Chapter 142 – Competing for Favor


Lu Shifeng leaned down, and from his angle, he could clearly see the three suffocating questions on Jian Luo’s panel. For a moment, Grand Marshal Lu’s expression could be described as extremely colorful.


Black and white intermingled, creating quite a lively scene.


A live broadcast was showing on the screen, and everyone’s information terminals could see this moment.


Jian Luo withdrew his thoughts, looked at the panel, and coughed lightly: “Then I’ll answer briefly.”


He wasn’t sure if it was his illusion, but after he said he would answer, the whole place seemed to quiet down much more than before.


Jian Luo looked at the first question, unable to help but laugh and cry: “Hmm, as for the criteria for choosing a partner…”


This question was a bit tricky.


After all, the children were present, and hearing something inappropriate might affect them.


Jian Luo took a deep breath and said: “Responsible, accountable, preferably with similar interests and hobbies, having common topics to talk about, and most importantly, pleasing to the eye.”


This was a very official answer.


However, the audience below responded with overwhelming applause. The Dark Stars were very satisfied with Jian Luo’s answer.


When it came to the second question about whether he was single, Jian Luo hesitated even longer.


Lu Shifeng glanced at him calmly, though he said nothing, the meaning was clear, and his blood-red eyes were very intimidating.


Jian Luo thought for a moment and finally said: “Currently, I am unmarried.”



The air fell silent again.


After a while, the atmosphere grew restless once more.


Although he didn’t explicitly say whether he was single, just stating he was unmarried was enough, right? That meant they still had a chance! The third question practically didn’t need an answer!


Jian Luo smiled slightly when he saw the third question: “As for the opportunity, I think such things mainly depend on fate.”


The Dark Stars below all pondered his words carefully.


Not a direct rejection; rounding it off meant there was a chance!


Although Jian Luo smiled, Lu Shifeng standing next to him looked like a grim reaper. Despite the crowd’s fluttering hearts, no one dared to take a step forward, fearing they might lose their life for making the wrong move.


The dragon race has an extremely strong possessive nature, with a near-pathological possessiveness over what they consider theirs, destroying anything that poses a threat from afar.


Jian Luo closed the information panel and said to the emperor: “I’ve finished answering.”


The young emperor unconsciously moved a bit further from Lu Shifeng to avoid the uncomfortable killing aura and said: “Good, good. Let’s return to the palace. I’ve prepared a banquet to welcome you.”


Jian Luo nodded.


They passed through the crowd of Dark Star ministers. The crowd’s fervent gazes were all directed at Jian Luo, causing the cubs to feel a bit shy and fearful.


Jian Luo felt a bit uncomfortable but could only endure it.


Lu Shifeng’s long arm swung, pulling Jian Luo close to him. His tall figure and strong presence covered half of Jian Luo, and his tense expression and displeased aura made many prying eyes halt their thoughts.




They reached the end and got into the car.


It was a high-end business car, with a spacious interior, a large resting area in the middle, and very comfortable soft leather seats on both sides.


After getting in the car, a few others also boarded.


Once seated, Jian Luo turned and saw the High Priest in a silver robe, the most wealthy man adorned in glittering jewelry, and the lively young emperor.


Lu Shifeng sat beside Jian Luo like a guarding lion.


Long Aotian climbed down from his shoulder and burrowed into Jian Luo’s arms. The three little dragons looked warily at the strangers, extremely cautious.


Jian Luo smiled a bit awkwardly at Nie Yan: “Boss.”


Nie Yan sat opposite, leisurely turning the extremely shiny and obviously expensive gemstone ring on his hand, and said slowly: “How’s your health?”


Jian Luo replied: “Very good, thank you for your concern.”


He didn’t dare accept Nie Yan’s concern, fearing he’d be sent off to calculate value again.


Zhan Wentai, sitting beside Nie Yan, glanced at Jian Luo and said: “You’ve lost a lot of weight, you should nourish yourself.”


Jian Luo felt a bit touched. The usually cold and distant High Priest rarely showed concern, making him feel flattered: “Thank you, teacher.”




Zhan Wentai continued expressionlessly: “Once you’re nourished, return to class with the three of them.”




The gratitude vanished instantly.


Jian Luo patted the little dragon’s head and tentatively asked: “Isn’t prenatal education over?”


Heavens, he thought once he got through the pregnancy, he wouldn’t have to attend classes anymore. Why did it seem endless, with no hope in sight?


Zhan Wentai raised his eyelids to look at him: “As far as I know, you didn’t graduate from university.”


Jian Luo choked.


He remembered that when he crossed over, he had just been expelled from school.


Zhan Wentai looked at the children in his arms: “Do you plan to be the future Dragon King’s mother with only a high school diploma?”




All the rebuttal words stuck in his throat!


Jian Luo looked down and saw the three little dragons watching him with eyes full of curiosity and no impurities. As a parent, he only hoped their eyes would remain clear forever.


He didn’t want to see disappointment in their eyes someday.


After much thought, Jian Luo compromised: “I’ll go, I’ll go.”


Zhan Wentai was finally satisfied.


Lu Shifeng turned to Jian Luo and said: “After recuperating, you should also resume your physical training regimen.”


Jian Luo’s mouth fell open: “Ah…”


Across from them, Nie Yan continued stroking his gemstone ring, leisurely adding: “Your maternity leave will soon end, you should come back to work.”


Jian Luo widened his eyes in shock.




Ah, this…


He had expected it to be tough after returning, but he hadn’t anticipated life being this hard!


Only the young emperor, like a considerate little sweetheart, offered solace. The blood race had no particular hobbies other than snacking. The table was piled with snacks of all kinds, sweet and savory. The young emperor said: “Luoluo, take whatever you want to eat.”


The young emperor opened a pack of cloud fruits, a treat similar to cotton candy, sweet and soft, melting in the mouth.




A cub’s cry echoed.


Everyone looked over to find Long Aotian staring at the cloud fruit with shining eyes, resembling a tail-wagging puppy, completely unlike the majestic dragon race.


The young emperor asked: “Do you want this?”


Long Aotian wanted to nod but was smacked by his sister’s tail, which essentially meant (Can’t you have some dignity?)


Long Aotian paused, feeling wronged, and retracted his gaze.


Jian Luo watched him shrink back and couldn’t help but laugh. He hadn’t expected his sister to have such a strong sense of vigilance.


The young emperor also laughed: “Such a strong sense of pride.”


Jian Luo nodded along and gently stroked the little dragon’s head, whispering: “It’s okay, His Majesty isn’t a bad person. You can eat the snacks.”


He knew the little dragons could understand him.


Sure enough—


As soon as he spoke, the three little dragons looked up at the snacks on the table.


Children are always tempted, and their self-control is weak. Just restraining themselves from rushing up earlier had taken all their willpower. Now, with their father’s permission, they climbed out of Jian Luo’s arms and wobbled onto the table.


The young emperor had already opened another pack, waiting.


When Long Aotian approached, the young emperor handed him a cloud fruit. Long Aotian, still palm-sized, sat like a little black ball on the table, his ruby-like eyes lively. Though his movements were bold, his eating was delicate, showing he loved cloud fruits. After one bite, he restrained himself and let his siblings eat.


Jian Luo smiled.


Sometimes Long Aotian seemed like a scatterbrained kid, but he took good care of his siblings. Often, they were shy and reserved, but the social butterfly Long Aotian could solve everything.


The young emperor looked at the three little ones and squinted happily: “Is it good?”




Long Aotian chirped in response.


Eating happily, his throat produced soft, contented purrs. Being close to the young emperor, he instinctively rubbed his little head against the emperor’s hand, the touch gentle and warm.


The young emperor’s eyes widened in surprise, his smile spreading: “So cute.”


Their Dark Star replicas are born with the previous generation’s memories, and the worst part is, the first few months are the clearest. As they grow, these memories fade.


This results in the newborns lacking typical infant behaviors. An infant rest room for replicas is sometimes eerily quiet.


Dark Stars haven’t truly communicated with real infants, nor do they have experience raising them. The replicas stay in the nurturing center for three months before being handed to adopters, by which time they’re usually able to speak and quite mature.


Playing with cubs? Impossible!


The young emperor was excited. He quickly opened another pack and coaxed: “Eat as much as you like. Whatever you like, I’ll give you.”


He was already overwhelmed with excitement and said to the attendant not far away, “Go, bring me another cart of cloud fruits!”


The attendant didn’t find anything wrong with this: “Yes.”


Jian Luo twitched the corners of his mouth, “Your Majesty, just a little is fine. They can’t eat too much, or they won’t eat when we get back.”


The young emperor was visibly disappointed: “Really?”


Zhan Wentai, who had been sitting quietly beside them all along, finally spoke up with a steady expression: “Your Majesty, I also think your actions are somewhat inappropriate.”


The young emperor turned around, puzzled: “What do you mean, my loyal subject?”


“What he means is…” Nie Yan glanced at the three little ones sitting in a row at the table, behaving adorably and still begging for more food, and leisurely added, “How can you feed three by yourself? Aren’t there other people sitting around?”


The carriage suddenly fell silent.


Author’s Note: A childless person sent their criticism.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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