s mind. Without thinking, he turned and ran.


The woman turned back calmly, the red umbrella spinning lightly in the rain. Huang Gaigai, who had just run a few meters, seemed to be held back by an invisible hand around his ankle. His whole body lost balance and fell heavily to the ground again.


It’s over! He’s going to die!


Huang Gaigai despairingly hugged his head, trying to curl up. He felt a deadly chill slowly climbing up from his ankle, as if his flesh had been cut by a blade, screaming in pain.


Meanwhile, he heard a sharp meow.







A thunderclap tore through the dark sky, bringing a brief flash of light. A figure shot out like a gust of wind through the raindrops, walking on the surface of the water.


It was an orange cat.


A chubby one, its whole body tense, like an arrow ready to be released.


The rain continued endlessly, wetting the fur of the orange cat, dripping from the tips of its fur, forming a small puddle beneath it.


But the color of that puddle wasn’t rainwater; it was a blood-like crimson.


Not far away, Huang Gaigai lay in the rain, unconscious. The orange cat stood in front of him, its emerald eyes fixed tightly ahead, staring at the white-clad woman.


The red umbrella spun lightly in the rain, and the woman silently took a step towards the orange cat.


The orange cat trembled violently, a bit of blood oozing from its mouth. Despite this, it didn’t retreat but hoarsely growled at the woman, issuing a warning.


In the air, there seemed to be a mocking laughter from the woman. The next moment, she took another step towards the orange cat.


With a “plop,” the orange cat fell into the puddle of its own blood. The bloodstains around its mouth increased, yet it whimpered, trying again and again to stand up.


Ignoring it, the woman walked past and approached Huang Gaigai. Amid the orange cat’s mournful cries, she reached out with a pale, tragic hand—




A feather-shaped silver light slashed through the wind and rain, slicing the woman’s arm in midair.


There was no blood; the severed hand fell lightly to the ground, the glove-like surface collapsing. The remaining half of the woman’s arm fluttered like a deflated balloon in the wind.


The woman turned her head, her featureless face turned aside, seeing a handsome young man holding a transparent umbrella, stepping through the rain curtain towards her.


“Do demons attack humans too?” Su Muluo looked at her calmly. “Or are you just trying to lure me out?”



The woman said nothing, just closed the red umbrella in her hand.


The next moment, she tossed the umbrella into the air. Instantly, it spread open, the bright red canopy expanding recklessly like a devouring beast, gaping wide to engulf Su Muluo whole—


Of course, that’s impossible.


  Su Muluo lightly raised his hand, a silver chain adorned with faint white feathers winding around his fingers. Like a swift wind eagle, it darted out, slicing through the fine web woven by raindrops. The enormous bright red umbrella instantly shattered into pieces, transforming into scattered drops of fresh blood, which soon vanished into the ground.


  The faceless woman staggered back a few steps, turning to flee. But the silver chain was faster, carving a sharp crescent moon arc in the air, accompanied by a clear phoenix cry—the woman’s footsteps abruptly halted.


  Her neck was cleanly cut like paper, and her entire body lost support, collapsing limply to the ground.


  Yet this time, there was still no blood flowing. At the moment her body touched the ground, it turned into a piece of human skin, lying limp and soon soaked by the rain.


  Su Muluo was not surprised by this, nor did he pay any attention to the human skin. He opened his umbrella and walked towards Qiansui.


  Qiansui had managed to crawl up from the ground, moving next to Huang Gaigai and covering Huang Gaigai’s hand over his head, huddling under it to avoid the rain.


  Su Muluo squatted in front of them, tilting the umbrella halfway over them, asking, “Are you okay?”


  ”Not good,” Qiansui spoke human words, his voice youthful, like an eighteen-year-old boy just coming of age. “Why did you take so long?”


  Upon hearing this, the little black dragon poked its head out from Su Muluo’s sleeve, its dark golden dragon eyes fixed on Qiansui. Seeing this, Su Muluo quickly stuffed the little black dragon back in, saying to Qiansui, “Sorry, I didn’t expect her to dare attack humans so openly.”


  He had considered that the demon might attack him again, but he hadn’t expected her to strike during broad daylight at a human. Her audacity was astonishing, as if she regarded the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings as nonexistent.


  Qiansui fell silent, perhaps feeling chilly from the rain, and shrunk further into Huang Gaigai’s clothes. Su Muluo checked Huang Gaigai’s condition and found him only unconscious, which reassured him.


  Three minutes later, agents from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings  arrived. Huang Gaigai and Qiansui were taken away for treatment, and Lui He, who had investigated the incident last time, was still in charge. She glanced at Su Muluo and sighed, “Mr. Su, causing trouble again.”


  ”It’s not trouble. She was originally after me this time,” Su Muluo said, “Did you find anything from the skin taken last time?”


  Lui He shook her head. “Only the aura of the deceased canine demon was found on the skin. Nothing conclusive. But fortunately, this time we have a new skin, directly related to the attack on you. She shouldn’t escape this time.”


  By now, the rain had eased, and the bureau staff had cleaned up the scene. It wasn’t ideal to talk on the roadside, so Lui He invited Su Muluo to continue the discussion back at the bureau to go over more details.


  Su Muluo agreed, boarding the bureau’s car with his little black dragon.


  To protect privacy, the car was enchanted so conversations in the backseat wouldn’t be heard in the front. Su Muluo sat in the back, watching his little black dragon emerge from his sleeve and chatter away at him.


  Although he still couldn’t understand, Su Muluo miraculously grasped what the little black dragon wanted to convey and smiled, saying, “It’s alright, just a trip to the bureau for an investigation. They won’t do anything to me.”


  The little black dragon seemed displeased. It didn’t want its phoenix to go to the bureau because it disliked the way people gawked in awe at its phoenix and held some grudges from the last time it was mocked.


  He was mocked!


  The little black dragon sulkily wrapped around the phoenix’s wrist, tilting its head up, its dark golden eyes fixed unwaveringly on the phoenix.


  If only it could quickly transform into a human form.


  Not in a dream, but in reality, appearing beside the phoenix in a way that everyone could see, holding its phoenix tightly to let everyone know that the phoenix belonged to only him.


  Perhaps because the little black dragon’s gaze was too intense, Su Muluo met its eyes for a few seconds and covered them. “Not letting you see.”


  Little black dragon: “?”


  It twisted its head to the left, and Su Muluo’s hand followed, twisting to the right—because the little black dragon was so small, it easily blocked its gaze.


  Little black dragon: “Aww!”


  The little black dragon was furious. It didn’t want Su Muluo to see it sulking, so it kept twisting and turning in Su Muluo’s palm… and accidentally tied itself into a knot.


  A knot that couldn’t be undone.


  Little black dragon: “…”


  Su Muluo: “…heh.”


  He couldn’t help but laugh at the little black dragon’s resentful look all the way.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 11 – Scar

Chapter 11: Scar


The little phoenix stopped in the high position of the living room, tidying its feathers a bit, looking down at the black dragon below with a mixture of aloofness and pride.


Its feathers were pure white, as if sculpted from jade and frost, emitting a beautiful pale luster. Beneath those feathers trailed long and graceful tail feathers, shimmering with faint golden light like scattered stars in the Milky Way.


In addition, its eyes were also stunning, like rubies immersed in cold spring snow, reflecting a beautiful and pure brilliance without any impurities.


This wasn’t the true form of the phoenix but a shrunken version. After all, the phoenix had long since grown to adulthood; its true form was too large to fit in this living room.


However, even in its reduced size, the phoenix’s beauty remained undiminished. The dark golden eyes of the black dragon narrowed slightly, flicking its tail. Suddenly, it wanted to lure its Pheonix down, wrap it in its arms, and stroke its feathers.


The phoenix didn’t allow it to stroke its feathers. It immediately flew a bit higher, landing lightly on the highest cabinet, and turned its head away, ignoring it.


The black dragon: “…”


It silently turned back into a small black dragon, “roaring” at the phoenix.


Only then did Su Muluo shift his gaze back to it, staring at the other for a few seconds, ensuring the dragon wouldn’t take advantage of him again like earlier, before it slowly flew down and returned to its human form.




Just as Su Muluo sat down on the sofa, the sticky little black dragon looped around his wrist, nuzzling against him.


Su Muluo remained unmoved, “Acting cute won’t work on me. You took advantage of me earlier.”


Little Black Dragon blinked its round, shiny golden eyes innocently, as if it had no idea what he was talking about.


Su Muluo clicked his tongue, “Tsk.”


“Not even transformed into a human yet, already taking advantage and playing innocent. Once it really becomes human, it will probably be even worse!”


Clearly not a serious dragon, once it transforms, he’ll send it straight to sleep on the couch!


With this thought, Su Muluo rubbed the top of Little Black Dragon’s head.


The dragon lowered its head, obediently allowing the phoenix to rub against it. Su Muluo looked at its small dragon body and seemed to remember something, saying, “Change back to how you were earlier, let me see.”


The Little Black Dragon lifted its head and looked at him, “Huh?”


Su Muluo warned, “No taking advantage of me!”


The Little Black Dragon silently changed back to its previous size, to avoid squishing its phoenix, awkwardly positioning its dragon body outside the couch.


Su Muluo stared at the dragon body for a few seconds, finding nothing unusual, then asked, “Can you show me your belly?”


The black dragon rolled over and exposed its belly.


The belly was one of the softest parts for many demonic creatures and rarely shown. Although the enlarged black dragon’s belly was not as soft as the smaller one’s, it was covered in tough scales. However, this roll revealed a scale under its neck.


The scale was the most crucial part of a dragon, also its weakness. Legend has it that the dragon’s scale cannot be touched; touching it means death. But now, the black dragon showed its scale to Su Muluo without any guard.


A hint of a smile appeared in Su Muluo’s eyes. He gently stroked along the dragon’s belly and found a slightly raised scar in the middle.


The black dragon had only grown large in front of him a few times before, most of which ended up with it sticking to him, distracting his attention, and not paying attention to its belly. Just now, when it bathed, although the black dragon had grown a bit larger, its size hadn’t reached that of the bathtub, so this scar wasn’t very noticeable—until Su Muluo changed back to the little phoenix and flew halfway through the air, the black dragon’s current largest size, and found this wound.


This wound was not new and had long since healed, but it still left a scar that was a meter long, indicating how severe the wound was, if it were a little deeper, or perhaps fatal.


Su Muluo’s smile faded, his expression gradually darkening. Little Black Dragon had only recently hatched, and this scar was clearly akin to a birthmark—yet why did his dragon bear such a mark from birth?


Who had harmed his dragon? When did it happen? Why did neither of them remember?


Sensing his phoenix’s uneasy mood, the black dragon wrapped its tail around his waist, affectionately nuzzling him.


Su Muluo lowered his head to meet its gaze, “Do you know how this scar came about?”


The black dragon shook its head.


Su Muluo knew his dragon wouldn’t lie to him. After a few silent moments, he murmured, “It must have hurt a lot, didn’t it?”


This wound pierced through the dragon’s tough scales, tearing flesh and blood. Su Muluo felt a twinge of fear at the thought that if the attacker had struck harder, he might have lost his dragon.


But who was the attacker?


Frowning deeply, Su Muluo knew he had spent thousands of years in the egg, but those memories had long since blurred. He only remembered the dragon egg beside him when he first hatched, but why it was there and how it got there were mysteries to him.


Now, with both dragon and phoenix races wiped out, only he and the Little Black Dragon remained. Had there been any thrilling events before his birth that had been forgotten with his hatching?


The more Su Muluo thought about it, the more unsettled he felt. The black dragon sensed his distress; its dark golden eyes narrowed slightly as it gently nuzzled his shoulder, emitting a low dragon hum.


The deep dragon hum sounded like a man softly comforting, instantly pulling Su Muluo out of his negative emotions. He glanced at his dragon and after a few seconds, gently patted its head, whispering, “It’s alright, maybe I’m just overthinking.”


Regardless, Little Black Dragon had just hatched, and any mysteries would have to wait until later to unravel. Moreover, those past events were probably long settled, and trying to trace them now would likely be futile.


Unaware that his dragon had silently wrapped around him, happily wagging its tail.


This was how dragons treated their beloved treasures: wrapping them in their bodies, keeping them in their arms, and preventing anyone from coveting them.


Moreover, its phoenix had a soft, fragrant scent that the black dragon loved all over its body, causing it to want to wrap it in its phoenix every day, unwilling to let go for a second.


Su Muluo didn’t realize the black dragon’s hidden possessiveness; he only felt the intense gaze from its dark golden eyes. After a few seconds of eye contact, he gently patted its head and said, “Let go of me.”


This time, his actions were gentle, his tone devoid of any heavy meaning. Feeling his phoenix softening, the black dragon didn’t move, even affectionately wrapping around him a bit more.


Loving its phoenix, unwilling to let go.


Su Muluo: “…”


Always pushing the boundaries!


Su Muluo stared at the black dragon, feeling that this dragon would not only take advantage but also push boundaries. Once it became human, it would surely do anything!


Maybe it would even steal a kiss while he slept!


Thinking this, Su Muluo became more determined to send the black dragon to sleep on the couch in the future. But for now, he didn’t push away the dragon.


The black dragon happily buried its head in the phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing its favorite scent, and contentedly squinted its eyes.


A day later, Su Muluo received a message from Huang Gaigai at the coffee shop.


[Damn, your coffee is so amazing! My hair has grown back!!!]


[I originally wanted to come and thank you, but these days I’ve been busy packing things up. My dad suddenly ordered me to go back early, so I really don’t have time. All I can do is apologize to you, QAQ].


[I’m leaving today. Qiansui, I’ll leave it to you to take care of. I’ll come visit you again when I have time!]


  It’s half past ten in the morning now, the coffee shop just opened, and Qiansui casually strolled out from the staff lounge, preparing to leave.


  Su Muluo calls out to it, saying, “Your master is leaving today.”


  Qiansui lifts its paw slightly, then leaves indifferent.


  After it leaves, the Little Black Dragon pokes its head out from Su Muluo’s pocket. Su Muluo glances at it and presses it back in.


  When he woke up this morning, he found that the small black dragon that was still small before bed had grown bigger again. Moreover, it took advantage of him while he was asleep, entangling him and taking advantage of him all night, which was quite excessive.


  The small black dragon, feeling wronged, was pressed back, but a few seconds later, it hummed and emerged again, using its tail to entwine around Phoenix’s wrist.


  The coffee shop usually doesn’t get busy until the afternoon, so there aren’t many customers in the morning. Su Muluo sits at the bar, browsing his phone with one hand, while the other hand is held by the small black dragon, unwilling to let go.


  The weather today is somewhat gloomy. Just after eleven o’clock, there’s a loud thunderclap, accompanied by heavy rain. Su Muluo looks at the rain outside and feels that there might not be many customers today, so he could go back early.


  It’s early autumn now, and it’s even colder when it rains. He doesn’t like this kind of chilly rainy day and just wants to stay in a comfortable nest and pass the time leisurely.


  The small black dragon is enthusiastically poking at Phoenix’s fingers, rubbing its two little horns against them. Su Muluo touches its head and says, “Let’s go back in a while.”


  The Little Black Dragon: “Ao.”


  Then it nibbles Su Muluo.


  In the morning, Phoenix made honey water for it, with a bit of honey on his fingertips. Although he washed his hands later, there was still a sweet smell that it really liked.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  He looks at the Little Black Dragon in shock and says, “Are you hungry or something?”


  Why else would it bite him?


  Would a dragon eat Phoenix when it’s hungry??


  The Little Black Dragon: “…”


  The bite just now was just a light nibble, not hard at all, but Phoenix obviously misunderstood its intention, even giving it a strange look.


  The Little Black Dragon innocently meets Su Muluo’s gaze and “Ao” to indicate that it’s not hungry.


  Su Muluo is even more puzzled. He can’t understand why the Little Black Dragon would bite him, especially all wet… This dragon was never serious to begin with, and now it seems even more frivolous!


  Thinking of this, Su Muluo pinches the Little Black Dragon’s small horn and says, “Don’t bite me.”


  The Little Black Dragon stares at his fingertip, thinking it’s sweet and liking it.


  ——Just then, the door of the coffee shop is pushed open, and a woman walks in.


  She’s the same woman with long black hair and a gloomy face as before. After entering the shop and looking around, seeing no other customers, she walks straight to the bar.


  Su Muluo tucks the Little Black Dragon into his pocket. Before he can withdraw his hand, he feels the little dragon take advantage of the opportunity to lightly bite him again.


  And licked him.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  Su Muluo calmly takes the Little Black Dragon out of his pocket, grabs a coffee cup, and before the little dragon can react, he stuffs it whole into the cup—


  Then with a “clap,” he overturns the cup on the table.


  The Little Black Dragon, trapped in darkness: “…Squeak.”


  Hugging its little tail in grievance.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 10 – Little Phoenix

Chapter 10: Little Phoenix


After making the report, Su Muluo looked at the monster on the ground, which was trying to crawl away. “Where are you going?”


The monster froze, not daring to move.


Su Muluo walked over. Generally, an ordinary monster hit by the little black dragon’s attack would die instantly, but this one was still alive and barely hurt.


However, it wasn’t strong because Su Muluo could see its true form at a glance—a dog demon.


Su Muluo stopped in front of the dog demon, his long eyelashes lowering as his dark eyes looked down at it. “What’s your name?”


The dog demon replied, “Yu… Yu Haozhi.”


Su Muluo asked, “What’s your purpose?”


Yu Haozhi felt an overwhelming pressure that made him unable to lift his head or straighten his body. Cold sweat soaked his clothes as he stammered, “I… I came to find my girlfriend!”


  Su Muluo raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak. Yu Haozhi had to continue, despite his discomfort, “A few days ago, my girlfriend went missing around here. You appeared in the area around that time and opened such a conspicuous coffee shop… So, I came to track you, to see if you had anything to do with her disappearance—”


  Su Muluo uttered a soft “oh,” and calmly interjected, “But you seemed like you were trying to kill me just now.”


  ”No! That’s not it!” Yu Haozhi nervously explained, “It’s because I thought you had noticed me and might attack first. You’re so powerful, I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance if I ran, so I decided to strike first.”


  So far, his reasoning seemed clear, and his explanations somewhat plausible. Su Muluo scrutinized him for a few seconds, seemingly starting to believe his words. He asked, “If your girlfriend is missing, why didn’t you contact the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings?”


  The affairs concerning Demon were under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, so it would make sense to seek their help. Yu Haozhi felt a pang of disappointment upon hearing this. He lowered his head and admitted, “My girlfriend is human, not under the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’ jurisdiction. I did report it to the police, but there hasn’t been any progress. I was anxious, so I couldn’t help but… couldn’t help but…”


  The last three words lingered on his lips. Suddenly, he jerked his head up, muscles tense, and in a blink of an eye rushed towards Su Muluo—


  Su Muluo remained motionless, watching him coldly.


  The next moment, a dragon’s roar echoed, and overwhelming Demon energy engulfed Yu Haozhi. His expression changed drastically, and he let out an inhuman scream… However, instead of being killed on the spot, his body suddenly expanded, then rapidly shrunk, finally turning into a dry human skin, limp on the ground.


  The surroundings returned to calm. Su Muluo looked at the horrifying skin on the ground and patted the little black dragon, saying, “No wonder you couldn’t kill it.”


  What they encountered earlier wasn’t a canine Demon at all but a humanoid skin illusion. Perhaps it originally belonged to a canine Demon, carrying its essence and life force, which allowed it to deceive others’ eyes.


  ——After this, someone must be controlling this skin.


  Su Muluo didn’t rush to leave but waited patiently until agents from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings arrived.


  ”Mr. Su,” the one who arrived was a female Taoist priest. Su Muluo had seen her with Zheng Hechun before; she seemed to be one of the agents who had visited him when Little Black Dragon just hatched. “I’m Liu He from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. Did you encounter any trouble?”


  ”No trouble,” Su Muluo pointed to the skin on the ground, saying, “Just someone attacked me.”


  He briefly recounted what had happened, adding at the end, “Also, the road was damaged by him.”


  ”Alright, understood. The road damage will be taken care of by the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings,” Liu He smiled, with an understanding that seemed to say ‘whatever you say.’ She then asked, “So, you were targeted?”


  Su Muluo successfully shifted the blame away, nodding nonchalantly. “Yes, but the attacker probably doesn’t know who I am.”


  As Yu Haozhi had said, his sudden appearance and the opening of a peculiar coffee shop would inevitably attract attention. Su Muluo was certain that whoever was behind Yu Haozhi didn’t know his identity. Firstly, because the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings wouldn’t casually leak such important information, and secondly, any Demon aware of the True Dragon in his possession would never dare to provoke him.


  Or rather, not just provoke, they wouldn’t even dare to approach, knowing it would be courting death.


  Liu He nodded in agreement, evidently trusting Su Muluo’s judgment. She asked, “So, you were just targeted by some ignorant Demon, as one of their targets… By the way, what was the name of that canine Demon?”


  Su Muluo replied, “Yu Haozhi.”


  Liu He frowned for a moment, recalling, “Oh, I see.” She explained to Su Muluo, who looked puzzled, “Not long ago, a canine Demon was killed in Lin City, its skin peeled off by a stronger Demon. It also had a human lover who was traumatized witnessing everything and is currently hospitalized—That canine Demon’s name was Yu Haozhi.”


  Su Muluo was slightly surprised; this incident happened to be the one he read about on the forum a few days ago.


  No wonder the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings hadn’t disclosed the details; after all, peeling off a Demon’s skin alive was extremely brutal and bloody even among Demon.


  ”Has the person who killed him not been found yet?”


  Liu He shook her head. “That Demon is extremely skilled at concealing its aura, just like you saw earlier. It can also control the skin of the Demon it kills, leaving no trace from start to finish. It’s difficult to track.” She paused briefly, then smiled at Su Muluo, “But fortunately, thanks to you, we now have this skin and might trace the source of its Demon power.”


  She instructed her team to remove the skin from the ground. Su Muluo had no further questions and asked, “Can I go now?”


  ”Of course,” Liu He replied, “You’ve had a night of disturbance, and if you encounter any suspicious individuals in the future, please contact us immediately.”




  The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings would handle the scene’s damage. Su Muluo didn’t linger and returned with Little Black Dragon.


  He wasn’t particularly concerned about the Demon that had attacked him. While they might strike again upon realizing he possessed a True Dragon, it wasn’t a major problem. Once they appeared, he could deal with them.


  Little Black Dragon seemed a bit dissatisfied, grumbling softly because they hadn’t exposed the mastermind behind the attack. Su Muluo comforted it, gently squeezing its claw, “It’s alright. With you here, they can’t harm me anyway.”


  Thinking it over, Little Black Dragon stopped grumbling, nestled obediently in his palm.


  The night wind was slightly chilly, but the small dragon in his hand was warm. Su Muluo smiled faintly and returned to his rented room, checking the time, planning to take a hot bath and watch TV.


He placed the Little Black Dragon on the bed, letting it crawl around freely, then fetched a set of soft pajamas from the wardrobe—midway through, he went out again because he couldn’t find his phone, bringing it in from the foyer.


When he returned to the room, the Little Black Dragon had disappeared from sight, seemingly burrowed into the blankets. Su Muluo held the pajamas and headed for the bathroom, then suddenly realized something and looked down—


He saw a dragon tail poking out of the pajamas.


Su Muluo: “…”


The Little Black Dragon seemed to know it had been discovered, quietly retracting its tail. But it was too late; the next moment, its head was pinched and pulled out.


Su Muluo heartlessly lifted the Little Black Dragon in the air, shook it a bit, and then tossed it back onto the bed.


“If you peek again next time, I’ll throw away your honey,” Su Muluo said, “and make you drink milk every day.”


The Little Black Dragon: “…”


The Little Black Dragon curled up in a pitiful manner.


Knowing it was feigning innocence, Su Muluo ignored it and headed into the bathroom.


The bathroom door closed, and soon the sound of rushing water filled the air. the Little Black Dragon lazily sprawled on the bed, using its claws to play with the blankets.


It wasn’t really trying to peek at Pheonix bathing; it just liked sticking close to Pheonix, enjoying the scent of Pheonix’s body, unable to bear even a second apart.


Back when it hadn’t hatched yet, Pheonix used to soak in hot springs with it.


Thinking about this, the Little Black Dragon felt a bit unhappy and decided that when it could transform into a human in the future, it would cling to its Pheonix every day and never let go.


Su Muluo didn’t know what the Little Black Dragon was thinking, but when he came out of the bathroom and saw the dragon lounging boredly on the bed, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes. He walked over and poked it.


Because he had just showered, his skin was warm, carrying a faint scent of bath products. the Little Black Dragon immediately grabbed onto his finger, somewhat liking it and reluctant to let go.


Su Muluo allowed it to hold on, smiling, “Shall I bathe you?”


the Little Black Dragon “roared” and flicked its tail.


In an instant, it transformed into a black dragon that occupied the entire large bed.


Su Muluo fell silent for a moment, remembering the small bathtub in the bathroom, “Not so big, shrink a little, the bathtub can’t fit you.”


the Little Black Dragon flicked its tail again but didn’t return to its initial tiny size; instead, it shrank several times, still somewhat large but now able to fit into the bathtub.


Su Muluo thought it would do, so he moved the Little Black Dragon into the bathtub, washing and cleaning its claws.


the Little Black Dragon was still very clean; it behaved well during the bath. Its dark golden dragon pupils stared unblinkingly at Su Muluo, making him inexplicably think of the black-clothed man from his dreams.


Thinking of this, Su Muluo rubbed bubbles on the Little Black Dragon’s head and vigorously scrubbed.


After the bath, Su Muluo lifted the newly shrunken the Little Black Dragon out of the water, drying its body with a towel. The whole dragon smelled pleasantly clean and looked incredibly cute.


However, the Little Black Dragon clearly didn’t like this scent. It rubbed back and forth in Su Muluo’s palm, trying to reclaim Pheonix’s scent.


This little action amused Su Muluo, who checked the time and realized it was already past eight o’clock. His favorite variety show was about to start, so he sat on the sofa with the Little Black Dragon and took out some prepared snacks.


The Little Black Dragon wasn’t interested in the variety show. Seeing its Pheonix focused on the TV, feeling its warm body and the pleasant scent after the bath, it tilted its head curiously.


—The next moment, Su Muluo was pinned down by a suddenly enlarged black dragon that almost filled half of the living room.




He was momentarily stunned, looking down at the black dragon, which was looking back at him.


Then the dragon coiled around his waist with its body, rubbing against him lazily.


Su Muluo: “Here we go again!”


So he pushed the black dragon away, saying, “Don’t lie on top of me.”


The dragon didn’t say a word, coiling around him again, the entire dragon sticking to him.


Su Muluo: “Don’t take advantage of me!”


The dragon buried its head in it’s Phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing the scent it liked, pretending not to hear.


Su Muluo: “…”


This is too much!


Just as the black dragon was happily entwined with its Pheonix, suddenly, it felt a lightness underneath—


A snow-white bird, with tail feathers adorned with golden light, landed gracefully on the sofa, its ruby-like eyes coldly glancing at it.


Then it flew away.


The black dragon: “…”

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 9 – Extremely Shameless

Chapter 9: Extremely Shameless


Su Muluo had imagined what Little Black Dragon would look like when it grew up, but he didn’t expect it to grow so big overnight without any warning.


No, there were signs. Little Black Dragon had been sleeping a lot lately… Could it be that dragons grow by sleeping? Or was it different because his dragon had been in the egg for thousands of years?


Su Muluo couldn’t figure it out. He looked down at the dragon’s body wrapped around his waist. The scales were smooth and hard, said to be the world’s best armor, impervious to any weapon, completely different from the previously soft and fine scales.


He touched the scales and then looked at the dragon tail on the pillow—he had no idea how Little Black Dragon slept, but it always had to cling to him, its head resting on his shoulder and its tail on the pillow.


Unable to get up due to being pinned down, Su Muluo tried to lift the dragon tail by pinching it, but as soon as he touched it, the tail flicked away.


Su Muluo: Tsk, so stingy.


He then turned to face a pair of dark golden dragon eyes.


Although Little Black Dragon had been small and cute, now that it had grown, it exuded a completely different aura—innately majestic, commanding and domineering, like a king surveying his realm, imposing without anger.


Hmm, quite handsome.


Thinking this, Su Muluo patted the black dragon’s head: “You’re heavy, you’re crushing me.”




The dark golden dragon eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion, seemingly displeased by not receiving the expected praise. However, the next moment, it obediently reverted to the soft and limp Little Black Dragon, falling into Su Muluo’s palm.




Su Muluo looked at the little dragon in his hand, no bigger than his palm, recalling the black dragon that had just filled the entire bed. He couldn’t help but marvel, “You’ve grown so big.” But he knew that even though Little Black Dragon had grown, it wasn’t its true form—true dragons were dozens of meters long, just like he was a phoenix with a very large true form.


And also very beautiful, with lovely feathers.




Little Black Dragon heard Su Muluo’s words and felt praised. It happily wagged its tail.


Su Muluo stared at the tip of its tail for a few seconds and reached out—


Little Black Dragon quickly hugged its tail, warily watching him.




Su Muluo nonchalantly retracted his hand and took Little Black Dragon to freshen up.


Today’s breakfast was bread and milk. Since Little Black Dragon didn’t like milk, Su Muluo gave it sweet honey water while he drank milk.


The milk was sweet and warm, paired with soft and delicious bread, it was quite tasty. Su Muluo ate with satisfaction, his mood improving as well.


The little black dragon nibbled on the bread, its dark golden eyes fixed on its phoenix. Suddenly, it grew larger, its tail wrapping around the phoenix’s waist as it nuzzled its head against his shoulder affectionately.


Su Muluo: “?”


Before he could react to what had happened, the next second, the black dragon had shrunk back to its small size.


Then it continued eating the bread.


Su Muluo: “…”


He looked down, meeting the innocent and obedient gaze of the little black dragon, suddenly realizing that the dragon had just taken advantage of him.


And it was on purpose!


Expressionless, Su Muluo took away the little black dragon’s honey water and replaced it with a cup of hot milk.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


You reap what you sow, so under the “gentle” gaze of the phoenix, the little black dragon reluctantly drank the entire cup of milk.


Song Nan had just arrived at the company today and was greeted warmly by her colleague, Sister Yang.


“Xiao Nan, thank you so much for recommending that coffee shop to me.” Sister Yang held her hand, grinning from ear to ear, “Look at my hair and my skin, don’t I look much better than yesterday?”


Song Nan looked at her thick, luscious hair and her rosy, smooth face, with fewer wrinkles, and exclaimed, “It’s true, Sister Yang, you look really beautiful today.”


Sister Yang beamed, “Right? My husband even said I look ten years younger this morning.”


“No way, Xiao Song, is the coffee shop you recommended really that effective?” Other colleagues, having overheard, gathered around, “Does it really help with hair loss?”


Sister Yang said, “Not only does it help with hair loss, look at my skin, my complexion, isn’t it great! The shop owner said their coffee has a secret formula. I guess it might be a recipe passed down from some famous doctor!”


“Then I have to try it! Where is it?”


“Can it help with insomnia? I’ve been sleeping poorly these days…”


“And me, I’ve been having neck pain from staring at the computer. How about we all go together sometime!”




Su Muluo noticed that his recent customers were getting stranger.


Generally speaking, his kind of coffee shop attracted more young people because they had the time to spend an afternoon there. But in recent days, although his customers had increased, they weren’t young people. Instead, they were middle-aged office workers.


Most of them had thinning hair or dark circles from insomnia, and some were constantly rubbing their necks, indicating issues with the spine around their upper chest area.


However, without exception, they all came for the special coffee.


Su Muluo never expected that one day his coffee would attract people not because of its delicious taste but because it could supposedly cure hair loss, insomnia, neck pain, and various other issues. For a moment, he suddenly felt like he wasn’t running a coffee shop but a medical clinic.


In hindsight, he thought he should have opened a clinic instead.


As he was thinking this, a familiar figure walked in from outside, stopping at the door in shock, “Why is your business so good!”


Su Muluo looked up and saw the original owner of the coffee shop, Huang Gaigai, and said, “Please have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”


“No, no, I just came to take a look.” Huang Gaigai said, “I’m leaving in a couple of days and wanted to say goodbye… but why is your business so good?”


He looked around in disbelief. It was four in the afternoon, and there were several tables of customers in the coffee shop. It had never been this busy when he owned the shop.


Could it be that the coffee here was very cheap?


Huang Gaigai glanced at the menu and was shocked by the price of the special coffee: “So expensive! Do people actually order this?”


Su Muluo smiled, took out a coffee cup, and said, “Let me treat you to a cup.”


He had Huang Gaigai pick a seat. While making the coffee, Huang Gaigai looked around as if searching for someone.


Su Muluo knew he was looking for Qiansui, but at this time, Qiansui was still out wandering—being a cat demon, it was the leader of the nearby cats, controlling the territory of several streets and usually quite busy.


Of course, Su Muluo couldn’t tell Huang Gaigai that his cat was a demon and was out managing other cats, so he said, “There have been more customers lately, and Qiansui is a bit shy. I’ve let it stay at home.”


Huang Gaigai responded with an “Oh,” looking a bit disappointed, but trying not to show it, forced a smile and said, “It is shy and timid, never dares to approach people.”


Su Muluo thought, “That’s not necessarily true. It was baring its teeth at me just the other day.” Then he brought the brewed special coffee to Huang Gaigai and said, “Try it, the coffee I made.”


Huang Gaigai sniffed it, “It smells so good. It’s indeed good coffee.”


Then he took a sip.


The next second, his eyes widened in astonishment.


What… what is this?


Is this coffee???


It’s too delicious!!!


Huang Gaigai, being a wealthy second-generation heir, had tasted many good coffees, but none compared to the one he was holding. This was simply the best coffee he had ever had in his twenty-some years of life!


Moreover, considering the taste, the price was too low! It was practically a steal!


No wonder the business was so good! If it weren’t, it wouldn’t make sense!


Huang Gaigai drank with tears in his eyes, looking at Su Muluo as if seeing a savior.


Su Muluo: “…”


What’s wrong with this guy? Why is he acting so weird?


“Great!” Huang Gaigai grabbed Su Muluo’s hand, “Handing this coffee shop over to you was the best decision I’ve ever made! You will definitely carry on my dream and take it far!”


Feeling his pocket move to avoid a little jealous dragon from exploding, Su Muluo calmly withdrew his hand and said, “Thank you for the compliment.”


“It’s true! I’ve never had such delicious coffee in my entire life!” Huang Gaigai exclaimed excitedly. “Have you ever thought about opening a chain? My family could invest in you and make this coffee shop a brand that goes beyond China and reaches the world!”


Su Muluo replied, “There’s no need for that. I don’t have such grand ambitions; I just want to manage this small shop well.”


Opening a chain store was impossible. He only had thirty feathers in total, with each one lasting a year. Besides, he was a phoenix and wouldn’t age, so he couldn’t stay in one place forever. In seven or eight years, he would move to another city to start a new life.


Huang Gaigai didn’t know his true thoughts. Hearing this, he felt it was a pity but understood that everyone has their own aspirations. So, he didn’t say much more and enjoyed his coffee.


At the same time, another customer walked into the shop. She had long, black hair reaching her waist, wore a white dress, and had a delicate yet gloomy look—she was the woman who had visited the shop before.


Su Muluo glanced at her without any change in his expression and said calmly, “Welcome back. Would you like the special coffee again?”


The woman nodded silently, her gaze lingering on him before subtly glancing at Huang Gaigai.


Just that one look made Huang Gaigai shiver with cold. He was puzzled and said, “It seemed a bit cold just now.”


Su Muluo comforted him, “Maybe the air conditioning is set too low.”


Then he got up and made a cup of special coffee for the woman.


This time, the coffee still didn’t contain any phoenix feather essence. The woman didn’t say anything, silently drinking it before leaving. Huang Gaigai stayed in the coffee shop for another half hour before saying goodbye to Su Muluo.



In the evening, Qiansui returned to the shop earlier than before. Su Muluo placed some cat food in front of it and said, “Your owner came to see you today.”


Qiansui paused for a moment, then continued eating as if nothing had happened.


Su Muluo watched the orange cat for a few seconds and decided not to tell it that Huang Gaigai was leaving. After all, it probably already knew, and mentioning it would just cause sadness. After it finished eating, he said, “Remember to wash the bowl. Don’t go out tonight.”


Then he got up and left the coffee shop with the little black dragon.


The night wind was slightly chilly. It had been over twenty degrees during the day, but the temperature dropped sharply at night. Su Muluo wore a coat and, instead of flying straight home as usual, walked slowly along the street.


The little black dragon crawled out of his pocket, its dark golden eyes narrowing slightly as it let out a “roar.”


Su Muluo held it in his hands and said, “It’s okay.”


Then he turned a corner, moving from the bustling commercial street to a quieter alley.


As he walked, the street became increasingly deserted, with fewer and fewer pedestrians until he was the only one left.


The lonely street extended into the distance, the dim streetlights barely illuminating the thick darkness that seemed to swallow everything.


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, its gaze sharply fixed on a spot until Su Muluo stopped, turned around, and seemed about to walk back.




At that moment, a shadow darted out of the darkness, claws gleaming coldly as they aimed straight for Su Muluo’s heart—only to be thrown back by an even stronger force, crashing heavily onto the ground with a loud “bang.”


Su Muluo thought, “This is bad.”


He had intended to take action but was beaten to it by the little black dragon, who showed no mercy. He could only watch as the ground cracked, forming a giant pit over ten meters wide.


“…” Su Muluo glanced at the little black dragon and, after a few seconds of silence, said, “You’ve damaged the road.”


The little black dragon looked at him, puzzled: “Roar?”


Su Muluo said, “If they find out, we’ll have to pay for it.”


The little black dragon fell silent.


Su Muluo continued, “If my money isn’t enough, I’ll have to sell you to cover the debt.”


The little black dragon: “??!”


It immediately curled up pitifully, hugging the phoenix’s finger with its tiny horns rubbing against it: “Wuuu.”


Su Muluo looked at the little black dragon acting pitifully in his hand and sighed helplessly, then turned his attention to the half-dead monster on the ground.


The monster: “…”


It suddenly had a bad feeling.


The next second, Su Muluo reached into his pocket under the monster’s terrified gaze and took out his phone to make a call.


“Hello, is this the Bureau of Special Affairs?” he said. “I’d like to report an attack on a monster here, along with road damage—a pit over ten meters wide. The perpetrator is cruel and dangerous. Please send someone to arrest it immediately and don’t let it escape.”


The monster: “…”


Wait, it was clearly you guys who did this!


How shameless!

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


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