Chapter 132 – I Can’t Save Everyone


Jian Luo finally relaxed on the way back.


Sitting in the cart, he both scolded Ao Tian to behave and talked to the boy driving the cart. “The marshal seems to have a lot of power.”


The boy replied warmly, “Our planet is divided into the north and south, with four tribes in total. The marshal is the leader of the strongest tribe, responsible for leading us to greater strength and prosperity, with absolute authority.”


Jian Luo had guessed as much.


“He seems fair,” Jian Luo said sincerely. “He seems like a wise leader.”


The boy said, “The marshal is usually very fair.”


There was a subtle implication in his words.


Jian Luo wanted to ask if there were times he wasn’t fair, but he swallowed the question, deciding it was better to keep quiet.


The snow began to fall again.


The young boy said, “I thought we could have a good year this year, but the vegetation was cut down, and now life will be difficult again.”


Jian Luo looked up at the sky. In this world, things often don’t go as planned, and everyone is struggling to survive, without exception.




He shivered from the cold.


The dragon, Ao Tian, who had been cautiously peeking out, was startled by the sudden sneeze and quickly retreated.


A large cloak fell from above onto Jian Luo’s head. Lu Shifeng, now left with only a thin outer garment, sat beside Jian Luo, his back and spine straight, seemingly unaffected by the cold wind.


Jian Luo asked, “Aren’t you cold?”


Lu Shifeng’s thin lips moved slightly. Under the wind and snow, he remained motionless: “Dragons aren’t afraid of the cold.”


So impressive.


Jian Luo glanced silently at the three little ones in his arms, deeply doubting whether these three could really be dragons.


Lu Shifeng seemed to read his mind and explained, “They are still young. Their scales are not their armor yet, but their weak spot.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


It was a simple statement, but he understood it immediately. The flying snow drifted through the air, and the icy wind was bone-chilling and painful.


Jian Luo patted Long Ao Tian’s head and said softly, “Parents will become their armor.”


He would do everything to protect his children.


No one could hurt them, no one.



Upon returning, the tribe held a meeting.


Regarding the deforestation, everyone offered their opinions, and Jian Luo shared his thoughts.


“I think we should try artificial cultivation,” Jian Luo suggested. “They’ll bring the grass back, and Miu You hasn’t left yet. We can set up feeding points to keep Miu You from leaving until the snowstorm passes and then replant.”


The chief found the idea feasible.


Of course, others had different concerns:


“The Wenye tribe can also provide food; they have sunlight.”


“It won’t be that simple.”




Jian Luo didn’t say more. After all, he wasn’t a savior. All he could do was offer his opinion; the feasibility and difficulty of the solution weren’t something he could determine.


In their time of crisis, Lu Shifeng said, “Isn’t there a market?”


Everyone was stunned.


As they hesitated, Lu Shifeng continued, “Can’t your market trade items?”


Though it was winter, it didn’t mean there was no trade. Among the four tribes, some were poor while others were wealthy, and some struggled while others thrived.


The chief said, “Our resources are scarce; I’m afraid we have nothing valuable to trade.”


Jian Luo thought, “We have sweaters. I’ve seen many girls knit very well.”


They still had time to give gifts to their lovers, hmph.


Jian Luo’s suggestion was like waking up from a dream. Indeed, sweaters were rare items, and high-ranking tribes would likely appreciate them.


The chief nodded approvingly. “It’s feasible.”


After speaking, he gratefully looked at Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo. “You two are truly benefactors of our Karls tribe. If there’s anything you need, just ask, and we’ll do our best.”


Lu Shifeng nodded slightly and led Jian Luo back.


Back in the room, Jian Luo took off the cloak, and the three little ones, seemingly stifled, began to bounce around once released.


Long Ba Tian, being smart, came over to Jian Luo to have his clothes taken off. Jian Luo unbuttoned his coat, saying, “It seems you really don’t like wearing clothes.”


Lu Shifeng watched Jian Luo from the side. “You don’t have many clothes either.”


“Ah…well,” Jian Luo looked down at himself. He hadn’t brought any clothes when he came, so he was dressed quite casually. He looked up at Lu Shifeng. “Do you think it looks bad?”


Another strange point of persistence added.


Lu Shifeng picked up Long Ao Tian to change his bandage. “I haven’t bought you anything.”


Jian Luo was stunned, taking a moment to react. Could it be that mentioning the market made Lu Shifeng realize he hadn’t bought anything for him, so he wanted to make up for it?




This was also cute.


Jian Luo sat leisurely and deliberately said, “Oh, right. You see, their partners buy them nice clothes and lots of good food and fun things.”


Lu Shifeng paused and said, “What do you want? I’ll bring it back for you tomorrow.”


Jian Luo quietly watched him. After a while without a response, Lu Shifeng looked up, meeting Jian Luo’s smiling eyes. He sat on the bed, the warm yellow light gently falling on his shoulders, while outside, the snow floated down softly. Jian Luo spoke softly, “Just kidding.”


Lu Shifeng’s red eyes deepened.


“I don’t like those things,” Jian Luo said. “I can buy those myself. I just want you to come back safely every day.”


Holding his sleeping sister and a drowsy Long Ba Tian, he patted the dragon cub’s head and whispered, “I’m already very happy now.”


He had never asked for much, just a place to call home and live an ordinary life. He used to think having enough to eat and drink was hard, so he wanted to be rich and successful. But now, he had tempered his desires, finding the most precious thing was an ordinary life.

Although such a precious peaceful life would never last long for him.


The next day


“Luo Luo!”


There was a shout from outside the courtyard.


Jian Luo was teaching Long Ao Tian and the others math. Hearing the noise, he went out and saw a woman from the neighboring house at the door. He asked, “What’s wrong?”


The woman said, “The Military Leader is here. I heard he’s looking for you.”


Jian Luo frowned, recalling the man he met in the valley, tall and imposing, looking quite formidable. Why would he be looking for him?


Jian Luo asked, “What does he want?”


The woman shook her head. “I don’t know, but he said he wants to discuss cooperation with you. I heard it might be related to witch stones.”




Jian Luo was shocked. He was indeed interested in witch stones but avoided making it public for fear of trouble. Even his research was done secretly with Lu Shifeng’s help. How did the Military Leader know?


Jian Luo asked, “What kind of cooperation?”


“I’m not sure,” the woman said tentatively. “Maybe you should go and see?”


Jian Luo had children at home, and Lu Shifeng was out hunting. He couldn’t trust others with the dragon cubs, so he said, “Wait for my brother to come back first.”


The woman said, “I’ll let him know.”


Jian Luo replied, “Thank you.”


Since the incident with Wenye, Jian Luo had been extremely cautious about everything. After returning to the room, he locked the door.


Long Ao Tian sensed his father’s tense breathing, not understanding what was wrong. His wings had improved recently, and the healing wounds itched, making him want to rub against things. Now, he wobbled toward the table corner.


Jian Luo said, “Long Ao Tian!”


The black cub shrank his head.


Worried that the wounds would reopen, Jian Luo sighed and picked him up. “Daddy will spank you if you keep this up.”


Long Ao Tian rubbed against him, seeking affection.


As Jian Luo was thinking, there was a knock on the door again. Without turning around, Jian Luo said, “Auntie, I already told you, I can’t go now. We’ll talk when my brother comes back.”


There was a pause outside, then a man’s voice: “Mr. Jian, I’m the Military Leader. I heard you were inconvenienced and wanted to chat.”




For a moment, Jian Luo’s hair stood on end. In his panic, he squeezed the black cub’s paw too hard, making it yelp in pain.


Jian Luo quickly released his grip. “Sorry, sorry.”


The cub’s cry was heard outside. After a moment of silence, the Military Leader said, “Mr. Jian, don’t be afraid. If you distrust me, we can talk like this.”


Jian Luo gathered the three cubs in his arms, warily looking at the door. “What do you want to talk about?”


The Military Leader said, “I know you need witch stones.”


“Witch stones have the effect of neutralizing magnetic fields, countering radiation, ultraviolet rays, and even post-war pollution.” The Military Leader continued, “For centuries, to fend off foreign covetousness, we isolated our planet, willing to lag in technology rather than expose our treasures. Otherwise, we’d face disaster.”


Jian Luo said, “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”


The Military Leader chuckled, “No, I didn’t come to ask for your secrecy but for cooperation.”


Jian Luo was puzzled. “Cooperation?”


“Our planet is the largest source of mystical stones, a resource that is both abundant and inexhaustible.” The Military Leader’s voice carried a tone of confidence. “If you agree, I am willing to establish a partnership, providing you with an exclusive supply of these stones for free.”


Jian Luo was no fool; he knew there was no such thing as a free lunch. “What do you want in return?”


The Military Leader was direct: “Dragon scales.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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