Chapter 18: Pluck My Feathers??


After a while, Hu Yan woke up. Following her, Liu He and Hu Xiao also gradually came to.


Hu Xiao opened her eyes somewhat confused, and saw Hu Yan slowly getting up from the ground not far away. Her gaze slightly focused, and she walked over.


“Little Yan.”




Hu Yan looked up. She had red fox ears and three fox tails. In this space, her face had returned to its original form, beautiful and striking.


“Sister,” Hu Yan chuckled when she saw Hu Xiao, “you’re here.”


A hint of joy flashed in Hu Xiao’s eyes. Just as she was about to say something, she saw the smile on Hu Yan’s face disappear, replaced by sharp hatred.


“You really are my good sister,” she said coldly, “just so eager to see me captured by them?”


Hu Xiao was stunned by these words, as if the coldness in Hu Yan’s eyes had stabbed her. Her always calm expression suddenly changed: “No!”


“I just want to talk to you, to persuade you to stop. Don’t continue anymore.” Her tone was a bit flustered, and she tried to grab Hu Yan’s hand, “It’s been two hundred years, why must you persist—”


Hu Yan dodged and sternly said, “Shut up!”


She stared intently at Hu Xiao, the fox ears on her head standing upright, revealing a fierce look.


“You betrayed me! I thought you were trustworthy, that’s why I told you how to get in here, but you kept betraying me again and again!” Hu Yan said, “Do you know, in a few days it will be Yang Lang’s two hundredth death anniversary. I’ve collected ninety-eight human skins, only one more, and I can revive him!”


“There is no method of resurrection! You’ve been deceived!” Hu Xiao took a step forward and tightly grabbed Hu Yan’s shoulders, “Leave with me! Little Yan, I can protect you—”


The last sentence was deliberately lowered, whispered into Hu Yan’s ear. Hu Yan coldly stared at her for a while, and then, in her anxious and pleading gaze, said:


“I don’t believe you.”


The light in Hu Xiao’s eyes suddenly went out.


At the same time, the red in the space started to surge. The ground turned into thick blood, and the sky slowly fell, connecting with the ground to form a sea of blood.


Liu He exclaimed, “Not good!”


Seeing the situation, she immediately wanted to rush up and stop it, but it was too late—Hu Yan was instantly swallowed by the blood sea, merging with the blood.


The blood sea churned, forming a grim face. At the same time, a giant hand emerged from the blood sea, grabbing Hu Xiao in its palm.


Hu Yan’s wanton laughter echoed through the space, and the grim blood face stared at Hu Xiao intently, saying, “Only one skin left! Sister, give me your skin, won’t you? I’m just one short!”


“You’re crazy! The dead can’t be revived, let alone that’s your sister!” Liu He said incredulously, “Hu Yan! If you dare to harm another person, you’ll be guilty beyond forgiveness!”


“What does it matter! I’ve already killed so many people, in the end, you’ll execute me anyway!” Hu Yan laughed wildly, then brought the blood face close to Hu Xiao, “Sister! Come stay with me! Didn’t you say you’d always be with me? Come stay with me!”


Liu He: “Don’t listen to her! Hu Xiao! Don’t let your sister take another life!”


“…” Hu Xiao seemed to not hear Liu He’s words at all. She stared at Hu Yan without blinking and softly said, “I know… I know… You want me to stay with you, right?”


“Of course!” Hu Yan’s face twisted almost beyond recognition, her laughter becoming more piercing, “Die with me! Go to hell with me, Sister!”


The blood sea churned wildly, the blood face split open halfway, and it opened its bloody maw to swallow Hu Xiao whole.


Liu He gritted her teeth. Hu Yan was a three-hundred-year-old fox demon, already considered powerful in the demon world. Outside, she might be able to fight her, but just now when the blood sea swallowed Hu Yan, Liu He suddenly felt her whole body stiffen, as if her power had been sealed—which meant, this red umbrella had completely merged with Hu Yan. Now, she was within Hu Yan, suppressed at every turn, and it was hard to exert her true strength.


Seeing that Hu Xiao was about to be devoured, Liu He, in desperation, thought of Su Muluo, who was still nearby. She suddenly realized that since entering here, Su Muluo had not spoken.


“Mr. Su, can you help her?”


Liu He looked to Su Muluo for help, but surprisingly, Su Muluo did not respond—he just quietly watched Hu Xiao over there, motionless.


Meanwhile, the blood face was already pressing down on Hu Xiao’s head, about to truly devour her, while she seemed unaware, still quietly looking at Hu Yan.


“Sister, Sister—” Hu Yan called out to Hu Xiao again and again, her voice sticky and malicious, “Stay with me, Sister—”




The sound of a blade piercing flesh rang out, and Hu Yan’s movements stopped abruptly.


At this moment, Hu Xiao raised her head and reached out her hand, slowly touching Hu Yan’s face.


She gazed at her sister, her eyes extremely gentle.


But in her hand was a bone blade, stabbing into Hu Yan’s body.




Suddenly, Hu Yan seemed to wake up from a long dream, her eyes snapping open as she became fully conscious.


She exchanged glances with Hu Xiao, her eyes filled with shock, disbelief, and an indescribable sadness and despair.


In her sister’s hand was her bone blade.


Years ago, she and her sister had exchanged bone blades. These were lethal weapons made from their own bones and blood. If pierced by a bone blade, one’s cultivation would dissipate instantly, and their soul would be annihilated.


In their youth, they entrusted their lives to each other, but now, they were about to take each other’s lives.


“Didn’t you want me to stay with you?” Hu Xiao smiled gently, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Let’s go together.”


She pulled out the blood-stained bone blade and turned it on herself. At that moment, Hu Yan moved slightly, as if to stop her—but in the end, she retracted her hand.


The sea of blood stood still for a few seconds, then surged violently, with crimson blood spreading everywhere, swallowing the sisters in an instant.


Before being completely consumed, Hu Xiao reached out to hug Hu Yan. Their figures lingered in the sea of blood for only a second before turning into nothingness.




Liu He watched the figures disappear into the blood sea, unsure of what to think.


But soon, she felt the ground shaking beneath her and realized the sea of blood was about to engulf her too.


Damn! How could she escape from here?!


Liu He’s expression changed. It was Hu Xiao who brought her into this space, and now Hu Xiao was dead. Would she be trapped here forever?!


As Liu He anxiously pondered a solution, Su Muluo, who had remained still, gently raised his hand and pressed it on her shoulder.


The next second, the sea of blood collapsed, the sky tore open with massive cracks, and the scene before Liu He shifted abruptly, bringing her back to the interrogation room.




The red umbrella fell to the ground, completely broken into several pieces. This time, it was no longer a weapon of a fox demon but a truly lifeless object.




Liu He looked at Su Muluo, taking a moment to regain her composure.


In those brief seconds, Mr. Su had directly broken the space and brought her out!


That’s incredible!


Liu He gasped inwardly, once again marveling at the power and hidden depths of the person before her.


However, she also had a question. After pondering for a while, she couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Su, why didn’t you intervene earlier?”


Su Muluo was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, “It was her choice.”


From the beginning, he knew Hu Xiao would choose this outcome. Because before they entered, he heard Hu Xiao say softly to him—


“Please don’t stop me.”


In Hu Xiao’s eyes, she couldn’t save those who had been killed by Hu Yan, nor could she save Hu Yan. She didn’t want to watch her sister continue to sink, nor did she want to see her sister leave her… So, she asked Su Muluo not to interfere with her choice, no matter what.


For her, the best outcome was to die with her sister, ending their century-long pain and struggle with her own hands.


“……” Liu He was stunned for a long time, her emotions fluctuating, and finally sighed, “As expected, I still don’t understand demons.”




With the deaths of Hu Xiao and Hu Yan, this matter came to an end. Over the past two hundred years, Hu Yan had killed nearly a hundred people and demons, but because of the closed-off information in the past, and her deliberate choice of solitary individuals with no family or friends, she had gone undetected.


As she killed more and more, she gradually fell into depravity, eventually becoming completely reckless and striking within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings , finally meeting her deserved end.


Su Muluo left the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings  and returned to his rented apartment.


On the sofa, a small black dragon climbed into Su Muluo’s hand, rolled over, and exposed its soft belly.




Don’t be upset, let me cheer you up.


“I’m not upset,” Su Muluo said, rubbing its soft belly, “I just don’t know if what I did was right.” He paused slightly and added, “But at least this was the result Hu Xiao wanted.”


The little black dragon looked at its phoenix and gave a soft “awoo,” rubbing its tiny horns against him.


Su Muluo chuckled, stroked its little horns, and said, “Alright, this matter is over. Let’s rest for a day and go to the shop tomorrow.”


The little black dragon agreed, rolling around in his hand. After that, they stayed in the house for the entire day, not going out.


At eight in the evening, Su Muluo took a bath. Feeling a bit sleepy, he went to bed early with the little black dragon.


He felt more tired than usual today. Nestled in the soft blanket, he looked at the little black dragon beside his face and said, “Don’t take advantage of me.”


The little black dragon obediently squeaked and wagged its tail.


Su Muluo felt the dragon’s response was unreliable, but he was too sleepy to care. He patted the little black dragon’s head and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep.


The little black dragon didn’t sleep. It kept its dark golden eyes on Su Muluo—until his breathing steadied and he was completely asleep. Then it instantly grew larger.


A black dragon lay on the bed, happily wrapping its body around Su Muluo’s slender waist, completely encircling its phoenix.


It liked the phoenix during the day and also at night when the phoenix just wanted to sleep and would let it coil around him softly.


And even if the phoenix found out in the morning, he wouldn’t really be angry.


The black dragon thought so, burying its head in Su Muluo’s shoulder, sniffing the scent it liked.


But as it nuzzled, the texture suddenly changed, from a human shoulder to fluffy feathers… The black dragon lifted its head, and its gaze froze.


In its embrace was now a phoenix.


Not a beautiful human form, but a phoenix with jade-like white feathers, gracefully slender and beautiful.


The black dragon was silent.


It completely didn’t understand why its phoenix had reverted to his original form while sleeping. Afraid to move, the dragon hesitated for a few seconds before slowly inching closer to the phoenix, tentatively touching him.


So soft.


The black dragon’s eyes lit up. Looking down at the phoenix’s beautiful feathers, it had the urge to dive in and rub its head against them.


However, the phoenix usually treasured his feathers. If the dragon messed them up, the phoenix would definitely get angry and might not let the dragon hug him in the future.


With this thought, the black dragon carefully placed its chin among the phoenix’s feathers, gently rubbing them.


And then, a feather fell out.


The black dragon: “…”


Staring in shock at the fallen feather, the black dragon thought, it didn’t even use any force!


Maybe it fell out on its own?


The black dragon looked at the feather, then at the phoenix, back at the feather, and again at the phoenix, trying to pick up the feather and hide it, hoping the phoenix wouldn’t see.


But, as luck would have it, just as the black dragon was about to tuck the feather under the pillow, the phoenix on the bed opened his eyes.


First, he glanced at the enlarged black dragon. Then he reverted to his human form and sat up, noticing the feather in the black dragon’s mouth.


Su Muluo: “…”


Su Muluo: “You plucked my feather??!”


The black dragon: “…”


The black dragon immediately shrank back to its small form, looking up at him obediently, letting out a soft whimper.


It didn’t pluck the feather. It was innocent.


“You actually plucked my feather!” Su Muluo, unconvinced by its innocent look, took back his feather. “I haven’t even really pinched your tail!”


Although he didn’t know why he had reverted to his original form while sleeping, the little black dragon must have thought his feathers were beautiful and cruelly plucked one!


Too much!


The phoenix was about to explode, glaring at the little black dragon for a few seconds before squinting slightly: “Did you also transform to take advantage of me earlier?”


The little black dragon: “…”


Oh no, if plucking the feather could be explained, the latter accusation was irrefutable.


And so, a minute later, a pitiful little black dragon was tied up and hung on the doorknob, swaying in the wind.


It looked very aggrieved.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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