Month: August 2024 (Page 1 of 5)

Chapter 64 – Go to the Demon Realm to propose marriage

Chapter 64


Yu Wuxia finished speaking and his figure instantly dissipated.


Si Lan’s expression tightened inch by inch, containing his emotions. He turned around to gaze at the newlywed couple.


Their bridal chamber was their tomb, and after returning to their respective tombs, they would repeat this scene again and again.


The sedan bearers with their eyes sewn shut and the matchmaker went to fetch the bride, while the young groom stood in front of the wedding hall, awaiting the bride’s return, to bow in ceremony and enter their tomb.


To break this illusion, their obsession must be resolved.


And this obsession, isn’t it also Yu Wuxia’s obsession?


Yu Wuxia led him into this illusion, probably wanting him to experience this feeling as well.


Just as Si Lan hesitated about what to do next, a rift tore open in the illusionary night sky, and a tall figure with a graceful and ethereal aura stepped through the opening.


Surrounded by faint starlight, his silhouette seemed dreamlike and surreal as he approached, lotus flowers blooming under his feet, dispelling all evil spirits.


Suddenly, terrified screams of evil spirits echoed in the barren forest.


Si Lan never expected Hàowēi to emerge from the illusion so quickly and find him within this illusion. Seeing him unharmed, Si Lan’s tense expression relaxed slightly as he asked, “Are you injured?”


Si Lan shook his head.


Hàowēi wanted to take him out of the illusion directly, but Si Lan pointed to the eerie procession of the bridal party and said, “This is the challenge Yu Wuxia has set for me.”


Hàowēi glanced at the scene in the illusion and said lightly, “These should be the things Yu Wuxia once encountered.” Hàowēi’s previous illusion was in a torrent, where his father chose to rescue a distant daughter on the shore instead of a pregnant stranger nearby.


The woman, harboring resentment after death, trapped his father in an endless cycle. To break the cycle, his father had to sacrifice personal feelings for the greater good, choosing to save the pregnant stranger and abandoning his own daughter.


But no matter how many thousands of times he repeated it, the father steadfastly chose his own daughter each time, leading his soul unredeemed and forever trapped in that scene.


Haowei didn’t dispel the illusion, but out of concern for Si Lan, he broke through the illusion directly and entered the painting of “Lan” to find Si Lan.


Si Lan: “I want to dispel this illusion.”


These illusions are not only the obsessions of those involved, but also the obsessions of Yu Wuxia. Perhaps, once dispelled, they could shake the obsession of Yu Wuxia to some extent.


Haowei nodded lightly and glanced at the paper couple in the midst of their wedding ceremony, roughly guessing the reason, “Do we need to make them give up their marriage?”


“Yeah.” Si Lan landed beside the paper people, following them into the bridal chamber while explaining, “Originally, these two were in a stepmother-stepson relationship. After falling in love, they were discovered by villagers, subjected to extreme punishment, and died. After death, they turned into vengeful spirits and killed the villagers. Later, they were punished and trapped in this cycle for eternity.”


Haowei: “This punishment was probably imposed by Yu Wuxia.”


Si Lan sighed helplessly, “That’s what I think too.”


Haowei looked at the two graves inside the new house, estimating this place to be a graveyard; the joyful hall and bridal chamber before him were just illusions.


After the paper couple finished drinking their wedding wine, they were about to enter the graves. He cast a spell to create a barrier, blocking their path and preventing them from entering the graves.


They continued mechanically stepping forward, just moving step by step in place.


Haowei tried to communicate with them but found it impossible.


Do these paper people lack souls?


Approaching them, he discovered their mouths were stuffed with something like mud, preventing them from speaking at all.


Haowei: “Their mouths are stuffed.”


“What?” Si Lan also stepped forward to observe, his brow furrowed, “It seems after they died, the villagers feared they would complain to the King of Hell, so they stuffed their mouths.”


No wonder after becoming vengeful spirits, they hated the villagers so much that they slaughtered the entire village, severed their heads, and threw them into the dead wood forest, while their bodies were hung on trees.


Si Lan fell silent for a moment, then transformed into “Elder Sister” to express sympathy for their plight first, then advised them to let go of their obsession and reincarnate early.


Talking until his throat was dry, the two still did not respond. Si Lan could only awkwardly say, “If you can’t speak, even a little physical response would do.”


The two continued mechanically raising their legs, intending to enter the graves, completely ignoring Si Lan.


Si Lan realized that persuading them with this method would not dispel their obsession. He surveyed the scene of the joyful hall and bridal chamber, trying to find a clue.


His gaze finally fell on the memorial tablet. On the woman’s tablet, the left side displayed the name of the son, which was the stepson’s name, Song Lian. On the right side, there was the character for “deceased,” and in the center was written the alias of Lady Shen Tai Ru, born as Ying Yu Sheng Xilian.


The man’s tablet was much simpler, perhaps because his parents had passed away early and they had no sons or daughters. Only the four large characters “Tomb of Song Lian” were written in the center, and behind the tablet were Song Lian’s birth date and horoscope.


He picked up the tablet and examined it closely.


“Is there something wrong with the tablet?” Haowei asked.


“These two tablets are not placed on top of graves, probably because they are dissatisfied with them,” Si Lan replied.


Haowei’s brow furrowed at the sound of this, instantly understanding Si Lan’s meaning.


This deeply infatuated couple had repeated their wedding ceremony countless times, probably because each time they hadn’t truly become husband and wife.


Even after their deaths, the tablets erected for them still defined their relationship as stepmother and stepson.


This also meant that in the underworld, according to ghostly regulations, the stepmother and stepson still couldn’t marry.


But they had died and had to enter the graves, go to the underworld, and be bound by ghostly regulations.


Thinking of this, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel a pang of emotion.


From birth to death, people are bound by various rules, and it is these rules that prevent true liberation.


He gently waved his hand, and all the densely carved characters on the woman’s tablet disappeared, leaving only nine words: “Tomb of Song Lian’s wife, Shen Yingyu.”


Then, he placed this tablet next to the tablet of “Song Lian’s Tomb.”


Haowei withdrew the barrier, and the two paper figures, with wooden expressions, lifted their heads and walked into the graves.


Seeing this, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel nervous, his gaze fixed on the graves, unsure if this could resolve the couple’s entanglement.


However, after waiting for a long time without seeing any changes, thinking it had failed and about to rethink his strategy, the two paper figures unexpectedly walked out of the graves again.


The two paper figures still had pale faces with no expressions, but they knelt towards Si Lan.


They had been trapped here for a long time, wanting to change their relationship from “mother and son” to husband and wife and enter reincarnation. However, the words carved on the tablet defined them as “mother and son,” making it impossible for their last obsession to be fulfilled, preventing them from becoming a true couple each time.


Now, Si Lan had finally fulfilled their obsession.


The lips of the two figures moved slightly, their mouths filled with filth and debris, unable to speak. They could only bow their heads towards Si Lan again to express gratitude.


After bowing, the boundless black illusion before them turned into scattered silver starlight. The two paper figures had fulfilled their wishes; their figures disappeared in an instant, and the evil spirits in the dead wood forest screamed incessantly. The dark illusion around gradually gave way to scenes of reality.


Si Lan and Haowei broke free from the illusion and returned to the real world.


They stood on a desolate burial mound, facing two graves that were almost flattened by wind and rain. The tablets on the graves, however, looked unusually new, clearly engraved with words:


“Tomb of Song Lian.”


“Tomb of Song Lian’s wife, Shen Yingyu.”


Si Lan’s lips curled slightly, a sense of relief washing over him. Although he hadn’t done much except change the words on the tablets, the thought of those two ghosts finally fulfilling their long-standing wish and being able to reincarnate peacefully filled him with joy.


He imagined Yu Wuxia must be watching him right now. Looking up at the sky, he said, “I did it.”


Yu Wuxia uses “desire” to ensnare them.


While he uses “emotion” to free them.


Emotion gives rise to desire, desire turns into attachment, and attachment dissolves in emotion.


In this world, myriad things cannot escape the word “emotion.”


After Si Lan came out, he immediately used his divine sense to contact Song Cheng and Song Ye, learning that they had already rescued Xie Li from the cliff.


“Your Majesty, Xie Li kept clamoring to find Quze, and now we have brought him to Linglong Mountain.”


“…” Si Lan.


He had intended to instruct them to stay at Zhuyun Peak and not wander around, but the words stuck in his throat. Feeling somewhat helpless, he said, “How could you allow Xie Li to…”


Song Ye slightly embarrassedly said, “Your Majesty, we thought he was just an ordinary demon monk. Thinking that my brother and I could rescue Quze, we pursued them to Linglong Mountain.”


“Linglong Mountain is filled with numerous formations. Don’t move outside Linglong Mountain.”


After Si Lan finished his instructions, there was no response for a long time, and he sensed something was wrong: “Song Cheng, Song Ye…”


“Your Majesty, I’m here.”


Song Cheng spoke up, his voice somewhat low and embarrassed, “Your Majesty, we accidentally entered a formation. This formation is pentagram-shaped, and inside it’s full of monsters and demons…”


“…” Si Lan.


At this moment, little Xie Li also joined in with his divine sense, saying, “Your Majesty, when are you coming? Wah, I’m so scared. That demon monk looks very powerful, and the monsters inside this formation are so fierce…”


“Don’t be afraid, I’ll come over right away. Remember to stay close to the two protectors and don’t wander around.” Si Lan rubbed his brow, suppressing the urge to curse. They dared to go to such a dangerous place as Linglong Mountain, and not only that, they had even broken into the pentagram formation.


He felt like he had just started a game, only to find that all his teammates had been captured by monsters.


“Alright, Your Majesty, wah, we’ll wait for you…”




After saying that, Si Lan sighed, feeling helpless, and informed Haowei about Xie Li and the Song brothers’ accidental entry into the pentagram formation.


Haowei’s expression turned serious: “Then let’s hurry to Linglong Mountain.”


The two didn’t dare delay and immediately cast their spells to rush to Linglong Mountain. Si Lan knew that this trip to Linglong Mountain meant they were going to have a battle. Winning meant nothing would change, but losing would require rebuilding the Six Realms.


The world remained the same, but the people and events within it had changed.


However, from the illusionary pair of paper people, Si Lan gained inspiration. He wondered if Yu Wuxia’s weakness might also lie in his desires?


If he could unite him with the Great Immortal Jia Heng, could it prevent disaster?


Lost in such wild thoughts, Si Lan couldn’t help but say aloud, “But if that’s the case, wouldn’t Great Immortal Jia Heng have to sacrifice his chastity?”


Haowei glanced at him askance, his eyelids slightly lowered, and then heard him say, “For the Six Realms, a temporary sacrifice of chastity is also a Bodhisattva’s act of self-sacrifice and salvation of others, so the most urgent task is still to persuade Great Immortal Jia Heng to sacrifice himself…”


“…” Haowei.


Unable to tolerate any longer, Haowei reached out and lightly tapped the back of his neck, saying calmly, “If it were that simple, you wouldn’t have reincarnated so many times without successfully stopping Yu Wuxia.”


Si Lan awkwardly responded, “Perhaps it was because I didn’t successfully persuade Great Immortal Jia Heng before?”


“Oh, even if that’s true, how do you feel you can persuade Great Immortal Jia Heng in this lifetime?”


Si Lan pursed his lips in response.


Haowei sensed he had sounded a bit confrontational just now, so he lightly coughed and softened his tone, saying gently, “Yu Wuxia is naturally rebellious. Regarding Great Immortal Jia Heng, he’s entirely driven by his own will, which only stirs up his rebellious nature. You could say Great Immortal Jia Heng is his desire and his emotion, something he wants to attain, but it’s not a weakness.”


Si Lan found this reasoning quite convincing and couldn’t help but sigh, “When I was a mortal, my only worry was not having enough money. Back then, flying around in the sky seemed like an unattainable dream. I thought that achieving enlightenment would make everything perfect. Now I realize, being human has its own hardships, and being a demon has its own burdens.”


Haowei thought Si Lan might be having a relapse of “dissociative identity disorder” and saying strange things again, so he reached out and pulled him closer, soothingly saying, “Don’t think too much. You forgot what Zhiyou Shenjun said—this lifetime, you have me.”


Perhaps Yu Wuxia knew he was a variable, which was why he came to disrupt him during his tribulation with the Divine Emperor.


The corner of Si Lan’s mouth twitched slightly, almost showing a smile, “If I have the chance to get close to Yu Wuxia and use the Transmission Return Spell, I might just find his weakness.”


Then, seemingly lost in thought, Si Lan added, “The magic I obtained from Jiuying this lifetime is also a variable.”


“Mm.” Haowei gently traced his finger around the back of Si Lan’s neck, silently calming his emotions.


Although Si Lan hadn’t shown any obvious signs of stress these days, Haowei could feel the pressure and tension in him. His breathing deepened slightly when he rested at night, and his brow furrowed deeply.


Upon reflection, Si Lan seemed more like someone with a solitary destiny.


For over a thousand years, he had never truly felt at ease.


The more Haowei understood him, the more he felt sorry for him. As the Great Demon King who grew up in such illusions, without a bold and optimistic heart, he might have long succumbed to melancholy.


The silhouette of Linglong Mountain was already faintly visible in the sky. At the summit, strange golden lights appeared, weaving into bizarre shapes like blooming flowers.


Suddenly, Haowei spoke up, “After we finish at Linglong Mountain, I’ll have Wudao take people to the Demon Realm for marriage proposals.”


Si Lan remained silent for a while before saying, “Okay.”


He hoped that this lifetime would finally break the cycle, so he wouldn’t meet this arrogant little white dragon again.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 45

       By the time school ended in the afternoon, Chen Youyou had indeed borrowed a bicycle for Zhan Weiyang. The two of them hid not far from the bike shed, waiting for Xie Ling to come and get his bike.

       Zhan Weiyang was a little nervous. In addition to being afraid of Xie Ling, he was more nervous after doing something bad. He sat on the bicycle, stepped on the ground with both feet and repeatedly squeezed the bicycle brakes nervously.

       Chen Youyou stood next to him, raised one hand and put it on his shoulder, carefully observing Xie Ling’s actions.

       When Xie Ling walked into the bike shed, he initially didn’t notice that his tire was flat. He unlocked the bike, got on, and tried to ride it out, only then realising something was wrong.

       Chen Youyou pushed Zhan Weiyang at this time and said, “Go quickly.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a deep breath and rode the bicycle in front of Xie Ling. He looked at him and was so scared that he couldn’t speak for a while.

       Xie Ling didn’t look at him at all but just squatted down to check his tyre.

       Zhan Weiyang’s eyes fell on Xie Ling’s tyre, compared the front and rear wheels, and found that the traces of artificially pulling out the valve core were clearly visible.

       At this time, Xie Ling looked up at him.

       Zhan Weiyang instantly felt that he had been discovered by Xie Ling. His face turned pale. Without saying anything, he pedalled hard with both feet and rode forward.

       Chen Youyou, who was hiding next to him, saw this and called him strangely, “Hey!”

       Zhan Weiyang ignored him and rode his bike all the way. Chen Youyou chased him from behind until he reached the school gate and saw Zhan Weiyang standing on the roadside, holding his bike in a daze.

       Chen Youyou ran over, panting. He put one hand on the bicycle seat and asked him incoherently, “You, what are you running for?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s face was still pale. He lowered his voice, leaned into Chen Youyou’s ear, and said, “I think he found out.”

       Chen Youyou said, “He, doesn’t have, any evidence! Just, volunteer to, help him, fix the bike.”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head in a daze.

       Chen Youyou couldn’t help but worry, “What’s wrong with you?”

       Zhan Weiyang still shook his head. He suddenly pushed the bike to Chen Youyou and said, “I’m leaving. You go take him home.”

       Chen Youyou was stunned, “Why should I take him home?”

       Zhan Weiyang seemed not to hear him. He waved his hand and walked towards the bus stop.

       Chen Youyou called out to him a couple more times, but Zhan Weiyang didn’t stop. He thought Zhan Weiyang must be crazy to tell him to take Xie Ling home. He just rode a short distance and suddenly felt guilty about the whole situation. He turned around and saw Xie Ling walking out of the school, not even pushing his bike but heading straight to find a shared bike. He gritted his teeth, rode up to Xie Ling, pushed his bike towards him, and said, “B-borrow this, and return it to, Zhan Weiyang tomorrow.” Then, he quickly ran off.

       Zhan Weiyang took the bus home. When he got home, Auntie Luo and his grandmother both cordially invited him to eat, but he didn’t see Pei Qing at home.

       He sat down, picked up the rice bowl, and asked, “Where is Qing ge?”

       Auntie Luo said, “He said he has to work overtime at the company tonight and won’t be back for dinner.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Oh.” He began to eat silently, poking his chopsticks in the bowl, picking up a few grains of rice and putting them into his mouth, and he always looked a bit listless.

       Halfway through the meal, Zhan Weiyang asked Auntie Luo, “Where does Qing ge work?”

       Auntie Luo said, “I don’t know, you can send him a message yourself.”

       “Never mind,” Zhan Weiyang said in a depressed mood, “Then how late does he have to work?”

       Auntie Luo said, “I don’t know.”

       Zhan Weiyang was even more depressed.

       At this time, Grandma suddenly said, “Yangyang, ask Grandma. Grandma knows where Qing ge works.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Grandma quickly, “Grandma know?”

       Grandma stood up before she finished her meal.

       Auntie Luo said beside her, “Why are you in such a hurry? Let’s talk after dinner.”

       Grandma said, “Seeing as my Yangyang is in such a hurry, I’ll go find it for him now.” Grandma staggered out of the dining room, and Zhan Weiyang followed her. He helped her walk into the room, watching her rummaging in the small drawer of the bedside table and found a small notebook.

       “Here is the company where your Qing ge works,” said Grandma.

       This address was left by Pei Qing to Grandma after Zhan Pengcheng went on a business trip. He said that if there was something urgent at home and she needed to find him and couldn’t get in touch with him by phone, she could go to the company where he was interning.

       Zhan Weiyang took a picture of the address with his mobile phone.

       Grandma asked him, “Are you going to find Qing ge?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Grandma said, “Then bring him some food. This kid must have no time to eat dinner because he’s working overtime.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a moment and said, “I’ll go buy it over there.”

       Grandma nodded, “That’s good too. Otherwise, Yangyang wouldn’t be able to carry it if it were too far.”

       Zhan Weiyang helped Grandma back to the dining table and sat down. He ate half a bowl of rice absentmindedly, put down his chopsticks and said, “I’m leaving.”

       Grandma said to him, “Be careful on the road.”

       Zhan Weiyang trotted out of the house and walked to the gate of the neighbourhood. He searched for the address of Pei Qing’s internship company on his mobile phone and then walked to the bus stop to take the bus.

       When sitting on the bus, Zhan Weiyang stared out the window in a daze. He had been in a bit of a trance ever since the System inside his head had started appearing again halfway through the second half of the National Day.

       He tried hard to think about what he should do, but the more he thought about it, the less he seemed able to find a definite answer. Instead, it only made his mind more confused.

       So he wanted to see Pei Qing very much. Only when he was with Pei Qing did his chaotic thoughts become a little simpler, and he could forget many meaningless things.

       Meaningful? What can be considered as meaningful? Zhan Weiyang thought.

       He sat in the back row of the bus, raised both hands and imitated Chen Youyou by pressing his fingertips together and rubbing them lightly.

       Zhan Weiyang liked the feeling of kissing Pei Qing very much. He would immerse himself in it, so that his mind would be empty, and he would always feel happy.

       After the National Day, the temperature had completely dropped, and there was no trace of summer. The sky was darker than before.

       The weather had been bad for several days in a row, and it was gloomy in the evening. The street lights on the roadside were all orange-yellow in colour, shining down from high above through the grids of car windows, standing on people’s faces, and reflecting Zhan Weiyang’s fair face into a warm orange.

       Arriving at the station near Pei Qing’s internship company, Zhan Weiyang got off the bus and walked slowly along the roadside.

       There was a cake shop on the roadside. There were beautiful cakes in the glass window. There was a mirror behind the cake display cabinet.

       Zhan Weiyang stopped and looked at himself in the mirror. Suddenly, he felt strange.

       The boy in the mirror was tall and thin, clean and fair. His eyes were clear but not bright enough as if they were hazy and covered with a layer of fog. He had seen this face since he was a child, but for some reason, he always felt that he was not like himself at this time. But if it was not himself, who could it be?

       The top layer of the display cabinet was a birthday cake. It featured houses, dwarves, and green trees. Zhan Weiyang’s eyes fell on the tree, and he was in a daze for a long time until a car passed by behind him and honked.

       The horn sounded very sharp and sobered him up. He turned around nervously and saw pedestrians passing by hurriedly or leisurely on the street. Then he remembered that he was looking for Pei Qing, so he continued to walk forward.

       He asked the owner of a dumpling restaurant to pack several dumplings because he wanted to try every flavour. After packing them, he felt that it was too much.

       Zhan Weiyang walked into the company’s office building and called Pei Qing in the lobby.

       The phone was picked up quickly, and Pei Qing’s tone was a little surprised, “Yangyang? What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Which floor are you on? I brought you dinner.”

       Pei Qing was obviously stunned and asked him, “Where are you?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’m on the first floor.”

       Pei Qing immediately said, “Wait for me there.” Then he hung up the phone.

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Chapter 16 – I was bullied by Rong Tang again (Why did I say "again"?)

Chapter 16 – I was bullied by Rong Tang again (Why did I say “again”?)


Rong Tang’s eyes opened slightly. Was this the kitten that had been meowing earlier?


Under the candlelight, Rong Tang’s face was enveloped in a soft, thin veil, and his usual cold demeanor had softened considerably. Zhao Qi stared in a daze. It was true that a beauty who could mesmerize even the Emperor of Dogs, who had seen countless beauties, was indeed captivating. There was probably no one in the world more suited to the term “white moonlight” than him.


Rong Tang was surprised for only a moment before quickly regaining his usual indifference. “Your Majesty?”


“Yes, it’s me, it’s me.” Zhao Qi glanced at the door, “Step aside, I’ll climb in first. There are too many eyes of officials in the palace… the officials’ spies. I don’t want to be discovered.” As he spoke, he made an effort to get one leg up onto the windowsill.


Rong Tang asked, “Why not use the door?”


Zhao Qi paused and asked, “Will you open the door for me?”


Rong Tang didn’t answer, instead turning and walking away. Zhao Qi, still with his leg raised, was unsure whether to lower it or continue climbing. At that moment, he heard a creak, and Rong Tang stood at the door, “Come in.”


Zhao Qi smiled at him, “Mm-hmm.”


Once inside, Rong Tang discreetly observed Zhao Qi. The dark blue eunuch’s robe Zhao Qi wore was a bit large, trailing on the floor and with the sleeves pulled down considerably. In the dim light, Zhao Qi’s bright eyes and charming gaze made him indeed look like a very delicate “little eunuch.”


The same face, which had once filled him with disgust a few months ago, now…


Rong Tang looked away and asked, “Your Majesty mentioned Minister Xiao earlier. Is it that Minister Xiao did not allow you to come here?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi complained, “He even stationed people outside the Yonghua Palace to keep me from coming out. I had to borrow a eunuch’s outfit just to sneak out.”


Rong Tang was quiet for a moment, “You went through all this trouble just to see me?”


Not entirely, he had also enjoyed the thrill of subtly opposing Xiao Shiqing, but that didn’t need to be shared with Rong Tang. “Yes,” Zhao Qi said, “You rarely say you want to see me, so I had to come, even if I had to climb.”


“Aren’t you afraid the minister will find out and punish you?”


“He probably won’t find out,” Zhao Qi glanced around, worried that Xiao Shiqing might suddenly appear, “Unless you decide to report me—You wouldn’t do that, would you?”


Rong Tang poured him a cup of tea, “I won’t.”


Zhao Qi, who had been anxious throughout his journey, was indeed thirsty. He picked up the teacup and was about to bring it to his lips but then set it down again, “I’m not thirsty.”


Rong Tang said calmly, “You think I might have poisoned it?”


“Not really. You don’t have poison on you right now, so how could you poison me?” Zhao Qi said, “I’m just afraid of dirtying your cup.”


Rong Tang remained silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t mind. You can drink.”


Zhao Qi was a bit surprised but took the teacup again, sipping the tea while quietly observing Rong Tang. Could it be that Jiang Dehai was right? That after enduring hardships, Rong Tang was finally moved by him? No, while he did enjoy Rong Tang’s character in books, he preferred the delicate and charming young lady.


After finishing the tea, Zhao Qi cleared his throat and asked, “Do you have anything you want to say to me? You can say it now.”


Rong Tang simply said three words: “Miss Wang.”


Zhao Qi looked confused, “Who?”


Rong Tang briefly described what he had seen and heard in the Cold Palace that day. Before he could finish, Zhao Qi interrupted, “What? She’s still alive and well? It makes me so angry!” Zhao Qi paced back and forth in the room, “Tomorrow, I’ll use the most poisonous and potent medicine on her. If she can still come through unscathed…”


Rong Tang asked, “What do you intend to do?”


Zhao Qi looked up helplessly at the sky, “Then she must be one of those rare individuals who are immune to all poisons. She must be a reincarnated fairy. What can I do with her?”


Rong Tang sighed lightly, “Your Majesty, you don’t want her dead, nor do you wish to torture her. Why don’t you just admit it?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was having a really bad day. After going through so much to do a good deed and atone for the original owner’s sins, how did it end up being discovered by Rong Tang? If word got out, wouldn’t he look like a fool with a grassland on his head, still choosing to forgive? How could he face his future empress, and where would he find the face to be a man?


Feigning ignorance, Zhao Qi said, “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Rong Tang looked at him, “Fine, I won’t ask anymore.”


Zhao Qi sighed with relief, “So you called me just for this matter? Is there anything else you want to say?”




“Then, shall I leave?”




Zhao Qi opened the door, and Rong Tang coughed behind him. He turned back and asked, “Are you alright?”


Rong Tang covered his mouth and nodded, “Cough, cough.”


Rong Tang continued to cough several times, his beautiful face flushed with redness. Zhao Qi’s sympathy for the weak was stirred. After hesitating for a moment, he closed the door and walked to Rong Tang’s side, helping him sit down and tentatively placing his hand on Rong Tang’s back. Seeing that Rong Tang did not reject him, he gently patted his back.


In just a short while, Rong Tang’s expression turned unfavorable. Zhao Qi, looking worried, asked, “Should we call the imperial doctor to have a look at you?”


“It’s nothing,” Rong Tang replied with his eyes closed, “Your Majesty, please leave. Cough, cough.”


At that moment, a female voice came from outside the door: “Young Master, why are you coughing again? Young Master, I’m coming in.”


Rong Tang and Zhao Qi exchanged glances. Before they could speak, Jin Ning pushed the door open. “Oh, Young Master, why did you open the window? The doctor said your illness shouldn’t be exposed to the night breeze. Did you forget?”


As Jin Ning moved to close the window and head into the inner room, Zhao Qi abruptly stood up. “Tell her not to come in!” He didn’t mind Rong Tang seeing him in eunuch attire, since Rong Tang had seen him in such a state before, but Jin Ning was different.


Rong Tang’s eyes flickered for a moment. “It’s too late.”


Zhao Qi quickly looked around and said, “You said you didn’t mind me.” With that, Zhao Qi pulled back Rong Tang’s blanket and crawled in, covering himself tightly. The faint medicinal fragrance that was often present around Rong Tang enveloped him from all sides.


Rong Tang: “…”


Although Rong Tang had a cold personality, he was never harsh with his servants. There were only a few people in the Drunken Book Studio, and the one he spoke to the most was Jin Ning. Thus, Jin Ning was quite casual around him. When Jin Ning entered the inner room and saw Rong Tang sitting at the table, she asked, “It’s already this late. Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet?”


Rong Tang coughed twice. “I’ll sleep soon.”


“Your complexion looks so bad. You must have caught another chill,” Jin Ning said, with a hint of reproach in her voice. “I clearly closed the doors and windows when I left. Why did you open them?”


“Little cat.”


“Little cat?” Jin Ning asked. “When did we have a cat in the Drunken Book Studio?”


“It came from elsewhere. It’ll leave soon,” Rong Tang said. “You should go to sleep. There’s no need to worry about me.”


Jin Ning wasn’t reassured. “Let me stay and attend to you until you fall asleep.”


Rong Tang glanced at the bed and said, “Leave.”


Jin Ning wanted to say something more, but seeing Rong Tang’s expression, she decided against it. After Jin Ning left, Zhao Qi immediately threw off the blanket to get some fresh air, his face red. “I’m suffocating!”


Rong Tang approached the bed and looked down at him. “It seems like Your Majesty really likes this bed.”


Zhao Qi didn’t understand Rong Tang’s meaning. “Your bed is quite soft and comfortable.”


“And others’ beds?”




Rong Tang looked at his flushed face. “Have you ever been in someone else’s bed?”


“Why do you ask that?” Zhao Qi said, a bit evasively. “There are so many beautiful women in my harem…”


“Yet you haven’t touched a single one,” Rong Tang interrupted. “Why is that?”


Zhao Qi refused to answer. “I just asked if you had anything else to say, and you didn’t. Now that you’re asking me, I won’t tell you. Move aside; I’m going back to the palace.”


Rong Tang remained unmoved. He recalled the two times he had tangled with Zhao Qi in bed, and the other person didn’t seem to react much. “Could it be that you, like the Prince of Huai, are incapable of intimacy?”


The Prince of Huai was only pretending, but the dog emperor was truly incapable of intimacy. But that was in the past. Now, his dragon vein was in great shape. As Jiang Dehai put it, it was like a pillar propping up the sky, as solid as Mount Tai!


“Certainly not!” Zhao Qi became angry. “Don’t think that just because I like you, you can be so presumptuous! Is it acceptable to speak of the Son of Heaven’s incapability? That’s a warning to cut off your tongue.”


Rong Tang said calmly, “If that’s the case, we’ll find out by trying.”


Zhao Qi had a bad premonition. “Trying… How will you try?”


Rong Tang said nothing, only watching him. He then reached out, pinching Zhao Qi’s face and brushing his lips with his fingertips.


Rong Tang’s hand was cool, and Zhao Qi widened his eyes, watching as Rong Tang leaned closer.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 15 – I can't live without my brother, and my kingdom can't live without my brother!

Chapter 15 – I can’t live without my brother, and my kingdom can’t live without my brother!


Zhao Qi: ???


Does this question even make sense? Why would he need to answer such a question?


Zhao Qi’s gaze shifted back and forth between Rong Tang and Xiao Shiqing. These two looked no different from usual—one was casually noble, while the other remained coldly aloof.


To be honest, he leaned more towards Rong Tang. It was rare for the cold beauty to take the initiative to speak to him, and he was quite curious about the reason. On the other hand, Xiao Shiqing’s imposing presence made him feel overwhelmed every time they were alone together.


Zhao Qi hesitated, and Xiao Shiqing urged him, “Your Majesty?”


“Lord Xiao must have urgent matters to discuss,” Rong Tang said, “Your Majesty should go with Lord Xiao first.”


“Did I ask you?” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “Questions directed at the emperor naturally need to be answered by the emperor.”


… Please, just spare me!


Conflicted as he was, Zhao Qi knew the standard answer to this question. Xiao Shiqing was the prime minister, and Rong Tang was his nominal lover. Did he even have a choice?


Zhao Qi said quietly, “I choose the prime minister.”


Xiao Shiqing was satisfied, “Your Majesty is wise.”


Zhao Qi looked apologetically at Rong Tang, “Then I’ll be going.”


Rong Tang seemed indifferent to his answer, “Take care, Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi smiled at him, “I’ll come talk to you later at the Drunken Scholar’s Study.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression hardened, and he said mockingly, “The Emperor seems quite busy. Don’t worry, Young Master Rong, I will make sure the Emperor is free soon, so as not to disrupt your evening.”


Rong Tang’s brows furrowed slightly, “Thank you, Lord.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, flicked his sleeves, and walked away. After taking a few steps, he stopped and turned, “Why are you still standing there?”


Zhao Qi responded with an “Oh” and followed.


Xiao Shiqing was tall and had long legs, so Zhao Qi had to take two steps to match his one. Xiao Shiqing walked at a steady pace, and Zhao Qi didn’t make an effort to catch up, maintaining a distance of a few steps.


When they reached the Hall of Governance, Xiao Shiqing stopped at the threshold and turned to extend his hand to Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi was puzzled. What was Xiao Shiqing trying to do? Was he going to hold his hand?


No… why is everyone suddenly breaking character? First Rong Tang, now Xiao Shiqing. It’s suffocating.


Xiao Shiqing looked at him, “Hmm?”


Zhao Qi hesitated and was about to place his hand in Xiao Shiqing’s palm when Jiang Dehai approached, “No need for the prime minister to do this, this servant will help.”


Zhao Qi then realized that Xiao Shiqing was offering to help him over the threshold. “I don’t need your help. The threshold is just this high; I could jump over it myself.”


“Then Your Majesty should jump.”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless, “… Prime Minister, there are so many people watching.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Have everyone else leave. Should the Emperor jump just for me to see?”


The guards at the door had stern faces, but Zhao Qi could see they were struggling not to laugh. He felt offended and whispered, “Prime Minister, can you at least give me some face?”


Xiao Shiqing looked down at him, “What should I call you, Your Majesty?”


“Prime Minister…” Zhao Qi suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He cupped his hand around his mouth, stood on tiptoe, and whispered into Xiao Shiqing’s ear, “Prime Minister Brother?”


Xiao Shiqing showed no reaction, merely responding lazily with an “Hmm,” but Zhao Qi ultimately walked into the Hall of Governance.


“What does Prime Minister Brother want from me?” Zhao Qi asked, naturally taking a seat on the lower seat.


There was no one else in the hall, so Xiao Shiqing didn’t need to observe the emperor’s dignity and pulled him up, “This isn’t your seat. Go sit on the Dragon Throne.”


“I can sit anywhere.”


“Not allowed. There must be a distinction between ruler and minister.”


Oh, now you care about the distinction between ruler and minister? Why didn’t you mention it when you wanted me to jump over the threshold? Zhao Qi silently grumbled and took his seat on the Dragon Throne. “Speak.”


Xiao Shiqing said, “After the Longevity Festival next month, you will be nineteen…”


“Stop!” Zhao Qi interjected with frustration, “So it’s about the matter of appointing a consort again?”


“Consort? No,” Xiao Shiqing pondered, “But you’ve reminded me.”


Zhao Qi wished he could slap himself for being so talkative. “No, don’t let me remind you!”


Xiao Shiqing paused, “Are you very opposed to the matter of appointing a consort?”


Zhao Qi nodded.




“Because I want someone I like to be the Empress.”


Xiao Shiqing slightly straightened his body. “Who do you like?”


“Rong Tang. The whole capital knows that I like him. Surely, you know that too, right?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “I know.”


“I am aware that making him the empress is impossible,” Zhao Qi said, putting on a pained expression. “So, I don’t want to appoint an empress. Please don’t bring it up. It makes me uncomfortable.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was neutral. “Since Your Majesty says so, I won’t mention it.”


Zhao Qi noticed that Xiao Shiqing had resumed using the formal address, thinking that he was about to discuss serious matters. He said, “It’s good that the Prime Minister understands me.”


Xiao Shiqing gave a small smile. “I don’t understand enough. I will try to understand better in the future.”


Zhao Qi found Xiao Shiqing’s smile chilling. “Thank you, Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow.




After some idle talk, Xiao Shiqing finally revealed the purpose of Zhao Qi’s summons. Zhao Qi was shocked and stood up abruptly. “What did you say?”


Xiao Shiqing held a teacup and took a sip. “The late emperor started his reign at sixteen. You’re almost nineteen now. Do you intend to spend your life doing nothing and drifting aimlessly?”


Zhao Qi’s face turned pale. “You… you need to give me some time to think.”


What’s going on? This was not in the original story where Xiao Shiqing advised the lazy emperor to take on governance! Why is Xiao Shiqing suddenly bringing this up?


Zhao Qi’s mind raced. Could this be a test?


It must be! If he agreed to govern, Xiao Shiqing would definitely think he was dissatisfied with the current situation under the Xiao family’s control and was eager to seize power for himself. Once that’s confirmed, ambitious Xiao Shiqing would not let it go easily. He might even kick the emperor off the dragon throne and replace him with a more obedient puppet.


With this thought, Zhao Qi’s face grew even paler.


Xiao Shiqing frowned. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”


Zhao Qi grabbed Xiao Shiqing’s hand. “Brother Prime Minister, why are you saying this!”




“I really don’t want to govern, truly! Whenever I see state affairs, I get a headache. I just want to be a quiet little emperor for my brother…”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze was complicated. “What do you mean?”


Zhao Qi, with overly sweet words, said, “I mean, I can’t live without you. My country can’t be without you!”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him for a long while and then smiled. “Does Your Majesty think I’m easily fooled?”


“Huh? I’m speaking the plain truth.” Zhao Qi held Xiao Shiqing’s hand and placed it on his chest. “Don’t believe me? Feel for yourself.”


Xiao Shiqing felt Zhao Qi’s racing heartbeat and was momentarily taken aback.


Zhao Qi hesitated and said, “I’m really not lying to you. So, please don’t suspect me and push me off the throne!”


Xiao Shiqing remained silent for a long time and then said, “You can let go now.”


“Oh.” Zhao Qi released his hand and asked, “Do you still want me to govern?”


Xiao Shiqing regained his composure and said firmly, “Yes.”


“???” So, was everything I said just now in vain?


“This is what your mother wants,” Xiao Shiqing explained. “Besides, she’s right. The country belongs to the Zhao family, and the person on the throne is you. As the Son of Heaven, it’s your responsibility to govern.”


“Even so, with you and Mother, isn’t Da Jing doing well?”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Do you really not want to govern?”


Zhao Qi answered without hesitation, “I don’t!”


Xiao Shiqing thought for a moment. “In that case, the matter of governing can be postponed. However, you still need to learn. Starting tomorrow, you will attend court with me.”


“Ah? But I don’t know how.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow slightly. “I’ll teach you.”


Zhao Qi stopped resisting. “Alright.” He had just finished high school before coming here and was just a high school student. He didn’t think he had the ability to manage a country. However, gaining exposure to court affairs and getting to know more officials could be beneficial. If Xiao Shiqing were to turn against him in the future, he wouldn’t be left isolated and helpless.


“Does Big Brother have other matters to attend to?” Zhao Qi asked. 


“No, I’ll head back first,” he replied. 


“Where will you be going?” Xiao Shiqing asked. “Yonghua Palace or Drunken Scholar’s Study?”


Xiao Shiqing’s mention of Drunken Scholar’s Study made Zhao Qi momentarily forget about the meeting with Rong Tang. “I’ll go to Drunken Scholar’s—” Noticing the narrowing of Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, Zhao Qi’s instinct for self-preservation kicked in, and he corrected himself. “I’ll go to the most suitable place for rest—my sleeping quarters, Yonghua Palace.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was almost a smile. “That’s what His Majesty said. Someone, escort the Emperor back to the palace.”


After Zhao Qi left, Xiao Shiqing stared at his own palm in a daze for a moment, then picked up the already cold tea and drank it all in one go.


As Zhao Qi was escorted out of the Hall of Governance by two guards and was about to head towards the rear palace, one guard said, “Your Majesty, Yonghua Palace is that way.”


Zhao Qi was bewildered. “Are you monitoring me?”


“This subordinate does not dare. But Your Majesty said you were going to Yonghua Palace, and a gentleman’s word is his bond.”




Jiang Dehai advised, “Your Majesty, it’s better to return to Yonghua Palace first. Visiting Drunken Scholar’s Study can wait until later.”


The guard added, “Your Majesty, Lord Xiao said you have an early court session tomorrow. It’s better to rest in Yonghua Palace today.”




Zhao Qi, fuming, finally reached his sleeping quarters after the two guards had left. He vented his frustration. “That Xiao Shiqing, he controls everything—from the heavens to the earth, and now he even controls whom I can meet!”


Jiang Dehai brought tea, saying, “Your Majesty, calm down. It’s really not a big deal.”


“I don’t want any,” Zhao Qi retorted angrily. “I didn’t particularly want to see Rong Tang, but since Xiao Shiqing is stopping me, now I definitely want to see him.”


Jiang Dehai, looking distressed, said, “Your Majesty, why make things difficult? The Empress Dowager has repeatedly advised you not to oppose the Prime Minister right now. Have you forgotten?”


“I haven’t forgotten,” Zhao Qi said. “I’ve been following Xiao Shiqing’s orders on major matters, but if I also have to obey him on minor issues, then I’d be too submissive!”


Jiang Dehai said, “But now those two guards are stationed right at the Yonghua Palace gate. How will Your Majesty get out?”


That night, Rong Tang, as usual, finished his medicine and was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard the soft sound of a cat meowing outside the window.


Since when did Drunken Scholar’s Study have a cat? And such a soft meow—it must be a kitten.


Holding a palace lantern, Rong Tang approached the window and saw a young man in eunuch robes appear in his view. “Rong Tang, I’m here!”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 28 – The Phoenix Relics

Chapter 28: The Phoenix Relics


Although extremely unwilling, Long Ling was still dragged out by his phoenix.


As soon as they stepped outside, he transformed back into a small black dragon and burrowed into Su Muluo’s pocket.




He didn’t want the people from the Extraordinary Bureau to see him in his human form.


He disliked them.


Su Muluo didn’t stop him; since this little dragon didn’t like the Extraordinary Bureau, staying in his pocket was fine.


But every time they went there, it seemed like nothing good ever came of it.


So, he comforted the little dragon by patting its small head and led it away.


At the Extraordinary Bureau, Liu He, as usual, waited for Su Muluo at the entrance. Upon seeing him, he quickly walked over and said, “Mr. Su, the people from the bird clan are currently in the director’s office. Please come with me.”


Su Muluo had no objections and said, “Thank you for your trouble.”


Liu He smiled awkwardly and said, “It’s no trouble at all, Mr. Su. Rest assured, we believe you were dragged into this. However, the people from the bird clan are quite agitated and might ask you a few questions.”


Only the high-level members of the Lin City Extraordinary Bureau and a few people at headquarters knew Su Muluo’s identity. Because of this, they believed Su Muluo would have no reason to target a bird clan elder. However, the bird clan was unaware of this. Given the involvement of the True Dragon, the Extraordinary Bureau could not reveal Su Muluo’s identity to them.


So after the bird clan elder’s incident, the Extraordinary Bureau’s role was to have Su Muluo come over, mediate, and find a solution to the matter.


On the way to the office, Su Muluo asked, “How did Feng Xuan die?”


Liu He’s expression grew serious at the mention, “We are still investigating. So far, we have found that he went to your coffee shop yesterday, then returned and instructed his subordinates to find three people. After that, he stayed in the hotel and didn’t come out—when his subordinates found him again, he was already dead in his room.”


The little black dragon popped its head out from Su Muluo’s pocket and let out a fierce “Roar.”


Liu He was startled and thought the True Dragon might breathe fire at her again, so she stepped back immediately.


Su Muluo calmly pushed the little black dragon back and said, “Don’t come out again later.” Then he said to Liu He, “He just said that no matter how you think about it, Feng Xuan’s subordinates are the most suspicious.”


Liu He thought to herself that Mr. Su was truly impressive, understanding even such trivial talk, but maintained a serious face and said, “We initially thought so too, but after investigation, Feng Xuan’s strongest subordinate had only been around for 250 years, while Feng Xuan himself was a 500-year-old bird demon. They simply couldn’t overpower him.”


She paused slightly and added, “Moreover, those subordinates had been with Feng Xuan for hundreds of years and had always been loyal, maintaining a good relationship with him.”


So, after all the twists and turns, Su Muluo, the last stranger Feng Xuan had interacted with, remained the most suspicious.


Su Muluo fell silent. He hadn’t expected Feng Xuan to die unexpectedly. Moreover, before their separation, Feng Xuan had promised to find out the identities of the bird demons who had attacked him… Could the issue lie here?


During their conversation, the two had already reached the office. Liu He knocked on the door, and after receiving a response from inside, she led Su Muluo in.


The office was spacious. The director of the Extraordinary Bureau, Zheng Hechun, sat in the main seat, with several people on either side, all looking cold and unfriendly.


“Mr. Su,” Zheng Hechun’s attitude was quite gentle, “please have a seat.”


Su Muluo calmly sat on the sofa. Liu He did not return to Zheng Hechun’s side but stood behind him.


This was a signal, indicating the Extraordinary Bureau’s attitude towards Su Muluo. The few bird demons exchanged glances, and their expressions subtly changed.


“Mr. Su,” said a man leading the bird demons, “yesterday my master came to see you, and he ended up dead in the hotel that night. How do you explain this?”


Su Muluo knew he was referring to Feng Xuan’s disciple, Mu Ge, a 250-year-old bird demon, and replied, “There’s nothing to explain. I only spent a short time with him and haven’t been in contact since.”


“However, before my master was killed, he had only seen one unfamiliar person—namely you!” Mu Ge said. “What did he say to you? After returning, he instructed us to investigate if there were any anomalies within our clan?”


His tone was somewhat sharp, but Su Muluo remained calm and replied, “He mistook me for the illegitimate child of the former bird clan leader and asked me to return and inherit the bird clan.”


Zheng Hechun: “…”


Liu He: “…”


“Illegitimate child of the bird clan…” Mu Ge repeated the phrase, and his expression toward Su Muluo changed slightly. “So, after my master left, where did you go?”


Su Muluo: “I went to my shop.”


Mu Ge: “And after closing the shop? Surely you didn’t stay there the whole night!”


Su Muluo calmly said, “Then I went home and spent time with my boyfriend.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the pocket started moving as the little black dragon inside wriggled furiously.


Su Muluo reached into the pocket to hold down the little black dragon, which then clung tightly to his fingers.


And even bit him.


Su Muluo: “…”


Meanwhile, Zheng Hechun and Liu He both looked surprised when they heard “boyfriend,” while the bird clan members remained unmoved and said, “Since you say you were with your boyfriend, where is he? Let him come out and testify!”


Su Muluo: “That’s not possible. He’s still asleep at home.”


Another bird demon sneered immediately and said, “Are you trying to deceive us? Are you planning to go back and find your boyfriend to make a run for it?”


Su Muluo raised an eyebrow slightly. The bird demon continued, “Why aren’t you speaking? Are you feeling guilty?”


“Sorry to interrupt,” Liu He spoke up at this moment, “You have no evidence to prove that Mr. Su is the killer. We only asked him questions—now that the questions are answered, Mr. Su can leave.”


“Impossible!” the bird demon said. “He’s a suspect in the elder’s murder. He cannot be let go!”


Liu He glanced at Zheng Hechun, maintaining her calm demeanor, “As I said, you have no evidence, and Mr. Su has no motive to kill Elder Feng. However, the Extraordinary Bureau will assist the bird clan in investigating until the true culprit is found.”


She then added with a slight smile, “Moreover, if we are talking about suspicion, you were the last to contact Elder Feng, so… your suspicion might be a bit higher than Mr. Su’s?”


The bird demon: “You—”


Just as he was about to get angry, Zheng Hechun roared from behind his desk, “Xiao Liu! What nonsense are you talking? Apologize immediately!”


Liu He quickly bowed her head and obediently said, “I misspoke. I’m sorry!”


With her apology, Zheng Hechun smiled at the bird demon and said, “She’s young and doesn’t know better. I’ll discipline her more in the future. Please forgive us.”


The bird demon: “…”


With the exchange of words, the bird demon couldn’t say much more. Mu Ge glanced at them faintly and said, “In that case, we’ll trouble the Extraordinary Bureau.”


After their brief stay, they left. Subsequently, Su Muluo also departed.


“Mr. Su,” outside the office, Liu He said, “You might need to be more cautious these days. The bird clan hasn’t lifted their suspicion of you and might send people to keep an eye on you.”


Su Muluo nodded, “Thank you for the reminder. I’ll be careful.” He understood Liu He was kindly warning him not to let the bird clan know he had a True Dragon, as the existence of a True Dragon should be kept as hidden as possible.


The two walked out of the Extraordinary Bureau. On the way, Liu He mentioned Feng Xuan again.


“Elder Feng had extremely keen senses and could detect the presence of familiar people. If a familiar person had contact with a stranger, he could even sense that familiarity on the stranger.” Because of Feng Xuan’s incident, Liu He also learned the bird clan’s purpose in Lin City. “He might have sought you out because you had contact with the bird clan’s illegitimate child. If you encounter someone like that, please inform the Extraordinary Bureau immediately.”


Su Muluo fell silent upon hearing her words.


Perhaps being an outsider gave Liu He a different perspective… a perspective completely different from before.


He had always thought that Feng Han had the bloodline of the Phoenix clan, which made Feng Xuan sense a similarity in their auras. But the truth might be that Feng Han didn’t have Phoenix blood at all. Instead, he had unknowingly come into contact with Feng Han’s illegitimate child, and thus had a trace of that aura, which Feng Xuan, with his acute senses, detected.


If that was the case, he must have indeed met that illegitimate child and seen him many times. Many people could meet this condition… such as the frequent customer who regularly paid in cash and had a peculiar aura.


Suddenly, many faces flashed through Su Muluo’s mind, finally settling on one.


The young man who often paid in cash, wore an ear stud, and always had an odd aura about him.


Could it be him?


While Su Muluo was deep in thought, Liu He continued, “And there’s one more thing you shouldn’t tell others. I just heard it from the director.”


She looked around to ensure no one was nearby and whispered, “The reason the bird clan came to Lin City to look for the former clan leader’s illegitimate child is not only because they need a new clan leader but also because they suspect that the lost treasure of the bird clan might be with that illegitimate child.”


Su Muluo asked, “Bird clan’s treasure?”


Liu He nodded, “That treasure has been missing since Feng Han disappeared. It might have been taken by him or could still be with the bird clan… I’ve heard it’s a relic left by the Phoenix clan and has been part of the bird clan’s heritage for a thousand years.”


Su Muluo: “…”




A relic of the Phoenix clan?


Had he been too reclusive? It seemed… he had never heard of such a thing.


Liu He added, “However, the existence of this treasure has always been kept secret by the bird clan and never disclosed to outsiders. Only because they need to cooperate with the Extraordinary Bureau this time did they reluctantly inform the director—who told me, and I’m telling you. Please don’t tell a third person.”


This explained why the outside world knew nothing about this treasure. Su Muluo felt reassured and didn’t think he was overly reclusive. He said, “Okay, I won’t say anything.” He might just mention it to a dragon later.


After that, the two parted ways at the Extraordinary Bureau. Su Muluo didn’t return to his rented apartment but went to his coffee shop.


Liu He’s reminder was correct. As soon as he arrived at the shop, he noticed many more eyes on him. So he used a concealment spell and took the little black dragon out of his pocket.


The little black dragon nestled in Su Muluo’s palm, clinging to his hand like a phoenix, twisting and turning with delight.


It’s calling me its boyfriend!




The little black dragon was so thrilled it almost tangled itself up again, but it reacted quickly, untangling itself and wrapping its tail around Su Muluo’s wrist, happily giving his fingertip a little peck.


Su Muluo was amused by its small gesture and soon fell into deep thought.


He had thought that if Feng Hen didn’t have phoenix blood, it wouldn’t concern him. But he didn’t expect that the bird clan would have a phoenix relic, and it might even be in the hands of Feng Hen’s illegitimate child.


And that illegitimate child is currently in Lin City.


Su Muluo patted the little black dragon’s head and said, “What do you think this phoenix relic is, and how did the bird clan obtain it?”


The little black dragon, happily rubbing against the phoenix’s finger, nudged it for a few seconds before shaking its head to indicate it didn’t know.


Su Muluo scratched its chin, pondering, “They have a phoenix relic but never tell anyone about it. They keep it so secretive—are they afraid of attracting envy?”


Or is there something else going on?


The little black dragon looked at its phoenix and gave a small “aow” in response.


If the phoenix wants it, it will help the phoenix get it.


Su Muluo said, “There’s no need. Even if it’s a phoenix relic, it might be something left to them by other phoenixes, not mine… I just want to take a look.”


According to Liu He, the phoenix relic might be with the bird clan or with that illegitimate child. Either way, he needed to meet this illegitimate child and see what the legendary phoenix relic really was.


With some luck, he might even catch a glimpse of some hidden truths from the past.


Thinking of this, Su Muluo said to the little black dragon, “Do you want to go to the Abnormality Bureau again and use the Trace Mirror?” He hadn’t had the little black dragon use the Trace Mirror before because it wouldn’t transform into its human form then. Now that it had, it was time to give it a try.


The little black dragon: “……”




It didn’t want to go to the Abnormality Bureau again!!!


Su Muluo said, “Alright, alright, I understand.”


Although he said this, he was still thinking about finding a day when the little dragon wasn’t paying attention and taking it to the Abnormality Bureau.


Today, the café opened earlier than usual, with no customers at first. Su Muluo wasn’t in a hurry. He wasn’t aiming to make money by opening early; he was waiting for the young man with the ear stud.


While waiting, the little black dragon clung to Su Muluo’s fingers, spinning around in his hand, chasing its own tail.


Su Muluo watched it play with itself for a while and couldn’t help but laugh, “You look like a little puppy.”


The little black dragon: “?”


Su Muluo added, “Little puppies also chase their tails and spin around.”


The little black dragon: “???“


The little black dragon never expected that, after the mud eel spirit and the little mouse, its phoenix would now label it a “puppy.” It immediately lifted its head and let out a loud “aow.”


It was not a puppy!


It wanted an apology!


“Not at all,” Su Muluo said, “I didn’t say you are a puppy, I said you look like one.” He then added with a grin, “Given how black you are, a little white dog might be cuter than you.”


The little black dragon: “……”


The little black dragon suddenly bit Su Muluo’s finger.


Su Muluo: “?”


He shook his finger and said, “Let go.”


The little black dragon didn’t let go.


Su Muluo shook his finger again and said, “Alright, you’re not a puppy. Can you let go now?”


The little black dragon still wouldn’t let go.


Su Muluo pleaded, “I’m sorry, I was wrong. Please let go!”


The little black dragon just wouldn’t let go.


Su Muluo: “……”


The little black dragon didn’t bite hard or hurt its phoenix, but it just wouldn’t release its grip.


It even looked at him with a triumphant expression.


Su Muluo: “…………”


Moments later, a small pot of hot water was boiling, with the little black dragon suspended above it, tightly holding onto Su Muluo’s finger and making a commotion.



T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 7

       After Qian Xiaoke escaped back home, he circled this day on the calendar with a red pen.

       It was really a thrilling day. No matter what, it was worth commemorating it a little.

       He lay on the bed, holding his big rabbit doll, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

       It was past ten o’clock in the evening. Qian Xiaoke was still wearing Jiang Tongyan’s clothes. He turned over in bed and let the big rabbit doll lie on his belly.

       He thought about it for a while, then took out his mobile phone to search: How to treat impotence?

       Almost at the same time, Jiang Tongyan, who was waiting to board the plane, also took his mobile phone and typed a few words in the search bar: How to treat impotence?

       Although they didn’t want to admit it, the two people who were not together still had a tacit understanding.

       Qian Xiaoke fell asleep while searching, and Jiang Tongyan became anxious while searching.

       Life was hard, and Jiang Tongyan felt that his life had been ruined.

       After a drunken and dreamy weekend, Qian Xiaoke got up on Monday morning with full energy, packed his things and went to work.

       As usual, he bought an egg-filled pancake with eggs and sausages at the breakfast stall near his home and ate it while walking to the subway station. When he arrived outside the subway station, he had just finished eating.

       He threw away the trash, wiped his mouth, and walked into the subway station with a sense of satisfaction.

       On Monday mornings, the subway was so crowded that a person could die. Every time at this time, Qian Xiaoke imagined himself as a sausage, and the more he thought about it, the hungrier he became.

       He arrived at the company quite early, and after clocking in, he began to clean up his workstation.

       As a company receptionist, Qian Xiaoke had always been diligent and conscientious. Basically, he was the first to arrive at the company four days a week.

       He said, “The front desk is very important. I am the face of our company.”

       As the face of the company, he was responsible for not only receiving visiting guests and answering consultation calls but also receiving and sending express deliveries from colleagues. It was really a heavy responsibility!

       Although the company’s front desk job sounds like one with little technical content and a low salary, Qian Xiaoke loves his job and said in front of everyone at last year’s annual meeting, “As long as Mr. Cheng doesn’t mind, I will be our company’s front desk for the rest of my life!”

       The career plan was very clear.

       He was a good young man.

       Colleagues arrived one after another, and everyone got to work.

       On Monday morning, Qian Xiaoke was very busy, mainly distributing express deliveries to colleagues and thinking about what takeaway to order for lunch when it was close to lunch break. Finally, after the express deliveries were distributed and the takeaways were ordered, he began to lose his mind and vaguely remembered that man.

       That was, the man who took away half of his virginity.

       What was his name…

       Qian Xiaoke really had no impression. His mind was full of the words ‘Shen Huiming’, but it was obvious that the other party was not called by this name. It seemed that he had some problems with the man named Shen Huiming.

       Qian Xiaoke recalled that he had to admit that he was quite delighted before the other party withered.

       If everything could go smoothly at that time…

       “Cheng Sen’s express.”

       The voice of the courier interrupted Qian Xiaoke’s wandering.

       “Okay, thank you.”

       After sending the courier away, Qian Xiaoke ran to Cheng Sen’s office, knocked on the door, and said obediently, “Mr. Cheng, there is your express.”

       Cheng Sen asked him to bring it in, “Who sent it?”

       Qian Xiaoke walked to the office while looking at the sender’s information, “Jiang Tongyan…”

       “Tongyan?” Cheng Sen didn’t know what had happened between them before, and Qian Xiaoke didn’t know Jiang Tongyan’s name, so neither of them realised what this delivery meant at this moment.

       Cheng Sen took the express from Qian Xiaoke and opened it.

       “Qian Xiaoke?”

       Cheng Sen made a puzzled sound.

       At this time, Qian Xiaoke had already walked to the door, ready to return to his post, but suddenly heard the boss calling him and immediately turned around, “Yeah, Mr. Cheng, what’s up?”

       Cheng Sen held Qian Xiaoke’s ID card in his hand and said, “Why is your ID card here with Tongyan?”

       “Huh?” Qian Xiaoke was stunned, “What?”

       He walked back blankly and took the ID card handed over by Cheng Sen.

       The moment he saw his ID card, he suddenly remembered that the guy had taken it when he went out to eat with someone yesterday and never gave it back to him!

       “Ah!” Qian Xiaoke exclaimed.

       Cheng Sen was startled by him, “Did someone step on your tail?”

       Qian Xiaoke smiled awkwardly, “No, no, it was an accident.”

       More than just a tail.

       It was not just as simple as being stepped on by someone.

       Qian Xiaoke suddenly felt something was wrong. How did that guy know that he worked in Cheng Sen’s company? Moreover, he sent his ID card directly to Cheng Sen!

       The clever Qian Xiaoke smelled a hint of conspiracy.

       He suddenly felt a little desperate and felt that something was wrong.

       That guy must be trying to take revenge on him, even extending his sinful hand to his workplace!

       Qian Xiaoke would never allow his career to be ruined!

       “Jiang Tongyan…” Qian Xiaoke muttered thoughtfully.

       “How did your ID card end up with Tongyan?”

       “Ahahaha,” Qian Xiaoke suddenly had an idea, “Mr. Jiang is really a good man who returns lost property. It was Zhou Mo ge’s birthday, and I had a bit too much to drink. My ID might have fallen out, and Mr. Jiang found it.”

       Cheng Sen thought his statement was possible, but Qian Xiaoke’s expression didn’t seem to indicate that he was telling the truth.

       However, he didn’t like to pry into people’s privacy, so he waved his hand, meaning he could return.

       “Mr. Cheng,” Qian Xiaoke asked devoutly, holding his ID card with both hands, “Where does Mr. Jiang work? He found my ID card and gave it back to me. I want to thank him.”

       Thank him?

       Qian Xiaoke sneered in his heart: This is called an eye for an eye. You, Jiang Tongyan, have reached into my workplace to threaten me, so don’t blame me for using the same method to deal with you!

       “He went back to New York yesterday.” Cheng Sen was a little surprised. According to his understanding, Qian Xiaoke was a very stingy person, yet he actually took the initiative to treat people to a meal. There was something fishy about this.

       “New York?”

       “Yes,” Cheng Sen smiled, “but there is no rush if you want to treat him to a meal.”

       “What do you mean?” Qian Xiaoke asked, “Mr. Cheng, are you going to send me on a business trip to New York?”

       Then I have to hurry up to apply for a passport and visa!


       …Oh, I really thought too much. Qian Xiaoke was a little disappointed.

       But that’s right. Why would they send a company receptionist to New York? Or send and receive express delivery? Or a marriage?

       “He should return to China in a while, and you can treat him to a few meals when you want.”


       Qian Xiaoke was relieved after knowing that Jiang Tongyan was in the United States. Why was he coming back?

       Is he coming back to hunt him down?

       Chasing him to take responsibility for his impotence?

       “What’s wrong with you?” Cheng Sen looked at Qian Xiaoke, whose eyes were almost popping out, and smiled, “Just kidding, he won’t care about these things, so there’s no need to treat him to a meal.”

       “You mean he won’t come back?”

       “No,” Cheng Sen looked at him. He should come back. I just said he wouldn’t mind whether you treated him to a meal.”

       The next second, Qian Xiaoke’s face was full of grief.

       Cheng Sen couldn’t help but ask, “You and him… have something to hide from me?”

       “No!” Qian Xiaoke immediately stood up straight, as if making a declaration, and said to Cheng Sen, “He and I are innocent!”

       Cheng Sen looked at him and smiled meaningfully.

       Ah… Innocent, huh…

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Chapter 6

       One of the things that Qian Xiaoke and Jiang Tongyan had agreed on the most so far was that they both left the hotel with the mindset of running fast.

       Qian Xiaoke: Run fast, run fast, don’t get caught up!

       He wore clothes and pants that were one size too big. He trotted and pushed open the hotel door, rushing into the night. He hurriedly asked the uncle passing by outside about the direction of the subway station as if he were running for his life and continued to trot, wishing to get home immediately.

       The uncle, who was stopped to ask for directions, looked back at him and shouted behind him, “Young man! Did someone beat you? You still have to call the police if you meet a bad guy!”

       Qian Xiaoke was almost tripped by the uncle’s words. He turned back to thank him and said, “Thank you, uncle. No, no, no bad guy. I just miss home and want to go home quickly!”

       Qian Xiaoke thought that that if he had to say who the bad guy was, it might be him. After all, it was his words that made the man impotent.

       However, this guilt only lasted for a few seconds, and Qian Xiaoke soon forgot that this matter was caused by him.

       As he ran, he thought to himself, as the saying goes, you could know someone’s face, but not their heart!

       Qian Xiaoke turned his clever little head and simply modified this sentence for his own use—you could know a person’s face but not his body.

       That man was tall, handsome, and had a sexy voice—a top-tier specimen of perfection. He could make any delicate, eager bottom drool a ton.

       But who would have thought that he was not good in that aspect?

       It was really a pity.

       It was a waste of natural resources.

       Qian Xiaoke thought with great regret while sitting on the subway: It was a pity, it was really a pity. However, this incident also proved that God really didn’t have selfish intentions for anyone. Everyone in this world was like an apple that God had taken a bite out of—it’s just that the bite marks were in different places. This had been proven true.

       For example, someone like Qian Xiaoke, someone who was good at everything, but he was poor.

       Another example was that handsome guy; he had good looks and money, but he could wither just like that.

       Life was indeed fair.

       Qian Xiaoke sighed for a long time, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

       To be honest, he actually liked this person. What was that person’s name? He felt like he didn’t ask.

       But it didn’t matter; they wouldn’t have any more stories.

       Before the ‘accident’ happened, he really liked this person—mostly in a superficial way, based on looks and body. But liking someone wasn’t enough to sustain a relationship. Sexual harmony between a couple is extremely important!

       After this, Qian Xiaoke finally understood why his butt didn’t hurt at all after a night.

       Everything began to make sense.

       He sat on the subway and mourned for his half-lost virginity and also mourned for the handsome guy.

       What joy was there in life, and what sorrow was there in death!

       Qian Xiaoke couldn’t help but put his hands together, close his eyes, and pray devoutly that he and the handsome guy would never meet again from now on.

       And the rejected Jiang Tongyan, with anger and resentment, left the hotel with his suitcase, got in the car, and went to the airport.

       This trip back home was not a happy one. Although the work went smoothly, it was better not to mention his personal life.

       His grandparents were old. Five years ago, the two old people returned to China from the United States to settle down following the principle of ‘returning to their roots’, but they always missed him. He admitted that he also missed the two old people, and he had thought before that he might as well return to China to work and be with the old people to show his filial piety.

       His parents were so busy that he had not seen them since he was a child. He had been with his grandparents since he was a child. Now that the two old people need him, he should accompany them.

       Initially, he had started to plan this, but because of this experience, Jiang Tongyan was a little scared again. He felt that it would be better for him to break off his relationship with this sad place completely. He was very worried that he would think of the nightmare scene today with every step he took in the future.

       Jiang Tongyan was worried on the way to the airport. He was not worried about anything else, but what if he couldn’t get hard in the future?



       He shouldn’t have thought about doing that with that kid at all!

       Jiang Tongyan regretted it now.

       The heartbroken Jiang Tongyan arrived at the airport just in time to check-in.

       He went over, took out his passport and handed it to the staff.

       “Hello, sir; please keep your ID card.”

       ID card?

       Jiang Tongyan was confused. He had been abroad since he was a child and did not have a domestic ID card at all. He used his passport to go back and forth. Where did the ID card come from?

       He leaned over to take a look and then almost fainted at the airport.

       It was Qian Xiaoke’s ID card, which he had taken away when he went to see Shen Huiming before to prevent Qian Xiaoke from stealing his things.

       He actually forgot to return the ID card.

       Jiang Tongyan looked at the ID card carefully until he finished the formalities, took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Sen.

       “Are you at the airport?” Cheng Sen wanted to send Jiang Tongyan off but was rejected.

       The current Jiang Tongyan didn’t want to see anyone.

       “Well,” Jiang Tongyan said, “I want to ask you something.”

       “I have sent you the details of the contract. You can take a good look at it and think about it when you go back.”

       This time, Jiang Tongyan returned to China not only for a project with Cheng Sen, but also to seriously consider returning to China to work.

       Cheng Sen really hoped that Jiang Tongyan could come to his company, and all kinds of conditions were quite favourable.

       “I understand. I will seriously consider this after I go back.” Jiang Tongyan said, “I didn’t call you for this matter.”

       “Then why?” Cheng Sen smiled, “For Suo Yang?”

       “Who is Suo Yang?” Jiang Tongyan asked, and suddenly realised, “Oh yes, I remember it.”

       Cheng Sen sneered and scolded him.

       “No, it has nothing to do with Suo Yang.” Jiang Tongyan coughed lightly and said, “I want to ask you, is it troublesome to lose your ID card in China?”

       “Troublesome? It is quite troublesome. Forget about all the bank cards tied to your identity—just think about all those scams where people use someone else’s ID to commit crimes.” Cheng Sen said, “If you lose your ID card, you must report it immediately and apply for a new one. What’s wrong? You don’t have an ID card; why are you asking this?”

       Jiang Tongyan smiled slightly, “Nothing, just asking casually.”

       The two of them exchanged simple pleasantries and hung up the phone.

       Jiang Tongyan was holding Qian Xiaoke’s ID card in his hand. He planned to play a prank and not return it. In the end, Jiang Tongyan was too upright in his bones and gave up before the security check.

       He turned to the information desk and sent Qian Xiaoke’s ID card to Cheng Sen by express delivery, asking Cheng Sen to help pass it on.

       When Jiang Tongyan left this land, he thought to himself: I am such a good person.

       Since he was a good person, God should be kind to him, right?

       Jiang Tongyan sat on the plane, clasped his hands and prayed silently: Please, don’t let me be impotent; don’t confiscate my happiness as an adult. Please!

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Chapter 14 – I have to choose between the Prime Minister and Rong Tang.

Chapter 14 – I have to choose between the Prime Minister and Rong Tang.


Jiang Dehai returned to Yonghua Palace and recounted his conversation with Rong Tang to Zhao Qi in full detail.


“Perhaps it’s just the servant’s impression, but it seemed like Young Master Rong felt a bit guilty when he heard that the Emperor was upset due to him.”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Why would Rong Tang be guilty because of me? When have I ever been upset for him?”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “I said this to test Young Master Rong. From what I see, he seems less resistant to the Emperor than before. Truly, the Emperor’s sincerity can move even stone and metal.”


Zhao Qi was very confident. “Impossible. If Rong Tang were to soften towards me, even a sow could climb a tree. By the way, any news from the Dali Temple? Who stole my little peach?!”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Perhaps the Emperor should send for the Dali Temple’s Chief to inquire?”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi was eager. Even though he had been emperor for a long time, he had never summoned an official for questioning. He cleared his throat and said, “Then, summon him.”


Jiang Dehai said, “I’ll go right away.”


In the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Jiang Dehai returned. Zhao Qi looked behind him but saw no one and asked, “Where is he?”


Jiang Dehai looked troubled. “Your Majesty, Chief Chen of the Dali Temple is currently in the Administrative Hall discussing matters with the Prime Minister. When I went to summon him, the Prime Minister said…”


“Said what?”


“He said that Chief Chen is currently unavailable and if the Emperor has matters to discuss, he should go to the Administrative Hall.”


Zhao Qi: “…” As expected of Prime Minister Xiao, truly audacious. I am very angry, but the outcome is—quiet.


Of course, it was Xiao Shiqing. Even if the emperor changed, he wouldn’t lose his position as Prime Minister. Just deal with it.


Zhao Qi waved his hand, “Forget it. I’ll ask Chief Chen another day.”


At that moment, a little eunuch stepped forward to report, “Your Majesty, Young Master Jiang requests an audience.”


Without thinking, Zhao Qi said, “Refuse.”


“But Your Majesty, Young Master Jiang is crying so sadly outside.”


“What now?” Zhao Qi was a bit impatient, thinking he needed to find a reason to dismiss the beauties of the harem soon. “Let him in.”


“Your Majesty—” As soon as Jiang Bao’er arrived, he cried and threw himself at Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi nimbly dodged, avoiding him, and asked, “Why are you crying so sadly? Did someone bully you?”


Jiang Bao’er’s eyes were full of tears. “Your Majesty, Bao’er is no longer the same Bao’er as before. Bao’er… sob sob sob…”


Zhao Qi was headachy from his crying. “How about you go outside and cry some more, and come back when you’re done?”


Jiang Bao’er immediately stopped crying and shyly said, “Bao’er remembers Your Majesty’s teachings and doesn’t want to be as weak and sickly as Young Master Rong, so every day I run laps with other siblings in the harem…”


Zhao Qi praised, “That’s a good thing.”


“But!” Jiang Bao’er said with great grievance, “After a month of running, Bao’er’s legs… Bao’er’s legs have become much thicker, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi: “… Haha. Come, come, let me take a look.”


Jiang Bao’er lifted the hem of his clothes. Zhao Qi looked at his calves for a while and honestly said, “They are indeed quite thick.”


Jiang Bao’er cried out, “Bao’er knows that Your Majesty likes soft and slender beauties. Now that Bao’er looks like this, I truly have no face to stay in the palace to serve Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up, “You’ve finally come to your senses and want to leave me? That’s good news!”


“No, Your Majesty, Bao’er’s life depends on you. If Bao’er leaves you, Bao’er will die!”


“…Then what do you want to do?”


“Bao’er wants to ask Your Majesty to summon a court physician to examine Bao’er. I’ve been eating and drinking less than usual, so why are my limbs swelling up like this?”


Zhao Qi pinched his brow, “This symptom won’t be helped by a physician.”


Jiang Bao’er was desperate, “Then who should Bao’er ask?”


“Ask me.” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Call everyone over. I will teach you an unparalleled technique that will strengthen your body without making your legs thicker.”


Jiang Bao’er was overjoyed, “Bao’er will go right away!”


Jiang Dehai watched in astonishment, “Your Majesty, when did you learn martial arts?”


Zhao Qi stood up, stretched his limbs, and said resolutely, “As the Son of Heaven of Dajin, I have many hidden talents. Keep your eyes open and watch—this is going to be a display!”


After a visit to Muyang Temple, Zhao Qi deeply realized how weak he was. Climbing a tree or riding a horse almost cost him his life. This couldn’t go on. Health was the foundation of revolution, and he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life like Rong Tang, clutching a medicine bottle. He needed to exercise and bring his beauties along.


Zhao Qi changed into a light outfit and went to the Imperial Garden, where his beauties were waiting for him. He counted—wait, there was an extra person?


Hold on, the one standing at the end seemed to be…


Zhao Qi rubbed his eyes and looked again—indeed, it was Rong Tang!


Among the beauties present, all of whom were extraordinarily beautiful, Rong Tang was still the most eye-catching, with a cold and aloof demeanor that stood out even among them.


Zhao Qi summoned Jiang Bao’er and asked, “Why did you call Rong Tang here too?”


Jiang Bao’er said, “Your Majesty, Young Master Rong is also one of the beauties in the harem.”


“But he never came before.”


“Yes, but today he hesitated for a moment and then came.”


“… What should I do? Could it be that he also wants to pass on that ‘peerless divine skill’ to Rong Tang?” Zhao Qi imagined the scene and felt complicated.


Zhao Qi looked at Rong Tang, who was also looking back at him. Besides the usual indifference and aloofness in his eyes, there seemed to be something more.


Zhao Qi walked over, steeling himself to speak, “You… have you been well lately?”


Rong Tang nodded slightly, “Not bad.” Then he cleared his throat.


Zhao Qi scratched his head and asked, “My little peach, have you eaten it?”


“Not yet.”


“You didn’t throw it away again, did you?” Zhao Qi said, “I went to great lengths to pick it. If you’re not going to eat it, just return it to me, and don’t throw it away.”


“But Your Majesty, didn’t you say you hadn’t touched the early peaches before?”


“…” Oh no, the secret is out.


Seeing Zhao Qi’s conflicted expression, Rong Tang gave a faint smile, “Your Majesty, is there something you need?”


Jiang Dehai, unable to keep quiet, said, “The Emperor mentioned he has a peerless divine skill to impart to the beauties.”


Rong Tang, “Hmm?”


Zhao Qi, feeling very embarrassed, said, “Shut up. Rong Tang, you can rest over there. This divine skill is not suitable for you.”


Rong Tang had no interest in the so-called divine skill, “I have something to discuss with Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi widened his eyes in shock, “Ah?” He turned to Jiang Dehai, “Did I hear that wrong?”


Rong Tang, “…”


Jiang Dehai, who thought he saw through everything, said, “The Emperor didn’t hear wrong. Young Master Rong said he has something to say to you!”


“Oh,” Zhao Qi looked somewhat bewildered, “Then wait for me. I’ll talk to you after I finish teaching them.”


In the Hall of Diligent Administration, Master Chen of the Supreme Court and Master Pan of the Ministry of Rites stood before Xiao Shiqing like they were walking on thin ice. Xiao Shiqing asked, “Master Chen, do you know why the Emperor summoned you?”


Master Chen replied, “It must be about the theft at Muyang Temple.”


“Has Master Chen discovered anything?”


Master Chen wiped the sweat from his brow, “I… I haven’t discovered anything.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow nonchalantly, “The Supreme Court is actually helpless with a theft case. Master Chen, do you think this is acceptable?”


“Th-This official is guilty.” Master Chen felt like crying. It’s not that he hadn’t discovered anything; he was afraid to speak up!


Master Pan, unable to bear seeing his colleague suffer, kindly reminded, “Master Chen, whatever you find, you need to give the Emperor an answer. If the Emperor believes it, your job is over.”


Master Chen suddenly understood, “Rest assured, Prime Minister. I understand now!”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Master Pan is indeed wise—how is the preparation for the spring examination going?”


Master Pan replied, “Prime Minister, everything is proceeding smoothly.”


“But I have heard that a list of exam questions is circulating in the capital, each set priced at one thousand taels of silver, with the seller claiming them to be ‘genuine and unaltered.'”


Now Master Pan was unsettled, a layer of sweat forming on his forehead, “I will investigate immediately.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “You may go.”


After the two officials left, Xiao Shiqing distractedly read the memorials and said, “Come in.”


The hidden guard immediately appeared, “Prime Minister.”


“Why hasn’t the Emperor arrived?” Xiao Shiqing said, “Wasn’t he supposed to come to the Hall of Diligent Administration to summon people?”


The guard replied, “Prime Minister, after Eunuch Jiang conveyed your message, the Emperor said never mind. He’ll question Master Chen another day.”


“Then what is he doing now?”


“Prime Minister, the Emperor is currently frolicking in the Imperial Garden with the beauties of the harem.”


Xiao Shiqing sneered, “His true nature is hard to change—who is he with?”




Xiao Shiqing’s expression changed slightly, “What?”


The guard said firmly, “Prime Minister, the Emperor is seeking pleasure with all the beauties of the harem, including Young Master Rong from the Drunken Study.”


Xiao Shiqing slammed the memorial shut, “He’s not afraid of exhausting himself to death!”


Xiao Shiqing set aside a pile of urgent matters and rushed to the Imperial Garden. Before he could see anyone, he heard Zhao Qi’s voice: “March in place—one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, stop! First set, stretching exercises…”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Are you sure they’re frolicking?”


The guard hesitated, “Uh, aren’t they?”


Zhao Qi, holding a rattan stick and shouting commands, occasionally stopping to correct the mistakes of the beauties: “Second set, chest expansion exercise—hey, hey, hey, the one in the second row, third column, didn’t you eat? Why are your hands so limp? Straighten them out!”


Zhao Qi was teaching diligently and hadn’t noticed Xiao Shiqing. However, the sharp-eyed Jiang Dehai saw him and ran over, “This servant greets the Prime Minister.”


“What is the Emperor doing?”


“The Emperor is teaching the beauties martial arts.”


Xiao Shiqing sneered, “What kind of martial arts is this? Nonsense.” He watched for a while and said, “Even Rong Tang is here. Why isn’t he practicing?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Young Master Rong’s health isn’t good. The Emperor is compassionate and let him rest on the side.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Our Emperor really knows how to be tender and considerate.” He walked up behind Zhao Qi and said coolly, “Is the Emperor done making a commotion?”


Zhao Qi, startled, dropped the rattan stick, “Prime Minister? Why do you always appear out of nowhere!”


“If you’re done with your antics, come with me to the Administrative Hall of Diligence,” Xiao Shiqing said, “I have something to discuss.”


Before Zhao Qi could respond, Rong Tang walked over and asked, “Have you finished teaching, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi looked at Rong Tang, then at Xiao Shiqing, and said, “Prime Minister, I promised Rong Tang that I’d speak with him first.”


“Is that so,” Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Then choose one—me or him.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 27 – Did You Kill Feng Xuan?

Chapter 27: Did You Kill Feng Xuan?


Under Long Ling’s melancholic and resentful gaze, Su Muluo comfortingly patted his head.


Long Ling, looking very unhappy, grabbed Su Muluo’s hand, leaned in, and hugged his phoenix’s waist.


Su Muluo pushed him away: “Go away, I’m not letting you hug me.”


Long Ling wouldn’t let go.


Su Muluo: “I’m going to take a bath!”


Long Ling pretended not to hear.


Su Muluo: “If you don’t let go, I’ll hit you!”


Long Ling buried his face in Su Muluo’s shoulder, snuggling and rubbing against him.


Su Muluo: “……”


Su Muluo quickly tugged at the feather bracelet on Long Ling’s wrist.


Long Ling: “!”


He immediately let go, protecting his bracelet.


“This is something the phoenix said was for me!”


“Then what about what I just said?” Su Muluo said expressionlessly, “Still taking advantage of me.”


Long Ling huffed, “It’s because the phoenix doesn’t comfort me.”


Su Muluo asked, “Comfort you about what? Comfort you about being poor?”


Long Ling was even more displeased, grabbing Su Muluo’s hand again and refusing to let him go. “I don’t care; I want the phoenix to comfort me.”


Su Muluo tried to pull his hand free but couldn’t. He looked at Long Ling for a few seconds, then smiled and said, “Alright, alright, I’ll comfort you. It’s okay to be a little poor; as long as you’re good-looking, that’s fine.”


Long Ling found this a bit odd and not very comforting. However, he still enjoyed being praised by the phoenix, so he let go of Su Muluo’s hand.


He then eagerly asked, “Can I go take a bath with the phoenix?”


Su Muluo patted his head, the corner of his mouth curving up slightly. “Dream on.”


And then he went to take a bath alone.


The sound of water came from the bathroom, and Long Ling, feeling bored, sat on the sofa browsing through Su Muluo’s phone.


There was a lot of content on the phone, but he wasn’t interested in any of it; he preferred being with his phoenix.


When could he bathe with the phoenix?


Black Dragon thought whimsically.


Do phoenixes have mating seasons? If they do, could he cuddle with his phoenix then?


Also, can phoenixes lay eggs? Would they lay a nest of beautiful baby birds for him?


Long Ling recalled the memories left to him by the dragon clan and realized they didn’t mention whether phoenixes could lay eggs for their dragons. He couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful.


When Su Muluo came out of the bathroom, he saw Long Ling sitting on the sofa, intensely focused on his phone.


What could be so interesting?


Curious, Su Muluo walked over and glanced at the screen—right at the top of the search bar was “Bird Reproduction Methods.”


Also “Bird Egg Care.”


Su Muluo: “……”


Su Muluo: “???”


At that moment, the phoenix almost had a fit. He immediately snatched the phone back, shocked and incredulous. “What are you looking at??”


Checking out other pretty birds while he was in the bath??


That’s too much!


Thinking this, he angrily gave Long Ling a tap.


Long Ling looked innocent and said, “I just wanted to check in advance to see how phoenixes lay eggs and what preparations need to be made.”


Su Muluo: “???”


Leaving aside whether he could lay eggs, this dragon wanted to prepare in advance?


Preparing ten thousand years in advance?


So, Su Muluo’s face darkened, and he said coldly, “Then you’ll be disappointed. I can’t lay eggs. If you want eggs, find another bird!”


After saying that, he turned to leave, but Long Ling quickly got up and hugged him.


“I’m sorry, phoenix, don’t be angry.” Long Ling was very quick to apologize, hugging his phoenix tightly, leaning in to whisper affectionately in his ear, “I want the phoenix, not eggs.”


Su Muluo ignored him.


Long Ling buried his face in Su Muluo’s hair, rubbing and snuggling, “I was wrong. Don’t be angry, phoenix. I like you the most, you’re the prettiest—”


With sticky sweet talk and his breath tickling Su Muluo’s ear, Su Muluo felt itchy, pushed him away, and said, “Let go of me.”


“Not letting go,” Long Ling said, “I’ll let go once the phoenix isn’t angry.”


And he continued to snuggle.


Su Muluo felt that what was clinging to him wasn’t a dragon but a clingy big dog. He wasn’t really angry but finally couldn’t stand being snuggled any longer and laughed, “Alright, alright, I’m not angry anymore. Stop snuggling me!”


Long Ling finally relented and happily rested his chin on Su Muluo’s shoulder, no longer snuggling.


“The phoenix is the best,” he said with a smile, “Next time I won’t search for those weird things anymore.”


Su Muluo replied, “I’m not that great. The birds you were looking at earlier were much prettier than me.”


Long Ling saw this as a tricky question and immediately became serious. “No, they’re all bald birds and ugly. They don’t look as good as the phoenix.” He then added, “My phoenix is the prettiest bird. No one can compare.”


Su Muluo fell silent, but judging by his expression, it was clear that he was somewhat pleased by his dragon’s words.


Long Ling tightly hugged his phoenix, thinking that even if the phoenix could lay eggs, after those little birds or dragon hatchlings were born, the phoenix might focus all its attention on them and not look at him much. 


So it was better not to lay eggs; he only wanted his phoenix.


After a while, Su Muluo realized that Long Ling was still hugging him and immediately pushed him away, telling him to go take a bath.


At bedtime, Long Ling changed into the pajamas that the phoenix bought for him and tried to enter the room with the phoenix—only to be kicked out again.


“Go away,” Su Muluo said, shoving a quilt into his arms. “Go sleep on the sofa.”




Long Ling hugged the sofa, silently watching Su Muluo with a forlorn look.


Su Muluo remained unmoved and even tried to close the room door. Long Ling quickly stepped in front of the door and said, “But what if the phoenix acts like last night?”


He remembered how the phoenix was sweating profusely and had a dazed look in its eyes, almost like it was in a mating season… looking very tempting.


“I wouldn’t do that,” Su Muluo said. “I’m not sleepy tonight and only lost one feather.”


Feeling a bit confident, Su Muluo saw Long Ling reluctantly trying to say something and immediately said, “Go to bed quickly, or you’ll go bald!”


And then he closed the door.


—Though Su Muluo was quite forceful when kicking Long Ling out, after the lights were out in the room, he found himself unable to sleep again.


He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark. After a while, he pulled the quilt over his head.


The first half of the night was still very hard to bear, but in the early hours, a familiar drowsiness came over him. Su Muluo’s heart sank, sensing something was wrong, but he quickly fell into a deep sleep under the drowsiness.


As expected, he was soon awakened by a burning heat.


But this time it wasn’t as uncomfortable as before, at least not with that feeling of weakness and exhaustion. Su Muluo groggily opened his eyes and found himself lying in a man’s embrace.


“Phoenix,” Long Ling’s strong arms were wrapped around his waist, gently patting his back, and he asked softly, “Are you still uncomfortable? Do you want something cold to drink?”


“……” Su Muluo looked at Long Ling in a daze. “When did you come in?”


Long Ling noticed that his phoenix seemed to be feeling better compared to the previous night and honestly said, “An hour ago.”


Su Muluo: “?”


The dizziness vanished in an instant, and he immediately got up to try to push Long Ling out. However, Long Ling was quicker and wrapped his arms around Su Muluo’s waist, pressing him tightly into his embrace, not letting go.


Su Muluo was trapped in Long Ling’s embrace and poked him, saying, “Let go!”


“No, I won’t let go. The phoenix needs me,” Long Ling asserted, “It was after I arrived last night that the phoenix felt much better. This time I came early, so the phoenix isn’t as uncomfortable.”


Su Muluo was shocked and felt that this dragon had become even more shameless. Just as he was about to say something, Long Ling continued, “Since I became human, as long as the phoenix is with me, it has never experienced abnormal drowsiness. The phoenix can think about it; it’s true.”


After hearing this, Su Muluo was silent for a moment and said, “You’ve only been human for two days.”


Long Ling replied, “Two days can already prove a lot! Besides, after I hatched, the phoenix was affected by many anomalies because of me. Now that I’ve stabilized, as long as the phoenix stays by my side, it will stabilize too.”


He spoke with such reason and evidence that it seemed very convincing. For a moment, Su Muluo couldn’t think of a rebuttal.


Since Long Ling appeared in a stable human form beside him, he indeed had not felt drowsy as frequently as before. Moreover, the discomfort in the past two nights was also because his dragon wasn’t by his side… He had never spent a night apart from his dragon in the past eighteen hundred years.


There must indeed be some connection between them, but he didn’t expect it to be so profound that he couldn’t even be apart from his dragon for a while.


What kind of feelings did they have when they forged this connection back then?


Su Muluo fell silent, and Long Ling, keenly sensing something from his silence, lowered his head and gently nuzzled his soft hair, smiling, “So don’t drive me away, okay?”


Su Muluo looked at him for a while and said softly, “Then turn back.”


He still couldn’t quite accept being hugged to sleep by a man, feeling it was too intimate.


He didn’t want to let this dragon take more advantage!


Long Ling was still very pleased with this. He liked sticking close to his phoenix in any form, as it was all the same to him.


So he transformed into a small black dragon.




The small black dragon wrapped around Su Muluo’s finger, its dark golden dragon eyes fixed on him unblinkingly.


Su Muluo patted its little head and said, “If you turn back while I’m asleep again, I’ll throw away your feather bracelet.”


The small black dragon: “!”


The small black dragon curled up into a little ball in his palm, looking very well-behaved.


Su Muluo’s eyebrows curved slightly as he pulled the blanket over himself and the little dragon, saying, “Let’s sleep.”


With his dragon by his side, he indeed slept very comfortably in the second half of the night. The next morning, Su Muluo was awakened by a clear bird call.


He opened his eyes and saw a paper crane on the bedside while the small black dragon was still curled up in his palm, hugging its tail and sleeping soundly.


To avoid waking his little dragon, Su Muluo did not get up. Instead, he reached out to retrieve the paper crane, unfolded it, and a line of text appeared in mid-air.


It was the biography of the former bird clan leader, Feng Hen. He had asked the old rabbit demon to investigate yesterday, and today he got the results.


However, after reading the investigation results, he frowned slightly.


Feng Hen’s life… could be described as very plain.


His talent was not outstanding, and he continued the leader position only because his father was the former leader of the bird clan. To stabilize his position, he had to marry the eldest elder’s daughter, and then left most clan affairs to the elder, rarely getting involved.


If it weren’t for meeting the human woman he adored, he might have stayed in his leader position and lived a plain life.


The boldest thing he did was to escape the bird clan with that human woman… and then he was caught and died inexplicably in an ice prison.


Such a person seemed to have no relation to the phoenix bloodline, especially since the old rabbit demon emphasized in the letter that Feng Hen’s strength was mediocre and not exceptional—if he truly had the phoenix bloodline, he would definitely not be so ordinary.


Su Muluo put away the paper crane and fell into deep thought.


Feng Hen’s parents had long passed away, and he himself had been dead for many years. Now, the only person related to him by blood was probably his illegitimate child.


If he truly had phoenix bloodline, then his child should also have it. With the phoenix clan now extinct, even a trace of bloodline would make the child a part of Su Muluo’s kin.


Perhaps he should go find Feng Xuan and inquire more about Feng Hen and that illegitimate child…


Just as this thought crossed Su Muluo’s mind, his phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Liu He.


Su Muluo answered the call and heard Liu He’s urgent voice on the other end, “Mr. Su, did you meet privately with the bird clan elder Feng Xuan?”


A bad premonition surfaced in Su Muluo’s mind. He replied, “Yes, he came to see me yesterday. What’s wrong?”


Liu He was silent for a second and then said, “Feng Xuan was killed last night, murdered in a hotel—”


“And you were the last stranger he met before his death.”




A few minutes later, the call ended. The small black dragon lazily opened its eyes, tilted its head, and let out a “woof” at Su Muluo.


The phoenix was making noise and was unhappy.


It needed comforting.


Su Muluo said, “I’m not comforting you.” Then he patted the dragon and said, “We need to get up. We have to go out later.”


The small black dragon: “Woof?” Where are we going?


Su Muluo: “The Department of Abnormal Affairs.”


The small black dragon: “?”


Why do we need to go there again!


The small black dragon still remembered how its phoenix almost didn’t want it last time they went there. It grumbled in dissatisfaction, tightly clutching the sheets and showing that it didn’t want to leave.


Seeing the little dragon throwing a tantrum, Su Muluo couldn’t help but smile slightly. Innocently, he said, “It seems like I’ve caused trouble again.”


“The bird clan elder from yesterday was murdered, and since I was the last person he interacted with, I’ve become a key suspect. So, I need to go there for questioning.”


The small black dragon: “……”


It knew that every time they went to the Department of Abnormal Affairs, nothing good ever came out of it!


Every single time!!


So, the little dragon sulkily transformed into a human, hugged his phoenix tightly, and refused to move.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 3


       This was the only thought left in his mind, but his legs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn’t move. His whole body was stiff, and his heart was beating fast in his chest as if it was about to explode.

       He had envisioned countless reunions and thought he could behave calmly enough, but when it happened, all the hard-earned psychological preparation collapsed instantly. The world seemed to have turned into a thick paste, wrapping him in it and making him breathless.

       One second, two seconds. Time was distorted, stretched into slow frames.

       One step, two steps. The shiny handmade leather shoes stepped on the thick carpet, coming towards him, getting closer and closer.

       Five meters, three meters, one meter…

       Every pore seemed to be shouting to escape, and the stiff body lost the ability to react. Like a person about to drown, his mouth and nose were blocked by the water pouring in, and he was suffocated until he almost lost consciousness.

       And then… passed by.

       All the senses seemed to return at once, and after a moment of disorientation, the brain regained its ability to think.

       He was not recognised.

       Ah Zhou clenched his uncontrollably trembling hands into fists and placed them against his sides, lowered his head and let his burgundy bangs cover his eyes.

       That’s right. He was just the most ordinary waiter in Lihao, and he would not get any special attention from the guests. As long as he did his job in an orderly manner, he would not attract attention. Besides, with so many people offering their services to him when he came here, he would have many opportunities to slip away.

       Sure enough, as soon as a group of six people stepped into the private room door, Deputy General Manager Cao Kun hurried over with a group of supervisors, bowed and said, “Young Master Chen, I didn’t know you were coming, and I didn’t go downstairs to greet you. I apologise for the oversight.”

       “It’s alright, it’s rare that I’m temporarily free today, so I came here to have some fun” The young man sat down in the middle of the cowhide sofa, crossed his legs, and casually flipped through the wine list in his hand. The few people who followed him in stood quietly behind him. The whole room was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop. Seeing such a scene, a thin layer of sweat broke out on Cao Kun’s forehead. He stood obediently and secretly observed the people sitting at close range.

       With black hair and eyes and features outlined like ink on paper, dressed in a plain, traditional Chinese Tang suit1, he exuded the scholarly air of a cultured scholar. His thin lips seemed to hold a faint, almost imperceptible smile, yet his gaze was cold, like a star with a chilling glow on a winter night, looking down on the world from above. It was also like a legendary weapon from the martial world, so sharp it could easily pierce the heart. He sat there calmly and unruffled, yet he effortlessly commanded the entire room. The chilling aura of his unspoken authority made everyone involuntarily straighten their backs.

       The adopted son of Chu Yu, the former president of the Golden Eagle Group, the newly succeeded head of the Chu family, and the new leader who holds the financial resources of the Golden Eagle Group and the authority of the Black Eagle Society–Chu Yichen.

       The sudden arrival of the big boss made Cao Kun very panicked. He quickly wondered in his mind whether he had made any mistakes in Lihao’s management and that the boss had come to him in person to trouble him. After all, the new head of the family was not someone so free that he would go to a nightclub. Although he had only seen Chu Yichen a few times while following Yang Lin, from these encounters, he understood that, just as the rumours outside suggested, Chu Yichen was even more formidable than his father, Chu Yu, and was even more difficult to deal with. To make matters worse, General Manager Yang Lin was not present today…

       “General Yang might have already gone to sleep, and I can’t reach him. Here are the company accounts for the past few months. Please take a look.” Cao Kun handed over the account details, and the man in the black suit standing next to the sofa reached out to take them. After that, he turned them over carefully before handing them to Chu Yichen.

       “No need. I told you, I’m just here to have fun.” He tapped the red wine on the list with his slender fingers, “Have a bottle of wine, and Hei Yu will arrange the rest.”

       “Understood.” the man in the black suit replied, giving a few instructions to Cao Kun. Soon, both the wine and snacks were served. Cao Kun personally uncorked the bottle, and the liquid poured into the crystal decanter showed a deep red hue. The lights were dimmed, and a few people entered with musical instruments, playing and singing tranquil tunes.

       Sure enough, he still didn’t like the hustle and bustle.

       Ah Zhou in the corner looked at the man leaning on the sofa silently. The panic just now had finally calmed down. The darkness was a natural protective colour, allowing him to peek in the dark. At present, it seemed that his disguise was successful, at least the other party did not recognise him. What would Chu Yichen’s face look like if he knew the person he’d been looking for was right next to him? He wanted to laugh but couldn’t.

       “I’m going to the bathroom.” He whispered to Da Hua, and then slowly walked to the door. As soon as he opened it a crack and saw the person standing outside clearly, he immediately lowered his head and shrank back.

       Shit. He couldn’t help but curse inwardly. Just now, he was thinking about why Chu Yichen only had Hei Yu with him, but it turned out that Bai Xiao was guarding the door outside. Both of them were Chu Yichen’s deputies and two of the Black Eagle Society’s key officials—one in charge of people and the other of money. Known in the underworld as the ‘Black and White Duo’2the name Hei Yu is black feather and Bai Xiao is white daybreak, one was ruthless and the other shrewd, both being formidable characters. Compared to the always icy Hei Yu, the smiling Bai Xiao was even more difficult to handle and would surely expose him.

       It seemed that there was no way to escape, so for now, he could only stay where he was.

       “Aren’t you going to the toilet? Why didn’t you go?” Da Hua asked when he saw him coming back.

       “It’s not that urgent…” He smiled bitterly.

       Over there, Cao Kun carefully poured the wine into the cup. He didn’t do this kind of thing very often, and now he looked even more clumsy, and some of the wine spilt out.

       “You don’t need to do it yourself. Let the waiter come over.” Chu Yichen said.

       “Ah, okay.” Cao Kun felt relieved and said to the two of them, “Come here.”

       Ah Zhou felt his mind tremble, and his whole body felt stiff. Da Hua beside him saw that he was not moving and pulled him. He had no choice but to lower his head and step forward, bending down to wipe the wine on the table.

       “Young Master Chen, do you want to call some girls to help with the fun?” Cao Kun asked.

       “No need. I’ve been busy and tired recently and want to relax a bit. Having too many people around would just be a hassle.”

       “Then should I ask the massage therapist to come and give you a massage?”

       “Just him. Have him give my legs a massage.” Chu Yichen put his long legs on the coffee table.

       Ah Zhou, who had his head lowered constantly, was still worried about who this ‘he’ was referring to when he heard Cao Kun calling his name. Suddenly, his heart sank.

       In this case, he had no way out. The more unnatural it was, the easier it was to get through, so he could only bite the bullet. Although the light was dim, the distance was too close. He did not dare to risk looking at each other, so he could only lower his body as low as possible. The only available positions were squatting or kneeling. He lowered his head and knelt down on one knee. When his hands touched the other party’s pants, he felt a little trembling.

       Ah Zhou massaged again and again. His back and forehead were covered with sweat, but his palms were cold. He felt like he was being fried in a big pot, and every minute was excruciatingly long. In addition to praying, ‘Don’t recognise me’, his mind also cursed Chu Yichen a hundred and eighty times: You bastard, you actually asked me to kneel down and massage your legs.

       After about three songs, the man spoke again, “Why did you choose this name?”

       He trembled, and the movements of his hands paused.

       Is this a normal pick-up line, or…has he been recognised? He forced himself to calm down quickly, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, “Random.”

       “Ah Zhou.” The man took a sip of wine and said, “Very good.”

       “…Thank you, boss.” As soon as he said these words dryly, he heard the other party slowly adding the second half of the sentence.

       “It sounds much more pleasant than Chu Yunhan.”

       His pupils shrank suddenly, and he froze in place.

       The world was turned upside down.

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