Chapter 134 – Surprise!


The room was eerily silent.


After a long pause, Lu Shifeng said, “We’ll talk about it later.”


Jian Luo had a feeling it wasn’t an illusion; Lu Shifeng’s eyes seemed less calm than usual, maybe even a bit evasive. This was unprecedented, especially for the adult version of Lu Shifeng.


Oddly enough, Jian Luo smiled, sensing that missing this chance might mean waiting a long time. He decided to push a little, “Say it now.”


Lu Shifeng’s grip on Jian Luo’s arm tightened, showing he was a bit nervous.


Jian Luo was enjoying himself, thinking how rare it was to see Lu Shifeng like this. This moment could be legendary, a scene to remember on Dark Star. Under Jian Luo’s gaze, Lu Shifeng’s eyes shifted away, clearly recalling those cringe-worthy statements:


“The child can’t be mine.”


“You should be more virtuous.”


“I think…”


Seeing Jian Luo’s triumphant expression, Lu Shifeng let him laugh for a while before saying, “I’m your brother?”


Jian Luo’s smile froze.


“The child is Silver Gray’s?” Lu Shifeng repeated Jian Luo’s words, “Our pet name is ‘Your dad is dumb’?”




Embarrassment crept over Jian Luo.


Just moments ago, he was in control. Now it turned into a mutual embarrassment session.


Jian Luo coughed lightly, “Maybe we should see how things are outside. What do you think?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Really?”


He slowly released Jian Luo’s arm and asked, “Didn’t you want to hear it now?”


“… I suddenly don’t want to hear it anymore.”


Lu Shifeng smiled and looked at Jian Luo with affection.


Jian Luo, feeling anger rise, hugged the three little ones nearby, determined not to let them learn bad things from Lu Shifeng!




The fire and smoke continued.


Some remaining beasts still roamed the village, the sight was shocking. Lu Shifeng told Jian Luo to hold the three children tightly, “Wait for me.”


Jian Luo didn’t know what he planned to do but instinctively trusted him, “Okay, go ahead.”


As soon as he spoke, Lu Shifeng vanished.


The three little ones noticed Lu Shifeng before Jian Luo did. The sister’s childish voice stood out amidst the fire and chaos, “Daddy.”


Jian Luo looked up.


In the sky, a black dragon’s silhouette was prominent against the orange-red sky. The black dragon moved gracefully through the clouds, and a distant, resonant dragon roar echoed from above, making everything on the ground seem small and fragile.


Long Aotian suddenly climbed onto Jian Luo’s shoulder and screeched.


Unlike his usual delicate cries, this screech came from deep within, a roar of blood and heritage, unimpeded by age.


Jian Luo looked down and saw Long Batian and his sister also had serious expressions.


“It’s raining!”


A shout came from not far away.


The sky gradually darkened with clouds, and the black dragon seemed to dominate the entire gloomy sky.




The second dragon roar resounded, and the panicked beasts in the village stopped as if controlled by machinery. Many people in the village were saved. The pouring rain extinguished the flames, and many people knelt on the ground, praying to the sky. At that moment, Lu Shifeng was their god.


Jian Luo watched quietly.


Until he heard Long Aotian’s excited screech, he turned to see Lu Shifeng standing under the eaves.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Did I scare you?”


Jian Luo gently shook his head.


Long Aotian, despite his injured wing, was restless, jumping up and down excitedly, trying to roll in Lu Shifeng’s arms.


Lu Shifeng gave him a cold glance, “Behave.”


Long Aotian’s eyes, just like Lu Shifeng’s red gemstone-like eyes, looked pitifully wet. Hearing this, he rubbed against Jian Luo, hoping for support.


Jian Luo picked him up and put him in his pocket, “Be good, don’t make trouble.”




Long Aotian was disappointed.

The village had slowly recovered after a simple cleanup. The wild beasts that had attacked were now arranged outside the village by Lu Shifeng.


The chief came over personally to express gratitude, saying, “Casualties weren’t particularly severe. Most of the able-bodied men happened to be hunting in the mountains, while the women and children were cultivating honey-bearing plants on the other side of the mountain. Fortunately, there weren’t many people in the village at the time, and the beasts mostly attacked our domesticated animals, so human casualties were minimal.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Shifeng asked, “The reason the wild beasts entered the village?”


When facing Lu Shifeng, the chief seemed like a junior employee reporting to his superior. He said, “It seems the witch stones suddenly malfunctioned.”


Lu Shifeng furrowed his brows slightly, his voice carrying authority, “Seems?”


Just two words, yet they were like a knife, causing cold sweat to instantly bead on the chief’s forehead. After hesitating briefly, the chief continued, “It shouldn’t happen suddenly. Our witch stones have been functioning for centuries; it’s impossible for them to malfunction suddenly. If our village’s witch stones failed, then other villages would surely be affected…”


Lu Shifeng said, “I observed from above; other tribes are intact.”



Silence fell over the scene.


Suddenly, someone said, “Chief, the Military Leader has been here. It must have been him!”


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo.


Jian Luo leaned close and briefly recounted the Military Leader’s request for dragon scales, without embellishment, just stating the facts.


The atmospheric pressure seemed to drop another notch. They had arrived on this planet on a rainy day, and today, torrents of rain fell again. Lu Shifeng turned his head to glance at the rain curtain outside, where animal blood mingled with rainwater, and the ruined walls of the village formed frozen images in his crimson eyes.


After a pause,


Lu Shifeng said, “Let him come find me.”


The chief hesitated, “We just tried contacting the Military Leader, but couldn’t reach him. He should be at the Beast God’s domain, which is sacred and generally inaccessible. The last time the Military Leader went into seclusion was ten years ago.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “So?”


Other villagers couldn’t bear it:


“Chief, the Military Leader disregarded our lives and deaths. What are you hesitating for?”


“Yeah, let’s go find him directly and get some answers.”


“Back then, he gave away the richest forest to other tribes, completely forgetting how you risked everything for him!”


Even the woman beside the chief, who lived next to Jian Luo, spoke up, “For all these years, they’ve always feared us, afraid we might turn against them. To restrain us, they gave us this dangerous forest. Every year, how many of Kars Tribe’s fine men must sacrifice? We’ve endured silently, but he keeps pushing…”


The chief hesitated for a moment, his expression gradually hardening, “But if we do this, our tribe might face attacks from other tribes on this continent in the future. Everyone…”


The chief glanced at everyone.


The people said, “At this point, how much worse can our days get?”


That statement seemed to finally resolve the chief. After a moment of contemplation, he finally said, “Let’s go find him.”


The entire tribe erupted in cheers.


It was like restrained revelry, like a cry to themselves.


Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng said, “Give him one last night. I want to see him tomorrow morning.”


The chief hesitated, “We just worried we might not reach him. The two largest tribes there are very powerful, and what if they block us?”


Lu Shifeng reassured him, “I’ll send someone with you.”


“If he doesn’t come,” Lu Shifeng looked dispassionately at the chief, his words cutting, “then don’t bother coming.”



Those words seemed to carry endless chill, sending shivers down everyone’s spine.


In the hearts of the chief and the people, there was also resentment towards the Military Leader. After a brief tidy-up, they left, leaving the entire village almost empty.


Jian Luo asked Lu Shifeng, “Should we stay here tonight? It seems inhabiting here is no longer possible.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Let’s stay on the warship.”  


“Warship… a warship!” Jian Luo widened his eyes, his heartbeat suddenly irregular. “You mean to say… they’ve come?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Before Jian Luo could fully react, he heard a familiar voice nearby. Secretary Jin, in a neatly pressed military uniform with the Dragon Clan emblem on her shoulder, waved at them. “We’re here to pick you up!”


Following Secretary Jin were several Dragon Clan soldiers standing in formation. They stood tall and straight, all dressed uniformly in military attire. This scene inexplicably reminded Jian Luo of when Lu Shifeng had visited him at home shortly after he became pregnant.


That day, the rain was just as heavy.


And life had changed from that day onward.


The other members of the tribe also looked somewhat fearful upon seeing the Dragon Clan soldiers. They were a small planet and had never truly seen Dragon Clan soldiers before, leaving them momentarily at a loss for words.


Lu Shifeng handed Jian Luo an umbrella and instructed Secretary Jin, “Send a team with them to meet the Military Leader. They must return alive.”


Secretary Jin nodded. “Understood.”


Turning back, she smiled at Jian Luo. “Luo Luo, long time no see.”


Jian Luo smiled back. “Long time indeed.”


The three little ones in his pocket couldn’t contain their curiosity any longer, but with the rain, Jian Luo didn’t let them out. Secretary Jin glanced around, clearly also curious about the little ones.


Lu Shifeng said, “Let’s head back.”


Jian Luo nodded at Secretary Jin and walked towards the warship together. Not far away, the warship gleamed with metallic luster in the rain. It was something he was very familiar with, yet now it felt somewhat unfamiliar.


The gangway of the warship descended, and Secretary Jin said, “Please, come aboard.”


Looking at the steps beneath his feet, Jian Luo suddenly felt a surge of complex emotions. From today onwards, stepping onto these stairs meant a different, another kind of life for him. His heart was a swirl of mixed feelings.


Lu Shifeng’s hand reached around from behind, his hand broader and warmer than Jian Luo’s, instantly dispelling much of Jian Luo’s nebulous unease. He held Jian Luo’s hand. “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo looked up at him.


Lu Shifeng said, “It’s slippery. Let me lead you.”


He walked ahead, as if shielding Jian Luo from all the wind and rain, guiding him step by slippery step. Slowly, Jian Luo smiled and softly asked, “Will you always be with me?”


The wind and rain were too loud, his voice too soft.


Lu Shifeng turned his head. “What?”


“I’m a bit hungry,” Jian Luo smiled broadly. “Let’s hurry.”


They returned to the warship, where the temperature was comfortable. Secretary Jin approached Jian Luo and whispered, “We’ve prepared a surprise for you.”


Jian Luo asked, “What surprise?”


“You’ll be very happy,” Secretary Jin said, “It was also ordered by the Marshal when he contacted us.”


Jian Luo smiled, about to express his excitement, but as he turned his head, he saw something not far away and froze on the spot, dumbfounded, unable to speak for a moment.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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