Day: June 26, 2024

Chapter 9 – Extremely Shameless

Chapter 9: Extremely Shameless


Su Muluo had imagined what Little Black Dragon would look like when it grew up, but he didn’t expect it to grow so big overnight without any warning.


No, there were signs. Little Black Dragon had been sleeping a lot lately… Could it be that dragons grow by sleeping? Or was it different because his dragon had been in the egg for thousands of years?


Su Muluo couldn’t figure it out. He looked down at the dragon’s body wrapped around his waist. The scales were smooth and hard, said to be the world’s best armor, impervious to any weapon, completely different from the previously soft and fine scales.


He touched the scales and then looked at the dragon tail on the pillow—he had no idea how Little Black Dragon slept, but it always had to cling to him, its head resting on his shoulder and its tail on the pillow.


Unable to get up due to being pinned down, Su Muluo tried to lift the dragon tail by pinching it, but as soon as he touched it, the tail flicked away.


Su Muluo: Tsk, so stingy.


He then turned to face a pair of dark golden dragon eyes.


Although Little Black Dragon had been small and cute, now that it had grown, it exuded a completely different aura—innately majestic, commanding and domineering, like a king surveying his realm, imposing without anger.


Hmm, quite handsome.


Thinking this, Su Muluo patted the black dragon’s head: “You’re heavy, you’re crushing me.”




The dark golden dragon eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion, seemingly displeased by not receiving the expected praise. However, the next moment, it obediently reverted to the soft and limp Little Black Dragon, falling into Su Muluo’s palm.




Su Muluo looked at the little dragon in his hand, no bigger than his palm, recalling the black dragon that had just filled the entire bed. He couldn’t help but marvel, “You’ve grown so big.” But he knew that even though Little Black Dragon had grown, it wasn’t its true form—true dragons were dozens of meters long, just like he was a phoenix with a very large true form.


And also very beautiful, with lovely feathers.




Little Black Dragon heard Su Muluo’s words and felt praised. It happily wagged its tail.


Su Muluo stared at the tip of its tail for a few seconds and reached out—


Little Black Dragon quickly hugged its tail, warily watching him.




Su Muluo nonchalantly retracted his hand and took Little Black Dragon to freshen up.


Today’s breakfast was bread and milk. Since Little Black Dragon didn’t like milk, Su Muluo gave it sweet honey water while he drank milk.


The milk was sweet and warm, paired with soft and delicious bread, it was quite tasty. Su Muluo ate with satisfaction, his mood improving as well.


The little black dragon nibbled on the bread, its dark golden eyes fixed on its phoenix. Suddenly, it grew larger, its tail wrapping around the phoenix’s waist as it nuzzled its head against his shoulder affectionately.


Su Muluo: “?”


Before he could react to what had happened, the next second, the black dragon had shrunk back to its small size.


Then it continued eating the bread.


Su Muluo: “…”


He looked down, meeting the innocent and obedient gaze of the little black dragon, suddenly realizing that the dragon had just taken advantage of him.


And it was on purpose!


Expressionless, Su Muluo took away the little black dragon’s honey water and replaced it with a cup of hot milk.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


You reap what you sow, so under the “gentle” gaze of the phoenix, the little black dragon reluctantly drank the entire cup of milk.


Song Nan had just arrived at the company today and was greeted warmly by her colleague, Sister Yang.


“Xiao Nan, thank you so much for recommending that coffee shop to me.” Sister Yang held her hand, grinning from ear to ear, “Look at my hair and my skin, don’t I look much better than yesterday?”


Song Nan looked at her thick, luscious hair and her rosy, smooth face, with fewer wrinkles, and exclaimed, “It’s true, Sister Yang, you look really beautiful today.”


Sister Yang beamed, “Right? My husband even said I look ten years younger this morning.”


“No way, Xiao Song, is the coffee shop you recommended really that effective?” Other colleagues, having overheard, gathered around, “Does it really help with hair loss?”


Sister Yang said, “Not only does it help with hair loss, look at my skin, my complexion, isn’t it great! The shop owner said their coffee has a secret formula. I guess it might be a recipe passed down from some famous doctor!”


“Then I have to try it! Where is it?”


“Can it help with insomnia? I’ve been sleeping poorly these days…”


“And me, I’ve been having neck pain from staring at the computer. How about we all go together sometime!”




Su Muluo noticed that his recent customers were getting stranger.


Generally speaking, his kind of coffee shop attracted more young people because they had the time to spend an afternoon there. But in recent days, although his customers had increased, they weren’t young people. Instead, they were middle-aged office workers.


Most of them had thinning hair or dark circles from insomnia, and some were constantly rubbing their necks, indicating issues with the spine around their upper chest area.


However, without exception, they all came for the special coffee.


Su Muluo never expected that one day his coffee would attract people not because of its delicious taste but because it could supposedly cure hair loss, insomnia, neck pain, and various other issues. For a moment, he suddenly felt like he wasn’t running a coffee shop but a medical clinic.


In hindsight, he thought he should have opened a clinic instead.


As he was thinking this, a familiar figure walked in from outside, stopping at the door in shock, “Why is your business so good!”


Su Muluo looked up and saw the original owner of the coffee shop, Huang Gaigai, and said, “Please have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”


“No, no, I just came to take a look.” Huang Gaigai said, “I’m leaving in a couple of days and wanted to say goodbye… but why is your business so good?”


He looked around in disbelief. It was four in the afternoon, and there were several tables of customers in the coffee shop. It had never been this busy when he owned the shop.


Could it be that the coffee here was very cheap?


Huang Gaigai glanced at the menu and was shocked by the price of the special coffee: “So expensive! Do people actually order this?”


Su Muluo smiled, took out a coffee cup, and said, “Let me treat you to a cup.”


He had Huang Gaigai pick a seat. While making the coffee, Huang Gaigai looked around as if searching for someone.


Su Muluo knew he was looking for Qiansui, but at this time, Qiansui was still out wandering—being a cat demon, it was the leader of the nearby cats, controlling the territory of several streets and usually quite busy.


Of course, Su Muluo couldn’t tell Huang Gaigai that his cat was a demon and was out managing other cats, so he said, “There have been more customers lately, and Qiansui is a bit shy. I’ve let it stay at home.”


Huang Gaigai responded with an “Oh,” looking a bit disappointed, but trying not to show it, forced a smile and said, “It is shy and timid, never dares to approach people.”


Su Muluo thought, “That’s not necessarily true. It was baring its teeth at me just the other day.” Then he brought the brewed special coffee to Huang Gaigai and said, “Try it, the coffee I made.”


Huang Gaigai sniffed it, “It smells so good. It’s indeed good coffee.”


Then he took a sip.


The next second, his eyes widened in astonishment.


What… what is this?


Is this coffee???


It’s too delicious!!!


Huang Gaigai, being a wealthy second-generation heir, had tasted many good coffees, but none compared to the one he was holding. This was simply the best coffee he had ever had in his twenty-some years of life!


Moreover, considering the taste, the price was too low! It was practically a steal!


No wonder the business was so good! If it weren’t, it wouldn’t make sense!


Huang Gaigai drank with tears in his eyes, looking at Su Muluo as if seeing a savior.


Su Muluo: “…”


What’s wrong with this guy? Why is he acting so weird?


“Great!” Huang Gaigai grabbed Su Muluo’s hand, “Handing this coffee shop over to you was the best decision I’ve ever made! You will definitely carry on my dream and take it far!”


Feeling his pocket move to avoid a little jealous dragon from exploding, Su Muluo calmly withdrew his hand and said, “Thank you for the compliment.”


“It’s true! I’ve never had such delicious coffee in my entire life!” Huang Gaigai exclaimed excitedly. “Have you ever thought about opening a chain? My family could invest in you and make this coffee shop a brand that goes beyond China and reaches the world!”


Su Muluo replied, “There’s no need for that. I don’t have such grand ambitions; I just want to manage this small shop well.”


Opening a chain store was impossible. He only had thirty feathers in total, with each one lasting a year. Besides, he was a phoenix and wouldn’t age, so he couldn’t stay in one place forever. In seven or eight years, he would move to another city to start a new life.


Huang Gaigai didn’t know his true thoughts. Hearing this, he felt it was a pity but understood that everyone has their own aspirations. So, he didn’t say much more and enjoyed his coffee.


At the same time, another customer walked into the shop. She had long, black hair reaching her waist, wore a white dress, and had a delicate yet gloomy look—she was the woman who had visited the shop before.


Su Muluo glanced at her without any change in his expression and said calmly, “Welcome back. Would you like the special coffee again?”


The woman nodded silently, her gaze lingering on him before subtly glancing at Huang Gaigai.


Just that one look made Huang Gaigai shiver with cold. He was puzzled and said, “It seemed a bit cold just now.”


Su Muluo comforted him, “Maybe the air conditioning is set too low.”


Then he got up and made a cup of special coffee for the woman.


This time, the coffee still didn’t contain any phoenix feather essence. The woman didn’t say anything, silently drinking it before leaving. Huang Gaigai stayed in the coffee shop for another half hour before saying goodbye to Su Muluo.



In the evening, Qiansui returned to the shop earlier than before. Su Muluo placed some cat food in front of it and said, “Your owner came to see you today.”


Qiansui paused for a moment, then continued eating as if nothing had happened.


Su Muluo watched the orange cat for a few seconds and decided not to tell it that Huang Gaigai was leaving. After all, it probably already knew, and mentioning it would just cause sadness. After it finished eating, he said, “Remember to wash the bowl. Don’t go out tonight.”


Then he got up and left the coffee shop with the little black dragon.


The night wind was slightly chilly. It had been over twenty degrees during the day, but the temperature dropped sharply at night. Su Muluo wore a coat and, instead of flying straight home as usual, walked slowly along the street.


The little black dragon crawled out of his pocket, its dark golden eyes narrowing slightly as it let out a “roar.”


Su Muluo held it in his hands and said, “It’s okay.”


Then he turned a corner, moving from the bustling commercial street to a quieter alley.


As he walked, the street became increasingly deserted, with fewer and fewer pedestrians until he was the only one left.


The lonely street extended into the distance, the dim streetlights barely illuminating the thick darkness that seemed to swallow everything.


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, its gaze sharply fixed on a spot until Su Muluo stopped, turned around, and seemed about to walk back.




At that moment, a shadow darted out of the darkness, claws gleaming coldly as they aimed straight for Su Muluo’s heart—only to be thrown back by an even stronger force, crashing heavily onto the ground with a loud “bang.”


Su Muluo thought, “This is bad.”


He had intended to take action but was beaten to it by the little black dragon, who showed no mercy. He could only watch as the ground cracked, forming a giant pit over ten meters wide.


“…” Su Muluo glanced at the little black dragon and, after a few seconds of silence, said, “You’ve damaged the road.”


The little black dragon looked at him, puzzled: “Roar?”


Su Muluo said, “If they find out, we’ll have to pay for it.”


The little black dragon fell silent.


Su Muluo continued, “If my money isn’t enough, I’ll have to sell you to cover the debt.”


The little black dragon: “??!”


It immediately curled up pitifully, hugging the phoenix’s finger with its tiny horns rubbing against it: “Wuuu.”


Su Muluo looked at the little black dragon acting pitifully in his hand and sighed helplessly, then turned his attention to the half-dead monster on the ground.


The monster: “…”


It suddenly had a bad feeling.


The next second, Su Muluo reached into his pocket under the monster’s terrified gaze and took out his phone to make a call.


“Hello, is this the Bureau of Special Affairs?” he said. “I’d like to report an attack on a monster here, along with road damage—a pit over ten meters wide. The perpetrator is cruel and dangerous. Please send someone to arrest it immediately and don’t let it escape.”


The monster: “…”


Wait, it was clearly you guys who did this!


How shameless!

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 39 – Found the wrong person

Chapter 39


Back then, Lord Chushan first wanted Song Ye and asked him to train with him. However, Song Cheng took the opportunity instead.


Now it seems that everything Song Cheng did was to protect him.


He had been kept in the dark all these years, resenting and mocking Song Cheng. He couldn’t understand how Song Cheng managed to endure it. If it had been him, he would have broken down long ago.


At this moment, he finally understood why Song Cheng liked Si Lan so much.


Because Si Lan was Song Cheng’s salvation, whereas he himself was merely a burden to Song Cheng.


“Brother, I hate myself for not being strong enough. If I were as strong as the Lord, I could kill Lord Chushan, and you wouldn’t have to…”


“Song Ye, don’t blame yourself. This has nothing to do with you.”


Song Cheng’s voice also carried a hint of a sob. Song Ye was his only family in this world, and he had never blamed him.


“I’m such an idiot!”


After saying that, Song Ye’s branches and leaves wrapped around Song Cheng. Each leaf seemed to have a soul of its own, entwining Song Cheng in the moonlight, sticking tightly to him.


The night wind blew, making both of them rustle.


The barrier that had existed between them for so long disappeared at that moment. Song Ye finally felt the same closeness he had felt when he and Song Cheng trained together.


Their roots, their leaves, their hearts were so close.


Among the rustling leaves, Song Ye’s suppressed voice emerged.


“Brother, actually, I really like you.”


For some reason, Song Cheng didn’t answer. Song Ye’s leaves curled up restlessly, scratching at Song Cheng’s leaves.


Song Cheng had no choice but to speak, “You are just attached to me. You should find someone more suitable…” Deep down, he still felt unworthy of Song Ye. For so many years, he had avoided talking to Song Ye properly, punishing himself because he felt unworthy.


“Brother, you are the most suitable person for me.”


After saying this, Song Ye didn’t wait for Song Cheng to rebut and once again wrapped his leaves around Song Cheng, their roots inching towards him, tangling him up.


“Brother, it seems like you’re about to bloom.”


“Don’t talk nonsense!”


“Really, you smell fragrant.”


“Um, Song Ye…”


“Brother, you said you would always go along with me…”



Under the wisteria tree, Xie Li curiously peeked at the two intertwined wisterias and asked Qu Ze, “What are the two Protectors doing?”


Qu Ze kept a stern face and led Xie Li away, but Xie Li, full of curiosity, asked again.


Qu Ze had no choice but to reply, “They are brothers. This is a sign of closeness.”


“Oh, I understand.” Little Xie Li suddenly realized, then stood on tiptoe and threw himself into Qu Ze’s arms.


Qu Ze instinctively caught Xie Li, who wrapped his limbs tightly around him and said with a cheerful smile, “I also want to be close to Senior Brother.”


“…,” Qu Ze responded.



The next day, when Si Lan woke up, he found that Haowei was gone. He fluttered his wings and searched around Zhuyun Peak but couldn’t find Haowei. He realized that Haowei had returned to the Celestial Court.


He always left so quietly, without saying goodbye.


Never mind, Si Lan had to enter seclusion for training anyway.


He gathered a pile of Buddhist scriptures and texts in the cave. When he was in good spirits, he would read them. However, after reading through all the Buddhist texts, he still couldn’t find an explanation for the passage about the tiger eating the flesh of the Buddha in the Wuwang Sutra.


“The Buddha practiced in the forest and encountered a tiger. The tiger gazed at him intently. The Buddha fed it with his flesh. Day by day, the Buddha turned into white bones, and the tiger became a Buddha after eating his flesh.”


The literal meaning was easy to understand: evil people take the merits of good people and easily become Buddhas, while good people get no reward.


Was this person trying to convey something through this principle?


Si Lan thought he still needed to find someone to explain it to him.


Immediately, he thought of the fortune teller on Qiangjue Mountain, who knew the heavens above and the eighteen levels of hell below, with all phenomena contained in the tortoiseshell he held.


Perhaps the fortune teller would also know the story behind this Buddhist text.


Despite his injuries not yet healed, Si Lan couldn’t wait and flew towards Qiangjue Mountain.


The fortune teller still had his stall set up, with two tortoise shells in front of him. Beside the shells was a single burning incense stick, its smoke drifting lazily in the air.


A black bird was dozing on the fortune teller’s shoulder.


The fortune teller himself was also dozing, his white beard swaying in the breeze. He wore simple gray cloth clothes, which still gave off an aura of immortality and wisdom.


As soon as Si Lan landed, the fortune teller opened his eyes. Seeing a “wild pheasant,” he was about to shoo it away but then noticed the unique markings on its feathers, and his face showed surprise.


“Yu Jia.”


Si Lan was surprised that this fortune teller actually had some skill, recognizing his true form at a glance.


He pinched his voice, not wanting the fortune teller to recognize his identity, but then heard the fortune teller say, “My Lord, I never expected your identity to be so noble.”




After a moment of silence, Si Lan said, “Did the old gentleman predict I would come today?”


The fortune teller stroked his beard and said slowly, “Fortune-telling is either zero times or countless times. I knew that after you had your fortune told once, you would definitely seek me out again.” In fact, he had just done a divination and found that today’s business would be poor, with only one customer, an old one at that.


Seeing the demonic aura on this “wild pheasant,” which seemed familiar, and knowing it was his old customer, he naturally guessed that this “wild pheasant” was Si Lan.




After another brief silence, Si Lan got straight to the point, “Sir, I have a Buddhist text that I cannot interpret. Could you please explain it for me?”


The fortune teller looked at Si Lan in surprise, “My Lord, you are the first to come to me to interpret a Buddhist text.” After all, people usually came to him for children, marriage, or powerful medicine.


Si Lan smiled and handed over a millennium-old elixir to the fortune teller, who immediately beamed with joy and put it away. “My Lord, ask anything, and I will certainly tell you everything I know.”


Si Lan recited the Buddhist text about the tiger eating the flesh of the Buddha to the fortune teller.


After listening, the fortune teller fiddled with the two tortoise shells, chanting something under his breath.


A strange scripture enveloped the tortoise shells, with countless hieroglyphs forming a net-like pattern over them. After a moment, the two tortoise shells fell from the air and landed on the table, fitting together.


The fortune teller slowly opened the shells, and after seeing the signs inside, his face suddenly became serious. He looked up at Si Lan.


Seeing his expression, Si Lan couldn’t help but grow serious as well.


“What does it mean? What does the hexagram say?”


“My Lord, the hexagram indicates that you are facing imminent disaster.”


“……” After a pause, Si Lan asked, “Will it be life-threatening?”


“It could be severe or minor; it depends on your fortune.”


Si Lan felt that the fortune teller, as always, had said something without really saying anything. He felt a bit of heartache for that millennium-old elixir, feeling it was wasted on this old tortoise spirit.


Sensing a hint of dissatisfaction in Si Lan’s expression, the fortune teller added, “My Lord, the secrets of heaven must not be revealed. If I divulge them, not only will you and I suffer, but the course of fate might also change.”


Everyone’s destiny was predetermined, running according to the great plan of Heaven. If a piece moved wrongly, it would be corrected.


“Then let me ask directly. You just nod. The person behind showing me this Buddhist text, do they intend to overthrow the Six Realms?”


The fortune teller’s expression froze for a moment, then he shook his head.


“Besides you, is there anyone else who can explain this Buddhist text to me?”


“The Buddha Jiagang of the Thirty-Three Heavens.” After saying this, the fortune teller couldn’t help but chant “Amitabha” under his breath. “My Lord, please stop asking. Let me help you with something safer, like divining your future spouse.”


“……,” Si Lan responded.


“Did you follow my advice last time and wait for your destined one on Qianqiong Sand Island?”


“I did.” Si Lan’s face reddened slightly.


“Your destined one is highly skilled in magic, handsome, strong, and quite a heartthrob in the Six Realms.”


Hearing this, Si Lan’s face reddened even more, and he couldn’t help but think of Haowei’s face.


It seemed that Haowei did meet all these conditions.


“His mind is corrupted, with a demonic heart. If he does good, he will be a great benefactor. If he does evil, he will be a great menace.”


“A demonic heart? What does that mean?”


“The hexagram shows he has a demonic heart, indicating he is a serpent demon.”


Si Lan’s face turned a bit ugly, “Sir, are you sure?”


“I am sure. This divination method has never been wrong.”


Si Lan fell silent, lost in thought. He had indeed waited for Haowei on Qianqiong Sand Island.


He hadn’t seen anyone else around Qianqiong Sand Island at that time, so how could his destined one be a serpent demon?




Si Lan suddenly recalled what the celestial soldiers had said on Zhuyun Peak.


“It’s a long story. A few days ago, the little prince was bitten by a fiery serpent and ended up in the Demon Realm…”


A fiery serpent, that fiery serpent… Could it be his destined one?!


But as far as he knew, the fiery serpent had long since died.


Could it be that Haowei killed the fiery serpent on Qianqiong Sand Island, and he mistakenly took Haowei back, thinking he was his destined one?


The more Si Lan thought about it, the more absurd it seemed, and his heart felt blocked, making it hard to breathe.


How could this be?


Wasn’t this just playing him for a fool?


With his face covered in feathers, the fortune teller couldn’t see Si Lan’s expression, but he could sense something was wrong from his aura. “My Lord, is there something wrong?”


Si Lan couldn’t help but ask again, “Sir, are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?”


“Of course, this method has never been wrong!”


Si Lan was left speechless. His wings drooped, and after a while, he mechanically lifted them and fluttered away from Qiangjue Mountain.


The fortune teller watched Si Lan leave, utterly baffled.

The divination showed that although Si Lan’s husband has a serpent’s gall, his fate is so noble that even the tortoiseshell couldn’t fully interpret it.


So why is Si Lan so dejected?


Si Lan had no feelings for that torch serpent he had never met. Knowing it was killed by Haowei, he didn’t feel sad.


He just hadn’t expected that Haowei, whom he always considered his fated person, actually wasn’t. So, all that happened between them was not destiny but mere coincidence.


Thinking about his behavior towards Haowei, Si Lan felt extremely embarrassed, wishing he could cover his face with his wings.


No wonder Haowei had always been cold and distant towards him. In Haowei’s eyes, he must have seemed like a pheasant wanting to eat a small white dragon.


Returning to Zhuyun Peak, the frustration and confusion in his heart had not dissipated. He went to the wine cellar and picked a pot of wine to drink.


He didn’t understand what mistake he had made, why every blooming peach flower was always cut off.


In the Six Realms, perhaps no one was more miserable than he was.


He lay drunkenly on the stone table, sighing intermittently.


“Why was I sent here in the first place?”


Qu Ze happened to hear Si Lan’s complaints as he walked over.


“Was it to make me lonely and undying?”




Qu Ze’s expression paused as he looked at Si Lan, his brows furrowing.


What happened?


Why is the Lord eager to marry again?


After sending Si Lan back to rest, Qu Ze went to find Song Cheng and Song Ye, who were still lingering together.


Years ago, the Demon Realm held a consort selection, but back then, the Lord’s reputation for being cursed to kill his wives was rampant. Upon hearing this, the women of the Demon Realm quickly got engaged, and even widows remarried…


Recently, the Lord’s reputation had improved somewhat. Most importantly, the one who had been spreading the rumor about the Lord’s curse was now preoccupied with romance and had no time for gossip.


Thinking of this, Qu Ze looked at the slightly taller wisteria. “Protector Song Ye, I want to reopen the consort selection for the Lord in the Demon Realm.”


Song Ye extended a vine, looking at Qu Ze. “Consort selection, are we selecting males or females?”


Qu Ze suddenly fell silent.


“Qu Ze, why do you suddenly want to select a consort for the Lord?” Song Cheng asked.


“Since returning from Qiangjue Mountain, the Lord seems to be in a bad mood.”


“Then let’s select, but in the Demon Realm, men and women are used to doing as they please. They may not be willing to participate in the consort selection.”


The Demon Realm was different from the Mortal Realm. For ordinary mortals, being selected into the palace as a consort was like a pheasant turning into a phoenix. But in the Demon Realm, people did not take marriage contracts seriously; they valued cultivation more.


Although the Lord had high cultivation, he did not practice dual cultivation techniques, and with his “bad reputation” outside, no male or female demon would hope to marry him.


“Then we’ll use both coercion and inducement, trick them into signing up,” Song Ye said calmly. After speaking, he looked at Song Cheng beside him. He had thought Song Cheng would react strongly to Si Lan’s consort selection, but surprisingly, he remained calm.


Song Cheng sensed Song Ye’s gaze but didn’t look at him. Instead, he continued to ask Qu Ze, “Wasn’t the man who stayed by the Lord’s side before his fated person?”


Qu Ze shook his head. “I don’t know what happened, but judging by the Lord’s current state, that person shouldn’t be his fated one.”


Song Cheng said no more, and Song Ye felt a sense of crisis.


Song Ye had known that Song Cheng liked Si Lan, and despite the heartache, he had tried to pair Song Cheng with Si Lan. Therefore, the spread of Si Lan’s “curse” reputation was partly due to Song Ye’s efforts. But now that he and Song Cheng had opened up to each other and explained everything;


“Then let’s hurry and select a consort for the Lord. We’ll choose males and females, young and old, fat and thin.”


“……” Qu Ze.


“……” Song Cheng.


Qu Ze rarely handled Demon Realm affairs and mainly took care of Si Lan’s daily matters, so the consort selection had to be left to the two protectors.


“Then I’ll trouble the two protectors.”




On the other side, after returning to the Heavenly Court, Haowei summoned Yu Wudao and Siming Xianzun.


Years ago, when he descended to the mortal realm to atone for his sins, only his mother knew about it, besides these two.


His fate and destiny were also determined by these two.


Yu Wudao, summoned in a hurry, did not know what had happened, but seeing Haowei’s serious expression, he thought it must be a significant issue.


Recently, Haowei had been staying in the Demon Realm. Could the issue be related to that Demon Lord?


“Your Majesty, are you sure you want to retrieve those memories?” Yu Wudao asked.


In that lifetime, Haowei bore the fate of the Lone Star, living a life of loneliness and suffering, unable to have what he desired, think what he wanted, or love whom he wished. In the end, he had nothing to live for, nothing to lose.


Such a miserable experience would only bring torment if retrieved.


“Yes.” Haowei only wanted to know the entanglement between him and Si Lan. “Wudao, Siming, do you know what the Great Void God was doing when I descended to the mortal realm?”


Siming played with the Ziwei Jade Disk, frowning. “The Great Void God should have been in deep sleep in the Great Void Mountain in the Mortal Realm at that time. Why does Your Majesty suddenly ask about the Great Void God?”


A thought flashed in Haowei’s mind. Perhaps the reason why the Great Void God mistook Si Lan for the “Little Prince’s” mother was that the Great Void God knew about his past with Si Lan.


However, this was just his speculation.


“I suspect I might have seen the Great Void God during my tribulation in the mortal realm. Siming, can you retrieve my memories from that time?”


Siming continued to play with the Ziwei Jade Disk. After adjusting the direction of the pointer, he replied, “Your Majesty, the Ziwei Jade Disk contains your memories. Are you sure you want to retrieve them?”


“Yes,” Haowei said firmly.


Hearing this, Siming placed the Ziwei Jade Disk before Haowei. Haowei looked down, and in the center of the disk, his birth date and eight characters appeared.


Those characters floated slowly, then merged together, bursting into a beam of golden light. In the next moment, all the hidden memories returned to Haowei’s mind.


He remembered many things.


In this life, he was born as the son of the illustrious General Chongming Wei of the Yu Dynasty. Just after his birth, the Chong family was falsely accused of rebellion and their household was ransacked. The men were all killed, and the women were sent to pleasure houses as servants.


He was secretly taken out of the residence by a groom who hid him in his belly, raising him anonymously in the mountains and forests.


When he was just learning to speak, the groom told him everything that had happened to the Chong family, instilling in him the idea of revenge at every moment.


When he was five years old, the groom fell gravely ill. On his deathbed, he entrusted Haowei to a childless couple in the village.


At six, the couple unexpectedly gave birth to a son, making him an unwanted burden. He was sold off for ten taels of silver to another household.


This next household was an old, crippled bachelor over fifty years old who bought him to work and care for him in his old age.


By seven, Haowei could already hunt rabbits and pheasants on the mountain, work in the fields, and cook meals. However, peace did not last long. War broke out, forcing the villagers to migrate north to escape.


The old man contracted the plague and died on the way, and Haowei also caught the plague, being thrown into a mass grave for the dead. Fortunately, he survived after two days and nights of high fever.


By eight, he could live independently, following the refugee group to the north and, after seven years of intermittent travel, returning to the capital where he was born.


He never forgot the groom’s words: the men of the Chong family were all dead, but thirty-seven women of the Chong family were still waiting for him to rescue them.


The grievances of the Chong family also awaited his redress.


Living alone at the foot of the mountain, his solitary and reserved nature soon made him an “oddball” among the villagers.


He met Si Lan in the twenty-fifth year of the Yu Dynasty, when he was seventeen.


While hunting on the mountain, he saw a black object fall straight from the sky into a lake, creating a whirlpool.


Curious, he approached the lake and retrieved a burnt black pheasant from the whirlpool.


The pheasant was barely breathing, covered in fresh blood, likely bitten by a wild animal.


Without much thought, he took the pheasant back, only to be stopped by Lanlan from the village on the way.


Lanlan frowned and righteously claimed it was her family’s chicken.


He glanced at the blackened pheasant in his hand, thinking he had never seen such a scorched chicken in the village. But since Lanlan said so, he didn’t want to argue with a girl and gave her the pheasant.


The incident passed just like that.


Until one day, while hunting on the mountain, he saw a man in green standing in a corner, pale and beautiful to the point of enchantment, curled up in the thorns halfway up the mountain. The man’s fragile expression was pitiful, like a spirit designed to captivate souls.


When the wind blew, the green figure flickered in and out of sight.


Haowei suddenly realized the green-robed man was not an ordinary person but a mountain spirit.


He recalled the ancient texts about spirits that seduce people, feeding on their essence to cultivate. He dared not look at the spirit again and hurried away.


The next day, however, he saw the same green figure in the same spot.


The man’s expression was blank, his eyes unfocused, his face even paler than before, seemingly unaware of everything around him.


How could there be such a stupid spirit? One that couldn’t even charm people.


Could it be a newcomer?


Haowei thought this to himself and hurried up the mountain.


Yet, while hunting, he couldn’t help but think of that green figure. He suspected the spirit had cast a spell on him.


So, on his way down the mountain, Haowei, with a stern face, coldly told the lingering spirit, “This mountain path is almost only used by me. You won’t deceive anyone by staying here.”


The spirit said nothing, still standing there woodenly.


Haowei frowned at him, and then the spirit’s eyes suddenly moved, looking at him.


His heart skipped a beat, and meeting those dark eyes, his heart raced.


He thought he was under a spell and hurriedly turned away, rushing down the mountain.


Don’t make eye contact with a spirit.


Especially not with such a dumb one.


He tried to convince himself of this, and as he passed the village entrance, he ran into a man dressed like a physician talking to Lanlan.


“I don’t think that young man is ill. He seems to have a soul separation disorder. He must have an injured soul, missing a piece of his essence.”


“Doctor, what should be done?”


“I’m afraid you’ll need to find a Taoist priest to help call back his soul.”


“Thank you, doctor,” Lanlan said.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 38 – Send to Nanpukan

Chapter 38


“……” Si Lan.


Haowei’s lips twitched, as if suppressing a laugh, and he sat up, supporting himself with his hands on the bed. Si Lan stumbled and fell between Haowei’s legs, quickly flapping his wings to steady himself.


“Cluck cluck……”


“……” Si Lan.


To everyone’s surprise, he made clucking sounds as he spoke, startling himself and quickly covering his mouth with his wings.


Seeing this, Haowei’s smile deepened. He lifted Si Lan from the bed, lowered his eyelids, and asked softly, “Awake? Any unusual symptoms?”


Si Lan suppressed the urge to cluck, coughed lightly, and replied, “I’m fine.” Perhaps due to transforming into his original form, his voice had become somewhat childish, with a hint of softness.


Haowei extended his hand to check Si Lan’s spiritual state, “Rest well for half a month, and you’ll recover.”


“Mm.” It seemed he would have to find an excuse to seclude himself for cultivation again.


“How about Song?” Haowei inquired.


“You still care about him,” Haowei raised an eyebrow at Si Lan’s response.


Si Lan, oblivious to any oddity, continued, “After all, I used so much blood to save him, I certainly have to care.”


With that, Si Lan jumped off the bed. However, due to not transforming into his original form for many years, he misjudged the distance and crashed into the ground, nearly breaking his neck. The pain made him cluck involuntarily.


Haowei reached out and lifted him up, his eyes cold, “Can’t you use your wings?”


“Been too long.” Si Lan said awkwardly.


Perhaps years of hiding his true form had instinctively deterred him from living as his true self. Even when alone, he rarely revealed his true form, let alone use his wings to fly.


Haowei carried Si Lan to two clusters of wisteria. The thick, intertwining roots and overlapping branches made them inseparable, like twins nurturing each other from root to leaf, from birth to death.


“Your Majesty…”


Seeing Haowei carrying Si Lan, Song Cheng shook the wisteria vines, and a branch extended towards Si Lan.


Si Lan rubbed against him with his wings. Song Cheng seemed a bit shy, his branches and leaves trembling slightly. In the next moment, Song Cheng became angry, rolling his branches and leaves to envelop Song Cheng entirely. Whatever Song Cheng wanted to say was silenced.


In mid-air, one wisteria vine tightly entwined with another, accompanied by faint “umm” sounds.


“……” Si Lan.


It seemed this life-and-death experience had significantly deepened the bond between these brothers.


Suddenly, Si Lan’s vision went black as someone covered his eyes, a faint fragrance wafting around his nose. He was lifted, and Haowei’s emotionless voice sounded near his ear, “No peeking.”


“……” Si Lan.


Why did this scene feel so familiar?


He used his wings to push Haowei’s hand away and met Haowei’s ink-black eyes, feeling a slight pause in his heart.


This proximity was too close, with Haowei’s breath almost touching his forehead and gently trailing down his nose. The warm breath felt like gentle hands stroking his feathers.


Feeling uncomfortable, he jumped out of Haowei’s arms, flapping his wings to fly, and this time, he didn’t fall down!


He couldn’t help but cluck with laughter.


Some things, though seemingly useless, still had their uses.


Haowei looked at the “wild chicken” before him, excited because he managed to fly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Was this Demon Sovereign also getting dumber because his original form weakened?


Acting like a child, silly and naive.


Si Lan flapped his wings, circling around Haowei, as if showing off that he could fly. But his body wasn’t fully healed yet, and just as he was enjoying himself, suddenly the world spun around him, a sense of weightlessness surged up, and he fell unexpectedly.


Haowei’s hand swiftly caught his spine, as if holding a chick, and placed him back on the bed.


With his wings folded across his chest and his breath weak, Si Lan felt dizzy, his head spinning as if the bed was rotating, making him uncomfortable.


Looking down at him, Haowei’s voice was cool, “If you’re weak, don’t fly recklessly.”


Si Lan tried to roll his eyes at Haowei, correcting him, “I’m not weak, just a bit dizzy.”


Men can be ugly, they can be defeated, but they cannot be weak.


Haowei’s lips curled slightly, saying nothing, and then transferred some spiritual power to Si Lan.


Si Lan immediately felt a warm current spreading from his brow, enveloping his body and even every feather, making him extremely comfortable.


He couldn’t help but close his eyes and hummed softly, “Thank you.”


If he remembered correctly, Haowei had also infused him with spiritual power last night.


Although this little white dragon was proud and fierce, his nature was not bad. He truly was his destined husband…


Thinking of this, unbidden, Lan Lan’s words echoed in his mind.


“He’s quite good-looking, but he’s not a local. I heard he stayed briefly in the village for refuge or something. His name is… Chong… Chong Ying, that should be his name.”


Chong Ying… Was it him?


Si Lan had intended to quietly investigate and then ask Haowei about it, but his cultivation loss now hindered his investigation. Yet he couldn’t bear it in his heart and asked, “Haowei, have you ever stayed in the human realm?”


“Why do you ask?” Haowei looked at the huddled brown-feathered Si Lan on the bed and asked in return.


“Oh, it’s just that yesterday, Lan Lan told me that years ago, someone named Chong Ying saved me. I was thinking, could it be you…”


Haowei’s eyes flickered, remembering something, and his facial expression slowly tensed. “Did she say anything else?”


“No, just that the person’s name was Chong Ying, which sounds similar to your name.”


After Si Lan finished speaking, there was a long silence from Haowei. Si Lan raised his head to look at Haowei, noticing his contemplative expression.


“Do you think… we might have known each other before…” Si Lan added.


Haowei lowered his gaze and met Si Lan’s eyes slowly. “I did indeed undergo the human realm’s tribulations, from the eighth to the thirtieth year of Yu Dynasty.”


Si Lan covered his mouth with his two wings in astonishment. “I fell into the human realm in the twenty-fifth year of Yu Dynasty.”




After their conversation, both fell briefly into silence.


“Do you remember picking up a wild chicken from the lake back then, oh no, Yujia?” Haowei shook his head, not having those memories of the human world.


“I don’t remember. Did you see me back then?”


“I didn’t see you. I was unconscious at the time, and when I woke up, I was on Lan Lan’s chopping board at home.”


“…” Haowei.


It seemed like their entanglement was only this much, but Haowei always felt it wasn’t that simple.


The first time he suspected there was a connection between him and Si Lan was in the Jiyin Gossip Array. The destroyed wooden puppet in the illusion phase looked like Si Lan upon closer inspection, although his identity was unclear. Haowei didn’t tell Si Lan about this.


Furthermore, during their last intrusion into the scripture repository, Taixu Shenzun said a lot of strange things. It seemed like Taixu Shenzun had known Si Lan long ago, rather than mistaking him for someone else.


Perhaps the tribulation experiences recorded in the Purple Wei Jade Disk had quietly changed at some point.


“Your Majesty.” Qu Ze’s voice suddenly came from outside, interrupting the thoughts of the two in the room, “Peak Lord Li Qing of Xianya Peak is here to seek an audience.”


Li Qing, like the Lord of Lu, was dissatisfied with Haowei’s position as the Demon Sovereign and had assisted behind the scenes in the previous trouble caused by the Lord of Lu.


Si Lan glanced at his current appearance. “What is he doing here?”


“Your Majesty, he has come to apologize on behalf of the Lord of Lu and insists on seeing you, or he won’t leave.”


Si Lan covered his face with his wings and sighed helplessly.


The Peak Lords left by Chu Shanjun always came to stir up trouble from time to time. This “apology” must be some new trick.


Now that he had turned into a “wild chicken” and couldn’t maintain his human form, meeting with the other party would inevitably reveal his identity.


Just as he was worried, Haowei cast a phantom form technique, creating an invisible barrier around him.


Inside the barrier, he still looked like a wild chicken, but from outside the barrier, others would see his human form.


Si Lan was immediately delighted. “Thank you, Haowei.”


Haowei’s cultivation was higher than Li Qing’s, so he doubted Li Qing could see through it.


Haowei responded with a faint “Mm” upon hearing the thanks.


Always attracting trouble and always being troubled by trouble, such was the life of this Demon Sovereign.


He wondered what kind of unfortunate fate awaited him in the Purple Wei Jade Disk.


  Zhu Ri Pavilion.


  Si Lan sat askew on the high seat, one wing propping his head while the other gently fanned the air.


  Li Qing entered and bowed respectfully, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”


  ”Li Qing, what brings you to me?” Si Lan shifted to lie in another direction, head resting against the chair back. His wings fluttered lazily, his expression one of contentment.


  But to Li Qing, this sight seemed peculiar. He couldn’t understand why Si Lan kept shaking his fair hands intermittently.


  Fanning himself?


  Li Qing’s lips twitched slightly, forcing composure. “Your Majesty, after Brother Lu’s reckless actions last time, causing you trouble, I’ve been feeling remorseful. And Brother Lu himself wishes to apologize. Therefore, I’ve brought eight handsome men to present to you.”


  Si Lan’s wings paused, curiosity written across his face. “Eight… handsome men?”


  Beside him, Hao Wei lowered his head, casting a faint glance at Si Lan.


  ”Yes.” Li Qing clapped his hands, signaling the entrance of the handsome men waiting outside the hall.


  Eight elaborately dressed men entered in single file, each originally a peac0ck spirit. Tall and slender, they exuded an air of aloof elegance, yet their eyes and expressions carried a seductive charm, a mix of reluctance and willingness.


  As they entered the hall, Si Lan felt the room brighten.


  Their beauty was breathtaking, each one a masterpiece.


  ”Your Majesty, what do you think?” Li Qing smiled knowingly, aware of Si Lan’s fondness for “beautiful acquisitions,” and thus had sent these handsome men.


  In truth, these men were Li Qing’s operatives.


  As long as they stayed, they would eventually uncover Si Lan’s vulnerabilities.


  Si Lan’s gaze swept over each of the men. He had to admit, Li Qing had chosen well. These men were fair and delicate, yet carried themselves with dignity and allure, igniting a desire to conquer in one’s heart.


  However, Si Lan had no intention of taking them in just yet.


  ”Li Qing, I appreciate your kindness, but I plan to seclude myself for cultivation soon. I fear these beauties may feel neglected. Please, take them back with you.”


“Your Excellency, you needn’t worry about this. They already admire you and are content as long as they can stay at Zhuyun Peak. As for whether you’ll favor them or not, that depends entirely on you. If you like them, you can seek them out. If not, just treat them as little birds you’ve taken in.”


Si Lan realized that today’s “blessing” was unavoidable. Hesitating, he said, “But I don’t keep idle people at Zhuyun Peak. I’ll arrange some tasks for them; I’m not sure if they’re willing.”


“They’re naturally willing.” Li Qing responded with a smile, not hesitating to agree on their behalf.


As long as they could work, they would inevitably come into contact with Si Lan’s secrets.


“In that case, I’ll accept your kind offer,” Si Lan said with a grin.


Upon hearing this, Li Qing quickly bowed and took his leave. “Your Excellency, I’ll not disturb you any longer. These eight beauties will stay here to await your orders.”




After finishing his words, Li Qing left the hall with a smile, unable to hide the scheming look in his eyes.


It seemed that Si Lan wasn’t very smart after all, easily swayed by beauty.


If he’d known this earlier, there was no need to seek out a divine phoenix last time. A handsome man would have sufficed.


Si Lan looked at the group of beautiful men in the hall, then turned to Haowei. Haowei’s expression was unreadable, his eyes deep and revealing nothing.


Si Lan then looked at Qu Ze. “Qu Ze, does the Nanfeng Pavilion need more people recently?”


Qu Ze was startled and hesitated. “I… I believe it does.”


“Good. Then take these eight men and have them work there. They can also contribute to the economy of the Demon Realm.”


Qu Ze was confused, not understanding what economy meant, but he comprehended the first part of the instruction and quickly withdrew to carry it out.


After everyone had left, Haowei asked, his mouth taut, “What kind of place is the Nanfeng Pavilion?”


“It’s a place for performing arts,” Si Lan replied carefully.


In the Demon Realm, customs were liberal, and indulgence in pleasure was common. Relationships between men were not unusual, and thus, establishments like the Nanfeng Pavilion, which catered to men, were widespread.


Haowei paused, and upon realizing the connotation of the pavilion’s name, his expression became strange.


The debauched Demon Realm truly had everything.


It seemed that the Demon Lord was quite familiar with these things.


Haowei’s gaze turned cold as it fell on Si Lan’s face. Si Lan, sensing his stare, instinctively said, “I’ve never been there.”




The atmosphere suddenly grew silent, and neither knew what to say.


Si Lan thought about how, under normal circumstances, one man in the Nanfeng Pavilion could earn two thousand pills and ten thousand magic crystals a year. So, eight men would bring in sixteen thousand pills and eighty thousand magic crystals, a considerable income.


Li Qing’s unintentional act had turned out to be a good deed.


Haowei, on the other hand, was pondering why Si Lan felt the need to explain himself without being asked.


Si Lan always seemed eager to explain himself. Why so many explanations?


Did Si Lan really see him as his destined one?


How amusing.


Aside from descending to the mortal world and enduring deliberate hardships, no one had ever dared to predict his fate. That fortune teller must have been talking nonsense, deceiving Si Lan.


Si Lan intended to flap his wings and take off, but after just a few flaps, he suddenly felt dizzy and started to fall. Fortunately, Haowei caught him by the wings and lifted him up.


He panted lightly, his little claws tucking in due to nervousness.


“Your body is still weak. Don’t run around,” Haowei admonished.


Si Lan’s face darkened, but with his face covered in feathers, it was hard to tell. He pecked Haowei’s hand with his beak, expressing his dissatisfaction.


“I’m weak, not fragile.”


Haowei, indifferent, carried Si Lan like a chick, taking him back.


Si Lan felt Haowei was too rough. He used to cradle the little white dragon gently, but now Haowei was carrying him by his wings as if he were a chicken.


However, Si Lan was indeed very weak at the moment, his head heavy and muddled. He didn’t have the energy to complain. Once Haowei brought him back to his room, he collapsed weakly onto the bed.


Haowei glanced at him, closed the door, and left.


Si Lan’s injuries hadn’t fully healed, but his life was no longer in danger. There was no reason for him to stay in the Demon Realm any longer.


Moreover, he wanted to return to the Heavenly Realm to investigate the unresolved issues between them and the unanswered riddle from the Buddhist scripture at Dayong Mountain.


Xie Li descended on a cloud of seven colors, arriving at the palace door just as Haowei was coming out.


Xie Li, wringing his little hands, glanced furtively at the closed door and asked Haowei, “Is the Exalted One awake?”


“He just fell asleep,” Haowei replied, looking down at the little child. “Why are you looking for him?”


“Um, the Exalted One owes me candy. Yesterday he didn’t give me any. Four pieces a day, so now he owes me eight pieces,” Xie Li mumbled.


Haowei suddenly recalled what Si Lan had told him through the spell.


“Candy shouldn’t be eaten in excess; it causes tooth decay. But I can give you three pieces a day.”


“I only give Xie Li two pieces a day; you get one more than him.”


It turned out Si Lan was actually giving Xie Li four pieces a day, not two.


Xie Li was getting more candy than him!


Haowei’s expression darkened immediately.


This smooth-talking Demon Lord… he had been deceiving him all along!


What else was he hiding?


With this thought, Haowei conjured the two colorful tail feathers and asked Xie Li, “Do you have these?”


“This…” Little Xie Li stood on tiptoe, squinting at the feathers. “I don’t have them.”


Haowei’s face relaxed slightly as he put the feathers away.


At least there was something others didn’t have.


Haowei said nothing more and transformed into a white cloud, disappearing into the distant sky.


Little Xie Li scratched his head, watching Haowei’s departure. “Why did the Exalted One give him the locator? And two at that,” he muttered.


After grumbling, he plopped down on the steps, planning to wait for the Exalted One to wake up. But he waited until evening, and the Exalted One still hadn’t woken up.


Qu Ze returned, riding on clouds, holding a jug of celestial nectar. He saw Xie Li dozing off on the steps, a smile appearing on his lips. He handed Xie Li some sweet fruit he had picked from the mountain.


This fruit was juicier than regular fruits and sweeter than candy, with a crisp texture. All the little ones in the Demon Realm loved it.


“Thank you, senior brother,” Xie Li mumbled through a mouthful of fruit.


Qu Ze patted his head. “Don’t bother the Exalted One about the candy. He needs to rest well.”


“Okay,” Xie Li nodded obediently, biting into the fruit. “Is the Exalted One alright?”


“He’s fine.”


“And what about the Right Protector?”


“He’s fine too.”


Qu Ze looked up at the two intertwined wisterias in the distance, a rare hint of embarrassment on his usually stoic face. Though he knew wisterias grew together, seeing the two of them entangled day and night still surprised him.


Last night, worried about the Exalted One’s illness, he couldn’t sleep and paced outside the hall. He saw one of the wisterias fondling the other, causing its leaves to shake uncontrollably.


Such a sight was truly improper.


There was no need to guess; he knew the improper wisteria was Song Ye.


At this moment, Song Ye, unaware of being disliked, was immersed in his intimate interaction with Song Cheng, relishing his brother’s presence and warmth. He even thought this life-and-death tribulation was worth it.


He hadn’t dared to tell Song Cheng that he had hidden his injury, thinking it would be better to die and be remembered forever by his brother than to face his cold indifference daily.


He extended a tendril to gently cradle the wisteria flower’s top, as if holding a lover’s face, gently caressing it.


Song Cheng’s voice turned hoarse with irritation. “Song Ye, what are you doing?”


“Brother, are you about to bloom?”


Wisterias, regardless of gender, all bloomed.


“Song Ye, take your hand off.”


Song Cheng extended a tendril to push Song Ye away. Just as he was about to, Song Ye let out a pained cry.


“Ouch, my leg hurts…”


Song Cheng immediately withdrew his tendril, knowing Song Ye might be faking, but he couldn’t take the risk.


“You’re so kind, brother.”


“I’m not your brother,” Song Cheng retorted, a bit petulantly.


By human standards, they were merely companions, climbing the same trellis, their bodies entwined, but they weren’t truly brothers.


“Alright, you’re so fierce.”


“I see your energy seems to have recovered well. I don’t need to stay with you.”


“Brother, my leg really hurts.”


Song Cheng’s heart softened again. He extended a tendril to gently wrap around Song Ye’s main stem. Song Ye seemed very happy, his leaves rustling in the night breeze.


Song Cheng ignored him but subtly adjusted his branches to allow Song Ye better access to the moonlight.


As night deepened, Song Cheng grew tired. As he drifted off, he heard Song Ye’s voice again.


“Brother, you once said you’d listen to everything I said.”


Song Ye had repeated this sentence at least dozens of times today in Song Cheng’s ear, to the point where his ears felt numb.


“Brother, I want to know, why did you start hating me later? Did I do something wrong?”


Song Cheng’s drowsiness vanished instantly, feeling the cool moonlight seep into his leaves, wrapping around his body. He remained silent, but his leaves drooped.


Song Ye’s breathing seemed to halt, not daring to move, waiting quietly for his response.


Just as Song Ye thought it would be like before, with Song Cheng remaining silent, Song Cheng’s clear voice came through the leaves.


“It’s not that I hate you; you disgust me.”


“How could that be?” Song Ye quickly denied.


“Song Ye, you once said disgusting things to me.”


Song Ye fell into deep thought upon hearing this. Had he ever called Song Cheng disgusting?


All he remembered was that Song Cheng had taken his chance to cultivate and spent every day with Lord Chushan, which had made him furious.


Everyone on Mount Qi thought he was angry because Lord Chushan preferred his brother, but in reality, he was upset that his brother no longer saw him, caring more about Lord Chushan and cultivation.


At that time, he might have said harsh words to his brother, but he never truly believed his brother was disgusting.


“Brother, could there be a misunderstanding? I never thought you were disgusting…”


Song Cheng’s leaves suddenly rustled, as if losing control, his voice trembling.


“Actually, you were right. I am disgusting. I took your chance to cultivate, and during closed-door cultivation with Lord Chushan in the cave, I thought I could become stronger. But I never expected Lord Chushan to use me as a cauldron.”


That unbearable period, which Song Cheng had deliberately avoided recalling, now surfaced, bringing back the realization that he had never truly faced that humiliating experience.


Locked in the secret chamber by Lord Chushan, he endured endless torment without dignity, unable to tell Song Ye. He had to pretend to be happy about his cultivation every time they met.


Even when faced with Song Ye’s cold mockery, he couldn’t reveal anything. But one time, Song Ye had followed him into the secret chamber. By the time he noticed, Song Ye had already fled in panic.


He wanted to chase after Song Ye, but Lord Chushan restrained him. When he finally found Song Ye, covered in wounds, and reached out to him, Song Ye pushed him away, calling him disgusting.


It felt like falling into an ice cave, freezing his heart. Just as Song Ye said, he truly was disgusting.


He didn’t deserve to be with Song Ye anymore.


From that moment, he distanced himself from Song Ye.


It wasn’t until Si Lan defeated Lord Chushan and rescued him from the secret chamber that he found solace. Si Lan was the only one who, after seeing him in that filthy place, covered him with his own clothes, preserving his last shred of dignity.


Moreover, Si Lan had never looked at him with disdain nor spoken about his ordeal to anyone else.


This was why he admired Si Lan so much.


Song Ye was stunned by Song Cheng’s words, momentarily speechless. He had never imagined Song Cheng had gone through such an ordeal. Back then, consumed by jealousy, he had followed Song Cheng into the secret chamber.


He vaguely heard voices from inside, unable to distinguish them clearly. He wanted to get closer to see but was discovered by Lord Chushan, forcing him to flee in fright.


If only he had dared to look inside then, perhaps his brother wouldn’t have suffered so much.


“Brother, even now, you’re still lying to me. Back then, Lord Chushan intended to use both of us as cauldrons, didn’t he? You knew it all along, so you did everything to protect me, making Lord Chushan target only you…”


Song Ye couldn’t continue.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 149 – Not Going Back Tonight

Chapter 149 – Not Going Back Tonight


Lu Shifeng stared at the lines, lost in thought.


Just then, Secretary Jin came in to deliver documents: “Sir, we’re likely visiting Asteroid 003 in the B Galaxy tomorrow for military guidance. I’ve already sent you the detailed itinerary.”


Lu Shifeng absentmindedly responded, “Hmm.”


Secretary Jin, obediently: “Is there anything else you need to instruct?”


If there’s nothing else, she’ll take her leave.


After all, today’s update hasn’t been written yet, and she’s eager to get off work.


While Secretary Jin was digressing, Lu Shifeng raised his gaze, “Wait.”


Secretary Jin was slightly surprised, “Sir?”


Lu Shifeng tapped the desk lightly, someone who disliked wasting time with idle talk raised his head and said seriously, “Have you ever been in love?”




Ah, this!


Secretary Jin’s pupils contracted slightly, feeling like a small asteroid colliding with Earth, but she remained composed, “Yes, sir, I have.”


Lu Shifeng frowned, “Who was it?”




If I didn’t know you had someone in your heart, I’d have thought you were interested in me.


When Secretary Jin was young, she became Lu Shifeng’s secretary, and there was a time when she had a crush on him, but his straight male nature advised her to turn to the right path.


She said, “Not human, but Phoenix Clan.”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze, casually asking, “Is that so?”




Lu Shifeng leaned back lazily in his chair, asking, “Have you read ‘Dominant Dragon Clan Falls in Love with Me’ recently?”




Secretary Jin’s hair stood on end, but she managed to say, “Yes, I have.”


Lu Shifeng nodded, then asked, “Do you think the situations described there are close to reality?”




Secretary Jin hesitated, “Like which situations?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, his deep red eyes seeming to pierce into her soul. Secretary Jin shivered all over, beginning to think efficiently. As a thoughtful secretary, she had to understand her boss’s mindset.


Realizing this, Secretary Jin shook all over, as if her veins had been opened. She said, “Novels are based on life, so many situations are usually based on something real!”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”




Secretary Jin felt a bit hollow inside!


But it seemed like this time she finally flattered him in the right way. Lu Shifeng appeared satisfied, waving his hand, “You may leave.”


Secretary Jin: “Yes.”



On the other side,


Jian Luo, waiting anxiously for a reply in the information garden, finally received Lu Shifeng’s response: “Hmm, I’ll come pick you up.”




He actually agreed to his unreasonable request.


The onlookers beside Jian Luo were clearly more excited than Jian Luo himself:


“I told you so.”


“Marshal is so cool.”


“He must like you, Jian bro.”


“Seal the deal tonight!”




Jian Luo’s ears were ringing from their excitement, so he put away his communicator: “Just going out to eat, don’t get too excited.”


The girl with long hair sighed, “I think you’re actually too late to be happy.”


Jian Luo was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.


Fortunately, a few young girls understood the situation well. They now fully understood Jian Luo’s problem as a love novice and said, “Jian Ge, don’t worry. You can boldly go on your date later. You added us as friends, so if you have any questions, just message us. Go for it!”


Jian Luo asked, “Does this count as a date?”


“Of course!”


“And what else counts as a date?”


“Usually after dinner, you’d go watch a movie or gaze at the stars in the Milky Way.”


Actually, Jian Luo often ate with Lu Shifeng, but they usually cooked at home, so he didn’t know the procedure of watching movies. He couldn’t imagine that contemporary young people had such a rich life.


But there were tasks to attend to. He handed them the printed survey forms and reminded, “When you go back, help me conduct a survey on marriage laws. I plan to discuss these treaties again at the Sky City notary office in the coming days, but before that, I want to know public opinion.”


Several young assistants took the forms.


After reminding them of some details, Jian Luo felt relieved. The workload was overwhelming; even after work hours, it continued at home.


“Ding Dong”


There was a message on the information terminal.


Knowing it was from Lu Shifeng, Jian Luo bid farewell to the young assistants and hurried out. They all wore knowing smiles, which made Jian Luo uneasy. He sat in the car, only feeling better after blocking out the sight.


Lu Shifeng sat on the opposite side by the window, engrossed in his documents. Hearing movement, he glanced over with a furrowed brow. “Is someone bothering you?”


Jian Luo quickly shook his head. “No!”


“Why run?” Lu Shifeng grabbed a wet wipe from a small rack beside him. “Come here.”


Jian Luo instinctively moved closer. Lu Shifeng leaned down slightly to wipe his face. His precise and gentle movements revealed distinct knuckles, and up close, Jian Luo caught a faint scent of cedar, fresh like wine brewed on a snowy day, with a hint of sharpness but unusually mild.


Lu Shifeng murmured softly, “Rest for a while, then I’ll take you to dinner.”


Jian Luo looked up abruptly. His movement brushed against Lu Shifeng’s face. He froze momentarily, and Lu Shifeng also paused, their eyes meeting. A smile slowly curved Lu Shifeng’s lips.


Jian Luo blushed belatedly, awkwardly saying, “Okay.”


Lu Shifeng saw him act like a quail, so shy he seemed ready to shrink away. Sometimes young dragons got angry and liked to curl into a ball; other dragons didn’t have this habit. Lu Shifeng thought maybe they learned it from their mother.


But—it was adorable.


“I’ll look through the documents,” Jian Luo tried to change the subject. “You… you must be busy too.”


Lu Shifeng calmly admired his crimson profile for a moment before letting him off the hook. “Mm.”


After pulling out the materials from his bag, Jian Luo began organizing and studying them.


After sorting out matters at the amusement park, he still had to review for the Phoenix Terrace exam tomorrow. After the exam, he would participate in Moonlight Live. He needed to prepare materials for the live broadcast, and after completing the survey, he had to negotiate at the notary office, and there was…


Both of them were busy in the car, the only sound being the rustling of documents. Before, Lu Shifeng was the only one busy like this, but now Jian Luo was also working diligently. They didn’t speak to each other, nor did they disturb one another. Occasionally, their eyes met during breaks, exchanging smiles before burying themselves back into work.


There was no sense of neglect; instead, it felt harmonious and comfortable.


Suddenly, Jian Luo realized he enjoyed this feeling very much. Neither was inferior to the other; they were both striving and growing in their careers at the same time. This feeling was truly wonderful. Even though he might never achieve Lu Shifeng’s level of success, at least when Lu Shifeng moved forward, he wasn’t standing still, and that was enough.



Thirty minutes later,


The driver stopped in front of the hotel.


Jian Luo thought they were arriving at Moonlight, but to his surprise, they came to another upscale restaurant. This place was even harder to book than Moonlight, a high-end dining spot that could rival Moonlight, located at the very top of Sky City, known as a romantic spot. Standing on the top floor of the restaurant, one could overlook the entire Sky City, incredibly romantic.


Curiously, Jian Luo looked back at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng said, “It’s too crowded over there, so I had Moonlight send their new items here.”




You could do that?


Jian Luo got out of the car, saying, “You can have it delivered here.”


“Mm.” Standing beside him, Lu Shifeng was a head taller. He looked down at Jian Luo and said, “You’ve been working hard lately. There are quite a few leisure activities here after dinner.”


Jian Luo understood; Lu Shifeng wanted to dine and relax at the same time!


Realizing this, he smiled. “Okay.”


Lu Shifeng emphasized the word “leisure.” This place was also recommended by Jin Secretary, who said no one could resist the romance of Star Sea. Nowadays, couples loved to come here. Moreover, just a short distance from the top-tier Star Sea was their room, making it convenient to rest after playing.


This scenario was in “Dominating Dragon Falls for Me.”


The female lead doubted the male lead’s feelings for her, especially since he hadn’t touched her since their child was born. So, she specially invited the male lead to play here, indirectly proving her charm and showing up others who coveted the male lead.


Lu Shifeng worried that Jian Luo was sensitive and wouldn’t directly say he wanted to come here. Thoughtfully, he booked the place himself. Unlike the male lead, Lu Shifeng didn’t have many admirers around him, so Jian Luo didn’t need to go to such lengths to invite him. Still, as a good boyfriend, Lu Shifeng believed in fulfilling his partner’s desires.


Of course, he wanted it too.


No dragon could endure seeing their partner nearby every day, yearning with no action.



Jian Luo: “Let’s go in!”


He had no idea what was coming next, immersed in the joy of going out. Planning their schedule, he said, “It’s a little after 7 now; let’s finish early and go home to be with the kids.”


Lu Shifeng: “We’ll see.”


He had no intention of ending the evening early; he definitely wasn’t going back today.


Jian Luo said, “I should have brought the little ones along.”


Lu Shifeng frowned, “They’re still too young.”




Lu Shifeng continued, “They’ve been going to bed early lately. If it’s urgent, call and say we’re working late tonight, ask your mother to put them to bed.”




“We’re going to lie to the little ones?”


Jian Luo hesitated, “Let’s decide that later.”


It was just dinner and a little fun; maybe they could go back early.


After some idle chatter, the two went upstairs. While waiting for their meal, Jian Luo chatted with his friends about their plans and any advice for a date.


The girls chattered away:


“Just enjoy yourselves!”


“Well, there are some things to watch out for, but I don’t think you need to worry.”


“Yeah, the Marshal isn’t a scoundrel.”


Jian Luo was curious, “What things?”


Although he didn’t think Lu Shifeng would be like that, he was still curious about these things.


The friends continued:


“He might want to book a room right after the date.”


“Sweet talk to convince you not to go home.”


“Changing the location of the date to achieve his own goals.”


“And making you lie to your family about not going home tonight.”


Author’s note: Jian Luo: Ah, this… (speechless)

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 150 – Inappropriate

Chapter 150 – Inappropriate


Jian Luo stared blankly at the list of instructions displayed above, deeply shocked.


If he were to speak, these guidelines were almost certainly not applicable to Lu Shifeng.


So this type of dating guide could totally be disregarded!


Jian Luo typed on his wristband, “I probably won’t need these. Anything else?”


Several young girls seemed to have anticipated Jian Luo’s response.


But it was a silent boy in the group who spoke up: “Be prepared.”



The entire group fell silent instantly. This guy either never spoke or made a grand entrance; he was truly worthy of attention!




“Steady, bro.”


“Wow, the boss should really listen to you.”


Jian Luo blushed immediately at the praise. He averted his gaze, hands trembling slightly as he closed the chat message page to calm himself. Internally, his thoughts were in turmoil. When he looked up, he suddenly met Lu Shifeng’s gaze. The man sat across the table, already done with his tasks, chin resting on his hand, his deep eyes fixed on him, as if he could see right through him.


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat. He stuttered, “W-why are you looking at me?”


Lu Shifeng spoke calmly, “Has Teacher Jian finished work?”




“It seems you get along well with your colleagues?” He asked casually.


Jian Luo avoided eye contact, “It’s alright.”


Strictly speaking, he wasn’t colleagues with these young girls; at most… comrades?


Lu Shifeng toyed with the small utensils on the dining table and said, “It looks like you enjoy each other’s company. You must be quite an interesting person. Next time, I’ll introduce you.”


Jian Luo hurriedly replied, “No need, just ordinary friends!”


He dared not joke about introducing these young girls to Lu Shifeng; if he accidentally revealed something sensitive, it could mean big trouble for him in the future!


Lu Shifeng narrowed his eyes, a hint of displeasure crossing his crimson gaze.


That’s the problem, Lu Shifeng thought. Allowing the birds their freedom always attracted the attention of those with ill intentions.


If Jian Luo never went out, no one would covet him, and no one would vie with him.


Like the dragons who liked to keep their treasures hidden away, Lu Shifeng couldn’t help but wonder. Strange thoughts churned in his mind, but he suppressed them in the end.



“Hello, your meals are here.”


The server’s voice interrupted their conversation.


Jian Luo snapped back to reality and thanked her, “Thank you.”


The server smiled, “Enjoy your meal.”


She bowed and observed the two. Everyone knew these were the prototypes of ‘Arrogant Dragon Falls for Me,’ which had swept across the Dark Star recently. The author kept delaying updates, so she had to make do with eating nearby!


The latest dish was designed by Jian Luo himself.


This dish was intriguing; it was called Sweet Attack. They ordered two portions—one salty and one spicy. However, if the two dishes were mixed together, they turned sweet.


The inspiration came when Jian Luo accidentally mixed two special Dark Star fruits while cooking. The result unexpectedly turned sweet, prompting him to jot down the idea overnight and publish the recipe the next day.




Jian Luo took a bite and tasted the salty flavor in his mouth.


The server eagerly pitched in, “This Sweet Attack also has a hidden eating method!”


Jian Luo smiled knowingly, “I know.”


Because he had developed it.


After saying this, Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng again and asked, “Do you know what the hidden eating method is?”


Lu Shifeng’s mind was full of hidden gameplays. He looked up at the question, “What?”


Jian Luo had a look you wouldn’t expect, scooping a bite of his own food with a spoon. He stood up from his chair and bent down in front of Lu Shifeng, saying, “Let me teach it to you…”


Lu Shifeng leaned forward, spoon in his mouth, and finished the food Jian Luo had brought.




Jian Luo froze, holding the spoon in his hand.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “You want to teach me how to taste this meal properly?”


Jian Luo’s hand holding the spoon trembled slightly. They were quite close, and he couldn’t hide anything under Lu Shifeng’s gaze. He trembled slightly and said, “I just ate with this spoon.”


Originally, he had intended to take a bite of food and then use the public spoon to show Lu Shifeng, but Lu Shifeng’s sudden and unexpected move caught him off guard!


Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrow. “Oh?”


Seeing his reaction, Jian Luo had to remind again, “I, I’ve used it.”


Lu Shifeng picked up his own spoon. “Oh? You want to use it again?”




Jian Luo’s ears burned hot. He felt annoyed and embarrassed, wanting to say something but feeling too shy, finally saying, “Never mind.”


Lu Shifeng calmly enjoyed the sight of him fleeing in embarrassment.


Jian Luo sat back in his chair, too embarrassed to continue. The nearby waiter looked amused, but Jian Luo was too preoccupied with Lu Shifeng’s sudden action just now. Why didn’t he seem to mind at all? And he was so calm about it.


Lost in thought, Jian Luo found the food didn’t taste good anymore. He stood up and said, “I’ll be right back.”


Lu Shifeng didn’t even lift his head. “Mm.”


Jian Luo took the opportunity to slip away, asking Jin Secretary as he passed by, “Is he in?”


Jin Secretary, who was immersed in the female lead’s message—no, Lulu’s message—was very happy. “What’s up, Lulu? Anything wrong?”


Jian Luo asked, “Can I ask you something?”


Jin Secretary replied, “Mm.”


“Does the Marshal care about the food and utensils?”


Because apart from this incident, he had never crossed any lines with Lu Shifeng during meals, so he didn’t dare to judge.


Jin Secretary hesitated for a moment before replying, “It’s not just caring—it’s extremely important to him. He has very high standards for food quality. Before he knew you, he hardly ate. Occasionally, he would send seasonal dishes from Moonlight, but he usually only tasted a few bites.”


Jian Luo was shocked.


“And he definitely pays attention to tableware. The Marshal is very particular about etiquette and rules.”




Jian Luo widened his eyes, recalling what just happened. In any case, it was quite inappropriate!


Jin Secretary seemed to sense something unusual and said mysteriously, “Lulu, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”


Jian Luo felt awkward. “No, it’s nothing.”


“Are you having a meal together?”




“Hehe.” Jin Secretary seemed to guess something. “Enjoy the spring night while it lasts.”






After a quick wash, Jian Luo walked back. As he glanced upstairs, he suddenly noticed a corner where a human and a noble were sitting. The human girl went to the front desk nearby to pick something up, while the man in the corner seemed to have put something in the water.


Jian Luo frowned, his gaze suddenly sharp.


As he walked over, the girl picked up her bag and was about to leave when she saw Jian Luo, looking surprised. “Jian ge?”


Coincidentally, a familiar face, one of the girls he had chatted with in the afternoon group chat. No wonder he hadn’t seen her today; turns out she was also out.


The girl was pleasantly surprised. “Weren’t you going to Moonlight? What a coincidence meeting here!”


Jian Luo smiled. “Just having a meal with someone.”


“Mm.” The girl nodded towards the noble not far away. “My boyfriend.”


Jian Luo glanced over.


The man over there had returned to normalcy, and upon seeing someone glance his way, he even kindly waved as a greeting. He seemed to be a vampire; their kind was easy to spot, often clad in courtly attire with red collars, their skin unnaturally pale, exuding an innate eerie aura.


Jian Luo asked, “How far have you two gotten?”


The girl scratched her head. “We’re not that close yet. We confirmed our relationship not long ago, and today is our first time eating out together.”


“Ah,” Jian Luo nodded. “It’s getting late. Are you ready to head back?”




The girl stood up properly, treating Jian Luo as if meeting her parents. Though in reality, Jian Luo was currently the pillar of Peace Paradise, the protector of humans. She smiled and said, “I’m going home now.”


Jian Luo said, “I’ll walk you.”


“Is it okay?” The girl lowered her voice. “Aren’t you on a date?”


“It’s fine whenever we make plans.”


He was worried about the girl being alone at night, especially facing a potentially malicious man. The thought sent shivers down his spine.


The girl nodded. “Okay, I’ll go tell him.”


Jian Luo said, “Let’s go together.”


They walked over together. The vampire man’s expression changed upon seeing Jian Luo; by now, almost everyone knew him.


“Jian ge, this is Phil. He’s currently on duty at the palace.” The girl pulled Jian Luo to sit down and introduced him to the man, “Phil, this is Jian ge.”


Phil nodded politely. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Jian.”


Jian Luo replied, “Hello.”


The girl said to Phil, “I’m planning to go back with Jian ge now. Thank you for dinner.”


“Huh?” Phil was surprised. He hadn’t expected his plans to be disrupted. He quickly said, “Qingqing, I’ll take you back. Why trouble someone else? Didn’t you want to see the star sea? It’s just the right time.”


The girl frowned. “That was earlier. It’s too late now. I’m not going.”


Phil insisted, “Don’t worry, I’ll take you back later.”


Jian Luo quietly observed, casually picking up the cup that had been tampered with. This action made Phil nervous; his words stumbled out, “Mr. Jian, that’s for Qingqing!”


The girl jumped in surprise.


“It’s alright,” Qingqing said warmly. “If Jian ge wants to drink, let him.”


Phil hurriedly stood up to take the cup. “No, you can’t…”


Jian Luo admired the man’s disgusted expression for a moment, then stood up and said to the girl, “Let’s go.”


Phil froze. “Where are you going?”


“Where we’re going is none of your concern.” Jian Luo grabbed the girl’s wrist and walked aside, glancing back at Phil. “As for you…”


Jian Luo stepped forward, grabbed the water cup from the table, and with a swift motion, splashed nearly half of its contents directly onto Phil’s face. “Go to hell.”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

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