Chapter 123 – Did You Two Elope?

Chapter 123 – Did You Two Elope?


There was a hint of awkwardness in the air.


Under the light, the little silver dragon sparkled. Unlike his two older brothers who immediately looked for food after hatching, this little guy paid great attention to his cleanliness. He ignored everything else and started licking off the dirty parts of his remaining eggshell. Sitting in the red shell, he was extremely well-behaved.


Jian Luo said, “I think this might just be an accident.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow at him. “For example?”


“For example…” Jian Luo racked his brains. He tentatively suggested, “Maybe the ink ran out halfway through dyeing?”


There was a chill in the air.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly. Jian Luo’s smile froze on his face. Lu Shifeng’s expressionless face told him that it wasn’t a very funny joke.


Jian Luo coughed lightly and blurted out, “Anyway, it’s yours. If you don’t believe it, you can do a paternity test.”


Lu Shifeng spoke slowly, “Both Silver and I are genetic replicates. Our offspring could be black or white.”


Only then did Jian Luo remember this aspect. His eyes lit up. “So, you mean…”


Lu Shifeng said, “Even if the child is Silver’s, you don’t need to worry. He’s not here now, but every dragon has the obligation and responsibility to take care of the hatchlings. I won’t abandon you two (Jian Luo and the kids). If it’s mine…”


Jian Luo cursed him inwardly for being a blockhead but had to follow up, “If it’s yours, then what?”


“If it’s mine, I’ll take full responsibility. I’ll raise them and…” His teenage voice sounded unusually mature and steady. Looking at Jian Luo with a resolute expression on his delicate face, he said, “I’ll take care of you too.”


Listening to his words, Jian Luo’s slight resentment dissipated. Although he knew that the words of a scoundrel might not be reliable, and although he hadn’t planned to rely on anyone, although…


Just as Jian Luo was lost in thought, Lu Shifeng added another question, “Are we legal partners?”


Jian Luo: “Huh?”


“Since you’re carrying my child.” Lu Shifeng’s red eyes stared at him unblinkingly, already planning to have Jian Luo move in. He asked, “Does that mean we’re together?”


“…I can’t accept that.”


In fact, this statement was like a bucket of cold water poured over Jian Luo from head to toe.


He didn’t know what to say. They were just a one-night stand bound together by an accidental child. Even if the child was his, they didn’t have a formal legal relationship. They could only be considered familiar strangers.


They were destined to be strangers.


This realization made him suddenly fall silent. He sat quietly by the bed, sinking into a long silence.


Lu Shifeng looked at him. The gleam of excitement in his red eyes gradually dimmed. He lowered his gaze, subconsciously avoiding further questioning. Even he didn’t know what he was avoiding, just looking outside, he said, “The medicine is ready, I’ll bring it in.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and hurriedly said, “Okay.”


He took a few steps forward to see the newly hatched dragon. The second one had already eaten its shell. Now full, it looked at the world with its eyes. When Jian Luo approached, the little one hesitated for a moment, then started walking toward Jian Luo. Its legs were not fully developed yet, staggering every three steps, and its body was as small as a fist. It swayed because it was exerting itself, making little grunting sounds. Though it was tough, its goal was clear: to walk to Jian Luo.


Seeing the little one struggling, Jian Luo wanted to reach out and pick it up, but Lu Shifeng spoke from behind, “Let her walk on her own.”


Jian Luo paused.


“No one will spoil her,” Lu Shifeng rarely explained to Jian Luo. “She needs to walk more to strengthen her leg muscles.”


Jian Luo quickly withdrew his hand and continued to watch the little dragon.


The little silver dragon was much calmer. After licking herself clean, she obediently started gnawing on her shell without crying or fussing, completely different from her older brother.


Lu Shifeng picked up the black hatchling and gave him the medicine.


The little black one was still asleep. Suddenly being picked up, the whole dragon was confused. Its wet red eyes opened, and seeing the villainous person holding it, it immediately started crying. Perhaps because it was sick, its dragon heart was fragile. Its cries were full of grievances and a hint of whimpering, flapping its small wings behind it.


Jian Luo wanted to help, but the two younger ones below were attracted by the older one’s voice. The little sister also whimpered, and even the second one, who had been crawling towards Jian Luo, echoed a couple of times. The tender cries of the hatchlings sent shivers down one’s spine.


Jian Luo quickly picked up the black hatchling and glared at Lu Shifeng. “He’s sick, be gentle!”


Lu Shifeng: “…”


Once back in his father’s arms, the little black one stopped crying. But it still whimpered as if it were reporting something. Jian Luo touched its slightly warm horn and said gently, “You can’t sleep, you need to take your medicine.”


Lu Shifeng handed the medicine bowl to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo started feeding the hatchling with a small spoon. He thought it wouldn’t be difficult, but he didn’t expect the medicine to be so bitter that the hatchling refused to drink it, taking one sip and then spitting it out.


Jian Luo was at a loss. He was getting anxious. “Baby, drink your medicine.”


The little black dragon buried its head in Jian Luo’s arms, turning its back to the medicine bowl. Even though it was small, it could taste the bitterness. It refused to drink!



Jian Luo was at a loss.


Lu Shifeng sat down beside him. “Let me feed him.”


Jian Luo got a headache every time Lu Shifeng spoke. When there’s danger, a father is the best shelter, but when there’s no danger, a father is the biggest danger. Based on his understanding of Lu Shifeng, if the hatchling didn’t eat, his solution would definitely be force-feeding.


The child is still so young, is that appropriate?


After thinking it over, Jian Luo suddenly remembered that he still had some dried fruits that could be eaten. He quickly opened the storage space and indeed found the last bit of dried fruit. The only problem was that the pieces were a bit large and needed to be cut into smaller pieces. So Jian Luo put the medicine bowl aside, tore the dried fruit into small pieces, and then fed them to the hatchling.


The little black dragon bit into the dried fruit with a chirp, sweet and delicious, then was forced to drink a mouthful of bitter medicine by its father.






Under Jian Luo’s coaxing and cajoling, the dragon finally finished drinking the soup.


The sick hatchling looked a bit droopy. After drinking the medicine, I felt sleepy again. Jian Luo didn’t force it, so he put the little one on the bed and then went to check on the other two.


When he looked, he suddenly widened his eyes in suspicion. “Where’s the second one?”


He was crawling just now. How did he disappear after Lu Shifeng fed the eldest one medicine?


Lu Shifeng casually replied, “On your leg.”


Jian Luo lowered his head and unexpectedly met a pair of amber eyes. Somehow, the little guy had crawled onto his leg and was sitting there obediently. He was also a pure black dragon, but a bit smaller than the black hatchling. He was well-behaved and quiet. Seeing that Jian Luo finally noticed him, the little dragon opened his mouth and made a soft cooing sound, gentle and slightly coquettish.


Jian Luo’s eyes softened. He touched the little dragon’s head, and the sleeping little girl curled up into a small white ball. She subconsciously held onto Jian Luo’s finger and rubbed against it with her head, showing dependence and obedience.


Jian Luo’s heart softened. He said, “We still need to find a way to improve their health. Porridge alone won’t be enough.”


He was a man of action.


Since Lu Shifeng was injured and they couldn’t return temporarily, the best result had to be created under limited conditions.


Once he made up his mind, he would act. After a simple conversation with the young man from yesterday, Jian Luo understood that hunting was not his thing. However, he could use his own skills to try to make money.


Jian Luo decided to help improve the tribe’s cuisine.


He found that this tribe’s culinary culture was even worse than that of Dark Star. At least Dark Star had a variety of pastries and snacks, but here, it was just meat cooked every day, either boiled or roasted.


Jian Luo quickly targeted the tribe leader’s wife, Wenya. She had just given birth and was at a time when she had high food demands and was interested in food. Most importantly, going to her place could get them many nutritional supplements.


So Jian Luo was very grateful for his habit of liking to store spices in the storage space. He fried meatballs with a little oil, cooked vegetables with eggs and existing ingredients, used the last bit of elf dried fruit for decoration, balanced the greasiness of the meat with vegetables, and sent it over in the name of friendship. Wenya came knocking on his door in the afternoon.


Wenya sincerely said, “I’ve never had such a satisfying meal in my life!”


Sometimes, if a friendship couldn’t be built over one meal, it would be built over two. Under Jian Luo’s intentional actions, Wenya had already shared her thoughts with him.


The only thing that troubled Jian Luo a little was Wenya’s gossip nature.


“How did you end up here?” Wenya asked. “To be honest, at first glance, your clothes looked very noble. Those fabrics are only found on big planets.”


Jian Luo hesitated slightly.


He and Lu Shifeng’s identities couldn’t be publicized. To be honest, over the years, Lu Shifeng had made many enemies in the interstellar world. Jian Luo didn’t know how many enemies Lu Shifeng had made, but there were definitely more than a few. Now that Lu Shifeng was seriously injured, acting low-key was the best option.


With this in mind, Jian Luo’s cooking hand paused slightly. He lowered his gaze and said with some sorrow, setting up the scene, “It’s a long story…”


Wenya’s heart sank.


“You’ve seen my situation, carrying these children.” Jian Luo casually picked up the black hatchling playing with bugs nearby and sighed. “If it weren’t for circumstances beyond my control, who would want to end up in a foreign land…”


Jian Luo always left his words halfway, leaving the rest to the imagination.


Looking at Jian Luo’s pitiful figure and thinking of how they landed here out of nowhere, along with Lu Shifeng’s appearance, Wenya covered her mouth in surprise. She leaned closer, lowering her voice, “I understand, I understand. But the one you’re with, he’s really handsome. And so young too. It’s normal to elope with such a fresh piece of meat. Are you two being chased?”


Jian Luo: “Huh?”


“I get it, I get it,” Wenya gave him a determined look. “But he’s not bad either. Although this child isn’t his, I’ve seen him take care of you quite well these past few days. You made the right choice!”


Jian Luo’s hand holding the spoon trembled slightly.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


1 Comment

  1. Blood

    That imagination is amazing 😂

    Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗 🤗

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