Chapter 12: Angry and Tied Up




A thunderclap strikes, pouring heavy rain outside the coffee shop. The fine rain weaves a web on the glass display window, dripping into the accumulated water on the ground.


There are few pedestrians on the road, and only one customer in the coffee shop. Su Muluo sits at the bar, and with a glance, he can see the woman with long black hair and a gloomy face sitting in the corner, silently drinking her coffee.


As the rain intensifies, Su Muluo lightly taps a coffee cup overturned on the bar, ready to wait for the woman to finish her coffee so he can close the shop and go home.




He taps the coffee cup several times, and suddenly it lifts up, revealing the head of a small black dragon crawling out from underneath.


Su Muluo stares at the Little Black Dragon for a few seconds, then stuffs it back in.


The Little Black Dragon: “…”


He sulkily lies flat at the bottom of the coffee cup, wagging its tail.


But the next moment, the coffee cup over its head was taken away. Su Muluo tapped its head lightly and said, “Next time, no biting me, no taking advantage of me.”


The small black dragon brightened its eyes and “Ao”ed, rubbing its head against Su Muluo’s fingertip, looking very obedient on the surface.


Actually, it would dare next time.


Su Muluo probably guessed what this dragon was thinking. His eyebrows raised slightly, and he reached out to pinch its tail tip.


The small black dragon immediately hugged its own tail.




Another thunderbolt struck, and the rain intensified. The woman in the corner of the coffee shop also set down her cup at this moment and stood up.


Seeing her prepare to leave in the pouring rain, Su Muluo asked, “Need an umbrella?”


The woman paused at his words, turned her head to glance at him without any expression on her face, and replied, “No need.”


Then, without looking back, she walked into the pouring rain outside the shop. The figure in a white dress quickly blurred by the rain.


After the woman left, Su Muluo scratched under the small black dragon’s chin and asked, “Ready to go back?”


The small black dragon hummed comfortably and nestled into Su Muluo’s palm.


Su Muluo chuckled softly, cupping the little dragon in his hand, stood up, and closed the coffee shop door.


Huang Gaigai felt like he had really hit rock bottom today.


He had to catch an early flight this morning, but mistakenly set his alarm an hour late. He finally rushed out, hailed a taxi on the street, but due to the torrential rain, the taxi got stuck in traffic two kilometers away from the airport—staring at the endless line of cars ahead and realizing how little time was left for his flight, Huang Gaigai gritted his teeth and got out of the car, planning to run there alone with his luggage.


Fortunately, the airport was very close, just two kilometers away. Normally, he could get there in half an hour walking briskly. Unfortunately, today it was raining heavily. Huang Gaigai dragged his suitcase with one hand and held an umbrella with the other, walking alone in the midst of the storm. He felt like crying but had no tears.


If only he had postponed it one more day with his dad, things wouldn’t have been so rushed. He didn’t even have time to thank Muluo…


The wind blew Huang Gaigai’s hair. Since the last time he drank the specially brewed coffee Muluo made for him, he was amazed to find that overnight he had grown a lot more hair, and even his complexion had improved a lot. He had wanted to personally thank Su Muluo, but his parents urged him to return early, leaving him in a rush. He didn’t have time to find Su Muluo and could only thank him by text.


He wondered if Muluo minded, and Qiansui, he wondered how it was doing over there…


Lost in thought, Huang Gaigai didn’t notice a step beneath his feet. In a moment of carelessness, he stepped into empty space and fell down with his luggage.






The suitcase tumbled, the umbrella blown away by the wind, and Huang Gaigai fell into a puddle, soaking his clothes in icy rainwater.


This is terrible!


He grimaced and tried to get up from the ground. It was then that he saw someone in front of him.


It was a woman with long black hair, wearing a white dress, holding a bright red umbrella, standing in front of him with her back turned.


Huang Gaigai was slightly stunned. In that moment, the sounds of cars and rain seemed to fade away, leaving the world strangely quiet, and he hadn’t noticed.


“Ah… thank you.”


The red umbrella shielded him from some of the rain. Huang Gaigai stood up slowly, puzzled why the woman had her back turned, but still politely thanked her.


The woman stood motionless, neither responding nor leaving.


Huang Gaigai became even more puzzled. Looking left and right, unsure if it was his imagination, the sky seemed much darker, and the streets around were empty, even the traffic that was just blocked had disappeared.


The heavy rain continued, and within a hundred meters, there were only the two of them.


“… “


Huang Gaigai felt a chill down his spine, sensing something was wrong. He looked at the woman in front of him, who still had her back turned, and suddenly remembered the horror stories he had heard.


“… Thank you, um, you don’t have to hold the umbrella for me anymore…”


His facial muscles trembled slightly, forcing a smile, while discreetly taking a step back, wanting to escape from there.




As if bones were being forcibly twisted, the woman with the red umbrella’s head turned ninety degrees to the left.


Huang Gaigai: !


The sound frightened him, breaking out in a cold sweat. Seeing the woman’s side face after she turned around, he widened his eyes in terror.


It was a smooth face, without any features, like a piece of white paper stretched over her neck.


In that moment, countless “holy crap” thoughts surged in Huang Gaigai’s mind. Without thinking, he turned and ran.


The woman turned back calmly, the red umbrella spinning lightly in the rain. Huang Gaigai, who had just run a few meters, seemed to be held back by an invisible hand around his ankle. His whole body lost balance and fell heavily to the ground again.


It’s over! He’s going to die!


Huang Gaigai despairingly hugged his head, trying to curl up. He felt a deadly chill slowly climbing up from his ankle, as if his flesh had been cut by a blade, screaming in pain.


Meanwhile, he heard a sharp meow.







A thunderclap tore through the dark sky, bringing a brief flash of light. A figure shot out like a gust of wind through the raindrops, walking on the surface of the water.


It was an orange cat.


A chubby one, its whole body tense, like an arrow ready to be released.


The rain continued endlessly, wetting the fur of the orange cat, dripping from the tips of its fur, forming a small puddle beneath it.


But the color of that puddle wasn’t rainwater; it was a blood-like crimson.


Not far away, Huang Gaigai lay in the rain, unconscious. The orange cat stood in front of him, its emerald eyes fixed tightly ahead, staring at the white-clad woman.


The red umbrella spun lightly in the rain, and the woman silently took a step towards the orange cat.


The orange cat trembled violently, a bit of blood oozing from its mouth. Despite this, it didn’t retreat but hoarsely growled at the woman, issuing a warning.


In the air, there seemed to be a mocking laughter from the woman. The next moment, she took another step towards the orange cat.


With a “plop,” the orange cat fell into the puddle of its own blood. The bloodstains around its mouth increased, yet it whimpered, trying again and again to stand up.


Ignoring it, the woman walked past and approached Huang Gaigai. Amid the orange cat’s mournful cries, she reached out with a pale, tragic hand—




A feather-shaped silver light slashed through the wind and rain, slicing the woman’s arm in midair.


There was no blood; the severed hand fell lightly to the ground, the glove-like surface collapsing. The remaining half of the woman’s arm fluttered like a deflated balloon in the wind.


The woman turned her head, her featureless face turned aside, seeing a handsome young man holding a transparent umbrella, stepping through the rain curtain towards her.


“Do demons attack humans too?” Su Muluo looked at her calmly. “Or are you just trying to lure me out?”



The woman said nothing, just closed the red umbrella in her hand.


The next moment, she tossed the umbrella into the air. Instantly, it spread open, the bright red canopy expanding recklessly like a devouring beast, gaping wide to engulf Su Muluo whole—


Of course, that’s impossible.


  Su Muluo lightly raised his hand, a silver chain adorned with faint white feathers winding around his fingers. Like a swift wind eagle, it darted out, slicing through the fine web woven by raindrops. The enormous bright red umbrella instantly shattered into pieces, transforming into scattered drops of fresh blood, which soon vanished into the ground.


  The faceless woman staggered back a few steps, turning to flee. But the silver chain was faster, carving a sharp crescent moon arc in the air, accompanied by a clear phoenix cry—the woman’s footsteps abruptly halted.


  Her neck was cleanly cut like paper, and her entire body lost support, collapsing limply to the ground.


  Yet this time, there was still no blood flowing. At the moment her body touched the ground, it turned into a piece of human skin, lying limp and soon soaked by the rain.


  Su Muluo was not surprised by this, nor did he pay any attention to the human skin. He opened his umbrella and walked towards Qiansui.


  Qiansui had managed to crawl up from the ground, moving next to Huang Gaigai and covering Huang Gaigai’s hand over his head, huddling under it to avoid the rain.


  Su Muluo squatted in front of them, tilting the umbrella halfway over them, asking, “Are you okay?”


  ”Not good,” Qiansui spoke human words, his voice youthful, like an eighteen-year-old boy just coming of age. “Why did you take so long?”


  Upon hearing this, the little black dragon poked its head out from Su Muluo’s sleeve, its dark golden dragon eyes fixed on Qiansui. Seeing this, Su Muluo quickly stuffed the little black dragon back in, saying to Qiansui, “Sorry, I didn’t expect her to dare attack humans so openly.”


  He had considered that the demon might attack him again, but he hadn’t expected her to strike during broad daylight at a human. Her audacity was astonishing, as if she regarded the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings as nonexistent.


  Qiansui fell silent, perhaps feeling chilly from the rain, and shrunk further into Huang Gaigai’s clothes. Su Muluo checked Huang Gaigai’s condition and found him only unconscious, which reassured him.


  Three minutes later, agents from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings  arrived. Huang Gaigai and Qiansui were taken away for treatment, and Lui He, who had investigated the incident last time, was still in charge. She glanced at Su Muluo and sighed, “Mr. Su, causing trouble again.”


  ”It’s not trouble. She was originally after me this time,” Su Muluo said, “Did you find anything from the skin taken last time?”


  Lui He shook her head. “Only the aura of the deceased canine demon was found on the skin. Nothing conclusive. But fortunately, this time we have a new skin, directly related to the attack on you. She shouldn’t escape this time.”


  By now, the rain had eased, and the bureau staff had cleaned up the scene. It wasn’t ideal to talk on the roadside, so Lui He invited Su Muluo to continue the discussion back at the bureau to go over more details.


  Su Muluo agreed, boarding the bureau’s car with his little black dragon.


  To protect privacy, the car was enchanted so conversations in the backseat wouldn’t be heard in the front. Su Muluo sat in the back, watching his little black dragon emerge from his sleeve and chatter away at him.


  Although he still couldn’t understand, Su Muluo miraculously grasped what the little black dragon wanted to convey and smiled, saying, “It’s alright, just a trip to the bureau for an investigation. They won’t do anything to me.”


  The little black dragon seemed displeased. It didn’t want its phoenix to go to the bureau because it disliked the way people gawked in awe at its phoenix and held some grudges from the last time it was mocked.


  He was mocked!


  The little black dragon sulkily wrapped around the phoenix’s wrist, tilting its head up, its dark golden eyes fixed unwaveringly on the phoenix.


  If only it could quickly transform into a human form.


  Not in a dream, but in reality, appearing beside the phoenix in a way that everyone could see, holding its phoenix tightly to let everyone know that the phoenix belonged to only him.


  Perhaps because the little black dragon’s gaze was too intense, Su Muluo met its eyes for a few seconds and covered them. “Not letting you see.”


  Little black dragon: “?”


  It twisted its head to the left, and Su Muluo’s hand followed, twisting to the right—because the little black dragon was so small, it easily blocked its gaze.


  Little black dragon: “Aww!”


  The little black dragon was furious. It didn’t want Su Muluo to see it sulking, so it kept twisting and turning in Su Muluo’s palm… and accidentally tied itself into a knot.


  A knot that couldn’t be undone.


  Little black dragon: “…”


  Su Muluo: “…heh.”


  He couldn’t help but laugh at the little black dragon’s resentful look all the way.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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