Chapter 32: No More Phoenixes


In the room, a black dragon was tightly coiled around its phoenix, its dark golden dragon eyes filled with stubbornness.


Su Muluo met its gaze for a few seconds and said, “Alright, alright, three phoenixes, just three phoenixes, no more than that!”


The black dragon immediately let out a delighted “Aow” and transformed back into a human, happily hugging its phoenix.


Su Muluo gave his head a light pat and said, “I knew you’d take advantage of me.”


Long Ling held him without a word, thinking that although the phoenix claimed not to want to be taken advantage of, it still let him hold it. Even the pat on his head was gentle.


The phoenix liked him.


Thinking of this, he smiled with great pleasure.


Lin Chengcheng had been waiting outside for a few minutes. When he saw Su Muluo and Long Ling coming out of the staff lounge, his expression tensed immediately.


Su Muluo sat down in front of him and said, “I have a proposal. I don’t know if you’re willing to accept it.”


Lin Chengcheng, recognizing the tone of the boss, knew that he intended to help him. He was overjoyed and said without hesitation, “Accept, accept! Boss, I’ll accept whatever you say!”


Su Muluo replied, “Hold on, let me explain first.”


“Many years ago, your father passed away unexpectedly. Since then, the bird clan has split into two factions—one led by the Grand Elder and the other by your father’s faction. The faction that wants to kill you today is likely the Grand Elder’s faction. The faction that truly wants to bring you back and let you inherit the clan leader position is your father’s faction.”


According to Su Muluo’s deduction, although Feng Xuan was an elder of the bird clan, he was aligned with the former clan leader’s faction. What he did not expect was that his disciple, Muge, was actually an undercover agent for the Grand Elder, and his subordinates were all under Muge’s control.


When Feng Xuan saw Su Muluo at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, he thought Su Muluo was Feng Hen’s illegitimate child. However, Muge, who was with him and was hiding Feng Hen’s relics, knew Su Muluo was not. Still, to test Su Muluo, Muge sent a few bird demons to attack him. After discovering Su Muluo’s profound strength, he was more certain that Su Muluo was not an illegitimate child, but did not inform Feng Xuan.


Later, Feng Xuan learned from Su Muluo that the bird clan had sent someone to attack him. Although he became suspicious, he did not doubt his disciple, but simply asked Muge to investigate. His trust in Muge ultimately led to his own demise.


After hearing Su Muluo’s words, Lin Chengcheng felt a wave of fear.


When his demon power awakened, it had already attracted the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’s attention. Although the first to find him was the boss, even without the boss, the bureau would have soon discovered him and found out that he was the person the bird clan was searching for.


Or, looking further back, if he hadn’t drunk the boss’s special coffee, perhaps his demon power wouldn’t have awakened. But since Muge had his father’s relics, even if he hadn’t awakened his demon power, with the bird clan’s spies in Lin Cheng, finding him would have been just a matter of time.


Moreover, if he hadn’t awakened his demon power, he would have been an ordinary person with no parents and few friends. Muge wouldn’t have needed to wait for him to leave Lin Cheng; he could have simply killed him upon finding him.


It was because he had awakened his demon power and became a half-demon, and thus attracted the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’s attention, that Muge was wary of the bureau and wouldn’t act against him immediately.


Thinking of this, Lin Chengcheng began to feel relieved. Luckily, he met the boss. Without the boss, he would have died more than once by now.


Seeing that he had processed the information, Su Muluo continued, “Now, what I’m thinking is, since the elder faction wants to kill you and knows about your existence, they will definitely keep sending people after you. Hiding won’t help. So, it’s better for you to return to the bird clan. As long as the faction that your father was part of knows about you, they will do everything they can to protect you. With their help, you’ll be safer.”


Lin Chengcheng hesitated and said, “But I don’t even know where the bird clan is. I can’t make it there on my own.”


Su Muluo replied, “I can take you there.” Seeing Lin Chengcheng’s eyes light up, he added, “But I also have a condition. I want to see that phoenix relic. Just see it, I won’t ask for it.”


“Sure! No problem!” Lin Chengcheng said excitedly, “If we can find that phoenix relic, I’ll definitely ask them to give it to you! If they refuse, then I’ll steal it for you!”


Su Muluo was somewhat surprised by how readily Lin Chengcheng agreed. He thought for a moment and said, “But even if you go back, it won’t be a one-time solution. After all, you’ll still have to face the elder faction.”


Lin Chengcheng nodded and said, “I know. But what else can I do if I don’t go back? I can’t keep troubling you, boss. If it’s just me alone, I won’t survive till tomorrow.”


As Su Muluo said, staying here was just waiting to die. If he could return to the bird clan and receive protection from his father’s faction, it would offer a glimmer of hope.


Moreover, he didn’t want to hide like a turtle forever. Rather than living in fear and discomfort, it was better to face the situation with courage… at least that way, he would retain some dignity.


“I want to go back, not only to save my life but also to find out the cause of my parents’ deaths,” Lin Chengcheng said, pausing before adding, “And to apologize to my father’s wife.”


Su Muluo clasped his hands and listened as he continued, “I don’t know what exactly happened back then. To me, it seemed like my father was with my mother after he married… To his wife, I might just be an annoying child from an affair.”


The black cat looked up at him, and he stroked the black cat, slowly saying, “I don’t know why my father chose my mother back then, but in any case, he still hurt his wife.”


“So I want to go back. Even if she dislikes me, I want to say I’m sorry,” Lin Chengcheng said, then fell silent for a second before whispering, “If she’s unwilling to forgive me… then I’ll have to run away.”


After hearing this, Su Muluo said, “Your grandmother must have really liked you because she raised you so well.” Then he added, “Don’t worry. Since I promised to take you back, I’ll ensure your safety. After all, we’re helping each other.”


Lin Chengcheng thought to himself that it wasn’t entirely true. The boss was endlessly helping him, the burden. He resolved to find that phoenix relic once he returned to the bird clan to repay the boss’s kindness.


With the decision made, Su Muluo arranged for Lin Chengcheng to stay in a hotel. A magical barrier was placed at the entrance to ensure that no one could harm Lin Chengcheng or track him down.


After leaving the hotel, Su Muluo poked Long Ling and said, “Change back. I want to take you somewhere.”


Before they set off, he needed to take his dragon to do something.


Long Ling replied, “Okay.”


Without asking where they were going, he transformed back into a little black dragon and slipped into the pocket of his phoenix’s clothing.


Su Muluo patted the little dragon and walked out at a leisurely pace.


Soon, the little black dragon poked its head out of the pocket and made a “woof” sound.


Why haven’t they arrived yet?


Su Muluo calmly said, “We’re almost there.”


He then pressed the little dragon back into the pocket.


The little black dragon was confused, curling up its tail in the pocket, feeling both curious and cautious.


It felt like there was nothing good about this.


After a while, it heard its phoenix’s voice say, “Okay, we’ve arrived.”


The little black dragon slowly emerged from the pocket and looked up—


The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


The little black dragon: “……”


The little black dragon: “Woof!!”


It immediately wanted to scramble out of the pocket and flee quickly, but Su Muluo was faster and held it down.


“This time, there’s nothing wrong. Really,” Su Muluo comforted. “I just want you to see the Mirror of Origin.”


The little black dragon: “Woof!” 


It didn’t like it!


It didn’t want to see it!


It hated the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings!!


“Just stay here for a little while,” Su Muluo said, “It won’t take long to look at the Mirror of Origin.”


As he spoke, he patted the little black dragon’s head, stroking it from start to finish. The little dragon angrily hugged his hand.


It wasn’t that it didn’t want to see the Mirror of Origin; after all, it was a bit curious about its past with the phoenix.


But it just didn’t like the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, very much so.


Every time it came here, nothing good ever happened!


A few minutes later, the little black dragon was reluctantly soothed by Su Muluo, lying in the phoenix’s palm, its tail swishing back and forth, its dark golden dragon eyes filled with displeasure.


Su Muluo almost laughed. When he had passed by the hospital before, he had seen many children crying loudly, clinging to their parents because they didn’t want a shot… it seemed the little black dragon was pretty much like them.


So he comforted the little dragon again and took it inside.


He had made prior arrangements with Liu He before coming to the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. Today, Liu He looked very happy and said, “Mr. Su, your timing is perfect. The day before yesterday, the neighboring city just applied to the headquarters for the Mirror of Origin, so I borrowed it today.”


The Mirror of Origin was usually managed by the headquarters of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. After Su Muluo borrowed it last time, Liu He had returned it to the headquarters. But today, she was so happy, it surely wasn’t just because she had borrowed the Mirror of Origin from the neighboring city.


As before, Su Muluo entered the room where the Mirror of Origin was kept. As soon as he stepped in, he stopped in his tracks.


The last time he saw the Mirror of Origin, it was intact. Now, it was in a pitiful state, missing a corner.


Su Muluo asked, “I didn’t break this, did I?”


Liu He chuckled and said, “Of course not. It was broken by the deputy director of the neighboring city. He used this mirror to see his wife cheating on him, and she was with his two younger brothers. He couldn’t control himself on the spot… hahahaha!”


Su Muluo: “……”


It sounded like Liu He was quite pleased.


Liu He also realized she had been a bit too ecstatic and immediately cleared her throat, explaining seriously, “The deputy director has always had issues with us. When our Lincheng branch was rated as the ‘Most Uncivilized Organization,’ he led the mocking. We’ve been unhappy with him for a long time.”


“A few days from now is the new round of ‘Most Uncivilized Organization’ selection. He broke the Mirror of Origin yesterday, and their branch will definitely get blamed for it. We finally get to laugh at him.”


Liu He couldn’t help but laugh again.


She was absolutely thrilled.


Su Muluo looked at the somewhat sorry-looking Mirror of Origin and asked curiously, “Can it still be used?”


“It can still be used, it can still be used. It was just dropped, it doesn’t affect it at all!” Liu He said. “I’ll send it back to headquarters for repair tomorrow. Mr. Su, you can take your time. I’ll step out first.”


She left with a very light step, and after she was gone, Su Muluo took the little black dragon out.


The little black dragon transformed back into human form, glanced at his phoenix, and picked up the Mirror of Origin.


Then he stood there, unmoving.


Su Muluo stood beside him, observing, and couldn’t help but wonder if he had looked like this the last time he saw the Mirror of Origin.


What did the dragon see… Could it see that silver-haired phoenix?


While Su Muluo was lost in thought, Long Ling turned his head and fixed his gaze on him.


Su Muluo was slightly surprised, “So soon?”


He checked his phone and found that it hadn’t been a minute since Long Ling picked up the Mirror of Origin. He was even more surprised: “It hasn’t even been a minute. What did you see?”


“…” Long Ling was silent for a moment before suddenly saying, “I don’t want the phoenix anymore.”


Su Muluo: “?”


Long Ling looked at him with a hint of grievance, “The phoenix has other lovers now. Anyway, I don’t want the phoenix anymore.”


Su Muluo: “???”


At that moment, he almost thought history was repeating itself. His mind went blank, unsure of how to respond. But the next second, Long Ling started to laugh.


“Just kidding,” Long Ling said with a hint of mischievous satisfaction in his eyes, as if he had played a successful prank, “I didn’t see anything.”


Su Muluo: “…”


He felt like he wanted to twist the little dragon into a pretzel right then and there, but he held back after hearing Long Ling’s follow-up words. He frowned and said, “What did you say?”


Long Ling blinked and said, “I didn’t see anything.”


He spread the Mirror of Origin out in front of Su Muluo and continued, “And look, phoenix, it doesn’t even reflect my face.”


Su Muluo looked down. Since he had used the Mirror of Origin before, it didn’t react to him this time. However, it was strange that it showed his face but not Long Ling’s.


What was going on?


Su Muluo was puzzled. He took the Mirror of Origin and looked at himself, then turned it towards Long Ling.


Long Ling stood quietly in place, his face full of innocence.


“…” Su Muluo was silent for a while and said, “Do you not have anyone important at all?”


Long Ling: “???”


Without waiting for Su Muluo to say anything more, he immediately said, “How could that be!”


Then he tightly hugged Su Muluo with such force that it seemed he was afraid his phoenix might ignore him and run away. “I love the phoenix the most! The phoenix is the most important person to me. Besides the phoenix, no one else is!”


His voice was deep, filled with undeniable certainty and seriousness, with a hint of grievance. Su Muluo patted his head and smiled, “I know.”


He was just saying it casually and did not doubt his dragon’s feelings for him. It was just that the Mirror of Origin was truly strange… Could it be that it was broken by the deputy director from the neighboring city?


With this question in mind, Su Muluo found Liu He outside and told her about the situation with the Mirror of Origin.


Liu He was first startled when she saw Long Ling, and then was even more shocked when she heard about the Mirror of Origin. She looked horrified and said, “It’s impossible! Every living person should appear on the Mirror of Origin, and it’s been a thousand years without this mirror ever being broken!”


Su Muluo said, “Could it be that it’s been dropped too many times before?”


“Well… that might be possible,” Liu He murmured. “Could it really be broken by that bald deputy director?”


“Mr. Su, could I see the mirror?”


Su Muluo nodded and looked at Long Ling.


Long Ling picked up the Mirror of Origin from the table, intending to hand it to his phoenix. However, as soon as he raised his hand, there was a “crack” sound—


The smooth surface of the Mirror of Origin shattered into several pieces in his hand.


It was broken.


Su Muluo: “…”


Long Ling: “…”


Liu He: “…………”


Liu He stared in disbelief as the Mirror of Origin cracked on its own, as if she saw the “Most Uncivilized Organization” green and dirty flag, the bald deputy director from the neighboring city’s ruthless mockery, her own bureau chief’s “kind and friendly” gaze, and that year-end bonus with wings flying away…


Finally, she couldn’t hold back and burst into tears.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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