Chapter 66


Actually, it wasn’t just to disgrace the heavens, but also to destroy Si Lan.


“Jun Li, the one who wants to harm Haowei is not me, but you,” Yu Wuxia’s voice, like a snake’s hiss, slithered into Si Lan’s ears after his laugh.


“You could have chosen to plant the array in Qu Ze’s body. That way, even if Haowei hurt or killed Qu Ze, he wouldn’t feel so guilty. But you deliberately brought it into your own body. Isn’t this harming Haowei?”


“You know how Haowei feels about you. If he knew he hurt you even a little, he would hurt himself tenfold. So it is your compassion, your kindness, your benevolence that made you choose to hurt the one you love most.”


As Yu Wuxia finished speaking, outside the barrier, Haowei was suddenly attacked by a humanoid monster, shriveled and withered like dead wood.


The monster moved quickly and ghostly, attempting to get close to Haowei, but was sliced in half by his long sword. However, the pain was transmitted to Si Lan.


It felt like a punch to his abdomen, his face turning pale from the pain.


At some point, Yu Wuxia had let go of him.


He fell to the ground, trying to stand up. At that moment, it felt as if a knife had slashed his abdomen, the ripping pain surging from his flesh. Though there wasn’t a visible wound, the pain was unbearable.


Even in such agony, he couldn’t help but grumble in his heart, wondering what kind of sword Haowei was using that it could hurt so much. He decided he would make Haowei change his sword when they got back.


With one hand clutching his abdomen and the other hand tightly clenched, he tried to support himself to stand. Just then, another sword strike hit him, sending him flying backward, his body crashing into a boulder. A taste of blood instantly filled his mouth.




He tried to contact Haowei with his spiritual sense, but couldn’t reach him.


After slaying two monsters, Haowei’s long sword transformed into countless sword shadows, swirling in the air, ready to break through the illusion.


Si Lan glanced at the sword shadows, his legs trembling, estimating that if they struck him, he would either be dead or crippled.


He silently comforted himself, believing his special physique and blood that could heal others might help him. As long as he could still drink blood, he should be able to survive.


While hiding his breath and observing the situation inside the barrier, he noticed that Yu Wuxia had left at some point.


Surrounded by darkness, except for his own breathing, there was no sound. He cast a spell to conjure a fire, illuminating his surroundings, and realized he was inside a massive stone coffin.


To be precise, he was in an illusion of a stone coffin.


The stone coffin was cold and white, with densely carved runes inside. Recognizing them as Ling Jie Curses, he frowned.


Ling Jie Curses are extremely vicious. Anyone cursed by them would have their soul destroyed, never to reincarnate.


His face darkened, realizing that this stone coffin was prepared by Yu Wuxia, intending to use his body to activate the Five-Pointed Nine Heavens Array and then obliterate his soul.


Yu Wuxia didn’t want the heavens to find his reincarnation and send him back to defy fate again, so he planned to eliminate this “hidden danger” in this lifetime.


He estimated that Yu Wuxia had left but was probably still in the shadows, enjoying the scene of him and Haowei struggling like trapped beasts.


So he looked up at the sky and gave a middle finger.


Outside the barrier, countless flying swords wove together like a stream of arrows, slowly approaching the array, seemingly waiting for the right moment to strike.


Si Lan moved closer to the barrier, quietly watching Haowei’s face.


Suddenly, he remembered that since Haowei had returned to his adult form, he hadn’t really looked at him seriously. This time, he finally took a good look at him, albeit in such a setting.


His eyes stung as he reached out to touch Haowei’s eyebrows and eyes through the barrier. When he first met Haowei, he was just a little white dragon—proud, naive, delicate, and precious, without any sense of majesty or coldness.


So even though Haowei had returned to his adult form, Si Lan didn’t fear him much.


In reality, Haowei’s face was cold and stern, exuding an intimidating presence that made others feel threatened.


Especially with his slightly downward-tilted eyes and the aloofness they conveyed, it seemed like he didn’t take anyone seriously.


The sword shadows spun faster and faster, causing the rubble on the ground to rise, nearly obscuring Haowei’s figure. Si Lan closed his eyes and whispered a silent apology.


He had already concealed his breath. If he were to die, he would only turn into an ordinary skeleton, hoping Haowei wouldn’t find out. That way, Haowei wouldn’t know he had died and wouldn’t feel the pain.


“Haowei…” Si Lan murmured his name.


At that moment, the sword shadows that were about to break through the array suddenly paused, hanging motionless in the air.


The rising rubble and dust fell instantly, revealing Haowei’s face as he walked slowly towards Si Lan.


Si Lan’s heart raced, and he kept his eyes fixed on Haowei, unsure if Haowei had sensed something.


Haowei reached out his hand, pressing his palm against the invisible barrier where Si Lan’s hand met his. Si Lan inexplicably smiled, his chest trembling slightly as a thin mist of tears rose in his eyes. “Haowei…”


With cold black eyes, Haowei retracted his long sword, ceasing his attack on the array.


Si Lan guessed that although Haowei couldn’t see him, he might have sensed something was wrong.


Suddenly, three desiccated monsters emerged from the array, baring their teeth as they lunged at Haowei. He dodged them but refused to strike back.


It seemed that the array was deliberately trying to provoke Haowei, as more and more monsters appeared, nearly filling the entire illusion.


Si Lan noticed that Haowei, for some reason, wasn’t attacking them. After several evasions, he was scratched by a monster, leaving a bloody mark on his face and tearing open his chest, revealing blood.


Si Lan knew this was Yu Wuxia’s way of forcing Haowei to fight.


Cornered, Haowei remained cold and calm, lost in thought with his eyes downcast. Meanwhile, a stone behind him slowly transformed into a gaping maw. Si Lan couldn’t help but shout, “Haowei… Haowei… watch out behind you.”


But Haowei couldn’t hear him. By the time he realized, the monster had already bitten down. His life-bound sword instinctively tried to attack the monster but was called back.


He twisted his body to avoid the attack, but his arm was still bitten. The monster’s sharp fangs sliced along his arm, taking away two chunks of flesh.


Blood instantly soaked through his white robe.


Si Lan’s heart leaped into his throat, his voice hoarse. “Haowei, Haowei… fight back!”


He shouted for a long time, but Haowei didn’t respond. Maybe it was because of his injured arm, or perhaps due to exhaustion, Haowei’s movements grew slower, and his injuries increased.


Si Lan feared that if this continued, Haowei would die inside the array. While Haowei couldn’t break out, Si Lan could enter to save him. With this thought, he drew his Xuanshin Whip, which wrapped around the barrier like a spirit snake.


The barrier trembled, revealing a swastika rune, the gate of the barrier. The long whip turned into a sharp blade, slashing at the swastika repeatedly.


After a few strikes, a crack appeared on the barrier. Si Lan’s expression relaxed slightly, but seeing the situation inside the array made his face tense again.


Haowei had been knocked to the ground, his white robe soaked with blood. As he struggled to get up, a monster stomped on him, and its withered but sharp fingers turned into blades, slicing into his back and reaching for his core.


Even so, Haowei didn’t resist, enduring the pain as his core was forcibly extracted.


The monster excitedly swallowed Haowei’s inner core after extracting it, then let out another fierce roar and shattered Haowei’s spiritual platform.


In an instant, the divine aura of the fallen true dragon burst forth from the formation, shaking the valley and startling countless beasts.


Si Lan was stunned for a moment. When he realized what had happened, he broke down and shouted, “Haowei… Haowei, get up…”


He attacked the barrier madly, disregarding everything. Finally, the cracks in the swastika widened, revealing a small gap. His body turned into smoke and slipped through the barrier without hesitation, charging into the formation.


He threw himself in front of Haowei, his lips trembling as he called Haowei’s name, but found he couldn’t make a sound.


Haowei was covered in blood. When Si Lan touched him, his hand was stained red. He was terrified, speechless, and tears began to fall one by one.


Suddenly, the monster within the formation turned to dust and vanished into the air.


Behind him, the figure of Yu Wuxia appeared.


Yu Wuxia had always appeared as an illusion before; this was the first time he appeared in his true form.


He wore a lead-gray kasaya, with a string of 1,080 yellow prayer beads hanging on his chest. His tall, slender figure stood straight, and his clothes fluttered without wind.


Though his face was like that of a serene monk, the bewitching red mark between his brows gave him an unrestrained and wanton appearance.


He looked at Haowei, lying in a pool of blood, with a hint of regret on his face.


What a pity that Haowei died so easily.


He had thought Haowei, as the Divine Emperor, had transcended the cycle of reincarnation and achieved immortality. Unexpectedly, Haowei now lay dead, killed by a few ordinary monsters.


It must have been because Haowei had transferred too much of his cultivation to Si Lan during their spiritual connection recently.


Yet, Si Lan, this little fool, probably still didn’t realize that Haowei’s death was a result of his own actions.


Yu Wuxia walked slowly to Si Lan, his eyes full of mockery. “He died because of you.”


Si Lan didn’t respond. He seemed to be lost in profound grief, his hands clenched tightly, unable to cry or move, like a puppet, silently sitting beside Haowei.


Yu Wuxia’s words were like daggers, “The heavens have erred again, sending down something utterly useless.”


As he finished speaking, Yu Wuxia extended his hand, intending to crush Haowei’s body. However, just as his hand reached out, Haowei’s seemingly lifeless body suddenly moved with lightning speed, grabbing Yu Wuxia’s elbow. A strange black rune swiftly spread from Haowei’s hand into Yu Wuxia’s body.


Yu Wuxia was about to cast a spell against him, but at that moment, Si Lan, who had been immersed in his sorrow, somehow managed to open his tightly clenched hands, revealing a long sword formed from a fragment of Heaven’s Law.


He held the sword and, without hesitation, thrust it into Yu Wuxia’s heart.


Yu Wuxia’s body seemed to split apart, golden light pouring from his chest. He hastily cast a spell, pushing both of them away and stumbling back several steps.


Coughing up blood, he reached for the piece of the sword formed from Heaven’s Law embedded in his chest, his eyes blood-red as he glared at the two standing side by side before him.


“You two…”


Yu Wuxia’s gaze slowly shifted to Haowei. As Haowei stood up, all his wounds and bloodstains vanished. His robe was as white as snow, and his face was strikingly handsome.


Haowei looked at him coldly.


Yu Wuxia couldn’t believe it. “Aren’t you already dead?” He had believed Haowei was dead because the fall of a true dragon, with its divine aura dispersing, would cause mountains to shake and beasts to cry out.


That was why he had dared to reveal his true form.


He had never been certain he could defeat these two, so he had always hidden his true self. Only upon seeing Haowei’s death had he come out, not expecting it to be a setup!


“Yu Wuxia, you’re not the only one who knows how to use illusions.” Haowei spoke as he glanced at Si Lan, a hint of caution in his eyes.


Si Lan smirked, the redness in his eyes not yet faded, still seemingly not fully recovered from the recent sorrow. “We’ll settle this when we get back.”


Haowei had set up an illusion but hadn’t informed him!


It made him almost faint with rage and grief when he saw Haowei injured inside the barrier.


He realized something was wrong when he approached Haowei’s “body” and noticed a small pinky finger, hidden under the bloody, mangled hand, hooking his finger.


At that moment, he understood Haowei wasn’t dead and was deliberately acting.


When Yu Wuxia appeared behind him, Haowei’s little finger hooked again, and Si Lan vaguely understood. He quietly conjured the fragment of Heaven’s Dao into a long sword and hid it in his hand.


Afraid of revealing the truth, he pretended to be in extreme grief, sitting motionless and dazed.


“Alright.” Haowei leaned slightly, whispering in Si Lan’s ear with a magnetic voice, “You can punish me however you want when we get back.”


Si Lan’s ears inexplicably turned red, and he glared at Haowei.


How could a simple sentence be said with such a suggestive tone?


Yu Wuxia, watching the two “flirting” before him, felt blood mist surging in his eyes. He slowly clenched his fingers, trying to stop the bleeding.


The Heaven’s Dao fragment didn’t kill him outright but severely injured him.


He felt his cultivation draining away like quicksand, but the black rune Haowei had introduced into his body prevented him from stopping the bleeding. The two conflicting forces collided within him, causing another wave of nausea.


Haowei looked at him and said, “I once read in my father Taiwei’s writings about the runes you placed on the pentagram formation. Knowing they were used to channel a curse, I guessed you might transfer the formation into someone’s body. When I was fighting those two monsters, I suddenly understood your intent. You intended to use me to kill someone.”


So Haowei played along, pretending to be killed but actually casting an illusion within the formation, making Yu Wuxia think his divine aura had dissipated and the true dragon had fallen.


What he hadn’t anticipated was that Yu Wuxia would transfer the formation into Si Lan’s body instead of Qu Ze’s. Thinking about how Si Lan’s soul had nearly shattered when he entered the formation, Haowei felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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