Chapter 131 – Sending to Dragon Valley for Training


Jian Luo was shocked by the red dragon blood, but his concern for the injured cub quickly took over.


“Are you hurt?” Jian Luo held him carefully. “Let’s go inside so Daddy can check.”


Standing up, he saw the younger two following with their short legs. Realizing they had done something wrong, they behaved well. Jian Luo brought them inside to check Dragon Ao Tian’s injury. Though there was no specific preparation, they had an emergency kit.


Opening the box, he took out a cleaning swab and gently wiped Dragon Ao Tian’s wings. The swab quickly turned red, confirming the red blood. Jian Luo put the swab aside and examined the little wing.


Dragon Ao Tian whimpered softly.


Jian Luo frowned. “Does it hurt?”


The little dragon, hurt for the first time since birth, had managed to avoid injury even while hunting lame chickens. Yet now, he had a bloodied wing over a seesaw fight.


Dragon Ao Tian’s head drooped as he whimpered pitifully.


Jian Luo sighed. “No more mischief next time, understand?”


The little sister climbed onto the table, curiously observing her brother’s wound but not daring to get too close.


The younger brother, being practical, produced a piece of cake Jian Luo had made the day before. Apparently, the little one had hidden it somewhere and was now offering it to his big brother.


Dragon Ao Tian excitedly chirped at the sight of the cake.


Jian Luo said, “Hey, don’t move!”


He held the little dragon by the scruff. “Daddy is applying medicine!”


Dragon Ao Tian’s wet eyes stared at Jian Luo. In that moment, the little dragon spoke in a tender voice, “Daddy…”


Jian Luo was stunned.


Dragon Ao Tian wiggled his short legs, whining, “Eat cake, eat cake.”




This troublesome kid.


Jian Luo set him down and reached for the medicine, only to notice the red blood turning blue


—sky blue, clean and beautiful.


Jian Luo muttered, “What’s going on?”


Jian Luo wrapped a bandage around the little wing and prepared to make a big pot of bone soup tonight. If that didn’t help, he’d ask Lu Shifeng to check if the injury was serious. He was most worried about a broken wing since the medical facilities here couldn’t treat dragon bones.


Evening came.


As the sun set, Lu Shifeng returned home.


Jian Luo took his snow-covered cloak and hung it near the fireplace to dry. He then said, “They fought today, and a wooden board fell on them. Can you check if it’s serious?”


Turning around, he noticed the three little ones circling Lu Shifeng’s feet. Their happiest moment each day was waiting for their dad to come back, as Lu Shifeng would always bring some small toys from outside, such as a lame prey for them to practice hunting or some interesting stones and fruits.


Even the injured Ao Tian wasn’t behaving. Despite its wing being wrapped in cloth, it still chirped and hopped around.


Lu Shifeng picked Ao Tian up by the scruff of its neck and examined the wing. “It’s fine.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. It was my carelessness today. I’ll be more careful next time. They really don’t let their fights affect their relationship.”


Lu Shifeng gave Ao Tian a fruit and then tossed the dragon aside. “It’s fine. Fighting is also a way to learn. After experiencing pain, they’ll know how to protect themselves better next time. Dragons aren’t born strong. They become powerful through countless battles. Once they’re older, they can be sent to Long Valley for training.”


Jian Luo felt a lump in his throat.


He was deeply moved by the fact that these little ones had such a tough father. He knew the dragon cubs would face great pressure in the future as pure-blooded descendants of the Dragon King, a title that carried immense weight.


That’s why Jian Luo hoped to pamper them as much as possible before they returned to the Dark Star, allowing them to have a somewhat normal childhood.


Ao Tian took a bite of the fruit and then crawled over to offer it to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo hesitated. “Is this for Daddy?”


Ao Tian chirped indistinctly, “Eat.”


“Thank you.” Jian Luo took a small bite. Remembering the issue with the mystical stones he mentioned earlier, he said to Lu Shifeng, “I’m interested in the stones they have here. Can you bring one back for me? I want to see if I can have it tested in the lab to help solve Earth’s environmental problems.”


Lu Shifeng readily agreed and asked, “Are you worried about radiation?”


Jian Luo nodded. “Yes.”


“Phoenix Stage is developing radiation-dissipating equipment,” Lu Shifeng said. “You can discuss it with Lord Zhan. The mystical stones might also be of help to him.”


“That would be great.”


Life was tough, but it was always moving in a better direction.


The next day, he indeed received good news. A woman from the neighboring village told him, “Someone saw traces of Miyou1A type of wild creature from this place in the forest yesterday. They must have come to eat the plants. This is really rare. We haven’t seen Miyou in winters before!”


Jian Luo was also happy. “Then when the smaller prey arrive, your life will improve a lot.”


The woman was very grateful. “Luo Luo, thank you.”


Jian Luo waved it off. “It’s nothing. We should be the ones thanking you for taking us in.”


Although everything wasn’t easy, things seemed to be going smoothly, and this winter didn’t seem so hard after all.


Just as Jian Luo thought life was peaceful, a sudden change came.


While walking the dragon cubs, he noticed the villagers moving hurriedly. Yesterday, most faces were relaxed, but now they were all covered with a layer of gloom.




Jian Luo saw a girl he had talked to before and asked, “What’s going on?”


The girl replied, “Didn’t we leave the vegetation intact? Miyou indeed came, and some prey followed. Injured men from the tribe who couldn’t hunt large beasts were able to try hunting smaller ones. We thought good days were coming. But this morning, we found that all the vegetation was gone.”


Jian Luo was stunned. “How could that be?”


“We don’t know,” the girl said, looking troubled. “They said it might be people from the opposite tribe because Miyou came to our side. Their forest isn’t deep, and they don’t even have large beasts. Now, with the small prey gone, they’re…”


Jian Luo understood.


Although his plan helped this tribe temporarily, it was a disaster for the Wenya tribe. They never lacked food and didn’t store it. When the small prey disappeared overnight, Wenya panicked.


The girl tried to comfort Jian Luo. “The chief has called everyone back and contacted the other side to gather in the valley to discuss. Thanks to Brother Lu, we have fewer casualties this year. If a fight breaks out, we might not be at a disadvantage.”


Jian Luo still frowned.


As he hesitated, a dragon cub poked its head out from his embrace and chirped. Jian Luo turned around to see Lu Shifeng standing behind him, wrapped in his cloak, having just returned.


Lu Shifeng walked up to Jian Luo. “Why are you standing here foolishly?”


Jian Luo spoke up. “Will you go because of the vegetation issue?”


He had some PTSD about wars. The image of Lu Shifeng injured still lingered in his mind. Although he knew it was inevitable, he was very worried.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you want me to go?”


Jian Luo was caught off guard.


This made it difficult for him to decide. On one hand, he worried Lu Shifeng might get hurt if a fight broke out. On the other hand, he felt indebted to the tribe for their care during their stay.


Jian Luo was torn. “I…”


Lu Shifeng told him, “Many things can’t be solved by avoiding them. The pain of regret lasts longer than the pleasure of avoidance.”



Jian Luo suddenly felt less conflicted. “Let’s go.”


He wasn’t very mature in many ways. Although Lu Shifeng didn’t teach him patiently, he always pointed him in the right direction when he was confused.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you want to go?”


Jian Luo was extremely curious because he had connections with Wenya, and the vegetation issue was his idea. If he couldn’t be there, his curiosity would kill him!


Jian Luo hesitated. “Is it okay for me to go? Will I be a burden?”


Lu Shifeng said, “No, there won’t be a fight.”


“Really? How do you know?”


“They wouldn’t dare.”


In this world, only Lu Shifeng could say such arrogant and confident words and make people believe he was right!


Jian Luo went inside to get a coat and a warmer. He also put little clothes and hats on each dragon cub before setting off. When they arrived, they saw a group of people under a tree, including Wenya and that young man.


They used to be on the same side, but now they were opponents.


However, Jian Luo was surprised to see a neutral party present. The people in the middle were tall and looked formidable.


Wenya spoke first. “Military Leader, please be fair. Our two tribes have always minded our own business. But this year, Kars’ tribe used tricks to lure all the prey from our forest. Isn’t this trying to starve us?”


Kars remained calm. “We were just hunting reasonably, not targeting anyone. Prey goes where it wants. On the contrary, you broke the agreement by entering our forest and cutting our vegetation without permission. How do you explain that?”


Neither side backed down.


The marshal, who seemed to be an arbitrator with high authority, said to Wenya’s husband, “Bus, you shouldn’t have entered their forest without permission.”


Bus replied, “Sir, we were forced to. Without prey, the village will soon run out of food.”


The Military Leader shook his head. “Finding food is your own responsibility. The gods don’t favor anyone. Wrong is wrong. Go back and return their vegetation. If this happens again, I will consider redividing the forest boundaries.”


Bus and Wenya looked grim.


The Military Leader had great power and influence, ruling over several tribes. If they angered him, no one would be spared.


Wenya looked up and saw Jian Luo not far away. Their eyes met, and her gaze twisted.


Jian Luo had a bad feeling, but both sides had already dispersed. He had no way of knowing what Wenya was planning, but he instinctively felt danger.




Before the Military Leader left, Wenya approached him.


The Military Leader said, “I’ve made my decision. Further discussion is useless.”


“You misunderstand,” Wenya smiled. “I’m not here about that. I’m here to report important news.”


She knew that although the Military Leader had great power, he had a well-known weakness. His child was disabled. Everyone in the tribes knew that a disabled person couldn’t inherit the Military Leader’s position. For years, the Military Leader had sought a remedy in vain. Now, she was bringing the opportunity to him.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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