Chapter 26: I’ll Support You


When Feng Xuan spoke these words, not only Su Muluo but even Long Ling fell silent.


After a few seconds of awkwardness, Feng Xuan said, “What’s wrong? Did I excite you too much?”


“No,” Su Muluo replied calmly, “You probably have the wrong person.”


Because he had used a spell, the surrounding customers couldn’t hear their conversation at all. Otherwise, with Feng Xuan’s recent outburst, there would be a lot of strange and curious looks coming their way.


Feng Xuan’s expression softened, and he said kindly, “It’s alright. You were just born at that time and probably don’t remember the events of the past. As long as you’re willing to return with me, I’ll explain everything to you slowly.”


Su Muluo thought it wasn’t necessary. When he was just born, this elder’s ancestors might still have been in their eggs, so there was no need for any more talk. He released his demonic aura directly.


Feng Xuan intended to say something more, but suddenly he felt a wave of demonic power crash over him. It was as if he were standing at the base of a tsunami, looking up at a towering, imposing pressure.


In an instant, Feng Xuan’s face changed drastically. His muscles tensed up to the limit, and he could even hear his bones clattering in fear. 


His soul seemed to be screaming, trembling uncontrollably, while he looked at the young man before him with disbelief, feeling an overwhelming fear rise from deep within.


The descendant of Feng Hen, who was just over twenty years old, couldn’t possibly possess such demonic power…


Moreover, the young man must be holding back, otherwise, he would have collapsed and been trembling on the ground by now…


Su Muluo didn’t want to put Feng Xuan in a difficult position. Seeing his changing expressions, he withdrew his demonic aura and casually poured him a cup of coffee.


Feng Xuan seemed to have walked through the gates of death. After his tensed muscles suddenly relaxed, he felt extreme weakness and exhaustion. His hand holding the coffee was trembling, and only after finishing the cup did he gradually calm down.


It was only then that he realized how foolish his actions had been.


As a bird tribe elder with nearly five hundred years of demonic power, he was considered an upper-level figure in the demon realm. Until now, no demon had ever exerted such pressure on him—such confidence was shattered today.


The aura of the young man before him was terrifyingly powerful. His demonic power must have exceeded five hundred years… Could it be six hundred years, or seven hundred years?


… No, it might even be a thousand years.


Cold sweat silently soaked through Feng Xuan’s clothes. Even though the shop had heating, he felt a chill.


In the demon realm today, there were only three beings with over a thousand years of power, who had long been hidden from the world. If this young man were one of those thousand-year-old demons, then he had mistakenly thought of him as a private descendant of the bird tribe, hoping to have him return to revitalize the bird tribe…


For a moment, Feng Xuan suddenly wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.


As the coffee cup reached the bottom, the bird tribe elder remained silent. Su Muluo lightly tapped the table and said, “I’d like to ask you a question.”


“!” Feng Xuan immediately snapped back to reality and said, “Please go ahead.”


Su Muluo asked, “Why did you think I was a private descendant of the bird tribe?”


“…” Feng Xuan fell silent for a few seconds and awkwardly said, “I have known Feng Hen for many years and can sense the aura of those related to him by blood. That day at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, I detected a similar aura on you.”


Su Muluo didn’t show it on his face but was slightly surprised inside. He didn’t know Feng Hen and rarely interacted with the bird tribe. Why would their auras be similar?


Could it be… Feng Hen has some bloodline of their Phoenix clan?


This doubt flashed through his mind but was not voiced. Instead, he said calmly, “You probably made a mistake. I’ve never met Feng Hen.”


Feng Xuan said, “Yes, it was indeed my mistake. I apologize for disturbing you.”


Only those with the same bloodline would have similar auras. As far as he knew, Feng Hen had no connection with those three thousand-year-old demons… If there had been a connection, the former clan leader wouldn’t have died in the ice prison for no reason.


Since the misunderstanding was cleared up, Feng Xuan wanted to leave quickly. However, just before he left, Su Muluo remembered something and asked, “Even if you wanted to investigate my address, why did you send people to attack me?”


Feng Xuan was stunned and said, “What?”


Su Muluo replied, “A few days ago, I was attacked by your people from the bird tribe.”


“……Impossible!” Feng Xuan exclaimed in shock, “I only instructed my people to find you and told them to stay in the shadows. They were not supposed to act against you!”


At that time, he still thought of this person as the descendant of Feng Hen, the future leader of the bird tribe. How could he send people to attack him?


Feng Xuan’s response was unexpected for Su Muluo, who fell into deep thought. At this moment, Long Ling snickered and said, “Is that so?”


The cold laugh made Feng Xuan shiver. He quickly asked, “Could you describe what those bird tribe people looked like? Any specific features?”


Su Muluo thought for a few seconds and said, “They were wearing black hoodies and had their hoods up, so I couldn’t see their faces. That’s all.”


Feng Xuan nodded and said, “Please wait a few days. I will investigate immediately. Once I find out, I will definitely come back and give you an explanation!”


After saying this, he saw Su Muluo nodding without any objections. He felt like he had been granted amnesty and left in a hurry.


After Feng Xuan left, Su Muluo glanced at Long Ling and said, “You don’t always have to be so fierce with people.”


This dragon had been like this right after hatching, extremely fierce, even spitting fireballs at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


Long Ling looked innocent and said, “I wasn’t fierce with them. It was they who had other intentions towards my Phoenix.” After saying this, he snuggled up to Su Muluo and added, “I really like Phoenix.”


Seeing him taking advantage of him again, Su Muluo immediately put on a stern face and said, “I don’t like you.”


On the first day, this dragon had seen him feeling a bit unaccustomed and had restrained himself. But it wasn’t long before the dragon’s true nature was revealed, frequently coming over to take advantage of him.


It was utterly annoying.


Long Ling looked at Su Muluo’s sullen face and thought his Phoenix was both soft and cute, and he really wanted to take a bite.


But now the Phoenix would definitely not let him take a bite. Long Ling thought for a moment and changed the subject, “Did Phoenix know these people before?”


Su Muluo shook his head. “I don’t know him.”


Long Ling asked, “Then why does Feng Hen’s aura resemble that of a Phoenix?” He squinted slightly and added, “Could it be that the Phoenix had a little birdling outside without me knowing?”


Su Muluo was confused. “?”


He gave Long Ling a smack on the head and said, “You’re the one who would have a little birdling!”


Long Ling laughed and took Su Muluo’s wrist, rubbing his fingertips against it gently. He asked, “So, does he have Phoenix blood?”


“Possibly,” Su Muluo said, “so I want to investigate it.”


Feng Hen was the former clan leader of the bird tribe and died in the ice prison due to defection. Although it was decades ago, decades are not long for demons, and an investigation could still be conducted.


However, there hadn’t been any reports of a demon with Phoenix bloodline before, or it would have caused a stir. To be cautious, Su Muluo decided to have someone look into it.


He took out a piece of paper, wrote a few lines on it, and folded it into a paper crane. He let it flutter gently into the air.


The paper crane flew magically into the sky, wobbling slightly as it moved forward before vanishing from sight.


Long Ling watched the paper crane and said, “The Phoenix is sending love letters to others right in front of me.”


Su Muluo ignored him. Just then, another customer ordered a coffee, so he pushed the clingy dragon away and went to prepare it.


In the evening, when the coffee shop closed, Su Muluo stepped outside and was immediately hit by the cold wind.


It’s so cold, why is it so cold today?


As he thought about this, he suddenly felt a coat on his shoulders. He looked up to see Long Ling taking off his outerwear and draping it over him, then closing his fingers around Su Muluo’s hand and saying, “Phoenix is dressed too lightly; you’ll catch a cold.”


The warmth of the man’s palm spread slowly from their touching skin. Su Muluo was momentarily stunned, suddenly recalling how in the Mirror of Origin, his dragon had also removed his coat and held the silver-haired Phoenix’s hand…


Then he heard Long Ling’s next words: “Otherwise, Phoenix could just snuggle into my arms; they’re warm too.”


Su Muluo: “…”


He expressionlessly snatched the dragon’s coat away and continued walking alone.


Long Ling quickly caught up and took Su Muluo’s hand. Su Muluo initially tried to shake him off, but the warmth of Long Ling’s hand was very comforting. He paused for a second, symbolically struggled, and then stopped resisting.


Long Ling happily held Su Muluo’s slender fingers and asked, “When will the Phoenix make me a feather bracelet?”


When he was a little black dragon, the Phoenix had promised him a feather bracelet, and he remembered it well.


Su Muluo thought for a moment and said, “Tonight.”


Long Ling’s eyes lit up. “Phoenix is the best!”


He tried to nuzzle closer to Su Muluo, but Su Muluo, always wary, managed to avoid him.


Back at the rental apartment, Su Muluo appreciated the warmth of the room, while Long Ling quickly went into the bedroom and took out the feathers hidden under the pillow.


He had been keeping the Phoenix’s feathers he cherished under the pillow, like hidden treasures, and now there were four of them.


However, making a bracelet didn’t require so many feathers. Su Muluo let Long Ling choose, and Long Ling, after some deliberation, picked the most beautiful one.


Su Muluo asked, “Can you return the other three to me?”


Long Ling immediately took the other three feathers and ran away.


Su Muluo: Tsk.


Taking his feathers and taking advantage of him, how rude.


What use is this dragon?


Even though he thought this casually, he still carefully made the feather bracelet for his dragon.


When they went to the mall before, Su Muluo had specifically bought some beautiful weaving threads. With the feathers being long, he connected the feathers end to end with the weaving thread, adding two polished jade beads as embellishments. Since the thread was long, it could wrap around the wrist several times, and when worn, the feathers appeared white, soft, and with a faint, beautiful luster.


In no time, the feather bracelet was finished. Long Ling clearly loved it and refused to take it off once he put it on.


He happily walked around Su Muluo, suddenly hugging him. “I like Phoenix the most!”


Su Muluo remained calm and said, “I don’t like you.”


Long Ling buried his head into Su Muluo’s shoulder, rubbing against him. “Phoenix wouldn’t dislike me. Phoenix even made me a bracelet.” His smile grew, and he added, “This is the first gift Phoenix has given me.”


Su Muluo only realized this upon hearing him. In the past eighteen hundred years, his dragon had been in the egg, and even after becoming a little black dragon, he couldn’t give any gifts. So this feather bracelet was indeed the first gift he had given his dragon.


Long Ling looked at the feather bracelet in his hand, finding it beautiful, as pretty as his phoenix, and said happily, “I want to give the phoenix a gift too.”


Su Muluo tilted his head and asked, “What are you going to give?”


Long Ling thought for a moment and said, “It seems like people here usually give rings when they’re courting someone… Does the phoenix like those sparkling rings?”


Su Muluo asked, “You mean diamond rings?”


Long Ling nodded and looked at his phoenix with anticipation. “If the phoenix likes them, I’ll give you a diamond ring.” That way, he could also use the opportunity to court his phoenix!


Su Muluo had already seen through his little scheme, and with a slight smile, he said, “Although I’m not particularly fond of them, I’m curious about one thing.”


Long Ling felt a bit disappointed when he heard Su Muluo didn’t like diamond rings. “What does the phoenix want to ask?”


Su Muluo asked, “Do you have money?”




Long Ling fell silent.


Su Muluo continued, “A diamond ring is quite expensive, it costs several hundred thousand.”


Long Ling remained silent.


Su Muluo added, “When I first came to the human city, I saved up my first bit of money by selling feathers. It seems like you can’t even sell feathers.”


Long Ling: “…………”


Long Ling remained silent for a long time, seemingly struggling to come to terms with the fact that he had no money at all. After a while, he suddenly said with a sigh, “I can sell scales.”


His tone was filled with helplessness, sadness, and resentment towards this money-driven world.


Su Muluo couldn’t help but laugh, gently patting his head and saying with affection, “Be good, let me take care of you.”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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