Chapter 37


Si Lan unexpectedly met Hao Wei’s gaze and momentarily froze.


The deep sockets of the other’s eyes, coupled with the cold aloofness and nobility, made him seem unapproachable. At this moment, he appeared angry, lips tightly pursed, enhancing his frosty demeanor. Without his jade crown bound, his long hair was loosely held by a white jade ribbon. As the wind blew, the ribbon fluttered near his ears, swaying in front of him as if scratching at the heart, causing an itch.


Si Lan forgot to react for a moment, just silently gazing at him.


He had seen this face before in the illusion. So, back then, was it really Hao Wei who rescued him from the illusion?


“Do you know your crimes, Demon King Si Lan,” Hao Wei pronounced each word deliberately.


Si Lan snapped out of his reverie and instinctively asked, “What crimes?”


“One, you soaked Us in a wine jar. Two, your behavior was frivolous…” Hao Wei blushed suddenly as he continued.


Si Lan clicked his tongue; he didn’t recognize either accusation.


Firstly, he did indeed drink the little white dragon thinking it was a snake, but no one would connect that little white snake with the Divine Emperor Hao Wei.


Secondly, he carried the little white dragon in his arms and kissed its forehead, but only treated it as a pet without any malicious intent.


Moreover, when the little white dragon transformed into a human form, it looked similar in size to Xie Li. In his eyes, it was just a cute “little thing”. How could he have behaved frivolously towards a “little thing”?


After hesitating for a while, Si Lan asked first, “Your Majesty Hao Wei, why did you appear in the Demon Realm in such a disordered state?” This was the cause, which led to a series of consequences.


Hao Wei heard the word “you”, his face tightening subtly.


Was this demon lord trying to distance himself from him now?


“I subdued the Torch Snake in time and got injured, causing my disorderly state.”


Hao Wei felt that this demon lord wasn’t worth trusting, so he couldn’t tell him the real situation.


“That’s why, it was Your Majesty Hao Wei who first showed his childish form, so I mistakenly thought you were a little white snake soaking in wine. This can’t be blamed on me…” Si Lan deliberately emphasized the phrase “childish form”, paused, and continued, “Secondly, when have I ever behaved frivolously?”


Hao Wei’s expression darkened upon hearing this, thinking that this demon lord’s face was unexpectedly thick. After being disrespectful to him several times, he could still make such a “righteous” excuse.


Feeling displeased, he took a step forward, towering over Si Lan due to his height, looking down at him.


Si Lan suddenly felt the air thinning, enveloped by an invisible pressure.


“Do you need me to help you remember?” Hao Wei said.


He kissed his forehead, pulled his tail, rubbed his dragon horn… these things were all done by him!


Si Lan met Hao Wei’s pitch-black eyes and involuntarily took a step back, wanting to move away from Hao Wei a bit, but there were small stones under his feet, causing him to stumble and almost fall.


Hao Wei immediately reached out and grabbed Si Lan’s hand, pulling him into his arms.


Si Lan fell heavily into his arms, his gaze falling on the slight movement of his Adam’s apple, looking up, coincidentally meeting Hao Wei’s lowered and cold face.


Si Lan’s face suddenly turned embarrassed, at a loss for words. “No… there’s no need to remember… I… I didn’t really disrespect Your Majesty. It’s just that I treated you like a little doll because I’ve always liked handsome little dolls. That’s why I accidentally offended you.” He changed his tune because he recalled a few occasions when he had indeed gone too far.


Hao Wei’s brow twitched slightly, seeming somewhat pleased. “Oh, would you say such things to every handsome little doll?”


“…” Si Lan.


It used to be so joyful to tease others, but now he felt so embarrassed.


Clearly, the other could pretend not to know anything, but he had to bring it up like this.


He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, trying his best to look sincere on his face. “When I said that day, it was because…”


He had just said these words when he saw Qu Ze casting a spell and also arriving at the top of the mountain. He hurriedly left Hao Wei’s arms and distanced himself from Hao Wei.


“Respect!” Qu Ze yelled anxiously.


“What’s wrong?”


Qu Ze’s gaze swept across Hao Wei, showing surprise, but he didn’t say anything, and his expression was serious as he walked toward Si Lan. “Song has a problem.”


Si Lan saw Qu Ze’s expression and immediately realized it wasn’t a simple matter. He immediately cast a spell and jumped down the mountain peak, seeing Song also lying in Song Cheng’s arms.


At this moment, Song Cheng’s arm was gently trembling, holding Song’s child tightly, and the petals of the lips murmured, “Song…”


Song’s face turned pale, but he smiled hard, a look of nonchalance. “Brother, don’t cry, I don’t feel pain.”


Si Lan walked over and lifted the clothes of Song, and he found that there was a large bowl of clothes in the lower abdomen of Song.


On this road, he has not noticed the blood of the body of Song, and he realized that Song has been hidden by him.


“Mm.” Song Ye nodded weakly, seeming afraid that Si Lan would blame him for not reporting sooner, he quickly added, “Your Majesty, it’s no use. If I tell you, it will only burden you with healing me, causing you to lose your cultivation for nothing and delaying everyone’s progress.”


Si Lan chuckled in frustration, “Why haven’t I seen you so considerate on ordinary days?”


Song Ye weakly smiled again. In the final stage of his life, he wanted to take a good look at his brother. He then looked at Song Cheng’s face and reached out with his hand, fingertips still stained with blood, slowly touching Song Cheng’s face.


Song Cheng’s eyes reddened, watching Song Ye’s weakening breath, his voice trembling, “Song Ye, it’s better not to let me catch you lying again.”


Song Ye smiled and buried his head in Song Cheng’s arms.


In fact, after so many years, his brother still loved him very much, but only showed it when he was in danger.


As his hand was about to drop, Song Cheng suddenly grasped it tightly and placed it on his face. At that moment, all the suppressed emotions in Song Cheng’s heart burst out.


“Song Ye, as long as you survive, in the future… I’ll listen to you.”


Song Ye thought hazily, that would be wonderful; from now on, his brother would listen to him.


The first thing he wanted was to make his brother stop being so stern with him and to smile more often.


The second thing was to make his brother replace his dear ones with him.


The third thing…


Song Ye’s spirit was declining, and he could no longer even indulge in such fantasies, relying solely on his last bit of strength.


But he still had a knot in his heart to resolve before passing away, without it, he would not be willing to enter the netherworld.


“Brother…” Song Ye suddenly coughed up blood, and the wound on his body began to bleed even more heavily. “I want to know why you dislike me.”


His brother was gentle with everyone but had a barrier between them, always keeping his distance.


Even when they had not yet transformed, they were intertwined like twin vines, inseparable. They endured through the seasons, through storms and lightning, helping each other to cultivate into human form.


Why did things change later?


Song Ye really didn’t know what he had done wrong.


The tears that had been restrained in Song Cheng’s eyes quietly fell after hearing this, “Song Ye, I’m… I’m sorry, it’s me… I didn’t want to taint you.”


“Enough.” Si Lan tightened his facial lines, interrupting their conversation, and took out a pill from his storage bag. Although the pill couldn’t bring back the dead, it could help Song Ye hold on for a while longer.


As long as he was alive, there would always be a way.


“Your Majesty, don’t waste time on me…”


Si Lan ignored him, removing the core of the pill with a spell and stuffing it into Song Ye’s mouth.


“You wanted to know what the conflict between you and Song Cheng is about? Then hold on, and when the time comes, let Song Cheng tell you privately.”


Upon hearing this, Song Ye couldn’t help but vomit blood. Even on the brink of death, he couldn’t help but feel jealous, “How come even Your Majesty knows why my brother hates me, but I don’t?”


“…” Si Lan was speechless, amazed by his train of thought even at this moment.


As a person on the verge of death, he still cared about this.


Song Cheng and Song Ye are two demon creatures cultivated from two purple vines, and the roots are the basis of life. Da Yong crushed Song Ye’s demon core, causing Song Ye to lose many years of cultivation and destroying the roots of his body.


Now, unless Song Ye’s roots can be restored, it will be difficult to save him.


The Demon Realm, Mount Zhuyun.


After Si Lan brought Song Ye back, he issued decrees across the Six Realms, seeking various divine doctors to save Song Ye. However, every expert who examined him declared there was no cure. If they had discovered it earlier, Song Ye might have been able to reclaim his life, but now it was too late.


Si Lan suspected that Song Ye was determined to die, intentionally concealing the severity of his injuries. Perhaps he was so fixated on gaining Song Cheng’s affection that he was willing to sacrifice his life.


Although Si Lan knew the root of the discord between the two, it was their private matter, and he didn’t want to embarrass Song Cheng, so he refrained from intervening.


Initially, when he infiltrated Elder Qilao’s residence in Chushanjun, he encountered Song Cheng in a secret chamber. Song Cheng lay on a white jade platform, covered in wounds so extensive that hardly a patch of clean skin could be seen. Seeing a stranger suddenly appear, Song Cheng’s face flushed with shame and embarrassment. He struggled to cover himself, but there were no clothes in the chamber.


Si Lan took off his coat and dr4p3d it over Song Cheng, gently reassuring him, “Chushanjun has been dealt with by me.”


Song Cheng trembled slightly and looked up at Si Lan, tears welling in his eyes but not falling. He only mentioned that he had a younger brother, Song Ye.


When Si Lan found Song Ye, he noticed that Song Ye was in much better condition than Song Cheng. Song Ye was well cared for but harbored deep dissatisfaction with Chushanjun for favoring his brother and teaching him secret techniques exclusively. Thus, Song Ye remained indifferent to Si Lan killing Chushanjun.


Later, Song Cheng insisted on staying under Si Lan’s wing, and Song Ye followed suit to work for him.


These brothers clearly cherished each other deeply, considering each other more important than their own lives, yet they couldn’t openly communicate their feelings.


Si Lan locked himself in his study, scouring medical texts, determined not to give up on curing Song Ye. Despite Song Ye’s often sarcastic remarks and disrespectful tone towards him, Si Lan knew he was a fundamentally good person who had helped him resolve many difficult matters in the Demon Realm.


Moreover, if something were to happen to Song Ye, Song Cheng might not survive it either.


He couldn’t stand idly by.


For a day and night, Si Lan searched through piles of medical books in his study but found no clues. Frustrated, he pushed the mountain of books off the table.


Was there truly no method to bring back the dead?


In this world, with countless secret arts, there was not one that could save Song Ye!


Si Lan slumped amidst the scattered medical books, his jade crown discarded on the floor, his black hair hanging loosely around his waist. His eyes and brows betrayed exhaustion and despair. He couldn’t bring himself to face Song Ye now, unable to bear witnessing Song Ye’s life slipping away bit by bit.


He rested his head in his hands, sighing softly.


  Haowei pushed the door open, stepping in one careful stride at a time. Moonlight spilled over his back, casting a long shadow. Looking down at Si Lan seated on the ground, he asked in a solemn tone, “Do you truly wish to save him?”




  ”Even if it means sacrificing your own cultivation?”


  Si Lan lifted his head in surprise at this question. “Do you have a way?” Otherwise, Haowei wouldn’t have asked such a thing.


  ”Using your blood to nourish the Purple Lotus root can achieve resurrection.”


  Si Lan stood up, stepping forward with a furrowed brow. “Are you not deceiving me?”




  ”How… could my blood have such an effect?”


  Haowei’s eyes flickered slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. “Have you ever considered that your true origin might not be ordinary?”


  ”What do you mean?”


  Haowei didn’t directly answer, turning away and walking step by step towards the eaves of the corridor. “Have you heard that the Yujia gives birth to the Feilong, the Feilong gives birth to the Phoenix, the Phoenix gives birth to the Luan, and the Luan gives birth to the common bird? All feathered creatures originate from the common bird.”


  Why did he cherish Si Lan’s blood so much?


  Why did Si Lan’s mother insist on hiding his “ordinary bird” origin?


  It was because Si Lan’s true form was Yujia.


  Yuwudao had just informed him through divine consciousness about Si Lan’s true form and everything about Luo Hui.


  He had never imagined that this Demon Lord, who seemed so limitless and vast, had experienced so much.


  ”Yujia…” Si Lan had heard of this mythical story before; Yujia was the ancestor of ancient flying creatures like the Dragon and Phoenix. However, such species had long been extinct in ancient times, leading later generations to believe Yujia was merely a mythical species and not real.


  ”Can Yujia also save Song?”


  Haowei glanced at Si Lan from the side, his gaze deep and causing Si Lan’s heart to skip a beat.


  ”Yes, you are the last Yujia in this world.”


  ”…” Si Lan.


  This revelation was more terrifying than when he had discovered he had turned into a sticky egg!


  It was even more shocking than discovering he was the reincarnation of Jun Li!


  How could he be the last Yujia in the world? That species only existed in ancient texts!


  He stared unbelievably at Haowei, who appeared serious and not joking at all. Suddenly, he fell into silence, lowering his head as his thoughts drifted far away.


  Haowei said nothing, standing quietly opposite him.


  The night wind swept in, pulling at their figures.


  On the eaves, two lanterns gently swayed, casting a dim light between them.


  After a while, Si Lan sighed softly and said, “Since I’m not an ordinary bird, does that mean I can eat roast chicken in the future?”


  God knows how he had survived these thousand years, forced to bid farewell to his beloved chicken wings, drumsticks, and thighs, simply because he had turned into a chicken and could no longer look at any chicken-made dishes.


  ”…” Haowei.


  Haowei seemed speechless, his lips twitching slightly.


  He probably didn’t expect that Si Lan’s first concern would be whether he could eat roast chicken in the future.


  Truly, he was so carefree.


  ”The reason Yujia became extinct is because its flesh grants immortality, its blood brings the dead back to life, and its bones are divine treasures. Therefore, it became not only a coveted supplement among beasts but also a weapon coveted by all beasts.”


Upon hearing this, Si Lan suddenly understood his mother’s intentions. He had always thought she disdained him for being an ordinary bird, feeling ashamed of him, but now he realized she had been protecting him all along.


Even at the last moments of her life, she was paving the way for him…


The melancholy that had arisen because of the Great Gorge gradually subsided, only to be stirred up again now. Si Lan smiled wryly, turned to gaze at the sky, not wanting Haowei to see him in this state.


“So my blood can save Song?”




“Are you really sure I’m Yujia?” Si Lan was uncertain, unable to resist seeking confirmation once more. He had thought achieving the position of Demon Lord meant the end of everything, only to discover it was just the beginning.


There were still so many secrets in his life left to uncover.


“Yes, but if you save Song, you may lose a significant portion of your cultivation, or even…”


Before Haowei could finish, Si Lan interrupted, “Forget it. Since this is the only way, I cannot stand by and watch without trying.”


With that said, Si Lan went to find Song.


He displayed a heroic and resolute appearance.


Haowei followed behind him, his gaze fixed on Si Lan’s neck, his brow deeply furrowed.



At this moment, Song lay against Song Cheng, his face pallid, his eyes empty, barely clinging to life. When he saw Si Lan appear, he could only weakly move his eyes.


Si Lan dared not delay any longer. Casting his spell, he revealed Song’s true form. A massive Purple Wisteria instantly pierced through the roof, its roots, stems, and leaves spreading out in all directions.


The roots of the Purple Wisteria had nearly been consumed by the demonic energy of the Great Gorge, its branches withering and yellowing, almost lifeless.


Si Lan tentatively opened his palm, a drop of blood dripping onto the roots of the Purple Wisteria. Slowly seeping in, the area nourished by the blood gradually turned a pale blue, restoring its original appearance.


Beside him, Song Cheng watched in astonishment.


The Lord’s blood had such miraculous effects!


Seeing that his blood was indeed effective, Si Lan continued to bleed to save Song. The branches and leaves of the Purple Wisteria trembled slightly, as if Song wanted to stop him.


Si Lan smiled, “It’s alright, I’m just bleeding a little. As long as you don’t speak to me with such resentment in the future, that’ll be repayment enough for me.”


“…” Song Cheng.


Si Lan felt his blood flow continuously, and the roots of Song’s stem were recovering at a rapid pace. The previously withered leaves gradually regained their luster, gently swaying.


Si Lan, due to excessive blood loss, had a pale face with no hint of color in his lips. His head felt dizzy, vision darkening, and just as he was about to collapse, a hand caught him in time.


“If you continue to lose blood, you’ll be in danger,” Haowei frowned.


Haowei was not just giving blood but also expending his own cultivation.


“It’s okay, just a little more to go,” Si Lan regretted not having eaten something to replenish his blood before. Now he was feeling dizzy, resting his head against Haowei’s waist.


The world around him was already pitch black, making it almost impossible to see anything.


“Alright,” Haowei noticed Si Lan’s breathing slowing down, involuntarily saying, “Si Lan, he’s already better. You don’t need to keep giving him blood.”


Si Lan didn’t respond, having fallen into unconsciousness. Haowei saw this and used his magic to stop the bleeding. Afterward, he picked Si Lan up and laid him on the bed.


Maybe due to excessive blood loss, or perhaps it was Haowei’s psychological reaction, but Si Lan appeared much thinner now. He looked fragile in his flowing blue robes, the black hair behind him making his face appear even paler.


Haowei couldn’t help but murmur softly, “Foolish.”


Truly foolish.


How could someone like him resemble a Demon Lord?


A Demon Lord should be a menace to the world, cruel and ruthless by nature, right?


The more time he spent with him, the more Haowei felt his own soul was being “purified.”


Si Lan was uncomfortable, his brow furrowed even in unconsciousness, his breath occasionally heavy or light.


Haowei reached out to sense his spiritual aura, finding his internal energy in disarray. He transferred some spiritual power to help stabilize him.


But even this could only stabilize his energy. His cultivation had suffered significantly, to the point where he could no longer maintain his human form. His body was slowly changing; the loose blue robe quietly revealed several colorful feathers.


Even his arms gradually turned into brown feathers. When Haowei looked at his face again, he had quietly transformed into a bird-like creature.


This was the first time Haowei had seen Si Lan’s true form, and it was different from what he had imagined.


At first glance, Si Lan’s true form indeed resembled an ordinary bird, but upon closer inspection, there were differences. Such as his overall brown feathers, exceptionally vibrant tail wings, and a green feather in the middle of his brow. 


There were two protuberances on his forehead that resembled horns, which likely evolved from dragon horns.


Behind Si Lan were also a pair of dazzling golden phoenix wings. At this moment, these phoenix wings had shrunk and adhered to Si Lan’s own wings like two golden ingots.


Song Cheng saw Si Lan transform into his true form, surprised and anxious at the same time. “Your Majesty, are you alright?”


“There’s no immediate danger to my life.”


However, his cultivation loss was significant, and recovery might not be so straightforward.


Thinking this, Haowei transferred some cultivation to Si Lan again, helping him rest peacefully.


When a Demon Lord does a good deed, he ends up giving away his heart.


Tsk tsk.


Song Cheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he held back and glanced at Haowei.


The person in front of him had taken off his hat, revealing an unusually handsome face. He had a clean aura, but Song Cheng couldn’t sense his cultivation level.


Is this person from the Yuqing Palace of the Nine Heavens?


Suddenly, the wisteria vine beside him flapped its roots, and Song Cheng turned to look at Song Ye in alarm. “Song Ye, how are you?”


Song Ye buried his roots in the soil, his injuries not yet fully healed, but at least his life was saved.


Not hearing Song Ye’s reply, Song Cheng approached him to check his injuries. However, at that moment, Song Ye suddenly extended two sections of roots, encircling Song Cheng’s waist and slowly lifting him into the air.


Afterward, countless leaves surged towards Song Cheng, brushing against him.


Embarrassed by the touch of the leaves, Song Cheng’s face turned red. He pushed away the leaves, intending to cast a spell to move away from Song Ye. Suddenly, he heard Song Ye’s voice in his mind.


“Brother, you promised that as long as I could survive, you would depend on me for everything.”


“…” Song Cheng.


Song Cheng felt trapped, his jaw tense. “Don’t push it too far.”


“I’m not pushing it, I just want to quietly hold my big brother for a while.” With that, the leaves stuck all over Song Cheng, causing him great embarrassment, his brows furrowed.


Suddenly, laughter came from the middle of the leaves, making Song Cheng even more embarrassed.


“Big brother, can you accompany me in your true form?”


Unable to resist Song Cheng’s coaxing, Song Cheng fell silent for a moment before revealing his true form. However, as soon as Song Cheng revealed himself, Song Cheng’s vines intertwined tightly around him like small snakes. They were so tangled together that it was hard to tell who was who for a while.


“…” Song Cheng.


Expecting Song Cheng to get angry, Song Cheng preempted, “Big brother, I’m tired. I want to rest for a while.”


Hearing this, Song Cheng didn’t say anything more.



Due to excessive blood loss and damage to his cultivation, Si Lan slept deeply. When he woke up, he saw a protruding throat, and as he looked up, he saw Haowei’s tense jawline.


Si Lan suddenly realized he was lying in Haowei’s arms and quickly sat up, only to find that his body had changed.


Seeing the familiar brown feathers and the wings fluttering involuntarily, his pupils dilated!


How could this happen?


How did he reveal his true form?!


He tried to use magic to conceal his true form, but found that he couldn’t maintain his human form at all. In no time, he was forced back into his chicken-like appearance, flapping his wings in panic.


If he was found in this state by someone evil, it would likely cause chaos in the Demon Realm!


Although Haowei said he was the last Yujia in the world, not a wild chicken, precisely because he was the last one, there was simply no way to prove his true identity to outsiders.


Before he could completely convince others, he had to hide.


He tried another spell and turned back into a human form, his whole body pale.


Seeing this, he hurriedly reached for the clothes beside him, but just as he crossed halfway, Haowei opened his eyes, and their eyes met.


After that, Haowei’s gaze subconsciously looked down, and his ears suddenly turned weirdly red.


Si Lan hastily grabbed the clothes and fumbled to put them on. But unexpectedly, he suddenly turned back into his chicken-like form, and the clothes quietly slipped off.


A brown-feathered “chicken” stood there in confusion, its two little claws just stepping on Haowei’s abdomen.

Author’s Note: Yujia gives birth to flying dragons, flying dragons give birth to phoenixes, phoenixes give birth to luan birds, and luan birds give birth to common birds. All feathered creatures are born from common birds, excerpted from “The record of memories – Discourses on the Fall of Forms”.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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