Chapter 31


At night, Tao Yuan slept in Pei Jia’s bed. Pei Jia had removed his armor and outer robe, and was resting with his eyes closed in a chair.


The next day, when Tao Yuan woke up, he found that Pei Jia was gone. He stumbled outside, following the sounds of training, and finally arrived at the training grounds. Seeing Pei Jia training the soldiers, he let out a sigh of relief.


Pei Jia noticed Tao Yuan’s presence and saw that Tao Yuan was barefoot. His brow furrowed slightly, and he immediately approached Tao Yuan.


“Why aren’t you wearing shoes?”


Tao Yuan gestured with his hands, but Pei Jia couldn’t understand and sighed.


Seeing Tao Yuan’s delicate skin and the rough gravel on the ground, Pei Jia simply picked Tao Yuan up like a small chick and carried him back.


Si Lan, witnessing this, couldn’t help but laugh and patted Haowei’s shoulder. “Tao Yuan really looks like a little chick.”


Haowei glanced down at his own “salty chicken hands.” Clearly, he thought, the little chick was himself.



“Although this is a military camp and safer than outside, you…” Pei Jia placed Tao Yuan back in the tent and looked at his face, “still shouldn’t wander around to avoid being bullied, understand?”


Tao Yuan obediently nodded.


Seeing Tao Yuan so well-behaved, Pei Jia couldn’t help but smile and instinctively patted Tao Yuan’s head.


A bright light suddenly flashed in Tao Yuan’s eyes. He nervously clenched his fingers. Pei Jia used to like patting his head like this.


Pei Jia originally planned to leave Tao Yuan and the other performers in a village once Tao Yuan’s injuries healed, as they needed to continue their campaign north.


However, unexpectedly, the other performers agreed, but Tao Yuan did not.


Tao Yuan gestured, but Pei Jia couldn’t understand, so Tao Yuan had to write two characters on paper. Though Tao Yuan didn’t know many characters, his writing was exceptionally beautiful.


“Stay… You want to stay with me?” Pei Jia looked at him in disbelief.


Tao Yuan nodded.


“Why do you want to stay with me?”


Tao Yuan’s face suddenly turned red, his lips slightly parted. He hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head.


Seeing his expression, Pei Jia slowly began to understand. His face also turned red. “Um…”


Pei Jia was at a loss, not knowing what to say.


Sensing his reluctance, Tao Yuan looked up, his eyes red and filled with grievance.


Pei Jia was momentarily stunned, then inexplicably said, “If you want to stay in the camp, it’s not impossible, but there are no useless people by my side.”


Hearing this, Tao Yuan immediately nodded, indicating that he would become useful.


That night, after discussing official matters with his lieutenants, Pei Jia returned to his tent and saw Tao Yuan mending his clothes by the candlelight. It was the tear from the day he fought the bandit leader.


Pei Jia stood silently, watching Tao Yuan.


Noticing Pei Jia’s presence, Tao Yuan smiled, tied a knot in the thread, and presented the mended clothes to Pei Jia, as if to say, “See, I can be useful.”


Pei Jia took the clothes and softly thanked him.


Tao Yuan’s smile deepened.


Pei Jia continued reading by the light of the lamp, while Tao Yuan made soup for him, intending to stay up with him. However, Tao Yuan soon fell asleep at the table.


After finishing his book, Pei Jia looked at Tao Yuan by the faint candlelight.


A strand of hair had fallen over Tao Yuan’s face. Unable to resist, Pei Jia gently brushed it aside, then found his fingers tracing Tao Yuan’s eyebrows and eyes.


In a moment of impulse, he leaned in and placed a light kiss on Tao Yuan’s forehead.


When he looked up, he saw his lieutenant standing in the doorway, holding a stack of books.


The lieutenant, seeing this scene, quickly retreated.


Pei Jia blushed, wanting to chase after him to explain, but realizing that it would only make things worse, he decided against it.


He sighed and patted his head in frustration.


How embarrassing.


To be caught doing something like this by his lieutenant!


Si Lan tugged on Haowei’s sleeve, signaling him to follow. They followed the lieutenant’s figure to the soldiers’ tent.


These were Pei Jia’s trusted men.


The lieutenant, holding the books, hesitated before speaking, “I just saw the general kiss that little performer in his room…”


A soldier snapped a twig in his hand.


“Could it be that the general really fancies that performer?”


“It seems so. We’ve even slowed our march to help him recover.”


The group fell silent, exchanging looks.


“The general’s lifelong reputation can’t be ruined by such a person.”




They left it at that, saying no more.


Hearing this, Si Lan felt uneasy, already guessing the cause of Tao Yuan’s eventual harm.


To protect Pei Jia’s reputation, a mere performer was nothing.


But they likely hadn’t anticipated Tao Yuan’s importance to Pei Jia, which led to Pei Jia’s madness after Tao Yuan’s death.


Si Lan was lost in thought and didn’t notice the red barrier in front of them starting to crack.


Tiny fissures quickly spread across the barrier, with faint light streaming through, connecting two entirely separate worlds.


Haowei closed his eyes and said, “The barrier is compromised.”


Si Lan looked up, seeing the countless cracks.


If the red barrier disappeared, they would lose all their powers in this world, becoming ordinary mortals.


If they couldn’t repair the barrier, they would be stuck here forever.


How could this happen?


Was the barrier attacked?


Haowei tried to seal the cracks with his magic, but they only grew larger. As their forms began to break through the barrier, Si Lan grabbed Haowei and fled the camp.


If they suddenly fell into the camp, they might be captured as spies.


Just as they escaped, the barrier shattered, and they fell to the ground.


Si Lan quickly steadied himself, holding tightly to Haowei’s hand. “Are you okay?”


“I’m fine.”


Si Lan could no longer feel his cultivation, his brow furrowing in anxiety and guilt. “The barrier must have been attacked! This is my fault for dragging you into this.”


Haowei ignored Si Lan’s words, instead saying, “Your two friends may not be highly skilled, but they’re not weak either. The only one who could attack the barrier must be Da Yong.”


Si Lan had thought of this too, his face turning pale.


Who knows what was happening in the human world now…



A quarter of an hour earlier.


At Pei’s residence, in the side room.


Song Ye was guarding the barrier, arms crossed, looking at Song Cheng opposite him.


Apparently, their earlier conversation hadn’t gone well. Song Cheng remained cold, eyes closed, meditating.


Song Ye pouted, glancing around in boredom. As he got up to walk around, Song Cheng opened his eyes and coldly said, “Don’t wander off.”


Song Ye halted, grumbling softly, “Brother, why do you care so much about the master? He doesn’t have feelings for you anyway.”


Song Cheng clenched his fists, veins bulging on the back of his hands, as he tried to contain his anger.


He wished he could sew Song Ye’s mouth shut.


Even a cow’s mooing in his ear would be more pleasant than Song Ye’s chatter.


Pretending not to notice Song Cheng’s anger, Song Ye cheerfully moved closer. “Brother, did you notice? Every time our master is in trouble, that man in the veiled hat saves him. I guess he followed the master into the illusion to protect him.”


Song Cheng said nothing, turning his head slightly to avoid Song Ye’s close proximity.


Song Ye continued, “He must have feelings for the master, but we don’t know who he is.”


“You sure like meddling in others’ affairs.”


“It’s all for you, brother.”


Song Ye placed his hand on Song Cheng’s shoulder with a smile. Song Cheng’s expression changed, trying to push it off, but Song Ye held on.


“Brother, it’s been a long time since we’ve been this close. Remember when we hadn’t yet taken human form? We were always entwined like this…” Song Cheng and Song Ye were twin vines. Even before breaking through the soil, their roots were intertwined, and once above ground, their vines wrapped tightly around each other.


Later, they took human form one after another and were taken in by the former Demon Lord, Chushan Jun, as disciples.


Song Cheng’s demeanor grew increasingly cold, his eyes seemingly frosted over. “Let go.”


Song Ye’s smile gradually faded as he slowly withdrew his hand. A dark glint flickered in his eyes. He couldn’t understand why his relationship with Song Cheng was becoming so strained.


It all seemed to change on the day Master Chu Shan decided to impart his cultivation techniques to them.


He had wanted to learn the heart method, but Song Cheng took his chance.


Since then, Song Cheng seized every opportunity to train, often spending time with Master Chu Shan. Upon returning from these sessions, he became more and more distant.


Later, when Si Lan defeated Master Chu Shan, Song Cheng immediately pledged his loyalty to Si Lan. Song Ye followed suit, serving under Si Lan as well.


He noticed that Song Cheng harbored unusual feelings towards Si Lan. Whenever Si Lan appeared, Song Cheng’s eyes would follow him intently, ignoring Song Ye completely.


Filled with resentment, Song Ye sought attention in every possible way, but no matter what he said or did, Song Cheng remained indifferent.


It wasn’t until a hundred years ago, during a battle with demons, that Song Ye accidentally injured his legs and became disabled.


For the first time, Song Cheng’s usually emotionless face showed a hint of concern. His eyes reddened as he looked at Song Ye’s legs and took on the responsibility of caring for him.


Song Ye was both flattered and anxious, fearing that once his legs healed, Song Cheng would revert to his cold demeanor. So, driven by a strange impulse, he pretended to be crippled, maintaining the act for a hundred years.


During this century, his relationship with Song Cheng improved, and he experienced unprecedented happiness.


But all this shattered once Song Cheng discovered that his legs were fine.


“Brother, do you hate me that much?”


Song Cheng did not answer, slightly turning his body away.


Song Ye wanted to ask more, but suddenly, a powerful surge of black demonic energy swept in, splitting the house open.


Fortunately, Si Lan had previously set up a barrier around them, which blocked the attack and preserved the formation.


Song Cheng and Song Ye immediately drew their swords, standing guard on either side of Si Lan.


Pei Jia, holding a sword like a puppet, approached step by step, surrounded by black demonic energy. His eyes continuously emitted dark energy, and his face was marked with mottled traces, resembling some kind of totem.


Song Ye exclaimed, “Has he succumbed to the demonic path?”


“No, he is being controlled by Dayong.”


Song Ye’s expression turned grave as he looked at Song Cheng. “Is Dayong planning to destroy the formation?”


Song Cheng remained silent, his brow furrowing.


If the formation was destroyed, their lord would become a mortal, stranded in the past.


Realizing this, Song Cheng’s eyes turned resolute. Black demonic energy surged around him as he protected Si Lan. He whispered to Song Ye, “Be careful,” before launching an attack on “Pei Jia.”


“Pei Jia” dodged Song Cheng’s attack, flashing to the barrier. He raised his sword and struck, but the barrier held firm, merely shaking without damage.


Song Ye immediately cast a spell, reciting an incantation to immobilize “Pei Jia.”


Realizing he couldn’t move, “Pei Jia’s” expression turned fierce. He struggled to break free, demonic energy spreading along his arms and transforming into claws that lashed out at Song Ye.


Song Cheng swiftly cut through the black energy with his sword, positioning himself on the opposite side of “Pei Jia.” Together with Song Ye, he recited the immobilizing spell.


“Pei Jia” roared, spewing a mass of black demonic energy that transformed into a giant demon, ready to devour Song Ye.


Seeing this, Song Cheng swung his sword at the demon. Unable to harm Pei Jia’s body, he attacked the demonic energy enveloping him.


The demonic energy, wounded, quickly turned into a whip, entwining Song Cheng’s sword and lifting him into the air. In an instant, the energy engulfed Song Cheng, who had to release his sword but was still ensnared by the energy.


The demonic energy tightened around Song Cheng’s body and slammed him into the ground.


Song Ye flew down, catching Song Cheng and striking the demonic energy with a palm.


However, this slight damage was insignificant to Dayong’s demonic energy. It rapidly regenerated and multiplied, enveloping the entire General’s Mansion, casting the world into darkness.


The demonic energy formed a net, enclosing the two of them. From all directions, countless blades materialized, stabbing at them. They narrowly avoided the blades, breaking through the demonic energy and rising above it.


Together, they launched a black energy attack at the demonic hand emerging from the darkness.


For a moment, the two sides were locked in a standoff, surrounded by swirling black energy and clouds of smoke.


Unfortunately, Song Cheng and Song Ye were no match for Dayong’s demonic energy. Forced back, they were struck, spitting blood and falling from the sky.


As they fell, Song Ye shielded Song Cheng with his body.




“Song Ye, are you alright?” Song Cheng quickly asked.


Song Ye wiped the blood from his lips. “I’m fine. Brother, we can’t let Dayong destroy the formation.”


Dayong attacked the barrier again. The black energy transformed into countless tiny insects, gnawing at the barrier. Soon, cracks appeared, and the insects swarmed inside.



Meanwhile, after falling into the mortal realm, Si Lan and Haowei observed their surroundings and headed towards a village.


The red barrier separating the two worlds hadn’t completely disappeared, occasionally flickering but unable to fully form.


Si Lan remained silent, leading the way.


Haowei noticed something was off with Si Lan. Seeing a mud pit ahead that Si Lan hadn’t noticed, he quickly grabbed Si Lan’s arm and pulled him into his embrace, preventing him from stepping into the pit.


Lowering his head, Haowei saw Si Lan’s eyes were red and his arm trembled slightly, as if he were ill.


Haowei felt the coldness of Si Lan’s hand in his palm and couldn’t help but ask in a deep voice, “What’s wrong?”


Si Lan opened his mouth, his eyes growing redder, but he still couldn’t speak.


Haowei had never seen Si Lan like this before. Even last time at the Xuanling Sect, despite facing several difficulties, Si Lan had never shown any abnormal emotions.


He had always thought that this unruly devil didn’t understand what fear was.


Haowei’s voice carried a barely noticeable gentleness. “The barrier hasn’t completely disappeared, which means the formation isn’t entirely destroyed. We can still go back.”


After speaking, he hesitated for a moment and then reached out to pull Si Lan into his arms.


Si Lan lowered his dark lashes, his emotions in turmoil.


If they were stuck here forever, becoming ordinary mortals, how could he get his revenge?


All his hard work and effort would be for nothing.


He could never forget that rainy night when his mother’s blood soaked his clothes and stained the entire ground…


He had cast spells over and over again, trying to heal Luo Hui’s wounds, but nothing worked.


His mother’s warmth grew colder and colder.


The warmth that belonged to his mother in his memory slowly faded away.


He was so devastated that he trembled all over, convulsing, in pain that he couldn’t breathe, wanting to call out to his mother but unable to make a sound.


He missed his mother terribly at that moment, but he also felt guilty.


He might fail his mother’s expectations, unable to become the most powerful devil, unable to avenge her.


Haowei sensed Si Lan’s deep sadness, not just from losing his cultivation, but as if he was remembering something terrible. He slowly raised his hand and gently patted Si Lan’s back as if comforting a child.


Si Lan seemed to have lost half of his soul, silent and listless.


Haowei found a family in the village who agreed to let them stay temporarily. The elderly couple lent them a guest room and thoughtfully provided hot water.


They had traveled a long way, their shoes and clothes covered in dirt. Now that they had lost their powers, they couldn’t use a cleaning spell and had to deal with the dirt like ordinary people.


Haowei looked at the still-dazed Si Lan and hesitated before handing him a hot towel.


Si Lan, holding his head in his hands, was still in a state of collapse and didn’t react to Haowei’s gesture.


Seeing this, Haowei frowned. “I have a friend in the mortal city of Li. He might be able to help us with the return spell.” That friend was the Divine Monkey of the Heavens.


Si Lan finally looked up at Haowei, his eyes gradually refocusing. He stared at Haowei and slowly asked, “Really?”




To manage the human world, Haowei had set up many earth immortals in the mortal realm, and there was one celestial lord who could directly communicate with him at the Yuqing Palace, the Divine Monkey of the Heavens.


However, the current problem was that they had become mortals. Traveling from this unfamiliar village to Li to find the Divine Monkey of the Heavens would likely be fraught with difficulties.


Si Lan took the towel from Haowei’s hand and roughly wiped his face. “Alright, let’s go find your friend now.”


Haowei held him down. “Rest first.”


“I’m fine.”


“I’m a bit tired.”


Upon hearing this, Si Lan’s lips moved, but he said nothing.


He let Haowei rest on the bed while he sat on the doorstep, staring at the night sky.


Haowei watched Si Lan’s figure, his brows slowly knitting together. For some reason, at that moment, he felt an endless loneliness and sadness from Si Lan’s heart.


Haowei realized he knew nothing about him. Si Lan might not be as carefree and indifferent as he had thought.


Often, it was because he saw through everything that he played around in the mortal world.


After a while, Si Lan fell asleep leaning against the door, his breathing soft but with a hint of sorrow in his features.


Haowei walked over and carried him to the bed, noticing how he curled up like a boiled shrimp, seemingly protecting himself in this position.


Haowei remembered that when he learned Lou Yu had died, he was also like this.


Could this be a self-protective behavior of the Shanji clan?


Thinking of this, Haowei’s lips moved slightly, his eyes growing softer. He sat in a chair, quietly watching over Si Lan, and eventually fell asleep as well.


Outside, the frogs croaked and insects chirped, the night wind rustling through the grass and trees.


The next day, Haowei was awakened by the sound of the door opening. Through his veil, he saw Si Lan opening the door, stretching in the sunlight.


Si Lan’s chin was raised, his face bathed in sunlight, looking gentle and delicate, full of vitality, a stark contrast to the dispirited person he had been last night.


Haowei stood up from the chair. Si Lan turned around and smiled apologetically, “Sorry, did the sound of me opening the door wake you?”


“No.” Haowei’s gaze carried a hint of scrutiny, secretly wondering if Si Lan’s abnormal behavior last night was due to possession. He hesitated and asked, “Are you alright?”


Si Lan, looking carefree, stretched his arms. “I’m fine. I figured it out last night. If we’re really stuck here and can’t go back, then in three months’ time, our village, I mean, the demon realm, should be in chaos without me. But it isn’t. The demon realm is as usual, the six realms are as usual, so we must be able to return.”


Haowei hadn’t expected that a night’s sleep would make him understand this reasoning. “Yes.”


“I remember the Pei family’s army is also heading to the capital. If we can blend in with them, we can travel with them and also investigate Tao Yuan’s obsession.”


“We might not be able to blend into the Pei family’s army that easily.”


Si Lan replied with an “Oh,” looking thoughtfully at Haowei’s veil. “Indeed, it won’t be easy.” After all, no one would travel day and night wearing a veil.


“Then we’ll just follow behind them,” Si Lan suggested.




However, before they could go find the Pei family army, the army came to the village first.


The elderly couple who had taken them in mentioned that the Pei family army planned to place the rescued children in the village.


Now, all the villagers had gathered at the village chief’s house to see the Pei family army.


Si Lan and Haowei exchanged a glance and then joined the curious crowd to see what was happening.


Pei Jia had personally found the village chief and was talking with him in the main hall. Outside, a row of Pei family soldiers stood with long spears, expressionless and looking imposing.


The children, carrying their bags, stood timidly inside the house.


The villagers couldn’t stop praising the Pei family’s strict military discipline and majestic demeanor.


Si Lan and Haowei couldn’t squeeze into the crowd and had to stand outside, catching a glimpse of the scene inside. It was unclear what they were discussing, but the village chief kept nodding respectfully.


Then, Pei Jia looked back at Tao Yuan, who smiled slightly. Pei Jia couldn’t help but smile in return.


Tao Yuan, who had presumably recovered, had regained his voice. He had found foster families for each of his younger brothers, sending them off one by one, instructing them to be diligent, observant, endure hardships, and learn patience.


The younger brothers nodded obediently.


By the time they finished, it was late. The village chief insisted on letting the Pei family army rest for the night. Considering the long journey, Pei Jia agreed and ordered the troops to rest on the spot.


At night, Si Lan observed the Pei family army’s camp.


Haowei was dragged along, and the two of them hid in a field of red hemp, looking like thieves staking out a target.


Haowei’s breath was low and his expression under the veil was displeased, but he didn’t say anything.


He had never been this sneaky in his life.


Spending time with the demon lord had truly redefined his sense of dignity repeatedly.


Si Lan watched for a while and then frowned. “We can’t get in; there are people everywhere.” If he still had his powers, he could easily cast a spell to get to Tao Yuan, but now he couldn’t move at all.


Si Lan sighed, reaching out to touch the red hemp next to him, feeling something soft. Upon closer inspection in the faint moonlight, he realized it was a black bug.


Startled, Si Lan let out a scream and instinctively stepped back.


“Who’s there?”


The soldiers, hearing a sound from the red hemp field, immediately raised their spears and ran towards the noise.


Seeing this, Si Lan quickly grabbed Haowei’s sleeve and started running.


But before they could run far, they tripped over fallen red hemp stalks and fell to the ground, bringing Haowei down with them.


Haowei, caught off guard, fell on top of Si Lan. Hearing the footsteps approaching rapidly, he reached out and covered Si Lan’s eyes. Si Lan’s vision went black, and he couldn’t see anything.


In the next moment, he felt something wet touch the corner of his lips.


Si Lan’s heart instantly stopped, his eyes wide open, but all he saw was darkness.


This was the first time he had been kissed, even if the sensation was faint, almost nonexistent. Yet, the other’s breath carried a strong, unstoppable force that spread rapidly from the warm touch, enveloping him entirely, making him forget to breathe.


The soldiers arrived, and in the moonlight, they saw a man in black kissing someone in his arms, who was dressed in green, their face unclear.


The soldiers assumed Si Lan was a woman and teased, “So, it’s a pair of wild lovebirds hiding in the red hemp field!”


“…” Si Lan.


“…” Haowei.

T/N: I’m back!!! By the way, I had to re-read this series to remember what it was about. And don’t worry! The main CP (couple) will definitely get a good ending no matter what, after all…. they are fated, right?


Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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