Day: June 25, 2024

Chapter 8 – It Got Bigger

Chapter 8: It Got Bigger


Although the more Su Muluo thought about his beautiful feathers being ground into essence for treating hair loss, the more he felt… whatever, he had to comfort himself that at least it made money. Treating hair loss was fine, as there was a high demand for it nowadays, and people would likely come more often to drink his coffee.


Besides, once they drank it, they would find out that his special coffee had many other beneficial effects.


After all, those were his feathers! Treasures of the world, if not curing all diseases, they could at least extend one’s life! They were definitely not just for hair growth!


Song Nan and her colleague had already chosen a seat and sat down. Su Muluo took out a few coffee cups and was about to brew the coffee when another customer entered the store.


It was a woman with long, black hair reaching her waist, wearing a white dress. Her appearance was beautiful, but there was a gloomy aura in her eyes, and upon closer inspection, she seemed somewhat unreal.


Su Muluo glanced at her face without changing his expression and said calmly, “What would you like to drink?”


The woman looked up, her emotionless eyes scanned the menu briefly, and she said softly, “A cup of special coffee, no sugar.”


After saying this, she walked straight to a corner of the café and sat by the window.


Su Muluo took out another cup and started brewing the coffee, adding phoenix feather essence to the other three cups but not to the woman’s.


The coffee was soon ready. Song Nan couldn’t wait to take a sip, closing her eyes in satisfaction.


It was delicious!


If she hadn’t personally experienced the benefits of this coffee, knowing it was entirely beneficial to her body, Song Nan would have suspected that the owner had added something illegal to make it taste this good.


…Although, in truth, something had been added, but it was not anything illegal or harmful; it was extremely rare and beneficial.


Song Nan took another sip and saw her colleague’s expression change from doubt to surprise and disbelief. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride.


I told you this coffee was good. You didn’t believe me at first.


At this moment, the customer who had ordered the special coffee with them exclaimed, “Boss, what kind of coffee is this? It’s so delicious!”


Su Muluo smiled and said, “It’s my secret recipe, not for public disclosure.”


The customer said, “Oh, can I have another cup?”


“Sorry, it’s limited,” Su Muluo replied, “and each person can only order one cup at a time.”


The customer seemed a bit disappointed but said, “Alright, I’ll come back tomorrow for more.”


Song Nan’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t expected the special coffee to be limited!


Of course, the owner had said it was a secret recipe, so it must be very precious and couldn’t be unlimited… She realized she needed to come more often. If the café became popular, it wouldn’t be so easy to get it!


Thinking of this, Song Nan sipped her coffee carefully, savoring each sip as a delightful feast for her taste buds.


In the corner of the café, the woman with black hair took a sip of her special coffee. Her expression remained unchanged, neither surprised nor disappointed.


After finishing her cup of coffee, Song Nan and her colleague got up to leave. As they passed the bar, Song Nan looked at Su Muluo’s handsome profile and joked, “Boss, you’re so young, do you have a girlfriend?”


Su Muluo was about to answer when he suddenly felt something move in his pocket. He reached in and found a small black dragon hugging his finger.


He then smiled and said, “I already have a partner.”




Song Nan chewed on the meaning of this word, a hint of disappointment flashing in her eyes. She then smiled and said, “She must be a very beautiful girl. Goodbye, boss, we’re leaving.”


Su Muluo nodded and said, “Take care.” At the same time, a woman with long black hair, who had been sitting in the corner, also stood up and walked silently towards the door.


As Song Nan brushed past the woman, she suddenly shivered, feeling a chill run through her body. She looked outside and saw the warm sunshine.


…Was the air conditioning in the shop too cold?


She didn’t understand but didn’t think much of it, leaving with her colleague.





After Song Nan and her colleague were far away, the little black dragon poked its head out of Su Muluo’s pocket, staring at him without blinking.


Su Muluo tapped its head and said, “I didn’t say anything bad about you.”


He suspected that the little black dragon wasn’t really sleeping, or even if it was, it was still paying attention to the outside world. Otherwise, how could it wake up as soon as someone asked if he had a girlfriend?


The little black dragon let out a small roar, wagged its tail, and climbed onto the bar counter along Su Muluo’s hand.


Although it had been almost a week since it hatched, its size hadn’t changed much. It was still small enough to curl up in Su Muluo’s palm, hidden from the customers by the bar.


Su Muluo watched the little dragon wriggling in his hand, showing its soft belly in a playful manner. He rubbed its little belly and smiled, “Why are you still so small?”


The little black dragon nuzzled his fingers, chirping something incomprehensible.


Su Muluo said, “Alright, suit yourself.”


He didn’t understand a word of it.


The little black dragon knew he didn’t understand and stopped chirping, instead yawning lazily and resting its chin on his fingertip.


Just as Su Muluo suspected, although the little black dragon often slept, it still paid attention to the outside world. After all, its phoenix was running a shop and interacting with many people every day, some of whom had feelings for its phoenix, making it particularly vigilant.


Dragons were notoriously possessive of their partners, not allowing anyone else to covet them. Back in the mountains, it was just the two of them, but now it was different.


Thinking of this, the little black dragon wrapped its tail around Su Muluo’s wrist, clinging to him affectionately.


When it could transform into a human, it would cling to its phoenix every day, letting everyone know that the phoenix was its alone, and no one else could desire him.


Unaware of the little dragon’s possessive thoughts, Su Muluo scratched its chin, hearing its contented hum, a smile flashing in his eyes.


At seven in the evening, the coffee shop closed, and Su Muluo prepared to go home.


He now opened the shop at ten in the morning and closed at seven in the evening, a perfect schedule that allowed him personal time without feeling exhausted. Moreover, the weather was gradually getting cooler, and he preferred to stay in a warm house, holding his little black dragon and watching TV.


Yes, he had recently developed a liking for watching TV, following a variety show that aired at eight every evening, so he would go home early.


Most of the lights in the coffee shop were turned off, leaving only one for illumination. As usual, Su Muluo prepared cat food and placed it on the bar. This time, before he could leave, an orange cat slipped in from outside.


It didn’t look around, quickly hiding under a table, waiting for Su Muluo to leave so it could eat.


Su Muluo looked at the now plumper orange cat and said, “Don’t go out at night recently. There was an attack on a demon a few days ago, it’s not very safe.”


The cat, Chisui, didn’t respond, but Su Muluo wasn’t concerned, knowing it understood him. He then left with the little black dragon.


He had no intention of taking Chisui back to his rented apartment, knowing it would probably be unwilling. Besides, as a cat demon with demon power capable of transformation, Chisui could take care of itself in the shop’s resting room.


Moreover, even if Chisui agreed, Su Muluo’s jealous little black dragon would be infuriated if it knew he wanted to bring a cat home. It might twist itself into a knot or puff up like a pufferfish.


Soon, the lights in the rented apartment turned on, and Su Muluo stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner.


Dinner was boiled fish. Tender fish pieces submerged in spicy chili oil, steaming and releasing a mouth-watering aroma.


It was Su Muluo’s first time making this dish, and he accidentally added too many chilies. This caused the little black dragon to sneeze constantly, unwilling to leave but insisting on sticking to its phoenix.


And so, it kept sneezing.


Su Muluo couldn’t help but laugh, looking at the little black dragon’s slightly resentful eyes.


He picked out some of the excess chilies and added a bit of water to the pot, saying, “Alright, I won’t make it this spicy next time.”


He hadn’t known the little black dragon couldn’t handle spicy food, as he had never made it before. But when the boiled fish was served, a bright red bowl, the little black dragon curiously sniffed around, seemingly wanting to try.


Su Muluo gave it a small piece of fish, and it took a tiny bite.


Then it got overwhelmed by the spiciness.




Su Muluo: “…”


He watched the little dragon writhing on the table in distress and quickly fetched water from the kitchen, putting it in a bowl and offering it honey tea.


The honey was bought a few days ago, sweet and delicious. Little Black Dragon was listlessly lying in the water, sticking its head out and drinking the honey bit by bit.


Su Muluo felt a bit distressed and fed it a cup of honey water, then patted it and asked, “How are you feeling now?”


Little Black Dragon: “Aw.”


This “aw” was louder than before, indicating it was feeling better. Su Muluo scooped it out of the clean water and carefully dried it with a towel to prevent it from catching a cold.


Little Black Dragon didn’t like being wrapped in a towel. After a few seconds, it tried to wriggle back to the Phoenix. Su Muluo gently cupped it in his hand and said, “There’s still a bit of fish left. How about I make some soup for you?”


Little Black Dragon shook its head to refuse, but glanced at the pot of boiled fish.


It seemed like it still wanted to eat.


Su Muluo said, “No way.” Then he added, “If you like the taste, I’ll make a less spicy version next time.”


Su Muluo found the boiled fish quite fine for himself, but clearly, Little Black Dragon couldn’t handle it. After all, it was just a baby dragon less than a week old.


…Even though it had been in the egg for thousands of years, a baby dragon was still a baby dragon.


Thinking this, Su Muluo looked at Little Black Dragon with some affection. His gaze made Little Black Dragon uncomfortable, and it “awed” again, burying its head in his sleeve.


Su Muluo laughed and poked Little Black Dragon, saying, “How about I steam an egg custard for you?”


Little Black Dragon thought about it and agreed. The Phoenix’s steamed egg custard was delicious—fragrant and smooth. It nodded.


They busied themselves until eight o’clock and finally had dinner. Sitting in front of the TV, they watched a variety show, played with their phones for a while, and when Su Muluo noticed Little Black Dragon getting sleepy, he took it to bed.


Lately, Little Black Dragon had not only been sleeping a lot but also getting sleepy earlier each night. Su Muluo was a bit worried, thinking the colder weather might be the reason, and asked, “Are you going to hibernate?” Do dragons even need to hibernate? If it did, would his dragon just sleep through the whole winter?


Little Black Dragon, drowsy and limp, curled up in his palm, seemingly not hearing him.


Su Muluo thought, fine, I’ll ask it again in the morning and check its health properly. He placed Little Black Dragon on the pillow, watched it for a while, and then closed his eyes.


With the lights off, Su Muluo slowly fell asleep. He slept well in the first half of the night, but in the second half, he felt something heavy pressing on him. When he pushed it away, it clung back, stubbornly sticking to him.


As a result, Su Muluo didn’t sleep well all night. The next morning, he groggily opened his eyes and suddenly saw a dragon tail in front of him.


A much larger dragon tail.




Su Muluo wanted to sit up, but something heavy was wrapped around his waist. Turning his head, he saw a black dragon lying on top of him, its body coiled around his waist, nearly covering the entire bed.


Su Muluo was shocked.


His Little Black Dragon had grown bigger overnight.


Super big!

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 37 – The Demon King's Body

Chapter 37


Si Lan unexpectedly met Hao Wei’s gaze and momentarily froze.


The deep sockets of the other’s eyes, coupled with the cold aloofness and nobility, made him seem unapproachable. At this moment, he appeared angry, lips tightly pursed, enhancing his frosty demeanor. Without his jade crown bound, his long hair was loosely held by a white jade ribbon. As the wind blew, the ribbon fluttered near his ears, swaying in front of him as if scratching at the heart, causing an itch.


Si Lan forgot to react for a moment, just silently gazing at him.


He had seen this face before in the illusion. So, back then, was it really Hao Wei who rescued him from the illusion?


“Do you know your crimes, Demon King Si Lan,” Hao Wei pronounced each word deliberately.


Si Lan snapped out of his reverie and instinctively asked, “What crimes?”


“One, you soaked Us in a wine jar. Two, your behavior was frivolous…” Hao Wei blushed suddenly as he continued.


Si Lan clicked his tongue; he didn’t recognize either accusation.


Firstly, he did indeed drink the little white dragon thinking it was a snake, but no one would connect that little white snake with the Divine Emperor Hao Wei.


Secondly, he carried the little white dragon in his arms and kissed its forehead, but only treated it as a pet without any malicious intent.


Moreover, when the little white dragon transformed into a human form, it looked similar in size to Xie Li. In his eyes, it was just a cute “little thing”. How could he have behaved frivolously towards a “little thing”?


After hesitating for a while, Si Lan asked first, “Your Majesty Hao Wei, why did you appear in the Demon Realm in such a disordered state?” This was the cause, which led to a series of consequences.


Hao Wei heard the word “you”, his face tightening subtly.


Was this demon lord trying to distance himself from him now?


“I subdued the Torch Snake in time and got injured, causing my disorderly state.”


Hao Wei felt that this demon lord wasn’t worth trusting, so he couldn’t tell him the real situation.


“That’s why, it was Your Majesty Hao Wei who first showed his childish form, so I mistakenly thought you were a little white snake soaking in wine. This can’t be blamed on me…” Si Lan deliberately emphasized the phrase “childish form”, paused, and continued, “Secondly, when have I ever behaved frivolously?”


Hao Wei’s expression darkened upon hearing this, thinking that this demon lord’s face was unexpectedly thick. After being disrespectful to him several times, he could still make such a “righteous” excuse.


Feeling displeased, he took a step forward, towering over Si Lan due to his height, looking down at him.


Si Lan suddenly felt the air thinning, enveloped by an invisible pressure.


“Do you need me to help you remember?” Hao Wei said.


He kissed his forehead, pulled his tail, rubbed his dragon horn… these things were all done by him!


Si Lan met Hao Wei’s pitch-black eyes and involuntarily took a step back, wanting to move away from Hao Wei a bit, but there were small stones under his feet, causing him to stumble and almost fall.


Hao Wei immediately reached out and grabbed Si Lan’s hand, pulling him into his arms.


Si Lan fell heavily into his arms, his gaze falling on the slight movement of his Adam’s apple, looking up, coincidentally meeting Hao Wei’s lowered and cold face.


Si Lan’s face suddenly turned embarrassed, at a loss for words. “No… there’s no need to remember… I… I didn’t really disrespect Your Majesty. It’s just that I treated you like a little doll because I’ve always liked handsome little dolls. That’s why I accidentally offended you.” He changed his tune because he recalled a few occasions when he had indeed gone too far.


Hao Wei’s brow twitched slightly, seeming somewhat pleased. “Oh, would you say such things to every handsome little doll?”


“…” Si Lan.


It used to be so joyful to tease others, but now he felt so embarrassed.


Clearly, the other could pretend not to know anything, but he had to bring it up like this.


He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, trying his best to look sincere on his face. “When I said that day, it was because…”


He had just said these words when he saw Qu Ze casting a spell and also arriving at the top of the mountain. He hurriedly left Hao Wei’s arms and distanced himself from Hao Wei.


“Respect!” Qu Ze yelled anxiously.


“What’s wrong?”


Qu Ze’s gaze swept across Hao Wei, showing surprise, but he didn’t say anything, and his expression was serious as he walked toward Si Lan. “Song has a problem.”


Si Lan saw Qu Ze’s expression and immediately realized it wasn’t a simple matter. He immediately cast a spell and jumped down the mountain peak, seeing Song also lying in Song Cheng’s arms.


At this moment, Song Cheng’s arm was gently trembling, holding Song’s child tightly, and the petals of the lips murmured, “Song…”


Song’s face turned pale, but he smiled hard, a look of nonchalance. “Brother, don’t cry, I don’t feel pain.”


Si Lan walked over and lifted the clothes of Song, and he found that there was a large bowl of clothes in the lower abdomen of Song.


On this road, he has not noticed the blood of the body of Song, and he realized that Song has been hidden by him.


“Mm.” Song Ye nodded weakly, seeming afraid that Si Lan would blame him for not reporting sooner, he quickly added, “Your Majesty, it’s no use. If I tell you, it will only burden you with healing me, causing you to lose your cultivation for nothing and delaying everyone’s progress.”


Si Lan chuckled in frustration, “Why haven’t I seen you so considerate on ordinary days?”


Song Ye weakly smiled again. In the final stage of his life, he wanted to take a good look at his brother. He then looked at Song Cheng’s face and reached out with his hand, fingertips still stained with blood, slowly touching Song Cheng’s face.


Song Cheng’s eyes reddened, watching Song Ye’s weakening breath, his voice trembling, “Song Ye, it’s better not to let me catch you lying again.”


Song Ye smiled and buried his head in Song Cheng’s arms.


In fact, after so many years, his brother still loved him very much, but only showed it when he was in danger.


As his hand was about to drop, Song Cheng suddenly grasped it tightly and placed it on his face. At that moment, all the suppressed emotions in Song Cheng’s heart burst out.


“Song Ye, as long as you survive, in the future… I’ll listen to you.”


Song Ye thought hazily, that would be wonderful; from now on, his brother would listen to him.


The first thing he wanted was to make his brother stop being so stern with him and to smile more often.


The second thing was to make his brother replace his dear ones with him.


The third thing…


Song Ye’s spirit was declining, and he could no longer even indulge in such fantasies, relying solely on his last bit of strength.


But he still had a knot in his heart to resolve before passing away, without it, he would not be willing to enter the netherworld.


“Brother…” Song Ye suddenly coughed up blood, and the wound on his body began to bleed even more heavily. “I want to know why you dislike me.”


His brother was gentle with everyone but had a barrier between them, always keeping his distance.


Even when they had not yet transformed, they were intertwined like twin vines, inseparable. They endured through the seasons, through storms and lightning, helping each other to cultivate into human form.


Why did things change later?


Song Ye really didn’t know what he had done wrong.


The tears that had been restrained in Song Cheng’s eyes quietly fell after hearing this, “Song Ye, I’m… I’m sorry, it’s me… I didn’t want to taint you.”


“Enough.” Si Lan tightened his facial lines, interrupting their conversation, and took out a pill from his storage bag. Although the pill couldn’t bring back the dead, it could help Song Ye hold on for a while longer.


As long as he was alive, there would always be a way.


“Your Majesty, don’t waste time on me…”


Si Lan ignored him, removing the core of the pill with a spell and stuffing it into Song Ye’s mouth.


“You wanted to know what the conflict between you and Song Cheng is about? Then hold on, and when the time comes, let Song Cheng tell you privately.”


Upon hearing this, Song Ye couldn’t help but vomit blood. Even on the brink of death, he couldn’t help but feel jealous, “How come even Your Majesty knows why my brother hates me, but I don’t?”


“…” Si Lan was speechless, amazed by his train of thought even at this moment.


As a person on the verge of death, he still cared about this.


Song Cheng and Song Ye are two demon creatures cultivated from two purple vines, and the roots are the basis of life. Da Yong crushed Song Ye’s demon core, causing Song Ye to lose many years of cultivation and destroying the roots of his body.


Now, unless Song Ye’s roots can be restored, it will be difficult to save him.


The Demon Realm, Mount Zhuyun.


After Si Lan brought Song Ye back, he issued decrees across the Six Realms, seeking various divine doctors to save Song Ye. However, every expert who examined him declared there was no cure. If they had discovered it earlier, Song Ye might have been able to reclaim his life, but now it was too late.


Si Lan suspected that Song Ye was determined to die, intentionally concealing the severity of his injuries. Perhaps he was so fixated on gaining Song Cheng’s affection that he was willing to sacrifice his life.


Although Si Lan knew the root of the discord between the two, it was their private matter, and he didn’t want to embarrass Song Cheng, so he refrained from intervening.


Initially, when he infiltrated Elder Qilao’s residence in Chushanjun, he encountered Song Cheng in a secret chamber. Song Cheng lay on a white jade platform, covered in wounds so extensive that hardly a patch of clean skin could be seen. Seeing a stranger suddenly appear, Song Cheng’s face flushed with shame and embarrassment. He struggled to cover himself, but there were no clothes in the chamber.


Si Lan took off his coat and dr4p3d it over Song Cheng, gently reassuring him, “Chushanjun has been dealt with by me.”


Song Cheng trembled slightly and looked up at Si Lan, tears welling in his eyes but not falling. He only mentioned that he had a younger brother, Song Ye.


When Si Lan found Song Ye, he noticed that Song Ye was in much better condition than Song Cheng. Song Ye was well cared for but harbored deep dissatisfaction with Chushanjun for favoring his brother and teaching him secret techniques exclusively. Thus, Song Ye remained indifferent to Si Lan killing Chushanjun.


Later, Song Cheng insisted on staying under Si Lan’s wing, and Song Ye followed suit to work for him.


These brothers clearly cherished each other deeply, considering each other more important than their own lives, yet they couldn’t openly communicate their feelings.


Si Lan locked himself in his study, scouring medical texts, determined not to give up on curing Song Ye. Despite Song Ye’s often sarcastic remarks and disrespectful tone towards him, Si Lan knew he was a fundamentally good person who had helped him resolve many difficult matters in the Demon Realm.


Moreover, if something were to happen to Song Ye, Song Cheng might not survive it either.


He couldn’t stand idly by.


For a day and night, Si Lan searched through piles of medical books in his study but found no clues. Frustrated, he pushed the mountain of books off the table.


Was there truly no method to bring back the dead?


In this world, with countless secret arts, there was not one that could save Song Ye!


Si Lan slumped amidst the scattered medical books, his jade crown discarded on the floor, his black hair hanging loosely around his waist. His eyes and brows betrayed exhaustion and despair. He couldn’t bring himself to face Song Ye now, unable to bear witnessing Song Ye’s life slipping away bit by bit.


He rested his head in his hands, sighing softly.


  Haowei pushed the door open, stepping in one careful stride at a time. Moonlight spilled over his back, casting a long shadow. Looking down at Si Lan seated on the ground, he asked in a solemn tone, “Do you truly wish to save him?”




  ”Even if it means sacrificing your own cultivation?”


  Si Lan lifted his head in surprise at this question. “Do you have a way?” Otherwise, Haowei wouldn’t have asked such a thing.


  ”Using your blood to nourish the Purple Lotus root can achieve resurrection.”


  Si Lan stood up, stepping forward with a furrowed brow. “Are you not deceiving me?”




  ”How… could my blood have such an effect?”


  Haowei’s eyes flickered slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. “Have you ever considered that your true origin might not be ordinary?”


  ”What do you mean?”


  Haowei didn’t directly answer, turning away and walking step by step towards the eaves of the corridor. “Have you heard that the Yujia gives birth to the Feilong, the Feilong gives birth to the Phoenix, the Phoenix gives birth to the Luan, and the Luan gives birth to the common bird? All feathered creatures originate from the common bird.”


  Why did he cherish Si Lan’s blood so much?


  Why did Si Lan’s mother insist on hiding his “ordinary bird” origin?


  It was because Si Lan’s true form was Yujia.


  Yuwudao had just informed him through divine consciousness about Si Lan’s true form and everything about Luo Hui.


  He had never imagined that this Demon Lord, who seemed so limitless and vast, had experienced so much.


  ”Yujia…” Si Lan had heard of this mythical story before; Yujia was the ancestor of ancient flying creatures like the Dragon and Phoenix. However, such species had long been extinct in ancient times, leading later generations to believe Yujia was merely a mythical species and not real.


  ”Can Yujia also save Song?”


  Haowei glanced at Si Lan from the side, his gaze deep and causing Si Lan’s heart to skip a beat.


  ”Yes, you are the last Yujia in this world.”


  ”…” Si Lan.


  This revelation was more terrifying than when he had discovered he had turned into a sticky egg!


  It was even more shocking than discovering he was the reincarnation of Jun Li!


  How could he be the last Yujia in the world? That species only existed in ancient texts!


  He stared unbelievably at Haowei, who appeared serious and not joking at all. Suddenly, he fell into silence, lowering his head as his thoughts drifted far away.


  Haowei said nothing, standing quietly opposite him.


  The night wind swept in, pulling at their figures.


  On the eaves, two lanterns gently swayed, casting a dim light between them.


  After a while, Si Lan sighed softly and said, “Since I’m not an ordinary bird, does that mean I can eat roast chicken in the future?”


  God knows how he had survived these thousand years, forced to bid farewell to his beloved chicken wings, drumsticks, and thighs, simply because he had turned into a chicken and could no longer look at any chicken-made dishes.


  ”…” Haowei.


  Haowei seemed speechless, his lips twitching slightly.


  He probably didn’t expect that Si Lan’s first concern would be whether he could eat roast chicken in the future.


  Truly, he was so carefree.


  ”The reason Yujia became extinct is because its flesh grants immortality, its blood brings the dead back to life, and its bones are divine treasures. Therefore, it became not only a coveted supplement among beasts but also a weapon coveted by all beasts.”


Upon hearing this, Si Lan suddenly understood his mother’s intentions. He had always thought she disdained him for being an ordinary bird, feeling ashamed of him, but now he realized she had been protecting him all along.


Even at the last moments of her life, she was paving the way for him…


The melancholy that had arisen because of the Great Gorge gradually subsided, only to be stirred up again now. Si Lan smiled wryly, turned to gaze at the sky, not wanting Haowei to see him in this state.


“So my blood can save Song?”




“Are you really sure I’m Yujia?” Si Lan was uncertain, unable to resist seeking confirmation once more. He had thought achieving the position of Demon Lord meant the end of everything, only to discover it was just the beginning.


There were still so many secrets in his life left to uncover.


“Yes, but if you save Song, you may lose a significant portion of your cultivation, or even…”


Before Haowei could finish, Si Lan interrupted, “Forget it. Since this is the only way, I cannot stand by and watch without trying.”


With that said, Si Lan went to find Song.


He displayed a heroic and resolute appearance.


Haowei followed behind him, his gaze fixed on Si Lan’s neck, his brow deeply furrowed.



At this moment, Song lay against Song Cheng, his face pallid, his eyes empty, barely clinging to life. When he saw Si Lan appear, he could only weakly move his eyes.


Si Lan dared not delay any longer. Casting his spell, he revealed Song’s true form. A massive Purple Wisteria instantly pierced through the roof, its roots, stems, and leaves spreading out in all directions.


The roots of the Purple Wisteria had nearly been consumed by the demonic energy of the Great Gorge, its branches withering and yellowing, almost lifeless.


Si Lan tentatively opened his palm, a drop of blood dripping onto the roots of the Purple Wisteria. Slowly seeping in, the area nourished by the blood gradually turned a pale blue, restoring its original appearance.


Beside him, Song Cheng watched in astonishment.


The Lord’s blood had such miraculous effects!


Seeing that his blood was indeed effective, Si Lan continued to bleed to save Song. The branches and leaves of the Purple Wisteria trembled slightly, as if Song wanted to stop him.


Si Lan smiled, “It’s alright, I’m just bleeding a little. As long as you don’t speak to me with such resentment in the future, that’ll be repayment enough for me.”


“…” Song Cheng.


Si Lan felt his blood flow continuously, and the roots of Song’s stem were recovering at a rapid pace. The previously withered leaves gradually regained their luster, gently swaying.


Si Lan, due to excessive blood loss, had a pale face with no hint of color in his lips. His head felt dizzy, vision darkening, and just as he was about to collapse, a hand caught him in time.


“If you continue to lose blood, you’ll be in danger,” Haowei frowned.


Haowei was not just giving blood but also expending his own cultivation.


“It’s okay, just a little more to go,” Si Lan regretted not having eaten something to replenish his blood before. Now he was feeling dizzy, resting his head against Haowei’s waist.


The world around him was already pitch black, making it almost impossible to see anything.


“Alright,” Haowei noticed Si Lan’s breathing slowing down, involuntarily saying, “Si Lan, he’s already better. You don’t need to keep giving him blood.”


Si Lan didn’t respond, having fallen into unconsciousness. Haowei saw this and used his magic to stop the bleeding. Afterward, he picked Si Lan up and laid him on the bed.


Maybe due to excessive blood loss, or perhaps it was Haowei’s psychological reaction, but Si Lan appeared much thinner now. He looked fragile in his flowing blue robes, the black hair behind him making his face appear even paler.


Haowei couldn’t help but murmur softly, “Foolish.”


Truly foolish.


How could someone like him resemble a Demon Lord?


A Demon Lord should be a menace to the world, cruel and ruthless by nature, right?


The more time he spent with him, the more Haowei felt his own soul was being “purified.”


Si Lan was uncomfortable, his brow furrowed even in unconsciousness, his breath occasionally heavy or light.


Haowei reached out to sense his spiritual aura, finding his internal energy in disarray. He transferred some spiritual power to help stabilize him.


But even this could only stabilize his energy. His cultivation had suffered significantly, to the point where he could no longer maintain his human form. His body was slowly changing; the loose blue robe quietly revealed several colorful feathers.


Even his arms gradually turned into brown feathers. When Haowei looked at his face again, he had quietly transformed into a bird-like creature.


This was the first time Haowei had seen Si Lan’s true form, and it was different from what he had imagined.


At first glance, Si Lan’s true form indeed resembled an ordinary bird, but upon closer inspection, there were differences. Such as his overall brown feathers, exceptionally vibrant tail wings, and a green feather in the middle of his brow. 


There were two protuberances on his forehead that resembled horns, which likely evolved from dragon horns.


Behind Si Lan were also a pair of dazzling golden phoenix wings. At this moment, these phoenix wings had shrunk and adhered to Si Lan’s own wings like two golden ingots.


Song Cheng saw Si Lan transform into his true form, surprised and anxious at the same time. “Your Majesty, are you alright?”


“There’s no immediate danger to my life.”


However, his cultivation loss was significant, and recovery might not be so straightforward.


Thinking this, Haowei transferred some cultivation to Si Lan again, helping him rest peacefully.


When a Demon Lord does a good deed, he ends up giving away his heart.


Tsk tsk.


Song Cheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he held back and glanced at Haowei.


The person in front of him had taken off his hat, revealing an unusually handsome face. He had a clean aura, but Song Cheng couldn’t sense his cultivation level.


Is this person from the Yuqing Palace of the Nine Heavens?


Suddenly, the wisteria vine beside him flapped its roots, and Song Cheng turned to look at Song Ye in alarm. “Song Ye, how are you?”


Song Ye buried his roots in the soil, his injuries not yet fully healed, but at least his life was saved.


Not hearing Song Ye’s reply, Song Cheng approached him to check his injuries. However, at that moment, Song Ye suddenly extended two sections of roots, encircling Song Cheng’s waist and slowly lifting him into the air.


Afterward, countless leaves surged towards Song Cheng, brushing against him.


Embarrassed by the touch of the leaves, Song Cheng’s face turned red. He pushed away the leaves, intending to cast a spell to move away from Song Ye. Suddenly, he heard Song Ye’s voice in his mind.


“Brother, you promised that as long as I could survive, you would depend on me for everything.”


“…” Song Cheng.


Song Cheng felt trapped, his jaw tense. “Don’t push it too far.”


“I’m not pushing it, I just want to quietly hold my big brother for a while.” With that, the leaves stuck all over Song Cheng, causing him great embarrassment, his brows furrowed.


Suddenly, laughter came from the middle of the leaves, making Song Cheng even more embarrassed.


“Big brother, can you accompany me in your true form?”


Unable to resist Song Cheng’s coaxing, Song Cheng fell silent for a moment before revealing his true form. However, as soon as Song Cheng revealed himself, Song Cheng’s vines intertwined tightly around him like small snakes. They were so tangled together that it was hard to tell who was who for a while.


“…” Song Cheng.


Expecting Song Cheng to get angry, Song Cheng preempted, “Big brother, I’m tired. I want to rest for a while.”


Hearing this, Song Cheng didn’t say anything more.



Due to excessive blood loss and damage to his cultivation, Si Lan slept deeply. When he woke up, he saw a protruding throat, and as he looked up, he saw Haowei’s tense jawline.


Si Lan suddenly realized he was lying in Haowei’s arms and quickly sat up, only to find that his body had changed.


Seeing the familiar brown feathers and the wings fluttering involuntarily, his pupils dilated!


How could this happen?


How did he reveal his true form?!


He tried to use magic to conceal his true form, but found that he couldn’t maintain his human form at all. In no time, he was forced back into his chicken-like appearance, flapping his wings in panic.


If he was found in this state by someone evil, it would likely cause chaos in the Demon Realm!


Although Haowei said he was the last Yujia in the world, not a wild chicken, precisely because he was the last one, there was simply no way to prove his true identity to outsiders.


Before he could completely convince others, he had to hide.


He tried another spell and turned back into a human form, his whole body pale.


Seeing this, he hurriedly reached for the clothes beside him, but just as he crossed halfway, Haowei opened his eyes, and their eyes met.


After that, Haowei’s gaze subconsciously looked down, and his ears suddenly turned weirdly red.


Si Lan hastily grabbed the clothes and fumbled to put them on. But unexpectedly, he suddenly turned back into his chicken-like form, and the clothes quietly slipped off.


A brown-feathered “chicken” stood there in confusion, its two little claws just stepping on Haowei’s abdomen.

Author’s Note: Yujia gives birth to flying dragons, flying dragons give birth to phoenixes, phoenixes give birth to luan birds, and luan birds give birth to common birds. All feathered creatures are born from common birds, excerpted from “The record of memories – Discourses on the Fall of Forms”.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 36 – The Emperor of Heaven drops his vest

Chapter 36


Si Lan looked up at Hao Wei. As if reading each other’s minds, Hao Wei continued, “There’s indeed something peculiar about this matter.”


“Should we head to Mount Dayong later?”




But before going to Mount Dayong, they needed to seal Dayong first.


Si Lan cast the Broken Corpse Technique, sealing the strand of obsession with Dayong’s essence together, then buried them underground along with the Altar of Conversion that sealed Dayong’s demonic core.


Suddenly, the flat ground rose swiftly under the influence of the formation, forming a new Mount Dayong.


All things return to dust, earth to earth.


The sun had risen unnoticed in the sky, and a beam of golden light filtered through the leaves, gently falling upon everyone.


Peace and beauty had returned to this world once more.


In a corner, the obsession of Tao Yuan gradually faded. He and Pei Jia walked up to Si Lan, bowing in gratitude.


“Divine Doctor Si, thank you. Without you, Yu Jin might have made a grave mistake.”


Pei Yu heard this and smiled awkwardly, his gaze shifting to Tao Yuan with tender sincerity. Though the person beside him was merely a trace of ephemeral obsession, he continued to hold onto his elbow.


Si Lan watched this pair of devoted lovers with mixed feelings. They hadn’t been able to be together in life, but now they could accompany each other even in death.


In the next life, let them continue their marriage.


He conjured ink and paper out of thin air, wrote a message, and handed it to Pei Yu. “Pei Yu, deliver this note to the Underworld King Xue Rong. He owes me a favor and should help arrange for you and Tao Yuan to be together in the next life.”


Upon hearing this, Tao Yuan and Pei Yu’s faces lit up with joy once again as they bowed in thanks to Si Lan.


Afterward, Tao Yuan’s obsession gradually dissipated, and Pei Yu’s soul left his physical body, following the guide of the Underworld to depart.


Having completed everything, Si Lan sighed softly.


He turned around to bid everyone farewell, but noticed Xiao Xie squatting at the foot of the mountain, murmuring to himself towards Dayong, “Hey, even transparent obsessions have mothers. Why don’t I have anything? Can’t there be a big jade pendant spirit giving birth to a little jade pendant spirit?”


Si Lan paused at the sound, his expression freezing for a moment.


His two young disciples, like him, had thin ties with their parents. Si Lan was slightly luckier, having grown up under his mother’s care, though his relationship with his father, while not close, existed.


His two young disciples, however, had never seen their parents, not even knowing who they were. Although they hadn’t shown any longing or curiosity for their parents, perhaps deep down, they envied children from other families who had parental companionship.


Xie Li took out a candy from his pocket and buried it in the soil. “Your mother gave me a candy, so I’m giving you one too.”


Si Lan walked up to Xie Li, embodying the saying ‘a day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father.’


He was indeed like a father figure to Xie Li now. Thinking this, he extended a hand with a gentle smile, intending to pat Xie Li’s head, but heard Xie Li mutter something after burying the candy.


“It’s not that I’m stingy, giving you only one candy. Our lord is just too frugal, only giving me a little each time. Otherwise, I would bury more candies for you.”


Si Lan’s hand paused in midair, his fatherly smile freezing. Perhaps more important than paternal affection was making Xie Li feel his father’s authority.


He lightly tapped Xie Li’s head and said with a serious tone, “Always eating candies, haven’t you noticed another cavity in your tooth?”


“Ah…” Xie Li panicked, quickly covering his cheek and using his tongue to feel around his teeth, searching for the cavity. When he couldn’t find it, he looked up with his delicate brows furrowed, speaking softly, “Lord, you tricked me. I only have one cavity.”


Si Lan chuckled helplessly, straightening Xie Li’s collar and brushing off the dust from his clothes, unable to resist pinching his tender cheek.


So adorable.


To think that from the eccentric and mad Bianduan and Jiuying, they could produce such a cute little thing.


It seemed genetic traits could mutate.


Haowei’s cold voice interrupted their interaction. “Are we still going to Dayong Mountain?”


“We are.” Si Lan let go of Xie Li. “But before that, I intend to visit an old friend.”


At Haowei’s question, he raised an eyebrow, curious how Si Lan still had old friends in the mortal realm.


Si Lan smiled awkwardly. “It’s an old friend from the fourth era.”


He wondered how Lanlan was doing after the mortal calamity. When he was near the general’s mansion earlier, he sensed Lanlan’s presence nearby and now planned to visit her.


“Chongwei, will you come with me or go to Dayong Mountain first?” Si Lan hesitated, polite not to waste Chongwei’s time nor to leave him behind abruptly.


Haowei pursed his lips, silent for a moment before saying, “Time is precious. You go ahead.”


Si Lan’s lips curved slightly. “Okay.”


Song Cheng and Song Er also joined them for the journey.



After the curse of Dayong was lifted, the world almost instantly fell into a deep slumber, serene and quiet, devoid of any sound.


In a small alley, several stray dogs lay sleeping lazily at the door, while wild cats made their home on the fence. Such peaceful times were almost unprecedented.


Si Lan walked to the deepest part of the alley, where a house stood. Clusters of golden honeysuckles peeked over the fence, swaying gently.


Lanlan of the third era was originally the honeysuckle flower demon.


Back then, to please Lanlan, he had planted honeysuckles all over Zhuyun Peak.


Si Lan pushed open the fence gate. The others stayed outside, giving him and Lanlan space to catch up.


The courtyard was neat and tidy, with a few aquatic plants in a water basin. Several windows were patched, revealing faint glimpses of the interior.


The house looked ordinary, even somewhat poor, yet exuded a strangely cozy atmosphere.


From inside the room came Lanlan’s tired voice, “Who’s there? How dare you come in without knocking…”


Si Lan paused at her words, tapping the fence gate. “It’s me.”


Instantly, the room fell into silence, then footsteps sounded. Lanlan, likely due to fatigue, held onto the door handle, barely keeping her eyes open.


“Is it really you… Si Lan…” After clearly seeing Si Lan’s face, Lanlan tried to smile, but with her dark circles, it looked more frightening than tearful.


Si Lan quickly cast a spell to stabilize her.


Not knowing what was coming back to her, she covered her eyes and said breathlessly, “Am I hallucinating from exhaustion?”


“It’s really me.”


“Are you… are you here to ask me to marry you again? Let me tell you, I won’t be bewitched by you again in this life.” After speaking, Lanlan seemed unsure and turned her back to Si Lan.


In the previous three lives, she had married Si Lan out of greed for his body.


This life, before reincarnating, she had placed something for the underworld, guiding others, to retain her memories and avoid the fate of being struck by lightning in the fourth life.


She also found her true love from the first life, who had died early, married him again, and had a daughter, living a good life.


Seeing Lanlan’s defensive posture, Si Lan felt a slight pang in his heart; she was so reluctant to accept him.


But he always felt guilty towards Lanlan, so he said, “I came here just to make sure you’re alright. Since you’re fine, I’ll leave now.”

“Wait…” Lanlan called out to Si Lan, hesitated for a moment, then spoke, “After recovering my memories from the third lifetime, I realized something about our first lifetime. I lied to you. Actually, the person who truly saved you back then wasn’t me, but someone else.”

This lifetime, Lanlan suddenly understood why every time she married Si Lan, calamity struck. It was because she had seized a marriage that didn’t belong to her and incurred divine punishment.

Originally, she didn’t dare face her own mistakes, always trying to cover them up. But after having a child, she wanted to pray for their well-being, so she decided to confess everything.

Si Lan froze upon hearing this. Wasn’t it Lanlan who saved him?

Back then, he was lured into the Soul Devouring Array by Lord Chushan, severely injured, with his three souls and seven spirits nearly shattered, almost unable to maintain his human form.

He couldn’t reveal his true form in front of Lord Chu Shan, so he endured the pain and escaped the formation, fleeing all the way to the human realm. Unable to hold on any longer, he finally revealed his chicken form and fell into a lake.


When he woke up again, he found himself lying on Lan Lan’s chopping board.


Due to his severe injuries, after transforming back into human form, he fell unconscious again and remained so for over three months before waking up.


Later, as his cultivation gradually recovered, he felt grateful to Lan Lan and allowed Lan Lan to make a request, leading to the entanglements of their three lives.


“It wasn’t you who picked me up from the lake, then who was it?”


That was a long time ago, and Lan Lan couldn’t quite remember clearly. “It was a man. He was carrying you, all wet, from the lake shore. I thought you were our chicken, so I told that man you belonged to our family. He stayed silent for a moment and then gave you to me.”


“… Si Lan.”


He hadn’t expected that besides Lan Lan, someone else had saved him. If that person hadn’t pulled him out of the lake, he would have died long ago.


But now, after several hundred years, he wanted to repay the kindness, yet he couldn’t find the person anymore.


Although that person might have picked him up from the lake initially to eat him, objectively speaking, it was because of him that he didn’t drown.


“Do you remember what that person looked like? What was his name?”


“He was quite handsome, but he wasn’t from our village. I heard he stayed briefly in the village to seek refuge or something. His name was… Chong… Chong Ying, I think.”


Si Lan was thunderstruck, finding it hard to believe. “What? Chong Ying?”


“Yeah, Chong Ying.” Lan Lan muttered sleepily, “That’s all I know. I’m going to sleep now.”


Si Lan stood there, his expression shifting from shock to bewilderment, slowly digesting Lan Lan’s words.


Was the Chong Ying from Lan Lan’s memory the same person as the Chong Ying beside him now?


Or was it just a coincidence?


Had they met hundreds of years ago?


Countless thoughts rushed into his mind, leaving him confused and disoriented, feeling like his mind had been knocked senseless.


How could this be?



Outside the fence, Hao Wei stood tall and imposing in black attire. His black veil fluttered in the wind, partially concealing his face. Though his features were indistinct, his remarkable temperament still shone through, uniquely charismatic and peerlessly handsome.


He remained silent, while Qu Ze and the Song brothers were also taciturn. Only Xie Li kept murmuring non-stop.


Xie Li was quite talkative, holding Qu Ze’s hand, acting coquettishly for a while before turning to pester Song Cheng. Song Cheng gently stroked Xie Li’s forehead. Song Ye, on the other hand, had a pale face, clutching his fists and showing little interest in Xie Li’s antics.


Xie Li timidly approached Haowei.


Haowei looked down at Xie Li, this little jade pendant, barely reaching his thigh, looking soft and delicate like a fair-skinned zongzi.


Boldly, Xie Li tugged at Haowei’s clothes, gesturing for him to lean down.


Haowei frowned slightly, bending down to hear what this little jade pendant wanted to say.


“Actually, I know your identity…” Xie Li blinked innocently, grinning.


Haowei froze at the revelation, lifting his eyebrows in a stern gaze.


What did this little jade pendant mean?


Could he have figured out his true identity as the Heavenly Emperor?


With his current cultivation level, how could that be possible?


Xie Li tiptoed and added, “You’re the little white dragon, aren’t you?”


“…” Haowei.


Haowei breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Thankfully, this little jade pendant hadn’t realized his true identity.


“Why do you say that?” Haowei didn’t deny or confirm Xie Li’s statement, lowering his voice to ask.


Xie Li grinned mischievously, “Because you have a faint smell of wine on you, just like the wine from His Majesty’s cellar. It’s the same as the smell on the little white dragon.”


“…” Haowei.


Haowei’s expression cracked bit by bit. A smell of wine…


How come he hadn’t noticed any wine smell on himself?


Could it be that after being soaked in the wine cellar, he couldn’t smell it himself, but others could when they approached?


“Don’t worry, I won’t tell His Majesty. I don’t think you’re a bad person,” Xie Li said earnestly. Despite the stern demeanor of the man before him, Xie Li felt a fondness for him, knowing he was destined to be the Demon King of the future demon realm.


At this moment, Haowei couldn’t find words. His brow furrowed deeply. He hadn’t expected to make such a foolish mistake.


Even a little jade spirit that looked about five or six years old could smell the wine on him and associate him with the Little White Dragon. Then what about Si Lan?


During this time, they had been together constantly, even having physical contact…


The more Haowei thought, the more embarrassed he felt, like realizing he had forgotten to wear clothes when he thought he was dressed beautifully for an outing.


He was completely exposed.


Now he had a feeling of being played for a fool. He recalled when they fell down the slope earlier, his veil suddenly tearing open. Si Lan immediately closed his eyes and reminded him to secure his veil.


Now he realized, perhaps this person wasn’t being careless or easily deceived at all. Instead, he simply didn’t care.


This indifference stemmed from already knowing everything, seeing through everything.


He had been pretending to be clueless and foolish, playing along with him.


Could it be… from his cultivation, demeanor, and actions, Si Lan had already guessed that he was the Heavenly Emperor, Haowei himself?!


Thinking this, Haowei’s mood fluctuated. With a stern gaze, he looked towards the fence.


Si Lan didn’t know what he had said to the woman. When he pushed open the door and came out, his expression was somewhat dazed. Subconsciously, he looked towards Haowei’s direction.


Could it be that after being soaked in the wine cellar, he couldn’t smell it himself, but others could when they approached?


“Don’t worry, I won’t tell His Majesty. I don’t think you’re a bad person,” Xie Li said earnestly. Despite the stern demeanor of the man before him, Xie Li felt a fondness for him, knowing he was destined to be the Demon King of the future demon realm.


At this moment, Haowei couldn’t find words. His brow furrowed deeply. He hadn’t expected to make such a foolish mistake.


Even a little jade spirit that looked about five or six years old could smell the wine on him and associate him with the Little White Dragon. Then what about Si Lan?


During this time, they had been together constantly, even having physical contact…


The more Haowei thought, the more embarrassed he felt, like realizing he had forgotten to wear clothes when he thought he was dressed beautifully for an outing.


He was completely exposed.


Now he had a feeling of being played for a fool. He recalled when they fell down the slope earlier, his veil suddenly tearing open. Si Lan immediately closed his eyes and reminded him to secure his veil.


Now he realized, perhaps this person wasn’t being careless or easily deceived at all. Instead, he simply didn’t care.


This indifference stemmed from already knowing everything, seeing through everything.


He had been pretending to be clueless and foolish, playing along with him.


Could it be… from his cultivation, demeanor, and actions, Si Lan had already guessed that he was the Heavenly Emperor, Haowei himself?!


Thinking this, Haowei’s mood fluctuated. With a stern gaze, he looked towards the fence.


Si Lan didn’t know what he had said to the woman. When he pushed open the door and came out, his expression was somewhat dazed. Subconsciously, he looked towards Haowei’s direction.


Their eyes met through a thin veil.


Each harbored their own thoughts.


Xie Li rushed to Si Lan’s side, curious. “Your Majesty, what did you talk about?”


Si Lan withdrew his gaze, poking Xie Li’s forehead. “It’s none of your business, little child.”


“Well, I’m not that young anymore. I’m already 72 years old,” Xie Li muttered.


Si Lan sighed and cast a spell to summon a cloud, carrying them towards Mount Dayong.


Perhaps still immersed in the shock Lan Lan had brought him, Si Lan didn’t know what to say to Haowei. He chatted with the Song brothers instead, asking about their detailed encounter on Mount Dayong.


Song Ye remained silent. Song Cheng glanced at him and calmly continued, “That day, I chased Song Ye to Mount Dayong. We ended up on the summit, and during our fight, we split the mountain peak. At that moment, a black demonic energy spread out. We realized it might have been Dayong, so we chased after it all the way into the human realm.”


Si Lan asked, “Did you notice any other anomalies nearby at that time?”


Song Cheng gently shook his head. His attention had been captivated by the playful Song Ye, so he hadn’t noticed the surroundings.


Song Ye added, “After Dayong emerged, it headed straight for the human realm and made a pact with General Pei. The process went unusually smoothly. I suspect the seal might have been undone long ago, but Dayong had been dormant for a hundred thousand years. Just undoing the seal wouldn’t have been enough to awaken it completely. To fully awaken Dayong, a strong resentment would be needed as a catalyst.”


Si Lan nodded, agreeing with this speculation.


As they conversed, they quietly arrived at Mount Dayong. The mountaintop had been split in half, forming a giant basin-shaped depression. It resembled an enlarged version of the Altar of Conversion.


The base of the altar was engraved with runes, densely packed. Perhaps residual effects of the formation were still present, keeping insects, birds, and animals away.


Haowei watched the runes on the Altar of Conversion, reaching out to touch them. In the next moment, the densely packed characters began to shimmer with a golden halo, floating in mid-air.


“Wow, Your Majesty, those words are moving!” Xie Li exclaimed in surprise, tugging at Si Lan’s sleeve.


Si Lan looked up at the characters with a solemn expression. The others also gazed intently at the sky.


The characters seemed to come alive, automatically forming a passage from a Buddhist scripture.


“In the forest, a disciple of the Buddha encountered a hungry tiger. The disciple cut flesh from his body to feed the tiger. This continued day after day until the disciple turned into white bones, while the tiger, having eaten the flesh, attained enlightenment.”


Was this small story from the Innocent Buddha Sutra hinting at something for the person who unlocked the curse?


What secrets lay hidden within?


Si Lan couldn’t fathom it despite reading the passage. He turned his gaze to Haowei standing opposite him. Just then, the scripture dissolved like sparks, scattering into tiny starlights floating between them.


Si Lan’s black eyes seemed to flicker with a faint light, his face as serene as jade, his gaze gentle.


Haowei glanced at Si Lan and then averted his gaze.


Si Lan also looked away, deciding he needed to find a reliable Buddhist practitioner to ask. Otherwise, as an outsider, he would never understand it.


He cast his spell upon the mountaintop and looked around.


This location marked the border between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm. Near the human side, the sky was calm with no clouds for miles, while near the demon side, dark clouds billowed and lightning crackled.


If he remembered correctly, the last place the Nine Infants were sealed was at the border between the Human Realm and the Celestial Realm.


Was all of this coincidence or had it been planned?


Deep in thought, Si Lan suddenly heard Haowei’s voice behind him, who had also cast a spell and followed him.


Haowei had been waiting for Si Lan to ask if he had found anything. Normally, when Si Lan was distracted, he would inquire. Today, however, after waiting for a long time without Si Lan asking anything, Haowei decided to come over himself.


Haowei: “Have you found any clues?”


Si Lan was startled by Haowei’s sudden voice and felt somewhat embarrassed and awkward. He turned around with a sheepish smile, “Um, nothing.”


Since realizing there might be a connection between them, Si Lan felt uncertain and couldn’t act as carefree and jokingly as before.


After a pause, Si Lan added, “What about you?”


Haowei shook his head. He hadn’t found anything suspicious either. The person deliberately left a scripture for them to see, perhaps to give them a clue since he feared they might find nothing.


It was clear the other party was confident, even arrogant.


Si Lan: “I suspect the person is the same one who unsealed the Nine Infants.”




Both the demon and the monster bore the same black aura from that person. He had deliberately released them, but Haowei wondered why this person had gone to such lengths.


Haowei vaguely felt this conspiracy wasn’t simple and could potentially lead to a catastrophe across the entire Six Realms.


Si Lan furrowed his brow, thinking about a direct search. If they couldn’t find anything, they might as well try a more straightforward approach.


“I think we should list people capable of unsealing the Nine Infants and the Great Abyss according to their cultivation levels, then eliminate suspects one by one. I’ll handle the Demon Realm, you take care of the other five realms.”


After speaking, Haowei’s aura suddenly froze.


Si Lan also stiffened, realizing he had slipped up.


The air between them seemed to solidify instantly. Around them, there was an eerie silence, broken only by their awkward breathing, which seemed to echo in each other’s ears.


After a moment of silence, Haowei asked, “When did you figure it out?”


Si Lan lightly tapped his forehead, looking helpless. When he turned around, he reverted to his gentle and calm demeanor. “Um, I smelled the scent of alcohol on you and the young… uh, the young prince near General Pei’s mansion gate. That’s when I vaguely guessed your identity.”


In fact, he had discovered Haowei’s identity not only from the lingering smell of alcohol but also from other factors. He just didn’t intend to tell Haowei yet.


At this point, Haowei had no reason to conceal it either and his voice turned colder, “Oh, did you find out anything else?”


Si Lan pursed his lips. He couldn’t see the face hidden under Haowei’s veil, but he could feel the other’s subdued aura, indicating displeasure.


He hesitated, considering whether to feign ignorance and pretend he only knew this much. But in the next moment, he saw Haowei remove his veil, revealing a fair and handsome face.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 148 – Haven't Touched Me in a Long Time

Chapter 148 – Haven’t Touched Me in a Long Time


This issue is truly suffocating.


Jian Luo withdrew his gaze and cleared his throat, “He doesn’t have this problem.”


The young girl looked at him curiously, as if saying, “Lu Shifeng doesn’t have a problem, could it be Mr. Jian, it’s your problem?”


Jian Luo felt his scalp tingle under her gaze, he forcibly looked away and said, “We exist for other reasons.”


“What reasons?”


“Jian bro, just say it.”


“We’re here to brainstorm for you.”


Facing the intense gazes, Jian Luo felt for the first time like a boyfriend being interrogated by roommates about his uncertain relationship status.


Su Liang brought out bowls and chopsticks from inside and set them out for the youngsters, then said, “You guys eat, I’ll go out for a walk.”


“Mom, join us for a meal.”


“I’ve eaten.” Su Liang smiled and pursed her lips, “You young people chat, I won’t interfere.”


She hurried away as if afraid someone would follow her.


Jian Luo helplessly withdrew his gaze, but when he refocused, he met several intense gazes again. His gossip-loving spirit ignited. He sighed, “There’s really no special reason.”


The young girls were curious, but the two boys left were quite obedient, concentrating on their meal.


The young girls said with chopsticks in hand, “Jian ge, if you have any troubles, you can talk to us, we can give you some advice.”


Jian Luo chuckled, “What troubles could I have?”


But as the words reached his lips, he pondered and realized their point was somewhat valid.


In reality, he never had anyone to discuss things with. He was used to handling everything independently, stubbornly facing every challenge on his own. Sometimes, if he couldn’t handle it, he would tough it out.




This was something he found might not be solvable through toughness alone.


Jian Luo thought for a moment, finally set down his chopsticks, and said, “If I were to speak of troubles, there might be a little bit.”


The young girls thought they had no hope, but when Jian Luo spoke up, their eyes lit up. They exchanged glances and eagerly said, “We’re happy to help!”


Jian Luo briefly explained the unexpected situation of having a child without an established relationship with Lu Shifeng, and also explained the reason why they weren’t married.




He concluded, “I think maybe now he’s keeping me around because the child is still young, so he hasn’t asked me to leave.”


“Before, he took care of me during pregnancy because it was taking care of a pregnant husband.” Jian Luo sighed, “Mutual devotion is meaningful, I don’t want to assume too much.”


There was a brief silence in the air.


The young girls exchanged glances and saw profound meaning in each other’s eyes.


One of the girls with long hair cleared her throat, “Jian ge, if I may ask boldly, is this your speculation or did General Yuan actually tell you this?”


Jian Luo replied, “Do we even need to discuss something like this?”


“At the very least, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”


“Yeah, you haven’t even asked him about his thoughts.”


“To be honest, I think he cares about you more than just taking care of you.”


This was Jian Luo’s first time discussing these things with friends. He asked, “Why do you think so?”


“You clearly haven’t read the latest ‘Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me’. The male lead there is so devoted, buying houses and cars, indulging the female lead in whatever she wants. He finds her cute when she’s playful, feels sad when she’s hurt, and deeply cares for both the female lead and the child, regardless of her human status.”




Jian Luo chuckled helplessly, “How can reality be compared to novels?”


The girl, disillusioned, argued, “Fine, but has General Yuan bought you houses and cars?”


“Actually… yes.”


Initially, he wanted to buy them himself, but Lu Shifeng insisted on choosing something safer.


The girl continued, “Whenever you wanted to buy something, did he refuse?”


“No,” Jian Luo added, “but usually I can buy things on my own.”




Undeterred, the girl pressed on, “Last question, who starts the arguments between you two? Who usually causes the fights?”


“… me.”


The girls looked at each other in disbelief and said to Jian Luo, “Bro, aren’t you satisfied with this!”


Jian Luo was at a loss for words.


He felt the logic was a bit off, but he couldn’t argue against it.


The girls looked at him with disappointment, “My boyfriend is also from the Dark Star clan, but he hardly spends any money on me.”


“During arguments, he gives me the silent treatment.”


“He never remembers what I like to eat. Can you believe we drink nutrient fluids on dates?”

“Seems like all Dark Star folks are iron-willed straight guys.”


“Is it because of their noble status that they don’t know how to take care of people?”


The boy who had been silent spoke up, “I don’t think there are really such extremely straight guys in this world.”


Everyone turned to look at him.


“They don’t show tenderness, don’t show tolerance, don’t show consideration—these are things iron-willed straight guys don’t shoulder.” The boy smiled, “It all comes down to whether they love or not, whether they are willing to put in the effort.”


With that,


The boy glanced at Jian Luo, “Speaking of respecting status, ask Jian ge if General Yuan has these issues?”


All eyes turned back to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo felt the sharpness of their gaze. Under this pressure, he carefully recalled and realized Lu Shifeng didn’t seem to have these issues. He was generous towards him, there was no emotional coldness, he always replied to messages even when busy, he didn’t put on airs in front of him, and after he found out Jian Luo didn’t like nutrient fluids, they never appeared on the dining table again.



Jian Luo fell silent.


The young girls seemed a bit envious but still said, “Jian ge, we believe General Yuan must hold you in his heart. If you’re unsure, you can always verify!”


Jian Luo was curious, “How do I verify?”


The girl pulled up “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me” on her wristband and flipped to Chapter 10. Then she said, “There are countless methods to verify someone’s love for you, like seeing if they can tolerate your unreasonable demands! Remember, those who are too understanding and obedient aren’t usually the ones who get loved. Crybabies get the candy. We all think you might just be too well-behaved. Look at this female lead, she really goes all out, she’s got it all!”


Jian Luo didn’t want to be foolish. Dragon Ao Tian was always acting out unreasonably and often ended up being beaten. His son had already demonstrated that to him. How could he be so foolish?


Jian Luo bent over his meal. “The female lead in novels can do it, but I can’t. Do you have any reasonable suggestions?”


“Yes, we have everything you want!”




I’m scared of being normal.


So what should have been an afternoon of work turned into a chat session with good girlfriends. He was diligently taught for over an hour. Jian Luo was as if he’d discovered a new world, so much so that when the time came to leave, the children still weren’t going.


One young girl cheered on Jian Luo, “Hurry, just text him!”


Jian Luo: “Are you sure about this?”


Young girls nodded. They were adamant: “We mean it!”


Well, very well.


Jian Luo, hesitating, clicked open his chat, found Lu Shifeng, and hesitantly sent a message: “Are you there?”


Soon he received a reply.


Lu Shifeng said, “What’s up? Working overtime tonight?”




Jian Luo’s mouth twitched. He typed, “No, not tonight.”


Seemingly in a good mood, Lu Shifeng replied faster, “When are you coming back?”


Finally, it was showtime!


Jian Luo glanced at several young girls. With a bit of courage, he said, “I’m heading back now, but it’s the end of the working day here, and the bus is a bit crowded.”


The young girls were excited. “Right, right, ask him to come pick you up after work.”


Jian Luo had never taken the initiative to ask Lu Shifeng to pick him up because he assumed Lu Shifeng was probably too busy and would refuse if he asked, so he hadn’t brought it up.




The message came back.


Jian Luo opened it and saw Lu Shifeng’s response, accommodating: “I’ll send the driver to pick you up.”




Ah, this.


Jian Luo felt a little disappointed. Maybe he’d been foolish; how could he have forgotten this? Lu Shifeng was unlikely to pick him up himself—was the driver dead? Even if the driver had other things, Jin, the secretary, could step in. Anyway, Lu Shifeng would not come if he were busy.


The young girls saw it too. One leaned in and said, “You should ask if he’s free, according to “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me”, there’s a second-floor restaurant in the Moonlight, which you need to reserve in advance, especially with all those people. If you say you want to dine with him today, he’ll probably say it’s too crowded and suggest booking a few days in advance. So, when you say you want to dine today, see how he reacts.”


Jian Luo: “This is too much.”


“So how are you going to understand his mood?” The young girl said. “In addition, you haven’t seen him upset. If you act on impulse for once, if he’s busy, you shouldn’t say anything.”


Usually, according to common sense, everyone knows that they have to queue and make reservations.


Then there would be a refusal, asking him to make an appointment and come back in two days. At this moment, he hesitated, asking to go today to see Lu Shifeng’s reaction.


Not only Jian Luo was a bit nervous, but everyone else was also tense, unconsciously holding their breath, waiting for a reply.


After a while,


Lu Shifeng sent a message: “I’ll come pick you up.”




Jian Luo quickly typed: “You need to make an appointment in advance, I forgot.”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah.” Jian Luo tentatively continued, “But I want to eat today.”


If Jian Luo had read “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls in Love with Me,” he would know that this probing plot was in the middle of the story. The female lead found that the male lead had been distant recently and there were some glamorous rivals like secretaries or princesses pestering him, so she wanted to test her importance in his heart, hence this plot.


On the other side,


Lu Shifeng felt a familiar atmosphere and opened a book he hadn’t touched in a long time, flipping to this page.


In the text, the female lead’s worry was written: “Since giving birth, he hasn’t touched me again. There are so many outstanding people around him. Could it be that he’s tired of me and doesn’t value me anymore?”


Seeing this, Lu Shifeng’s hand trembled.


Author’s notes: Lu Shifeng: Is he inviting me?

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 147 – Why Don't You Get Married

Chapter 147 – Why Don’t You Get Married


Jian Luo glanced at the documents nearby and felt a headache coming on.


He didn’t know about the others in Paradise, but he was sure this Marriage Law was extremely biased towards the Dark Star people, even suggesting it was designed solely to protect their interests.


It was quite laughable and somewhat pitiful too.


Even if the Dark Star granted an amnesty, some things deep down wouldn’t change, and even if humans were freed, they would still be treated as unimportant appendages.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


A knocking came from outside.


Jian Luo came to his senses and said, “Come in.”


Director Wang entered. His daughter was currently dating a Dark Star person, and they were discussing marriage, so he was deeply concerned about the Marriage Law.


Director Wang brought a cup of water: “Luo Luo, are you thirsty? Afraid you’re working too hard. Here, have some water.”


Jian Luo looked at him, then at the cup he was shaking, inexplicably reminded of Pan Jinlian’s words, “Hubby, it’s time for your medicine.”


Jian Luo chuckled lightly and took it: “Thank you, Director Wang.”


Director Wang wiped his hands and sat down: “Don’t call me Director Wang so formally. Just call me Uncle Wang.”


Jian Luo took a sip of water and nodded.


Director Wang glanced at him: “Um, is there any problem with this Marriage Law draft?”


His urgency made it seem like he was the one getting married.


With his slender, fair hands, Jian Luo picked up the draft from the table and handed it to Director Wang: “Why don’t you take a look?”


Director Wang took it.


He quickly flipped through several pages, his brows furrowing deeper.


Jian Luo felt somewhat relieved. At least it seemed Director Wang was discerning enough and not blindly seeking to align with the powerful.


“Ah…” Director Wang shook his head. “It’s a mixed bag, really.”


Jian Luo asked, “What do you mean?”


“After marriage, they can move to the Sky City,” Director Wang said with excitement. “The resources there are excellent. You can enjoy endless wealth and prosperity.”




Jian Luo felt a lump in his throat.


He didn’t mean to offend, but this statement felt oddly familiar. He had heard it before; back then, many young people from the village went to the big cities to work, and during idle chats, everyone liked to talk about the glamour of the city.


They would say things like:


“XX married into the city, surely enjoying endless wealth and prosperity.”


“Truly making a mark, the pride of our village.”


“In the future, our children should also go to the city.”


That was when the entire village hadn’t yet integrated with the cities. Almost everyone had the same thought: I want to go to the city.


Even though everyone knew deep down that not everyone who went to the city could become successful, and not everyone could become rich, life in the city was definitely better than in the countryside. It was a hopeful aspiration for life.


Jian Luo snapped out of it, somewhat helplessly picking up the Marriage Law: “How many recently engaged, discussing marriage?”


Director Wang was excited: “At least seven or eight.”


Jian Luo nodded: “Have them all come over. I want to hear their opinions.”


He couldn’t decide alone; perhaps it was just his own perspective.


He wanted to hear what others had to say. Many things lose their meaning if decided by a single person.


Director Wang thought there was a chance: “Alright, I’ll have them come over right away.”


Jian Luo waited for a while.


By now, it was lunchtime. He only now thought about eating. To better handle these pressing matters, he had moved his workspace to the main office of Paradise, which was a bit far from home.




The door opened.


He was hungry, and Su Liang came in, wearing a light yellow dress. She seemed noticeably fuller than before, her already attractive face now even fairer. She held a lunchbox and stood at the door, looking at Jian Luo warmly: “It’s time to eat.”


Jian Luo was surprised: “Why are you here?”


He remembered asking Su Liang to take care of the little ones at the Dragon Clan. Why would his mother come over?


“If I don’t come, how will you eat?” Su Liang placed the lunchbox on the table. “You definitely won’t like the food they make.”


While the village had communal canteens, the cooking methods here mainly consisted of boiling. In most areas of the Dark Star, under the moon’s guidance, cooking methods other than boiling were gradually becoming popular. However, Peace Paradise remained stuck in the past.


Jian Luo smiled faintly, “It’s just something to eat, no trouble for you to make the trip.”


Su Liang brought out the cooked dishes and placed them on the nearby table. He adjusted his hair and said, “General Lu sent a car specifically to bring me here, so it’s not inconvenient at all.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“He’s worried you won’t eat properly or won’t like the food,” Su Liang helped Jian Luo unpack his utensils, “He reminded me this morning to come see you at least for lunch.”


Jian Luo softened, “General Lu Shifeng said that?”


Su Liang turned around and sat in a chair, “Yes, he didn’t agree, and Mother isn’t well enough to come out.”


Jian Luo sat down at the dining table and started eating with his head down, “I’ll thank him later.”


“Thank him? What for?” Su Liang finally couldn’t help but glare at him, “The General cares so much, even I, an old mother-in-law, have spoken. You keep wanting to move out day by day. I don’t know what’s going on in your head all the time. Wait until someone takes advantage of you, then you’ll cry.”


A few words were enough to show Su Liang’s frustration.


Jian Luo murmured softly in response, “I haven’t moved out. Sometimes it’s just inconvenient to go back too late.”


Su Liang wanted to say more, but someone arrived outside.


Quite a few people came, about seven or eight, probably all called by Director Wang. Unfortunately, their timing was bad as they arrived right when he was eating.


After some thought, Jian Luo said, “Today is fine.”


He couldn’t let them come all the way for nothing.


The group outside crowded in noisily; most were girls, with two boys among them, all quite young and not bad looking.


Jian Luo said, “Have you all eaten? Sit down and have some.”


Everyone politely declined.


But their eyes remained fixed on the food on the table; after all, it smelled really good. Most families couldn’t afford so much good food in one meal, whether meat or vegetables. In this society dominated by nutrient fluids, such items were luxuries for the wealthy.


Jian Luo understood their thoughts.


Luckily, Su Liang had brought plenty — five dishes and a soup, more than enough for one person.


So Jian Luo said, “It’s fine, come and have some together.”


Several young ones were already tempted; upon hearing this, they all sat down. Before they had been wary and hostile towards Jian Luo, but now their animosity faded quite a bit.


Su Liang stood up and said, “Let me get bowls and chopsticks for you.”


The young ones looked somewhat embarrassed.


Jian Luo smiled and said, “We’re all humans, one family. There’s no need to be so formal. Just relax; I invited you here today to understand the situation, so don’t worry.”


His attitude was very friendly, making everyone feel comfortable. The young ones quickly responded,


“Thanks, Brother Jian.”


“Feel free to ask anything you want to know.”


“We’ll definitely cooperate with the work!”


Jian Luo smiled and finally took out the marriage draft he had prepared long ago. He explained clearly the pros and cons of the Marriage Law, including its current relationship with the development of Sky City. Finally, he emphasized, “If it’s just for entering the city, for work and resources, you must believe that Paradise will one day move towards regularity. I will also do my best to ensure everyone has the opportunity to integrate with the city.”


“Jobs and opportunities can come again, but marriage is only once.” Jian Luo made it clear to them, “If you disregard these factors, how do you feel about this Marriage Law?”


The young ones exchanged glances.


For their older generation, they needed to be more cautious.


Finally, a girl said, “I’m not in a hurry.”


Someone took the lead, and others expressed their opinions:


“I’m not in a rush either.”


“I’m actually not that eager to go into the city.”


“Yeah, during the morning meeting, everyone said Paradise is reforming to do business. Working here, surrounded by familiar faces, feels better.”


“This Marriage Law feels scary. Once married, the husband controls even our professional freedom.”


Just as Jian Luo disliked the Marriage Law, it was too domineering. Although he provided resources and housing for his wife, the husband’s rights were too extensive.


Life as usual, personal freedom, even the allocation of property and resources were in the hands of the husband. It was outrageous.


Jian Luo could easily have nodded in agreement with the Marriage Law to save trouble and avoid disputes, especially since many humans were filled with joy at the general amnesty and looked forward to marriage. Even if there were some unequal clauses in the Marriage Law, they could reluctantly accept them.




He couldn’t be so hasty.


Behind this lay endless trouble.


The disadvantaged status of human marriage would lead to how many unhappy families? Without the husband’s affection, understanding from loved ones, or even legal protection, how desperate would people become?


Setting aside the purposes of the dark stars pursuing human children, the research results from the scientific institute hadn’t come out yet. If the data dissatisfied them, what would married humans without benefits face? He might avoid taking responsibility for himself, but this burden had to be shouldered for what he could manage.


Seeing these young ones still thinking reasonably, Jian Luo smiled with relief, “That’s right. When looking for a spouse, you must keep your eyes open. Only marry and have children when you meet the right person. Assess their character, values, and true intentions towards you, understand?”

As the conversation fell silent, the young girl sitting across the table whispered, “Jian ge.”

Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her.

The girl seemed a bit shy but still asked softly, “Can I ask you a question?”

Jian Luo replied, “Hmm?”

“Are you married?”

“No, not yet.”

“Why not?” There was a gossipy glint in the girl’s eyes. “You already have a child with the Marshal but aren’t married. Is it because it’s not suitable, or because after getting to know the Marshal, you find his character or values not up to par?”

Jian Luo hesitated.

Author’s Note: Your friend Lu Shifeng has requested to join the group chat.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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