Chapter 8: It Got Bigger


Although the more Su Muluo thought about his beautiful feathers being ground into essence for treating hair loss, the more he felt… whatever, he had to comfort himself that at least it made money. Treating hair loss was fine, as there was a high demand for it nowadays, and people would likely come more often to drink his coffee.


Besides, once they drank it, they would find out that his special coffee had many other beneficial effects.


After all, those were his feathers! Treasures of the world, if not curing all diseases, they could at least extend one’s life! They were definitely not just for hair growth!


Song Nan and her colleague had already chosen a seat and sat down. Su Muluo took out a few coffee cups and was about to brew the coffee when another customer entered the store.


It was a woman with long, black hair reaching her waist, wearing a white dress. Her appearance was beautiful, but there was a gloomy aura in her eyes, and upon closer inspection, she seemed somewhat unreal.


Su Muluo glanced at her face without changing his expression and said calmly, “What would you like to drink?”


The woman looked up, her emotionless eyes scanned the menu briefly, and she said softly, “A cup of special coffee, no sugar.”


After saying this, she walked straight to a corner of the café and sat by the window.


Su Muluo took out another cup and started brewing the coffee, adding phoenix feather essence to the other three cups but not to the woman’s.


The coffee was soon ready. Song Nan couldn’t wait to take a sip, closing her eyes in satisfaction.


It was delicious!


If she hadn’t personally experienced the benefits of this coffee, knowing it was entirely beneficial to her body, Song Nan would have suspected that the owner had added something illegal to make it taste this good.


…Although, in truth, something had been added, but it was not anything illegal or harmful; it was extremely rare and beneficial.


Song Nan took another sip and saw her colleague’s expression change from doubt to surprise and disbelief. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride.


I told you this coffee was good. You didn’t believe me at first.


At this moment, the customer who had ordered the special coffee with them exclaimed, “Boss, what kind of coffee is this? It’s so delicious!”


Su Muluo smiled and said, “It’s my secret recipe, not for public disclosure.”


The customer said, “Oh, can I have another cup?”


“Sorry, it’s limited,” Su Muluo replied, “and each person can only order one cup at a time.”


The customer seemed a bit disappointed but said, “Alright, I’ll come back tomorrow for more.”


Song Nan’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t expected the special coffee to be limited!


Of course, the owner had said it was a secret recipe, so it must be very precious and couldn’t be unlimited… She realized she needed to come more often. If the café became popular, it wouldn’t be so easy to get it!


Thinking of this, Song Nan sipped her coffee carefully, savoring each sip as a delightful feast for her taste buds.


In the corner of the café, the woman with black hair took a sip of her special coffee. Her expression remained unchanged, neither surprised nor disappointed.


After finishing her cup of coffee, Song Nan and her colleague got up to leave. As they passed the bar, Song Nan looked at Su Muluo’s handsome profile and joked, “Boss, you’re so young, do you have a girlfriend?”


Su Muluo was about to answer when he suddenly felt something move in his pocket. He reached in and found a small black dragon hugging his finger.


He then smiled and said, “I already have a partner.”




Song Nan chewed on the meaning of this word, a hint of disappointment flashing in her eyes. She then smiled and said, “She must be a very beautiful girl. Goodbye, boss, we’re leaving.”


Su Muluo nodded and said, “Take care.” At the same time, a woman with long black hair, who had been sitting in the corner, also stood up and walked silently towards the door.


As Song Nan brushed past the woman, she suddenly shivered, feeling a chill run through her body. She looked outside and saw the warm sunshine.


…Was the air conditioning in the shop too cold?


She didn’t understand but didn’t think much of it, leaving with her colleague.





After Song Nan and her colleague were far away, the little black dragon poked its head out of Su Muluo’s pocket, staring at him without blinking.


Su Muluo tapped its head and said, “I didn’t say anything bad about you.”


He suspected that the little black dragon wasn’t really sleeping, or even if it was, it was still paying attention to the outside world. Otherwise, how could it wake up as soon as someone asked if he had a girlfriend?


The little black dragon let out a small roar, wagged its tail, and climbed onto the bar counter along Su Muluo’s hand.


Although it had been almost a week since it hatched, its size hadn’t changed much. It was still small enough to curl up in Su Muluo’s palm, hidden from the customers by the bar.


Su Muluo watched the little dragon wriggling in his hand, showing its soft belly in a playful manner. He rubbed its little belly and smiled, “Why are you still so small?”


The little black dragon nuzzled his fingers, chirping something incomprehensible.


Su Muluo said, “Alright, suit yourself.”


He didn’t understand a word of it.


The little black dragon knew he didn’t understand and stopped chirping, instead yawning lazily and resting its chin on his fingertip.


Just as Su Muluo suspected, although the little black dragon often slept, it still paid attention to the outside world. After all, its phoenix was running a shop and interacting with many people every day, some of whom had feelings for its phoenix, making it particularly vigilant.


Dragons were notoriously possessive of their partners, not allowing anyone else to covet them. Back in the mountains, it was just the two of them, but now it was different.


Thinking of this, the little black dragon wrapped its tail around Su Muluo’s wrist, clinging to him affectionately.


When it could transform into a human, it would cling to its phoenix every day, letting everyone know that the phoenix was its alone, and no one else could desire him.


Unaware of the little dragon’s possessive thoughts, Su Muluo scratched its chin, hearing its contented hum, a smile flashing in his eyes.


At seven in the evening, the coffee shop closed, and Su Muluo prepared to go home.


He now opened the shop at ten in the morning and closed at seven in the evening, a perfect schedule that allowed him personal time without feeling exhausted. Moreover, the weather was gradually getting cooler, and he preferred to stay in a warm house, holding his little black dragon and watching TV.


Yes, he had recently developed a liking for watching TV, following a variety show that aired at eight every evening, so he would go home early.


Most of the lights in the coffee shop were turned off, leaving only one for illumination. As usual, Su Muluo prepared cat food and placed it on the bar. This time, before he could leave, an orange cat slipped in from outside.


It didn’t look around, quickly hiding under a table, waiting for Su Muluo to leave so it could eat.


Su Muluo looked at the now plumper orange cat and said, “Don’t go out at night recently. There was an attack on a demon a few days ago, it’s not very safe.”


The cat, Chisui, didn’t respond, but Su Muluo wasn’t concerned, knowing it understood him. He then left with the little black dragon.


He had no intention of taking Chisui back to his rented apartment, knowing it would probably be unwilling. Besides, as a cat demon with demon power capable of transformation, Chisui could take care of itself in the shop’s resting room.


Moreover, even if Chisui agreed, Su Muluo’s jealous little black dragon would be infuriated if it knew he wanted to bring a cat home. It might twist itself into a knot or puff up like a pufferfish.


Soon, the lights in the rented apartment turned on, and Su Muluo stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner.


Dinner was boiled fish. Tender fish pieces submerged in spicy chili oil, steaming and releasing a mouth-watering aroma.


It was Su Muluo’s first time making this dish, and he accidentally added too many chilies. This caused the little black dragon to sneeze constantly, unwilling to leave but insisting on sticking to its phoenix.


And so, it kept sneezing.


Su Muluo couldn’t help but laugh, looking at the little black dragon’s slightly resentful eyes.


He picked out some of the excess chilies and added a bit of water to the pot, saying, “Alright, I won’t make it this spicy next time.”


He hadn’t known the little black dragon couldn’t handle spicy food, as he had never made it before. But when the boiled fish was served, a bright red bowl, the little black dragon curiously sniffed around, seemingly wanting to try.


Su Muluo gave it a small piece of fish, and it took a tiny bite.


Then it got overwhelmed by the spiciness.




Su Muluo: “…”


He watched the little dragon writhing on the table in distress and quickly fetched water from the kitchen, putting it in a bowl and offering it honey tea.


The honey was bought a few days ago, sweet and delicious. Little Black Dragon was listlessly lying in the water, sticking its head out and drinking the honey bit by bit.


Su Muluo felt a bit distressed and fed it a cup of honey water, then patted it and asked, “How are you feeling now?”


Little Black Dragon: “Aw.”


This “aw” was louder than before, indicating it was feeling better. Su Muluo scooped it out of the clean water and carefully dried it with a towel to prevent it from catching a cold.


Little Black Dragon didn’t like being wrapped in a towel. After a few seconds, it tried to wriggle back to the Phoenix. Su Muluo gently cupped it in his hand and said, “There’s still a bit of fish left. How about I make some soup for you?”


Little Black Dragon shook its head to refuse, but glanced at the pot of boiled fish.


It seemed like it still wanted to eat.


Su Muluo said, “No way.” Then he added, “If you like the taste, I’ll make a less spicy version next time.”


Su Muluo found the boiled fish quite fine for himself, but clearly, Little Black Dragon couldn’t handle it. After all, it was just a baby dragon less than a week old.


…Even though it had been in the egg for thousands of years, a baby dragon was still a baby dragon.


Thinking this, Su Muluo looked at Little Black Dragon with some affection. His gaze made Little Black Dragon uncomfortable, and it “awed” again, burying its head in his sleeve.


Su Muluo laughed and poked Little Black Dragon, saying, “How about I steam an egg custard for you?”


Little Black Dragon thought about it and agreed. The Phoenix’s steamed egg custard was delicious—fragrant and smooth. It nodded.


They busied themselves until eight o’clock and finally had dinner. Sitting in front of the TV, they watched a variety show, played with their phones for a while, and when Su Muluo noticed Little Black Dragon getting sleepy, he took it to bed.


Lately, Little Black Dragon had not only been sleeping a lot but also getting sleepy earlier each night. Su Muluo was a bit worried, thinking the colder weather might be the reason, and asked, “Are you going to hibernate?” Do dragons even need to hibernate? If it did, would his dragon just sleep through the whole winter?


Little Black Dragon, drowsy and limp, curled up in his palm, seemingly not hearing him.


Su Muluo thought, fine, I’ll ask it again in the morning and check its health properly. He placed Little Black Dragon on the pillow, watched it for a while, and then closed his eyes.


With the lights off, Su Muluo slowly fell asleep. He slept well in the first half of the night, but in the second half, he felt something heavy pressing on him. When he pushed it away, it clung back, stubbornly sticking to him.


As a result, Su Muluo didn’t sleep well all night. The next morning, he groggily opened his eyes and suddenly saw a dragon tail in front of him.


A much larger dragon tail.




Su Muluo wanted to sit up, but something heavy was wrapped around his waist. Turning his head, he saw a black dragon lying on top of him, its body coiled around his waist, nearly covering the entire bed.


Su Muluo was shocked.


His Little Black Dragon had grown bigger overnight.


Super big!

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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