Chapter 45


Si Lan looked up at Hao Wei, thinking he was joking, but Hao Wei’s face showed no trace of a smile, as if seriously considering the feasibility of his proposal.


Si Lan lowered his voice and asked quietly, “What crime is it to kill an Immortal Lord?”


“Trial at the Judgment Platform, soul shattered and destroyed.”


Si Lan fell silent.


After walking for a while, Si Lan couldn’t help but ask again, “If you were to kill the Immortal Lord, what would the punishment be?”


Hao Wei’s eyes curved with a smile as he glanced at the “wild chicken” in his arms, “Three cups of wine as punishment.”


Si Lan sighed inwardly.


It wasn’t fair. It really wasn’t fair.


But he was just asking casually. He hadn’t lost his mind to the extent of killing Yi De Xian Jun just for the Longsword.


“The Purple Wei Jade Disk shows that Yi De Xian Jun will fall seven days from now.”


That was why Hao Wei brought Si Lan to Ying Continent.


Si Lan was surprised to hear this and opened his mouth in astonishment. Blinking, he realized they had already arrived at Yi De Xian Jun’s mansion.


The vermilion gate slowly opened, and a group of fairy maidens and children floated out, kneeling on both sides to respectfully welcome Hao Wei.


Hao Wei did not conceal his presence this time. Therefore, as soon as he and Si Lan landed, Yi De Xian Jun had already sensed Hao Wei’s presence.


Shortly after, Yi De Xian Jun emerged from his mansion.


Si Lan observed Yi De Xian Jun. The man was slender with a cold and handsome face, dressed in elegant green robes, exuding grace and nobility.


Yi De Jun greeted Hao Wei without arrogance or humility, “Your Majesty, what brings you to Ying Continent?”


Hao Wei glanced at Si Lan in his arms and said lightly, “My pet is injured. I heard Ying Continent is suitable for recuperation, so I brought it here for a short stay.”


Si Lan sighed inwardly again.


Another excuse.


Yi De Xian Jun heard this and looked at Si Lan, calmly assessing him.


A pet… a wild chicken?


Yi De found it somewhat peculiar in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. At that moment, behind Yi De Xian Jun, a handsome Immortal Lord dressed in white robes and a white jade crown walked out and stood beside Yi De Xian Jun, bowing to Hao Wei.


“Your Majesty, I apologize for not welcoming you from afar. Please forgive me.”


This was Bo Ling Xian Jun, deeply connected with Yi De Xian Jun. It was said that when Yi De Xian Jun was heavily injured and entered reincarnation three hundred years ago, Bo Ling Xian Jun accompanied him through the mortal realm tribulation.


Yi De Xian Jun returned to his position three hundred years ago, while Bo Ling Xian Jun had only recently returned.


Hao Wei raised his hand lightly, “No need for formalities. I came suddenly this time, so please treat me as an ordinary friend.”


Although he said so, Yi De Xian Jun and Bo Ling Xian Jun still did not dare to neglect Hao Wei. They invited him to stay in the main hall and arranged fine wine and dishes for the evening.


Si Lan felt a bit guilty. Coming to Ying Continent, eating Yi De Xian Jun’s food, drinking his wine, and waiting for Yi De Xian Jun’s fall—it really lacked conscience.


With these thoughts, Si Lan didn’t want to stay in the main hall anymore and went out for some fresh air.


Stepping out, he used his two small paws to cross the threshold almost half his height. Just as he reached the door, his vision suddenly went black. Instinctively looking up, he was shocked to see a face that seemed to have been mauled by a wild beast—protruding eyeballs, sunken skin, terrifyingly grotesque.


Si Lan was startled and fluttered his wings backward, loudly chirping for help.


Inside the hall, Hao Wei heard Si Lan’s cry for help and immediately rushed out. Seeing a person with a disheveled appearance and a terrifying expression standing before Si Lan, he thought the person intended to harm Si Lan. Without hesitation, Hao Wei struck out with a palm.


The person was hit by the force of the blow, flying into the air and crashing heavily onto the blue stone slabs behind, groaning in pain.


Yi De Xian Jun hurried over to the person’s side, “Kui, are you alright?”


Kui spat out blood, trying to stand up but stumbling back down.


Yi De Xian Jun picked Kui up horizontally and apologized to Hao Wei, “Your Majesty, please forgive us. This person is Kui, who raised me. His ugly appearance frightened Si Lan unintentionally, but he meant no harm.”


With Si Lan now safely tucked away in Hao Wei’s pocket, he regained his senses and looked at Kui.


Kui nestled in Yi De Xian Jun’s arms, looking thin and pale, head hanging low. The left side of his face was covered by hair, and the right side was disfigured, leaving only one eyeball discernibly human.


Si Lan clenched his small claws, now calmer after the shock, nodded at Hao Wei to confirm that Kui hadn’t attacked him; he had just been startled.


Once Hao Wei was sure Si Lan was okay, his expression relaxed slightly.


Yi De Xian Jun quickly interjected, “Your Majesty, let me take Kui downstairs to tend to his injuries.”




Yi De Xian Jun carried Kui away. Behind him, Bo Ling remained standing silently, his gaze fixed on Yi De’s departing figure.


After a while, Bo Ling withdrew his gaze and smiled apologetically at Hao Wei, then shifted his attention to Si Lan.


“Your Majesty, what… is its name?”


“Xiao Qi.”


Si Lan:


What kind of name is that?


Feeling a bit displeased, Si Lan lifted one small paw and tapped Hao Wei.


Hao Wei paused for a moment.


Bo Ling smiled and reached out to pat Si Lan’s head, “Xiao Qi, were you scared just now?”


Si Lan shook his head.


Bo Ling’s smile deepened, “Your Majesty, this ‘wild chicken’… ahem, this divine bird can actually understand speech.”


Hao Wei, with a fond look in his eyes at Si Lan, said, “Yes, he’s very clever.” Though sometimes, he liked to pretend to be clueless and fool everyone around him.


Hao Wei suddenly realized something: whether in heaven or on earth, regardless of whether Si Lan was smart or foolish, he had Hao Wei wrapped around his paw. So, from a certain perspective, the one who was most foolish wasn’t Si Lan, but himself.


Bo Ling became even more interested in Si Lan, looking eager to try something, and asked quietly, “Your Majesty, may I hold him?”


Hao Wei hesitated briefly, “He doesn’t… “


Before he could finish, Si Lan suddenly used his small paw to hook Hao Wei’s palm. Hao Wei couldn’t help but change his words, “He’s not very obedient. If you hold him, be careful.”


“Okay.” Bo Ling’s face lit up with joy as he hugged Si Lan. Si Lan then tucked a feather into Bo Ling’s embrace and pretended to be cute and obedient, rubbing his little head against Bo Ling’s chest.


Although Si Lan initially looked like a wild chicken, closer inspection revealed that his features differed greatly from that of a chicken; in fact, he bore a resemblance to a phoenix. The emerald green feathers on his brow resembled jewels, giving him a noble air.


The more Bo Ling looked at Si Lan, the more he liked him, unable to resist patting Si Lan’s head.


Si Lan pretended to be content, fluttering his wings in response to Bo Ling.


Hao Wei, watching this scene, felt somewhat embarrassed.


When he held Si Lan, the bird always looked awkward and would struggle; but when someone else held him, he appeared comfortable and content. What did this mean?


Are you disgusted by him?


“Your Majesty, I really like him. It seems he likes me too. Can I spend more time with him tonight?” Boling asked.


Haowei furrowed his brows, lowered his gaze, met Si Lan’s intense gaze, expressionless, insincerely replied, “Hmm.”


Are they going to spend the night together?


It’s a relief that Si Lan can’t maintain his human form now, otherwise the thought of Si Lan nestling in Boling’s embrace would disrupt his inner energy and make him want to kill.


Haowei reminded Si Lan through his divine sense, “Though Boling Xianjun and Yide Xianjun haven’t officially bonded, everyone in the heavenly realm knows they have mutual feelings. When Yide Xianjun was critically injured and entered the cycle of reincarnation, Boling followed suit. Now that they’ve both returned, they’re probably about to achieve their cultivation.”


“… ” Si Lan.


Suddenly Haowei used his divine sense to tell him the love story of these two, what did he mean by that?


Is he afraid that Si Lan will ruin the love between Yide Xianjun and Boling Xianjun?


Si Lan couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Haowei, turned his head away, unwilling to look at Haowei.


This guy really has a wild imagination. What does he think Si Lan is? Does he really think Si Lan will like anyone he meets?


Haowei received Si Lan’s eye roll, suspected that he had misunderstood, and upon closer inspection, Si Lan had already covered his face with his wings, looking annoyed.


“… ” Haowei.





Si Lan flapped his wings, flying around in Boling’s courtyard, landing inside the sleeping palace. After transforming into a bird, he felt much freer and could do things without seeming strange.


For example, right now he could openly eavesdrop on Boling and Yide’s conversation.


“I’ve calculated the days, seven days from now is an auspicious day for bonding, and Your Majesty happens to be here. I want Your Majesty to be our witness,” Boling handed a small booklet to Yide, filled with densely written records about bonding.


Yide glanced at the booklet, his expression turning serious in the lamplight.


“Boling, Kuai’s health is not good. I want to wait until he recovers before…”


Just moments ago, Boling, who had a gentle smile on his face, suddenly closed the booklet, his eyes reddening. “Yide, is it really just because of this reason? Or have you actually fallen for Kuai?”


Yide didn’t speak, his breath instantly solidifying.


The atmosphere around them fell silent, as if you could hear a pin drop. Si Lan involuntarily folded his wings, refraining from fluttering around.


When Yide carried Kuai away earlier, Si Lan had already sensed something was amiss.


That’s why he wanted to find an opportunity to stay by Boling’s side, to see if he could figure out the cause of Yide’s death in seven days, but he didn’t expect to overhear such a thing.


“Boling, stop talking about it.”


Yide interrupted Boling’s words, as if recalling something unpleasant, his face particularly unpleasant, he turned to leave, but Boling unexpectedly hugged his waist from behind.


“Yide, we’ve been through thousands of years, and now we’re finally about to achieve our cultivation. Are you… are you regretting it?”


“I don’t regret it. I just wonder if we can postpone the bonding ceremony and give me some time to sort things out?”


Boling nodded, and Yide turned around to embrace Boling.


Si Lan couldn’t help but furrow his brows, feeling that Yide emitted an aura of a hypocritical man who eats his cake and still eyes the pot. Shaking his head, Si Lan fluttered his wings and flew out. The two in the hall were completely absorbed in their own thoughts and didn’t notice him at all.


He wandered around the mansion and found where Kuai was staying.


Today, Kuai had been struck by Haowei, and Si Lan wasn’t sure how serious the injury was.


He felt a bit guilty. He hadn’t had time to apologize before Kuai was carried away by Yide.


He landed by the window, pushed open the paper window, and just as he was about to look inside, he met a slightly bulging eyeball, which startled him so much that he stumbled and fell off the window.


Seeing that he was about to hit the ground, he flapped his wings desperately to stabilize himself.


In the next moment, a large hand opened the window and scooped him in.


Compared to his scarred face, the voice was clean and refreshing, like a breeze in spring.


“Aren’t you afraid of me, little bird? Why did you dare to come over?” 


Si Lan was still in shock, but he raised his head and met Kuai’s face. Kuai had scars crisscrossing the right side of his face, almost obscuring his features, while the left side was covered by hair.


Si Lan pretended not to understand Kuai’s words and made two “coo coo” sounds.


Kuai suddenly chuckled and placed Si Lan on the table, taking out a handful of golden grains from his storage pouch and sprinkling them on the table.


Si Lan hadn’t expected Kuai to actually treat him like a bird. Unable to resist, he used his claws to push aside the golden grains, looking somewhat proud.


Observing this, Kuai fell into thought and poured out peach blossom wine from a white jade bottle.


Si Lan saw the peach blossom wine and excitedly flapped his wings, leaning over the edge of the cup and extending his pink tongue to taste the wine inside. In the land of Yingzhou where peach blossoms flourished, this peach blossom wine was even better than usual.


The smile on Kuai’s lips deepened. “So you’re not a chicken after all.”


But not a phoenix either. Could he be a Yujia?


Kuai’s gaze grew deeper as he quietly observed Si Lan through the dim candlelight.


It was rumored that Yujia’s blood could cure all diseases. Could using its blood restore his own face?


After sipping a few mouthfuls of peach blossom wine, Si Lan didn’t dare to overindulge. He folded his wings and showed a contented expression.


Kuai reached out and rubbed its head. “Go back quickly, or His Majesty Haowei will start worrying about you. Today, I just scared you accidentally, but Haowei almost tore you apart.”


Clearly, Haowei placed great importance on this Yujia.


Si Lan didn’t eat Kuai’s food for nothing. He shook his wings and transformed a pill, which not only healed Kuai’s injuries from today but also aided Kuai’s cultivation.


Kui glanced at the elixir and smiled faintly but declined, “No need.” He didn’t need this anymore; his lifespan was nearing its end, and nothing could save him now.


Seeing his refusal, Si Lan became a bit anxious and spoke in a human-like manner, “Your aura is weak. Eat more spirit fruits to nourish your body.” Kui’s internal injuries were severe, and his life was fading.


Upon hearing him speak, Kui wasn’t surprised. He gently patted Si Lan’s head. His half-face still looked fierce and terrifying, but to Si Lan’s eyes, it no longer seemed frightening.


“Alright, then I’ll accept your spirit fruits. Thank you.”


“Actually… I should apologize,” Si Lan also took the opportunity to apologize on behalf of Haowei, “And also to His Majesty Haowei, he shouldn’t have struck you. However, at that time, he must have misunderstood that you were trying to harm me and acted in haste.”


“I understand. I… actually envy you a lot. To have someone willing to protect you at all costs.” Kui didn’t know what he was recalling, the light in his eyes fading as he looked down.


Si Lan wanted to comfort him, so he flapped his wings and flew to Kui’s other side.


A gust of wind blew in through the window coffin, pushing aside the hair that covered Kui’s left half-face.


Suddenly, Si Lan noticed that Kui’s left half-face wasn’t disfigured; it had been covered with hair all along!


It was strange. Why would Kui deliberately cover the intact half of his face and expose the disfigured side instead?


At that moment, Kui lifted his head, revealing a gorgeous and dazzling blue eye.


When Si Lan met Kui’s left eye, a rush of memories flooded his mind.


Under the moonlight, a figure in black slowly turned around, revealing an exquisitely handsome face, and even in the darkness, his stunningly eerie blue eyes were unmistakable.


He was Fan Yu, the son of Heaven’s Dao.


Kui’s eyes were unexpectedly the same as Fan Yu’s!


Upon closer inspection, Si Lan realized that not only were Kui’s eyes identical to Fan Yu’s, but his face was also exactly the same!


Si Lan was stunned and couldn’t find words to say as he looked at Kui’s face.


According to ancient texts, Fan Yu opposed the Dao of Heaven and met a tragic end.


Could it be… the Kui in front of him couldn’t possibly be the reincarnation of Fan Yu, but how could he look exactly like him?


Si Lan was puzzled. He thought if Haowei were here, he could ask him. As if sensing his thoughts, Haowei’s voice suddenly appeared in Si Lan’s divine consciousness.


“He is not the reincarnation of Fan Yu, but he is related to Fan Yu.”


Si Lan was startled, looking around but not seeing Haowei’s figure.


“Don’t bother looking. I’ve attached a trace of my aura to your back.”


“…” Si Lan.


Kui realized that the wind had blown his hair, revealing the left half of his face, and hurriedly pressed his hair down, feeling embarrassed. “Did… I scare you?” His left eye was blue, always seen as unusual, fearing it might startle the exquisite Xiaoyu Jia.


Si Lan quickly shook his head. “Are your eyes natural?”


“Yeah.” Kui touched his hair again, as if trying to cover his blue eyes even more.


“It looks nice.” Unable to help himself, Si Lan comforted, “Your right half of the face is disfigured, but you don’t care. Instead, you carefully hide that blue eye, showing how much ridicule you must have endured.”


“Thank you.” Kui smiled shyly, “Ah Hu also said it looks good, but it still scares people.” For example, the Immortal Lord Boling was very afraid of his blue eye, so Yide asked him to cover it with hair.


Si Lan felt a twinge of sadness. Although Kui was not the reincarnation of Fan Yu, he was somehow connected to him. The once proud son of Heaven’s Dao now looked like this.


Perhaps, annihilation of the soul wasn’t the harshest punishment after all.


The harshest punishment might be erasing someone’s arrogance throughout countless cycles of life and death.


Unable to restrain himself, Si Lan flapped his wings and landed on Kui’s shoulder. Kui immediately froze, tilting his neck to silently gaze at Si Lan. Si Lan folded his wings and hugged Kui’s neck.


After his initial surprise, Kui’s face softened into a smile.


“Kui, whether it’s your eyes or your face, you don’t need to care about others’ opinions.”


Kui also reached out, gently stroking Si Lan’s fur. “Yeah, when Ah Hu returns, I’ll leave with him. By then, I won’t live for anyone else, only for myself.”


“Ah Hu?” Si Lan had heard this name twice now.


“Yeah, Ah Hu is Yide’s mount. Yide sent him to Jiuyou to earn merit, and once he does, Ah Hu will regain his freedom.” Kui mentioned Ah Hu with a hint of amusement in his eyes.


Ah Hu was his only tenderness in this world.


Si Lan nodded understandingly, realizing vaguely that despite appearances, this life’s Kui was at least cared for by someone.


In the chamber, Haowei, sensing through that trace of aura, saw Si Lan embracing Kui with his wings, his expression dark. Unable to resist, Haowei spoke up to remind Si Lan, “Kui looks a bit tired. Don’t disturb him any further.”


This disobedient little “chicken,” sometimes clinging to Boling, sometimes to Kui—couldn’t he sit still?


Wasn’t he better off when he was silly in the mortal realm, paying attention only to him without a glance at anyone else?


Seeing that Kui indeed seemed a bit weary, Si Lan bid farewell and escorted Kui out. Only after watching him flap his wings over the wall did Kui withdraw his gaze.


Returning to the room, Si Lan landed on the desk, feeling content from the peach blossom brew. His wings involuntarily folded in front of him as he slowly stroked his belly.


Seeing this, Haowei commented coolly, “One family in the east, another in the west—seems like you’re having a great time.”


Si Lan sensed the sarcasm in Haowei’s tone and explained, “I wanted to know the reason behind Yide Immortal Lord’s fall. Judging from his inner aura, it’s stable and strong, doesn’t seem like something’s wrong.”


Haowei replied lightly, “The Purple Wei Jade Disk controls the destinies of all beings in the six realms. It won’t make mistakes.”


“Oh.” Si Lan flapped his wings and settled onto the bed, closing his eyes to sleep while asking, “How much do you know about the story between Yide Immortal Lord and Boling Immortal Lord?”




Haowei’s gaze fell upon the bed, where the vibrant “wild chicken” lay sleeping. Involuntarily, his mind wandered back to the time in the mortal realm when Si Lan curled up in his arms.


He cast a spell to extinguish the lights, then lay down on the bed, reaching out to pull Si Lan closer.


Si Lan frowned uneasily, about to say something, when Haowei’s deep voice interrupted him.


“Tens of thousands of years ago, Yide and Boling ascended together as immortals. One was titled the Immortal Lord of Yingzhou, the other the Immortal Lord of Jinyun Mountain. They had similar temperaments and shared hobbies, and their friendship was deep. Rumor had it that they intended to become immortal companions, but Yingzhou was attacked by savage beasts, Yide was critically injured and reincarnated, and Boling followed him into reincarnation upon death. Yet their immortal bond was profound, and they both returned to their positions.”


“What about Kui?” Si Lan was curious how Fanyu ended up encountering Yide in this life. Logically, as a fragment of the Celestial Dao, Yide should have been feared by Kui.


“Kui… there are few records about him. He was likely a servant in Yingzhou, and later when Yide reincarnated as a mortal, Kui brought him back to Yingzhou to care for him until Yide returned to his position.”


Si Lan recalled overhearing Yide and Boling’s conversation earlier and felt that something must have happened between Yide and Kui. Drowsy and confused, he drifted off to sleep.


Unbeknownst to him, in the darkness, Haowei’s eyes were fixed on him, filled with deep affection.


Sensing Si Lan’s stabilized breath, Haowei gently cast a spell to transform him into human form.


Si Lan’s slender figure nestled in Haowei’s embrace, his head lowered with his warm breath brushing against Haowei’s arm, spreading slowly along his arm.


Haowei involuntarily tightened his arms around him. They had once slept together like this in the cave of the Void.




Haowei felt deep regret in his heart. If only he hadn’t erased those memories back then, perhaps they wouldn’t have missed each other for seven hundred years. He had come seven hundred years late to find his little fool.


Resting his chin on Si Lan’s shoulder, Haowei’s voice trembled imperceptibly in the darkness.


“Xiaoqi, have you forgotten me too?”


It must be that he had forgotten, otherwise he wouldn’t treat him like this.


At that time, Si Lan had been severely injured by Lord Chushan, his soul shattered. After that fragment of his soul returned to his original body, he didn’t retain any memories.


To Si Lan, perhaps it was just a dream, or maybe even less than a dream.


Haowei wanted to find an opportunity to explain to Si Lan, but he vaguely felt that in these past few days, Si Lan seemed to have developed some grievances against him. He couldn’t figure out why Si Lan had changed after only a few days of separation.


Somehow, his mind suddenly flashed back to the eight handsome men that Li Qing had given to Si Lan last time, and he felt a surge of jealousy. Could it be that these days, Si Lan had gone to the Southern Wind Pavilion?


The more Haowei thought about it, the angrier he became. Unable to restrain himself, he bit Si Lan’s neck that was exposed outside, with a hint of resentment. Originally, he had only intended to bite lightly, but unexpectedly, Si Lan’s scent was so intoxicating that he involuntarily increased his strength.


When he realized it, he had already broken the skin.




With his last bit of reason, he withdrew his teeth and used his fingers to heal the broken skin.


Si Lan’s cultivation had not yet recovered, and if he were to suck his blood again, he was afraid he would become even weaker. Si Lan groaned twice in his sleep, turned around to face Haowei, yawned, but did not wake up.


Haowei’s gaze pierced through the darkness, quietly landing on Si Lan’s face. Then, he lowered his head and kissed Si Lan’s forehead, nose, and lips…


The next day when Si Lan woke up, he found that he had actually transformed into human form!


However, before he could be happy for long, he found that he was currently naked, nestled in Haowei’s arms. Haowei’s forehead was against his forehead, one arm around his waist, and one of Si Lan’s legs was still dr4p3d over Haowei’s waist.


Their skins were tightly pressed together, including their intimate parts.


He could even feel the arousal on the other side.


“…Si Lan.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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