Chapter 72


Si Lan looked into the illusion and saw Yu Wuxia confessing his feelings. Immortal Jiaheng stood frozen in place, his eyes filled with disbelief as he stared at Yu Wuxia.


Anyone would feel thunderstruck and unable to accept it.


Perhaps in Immortal Jiaheng’s heart, it was easier to accept that Yu Wuxia had come to kill him rather than to admire him. After hearing these words, Immortal Jiaheng fell into shock and remained silent for a long time.


The wind on the thirty-third heavenly level was unusually cold, causing their clothes to flutter and their shadows to almost touch.


The moonlight was dim, obscuring their faces in shadows, making them barely visible.


Yu Wuxia took a step forward intending to approach Immortal Jiaheng, but in the next instant, the ground cracked open, forcing him to retreat.




“Yu Wuxia, must you resort to such means to humiliate me?”


“Master, do you think my affection is a humiliation?” Yu Wuxia’s voice turned cold, each word filled with disbelief in the darkness.


He had never imagined that his love could be seen as humiliation in the eyes of the other person, and couldn’t help but laugh at himself.


How absurd.


What he held as the most precious and cherished was so despised by the other.


Si Lan saw the eyes of Yu Wuxia hidden in the shadows turn crimson, sensing his genuine distress.


Yet, he was unsure of the true meaning behind Immortal Jiaheng’s words.


Immortal Jiaheng mistakenly believed that Yu Wuxia was using such lowly methods for revenge.


“Master, do you have no heart?” Seeing Immortal Jiaheng remain silent, Yu Wuxia couldn’t help but ask, “Have you never been curious about love?”


“Shut up!” Immortal Jiaheng felt Yu Wuxia’s words were nonsense and slapped him across the face in frustration.


Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, but Yu Wuxia continued to smile and ask, “Master, you’ve never experienced it, so you don’t understand the feeling of liking someone, nor dare to like someone. Is that how all of you in the thirty-three heavens of Immortals are, deceiving yourselves and others, burying your heads in the sand, and pretending all day long…”


Yu Wuxia was interrupted by Immortal Jiaheng’s slap before he could finish speaking.


Afterwards, Yu Wuxia remained silent, merely covering half of his face, quietly watching Immortal Jiaheng.


Immortal Jiaheng’s eyes were cold as he said, “I forgive you for this first offense. If there’s a next time, don’t blame me for handing you over to Immortal of Blissful Nirvana.”


Yu Wuxia retorted coldly, “Master should treat me like you did to Senior Brother, annihilating my physical form with a single slap, condemning me to the cycle of reincarnation.”


Immortal Jiaheng said nothing, just glaring fiercely at him, emotions that Yu Wuxia couldn’t comprehend in his eyes.


Immortal Jiaheng indeed wished to send him into reincarnation, but how could he explain this to the thirty-three heavens?


To accuse Yu Wuxia of disrespecting his master…


Even if he dared to speak out, would the other Immortals believe him?


They were all aware of the entanglement between him and Yu Wuxia; they would surely think he was lying. Thus, he reluctantly forgave Yu Wuxia’s recent actions.


“I suggest you refrain from coming out for a while. Return and confine yourself to meditation. Come back when you’ve sorted out your feelings towards men and women.”




As Immortal Jiaheng turned to leave, Yu Wuxia reached out to him, but before his hand could touch Immortal Jiaheng’s robe, something seemed to pierce him, causing him to retract his hand.


Moonlight fell on Yu Wuxia’s face, the scattered shadows making his features appear even deeper. He still held a glimmer of hope as he asked, “Master, are you sparing me from severe punishment because I am more important to you than Senior Brother?”


Immortal Jiaheng hadn’t expected Yu Wuxia to ask such a question at this moment. Instantly, anger and embarrassment surged within him, and he struck Yu Wuxia’s chest with another slap, sending him flying and crashing against the wall behind.


“Foolish dreams,” Immortal Jiaheng uttered these words before turning away and leaving.


Inside the barrier, Si Lan instinctively covered his chest as Immortal Jiaheng struck, feeling as if the slap had almost pierced through the barrier and harmed him.


It seemed Immortal Jiaheng was truly furious, putting considerable force into that slap.


Si Lan listened to their conversation nearby, feeling that although they seemed to be discussing, in reality, they were talking past each other, the abyss of their past life’s entanglements lying between them.


Without bridging this gap, let alone love, simply having a meaningful conversation was problematic.


Si Lan believed that, under the current circumstances, Immortal Jiaheng found it even harder to cross this divide.


In the eyes of outsiders, Immortal Jiaheng seemed to benefit without cause. Perhaps even Immortal Jiaheng himself felt this way, unable to face Yu Wuxia, whom he saw as an unjustified victim.


Upon learning that Yu Wuxia loved him, Immortal Jiaheng found it ludicrous and humiliating.


Si Lan looked up at the hall where Yu Wuxia lay fallen on the ground, not getting up.


Thinking he was severely injured, Si Lan hurriedly pulled Haowei over, only to find Yu Wuxia lying quietly, letting blood trickle from his mouth.


Yu Wuxia’s eyes were lifeless, his face unnaturally pale under the moonlight, the hint of blood on his lips strangely alluring.


A faint red mark flickered on his forehead, a sign of the emerging inner demon.


Si Lan knelt beside Yu Wuxia, watching this pale and fragile young man. He couldn’t help but sigh, “If I had been born three thousand years earlier and met you, guiding you, you wouldn’t have ended up like this with Immortal Jiaheng.”


Si Lan felt he couldn’t do much else, but he could see through this aspect clearly.


Haowei glanced at him upon hearing this, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.


This incident didn’t teach Yu Wuxia a lesson; instead, he became even more arrogant.


As if in defiance, he not only didn’t confine himself but secretly went to the demon realm to play with that fox demon.


The fox demons were naturally playful, especially encountering such a handsome monk. They were delighted and took Yu Wuxia to their ancestral home. Those female demons gathered around Yu Wuxia, sensing the strong Buddhist and masculine aura emanating from him.


Yu Wuxia is as selective as choosing a concubine. His gaze wandered among a group of enchantresses, eventually picking several who resembled the venerable Immortal Jiaheng, constantly accompanying him.


He built a palace in the demon realm, seemingly anticipating his future fate.


He made no attempt to conceal his actions, abandoning himself to pleasure, bringing along five enchantresses to revel in the Thirty-Three Heavens. One of them unexpectedly took an interest in Immortal Jiaheng, sneaking into his sleeping quarters with intentions to seduce him with her beauty, only to be injured by Immortal Jiaheng instead.


This enchantress managed to escape back, seething with hatred towards Immortal Jiaheng, and exaggeratedly recounted the incident to Yu Wuxia. Upon hearing this, Yu Wuxia’s face darkened, his black eyes fixating on the enchantress.


Before the enchantress could react, Yu Wuxia snapped her neck.


Due to this enchantress’s appearance, Immortal Jiaheng sensed something amiss. Upon approaching, he found Yu Wuxia reclining among beauties, with a fairy named Qingniao feeding him gr4p3s.


The scene at that moment struck Si Lan as the most chaotic and violent he had ever witnessed.


The enchantresses, caught red-handed, panicked and attempted to flee but were trapped within a barrier, screaming in terror.


Qingniao, braver than the others, actually attacked Immortal Jiaheng with a weapon.


Unfortunately, she was no match for Immortal Jiaheng. His prayer beads scattered, piercing through her body, instantly reverting her to her original form and shattering her insides.


It is said that the reason for the rift between Yu Wuxia and Immortal Jiaheng that later spread was because Immortal Jiaheng killed Yu Wuxia’s beloved.


In truth, Si Lan saw no remorse in Yu Wuxia’s eyes. In fact, Yu Wuxia didn’t even spare a glance at Qingniao on the ground. His gaze was fixed on Immortal Jiaheng, his words full of infatuation: “Master, by killing your disciple’s beloved, what will come of this?”


“Yu Wuxia, have you gone mad?” Immortal Jiaheng glanced at the other screaming enchantresses, “You… how dare you bring these demons to the Thirty-Three Heavens for pleasure?!”


Yu Wuxia laughed heartily, “Isn’t it enough as long as they’re demons?”




Immortal Jiaheng slapped Yu Wuxia hard. As he tried to pull his hand back, Yu Wuxia grabbed it and put his fingers into his mouth in front of him.


Enraged, Immortal Jiaheng tried to strike Yu Wuxia with magic, but despite being beaten to cough up blood, Yu Wuxia refused to let go.


Yu Wuxia left deep bite marks on Immortal Jiaheng’s index and middle fingers, almost biting down to the bone.


“Master, our fate as master and disciple in this life ends here.”


After saying this, a fiery red mark bloomed on Yu Wuxia’s forehead, his entire body surging and rolling, from Immortal to demon, causing the 9,999 bells of the Thirty-Three Heavens to wail mournfully, as if mourning for him.


In an instant, all the Immortals of the Thirty-Three Heavens sensed the change.


That deeply rooted Buddhist disciple had fallen into the demonic path.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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