Day: June 24, 2024

Chapter 35 – Conquer the Big Yong Monster

Chapter 35


At this moment, Si Lan was maintaining the spell formation, focused and undistracted. Seeing the hands of Dayong about to grab him, a white sword qi cleaved through the old woman, shattering the malevolent aura into pieces.


Once the malevolent aura dispersed, Haowei, wearing his hood, descended calmly.


Haowei said nothing, standing beside Si Lan, casting spells to strengthen the formation. Soon, the formation gained the upper hand, enveloping the entire array and emitting a dazzling white light.


After the light faded, the black demonic barrier shrouding the sky vanished, and the rampant demonic energy on the ground dissipated, restoring order to the world.


Almost instantly, those who had been sleepless for three days fell into a deep slumber.


The entire world suddenly became unusually quiet and peaceful. The eerie sky returned to normal, with white clouds drifting and gentle breezes blowing.


Relieved, Si Lan turned to Haowei beside him. “Thank you.”


Haowei adjusted his hood slightly. “No need. I’m also here to deal with Dayong.”


Now that Dayong’s curse had been lifted and the crisis in the human realm averted, though Dayong had not been sealed yet.


Their next task was to lure Dayong out.


Si Lan opened the ancient book brought down from the Heavenly Court, searching for information about Dayong’s descent into malevolence.


In the 334th year of Zhongtian, from the Xiling tribe, Yong, exhausted and grief-stricken after losing his beloved son, in his despair, he tore at his hair and beat his head, punishing himself for his excessive sleep, eventually driving himself to death.


After death, consumed by grief for his son, Dayong transformed into a vengeful demon, devouring other demons, eventually becoming a celestial demon and bringing calamity upon the human realm. Those targeted by him had no cure and suffered to their deaths.


Now, to lure Dayong out, they could only target his son, but even if they found his son, they didn’t know how many reincarnations he had been through.


Could he still be considered her son?


Si Lan handed the record of Dayong to Haowei. “Dayong descended into a vengeful demon after losing his son, perpetrating the Dayong curse again. Even without Pei Jia, Dayong will likely unleash the curse once more.”


Haowei’s tone grew solemn. “Without sealing Dayong, it will return with a vengeance.”


“Perhaps…” Si Lan looked into the distance, pursing his lips. “It seems Dayong has already returned…”


As he spoke, the sky, which had just cleared, suddenly churned with dark clouds, thunder roared, and streams of malevolent energy gathered, taking the form of an old woman. Though faceless, she seemed shattered and aged, exuding a mad fury and despair that filled the air.


This was the true form of Dayong, the demonic entity itself. What Si Lan and Haowei had previously destroyed was merely a portion of Dayong’s malevolent aura.


Despite being sealed for over a hundred thousand years and cast with the Dayong curse across the human realm, his cultivation remained unfathomable.


“Why do you persist in obstructing me time and time again?” Dayong’s voice was hoarse and piercing, like scales scraping against tiles, sending chills down one’s spine.


Suddenly, from within the black mist emerged a grotesque demonic face, charging straight at Si Lan and Haowei.


Haowei immediately grabbed Si Lan’s arm, pulling him away. Si Lan swiftly chanted a spell, setting up barriers around to prevent collateral damage to mortals in case Dayong went berserk.


Haowei glanced at Si Lan. “Do you know how to seal Dayong?”


Si Lan nodded. “I do.”


Haowei raised an eyebrow, surprised that Si Lan had memorized it after just one read.


“I’ll start with the Extreme Sound Eight Trigrams Formation.” Si Lan finished speaking and in an instant, appeared above Dayong’s head. Just as Dayong was about to attack, Si Lan’s palms displayed the Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams pattern. The patterns struck Dayong head-on and quickly spread, enveloping the barriers, trapping Dayong inside.


Dayong is now like a headless fly, trapped within the array, constantly darting around. However, no matter how it darts and runs amidst countless illusions, it always ends up back where it started.


“Monsters arise from human desires, demons are born from the heart. To seal Dayong, we need someone to impersonate Dayong’s child, approach and seize its demonic heart, and place it in the conversion altar to seal the demon formation. Then, use the ‘breaking corpse’ technique to restrain its body,” Si Lan almost verbatim recited Tai Wei’s words.


“But the conversion altar was shattered when Dayong Mountain collapsed,” Si Lan finished speaking and saw Haowei conjure a delicate altar carved with lotus flowers, smiling. “Is this the conversion altar?”




Si Lan didn’t question where Haowei got the conversion altar from, just as he never doubted Haowei before. He pondered, “When Dayong’s child was lost, he must have been a young child. If Chong Ying and Xie Li were here…”


“… Haowei.”


Seeing Dayong about to break out of the Jiyin Bagua Formation, Si Lan quickly transformed a child and sent him into the array.


In the illusion, a young child with tousled hair rubbed his eyes, sitting on a rock, calling for his mother. Dayong’s attention was indeed captivated by the child’s cries, and it followed the sound, finding the child sitting on a large stone.


“Mom… Mom, where are you…”


Dayong rushed excitedly towards the child in the illusion, reaching out to hold him. The child turned his face, tears streaking down, and threw himself into Dayong’s arms, crying for his mother.


“My child… Are you my child?”


The child didn’t reply, just sobbed as if deeply wronged.


Si Lan manipulated the child’s arm, slowly reaching towards Dayong’s demonic core. But as soon as the arm touched Dayong’s body, Dayong’s chilling voice rang out.


“You are not my son!”


Dayong suddenly cruelly crushed the child in the illusion, destroying the Jiyin Bagua Formation on the ground and bursting out forcibly.


“My child, my son, give me back my son…” Dayong roared madly to the sky, causing earthquakes and shaking mountains. It seemed to have gone mad, relentlessly pounding against the barrier.


Seeing this, Si Lan quickly transformed another even younger child and sent him in. Dayong only glanced at this child before expelling a burst of demonic energy, dispersing the child’s form.


“You killed my son and sent a fake one to deceive me. How could you be so cruel?” Though Dayong’s face couldn’t be seen clearly, the demonic mist formed a woman’s shape, revealing endless sorrow and despair from its contours.


Dayong said… You killed my son?


Was Dayong’s son actually killed by someone?


Not merely missing as recorded in ancient texts?


Watching Dayong’s frenzied state, Si Lan suddenly thought of Luo Hui. If he had been quietly taken from Luo Hui and killed, Luo Hui would also go mad like this…


His mood sank.


Breaking through the barrier, Dayong lost its sanity, believing Si Lan and Haowei killed its child, gathering all its demonic energy to attack them.


Haowei pulled Si Lan aside, wielding a long sword wrapped in white qi, transforming into a dragon and charging at Dayong’s demonic energy.


Si Lan immediately swung the Xuanxin Whip, attacking Dayong alongside the dragon. They used all their cultivation, breaking through Dayong’s true form.


The Xuanxin Whip moved like an extended hand, searching wildly inside Dayong’s true form, but couldn’t find its demonic heart.


How could this be?


“Is it necessary for it to see its son before it shows its demonic core?”


“Seems so,” Haowei’s tone was grave.


Even though they could subdue Dayong together, they couldn’t kill it or find its demonic core. Therefore, they needed to find a fake son to deceive Dayong into revealing its demonic core.


As they communicated, Dayong’s body turned into countless black butterflies fluttering around them.


The butterfly wings scattered black powder, catching Si Lan off guard as he inhaled it, feeling dizzy. Butterflies turned into black hands around his neck, choking him.


Si Lan struggled to breathe, looking around to check on Haowei, only to find Haowei gone. He panicked, about to speak, when a hand grasped his, a voice echoed in his mind.


“Hold your breath, close your eyes.”


Si Lan complied immediately.


The suffocating feeling around his neck gradually subsided, and the butterflies around him disappeared.


It was all just an illusion, and he almost fell into it deeply.


“I will kill you… Kill everyone…”


Dayong’s angry voice echoed around him. Si Lan opened his eyes, snapped out of the illusion, and faced a new attack of black demonic energy. Haowei hurriedly pulled him away.


Dayong remained in a frenzied state, making communication impossible.


They exchanged a glance, understanding each other’s intent.


Now they had to first trap Dayong with magic and then find a way to seal it.


Si Lan was about to cast the Jiyin Bagua Formation again when Xie Li’s urgent voice came from afar.


“Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”


This time, Si Lan left the Azure Cloud Peak without informing Xie Li. Xie Li, driven by the thought of not missing Si Lan, hurried to find him, afraid Si Lan would encounter danger without him.


Furthermore, before leaving, Si Lan had promised Xie Li that if he ever wanted to find him, he could come anytime.


However, Xie Li didn’t expect that upon arriving in the mortal realm, he would witness Si Lan being choked by a terrifying monster, and was instantly frightened into tears.


Descending on a rainbow cloud, Xie Li cried bitterly across the barrier, “Your Majesty, are you okay.”


Si Lan was about to instruct Qu Ze to take Xie Li away when unexpectedly, Dayong, upon seeing Xie Li, suppressed its entire demonic energy and pounced towards Xie Li.


Xie Li stumbled back in fright, falling to the ground.


Qu Ze, seeing this, immediately drew his long sword and looked towards Dayong, only to be struck down by a palm from Dayong.


Dayong’s demonic aura slowly enveloped Xie Li, whose face turned pale with fear. He stared wide-eyed at Dayong, perhaps so frightened that he ceased to feel afraid, just staring blankly at Dayong.


He slightly opened his mouth, revealing a small decayed tooth and a half-eaten candy inside.


The silhouette of the dark woman gradually became clear. Her crimson, sunken eyes fixed on Xie Li. She appeared young but wore an exhausted and pale expression, her demeanor resembling that of an old woman, feeble and aged.


She cradled Xie Li’s face, her fingers lightly brushing over the red mole at the corner of Xie Li’s eye. “My child… my child…”


Xie Li dared not speak, biting his lip nervously.


Tears streamed down Dayong’s face as he remembered something, pulling out a candy from his pocket excitedly. “My child, eat this candy, and the pain will go away…”


Xie Li furrowed his delicate brows slightly, stealing a glance at Si Lan from the corner of his eye.


Si Lan nodded at him, and Xie Li obediently took the candy offered by Dayong.


Dayong’s expression grew increasingly joyful as he buried his head in Xie Li’s neck, his arms tightly wrapping around him.


Over tens of thousands of years, she had lost her sanity, no longer remembering her child’s face but recalling the mole beneath his eye, his love for candy, and the decayed tooth in his mouth. Whenever he spoke, his voice was soft and childish, calling out “mother” regardless of the circumstances.


Unfortunately, during their last meeting, the child fell ill, curled up in her arms, murmuring about a headache and craving candy, which she did not have.


She comforted the child, promising candy once he woke up.


She had planned to find fruit to substitute for the candy, but she was too exhausted. Planning to rest for just a moment, she never expected that when she awoke, her child would be gone.


“My child… I miss you so much…”


Dayong wept bitterly, almost obsessively staring at Xie Li’s face, then pulling him into a tight embrace.


Xie Li trembled, his face turning pale.


“My child, is your head still hurting?”


Xie Li didn’t know how to respond, glancing at Si Lan. Si Lan communicated silently with Xie Li through their shared consciousness, “Tell her your head hurts.”


“It hurts…” Xie Li spoke softly, his bright eyes adding a touch of softness that melted Dayong’s heart even more. She grinned, and in the next moment, produced a red demonic pill from her body.


“Eat this, and your pain will vanish, and you will become immortal…”


She had consumed so many demonic beings and practiced for so long just to use her body as a furnace to refine a powerful demonic pill to cure her son’s ailments.


Si Lan hadn’t expected to obtain the demonic pill so easily. He spoke in a deep voice, “Xie Li, take the demonic pill.”


Xie Li reached out tremblingly and took the demonic pill.


Si Lan felt somewhat reluctant, but he didn’t dare delay. He exchanged a glance with Hao Wei, who nodded slightly. Then, Si Lan flew towards Xie Li while saying, “Xie Li, throw the demonic pill to me.”


Trembling, Xie Li threw the demonic pill towards Si Lan.


Seeing this, Dayong suddenly turned around, his eyes filled with tears and anger. Before he could react, Si Lan swiftly tossed the demonic pill to Hao Wei.


Hao Wei immediately used the altar of conversion to contain the demonic pill. Instantly, the demonic aura from Dayong surged towards the altar of conversion. He howled and lunged towards Hao Wei, who was currently forming seals. Si Lan stepped forward to block Dayong’s attack with the sword transformed from Xuanxin Whip, its blue light enveloping it with sword energy, forcing Dayong to retreat step by step.


Losing the demonic pill, Dayong’s cultivation nearly halved. Soon, he was trapped by Si Lan in a formation, unable to move. Perhaps realizing he was about to be sealed again, Dayong looked tearfully at Xie Li.


“My child, run away quickly…”


Dayong was oblivious to the fact that over a hundred thousand years had passed in this world, and her son was no longer here, and no one would harm her son again.


Yet she still couldn’t escape from the nightmare.


The demonic pill was sealed within the Altar of Conversion, nearly extinguishing the demonic aura around Dayong. Her form grew increasingly aged, with deep wrinkles gathering on her face, almost obscuring her features. Her eyes were cloudy, but she still reached out towards Xie Li, murmuring “my child” incessantly.


Si Lan recalled Luo Hui’s final moments, the pouring rain as she struggled to heal Luo Hui’s spiritual wounds. However, no matter what he did, he couldn’t heal her.


More blood flowed, but Luo Hui seemed oblivious to the pain, reaching out to touch his face with tear-filled eyes, wanting to see him one last time.


Even after more than nine hundred years had passed, he still remembered every detail of his time with Luo Hui. Despite coming from a different world and being mentally mature, he couldn’t help but be moved by Luo Hui.


One of life’s regrets was never telling Luo Hui that he loved her.


Only after her death did he realize that Luo Hui’s love for him was unconditional and without expectation of return.


Si Lan’s eyes reddened as he wavered, holding onto spells but unable to bring himself to act.


Hao Wei noticed his distress and approached him. Seeing the tears in his eyes, Hao Wei couldn’t help but recall the night the boundary of the curse broke, when Si Lan had also lost control like this.


Hao Wei intended to cast the spell in Si Lan’s place, but Si Lan suddenly grabbed his sleeve. “I want to help her find her son.”


Hao Wei met Si Lan’s tear-filled eyes. “Her son is already dead.”


“I want to find the reincarnation of her son.” Si Lan’s voice was slightly hoarse.


Hao Wei remained silent.


Though separated by a veil, Si Lan felt the intensity of Hao Wei’s gaze, as if probing something.


It was strange indeed that he, a Demon King, would feel such compassion.


After a moment of silence, Hao Wei said, “Using the Return Spell within such a short time will cost you a significant portion of your cultivation.”


The reversal of reincarnation through formations was never sanctioned by the heavens, which was why the Return Spell gradually faded away.


“It’s okay, I just need a few days to recuperate.” After saying this, Si Lan instructed Song brothers and Qu Ze to guard the formation, then began to weave spells and silently recite incantations, transporting himself back to the day when the child was lost in Dayong.



Si Lan entered the illusionary realm and before he could steady himself, he saw another familiar figure entering with him.


He smirked, “Haowei, did you also accidentally stumble in this time?”


Haowei paused for a breath, knowing he’d be teased for following, but upon seeing the scene where Si Lan was enveloped in white light, he instinctively followed.


Haowei coughed softly, glad for the change of scenery, and pointed ahead, “That’s Dayong.”




They saw Dayong holding a child, with two bundles on his back, sleeping against a large rock. The child in his arms seemed sickly, cheeks flushed red, lips slightly parted, revealing a tiny gap where a milk tooth had fallen out.


Coming closer, they noticed a birthmark near the child’s eye, much like Xie Li’s, but the child didn’t resemble Xie Li.


According to ancient texts, Dayong had lost his mind because he lost his child due to overwork. However, the current situation showed Dayong not laboring, but fleeing with the child.


Si Lan sighed bitterly, “Taowei once sealed Dayong using a plan. Now, we’ve sealed Dayong again. Is it because Dayong is foolish, or does she knowingly play along with the scheme just to see her child… even if that child is just a shadow, it can still soothe her longing and pain of over a hundred thousand years.”


If it were his mother, she would probably make the same choice.


Haowei had also heard of the love story between Si Shaoxun and Luo Hui from the mouths of immortals, always tinged with mockery, how the once noble Si Shaoxun fell into darkness, forsaking a divine phoenix for a mountain chicken as his wife, truly resigning himself to decadence.


At this moment, three men in the illusion, naked above the waist and clad in animal skins below, approached Dayong, taking the child from his arms.


The child woke from sleep, instinctively calling out, “Mother…”


Dayong, exhausted, heard the cry and patted his chest, thinking the child was still in his arms, murmuring a lullaby to soothe him to sleep.


The men covered the child’s mouth, ignoring his struggles, and carried him away.


Si Lan and Haowei followed the men as they walked on. After an unknown time, they arrived at Xiling Clan.


Xiling Clan was surrounded by mountains, with a flat area in the center where a circular sacrificial platform stood. Clan members held red spears, surrounding the platform. Three young children, similar in age to Dayong’s child, were tied to the platform.


Si Lan saw them tie Dayong’s child to another wooden stake. Then, as if performing a ritual, everyone circled the platform with bowed heads, chanting incantations.


An elderly man resembling a high priest stood at the center of the platform, praying, “By the decree of Heaven, in this life’s path, honoring the way of Heaven, and following its will, we offer four children, two female and two male, to eradicate the calamity upon our clan.”


Si Lan hadn’t expected the true reason for Dayong losing her child was because Xiling Clan intended to sacrifice two boys and two girls to Heaven to remove a clan disaster.


As the clan chanted, the bodies of the four children on the platform gradually changed. Golden rays burst forth from their bodies, their faces contorted in pain.


Si Lan didn’t know what kind of spell this was, but listening to the children’s whimpering, his eyes reddened slightly.


Did Heaven anticipate such events when it handed down punishments to mankind?


Perhaps the all-powerful Heaven had long foreseen it, but it didn’t matter, as all living beings were mere experiments in its eyes.


Si Lan noticed Dayong’s child tightly gripping something. Upon closer inspection, it was a small tambourine made of animal skin.


Trembling with fear, his arms uncontrollably shook, causing the tambourine to emit a faint sound, like a sob.


When Dayong finally found her way there, all she saw was the scene of her child being thrown into the sacrificial altar. The golden light bursting from the bodies of the four children instantly enveloped the entire altar. The solemn beat of drums resounded from afar, and all the clan members knelt down, praying toward the altar.


Dayong rushed towards the sacrificial altar like a madwoman, only to see four sets of bones at the base of the altar after the golden light dissipated.


She immediately recognized which one was her son’s, holding onto the bones, she wailed in despair.


“Mother had taken you far away…”


“It’s all Mother’s fault for falling asleep. If Mother hadn’t fallen asleep, you wouldn’t have been taken away by them. Mother won’t sleep again.”


“My son, open your eyes and look at Mother. Mother has come to find you.”


Dayong’s cries echoed through the mountains and rivers, stirring countless evil energies.


Dayong, half human and half demon, completely lost her mind, her face contorted, her eye sockets crimson, her eyeballs turned completely black, surrounded by black demonic energy, like a vengeful spirit from hell seeking revenge.


“Dayong’s son is already dead. What are you going to do?” Haowei turned away and asked Si Lan.


Si Lan looked at the tambourine that had fallen from the sacrificial platform, and a thought formed in his mind. He couldn’t bring Dayong’s living son back, but he could leave her a shred of comfort.


They couldn’t change the course of history, but some insignificant things could still be altered.


For example, obtaining the tambourine from the illusion.


Si Lan tentatively drew a portal in mid-air, thinking portals could only be cast in the real world, not expecting they could be used in this illusion.


Taking advantage of the chaos between Dayong and Xiling Clan, he used magic to retrieve the tambourine.


“I intend to seal it together with Dayong.”


Haowei gazed at the tambourine in silence.


This was what the child threw out before being pushed into the sacrificial altar, perhaps his intention was for his mother to see this tambourine and know he was here.


When they emerged from the illusion, Si Lan heard Dayong’s furious roar that pierced through the heavens. As he glanced back at the illusion for the last time, he saw Xiling Clan buried under a massive mountain, thick smoke billowing up through the cracks, filling half the sky.


Xiling Clan’s original intent was to sacrifice young children to ward off the clan’s calamity, but it backfired, triggering Dayong’s massacre of the clan.


All of this seemed predestined, each link in the chain of cause and effect.


No one could escape the predetermined outcome.



Back in the real world, Si Lan saw Xie Li squatting near the formation, allowing Dayong to stroke his face, even though Xie Li had been trembling with fear at Dayong’s presence before.


“Your Majesty, I’ve realized this monster isn’t actually ferocious at all.” Xie Li saw Si Lan appear and immediately covered his mouth with one hand, whispering quietly.


Approaching, Si Lan rubbed Xie Li’s head and noticed him chewing on a piece of candy, understanding the reason for Xie Li’s “betrayal.”


Truly, a little disciple swayed by a single piece of candy.


Si Lan handed the tambourine to Dayong.


Dayong’s expression froze for a moment, then tears streamed down her face as she gazed at the tambourine.


This was the tambourine Dayong had made for her child. On the day she fled Xiling Clan to evade her child’s fate of being sacrificed to Heaven, the child had taken nothing but this tambourine.


She remembered the stick figures of herself and him drawn by her child on the back of the tambourine, representing Dayong and him.


Dayong gently touched those two little figures, feeling as if ten thousand years had passed, hearing her son playing the tambourine and calling her “Mother” by his side.


A tear fell from Dayong’s eye, landing softly on the animal skin of the tambourine.


In the next moment, a faint glow emanated from the surface of the tambourine, and a wisp of determination quietly surged out of the tambourine, transforming into the likeness of a young child.


It was Dayong’s son.


After his death, this determination had attached itself to the tambourine, waiting all this time for Dayong to find him.


Dayong looked at the determination in disbelief, her lips trembling slightly, unable to utter a word. Instead, the determination leaped into Dayong’s arms, calling out, “Mother…”


Only then did Dayong cry out in pain, “My son, Mother is here.”


Si Lan hadn’t expected the child to leave behind such a determination on the tambourine. It seemed his decision to bring out the tambourine was not wrong. Watching the touching scene before him, his heavy heart gradually eased.


He said, “Dayong, your child has already reincarnated. This determination he left behind in the mortal world. I will seal it with you.”


Once the determination fulfilled its purpose, it would disappear. Si Lan intended to seal it with Dayong before that happened. Perhaps this was the only thing that could comfort Dayong during her long period of sealing.


Upon hearing this, Dayong looked up at Si Lan, her eyes full of gratitude. “Thank you.”


“Dayong, how did the seal on you come undone?”


Dayong’s eyes showed confusion. “I don’t know. I just know I slept for a long time, then one day I woke up from the chaos and came to the mortal realm to find my son.”


Si Lan hadn’t yet visited Dayong Mountain to investigate what exactly had happened. Hearing Dayong’s words, he felt a sense of unease and strangeness.


Nine infants and now Dayong.


Two ancient demons whose seals had inexplicably come undone.


Once might be a coincidence, but what about twice?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 34 – After the Demon Lord became a god

Chapter 34


Si Lan stood inside the barrier, his eyes unexpectedly reddened. As he listened to Pei Jia’s words, he suddenly understood many things.


No wonder Pei Jia had shown such a distant and unfamiliar attitude after meeting Tao Yuan. At that time, he had thought Pei Jia was just being indifferent, but he hadn’t realized that he was no longer the Pei Jia from the past.


“So… Tao Yuan’s obsession was to see the real Pei Jia?”


The youth leaning against the par4p3t, with a sprig of xuan grass in his mouth, lively and clear, had actually died five years ago. And Tao Yuan had been waiting all this time for him to come and take him to the capital.


Si Lan couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.


Hao Wei said, “Perhaps it’s not necessarily to see the real Pei Jia. Do you remember Tao Yuan’s expression when he noticed the scar on Pei Jia’s leg?”


“You mean, at that moment, Tao Yuan had already suspected that the Pei Jia before him was not the same as the young Pei Jia?”


“Yes, at least he had his doubts.”


“Then why didn’t Tao Yuan…”


“Perhaps Tao Yuan himself was no longer sure which Pei Jia he loved.”


Si Lan fell silent. In the illusion, when Tao Yuan died, he still tightly held the double moon jade pendant in his hand.


Perhaps Tao Yuan’s obsession wasn’t about their first encounter with Pei Jia, but about waiting for the person who had promised to come and marry him.


After Tao Yuan’s death, Pei Jia vented all his anger and resentment on the deputy and several soldiers, treating them as they had treated him, binding them under the scorching sun without food or sleep until they perished.


Pei Jia’s full fury and bitterness attracted Dayong, who had just escaped from Dayong Mountain, and they made a pact. Dayong helped Pei Jia complete the curse of destruction, and Pei Jia sacrificed his life to Dayong.



Si Lan dispelled the illusion, and both of them instantly emerged from the vision.


“Your Majesty!” Song Cheng and Song Ye saw Si Lan open his eyes and hurriedly approached to apologize, “Your Majesty, it’s our fault for not protecting the formation properly. Please forgive us.”


“It’s okay. How are you both? Did Dayong harm you?”


“No.” Song Cheng and Song Ye replied simultaneously.


Si Lan glanced past them and saw Pei Jia bound to a pillar. Currently, Pei Jia was enveloped in dark energy, devoid of life force. Si Lan sensed something amiss and walked over. It was then that he discovered Pei Jia was actually dead!


“It wasn’t us who killed Pei Jia, Your Majesty. It was Dayong who killed him while controlling his body,” Song Ye explained quickly, afraid that Si Lan would misunderstand.


Si Lan frowned and uttered a sound of acknowledgment. He touched Pei Jia’s forehead with his fingertip, and the dark energy surrounding Pei Jia instantly dissipated. His soul regained control of his body.


Pei Jia slowly opened his eyes and looked at Si Lan before him, his gaze cloudy as if he had been asleep for centuries. “You’re back… Then you must know everything now…”




“Pei Jia and I are twins. When I was young, I suffered from a leg disease that made walking painful. I often stayed in bed, causing many people to think that the Pei family only had one young master. During that time, the Pei family would often share with me the interesting people and events that he encountered outside. One day, Pei Jia told me that a theater troupe had moved near the general’s mansion, and among them was a young actor who was more beautiful than any female actor, with a mouth as red as a red-billed quele. 


Pei Jia recalled the past, his expression filled with a sense of trance.


“Later, Pei Jia always talked about the red-billed quele and couldn’t get enough of it. He even joked that he wanted to bring the actor back to the capital with him. At that time, when I looked into his eyes, I knew he wasn’t joking; he really wanted to take him back to the capital.”


“Unfortunately, shortly after the Pei family returned to the capital, they were ordered to the border to suppress a rebellion. Although my legs had been treated by physicians and I could walk on the ground, I was still not as nimble as an ordinary person. My father and Pei Jia forbade me from joining the army, but I still secretly followed them.”


“That winter, it snowed heavily, and Pei Jia fell into a trap. When I rushed over, he lay in the snow, with only his last breath left. He told me he regretted not taking that person with him earlier. He promised to show him the snow in the capital, but he could never fulfill it.”


“I closed Pei Jia’s eyes with my own hands, changed into his clothes, and under his identity, led the trapped soldiers out of the siege. I dared not disappoint my father or the Pei family, so I continued to pretend to be Pei Jia, leading troops in battle on the border. After all, for the Pei family, whether a sickly child or a young general, there was a big difference.”


“But I didn’t expect to meet Tao Yuan. The first time I saw him, he was curled up in the corner of the bed, tears in his eyes, and my heart trembled uncontrollably. I always felt like I had seen him somewhere before and had an inexplicable affection for him. Now I think it’s probably because we’re twins. What Pei Jia liked, I liked too.”


“I always thought that because I saved Tao Yuan, he would like me and want to stay by my side. But I never thought that he was the red-billed quelea that Pei Jia couldn’t stop talking about.”


After Pei Jia finished speaking, he looked relieved and smiled at Si Lan, “Tao Yuan’s obsession is the true Pei Jia he wants to see, so I can’t do it.”


“Cai Jia, you promised to marry Tao Yuan after retiring from the military. Have you ever thought that Tao Yuan’s lingering obsession might be waiting for you to marry him?” Si Lan furrowed his brows.


Pei Jia heard this, seemingly incredulous, stared at Si Lan with widened eyes, “Are you sure… he… he really has such an obsession?”


“Yes, and Tao Yuan actually knew long ago that you are not the Pei Jia from your youth.”


Pei Jia felt thunderstruck, silent for a long time, lost in memories. Suddenly, a complex expression of sorrow and pain appeared on his face.


Si Lan reached out and untied the demon-locking rope on Pei Jia’s body. Pei Jia choked, “Alright, I will marry him.”


The wedding was hastily arranged, though the groom was dressed splendidly. The red wedding attire highlighted Pei Jia’s face, adding a touch of color.


He took out a pair of jade pendants and, in the place where Tao Yuan had sung before, said in a deep voice, “Tao Yuan, I have returned as promised.”


Tao Yuan’s almost imperceptible obsession slowly gathered upon hearing the voice, forming a human figure on the ground. Looking at Pei Jia, who wore a tall crown and a large red flower on his chest, Tao Yuan’s eyes flickered and regained some luster.


Pei Jia couldn’t restrain his emotions and stepped forward to embrace Tao Yuan, but found nothing but air.


“Tao Yuan…”


“Yujin.” Tao Yuan reached out, gently touching Pei Jia’s cheek. He didn’t know Pei Jia’s real name, but Pei Jia had told him before, his name was Yujin.


Although Yujin couldn’t feel anything, at this moment it seemed he could feel Tao Yuan’s fingertips warm, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face.


Tao Yuan’s nearly unconscious obsession finally regained awareness.


It turned out that what Tao Yuan couldn’t forget was really the promise that Yujin would come back to marry him.


“Tao Yuan, I’m actually not…”


“I know, Yujin.” Tao Yuan smiled and nestled into Yujin’s arms. “What’s your name?”


“Pei Yu.”


“Pei Yu…”


“Yeah. Tao Yuan, you don’t blame me, do you?” Pei Yu asked incredulously, expecting Tao Yuan wouldn’t accept it.


“I don’t blame you. I really don’t blame you.” Tao Yuan had long sensed that Pei Yu and Pei Jia were different in nature. He had once hinted at what happened in their youth, but seeing Pei Yu’s indifference until he discovered the old wounds on Pei Yu’s knees, he understood everything.


Pei Jia had told him that he had an elder brother who had been bedridden for years.


Little did he expect that many years later, he would meet that person, fall in love with him, and he turned out to be that person’s elder brother.


When soldiers threw him down the cliff and hung him on a tree branch, he seemed to hear the voice of young Pei Jia in a daze.


Young Pei Jia told him not to fall asleep, told him that his elder brother was still looking for him.


He had to try to survive, along with the part of Pei Jia that was still alive.


When he woke up, he walked through the thorns and gravel with his body full of injuries before returning to the barracks. At that time, Pei Yu asked him if he was in pain. He didn’t feel pain. The powerful thoughts dominated his thoughts and body, making him feel no pain.


Si Lan couldn’t bear to interrupt Pei Yu and Tao Yuan. He just felt that he was still harming people in the big jar, and countless common people needed to be saved. He didn’t speak directly to Pei Yu, but to Tao Yuan, he knew Tao Yuan was a kind person.


“Tao Yuan, now that the jar is harming people, the people are not alive, and you need your help.”


Tao Yuan did not know what happened after death. When he heard Si Lan say this, his fair face was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted to everything, looking up at Pei Yu.


Pei Yu’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, “Tao Yuan, I just want them to accompany you to be buried.”


“They are innocent, Yujin, I don’t want you to bear such a heavy sin for me. We can’t be together in this life. After death, we can be reborn as a couple. But if you make such a big mistake, can you still reincarnate with me?”


It’s less about him forming a bond with Dayong, and more about Dayong using him as a proxy to retaliate against humanity.


Without him, there would still be other hosts.


The curse of Dayong has been active in the mortal realm for three days. While it hasn’t yet caused mortal deaths, every passing minute poses increasing danger to mortals.


Si Lan thought, instead of recklessly storming the Heavenly Court, finding the notes left by the former Heavenly Emperor Taiwei might provide a way to seal and lift the curse of Dayong.


But if caught intruding the Heavenly Court, he might face dire consequences.


Thinking this, Si Lan glanced at Haowei beside him.


Haowei’s hat moved slightly, seemingly curious about his gaze.


Si Lan remained composed, shifting his gaze to Song Cheng, “I want to make a trip to the Ninth Heaven.”


“…,” Haowei replied.


This meant returning to his old home.


With his cultivation as a Demon Lord, he should be able to navigate the heavenly realm without encountering the Eight Great Divine Sovereigns.


However, the scripture repository contained numerous books; he wasn’t sure if he could find them.


Song Cheng said, “Your Majesty, I’ll accompany you.”


“No need, you stay in the mortal realm; I’ll be back soon.”


After Si Lan finished speaking, unwilling to delay any longer, he vanished from the mortal realm.



In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the Ninth Heaven, using the Hidden God Technique to silently pass through heavenly soldiers and generals, arriving at the legendary Repository of Myriad Laws.


Built by the former Heavenly Emperor Taiwei, besides records of Taiwei’s demon subjugation, it also housed miscellaneous texts on gods, demons, monsters, and weapons from the mountains and seas.


Outside the repository, a faint celestial aura enveloped a barely discernible white barrier, guarding against demonic intrusions.


Si Lan took out a rainbow-colored feather and waved it. The feather sparkled with faint light. “Little Dong… Ahem, Little Crown Prince, are you there?”


He had given the rainbow feather to Little Dong for the purpose of contacting him anytime.


“Little Crown Prince? Little Crown Prince?”


But after calling twice without a reply, he decided to infiltrate the Repository alone. As he stealthily passed through the barrier, it suddenly shimmered. Two celestial generals nearby noticed and hurried over.


“What’s happening?”


“Could someone have broken in?”


“We’ve been here all along and haven’t seen anyone.”


Fortunately, after muttering, the two generals didn’t suspect anything and continued their patrol nearby.


Si Lan slipped through the crimson jade-carved gate and entered the interior of the Repository.


From the outside, it appeared as an ordinary attic, but inside, it was vast and boundless, like entering another world. This world resembled an ocean floating in mid-air, countless heavenly books immersed in the sea, pages of ink and paper rolling like flowing mountains and rivers.


Si Lan searched through them, looking for records about Dayong. Despite appearing chaotic, the books were neatly arranged by era and subject, making the search easier.


Si Lan found Taiwei’s notes on demon subjugation. As he flipped through a page, he suddenly heard voices outside the door.


“Greetings, Lord Taiwu.”


“No need for formalities, I’m here to find a couple of volumes on artifacts.”


With a creak, the vermilion door opened, revealing an elderly immortal lord walking in, back straight, leaning on a cane.


Though elderly, his cultivation was formidable.


Si Lan hadn’t expected to encounter an old divine lord here. Quickly suppressing his presence, he flew up and hid in the rafters.


The old divine lord trembled as he walked, one hand on his cane, the other flipping through a book. Noticing something unsatisfactory, he casually tossed the book aside, muttering complaints.


“What is Taiwei compiling…”


Shaking his head, the old divine lord reached under the rafters.


Si Lan’s heart leaped into his throat. Though the figure looked elderly and leaned on a cane, his cultivation wasn’t negligible. The black “cane” in his hand seemed to have slain countless demons and monsters, exuding a strong aura that intimidated even Si Lan, a demon lord.


At that moment, the old divine lord unexpectedly glanced up.


Si Lan thought he had been discovered, but then he heard voices outside the attic again.


“Greetings, Crown Prince.”


“Is anyone inside the attic?”


“Lord Taiwu.”


“Oh.” A soft voice echoed from outside.


The old divine lord’s attention was drawn by the voices, turning to see the “Little Crown Prince” entering. His face softened into a gentle smile.


“Why has the Crown Prince come?”


“I’m looking for a few interesting books to pass the time.” Haowei hardened his scalp, feigning a childlike demeanor, glancing up at the rafters while speaking in a soft, placating tone. “Sir, what are you doing here?”


Though Haowei didn’t see Si Lan’s figure, he knew Si Lan was hiding in the rafters.


Si Lan was fast; he had already flicked through the “Demon Subjugation Chronicles,” but found nothing about how to lift Dayong’s curse.


The method to lift the curse might be in another book; he needed to keep searching.


Si Lan used his divine knowledge to pass on a message to Haowei. “Little White Dragon, find a way to lure this divine lord out.”


Haowei didn’t reply to him.


“Your Highness, this book ‘Records of Taixu’s Wind and Moon’ is quite good.” Taixu chuckled as he stuffed the book into Haowei’s hands.


Haowei glanced at the romantic history book written by his father, his expression unreadable.


“And these two, ‘Three Plays of the Fairy of Hundred Flowers’ and ‘Secret History of the Upper Gods,’ I’ve revisited them each at least three times.” Taixu coughed as he spoke.


Si Lan suddenly understood why this old god was named Taixu.


Who wouldn’t be ’empty’ after reading these?


“Your Majesty, tell me what you want to read, and I’ll find it for you.” Haowei couldn’t help but speak up.


Taixu, who had lived for over a hundred thousand years and was nearing ascension, had failing eyesight and a clouded mind.


“I want to read that… um…” Taixu scratched his head. “I can’t remember the name of the book, but I remember it had two men in it, that… that…”


Taixu raised two index fingers and gestured lightly, then grinned like an old child.


Haowei’s lips twitched slightly. How could he not remember having such a book in the library?


But to expedite Taixu’s departure, Haowei still helped him search for the book. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Si Lan jumping down from the rafters and slipping into a nearby bookshelf.


Haowei furrowed his brow and led Taixu to another section. “Is it this one?”


“Ah, let me see…” Taixu, with his poor eyesight, brought the book closer and squinted to examine it.


Si Lan saw that Taixu’s attention was drawn by Haowei, so he quickly searched through the books. Fortunately, he soon found ‘The Secret Spells’ written by Taixu, which detailed many ways to break spells, including information about the ‘Great Abyss Spell.’


A smile crept onto Si Lan’s face involuntarily.


Suddenly, they heard Taixu say, “I remember the book now, it should be over here…”


“Your Majesty…”


Before Haowei could stop him, Taixu had leaned on his cane and turned towards Si Lan, who had just tucked the book into his pocket, and they came face to face.


“Ah…” Taixu seemed startled by Si Lan, and raised his cane, almost stumbling backwards, but Haowei caught him in time.


“This… Your Highness, why didn’t you introduce me to your mother?” Taixu looked at Haowei reproachfully.


“…” Si Lan.


“…” Haowei.


Haowei understood that Taixu was old and confused, but he never expected him to be confused to this extent!


Mistaking people was one thing, but mistaking their gender as well!


“Your Majesty…”


Just as Haowei was about to say something, Taixu started talking again incoherently, “I knew it, your father will eventually take your mother to the heavens.”


“…” Haowei.


With that, Taixu sighed and held Haowei’s hand with deep emotion. “Your Highness, you and your mother have suffered a lot these years wandering outside.”


“…” Haowei.


Si Lan struggled to hold back his laughter on the other side. To be mistaken for the mother of Little White Dragon! When caught red-handed, he had already imagined a scenario where ‘fish die, net breaks,’ but he never expected this situation.


Haowei looked up, glanced at Si Lan who was enjoying this, tightened his lips, and replied, “Hmm.”


“But don’t worry, Your Highness. Your father will definitely make it up to you and your mother in the future.”


“Your Majesty, do you still want to find the book?” Haowei couldn’t help but change the subject as Taixu’s remarks became increasingly absurd.


He reluctantly admitted that being recognized as his illegitimate son was bizarre enough, but now this Taixu god was making up a mother for him out of thin air, which was simply beyond belief.


Taixu glanced at Si Lan, then muttered, “Need to find the book… need to find the book…”


Then like a child, Taixu leaned close to Haowei’s ear and whispered, “Your mother hasn’t changed a bit all these years. They say your mother resembles the Fairy of Quyu, but actually, the Fairy of Quyu resembles your mother. Your mother appeared long before the Fairy of Quyu.”


Haowei was stunned, looking at Taixu in disbelief, then his gaze shifted to Si Lan’s face.


Indeed, Si Lan’s profile bore a resemblance to the Fairy of Quyu.


And both of them often wore green clothes.


But why did Taixu suddenly link Si Lan with the Fairy of Quyu?


“Oh, I found the book I was looking for.” Taixu took the book off the shelf, beaming as he brought it to Haowei. Haowei withdrew from his thoughts, glanced at the cover, ‘The Great Battle of the North Tian Martial God Against the Queli Immortal.’


Haowei’s face darkened. How did this ancient heroic chronicle turn into such a book in Taixu’s words?


Taixu wiped the cover, hugged the book, “I’ll leave now, Your Highness and Your Majesty.”


Your Majesty…


Si Lan heard this title, lowered his head, and fought back a smile, never expecting such an interesting old child in heaven.


After the old child left, Si Lan looked at Haowei’s dark expression and suppressed a smile, saying, “Little White Dragon, thank you for this time. I have urgent business to attend to, so I’ll leave first. If you miss me, come find me in the Demon Realm.”


Haowei watched Si Lan quickly disappear in a flash of green light, frowned, and then his figure grew larger, transforming into the appearance of an adult man. He put on a veil and his figure also disappeared in an instant.


The hasty Demon Lord.


Si Lan rushed to the human realm. At this moment, the demonic energy over the human realm was becoming denser, and countless demonic energies surged from the ground, making the entire human world seem like purgatory, filled with continuous cries and wails.


He landed in the general’s mansion, where Song Cheng and Song Ye saw him appear and immediately surrounded him, asking, “Your Excellency, have you found a way to break the curse?”


“Yes, although Dang Yong is not in the general’s mansion, the general’s mansion is the center of the Dang Yong curse formation. I need to break the formation here, so evacuate everyone from the general’s mansion.”


“Yes.” Song Cheng and Song Ye nodded and went to evacuate everyone from the general’s mansion.


Tao Yuan’s lingering obsession had not yet dispersed. He wanted to see the Great Abyss Curse lifted before leaving; otherwise, his heart could not rest. Knowing he couldn’t be of help, he quietly stayed beside Pei Yu, not daring to disturb Si Lan.


Si Lan scanned around but didn’t see Haowei anywhere nearby.


Retracting his gaze, he followed the instructions in the book and drew the spell formation in the air. Then, he gently placed the formation on the ground. Suddenly, the previously normal ground began to emanate dark magic, within which a golden array faintly appeared, spreading outward from the general’s mansion, seemingly endless.


This golden array was the Great Abyss Curse, enveloping the entire mortal realm. Si Lan placed the spell formation in the center of the array, and then expanded it rapidly along the golden array, wrapping around the formation.


In the next moment, the array burst apart, causing earthquakes and violent tremors. After a moment of intense shaking, the black magical barrier dissipating in the sky gradually vanished, and the withered magical energies on the ground slowly subsided.


Si Lan exhaled softly upon seeing this, withdrawing his hand.


Just when he thought everything was over, the black magical barrier suddenly regenerated, and the withered magical energies on the ground surged up again. Meanwhile, the spell formation he had previously applied was slowly being consumed by the golden array…


How could this happen?


Without hesitation, Si Lan immediately held his breath, concentrated his mind, and infused his magic to maintain the spell formation.


In the distance, powerful demonic energies converged rapidly in the sky, rushing toward Si Lan’s direction. Wherever the demonic energy passed, the sky darkened, rivers stopped flowing, mountains crumbled, as if doomsday had arrived.


The demonic energy took the form of an old woman, extending two enormous hands and reaching down towards Si Lan from above.


“Whoever obstructs me shall die.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 146 – Marriage Law

Chapter 146 – Marriage Law


Jian Luo hesitated at the door, glancing outside. Carefully moving to the doorway, he extended his arm and opened the outer interface. The intelligent brain instantly transmitted the live images from outside, showing three… baby dragons.




Jian Luo’s hand trembled, quickly opening the door.


With a “click,” the door opened, revealing three dragon hatchlings standing in a row outside. Before Jian Luo could see clearly, a gust of wind wrapped around his pants leg.


Long Ao Tian skillfully climbed up with his small claws and squatted on Jian Luo’s shoulder. When Jian Luo looked over, Long Ao Tian puffed up and let out a disgruntled “chirp.”


Full of spirit, extremely aggrieved!


The younger sister and brother were a bit slower, but eventually found a comfortable spot in Jian Luo’s embrace.


Jian Luo patted Long Ao Tian’s head and softly asked, “How did you all come here?”


The younger sister, very clever, was the first to understand Jian Luo’s meaning. With dewy eyes, she stared at him intently and said softly, “Missed daddy.”


She seemed a bit aggrieved too, rubbing against Jian Luo’s hand as if complaining, “Daddy didn’t come home.”


The soft dragon scales of the hatchlings felt cool and slightly itchy in his palm, scratching lightly at his heart, both poignant and tender.


Jian Luo softened his tone. “Who brought you all here?”


Long Ba Tian looked back and pointed with his small claws at the father standing in the shadows beside him, promptly revealing the accomplice without hesitation.


Jian Luo glanced in slight surprise. He was so caught up in reuniting with the children that he had only now noticed a living person standing here!


“You…” Jian Luo couldn’t help but smile when he saw him. “How did you come here?”


Lu Shifeng picked up Long Ao Tian who was chattering away. “They refused to sleep.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“They refused to eat.” Lu Shifeng continued matter-of-factly, “They insisted on coming to see you.”


Jian Luo looked surprised as he lowered his head to look at the hatchlings. “Did you all cause trouble?”


Under their father’s gaze, the two hatchlings suddenly felt immense pressure. Actually… they did cause a bit of trouble. Without their father around, which dragon could tolerate sleeping alone with Dad?


In fact, they were quite afraid of Lu Shifeng. Only Jian Luo would feel sorry for them when they caused a ruckus. Lu Shifeng, on the other hand, was different. During training, if they misbehaved, it meant facing double the punishment, and Lu Shifeng never showed them mercy.


So tonight, they dared to protest just a little.


In the past, if they made a fuss, Lu Shifeng’s attitude would likely be:


If you won’t sleep, then don’t sleep.


If you won’t eat, then don’t eat.


If you have nothing to do, go train instead of babbling.


But after their feeble protest this time, the usually iron-willed Lu Shifeng unexpectedly said, “You want to see him?”


The dragon hatchlings nodded.


And then…


They were brought here.


It all felt like a dream, and the hatchlings thought it was quite magical!


However, Jian Luo was certain they must have caused quite a stir. He pursed his lips and said to Lu Shifeng, “It’s quite late, and I’m sorry to trouble you.”


“No trouble at all. They’re my kind too,” Lu Shifeng’s gaze fell on the hatchlings. “They wanted to see you, so I’m entrusting them to you tonight.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The hallway fell into an eerie silence for a moment. He felt Lu Shifeng had something more to say and instinctively looked up, meeting those deep blood-red eyes. Lu Shifeng was dressed casually, having shed the imposing military uniform, standing about a meter away, his tall figure no longer as intimidating under the warm yellow light at the door, his features handsome, like a remarkably good-looking big brother next door.


Lu Shifeng lightly opened his lips. “I need to trouble you too.”


Jian Luo was stunned.


Lu Shifeng took a slow step forward, standing in front of him. He waited for a while before saying, “It’s quite late. Mr. Jian, you’ve been through a lot.”


Been through a lot.


Unexplainably, Jian Luo felt a twinge at those words.


He felt embarrassed about his overthinking, but still left an opening. “Please come in, it’s no trouble.”


Four rooms were somewhat spacious for just him, but Jian Luo intended to have his mother and brother move in. There were three rooms in total, with the last one converted into a studio for his livestreams.


Since the amusement park side wasn’t sorted out yet, all the rooms were currently empty and could be put to use.


The three hatchlings were obviously curious about their new home, excitedly looking around in Jian Luo’s arms. Seeing their curiosity, Jian Luo decided to let them explore on their own.


Lu Shifeng changed his shoes and walked towards the kitchen. “Come.”


Jian Luo came out of the bedroom. “What…?”


The air was filled with the aroma of food. On the table was a neatly packed set meal, emitting the fragrance of braised pork. Next to the box was a bowl of warm soup. Lu Shifeng stood by the table, unpacking the utensils and saying to him, “Have something to eat.”


Jian Luo asked, “How did you know I hadn’t eaten?”


In fact, he had eaten something. He was so hungry when he returned from the research institute that he had a few pieces of tasteless biscuits to fill his stomach. Although they were bland, they did the job. There was nothing in the fridge when he got home, and he wasn’t hungry enough to go out again to buy food, so he made do.


But he never expected Lu Shifeng to bring him a meal!


Lu Shifeng took the hatchlings into the bedroom, sitting them down on the other side to feed them the baby cake, and said softly, “There was nothing to eat at the research institute, the house was just transferred today, and there was nothing in the fridge. You came back late, what could you eat besides some biscuits?”


Jian Luo picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the warm rice. “Maybe I would’ve gone out because of hunger.”


Lu Shifeng handed a piece of baby cake to Long Ao Tian, raised his eyelids to look at Jian Luo, and said in a deep voice, “Did you go?”


Jian Luo suddenly choked up.


To hide his emotions, he lowered his head and took a bite of meat.


The braised pork was richly flavored, sweet and spicy, warming his stomach with its gentle heat. This warmth seemed to envelop his heart as well.


Back in his youth, people around him used to date.


The most romantic thing was a gentle complaint late at night. Their partner would appear downstairs without hesitation, bringing food and drinks. Sweet couples, where eating was secondary to love.


At moments like these, he would jokingly order takeout, saying, “The cost of coming over is more expensive than delivery.”




he was being sour.


Though he complained about the taxi fare, deep down he envied those who were cared for, missed, and had someone who would come rain or shine. Meanwhile, he remained alone, unattached, like a wild grass growing alone in a corner of a wall. Rain or wind, throughout these years, no one remembered him.




A glass of water was quietly placed beside him.


Lu Shifeng, holding onto Long Aotian who wasn’t eating properly, said, “Don’t just eat.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and subconsciously took the glass. Surprisingly, it was warm. As far as he knew, Dark Star people didn’t drink hot water, but Lu Shifeng remembered to pour him hot water. Feeling somewhat surprised, he looked up at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng noticed his gaze and frowned. “Too hot?”


Unexpectedly, Jian Luo smiled. He shook his head gently. “Not too hot.”


Outside the window, lights were shining brightly. The chilly room felt lively because of the two or three children. The warm yellow light from the dining room scattered, with the tall and handsome man handling the two kids who weren’t eating properly. There were occasional small dragon noises at the dinner table, and there was steam rising from the food. Everything seemed ordinary, but for the first time, he felt comfortable.


Jian Luo tilted his head back, his features softening. “Thank you.”


With the young dragons in his arms, Lu Shifeng turned around and saw this radiant smile under the light. His skin appeared fair, and his dark eyes were fixed on him unwaveringly, reflecting shattered starlight. It was a look of trust and gentleness, making Jian Luo feel strangely itchy, like being gently scratched by a cat’s ear, wanting to embrace and cherish.


Lu Shifeng’s eyes deepened, his grip on the dragons tightening unconsciously.




The disgruntled Long Aotian chirped twice, struggling to resist.


Lu Shifeng pushed it back to eat and relaxed his grip, then said, “Jian Luo.”




“Eat properly.”


Stop teasing the dragons casually.




That night’s dinner ended playfully like this. Jian Luo and the kids went to sleep, while Lu Shifeng was sent to the neighboring guest room to rest alone again. The old dragon, now in an empty nest, felt a bit conflicted, but the three little dragons in Jian Luo’s embrace were as happy as could be, with the naughtiest Long Aotian even cheerfully saying goodbye to Lu Shifeng’s darkened face: “Daddy, see you later.”


The other dragons followed suit.


Devoted to rubbing salt in their biological dad’s wounds, to avenge their usual bullying.


Jian Luo thought Lu Shifeng was annoyed by them, so he quickly closed the door and said, “I’ll take them to bed now. Good night.”




The door closed.



The next day.


In the morning, Jian Luo was going to the amusement park for planning and inspection. Lu Shifeng decided to take the three dragons to see him off. When Jian Luo got out of the car, he told the dragons, “Behave well in class today.”


The three little dragons wanted to go with him, causing a ruckus. In the end, Lu Shifeng silenced them with just a glance.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but laugh and waved to them from outside the car. “I’m leaving.”


The three dragons leaned against the car window, watching him eagerly.


When Jian Luo met their gaze, his heart softened. But before he could give in, Lu Shifeng directly scooped up Long Aotian and closed the window, blocking all sightlines.


The three dragons: “…”


They stared angrily at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng remained calm and even smiled faintly. “Daddy, see you later.”


Long Aotian widened its eyes, looking at its own father in disbelief. At such a young age, Lu Shifeng was already teaching them about the harsh realities of society. Their biological father was truly… quite a grudge-holder!


At the Amusement Park.


When Jian Luo arrived, people from various households along the way came out to greet him.


“Hey, Luo Luo.”


“Luo Luo is here.”


“Come sit at our place, Luo Luo.”


Even villagers he wasn’t familiar with showed him a warm welcome, making it hard for him to resist.


Along the way, many children sneak peeks from a distance out of curiosity, eager to see what the new master of Earth, the future leader of the amusement park, looked like. They imagined him to be a mature middle-aged man or a white-haired old man, but they never expected him to be such a young man.


Jian Luo went home first.


Just as he arrived, the former head of the amusement park, Director Wang, also arrived. He greeted Jian Luo as soon as he walked in. “Welcome back, Luo Luo.”


Jian Luo smiled at him. “Please, have a seat, Director Wang.”


Director Wang is not young, already in his fifties, with most of his hair turned white. He spoke in a hoarse voice, “No need to stand, standing is fine for me.”


Jian Luo came over and pulled his hand, urging him to sit on the sofa, “Please, have a seat.”


Su Liang brought out the brewed tea from the kitchen with a smile, saying, “You guys enjoy the tea, I’ll go cut some fruits.”


Director Wang quickly expressed his thanks.


Back when Jian Luo’s family was destitute, Director Wang was arrogant and extremely demanding. Now that Jian Luo’s family had prospered, Director Wang was submissive and polite. It wasn’t his fault for seeking profit; it was just human nature.


Jian Luo took out the printed documents and said, “I plan to gather everyone in the square today for a small meeting.”


“Now that Dark Star supports Eden, there’s no need for everyone to stay inside the sheds and farm. If anyone has other ideas, they’re welcome to speak up.” Jian Luo paused, “Since I’m here now, overall planning will definitely need adjustments. I hope Director Wang can cooperate.”


Director Wang glanced at Jian Luo and smiled, “Of course.”


Though he looked down upon Jian Luo in his heart, he had no choice but to follow Jian Luo’s lead.


Humanity in Eden relied on what they gained from the Safe Haven; he knew this clearly. Without Jian Luo, they were nothing.


Seeing his cooperation, Jian Luo continued, “If you have any thoughts or opinions, feel free to share.”


“Well, we can discuss during the meeting,” Director Wang said, “But there’s something that everyone is concerned about now, especially curious about. We’re legally allowed to intermarry with Dark Star, but the Civil Affairs Bureau hasn’t implemented laws in this regard…”


The Marriage Law only protected Dark Stars, with no explicit provisions for human marriages.


It was neither here nor there.


Now that Jian Luo was in charge, they could only turn to him.


Jian Luo also realized this and asked, puzzled, “Can’t we get married?”


“No, we can’t,” Director Wang said, “In the past, marriages between humans were simple affairs, no need for the Civil Affairs Bureau. Just a simple notarization at the village. But times have changed. I inquired recently, and they said we need the Chairman’s seal and an application to go through the process.”


With Jian Luo holding the official seal, he considered, “Alright, don’t worry. I’ll take a look.”


Director Wang felt relieved.


Next was the meeting for all humans. This was Jian Luo’s first time leading such a gathering, and most people attended. The younger ones seemed more enthusiastic, while the older ones appeared more relaxed, many having seniority over Jian Luo, which caused some discontent.


Luckily, Jian Luo didn’t mind. His responsibility was to plan Eden well; those who cooperated were best, and those who didn’t, he couldn’t be bothered with. Wealth and status were predestined; everyone just needed to do their part.


Jian Luo outlined upcoming plans and emphasized, “Starting today, children aged 5 and above must receive preschool education. Those under 15 can apply to return to school.”


This was a significant reform.


Different opinions emerged:


“What if we don’t have money?”


“Our families can’t afford it.”


“Education costs a fortune; farming is more practical.”


Jian Nan flipped through the scrolls and said, “The Education Department will provide free compulsory education until adulthood for those under 15.”


His words quieted the room.


Those who had opposed it were stunned, while some children’s eyes lit up with excitement.


Finally, someone asked, “But where will the money come from for compulsory education?”


“That’s something I’ll handle, not you,” Jian Luo said sternly from his elevated seat, “Go home, fill out the forms, and submit them.”


The room fell silent.


Previously, some doubted Jian Luo’s ability, but now they looked at him with newfound respect.


Someone started applauding, and soon cheers erupted, especially from the children, who seemed particularly excited.


Jian Luo said, “For those who still have questions, please raise them in an orderly manner.”


With the first issue resolved, his words carried more weight.


Even those who were initially hesitant dared to voice their needs.


After collecting several pages of questions, Jian Luo assigned tasks according to the previous plan to different groups, ensuring everyone found something productive to do.


Jian Luo himself was quite busy; his first priority was resolving the Marriage Law issue.


If handled properly, it would be straightforward. With Dark Star currently in reform, all local authorities were supportive, ready to cooperate fully with Jian Luo.


However, when the draft reached Jian Luo, he frowned.


He was thoroughly dissatisfied with this proposed Marriage Law.


From the first article, it seemed designed to test human patience: “Civil Marriage Law Article 1: In marriages between Dark Star and humans, based on the Marriage Treaty, humans must change their surname after marriage, and their household registration must follow their spouse’s species registration. Property must be clearly divided based on equality.”


In essence, this provision meant:


After marrying a Dark Star, humans had to change their surname and their household registration to match their spouse’s species registration. This primarily dealt with child custody and human rights issues, making the marriage itself a secondary consideration.

As for the division of property, the meaning becomes even more apparent. The wealth of the Dark Star people has nothing to do with their human wives. After marriage, both sides maintain separate properties and do not interfere with each other, ostensibly to protect their respective assets, but in reality to prevent humans from marrying for money.


The entire Marriage Law, whether in its creation or its provisions, seems like a joke.


How could such absurd things exist in this world? They want humans to marry, bear children, take care of the family, and yet demand to be subordinate, enjoying no rights.


Jian Luo sneered coldly and slammed the draft on the table.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 145 – Weaning

Chapter 145 – Weaning


Lu Shifeng stepped forward, standing in front of him.


Jian Luo instinctively looked up; the banquet lights twinkled not far away, but this spot was secluded, the lighting dim. Lu Shifeng stood much taller, casting an imposing figure that made Jian Luo feel pressured. From Jian Luo’s angle, he could only see Lu Shifeng’s sharp jawline and his quiet, blood-red eyes, calm and composed.


General Lu raised his hand and wiped away the tears from Jian Luo’s face with a rough fingertip. His voice was deep, “Why are you crying again?”


Jian Luo felt embarrassed and turned his face away. “None of your business.”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his hand, half-joking, “Then I’ll leave.”




Jian Luo suddenly looked up and glared at him.


Lu Shifeng didn’t leave; he seemed to be teasing him mischievously. The Grand Marshal wasn’t as composed and indifferent as he appeared.


Jian Luo pursed his lips. “You’re the one who pulled me over here.”


In other words, go ahead and leave.


Lu Shifeng said, “Hmm, just to calm you down.”




Jian Luo was too annoyed to argue.


Lu Shifeng took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped Jian Luo’s face. He bent down, his long fingers delicately handling the cloth, wiping the tears and dampness from the corners of Jian Luo’s eyes and his thin, vulnerable face.


Those hands were naturally suited for controlling the deadliest machines, wielding the power of life and death. Yet now, they gently wiped a fragile human’s tears with a slightly damp handkerchief, seemingly finding some enjoyment in it.


Lu Shifeng murmured softly, “The doctor said crying too much isn’t good for your eyes right after childbirth.”


Jian Luo looked at him, slightly surprised.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “What are you looking at?”




Jian Luo had thought that Lu Shifeng wouldn’t care about such matters. Since returning to the warship, Lu Shifeng had been busy with dragon clan affairs and Dark Star matters, often returning late each day. Jian Luo hadn’t even seen him meet with a doctor, so how did he know about these things?


Lu Shifeng was patient and waited until Jian Luo stopped crying before speaking. “About what you said at the banquet…”


It had just been an emotional outburst; he had been holding it in all day and now regretted it a bit. Jian Luo quickly cut him off, “It’s okay, you can just ignore what I said, don’t… take it to heart.”


“Are you teasing me?” Lu Shifeng squinted slightly, calmly folding the handkerchief, not scolding Jian Luo but carrying an air of authority.


Jian Luo hurriedly said, “No.”


When he was anxious, his eyes were always lively. His dark eyes with a hint of brown would constantly focus on Lu Shifeng, eager and attentive, his pupils reflecting only Lu Shifeng, his whole being centered around him.


Lu Shifeng enjoyed this.


It was only right that it was like this; after all, Jian Luo belonged to him.


A barely noticeable satisfaction flashed in Lu Shifeng’s eyes. He was satisfied enough to speak, “What you said at the banquet just now, it was well said.”


Jian Luo was stunned. “Huh?”


Lu Shifeng took Jian Luo’s hand and led him to a nearby stone bench. He said, “Remember when we first met? You were afraid of me, even hesitant to speak a few words.”


Jian Luo recalled slowly, and indeed, he had been very afraid back then. Crossing over was difficult, and not just for an inexperienced native like him; even modern humans, if you asked, who wouldn’t be afraid of Lu Shifeng?


Jian Luo didn’t dare to tell the truth. “That was because I wasn’t familiar, didn’t understand. If I offended you in any way before, I hope you can forgive me.”


“Even after having a child, you still use formal language.” Lu Shifeng lounged lazily beside him. “Your anger from earlier seems to have disappeared.”


Jian Luo felt a bit ashamed.


He didn’t know what had happened to him after becoming pregnant; he was always so temperamental. Even after giving birth, he hadn’t quite adjusted.


Jian Luo said, “Please don’t make fun of me.”


Lu Shifeng saw how Jian Luo had been fierce just moments ago, now lowering his head. With his fair complexion, his downturned face revealed a slender, fair neck. Maybe it was because he had been upset earlier; now he looked like a little kitten that had just had its claws trimmed—unintentionally docile, strangely… itchy.


Perhaps it was because the child had been born, and after holding it in for so long, with spring approaching, some dragons always felt a bit stirred.


Lu Shifeng suppressed the itch in his heart and withdrew his gaze. “I’m older than you. According to His Majesty, there’s always a bit of estrangement with an age gap. You’re introverted and tend to keep things to yourself. I can only understand you through Lady Jin or the doctors.”


Jian Luo looked up, slightly surprised.


He had always thought Lu Shifeng considered him dispensable, but it turned out Lu Shifeng cared about his feelings?


Lu Shifeng looked at him. “But they can only see your daily life; they can’t understand what’s in your heart.”


“Not understanding, I can only take care of you in my own way.” Lu Shifeng’s voice was clear in the night. “For the people of Dark Star, only the strong have the right to speak and survive. Whether it’s me or His Majesty, we’re all helping you become stronger in our own way.”


Some things didn’t need explaining.


He hadn’t intended to explain at all; he had thought Jian Luo would understand.


But he hadn’t expected the misunderstanding to run so deep and cause Jian Luo so much pressure.


Jian Luo lowered his head. “So that’s how it is.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him, expecting the boy to have more to say. Unexpectedly, Jian Luo just said those four words, which surprised Lu Shifeng a bit. “You’re not angry anymore?”


“I’m not angry.” Jian Luo sat on the stone bench, swinging his legs. He spoke softly, “I’ll try harder in the future.”


Anger came and went quickly.


Once he understood, he behaved obediently.


Lu Shifeng had originally thought he would need to comfort Jian Luo more, but this boy turned out to be unexpectedly easy to coax. Compared to the female protagonist of “Dominant Dragon Clan Falling in Love with Me” who was always threatening to break up, Jian Luo was unbelievably sweet.


Just as Lu Shifeng was feeling pleased, Jian Luo asked, “So, if it’s all for my own good, does that mean I can have my own opinions? If there’s something, can I talk to you about it, and you’ll agree?”


Lu Shifeng was in a good mood and nodded. “Yes.”


“That’s great!” Jian Luo smiled brightly. “Then I’ll go pick a new house in the Imperial City in a few days, and I’ll move there.”


He had always wanted a place of his own.


Earth was too big, the dragon clan too vast, and the grand palace too imposing. He just wanted a small place with his name on the property deed—that would be security enough.


Lu Shifeng squinted. “You want to move out?”


Jian Luo nodded.


Lu Shifeng felt a moment of panic, but he quickly calmed down. Even though he was internally panicked, he spoke calmly, “For the safety of the child, they are better off staying with the dragon clan.”


In other words, if you’re not staying with the dragon clan, are you saying you’d rather part with me than the child?




Jian Luo hesitated.


Lu Shifeng felt much relieved in his heart, but just as he relaxed, Jian Luo said, “But you need human help to cooperate with research. I’ll definitely need to coordinate with the research institute. I’ll be quite busy next, and I have Earth to manage. The reconstruction of Eden also needs my attention. There’s also the matter of livestreaming that I need to pick up again. Sometimes I won’t be able to take care of them completely, but I’ll be confident leaving them with the dragon clan.”


“As long as you don’t stop me from seeing the child.” Jian Luo spoke softly, “I’ll probably be traveling around a lot for the next while. If it gets too late, I won’t come back, it’ll be more convenient that way.”



Lu Shifeng surprisingly couldn’t argue.


But if Jian Luo lived alone, would it imply to others that he was unclaimed?


Would those coveting him continue to swarm like an irritating piece of toffee?


The thought of others looking at Jian Luo made Lu Shifeng want to shut everyone out, not allowing anyone to touch his treasure.


He wanted to keep his treasure hidden away, but his treasure always had its mind set on wandering outside.


Truly infuriating for a dragon.


“To live outside is fine.” Fortunately, Lu Shifeng still had his reason. He tried not to alarm Jian Luo too much. “I’ll have someone pick a house for you. It might be problematic if you’re alone and the surroundings aren’t safe.”


Jian Luo subconsciously wanted to say a few words, but as soon as he looked up, he met Lu Shifeng’s dark eyes. They were filled with unyielding determination. Even though Lu Shifeng hadn’t displayed enough dominance, and had even used a gentle tone, Jian Luo somehow knew that there was no room for negotiation in this matter.


He nodded obediently. “Alright.”



The next day


Jian Luo had expected things to be busy, but not this busy.


Since he officially resumed work, he had been in a state of constant activity, with the communication device on his wrist never stopping. Various tasks piled up one after another, leaving him disoriented.


Fortunately, the efficiency of the dragon clan was truly high. In the afternoon, Lady Jin called him, “Luo Luo, the house has been arranged. I’ll send you the password shortly. Whenever you have time, you can go see the house. It’s fully furnished and ready for immediate occupancy.”


At that moment, Jian Luo was still at the research institute. He replied, “Alright, thank you.”


After hanging up, before he could focus on looking at the house, the research staff handed him a form, “Could you please arrange for all human personnel to fill out the registration? Upload it to our information mailbox in half a month. We’ll arrange for blood samples to be collected. Please count the number of suitable humans. Oh, we also have a seminar later on the new batch of social behaviors…”


After going through the entire process, Jian Luo was completely busy, and it was already past nine in the evening.


The kids must be asleep by now.


Finally glancing at the password sent by Lady Jin, Jian Luo decided to go see his new house tonight and stay the night there to avoid disturbing the kids.


As he rode in the car to the new house, he messaged Lu Shifeng, “I’m not coming back tonight. Remember to take the kids to bed.”


After a while, Lu Shifeng replied, “Okay.”


The car soon arrived at its destination. The house was close to the city center and conveniently located at the center of his various workplaces. Jian Luo was quite satisfied with it.


Entering the house with the password, he found it to be a four-bedroom home with cozy decor, mostly in the style humans liked. There was a small kitchen, a large living room with blankets on the floor, a new tea set on the table, and a corner bookshelf stocked with the latest magazines and journals.


Truly fully furnished.


Jian Luo walked into the master bedroom and saw the soft, large bed, feeling delighted. He was very pleased with this house and expected to live comfortably here.


“Where’s the bathroom?”


After setting his things down, Jian Luo found the bathroom, took a shower, and tidied up. By the time everything was settled, it was already past ten in the evening. He turned off the lights and got into bed. Tired from the day, he had thought he would fall asleep quickly, but lying down, he found himself unable to sleep. Normally at this time, the kids would be asleep; Long Autian would sometimes snore softly, and his sister might wake up for a midnight snack. He’d get up to feed her.


He didn’t know if Lu Shifeng could take care of them well.


Turning over in bed, Jian Luo not only couldn’t sleep, but became more awake. He lay on his back, sighed deeply, and finally admitted to himself one thing: he really missed the kids.


On the first night apart from them, he was already feeling uncomfortable.


What would he do in the future when the kids grew up and left him?


All sorts of strange thoughts floated through his mind. Just as Jian Luo was gradually feeling drowsy, suddenly the doorbell rang outside, startling him like thunder. He jumped up in surprise. Jian Luo walked to the door and looked outside. In the quiet night, the doorbell kept ringing, sending shivers down his spine. “Who is it?”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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