Chapter 36: Cold-blooded and Merciless


Pheonix lay motionless on the bed, feeling utterly despondent at the thought of possibly becoming a bald bird, with no hope left for the future.


He closed himself off, feeling hopeless, beyond comfort from anyone.


Long Ling looked at Pheonix, who buried himself under the blanket, and struggled hard not to laugh. He gently nudged him.




Su Muluo remained silent.


Long Ling nudged him again. “Don’t bury yourself in the blanket, it’ll be uncomfortable.”


Su Muluo still didn’t respond.


After a moment of thought, Long Ling set aside the dozen or so feathers he had collected and lay down beside his Pheonix.


Feeling the bed sink slightly, Su Muluo immediately wrapped himself tighter in the blanket, withdrawing further into himself, unwilling to let Long Ling get close.


Long Ling looked at this bundle of Pheonix, his lips curling slightly. He thought how cute Pheonix looked and wanted to …


But he kept a straight face and said seriously, “It’s just a few more feathers shedding. Pheonix, did you forget you’re in molting season? The feathers that fall out now will grow back soon.”


Upon hearing this, the lump in front of him moved slightly under the blanket.


Long Ling reached out and embraced the bundle of Pheonix, coaxing gently, “Would Pheonix like to transform back and take a look? I’m sure you’ve grown many new feathers, still as beautiful as ever.”


“…,” Su Muluo slowly peeked out from under the blanket, giving him a glance.


The next moment, a snowy white bird landed on the bed, not in the small form of Pheonix, but a bird so large it almost covered half the bed, its pristine feathers glowing, its tail feathers like a winding Milky Way dotted with tiny golden sparkles.


This was Pheonix’s adult form. Long Ling was momentarily stunned by its beauty, almost reaching out to touch the silky soft feathers… Thankfully, he restrained himself and avoided being pecked by Pheonix.


“Pheonix looks so beautiful,” Long Ling blinked his eyes and said, “No other bird compares to Pheonix’s beauty.”


Pheonix tilted his head slightly, feeling a bit proud to hear such compliments, then preened his feathers.


Though every time he molted, he feared he would go bald, in reality, his feathers were lush and thick. Losing just a dozen feathers wouldn’t make him look bald at all.


And just as Long Ling said, he was indeed in molting season, and soon enough, Pheonix discovered he had grown many new fluffy feathers, instantly cheering up.


Then he pecked lightly on Long Ling’s face.


Long Ling: “…”


It took him a moment to realize Pheonix was teasing him. Immediately, he boldly seized the opportunity, “I want Pheonix to transform into a human, teasing me like that!”


That would be more like teasing!


Pheonix glanced at him, transformed back into human form, and ignored him.


Long Ling was not pleased. Last time, their teasing was interrupted by Lin Chengcheng, and just now, that teasing felt like being pecked… But now wasn’t the time to be sulking. Rather than teasing each other affectionately, he was more concerned about Pheonix’s condition.


“Are you still sleepy now?” Long Ling asked, “Do you want to sleep a bit longer, or eat something?”


Su Muluo shook his head and asked, “Where are my feathers?”


Long Ling brought over the dozen feathers placed on the bedside.


Su Muluo carefully picked up the feathers, a bit unhappy. “How could I shed so many feathers at once?”


Although they can grow back, losing so many feathers at once was really frightening!


Long Ling asked, “Is it because of your bird lineage? Or is it because of that phoenix relic here?”


As Pheonix neatly arranged his feathers and wrapped them in cloth, Long Ling quietly stole some feathers, specifically picking out the most beautiful ones, and snuck them away from under Pheonix’s nose.


Su Muluo seemed oblivious to his little antics and said, “It’s possible… but why would my reaction be so strong?”


He knew he would have a reaction to that phoenix relic, as it carried the aura of his kin, but he hadn’t expected such a strong response, which felt off.


With these thoughts, Su Muluo couldn’t help but wonder, “Could it be that the phoenix relic belongs to someone from my… previous life?”


Long Ling met his gaze and said, “There’s another possibility—it belongs to the phoenix itself.”


“…,” Su Muluo remained silent, deep in thought.


While he pondered, Long Ling maintained a poker face and stealthily plucked another feather.


Su Muluo immediately slapped his hand away, saying, “No more for you!”


He had stolen all the nice feathers!


Already, who knows how many he’d taken!


Long Ling obediently said, “Oh,” and then swiftly nabbed another.


Su Muluo: Tsk.


He quickly gathered the remaining feathers and declared, “Anyway, let’s go ask the bird clan people first.”


Long Ling nodded, happily slipping his hand into his pocket to feel the soft feathers.


With the ones he had collected earlier, he now had ten.


Like a mischievous dragon in stories who loved collecting shiny treasures, Long Ling enjoyed gathering feathers from his Pheonix. Those soft, pristine feathers, imbued with the essence of his Pheonix, were more beautiful than any gold or jewels.


If Pheonix shed a few more times, he’d have a little treasure trove!


Long Ling envisioned this happily, though he certainly wouldn’t let Pheonix catch wind of his thoughts. If his Pheonix found out, he’d probably pluck him bare.


The two of them left and returned to the Lin Tower where several senior bird clan members were gathered around a round table, looking extremely uneasy.


“Mr. Su!”


Feng Xuan had just returned to his original form, and seeing Su Muluo safe and sound, he stood up in joy and asked, “Are you okay now?”


Not long ago, he heard the news that Su Muluo unexpectedly fell unconscious, seemingly related to their bird clan, which angered Long Ling beside him… Hence, everyone dared not do anything and nervously awaited here, fearing Su Muluo would really be in trouble, and his companion might wipe out their entire bird clan in anger.


Fortunately, Su Muluo was fine, and he didn’t blame the bird clan at all, saying, “Sorry for worrying you all. It was just my boyfriend’s bad attitude that scared you.”


Previously, Long Ling mistakenly thought that the avian clan was targeting him, nearly stunning those bird demons into fainting on the spot. Although he knew his dragon was just too worried about him and had reserved some strength during the intimidation, he still felt the need to apologize.


“No, no, no, it was our fault that you felt unwell right after arriving in our territory,” Feng Xuan said, “Do you feel any better now? The avian clan has skilled healers who could take a look at you.”


Su Muluo shook his head, declining the offer. He continued, “I have a question for you.”


Feng Xuan invited him and Long Ling to sit down, saying, “Please go ahead. We will answer anything we know.”


Su Muluo asked, “You mentioned earlier that the Phoenix relic was in the hands of the Elder Chief, but is it possible that it’s actually here?”


Upon hearing this question, everyone around the round table exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond.


“Well… I think it’s unlikely,” Feng Xuan replied. “If it were here, we wouldn’t have trouble finding it.”


Su Muluo persisted, “None of you have seen the relic. Perhaps it’s hidden somewhere here?”


Feng Xuan pondered for a moment before shaking his head. “You have a point. However, this area isn’t where the avian clan used to reside. We split from them with the Elder Chief, bringing some of our people here to live. Even before that, the Phoenix relic was already missing.”


“There’s another thing I mentioned earlier. Only the clan leader and elders know about the Phoenix relic’s existence, and normally, it’s guarded solely by the clan leader. The elders are not authorized to see it.”


“When Feng Hen just left the avian clan, the Elder Chief declared the relic missing. But as I mentioned, as an elder, he shouldn’t have seen the relic. If he never saw it, how would he know it was missing?” Feng Xuan explained. “So, since then, I’ve suspected that he might have stolen the Phoenix relic and framed Feng Hen, even killing him, to forever possess the relic.”


Upon hearing this, Su Muluo pondered silently, “In that case, I must meet this Elder Chief.”


He could tell from Feng Xuan’s expression that he wasn’t lying. This person hadn’t deceived him.


Aside from whether the Phoenix relic was here, even if it were, Su Muluo didn’t know what it looked like and couldn’t possibly find it.


Therefore, he had to see the Elder Chief because only he was most likely to have seen or even possessed the Phoenix relic.


Additionally, there was another point that Su Muluo found very concerning—this place used to be on the edge of the avian clan’s territory, several kilometers away from the Elder Chief’s domain. If the Phoenix relic truly was in the Elder Chief’s possession, it meant that despite the distance, he was somehow affected by the relic.


The closer he got to it, the stronger the effect might be. This indicated a profoundly strong connection between him and the relic… Suddenly, an idea popped into Su Muluo’s mind.


Did the Phoenix, entrusted to the avian clan leader all those years ago, foresee this day?


Was it intended for him to retrieve the relic and uncover the secrets it held?


As Su Muluo fell into silence, one of the avian clan members beside him couldn’t help but speak up, “But the Elder Chief is incredibly powerful. We’re not ready to confront them in battle… If you go now, it’ll be hard to come back unscathed.”


They had only heard from Feng Xuan that Su Muluo and Long Ling were strong, but they weren’t sure how powerful these two really were. Feng Xuan had never mentioned his own strength, leading them to speculate that this gentleman might not want to boast and had kept it quiet for safety, not informing their own clan members.


Su Muluo said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”


Yet when the other avian clan members heard his words, they weren’t reassured. Instead, they exchanged glances with Feng Xuan, urging him to talk to the two gentlemen again and give them some time to consider their impulsiveness.


Feng Xuan didn’t bother with them. He knew how powerful Su Muluo was and knew that this gentleman had his own goals for coming to their avian clan, so there was no point in intervening with his eyesight.


“In that case, let me lead the way,” Feng Xuan said. “This is still a few kilometers away from the Elder Chief’s place and not easily accessible.”


Su Muluo was about to agree when Long Ling next to him


Su Muluo remained silent.


Su Muluo saw from his expression that he had something to say to himself. He said to Feng Xuan, “Can we wait? I want to discuss with my boyfriend.”


Feng Xuan certainly wouldn’t object, so Su Muluo and Long Ling went out.


Outside the attic, Long Ling said, “The Phoenix shouldn’t come with us. It should stay here. Let me go instead.”


Su Muluo asked, puzzled, “Why?”


Before the sound of his voice fell, he understood Long Ling’s meaning.


If the Elder Chief really had the Phoenix relic, he would be affected here, and the closer he got there, the greater the impact would be.


Now he was just feeling drowsy and shedding feathers, but when he really got there, who knew what would happen…


But he also didn’t want to separate from his dragon, nor did he want to let his dragon go there alone.


Su Muluo said nothing, just blinked and looked at Long Ling.


Long Ling was very firm and resolute, saying, “No, the Phoenix stays here. I’ll bring back the relic for you.”


It was safer here than over there, even if his Phoenix was affected by the relic, there would be no danger. When it came to the safety of the Phoenix, he would never easily compromise.


Su Muluo grabbed his clothes and shook them lightly, with eyes like a pleading puppy.


Long Ling said stubbornly, “I said no, even if the Phoenix is mine, it’s useless.”


Unmoved, very unfeeling.


Su Muluo: “…”


Su Muluo was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly changed back to his original form.


A soft, fluffy little Phoenix with puffed feathers landed in Long Ling’s palm, raised its head, and chirped at him.


Long Ling said, “No, I’m not saying it a third time.”


Cold and heartless, without any room for compromise.


Little Phoenix: “…Chirp.”


It lay limp, its feathers not as fluffy anymore.


Want to go.


Looking very aggrieved.


Long Ling: “…………”


After a moment, with a fluffy little Phoenix in his pocket, Long Ling said to Feng Xuan in a very cold and hard manner, “Let’s go, let’s leave now.”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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