Category: Most Eligible Widow-Bachelor in the Six Realms (Page 1 of 6)

Most Eligible Widow-Bachelor in the Six Realms

Chapter 54 – Fox Demon's Illusion

Chapter 54


Si Lan was about to discuss the matter with Haowei, and upon hearing Haowei speak, he immediately nodded in agreement.


Yu Wuxia was like an invisible thorn in their sides. Normally it didn’t show, but when it did, it was never a small issue. Thus, the most urgent task was to remove this thorn as quickly as possible.


After some preparation, the two of them concealed their identities and transformed their appearances before heading to the demon realm.


Si Lan took on the appearance of a young man in a green robe. His eyebrows and eyes remained the same, but his lips and nose had changed shape, losing some of their delicacy and gaining a hint of dullness.


Haowei, like last time in the mortal realm, wore a black outfit with a red-gold cloud-patterned belt around his waist and black boots. He looked imposing and dignified. However, his face was masked by a spell, making him look plain, which made people feel a bit regretful: such a fine physique, wasted on an ordinary face.


“Since that fox demon is Yu Wuxia’s old flame, and she is suppressed under Linglong Mountain, why hasn’t Yu Wuxia rescued her?” Si Lan asked.


“These are all just rumors and may not be true,” Haowei explained. Their knowledge of Yu Wuxia came entirely from unreliable rumors, so the truth was uncertain.


As one of the involved parties, Immortal Jia Heng refused to say anything, leaving them with no way to discern the truth. Now, they could only act on a long shot and go find the fox demon first.


Linglong Mountain was located at the border between the demon realm and the human realm. As soon as they landed on the peak of Linglong Mountain, they immediately felt a strong demonic aura and resentment permeating the area.


Besides Linglong Mountain, there were over eighty other peaks, each suppressing a demon. Although these demons were suppressed, their demonic auras and resentment lingered, forming a massive “dark cloud” above.


The “dark cloud” covered the sky, with black mist rolling at the edges, emanating a murderous atmosphere.


Si Lan glanced up, feeling uneasy. He heard Haowei’s voice beside him, “These demonic auras are quite strange.”


“I feel the same. I’m afraid this ‘dark cloud’ will become sentient if it continues.”




After speaking, Haowei drew an intricate mandala in the air. The characters emitted a golden light, growing larger and dispelling the demonic aura above. The sky brightened immediately.


Then, he placed his hand on the ground and forcibly split open Linglong Mountain, pulling Si Lan down with him.


Instinctively, Si Lan grabbed Haowei’s clothes. The wind whistled past his ears, but Haowei’s breathing was clear and steady, reaching his ears.


The bottom of the mountain was pitch black, with nothing visible except the eerie sounds of hissing and chains clinking.


Haowei cast a spell, illuminating the bottom of the mountain. Si Lan looked up and suddenly met a pair of huge red eyes. Startled, he involuntarily clung tighter to Haowei’s belt.


Haowei’s fingers pressed against Si Lan’s waist to steady him. With his other hand, he struck the fox demon before them. The demon staggered, letting out a wail, and its huge red fox form was forced into a human shape, falling to the ground.


The woman, after transforming, was not clothed. Seeing this, Si Lan instinctively covered Haowei’s eyes.


“Do not look at indecent things.”


“…” Haowei.


“Ah…” The woman covered her chest with one hand and clasped her legs together. Her long black hair fell over her chest, covering most of her body. The chains on her limbs clinked as she moved. She looked up with a resentful gaze. Being of the fox clan, she was exceptionally alluring, her eyes brimming with seductive charm, and her red lips striking even without makeup.


Her gaze naturally carried an enchanting allure.


Si Lan was momentarily dazed until he felt a pair of hands covering his eyes. Haowei’s cool voice sounded in his ear.


“Hm? Do not look at indecent things?”


Si Lan’s cheeks flushed slightly, and he explained sheepishly, “I-I was just about to close my eyes.”


Haowei released his hand, and Si Lan’s vision cleared. Looking up, he saw the fox demon now wearing a coat.


The fox demon, imprisoned for thousands of years, was not timid. After sizing up the two men, she displayed a pitiful expression. One hand clutched her clothes while the other supported her as she slowly crawled toward them, swaying her hips.


“Are you here to save me?” The fox demon lowered her head, but her upturned eyes added to her pitiful and helpless look.


Si Lan, to avoid angering Haowei, remained silent and let Haowei speak.


Haowei didn’t answer the fox demon’s question directly but instead asked, “Why are you imprisoned in Linglong Mountain?”


Upon hearing this, the fox demon’s face showed extreme grievance. She began to cry as she said, “I am truly wronged. I was only friendly with a Immortal disciple, and for that, the Immortal imprisoned me in Linglong Mountain, condemning me to an eternity of escape. Such a punishment is worse than death.”


“Are you really innocent? The disciple you seduced is the most enlightened student of the thirty-three heavens, also a close disciple of Immortal Jia Heng. For the crime you committed, even the destruction of your soul wouldn’t be too harsh.”


Hearing this, the fox demon paused in her secretive wiping of tears and glanced between Si Lan and Haowei, seeming to speculate on their intentions.


She said, “If his heart was truly firm in the Immortal’s teachings, how could he be bewitched by me?”


“Oh, and how did you bewitch him?”


“I don’t know why you two are here, but since you were able to split open Linglong Mountain, you must also be able to free me. If you agree to free me, I will answer all your questions.”


Actually, Haowei intended to free her regardless. She was one of the few people connected to Yu Wuxia, possibly even his weakness.


“Okay,” Haowei agreed. Seeing Si Lan’s unusual silence, he continued, “How did you come to know Yu Wuxia?”


The fox demon, assured of her release, immediately showed joy and stopped pretending to cry. “Our first meeting was in the human realm. He was on a mission to subdue demons and stayed overnight in a Immortal temple. I saw how handsome he was and transformed into a woman to approach him…”


The fox demon didn’t continue, as if lost in a fond memory, her smile softening.


“He was the most handsome man I had ever seen in this world. Sitting cross-legged in the temple, chanting sutras, his long, shapely form beneath the wide monk’s robe… My hand traced along…”


She slowly extended her hand as if Yu Wuxia’s body was right in front of her, her hand moving downward.


“Along his nape, shoulder, chest, sliding down… He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me. In that moment, I thought I was done for, but he suddenly pulled me into his arms…”


Haowei couldn’t help but interrupt, “You don’t need to go into such detail. Is this how you bewitched Yu Wuxia?”


Such a method seemed too crude. How could a disciple of Yu Wuxia’s caliber fall for it?


Seeing Haowei’s skepticism, the fox demon said indignantly, “Of course, how could I lie to you? My enchantment skills are unmatched in the fox clan. He fell for me this way.”


As she spoke, she blinked at them, and a faint light emanated from her alluring eyes, drifting between Si Lan and Haowei. She bit her lip, exposing her shoulders, her figure exuding sensuality in the dim light, her gaze seductive.


However, Haowei’s expression remained unchanged, and although Si Lan’s ears turned red, it was purely from embarrassment and not because he was under her spell.


She was taken aback, muttering, “Has my technique declined? Only blind men and those uninterested in women were immune before.”


“…” The two, caught out.


Haowei coldly threatened, “Stop your illusions, or I’ll gouge out your eyes.”


The fox demon pouted but retracted her enchantment and pulled up her clothes.


“Did Yu Wuxia frequently visit the demon realm to meet you after being bewitched by you?”




This aligned with the rumors.


“And then Immortal Jia Heng discovered you and severed your connection with Yu Wuxia?”


“Mm. Though Yu Wuxia was punished and confined, he sent a wisp of his soul to bring me and a few sisters to the thirty-three heavens. We enjoyed ourselves on Wuzhi Cliff for a long time.”


“…” Si Lan.


Haowei showed no reaction and continued questioning, “Was it then that Immortal Jia Heng discovered and banished Yu Wuxia to the demon realm?”


“No, Yu Wuxia fell into the demon path on his own because that bald monk killed the bluebird demon.” Mentioning this, the fox demon still felt indignant. “The bluebird’s figure wasn’t as good as mine, her looks not as beautiful, yet she was so favored by Yu Wuxia.”


Si Lan and Haowei exchanged a glance.


They had initially thought Yu Wuxia was led astray by this fox demon, but it seemed that if not her, there would be other demons to lure him away in the future.


It was surprising that this highly cultivated disciple, virtuous for a thousand lifetimes, had such strong worldly desires.


“Have you ever heard Yu Wuxia mention anything about Immortal Jia Heng?”


The fox demon played with her hair, her eyes sultry as she gazed at Haowei, “I can tell you, but you have to release my seal first.” She feared that once she divulged everything, she would be discarded. Although sealed for so many years, her mind remained sharp.


Haowei conjured a silver-white phantom sword, the sword energy slicing toward the chains on the fox demon. The chains were inscribed with countless exorcism runes, forming a barrier under the attack.


This was an additional seal left by Immortal Jia Heng.


Presumably, it was meant to prevent Yu Wuxia from rescuing her.


Haowei swung his sword again, the sword energy breaking through the barrier and transforming into countless silver arrows, shattering the chains on the fox demon. Freed at last, the fox demon transformed back into her original form and let out an excited howl, though the sound was a comical “squeak.”


The fox demon groomed her fur, then, after calming down, approached Si Lan and Haowei and continued, “Yu Wuxia never mentioned that bald monk, but I do have something to tell you. One of our sisters was curious about why that monk was so cold and unyielding, so she sneaked into the thirty-three heavens to seduce him. She was nearly killed when discovered and barely escaped with her life. When she returned to Wuzhi Cliff to tell Yu Wuxia, she expected comfort but was instead killed by him.”


“…” Si Lan.


Haowei fell silent, his expression turning serious as he pondered this information.


“I’ve told you nearly everything I know. I’ll be leaving now…” The fox demon was about to cast a spell to depart when she suddenly shrank and was trapped under a white demon-subduing bell.


Immediately, the fox demon began cursing.


“What are you doing? Didn’t you promise to free me?!”


“How can you go back on your word?!”


Haowei put away the demon-subduing bell. “I only promised to lift your seal, not to set you free. You still have use to us; once you’re no longer needed, you’ll be released.”


The fox demon tried to continue cursing, but Haowei stowed the bell, silencing her.


Seeing this, Si Lan finally spoke, “Yu Wuxia’s nature is truly peculiar.”


“There’s always a reason for odd behavior.” Haowei glanced at Si Lan. “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”


Si Lan replied sheepishly, “You asked all the questions I wanted to ask.”


Haowei said nothing more, wrapping an arm around Si Lan’s waist and flying them out of Linglong Mountain. As the scenery shifted rapidly and the wind roared around them, Si Lan was lost in thought until Haowei’s voice suddenly broke through.


“Did you think that fox demon was attractive?”


“…” Si Lan.


He knew the little white dragon was still upset and holding a grudge.


“I really didn’t see anything.”




Si Lan bit his lip, contemplating how to explain further, when he noticed something was off. Why hadn’t they flown out of Linglong Mountain yet?


Haowei also realized something was wrong and looked up. The demonic energy that had been dispersed earlier had somehow gathered again.


The Immortal formation Haowei had created had been broken.


They had fallen into an illusion.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 53 – The wife fights the concubine

Chapter 53


Si Lan heard this with an incredulous look at Haowei. He needed daily spiritual communion… to stabilize his cultivation?


How could there be such a requirement?


Haowei met Si Lan’s gaze calmly, showing no signs of weakness.


Si Lan hesitated, “How long does this usually take?”


“Previously, due to your poor physical condition, it required three days of adjustment, but now once a day is sufficient.” Haowei lied smoothly, his face calm and composed.


Si Lan furrowed his delicate brows and after a moment murmured, “Hmm,” inwardly not opposed to spiritual communion with Haowei, but feeling that things were progressing too quickly.


Suddenly remembering something, he added, “You must not force me to transform into my true form again.”


When they both transformed, the White Dragon was two to three times larger than Yujia, causing him considerable discomfort. Moreover, the dragon scales were cool and moist, faintly emitting a fishy smell. When wrapped around him, it made him feel uneasy all over.


Haowei’s eyes flickered with a hint of amusement, and he softly acknowledged Si Lan’s request.


As familiarity breeds comfort, this time Si Lan entered Haowei’s consciousness without needing guidance, willingly soaking in the rising mist in the clear pool.


The water made him feel extremely comfortable, every pore on his body opening up.


With closed eyes, he quietly savored the misty vapor, when suddenly a pair of arms gently embraced him from behind, and in the next moment, a hot breath spread from his neck, quickly enveloping his entire body.



After the spiritual communion ended, Si Lan fell into a deep sleep. Haowei, however, couldn’t sleep, quietly watching Si Lan through the night.


Si Lan’s face was slightly flushed, his expression peaceful, his head resting on Haowei’s arm, the gentle breath against his skin slowly dissolving into tingling sensations.


Unable to resist, he pulled Si Lan into his embrace, reminiscent of how he held the naive boy in the cave.


In truth, the current Si Lan was also easily deceived, not much different from that naive boy.


Thinking of this, Haowei’s lips curved slightly, a smile filled with profound meaning.


The next day, Si Lan woke from his sleep, this time feeling refreshed and full of vitality, as if he had swallowed some powerful elixir.


Unexpectedly, the result of their dual cultivation was quite unexpected.


He couldn’t help but mutter to himself, turning to look beside him, only to find that Haowei had already disappeared.


At that moment, a distant sobbing sound suddenly reached his ears, mixed with the weeping of men and women. Si Lan immediately got out of bed, hurriedly threw on a green robe, and rushed outside, following the sound to the main hall.


“I won’t leave today without an explanation!”


“Neither will I! We are all innocent!”


“How could they treat us like this?”


Unknown individuals were arguing incessantly in the hall, one after another.


Si Lan didn’t hesitate and walked straight in, and as soon as his figure appeared, the complaints from the crowd abruptly stopped. They turned to look at him, dumbfounded.


Against the sunlight, Si Lan walked a few steps into the study to see the situation clearly. Haowei, who had disappeared earlier, was now here, sitting on a chair with a gloomy expression. When he saw Si Lan appear, he slightly raised his head, his eyes carrying a hint of coldness and resentment.


“…,” Si Lan paused in his steps.


Beside Haowei stood Qu Ze and the guardians.


Si Lan glanced at Haowei and then at the unfamiliar men and women in the hall. “What’s going on?”


Song Cheng lowered his head. “Your Majesty, they are candidates for the harem. After suspending the selection of concubines, they… they are unwilling and caused a disturbance here at Mount Zhuyun.”


Si Lan clicked his tongue but remained composed, glanced briefly at Haowei, then looked towards the demons.


They were dressed provocatively, their attire revealing, their postures seductive and graceful. Upon meeting Si Lan’s gaze, they continuously changed their poses, fluttering their eyelashes at him.


Leading them was Mo Demon Ruyin. Since Si Lan appeared, Ruyin had been subtly using charm techniques, filling the air with a faint hallucinogenic fragrance.


“Your Majesty…” Ruyin, though appearing male, spoke with a soft and delicate voice softer and sweeter than that of a woman’s, “Your Majesty, I have admired you for so many years. I don’t understand what I have done wrong to make Your Majesty reject me.”


Seeing the beauty in tears, Si Lan felt somewhat uneasy. He reached out as if to comfort her, but caught a glimpse of Haowei’s gaze and hastily withdrew his hand.


“It’s not that I don’t want everyone. It’s a misunderstanding about the selection of concubines. I currently have no intention of marrying.” Si Lan explained.


Upon hearing this, the demons immediately burst into tears, each one looking pitiful and resentful.


Ruyin didn’t expect his illusion to fail and couldn’t help but stomp his foot in grievance, his bare shoulders revealing, “Your Majesty, how can you go back on your word? If this spreads, others will think I have done something wrong and been rejected by you!”


“Yes, Your Majesty, your misunderstanding has ruined our reputation!”


“Sob, Your Majesty, are you really so heartless?”



Listening to these half-complaints and half-pleas, Si Lan felt a headache coming on, but he vaguely understood the reason for their disturbance.


Their claims of not wanting to leave him weren’t necessarily genuine.


After a moment of silence, he said, “Indeed, I mishandled this matter. I intend to give each of you a Jade Dan fruit to aid in your cultivation.” A Jade Dan fruit could boost cultivation by ten years, greatly benefiting these male and female demons in their practice.


Sure enough, upon hearing this, the demons stopped crying, and in the midst of them, Ruyin’s eyes flickered as he smiled seductively, lifting two fingers slowly as if bargaining, “Two, Your Majesty. Only two Dan fruits can soothe the pain in my heart.”


Others nodded in agreement, “Yes, Your Majesty, I also want two.”


Si Lan didn’t refuse, “Alright, two each then. Go back for now, and I will personally send the fruits to your homes later.”


The demons instantly brightened up, hurriedly thanked Si Lan, and left with laughter and chatter, their previous sorrow and resentment nowhere to be seen.


Watching them leave, Qu Ze looked worried, “Your Majesty, there aren’t that many Jade Dan fruits at Mount Zhuyun.”


“Oh, about that…” Si Lan chuckled and turned around, his gaze sweeping past Qu Ze as he looked at Song Cheng and Song Ye, “Not enough? Then the three of you will go pick fruits at the Cangsen Cliff. Be careful, though; it’s infested with poisonous bees and snakes.”


With their cultivation levels, they wouldn’t be killed by bees and snakes, but being bitten would still be quite painful.


Song Ye’s face immediately showed a painful expression upon hearing this, knowing that Your Majesty wouldn’t let them off so easily. No wonder Your Majesty agreed so readily just now; it turned out to be to let them pick wild fruits.


Cangsen Cliff was infested with fierce poisonous bees and snakes, not only lurking below the cliff but also infecting the flowers, plants, and trees on the mountain. It was rare for someone who had gone to pick Jade Dan fruits to return unscathed.


Qu Ze and Song Ye’s faces stiffened for a moment, but they quickly regained their composure and bowed, “Yes.”


Song Ye opened his mouth as if to say something, but Song Cheng dragged him away.


In the grand hall, only Si Lan and Haowei remained after a blink of an eye.


For a moment, the atmosphere froze, an unspoken awkwardness spreading between them. Si Lan, displaying his talent for playing dumb, chuckled, “Oh dear, you caught me in an embarrassing moment.”


Haowei said nothing.


“Were they asking you to handle this?”


“Yes.” Haowei responded. Earlier, Si Lan had been sleeping soundly, and Haowei couldn’t bring himself to wake him, so he got up to check. When he arrived at the main hall, he discovered that it was the concubine candidates chosen by Si Lan causing a commotion.


“How… how could I trouble you with that?” Si Lan smiled awkwardly.


He remembered the scene he saw when he pushed open the door: a stern-faced Haowei confronting a group of extravagantly dressed, tearful male and female demons. It looked very much like a main wife disciplining the concubines.


But, of course, he didn’t dare say this to Haowei.


Haowei suddenly smiled, a hint of menace in his smile, “It was no trouble. I was about to send them flying, but then you arrived.”


“…,” Si Lan.


Haowei stood up and walked over to Si Lan, reaching out to touch his forehead. Si Lan stood still, hearing Haowei’s voice above him.


“Are you feeling better now?”


“Yes, much better.” Si Lan thought for a moment and then asked, “And you?”


He knew Haowei had transferred a lot of cultivation energy to him and was worried that Haowei might be affected.


“I’m fine.”


Seeing the concern in Si Lan’s eyes, Haowei’s mood lightened a bit. This Demon Lord still had a bit of a conscience, showing concern for him.


A gentle breeze blew through the window, causing Si Lan’s robe to flutter and revealing his bare, clean feet. Only then did Haowei notice that Si Lan was not wearing any shoes.


He frowned, said nothing, and directly scooped Si Lan up into his arms. Startled, Si Lan let out a soft sound, almost like a bedroom whisper.


Haowei’s expression froze for a moment, then he carried Si Lan back without a word, “Why aren’t you wearing shoes? Acting so recklessly.” The weather was getting colder, and it was easy to catch a chill.


“I forgot.” Si Lan, now in a bridal carry, felt awkward and didn’t know where to place his arms. Hesitating for a moment, he settled them on his chest.


Looking at Haowei’s profile, he whispered, “You should put me down, or someone might see.” After all, he was a grown man, with hands and feet, being carried like this was strange.


“Is there anyone else on Mount Zhuyun?” Haowei raised an eyebrow and glanced towards the corner.


In the corner, Xiao Xieli was about to walk over but suddenly felt a wave of pressure hit him, making him shiver and stand still, not daring to move.


At the same time, a threat echoed in his mind.


“Stay away, or I’ll carve you into a piglet.”


“…,” Xiao Xieli.


Haowei carried Si Lan back to the room and placed him on the bed, lifting his foot.


Si Lan felt inexplicably shy, his snow-white toes curling as if trying to hide. The veins on his feet were clearly visible, like vines spreading through his flesh.


Haowei picked up a shoe, bending down, his gaze focused and serious, but his tone slightly disdainful, “Take better care of your paws.”


Hearing this, Si Lan indignantly lifted his foot, “They’re not paws!”


He wasn’t careful with his strength and accidentally kicked Haowei’s chin.


Haowei instinctively grabbed his foot, the rough warmth of his fingers touching Si Lan’s arch, making him involuntarily let out a soft sound and trying to retract his leg, but Haowei held on tight.


Si Lan frowned and looked up at Haowei, only to find Haowei’s dark eyes fixed on his foot. The area where his foot was held became even whiter, while the surrounding skin turned a faint pink, and the small toes in Haowei’s palm looked delicate and cute.


He tried to pull back his right foot, but Haowei took the shoe and gently put it on his right foot, then picked up his left foot, his fingers seemingly unintentionally brushing against Si Lan’s arch, causing him to tremble and nearly fall. He managed to steady himself with his hands.


Si Lan suspected Haowei was doing it on purpose, but seeing Haowei’s impassive face, he couldn’t help but think he was overthinking it.


This seemingly serious Divine Emperor Haowei wouldn’t be flirting with his feet… would he?


Si Lan was overthinking it.


After Haowei helped him put on his shoes, he stood up. His white luxurious attire was so bright it was almost blinding, though there was an unusual bulge in the middle of his robe.


Before Si Lan could take a closer look, Haowei quickly turned around and began to straighten his robe.


“…” Si Lan.


Even though he couldn’t see clearly, he realized that it wasn’t just his imagination.


This seemingly righteous Divine Emperor Haowei turned out to be a hypocrite. Just looking at his feet could…


Yet earlier, Haowei had deliberately mocked him, saying his feet looked like claws.


Ha! Hypocrite.


Si Lan’s lips curled up into a smirk. Whether it was playful or smug was unclear. He arched his foot to nudge Haowei’s calf. Haowei’s body stiffened, and his breath hitched for a moment.


Although it was just a moment, Si Lan noticed it accurately. So he intentionally slid his foot upward, rubbing against Haowei’s leg.


“My shoes feel uncomfortable. Can you check what’s wrong?”


Haowei didn’t react at first. Just as Si Lan thought he wouldn’t do anything, Haowei turned around and grabbed Si Lan’s ankle. His slender, jade-like fingers clasped around Si Lan’s ankle like a shackle.


Adjusting Si Lan’s shoes, he asked, “Is this better?”


“It still feels a bit awkward,” Si Lan said, moving his foot, his toes brushing against Haowei’s wrist.


This pretentious little white dragon showed no sign of faltering, but his ears were exceptionally red.


Tsk tsk.


Suddenly amused, Si Lan rubbed Haowei’s elbow with his toes, seeing Haowei’s ears turn even redder. Si Lan’s gaze moved down to Haowei’s lower abdomen, trying to see something. But Haowei turned sideways again, standing up and adjusting his robe as if trying to hide something.


“If the shoes don’t fit, just change to another pair,” Haowei said, his back to Si Lan, his voice stiff.


Si Lan stopped teasing him, softly murmured an “okay,” and lowered his head to straighten his own robe, his eyes still filled with mirth.


Haowei’s voice remained stiff. “If you have recovered enough, we should head to Linglong Mountain to find that fox demon.”




That fox demon was the only one in the world who had been with Yu Wuxia and survived.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 52 – Daily spiritual communication

Chapter 52


Although Si Lan lacked practical experience, he understood what was happening now. The two of them had intertwined their souls in the sea of consciousness. He had only heard others mention before that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, one could engage in dual cultivation in the sea of consciousness, greatly enhancing efficiency. But he never expected that he would have such a day himself.


He felt it must have been the ambiguous and affectionate atmosphere at that time that made him lose his senses momentarily, his consciousness controlled by Hao Wei, leading to such an act!


Blushing, he glared at Hao Wei for a while, suddenly realizing that he was still maintaining a human form. No, to be precise, his cultivation had recovered to the seventh or eighth level, allowing him to freely transform his appearance.


His heart was stirred, but this excitement was quickly replaced by embarrassment when he lowered his gaze and saw the marks on his neck, chest, abdomen, and other parts. His expression stiffened involuntarily.


Wasn’t it just in the sea of consciousness?


Why were there marks in the real world too?


Fortunately, the other parts didn’t feel much, which eased his mind slightly.


He guessed that the old lecherous white dragon took advantage of him while he was asleep, leaving marks all over him in the real world as well.


Thinking of this, Si Lan clenched his fists. This person pretended to help him recover his cultivation, but actually used him like a tool.


Tsk tsk, what a cunning plan.


He couldn’t help but glare fiercely at the person beside him. Perhaps his gaze was too resentful, because before long, Hao Wei’s long lashes fluttered, indicating he was waking up.


Seeing this, Si Lan instinctively closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.


He didn’t know why he did this, but even with his eyes closed, he could feel the other person’s gaze landing squarely on his face once he woke up, filled with possessiveness that seemed to consume him bit by bit.


His heart pounded like a drum as two hands gently gripped him under the covers. He tried to maintain the appearance of deep sleep, but his ears, already turning slightly red, had already betrayed him.


Hao Wei chuckled softly, reaching around his waist and pulling him closer. Si Lan’s ears turned even redder, his breathing momentarily thrown into disarray.


Hao Wei lowered his head, lips brushing against Si Lan’s ear, his voice husky yet tinged with a hint of tenderness, “You’re sleeping so deeply, we could go again.”


Si Lan abruptly opened his eyes, pushing Hao Wei away with a flushed face. “You… you…”


He wanted to scold him, but couldn’t find the right words.


Hao Wei smiled in his eyes. At this moment, he was completely opposite to Si Lan. Despite transferring two or three layers of his cultivation to him during their soul intertwining, he didn’t feel tired at all. Instead, he felt refreshed and clear-headed. He reached out to explore Si Lan’s forehead, checking his spiritual state. “Do you feel uncomfortable?”


“No.” Si Lan replied somewhat awkwardly, pushing away Hao Wei’s arm and glancing out the window. “These days… has anyone come looking for me?”


“No one in particular, just your two disciples, two guardians, the four peak masters, and some prospective concubines wanting to see you.”


Si Lan…


Normally, not even a female bird dared to land on his Peak, so why were so many people coming these days?


He awkwardly asked, “They didn’t see anything, did they?”


Hao Wei smirked, “What is there that they shouldn’t see?”


As he spoke, he sat up, the sheet slipping down to his waist and revealing his smoothly toned chest.


Caught off guard, Si Lan glanced briefly before quickly looking away, intentionally wearing a stern expression. “There are many things that naturally shouldn’t be seen. You may not care, but I do.”


Hao Wei chuckled again, calmly adjusting his clothes as he replied, “I’ve set up a barrier. No one has entered in the past three days.”


Si Lan felt a slight relief upon hearing this. Both of them had unique identities; if they were seen together by Quze or the guardians, it wouldn’t matter much since they wouldn’t gossip. However, if anyone else saw them, it could lead to unnecessary rumors.


After all, on the surface, the relationship between the Heavenly Demon and the Demon Realm is tense, like fire and water. However, behind the scenes, the Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Ancestor are actually colluding, which is outrageous. Moreover, once the public knows about it, it won’t be conducive to uniting the people’s hearts.




Si Lan saw Haowei standing up, and after he had dressed himself, he came down as well. As soon as one foot touched the ground, he felt dizzy. In the end, he plunged into Haowei’s arms, and Haowei naturally embraced him.




“Be careful.”




Si Lan pushed Haowei away, stiffly saying, “Mm.”




Knowing he would be hungry when he woke up, Quze had long been guarding outside the barrier. As soon as Haowei dispelled the barrier, Quze’s voice immediately sounded from outside.




“My Lord, would you like to eat?”








Si Lan checked his attire and complexion several times to make sure everything was in order. When Quze came in, he pretended to be calm, not looking at him. Only when Quze approached did he sneak a glance at him, wanting to see if Quze had noticed anything.




Fortunately, Quze’s expression remained as composed and calm as ever, which made Si Lan secretly breathe a sigh of relief.




It’s good that he didn’t notice anything suspicious.




Quze placed immortal wine and elixir fruits on the table, bowed, and then obediently withdrew.




Si Lan picked up one of the elixir fruits and found several strange things next to it—pale and unfamiliar objects he had never seen before. Unable to resist, he picked them up to examine them.




They felt a bit soft and slippery, with a certain elasticity.




He couldn’t help but furrow his brow, pulling at this thing curiously. “What is this…”




Normally, Quze wouldn’t bring strange food without his permission.




He muttered to himself, “It’s a bit like the balloons I played with before…” As soon as he finished speaking, he instantly realized something, hastily throwing the thing away as if it were something dirty.




Across from him, Haowei spoke up, “That’s a wishful pouch made from fish maw.”




Si Lan’s mouth twitched awkwardly, not expecting Quze, at such a young age, to know so much.




He really underestimated him!




Seeing the rich expression on Si Lan’s face, Haowei’s lips curved slightly. “However, we don’t need such things right now.” They were only spiritually connected; their relationship hadn’t progressed physically to that point.




Si Lan felt uncomfortable all over, lost his appetite, and didn’t know how to face Haowei. Tentatively, he asked, “Aren’t you busy?” As the ruler of the Five Realms, he should be handling state affairs, so how did he have time every day to accompany him and leisurely waste three days engaging in spiritual exchange?




“Not busy. The affairs of the Heavenly Realm can be handled by my ministers.” He said so, but in reality, every time he returned to the Jade Clear Palace, he had to deal with a pile of documents.




“Sigh, you’re not busy, I am. I… I’ll go to the study to handle affairs first.” Si Lan finished speaking and walked out the door, with a feeling of fleeing.




His head was still a little dizzy, so he walked crookedly.




Fortunately, Haowei did not follow him.




After arriving at the study, he closed the door tightly and sighed heavily.




His mind was in turmoil now. He stared at the documents in front of him for a long time without moving. Finally, he slapped his head to force himself to calm down.




“Si Lan, you’ve lived for over a thousand years. Why is your mind filled with thoughts of men now?”




Si Lan couldn’t help but scorn himself in his heart, reminding himself not to sink into indulgence just because of past illusory intimacy. His goal was the vast universe.




He stayed in the study until evening, when the Song brothers came to find him.




Presumably, the two had already learned from Quze that he had refused to select a consort, so when they came, they were apologetic.




Song Ye used to have a stubborn temperament. Even if he did something wrong and was punished, he would still look indifferent. But because Si Lan had saved him last time, losing half his blood in the process, Song Ye now felt deeply guilty when he saw Si Lan.




This time, he took the initiative to apologize.




“My Lord, about the selection of a consort, I acted without discussing it with you first. Please punish me.”




Song Cheng, standing beside him, added, “Your Majesty, I acted rashly in this matter too.”




Si Lan rubbed his weary forehead, helpless. “Why would you even think of selecting a consort for me?”




Outside the main hall, Quze, who had been silently guarding, heard this and also came forward to apologize.




“My Lord, it was actually me… who instructed the guardians to select a consort.”




“…” Si Lan


Si Lan had a look of disbelief on his face, as if saying, “Quze, have you been possessed?” He looked at Quze incredulously. “When did you become so meddlesome?” Earlier, Quze silently offering the wishful pouch was already pushing it!


Quze naturally didn’t dare to say that it was because he heard Si Lan complaining and felt that Si Lan was lonely and cold, which made him think of selecting a consort for Si Lan.


He just lowered his head, remaining silent.


Si Lan shook his head helplessly, tapping his fingers on the tabletop intermittently. “Handle this matter yourselves this time,” he said, each word measured.




After everyone left, Si Lan remained in the study for a while before reluctantly returning to his sleeping quarters. Throughout the afternoon, Haowei did not come to find him, nor did Si Lan seek out Haowei.


When he pushed open the door, he found not only Haowei in the main hall but also a black-robed immortal standing opposite him, engaged in conversation with Haowei.


Seeing him enter, the black-robed immortal immediately fell silent.


However, Haowei said, “Wu Dao, continue.”


Yu Wudao then spoke again, “Back then, among the four fox demons who mingled with Yu Wu Xia, three have already died, and one is imprisoned in the Demon Realm’s Linglong Mountain due to a transgression.”


Pausing, Yu Wudao added, “Oh, a few days ago, the Great Immortal of Gaheng was attacked after a sermon and sustained injuries, declaring retreat for cultivation without further sermons. According to disciples on duty that day, the attacker used a spell with the illusionary form of a fiery red lotus flower, a unique mark of Yu Wu Xia.”


Haowei frowned. “Yu Wu Xia attacked the Great Immortal of Gaheng?”


“Yes, that’s what I suspect,” Yu Wudao replied.


Haowei didn’t speak further, but Si Lan couldn’t help but ask Yu Wudao, “Immortal, do you know the exact time when the Great Immortal of Gaheng was attacked?”


“It was reported to have occurred after the sermon. Yu Wu Xia disguised himself as a disciple, and when the Great Immortal of Gaheng was inattentive, he attacked.”


A shadowy figure flickered in Si Lan’s mind. He recalled the day after the sermon when he and several disciples stood in line waiting to discuss doubts. Behind him was a black-robed disciple.


He had glanced back at that disciple, but now he couldn’t recall his face.


All he remembered was a glimpse of a jade-like white jaw under the black cloak.


Was he… Yu Wu Xia?


He hadn’t realized they had been so close!


Haowei seemed to have similar thoughts, his expression turning serious. After a moment of silence, he asked, “How serious are the Great Immortal of Gaheng’s injuries?”


“They are somewhat serious; otherwise, he wouldn’t have announced a halt to sermons,” Yu Wudao replied. After all, the Great Immortal of Gaheng was the only Immortal in the Thirty-three Heavens who had persisted in sermonizing for tens of thousands of years without interruption. Now, this was his first time canceling a sermon, causing a stir in the Thirty-three Heavens.


Haowei nodded gently. After Yu Wudao finished speaking, he bowed and respectfully withdrew. As his figure gradually disappeared into the starlight formation, he glanced thoughtfully at Si Lan.


Si Lan met his gaze awkwardly but was relieved when the other person smiled kindly, and he smiled back faintly.


After everyone left, the sleeping quarters regained its quietness, where one could hear a pin drop.


Si Lan had intended to ask why Haowei didn’t need to return to the Heavenly Court, but as he approached, he noticed that Haowei had moved the documents to the Demon Realm, and the table was piled with them.




Was Haowei planning to set up a temporary office in the Demon Realm?


Wasn’t that a bit too presumptuous?


Although they had breached that level of intimacy and engaged in spiritual exchange, it was still just a beginning. How could Haowei already consider the Demon Realm his home…


Si Lan coughed softly, interrupting Haowei’s thoughts, and sat down opposite him.


Haowei understood that Si Lan had been avoiding him before, probably feeling a bit shy. So he didn’t come looking for him, allowing Si Lan to digest things alone.


Si Lan asked, “Why did you bring all these documents here? Doesn’t the Heavenly Realm need you to personally oversee them?”


“There’s nothing major happening in the Heavenly Realm, and if anything comes up, Wu Dao can contact me anytime through spiritual communication.” Pausing, Haowei looked at Si Lan earnestly. “It’s actually more important for you here. Your cultivation has recovered, but you still need daily… spiritual exchanges to stabilize it. Otherwise, the cultivation I transferred to you might become unstable.”


“…” Si Lan

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 51 – Double Cultivation in the Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 51


  Si Lan was taken aback for a moment, then moved towards the bed…


  Was this too fast?


  His face reddened even more, lips trembling. Lost in his thoughts, he was suddenly lifted by Haowei, who held him around the waist. Instinctively, Si Lan reached up and touched Haowei’s neck, his gaze piercing through the darkness to Haowei’s face.


  He could only see half of Haowei’s profile: a strikingly deep brow, eyes as black as ink, under a daring nose, lips slightly pursed, exuding a hint of nobility.


  Si Lan couldn’t help but speak up, “Is this too fast?”


  ”Hmm?” Haowei placed Si Lan on the bed, his gaze intense as he looked at him. The night wind caused the windows to rattle softly, stirring ripples in their hearts. Circles of ripples enclosed them, already in a chaotic state.


  Haowei’s hand rested on Si Lan’s waist, causing him to pause in his breath. Si Lan involuntarily swallowed and reached to stop Haowei’s hand, but he felt a faint warmth emanating from Haowei’s palm, carrying spiritual energy that entered his body.


  Instantly, he felt warmth spread through his organs, his whole body relaxing. A muffled groan escaped his chest, one of comfort. Enveloped in spiritual energy, he felt as if he were floating among the clouds, limbs and thoughts soft.


  Haowei’s voice sounded above Si Lan’s head, “What did you just say was too fast?” After speaking, Haowei’s breath moved downward, brushing against Si Lan’s nostrils, their breaths intertwining instantly.


  Si Lan’s mind was hazy, murmuring, “I… I feel like our progress is too fast…”


  Although the Demon Realm was liberal and enjoyed timely pleasures, Si Lan felt that moving straight from confession to intimacy was too indulgent. It might be better to proceed gradually and let the two of them get more familiar with each other.


  Haowei’s hand slowly moved up Si Lan’s waist, each touch bringing him a sense of ease, reminding him of when he first broke through his cultivation barrier, feeling as comfortable as he did now.


  ”Too fast? I meant for you to come to bed so I could heal your injuries,” Haowei deliberately played with words, smiling. As his palm lightly grazed Si Lan’s chest, Si Lan’s body tensed for a moment.


  Haowei’s voice in his ear became indistinct, his heartbeat quickening. Dizzy and flushed, Si Lan stuttered, “Wh-who heals injuries in bed… You… you’re misleading me…”


  ”…” Haowei.


  Faint white light seemed to appear out of nowhere, enveloping them both, blurring their faces. After a long silence, Haowei finally spoke hoarsely, “Earlier, I transferred some of my cultivation to you. It improved your condition significantly, but the root cause is still not healed. There’s a method… that can instantly restore your cultivation…”


  Si Lan felt Haowei’s breath gentle yet assertive, like a warm current enveloping him. Soft and gentle on the surface, yet impossible to evade, he murmured hazily, “What method?”


  ”Close your eyes.”


  Si Lan closed his eyes but muttered, “You didn’t have to transfer your cultivation to me. I…”


  ”Seal off your five senses.”


  Si Lan moved his lips but seeing Haowei so determined, he obediently sealed off his senses. However, being unable to hear, see, or feel anything made him even more nervous.


  What kind of method did Haowei have? Why was it so strange?


  At this moment, Haowei’s voice echoed in his consciousness.


  ”Focus your spiritual consciousness.”


  Si Lan concentrated hard, forming a humanoid figure that floated in the void of his consciousness. In the next moment, he was suddenly swept away by a current of energy, and when he came to, he found himself in another realm of consciousness.


  This was Haowei’s consciousness.


  Si Lan saw a tranquil pond with wisps of mist floating above it. Walking barefoot along its edge, he looked around but saw no sign of Haowei. Just as he was about to call out, a claw emerged from the pond, grabbing his ankle and pulling him in.


  Startled, he tried to scream, but the water muffled his voice. After struggling to surface, he found he couldn’t.


  What appeared to be shallow and ordinary water now seemed unfathomable, as if it had no bottom.


  After a while, Si Lan realized he could breathe underwater. Tentatively opening his eyes, he unexpectedly met two huge golden eyes. Terrified, he turned to flee, only to be pulled back by the dragon.


  The dragon’s claws tightly grasped him, and realizing he was now naked, he hurriedly covered himself, but the dragon seemed to chuckle at his embarrassment.


  Moving its claws, the dragon touched his forehead. Suddenly, Si Lan transformed into his true form, his red feathers buoyed by the water pressure, floating upwards before being caught by the dragon.


  The dragon seemed to adjust to him, shrinking in size but still two to three times larger than his “Jia Yu.” Its tail hooked around his wings, inching up slowly.


  Facing the dragon’s golden eyes, Si Lan’s mind grew hazy. He forgot to breathe, whispering, “I…”


  He didn’t know what he wanted to say, feeling only a vague fear. He gently folded his wings to cover his body, but the dragon’s claws gradually parted them.


  Despite being covered in feathers, he inexplicably blushed, his gaze lowering in embarrassment.


  What kind of method was this? It felt so strange.


  His body became completely relaxed, so soft that he couldn’t control it.


  The dragon leaned down, its breath spreading through the water, enveloping him completely. In an instant, countless streams of light surrounded him, some gently entering his body.


  His consciousness completely collapsed, his body soft and delicate, brown feathers gathering as he intertwined with the dragon. The dragon’s scales brushed against his feathers, its body slightly moving, seemingly encouraged, intensifying their entanglement.


The surface of the pond was calm, with wisps of clouds rising. Beneath the water, turbulent currents surged, and light darted like arrows, swiftly flowing.


In his dazed state, Si Lan heard the deep, gravelly voice of the dragon beside his ear.


Rustling, tinged with a magnetic depth.


“In fact, there is another one, hidden beneath the dragon scales.”


Another one? Hidden beneath the dragon scales?


Just as he was puzzled, he felt more pain in his body. Where it had been seamlessly mended, it was now forcefully split open again.


Accompanying the warm water rushing in, there was another strange “current”…




It was truly painful.


Si Lan’s consciousness blurred, lips murmuring silently in pain.


Wasn’t he supposed to be healing him?


Why was it hurting him so much?


Si Lan felt like he was fighting a battle underwater, an especially difficult one. Sometimes appearing in his true form, sometimes in humanoid form, he was always at a disadvantage, unable to match the opponent, letting them tear into him, bullying him.


In his dazed state, gritting his teeth, he muttered a curse in the opponent’s ear.




He said he would restore his cultivation, yet he bullied him like this in his consciousness.


Si Lan thought he had just “fought a battle” in his consciousness, slept a bit, and when he woke up in the real world, he realized this battle had lasted for three days and three nights.


Fortunately, he felt nothing physically, unlike the pain in his dreams. However, he was extremely mentally exhausted, feeling as if he was getting more tired the more he slept. Though he had just woken up, he felt too exhausted to open his eyes.


He breathed softly, turning to see a stern face lying quietly beside him.


It was the person who had fought him for three days and nights in his consciousness, Emperor Haowei.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 50 – After the Emperor's Confession

Chapter 50


Si Lan pursed his lips, looking at Haowei’s icy expression, and instinctively said, “Naturally, this is how they usually break people in, uh, I mean, train them. Last year, Xue Wu picked a few people who couldn’t endure shortly after starting their duties and nearly got them killed.”


“…” Haowei.


The atmosphere in the room instantly became silent, not even the sound of a falling pin could be heard. Haowei slowly curled his fingers, unbelievably asking, “You almost got several people killed last year?”


“Ah… It’s not entirely my fault…” Si Lan hurriedly denied. “After the peak masters selected the candidates, they all had to undergo training in various places. Only those who succeeded in the training could assume the responsibilities of a demon general.”


Although he had participated in the demon general training plan, he wasn’t responsible for specific matters, so he continued, “To be precise, Xue Wu is in charge, and I assist.”


“…” Haowei.


Could this kind of thing still be divided into primary and secondary responsibilities?


Seeing Haowei’s strange and dark gaze, Si Lan misunderstood his curiosity and lowered his head, flipping through the book, saying, “If you’re curious about this, I can take you to see it another day.”


“…” Haowei.




Haowei slammed his palm, shattering a corner of the table. He stood up, his tall figure blocking the candlelight behind him, casting a huge shadow that enveloped Si Lan, who was as small as a chick.


Si Lan was taken aback. The book fell to the ground, and he saw the tall figure approaching step by step like it carried a cold frost. Quze was about to step forward to stand in front of Si Lan but was directly swept away by a breath and thrown out of the door.


“…” Si Lan.


Si Lan widened his round “chicken eyes,” not understanding what had gotten into Haowei.


Had Lingxu’s divine injury relapsed?


“What are you doing?” Si Lan’s wings were lifted up. He was frightened and quickly kicked with both claws, but his claws were too short to reach Haowei at all.


Haowei lifted him up, squinting his eyes and saying each word slowly, “Besides the three wives you originally married, how many more do you have?”


“What does that have to do with my wives?”


“Aren’t you going to give them status?” Haowei gritted his teeth.


“I don’t have any wives!” Si Lan was half frightened and half helpless. “By the way, what does this have to do with my wives?”


“Weren’t you just selecting wives?” Haowei spoke through clenched teeth, seeing Si Lan’s current demeanor, thinking he was pretending to be crazy and stupid.


Si Lan suddenly understood everything. It turned out that Haowei had mistaken his selection of demon generals for selecting consorts. He couldn’t help but be speechless, tapping Haowei’s hand lightly with the tip of his wing. This person really had an overly imaginative mind.


At that moment, Quze, clutching his injured chest, pale-faced, entered the hall. Seeing this, Si Lan immediately asked Quze with indignation, “Quze, can you tell him what I was just doing?!”


Quze’s usually calm face showed a hint of amusement at first, but he quickly composed himself, approached Si Lan’s side while maintaining a sword-drawing posture, and said in a clear voice, “Your Majesty, you were just selecting consorts.”


“Right, I was just selecting…” Si Lan’s voice abruptly stopped. He turned his small head, looking shocked at Quze. “Selecting what?”


“Consorts,” Quze paused and continued, “This is the third round of candidates selected by the Left and Right Guardians, totaling thirty people. You will choose the final eighteen consort candidates.”


Si Lan was momentarily speechless after hearing this, exchanging a glance of disbelief with Haowei.


Haowei merely narrowed his eyes slightly, a smile on his face that carried a hint of intimidation and eeriness. It seemed as if in the next moment, he could swallow this little chick whole.


Si Lan couldn’t help but swallow nervously, finally understanding why he and Haowei had been talking at cross purposes just now. He forced a smile and asked Quze with difficulty, seeking confirmation, “Selecting consorts. When did you all secretly start selecting consorts for me?”


As the person involved, he shouldn’t have been kept in the dark about this.


Quze replied, “Didn’t the two Guardians inform Your Majesty?”


“No!” Si Lan gritted his teeth, still not moving in Haowei’s grasp, he turned in a circle, facing Quze with an aggrieved look. “How many times have I said that if you want to increase the fertility and bond formation rates in the Demon Realm, use normal methods instead of frightening everyone with consort selection for me.”


“Your Majesty, this time… the two Guardians truly intended to select consorts for you, not for the sake of increasing fertility and bond formation rates in the Demon Realm.”


“…” Si Lan.


Sensing that the person behind him was getting closer again, warm breath falling on his head, intimidating him, Si Lan awkwardly spoke up, although addressing Quze, he was explaining to the person behind him, “What exactly are you all up to? Why are you selecting consorts for me without my knowledge?”


He deliberately emphasized “without my knowledge” to create some distance from these subordinates who had done something foolish.


“If you didn’t know, why were you so interested?” Haowei clearly didn’t believe him, coldly questioning.


Si Lan chuckled awkwardly twice, “I thought those were the documents Song Cheng and Song Ye sent over for selecting demon generals. After all, they mentioned to me recently about wanting to reselect demon generals.”


Haowei remained silent upon hearing this, unsure whether to believe him.


However, Si Lan felt the pressure around him easing slightly and tentatively pushed against Haowei’s palm with his wing, crawling out of his grip. He spoke firmly to Quze, “Stop the matter of selecting consorts quickly. I’ve never liked doing such things.”


Quze glanced at Haowei and nodded, “Understood.”


As Quze turned to leave, Si Lan couldn’t help but ask, “Were all those documents just now about people coming to participate in the consort selection?”




“Why are there so many people participating in the consort selection this time?” After all, in the past, as soon as news of his consort selection spread, the males and females of the Demon Realm of all ages would cower in fear and stay indoors. Why were they so enthusiastic this time?


Quze looked somewhat embarrassed, his lips moved hesitantly, seeming a bit embarrassed, “Your Majesty, the Left and Right Guardians released the news that anyone participating in the consort selection would receive Hot Fruits and have the opportunity for dual cultivation with you.”


“…” Si Lan.


Hot Fruits can change the physique of cultivators. Even those who follow the ruthless path, if they consume Hot Fruits, their bodies and minds can undergo changes suitable for dual cultivation. Moreover, the more Hot Fruits one consumes, the more peculiar and lascivious their body becomes, hence it has always been considered a forbidden fruit. However, this substance is fatally attractive to demons.


Si Lan sighed inwardly upon realizing this. He hadn’t expected Song Cheng and Song Ye to be so audacious, openly promoting this without his consent.


Suppressing his aura, Si Lan spoke coldly, “Where are Song Cheng and Song Ye now?”


Quze glanced at Haowei, expressionless. “During this afternoon’s consort selection by the two Guardians, a sudden strong wind blew in and swept them away. They have not returned yet.”


“…” Si Lan paused, finding it hard to believe. “Swept away by a strong wind?”


Their cultivation levels were quite renowned in the Demon Realm; how could they be swept away by a mere gust of wind? What kind of strange wind was this?


Si Lan’s neck stiffened as he glanced briefly at Haowei behind him. Meeting Haowei’s seemingly amused eyes, Si Lan instantly understood something.


“Heh, they… they deserve it for choosing consorts for me without authorization.” He quickly added, “Quze, take away those documents. Seeing them only disturbs me.”


Being disturbed was a minor issue; his main concern was that if he wasn’t careful, his life could be in jeopardy. With his cultivation greatly reduced and transformed into a helpless chick-like form, his life and death were entirely in Haowei’s hands. If Haowei became unhappy and decided to end him, what could he do?


After all, when the Heavenly Emperor killed an Immortal Lord, he was only punished with three cups of wine. But if the Heavenly Emperor killed him, the Demon Sovereign, it would probably be celebrated throughout the Six Realms.


If he died, perhaps only a few in the Demon Realm would mourn him, while the entire Six Realms would praise the Heavenly Emperor for his bravery and power in unifying the realms at such a young age.




Quze acknowledged and took the documents away, closing the doors carefully as he left.


Inside the hall, Si Lan felt a sense of relief, exhaling deeply and smiling at Haowei.


Haowei’s expression had softened from its earlier gloominess, but it still wasn’t entirely pleasant. His cold eyes quietly held a flickering flame as he gazed at Si Lan.


When Si Lan met his gaze, his heart suddenly trembled. Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to find a topic, but instead, he found himself dumbfounded, unable to come up with anything.


Everything that needed explaining had been explained, and all that needed clarification had been clarified.


Now, he needed… He needed to explain to Haowei why he was so angry.


The relationship between them seemed to be veiled by a thin layer of gauze. Though they could clearly see each other through it, they pretended not to, not understanding each other.


Rather than seeing that gauze as an obstruction, it seemed more like a protective layer.


No need to ponder whether behind this protective layer lay joy or sorrow.


Si Lan felt uncertain. He preferred to act calmly, mastering everything behind the scenes before making a move. But Haowei’s presence was a variable, an unpredictable one. He didn’t want to gamble, sometimes choosing to bury his head in the sand like an ostrich, pretending not to understand anything.


But today, the ostrich seemed compelled to raise its head and face the storm.


“Si Lan.”


Haowei’s voice echoed in the dim hall, deep and slightly magnetic, his dark eyes fixed unwaveringly on him.


Si Lan’s heart inexplicably skipped a beat.


“Xiao Qi, it’s you.”


Si Lan wasn’t particularly surprised, having vaguely guessed at something over these days of interaction. Besides, after he had fallen into a deep sleep following the blood extraction incident, he had dreamed of many scenes he had no memory of, as if they were events from a previous life.


He had thought afterwards that it must have been Haowei’s tribulation, and what happened while he was unconscious in the mortal realm.


“Yeah,” he replied softly, folding his wings discreetly, seeming somewhat nervous.


“When I was undergoing my tribulation in the mortal realm, I had an encounter with you. But after the tribulation, I didn’t retain memories of that time in the mortal realm, so I didn’t come looking for you.”


Haowei’s words were few, and even his phrasing was not ambiguous, but Si Lan understood quite well what was being implied. His mind couldn’t help but recall the words of the fortune teller, leaving him at a loss.


What exactly constitutes a fated bond?


After assuming that what existed between him and Haowei was merely a mistake, he realized that their entanglement had occurred long ago.


Si Lan fell silent, saying nothing more, and Haowei didn’t speak either, just quietly watching him.


Time passed unnoticed, until the oil lamp burned out, plunging the hall suddenly into darkness.


Outside the window, a beam of moonlight seeped through the cracks.


Apart from the rustling of leaves in the night wind, there was nothing else around them.


Haowei reached out and pulled him close. In that moment of embrace, spiritual energy surrounded him, causing him to transform into a human form. His forehead lightly rested against Haowei’s chin.


Instinctively, he wanted to step back, but Haowei held onto his waist, forcing him to lean against him.


The tranquil moonlight seemed to flow between them, their breaths gently intertwining in the silent ambiguity of the night. Si Lan could almost hear Haowei’s heartbeat, steady and strong, transmitted through the thin fabric of their clothes.


Surprisingly, he didn’t think about anything at all; he simply quietly savored the moment.


Haowei lowered his head, his lips brushing innocuously against Si Lan’s earlobe. His body momentarily stiffened, and Haowei murmured, “When you were in the mortal realm, you liked to lean against me like this.”


After a moment, Si Lan hoarsely whispered, “Oh.”


Why say so much when he doesn’t remember any of it?


At that time, he had been shattered by Lord Chushan, his soul torn apart. The resulting puppet was likely a simpleton who understood nothing and naturally leaned on Haowei.


“Si Lan, I did go back to look for you afterwards, but couldn’t find you. I left those two puppets in the house, hoping that when you returned and saw them, you’d understand that I had come looking for you.”


But neither Si Lan returned, nor did Haowei.


Haowei took out the two puppets. In the darkness, Si Lan couldn’t see their features clearly. Haowei took Si Lan’s hand and guided him to feel the contours of the puppets.


Suddenly, an image flashed through Si Lan’s mind: in a dim cave, Haowei held his hand, teaching him how to carve a puppet.


And then, he held up the two puppets, touching foreheads, noses, and then… lips against lips.


An indescribable sadness and bitterness surged through Si Lan’s heart. It wasn’t his own emotions; it was the emotion of that strand of soul within him, influencing him.


So, deep down, he still remembered Haowei.


At this moment, a multitude of emotions overwhelmed him. His eyes reddened silently, lips parted as if to speak, but only tears fell soundlessly.


Chong Ying.




Chong Wei.


Round and round, it all pointed to this person before him.


He gripped the puppets tightly, buried his head in Haowei’s embrace, and reached out to tightly hold Haowei’s back. Suddenly, he felt that things like the Kaojue Mountain Fortune Teller and destined soulmates no longer mattered.


What mattered was that he recognized this person as the one.


He liked Haowei, a realization that had eluded him until now. He had thought his feelings towards Haowei stemmed from a desire to leverage Haowei’s abilities and background to avenge his mother.


But now that the veil between them had been lifted, he realized that beyond those utilitarian motives, he genuinely wanted to be with Haowei.


Though their time together had been short, Haowei had always been a steadfast pillar for him in times of helplessness, confusion, and despair. He found himself trusting Haowei more than he trusted himself.


Feeling Si Lan embrace him, Haowei’s breath caught. Lowering his head, he used a special technique so even in the darkness, he could see clearly.


He saw that Si Lan’s earlobes, face, and neck were all flushed red. His determined eyes met Haowei’s, and Si Lan’s delicate nose nestled against Haowei’s heart, their breaths mingling.


When Haowei finally spoke, his voice hoarse beyond measure, “Si Lan, let’s go to bed.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 49 – The Demon Realm is Choosing a Concubine

Chapter 49


Yide’s three souls and seven spirits suffered severe injuries, his divine soul shattered, and blood poured from all seven orifices. Enduring the pain, he held Kui in his arms.


Though Kui wasn’t directly struck by the Heavenly Thunder, its residual might had shaken him severely, leaving him barely breathing, with cracks deepening across his face.


Fortunately, his spirit had not yet scattered.


Yide tightly held Kui’s hand, remembering when Kui first took his hand and led him back to Yingzhou Island. Back then, he had thought Kui’s hand was large and warm, but now it felt small and cold.


Unknowingly, Kui had grown so much.


“Kui, how are you?” Yide asked softly.


Kui slowly lifted his head to look at Yide. He had spoken so many mocking words to Yide before, not wanting Yide to do anything more for him.


Yide had resurrected Ahu for him, settling all debts between them.


But he hadn’t expected Yide to shield him from the Heavenly Thunder again.


Tears welled up in Kui’s eyes as he smiled, “Yide, why go through this pain? My sins should be borne by me alone.”


Yide shook his head, holding Kui tighter without saying another word.


In the distance, Ahu watched the scene with a sense of loss. Like a newborn child, he was curious about the whole world. There was a slight ache in his heart, though he couldn’t understand why, nor did he realize this might be his last meeting with Kui in this lifetime.


Boling’s expression remained serene as he watched the two on the trial platform. After enduring so much together, he had thought he and Yide would finally achieve something good in this life. Now he realized it might have been better not to return. At least then, he could believe Yide loved him.


In fact, thinking back, he and Yide had never been lovers. It was just that everyone in the Heavenly Realm assumed they were.


At that time, it seemed Yide had some unusual feelings for his servant Kui…


Si Lan hadn’t expected the reason for Yide’s celestial downfall to be like this. His feelings were complex. Perhaps on this journey to the Underworld, Haowei had already foreseen everything, which allowed him to remain so calm.


Thinking of this, Si Lan leaned against Haowei’s shoulder and whispered in a voice only they could hear, “Did you already know what would happen today?”


Haowei replied calmly, “Mm.”


On the trial platform, Gui Luosha looked conflicted as he watched the scene before him. Nothing like this had ever happened before. A celestial lord risking his life to block a thunderbolt for an evil spirit.


Gui Luosha asked Xue Rong, “Your Highness, how should we handle this?”


Xue Rong glanced at Haowei and Si Lan in the distance, then raised his hand to have Kui and Yide taken down from the trial platform.


Kui’s punishment had already been decreed. Although Yide had blocked it, it was considered atonement for his sins.


Yide’s breath was weaker than Kui’s, leaning against Kui’s chest, his gaze slowly losing focus. Kui held Yide, lowering his head as tears fell into Yide’s embrace.


Ahu seemed to shift his feet, as if wanting to step forward, but was stopped by Boling.


No one spoke, quietly watching the two. They emitted faint white starlight, floating in mid-air. After the starlight dispersed, Kui’s body became transparent.


As a fierce ghost who survived the trial platform, he would enter the cycle of reincarnation and be reborn as a human.


Two ghost attendants stood behind Kui, guiding him to reincarnation. Kui released Yide from his embrace, his eyes calm again as he walked away step by step.


Ahu’s gaze followed Kui, his brows furrowing slowly, a displeased expression on his face.




As Kui’s figure was about to disappear, Ahu suddenly uttered a word so faint, like a mosquito’s buzz, yet Kui heard it.


Kui’s figure paused, but ultimately he did not turn back.


The people and events of this lifetime would forever remain in this lifetime.


He dared not look back anymore, afraid that one more glance would make it hard to part.


After watching Kui leave, Boling approached Yide. Yide, struck by the Heavenly Thunder, his divine soul shattered, was destined to undergo the trials of reincarnation. Yet Yide’s soul was now sealed within his body, unable to leave.


Boling sensed the seal’s aura and realized it came from Haowei’s hand. In that instant, he seemed to understand something.


It was not so much that they had plotted against Haowei, but rather that His Majesty Haowei had been plotting against them from the beginning. The supposed retreat to Yingzhou Island for rest was actually… to take Yide’s life.


Most believed Yide’s true form was a sword hilt, but those close to him knew that the sword was no ordinary one—it was the tail end of the Heavenly Way. Kui, in turn, carried the Ven Island’s blood that once remained on that tail end.


Boling smiled bitterly. He had thought he could at least bury Yide’s body, but now he realized that Yide, even in death, did not belong to him.


Feeling disheartened, he stood up and walked toward the trial platform.


“Boling…” Si Lan couldn’t help but call out his name, but Boling seemed not to hear, continuing towards the trial platform. He stated his birth date and recounted his wrongdoings, standing quietly on the platform, awaiting punishment. Suddenly, a purple lightning bolt struck down from above, directly hitting Boling’s right arm.


Boling’s right arm was instantly broken, the joints searing with burning pain, his face turning pale and his lips trembling uncontrollably.


This was punishment for taking Si Lan’s blood.


Seeing this, Si Lan clicked his tongue and leaned against Haowei’s head. “Boling is a bit foolish. If he hadn’t stepped onto the trial platform, they wouldn’t have forced him to endure this punishment, but he insisted on suffering.”


Also, there was no need for him to assist with the blood-taking.


He wondered what charm Yide held that made both Boling and Kui love him so dearly.


Suddenly, Haowei spoke up, “Do you know what Boling’s true form is?”


“What is it?”


“He is the scabbard.”


“…” Si Lan.


So the scabbard fell in love with the sword, and the sword fell in love with the drop of blood left on it?


This was truly bizarre.


Si Lan sighed inwardly and shifted his gaze to Yide. He saw Haowei raise his hand and cast a spell, and in the next moment, Yide transformed into his true form—a five-foot long sword. Perhaps this sword later fell into the hands of Ven Island, polished over millennia. Its blade appeared clear and bright, with an exquisite hilt. Even without knowing it was the tail end of the Heavenly Way, its extraordinary quality was apparent from its appearance alone.


Si Lan couldn’t help but reach out and carefully examine it. This tail end was likely left by the Heavenly Way intentionally to balance its offspring. Over the course of a hundred thousand years, it now served to balance the Divine Emperor.


He felt a tinge of joy in his heart as he took hold of the sword; from now on, he would fear no one.


He couldn’t contain his excitement, muttering to himself as he twirled the sword around twice before pulling out his Qiankun bag and stowing the long blade inside. When he looked up, his eyes met directly with Immortal Boling’s.


He suddenly felt awkward, as if caught red-handed stealing someone else’s spouse.


Boling approached slowly step by step, wearing a faint smile. “Yide, will you still have a chance at reincarnation?”


Si Lan nodded. “Yes.” When he no longer needed this sword, he would allow Yide to reincarnate.


“Good.” Boling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and glanced at the absent-minded Ahu beside him, then departed with him.


If Yide were to reincarnate again, he might have the chance to meet Kui and even fall in love with him.


Boling had been entangled for so many years that he was now weary. This time, he didn’t want to wait for Yide anymore. After sending Ahu to Yingzhou Island, he planned to retreat to Jinyun Mountain for secluded cultivation and withdraw from the world.



Inside the hall, the Ghost Rakshasa and the ghost officials had also departed, leaving only Xue Rong on the high seat.


Xue Rong performed a spell and landed in front of Haowei, bowing. “Your Majesty Haowei.” When Haowei came to the underworld, he concealed his presence, seemingly not wanting too many people to know. Hence, Xue Rong did not come to bow earlier when the ghosts were present.


“Hmm.” Haowei responded and pulled Si Lan into his arms. “I have matters to attend to; we’ll talk another day.”


“Your Majesty, please wait.” Xue Rong’s gaze fell on Si Lan and added, “I wish to have a private conversation with him.”


Haowei’s eyes slightly narrowed at Xue Rong’s words. He glanced at Si Lan in his arms, who didn’t sense anything amiss and quickly fluttered his wings away upon hearing Xue Rong’s request.


Xue Rong followed closely behind.


Watching the backs of the man and bird receding into the distance, Haowei’s expression grew darker.


A Demon Sovereign and an Underworld King dared to whisper secrets in front of him? Did they not fear being labeled and apprehended?


He could cast a spell from this distance to hear what they were talking about, but he refrained, keeping a stern face with one hand behind his back, giving off an aura of unapproachability.


Si Lan probably anticipated what Xue Rong wanted to discuss. Back then, he had caused a great disturbance in the underworld but had not found his mother’s soul. In the end, he was captured back to the Demon Realm by his father and scolded harshly.


“Your Highness Si Lan, I’ve checked the Book of Life and Death and didn’t find your mother’s soul listed. I’ve instructed the Underworld guides to investigate. It turns out that after your mother’s death, her soul didn’t come to the Underworld but was privately hidden by your father.”


Si Lan widened his eyes in disbelief. His mother’s soul had been hidden by his father?


Back then, when his father had brought him out of the Underworld, he blamed Si Lan for not understanding, saying that his mother had passed away, and he shouldn’t cling to her soul, denying her freedom.


At that time, Si Lan had felt intense self-blame, thinking he had been too selfish. Since his mother had passed away, she belonged to others now, and he shouldn’t have monopolized her.


But he never expected that the person who lectured him with such noble words had secretly hidden his mother’s soul.


“… Si Lan.”


Xue Rong continued, “The Book of Life and Death records that after your father’s death, both your parents’ souls reincarnated together.”


“… Si Lan.”


The cunning Si Lan.


Not only did he hide his mother’s soul, but he also took her along in reincarnation, presumably to continue their unfinished fate.


“Your Highness Xue Rong, does the Book of Life and Death mention who my mother and father reincarnated as?”


“Although the Book of Life and Death records the reincarnation of your father and mother, this matter is classified, and I regret that I cannot disclose it to you.”


Si Lan didn’t press Xue Rong further. Knowing that his parents might have already reincarnated somewhere, perhaps they had married in this life, and he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sorrow and some relief.


The only regret was that his mother never knew his father loved her until the end.


His father also never knew that his mother loved him until the end.


Si Lan bid farewell to Xue Rong and flew towards Haowei. At this moment, Haowei seemed to be enveloped in a low-pressure zone, looking very unpleasant.


Si Lan didn’t notice Haowei’s cold expression. He shrank to the size of a sparrow and nestled in Haowei’s arms, his mind filled with thoughts of Yingzhou Island.


Was Yu Wuxia appearing on Yingzhou Island just to give a Momentary Lantern to Kui? Did she come from afar to do a good deed?


No, there must be something they overlooked.


Si Lan thought about the location of Yingzhou Island, located above the East Sea, where the boundary between the divine realm and the mortal realm intersected. Xuanling Gate was at the intersection of the heavenly realm and the mortal realm, and Dayong Mountain was at the intersection of the demonic realm and the mortal realm.


These three places were all connected to the mortal realm, which was suspiciously eerie.


Si Lan looked up and happened to catch a glimpse of the tense line of Haowei’s jaw. He asked cautiously, “Your Majesty, why did Yu Wuxia want to give the Momentary Lantern to Kui? Is there some plan behind this?” Unconsciously, in his eyes, Haowei was omnipotent and omniscient. Whenever he encountered something he couldn’t understand, he would seek answers from Haowei.


Haowei finally lowered his head slightly, glanced at Si Lan, and then shifted his gaze away faintly.


“It should be so.”


“… ” Si Lan felt like nothing had been said.


Only now did Si Lan notice that Haowei’s mood was a bit off, but he didn’t dwell on it. True dragons had always been unpredictable in temperament.


He continued, “If according to this pattern, the next trouble spot could be at the boundary between the demon realm and the mortal realm, or possibly at the boundary between the ghost realm and the mortal realm… If I had known, I should have talked to Xue Rong a little longer and asked if there was anything unusual in the ghost realm recently.”


Haowei’s breath paused for a moment. “Your relationship with Xue Rong seems quite good.”


“Yes.” Si Lan didn’t think much about it and replied truthfully, “About nine hundred years ago, I encountered Xue Rong in the ghost realm… when I was searching for my mother’s soul. At that time, Xue Rong was not yet the Underworld King, just a little wild ghost being bullied. I helped him casually.”


Years later, when the underworld changed hands, he heard that the new Underworld King was named Xue Rong. Only then did he realize that the little wild ghost he had helped had achieved such success and became the Underworld King.


“Is that all?” Haowei restrained some of the gloom on his face.


“Yeah, this is the second time we’ve met.” After speaking, Si Lan vaguely understood something and couldn’t help but glance at Haowei again.


Was his earlier indifferent demeanor… jealousy?


It seemed like whenever someone approached him and spoke a few more words, Haowei’s face would darken, looking unpleasant.


Since their last parting, Si Lan felt that Haowei’s attitude towards him had changed drastically.


He couldn’t figure out why he had changed, nor did he care to think about it. Perhaps after losing blood and feeling mentally fatigued, his head felt heavy. He nestled in Haowei’s arms and closed his eyes.


Haowei had something more to say, but when he lowered his head, he found that Si Lan had fallen asleep in his arms. He couldn’t help but pause for a moment and then smile faintly.


His finger lightly touched Si Lan’s forehead, feeling the soft feathers there. Afterwards, his fingertip slowly moved to Si Lan’s tightly closed eyes.


Actually, he quite liked Si Lan in his current state, small and comfortably nestled in his arms, belonging to him alone.


But this wasn’t fair to Si Lan; he deserved a broader and freer world.


In the blink of an eye, the two returned to the Demon Realm and landed on the peak of Zhuyun Peak.


During these days away, the strange activities on Zhuyun Peak continued to be lively, with men and women gathered around the mountainside as if participating in some competition.


But today, these male and female demons seemed to be of higher quality compared to those Haowei had seen a few days ago.


Haowei concealed his presence and approached. The Song brothers were sitting in the middle of the high seat, with several other peak masters on either side, all watching the demons performing their talents on the stage.


After the demoness playing the demon flute left, a charming succubus with a voluptuous figure and seductive demeanor took the stage. She performed a mesmerizing dance move that instantly delighted the demons below the stage.


“Even Succubus Ruyin has come out. What advantage do we still have?”


“Don’t worry, I heard there are eighteen spots available this time.”


“Even with eighteen spots, it’s not certain we’ll get a turn. Sigh…”


Haowei furrowed his brow slightly. They had made such a big fuss about this event, yet they were only selecting eighteen people…


“This brother looks unfamiliar. I didn’t see you in the previous rounds.” The Bull Demon beside him observed Haowei curiously and couldn’t help but ask.


Haowei, tall and handsome, if he had appeared in the previous rounds, it would have caused quite a stir.


“Previous rounds? What previous rounds?”


“The previous rounds of selecting consorts.”


Haowei’s breath paused, his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the voluptuous beauty now on stage, and said slowly, “Who are they selecting for?”


“Naturally, they are selecting for our lord. Aren’t you from the Demon Realm?” The Bull Demon curiously sized up Haowei.


Haowei was furious but smiled inwardly.


Consort selection?




He had only returned to the Heavenly Court for a few days, and Si Lan had already quietly started selecting consorts in the Demon Realm!


During this time, they had shared the same room and bed, yet Si Lan hadn’t mentioned anything about selecting consorts!


This person could actually hide things so deeply!


Haowei couldn’t help but clench his fists, suppressing his anger in his eyes. In an instant, he connected many dots, understanding why Si Lan’s attitude towards him had suddenly changed so drastically. It turned out that Si Lan had so many prospective “loved ones”; how could he have thought of him?


If he couldn’t still use his spiritual power to help Si Lan regulate his body, Si Lan might have forgotten who he was long ago!


Unfortunately, the Bull Demon didn’t notice anything amiss and continued to reassure Haowei, “Brother, although you’re not from the Demon Realm and missed the previous rounds of consort selection, I see your aptitude is good. Go up on stage and perform a talent; perhaps the law enforcers will make an exception and promote you directly.”


“… ” Haowei.


On stage, the voluptuous woman with curvaceous hips twisted her body into a pretzel-like shape, seemingly dancing but actually trying hard to showcase her voluptuous figure.


Haowei couldn’t help but imagine himself going on stage to perform a talent. Suddenly, a black line appeared on his forehead, his lips involuntarily tightened, and his whole body was surrounded by a surge of hostility.


Enough is enough.


In the next moment, the previously clear sky suddenly turned into a violent storm. The strong wind blew in gusts, and before the Song brothers and others on stage could react, a strong wind carrying gravel and weeds swept onto the platform, sweeping them away.


Below the stage, the onlookers, although not swept away, were also caught off guard by the sudden storm, getting drenched like drowned rats. They scattered and ran away, casting spells to fend off the rain.


Haowei set up a barrier around him, blocking the raging storm outside, and also blocking out the noisy commotion. Therefore, Si Lan, sleeping soundly in his arms, didn’t notice at all what had just happened.


The bizarre downpour on Zhuyun Peak lasted for more than an hour before finally stopping.


Inside the main hall, Si Lan nestled in soft blankets, stretched lazily as he woke up.


Outside the window, the sky had darkened, and only a flickering oil lamp lit the hall, casting extremely dim light.


After waking up, Si Lan was dazed for a moment before realizing where he was. He turned over to get out of bed, but suddenly saw a figure sitting at the foot of the bed. He was startled and flapped his wings in panic, falling back.


“Hoo hoo.”


The dark figure raised its head slightly, staring at him through the dim light.


Although he couldn’t see the person’s eyes, he felt their gaze was sharp as knives, inching towards him. He quickly cast a spell to light another oil lamp, only then realizing that the person sitting coldly staring at him at the foot of the bed was Haowei. He couldn’t help feeling a bit annoyed. “Why didn’t you light more lamps?”


Sitting there like a resentful ghost, all dark and nearly scared him to a heart attack.


Haowei replied coolly, “My eyesight is good.”


“… ” Si Lan.


Stretching his wings lightly, he flew out and landed on the table. There were several fruits and celestial brew in a plate, obviously prepared for him by Qu Ze upon his return.


He took a few sips of immortal brew, then pecked at the wild fruits one by one like a woodpecker pecking at insects.


Behind him, Haowei remained unmoved, quietly watching him eat.


After he had eaten his fill and drunk enough, he walked over to the window and found it was raining outside. Judging from the ground, it seemed to be a torrential rain.


Scratching his head with a wing, he wondered, “Did I sleep so deeply?” He didn’t feel a thing.


Most likely, the man behind him exuded such strong resentment that he couldn’t ignore it. He turned around to look at Haowei. What was wrong with him lately?


Haowei met his gaze, eyes half-lidded, expression cold as if someone owed him money and hadn’t paid back.


“… Si Lan.”


So, what happened while he was asleep?


Si Lan was just about to ask when he noticed Qu Ze approaching with a notebook in hand. His attention was immediately drawn to Qu Ze. “Qu Ze, is this a book of anecdotes?” During his recovery at Zhiyun Peak, Si Lan had asked Qu Ze to collect the most popular anecdotes of the time.


Qu Ze replied with a stiff expression, “No, these are portraits of the third round of candidates sent by the Left and Right Protectors for your review.” Qu Ze hadn’t seen Si Lan in the hall recently and assumed he was in seclusion, only now emerging. He thought that the Song brothers must have already discussed the selection of the princess with Si Lan, hence the grand preparations at Zhiyun Peak.


Meanwhile, the Song brothers thought that since Qu Ze had initially proposed the matter, he must have already spoken to Si Lan about it.


In reality, as the person directly involved, Si Lan knew nothing about it. He took the notebook and said, “Oh,” recalling that the Song brothers had mentioned revising the selection of the underlings.


Each Peak Lord selected ten underlings, although the candidates were proposed by the Peak Lord, Si Lan had the final say.


However, usually the selection of underlings was based on cultivation. Why were they considering appearance this time?


Suppressing his curiosity, Si Lan opened the notebook and saw a female demon with prominent curves and a coquettish pose, which left him momentarily stunned.


Seeing his expression, Qu Ze asked, “Your Majesty, what’s wrong?”


“Nothing… It’s fine. It seems that the concept of gender equality and diversified talent selection has taken root.”


Qu Ze remained silent.


Si Lan forced a smile, but failed to notice Haowei’s increasingly darkening expression across from him.


Continuing to flip through, Si Lan came upon the next candidate, a soft and adorable rabbit demon. The portrait showed the rabbit demon with pink ears, extending a small fist, and eyes that seemed capable of speaking, cute and innocent, evoking a sense of pity and affection.


However, this rabbit demon appeared to be over a hundred years old, petite and frail, barely an adult.


Si Lan murmured, “Diversity is good, but this petite frame might not withstand the rigors… The most important duty of underlings is to lead the demon soldiers in battles across the realms, maintaining peace in the demon world. They endure hardships and labor, training the demon soldiers day in and day out. Wherever there is hardship and need for free labor, underlings must lead by example and take the lead.”


At this moment, Haowei’s dark voice suddenly came from in front of him, full of threat, “Oh, how do you plan to subject her to hardships?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 48 – Resurrect him with blood

Chapter 48




Killing evildoers, what’s the mistake in that?


But everything in this world has its rules; acting against them is a mistake.


Evil spirits have their own laws to punish, not for Kui to act arbitrarily.


Si Lan flew over to Kui’s side and advised, “Kui, quickly extinguish the Ephemeral Lamp. Your actions bear heavy guilt. You may not be able to reincarnate again. Don’t you want to continue your karma with Ahu?”


“Ahu’s soul has already been torn to pieces by these evil spirits. I’m not afraid of dispersing my own soul. As long as I can kill them!” Kui spoke, his gaze falling on the Ephemeral Lamp. In its core, a faint cluster of light had gathered.


These were fragments of Ahu’s soul collected from the evil spirits.


Just a bit more, and it would complete Ahu’s entire soul.


Once he collected the complete soul, Ahu could be resurrected.


Thinking of this, Kui looked towards Si Lan, his blue eyes flickering with an eerie light.


“No one can stop me.”




Haowei, however, had no intention to reason with Kui here. He directly used magic to pressure Kui. Flames of karma swiftly ignited within the formation, feared even by the fiercest ghosts. Indeed, when the flames reached Kui, pain immediately contorted his face to an extreme, though even in this state, Kui refused to extinguish the Ephemeral Lamp.


Struggling for breath, his blue eyes locked through the blazing fire onto Si Lan. When Si Lan met his gaze, his heart skipped a beat. He turned away from Kui, refusing to meet his eyes.


Kui seemed overwhelmed with pain, his throat emitting agonized sounds, his body nearly contorting to its limit. Despite all this, Kui still refused to yield. His determination to obliterate the ghosts had surpassed everything.


But if this deadlock continued, Kui’s soul would shatter!


Helplessly, Si Lan looked to Haowei, whose gaze was cold and indifferent, as though he were observing an inanimate object rather than Kui.


At this moment, Yide directly swung his sword, breaking the formation. His figure shot like an arrow into the midst of the flames, rescuing Kui.


Already unable to endure, Kui collapsed into Yide’s embrace upon leaving the flames.


Yide’s eyes reddened, his arm trembling slightly as he called out Kui’s name, “Kui… Kui, you fool. Is Ahu really worth all this sacrifice from you?”


Yide was filled with bitterness at this moment. He had thought Kui’s feelings for Ahu were merely fleeting passion, until he saw Kui’s unwavering determination within the flames. Finally, he understood that Kui truly loved Ahu.


He had loved his mount.


He never considered Ahu a rival, nor a man. When Jinyun Mountain collapsed, Ahu jumped into the abyss to save Kui, and Yide believed Ahu did it for him.


Only when he saw Ahu take on the appearance of a man and embrace Kui did he begin to feel something was amiss.


Ahu had developed an inappropriate affection for Kui.


But Kui had only had eyes for him before. Yide believed Kui would never change his mind, but he didn’t know what happened during the seven days and nights in the abyss. After Kui came out, he seemed like a different person.


Boling once said that he would rather save Kui than let him become like this.


But Boling didn’t know that he would rather jump into the abyss that day, disfigured, than stay with Ahu.


He really regretted it. He was too late to realize his feelings for Kui. He mistook his attachment to Kui for dependence on his father. By the time he realized his possessiveness and obsession with Kui had surpassed normal emotions, Kui was no longer attached to him.


He caused Kui to be heartbroken and Boling to be in pain.


He was hopelessly wrong.


“Your Majesty, Kui has made such a grave mistake. I am willing to share his punishment. Please spare his life for now. When he wakes up, I will persuade him to extinguish the Ephemeral Lamp.”


Haowei stared coldly at him, “Yide, are you sure you can convince him?”


“Yes.” Yide finished speaking, paused briefly, and continued, “I am willing to guarantee it with my life.”


At these words, Haowei cast a spell that awakened the unconscious Kui.


When Kui opened his eyes, the first thing he looked at was the Ephemeral Lamp, his gaze almost obsessive. Yide held Kui’s hand and whispered something in his ear. Kui nodded unexpectedly after hearing it.


Seeing this, Haowei furrowed his brow.


Supporting his soul about to split apart, Kui flew towards the center of the Ephemeral Lamp, where Ahu’s soul was now in the form of two small clouds of mist curled around the wick. They had been pieced together from the bodies of ghosts.


Kui dared not let them know that it was Ahu’s soul inside. He cast a spell, causing the wick to descend and tightly cover the soul.


Then, he reached towards the highest point of the Ephemeral Lamp, plucking off a purple-gold bead hanging from it. With a whispered incantation, he controlled the Ephemeral Lamp, and the blue flames within the wick slowly extinguished.


In the next moment, the illusion of the Ephemeral Lamps lingering around the Yingtai Island suddenly disappeared, and the figures of the evil spirits seemed to be retracted by some force and vanished into the distant sky.


The gap torn from the Jiuyou to the Yingtai was also slowly disappearing until the sky on both sides merged, returning to its indigo base color, and reverting to leisurely white clouds, peaceful as if the terrifying scene had never happened.


The Ephemeral Lamp shrank to two feet long, with Kui holding the jade-blue slender handle.


Kui’s figure swayed slightly and fell from mid-air. Yide immediately flew forward, embracing his waist and gently landing him on the ground. The cracks on Kui’s face grew larger and larger, and the ghosts were dead, turning into fragrances.


But even if he turned into fragrances, he would still have to endure the punishment of the Judgement Platform. However, Kui seemed indifferent to the impending punishment. He looked at the Ephemeral Lamp and murmured with a smile, “To avenge Ahu, even if it’s just a little, I am satisfied.”


After saying this, Kui glanced at Haowei, his eyes filled with a willingness to meet death.


Yide tightly held Kui’s hand and also looked at Haowei, pleading for Kui, “Your Majesty, it was my momentary jealousy that caused Ahu’s death. Kui, after Ahu’s death, became mentally unstable and acted recklessly, leading to this incident with the Nine Hells’ evil spirits. I failed to supervise him properly, neglecting my duty. Please punish me for my crime.”


Upon hearing this, Boling also knelt down and pleaded, “Your Majesty, I am also willing to share the responsibility for Kui. Please give him a chance.”


Si Lan fluttered his wings and landed in Haowei’s embrace, his black eyes pitifully looking at Haowei. Though he didn’t speak, his plea was evident in his eyes.


Haowei, holding Si Lan, whispered in a voice only they could hear, “As the ruler of the heavenly realm, when I indulge in killing the Nine Hells’ evil spirits, I am also atoning for past sins. Kui is just a servant. Capital punishment can be spared, but the guilt of his actions cannot be evaded.” Moreover, Haowei’s situation with Kui was different.


Haowei committed a grave error unknowingly, whereas Kui intentionally killed those evil spirits, bearing severe guilt that simple punishment cannot resolve.


Si Lan didn’t expect Haowei to bend the law for personal reasons; he only hoped that when Kui went to the Judgement Platform, he could help Kui avoid the fate of his soul dispersing.


“Spared from death is enough,” Si Lan replied softly.


Haowei gently stroked Si Lan’s head. When he looked up at Yide and Boling, his face was as cold as frost. He didn’t speak but shifted his gaze to the distant horizon.


It seemed that the forced opening of the Gate of Nine Hells, causing the upheaval of countless ghosts, had caught the attention of King Xue Rong of the Underworld. From the distant horizon, Xue Rong came with the wind, accompanied by a massive black aura swirling like claws, displaying his formidable might.


Xue Rong landed on Yingtai Island, glanced at Kui, frowned, and then bowed to Haowei, “Your Majesty Haowei.”


Haowei raised his hand lightly, and Xue Rong straightened up. His gaze then fell on Si Lan, who stood before Haowei.


Si Lan had thought his transformation into his true form would prevent Xue Rong from recognizing him, but the glance from Xue Rong confirmed that he had indeed been recognized. Si Lan greeted Xue Rong with a slight movement of the green tuft at his brow.


Approaching closer, Si Lan couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Pei Yu and Tao Yuan, what about them?”


“Everything has been arranged. They have entered reincarnation,” Xue Rong replied.


Si Lan nodded in relief. That was good news, but he didn’t notice the darkening expression on Haowei’s face behind him.


Haowei’s gaze lingered on Xue Rong for a moment before he slightly furrowed his brow and looked back at Si Lan. Thinking of the scene where their eyes met, a faint tension tightened his lips.


They looked like old friends who had known each other for a long time. He suddenly remembered that Si Lan had once mentioned to him, when they were in the mortal realm, that King Xue Rong owed him a favor. At that time, he didn’t think much of it, but now he felt oddly uncomfortable.


How many people did Si Lan really know behind his back?


How many things had happened that he didn’t know about?


Thinking about Si Lan’s over a thousand years of life, of which he had only been involved for a month, and that month was spent with just a strand of Si Lan’s soul, made him feel even more choked up and uneasy.


He felt like he had missed out on so much.


“Your Majesty, someone used magic to forcibly open the Ghost Gate. I have ordered repairs,” Xue Rong said, pausing briefly before turning to Kui, “However, this attack by the Ephemeral Lamp has destroyed eighty thousand evil spirits, causing chaos among the other Nine Hells’ spirits. My subordinates are still trying their best to suppress them.”


Xue Rong had also taken time to come to Yingtai Island to investigate the situation with the Ephemeral Lamp. The Ephemeral Lamp had long been buried in ancient times, disappearing with the fall of Fan Yu, but unexpectedly reappeared in the world, causing such dire consequences.


Haowei calmly remarked, “This incident was caused by Kui, but the Ephemeral Lamp was apparently given to him by someone.”


As the words fell, Kui lifted his head with almost no aura left, his voice hoarse, “Indeed, the person who gave me this lamp was dressed like a monk.” That person had told him that if anyone asked about his identity, just saying so would suffice.


It seemed that this person had already anticipated today’s situation.


Haowei and Si Lan exchanged a glance upon hearing this, both thinking of Yu Wuxia. It occurred to them that Yu Wuxia’s appearance on Yingtai Island was likely to deliver the Ephemeral Lamp to Kui.


“What else did that person say?” Haowei inquired.


“He only told me that the Ephemeral Lamp could slaughter countless ghosts, without mentioning anything else.” Kui held back a bit; that person also told him that the Ephemeral Lamp could collect fragments of Ahu’s soul during the slaughter of ghosts.


He didn’t know the person’s exact motives for helping him, but as long as it could resurrect Ahu, it was enough.


“Does this monk have a fiery red mark in the center of his brow?” Haowei asked.


Kui shook his head, “His figure was hidden in the shadows, his face not very clear. I could only see the silhouette of a monk.”


Seeing that further questioning would yield no more information, Haowei ceased his inquiries.


Regardless, Kui was persuaded by Yide halfway through, stopping short of making things irreparable.


Seeing this, Xue Rong spoke up, “Your Majesty, allow me to take Kui to the Judgement Platform of the Nine Hells.” When demons and monsters err, they are sent to the Judgement Platform by the rulers of their respective realms.


Before Haowei could respond, Yide hastily interjected, “Your Majesty, Kui’s soul is on the verge of fragmentation. If he goes to the Judgement Platform, death is certain! I am willing to go in his place.”


Kui glanced at Yide beside him, mocking, “Yide, no need for false pretenses. I don’t need you to sacrifice yourself for me like this. Even if my soul disperses, I don’t want any further ties with you.”


“Give me a chance at redemption, Kui, let me…”


Haowei couldn’t help but rub his brow, interrupting them, “Enough. Whatever your crimes and punishments are, they will be determined by the Judgement Platform.”


Boling, standing nearby, wanted to speak but saw the unwavering gaze from Haowei and refrained from saying anything further.


Kui sneered as he pushed Yide aside, standing up unsteadily and walking towards Xue Rong. On his pale face, instead of sorrow, there was a hint of imperceptible relief.


Si Lan fluttered his wings and landed on Haowei’s shoulder, in a position that caught Kui’s gaze. Kui’s eyes shifted to Si Lan and he smirked silently, uttering two words.




Was he apologizing for taking his blood?


Although Kui wasn’t Fan Yu’s reincarnation, he was still Fan Yu’s blood. Si Lan couldn’t bring himself to blame him in the end. Folding his wings, he watched solemnly as Xue Rong took Kui away.


The fleeting lamp was left on the ground.


Yide carefully picked up the fleeting lamp, staring at it absent-mindedly. A hint of crimson tinged his eyes as memories stirred within.


Boling walked over, helping Yide up from the ground. Yide held the fleeting lamp close and said to Haowei, “Your Majesty, I intend to seal the fleeting lamp beneath Yingzhou Island, never to see the light of day again.”


“Mm.” Haowei nodded. Calculating the days, tomorrow would mark Yide’s ascension to immortality; it seemed more was yet to unfold.


Haowei remained composed. “Yide, Boling, handle this matter. I will take Xiaoqi to rest at the Yunshang Lake.”


“Yes.” Yide and Boling nodded in unison.


In the next moment, Haowei and Si Lan’s figures disappeared from sight.



Night fell, and the vague moonlight shrouded Yingzhou Island. Peach blossoms drifted down within the island, floating on the sea surface, casting mottled reflections.


Inside the main hall, Yide lit the fleeting lamp, lifting the white wick which concealed a soul.


Boling approached from behind, carefully carrying a small white jade altar and placing it before Yide.


Inside the white jade altar lay blood taken from Si Lan.


Frowning, Boling asked curiously, “Can this truly resurrect Ahu?”


“The ancient texts record that Yujia’s blood can revive the dead and reshape the flesh. It should be able to resurrect Ahu,” Yide replied. Holding Ahu’s soul, he was about to place it into the white jade altar when suddenly, a figure appeared behind them—Haowei and Si Lan, who had been recuperating at Yunshang Lake.


Haowei’s emotionless voice broke the silence of the night, interrupting their conversation.


“So that’s how it is.”


Yide and Boling stiffened instantly, turning to see Haowei’s face clearly. They exchanged a glance, realizing their plot had been exposed. Immediately, they knelt down and confessed.


“Your Majesty, please forgive us!”


“What crime have you committed?” Haowei walked slowly towards them, looking at the blood in the white jade altar, his fingers tightening involuntarily, his aura growing heavier.


“They extracted so much blood from Si Lan. If not for me channeling spiritual power to help Si Lan, his body would have been ruined!”


“Your Majesty, it’s my crime. Boling has no part in this.”


“No, Your Majesty, I was the one who caught Xiaoqi and extracted the blood.”


“Both of you should think carefully about how to explain your conspiracy with Kui.” Haowei used magic to retrieve the white jade altar into his hands, his gaze cold as he looked at the two immortal lords.


Meanwhile, Si Lan fluttered his wings and landed on the white jade altar, glancing at his own blood inside, feeling his head spin once again.


They really dared to act against him.


Yide’s face paled as Haowei took away the white jade altar, hastily pleading, “Your Majesty, please spare us. I learned that Kui intended to use the fleeting lamp to avenge Ahu, so I suggested using Yujia’s blood to resurrect him. It was I who captured Yujia and personally extracted the blood. To allay your suspicions, I deliberately created a false impression, making you believe the blood was for Kui’s facial restoration, to lower your guard, so I could secretly resurrect Ahu. Everything I did was solely to ensure Kui could find peace before his death, unrelated to anyone else.”


Boling wanted to speak but Yide gripped his hand tightly.


Boling looked at Yide with reddened eyes, biting his lip in silence.


Haowei glanced at them and then turned his gaze to Si Lan, asking, “Is this true?”


Si Lan pursed his lips and murmured softly, “Pretty much.”


“Oh? So it was Yide who knocked you out and took your blood?”


Meeting Haowei’s gaze, Si Lan instantly understood that he had likely long since unraveled the twists and turns of the situation. Just as he was about to speak, Boling raised his head and spoke first, “Your Majesty, it was I who knocked Xiaoqi out and took his blood, so if punishment is to be given, it should be to me.”


That night, Kui asked Yide, “Yide, Ahu’s soul was torn to pieces and devoured by the evil spirits of Jiuyou, but do I still have a chance to see him again?” Yide, eyes red, fell silent, until Boling pushed open the door and approached them, saying, “Yes.”


They finally devised this plan, with Boling, the least likely to commit such deeds, taking action to capture Si Lan and take his blood. To dispel Haowei and Si Lan’s suspicions, they magically healed Kui’s face and intentionally made Haowei and Si Lan believe the blood had already been used by Kui.


After Kui’s death and transformation into a fierce ghost, lighting the fleeting lamp and gathering Ahu’s soul, they anticipated Kui’s inevitable trial and entrusted the fleeting lamp to Yide for safekeeping.


Yide revived Ahu, allowing Kui to see Ahu one last time before facing trial.


Boling haltingly revealed their scheme, admitting their collusion and involvement in the slaughter of ghosts and the plundering of Yujia’s blood. They would live together or die together.


Si Lan had long known it was Boling who took his blood; he had hidden a feather in Boling’s arms, allowing him to sense the feather’s aura even when Boling approached unnoticed.


But Si Lan hadn’t expected Haowei to deduce it was Boling.


How had Haowei figured it out?


After listening to Boling, Haowei turned to Yide with a somewhat mocking tone. “Yide, your indecisiveness and vacillation ruined two people.”


Yide smiled bitterly. “Yes.”


Seeing him admit it, Haowei chuckled coldly again. Just a few days ago, Yide had been so stubborn, refusing to admit his mistakes. Now, faced with Kui’s death, he finally understood how wrong he had been.


“Your Majesty, you can punish me however you see fit, but please, for the sake of my many years guarding Yingzhou Island, allow me to revive Ahu, and let Kui… have some peace of mind before facing trial.” Yide bowed deeply, his head touching the ground, earnestly pleading with Haowei.


This once proud immortal lord, now completely shattered his pride for the sake of his loved ones.


Instead of answering Yide directly, Haowei turned to Si Lan. “Xiaoqi, what do you think?”


Si Lan looked at the blood in the white jade altar with a pained expression, covering his face with his wings in a gesture of helplessness. “Given the circumstances, I can only use my blood to resurrect Ahu.”


No wonder his mother had been so adamant about hiding his identity. Those who knew his true nature in this world, for various reasons, all seemed to want to tear him apart, drink his blood, and feast on his flesh.


Perhaps his existence was simply an embodiment of desire.


People chased after him, only chasing after their own desires.


He couldn’t understand why, after his divine demise, he had been reincarnated as Yujia.


Knowing himself as he did, if Jun Li had reincarnated, he would have chosen to be an ordinary person, an ordinary cultivator, an ordinary immortal, or even an ordinary ghost, rather than this species that seemed so precious and coveted, yet provoked such greed in everyone.


He always felt like the heavens were playing a game with him.


Lost in his thoughts, Haowei returned the white jade altar to Yide. Yide placed Ahu’s soul inside, and it instantly consumed the blood, then merged together, emitting a faint but bright white light.


Yide quickly placed the white jade altar on the ground, where it cracked open bit by bit. After the white light dissipated, a faint and ethereal form of Ahu emerged.


That was Ahu’s appearance.


Ah Hu and Yide were completely different men. Yide appeared elegant and ethereal, with an air of immortality and a clean, jade-like appearance. Ah Hu, on the other hand, was robust and powerful, his skin tinged with a yellow hue, exuding a rugged and vigorous masculinity.


Ah Hu’s illusion gradually solidified into substance, as if infused with flesh and blood.


Seeing this, Si Lan couldn’t help but mutter softly, “Having only one soul and one spirit, wouldn’t he be considered a fool?”


Haowei, lost in his thoughts, finally allowed a faint smile to grace his tightly drawn lips.


“He’s not exactly a fool, but rather a person whose five aggregates are not yet fully opened, and whose six senses are not complete. However, with the abundant celestial aura of Yingzhou Island, if he cultivates here, he will soon possess the five aggregates and six senses like an ordinary person.”


Si Lan nodded thoughtfully.


The sturdy man seemed as though he had been in a deep slumber for a long time. As he opened his dark eyes, they were clear and innocent, resembling those of a child. Glancing around, his expression was filled with confusion.


Ah Hu had returned to life, yet as Ah Hu reborn, he no longer retained his previous memories, forgetting everything about Kui.


Calculating the time, Yide’s voice broke the silence, “Your Majesty, please allow me to take Ah Hu to the underworld to see Kui one last time.”




Considering the time, Kui was about to face judgment on the trial platform.



In each realm—Celestial Realm, Demon Realm, and Underworld—there existed a trial platform, presided over by the rulers of each realm.


In the Underworld’s trial platform, King Xue Rong led with the twelve ghost marshals, wielding authority over the myriad spirits.


Upon death, one might think they could escape culpability, yet even as a ghost, they still had to face judgment on the trial platform.


Most spirits who ascended the trial platform faced dispersal of their soul.


When Kui’s turn came, however, there was no fear on his face; instead, his eyes searched around as if waiting for something.


Upon the high seat, the ghost official finished reciting Kui’s birth date and respectfully reported to Xue Rong, “Your Highness, this ghost’s birth date has been verified; he may ascend the trial platform.”


At this moment, Xue Rong cleared his throat uncomfortably, prompting the ghost official to close his book and stand aside, awaiting Xue Rong’s decision.


After a moment, Xue Rong spoke, “I didn’t quite catch this ghost’s birth date just now. Recite it again.”


The ghost official complied, slowly and deliberately reciting Kui’s birth date. Just as he finished, Haowei and the others arrived with Ah Hu.


Upon seeing Ah Hu, Kui’s dull eyes instantly lit up, his breath quickening involuntarily.


It was Ah Hu.


Ah Hu had truly been reborn.


Tears welled up in Kui’s eyes as he quietly watched Ah Hu from afar, while Ah Hu, brought here by someone, still wore a bewildered expression. Yet he could sense that he had been brought here to meet someone, to meet the severe ghost about to ascend the trial platform.


Ah Hu looked at Kui, who suddenly smiled.


Subsequently, Kui willingly approached the trial platform. Yide had always thought that Kui wanted to revive Ah Hu out of love, but that wasn’t the case. He simply felt deeply sorry for Ah Hu; the most he could do for him was to ensure that Ah Hu could live well.


Now, with Ah Hu’s soul devoid of past memories, he would live like a clean slate from now on.


Kui closed his eyes, standing in the middle of the trial platform. Having fulfilled his wish, he remained serene, calmly accepting the impending punishment.


After the ghost official finished reciting Kui’s various crimes, thunder suddenly roared above the trial platform. Rolling thunder, accompanied by fierce winds, descended like a white sword qi toward Kui.


At that critical moment, Yide suddenly leaped forward, embracing Kui and shielding him from the thunder’s strike.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 47 – The Demon Lord's blood was stolen

Chapter 47


Yide’s face changed suddenly upon hearing this, but he stubbornly held onto Kui’s hand.


“Your Majesty, I…”


“Yide, I do not wish to see such ugliness within Yingzhou again.”


Yide gazed thoughtfully, as if pondering. After a moment, he said, “Your Majesty, I will not imprison Kui again. I will make proper arrangements for Kui immediately.” He still wanted to possess Kui and was unwilling to set him free.


Haowei did not continue to reprimand Yide. Firstly, Yide would ascend in six days, and he did not wish to punish Yide further.


Secondly, the matters between Kui and Yide were for them to reconcile as outsiders; he could not make decisions. Therefore, how to handle Yide’s feelings needed to be decided by Kui himself.


Yide did not ask Haowei how he knew where Kui was being held. Perhaps he guessed he was being followed, or perhaps he simply didn’t care. Right now, his only concern was Kui. He arranged for Kui to stay in a side hall of the mansion, just a wall away from his own sleeping quarters.


In the following two days, Kui appeared unusually calm, like a puppet. He completed each task according to schedule, but otherwise showed no reaction to the outside world.


Yide visited him every night, trying to talk to him, but Kui completely ignored him.


Such disregard and torment finally drove Yide mad on the third day.


Yide held Kui’s face, his eyes flashing with a bloody light, like a wild beast in rage. “Why?”


Si Lan did not intentionally eavesdrop on Yide and Kui’s conversation. Yide treated him like an ordinary “chicken,” not bothering to avoid talking in front of him. He was fluttering his wings by the window when he heard Yide’s suppressed emotional voice.


“You used to like me so much. Why are you treating me like this now just for an animal?”


“Kui, I still remember the scene when I first met you in the mortal realm. Your figure was shrouded in a misty veil, ethereal and unreal. I had never seen such a handsome celestial like you. You said our celestial affinity was profound, and you would take me to Yingzhou, nurturing me carefully. I was scared at the time, and you comforted me, saying you had been looking for me for over a hundred years, promising to treat me well and prioritize me in everything. But now, how can you cut ties with me for such an animal?”


“Kui, look at me!”


Yide grew more and more frantic in his speech, disregarding everything, and kissed Kui’s lips.


Si Lan quickly fluttered his wings, wanting to rush over and cast a spell to push Yide away, but he saw Kui suddenly reach out and embrace Yide. In the next moment, a pained sound escaped from between Yide’s lips.




Yide tried to push Kui away, but Kui held on tight. His hands were like vines tightly wrapped around Yide’s neck, his teeth biting Yide’s lip and tongue. Blood flowed from their lips and teeth.


Si Lan stared wide-eyed, floating in mid-air, forgetting to flap his wings.


Yide, unable to break free from Kui, raised his hand to strike Kui, but when he met Kui’s one blue eye and one glaring eye, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Kui continued to bite him as if he didn’t feel any pain.


At this moment, the pain in his heart indeed surpassed everything else.


He had known Kui for more than three hundred years. Kui had brought him back to Yingzhou to cultivate when he was six years old. At that time, he was just a child who was afraid of thunder at night and could only sleep in Kui’s arms. He didn’t like to eat properly and needed someone to feed him. Even when he needed to relieve himself at night, he had to wake Kui up and have Kui carry him to the chamber pot.


All these things formed their simple and warm life together.


Later, after he successfully went through tribulations and regained his position, he remembered his memories as Yide Immortal. Suddenly, Kui’s image in his heart no longer seemed so lofty. It turned out that Kui was just a servant of Yingzhou.


In his life, it was no longer just Kui; there was Yingzhou and also Boling Immortal Sovereign, who was still undergoing tribulations in the mortal realm.


He searched for Boling Immortal Sovereign for a long time but couldn’t find him until recently, when Boling returned after crossing his tribulation. They reunited after several thousand years apart. Boling filled his world instantly, leaving no room for anyone else.


Kui couldn’t accept his change and, on a rainy day, intercepted him to reveal his heart.


In truth, he had already vaguely felt this way—Kui had won his heart. It was only after becoming Yide Immortal Sovereign that he realized his love was for Boling. He told Kui that he only regarded him as a father figure now.


Kui’s eyes at that moment seemed to crack open, inch by inch collapsing. Tears welled in his eyes, slowly trailing down his cheeks in the rain.


It was the first time Kui had cried in front of him.


Kui murmured, “Father… So in this life, I met you three hundred years early to treat you well, only to receive… father?” Kui finished speaking with a bitter smile, his face blurring in the drizzling rain.


Yide realized his words had hurt Kui and wanted to explain, but Kui turned and walked away.


Since then, Kui no longer appeared voluntarily in front of him.


Yet he began to gradually miss the Kui of the past—the one who would stay with him during thunderstorms, make soup for him when he was sick, and tuck him in when he fell asleep…


Only now did he realize that he had once cherished Kui. Sadly, between them now lay mountains and oceans, their relationship irretrievable.


After Kui had bitten enough, he slowly released Yide’s lip.


Yide silently watched him, allowing the blood to drip from his lips.


Suddenly, Kui gave a strange, mocking smile, filled with irony and despair. Yide tried to wipe the blood from Kui’s lip, but Kui bit his finger.


Yide’s brow furrowed in pain, but he said nothing.


They stared at each other, sinking into silence.


Seeing this, Si Lan estimated that Yide would no longer harm Kui and flew out, returning to Haowei’s room.


Haowei still retained a trace of his presence on Si Lan, aware of what Si Lan had seen and done.


Si Lan shook his wings, pacing on the ebony round table with his little claws. Between his brown fur brows, a hint of contemplation and cuteness mixed together.


Haowei smiled faintly, asking, “What did you see?”


Si Lan hesitated, “I didn’t see anything.” Yet he had a feeling something was about to happen; Kui’s unusual calmness was unsettling.


However, Si Lan didn’t know that after he flew away, Kui looked at Yide in the room and slowly spoke, uttering his first words in days.


“Yide, Ah Hu’s soul was torn into pieces and devoured by the Nine Hells demons. But do I still have a chance to see him?”


Yide’s expression instantly changed upon hearing this.


In the room, Haowei reached out to embrace Si Lan, the soft feathers brushing like tiny brushes against his palm, bringing a warm feeling. Haowei comforted, “When soldiers come, the water will cover the earth. Your worries are useless now.”


Si Lan twitched his pointed mouth, his wings fluttering against Haowei’s body. “Have you felt that something’s not quite right with Yingzhou lately?”


“Why do you say that?”


Si Lan thought to himself that perhaps due to Haowei’s spiritual cultivation, he wasn’t as sensitive to things like demonic energies as he was. Despite losing a considerable amount of his cultivation, he still sensed that something was amiss—Yingzhou Island seemed to be subtly changing its course unnoticed.


At the landing point on Yingzhou Island, the direction now indicated by the earth gauge seemed to point towards the “Gate of Ghosts”.


The “Gate of Ghosts” was the gateway to the Nine Hells of the underworld, a place sealed to contain myriad ghosts.


Si Lan didn’t know if this was a coincidence or something more sinister happening. Feeling uneasy, that night, when he saw Haowei meditating deeply, Si Lan quietly flapped his wings and flew out again, intending to check on Kui’s room.


However, just as he landed on the window sill and before he could enter, a large hand suddenly grabbed him from behind by the neck.


In the next instant, everything went black for him, and he was knocked unconscious, his body uncontrollably falling to the ground.


As he collapsed, his eyes caught sight of a pair of black boots.


Si Lan hadn’t expected to be ambushed so silently. When he woke up, he found himself in a dim cave, where the surroundings blurred into countless lines swirling before his eyes like arrows. His head felt heavy and dizzy, making it impossible to stand steadily. He reached for his neck and felt blood from a wing!


He had been bled!


What a strange thing to happen—someone in Yingzhou had recognized his identity?!


He couldn’t use his claws, and only his wings could still exert some force. Using them, he managed to prop himself up, only to discover a formation drawn on the ground, trapping him within.


Just as he was about to contact Haowei with his divine consciousness, a crack suddenly appeared in front of the cave, allowing beams of light to filter through, casting scattered marks on the ground.


A tall figure emerged against the light, emanating a chilling aura as he stepped forward, causing the dust on the ground to seem almost sentient as it automatically dispersed.


Haowei sensed Si Lan’s increasingly heavy aura and, entering the cave, found Si Lan lying within the formation, his brown fur stained with nearly dried bloodstains.


Si Lan saw him arrive and quickly fluttered his wings, standing up involuntarily and emitting a soft cooing sound. However, his head was still spinning badly, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground again, looking weak and pitiful, as if he had suffered severe trauma.


Haowei’s expression darkened instantly upon seeing this. He glanced at the formation and immediately reached through it. His arm was scorched with red marks that quickly swelled like blisters. Unable to wait to unravel the formation, he broke through it with his body, lifting Si Lan up in his arms.


Si Lan had a tuft of feathers plucked from the back of his neck, causing him to lose a considerable amount of blood and further weakening his body, to the point where he could barely speak.


Haowei involuntarily exuded an intense aura, and when Yide Immortal Sovereign and Boling Immortal Sovereign rushed over, they felt a surge of hostility emanating from Haowei, as if carried on icy frost, directly rushing towards them and knocking them to the ground.


“Your Majesty, please forgive us!” Yide and Boling held their injured chests and nodded in apology.


Haowei turned to them, his expression imposing without anger, his voice full of oppression, “The incident on Yingzhou involving Xiaochi, who will take responsibility?”


“Your Majesty, I will find out who harmed Xiaochi as soon as possible,” Yide replied, glancing up at Si Lan in Haowei’s arms.


Haowei’s gaze swept over them, suspicion and intimidation in his eyes. “Xiaochi’s identity must not be revealed. Anyone who knows Xiaochi’s true form, once found, must be immediately captured.”


“Yes,” Yide and Boling said in unison.


Si Lan glanced at them, as if wanting to say something, but then fainted.


Seeing this, Haowei immediately transferred some of his cultivation to Si Lan.


Perhaps due to serious injuries, Si Lan’s soul was unstable. In his unconscious state, he dreamed of strange scenes. These scenes seemed like his wild imagination, yet also like fragmented memories of the past…


He dreamed that he and Haowei had become mortals without magic. When it rained, they could only huddle together in a cave to keep warm. He dreamed of Haowei building a house at the foot of the mountain, Haowei and several men laying bricks for the foundation, while he secretly watched from halfway up the mountain. Because Haowei forbade him from going down the mountain and from others seeing him.


He also dreamed of Haowei kissing him, pressing him down on the bed, his eyes reddening with tears falling…


The final scene was Haowei leaving.


“Xiaochi, wait for me here until I come back to take you.”


Si Lan murmured in his daze, Xiaochi… Xiaochi… Why was he called Xiaochi again?


Could it be that he really was Xiaochi?




Si Lan suddenly coughed and woke up from his sleep. He raised his head to see the fair chin of Haowei. Gradually focusing his vision, he finally saw Haowei’s face.


Haowei had his eyes closed at the moment, his head lowered, showing a hint of weariness. Si Lan was carefully cradled in his arms. As Si Lan struggled to spread his wings, Haowei opened his eyes, frowning at him, “What’s wrong?”


“I’m having trouble catching my breath.” Si Lan folded his wings and scratched his neck. Perhaps the person had been too heavy-handed; his neck still hurt.


Upon hearing this, Haowei reached out and gently massaged his neck with spiritual power soothing his body.


Feeling much more comfortable, Si Lan couldn’t help but relax his brows and asked, “Who captured me?”


“It was Kui.”


“Ah?” He looked at Haowei in surprise.


Haowei explained, “Kui captured you to obtain your blood to restore his appearance. He’s currently imprisoned by Yide in the dungeon.”


Si Lan’s mouth twitched as he sensed something amiss, “It’s not Kui. Take me to the dungeon immediately!”


Haowei also felt it wasn’t Kui, but upon seeing Kui’s sudden recovery and detecting Si Lan’s blood scent on him, he concluded it was Kui’s doing. Without further questioning Si Lan’s words, he immediately led him towards the dungeon.


However, as soon as they stepped out of the palace gates, they witnessed an anomaly in the sky. Far in the distance, a rift had torn open the sky, with clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds on either side, a serene scene. Yet within the rift surged dark, billowing mists resembling waves, each carrying the visage of countless malevolent spirits. These spirits, as if driven mad by some omen, were rushing towards Yingzhou.


Their target was precisely the dungeon where Kui was held.


Just as Haowei moved towards the dungeon, in an instant, an octagonal golden lamp emitting silver light grew larger, seeming to rise from the very heart of Yingzhou Island, surrounded by an eerie silver glow that formed an ethereal and elusive presence, enveloping the entire island.


The malevolent spirits rushed towards the lamp like moths to a flame, but upon contact with its light, they dissipated as if swallowed whole.


Si Lan and Haowei witnessed this scene and exclaimed in unison, “Xuyu Lamp!”


The Xuyu Lamp was a lantern that guided and controlled spirits, capable of both commanding and eliminating them. Created by Fanyu, it had not been seen since his passing, yet here it was unexpectedly hidden within Yingzhou Island.


The screams and cries of terror from the malevolent spirits filled the air, despite their past deeds of evil, now facing imminent dispersal, they shrieked in fear and despair.


The entire sky above Yingzhou Island was shrouded in the sound of malevolent spirits.


Meanwhile, Kui, who had been trapped in the dungeon and now deceased, had transformed into a vengeful spirit floating in mid-air. As the one who had guided the Xuyu Lamp to activation, unlike the other malevolent spirits uncontrollably devoured by the lamp, his lower half shrouded in black mist, faintly visible, his severely scarred right side of the face restored. His hair was gathered neatly behind him, revealing his whole face.


His blue left eye stood out conspicuously on his handsome yet eerie countenance, both eyes unmoving, staring coldly ahead at the Xuyu Lamp, witnessing the scenes of countless vengeful spirits being dispersed.


These vengeful spirits had devoured Ahu’s three souls and seven spirits.


The Xuyu Lamp could exact retribution from these vengeful spirits and gather Ahu’s fragmented soul.


As long as even a tiny fragment could be recovered, Ahu could be brought back to life!


Yide and Boling also sensed something amiss and emerged from their chambers, their faces filled with shock upon witnessing the scene.


Yide gently flicked his finger, calculating something, the color draining from his face as he realized the implications.


“Kui has somehow merged the Xuyu Lamp with Yingzhou Island. If we attempt to stop the lamp from consuming the malevolent spirits, it could destroy Yingzhou Island,” Yide said, his face devoid of color, looking helplessly at Haowei.


The Xuyu Lamp had a gate; opening it was easy, but closing it was extremely difficult, requiring the destruction of the formations on its gate. Kui had merged the Xuyu Lamp with Yingzhou Island, aligning the gate towards the Ghost Gate of Jiuyou, plotting this under the guise of calmness over the past few days.


These malevolent ghosts, though committing numerous evils, are bound by their own rules. Punishing them falls within the jurisdiction of the underworld. Kui’s actions have clearly violated the natural order of the Six Realms.


Si Lan glanced at Hao Wei, who was lost in thought, staring at the Everlasting Lamp in silence.


He sensed a trace of sinister aura on the lamp, identical to the one that disrupted his tribulation back then, causing his thoughts to swirl uncontrollably.


Jiu Ying, Da Yong, Kui — all of them had traces of that person behind them.


Now that person coincidentally appeared on Yingzhou Island, overlapping with Yu Wuxia’s traces. Could it be… that person is related to Yu Wuxia?


Or perhaps, he is Yu Wuxia himself?


Seeing Hao Wei’s unusual expression, Si Lan couldn’t help but inquire through his spiritual awareness, “What’s wrong?”


Hao Wei collected his thoughts and replied, “When I crossed the God-Emperor’s tribulation, someone interfered, leaving behind spiritual injuries. This causes periodic disturbances in my internal energy, leading to moments of confusion and even transforming into a childlike state. The trace of sinister aura left by the one who disrupted my tribulation matches exactly with what lingers on the Everlasting Lamp.”


This was the first time Si Lan had heard Hao Wei explain the reason for his childlike episodes. The last time he asked, Hao Wei had brushed it off, unwilling to reveal the truth, probably fearing that as the Demon Sovereign, Si Lan might exploit this knowledge against him.


Why reveal the truth now?


Wasn’t he afraid of what Si Lan might do?


Suppressing his doubts, Si Lan asked, “Could that person be Yu Wuxia?”


“We’ll need to see Yu Wuxia to confirm.”


As they conversed, the Everlasting Lamp continued to devour numerous ferocious ghosts.


Si Lan furrowed his brows. “Why did Kui ignite the Everlasting Lamp?”


“Perhaps it’s because Ah Hu was devoured by countless ghosts. He seeks vengeance for Ah Hu.”


Si Lan hesitated. “Is it a crime to indiscriminately slaughter evil spirits?”


“Though these spirits were once evil men, they still fall under the jurisdiction of the Judgement Platform. Kui’s actions defy the rules of the Six Paths. I fear… there may be dire consequences.”


Si Lan spread his wings and looked up at Hao Wei.


Ultimately, the outcome of “dire consequences” would depend on Hao Wei’s decision, wouldn’t it?


Yet Si Lan knew Hao Wei wasn’t someone who would pervert justice. “Once the Everlasting Lamp is lit, how can it be extinguished?”


Hao Wei explained, “Kui must have anticipated that we would try to stop him from extinguishing the Everlasting Lamp. So, he merged the formation of the Everlasting Lamp’s gateway with Yingzhou Island. Only by destroying Yingzhou Island can we close the Everlasting Lamp.”


With thousands of residents on Yingzhou Island, sacrificing them to save evil spirits was out of the question.


They were truly caught in a dilemma.


“Is destroying the formation the only way?” Si Lan asked.


“Yes, the Everlasting Lamp was created for Van Yu, controlled solely by him. To stop the Everlasting Lamp, outsiders must directly destroy the formation of the Everlasting Lamp’s gateway.”


Upon hearing this, Si Lan couldn’t help but furrow his brow.


How did such a sinister object like the Everlasting Lamp end up in Kui’s hands?


Although Kui was born from a drop of Van Yu’s blood, it had been a hundred thousand years; Kui couldn’t possibly possess the Everlasting Lamp anymore.


And the person who took his blood wasn’t Kui. Then how did Kui regain his appearance?


Forget it, stopping the Everlasting Lamp from devouring thousands of ghosts was the top priority now.


Suppressing his chaotic thoughts, Si Lan was about to rush towards Kui when Hao Wei grabbed his wing and with a spell, transformed him into a chick-like appearance and tucked him into his pocket.


“Don’t be arrogant. Leave it to me.”




Si Lan’s mouth twitched. He used to say he was bold, and now he’s calling him arrogant.


Tsk tsk, it’s as if he knows him so well. Unable to resist, Si Lan retorted, “Whether I’m arrogant or not, how would you know?”


Hao Wei paused in his attack on Kui, the sword in his hand almost slipping, as he glanced down at Si Lan, saying as he manipulated countless sword shadows, “Apart from me, who else would understand you so well?”


With that, the sword shadows merged into a pagoda-like form and directly pressed down on Kui.


Kui’s sleeves fluttered, a hint of deep blue flashed in his eyes, and the murderous intent in his hand turned into blue light, striking at the illusion of the pagoda. The illusion shattered instantly, but soon the sword shadows reformed into various-sized pagodas, surrounding Kui.


Si Lan angrily questioned, “How do you understand me?”


“Naturally, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Hao Wei controlled the illusion of the sword, suddenly connecting countless small pagodas into one giant pagoda, sealing Kui inside.


Seeing this, Kui attacked the pagoda frantically, but each strike rebounded upon himself, causing him harm. Yet Kui didn’t give up, repeatedly slashing with his sword, trying to break open the pagoda.


In his own view, he was imprisoned by the pagoda, but to onlookers, the pagoda was an intangible force, trapping him in place, seemingly attacking the air aimlessly.


“Let me out! I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just want to avenge Ah Hu!”


Si Lan was still dwelling on how Hao Wei had personally witnessed this incident, intending to refute him, but found it true that he had indeed seen it himself. That time in the Extreme Sound Eight Trigram Formation, when he was bathing, the little white dragon clung to his thigh…


Si Lan’s expression turned slightly embarrassed, and he pursed his lips, saying, “Well, it goes both ways.”


“…,” Hao Wei.


Yide and Boling flew to the side of the two. They had thought they were discussing strategy while fighting, but they heard words like understanding and going both ways as they approached. Both of them felt strange.


“Your Majesty.”


Hao Wei glanced at the two of them coldly, his gaze indifferent, and then turned his attention back to Kui within the formation.


Seeing that he couldn’t break free, Kui’s face twisted into a ferocious expression. Strange blue patterns spread from his left eye, quickly covering half of his face. The patterns faintly emitted a gloomy light. This blue eye not only inherited Van Yu’s appearance but also some of Van Yu’s cultivation.


“These evil ghosts deserved to die anyway. What’s wrong with me killing them?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 46 – The Immortal's Forbidden Food

Chapter 46


Si Lan’s face flushed red instantly, feeling waves of heat rushing to his cheeks.


Last night, when he went to sleep, he remembered he hadn’t reverted to his human form. How did he wake up like this?


He wanted to push Haowei away, but was afraid of waking him up and making things more awkward. So, he carefully tried to create some distance. He retracted his legs that were wrapped around Haowei’s waist. Seeing that Haowei showed no sign of waking up, he continued to shift Haowei’s arm gently. As a result, Haowei instinctively tightened his hold on him, pulling him closer to his chest. Then, Haowei’s chin rested on his forehead, and a faint murmur could be heard from his lips.




Xiaoqi… Was he calling him?


If so, calling him Si Lan directly would have sufficed.


Why call him Xiaoqi?


Could Xiaoqi actually be someone else’s name?


At the thought, Si Lan furrowed his brows, his gaze falling on the slightly prominent Adam’s apple of Haowei. He inexplicably wanted to lean over and give it a gentle bite.




Haowei murmured again, his words slurred.


The more Si Lan thought about it, the more something felt off. In all the time they had spent together before, Haowei had never called him Xiaoqi. Why would he suddenly say it now?


Could something have happened to Haowei after he returned to the Heavenly Court? Was this the reason for his sudden change in behavior towards him?


Unable to resist any longer, Si Lan blushed deeply and, realizing he wasn’t wearing clothes, pressed his palms together to transform back into his original form.


In an instant, the slender figure in Haowei’s embrace turned into a brown-feathered wild chicken. Haowei’s arms fell empty, and his heart sank as he abruptly woke from his sleep.


“Si Lan, Xiaoqi…”


Haowei lowered his head and saw a “chicken” standing beside him, its big eyes resembling black beans, looking at him somewhat shyly. Startled, he reached out and pulled Si Lan back into his arms.


Si Lan remained silent, feeling Haowei’s heartbeat racing unusually fast as he lay nestled in his embrace.


Si Lan… Xiaoqi…




Quite affectionate.


But seeing his name on that Xiaoqi, Si Lan decided not to pursue it for the time being.


“When did you wake up?” Haowei asked softly.


“Just now.” Si Lan folded his wings around his body, clearly indicating he didn’t want to be too close to Haowei.


Seeing this, Haowei’s eyes flickered slightly, and he let go of Si Lan, sitting up on the bed.


Si Lan took the opportunity to fly out and perch on the window coffin, looking at the weather outside today. The sun was shining brightly, with crimson petals dancing in the wind. A few petals drifted through the window and landed on Si Lan.


Si Lan shook himself to dislodge the petals.


Haowei dressed and walked out, coincidentally meeting Yide Xianjun with a group of servants.


Yide said they were going to Yunchang Lake on Yingzhou to soak in the hot springs. Yunchang Lake was surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the spring water was filled with immortal energy, perfect for healing.


Upon hearing this, Haowei reached out and pulled Si Lan into his arms. “Xiaoqi, would you like to go soak in the hot springs?”


Si Lan nodded. “Gugu.”


“Alright, let’s go then.” Haowei smiled indulgently.


Yide looked at the scene of a man and a chicken in front of him, feeling inexplicably amused.


A noble and handsome man unashamedly holding a “chicken.” The “chicken” seemed somewhat unhappy, half-closing its eyes with a low aura. On the other hand, the man’s eyes held a hint of laughter and indulgence.


Leading the way ahead, Yide said, “Your Majesty, please follow me.”


Just as they reached the courtyard, a piercing voice suddenly came from afar in the corridor.


“Yide! You deceived me!”


In the next moment, a black figure dashed over swiftly, a long sword in hand like a silver snake directly threatening Yide.


Yide hurriedly dodged to the side.


“Why didn’t you tell me Ahu died!” Kuai seemed to have gone mad, disregarding everything as he aimed the sword at Yide. Unfortunately, he was no match for Yide, especially with Boling Xianjun assisting from behind. After a few rounds, they managed to restrain Kuai.


Kuai was bound and unable to move, but his entire body emitted an even stronger hostility. His blue and black eyes rolled bloodshot, his voice rough like gravel swept by the wind, extremely hoarse.


“I regret it deeply, regret loving you for so many years…”


Kuai looked at Yide, tears of blood slowly streaming down his face.


After hearing Kuai’s words, Yide stood stunned in place, as if struck by lightning.


Kuai roared, struggling to break free from the bindings, but the ropes were specifically for restraining immortals, and he couldn’t break them. As a result, the ropes tightened into his flesh, almost cutting through his body.


Seeing this, Yide wanted to use magic to undo the ropes and release Kuai, but Boling stopped him with a hand. “Yide, if you release him now, he will still try to kill you. He’s lost his mind.”


Just as Kuai disregarded everything to break free from the ropes, Haowei suddenly acted, delivering a palm strike that knocked Kuai unconscious.




Yide rushed over and found Kuai only unconscious. He quickly untied the ropes.


The ropes had already cut into Kuai’s body, leaving behind crimson blood stains. Yide’s eyes reddened instantly, gently lifting Kuai and apologizing to Haowei, “Your Majesty, please forgive me. Kuai hasn’t been himself ever since his last injury. He didn’t mean to disturb Your Majesty.”


“It’s alright, Yide. Take him down and tend to his wounds first,” Haowei said calmly, looking at Kuai in Yide’s arms.


Yide quickly responded, “Yes, Your Majesty. I’ll attend to Kuai’s matters first. Let Boling take Your Majesty to Yunchang Lake.”




Haowei withdrew his gaze, carrying Si Lan, and continued on the road to Yunchang Lake. Si Lan kept looking back until Kuai was out of sight, then tucked his head back in.


According to Kuai, Ahu is dead… That’s why Kuai couldn’t accept it and went mad, wanting to kill Yide.


Thinking back to last night when Kuai mentioned Ahu, his eyes brightened. Si Lan couldn’t help but feel sorry for Kuai.


It seemed that Kuai wasn’t living well in this life either.


Suddenly, Si Lan recalled the Buddhist scripture about the tiger in the forest.


Good people don’t receive good rewards.


Bad people become enlightened immediately.


Si Lan asked Haowei through divine sense, “Have you sensed the aura of Yu Wuxia?”


“No,” Haowei replied, his brow furrowed.


He hadn’t sensed Yu Wuxia’s aura. Perhaps Yu Wuxia’s purpose in Yingzhou wasn’t the Heavenly Tail Finger, so he wasn’t near Yide’s residence. It’s also possible that Yu Wuxia had already left Yingzhou.


Si Lan hadn’t sensed Yu Wuxia’s aura either, attributing it to his own inadequate cultivation. But he didn’t expect Haowei to also be unaware of Yu Wuxia’s presence.


Could it be that Yu Wuxia had already departed long ago?


Si Lan folded his wings and sank into contemplation. Upon arriving at Yunchang Lake, Boling Xianjun arranged for servants to attend to Si Lan and Haowei, then withdrew early.


Throughout the journey, Boling Xianjun wore a worried expression, clearly concerned about Yide.


Once Boling had left, Si Lan and Haowei cast an invisibility spell and quietly returned following Boling.


“Why all this sneaking around?” Haowei couldn’t help but ask Si Lan aloud.


They could have stayed openly in the mansion.


“If we stay in the mansion, Yide Xianjun’s actions will surely be influenced by your presence. By leaving according to his wishes and then sneaking back, we can see what he really intends to do,” Si Lan explained.


Haowei never expected this little “wild chicken” to be so thoughtful.


The two returned to the Yide Mansion and searched around but didn’t find Kui. Instead, they heard the sound of Boling and Yide arguing.


Boling’s eyes were red, sitting on a bench in the octagonal pavilion. There were faint tear marks on his handsome face.


“I didn’t mean to tell Kui about Ahu’s death. I never expected his reaction to be so intense…”


“Boling, you nearly killed him!”


Yide stood beneath the pavilion, not looking at Boling, hands behind his back, eyes cold.


Perhaps Kui woke up later and hurt himself again; there was a long scar from his chin to his neck, still bleeding and only briefly stopped.


Boling stood up and walked behind Yide. “Yide, do you plan to deceive him for the rest of his life? You’ve seen it yourself, Kui only loves Ahu now. Can’t you let him go? Let him leave peacefully, let him be with Ahu.”


Boling’s words seemed to sting Yide. Yide’s expression gradually cracked inch by inch, his eyes freezing with a hint of blood, turning around to glare fiercely at Boling.


Boling had known Yide for many years but had never seen Yide so ferocious. Those eyes seemed capable of crushing his neck at any moment. Boling’s face turned pale and he involuntarily stepped back.


Yide turned away, his voice coldly echoing from above. “I won’t let Kui go. Even if he dies and turns into a vengeful spirit, Kui belongs to me!”


Boling seemed like he wanted to say more but seeing Yide walking away without looking back, he held back, sitting on the bench with a dazed expression as tears fell.


Silan and Haowei exchanged glances, then followed Yide. They saw Yide enter the administrative hall and handle affairs, spending the entire afternoon there.


During this time, Boling sent soup over, trying to reconcile. However, Yide furrowed his brow, focused on the documents, ignoring Boling.


Boling stood silently in the room for a while before finally leaving.


Silan lay on the beam, unable to resist whispering, “Scumbag.”


Haowei glanced sideways at Silan but said nothing.


“I wonder where Yide has hidden Kui now?”


Silan had a vague sense of unease. Kui’s madness earlier seemed like he didn’t want to live anymore. Now, locked up by Yide, he feared…


While he worried, he saw Yide close the documents and walk behind a folding screen. Silan immediately fluttered his wings and followed. Inside the inner room, Yide used magic to open a secret passage behind a bookshelf. Oil lamps lit both sides, flickering gently without wind.


Yide walked slowly inside, with Silan and Haowei following. Deep in the secret passage, they found a room that was unexpectedly identical to Kui’s room!


Silan couldn’t help but gasp. This Yide… could he be seriously ill?


Had he planned to imprison Kui long ago?


In the room, Kui was currently under a paralysis spell, unable to move, lying on the bed like a puppet, tears streaming from his eyes. His clothes were stained with blood, reopening wounds that hadn’t fully healed.


Upon seeing this, Yide first stopped Kui’s bleeding and applied medicine to his wounds.


Kui spoke slowly, his voice like wind through withered trees, hoarse and choked, “I was wrong, Master. I shouldn’t have loved you. If I hadn’t loved you, I wouldn’t have defied the heavenly rules to secretly come to the mortal realm to find you. I thought in this life, I would meet you before Boling Immortal and grow up with you. Maybe then you could love me… But I never expected that after seeing Boling Immortal, you would fall in love with him at first sight.”


At that time, Kui’s emotions collapsed, and for the first time, he lost his reason, questioning what Yide had taken him for.


Over the years, Yide had clearly been so attached to him, always needing to hold him to sleep.


Yet Yide told him, “Kui, I only see you as a father.”




These two words were like daggers stabbing deep into his heart, tearing apart his last tender place and shattering his final hope.


He never imagined that after caring for Yide so meticulously and wholeheartedly for so many years, it would end with Yide seeing him as a father.


It was truly laughable.


During that time, shortly after Boling’s return, all of Yide’s thoughts were on Boling.


Kui couldn’t sleep day or night, his hair falling out in clumps, his whole person like a walking corpse. It was Ahu who stayed by his side, helping him through those unbearable days.


Ahu would carry him and run under the moonlight, take him to see mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, and birds, showing him all the beauty of the world. When the Jinyun Mountain collapsed, Ahu shielded him with his body, falling into the abyss formation together. And at that time, Yide was comforting Boling in shock.



Yide heard Kui’s words, his breath unsteady, fingers curling, the back of his hand showing prominent veins suppressing his inner anger. Since he had known Kui, Kui’s eyes had only ever seen him, but since that day when Jinyun Mountain collapsed and Kui and Ahu fell into the abyss for seven days, when Kui emerged, he had changed.


Yide still remembered vividly how for seven days and nights, he had been frantic without sleep, like a madman, breaking countless formations in the abyss before finding Kui, only to see Kui with half of his face destroyed, lying in Ahu’s arms.


And Ahu had transformed into a man’s appearance!


Seeing them tightly embraced, his heart surged with overwhelming waves, yet his expression remained unchanged as he lifted Kui from Ahu’s embrace. He ordered that Ahu must not transform into a man’s appearance again.


He had thought this would dispel his lingering worries, until he noticed Kui no longer made soup for him every day but instead went to catch mountain chickens to stew soup for Ahu. Kui no longer personally made clothes for him but made various beautiful beast skirts for Ahu. Kui no longer secretly followed him to watch his interactions with Boling but chose to travel mountains and waters while riding on Ahu’s back.


Only then did he realize that Kui was gradually giving up on him.


On the day he truly lost his reason, it was when he caught Ahu secretly kissing Kui’s half-destroyed face.


Jealousy, long entrenched in his heart like a wild beast, surged through his body. He went mad, pinning Ahu down and beating him relentlessly.


Ahu was just his mount, why did Xiaohu have to think about Kui!




He beat Ahu to the brink of death, but Ahu refused to give up, only asking him to fulfill his and Kui’s wish.


He sneered coldly, sending Ahu to Jiuyou to help the King of Hades kill demons. As long as he accumulated enough merit, he would fulfill their wish.


But what he didn’t expect was, a month later, news arrived from Jiuyou of Ahu’s death.


He had been hiding this matter all along, not daring to tell Kui.


Sitting beside Kui, there was a paranoia and possessiveness in his eyes that he had never shown before, reaching out to touch Kui’s half-destroyed face, “Kui, forget about Ahu, okay? If you like mounts like Ahu, I’ll go catch one for you. No, not just one, as many as you want, as long as… as long as we can be like before.”


“Kui, don’t say you regret it anymore in the future. I don’t want you to regret it.”


Kui closed his eyes as if unwilling to look at him, “Tell me, did you kill Ahu?”


“I didn’t kill him, I really didn’t mean to kill him, Kui.”


Yide held Kui’s hand, but Kui suddenly broke down emotionally. Though his body couldn’t move, his chest trembled as if something was about to burst out from within. Painful cries intermittently filled the air, echoing in the chamber.


Seeing this, Sizhan couldn’t help but turn away, asking Haowei, “Are you sure Yide will fall before the Ziyu jade plate? Why do I feel that it’s Kui who will die first?”


Haowei replied lightly, “Yes.”


Inside the chamber, Kui seemed to faint from crying, his chest movements gradually calming down, his breath stabilizing. However, Kui kept his eyes open, motionless, staring upwards as if a puppet without a soul.


Yide held Kui’s hand and said a few more words.


But Kui never responded to him from beginning to end.


As he was leaving, Yide bent down and placed a kiss on the corner of Kui’s eye.


This gesture had already exceeded the boundary of “father” as Yide had described.


After Yide left the chamber, Sizhan and Haowei approached Kui on the bed.


Kui seemed oblivious to the two of them, still showing no reaction.


Sizhan spread his wings and placed them on Kui’s pulse, finding that Kui’s breath had weakened a bit more, almost imperceptible. If this continued…


Sizhan raised his head and looked at Haowei, who understood his meaning. He reached out and touched Kui’s wrist, investigating for a moment before saying, “Kui’s life is nearing its end, and there’s no medicine to save him.”


Sizhan felt a pang in his heart. He hadn’t spent much time with Kui, but he felt that Kui was a kind-hearted person. Last time Haowei hit Kui, Kui didn’t get angry but instead offered him peach blossom wine to drink.


He looked at the grotesque wound on Kui’s left face, where the flesh and blood were destroyed; ordinary methods probably couldn’t heal it.


If it weren’t for these scars, Kui would have inherited Fanyu’s appearance, a peerlessly beautiful man.


Thinking of this, Sizhan spread his wings, intending to use his own blood to restore Kui’s face. However, before he could even cut his wings, he was lifted up by Haowei.


Haowei lowered his gaze, staring at him, “What are you trying to do?”


“I want to heal his face.”


“He doesn’t have much longer to live. Even if you heal his face, it won’t change anything.”


“But he has a deep connection with Fanyu, and I… with Fanyu…” Sizhan’s words were cut off by Haowei.


“That was a hundred thousand years ago. After experiencing reincarnation, you have no connection anymore.”


“Does experiencing reincarnation really mean you have no connection anymore?” Sizhan couldn’t help but argue with Haowei, feeling that Haowei was somewhat cold-blooded, typical of someone who had been in a high position for too long, considering everything in terms of pros and cons.


Caught off guard by Sizhan’s question, Haowei suddenly recalled their entanglement in the previous life. His eyes flickered, and he said reluctantly, “Sizhan, your cultivation hasn’t fully recovered yet. If you use your blood to restore Kui’s appearance, it might harm you fundamentally. Besides, if you really care about Kui, you should understand what he truly wants.”


Sizhan was moved by Haowei’s words and fell silent for a moment.


Though Kui’s half-destroyed face looked frightening, Kui himself seemed unconcerned.


What Kui cared more about were his blue eyes and Ahu.


Thinking of this, Sizhan asked Haowei, “Fanyu’s eyes are both blue, but Kui only has one blue eye. Could it be that Kui is Fanyu’s descendant?”


Haowei placed his hand on Kui’s forehead, assessing his condition, and furrowed his brow, “He is a manifestation of a drop of Fanyu’s blood.”


“A drop of blood?” Sizhan exclaimed in surprise. Under normal circumstances, it was difficult for just a drop of blood to cultivate into a form.


“This drop of blood was left on the tail of the celestial dragon, sealed within Yingzhou along with the tail. Later, both transformed into human form and thus began their entanglement over two lifetimes.” Haowei spoke slowly.


Sizhan looked at Kui, falling into silence.


As Buddha said, good deeds lead to good results, evil deeds lead to evil results.


But if that were true, why did the sword that injured Fanyu still affect him a hundred thousand years later?


Could it be that Yu Wuxia led them here to convey something to them?


Everything in this world wasn’t about sowing good seeds for good fruits and bad seeds for bad fruits. It was about cause and effect, but the results were unpredictable, unfair.


Suddenly, Kui coughed, blood dripping from his lips, his chest trembling slightly as if in extreme pain.


Seeing this, Sizhan quickly leaned close to Kui’s ear, “Kui, how are you?”


Kui’s eyes mechanically moved, turning to look at Sizhan, but his body still couldn’t move, his eye sockets shrouded in crimson, filled with endless grief.


In a hoarse voice, he said, “I’m fine… I want to see Ahu…”


But unfortunately, he couldn’t see him anymore.


Ahu had been devoured by the demons of Jiuyou, his soul scattered.


If it weren’t for him, Ahu wouldn’t have ended up in such a fate.


Thinking of this, tears streaked down Kui’s eyes.


“Kui, focus on recovering first. Perhaps you’ll still have a chance to see Ahu.” Sizhan didn’t yet know that Ahu’s soul had scattered. He could only comfort Kui like this, “It’s said that the deceased may not immediately reincarnate. Once you’re better, I’ll take you to the Underworld to find Ahu. At worst, we can find Ahu’s reincarnation.”


Kui suddenly smiled, a strange expression on his half-destroyed face, and uttered a “Hmm” as a response to Sizhan’s words.


Haowei infused some spiritual power into Kui, who managed to struggle out of bed, but his face was devoid of color, pale as paper. The scars on his face became even more pronounced, like ravines crossing half of Kui’s face.


Sizhan wanted to ask about the origins of the scars, but seeing Kui’s poor condition, he dared not continue, fearing it might upset Kui.


As Haowei and Sizhan escorted Kui out of the secret passage, Yide, perhaps sensing something amiss, hurried over. Upon seeing Haowei’s figure, Yide even forgot to pay respects and went straight to Kui, forcefully grabbing his hand.




Kui didn’t struggle, just stared at him silently, as if looking through him.


Haowei looked at Yide, his expression darkening, “Yide, although you are the Lord of Yingzhou, you cannot act recklessly and imprison celestial servants at will.”


“Your Majesty, I did not imprison celestial servants recklessly. As you saw earlier, Kui is mentally unstable. I feared he might harm others, so I had to resort to this, confining him here in the study’s secret passage.” Yide defended himself, bowing his head slightly.


“Oh? Confined like a prisoner in the study’s secret passage?” Haowei lifted his gaze slowly, each word deliberate, his voice carrying more authority than anger.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 45 – Kui's identity

Chapter 45


Si Lan looked up at Hao Wei, thinking he was joking, but Hao Wei’s face showed no trace of a smile, as if seriously considering the feasibility of his proposal.


Si Lan lowered his voice and asked quietly, “What crime is it to kill an Immortal Lord?”


“Trial at the Judgment Platform, soul shattered and destroyed.”


Si Lan fell silent.


After walking for a while, Si Lan couldn’t help but ask again, “If you were to kill the Immortal Lord, what would the punishment be?”


Hao Wei’s eyes curved with a smile as he glanced at the “wild chicken” in his arms, “Three cups of wine as punishment.”


Si Lan sighed inwardly.


It wasn’t fair. It really wasn’t fair.


But he was just asking casually. He hadn’t lost his mind to the extent of killing Yi De Xian Jun just for the Longsword.


“The Purple Wei Jade Disk shows that Yi De Xian Jun will fall seven days from now.”


That was why Hao Wei brought Si Lan to Ying Continent.


Si Lan was surprised to hear this and opened his mouth in astonishment. Blinking, he realized they had already arrived at Yi De Xian Jun’s mansion.


The vermilion gate slowly opened, and a group of fairy maidens and children floated out, kneeling on both sides to respectfully welcome Hao Wei.


Hao Wei did not conceal his presence this time. Therefore, as soon as he and Si Lan landed, Yi De Xian Jun had already sensed Hao Wei’s presence.


Shortly after, Yi De Xian Jun emerged from his mansion.


Si Lan observed Yi De Xian Jun. The man was slender with a cold and handsome face, dressed in elegant green robes, exuding grace and nobility.


Yi De Jun greeted Hao Wei without arrogance or humility, “Your Majesty, what brings you to Ying Continent?”


Hao Wei glanced at Si Lan in his arms and said lightly, “My pet is injured. I heard Ying Continent is suitable for recuperation, so I brought it here for a short stay.”


Si Lan sighed inwardly again.


Another excuse.


Yi De Xian Jun heard this and looked at Si Lan, calmly assessing him.


A pet… a wild chicken?


Yi De found it somewhat peculiar in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. At that moment, behind Yi De Xian Jun, a handsome Immortal Lord dressed in white robes and a white jade crown walked out and stood beside Yi De Xian Jun, bowing to Hao Wei.


“Your Majesty, I apologize for not welcoming you from afar. Please forgive me.”


This was Bo Ling Xian Jun, deeply connected with Yi De Xian Jun. It was said that when Yi De Xian Jun was heavily injured and entered reincarnation three hundred years ago, Bo Ling Xian Jun accompanied him through the mortal realm tribulation.


Yi De Xian Jun returned to his position three hundred years ago, while Bo Ling Xian Jun had only recently returned.


Hao Wei raised his hand lightly, “No need for formalities. I came suddenly this time, so please treat me as an ordinary friend.”


Although he said so, Yi De Xian Jun and Bo Ling Xian Jun still did not dare to neglect Hao Wei. They invited him to stay in the main hall and arranged fine wine and dishes for the evening.


Si Lan felt a bit guilty. Coming to Ying Continent, eating Yi De Xian Jun’s food, drinking his wine, and waiting for Yi De Xian Jun’s fall—it really lacked conscience.


With these thoughts, Si Lan didn’t want to stay in the main hall anymore and went out for some fresh air.


Stepping out, he used his two small paws to cross the threshold almost half his height. Just as he reached the door, his vision suddenly went black. Instinctively looking up, he was shocked to see a face that seemed to have been mauled by a wild beast—protruding eyeballs, sunken skin, terrifyingly grotesque.


Si Lan was startled and fluttered his wings backward, loudly chirping for help.


Inside the hall, Hao Wei heard Si Lan’s cry for help and immediately rushed out. Seeing a person with a disheveled appearance and a terrifying expression standing before Si Lan, he thought the person intended to harm Si Lan. Without hesitation, Hao Wei struck out with a palm.


The person was hit by the force of the blow, flying into the air and crashing heavily onto the blue stone slabs behind, groaning in pain.


Yi De Xian Jun hurried over to the person’s side, “Kui, are you alright?”


Kui spat out blood, trying to stand up but stumbling back down.


Yi De Xian Jun picked Kui up horizontally and apologized to Hao Wei, “Your Majesty, please forgive us. This person is Kui, who raised me. His ugly appearance frightened Si Lan unintentionally, but he meant no harm.”


With Si Lan now safely tucked away in Hao Wei’s pocket, he regained his senses and looked at Kui.


Kui nestled in Yi De Xian Jun’s arms, looking thin and pale, head hanging low. The left side of his face was covered by hair, and the right side was disfigured, leaving only one eyeball discernibly human.


Si Lan clenched his small claws, now calmer after the shock, nodded at Hao Wei to confirm that Kui hadn’t attacked him; he had just been startled.


Once Hao Wei was sure Si Lan was okay, his expression relaxed slightly.


Yi De Xian Jun quickly interjected, “Your Majesty, let me take Kui downstairs to tend to his injuries.”




Yi De Xian Jun carried Kui away. Behind him, Bo Ling remained standing silently, his gaze fixed on Yi De’s departing figure.


After a while, Bo Ling withdrew his gaze and smiled apologetically at Hao Wei, then shifted his attention to Si Lan.


“Your Majesty, what… is its name?”


“Xiao Qi.”


Si Lan:


What kind of name is that?


Feeling a bit displeased, Si Lan lifted one small paw and tapped Hao Wei.


Hao Wei paused for a moment.


Bo Ling smiled and reached out to pat Si Lan’s head, “Xiao Qi, were you scared just now?”


Si Lan shook his head.


Bo Ling’s smile deepened, “Your Majesty, this ‘wild chicken’… ahem, this divine bird can actually understand speech.”


Hao Wei, with a fond look in his eyes at Si Lan, said, “Yes, he’s very clever.” Though sometimes, he liked to pretend to be clueless and fool everyone around him.


Hao Wei suddenly realized something: whether in heaven or on earth, regardless of whether Si Lan was smart or foolish, he had Hao Wei wrapped around his paw. So, from a certain perspective, the one who was most foolish wasn’t Si Lan, but himself.


Bo Ling became even more interested in Si Lan, looking eager to try something, and asked quietly, “Your Majesty, may I hold him?”


Hao Wei hesitated briefly, “He doesn’t… “


Before he could finish, Si Lan suddenly used his small paw to hook Hao Wei’s palm. Hao Wei couldn’t help but change his words, “He’s not very obedient. If you hold him, be careful.”


“Okay.” Bo Ling’s face lit up with joy as he hugged Si Lan. Si Lan then tucked a feather into Bo Ling’s embrace and pretended to be cute and obedient, rubbing his little head against Bo Ling’s chest.


Although Si Lan initially looked like a wild chicken, closer inspection revealed that his features differed greatly from that of a chicken; in fact, he bore a resemblance to a phoenix. The emerald green feathers on his brow resembled jewels, giving him a noble air.


The more Bo Ling looked at Si Lan, the more he liked him, unable to resist patting Si Lan’s head.


Si Lan pretended to be content, fluttering his wings in response to Bo Ling.


Hao Wei, watching this scene, felt somewhat embarrassed.


When he held Si Lan, the bird always looked awkward and would struggle; but when someone else held him, he appeared comfortable and content. What did this mean?


Are you disgusted by him?


“Your Majesty, I really like him. It seems he likes me too. Can I spend more time with him tonight?” Boling asked.


Haowei furrowed his brows, lowered his gaze, met Si Lan’s intense gaze, expressionless, insincerely replied, “Hmm.”


Are they going to spend the night together?


It’s a relief that Si Lan can’t maintain his human form now, otherwise the thought of Si Lan nestling in Boling’s embrace would disrupt his inner energy and make him want to kill.


Haowei reminded Si Lan through his divine sense, “Though Boling Xianjun and Yide Xianjun haven’t officially bonded, everyone in the heavenly realm knows they have mutual feelings. When Yide Xianjun was critically injured and entered the cycle of reincarnation, Boling followed suit. Now that they’ve both returned, they’re probably about to achieve their cultivation.”


“… ” Si Lan.


Suddenly Haowei used his divine sense to tell him the love story of these two, what did he mean by that?


Is he afraid that Si Lan will ruin the love between Yide Xianjun and Boling Xianjun?


Si Lan couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Haowei, turned his head away, unwilling to look at Haowei.


This guy really has a wild imagination. What does he think Si Lan is? Does he really think Si Lan will like anyone he meets?


Haowei received Si Lan’s eye roll, suspected that he had misunderstood, and upon closer inspection, Si Lan had already covered his face with his wings, looking annoyed.


“… ” Haowei.





Si Lan flapped his wings, flying around in Boling’s courtyard, landing inside the sleeping palace. After transforming into a bird, he felt much freer and could do things without seeming strange.


For example, right now he could openly eavesdrop on Boling and Yide’s conversation.


“I’ve calculated the days, seven days from now is an auspicious day for bonding, and Your Majesty happens to be here. I want Your Majesty to be our witness,” Boling handed a small booklet to Yide, filled with densely written records about bonding.


Yide glanced at the booklet, his expression turning serious in the lamplight.


“Boling, Kuai’s health is not good. I want to wait until he recovers before…”


Just moments ago, Boling, who had a gentle smile on his face, suddenly closed the booklet, his eyes reddening. “Yide, is it really just because of this reason? Or have you actually fallen for Kuai?”


Yide didn’t speak, his breath instantly solidifying.


The atmosphere around them fell silent, as if you could hear a pin drop. Si Lan involuntarily folded his wings, refraining from fluttering around.


When Yide carried Kuai away earlier, Si Lan had already sensed something was amiss.


That’s why he wanted to find an opportunity to stay by Boling’s side, to see if he could figure out the cause of Yide’s death in seven days, but he didn’t expect to overhear such a thing.


“Boling, stop talking about it.”


Yide interrupted Boling’s words, as if recalling something unpleasant, his face particularly unpleasant, he turned to leave, but Boling unexpectedly hugged his waist from behind.


“Yide, we’ve been through thousands of years, and now we’re finally about to achieve our cultivation. Are you… are you regretting it?”


“I don’t regret it. I just wonder if we can postpone the bonding ceremony and give me some time to sort things out?”


Boling nodded, and Yide turned around to embrace Boling.


Si Lan couldn’t help but furrow his brows, feeling that Yide emitted an aura of a hypocritical man who eats his cake and still eyes the pot. Shaking his head, Si Lan fluttered his wings and flew out. The two in the hall were completely absorbed in their own thoughts and didn’t notice him at all.


He wandered around the mansion and found where Kuai was staying.


Today, Kuai had been struck by Haowei, and Si Lan wasn’t sure how serious the injury was.


He felt a bit guilty. He hadn’t had time to apologize before Kuai was carried away by Yide.


He landed by the window, pushed open the paper window, and just as he was about to look inside, he met a slightly bulging eyeball, which startled him so much that he stumbled and fell off the window.


Seeing that he was about to hit the ground, he flapped his wings desperately to stabilize himself.


In the next moment, a large hand opened the window and scooped him in.


Compared to his scarred face, the voice was clean and refreshing, like a breeze in spring.


“Aren’t you afraid of me, little bird? Why did you dare to come over?” 


Si Lan was still in shock, but he raised his head and met Kuai’s face. Kuai had scars crisscrossing the right side of his face, almost obscuring his features, while the left side was covered by hair.


Si Lan pretended not to understand Kuai’s words and made two “coo coo” sounds.


Kuai suddenly chuckled and placed Si Lan on the table, taking out a handful of golden grains from his storage pouch and sprinkling them on the table.


Si Lan hadn’t expected Kuai to actually treat him like a bird. Unable to resist, he used his claws to push aside the golden grains, looking somewhat proud.


Observing this, Kuai fell into thought and poured out peach blossom wine from a white jade bottle.


Si Lan saw the peach blossom wine and excitedly flapped his wings, leaning over the edge of the cup and extending his pink tongue to taste the wine inside. In the land of Yingzhou where peach blossoms flourished, this peach blossom wine was even better than usual.


The smile on Kuai’s lips deepened. “So you’re not a chicken after all.”


But not a phoenix either. Could he be a Yujia?


Kuai’s gaze grew deeper as he quietly observed Si Lan through the dim candlelight.


It was rumored that Yujia’s blood could cure all diseases. Could using its blood restore his own face?


After sipping a few mouthfuls of peach blossom wine, Si Lan didn’t dare to overindulge. He folded his wings and showed a contented expression.


Kuai reached out and rubbed its head. “Go back quickly, or His Majesty Haowei will start worrying about you. Today, I just scared you accidentally, but Haowei almost tore you apart.”


Clearly, Haowei placed great importance on this Yujia.


Si Lan didn’t eat Kuai’s food for nothing. He shook his wings and transformed a pill, which not only healed Kuai’s injuries from today but also aided Kuai’s cultivation.


Kui glanced at the elixir and smiled faintly but declined, “No need.” He didn’t need this anymore; his lifespan was nearing its end, and nothing could save him now.


Seeing his refusal, Si Lan became a bit anxious and spoke in a human-like manner, “Your aura is weak. Eat more spirit fruits to nourish your body.” Kui’s internal injuries were severe, and his life was fading.


Upon hearing him speak, Kui wasn’t surprised. He gently patted Si Lan’s head. His half-face still looked fierce and terrifying, but to Si Lan’s eyes, it no longer seemed frightening.


“Alright, then I’ll accept your spirit fruits. Thank you.”


“Actually… I should apologize,” Si Lan also took the opportunity to apologize on behalf of Haowei, “And also to His Majesty Haowei, he shouldn’t have struck you. However, at that time, he must have misunderstood that you were trying to harm me and acted in haste.”


“I understand. I… actually envy you a lot. To have someone willing to protect you at all costs.” Kui didn’t know what he was recalling, the light in his eyes fading as he looked down.


Si Lan wanted to comfort him, so he flapped his wings and flew to Kui’s other side.


A gust of wind blew in through the window coffin, pushing aside the hair that covered Kui’s left half-face.


Suddenly, Si Lan noticed that Kui’s left half-face wasn’t disfigured; it had been covered with hair all along!


It was strange. Why would Kui deliberately cover the intact half of his face and expose the disfigured side instead?


At that moment, Kui lifted his head, revealing a gorgeous and dazzling blue eye.


When Si Lan met Kui’s left eye, a rush of memories flooded his mind.


Under the moonlight, a figure in black slowly turned around, revealing an exquisitely handsome face, and even in the darkness, his stunningly eerie blue eyes were unmistakable.


He was Fan Yu, the son of Heaven’s Dao.


Kui’s eyes were unexpectedly the same as Fan Yu’s!


Upon closer inspection, Si Lan realized that not only were Kui’s eyes identical to Fan Yu’s, but his face was also exactly the same!


Si Lan was stunned and couldn’t find words to say as he looked at Kui’s face.


According to ancient texts, Fan Yu opposed the Dao of Heaven and met a tragic end.


Could it be… the Kui in front of him couldn’t possibly be the reincarnation of Fan Yu, but how could he look exactly like him?


Si Lan was puzzled. He thought if Haowei were here, he could ask him. As if sensing his thoughts, Haowei’s voice suddenly appeared in Si Lan’s divine consciousness.


“He is not the reincarnation of Fan Yu, but he is related to Fan Yu.”


Si Lan was startled, looking around but not seeing Haowei’s figure.


“Don’t bother looking. I’ve attached a trace of my aura to your back.”


“…” Si Lan.


Kui realized that the wind had blown his hair, revealing the left half of his face, and hurriedly pressed his hair down, feeling embarrassed. “Did… I scare you?” His left eye was blue, always seen as unusual, fearing it might startle the exquisite Xiaoyu Jia.


Si Lan quickly shook his head. “Are your eyes natural?”


“Yeah.” Kui touched his hair again, as if trying to cover his blue eyes even more.


“It looks nice.” Unable to help himself, Si Lan comforted, “Your right half of the face is disfigured, but you don’t care. Instead, you carefully hide that blue eye, showing how much ridicule you must have endured.”


“Thank you.” Kui smiled shyly, “Ah Hu also said it looks good, but it still scares people.” For example, the Immortal Lord Boling was very afraid of his blue eye, so Yide asked him to cover it with hair.


Si Lan felt a twinge of sadness. Although Kui was not the reincarnation of Fan Yu, he was somehow connected to him. The once proud son of Heaven’s Dao now looked like this.


Perhaps, annihilation of the soul wasn’t the harshest punishment after all.


The harshest punishment might be erasing someone’s arrogance throughout countless cycles of life and death.


Unable to restrain himself, Si Lan flapped his wings and landed on Kui’s shoulder. Kui immediately froze, tilting his neck to silently gaze at Si Lan. Si Lan folded his wings and hugged Kui’s neck.


After his initial surprise, Kui’s face softened into a smile.


“Kui, whether it’s your eyes or your face, you don’t need to care about others’ opinions.”


Kui also reached out, gently stroking Si Lan’s fur. “Yeah, when Ah Hu returns, I’ll leave with him. By then, I won’t live for anyone else, only for myself.”


“Ah Hu?” Si Lan had heard this name twice now.


“Yeah, Ah Hu is Yide’s mount. Yide sent him to Jiuyou to earn merit, and once he does, Ah Hu will regain his freedom.” Kui mentioned Ah Hu with a hint of amusement in his eyes.


Ah Hu was his only tenderness in this world.


Si Lan nodded understandingly, realizing vaguely that despite appearances, this life’s Kui was at least cared for by someone.


In the chamber, Haowei, sensing through that trace of aura, saw Si Lan embracing Kui with his wings, his expression dark. Unable to resist, Haowei spoke up to remind Si Lan, “Kui looks a bit tired. Don’t disturb him any further.”


This disobedient little “chicken,” sometimes clinging to Boling, sometimes to Kui—couldn’t he sit still?


Wasn’t he better off when he was silly in the mortal realm, paying attention only to him without a glance at anyone else?


Seeing that Kui indeed seemed a bit weary, Si Lan bid farewell and escorted Kui out. Only after watching him flap his wings over the wall did Kui withdraw his gaze.


Returning to the room, Si Lan landed on the desk, feeling content from the peach blossom brew. His wings involuntarily folded in front of him as he slowly stroked his belly.


Seeing this, Haowei commented coolly, “One family in the east, another in the west—seems like you’re having a great time.”


Si Lan sensed the sarcasm in Haowei’s tone and explained, “I wanted to know the reason behind Yide Immortal Lord’s fall. Judging from his inner aura, it’s stable and strong, doesn’t seem like something’s wrong.”


Haowei replied lightly, “The Purple Wei Jade Disk controls the destinies of all beings in the six realms. It won’t make mistakes.”


“Oh.” Si Lan flapped his wings and settled onto the bed, closing his eyes to sleep while asking, “How much do you know about the story between Yide Immortal Lord and Boling Immortal Lord?”




Haowei’s gaze fell upon the bed, where the vibrant “wild chicken” lay sleeping. Involuntarily, his mind wandered back to the time in the mortal realm when Si Lan curled up in his arms.


He cast a spell to extinguish the lights, then lay down on the bed, reaching out to pull Si Lan closer.


Si Lan frowned uneasily, about to say something, when Haowei’s deep voice interrupted him.


“Tens of thousands of years ago, Yide and Boling ascended together as immortals. One was titled the Immortal Lord of Yingzhou, the other the Immortal Lord of Jinyun Mountain. They had similar temperaments and shared hobbies, and their friendship was deep. Rumor had it that they intended to become immortal companions, but Yingzhou was attacked by savage beasts, Yide was critically injured and reincarnated, and Boling followed him into reincarnation upon death. Yet their immortal bond was profound, and they both returned to their positions.”


“What about Kui?” Si Lan was curious how Fanyu ended up encountering Yide in this life. Logically, as a fragment of the Celestial Dao, Yide should have been feared by Kui.


“Kui… there are few records about him. He was likely a servant in Yingzhou, and later when Yide reincarnated as a mortal, Kui brought him back to Yingzhou to care for him until Yide returned to his position.”


Si Lan recalled overhearing Yide and Boling’s conversation earlier and felt that something must have happened between Yide and Kui. Drowsy and confused, he drifted off to sleep.


Unbeknownst to him, in the darkness, Haowei’s eyes were fixed on him, filled with deep affection.


Sensing Si Lan’s stabilized breath, Haowei gently cast a spell to transform him into human form.


Si Lan’s slender figure nestled in Haowei’s embrace, his head lowered with his warm breath brushing against Haowei’s arm, spreading slowly along his arm.


Haowei involuntarily tightened his arms around him. They had once slept together like this in the cave of the Void.




Haowei felt deep regret in his heart. If only he hadn’t erased those memories back then, perhaps they wouldn’t have missed each other for seven hundred years. He had come seven hundred years late to find his little fool.


Resting his chin on Si Lan’s shoulder, Haowei’s voice trembled imperceptibly in the darkness.


“Xiaoqi, have you forgotten me too?”


It must be that he had forgotten, otherwise he wouldn’t treat him like this.


At that time, Si Lan had been severely injured by Lord Chushan, his soul shattered. After that fragment of his soul returned to his original body, he didn’t retain any memories.


To Si Lan, perhaps it was just a dream, or maybe even less than a dream.


Haowei wanted to find an opportunity to explain to Si Lan, but he vaguely felt that in these past few days, Si Lan seemed to have developed some grievances against him. He couldn’t figure out why Si Lan had changed after only a few days of separation.


Somehow, his mind suddenly flashed back to the eight handsome men that Li Qing had given to Si Lan last time, and he felt a surge of jealousy. Could it be that these days, Si Lan had gone to the Southern Wind Pavilion?


The more Haowei thought about it, the angrier he became. Unable to restrain himself, he bit Si Lan’s neck that was exposed outside, with a hint of resentment. Originally, he had only intended to bite lightly, but unexpectedly, Si Lan’s scent was so intoxicating that he involuntarily increased his strength.


When he realized it, he had already broken the skin.




With his last bit of reason, he withdrew his teeth and used his fingers to heal the broken skin.


Si Lan’s cultivation had not yet recovered, and if he were to suck his blood again, he was afraid he would become even weaker. Si Lan groaned twice in his sleep, turned around to face Haowei, yawned, but did not wake up.


Haowei’s gaze pierced through the darkness, quietly landing on Si Lan’s face. Then, he lowered his head and kissed Si Lan’s forehead, nose, and lips…


The next day when Si Lan woke up, he found that he had actually transformed into human form!


However, before he could be happy for long, he found that he was currently naked, nestled in Haowei’s arms. Haowei’s forehead was against his forehead, one arm around his waist, and one of Si Lan’s legs was still dr4p3d over Haowei’s waist.


Their skins were tightly pressed together, including their intimate parts.


He could even feel the arousal on the other side.


“…Si Lan.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


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