Chapter 9: Extremely Shameless


Su Muluo had imagined what Little Black Dragon would look like when it grew up, but he didn’t expect it to grow so big overnight without any warning.


No, there were signs. Little Black Dragon had been sleeping a lot lately… Could it be that dragons grow by sleeping? Or was it different because his dragon had been in the egg for thousands of years?


Su Muluo couldn’t figure it out. He looked down at the dragon’s body wrapped around his waist. The scales were smooth and hard, said to be the world’s best armor, impervious to any weapon, completely different from the previously soft and fine scales.


He touched the scales and then looked at the dragon tail on the pillow—he had no idea how Little Black Dragon slept, but it always had to cling to him, its head resting on his shoulder and its tail on the pillow.


Unable to get up due to being pinned down, Su Muluo tried to lift the dragon tail by pinching it, but as soon as he touched it, the tail flicked away.


Su Muluo: Tsk, so stingy.


He then turned to face a pair of dark golden dragon eyes.


Although Little Black Dragon had been small and cute, now that it had grown, it exuded a completely different aura—innately majestic, commanding and domineering, like a king surveying his realm, imposing without anger.


Hmm, quite handsome.


Thinking this, Su Muluo patted the black dragon’s head: “You’re heavy, you’re crushing me.”




The dark golden dragon eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion, seemingly displeased by not receiving the expected praise. However, the next moment, it obediently reverted to the soft and limp Little Black Dragon, falling into Su Muluo’s palm.




Su Muluo looked at the little dragon in his hand, no bigger than his palm, recalling the black dragon that had just filled the entire bed. He couldn’t help but marvel, “You’ve grown so big.” But he knew that even though Little Black Dragon had grown, it wasn’t its true form—true dragons were dozens of meters long, just like he was a phoenix with a very large true form.


And also very beautiful, with lovely feathers.




Little Black Dragon heard Su Muluo’s words and felt praised. It happily wagged its tail.


Su Muluo stared at the tip of its tail for a few seconds and reached out—


Little Black Dragon quickly hugged its tail, warily watching him.




Su Muluo nonchalantly retracted his hand and took Little Black Dragon to freshen up.


Today’s breakfast was bread and milk. Since Little Black Dragon didn’t like milk, Su Muluo gave it sweet honey water while he drank milk.


The milk was sweet and warm, paired with soft and delicious bread, it was quite tasty. Su Muluo ate with satisfaction, his mood improving as well.


The little black dragon nibbled on the bread, its dark golden eyes fixed on its phoenix. Suddenly, it grew larger, its tail wrapping around the phoenix’s waist as it nuzzled its head against his shoulder affectionately.


Su Muluo: “?”


Before he could react to what had happened, the next second, the black dragon had shrunk back to its small size.


Then it continued eating the bread.


Su Muluo: “…”


He looked down, meeting the innocent and obedient gaze of the little black dragon, suddenly realizing that the dragon had just taken advantage of him.


And it was on purpose!


Expressionless, Su Muluo took away the little black dragon’s honey water and replaced it with a cup of hot milk.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


You reap what you sow, so under the “gentle” gaze of the phoenix, the little black dragon reluctantly drank the entire cup of milk.


Song Nan had just arrived at the company today and was greeted warmly by her colleague, Sister Yang.


“Xiao Nan, thank you so much for recommending that coffee shop to me.” Sister Yang held her hand, grinning from ear to ear, “Look at my hair and my skin, don’t I look much better than yesterday?”


Song Nan looked at her thick, luscious hair and her rosy, smooth face, with fewer wrinkles, and exclaimed, “It’s true, Sister Yang, you look really beautiful today.”


Sister Yang beamed, “Right? My husband even said I look ten years younger this morning.”


“No way, Xiao Song, is the coffee shop you recommended really that effective?” Other colleagues, having overheard, gathered around, “Does it really help with hair loss?”


Sister Yang said, “Not only does it help with hair loss, look at my skin, my complexion, isn’t it great! The shop owner said their coffee has a secret formula. I guess it might be a recipe passed down from some famous doctor!”


“Then I have to try it! Where is it?”


“Can it help with insomnia? I’ve been sleeping poorly these days…”


“And me, I’ve been having neck pain from staring at the computer. How about we all go together sometime!”




Su Muluo noticed that his recent customers were getting stranger.


Generally speaking, his kind of coffee shop attracted more young people because they had the time to spend an afternoon there. But in recent days, although his customers had increased, they weren’t young people. Instead, they were middle-aged office workers.


Most of them had thinning hair or dark circles from insomnia, and some were constantly rubbing their necks, indicating issues with the spine around their upper chest area.


However, without exception, they all came for the special coffee.


Su Muluo never expected that one day his coffee would attract people not because of its delicious taste but because it could supposedly cure hair loss, insomnia, neck pain, and various other issues. For a moment, he suddenly felt like he wasn’t running a coffee shop but a medical clinic.


In hindsight, he thought he should have opened a clinic instead.


As he was thinking this, a familiar figure walked in from outside, stopping at the door in shock, “Why is your business so good!”


Su Muluo looked up and saw the original owner of the coffee shop, Huang Gaigai, and said, “Please have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”


“No, no, I just came to take a look.” Huang Gaigai said, “I’m leaving in a couple of days and wanted to say goodbye… but why is your business so good?”


He looked around in disbelief. It was four in the afternoon, and there were several tables of customers in the coffee shop. It had never been this busy when he owned the shop.


Could it be that the coffee here was very cheap?


Huang Gaigai glanced at the menu and was shocked by the price of the special coffee: “So expensive! Do people actually order this?”


Su Muluo smiled, took out a coffee cup, and said, “Let me treat you to a cup.”


He had Huang Gaigai pick a seat. While making the coffee, Huang Gaigai looked around as if searching for someone.


Su Muluo knew he was looking for Qiansui, but at this time, Qiansui was still out wandering—being a cat demon, it was the leader of the nearby cats, controlling the territory of several streets and usually quite busy.


Of course, Su Muluo couldn’t tell Huang Gaigai that his cat was a demon and was out managing other cats, so he said, “There have been more customers lately, and Qiansui is a bit shy. I’ve let it stay at home.”


Huang Gaigai responded with an “Oh,” looking a bit disappointed, but trying not to show it, forced a smile and said, “It is shy and timid, never dares to approach people.”


Su Muluo thought, “That’s not necessarily true. It was baring its teeth at me just the other day.” Then he brought the brewed special coffee to Huang Gaigai and said, “Try it, the coffee I made.”


Huang Gaigai sniffed it, “It smells so good. It’s indeed good coffee.”


Then he took a sip.


The next second, his eyes widened in astonishment.


What… what is this?


Is this coffee???


It’s too delicious!!!


Huang Gaigai, being a wealthy second-generation heir, had tasted many good coffees, but none compared to the one he was holding. This was simply the best coffee he had ever had in his twenty-some years of life!


Moreover, considering the taste, the price was too low! It was practically a steal!


No wonder the business was so good! If it weren’t, it wouldn’t make sense!


Huang Gaigai drank with tears in his eyes, looking at Su Muluo as if seeing a savior.


Su Muluo: “…”


What’s wrong with this guy? Why is he acting so weird?


“Great!” Huang Gaigai grabbed Su Muluo’s hand, “Handing this coffee shop over to you was the best decision I’ve ever made! You will definitely carry on my dream and take it far!”


Feeling his pocket move to avoid a little jealous dragon from exploding, Su Muluo calmly withdrew his hand and said, “Thank you for the compliment.”


“It’s true! I’ve never had such delicious coffee in my entire life!” Huang Gaigai exclaimed excitedly. “Have you ever thought about opening a chain? My family could invest in you and make this coffee shop a brand that goes beyond China and reaches the world!”


Su Muluo replied, “There’s no need for that. I don’t have such grand ambitions; I just want to manage this small shop well.”


Opening a chain store was impossible. He only had thirty feathers in total, with each one lasting a year. Besides, he was a phoenix and wouldn’t age, so he couldn’t stay in one place forever. In seven or eight years, he would move to another city to start a new life.


Huang Gaigai didn’t know his true thoughts. Hearing this, he felt it was a pity but understood that everyone has their own aspirations. So, he didn’t say much more and enjoyed his coffee.


At the same time, another customer walked into the shop. She had long, black hair reaching her waist, wore a white dress, and had a delicate yet gloomy look—she was the woman who had visited the shop before.


Su Muluo glanced at her without any change in his expression and said calmly, “Welcome back. Would you like the special coffee again?”


The woman nodded silently, her gaze lingering on him before subtly glancing at Huang Gaigai.


Just that one look made Huang Gaigai shiver with cold. He was puzzled and said, “It seemed a bit cold just now.”


Su Muluo comforted him, “Maybe the air conditioning is set too low.”


Then he got up and made a cup of special coffee for the woman.


This time, the coffee still didn’t contain any phoenix feather essence. The woman didn’t say anything, silently drinking it before leaving. Huang Gaigai stayed in the coffee shop for another half hour before saying goodbye to Su Muluo.



In the evening, Qiansui returned to the shop earlier than before. Su Muluo placed some cat food in front of it and said, “Your owner came to see you today.”


Qiansui paused for a moment, then continued eating as if nothing had happened.


Su Muluo watched the orange cat for a few seconds and decided not to tell it that Huang Gaigai was leaving. After all, it probably already knew, and mentioning it would just cause sadness. After it finished eating, he said, “Remember to wash the bowl. Don’t go out tonight.”


Then he got up and left the coffee shop with the little black dragon.


The night wind was slightly chilly. It had been over twenty degrees during the day, but the temperature dropped sharply at night. Su Muluo wore a coat and, instead of flying straight home as usual, walked slowly along the street.


The little black dragon crawled out of his pocket, its dark golden eyes narrowing slightly as it let out a “roar.”


Su Muluo held it in his hands and said, “It’s okay.”


Then he turned a corner, moving from the bustling commercial street to a quieter alley.


As he walked, the street became increasingly deserted, with fewer and fewer pedestrians until he was the only one left.


The lonely street extended into the distance, the dim streetlights barely illuminating the thick darkness that seemed to swallow everything.


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, its gaze sharply fixed on a spot until Su Muluo stopped, turned around, and seemed about to walk back.




At that moment, a shadow darted out of the darkness, claws gleaming coldly as they aimed straight for Su Muluo’s heart—only to be thrown back by an even stronger force, crashing heavily onto the ground with a loud “bang.”


Su Muluo thought, “This is bad.”


He had intended to take action but was beaten to it by the little black dragon, who showed no mercy. He could only watch as the ground cracked, forming a giant pit over ten meters wide.


“…” Su Muluo glanced at the little black dragon and, after a few seconds of silence, said, “You’ve damaged the road.”


The little black dragon looked at him, puzzled: “Roar?”


Su Muluo said, “If they find out, we’ll have to pay for it.”


The little black dragon fell silent.


Su Muluo continued, “If my money isn’t enough, I’ll have to sell you to cover the debt.”


The little black dragon: “??!”


It immediately curled up pitifully, hugging the phoenix’s finger with its tiny horns rubbing against it: “Wuuu.”


Su Muluo looked at the little black dragon acting pitifully in his hand and sighed helplessly, then turned his attention to the half-dead monster on the ground.


The monster: “…”


It suddenly had a bad feeling.


The next second, Su Muluo reached into his pocket under the monster’s terrified gaze and took out his phone to make a call.


“Hello, is this the Bureau of Special Affairs?” he said. “I’d like to report an attack on a monster here, along with road damage—a pit over ten meters wide. The perpetrator is cruel and dangerous. Please send someone to arrest it immediately and don’t let it escape.”


The monster: “…”


Wait, it was clearly you guys who did this!


How shameless!

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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