Chapter 11: Scar


The little phoenix stopped in the high position of the living room, tidying its feathers a bit, looking down at the black dragon below with a mixture of aloofness and pride.


Its feathers were pure white, as if sculpted from jade and frost, emitting a beautiful pale luster. Beneath those feathers trailed long and graceful tail feathers, shimmering with faint golden light like scattered stars in the Milky Way.


In addition, its eyes were also stunning, like rubies immersed in cold spring snow, reflecting a beautiful and pure brilliance without any impurities.


This wasn’t the true form of the phoenix but a shrunken version. After all, the phoenix had long since grown to adulthood; its true form was too large to fit in this living room.


However, even in its reduced size, the phoenix’s beauty remained undiminished. The dark golden eyes of the black dragon narrowed slightly, flicking its tail. Suddenly, it wanted to lure its Pheonix down, wrap it in its arms, and stroke its feathers.


The phoenix didn’t allow it to stroke its feathers. It immediately flew a bit higher, landing lightly on the highest cabinet, and turned its head away, ignoring it.


The black dragon: “…”


It silently turned back into a small black dragon, “roaring” at the phoenix.


Only then did Su Muluo shift his gaze back to it, staring at the other for a few seconds, ensuring the dragon wouldn’t take advantage of him again like earlier, before it slowly flew down and returned to its human form.




Just as Su Muluo sat down on the sofa, the sticky little black dragon looped around his wrist, nuzzling against him.


Su Muluo remained unmoved, “Acting cute won’t work on me. You took advantage of me earlier.”


Little Black Dragon blinked its round, shiny golden eyes innocently, as if it had no idea what he was talking about.


Su Muluo clicked his tongue, “Tsk.”


“Not even transformed into a human yet, already taking advantage and playing innocent. Once it really becomes human, it will probably be even worse!”


Clearly not a serious dragon, once it transforms, he’ll send it straight to sleep on the couch!


With this thought, Su Muluo rubbed the top of Little Black Dragon’s head.


The dragon lowered its head, obediently allowing the phoenix to rub against it. Su Muluo looked at its small dragon body and seemed to remember something, saying, “Change back to how you were earlier, let me see.”


The Little Black Dragon lifted its head and looked at him, “Huh?”


Su Muluo warned, “No taking advantage of me!”


The Little Black Dragon silently changed back to its previous size, to avoid squishing its phoenix, awkwardly positioning its dragon body outside the couch.


Su Muluo stared at the dragon body for a few seconds, finding nothing unusual, then asked, “Can you show me your belly?”


The black dragon rolled over and exposed its belly.


The belly was one of the softest parts for many demonic creatures and rarely shown. Although the enlarged black dragon’s belly was not as soft as the smaller one’s, it was covered in tough scales. However, this roll revealed a scale under its neck.


The scale was the most crucial part of a dragon, also its weakness. Legend has it that the dragon’s scale cannot be touched; touching it means death. But now, the black dragon showed its scale to Su Muluo without any guard.


A hint of a smile appeared in Su Muluo’s eyes. He gently stroked along the dragon’s belly and found a slightly raised scar in the middle.


The black dragon had only grown large in front of him a few times before, most of which ended up with it sticking to him, distracting his attention, and not paying attention to its belly. Just now, when it bathed, although the black dragon had grown a bit larger, its size hadn’t reached that of the bathtub, so this scar wasn’t very noticeable—until Su Muluo changed back to the little phoenix and flew halfway through the air, the black dragon’s current largest size, and found this wound.


This wound was not new and had long since healed, but it still left a scar that was a meter long, indicating how severe the wound was, if it were a little deeper, or perhaps fatal.


Su Muluo’s smile faded, his expression gradually darkening. Little Black Dragon had only recently hatched, and this scar was clearly akin to a birthmark—yet why did his dragon bear such a mark from birth?


Who had harmed his dragon? When did it happen? Why did neither of them remember?


Sensing his phoenix’s uneasy mood, the black dragon wrapped its tail around his waist, affectionately nuzzling him.


Su Muluo lowered his head to meet its gaze, “Do you know how this scar came about?”


The black dragon shook its head.


Su Muluo knew his dragon wouldn’t lie to him. After a few silent moments, he murmured, “It must have hurt a lot, didn’t it?”


This wound pierced through the dragon’s tough scales, tearing flesh and blood. Su Muluo felt a twinge of fear at the thought that if the attacker had struck harder, he might have lost his dragon.


But who was the attacker?


Frowning deeply, Su Muluo knew he had spent thousands of years in the egg, but those memories had long since blurred. He only remembered the dragon egg beside him when he first hatched, but why it was there and how it got there were mysteries to him.


Now, with both dragon and phoenix races wiped out, only he and the Little Black Dragon remained. Had there been any thrilling events before his birth that had been forgotten with his hatching?


The more Su Muluo thought about it, the more unsettled he felt. The black dragon sensed his distress; its dark golden eyes narrowed slightly as it gently nuzzled his shoulder, emitting a low dragon hum.


The deep dragon hum sounded like a man softly comforting, instantly pulling Su Muluo out of his negative emotions. He glanced at his dragon and after a few seconds, gently patted its head, whispering, “It’s alright, maybe I’m just overthinking.”


Regardless, Little Black Dragon had just hatched, and any mysteries would have to wait until later to unravel. Moreover, those past events were probably long settled, and trying to trace them now would likely be futile.


Unaware that his dragon had silently wrapped around him, happily wagging its tail.


This was how dragons treated their beloved treasures: wrapping them in their bodies, keeping them in their arms, and preventing anyone from coveting them.


Moreover, its phoenix had a soft, fragrant scent that the black dragon loved all over its body, causing it to want to wrap it in its phoenix every day, unwilling to let go for a second.


Su Muluo didn’t realize the black dragon’s hidden possessiveness; he only felt the intense gaze from its dark golden eyes. After a few seconds of eye contact, he gently patted its head and said, “Let go of me.”


This time, his actions were gentle, his tone devoid of any heavy meaning. Feeling his phoenix softening, the black dragon didn’t move, even affectionately wrapping around him a bit more.


Loving its phoenix, unwilling to let go.


Su Muluo: “…”


Always pushing the boundaries!


Su Muluo stared at the black dragon, feeling that this dragon would not only take advantage but also push boundaries. Once it became human, it would surely do anything!


Maybe it would even steal a kiss while he slept!


Thinking this, Su Muluo became more determined to send the black dragon to sleep on the couch in the future. But for now, he didn’t push away the dragon.


The black dragon happily buried its head in the phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing its favorite scent, and contentedly squinted its eyes.


A day later, Su Muluo received a message from Huang Gaigai at the coffee shop.


[Damn, your coffee is so amazing! My hair has grown back!!!]


[I originally wanted to come and thank you, but these days I’ve been busy packing things up. My dad suddenly ordered me to go back early, so I really don’t have time. All I can do is apologize to you, QAQ].


[I’m leaving today. Qiansui, I’ll leave it to you to take care of. I’ll come visit you again when I have time!]


  It’s half past ten in the morning now, the coffee shop just opened, and Qiansui casually strolled out from the staff lounge, preparing to leave.


  Su Muluo calls out to it, saying, “Your master is leaving today.”


  Qiansui lifts its paw slightly, then leaves indifferent.


  After it leaves, the Little Black Dragon pokes its head out from Su Muluo’s pocket. Su Muluo glances at it and presses it back in.


  When he woke up this morning, he found that the small black dragon that was still small before bed had grown bigger again. Moreover, it took advantage of him while he was asleep, entangling him and taking advantage of him all night, which was quite excessive.


  The small black dragon, feeling wronged, was pressed back, but a few seconds later, it hummed and emerged again, using its tail to entwine around Phoenix’s wrist.


  The coffee shop usually doesn’t get busy until the afternoon, so there aren’t many customers in the morning. Su Muluo sits at the bar, browsing his phone with one hand, while the other hand is held by the small black dragon, unwilling to let go.


  The weather today is somewhat gloomy. Just after eleven o’clock, there’s a loud thunderclap, accompanied by heavy rain. Su Muluo looks at the rain outside and feels that there might not be many customers today, so he could go back early.


  It’s early autumn now, and it’s even colder when it rains. He doesn’t like this kind of chilly rainy day and just wants to stay in a comfortable nest and pass the time leisurely.


  The small black dragon is enthusiastically poking at Phoenix’s fingers, rubbing its two little horns against them. Su Muluo touches its head and says, “Let’s go back in a while.”


  The Little Black Dragon: “Ao.”


  Then it nibbles Su Muluo.


  In the morning, Phoenix made honey water for it, with a bit of honey on his fingertips. Although he washed his hands later, there was still a sweet smell that it really liked.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  He looks at the Little Black Dragon in shock and says, “Are you hungry or something?”


  Why else would it bite him?


  Would a dragon eat Phoenix when it’s hungry??


  The Little Black Dragon: “…”


  The bite just now was just a light nibble, not hard at all, but Phoenix obviously misunderstood its intention, even giving it a strange look.


  The Little Black Dragon innocently meets Su Muluo’s gaze and “Ao” to indicate that it’s not hungry.


  Su Muluo is even more puzzled. He can’t understand why the Little Black Dragon would bite him, especially all wet… This dragon was never serious to begin with, and now it seems even more frivolous!


  Thinking of this, Su Muluo pinches the Little Black Dragon’s small horn and says, “Don’t bite me.”


  The Little Black Dragon stares at his fingertip, thinking it’s sweet and liking it.


  ——Just then, the door of the coffee shop is pushed open, and a woman walks in.


  She’s the same woman with long black hair and a gloomy face as before. After entering the shop and looking around, seeing no other customers, she walks straight to the bar.


  Su Muluo tucks the Little Black Dragon into his pocket. Before he can withdraw his hand, he feels the little dragon take advantage of the opportunity to lightly bite him again.


  And licked him.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  Su Muluo calmly takes the Little Black Dragon out of his pocket, grabs a coffee cup, and before the little dragon can react, he stuffs it whole into the cup—


  Then with a “clap,” he overturns the cup on the table.


  The Little Black Dragon, trapped in darkness: “…Squeak.”


  Hugging its little tail in grievance.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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