Chapter 34


Si Lan stood inside the barrier, his eyes unexpectedly reddened. As he listened to Pei Jia’s words, he suddenly understood many things.


No wonder Pei Jia had shown such a distant and unfamiliar attitude after meeting Tao Yuan. At that time, he had thought Pei Jia was just being indifferent, but he hadn’t realized that he was no longer the Pei Jia from the past.


“So… Tao Yuan’s obsession was to see the real Pei Jia?”


The youth leaning against the par4p3t, with a sprig of xuan grass in his mouth, lively and clear, had actually died five years ago. And Tao Yuan had been waiting all this time for him to come and take him to the capital.


Si Lan couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.


Hao Wei said, “Perhaps it’s not necessarily to see the real Pei Jia. Do you remember Tao Yuan’s expression when he noticed the scar on Pei Jia’s leg?”


“You mean, at that moment, Tao Yuan had already suspected that the Pei Jia before him was not the same as the young Pei Jia?”


“Yes, at least he had his doubts.”


“Then why didn’t Tao Yuan…”


“Perhaps Tao Yuan himself was no longer sure which Pei Jia he loved.”


Si Lan fell silent. In the illusion, when Tao Yuan died, he still tightly held the double moon jade pendant in his hand.


Perhaps Tao Yuan’s obsession wasn’t about their first encounter with Pei Jia, but about waiting for the person who had promised to come and marry him.


After Tao Yuan’s death, Pei Jia vented all his anger and resentment on the deputy and several soldiers, treating them as they had treated him, binding them under the scorching sun without food or sleep until they perished.


Pei Jia’s full fury and bitterness attracted Dayong, who had just escaped from Dayong Mountain, and they made a pact. Dayong helped Pei Jia complete the curse of destruction, and Pei Jia sacrificed his life to Dayong.



Si Lan dispelled the illusion, and both of them instantly emerged from the vision.


“Your Majesty!” Song Cheng and Song Ye saw Si Lan open his eyes and hurriedly approached to apologize, “Your Majesty, it’s our fault for not protecting the formation properly. Please forgive us.”


“It’s okay. How are you both? Did Dayong harm you?”


“No.” Song Cheng and Song Ye replied simultaneously.


Si Lan glanced past them and saw Pei Jia bound to a pillar. Currently, Pei Jia was enveloped in dark energy, devoid of life force. Si Lan sensed something amiss and walked over. It was then that he discovered Pei Jia was actually dead!


“It wasn’t us who killed Pei Jia, Your Majesty. It was Dayong who killed him while controlling his body,” Song Ye explained quickly, afraid that Si Lan would misunderstand.


Si Lan frowned and uttered a sound of acknowledgment. He touched Pei Jia’s forehead with his fingertip, and the dark energy surrounding Pei Jia instantly dissipated. His soul regained control of his body.


Pei Jia slowly opened his eyes and looked at Si Lan before him, his gaze cloudy as if he had been asleep for centuries. “You’re back… Then you must know everything now…”




“Pei Jia and I are twins. When I was young, I suffered from a leg disease that made walking painful. I often stayed in bed, causing many people to think that the Pei family only had one young master. During that time, the Pei family would often share with me the interesting people and events that he encountered outside. One day, Pei Jia told me that a theater troupe had moved near the general’s mansion, and among them was a young actor who was more beautiful than any female actor, with a mouth as red as a red-billed quele. 


Pei Jia recalled the past, his expression filled with a sense of trance.


“Later, Pei Jia always talked about the red-billed quele and couldn’t get enough of it. He even joked that he wanted to bring the actor back to the capital with him. At that time, when I looked into his eyes, I knew he wasn’t joking; he really wanted to take him back to the capital.”


“Unfortunately, shortly after the Pei family returned to the capital, they were ordered to the border to suppress a rebellion. Although my legs had been treated by physicians and I could walk on the ground, I was still not as nimble as an ordinary person. My father and Pei Jia forbade me from joining the army, but I still secretly followed them.”


“That winter, it snowed heavily, and Pei Jia fell into a trap. When I rushed over, he lay in the snow, with only his last breath left. He told me he regretted not taking that person with him earlier. He promised to show him the snow in the capital, but he could never fulfill it.”


“I closed Pei Jia’s eyes with my own hands, changed into his clothes, and under his identity, led the trapped soldiers out of the siege. I dared not disappoint my father or the Pei family, so I continued to pretend to be Pei Jia, leading troops in battle on the border. After all, for the Pei family, whether a sickly child or a young general, there was a big difference.”


“But I didn’t expect to meet Tao Yuan. The first time I saw him, he was curled up in the corner of the bed, tears in his eyes, and my heart trembled uncontrollably. I always felt like I had seen him somewhere before and had an inexplicable affection for him. Now I think it’s probably because we’re twins. What Pei Jia liked, I liked too.”


“I always thought that because I saved Tao Yuan, he would like me and want to stay by my side. But I never thought that he was the red-billed quelea that Pei Jia couldn’t stop talking about.”


After Pei Jia finished speaking, he looked relieved and smiled at Si Lan, “Tao Yuan’s obsession is the true Pei Jia he wants to see, so I can’t do it.”


“Cai Jia, you promised to marry Tao Yuan after retiring from the military. Have you ever thought that Tao Yuan’s lingering obsession might be waiting for you to marry him?” Si Lan furrowed his brows.


Pei Jia heard this, seemingly incredulous, stared at Si Lan with widened eyes, “Are you sure… he… he really has such an obsession?”


“Yes, and Tao Yuan actually knew long ago that you are not the Pei Jia from your youth.”


Pei Jia felt thunderstruck, silent for a long time, lost in memories. Suddenly, a complex expression of sorrow and pain appeared on his face.


Si Lan reached out and untied the demon-locking rope on Pei Jia’s body. Pei Jia choked, “Alright, I will marry him.”


The wedding was hastily arranged, though the groom was dressed splendidly. The red wedding attire highlighted Pei Jia’s face, adding a touch of color.


He took out a pair of jade pendants and, in the place where Tao Yuan had sung before, said in a deep voice, “Tao Yuan, I have returned as promised.”


Tao Yuan’s almost imperceptible obsession slowly gathered upon hearing the voice, forming a human figure on the ground. Looking at Pei Jia, who wore a tall crown and a large red flower on his chest, Tao Yuan’s eyes flickered and regained some luster.


Pei Jia couldn’t restrain his emotions and stepped forward to embrace Tao Yuan, but found nothing but air.


“Tao Yuan…”


“Yujin.” Tao Yuan reached out, gently touching Pei Jia’s cheek. He didn’t know Pei Jia’s real name, but Pei Jia had told him before, his name was Yujin.


Although Yujin couldn’t feel anything, at this moment it seemed he could feel Tao Yuan’s fingertips warm, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face.


Tao Yuan’s nearly unconscious obsession finally regained awareness.


It turned out that what Tao Yuan couldn’t forget was really the promise that Yujin would come back to marry him.


“Tao Yuan, I’m actually not…”


“I know, Yujin.” Tao Yuan smiled and nestled into Yujin’s arms. “What’s your name?”


“Pei Yu.”


“Pei Yu…”


“Yeah. Tao Yuan, you don’t blame me, do you?” Pei Yu asked incredulously, expecting Tao Yuan wouldn’t accept it.


“I don’t blame you. I really don’t blame you.” Tao Yuan had long sensed that Pei Yu and Pei Jia were different in nature. He had once hinted at what happened in their youth, but seeing Pei Yu’s indifference until he discovered the old wounds on Pei Yu’s knees, he understood everything.


Pei Jia had told him that he had an elder brother who had been bedridden for years.


Little did he expect that many years later, he would meet that person, fall in love with him, and he turned out to be that person’s elder brother.


When soldiers threw him down the cliff and hung him on a tree branch, he seemed to hear the voice of young Pei Jia in a daze.


Young Pei Jia told him not to fall asleep, told him that his elder brother was still looking for him.


He had to try to survive, along with the part of Pei Jia that was still alive.


When he woke up, he walked through the thorns and gravel with his body full of injuries before returning to the barracks. At that time, Pei Yu asked him if he was in pain. He didn’t feel pain. The powerful thoughts dominated his thoughts and body, making him feel no pain.


Si Lan couldn’t bear to interrupt Pei Yu and Tao Yuan. He just felt that he was still harming people in the big jar, and countless common people needed to be saved. He didn’t speak directly to Pei Yu, but to Tao Yuan, he knew Tao Yuan was a kind person.


“Tao Yuan, now that the jar is harming people, the people are not alive, and you need your help.”


Tao Yuan did not know what happened after death. When he heard Si Lan say this, his fair face was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted to everything, looking up at Pei Yu.


Pei Yu’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, “Tao Yuan, I just want them to accompany you to be buried.”


“They are innocent, Yujin, I don’t want you to bear such a heavy sin for me. We can’t be together in this life. After death, we can be reborn as a couple. But if you make such a big mistake, can you still reincarnate with me?”


It’s less about him forming a bond with Dayong, and more about Dayong using him as a proxy to retaliate against humanity.


Without him, there would still be other hosts.


The curse of Dayong has been active in the mortal realm for three days. While it hasn’t yet caused mortal deaths, every passing minute poses increasing danger to mortals.


Si Lan thought, instead of recklessly storming the Heavenly Court, finding the notes left by the former Heavenly Emperor Taiwei might provide a way to seal and lift the curse of Dayong.


But if caught intruding the Heavenly Court, he might face dire consequences.


Thinking this, Si Lan glanced at Haowei beside him.


Haowei’s hat moved slightly, seemingly curious about his gaze.


Si Lan remained composed, shifting his gaze to Song Cheng, “I want to make a trip to the Ninth Heaven.”


“…,” Haowei replied.


This meant returning to his old home.


With his cultivation as a Demon Lord, he should be able to navigate the heavenly realm without encountering the Eight Great Divine Sovereigns.


However, the scripture repository contained numerous books; he wasn’t sure if he could find them.


Song Cheng said, “Your Majesty, I’ll accompany you.”


“No need, you stay in the mortal realm; I’ll be back soon.”


After Si Lan finished speaking, unwilling to delay any longer, he vanished from the mortal realm.



In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the Ninth Heaven, using the Hidden God Technique to silently pass through heavenly soldiers and generals, arriving at the legendary Repository of Myriad Laws.


Built by the former Heavenly Emperor Taiwei, besides records of Taiwei’s demon subjugation, it also housed miscellaneous texts on gods, demons, monsters, and weapons from the mountains and seas.


Outside the repository, a faint celestial aura enveloped a barely discernible white barrier, guarding against demonic intrusions.


Si Lan took out a rainbow-colored feather and waved it. The feather sparkled with faint light. “Little Dong… Ahem, Little Crown Prince, are you there?”


He had given the rainbow feather to Little Dong for the purpose of contacting him anytime.


“Little Crown Prince? Little Crown Prince?”


But after calling twice without a reply, he decided to infiltrate the Repository alone. As he stealthily passed through the barrier, it suddenly shimmered. Two celestial generals nearby noticed and hurried over.


“What’s happening?”


“Could someone have broken in?”


“We’ve been here all along and haven’t seen anyone.”


Fortunately, after muttering, the two generals didn’t suspect anything and continued their patrol nearby.


Si Lan slipped through the crimson jade-carved gate and entered the interior of the Repository.


From the outside, it appeared as an ordinary attic, but inside, it was vast and boundless, like entering another world. This world resembled an ocean floating in mid-air, countless heavenly books immersed in the sea, pages of ink and paper rolling like flowing mountains and rivers.


Si Lan searched through them, looking for records about Dayong. Despite appearing chaotic, the books were neatly arranged by era and subject, making the search easier.


Si Lan found Taiwei’s notes on demon subjugation. As he flipped through a page, he suddenly heard voices outside the door.


“Greetings, Lord Taiwu.”


“No need for formalities, I’m here to find a couple of volumes on artifacts.”


With a creak, the vermilion door opened, revealing an elderly immortal lord walking in, back straight, leaning on a cane.


Though elderly, his cultivation was formidable.


Si Lan hadn’t expected to encounter an old divine lord here. Quickly suppressing his presence, he flew up and hid in the rafters.


The old divine lord trembled as he walked, one hand on his cane, the other flipping through a book. Noticing something unsatisfactory, he casually tossed the book aside, muttering complaints.


“What is Taiwei compiling…”


Shaking his head, the old divine lord reached under the rafters.


Si Lan’s heart leaped into his throat. Though the figure looked elderly and leaned on a cane, his cultivation wasn’t negligible. The black “cane” in his hand seemed to have slain countless demons and monsters, exuding a strong aura that intimidated even Si Lan, a demon lord.


At that moment, the old divine lord unexpectedly glanced up.


Si Lan thought he had been discovered, but then he heard voices outside the attic again.


“Greetings, Crown Prince.”


“Is anyone inside the attic?”


“Lord Taiwu.”


“Oh.” A soft voice echoed from outside.


The old divine lord’s attention was drawn by the voices, turning to see the “Little Crown Prince” entering. His face softened into a gentle smile.


“Why has the Crown Prince come?”


“I’m looking for a few interesting books to pass the time.” Haowei hardened his scalp, feigning a childlike demeanor, glancing up at the rafters while speaking in a soft, placating tone. “Sir, what are you doing here?”


Though Haowei didn’t see Si Lan’s figure, he knew Si Lan was hiding in the rafters.


Si Lan was fast; he had already flicked through the “Demon Subjugation Chronicles,” but found nothing about how to lift Dayong’s curse.


The method to lift the curse might be in another book; he needed to keep searching.


Si Lan used his divine knowledge to pass on a message to Haowei. “Little White Dragon, find a way to lure this divine lord out.”


Haowei didn’t reply to him.


“Your Highness, this book ‘Records of Taixu’s Wind and Moon’ is quite good.” Taixu chuckled as he stuffed the book into Haowei’s hands.


Haowei glanced at the romantic history book written by his father, his expression unreadable.


“And these two, ‘Three Plays of the Fairy of Hundred Flowers’ and ‘Secret History of the Upper Gods,’ I’ve revisited them each at least three times.” Taixu coughed as he spoke.


Si Lan suddenly understood why this old god was named Taixu.


Who wouldn’t be ’empty’ after reading these?


“Your Majesty, tell me what you want to read, and I’ll find it for you.” Haowei couldn’t help but speak up.


Taixu, who had lived for over a hundred thousand years and was nearing ascension, had failing eyesight and a clouded mind.


“I want to read that… um…” Taixu scratched his head. “I can’t remember the name of the book, but I remember it had two men in it, that… that…”


Taixu raised two index fingers and gestured lightly, then grinned like an old child.


Haowei’s lips twitched slightly. How could he not remember having such a book in the library?


But to expedite Taixu’s departure, Haowei still helped him search for the book. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Si Lan jumping down from the rafters and slipping into a nearby bookshelf.


Haowei furrowed his brow and led Taixu to another section. “Is it this one?”


“Ah, let me see…” Taixu, with his poor eyesight, brought the book closer and squinted to examine it.


Si Lan saw that Taixu’s attention was drawn by Haowei, so he quickly searched through the books. Fortunately, he soon found ‘The Secret Spells’ written by Taixu, which detailed many ways to break spells, including information about the ‘Great Abyss Spell.’


A smile crept onto Si Lan’s face involuntarily.


Suddenly, they heard Taixu say, “I remember the book now, it should be over here…”


“Your Majesty…”


Before Haowei could stop him, Taixu had leaned on his cane and turned towards Si Lan, who had just tucked the book into his pocket, and they came face to face.


“Ah…” Taixu seemed startled by Si Lan, and raised his cane, almost stumbling backwards, but Haowei caught him in time.


“This… Your Highness, why didn’t you introduce me to your mother?” Taixu looked at Haowei reproachfully.


“…” Si Lan.


“…” Haowei.


Haowei understood that Taixu was old and confused, but he never expected him to be confused to this extent!


Mistaking people was one thing, but mistaking their gender as well!


“Your Majesty…”


Just as Haowei was about to say something, Taixu started talking again incoherently, “I knew it, your father will eventually take your mother to the heavens.”


“…” Haowei.


With that, Taixu sighed and held Haowei’s hand with deep emotion. “Your Highness, you and your mother have suffered a lot these years wandering outside.”


“…” Haowei.


Si Lan struggled to hold back his laughter on the other side. To be mistaken for the mother of Little White Dragon! When caught red-handed, he had already imagined a scenario where ‘fish die, net breaks,’ but he never expected this situation.


Haowei looked up, glanced at Si Lan who was enjoying this, tightened his lips, and replied, “Hmm.”


“But don’t worry, Your Highness. Your father will definitely make it up to you and your mother in the future.”


“Your Majesty, do you still want to find the book?” Haowei couldn’t help but change the subject as Taixu’s remarks became increasingly absurd.


He reluctantly admitted that being recognized as his illegitimate son was bizarre enough, but now this Taixu god was making up a mother for him out of thin air, which was simply beyond belief.


Taixu glanced at Si Lan, then muttered, “Need to find the book… need to find the book…”


Then like a child, Taixu leaned close to Haowei’s ear and whispered, “Your mother hasn’t changed a bit all these years. They say your mother resembles the Fairy of Quyu, but actually, the Fairy of Quyu resembles your mother. Your mother appeared long before the Fairy of Quyu.”


Haowei was stunned, looking at Taixu in disbelief, then his gaze shifted to Si Lan’s face.


Indeed, Si Lan’s profile bore a resemblance to the Fairy of Quyu.


And both of them often wore green clothes.


But why did Taixu suddenly link Si Lan with the Fairy of Quyu?


“Oh, I found the book I was looking for.” Taixu took the book off the shelf, beaming as he brought it to Haowei. Haowei withdrew from his thoughts, glanced at the cover, ‘The Great Battle of the North Tian Martial God Against the Queli Immortal.’


Haowei’s face darkened. How did this ancient heroic chronicle turn into such a book in Taixu’s words?


Taixu wiped the cover, hugged the book, “I’ll leave now, Your Highness and Your Majesty.”


Your Majesty…


Si Lan heard this title, lowered his head, and fought back a smile, never expecting such an interesting old child in heaven.


After the old child left, Si Lan looked at Haowei’s dark expression and suppressed a smile, saying, “Little White Dragon, thank you for this time. I have urgent business to attend to, so I’ll leave first. If you miss me, come find me in the Demon Realm.”


Haowei watched Si Lan quickly disappear in a flash of green light, frowned, and then his figure grew larger, transforming into the appearance of an adult man. He put on a veil and his figure also disappeared in an instant.


The hasty Demon Lord.


Si Lan rushed to the human realm. At this moment, the demonic energy over the human realm was becoming denser, and countless demonic energies surged from the ground, making the entire human world seem like purgatory, filled with continuous cries and wails.


He landed in the general’s mansion, where Song Cheng and Song Ye saw him appear and immediately surrounded him, asking, “Your Excellency, have you found a way to break the curse?”


“Yes, although Dang Yong is not in the general’s mansion, the general’s mansion is the center of the Dang Yong curse formation. I need to break the formation here, so evacuate everyone from the general’s mansion.”


“Yes.” Song Cheng and Song Ye nodded and went to evacuate everyone from the general’s mansion.


Tao Yuan’s lingering obsession had not yet dispersed. He wanted to see the Great Abyss Curse lifted before leaving; otherwise, his heart could not rest. Knowing he couldn’t be of help, he quietly stayed beside Pei Yu, not daring to disturb Si Lan.


Si Lan scanned around but didn’t see Haowei anywhere nearby.


Retracting his gaze, he followed the instructions in the book and drew the spell formation in the air. Then, he gently placed the formation on the ground. Suddenly, the previously normal ground began to emanate dark magic, within which a golden array faintly appeared, spreading outward from the general’s mansion, seemingly endless.


This golden array was the Great Abyss Curse, enveloping the entire mortal realm. Si Lan placed the spell formation in the center of the array, and then expanded it rapidly along the golden array, wrapping around the formation.


In the next moment, the array burst apart, causing earthquakes and violent tremors. After a moment of intense shaking, the black magical barrier dissipating in the sky gradually vanished, and the withered magical energies on the ground slowly subsided.


Si Lan exhaled softly upon seeing this, withdrawing his hand.


Just when he thought everything was over, the black magical barrier suddenly regenerated, and the withered magical energies on the ground surged up again. Meanwhile, the spell formation he had previously applied was slowly being consumed by the golden array…


How could this happen?


Without hesitation, Si Lan immediately held his breath, concentrated his mind, and infused his magic to maintain the spell formation.


In the distance, powerful demonic energies converged rapidly in the sky, rushing toward Si Lan’s direction. Wherever the demonic energy passed, the sky darkened, rivers stopped flowing, mountains crumbled, as if doomsday had arrived.


The demonic energy took the form of an old woman, extending two enormous hands and reaching down towards Si Lan from above.


“Whoever obstructs me shall die.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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