Day: June 28, 2024

Chapter 43 – The Demon Lord is upset

Chapter 43


Upon learning that his destined one had been killed by Haowei, Si Lan felt briefly melancholic. However, he quickly rallied himself and decided to prioritize advancing his career.


He set aside the matters of the Torch Snake and Little White Dragon for now.


According to the diviner, only the Immortal Jia Heng knew the story of tigers devouring the flesh of Buddhist disciples in the Unsubstantial Immortal Sutra. Si Lan planned to seek out Immortal Jia Heng in the Thirty-Three Heavens.


Every month, Immortal Jia Heng would open a sacred altar at the beginning of the month to teach Buddhism, open for listeners from all six realms. This made it convenient for Si Lan to find him.


However, Si Lan currently looked like a “wild chicken” and found it difficult to move around. Flapping his wings, he struggled to fly towards the Thirty-Three Heavens.


Unbeknownst to him, shortly after he left, Haowei arrived at Mount Zhiyun to find him.


As soon as Haowei landed at the foot of the mountain, he noticed unusual activity at Zhiyun Peak. On the mountainside, a group of demons had gathered on an open circular platform, men and women of all ages.


In the center of the platform, the brothers Song Cheng and Song Ye sat as if judging something, assessing each individual in turn.


Haowei glanced at them briefly, not thinking much of it, and went straight into the hall to find Si Lan. Not finding him there, he went to the Qixian Cave, but Si Lan was nowhere to be found.


With his cultivation greatly reduced now, where else could Si Lan have gone?


Haowei saw Xie Li sleeping on a rocking chair and walked over to wake him up. “Xie Li, where is your master?” Perhaps now that he knew about their intertwined past lives with Si Lan, he felt a strange affection upon seeing Xie Li, as if Xie Li were another father figure.


Xie Li opened his hazy eyes and mumbled softly, “Master… he said he went to advance his career…”


Haowei’s expression turned peculiar. “Advance his career…”


“What exactly is ‘career’? Is it a thing or a person?”


Xie Li chuckled and pointed to the sky, continuing, “After muttering something about men needing to advance their careers, Master flapped his wings and flew up to the sky. I guess his career must be up there in the heavens.”


“…,” muttered Haowei.


He had no idea there was an Immortal Lord named ‘Career’ up in the heavens!


With that thought, he immediately transformed into a white mist and flew towards the sky. Glancing back at the situation on Mount Zhiyun, he noticed more and more people queuing halfway up the mountain. He had forgotten to ask what they were doing.


Back in the Ninth Heaven, Haowei did not find any trace of Si Lan, so he attempted to contact him through his divine sense.


“Si Lan.”


As he called out these two words, his heart inexplicably skipped a beat, and he suddenly recalled Si Lan’s smile when they were together in the mortal realm.


Dumbfounded, silly, yet quite adorable.


At this moment, Si Lan had just flown into the heavenly realm. Suddenly, he heard Haowei’s voice in his mind, as if it were booming directly above him, sending shivers down his spine.


Instinctively, he closed off his divine sense.


He didn’t want to talk to Haowei right now, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to control his emotions.


Not hearing any response from Si Lan, Haowei called out for him again, only to find that Si Lan had actually closed off his divine sense!


Si Lan… must have accidentally closed it off.


Comforting himself in this way, Haowei then took out the two colorful feathers and tentatively shook them.


“Si Lan, are you there?”


Unexpectedly, even through the feathers, he couldn’t reach Si Lan. Haowei felt somewhat crestfallen, a touch of gravity in his expression, displeased. He called over an attendant and asked, “Is there an Immortal Lord named Career in heaven?”


“Your Majesty, are you referring to Lord Sini?” the attendant asked.


Haowei’s brow furrowed suddenly, standing up with an air as cold as frost, seeming to wrap around coldness. Without saying a word, he flew straight out.


“Lead me to the mansion of Lord Sini!”



Si Lan flew for some time, noticing that Haowei’s voice had disappeared and gradually calming his mood.


He didn’t know what else they could possibly discuss. He no longer wanted to play the fool and ingratiate himself with Haowei as his destined one.


Passing by the Ninth Heaven, two young celestial beings saw him and were astonished.


“How did a wild chicken fly up to the Ninth Heaven?”


“This is the first time I’ve seen a wild chicken fly so high!”


“…,” Si Lan ignored them, turned his head away, and flew on.


Seeing this, the two young celestial beings looked at each other.


“Can this wild chicken understand what we’re saying?”


“It’s truly miraculous. If he were a bit more majestic and powerful, I would consider keeping him as a mount.”


“…,” Si Lan.


Heh heh.


Young and already so bold.


Flapping his wings, Si Lan increased his speed and flew away from them. When his cultivation was intact, he could blink and reach the Thirty-Three Heavens. Now, weakened in cultivation, it felt like an insurmountable distance.


Tired from flying, he landed on a row of Chinese parasol trees to rest.


He took out some wild berries, just took a bite, and before he could swallow, a sudden gust of wind struck, nearly knocking him off balance and causing the wild berries in his hand to fall.


He quickly flapped his wings to steady himself, hearing mocking voices around him.


“Where did this ugly thing come from? How dare it land on the Chinese parasol tree?”


Si Lan’s scalp tingled upon hearing the sharp voice. He looked up and saw three proud phoenixes staring coldly at him.


In the middle was a phoenix, flanked by two phoenixes.


All three had brown eyes, red beaks, ostentatious golden wings, and colorful feathers. The character “仁” (benevolence) prominently displayed on their chests.


The one who had just spoken was the phoenix on the right.


Seeing Si Lan dumbfounded and silent, the phoenix on the right continued, “What? Is this little wild chicken seeing a phoenix for the first time?”


The phoenix on the left laughed, covering her beautiful face with her wings, “I suppose he’s been scared silly by us, he can’t speak now.”


“…,” Si Lan.


“Hey, you little thing, do you know where you’re standing? This is the Chinese parasol tree, reserved for our phoenix clan, not a place for a wild chicken like you.” The phoenix on the right sneered, then flapped her wings deliberately, blowing Si Lan off the tree again.


Si Lan almost fell to the ground but managed to stabilize himself by flapping his wings frantically.


The three phoenixes landed on the branch where Si Lan had just stood, looking down on him.


The phoenix in the middle, who hadn’t spoken until now, said, “Tongyi, Boqing, why bother with it?”


“Understood, Lady Quyu.” The two phoenixes quickly nodded in respect.


However, as soon as they finished speaking, a powerful airflow, akin to thunder and lightning, suddenly rushed towards them, blowing the three of them away along with the row of Chinese parasol trees.


“What… what’s happening?”


Caught in the tumultuous airflow, they couldn’t stabilize themselves and tumbled uncontrollably forward.


“It seems… like the aura of the Phoenix… Phoenix God?”


“How could there be a Phoenix God?”


Glancing back, they saw that the previously mocked wild chicken was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a pair of huge phoenix wings abruptly appeared, gleaming like golden blades as they slowly folded, imposingly intimidating them.


The fearful faces of the three soon disappeared into the distance.


Si Lan looked around cautiously, relieved that he hadn’t been discovered, and quietly retracted his wings.


To blow away those chatty phoenixes, he had to sacrifice some of his cultivation and transform into phoenix wings.




He wondered when he could return to human form.


As he sighed, he flew towards the Thirty-Three Heavens.


Approaching the Thirty-Three Heavens, the scenery changed dramatically. The clouds were extraordinary, edged with gold, and radiating Buddhist light. Floating in mid-air were numerous Buddhist halls, with constant sounds of bells and sutra recitations.


Countless gray-robed Buddhist disciples, holding prayer beads, moved through the clouds.


Seeing Si Lan, this “wild chicken,” appear, they didn’t find it strange at all, maintaining a calm demeanor.


Si Lan flapped his wings and hurried towards the sacred altar. Just as he caught sight of it, a solemn and deep Buddhist chant reached his ears, stirring a profound sense of awe within him.


Clusters of auspicious clouds piled up like Immortal’s hair bun, and above the altar, a large white light enveloped everything. Beneath this light, countless Buddhist disciples closed their eyes devoutly, bowing their backs and prostrating on the ground, listening to the scriptures.


Above the radiance was Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal.


Due to the considerable distance, Si Lan couldn’t make out Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal’s appearance clearly. He could vaguely see the figure dr4p3d in a crimson kasaya, seated on a lotus platform with a dignified and solemn demeanor. The majestic chanting of the Immortal echoed from all directions, swirling above his head.


Like a devout disciple, Si Lan spread his wings and prostrated himself on the ground to listen to the scriptures.


This session of scripture recitation lasted for three days and three nights.


Si Lan followed suit and listened for three days and three nights, afraid to lose focus or leave. He inexplicably felt as though the Immortal’s gaze was omnipresent, as if any hint of disrespect would offend the Immortal.


During this time, when he felt hungry, he quietly took out a wild berry. He used one wing to shield his actions from view and delicately nibbled on the berry with the other wing.


Perhaps his actions were still somewhat audible, as Si Lan distinctly felt the Buddhist disciples around him twitching their eyebrows. Fortunately, their cultivation was deep, and none of them opened their eyes to reproach Si Lan.


After three days, the scripture recitation concluded, and all the Buddhist disciples departed from the sacred altar.


On the lotus seat, Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal remained, explaining to the remaining disciples who still had doubts.


Si Lan flapped his wings and flew over to join the queue.


He never expected that even queuing up would take three days and three nights.


Si Lan couldn’t help but admire Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal’s ability to lecture and resolve doubts continuously for six days and six nights without rest, maintaining a smile and energy throughout.


When it was Si Lan’s turn, only he and a young black-robed Buddhist disciple remained.


He flew before Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal. Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal looked at him, his gaze briefly pausing on Si Lan for a moment before settling on his eyes, slowly revealing a hint of a smile.


“I wonder, venerable one, do you have any doubts that I can clarify?” Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal asked.


Knowing that Grandmaster Jiaheng could deduce his identity from his actions, Si Lan didn’t conceal anything and said directly, “Immortal, some time ago I came across a Buddhist scripture. It is said that only you can decipher this particular scripture in the Six Realms.”


“Oh, what scripture is it?”


“In the forest, the Immortal practiced diligently and encountered a tiger, which eyed him hungrily. The Immortal cut his flesh to feed the tiger. This went on day after day until the Immortal turned into white bones, and the tiger, having eaten his flesh, attained Immortalhood.”


Si Lan recited the scripture slowly. As Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal listened to the first sentence, his expression changed abruptly.


After Si Lan finished reciting, Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal seemed to sink into contemplation, furrowing his brow deeply, remaining silent for a long time.


Si Lan also remained silent, patiently waiting for Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal’s response.


After a while, Grandmaster Jiaheng Immortal snapped out of his reverie and asked, “How did you come across this scripture?”


“Some time ago, the human realm was afflicted by Da Yong. After subduing Da Yong, I came to the mountain peak where Da Yong was once sealed. I saw this scripture displayed at the mountain’s base. I believe it was intentionally left behind by the one who released Da Yong as a clue.”


Upon hearing this, Immortal Jakhong gently clasped his hands in front of him, his brow furrowing.


Seeing him like this, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel somewhat puzzled.


Was there something wrong with this sutra?


After a while, Immortal Jakhong opened his mouth, about to speak, when suddenly a voice from beside reported, “Immortal, His Majesty Haowei is here to see you.”


Upon hearing “Haowei,” Si Lan’s tail feathers immediately stood up, revealing a guarded demeanor as he swiftly tucked his wings behind the sacred altar.


Is Haowei here to capture him?


No, he had concealed his presence since arriving in the heavenly realm; Haowei shouldn’t know he was here.


Shortly after the report from the young disciple, twelve celestial horses pulled a carriage flying in from a distance, landing on the sacred altar.


Two purple and cyan celestial generals and six attendants respectfully stood on either side of the carriage.


A white-clad youth drew back the curtains, and the person inside the carriage then stepped out slowly.


Si Lan couldn’t help but sneak a glance, observing Haowei in this unfamiliar aspect, so different from his earthly demeanor.


Haowei wore a white robe embroidered with golden threads and jade patterns, exuding extraordinary grace. A white jade crown adorned his head, revealing his cold and handsome features. His figure was tall and slender, as if he had descended from the moon, his footsteps radiant, dispersing dust and clouds wherever he walked.


Si Lan only glanced briefly before hurriedly looking away.


This version of Haowei seemed somewhat unfamiliar.


Chongying, who transformed into a small white dragon, was proud and adorable, but that was him in his injured state.


Chongwei, wearing a hooded robe, was cool and silent, but that was only him hiding his identity.


And now, this current appearance of his, perhaps, was the true Haowei.


Si Lan suddenly felt a bit uneasy.


The real him and him, it felt like they belonged to two different worlds.


Haowei approached Immortal Jakhong, who folded his hands and greeted, “Your Majesty.”


“Immortal, I’ve come this time to consult you on a Buddhist scripture.”


“Please, Your Majesty, go ahead.”


“I came across a Buddhist scripture on Mount Dayong. It tells of a Immortal practicing in the forest, encountering a tiger that stared hungrily at him. The Immortal cut his flesh to feed it…”


After hearing this, Immortal Jakhong’s expression paused briefly, then his gaze subtly flickered towards the steps beside him.


Si Lan was hiding there at the moment.


What a coincidence that these two came to inquire about the same scripture.


“Your Majesty, this scripture is recorded in the book ‘Without Delusion.’ My understanding aligns with its meaning: the tiger eats the Immortal’s flesh, the tiger becomes a Immortal, and the Immortal becomes a ghost,” Immortal Jakhong slowly explained.


Upon hearing this, Si Lan felt certain that Immortal Jakhong must be hiding something. Just by observing his expression earlier, it was clear that this scripture probably didn’t have such a superficial meaning.


Haowei fell silent for a moment, then spoke after a while, “The tiger mentioned in the scripture… it must be you, Immortal Jakhong.”


While his words carried an element of inquiry, they were more affirming.


Upon hearing this, Si Lan was so shocked that he couldn’t help but cover his mouth with both wings, his black eyes widened in disbelief.


Immortal Jakhong… was the tiger who had eaten the Immortal’s flesh?!


Immortal Jakhong’s face paused slightly at the sound, but he did not speak.


Behind Immortal Jakhong, the young monk grew irritated, but facing the disrespectful person who was the Heavenly Emperor Haowei, the young monk didn’t dare confront him directly. He stomped his foot in frustration, accidentally stepping on Si Lan’s tail.


Si Lan’s eyes widened instantly, contorting in pain. Afraid to make a sound, he quickly stuffed both wings into his mouth to stifle any noise.


The monk seemed oblivious to having stepped on something and inadvertently stepped again.


Si Lan was in agony, almost rolling his eyes back.


What a calamity.


“If you’re angry, little monk, go step on the Heavenly Emperor instead. Why bother with this ordinary ‘wild chicken’?” 


He didn’t dare make a fuss, gently retracting his tail. His two glossy black eyes were veiled with a mist of tears, feeling incredibly wronged.


Immortal Jakhong remained silent for a moment. “Your Majesty, indeed, the tiger in the forest was me.”


“Immortal, please continue to enlighten me,” Haowei said calmly upon hearing his admission.


Immortal Jakhong seemed unsure how to explain, lost in reminiscence. His eyes carried a hint of melancholy. After a while, Immortal Jakhong smiled faintly, tinged with bitterness.


“This matter dates back thirty thousand years. In that life, I was the tiger in the forest, starving. I encountered a devout monk in the mountains. The monk was emaciated, with sharp eyes. I circled him, intending to devour him. Surprisingly, after sensing my intention, the monk voluntarily cut his flesh to feed me.”


Saying this, Immortal Jakhong lowered his head, closed his eyes, and uttered, “Amitabha.”


“As recorded in the ‘Without Delusion’ sutra, in the end, the monk died after giving all his flesh and bones. I consumed his flesh and immediately attained Immortalhood.”


Anyone who heard this would find it incredulous: the devout monk who fed the tiger’s flesh became a ghost, while the tiger became a Immortal.


This world indeed had so many things that defied reason.


“What happened to that monk in his next life?”


“He reincarnated as a human.”


“Did he hold any resentment?”


“He may have harbored dissatisfaction, but it didn’t form into resentment, so he still has future lives.”


“What about his next life…” Haowei furrowed his brow, tentatively questioning Immortal Jakhong.


Immortal Jakhong met Haowei’s gaze and slowly replied, “After I attained Immortalhood, I no longer concern myself with worldly matters.”


“Immortal, ancient seals on demons and monsters have been recently broken. Do you think it could be his doing?”


Immortal Jakhong fell silent before answering, “He shouldn’t have such abilities.”


Haowei didn’t press further. He wasn’t sure if Immortal Jakhong truly didn’t know or if he was hiding something. The conversation always seemed to hit a dead end. But now, at least, he knew that the tiger was Immortal Jakhong.


Perhaps finding the reincarnation of that monk could unravel everything.


As Haowei was about to leave, he suddenly heard the voice of a celestial general from behind the sacred altar.


“Your Majesty, look, there’s actually a wild chicken here listening to the sutras!”


Haowei looked up and saw a brown-feathered wild chicken fluttering its wings, attempting to escape, but it was caught by an immortal guard.


The guard held the chicken by its wing and walked excitedly towards Haowei. “Your Majesty, it’s still just a brown-feathered wild chicken!”


The “brown-feathered wild chicken” tried to cover its face with its wing but failed, forced to open its eyes awkwardly under the embarrassing scrutiny of Haowei.


Si Lan had been quietly listening to Haowei and Great Immortal Jiaheng’s conversation, but when he glanced up, his eyes met those of the immortal guard beside Haowei. Feeling uneasy, Si Lan tried to “fly away,” only to be caught.


Haowei couldn’t believe he had found the person he had been looking for so long here. Just a few days ago, he had nearly overturned the mansion of the Fourth Wilderness Immortal Lord in his search for Si Lan, but to no avail.


Yet here Si Lan was, in the Thirty-Three Heavens. Haowei guessed Si Lan, like himself, was here for the investigation regarding Linzhong’s tiger.


At least it wasn’t about the Fourth Wilderness Immortal Lord.


Haowei’s gaze fell on the hand of the immortal guard gripping Si Lan’s wing, his expression souring. He reached out to take Si Lan.


Seeing this, the guard hurriedly said, “Your Majesty, please don’t touch such a common creature. Let me handle it.”


Si Lan hesitated.


Si Lan vaguely sensed that when the guard said “handle it,” his throat moved, almost as if he was about to drool.


Suddenly, Haowei narrowed his eyes and sharply turned his gaze towards the Great Immortal. The guard immediately obediently brought the wild chicken to Haowei.


Haowei reached out to take Si Lan, sensing Si Lan’s intention to escape, and gently encircled him with his hand.


“Great Immortal Jiaheng, I have other matters to attend to today. I bid you farewell for now.”


“Safe travels, Your Majesty.”


Though Great Immortal Jiaheng’s words were directed at Haowei, his gaze was on Si Lan. Seeing Si Lan’s pleading eyes, Great Immortal Jiaheng was about to speak, but Haowei flashed away, leaving the holy altar without even boarding his carriage.


Seeing this, Great Immortal Jiaheng shook his head and smiled.


After Si Lan left, the only disciple left in the holy altar was a black-robed disciple with doubts.


Great Immortal Jiaheng looked at the disciple, who knelt respectfully, head bowed, face hidden.


“What doubts do you have that you need me to clarify?” Great Immortal Jiaheng asked.


“Immortal, trapped in attachment, everywhere is the round earth. Unable to dissolve my attachment, my heart is troubled. How can I achieve peace of mind and face things calmly?” the black-robed disciple said, raising his head. Though dressed as a disciple, his face was strikingly sinister, eyes like deep ocean ripples, with a subtle crimson mark between his eyebrows, devilishly charming.


Great Immortal Jiaheng’s expression changed abruptly upon seeing him.



Si Lan was brought back to the Ninth Heaven by Haowei, carrying a wild chicken in his arms. The immortal servants who saw Haowei’s expression were as if thunderstruck, staring dumbfounded and incredulous.


Si Lan silently prepared himself mentally. A few days ago, he had ignored Haowei’s attempts, but now he had no choice but to face him.


It didn’t seem worth it to confront Haowei directly over a snake demon fiancé he barely knew. But treating Haowei as he used to made him uncomfortable.


Though Haowei subjectively hadn’t deceived him, objectively he had killed his husband and taken advantage of his sincere feelings.


Shameless and despicable.


Haowei lifted Si Lan by his wings and placed him on the desk. Only then did Si Lan snap out of his thoughts and glance around. The spacious and dimly lit hall had tightly closed doors and windows, with no one inside, the atmosphere so silent it seemed like even the air had frozen.


His claws rested on the memorial, adopting a stance of neither attacking nor retreating, and he looked up at Haowei.


Unfortunately, he had to tilt his head and neck a hundred and eighty degrees just to meet Haowei’s gaze, as Haowei was over eight feet tall.


“Why couldn’t I contact you a few days ago?”


“Oh, these days I’ve been wholeheartedly immersed in Buddhist scriptures, casting aside all worldly distractions,” Si Lan couldn’t help but feel a twinge of relief at this moment, thankful that his transformed appearance, with feathers covering his face, hid any blush from Haowei when he lied.


Haowei’s tense expression softened slightly as he sat on the throne, lowering his head to look at him.


Perhaps due to their shared experiences in the mortal realm, at this moment, Haowei appeared calm on the surface when facing Si Lan, but his heart was in turmoil.


After his return to his position, he had no memories of his time in the mortal realm, yet unexpectedly, the deepest recesses of his mind retained memories of his time with Si Lan there. That was why he had seen the thatched cottage they once lived in and the two humanoid puppets inside the Extreme Sound Eight Trigram Array.


In that life, when he returned to the village, he couldn’t find Si Lan, and it seemed Si Lan’s spirit had already returned to his original form.


Perhaps that fragment of spirit didn’t carry memories, or perhaps it did but only as a vague dream, as Si Lan seemed to have forgotten it all.


The two of them had since occupied different realms—one ascended to the heavenly realm, the other standing in the demon realm.


For over eight hundred years, they had not seen each other again.


If not for his resurgence of divine wounds, falling into the demon realm again, perhaps they would never have been entangled.


At this moment, Haowei unexpectedly felt a trace of gratitude towards the person who had injured him and disrupted his tribulation.


“Why didn’t you come to find me when you came to the heavenly realm this time?” Last time, he had looked for him when he intruded into the Scripture Repository, but this time he had come quietly.


Si Lan carefully chose his words, “I know you’re busy with state affairs, so I didn’t dare to trouble you.”


“Not too busy.”


Upon hearing this, Haowei’s heart cleared a bit more, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he gently stroked Si Lan’s head.


It had to be said, Si Lan’s feathers were glossy and smooth to the touch.


“The affairs of the heavenly realm have been quiet recently,” Haowei added.


Si Lan opened his mouth but hesitated. It was clear Haowei had been idle, otherwise he wouldn’t be holding onto this “wild chicken” like this. After a moment, he said, “Your Majesty Haowei, I remembered there’s still something for me to handle in the demon realm. I’ll take my leave first.”


With that, he spread his wings, ready to fly away, when he heard Haowei’s unhurried voice from behind.


“Don’t you want to know the follow-up story of Linzhong Hu and the disciple of the Immortal?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 42 – Missed past life

Chapter 42


“Hao Wei…” 


“My lady?”


For a moment, Haowei wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. How could this old gentleman’s eyesight be so poor that he mistook Si Lan for a woman?


Si Lan still didn’t understand anything and, upon hearing Taixu’s words, curiously poked his head out, his deer-like eyes staring at Taixu without blinking.


Indeed, the Divine Lord Taixu’s vision was not very sharp. Seeing Si Lan with just half of a wooden hairpin holding his long hair, skin as fair as snow, and an unusually beautiful face, Taixu thought Si Lan was a woman.


Stepping closer, Taixu noticed that Si Lan lacked the aura of an ordinary person. He couldn’t help but raise his head and take another look at Si Lan.


Si Lan turned out to be a strand of soul essence.


The owner of this strand of soul should be a demonic cultivator, using the Yin Qi of Mount Taixu to manifest a human form.


“Old sir, this cave belongs to us,” Haowei couldn’t help but speak up again.


The thatched hut at the foot of the mountain would be completed in a few days, but until then, they had to stay here.


“But old sir, in a few days, we can give you this cave.”


“Oh… it’s alright…” Taixu naturally wouldn’t argue with Haowei over a cave. He smiled and said, “I’ll just find another one. You two…”


As he said this, Taixu extended two fingers and lightly tapped them together, a hint of mischief flashing in his eyes. “Just stay here peacefully. I won’t disturb you two.”




For some reason, Haowei always felt that this old gentleman was teasing him and Si Lan.


This old gentleman was indeed advanced in years, but his mind was indeed so impure.


Thinking of this, Haowei intentionally frowned, his ears strangely turning red.


Taixu chuckled as he leaned on his cane, unsteadily walking out of the cave. Passing by Si Lan, he couldn’t help but glance at him again.


He never expected that just by descending to the mortal realm for a nap, he would encounter Haowei, who had crossed tribulations. It was truly fate.


From the looks of it, what Haowei had crossed should be the tribulation of love.


Tsk tsk, Emperor Haowei was truly worthy.


The object of his love tribulation was chosen to be even more beautiful than the celestial maidens in the heavens.


Si Lan saw Haowei driving the old man away and felt a bit sorry. This old man, with all his hair and beard white, might be eaten by wild beasts alone in the mountains.


Si Lan gestured to Haowei, who understood and fetched a basket of wild fruits to chase after him, only to find the old man nowhere near the cave entrance.


How strange. He looked around but there was no sign of the old man.


Where could he have gone in such a short time?


Thinking carefully, this old man appeared to be in his declining years. Could someone of his age climb Mount Taixu alone?


The more Haowei thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. He couldn’t help but concentrate, realizing they couldn’t stay here for long.



At nightfall, Chong Mingwei’s men came looking for Haowei again.


Haowei hadn’t enlisted in the last batch of conscriptions, but now with this new call for soldiers, if he didn’t go, he would miss the opportunity.


Haowei promised them that he would join the army for sure, and only after those men left did he look at Si Lan, who was asleep. His heart felt as if it were weighed down by a huge stone, suffocating and unable to breathe.


A solitary wanderer in his past life, now he unexpectedly had someone he cared about.


Not just joy, but also worry.


Si Lan, half asleep, opened his eyes drowsily, glanced at him, mumbled something, and then closed his eyes again.


Approaching Si Lan, Haowei was about to lie down when Si Lan instinctively curled up into his arms.


Though the cave was spacious, the only place to sleep was that large stone, so these days, Si Lan always slept nestled in his embrace.


Si Lan seemed afraid of the cold, always hiding his hands and feet. Sometimes when he couldn’t, he would hide them against Haowei’s body. Though he felt helpless, Haowei never pushed Si Lan away.


The oil lamp was about to burn out, flickering faintly and outlining dim lines on Si Lan’s body. His thick, long eyelashes were closed together, concealing his moist black eyes. His small lips were slightly pursed, revealing a hint of innocence and stubbornness. His two hands were tightly clenched into small fists, pressed against Haowei’s chest.


Haowei’s gaze slowly examined him, his heartbeat gradually accelerating.


In the world of mortals, it’s not the dust that is mortal, but the dust in the heart, turning into dust.


Was this person the “dust” he was destined to experience in this lifetime?


But this “dust” seemed more difficult to cross than ten thousand rivers and mountains.


Haowei reached out, wanting to touch Si Lan, but his rationality stopped him. Hesitating, as he was about to withdraw his hand, the oil lamp burned out, plunging the surroundings into pitch darkness.


Haowei’s hand naturally fell on Si Lan’s body, drawing him closer into his embrace.


The world was dark, nothing could be seen.


But his heart could now openly reveal its feelings without restraint.


Si Lan’s strand of soul essence didn’t quite grasp worldly emotions, but he could sense Haowei’s recent unease. Remembering the last time he gave Haowei a wooden flute and how happy it made him, Si Lan decided to give another gift to Haowei.


In recent days, Haowei would go down to the village to fetch peach blossom wine and return for Si Lan to drink. Every time, they ended up getting quite drunk, as if this could make them forget the impending separation.


Today, as Haowei returned carrying wine, he saw Si Lan sneakily stuffing something under his robe and holding a knife in one hand.


Pretending not to notice, Haowei set down the peach blossom wine and quietly placed a package of osmanthus cakes from his pocket in front of Si Lan.


Si Lan’s lips twitched, his eyes bursting with a hint of light as he smiled at Haowei, silently expressing gratitude, and then unwrapped the package, pinching off a piece of osmanthus cake and putting it into his mouth.


Like a child indulging in treats, after finishing, he even stuck out his pink tongue and licked his fingertips.


Haowei didn’t change his expression, averting his gaze as if he was feeling sleepy, lying down on the stone bed to rest. But in fact, he saw Si Lan sneak a glance at him, then surreptitiously reach for the knife again, doing something mischievous with his back turned.


Holding his breath, Haowei cautiously approached Si Lan from behind and discovered Si Lan carving a wooden puppet in the shape of a person. Judging by the puppet’s appearance, it resembled Haowei.


A soft spot in Haowei’s heart softened even more as he gazed at the back of Si Lan’s neck, motionless for a long time.


So, in this world, there was someone who simply thought of him.


Not for fame, not for gain or grudges.


Haowei saw Si Lan almost pricking his finger with the knife several times and couldn’t help reaching out, grabbing his hand from behind. Si Lan paused for a moment but didn’t resist.


Haowei held his hand, gradually carving the puppet.


The puppet’s figure was already outlined by Si Lan, but its features were yet to be carved. Haowei started with the eyebrows, slightly thicker as the strokes were added. The eyes were deep, so the eye sockets needed to be more pronounced. The nose was high, so the sides needed to be carved inward. The lips were slightly thin, and a simple outline of the upper and lower lips sufficed.


Si Lan held his breath throughout, not making a sound, allowing the other to hold his hand and slowly carve out the face he had seen countless times.


After finishing the carving, Si Lan held the lifelike puppet and turned around to show Haowei a silly smile.


Haowei asked, “Why did you want to carve me?”


Si Lan held the puppet, lips moving but no sound coming out.


Haowei knew he couldn’t respond, nor did he expect him to speak. Yet, a smile still appeared on his face, gently rubbing Si Lan’s head with his hand.


Like a child, Si Lan plunged into Haowei’s arms. Haowei’s breath caught as he lowered his head and saw Si Lan take out another humanoid puppet, placing the two puppets side by side.


“Xiao Qi, I’m going to leave for a while, maybe a long time, maybe I’ll be back soon.”


The words of parting were finally spoken.


Si Lan didn’t understand, continuing to manipulate the two puppets. He positioned them face to face, slowly moving them closer until their faces almost touched.


Their lips lightly touched, as if kissing.


Haowei had more words in his heart, but seeing this scene, he suddenly choked up, “You…”


Si Lan didn’t see anything wrong, continuing to make the two puppets face each other, mouths touching, as if playing a fun game.


Meanwhile, behind them, Haowei’s heart pounded like a drum, a rush of heat surged to his head, making his ears turn red, and his eyes involuntarily revealed a hint of intense warmth.


“Xiao Qi…”


Si Lan paused in his movements and looked up at Haowei.


Suddenly, Haowei lowered his head and kissed Si Lan on the forehead. Si Lan blinked, looking at Haowei in confusion. After the kiss, as if feeling it wasn’t enough, Haowei’s lips descended again, kissing Si Lan’s eyes.


Si Lan closed his long eyelashes, feeling the other’s breath lightly land on his face. The breath continued downward, reaching his nostrils, as if expressing annoyance, unexpectedly lightly biting his nose.


Startled, he shivered and shrunk into Haowei’s embrace.


A faint chuckle echoed in Haowei’s throat as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.


Lying in Haowei’s arms, Si Lan furrowed his brows slightly in apparent distress, reaching up to touch his nose that had just been nipped.


He had thought Haowei was going to eat him.


Meeting his innocent gaze, Haowei’s eyes deepened further. The fair and clean figure in his arms seemed like a delicacy awaiting his tasting.


He knew even if he did something to Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi wouldn’t understand, but he didn’t want to bully Xiao Qi like this.


“Xiao Qi, you need to cultivate quickly.”


He heard that demons became more worldly-wise the more they cultivated.


“When I come back, I hope you can talk to me.” Haowei sighed, then added, “If you can’t speak, at least understand what I’m saying.”


A little response from him would be enough.


Seeing that Haowei wasn’t going to ‘eat’ him again, Si Lan focused on playing with the two puppets in his hands.


Before long, the house below the mountain was repaired. Haowei took Si Lan down the mountain. Si Lan was a bit reluctant to leave the cave, but when he saw the newly thatched house, he suddenly became fond of the new and tired of the old.


Now, Si Lan could go up the mountain to pick fruits when hungry, fetch clear water to drink when thirsty, and run into the house when it rained. He could light a fire and cook, having learned basic survival skills.


These days, Haowei had been telling Si Lan that he was going to leave, but Si Lan seemed not to understand what parting meant. On the day of departure, Haowei packed his bags, patted Si Lan’s head, and bid him farewell.


Si Lan thought he was going to the village as usual to buy wine and exchange food, so he smiled at him.


However, Haowei’s expression was serious and stern, making Si Lan vaguely feel something amiss.


So, Si Lan gave Haowei a humanoid puppet from his pocket. Haowei took it and saw that it was carved in Si Lan’s likeness.


Was he giving this to him in hopes that he would often think of him?


Haowei’s heart softened.


Although this little fool didn’t understand anything, he probably loved him.


But he didn’t dare linger any longer, stiffly turned away. He feared that if he stayed a minute longer, his heart would soften for a minute longer.


The journey of departure was extremely difficult step by step. Only when he was sure he couldn’t see Si Lan did Haowei dare to stop, turn around, and look back.


“Xiao Qi, I’ll come back as soon as possible.”


After he left, Si Lan took out another puppet, looked at its face, and his eyes showed surprise.


Huh, it seems he gave the wrong puppet.


He had intended to give Haowei a puppet resembling Haowei, but how did he end up giving away a puppet of himself?


He suddenly felt unhappy, like a child, furrowing his brows and sitting on the doorstep, waiting.


Normally, before the sun reached its peak, Haowei would return carrying things.


But this time, he waited until the sun set and the sky darkened, yet Haowei did not appear.


Anxiety crept into his heart, but he remembered Haowei’s instructions: not to leave the foot of the mountain and not to let anyone see him. So, he paced around the thatched house in circles, circling until the next day dawned and Haowei still hadn’t returned.


Did Haowei think he was stupid and didn’t want him anymore?


He felt sad, clutching the humanoid puppet of Haowei, sitting on a slightly raised hillside, his eyes reddened, staring at the village entrance.


Unfortunately, another day passed, and Haowei still did not return.


Day after day, he finally understood that Haowei might not come back.


Under this remote and lonely mountain foot, he lived like a lost soul, isolated from the world.

One day, dark clouds rolled in and torrential rain poured down.


It’s raining…


He looked at the misty curtain of rain before him and suddenly thought of the cave below the waist of Mount Taixu.


With rain this heavy, would Haowei seek shelter in the cave?


With that thought, he braved the downpour, climbed up the hill, and halfway encountered a mudslide, almost being swept away. He clung tightly to a large tree, barely steadying himself until the mudslide passed. Gripping wild grass and branches, he slowly and laboriously climbed halfway up the hill.


Entering the cave, he saw it filled with small animals seeking shelter from the rain, but Haowei was nowhere to be found.


His face turned pale, wet black hair clinging to his forehead, tears mixing with rainwater and streaming down his cheeks.


He stood motionless as if under a spell, unable to move.


So Haowei really didn’t want him anymore.


His emotions—joy, anger, sorrow, laughter, grief, thought, and fear—had filled this period of time, but now only grief and fear for Haowei remained.


Suddenly, footsteps echoed at the cave entrance. Si Lan turned excitedly and walked toward the entrance.


He couldn’t speak, but he couldn’t forget to cry out, as if calling Haowei’s name. However, when he reached the entrance and saw the face of the approaching person, the smile on his face froze instantly. The last glimmer of hope in his eyes, like fireworks, dimmed sadly.


The God of Taixu leaned on his cane, coughing with every step, slowly walking in. Seeing Si Lan standing in the cave, the God of Taixu wasn’t surprised and approached with a smile, “Why are you all alone?”


Si Lan gestured with his hands, and the God of Taixu vaguely understood something.


But the God of Taixu misunderstood. He thought Haowei’s departure was a return to his rightful place after a tribulation.


He reassured Si Lan, “Don’t worry, Your Highness. After he returns, he will definitely take you back to the Nine Heavens.”


Si Lan seemed curious about the Ninth Heaven, blinking at him. The Supreme Void continued, “The Ninth Heaven, hmm… quite fascinating. There are human-faced beasts, three-eyed generals, the Eight-Armed Buddha, oh, and plenty of delicacies from mountains and seas, much better than staying in this village.”



Seemingly lost in thought, Si Lan looked bewildered. The Supreme Void tapped his cane, and suddenly, a miniature illusion of the Ninth Heaven appeared before their eyes in the cave.


In the illusion, mist enveloped everything, cranes soared, and immortals in flowing robes rode on clouds. Palaces and pavilions of jade-like appearance shimmered, creating a carefree and elegant scene.


Si Lan extended a surprised hand towards the illusion, but as soon as he touched it, the vision vanished instantly. Startled, he pulled back his hand and turned to look at the Supreme Void, only to find him gone as well.


From above the cave, the voice of the Supreme Void echoed, “I’ll go ahead. No need to rush; His Majesty will come to fetch you.”


During this time, the Supreme Void secretly descended from the mountain to check on Haowei and Si Lan. Although Si Lan’s spirit seemed absent-minded, the Supreme Void hadn’t seen Haowei care so deeply about anyone else before. Surely, once Haowei returned to his position, he would come looking for this absent-minded “girl.”


Alone, Si Lan sat forlornly in the cave.


Haowei had left, the old man had left.


All that remained beside him were a few wild chickens seeking shelter from the rain…



One year later.


The border war finally ended victoriously, giving Haowei the chance to return and find Si Lan. With his military accomplishments, he now held some sway within the army, enough to bring Si Lan to the battlefield with him this time.


However, upon his hurried return home, he found the recently repaired house already in disarray. The roof had been torn off, the wooden door collapsed, and the eaves were covered in spiderwebs.


His heart sank as he stepped inside. Inside, the layout was exactly as it was when he left: a table with two chairs. In the inner room, there was a round wooden table covered in dust, with something placed in the center.


Approaching cautiously, Haowei realized it was a wooden puppet carved in his likeness. He picked up the puppet slowly, calling out Si Lan’s name, “Xiao Qi… Xiao Qi…”


Seeing the dust-covered state of the house, it seemed like no one had lived here for a long time.


Had something happened to Si Lan shortly after he left?


But Si Lan was a demon; ordinary people shouldn’t have been able to harm him.


Had he been targeted by a sorcerer?


The more Haowei thought about it, the more frightened he became. He inquired around the village but heard nothing about sorcerers visiting in the past year. Disheartened, he returned, thinking perhaps Si Lan hadn’t been captured but had returned to his own world.


He took out the wooden puppet from his embrace. Its face had been worn smooth.


When he was dragged by enemy horses on the battlefield, nearly dying, he managed to kill the enemy soldier and found the puppet with his face, now nearly unrecognizable from being rubbed against the ground.


His heart clenched painfully, as if struck by an enemy’s blade.


After that, he dared not bring the puppet onto the battlefield anymore, always keeping it carefully under his pillow, only taking it out occasionally when he missed someone.


He never expected this to be the only thing Si Lan left behind.


Haowei didn’t know if he would ever have a chance to see Si Lan again. If someday Si Lan returned to the mortal world and came back here, he hoped he would know that Haowei had come looking for him.


Placing the puppet with the worn-down face under his pillow, Haowei left again.


But his life in the mortal realm was destined to be a tragedy. He hadn’t had the chance to clear the grievances of the Chong family, only to be forced into rebellion.


Initially, three deputy generals sought him out, merely to exploit the remnants of Chong Mingwei’s influence and win over his former soldiers. Their aim wasn’t to clear the Chong family’s name but to overthrow the Yu dynasty.


Betrayed by his subordinates during battle, captured by the Li dynasty, he endured countless tortures and torments. Yet, in order to clear the Chong family’s name and to see Si Lan again, he endured all the pain, holding on until his last breath, awaiting rescue.


It was only then that he learned he had been captured because of a plot by the three deputy generals.


Seeing he wouldn’t obey, they planned to let the Li dynasty kill him completely, then use his death to incite public anger and resentment, falsely claiming they were seeking revenge for him and the Chong family.


Unfortunately, he survived.


He grew wiser, no longer opposing the deputy generals’ words. He reluctantly followed their plan. Two years later, he successfully overthrew the Yu dynasty.


The night before he entered the Yu dynasty, he killed three deputy generals. It was just that on the day he was crowned, he was also killed by someone.


With thousands of arrows through his heart, he died in front of the dragon’s throne.


At that moment of death, the only thing in his mind was that the green shadow.


That sudden emergence of spirits was the only warmth in his twenty-two years on Earth.


Si Lan seemed to appear, standing in front of him, his figure faintly visible.


How much he wanted to grasp that warmth, but in the end, he didn’t catch it.


In the twenty-fifth year of the Yu dynasty, Wei returned to his original position.


The memory of the people on Earth has been sealed in the past


Eight hundred years later, the sealed memories began to unravel one by one, countless scenes flooding Haowei’s mind.


Haowei recalled everything about Si Lan. His cold and composed demeanor gradually crumbled, eyes reddened with bitterness. The regret and longing that lingered in his heart at the moment of his death in the mortal world still swirled within him.


He thought of Xiao Qi, he was waiting for Xiao Qi.


But in that life, he couldn’t wait any longer.


Haowei’s body felt unsteady, staggering backward. Seeing this, Yu Wudao quickly steadied him. “Your Majesty, what’s wrong?”


Haowei shook his head, slowly closing his eyes to calm himself.


He bore the fate of the Lone Star of Heaven’s Demise, enduring a lifetime of hardships.


Although Si Lan had only appeared for a little over a month during his twenty-two years of trials and tribulations, that month was the only warmth he had known in the mortal realm.


Even though fate had long been written by the Purple Star Jade Disk, Si Lan’s appearance was still an uncontrollable process.


He finally understood why Si Lan had said he was his male husband; perhaps their fate had been destined in the cosmic order long ago.


“Si Lan… Xiao Qi…”


He silently repeated these two names in his heart, his heart softening.


Emotions that he had deliberately avoided and refused to confront surged forth at this moment.


He felt that he should fulfill the eight-hundred-year-old promise.


He needed to find his Xiao Qi.


His Xiao Qi must be waiting for him too.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 154 – A Little Disturbance

Chapter 154 – A Little Disturbance


The audience in the live stream room was buzzing with excitement, especially those unable to contain themselves, eagerly contacting their friends and family to join in the excitement together.


“Quick, quick, Jian Luo is live!”


“I caught a glimpse! I got it!”


“Ah ah ah, sisters, come quickly, forget about reading novels.”


In an instant, the number of viewers in the live stream room, which had originally only been a few million, skyrocketed exponentially, the increase as rapid as a rocket.


Jian Luo took out some fries and blew on them. As he moved closer, the aroma of the potato chips wafted into his nostrils, irresistibly fragrant. It stimulated everyone’s appetite, the golden and crispy potato curls swirling with oil, the most delightful moment being when they were freshly out of the fryer. The golden skin would crackle at the first bite, a small piece holding a great allure.


“Slurp, although Mingming Moonlight is also out, I think this is even more delicious.”


“I’m craving fried chicken.”


“What’s panko? It’s so fragrant, the kid next door to me is drooling.”


After Jian Luo finished blowing on the fries, he handed them to Long Aotian, saying, “Hold them while you eat, take it slow.”




Long Aotian responded and began nibbling on the fries.


The three were all very coordinated and well-behaved at meals. The younger sister was more refined and gentle, Long Batian ate silently, almost leaving no presence, while the eldest devoured his food with wild abandon, chewing leisurely.


Jian Luo: “…”


They’re all from the same mom, yet they’re so different.


He slowly tore pieces of fried chicken for the kids to eat, saying, “After a while, Mom will figure out how to make cola.”


Puffed snacks, fat otaku happy water—these things were high in calories but could significantly enhance one’s sense of happiness. Jian Luo didn’t let the kids eat too much, but every time they did, the Dragon Cubs were excited beyond measure.


The audience felt the same:


“Oh my god, so crunchy, it’s delicious!”


“It smells so good, don’t just feed the kids, have a bite yourself, Anchor!”


Because Jian Luo was the holographic subject, the audience could only smell the aroma but couldn’t taste it, which made them all incredibly envious. After feeding the kids, Jian Luo helped the Dragon Cubs wash their hands and instructed them to clean up their eating area before saying, “Go back and do your homework.”


Long Aotian clung to Jian Luo’s wrist dependently, clearly a mom’s darling through and through.


Jian Luo gently poked him, “Don’t be naughty.”


Long Ao Tian roared a couple of times, causing a commotion for a while before finally pulling his younger siblings back to do their homework. As they left, he even bumped into a small round ball.


But the audience suddenly hit by the bump was quite excited:


“I’m so happy to see the little one.”


“It’s so cute, are all children like this?”


“Wanna climb windows at midnight…”


“Wake up, Lu Shifeng warning.”


Most people’s attention was on Long Zi, while a small minority focused entirely on fried chicken and bread crumbs. Everyone was getting hungry from the tantalizing aroma, and many were asking for it to be put on shelves.


Jian Luo said, “The fried chicken won’t be available for sale right now.”


The audience erupted in frustration.


“I can let everyone have a taste, but the products won’t be displayed for sale.” Jian Luo smiled, “We’ll be introducing delivery and physical purchase services soon. There’s a reservation page on my profile where you can check it out. Oh, and we also accept reservations from other interstellar regions.”


This news was truly shocking.


Delivery services.


The Dark Star had never offered home delivery, partly because most people consumed nutrient liquids and partly because they preferred buying things themselves. The sudden announcement of delivery services was truly surprising.


“Who has the time for this?”


“Are there really people who do errands?”


“Can other star systems buy too? Are there that many?”


“I feel like just Dark Star alone would buy it all.”


Jian Luo took note of all the questions from the audience. After considering them, he bid farewell and ended the broadcast. He had already anticipated all these thoughts from the audience.


Currently, people on Dark Star didn’t think humans were particularly important because everyone could buy seasonal vegetables and fruits from the continuous supply of cultivation centers. However, now that he managed the paradise, most humans would be re-employed, inevitably causing a shortage of manpower at the cultivation centers.


Vegetables and fruits could not be supplied in large quantities, leading to market shortages.


He aimed for the high-end market, keeping vegetables and fruits from being cheap. Limited availability was just the first step; next would be packaging and leveraging celebrity effect, making people willing to pay a premium for these items.


“Knock knock.”


There was a knock at the door.


Jian Luo went to open it and found Su Liang. She said, “Finished work, let’s go eat.”




“And the little one?” Jian Luo carried a freshly made milk pudding, “Finished homework? I need to check and sign, the teacher said.”


Su Liang replied, “They’re done. They were very well-behaved this time, did it all by themselves.”


Jian Luo chuckled softly.


He took the little ones out to eat together. After dinner and bath time, Xiao Yin Long nestled in Jian Luo’s arms, listening to his father tell stories. It whispered softly, “Dad, where did Daddy go?”


“Hmm? Daddy’s on a business trip.”


“When will Daddy come back?” Xiao Yin Long looked up, “I miss him.”


Jian Luo patted its head, “He’ll be back in a couple of days.”


The little one rubbed against Jian Luo’s head and asked a probing question, “Dad, don’t you miss Daddy?”


“… “


Jian Luo froze for a moment.


Under the child’s gaze, it was hard for him not to answer. His feelings for Lu Shifeng had always been hidden deep inside. Now, having to say it outright felt somewhat embarrassing.


Just as Jian Luo was about to brush off the question, Xiao Yin Long looked up and said, “Dad.”




“You said lying is wrong.”




Jian Luo widened his eyes, surprised at how clever his little imp was!


He smiled awkwardly and sighed internally. Eventually, honesty prevailed, “Yes, I miss him.”


Usually, they could see each other often without feeling much about it. But now that they couldn’t meet, he realized he missed Lu Shifeng. He missed hearing his voice, talking to him.


With this realization, Jian Luo made up his mind, “Let’s call Daddy!”


The three little ones were excited.


Jian Luo was a man of action. Since he decided to take the initiative, he didn’t hesitate and immediately made a communication call. After a while, someone answered on the other side, revealing Lu Shifeng’s figure. The Grand Marshal Lu was in a more formal navy blue military uniform, adorned with shiny badges symbolizing honor.


He sat in a chair, and there seemed to be several people moving around behind him.


Jian Luo said, “The little ones miss you and wanted to call you. Hope we’re not disturbing?”


“No bother.” Lu Shifeng glanced around, then looked at the dragon cub in Jian Luo’s arms, “Been disciplined?”


Lu Shifeng was aware of the teacher’s complaint.


Jian Luo patted the dragon cub’s head, “Hmm, disciplined.”


He also thought about the Training Officer’s matters and wanted to have a good talk with Lu Shifeng, but with the children around, he couldn’t say much. Jian Luo’s emotions were often written on his face, easy to read. Whenever he had something on his mind, it was easy to tell.


Jian Luo frowned and said, “I want to have a good talk with a few teachers tomorrow.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Why?”


“They’ve been a bit naughty. Both you and I are busy, and we can’t watch them all day. I want to communicate more with the teachers,” Jian Luo explained. “Talk about everything.”


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo’s furrowed brows and replied calmly, “Okay.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief.


“If there’s any problem…” Lu Shifeng seemed to have just finished exercising. He loosened his collar and leaned back in his chair. “You decide.”


Jian Luo was a bit uncertain about how much decision-making power he actually had in this matter.


Seeing his confusion, Lu Shifeng clarified, without avoiding the little dragon cubs, “I’ll handle their issues when I get back. You can personally choose the teachers.”




Upon hearing that their dad would deal with them later, the three little ones huddled into Jian Luo’s arms. Just moments ago, they had been saying they weren’t sleepy and didn’t want to go to bed, but now they suddenly seemed very tired.




“Dad, I’m sleepy.”


Jian Luo looked at their little faces and suspected that Lu Shifeng had deliberately scared them. He gently said, “Sleep now.”


He left the video call on, placing the wristband on the table, and went to soothe the children to sleep.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 153 – Education Issues of the Dragon Cubs

Chapter 153 – Education Issues of the Dragon Cubs


When Jian Luo returned home, it was already evening.


Recently, the young dragons had started their literature classes. For some reason, perhaps due to Jian Luo’s influence, they all seemed resistant to attending classes, especially Long Ao Tian. Jian Luo received numerous complaints about him every day:


“Your Eldest was mischievous in class again today.”


“Your Second Youngest knew the answer but didn’t speak when called upon.”


“Your Youngest Highness copied her brother’s homework.”


Jian Luo felt a headache coming on when he read these. He took the education of his children quite seriously. While he loved them dearly, he was unwavering on certain fundamental principles.


With this in mind, when he returned home, his first thought was to gather the young ones and educate them. However, upon pushing open the door, he found all of them diligently doing their homework. They had grown significantly; previously the size of his palm, they were now four or five months old, with some as big as a small Peppa Pig hair dryer, especially the little silver dragon, whose silver scales shimmered beautifully under the light.


As for his two elder brothers, they had transformed from small coals into big coals. The black young dragon didn’t seem as stern as his father; when he was well-behaved, he looked like a lazy kitten lounging on a chair.




His younger sister noticed the movement first.


As she called out, the other two cubs also noticed and looked over, visibly excited. Long Ao Tian, in particular, dashed over like a gust of wind, chattering non-stop in front of Jian Luo.


Having not seen each other for a day or two, Long Ao Tian squatted on Jian Luo’s shoulder, nudging him with his little head, rubbing against his face and clothes, expressing his emotions with loud cries.


Jian Luo patted the cub gently and whispered, “Good, Daddy’s back.”


He then picked up the remaining three cubs to check their homework. Remembering unfinished business, he frowned again. “The teacher said you were very disobedient at school. Is it true that no one except your sister has finished their homework?”


The dragon cubs stared at him blankly.


Jian Luo sat them down at the table and looked them in the eyes. “Is it true?”


The three cubs glanced at each other. Maybe they hadn’t expected the teacher to report them. Being young, they couldn’t keep secrets. Long Ao Tian nodded first, looking as proud as if he had just saved the world.


Jian Luo almost laughed out loud. “Are you still proud?”


Long Ao Tian looked at him in confusion.


Jian Luo was about to scold the young dragon but managed to hold onto his last bit of patience. “Why haven’t you finished your homework?”


Seeing their father so serious was a rare sight for them. Long Ao Tian wanted to come over and hug Jian Luo, but Jian Luo resisted and asked him to reflect on his actions first.


Just then, their younger sister spoke softly but clearly, “Brother, help me with the ball.”


Jian Luo paused. “What ball?”


On the nearby sofa were three fluorescent balls. Seeing them reminded Jian Luo—they were small energy-training balls, probably assigned as homework by the training instructor after class.


His younger sister whispered softly, “Can’t smash it, brother.”


“Did you do their training assignments and also finish your literature homework?” Jian Luo finally understood after straightening things out, feeling both amused and exasperated.


His younger sister nodded obediently, while the little silver dragon seemed worried that Jian Luo would scold his brother.


Jian Luo looked at the three of them, huddled at the table like little quail eggs, looking pitiful as if they had suffered a great injustice. He roughly understood—it seemed that the elder brother needed to do an extra training assignment, and his sister, who was good at literature, finished early and helped the two brothers by letting them copy.


Perhaps the children thought this would prevent the teacher from scolding them. They also solved the problem by helping each other, unaware that it was wrong. Just like Long Ao Tian’s proud look earlier, without proper guidance, it was as if the teacher noticed but didn’t criticize them openly, choosing instead to contact him privately.


Jian Luo sighed helplessly, feeling resigned.


His anger had subsided by now. He bent down and gently patted the children’s heads. Speaking softly to his daughter, he said, “If you can’t meet the training requirements, just tell the instructor. Completing tasks for others is dishonest. Lies and deceit are wrong, okay?”


He then looked at Long Ao Tian and the others, saying, “If you’re helping your sister, you still need to manage your own tasks. Taking credit for someone else’s work is also dishonest and wrong. As older brothers, you need to take responsibility and complete your own homework, understand?”


The three cubs reluctantly nodded.


Long Ao Tian’s ruby eyes were watery. Like all children, a few scolding words from their parents would make them unable to hold back tears, and the dragon cubs were no exception.


As Jian Luo was comforting them, his younger sister nudged him and softly said, “Can’t tell the instructor.”


Jian Luo paused. “Why not?”


“Just can’t.”


She repeated softly.


Jian Luo frowned. Was there more to this? He patiently asked, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll have to talk to the instructor. Darling, lies can’t be hidden forever. You might hide for a moment, but not forever.”


“So if you have any difficulties, tell Daddy. Tell me.” Jian Luo’s voice was gentle. “You and your brothers are in this together. It would hurt Daddy if you kept things from me.”


His approach to educating the children wasn’t about punishment or strict enforcement; he wanted to explain why he taught them, to help them understand right from wrong.


Sure enough, under Jian Luo’s gentle gaze and patient waiting, the little silver dragon finally stopped sobbing. It lowered its little head and said softly, “If I can’t do it, they will blame Daddy.”


Jian Luo was momentarily stunned. He hadn’t expected this reason, finding it difficult to connect the dots.




Someone cutting fruit outside returned.


Su Liang came in with food in hand and said, “You just got home and you’re already chatting with the kids, without even washing up.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and told his daughter, “It’s okay. Our girl is already amazing. Don’t force yourself if you can’t do something. Come, let’s eat.”


The young dragon cubs needed a lot of nutrition every day; some of the supplements were bitter, so they didn’t like them.


Long Ao Tian saw the jars and bottles and chattered excitedly over to Jian Luo, not wanting him to leave. While rubbing against him, it indicated its disinterest in eating those.


Jian Luo thought for a moment and said, “Then let’s eat them later. Daddy will make milk custard for you.”


At the mention of milk custard, the dragon cubs’ eyes lit up, becoming even more excited. Jian Luo asked them to go back and finish their homework. Just now, he had received a message from the teacher while on the sofa. Not realizing how much homework the three children had to do every day, Jian Luo was surprised. After all, this was just kindergarten. Why were there so many papers?


Initially, he came home feeling a bit accusatory, but now all he felt was pity.


Su Liang asked the children to return to their desks and do their homework. Taking Jian Luo aside, he asked, “What’s wrong? Did the teacher call you?”




Jian Luo was still thinking about what his daughter had said, asking, “What did she mean by saying the instructor would blame them?”


He was certain the instructors wouldn’t be harsh on the kids.


“What else could it be? The three children are not in good health. The boys are okay, but the girl has a weak foundation. She can’t complete some tasks, and sometimes the instructors are blamed behind their backs because their birth mother is human,” Su Liang whispered. “I’ve heard some gossip. The kids probably heard it somewhere.”


Jian Luo fell silent.


He hadn’t expected this to be the reason. Were the children’s trainers so talkative?


“Got it,” Jian Luo said. “Sometimes I’m busy with work and can’t pay attention to everything. I’ll try to rearrange my schedule to spend more time with the kids. If there’s anything here, please contact me promptly.”


Su Liang nodded.


Jian Luo turned to prepare dinner. As he walked away, he messaged his secretary Jin, “Good evening, Secretary Jin. I’d like to discuss something. Please arrange for the trainer to meet with me when he’s on duty tomorrow.”


Secretary Jin responded promptly, “What’s going on?”


“There are some things I need to talk to him about in person.”


Secretary Jin sensed something was amiss but didn’t inquire further, simply replying, “Okay.”


After contacting Secretary Jin, Jian Luo headed into the kitchen to prepare milk custard and fried chicken with fries. While considered junk food, it was beloved by children, and since he had some free time, he wanted to treat the kids to something special.


It had been a while since his last livestream, and with the food processing factory nearing completion and needing publicity for their upcoming products, he decided to resume livestreaming.


The last time he livestreamed was before having children, and back then, he had over ten million followers. Now, logging into his account showed a staggering forty million followers gained during his absence.


Jian Luo chuckled, feeling an unexpected surge of power, and pressed the livestream button.




The livestream sphere spun, and the entire video opened up.


Unintentionally, upon starting the broadcast, the audience flooded in with familiar voices heard first: “Hi everyone, I’m Jian Luo. Today, we’re making some milk custard for the cubs, along with fried chicken and fries.”


Audience reactions:


“Missing person returns.”


“Congratulations to the broadcaster for remembering his account password.”


“New fans heard the broadcaster makes delicious things and couldn’t wait.”


“Old fans have already eaten everything on the shelf and are eagerly awaiting more.”


The enthusiasm was overwhelming. Within ten minutes of Jian Luo’s livestream starting, a large number of viewers joined in, effortlessly propelling it to the top of the intergalactic popularity charts. Meanwhile, other long-running broadcasts during the same evening slot were pushed down, and the number of viewers continued to rise.


As Jian Luo prepared the fried chicken, he explained, “The essence of this fried chicken is in the bread crumbs. You need to coat it thoroughly before frying.”


“We just finished kneading the dough, which we’ll use to make breadcrumbs later for the burgers.”


For marketing, fast food was an excellent option to tap into the market. He had already devised some preliminary plans, and if the audience accepted fried chicken and such items, it would pave the way for further expansion.



As the chicken in the pot turned golden from frying, the aroma of fried chicken filled the entire kitchen. The dragon cubs at the door, having written their homework for a while, couldn’t resist the enticing smell and peeked inside.


Jian Luo glanced sideways, half amused and half exasperated. “Greedy little ones.”


The small sphere moved with its owner’s gaze, allowing him to see the cubs, which meant the audience saw them too in full holographic mode, deepening their connection.


Jian Luo lifted one of the cubs, patting it gently. “It’ll be ready to eat once it cools down.”


The sensation under his fingertips was gentle and smooth, the dragon scales and horns tickling slightly like scratching a small cat. The dragon cub nestled in his arms affectionately, incredibly cute.


The audience experiencing the holographic first-person view felt their senses explode with happiness, as if a tornado of joy had swept over them.


“Ah, ah, ah, dragon spotted!”


“So adorable, omg!”


“Please, broadcaster, livestream every day!”


“What are you selling? I’ll buy, I’ll buy, please let me buy more!”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


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