Chapter 71


  ”…” Si Lan.


  Si Lan glanced at Haowei beside him, lightly coughed, signaling for Haowei to turn with him, not to be impolite.


  In the illusionary realm at this moment, the fox demon bowed slightly, the thin black veil slipping down to her shoulders, revealing the undulating curves of her chest.


  Seeing this, Haowei tactfully turned away.


  After a while, Haowei wanted to speak to Si Lan. He turned his head only to find Si Lan had turned away, standing upright but with his head slightly tilted, sneakily stealing glances at the scene in the illusionary realm.


  ”…” Haowei.


  After the fox demon finished her teasing remark, Yu Wuxia remained silent, instead reaching out to lift the fox demon’s chin, leaning in close to her face.


  The fox demon’s snowy white jaw rubbed against Yu Wuxia’s fingertip, warm breath brushing Yu Wuxia’s nostrils. She rolled her eyes and chuckled softly, “Little monk has quite the nose.”


  With that, she gestured left and right with her hand, “Just like this thing.”


  A smile tugged at the corner of Yu Wuxia’s mouth, “What thing?”


  ”Hmph, little monk, are you teasing me again?” The fox demon reached out and lightly tapped Yu Wuxia’s chest, then leaned sideways against Yu Wuxia’s embrace. She could feel the pure yang energy from him and estimated that taking a few breaths could greatly enhance her cultivation.


  Yu Wuxia allowed her to snuggle into his embrace, his eyes shaded by shadows, looking unclearly at the fox demon.


  Seeing he didn’t resist, the fox demon became bolder, lifting Yu Wuxia’s monk’s robe, her fingertip gently probing his chest.


  Si Lan was mesmerized but discreetly blushed, thinking Yu Wuxia was too bold, setting aside whether breaking their vow was appropriate, how could he dare to do so in front of the statue of the Buddha of Kalpa?


  Mumbling to himself, he was abruptly pushed by Haowei, jolted, and lifted his head, meeting Haowei’s cold stare. Smiling faintly, Haowei asked, “Is it beautiful?”


He hadn’t expected to be caught red-handed, awkwardly explaining, “I was just observing attentively to investigate.”


“Oh, then I want to see too.” Haowei started to turn around.


Si Lan hurriedly said, “You’re the Divine Emperor, how can you look at such filthy things?”


As he spoke, behind them, the fox demon suddenly let out a sharp cry, “Ah…”


Si Lan’s heart rang alarm bells instantly. Subconsciously, he tiptoed to cover Haowei’s eyes. But in that moment of covering his eyes, he couldn’t help stealing a glance at the scene in front of the Buddha hall himself.


Just moments ago, the affectionate two suddenly changed the situation. The fox demon was pushed away by Yu Wuxia, falling to the ground. It seemed her wrist was twisted by Yu Wuxia, and the fox demon’s tearful eyes blamed Yu Wuxia.


“Why are you, little monk, so strange?”


Clearly just moments ago they were affectionate, but when she felt the atmosphere change, she wanted to move closer to kiss Yu Wuxia. However, before touching Yu Wuxia’s lips, she was fiercely pushed away by Yu Wuxia.


Yu Wuxia’s robes and inner garments were now down to his waist, revealing his muscular back. He redressed, put on his robes again, and looked at the fox demon, his tone emotionless: “Oh? Strange?”


Unable to see Yu Wuxia’s eyes clearly, the fox demon felt as if sharp, penetrating eyes concealed in the shadows were chilling. 


She didn’t understand what was wrong with the word “strange”, but now understood that she had offended not an ordinary monk but someone else. Her body suddenly transformed into black smoke, intending to escape.


But as she fled to the door, the wooden door slammed shut with a bang, and a golden barrier locked the Buddha hall.


The fox demon crashed into the barrier and fell heavily to the ground, reverting to her female form, tearfully pleading for mercy, “Little monk… venerable monk, I was wrong for trying to seduce you with my ignorance, please spare my life.”


Yu Wuxia stood up from the ground, walked to the fox demon, and a ray of moonlight fell perfectly on his face, clearly revealing the remnants of his desire and the suppressed crimson in his eyes.


“You haven’t answered my question yet. How am I strange?”


“You… you’re not strange. You’re handsome, with a strong chest. You… you’re a first-rate handsome monk.” The fox demon, frightened, blurted out words of praise.


Yu Wuxia stared at her, his eyes no longer as terrifyingly dark as before, but his voice remained calm, colder than the moonlight on the ground: “You shouldn’t beg with this face.”


“…” The fox demon paused, as if pondering the meaning of Yu Wuxia’s words.


With a bewildered expression, unsure whether to transform into a fox, she saw Yu Wuxia extend his hand towards her.


She swallowed nervously, stretched out her hand, and Yu Wuxia gently took it.


After helping her up, Yu Wuxia said nothing and sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue, continuing his chanting.


The fox demon, with a pale face, tried to shrink herself as small as possible, hiding in the corner.


Si Lan glanced at Yu Wuxia and then at the fox demon. He thought something might happen between the two, but he didn’t expect Yu Wuxia to close his eyes and chant in front of the Buddha hall for three days straight without incident.


The fox demon remained silent, unable to leave the barrier, crying silently in the corner.


Si Lan felt pity for the fox demon, unsure of Yu Wuxia’s intentions.


Yu Wuxia’s chanting voice was chaotic on the first day, steady on the second, and chaotic again on the third. On the fourth day, Yu Wuxia stopped chanting and stood up quietly, staring at the Buddha statue of Kalpa.


Beside him, the fox demon looked at him strangely, not understanding what was so attractive about the Buddha statue that warranted a whole day of staring.


On the fifth day, hungry and on the verge of starving to death in front of the Buddha statue, the fox demon suddenly saw Yu Wuxia leave. The barrier disappeared with him.


Yu Wuxia had only stayed in the mortal world for a few days before returning to the Thirty-Three Heavens, as if he had quickly resolved the matter of love.


But Si Lan knew that Yu Wuxia hadn’t resolved anything; instead, the desire deep in his heart had been thoroughly ignited by the fox demon.


He didn’t understand why Yu Wuxia chose to return to the Thirty-Three Heavens at this moment, a move that was tantamount to subjecting himself to agony in the flames.


Well, some things were just incomprehensible, especially when it came to Yu Wuxia, who was a bit of a madman.


Si Lan sighed with emotion, “If you don’t like it, why torture yourself like this?”


Haowei glanced at Si Lan, “You seem to take it easy.”


“Of course, after all, I’ve been married three times.”


“…” Haowei.


Haowei turned his face away with a stiff expression.


  Si Lan continued, “I have a guess in my mind, but I’m not sure.”


  Haowei grunted, “What guess?”


  ”Could Yuxia’s weakness be the love of Immortal Jiaheng? If he knew that Immortal Jiaheng loves him too, then everything he’s done would be in vain. Those mental fortresses he’s built would crumble instantly.”


  ”That guess is not impossible, but there are two problems. Firstly, Immortal Jiaheng does not love Yuxia. Secondly, even if we persuade Immortal Jiaheng to pretend to love Yuxia, Yuxia’s intelligence would not easily believe it.”


  ”Well, that’s true,” Si Lan furrowed his brows lightly, lost in thought. “What if we break through the barrier now and go back in time to kill Yuxia?”


  ”If we successfully kill the past Yuxia, we wouldn’t be in this situation today,” Haowei replied calmly.


  Si Lan suddenly realized something.


  ”Yuxia is not an ordinary person; he is the dark side of the Heavenly Dao incarnated. Killing him in this life would only lead to Jin Wuxia or Yin Wuxia tormenting the Six Realms in the next life.”


  Therefore, they only had this one chance. If they failed to stop Yuxia now, they would be trapped in endless cycles.


  Si Lan nodded thoughtfully, relaxing his furrowed brows. Despite his suspicions, he dared not gamble, “Let’s take another look at the situation in the illusion.”




Yuxia returned to the Thirty-Three Heavens. His first action was to use a red fox fur he obtained from a fox demon to create a beautiful enchantress. At midnight, the enchantress went to Senior Disciple Jiqing’s room.


  Jiqing was the most favored disciple of Immortal Jiaheng.


  Whatever the enchantress did, she did not leave the room all night.


  The next day, Jiqing claimed illness and did not accompany Immortal Jiaheng to the sacred altar for preaching.


  Yuxia volunteered to serve Immortal Jiaheng and expressed his willingness to stay by his side. Seeing Yuxia return from the mortal realm, Immortal Jiaheng appeared calmer and more stable in mind, so he agreed.


  Si Lan thought to himself that aside from everything else, Yuxia was quite adept at “pursuing people.” If the target weren’t Immortal Jiaheng, he might have succumbed long ago.


  After Jiqing asked for three consecutive days off, Immortal Jiaheng sensed that something was amiss.


  After the sermon, Yuxia looked at Immortal Jiaheng and pretended, “Shall we go see Senior Brother Jiqing together?”


  ”Mm,” Immortal Jiaheng nodded gently.


  Leading a group of disciples, Immortal Jiaheng had just arrived at Jiqing’s residence when he sensed something wrong. A strange demonic aura enveloped the front of the quiet and austere hall.


  Faint laughter like silver bells came from inside.


  The expressions of the disciples instantly changed upon hearing this.


  Seeing the closed door, Immortal Jiaheng smashed it with a palm and strode in. At a glance, he saw Jiqing lying on the ground, pale-faced, with a strange smile on his face.


  The demonic aura in the hall and the laughter of the female demon were all illusions created by Jiqing’s demonic possession.


  Immortal Jiaheng hadn’t expected that his most trusted disciple would… would be deeply trapped in such a state.


  Even with him present, the other party still didn’t wake up. Stretching out his hand as if embracing a beautiful woman in his arms.


  Seeing this, Immortal Jiaheng’s face turned red, half with anger and half with shame, he directly slapped him. Only then did Jiqing wake up from his illusion.


  Looking at Immortal Jiaheng’s angry face and the complex expressions of the fellow disciples behind him, and then at his own appearance, Jiqing instantly understood what had happened, hurriedly kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.


  ”Master, please forgive… disciple… disciple…” Jiqing stammered for a long time without finishing a complete sentence, his face pale with fear.


  Immortal Jiaheng slowly closed his eyes, his brow twitching slightly, suppressing his anger.


  ”Jiqing, you’ve violated the precepts of chastity. You no longer need to stay in the Thirty-Three Heavens. Go to the mortal world and reincarnate as a human.”


  ”Master…” Jiqing grabbed Immortal Jiaheng’s robe, “Please give disciple a chance.”


  However, Immortal Jiaheng ignored Jiqing’s plea and directly slapped him. Jiqing’s figure instantly turned into stardust and dissipated, being sent into the cycle of reincarnation.


  The disciples didn’t even have a chance to apologize to Jiqing before Immortal Jiaheng had already dealt mercilessly with him.


  Immortal Jiaheng folded his hands in front of his chest, lowered his eyes, and his lips moved slightly as he recited the scriptures of salvation.


  Seeing this, the disciples also closed their eyes and chanted the scriptures to save Jiqing.


  Only Yuxia among the disciples kept his eyes open, staring straight at Immortal Jiaheng.


  Jiqing, whom he had once loved the most, was killed with a single slap.


  Faced with the violation of his most beloved disciple, could he really accept it like a ferocious beast?


  Yuxia quietly clenched his fists.


Although Jiqing was ensnared by a strand of illusion due to his shallow cultivation, it was Yuxia who tempted him into falling.


Si Lan felt that Yuxia had truly gone mad. In order to make Jiaheng understand romantic love, he didn’t hesitate to target his own senior brother.


After everyone finished chanting the scriptures in the illusion, Immortal Jiaheng instructed them to leave first.


Yuxia was about to turn and leave but was stopped by Immortal Jiaheng.


Yuxia’s expression remained unchanged as he obediently stood aside upon hearing Immortal Jiaheng’s call.


Immortal Jiaheng glanced at him, squatted down, and picked up a brown hair from the ground.


This was the same hair that Jiqing had been holding in his arms earlier.


The hair emitted a strong fox scent, left behind by a fox demon. It seemed that the enchantress who had confused Jiqing in the illusion was created from this fox hair.


Due to her shallow cultivation, the enchantress couldn’t come to the Thirty-Three Heavens herself, so someone must have “accidentally” brought this hair to the Thirty-Three Heavens.


And the only one who had been to the mortal realm recently was Yuxia.


Immortal Jiaheng handed the fox hair to Yuxia, who calmly asked, “Master, what is this?”


“Yuxia,” Immortal Jiaheng looked at him with narrowed eyes, “it’s best for you not to let me find out that you’re involved with what happened to Jiqing.”


This was the first time Immortal Jiaheng had addressed Yuxia by his full name. Yuxia feigned a look of fear on his face, but the veins on his neck twitched, revealing a sense of excitement and elation. He bent down and said, “Master, disciple is innocent. I don’t know why you would suspect me like this?”


Immortal Jiaheng glared at him, his gaze icy for a moment before he said nothing, casting a spell to turn the fox hair into powder, then turned and left.


Yuxia remained standing in place, a strange smile playing on his lips.


Watching Yuxia’s expression, Si Lan felt a chill creep into his heart. As a monk dedicated to the path of compassion and devoid of desires, being loved by someone was troublesome enough. Being loved by a yandere was even more trouble.


But on second thought, wasn’t this karmic entanglement caused by the tiger eating Yuxia’s flesh?


In this life, it seemed that Yuxia would be the one eating him.



At night, Yuxia indeed caused trouble once again.


This time, Yuxia didn’t use demonic magic to transform into a beautiful enchantress, but instead manifested a muscular, sleek black panther. He exerted a hint of aura to control the black panther, which moved like a shadow, silently passing through the palace and arriving at the door of Immortal Jiaheng’s hall.


Immortal Jiaheng was currently reciting scriptures with closed eyes, his consciousness drifting away, oblivious even as the black panther approached.


The black panther stood opposite Immortal Jiaheng, gazing at him for a long while. It then extended its tongue and slowly licked Immortal Jiaheng’s face. The barbed tongue caused a tingling sensation as it grazed his skin.


Immortal Jiaheng’s brow twitched slightly, his breath momentarily unstable. However, he seemed entranced, unable to awaken his consciousness.


In reality, it was Yu Wuxia’s spell that kept his consciousness trapped within, unable to regain clarity, though only momentarily.


Yet, it was enough time for the black panther to wreak havoc.


The panther’s tongue licked across Immortal Jiaheng’s face and effortlessly undid the bright yellow kasaya, revealing a pale yellow inner garment underneath. The damp tongue licked through the inner layer, caressing Immortal Jiaheng’s throat.


Immortal Jiaheng’s complexion changed instantly, a throbbing sensation at his brow. His consciousness struggled wildly, attempting to break free from its plight.


The black panther rubbed its head against Immortal Jiaheng’s chest before using its tongue to part his robes, exposing his chest.


Immortal Jiaheng blushed not just in anger but also embarrassment. His chest and neck turned red, though his face showed no sign of change.


Suddenly, a strange roar emanated from the panther’s throat, seemingly captivated by the “beauty” before it, its two black eyes fixed unblinkingly on Immortal Jiaheng.


Immortal Jiaheng seemed to sense the invasive gaze, his fingers curling slowly, knuckles turning white. Just as the panther lowered its head, intending to capture a certain spot on his chest, Immortal Jiaheng’s consciousness suddenly broke free from its entrapment, and his palm seized the panther by its neck.


Apparently taken aback that the culprit before him was actually a phantom of a panther, Immortal Jiaheng’s expression turned even more embarrassed. His neck reddened further, and in an instant, he tightened his fingers, turning the phantom panther into dust.


Meanwhile, Yu Wuxia suddenly spat out blood.


Having imbued a part of his essence into the phantom panther, its destruction affected him as well. He clutched his chest, about to use his techniques to heal, when suddenly, Immortal Jiaheng’s figure appeared before him.


Yu Wuxia didn’t have time to react before Immortal Jiaheng cast a spell that knocked him to the ground, causing him to cough up blood again. He lay pale-faced on the ground, looking up with an innocent expression, “Master…”


“I’m not worthy to be your master.” Immortal Jiaheng’s face had never looked so grim. His fair complexion bore faint traces of red, inexplicably tinged with a sense of desire.


“I didn’t expect you to be so disrespectful, disregarding seniority and behaving arrogantly, shamelessly!” Immortal Jiaheng was furious, each word trembling in his chest.


He couldn’t believe that just earlier that day, he had threatened Yu Wuxia, only for him to commit such a treacherous act at night! He couldn’t fathom why his disciples were becoming so troublesome.


“Master, I don’t understand what you’re saying.” Yu Wuxia continued to deny it vehemently.


Immortal Jiaheng threw the essence of the panther’s aura onto the ground before Yu Wuxia. Originally, this aura would have dissipated along with the phantom panther, but Immortal Jiaheng had preserved it through his magic.


Yu Wuxia looked down at the aura, his expression unreadable.


Immortal Jiaheng continued, “Why did you humiliate me like this?”


Yu Wuxia slowly withdrew the aura, stood up from the ground, and walked step by step toward Immortal Jiaheng. His eyes emerged gradually from the shadows, a smile playing on his lips, his gaze tender, “Because, what disciple desires in his heart is to treat his master in this way. Since my master wouldn’t consent, my desire manifested into that black panther, approaching you, doing these things on my behalf.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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