Chapter 67


Yu Wuxia’s lips curled into a cold smile. Seeing the blood flow uncontrollably, he decided not to use his energy to heal himself anymore.


He wiped the bloodstains from the corner of his mouth, the red mark between his eyebrows vivid against his pale face. “Heh, quite interesting.”


Indeed, he was the chosen son meticulously cultivated by the Heavenly Law for over fifty thousand years.


Haowei absorbed Taiwei’s cultivation from birth until Taiwei’s destined demise. He naturally inherited over fifty thousand years of Taiwei’s cultivation. It could be said that Taiwei, the former Heavenly Emperor, was not just his father but also the crucible that nurtured and expended everything to raise this divine emperor.


Si Lan said, “Yu Wuxia, no matter what, in this life you haven’t committed irreparable mistakes yet. If you’re willing to release Great Heng Immortal Ancestor and lift the Five Star Nine Heavens Formation, there’s still time to make amends.”


Yu Wuxia seemed to find something amusing in Si Lan’s words. He snorted, his brows arching sharply, eyes deep and piercing like two pools in the abyss, veiled in darkness and calmness, yet predatory like a wild wolf hunting at night, with sharp and sinister eyes.


“Jun Li, you’ve seen it too. This world is so rotten, so filthy. It needs a complete transformation.”


Pausing, he continued, “If the two of us could work together to reshape the Six Realms and create a new perfect world, wouldn’t that be better?”


Seeing his stubbornness, Si Lan threatened, “You’re injured now. If you don’t treat it, you’ll die. Your goal of establishing a new world is also to be forever with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor. But if you die, your goal won’t be achieved.”


Yu Wuxia remained unmoved, “I won’t die. Even if the soul in this fleshly body perishes, it can still become the smallest part of the new world and come back to life.”


And Great Heng Immortal Ancestor had already transcended reincarnation; he would be transported by the formation to the new world, waiting for his resurrection. Then no one would say anything against the norms or defy moral principles. They would live as they pleased in this new world.


No, not just them. Everyone could live as they pleased in this new world.


At the thought, madness flickered in Yu Wuxia’s eyes.


Si Lan heard the words “come back to life even after the soul perishes,” a fleeting thought crossed his mind, but he didn’t dwell on it and was drawn back by Yu Wuxia’s words.


“Jun Li, the Heavenly Laws won’t allow excessively powerful beings to exist in the Six Realms. Once they do, they’ll slowly fall like Lord You Shou.” Yu Wuxia’s voice carried a hint of temptation, “So why work for it? Come with me instead. Let’s build a new world. Your beloved won’t suffer the fate of falling from godhood if she reaches that level.”


Upon hearing the words “beloved,” Si Lan’s face flushed slightly. It had to be said, Yu Wuxia knew how to tempt people’s hearts, knowing that reasoning with him directly wouldn’t work, so he used the person Si Lan cared about to persuade him.


But Yu Wuxia was mistaken.


Si Lan stopped him not for the sake of the Heavenly Law.


As for Haowei, he believed Haowei understood better than he did what needed to be done.


Haowei glanced at Si Lan, as if afraid Si Lan would be persuaded. Taking over the conversation, he said, “I don’t need your pretense of goodwill, Yu Wuxia. Are you determined to activate the Five Star Nine Heavens Formation?”


“Yes.” Yu Wuxia’s lips curled, his eyes wild and incomprehensible.


Haowei didn’t waste any more words. He activated the black Soul-Locking Talismans inside Yu Wuxia, suppressing part of his cultivation and preventing him from healing his wounds.


And the moment Yu Wuxia appeared, he secretly set up a formation. Now, like them, Yu Wuxia was trapped, unable to escape.


Sensing this, Yu Wuxia simply clasped his hands in front of his chest, creating a barrier around him to keep Si Lan and Haowei at bay. He closed his eyes, lips moving silently as he attempted to force the Soul-Locking Talismans out of his body with incantations.


In doing so, he inadvertently left an opportunity for Si Lan and Haowei.


Haowei said, “Si Lan, use the Return Spell.”


Upon hearing this, Yu Wuxia opened his eyes and sneered mockingly, “Even in the previous life, the Return Spell proved futile.”


Si Lan walked up to Yu Wuxia and looked at this handsome and alluring monk, despite bleeding heavily, with some compassion in his heart. “Yu Wuxia, do you know why Great Heng Immortal Ancestor refuses to accept you?”


Yu Wuxia’s expression froze at the words, his eyes swirling with intensity as if touched on a raw nerve. In the next instant, a mass of black energy surged out from within his barrier, transforming into blades aimed directly at Si Lan’s forehead.


Haowei acted swiftly, pulling Si Lan behind him and slashing his sword to disperse the black energy.


Si Lan, however, showed no fear. Without even blinking, he leaned out from behind Haowei and declared to Yu Wuxia with a cutting edge, “I think Great Heng Immortal Ancestor rejects you not only because of your cultivation path but also because of your character. Your character is just too poor!” And you don’t even understand how to love others.


He refrained from uttering the last sentence.


Yu Wuxia glared at him furiously, the red mark between his eyebrows pulsing, as if containing immense rage.


Haowei, unperturbed by Yu Wuxia’s reaction, finished his retort, unwilling to waste any more time. He then began to chant a spell to activate the Return Spell.


As Yu Wuxia had predicted, even if the Return Spell revealed everything Yu Wuxia had experienced, it might not uncover his weaknesses. Nevertheless, they had no choice but to try.


At the moment when Si Lan cast the spell, Haowei added another barrier around Yu Wuxia’s existing barrier, further restricting his movements. One condition for successfully activating the Return Spell was keeping the target within thirty feet.


He feared Yu Wuxia might attempt to escape.


Yu Wuxia looked at the two formations and barriers restricting his movements, his pale face darkening slightly.


Was it really necessary to be so cautious?


He glanced at Haowei with a newfound scrutiny. Initially, due to the Heavenly Law, he had underestimated Haowei’s cultivation and intellect. But after their recent exchanges, he suddenly realized that Haowei was not someone to be taken lightly.


At this moment, Haowei was not concerned with Yu Wuxia’s scrutiny. Alongside Si Lan, he entered into the illusion.


Si Lan was now proficient in manipulating the Wheel of Time. After some thought, he decided to return to the scene of Yu Wuxia’s first encounter with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor.


That was the beginning of all their karma.


They landed in a forest, deep into autumn. The branches and leaves on the trees had turned completely yellow, and the ground was covered with layers of fallen leaves. When the strong wind blew, it created a dazzling yet desolate scene of yellow.


They glanced around the forest but didn’t see Great Heng Immortal Ancestor or Yu Wuxia. Just as they were puzzled, another gust of wind blew, scattering a pile of fallen leaves ahead, revealing a corner of a lead-gray monk’s robe.


Si Lan and Haowei exchanged a glance, then moved towards the almost completely enveloped figure buried under the fallen leaves, which turned out to be Yu Wuxia.


The gentle wind brushed over Yu Wuxia’s body, bringing and taking away the fallen leaves, revealing his young and delicate face. Despite looking as though he had endured much hardship in the forest, with sunken eye sockets and slightly dry lips, there was not a hint of discomfort on his face. His expression appeared resolute.


Seeing Yu Wuxia in this state, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel a sense of emotion: a model student had turned into a little tyrant.


The diligent Buddhist practitioner had turned into a man-eating tiger, who had become a Immortal.


Through all these experiences, Yu Wuxia’s heart had not twisted irreparably. It was just unclear how this twist later led him to fall in love with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor…


Haowei noticed Si Lan staring fixedly at Yu Wuxia’s face and, recalling Si Lan’s earlier compliment on Yu Wuxia’s looks, lowered his eyelids and asked coolly, “Is he handsome?”


Si Lan quickly responded, “Not as handsome as you.”


Haowei knew Si Lan was buttering him up, but his lowered eyelids lifted slightly, deliberately asking, “Oh, really?”


“Yeah, really.”


After all, spiritual cultivation could affect a person’s appearance. The higher the cultivation, the better one looked, so purely in terms of appearance, there weren’t many who could compare to Haowei.


Si Lan felt like he had stumbled upon a big advantage by accident.


As they conversed, an unusually heavy breathing sound suddenly came from behind them, accompanied by the crushing of fallen leaves underfoot.


They turned around and saw a tiger, skin and bones from hunger.


This was Great Heng Immortal Ancestor.


The tiger approached step by step until it stood in front of Yu Wuxia.


Yu Wuxia slowly opened his eyes and met the tiger’s gaze.


Si Lan wasn’t sure what the emotions were between the man and the tiger, but he felt unexpectedly nervous and reached out to grab Haowei’s sleeve beside him.


Haowei glanced at his hand, then pretended to casually touch Si Lan’s hand and quietly held it.


Si Lan’s attention was now focused on the man and the tiger. Contrary to the expected tense atmosphere, the tiger was lying on the ground, barely breathing, looking at Yu Wuxia.


Yu Wuxia closed his eyes again and resumed his meditation.


A day passed like this. Yu Wuxia continued meditating while the tiger’s breath grew weaker.


Si Lan observed the scene in silence and remarked, “I didn’t expect Immortal Jiaheng to be… so courteous.” He figured Immortal Jiaheng’s emaciation in this dense forest was probably due to not actively hunting.


Now the tiger guarded Yu Wuxia, apparently intending to wait until he died to eat him. Yet Yu Wuxia unexpectedly persevered.


The tiger lay on the ground, half-opening its eyes to watch Yu Wuxia.


Perhaps its gaze was too intense. Yu Wuxia opened his eyes, turned the prayer beads in his hand, and smiled wryly, “Since we’ve met here, it must be fate. I can’t bear to let a life pass before my eyes, so I’ll give you a piece of my flesh.”


With that, Yu Wuxia cut a piece of flesh from his arm and handed it to the tiger.


The tiger smelled the blood and couldn’t help but growl softly. It devoured the piece of flesh voraciously. After satisfying its hunger, the tiger did not leave but continued to guard Yu Wuxia.


With closed eyes, Yu Wuxia continued chanting and meditating, seemingly oblivious to the pain in his arm or the tiger’s watchful eyes.


The next day, the tiger was hungry again. Yu Wuxia cut a piece of flesh from his leg for it.


On the third day, it was flesh from his chest.



Until finally, the once lean disciple of Immortal became a nearly fleshless skeleton. As the white bones collapsed, his eyes remained fixed on the sky.


Si Lan approached and heard the murmured words of the white bones, “Why do I still lack that last bit of merit?”


At that moment, the tiger that had consumed the flesh suddenly emitted a golden light, transforming into a Immortal figure.


Seeing this, the white bones could not rest in peace.


Si Lan looked at the transformed Jiaheng and then at the white bones, deeply moved. Unable to contain his curiosity, he turned to Haowei, whom he regarded as knowing everything.


“Why did the tiger attain Immortalhood while Yu Wuxia perished?”


Haowei frowned thoughtfully and replied, “I do not fully understand the Buddhist principles here, but I suspect it’s because Yu Wuxia’s act of feeding his flesh to the tiger wasn’t purely out of compassion but rather stemmed from his desire to attain that last bit of merit. His attachment to gaining merit prevented his enlightenment. Whereas the tiger, though it consumed flesh, did so out of instinct, not malice.”


Moreover, this tiger seemed unlikely to attack living beings and only ate dead things or what was given, which explained its skeletal appearance.


Although the tiger was a fierce beast ignorant of Buddhist scriptures, it possessed a Immortal’s heart, which enabled it to attain Immortalhood.


Si Lan couldn’t help but think of the Moth King for some reason.


He wondered if Yu Wuxia had foreseen this reason when he initially chose the Moth King.


Some actions, though seemingly evil, are not entirely evil.


Some deeds, though seemingly virtuous, are not entirely virtuous.


Si Lan witnessed Immortal Jiaheng’s swift enlightenment and profound study of Buddhist texts after his sudden Immortalhood in the Thirty-Three Heavens, ultimately becoming a disciple of the Blessed Passing Immortal.


On the other hand, after countless reincarnations, Yu Wuxia consistently performed good deeds.


Si Lan manipulated the cycle spell, jumping directly to the scene where they first met many years later.


Suddenly, a disciple on earth ascended to become a Immortal due to his profound virtue, illuminating the Thirty-Three Heavens with his merit lamp. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bronze bells rang autonomously, their sound incessant, Immortal’s light radiating over a hundred thousand miles, shaking the Six Realms.


All the Immortals of the Thirty-Three Heavens mobilized to witness this extraordinary disciple.


When Yu Wuxia ascended to the Thirty-Three Heavens, he saw countless Immortals standing amidst the clouds, dignified and smiling.


Si Lan followed Yu Wuxia and witnessed this magnificent scene, unable to resist saying, “I didn’t expect Yu Wuxia to have such prestige.”


Haowei coolly remarked, “Indeed, good-looking and prestigious.”




He realized he shouldn’t praise others, even if they were mortal enemies. He obediently closed his mouth and followed behind Yu Wuxia.


“Disciple Wuxia pays respects to the Immortals.”


Seated on a lotus throne, the Blessed Passing Immortal, with compassionate eyes, smiled at Yu Wuxia, “Wuxia, all these Immortals behind you are willing to take you as their disciple. Whom do you choose?”


Yu Wuxia glanced at the multitude of Immortals behind him but eventually fixed his gaze upon Immortal Jiaheng beside the Blessed Passing Immortal.


When Yu Wuxia ascended, Immortal Jiaheng’s expression turned uneasy. Meeting Yu Wuxia’s direct gaze, his brow furrowed slightly.


“Immortal, I wish to become a disciple under Immortal Jiaheng.”


Immortal Jiaheng’s expression immediately turned odd. He sought help from the Blessed Passing Immortal, who after a moment’s consideration, surprisingly agreed.


The Blessed Passing Immortal said something to Jiaheng, and despite Immortal Jiaheng’s hint of helplessness on his face, he didn’t object but nodded lightly.


As Immortal Jiaheng led Yu Wuxia away, the other Immortals behind them showed regretful expressions.


Yu Wuxia followed Immortal Jiaheng, his gaze fixed on the back of his neck. Immortal Jiaheng sensed his stare, causing his steps to stiffen slightly.


Upon arriving at a secluded cave, Immortal Jiaheng finally turned around, feigning indifference. “You shall cultivate here.”


Yu Wuxia surveyed the dim surroundings, worse than the conditions he had in his earthly practice. Nevertheless, he remained silent, respectfully folding his hands in front of his chest. “Yes.”


As Jiaheng turned to leave, he paused beside Yu Wuxia, suddenly remembering something. He glanced at Yu Wuxia’s face and asked, “Why did you choose to follow under my guidance?”


He hadn’t taken a disciple for a thousand years. Even if he did, it wouldn’t have been Yu Wuxia. It was the Blessed Passing Immortal who told him about the cause and effect — the flesh sacrifice back then was the cause; now, taking a disciple was the effect.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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