Chapter 10 – Little Phoenix

Chapter 10: Little Phoenix


After making the report, Su Muluo looked at the monster on the ground, which was trying to crawl away. “Where are you going?”


The monster froze, not daring to move.


Su Muluo walked over. Generally, an ordinary monster hit by the little black dragon’s attack would die instantly, but this one was still alive and barely hurt.


However, it wasn’t strong because Su Muluo could see its true form at a glance—a dog demon.


Su Muluo stopped in front of the dog demon, his long eyelashes lowering as his dark eyes looked down at it. “What’s your name?”


The dog demon replied, “Yu… Yu Haozhi.”


Su Muluo asked, “What’s your purpose?”


Yu Haozhi felt an overwhelming pressure that made him unable to lift his head or straighten his body. Cold sweat soaked his clothes as he stammered, “I… I came to find my girlfriend!”


  Su Muluo raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak. Yu Haozhi had to continue, despite his discomfort, “A few days ago, my girlfriend went missing around here. You appeared in the area around that time and opened such a conspicuous coffee shop… So, I came to track you, to see if you had anything to do with her disappearance—”


  Su Muluo uttered a soft “oh,” and calmly interjected, “But you seemed like you were trying to kill me just now.”


  ”No! That’s not it!” Yu Haozhi nervously explained, “It’s because I thought you had noticed me and might attack first. You’re so powerful, I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance if I ran, so I decided to strike first.”


  So far, his reasoning seemed clear, and his explanations somewhat plausible. Su Muluo scrutinized him for a few seconds, seemingly starting to believe his words. He asked, “If your girlfriend is missing, why didn’t you contact the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings?”


  The affairs concerning Demon were under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, so it would make sense to seek their help. Yu Haozhi felt a pang of disappointment upon hearing this. He lowered his head and admitted, “My girlfriend is human, not under the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’ jurisdiction. I did report it to the police, but there hasn’t been any progress. I was anxious, so I couldn’t help but… couldn’t help but…”


  The last three words lingered on his lips. Suddenly, he jerked his head up, muscles tense, and in a blink of an eye rushed towards Su Muluo—


  Su Muluo remained motionless, watching him coldly.


  The next moment, a dragon’s roar echoed, and overwhelming Demon energy engulfed Yu Haozhi. His expression changed drastically, and he let out an inhuman scream… However, instead of being killed on the spot, his body suddenly expanded, then rapidly shrunk, finally turning into a dry human skin, limp on the ground.


  The surroundings returned to calm. Su Muluo looked at the horrifying skin on the ground and patted the little black dragon, saying, “No wonder you couldn’t kill it.”


  What they encountered earlier wasn’t a canine Demon at all but a humanoid skin illusion. Perhaps it originally belonged to a canine Demon, carrying its essence and life force, which allowed it to deceive others’ eyes.


  ——After this, someone must be controlling this skin.


  Su Muluo didn’t rush to leave but waited patiently until agents from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings arrived.


  ”Mr. Su,” the one who arrived was a female Taoist priest. Su Muluo had seen her with Zheng Hechun before; she seemed to be one of the agents who had visited him when Little Black Dragon just hatched. “I’m Liu He from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. Did you encounter any trouble?”


  ”No trouble,” Su Muluo pointed to the skin on the ground, saying, “Just someone attacked me.”


  He briefly recounted what had happened, adding at the end, “Also, the road was damaged by him.”


  ”Alright, understood. The road damage will be taken care of by the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings,” Liu He smiled, with an understanding that seemed to say ‘whatever you say.’ She then asked, “So, you were targeted?”


  Su Muluo successfully shifted the blame away, nodding nonchalantly. “Yes, but the attacker probably doesn’t know who I am.”


  As Yu Haozhi had said, his sudden appearance and the opening of a peculiar coffee shop would inevitably attract attention. Su Muluo was certain that whoever was behind Yu Haozhi didn’t know his identity. Firstly, because the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings wouldn’t casually leak such important information, and secondly, any Demon aware of the True Dragon in his possession would never dare to provoke him.


  Or rather, not just provoke, they wouldn’t even dare to approach, knowing it would be courting death.


  Liu He nodded in agreement, evidently trusting Su Muluo’s judgment. She asked, “So, you were just targeted by some ignorant Demon, as one of their targets… By the way, what was the name of that canine Demon?”


  Su Muluo replied, “Yu Haozhi.”


  Liu He frowned for a moment, recalling, “Oh, I see.” She explained to Su Muluo, who looked puzzled, “Not long ago, a canine Demon was killed in Lin City, its skin peeled off by a stronger Demon. It also had a human lover who was traumatized witnessing everything and is currently hospitalized—That canine Demon’s name was Yu Haozhi.”


  Su Muluo was slightly surprised; this incident happened to be the one he read about on the forum a few days ago.


  No wonder the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings hadn’t disclosed the details; after all, peeling off a Demon’s skin alive was extremely brutal and bloody even among Demon.


  ”Has the person who killed him not been found yet?”


  Liu He shook her head. “That Demon is extremely skilled at concealing its aura, just like you saw earlier. It can also control the skin of the Demon it kills, leaving no trace from start to finish. It’s difficult to track.” She paused briefly, then smiled at Su Muluo, “But fortunately, thanks to you, we now have this skin and might trace the source of its Demon power.”


  She instructed her team to remove the skin from the ground. Su Muluo had no further questions and asked, “Can I go now?”


  ”Of course,” Liu He replied, “You’ve had a night of disturbance, and if you encounter any suspicious individuals in the future, please contact us immediately.”




  The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings would handle the scene’s damage. Su Muluo didn’t linger and returned with Little Black Dragon.


  He wasn’t particularly concerned about the Demon that had attacked him. While they might strike again upon realizing he possessed a True Dragon, it wasn’t a major problem. Once they appeared, he could deal with them.


  Little Black Dragon seemed a bit dissatisfied, grumbling softly because they hadn’t exposed the mastermind behind the attack. Su Muluo comforted it, gently squeezing its claw, “It’s alright. With you here, they can’t harm me anyway.”


  Thinking it over, Little Black Dragon stopped grumbling, nestled obediently in his palm.


  The night wind was slightly chilly, but the small dragon in his hand was warm. Su Muluo smiled faintly and returned to his rented room, checking the time, planning to take a hot bath and watch TV.


He placed the Little Black Dragon on the bed, letting it crawl around freely, then fetched a set of soft pajamas from the wardrobe—midway through, he went out again because he couldn’t find his phone, bringing it in from the foyer.


When he returned to the room, the Little Black Dragon had disappeared from sight, seemingly burrowed into the blankets. Su Muluo held the pajamas and headed for the bathroom, then suddenly realized something and looked down—


He saw a dragon tail poking out of the pajamas.


Su Muluo: “…”


The Little Black Dragon seemed to know it had been discovered, quietly retracting its tail. But it was too late; the next moment, its head was pinched and pulled out.


Su Muluo heartlessly lifted the Little Black Dragon in the air, shook it a bit, and then tossed it back onto the bed.


“If you peek again next time, I’ll throw away your honey,” Su Muluo said, “and make you drink milk every day.”


The Little Black Dragon: “…”


The Little Black Dragon curled up in a pitiful manner.


Knowing it was feigning innocence, Su Muluo ignored it and headed into the bathroom.


The bathroom door closed, and soon the sound of rushing water filled the air. the Little Black Dragon lazily sprawled on the bed, using its claws to play with the blankets.


It wasn’t really trying to peek at Pheonix bathing; it just liked sticking close to Pheonix, enjoying the scent of Pheonix’s body, unable to bear even a second apart.


Back when it hadn’t hatched yet, Pheonix used to soak in hot springs with it.


Thinking about this, the Little Black Dragon felt a bit unhappy and decided that when it could transform into a human in the future, it would cling to its Pheonix every day and never let go.


Su Muluo didn’t know what the Little Black Dragon was thinking, but when he came out of the bathroom and saw the dragon lounging boredly on the bed, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes. He walked over and poked it.


Because he had just showered, his skin was warm, carrying a faint scent of bath products. the Little Black Dragon immediately grabbed onto his finger, somewhat liking it and reluctant to let go.


Su Muluo allowed it to hold on, smiling, “Shall I bathe you?”


the Little Black Dragon “roared” and flicked its tail.


In an instant, it transformed into a black dragon that occupied the entire large bed.


Su Muluo fell silent for a moment, remembering the small bathtub in the bathroom, “Not so big, shrink a little, the bathtub can’t fit you.”


the Little Black Dragon flicked its tail again but didn’t return to its initial tiny size; instead, it shrank several times, still somewhat large but now able to fit into the bathtub.


Su Muluo thought it would do, so he moved the Little Black Dragon into the bathtub, washing and cleaning its claws.


the Little Black Dragon was still very clean; it behaved well during the bath. Its dark golden dragon pupils stared unblinkingly at Su Muluo, making him inexplicably think of the black-clothed man from his dreams.


Thinking of this, Su Muluo rubbed bubbles on the Little Black Dragon’s head and vigorously scrubbed.


After the bath, Su Muluo lifted the newly shrunken the Little Black Dragon out of the water, drying its body with a towel. The whole dragon smelled pleasantly clean and looked incredibly cute.


However, the Little Black Dragon clearly didn’t like this scent. It rubbed back and forth in Su Muluo’s palm, trying to reclaim Pheonix’s scent.


This little action amused Su Muluo, who checked the time and realized it was already past eight o’clock. His favorite variety show was about to start, so he sat on the sofa with the Little Black Dragon and took out some prepared snacks.


The Little Black Dragon wasn’t interested in the variety show. Seeing its Pheonix focused on the TV, feeling its warm body and the pleasant scent after the bath, it tilted its head curiously.


—The next moment, Su Muluo was pinned down by a suddenly enlarged black dragon that almost filled half of the living room.




He was momentarily stunned, looking down at the black dragon, which was looking back at him.


Then the dragon coiled around his waist with its body, rubbing against him lazily.


Su Muluo: “Here we go again!”


So he pushed the black dragon away, saying, “Don’t lie on top of me.”


The dragon didn’t say a word, coiling around him again, the entire dragon sticking to him.


Su Muluo: “Don’t take advantage of me!”


The dragon buried its head in it’s Phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing the scent it liked, pretending not to hear.


Su Muluo: “…”


This is too much!


Just as the black dragon was happily entwined with its Pheonix, suddenly, it felt a lightness underneath—


A snow-white bird, with tail feathers adorned with golden light, landed gracefully on the sofa, its ruby-like eyes coldly glancing at it.


Then it flew away.


The black dragon: “…”

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!



  1. Pépito

    Ahhhhh I love them so much asdfggklm thanks for translating!!! Have a nice day 😀

    • hoenibean

      Hehe, I love this series too!!! It’s too cute~
      I’m so glad you like it too 😛

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