Chapter 34: Life and Death Uncertain


A few minutes later, Lin Chengcheng knocked on Su Muluo’s door and saw Su Muluo and Long Ling walking out, one after the other. 


Su Muluo’s expression was calm, while Long Ling seemed shrouded in black mist, his dark golden eyes casting a cold glance at Lin Chengcheng.


Lin Chengcheng: “…”


For some reason, he suddenly felt as if his life was about to end, and he wouldn’t survive the night.


“What’s wrong?” Su Muluo asked gently. “It seems there are no traces of demonic energy around.”


“No, no, no, there really is a monster, right in my room!”


Lin Chengcheng quickly led Su Muluo and Long Ling to his room, carefully pushing open the partially closed door. Inside, everything was quiet, with only a black cat lying on the bed.


The black cat was Lin Chengcheng’s pet named Doumi. To keep his cat with him, he had arranged for pet transport. Although he had enjoyed Doumi’s company during the day, at this moment, Lin Chengcheng was avoiding it as if it were a deadly serpent.


Su Muluo met the black cat’s jet-black eyes and raised an eyebrow slightly.


“Who are you?”


The black cat stood up from the bed. After a few seconds of silence, it spoke in a man’s voice: “We’ve met before. I am Feng Xuan, the elder of the bird tribe.”


For a moment, Su Muluo thought he had misheard and asked, “What?”


The black cat cleared its throat and said, “Although it sounds surprising, I am indeed Feng Xuan.”


“I am not dead. What was killed was only a clone of mine. My main body is still in a deep slumber with the bird tribe. What you see now is a fragment of my clone’s soul.”


“I anticipated that I might encounter danger before coming to Lin City, so I set up this secret method in advance. Now it seems that my prediction has indeed come true.”


The voice was exactly the same as Feng Xuan’s. Su Muluo asked, “So how did you attach yourself to this cat?”


Feng Xuan sighed and said, “That day, Muge poisoned my tea with the bird tribe’s most toxic poison, killing me in the room. Fortunately, the secret method I set up in advance protected my clone’s soul, allowing it to attach to this cat without Muge noticing.”


“Later, when I met the young master, I followed him. However, in that state, I couldn’t do anything. To be able to speak to you, I had no choice but to occupy this cat’s body.”


“Wait, wait, wait!” Lin Chengcheng said, “Can you leave this cat’s body? This is my cat!”


Feng Xuan reassured him, “Young master, don’t worry. Once I return to the bird tribe, I will return to my original form and will no longer need to occupy this cat’s body.”


Lin Chengcheng then breathed a sigh of relief. He had heard Su Muluo mention the name “Feng Xuan” before and knew that he was affiliated with Su Muluo’s father, so he had a certain degree of goodwill towards him.


However, Su Muluo did not fully trust the black cat and asked him a few more questions about their conversation when Feng Xuan visited the café. Once the answers were consistent, he was convinced that this was indeed the real elder of the bird tribe.


“By the way, there’s something I need to tell you,” Su Muluo said, now certain that the black cat was Feng Xuan. “Last time at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, I saw Muge holding a relic of Feng Hen, a round stone resembling an eyeball.”


Upon hearing this, although still in the form of a cat, Feng Xuan’s anger was evident: “Indeed, the eyes of Feng Hen are in their hands. They must be involved in Feng Hen’s death back then!”


Lin Chengcheng’s expression changed, and Feng Xuan continued, “Feng Hen died mysteriously in the ice prison, and his body was incomplete when buried. I suspected the Great Elder was responsible for his death. However, their actions were flawless and used their power to obfuscate the truth, making it impossible to investigate… Now that Feng Hen’s eyes are actually in their possession, it’s clear evidence!”


Su Muluo said, “But Muge took it out openly, and it doesn’t seem like he’s afraid of being discovered.”


“Isn’t it because he colluded with the Great Elder’s forces!” Feng Xuan gritted his teeth and said angrily, “They won’t be smug for long. And as for Muge, I took in this scoundrel for years, treating him like my own son. I didn’t expect him to be untrustworthy… When I return to the clan, I will definitely have to personally deal with this traitor!”


“W-well, do you know about my father’s past?” Lin Chengcheng couldn’t help but speak up. “He and my mother…”


Upon hearing this, Feng Xuan looked at him, and his previously furious expression gradually softened into a gentler one.


“Your father actually had his own difficulties,” Feng Xuan said. “Fifty years ago, your grandfather died unexpectedly, and your father, though young, had to take on the role of clan leader. At that time, the Great Elder held all the power in the clan and forced your father to marry his daughter, only to further seize control of the bird clan’s power.”


“Later, the father and daughter caused havoc in the clan, disturbing the entire bird clan. Although your father tried to stop them, he was powerless. It was during that time that he met your mother.”


“Your mother was a gentle human woman. If it weren’t for the Great Elder’s coercion, your father would have likely married her and spent his life with her… Unfortunately, the Great Elder’s daughter later discovered your father’s feelings for her.”


When Feng Xuan spoke up to this point, his tone carried clear disgust. “That woman, despite keeping several lovers of her own outside, accused your father of being unfaithful. Left with no other choice, your father had to flee with your mother… When they were caught again, only your father remained.”


The rest of the story was known to everyone. Feng Hen had died in the ice prison for no apparent reason, and his death ignited the bloodiness and hatred of another faction in the bird clan, uniting them to resist the Great Elder’s control.


Lin Chengcheng listened in a daze, and Feng Xuan sighed again. “In fact, your mother never knew about your father’s identity from the beginning to the end. Your father intended to inform your mother of everything after overthrowing the Great Elder and formally marry her as his wife according to clan customs, but…”


But he never had the chance.


After Feng Xuan finished speaking, Lin Chengcheng remained silent for a long time before finally saying softly, “I suddenly… don’t really want to apologize to that woman anymore.”


One of his goals in returning to the bird clan was to apologize to his father’s wife. At first, he thought this woman was a victim of his father and mother’s romance… but now it seemed that wasn’t the case at all.


Feng Xuan sneered. “Apologize to her? Does she deserve it! Not to mention that your father’s death was related to her, but even after marrying your father, the very next day, she brought her lovers in front of him—how arrogant! She practically trampled on your father’s dignity!”


“Moreover, your father never wanted to marry her; it was entirely forced by the Great Elder! From start to finish, he was just a pawn in the power struggle between the father and daughter!” Feng Xuan’s anger grew as he spoke, and his words were full of hatred. “I even suspected that your grandfather’s death was related to that father and daughter duo. I only hate that the Great Elder was too powerful; even if I had suspicions, I couldn’t investigate or act on them… I was too useless!”


“No, you’ve already helped my father and me a lot!” Lin Chengcheng said. “Without you, I wouldn’t know about these past events, and I wouldn’t have anyone to rely on in the bird clan.”


After hearing this, Feng Xuan sighed and said, “Rest assured, Young Master. I’ve sent out word to our people. When we return to the bird clan, someone will come to meet you… After so many years, the Great Elder’s faction can’t do much to us for now.”


Su Muluo listened quietly and then asked, “How powerful is the Great Elder?”


Feng Xuan looked at him with respect and said, “He is an eight-hundred-year-old demon, while your grandfather had seven hundred years of demonic power. Initially, this shouldn’t have allowed the Great Elder to be so arrogant, but when your grandfather passed away, Feng Hen was only three hundred years old and could not contend with the Great Elder, which led to the current situation.”


Su Muluo nodded slightly and said, “I see.”


His tone was calm, yet it stirred something deep inside Feng Xuan, bringing about an uncontrollable joy.


An eight-hundred-year-old demon is among the strongest in today’s demon world. Anyone would be shocked by this, yet the person before him showed no reaction, as if eight hundred years meant nothing in his presence.


It is well-known among demons that a difference of a hundred years is significant, two hundred years is a chasm, and three hundred years is like comparing humans to ants, with destruction being as easy as a flick of the finger… Among the three remaining thousand-year-old demons in the world, the strongest one is over a thousand one hundred years old, which is three hundred years more than the Great Elder.


This person is indeed one of the three thousand-year-old demons; the bird clan is truly saved this time!


Feng Xuan was momentarily overwhelmed with joy, not knowing that Su Muluo was not just an ordinary thousand-year-old demon but a phoenix nearing the level of a divine being. His demonic power could no longer be measured simply by years… Moreover, if it were to be calculated, he would have at least five thousand years of demonic power.


After all, beings like phoenixes and dragons, being close to divine entities, can cultivate even within their eggs by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. It is only after hatching that they gain clearer intelligence and are truly born into the world.


Fortunately for Feng Xuan, he was unaware of this; otherwise, he might have passed out from sheer excitement.


“Sir, the phoenix relic you are looking for might also be in the possession of the Great Elder.”


Earlier, when Feng Xuan was with Lin Chengcheng, he had heard their conversation and knew that Su Muluo was searching for the relics of the phoenix clan. He now took the initiative to bring it up.


“That relic went missing when Feng Hen fled the clan, and the Great Elder used it as an excuse to label him as a traitor. But I know Feng Hen; he would never steal that relic because it is not only a phoenix clan relic but also something that the bird clan’s leaders are sworn to protect.”


Su Muluo asked, “Do you know what that phoenix relic actually is?”


Feng Xuan shook his head. “Only the past clan leaders know what it is, but as an elder of the bird clan, I do know its origins.”


“It is said that over five thousand years ago, the bird clan faced a great catastrophe. Thanks to the protection of the phoenix clan, the entire bird clan was spared.”


“Later, the phoenix clan’s leader entrusted something to the bird clan, saying it would be taken back many years later. In gratitude for saving their lives, the bird clan’s leader vowed to guard this item for generations until the phoenix came to reclaim it.”


“And then?” Lin Chengcheng asked with great curiosity. “Why is the item still with the bird clan? Did the phoenix never come to retrieve it?”


Feng Xuan said, “This is the most regrettable part because shortly after, the phoenix clan was destroyed by the natural order… The item then became a relic of the phoenix clan, remaining forever in the bird clan.”


When Su Muluo heard this, he lowered his eyelashes, hiding the enigmatic expression in his eyes.


At that moment, his hand was gently held by someone else, the warmth of the grip enveloping his fingers. Su Muluo looked up and met Long Ling’s focused and tender gaze.




He slightly curved his lips and smiled at his dragon.


On the other side, Lin Chengcheng let out a sigh and said regretfully, “So there are no more phoenixes now. I was hoping to have the fortune of seeing one someday.”


Feng Xuan replied, “To be honest, with your strength, even if there were phoenixes, you would still be unable to meet them.”


Lin Chengcheng: “……” How very real.


Feng Xuan continued, “Although the phoenix clan was wiped out, the bird clan leader at that time still remembered the phoenixes’ kindness. He set a clan rule, designating that phoenix relic as the bird clan’s supreme treasure. It was decreed that the bird clan leader must protect this treasure for life, not privately possess it, or disclose its existence. Anyone who privately possesses or discloses it would be executed, and their family would be expelled from the bird clan. This is why only the clan leader and elders knew about the existence of that phoenix relic later on.”


He reminisced for a moment and added, “Actually, there was one final rule in the clan regulations. If a descendant of the phoenix came to retrieve the relic and could recognize it, then that descendant would be allowed to take the relic away… but back then, since the entire phoenix clan was annihilated, where would the descendants come from?”


Lin Chengcheng shook his head with a hint of sadness, while Su Muluo calmly said, “So, after Feng Hen’s incident, the phoenix relic disappeared, and it’s possible that it’s in the hands of the Great Elder?”


Feng Xuan confirmed, “Yes, both Feng Hen and the old clan leader strictly adhered to their duties and protected the relic. Only the Great Elder had shown repeated signs of coveting the relic, so he is the most suspicious.”


Su Muluo nodded and said, “I understand.”


Since it was getting late, and he had a general understanding of the phoenix relic, he thought Feng Xuan might still have something to say to Lin Chengcheng, so he and Long Ling went back.


In the hotel room, Su Muluo lay on the soft big bed, snuggling into the warm blankets.


The little black dragon curled up beside him, its tail flicking back and forth in displeasure.




It had wanted to continue its earlier affection when it came back, but was rejected by its phoenix!


It had been promised, but was turned down!


Not happy!


It was all the half-demon’s fault. If not for his interruption, it could have gotten its affection from the phoenix!


The little black dragon grew more and more displeased, and immediately stopped flicking its tail, nuzzling Su Muluo’s finger.


Su Muluo looked at it with a smile and said, “What can you do about your bad luck? Don’t blame others.”


The little black dragon: “Roar!”


Clearly, the phoenix had acted unreasonably too!


The phoenix had promised!


Su Muluo pretended not to hear and pulled the blanket over his head.


The little black dragon: “……”


The little black dragon, enraged, lay down by the edge of the bed and sulked.


The room grew quiet, and Su Muluo felt the warmth of the little dragon curled up by his side, reflecting on the conversation he had with Feng Xuan earlier.


Tonight, he had gathered a lot of useful information, and what concerned him the most was the identity of the owner of that relic—the leader of the phoenix clan.


Previously, Su Muluo had thought the relic might belong to one of his own clan members, but he never expected it to belong to their leader… the Phoenix Lord, the King of Hundred Phoenixes.


But why would the leader of the phoenix clan have entrusted their belongings to the bird clan?


Was it because he had foreseen the fate of the phoenix clan and wanted to leave behind something no matter what?


But if that were the case, why did he say he would come back to retrieve the item years later… Could he have already predicted that thousands of years later, there would be a clan member who would remain in the world and accidentally find the whereabouts of the relic?


The more Su Muluo thought about it, the more confused he became. He turned his head and stroked the little black dragon beside him. The little black dragon snuggled closer, curling up in his palm.


Su Muluo held the warmth in his hand, a slight smile on his lips, and closed his eyes.


That night, he fell into a deep sleep with several unanswered questions. Perhaps due to thinking too much during the day, he quickly had a strange dream.


In the dream, it was still the distant past, but his vision was filled with vast expanses of blood-red. The blood spread from the horizon to the front, splattering a glaring crimson.


For some reason, the sight of the blood made Su Muluo feel a deep sadness, as if his soul was being torn apart, and the most important part of his life was forcibly stripped away, leaving only a despairing emptiness… He felt nothing, only the pain was so clear.


He couldn’t speak, only staring blankly ahead. The sensation flowing through his limbs was no longer blood but an icy chill that pierced into his bones. The world was cold; he was gripped by immense pain that squeezed his heart, nearly suffocating him. He even wished he could just die like this.




At that moment, someone was calling him from beside him.




It was the voice of a completely unfamiliar man. Though it was just a simple two-word call, it filled him with a nauseating disgust.


He wanted his dragon; only his dragon could call him “Phoenix,” and only his dragon’s voice carried a tone of affection and tenderness when calling him “Phoenix.”


But… where was his dragon?


Phoenix looked around in confusion, trying to find his dragon, but he saw nothing but the sea of blood.


In an instant, he seemed to understand why he felt such profound sadness and suffocating heartache. He even guessed where this blood came from and whose it was… But as soon as the thought emerged, it was forcefully suppressed.


No, it’s impossible.


Absolutely impossible.


Phoenix trembled uncontrollably. His head ached as if thousands of steel needles were piercing into it, causing him to break out in cold sweat and his face to turn deathly pale.


At the same time, he heard the voice of the malicious stranger again.


“Phoenix, look… isn’t he right in your arms?”




Phoenix stiffly looked down. He saw a strand of silver hair slipping from his shoulder and noticed his hands covered in blood.


In his arms, lay a man.


A man covered in blood, whose life or death was unknown.



In an instant, Su Muluo woke up, abruptly opening his eyes.


At that moment, an overwhelming panic consumed him. He instinctively moved to one side, seeking the familiar warmth.


Even a bit of warmth would be enough to calm all his fear and confusion, giving him a sense of complete reassurance.


… But he touched nothing.


Su Muluo froze in place, his fingertips cold. At that moment, his entire body felt as if the blood had turned to ice.


There was no one on his bed.


His dragon… was not beside him.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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