Chapter 125 – Give Me Some Scales


This story, others didn’t know, but Jian Luo himself was dumbfounded.


Although the little dragons only understood half of it, they still felt the strong sense of horror from Lu Shifeng’s expressionless story. The youngest sister had crawled into Jian Luo’s arms, trembling.


Only Long Aotian and Long Batian, the two Hei Zai hatchlings, seemed quite excited. They used to feel drowsy when listening to stories like Snow White, but as soon as they heard about war, about those exciting scenes, even though Lu Shifeng’s storytelling was dry, even though they might not understand it at all, their tails started wagging!


After the three fell asleep, Jian Luo was quite worried. He felt that childhood education was important, so he pulled Lu Shifeng aside and said earnestly, “They are still young. Could you tell them some…”


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly, as if silently asking.


Jian Luo choked up a bit, but insisted, “Could you tell them some stories suitable for children?”


“They like it,” Lu Shifeng said calmly.




Jian Luo persisted, “It’s because they are young and don’t understand.”


“The dragon clan is naturally a warrior race,” Lu Shifeng said lightly. “It’s innate, unrelated to stories.”


Jian Luo choked.


Lu Shifeng even continued, “They were weak a few days ago. Starting tomorrow, they can go out into the wild to practice hunting.”


Jian Luo was dumbfounded, his voice trembling. “They… they’re not even a month old.”


He knew that children shouldn’t be spoiled, and he didn’t want them to become overly reliant on their father, but… but! Going out to hunt before they were even a month old, wasn’t it too early? If he wasn’t sure the children were Lu Shifeng’s, Jian Luo would have doubted if he was the real father.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “The dragon clan is born to hunt. They can crawl and roll around from an early age. Age is irrelevant.”




Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, then said, “Then… can I go with you tomorrow? Will it be troublesome?”


He really couldn’t rest assured about the children. Long Aotian was still too young. This silly child couldn’t even catch a bug at home, let alone fight his brother. If they went out, he might fall into a pit all at once, especially since Lu Shifeng wasn’t clear about the severity of things.


Really, those who hadn’t gone through the hardship of pregnancy couldn’t understand. As a mother, he tried not to favor his children too much. On this point, he was making concessions.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly and said in a deep voice, “It will be difficult to walk.”


“I don’t mind the hardship!” Jian Luo said hurriedly.




Lu Shifeng added, “You just gave birth.”


“So I need to exercise!” Jian Luo insisted. “Staying at home every day will make us all stupid.”


Finally, Lu Shifeng nodded.


Although he no longer mentioned whether the children were really his, they still slept in separate rooms. Firstly, because the kang bed wasn’t big enough, and secondly, because Lu Shifeng might still feel uncomfortable with same-sex relationships, so they didn’t sleep together.


As Lu Shifeng was about to leave, Jian Luo called out, “Wait.”


Lu Shifeng paused.


Jian Luo brought out a blanket from the house. “The weather on this planet is quite cold these days. I heard from Wenya that it’s already winter. The temperature outside is low, and you still have injuries. Don’t overdo it. If you’re worried about us, I’ve asked someone to prepare a vine bed in the inner room during the day. You can sleep there.”


Although Lu Shifeng didn’t say anything, Jian Luo occasionally found out that this person often kept watch near their small house at night. Separated by distance and race, Lu Shifeng remained extremely vigilant, staying outside almost all night while Jian Luo and the children slept. Even during the day, he wouldn’t stray too far, even when hunting.


Although he had lost his memory, he really did protect Jian Luo and the children well, doing everything he could, and even more. 


Lu Shifeng said, “The dragon clan doesn’t need as much sleep as humans…”


“I know,” Jian Luo said, handing him the blanket. “But it’s not good for you to endure like this. Your injuries haven’t healed yet. If you don’t rest properly, do you plan to never recover your memory in your lifetime? If that’s the case, let me consider having a second child.”




Lu Shifeng fell silent, took the blanket, and went to rest in the inner room.


Jian Luo sighed as he watched his back. He really found out that some people’s sense of responsibility wouldn’t change even if they lost their memory. He wouldn’t abandon his own clan, nor would he fail to protect anyone he wanted to protect. Perhaps from the time Lu Shifeng and Silver Ash went their separate ways in their childhood, he could already see a glimpse of it — some people are naturally true kings.



The next day.


Today was a day for everyone to go out together. Jian Luo took the three dragons up the mountain to climb.


The Hei Zai was excited, looking around with its small head, chattering incessantly. Even after being happy on its own, it still used its little claws to tease its younger brother. However, the second one was much more steady than him. He was more cautious. His amber eyes vigilantly scanned the surroundings, reacting to any movement or sound.



Seemingly stable, yet tightly clinging to the elder brother, he complained while maintaining a righteous stance.


The youngest sister sat on Lu Shifeng’s shoulder, feeling completely secure. As they walked, Lu Shifeng, who was at the forefront, somehow managed to grab a half-dead wild chicken. Its leg was injured, making it unable to run fast, and its eyes were blinded, resembling a lost fly.


Lu Shifeng threw the chicken on the ground and said to Jian Luo, “Let them down.”


Jian Luo complied.


Despite Black Brat’s initial interest, the bug-catching enthusiast turned timid upon encountering the mountain wild chicken. Seeing the nearby distressed chicken, twice his size, the sheltered Black Brat’s scales stood on end in fright!


Lu Shifeng pulled Jian Luo back, letting them handle it themselves.


Jian Luo felt a bit worried. “Is everything okay?”


“Can’t even handle a chicken?” Lu Shifeng smirked coldly. “Then he might really be Silver Grey’s son.”




Indeed, it’s you.


Watching from behind, Jian Luo noticed the three little brats momentarily stunned but quickly regaining composure. As the chicken charged, they skillfully dodged, rolling on the ground several times.


Then, upon realizing their father was missing, they panicked for a moment before finally hiding in the bushes, acting sneaky like puppies.




Jian Luo fell into silence.


In the universe, the renowned Dark Star was a term representing the strongest, the most prosperous, a fortress impregnable and terrifying to enemies, a place of revelry and opulence.


Because the Dark Star was home to the universe’s mightiest warrior race, the Dragon Clan, capable of tearing through stars with their impenetrable scales, colossal bodies, and overwhelming strength, placing them at the pinnacle of power, unmatched by anyone.


And then—


The next Dragon King, now on an unknown hillside, was frightened out of his wits by a chicken.


Slowly, Jian Luo began to see the interesting aspects of these three. Despite Black Brat’s skittishness, they had organized themselves. The youngest sister was clever, swiftly analyzing the chicken’s injury and using a tool to throw a stone at it first.


The second brat remained composed, swiftly devising a battle plan upon realizing the situation, dividing tasks, with the sturdiest eldest taking the lead in the attack.


Finally, with their combined efforts, the unfortunate chicken met its demise.


All three were in a sorry state, covered in dust and chicken blood, likely injured from their falls. But Jian Luo barely had time to feel sorry as he watched them excitedly dancing around, wanting to drag the chicken home together.


Jian Luo suddenly felt a pang of emotion.


Back home, the children were happy, but something seemed lacking. Perhaps Lu Shifeng was right. If one truly loves their children, they should let them run free, let them grow freely. Love is tender and gentle, but it should also be nurturing.


Lu Shifeng said, “You can go out.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his reverie, sighing. “Back to bathing them again.”


“There’s a river over there.” Lu Shifeng pointed. “Let them wash themselves.”


Jian Luo chuckled wryly. Truly a father’s words.


As they returned, they encountered many hunters from the tribes returning. Over these days, they had become familiar with each other, and seeing Jian Luo’s family, everyone greeted them in passing.


Jian Luo waved back, everyone in high spirits.


The rhythm of life, rising with the sun and resting with its setting, had gradually made Jian Luo forget about the Dark Star, the pressures of survival, and the responsibilities weighing on him. He even felt a bit numb, thinking that if they could continue like this with the three children, it would be great.


After they returned, Lu Shifeng took the children to bathe while Jian Luo started cooking.


Many passersby would stop and watch, drawn by the aroma of the food, unable to resist. Though Jian Luo’s cooking differed from their dietary habits, it was incredibly fragrant.


Today, as the children had worked hard, Jian Luo decided to cook a more abundant meal to replenish their energy. He steamed the rice first, then began stir-frying the vegetables. The chicken the children had hunted today could be used for a chicken and mushroom stew; there were many edible mushrooms in the mountains, and he had gathered quite a few today.


“Having your meal?”


“Smells delicious.”


“Indeed, very fragrant. What did you use?”


Every time he cooked, it attracted many people. Jian Luo was patient and would always share some of the food if he made extra. When travelers came by, he would patiently explain cooking methods. He had always been friendly to the villagers, believing that since he lived among them, he should contribute in some way.


When the food was almost ready, Jian Luo called out, “Dinner’s ready!”


Lu Shifeng came out after changing into clean clothes, telling Jian Luo, “I’m going out to hang the laundry. I’ll be back soon.”




Since he wasn’t there, Jian Luo began to set the table and brought the food in, asking the children to stop playing and come to the table.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


A knocking sound came from outside.


Jian Luo set down the food and went to open the door. To his surprise, the visitor turned out to be Wenya, a woman with a graceful demeanor standing outside. She said to Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, sorry for coming to you so late. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”


Jian Luo politely responded, “No, have you had dinner? Would you like to join us?”


“No, thank you.” Wenya smiled faintly. She stood outside, wearing only a single piece of clothing, looking somewhat tired but fortunately quite robust herself. “It’s because my child seems to be sick, and I thought of asking you for help…”


Jian Luo was taken aback. “But I’m not very skilled in medicine?”


“I mean…” Wenya glanced inside, where the three children had just finished bathing and were now playing on the bed. She withdrew her gaze and said, “Your children, are they dragons?”


Jian Luo’s heart sank, sensing something amiss.


He had previously considered that something like this might happen and had mentally prepared himself, but he hadn’t expected it to happen so soon and so suddenly.


Wenya’s smile became somewhat awkward. “My child has a high fever. Despite taking medicine, the fever hasn’t subsided. You know children can’t afford to wait. Besides, my child isn’t in good health. I heard that dragon scales can cure all illnesses. I don’t need much, just a few scales from you.”




Jian Luo felt his head buzzing suddenly.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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