Chapter 15: The Master of Shifting Blame


The afternoon streets were bustling with people. Su Muluo cast an invisibility spell on himself and trailed the woman in the white dress with long black hair.


She walked quickly, navigating through the crowded streets without being hindered. From the reactions of the people around, it seemed they hadn’t noticed her.


After an hour of walking, Su Muluo stopped by the street and watched the woman enter an old residential building. The stairs were exposed, so he could clearly see her ascend to the fourth floor and enter her apartment.


These buildings were very old, likely the type of rental where no contract was needed. This suggested the woman was a demon who wasn’t registered with the supernatural bureau and didn’t have an ID.


With this in mind, Su Muluo didn’t rush to follow her. Instead, he stood across the street from the building and revealed himself.




The little black dragon, curious why its phoenix had stopped, looked up and called out. Su Muluo looked down at it and said, “Let’s wait a bit.”


He planned to observe the surroundings and test the woman.


A few minutes later, the curtains of her apartment were drawn open. Su Muluo saw her standing by the window for a while before she turned and went back inside.


Had she noticed him?


Su Muluo still didn’t move. The woman wouldn’t leave the building in front of him, and he wanted to see her reaction to his presence—would she choose to attack or flee?


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, idly resting on its phoenix’s fingers as it waited… After a while, it suddenly turned over, rubbing its back against Su Muluo’s palm.


Su Muluo: “?”


He looked down at the little dragon, seeing it wriggle against his hand with its soft scales as if it was itchy. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Little Black Dragon: “Squeak.”


Its scales were itchy.


Su Muluo found this odd. “Did you get something dirty on you?” He bent his finger to scratch the little dragon’s back scales.


The little dragon’s dark gold eyes squinted in comfort, purring contentedly. Su Muluo continued scratching it, running his fingers from head to tail—except for the tip, which the little dragon clung to, refusing to let him touch it.


After a while, the little dragon seemed less itchy. It chirped at Su Muluo and rolled affectionately in his palm.


Su Muluo petted it, still a bit worried. “So, what was wrong just now?”


The little dragon shook its head, indicating it didn’t know either.


Su Muluo thought for a moment. “Are you going to shed your scales?”


He wasn’t very knowledgeable about dragons and wasn’t sure if little dragons shed their scales shortly after birth. As a young phoenix, he hadn’t experienced anything like molting.


The little dragon continued shaking its head. Seeing its confused expression, Su Muluo smiled.


“I see, your scales are about to fall off,” he teased. “You’re turning back into a little mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “?”


Su Muluo: “A little mud eel spirit.”


Little Black Dragon: “??”


The little dragon lifted its head in anger, chattering at Su Muluo.


Su Muluo remained calm. “I can’t understand you. You’re noisy, just like a mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Frustrated, the little dragon flopped onto its side in Su Muluo’s hand, wriggling furiously.


Unlike last time, it didn’t tie itself into a knot. Su Muluo watched it for a moment, then couldn’t help but laugh, petting its head again.


The little dragon grabbed onto his finger and wouldn’t let go.




“Alright, alright,” Su Muluo chuckled. “I was just kidding. You’re not a little mud eel spirit. You’re my little dragon, okay? Don’t be mad.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar!”


Su Muluo: “I’m not going to kiss you. Kiss yourself.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar roar!”


Su Muluo put it in his pocket.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Its phoenix was bullying it!


Too much!!


Curled up angrily in his pocket, the little black dragon sulked while outside, Su Muluo looked up to see the woman in white at the window again.


With his excellent vision, he saw her pale face staring straight at him—completely different from her previous expression.




Su Muluo didn’t wait any longer and walked toward the residential building. As he reached the fourth floor, he saw a girl standing in front of the woman in white’s door.


“Open the door! Is anyone inside?”


The girl in the red dress banged on the door. She had long black hair down to her waist and a strikingly beautiful face, a stark contrast to the delicate and reserved look of the woman in white.


Su Muluo watched her knock for a while and asked, “Are you her neighbor?”


“Who?!” The girl in red jumped in surprise, turning to look at him warily. “Who are you?!”


Su Muluo replied, “I’m her friend.”


“…Really?” The girl in red scrutinized him from head to toe, her gaze finally settling on his face for a few seconds. “Can you contact her?”


Su Muluo wouldn’t say no and reveal he was lying. Instead, he asked, “What’s wrong with her?”


The girl in red pointed to the window beside the door. “I saw her standing still at the door with a terrifying expression. When I asked what was wrong, she turned back inside. I felt something was off and wanted to check on her, but no one responded to my knocking. It’s too strange.”


The window faced the hallway; it was the same window Su Muluo had seen earlier. Before he went upstairs, the woman had stood by it, but now she was gone, and the curtain was drawn.


Su Muluo thought for a moment, then stepped forward and said to the girl in red, “Step aside.”


The girl in red looked at him expectantly. “Do you have a key?”


Su Muluo politely replied, “No.”


Then he kicked the door open.


Girl in red: “…”


With a loud bang, the door slammed against the wall, stirring up a small cloud of dust, and the interior of the apartment was revealed.


It looked like a one-person residence, sparsely furnished and not very large. From the entryway, they could see the living room and kitchen, both empty, with no sign of the woman in white.


The girl in red called out softly, “Is anyone here?”


There was no response.


She cautiously peeked inside, but Su Muluo had already stepped in, heading straight for the rooms after confirming the living room and kitchen were empty.


The girl in red hurriedly followed him. “Wait! Are you really her friend? How can you just enter a girl’s room… Ah!”


Her last words turned into a scream as she froze at the room’s entrance, eyes wide with horror.


The ceiling fan creaked as it turned, a woman hanging from it. Her long black hair dr4p3d down, and her neck twisted unnaturally to one side. Her pale face bore wide-open eyes, staring blankly at the door.


“Ah—someone’s dead—ah!!!”



In the midst of the red-dressed girl’s continuous screams, Su Muluo remained motionless.


“Are you blind?! What are you doing? Call the police! She’s hanging herself! Can’t you see?!”


Ignoring her, Su Muluo observed the woman in white for a few seconds, then calmly said, “If a demon could be strangled by a rope, that would be too funny.”


“What? What are you talking about?”


The girl stared intently at Su Muluo. He slightly lowered his head, glanced at her, and then laughed, “The fox’s tail is showing.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the red-dressed girl’s face suddenly changed.




In the next moment, a cold wind arose, and the red-dressed girl disappeared, enveloping the entire room in shadows, turning it dark and somber.


The body of the woman in white gently swayed. Su Muluo turned around and saw the red-dressed girl standing in the shadows, holding a blood-red umbrella. Her once beautiful face was now smooth and featureless.


Her red umbrella opened, and the painful face of a woman— the woman in white—kept appearing on it.


Su Muluo immediately recognized this as the fox demon that had previously attacked him. The woman in white was not dead; her soul was trapped in that eerie red umbrella.


“You’re not her neighbor at all,” Su Muluo said. “Let me guess, are you sisters?”


The fox demon, though faceless, sneered and touched the face of the woman in white on the umbrella. Her voice was sharp and filled with hatred, “Yes, she is my dear sister. She lured you here and pretended to persuade me to run away… But this is better. I don’t even have to come to find you.”


“Oh,” Su Muluo replied. “It seems like I have no grievances with you.”


The fox demon giggled, pushing the red umbrella downward. Seductive eyes emerged on the umbrella, staring directly at him.


“We have no grudge, but you have a pretty face.” Her laughter rang like a bell, filled with sweet malice. “Such a beautiful face, even more beautiful than my lover’s. If I could swap it onto his face, he would love it.”


As soon as she finished speaking, something in Su Muluo’s pocket moved. He calmly reached in and held down the restless little black dragon.


“Is your lover here too?”


“…” The fox demon did not answer, instead raising the umbrella, causing the eyes to disappear from its surface. “Are you trying to trick me? How mean. If you’re waiting for the Special Abilities Bureau idiots to come, I suggest you—”


Before she could finish, she suddenly threw the red umbrella.


The umbrella opened, revealing a huge, toothy mouth. From the mouth spewed thick, foul-smelling blood, rushing towards Su Muluo—


Su Muluo’s face remained calm, though inwardly he sighed, thinking how dirty this was. Nowadays, demons fought so messily?


He then slightly bent his slender fingers. A flash of cold light, like white feathers, thundered through the blood tide. It was so fast that it touched the fox demon’s brow in an instant.


Her pupils contracted. In that moment, she almost unleashed her peak reflexes, twisting her head to avoid it—but the target wasn’t her. The sharp line of attack sliced through the umbrella’s handle, severing it in two.


Half of the red umbrella fell to the ground, the blood tide vanished, and simultaneously the fox demon let out a piercing scream, convulsing on the floor.


She was defeated, in a single move.




Su Muluo looked at the fox demon writhing in pain, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn’t expected that cutting the umbrella would provoke such a strong reaction. It seemed the umbrella was not just her weapon, but deeply connected to her.


As the umbrella was destroyed, the face of the woman in white began to protrude, and her entire soul was released, slowly drifting back to her body.


Su Muluo had already taken down the woman in white from the ceiling fan. Seeing her eyes closed but her breath restored, he knew she was alright.


He had also contacted the Special Abilities Bureau, and they would arrive soon. Once they captured the fox demon, they could unravel the events that had transpired.


In previous battles, the fox demon had used human skins to fight him, abandoning them to escape if things went wrong. But now, her true form was here, and she couldn’t escape no matter what.


Just as Su Muluo was thinking this, he noticed blood seeping from the faceless fox demon, splashing heavily onto the umbrella. In the next second, she turned into a pool of thick blood, merging with the umbrella, disappearing completely.




Su Muluo stared at the unmoving red umbrella on the ground, silent for a moment.


He poked the little black dragon.


“It’s all your fault.”


The little black dragon, inexplicably blamed: “?”


Su Muluo righteously said, “You didn’t remind me.”


Little black dragon: “??”


The little black dragon couldn’t believe its phoenix not only bullied it but had now done so twice in one day. Feeling it was intolerable, it angrily raised its head and roared at Su Muluo.




I’m upset! I want a kiss and a hug! And at least two kisses!


Su Muluo stared at it for a few seconds and said, “I won’t kiss you, little mud eel.”


Little black dragon: “???”


Su Muluo: “Turn into a human, then I’ll kiss you.”


Then he quickly poked it again and stuffed it back into his pocket.


Little black dragon: “……”


Too much!!


It’s Fuming to the point of tying itself in knots.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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