Day: June 27, 2024

Chapter 10 – Little Phoenix

Chapter 10: Little Phoenix


After making the report, Su Muluo looked at the monster on the ground, which was trying to crawl away. “Where are you going?”


The monster froze, not daring to move.


Su Muluo walked over. Generally, an ordinary monster hit by the little black dragon’s attack would die instantly, but this one was still alive and barely hurt.


However, it wasn’t strong because Su Muluo could see its true form at a glance—a dog demon.


Su Muluo stopped in front of the dog demon, his long eyelashes lowering as his dark eyes looked down at it. “What’s your name?”


The dog demon replied, “Yu… Yu Haozhi.”


Su Muluo asked, “What’s your purpose?”


Yu Haozhi felt an overwhelming pressure that made him unable to lift his head or straighten his body. Cold sweat soaked his clothes as he stammered, “I… I came to find my girlfriend!”


  Su Muluo raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak. Yu Haozhi had to continue, despite his discomfort, “A few days ago, my girlfriend went missing around here. You appeared in the area around that time and opened such a conspicuous coffee shop… So, I came to track you, to see if you had anything to do with her disappearance—”


  Su Muluo uttered a soft “oh,” and calmly interjected, “But you seemed like you were trying to kill me just now.”


  ”No! That’s not it!” Yu Haozhi nervously explained, “It’s because I thought you had noticed me and might attack first. You’re so powerful, I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance if I ran, so I decided to strike first.”


  So far, his reasoning seemed clear, and his explanations somewhat plausible. Su Muluo scrutinized him for a few seconds, seemingly starting to believe his words. He asked, “If your girlfriend is missing, why didn’t you contact the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings?”


  The affairs concerning Demon were under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, so it would make sense to seek their help. Yu Haozhi felt a pang of disappointment upon hearing this. He lowered his head and admitted, “My girlfriend is human, not under the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’ jurisdiction. I did report it to the police, but there hasn’t been any progress. I was anxious, so I couldn’t help but… couldn’t help but…”


  The last three words lingered on his lips. Suddenly, he jerked his head up, muscles tense, and in a blink of an eye rushed towards Su Muluo—


  Su Muluo remained motionless, watching him coldly.


  The next moment, a dragon’s roar echoed, and overwhelming Demon energy engulfed Yu Haozhi. His expression changed drastically, and he let out an inhuman scream… However, instead of being killed on the spot, his body suddenly expanded, then rapidly shrunk, finally turning into a dry human skin, limp on the ground.


  The surroundings returned to calm. Su Muluo looked at the horrifying skin on the ground and patted the little black dragon, saying, “No wonder you couldn’t kill it.”


  What they encountered earlier wasn’t a canine Demon at all but a humanoid skin illusion. Perhaps it originally belonged to a canine Demon, carrying its essence and life force, which allowed it to deceive others’ eyes.


  ——After this, someone must be controlling this skin.


  Su Muluo didn’t rush to leave but waited patiently until agents from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings arrived.


  ”Mr. Su,” the one who arrived was a female Taoist priest. Su Muluo had seen her with Zheng Hechun before; she seemed to be one of the agents who had visited him when Little Black Dragon just hatched. “I’m Liu He from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. Did you encounter any trouble?”


  ”No trouble,” Su Muluo pointed to the skin on the ground, saying, “Just someone attacked me.”


  He briefly recounted what had happened, adding at the end, “Also, the road was damaged by him.”


  ”Alright, understood. The road damage will be taken care of by the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings,” Liu He smiled, with an understanding that seemed to say ‘whatever you say.’ She then asked, “So, you were targeted?”


  Su Muluo successfully shifted the blame away, nodding nonchalantly. “Yes, but the attacker probably doesn’t know who I am.”


  As Yu Haozhi had said, his sudden appearance and the opening of a peculiar coffee shop would inevitably attract attention. Su Muluo was certain that whoever was behind Yu Haozhi didn’t know his identity. Firstly, because the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings wouldn’t casually leak such important information, and secondly, any Demon aware of the True Dragon in his possession would never dare to provoke him.


  Or rather, not just provoke, they wouldn’t even dare to approach, knowing it would be courting death.


  Liu He nodded in agreement, evidently trusting Su Muluo’s judgment. She asked, “So, you were just targeted by some ignorant Demon, as one of their targets… By the way, what was the name of that canine Demon?”


  Su Muluo replied, “Yu Haozhi.”


  Liu He frowned for a moment, recalling, “Oh, I see.” She explained to Su Muluo, who looked puzzled, “Not long ago, a canine Demon was killed in Lin City, its skin peeled off by a stronger Demon. It also had a human lover who was traumatized witnessing everything and is currently hospitalized—That canine Demon’s name was Yu Haozhi.”


  Su Muluo was slightly surprised; this incident happened to be the one he read about on the forum a few days ago.


  No wonder the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings hadn’t disclosed the details; after all, peeling off a Demon’s skin alive was extremely brutal and bloody even among Demon.


  ”Has the person who killed him not been found yet?”


  Liu He shook her head. “That Demon is extremely skilled at concealing its aura, just like you saw earlier. It can also control the skin of the Demon it kills, leaving no trace from start to finish. It’s difficult to track.” She paused briefly, then smiled at Su Muluo, “But fortunately, thanks to you, we now have this skin and might trace the source of its Demon power.”


  She instructed her team to remove the skin from the ground. Su Muluo had no further questions and asked, “Can I go now?”


  ”Of course,” Liu He replied, “You’ve had a night of disturbance, and if you encounter any suspicious individuals in the future, please contact us immediately.”




  The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings would handle the scene’s damage. Su Muluo didn’t linger and returned with Little Black Dragon.


  He wasn’t particularly concerned about the Demon that had attacked him. While they might strike again upon realizing he possessed a True Dragon, it wasn’t a major problem. Once they appeared, he could deal with them.


  Little Black Dragon seemed a bit dissatisfied, grumbling softly because they hadn’t exposed the mastermind behind the attack. Su Muluo comforted it, gently squeezing its claw, “It’s alright. With you here, they can’t harm me anyway.”


  Thinking it over, Little Black Dragon stopped grumbling, nestled obediently in his palm.


  The night wind was slightly chilly, but the small dragon in his hand was warm. Su Muluo smiled faintly and returned to his rented room, checking the time, planning to take a hot bath and watch TV.


He placed the Little Black Dragon on the bed, letting it crawl around freely, then fetched a set of soft pajamas from the wardrobe—midway through, he went out again because he couldn’t find his phone, bringing it in from the foyer.


When he returned to the room, the Little Black Dragon had disappeared from sight, seemingly burrowed into the blankets. Su Muluo held the pajamas and headed for the bathroom, then suddenly realized something and looked down—


He saw a dragon tail poking out of the pajamas.


Su Muluo: “…”


The Little Black Dragon seemed to know it had been discovered, quietly retracting its tail. But it was too late; the next moment, its head was pinched and pulled out.


Su Muluo heartlessly lifted the Little Black Dragon in the air, shook it a bit, and then tossed it back onto the bed.


“If you peek again next time, I’ll throw away your honey,” Su Muluo said, “and make you drink milk every day.”


The Little Black Dragon: “…”


The Little Black Dragon curled up in a pitiful manner.


Knowing it was feigning innocence, Su Muluo ignored it and headed into the bathroom.


The bathroom door closed, and soon the sound of rushing water filled the air. the Little Black Dragon lazily sprawled on the bed, using its claws to play with the blankets.


It wasn’t really trying to peek at Pheonix bathing; it just liked sticking close to Pheonix, enjoying the scent of Pheonix’s body, unable to bear even a second apart.


Back when it hadn’t hatched yet, Pheonix used to soak in hot springs with it.


Thinking about this, the Little Black Dragon felt a bit unhappy and decided that when it could transform into a human in the future, it would cling to its Pheonix every day and never let go.


Su Muluo didn’t know what the Little Black Dragon was thinking, but when he came out of the bathroom and saw the dragon lounging boredly on the bed, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes. He walked over and poked it.


Because he had just showered, his skin was warm, carrying a faint scent of bath products. the Little Black Dragon immediately grabbed onto his finger, somewhat liking it and reluctant to let go.


Su Muluo allowed it to hold on, smiling, “Shall I bathe you?”


the Little Black Dragon “roared” and flicked its tail.


In an instant, it transformed into a black dragon that occupied the entire large bed.


Su Muluo fell silent for a moment, remembering the small bathtub in the bathroom, “Not so big, shrink a little, the bathtub can’t fit you.”


the Little Black Dragon flicked its tail again but didn’t return to its initial tiny size; instead, it shrank several times, still somewhat large but now able to fit into the bathtub.


Su Muluo thought it would do, so he moved the Little Black Dragon into the bathtub, washing and cleaning its claws.


the Little Black Dragon was still very clean; it behaved well during the bath. Its dark golden dragon pupils stared unblinkingly at Su Muluo, making him inexplicably think of the black-clothed man from his dreams.


Thinking of this, Su Muluo rubbed bubbles on the Little Black Dragon’s head and vigorously scrubbed.


After the bath, Su Muluo lifted the newly shrunken the Little Black Dragon out of the water, drying its body with a towel. The whole dragon smelled pleasantly clean and looked incredibly cute.


However, the Little Black Dragon clearly didn’t like this scent. It rubbed back and forth in Su Muluo’s palm, trying to reclaim Pheonix’s scent.


This little action amused Su Muluo, who checked the time and realized it was already past eight o’clock. His favorite variety show was about to start, so he sat on the sofa with the Little Black Dragon and took out some prepared snacks.


The Little Black Dragon wasn’t interested in the variety show. Seeing its Pheonix focused on the TV, feeling its warm body and the pleasant scent after the bath, it tilted its head curiously.


—The next moment, Su Muluo was pinned down by a suddenly enlarged black dragon that almost filled half of the living room.




He was momentarily stunned, looking down at the black dragon, which was looking back at him.


Then the dragon coiled around his waist with its body, rubbing against him lazily.


Su Muluo: “Here we go again!”


So he pushed the black dragon away, saying, “Don’t lie on top of me.”


The dragon didn’t say a word, coiling around him again, the entire dragon sticking to him.


Su Muluo: “Don’t take advantage of me!”


The dragon buried its head in it’s Phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing the scent it liked, pretending not to hear.


Su Muluo: “…”


This is too much!


Just as the black dragon was happily entwined with its Pheonix, suddenly, it felt a lightness underneath—


A snow-white bird, with tail feathers adorned with golden light, landed gracefully on the sofa, its ruby-like eyes coldly glancing at it.


Then it flew away.


The black dragon: “…”

T/N: Hello hello! Let me tell you, this series is going to only get more and more adorable!! Hold on to your cute hats for there is no pain (not too much of it) and because it’s about to get even more cuter~~

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 41 – Fall in love with a little fool

Chapter 41


It’s really strange.


Could it be a bewitching method of the Spirit Charm Clan, intentionally using fragrance to seduce people?


Thinking of this, Haowei furrowed his brow and his gaze carried a hint of warning. “Don’t attempt to use sorcery on me.”


With these words, Haowei withdrew his hand and distanced himself from Si Lan, though the fragrance lingering in the cave still permeated his breath.


Si Lan looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he suddenly got angry. He reached out to touch him, but Haowei recoiled as if avoiding a venomous snake, stepping back from Si Lan.


Although Si Lan was unfamiliar with worldly matters, he vaguely understood at this moment that Haowei disliked himself. Si Lan slowly withdrew his hand and moved a few steps back, curling up in a corner alone like a sulking child.


Seeing him like this, Haowei suddenly felt a twinge of regret.


Did he speak too harshly just now?


Could that fragrance be his natural scent rather than sorcery?


In fact, when Si Lan nestled in his arms last night, he faintly smelled that fragrance too, but it wasn’t as strong as today.


The more Haowei thought about it, the more regretful he felt. Unsure of what to do, he noticed Si Lan in the corner seeming unsettled, body trembling slightly.


He walked over to Si Lan, frowning. “What’s wrong?”


Si Lan’s eyes suddenly widened, unfocused, almost as if having a seizure, his body contorting.


Haowei quickly crouched down and saw Si Lan’s body becoming transparent, reminiscent of their first meeting, faintly visible as if about to vanish.


Grabbing onto Haowei’s sleeve tightly, Si Lan seemed in great discomfort, his features contorted with pain, eyes reddened, tears falling onto Haowei’s chest.


Haowei’s heart tightened at once, watching the figure in his arms gradually fading away, unable to help but hold him tighter. “What’s wrong with you? Are you in pain somewhere?”


At this moment, Si Lan whimpered softly, as weak as a mosquito, yet it tore at Haowei’s heartstrings.


Fortunately, after a moment, Si Lan’s almost fading figure gradually became clear again, his body calming down from severe convulsions.


His breathing also steadied, his two black eyes seemingly veiled with moisture, wet, delicate sweat seeping from his small and exquisite nose, as if he had just bathed.


Haowei didn’t know what was happening to him, but sensing that his condition was stabilizing, he frowned and asked, “Are you… feeling better?”


Si Lan didn’t speak, his long eyelashes fluttered lightly, having just heard a strange voice in his head, someone kept saying “soul come, soul come,” causing him great pain. He buried his head in Haowei’s arms, one hand gripping Haowei’s arm, closing his eyes, as if snuggling closer to Haowei could bring him comfort.


Because of the earlier convulsions, the grass covering his shame had been thrown aside, leaving him completely exposed.


Haowei was only wearing a pair of underpants himself. As the two pressed together, he keenly felt the warmth from Si Lan’s body seeping into his bloodstream.


Haowei’s blood seemed to ignite like a hot fire, burning his whole body red-hot.


He wanted to push him away, but seeing how clingy he was, he endured it. He stiffened his neck, staring straight ahead, forcing himself not to look or think too much.


Only when the breathing in his arms gradually calmed down did he slightly lower his head and glance at Si Lan.


Si Lan’s tension eased, his black hair falling behind him, a few strands mixed with rain or sweat, sticking to his body, contrasting sharply with his fair skin.


Haowei’s throat bobbed involuntarily, thinking this little spirit was truly naive.


Does he really believe in him like this?


Sleeping naked in his arms so directly…


Isn’t he afraid he might be a bad person?


Haowei gently released him, covered him with the grass again, then went to the cave entrance to catch a wild chicken and two sparrows, quickly draining their blood and gutting them before roasting them over a fire.


Si Lan was awakened by a wave of fragrance, slowly opening his eyes and sitting up from the ground. His gaze fell on the fire, gradually focusing on the wild chicken being roasted over it, his face suddenly turning pale.


He shrunk his shoulders and moved a bit away from the fire.


The heavy rain outside had stopped. When Haowei returned, he saw Si Lan staring fixedly at the roasting chicken. Remembering Si Lan’s reaction to the chicken yesterday, he said, “If you don’t like roasted chicken, how about trying roasted sparrows?” These two small sparrows were specially roasted for him.


However, Si Lan was even more frightened by these words, clutching the grass and retreating all the way to the corner.


He mistook those sparrows for baby chickens.


This person is really hateful.


Killing the chicken mother and roasting the baby chickens together.


Haowei hadn’t expected him to be averse to sparrows as well, hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked out.


Confused, Si Lan watched Haowei leave. After waiting for a while with no sign of his return, he began to feel that Haowei didn’t want him anymore, feeling instantly sad.


Remembering his modesty, he put on a loose shirt, slowly walked out, and stood at the cave entrance, looking around.


He didn’t know where to find Haowei. Just as he hesitated, a low growl suddenly came from beside him.


In the next moment, a fierce beast with earthy yellow fur and black stripes lunged at him from the forest.


Terrified, he quickly retreated into the cave, and the beast followed, growling lowly, as if intimidating its prey, slowly approaching him.


Stepping into a depression, he accidentally fell to the ground. The beast immediately pounced towards him.

He rolled over in panic, evading the beast’s pounce, but the tiger swiftly adjusted its body and charged at him again. Just as it was about to harm him, Haowei’s tense voice came from behind.


“Little spirit!”


The tiger beast turned its head towards Haowei upon hearing the voice.


Haowei picked up a piece of wood from the ground, engaging the tiger while gesturing towards the torch, indicating for Si Lan to use it to fend off the beast.


Although Si Lan was bewildered, he surprisingly grasped Haowei’s meaning at this moment and quietly approached the torch.


Sensing Si Lan’s intention, the tiger roared angrily and lunged towards Si Lan.


Before Si Lan could reach the torch, the tiger bit him.


Seeing this, Haowei had no time to think, rushing forward and striking the tiger’s head with the wooden stick.


However, the tiger seemed impervious to pain, tightly clamping down on Si Lan’s arm.


Haowei had to grab the torch and thrust it towards the tiger’s eyes. Only then did it sense fear, roaring in reluctance as it reluctantly released its grip.


Haowei advanced on it step by step, intent on capturing this fierce beast and selling it for a good price in town.


The tiger retreated under his pressure, its eyes evasive, glancing around as if seeking an opportunity to escape, but Haowei had no intention of letting it go.


Capturing this tiger could fetch quite a sum in town.


Glancing towards the cave entrance, Haowei spotted a depression. As expected, when the tiger retreated there, its footing became unsteady, stumbling and falling askew.


In the next instant, Haowei rushed over, lifting the torch and smashing it fiercely at the tiger. The beast’s head cracked open, blood flowing, and its fur singed from the fire.


Just as Haowei was about to deliver a final blow to the tiger’s head, Si Lan suddenly cried out from inside the cave.


He immediately abandoned the idea of hunting the tiger, turning back to check on Si Lan.


Si Lan was pulling at his sleeve, which was already soaked with blood. Some of the fabric had been bitten into by the tiger’s teeth, embedded in his flesh.


Si Lan couldn’t pull his clothes off, his face pale with pain, tears welling up in his eyes, looking pitiful and helpless.


“Don’t move, I’ll help you.”


Hearing Haowei’s voice from the cave entrance and estimating that the tiger had fled, he put down the torch and reached out to help Si Lan remove his clothes.


Si Lan’s entire right arm was soaked with blood, several puncture wounds oozing blood continuously.


Haowei watched this tragic sight, his heart wrenching as if those puncture wounds were on his own arm, feeling the pain.


Trembling slightly, he wiped away the blood stains from Si Lan, eyes tinged with crimson. “You’re supposed to be a spirit, but you can’t even handle a tiger.”


Si Lan looked quite aggrieved, his delicate brows furrowed, eyes fixed on the four puncture wounds on his elbow.


That tiger was so big and charged right at him, how could he fight it!


Haowei was about to carry him down the mountain to see a physician when he suddenly noticed the puncture wounds on Si Lan’s arm spontaneously stopping bleeding, gradually healing until there was no trace left.


His arm’s skin was fair and clean, without a single scar.


It was as if those four puncture wounds had never existed!


If Haowei hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed what was happening before him. He looked at Si Lan in astonishment.


Si Lan, however, seemed unfazed by the unusual occurrence, touching his arm and then carefully tucking it into his chest.


The four bloody puncture wounds hurt so much.


Haowei hadn’t expected this spirit to have such abilities.


While he might be naive, his body was indeed extraordinary.


“Does it still hurt?” Haowei asked.


Si Lan tilted his head, as if understanding Haowei’s words.


Haowei shook his head, feeling a mix of emotions. He reached into his arms and handed Si Lan some wild berries. “If you don’t want to eat roasted chicken or sparrows, try these wild berries.”


He had gone out just now to pick these berries for Si Lan.


Si Lan took the wild berries. They were dark and didn’t look very appetizing. He tentatively took a bite, smacking his lips as he tasted.


Fortunately, they were sweet and juicy.


Seeing Si Lan smacking his lips, Haowei couldn’t help but smile.


Truly a silly little spirit.


He reached out and rubbed Si Lan’s head. At that moment, Si Lan looked up at him with wet eyes, causing Haowei to pause, slowly withdrawing his hand.


After the house collapsed in the strong wind, it would take some time to repair, so Haowei decided to stay with Si Lan temporarily in a cave.


During this period, Chong Mingwei’s men found Haowei.


When Chong Mingwei was killed at the palace banquet, his three vice-generals were all dismissed. Over the years, these three vice-generals had ostensibly withdrawn from court politics but secretly strategized, intending to avenge Chong Mingwei.


They had kept in touch with Haowei, hoping that during the Yu Dynasty’s campaign against the Li Dynasty, Haowei could join the army, build military achievements, establish his prestige in the military, cultivate his own subordinates, and eventually clear Chong’s name.


Haowei knew that gaining power required military achievements. Now, he faced a problem: how to handle the imp he had picked up. He couldn’t possibly take the imp with him into the army.


Meanwhile, he noticed something strange in the village recently—a sorcerer in gray robes who constantly wandered around with a bell.


He paid two wild chickens to have the sorcerer help locate where the imp’s home was nearby.


Finding the imp’s home would allow him to return it.


Unexpectedly, after examining the area, the sorcerer told Haowei that this mountain used to be teeming with mountain spirits and demons, but they had all vanished three years ago, likely scared off by some ominous presence. Haowei remembered that three years ago was exactly when he arrived in the village.




So, this imp wasn’t some kind of monster, and thus wasn’t scared away?


Then what was it?


Haowei had no choice but to give the sorcerer two more wild chickens to check on Si Lan. However, the unreliable sorcerer took the chickens and promised to return in the evening but disappeared.


Later, Haowei heard from the village laborers that Lanlan had driven the sorcerer out of the village. Lanlan had spent a lot of silver to have the sorcerer summon spirits, but instead of achieving anything, he had just swindled her, nearly emptying Lanlan’s household.


“That Laner, I wonder if she’s gone mad, rejecting Wang Xiaozhi and insisting on a pretty boy.”


“Have you seen this pretty boy?”


“Never seen him, but he must look good, or else Lanlan wouldn’t have refused Wang Xiaozhi’s proposal.”



Haowei wasn’t interested in village gossip and didn’t continue listening. He bought some items at the market and also brought a jug of peach blossom wine.


During this time, he and Si Lan had been living in the cave. When the weather was good, the cave temperature was comfortable, but when it turned bad, the cave became bitterly cold.


Drinking some wine helped ward off the chill.


Si Lan seemed frightened since the incident with the tiger, and when Haowei wasn’t around, Si Lan didn’t dare to venture out.


When he returned, he saw Si Lan wearing a large hemp robe, sitting cross-legged on the ground, carving wood with a small knife.


He placed the wild fruits and peach blossom wine on a rock, approached Si Lan, and noticed that Si Lan had carved out a piece of wood into a flute.


He couldn’t help but marvel at Si Lan. Si Lan didn’t understand anything, so how could he carve a flute? Had he seen one before?


“Xiaoqi.” Haowei had picked Si Lan up on the seventh day, so he called him Xiaoqi. “Do you remember anything?”


Si Lan handed the wooden flute to Haowei. Seeing that Si Lan didn’t react to his words, Haowei wasn’t angry.


During this time, he had already gotten used to Si Lan’s simplicity. Looking at the wooden flute, he fell silent and said, “Are you giving this to me?”


Si Lan was like a child lost in his own world, distracted by other things. He turned around curiously to look at the peach blossom wine, missing Haowei’s reddening eyes.


This was the first time in seventeen years of his life that someone cared about him.


After arriving in this strange village, although no one knew his past, he still didn’t dare to interact too much with others.


Once, the matchmaker in the village saw that he looked good and came to propose marriage, but he just drove her away with a cold face. The matchmaker was offended and spread rumors in the village that he was eccentric and difficult to deal with, causing people in the village to avoid him.


But this suited him just fine.


And Si Lan was the only one who stayed with him and wasn’t affected by misfortune.


Perhaps because Si Lan wasn’t human.


Haowei picked up the flute and put it to his lips, tentatively blowing into it. He didn’t expect the flute to actually produce sound.


He then played a tune called “Thoughts of Birds.”


After finishing, he noticed that Si Lan, who had been distracted by other things, was now staring at him intently with his chin in his hands.


Si Lan even waved his hand, as if to indicate that he played it beautifully.


Haowei smiled and picked up the small knife from the ground. “I’ll give you something too.”


He glanced at Si Lan and then lowered his head, concentrating on carving.


Si Lan leaned closer to him, his eyes fixed, with a blank expression.


Soon, he carved a wooden puppet that resembled Si Lan. He placed it next to Si Lan’s face and gestured. The puppet looked like Si Lan, but not as handsome as the real person.


He handed the puppet to Si Lan, who joyfully caressed it and carefully tucked it into his pocket.


Seeing Si Lan cherish it so much, Haowei’s heart stirred slightly, and he lifted his eyes to look at Si Lan.


Si Lan happened to be looking at him too, and when their eyes met, it felt like threads of silk tightly binding them together—one thread burning hot, the other thread oblivious.


Suddenly, Haowei said, “If we meet again in the next life, I want to be the silent one, letting you pamper me every day.”


But he didn’t know if there would be a next life for him.


Born under an unlucky star, he was fated to harm his father, mother, and everyone around him. Even when he came to live in these mountains, the monsters here were scared away. So would someone like him have another life?


Even if there were a next life, this imp probably wouldn’t recognize him.


Unlike Haowei, burdened with sorrow and regrets, Si Lan’s essence of spirit didn’t seem to carry such weight.


He liked the scent of peach blossom wine, leaning over the wine jug to sniff it, gently extending his tongue to lick along the edge of the jug like a greedy little pig.


Haowei hadn’t expected Si Lan to love drinking so much. Most other children would cry from the spiciness of alcohol the first time they tasted it.


So, half jokingly and half seriously, Haowei said, “Since you love this peach blossom wine so much, why don’t we use wine to recognize each other in the next life?”


Upon hearing this, Si Lan suddenly turned around, his black eyes blinking, as if responding to Haowei’s words.


Unable to resist, Haowei reached out and ruffled Si Lan’s head.


His hair was surprisingly soft and smooth, nothing like what one would expect from a monster’s fur.



As the days drew closer to joining the army, Haowei still didn’t know how to settle Si Lan, but fortunately, Si Lan was a monster and monsters weren’t so easily killed.


Moreover, Si Lan could recover quickly from injuries, so as long as Haowei taught him the basics of survival, Si Lan could manage to live among humans.


The mountain they lived on faced south on one side and north on the other, with vastly different temperatures above and below. Therefore, wild fruits and grasses grew there throughout the year.


Haowei took Si Lan’s hand and led him up the mountain, demonstrating which wild fruits were edible and which were not. Later, fearing Si Lan might forget, Haowei simply cut down all the poisonous fruit trees and replaced them with edible ones.


He also taught Si Lan how to hunt, though Si Lan seemed uninterested in eating meat and instead got along well with mountain chickens and sparrows. Haowei didn’t force Si Lan to eat meat either.


He also instructed Si Lan to avoid the villagers. Even though Si Lan looks like an ordinary person, the more he interacts with the villagers, the easier it is for his abnormality to be discovered.


After gesturing a few times, Si Lan vaguely understood his meaning. From then on, not only did Si Lan avoid the villagers, but even the birds, beasts, and insects on the mountain also avoided him.


Haowei was astonished by his single-mindedness, “This world ultimately isn’t where you should stay. You should quickly remember how to return.”


Si Lan felt confused, thinking Haowei no longer wanted him.


During this period, Haowei always made him pick wild fruits and collect dew by himself. If he didn’t do well, Haowei would furrow his brow, looking serious.


Si Lan felt a bit sad and somewhat angry, thinking Haowei was rejecting him. So he shrugged off Haowei’s sleeve and walked into the cave.


Haowei noticed his sulking and reluctantly followed to explain.


“I will be joining the army in half a month. I can’t take you with me. By then, you’ll have to rely on yourself to survive here on earth.”


Whether it was from staying in the mortal realm for too long, Haowei felt that although Si Lan still couldn’t speak, he could understand and respond promptly to what was said to him.


Si Lan didn’t know what he saw in the cave, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.


Haowei thought he saw another wild animal and quickly pulled Si Lan behind him, only to find an old man with white beard leaning on a cane in front of them in the cave.


The old man wore a gray robe, his hair snow-white, tied simply with a headband behind his head. He couldn’t stop coughing, moving his shaky body slowly, and raised his head to look at the two of them.


Upon seeing Haowei’s face, the old man froze for a moment. “Ahem… Your Majesty.”


Haowei didn’t catch the “Your Majesty” clearly, just considering him as someone like them, living outside with difficulty.


Haowei asked, “Sir, are you here in the cave to seek refuge?”


The Old Man of the Tai Xu, slightly stunned, pointed to the mountain path. “This is Mount Tai Xu.” It was named in the mortal realm in his honor, dedicated to him.


Every thousand years, he would come here to rest.


The cave where Haowei and Si Lan lived was dug out by him twenty thousand years ago.


Haowei frowned, not understanding his meaning. Why did this old man suddenly mention “Mount Tai Xu”?


What’s wrong with Mount Tai Xu?


Although the Old Man of Tai Xu had dim eyes, he also sensed that something was wrong at this moment. The person in front of him looked exactly like Haowei, but he was a mortal.


The Old Man of Tai Xu stepped forward, approached Haowei, bent his back, and looked up at Haowei with difficulty.


Still the true Majesty Haowei.


Just, he had descended into the mortal realm and turned into a mortal.


In the Nine Heavens, Haowei’s descent into the mortal realm must be a big event, which would certainly be announced to the hundreds of immortals. Why didn’t it this

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 40 – Pick up a little elf

Chapter 40


Haowei glanced at Lanlan and the physician, not catching their conversation. He only vaguely heard words like “young master” and “soul,” but didn’t think much of it.


That night, just as he was falling asleep, a heavy rain suddenly poured down outside, with raindrops hitting the roof and ground like stones, making it hard for anyone to sleep.


Haowei sat up in bed and closed the window tightly. Somehow, he thought of the spirit on the mountainside.


In such heavy rain, would the spirit get soaked?


But what did that have to do with him?


He lay back down and closed his eyes, but couldn’t stop thinking about that thin, green figure. In the desolate thorns, the green figure was sometimes clear and bright, and sometimes faint, almost nonexistent…


Haowei knew he shouldn’t be thinking about the spirit, but the more he tried not to, the more he did.


That seemingly silly spirit, would he even know to avoid the rain? Even if he got soaked, it shouldn’t be a big deal…


Forget it, he might as well go take a look.


At least the spirit hadn’t done anything harmful yet.


The heavy rain continued as Haowei donned a straw hat and raincoat, carefully shielding the lantern’s flame as he walked into the deep mountains. The mountains were often shrouded in thick fog and inhabited by wild beasts and ghosts, so villagers rarely ventured there.


Haowei usually only dared to go during the day, and this was his first time climbing the mountain at night.


When he found the spirit, he saw that the green figure was indeed still there, unmoving.


The rain fell continuously, drenching him. His hair stuck to his face in strands, making him look even more pale and helpless under the moonlight.


Haowei’s heart suddenly ached, thinking he should have come earlier, before the rain started.


He stepped forward and reached out to the spirit. In the darkness, the spirit’s face wasn’t clear, but seemed attracted by his gesture. Then, like a curious child, the spirit slowly extended his hand and grasped Haowei’s.


Earlier, Haowei thought the spirit wouldn’t have a physical form, but to his surprise, the spirit did, though his body temperature was unusually low, his fingers wet and chilling.


Haowei tightened his grip and led him down the mountain.


Cold rain pelted their faces, and the night wind roared in their ears. The lantern had long been extinguished by the wind and rain, but fortunately, the moonlight was bright enough to illuminate their path.


Back home, the spirit sat dazedly on a small stool, his green robe clinging to his body, revealing his slender frame. Water dripped continuously from the hem of his clothes.


Haowei brought hot water and placed it in front of the spirit.


“Wash up first. Leave the village tomorrow morning.”


Such a foolish spirit wouldn’t be able to deceive the villagers, so he should leave early.


That’s what Haowei thought.


Si Lan, the spirit, looked up at him upon hearing this. His eyes were wet, with a hint of redness, as if he had cried.


Haowei met his gaze, his heart softening and feeling a bit of pity.


A fleeting thought crossed his mind—maybe he should share some of his own spirit energy with him, just as an act of kindness.


But he quickly dismissed this absurd idea, thinking he must be crazy, being swayed by this spirit.


“Aren’t you going to wash?” Haowei’s face turned stern as he spoke harshly.


Si Lan moved his feet, looking at Haowei with confusion, as if he didn’t understand.


Haowei suspected this was a newly born spirit, possibly not understanding human language at all, feeling a bit helpless, realizing he had brought back trouble.


Why had he felt soft-hearted earlier?


He approached the spirit, mimicking the action of taking off clothes. “Understand?”


Si Lan didn’t speak, tilting his head slightly, his eyes dull. Then, he slowly and tentatively placed his hands on his clothes.


Haowei nodded, showing approval.


Seeing this, Si Lan immediately untied his robe, letting the green outer garment fall to the ground.


The white inner clothes clung to Si Lan’s body, who continued to undress, revealing his fair and clean body. Haowei couldn’t avert his eyes in time, and saw him completely undressed, making Haowei’s ears turn red. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Si Lan pick up the wooden basin and pour the entire basin of water over himself.


“…” Haowei.


Because of the rain, the room was already damp, and now with Si Lan’s action, the floor became a wet mess.


Outside, the rain continued, with the night wind bringing large raindrops through the door and window cracks.


Haowei felt a chill in his heart at that moment.


And the culprit, after making a mess, looked at Haowei with an innocent and confused expression. Probably feeling a bit cold, Si Lan shivered, his brows slightly furrowed.


Haowei took a deep breath to calm down.


No need to wait for tomorrow, as soon as the rain stopped, he would throw this spirit out.


However, he still couldn’t bear to see the spirit naked and shivering, so he found a rough cloth outfit for him to change into.


But Si Lan didn’t know how to dress, wrapping the clothes around his waist, only covering the front, leaving the back exposed.


Two white, tender cheeks, firm and round, swayed slightly with Si Lan’s movements, inexplicably making Haowei feel parched.


Haowei’s face turned red, gritting his teeth, and snatched the clothes, averting his gaze, stiffly wrapping them around Si Lan.


He was a head taller than Si Lan, so the clothes were loose, making Si Lan look like a child wearing an adult’s clothes.


After dressing, Haowei noticed Si Lan extending his hand, gazing at him, and touching Haowei’s chin with his fingers. Haowei instinctively grabbed his hand to stop him, realizing something when he met Si Lan’s “innocent” eyes.


If there were fools in the human world, there must be fools among the spirits too.


Si Lan might not be a newly born spirit, but a fool.


Because no matter how ignorant someone was, they wouldn’t be this foolish.


Understanding this, Haowei felt helpless, never expecting to bring back a fool.


Fine, just consider it an act of kindness.


His sleeping arrangement was simple, a bed made of stacked wood covered with a grass mat. Fortunately, it was large enough for two.


He was quite tired, so after tucking the little fool into the bed, he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.


When he woke up the next day, he found Si Lan curled up in his arms, sleeping lightly.


Si Lan was sleeping soundly, his eyebrows relaxed, breathing steady. His legs were bent, knees pressed tightly against Haowei’s abdomen.




Haowei’s face changed slightly as he pulled away from Si Lan. The sound woke Si Lan, who opened his eyes halfway, looking drowsy and a bit innocent.


“Awake? Do you know how to get back?” Haowei asked.


Si Lan blinked and quietly looked at Haowei.


Haowei felt a pause in his heart and frowned, “Don’t tell me you don’t know where you came from?”


Si Lan tilted his head and moved closer to Haowei, resting his head on Haowei’s chest.


He had no memory at all.


He was just a soul manifested from the three souls and seven spirits, lacking the emotions and rationality of a normal person.


Haowei hadn’t expected that his moment of kindness would lead to this situation. This spirit had no idea where he came from and couldn’t return.


If he threw him back into the deep mountains, it seemed a bit unethical. Haowei looked down at the spirit sleeping soundly in his arms and sighed helplessly.


In the morning, Haowei cooked some porridge and placed it in front of Si Lan, curious if he would eat it.


Si Lan looked at the porridge, picked up the bowl, and just as he was about to pour it over his head, Haowei quickly snatched it away.


“What are you doing?”


Si Lan looked at Haowei in confusion, thinking that the “porridge” was also meant for washing.


Haowei was a bit exasperated, suspecting that this spirit was so foolish that he had been driven out of his tribe and ended up in the human world.


Haowei picked up the porridge, scooped a spoonful, and demonstrated to Si Lan how to eat.


Although Si Lan was slow, he quickly learned by watching Haowei. He imitated Haowei, scooping porridge into his mouth, but he wasn’t used to the taste and his brow furrowed, showing a pitiful expression.


Seeing this, Haowei murmured, “So you need to absorb human essence?”


He had only read about spirits in ancient books and knew little about how they absorbed human energy. Moreover, the spirits in the books were all female, preying on passing men.


Did this male spirit also prey on men?


Haowei’s face turned slightly red.


Si Lan didn’t understand what Haowei was saying and just looked at him blankly, his gaze falling on Haowei’s red lips.


Curious, he tiptoed closer to Haowei.


Haowei held his breath, staring at him intently.


Was he going to absorb his yang energy?


This spirit didn’t even bother to disguise his intentions?


Shouldn’t he wait until he was asleep to absorb it?


Si Lan gently touched Haowei’s lips. Haowei’s lips were well-shaped, full, and the color of wilted roses. Si Lan was curious about how sound came from those lips.


He tried to pry Haowei’s lips apart, but Haowei grabbed his hand.


Haowei’s eyes flickered slightly, “What are you doing?”


The other person still looked curious, not speaking, just staring at him with dark eyes.


Haowei let go of his hand, wanting to say something, but in the end, he only said, “I’ll go hunting on the mountain. You stay here and wait for me.”


After a pause, Haowei added, “If you remember the way back, just go back. Don’t stay among humans; no fool here will let you absorb their energy!”


However, Haowei hadn’t been gone long before he started worrying about Si Lan and his hut.


Would Si Lan wreck his two small huts?


He lost the mood for hunting and quickly returned with just a wild chicken and rabbit. Because it had rained all night, the mountain path was slippery. On the way down, he slipped, scraping a large piece of skin off his elbow.


Wincing in pain, he glanced at his arm and continued rushing back, only to find Si Lan gone when he returned.


There was no trace of Si Lan left in the room, as if he had never existed, making Haowei feel like it was all just his imagination.


Haowei felt a sudden pang of melancholy but forced a smile, “I hope that foolish spirit finds his way back soon.”


He bled the rabbit, skinned it, cleaned it, and set up a small fire to roast it.


While roasting the rabbit, he chopped wood nearby.


The crackling sound made him oblivious to the movements behind him. When he finally sensed something was off and turned around, he saw that the spirit who had left was back, and he was gnawing on his rabbit contentedly.


“……” Haowei.


Haowei was both astonished and inexplicably pleased, though he didn’t realize it himself.


He walked up to Si Lan, who seemed to realize that stealing someone else’s rabbit was not right, so he meekly returned it.


Seeing the rabbit that Si Lan had chewed up, Haowei couldn’t help but laugh, “Aren’t you a spirit? Why are you eating wild rabbit?”


Si Lan didn’t say anything. Seeing Haowei wouldn’t take the rabbit back, he withdrew his hand, looking pale and pitiful.


Haowei sighed, “I still have a wild chicken, so you can have the rabbit.”


Si Lan’s usually wooden face showed a bit of expression, his eyes like a fawn’s, shimmering.


Haowei avoided his gaze and resumed cooking. He plucked the chicken, cleaned it, and set it on the small fire to roast.


Si Lan seemed curious about the chicken, frowning and watching it intently as it roasted.


Haowei thought Si Lan was still hungry, so when the chicken was done, he tore off a drumstick for Si Lan, “Want more?”


Si Lan stumbled backward, looking scared, eyes wide.


Haowei raised an eyebrow, thinking he was disdainful of the chicken, and said, “Roast chicken is just as tasty as rabbit. Won’t you try some?”


Si Lan suddenly stood up, still wearing Haowei’s loose black robe that dr4p3d generously around him. His eyes revealed a chilly refusal as he turned and stormed back into the room, seemingly throwing a tantrum.


  Haowei clicked his tongue. Why did this little mischief suddenly get angry?


  Could it be because he was mad that I only gave him one chicken leg?


  After filling his stomach, Haowei entered the room and saw Si Lan still sulking. His eyes, like two dark gr4p3s, held resentment as they stared straight at him.


  Haowei suddenly felt like he had committed some grave mistake. Hesitatingly, he said, “Next time… shall I give you the whole roasted chicken?”


  At these words, Si Lan’s eyes filled with even more resentment.


  Haowei couldn’t resist and changed the subject, “Where did you go earlier?”


  This little mischief had an exceptionally handsome face but wasn’t very bright. If he wandered around the village, he might attract the attention of ill-intentioned people. Moreover, with the ongoing conflicts, if he were kidnapped by bandit leaders, Haowei wouldn’t be able to rescue him.


  After asking, Haowei remembered that this little mischief couldn’t speak, so he cautioned again, “Don’t wander outside. It’s dangerous out there.”


  Just last night, Haowei thought the danger was the mischief that sucked away people’s vitality.


  Now, in the blink of an eye, it seemed the villagers were the dangerous ones.


  There was a slight movement in Si Lan’s furrowed brows, a response to Haowei’s words.


  Haowei hadn’t expected much of a reaction from him.


  Last night, the wind had lifted a part of the roof, so Haowei had woven thatch and stacked it on the ground. Si Lan saw this and tried to help, but only made things messier.


  He didn’t know how to tie thatch properly, and it ended up everywhere. Haowei shook his head helplessly and told him to sit aside.


  However, in no time, he seemed to find something amusing. He grabbed a handful of thatch and presented it to Haowei as if offering a treasure.


  Haowei focused and noticed a small green snake in Si Lan’s hands.




  The little green snake seemed frozen with fear, trembling in his hand and forgetting to escape.


  Haowei’s expression froze slightly. He was somewhat afraid of such slender creatures and quickly knocked the small snake out of Si Lan’s hand.


  As the small green snake fell to the ground, it dashed away, hitting the leg of the table and knocking over Haowei’s only piece of guest furniture.


  The wooden table made a cracking sound as one leg broke off.


  Haowei’s gaze darkened instantly. Moreover, the little green snake continued to flee, not going out the door but along the wall, through the paper-covered window, leaping into the back mountain and disappearing.




  Haowei rubbed his forehead. Last night, the strong wind had already broken several places in the paper-covered window. Now, with the small green snake’s disturbance, he would probably need to reapply the paper.


  Truly, when it rains, it pours.


  The roof, the window, and now the table—all had issues.


  He looked at the precarious thatched house and couldn’t help but sigh.


  Si Lan probably felt he had caused trouble and stood awkwardly in place, glancing gently at Haowei.


  Meeting his uneasy gaze, Haowei couldn’t help but laugh and cry, “You didn’t get bitten by the snake, did you?”


That small green snake was venomous.


Si Lan blinked, unable to understand Haowei’s words. Haowei walked over and took the initiative to check Si Lan’s body. When he lifted the oversized robe, he discovered that Si Lan had developed some red bumps, more like an allergic reaction than poisoning.


“You went to the edge earlier, didn’t you?”


Strange woods and wild creatures were everywhere in the village, even more so in the mountains. It was easy for ordinary people to have allergic reactions if they weren’t careful.


Si Lan gestured, and Haowei roughly understood. Shortly after Haowei left, Si Lan went out to look for him. However, he probably didn’t find him and returned.


This little mischief wasn’t bad with directions.


Haowei instructed Si Lan, “Wait for me at home. I’ll go buy some ointment for you.”


Si Lan blinked again, a response to Haowei.


The sky darkened further, layers of dark clouds gathering. The mountain wind rustled through the leaves, with raindrops starting to fall. Haowei quickened his pace, encountering two people head-on. Upon closer inspection, one was Lan Lan, the girl who had stolen his wild chicken last time. The other was a stranger dressed as a sorcerer, holding two bronze bells in his hands.


Their conversation floated faintly in the windy air.


“Since he was discovered nearby, his lingering spirit might also be nearby. After the rain stops, I’ll perform a soul summoning spell to see if I can guide his soul back.”


“Thank you, Master.”



Haowei reached the village entrance and went to the house of the old physician, where he got a bottle of ointment for treating allergies on credit. Just as he finished purchasing the medicine, heavy rain suddenly poured down outside, forming a misty curtain that obscured the surroundings.


“Chongying, you should wait until it clears up.” The old physician advised.


Thinking of the person’s discomfort, Haowei didn’t delay, thanked the old physician, and rushed into the pouring rain.


The ground, now wet from the rain, was unusually slippery. The rain pattered down, creating puddles of varying sizes. Haowei had to tread carefully, enduring gusts of wind that shook his clothes and distorted his features.


As a tall man, he nearly got blown over by the wind.


He couldn’t help worrying about Si Lan at home. He wondered if the mischief would be frightened by such strong winds.


His house was at the village’s end, a thatched cottage nestled at the foot of the mountain, the terrain sloping downward and ruggedly muddy. Therefore, apart from him, no one else lived here in the village.


The reason he lived here was that he had picked up this abandoned house and temporarily settled down.


As he descended a steep slope, he saw Si Lan standing in the pouring rain. Both of his small houses had their roofs blown off, and one side of a wall had collapsed. The remaining three walls looked precarious in the heavy rain.


“…” Haowei.


Seeing him, Si Lan seemed uneasy, gesturing with his hands as if trying to indicate that he hadn’t pushed the house over.

He didn’t have time to think about anything else; Haowei pulled Si Lan out of the house. If the remaining three walls collapsed, they might have been hit.


Luckily, Haowei paid attention to the situation on the mountain every time he went hunting, knowing that there was a cave where he could temporarily shelter from the rain.


He grabbed Si Lan’s hand, and the two stumbled into the deep mountains.


The branches were rustling loudly in the strong wind, like the tentacles of wild beasts waving ahead. Si Lan felt a little scared when he saw them and stayed close to Haowei.


Haowei noticed his fear. Initially holding his hand, he now wrapped his arm around Si Lan’s waist, and Si Lan snuggled into Haowei’s embrace.


Halfway up the mountain, Haowei pulled aside some wild grass, revealing a cave entrance about a person’s height.


Dim light filtered in, and inside the cave, there were small animals also seeking shelter from the rain—wild chickens, hedgehogs, sparrows, and the like.


The animals were taken by surprise at the sudden appearance of two people and issued warnings, but given the vast difference in size, they reluctantly made way.


Haowei squeezed Si Lan’s hand and cautioned, “Be careful; the cave floor is a bit uneven.”


Si Lan moved his fingers slightly, a response to Haowei’s words.


The end of the cave widened a bit, with a huge rock inside that Haowei had smoothed out and covered with thatch. On days when Haowei got tired from hunting in the mountains, he would rest here.


Haowei picked up a flint and struck it, soon sparking a fire torch. He took off his clothes, wearing only a small garment on his lower body, and placed his wet clothes near the fire torch to dry.


Si Lan followed Haowei’s lead, taking off all his clothes as well. Unlike the day before, perhaps after a day of learning about human affairs, he seemed less naive. He awkwardly shifted his legs, trying to cover up.


Haowei coughed lightly and handed the bundled thatch to Si Lan. “Use this to cover up first; your clothes will dry soon.”


Si Lan seemed to understand vaguely, clutching the thatch and curling up. His exposed back and neck formed smooth lines, and his fair skin had patches of allergic reactions.


Haowei’s face tensed as he took out the ointment and walked behind Si Lan, applying it to the allergic spots on his back. When he touched Si Lan’s skin, Haowei’s fingertips paused; the other’s skin was as smooth as jade, delicate and soft.


Haowei even wondered if a little more pressure might break the other’s skin. However, when he slowed down, he could clearly feel every inch of the other’s skin texture.


It seemed this mischief had never suffered. His exceptionally fair skin aside, it was also exceptionally soft, softer than freshly steamed tofu.


After a while, Haowei sensed a faint fragrance spreading throughout the cave. He suspected he had smelled it wrong and sniffed again, confirming the presence of a scent in the air.


And this fragrance…


It seemed to come from Si Lan.


Unable to resist, Haowei lowered his head, approaching Si Lan’s back where the ointment had just been applied. His skin was white with a touch of red, and the tiny pores seemed to emit a fragrance.


He leaned in closer, wanting to investigate further, but at that moment, Si Lan turned around suddenly.


Caught off guard, Haowei’s face collided with Si Lan’s, their noses lightly touching. In an instant, the fragrance became stronger, so intense that it made his heart race.


And the breath that Si Lan exhaled seemed even sweeter…

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 36 – Contract

       It was already past noon when he returned to K-City. Zhuo Yue had a quick meal and was watching the TV when he received a phone call from his adoptive father asking about Zhuo Hai’s situation. After his adoptive father, Zhuo Qing, was forced to pay off his loans at high interest rates, he took his adoptive mother with him and moved to Jin’an Town outside the city. After Fang Mingyan issued the debt transfer, Zhuo Yue once tried to bring them back to live with him, but was refused. They both agreed that they wanted to live a good life in the small town, so they didn’t want to move again. Zhuo Yue calculated his hourly wage each month based on his living expenses and the daily needs of two people. The two of them now had no debts and enjoyed a leisurely rural life. Recently, they rented a farmhouse and turned it into a guesthouse. The only thing that they couldn’t stop worrying about was Zhuo Hai. The boy had lost contact with his family two months ago and had not been heard from since.

       Zhuo Yue comforted them and promised to do his best to help find him. After putting his phone down, he sat on the sofa with his brow furrowed and sighed in grief. As for Zhuo Hai, he harboured resentment towards him. This younger brother had once personally pushed him into hell, leaving him trapped in pain and despair, making him struggle in pain and despair, wishing for death. If it hadn’t been for Fang Mingyan, he might have been completely ruined by now. However, he never told his adoptive parents about what happened that day; they were old and couldn’t bear such a blow. He didn’t want to see Zhuo Hai again, but he also didn’t want to worry the elderly couple. This conflicting mindset made him very troubled.

       Before he could come to a conclusion, the driver sent by Fang Mingyan had already been waiting downstairs to pick him up.

       When Zhuo Yue entered Hanguan Hall No. 15, Zhou Chi stood at the entrance and smiled and said, “Young Master Zhuo, welcome back.”

       This unusual greeting made Zhuo Yue pause for a moment, and then he smiled. Fang Mingyan hadn’t arrived home yet, so Zhuo Yue washed his hands and planned to help in the kitchen. Chef Old Zhao and his assistant, xiao Mei, were busy at the stove, and when they saw him coming, they quickly stopped him from touching anything.

       “I am, after all, a star chef. This little bit of work is nothing to me,” Zhuo Yue said. Old Zhao, who was slightly overweight with a round belly and a friendly demeanour, smiled and asked, “By the way, Young Master Zhuo, what kind of dishes do you usually like?”

       “I prefer the taste of Sichuan dishes.”

       “I didn’t realise you have quite a strong taste,” Old Zhao said, laughing heartily. “Well, that makes sense. If your taste weren’t strong, you wouldn’t be with Young Master.”

       Seeing Zhuo Yue’s face turn red, Xiao Mei glared at the chubby chef and said, “Hurry up and get to work. If the guests arrive and the dishes aren’t on the table yet, the young master might dock your pay!”

       “I know.” Old Zhao secretly looked towards Zhuo Yue. He glanced over and said, “I’ll make you boiled fish tonight, with lots of chillies, so they can’t eat it.”

       Zhuo Yue couldn’t help but laugh.

       He felt that something in this house had changed. When he used to live here, no one would welcome him back, no one would joke with him, and no one would smooth things over for him. Zhou Chi and the others treated him with courtesy and respect since he was a guest, but there was always a sense of distance that made them hard to approach. Now, however, it seemed as if they had opened their arms to accept him. Everyone seemed more lively, filled with warmth and humanity, giving him a sense of familial warmth he hadn’t felt before.

       Fang Mingyan returned with the guests. Upon entering, he unabashedly embraced Zhuo Yue, who was waiting in the foyer and gave him a kiss before turning to attend to his guests. “Make yourselves at home,” he said. Zhuo Yue, his face burning, lowered his head and greeted the guests one by one.

       Zhuo Yue knew all of these people; Chu Yu and Xu Ye, Sima Jun and Xia Ran, and a lone Qin Mu holding a thick folder in his hand. Upon seeing Zhuo Yue, Xu Ye wanted to go over and talk to him, but Chu Yu grabbed him by the collar and gave him a warning look, causing Xu Ye to immediately back down.

       Sima Jun laughed from the side, “Xu Ye, you used all your wits to scheme against the lion. It’s already fortunate that he didn’t come after you for revenge. How dare you provoke someone he cares about?”

       “I was just being a matchmaker, helping others out. Zhuo Yue is my friend, of course I want to help him,” Xu Ye retorted.

       “Oh?” Fang Mingyan looked at him intently, “If I recall correctly, the friend you manipulated onto the stage almost got disfigured by that red whip.”

       Xu Ye stiffened and asked defensively, “Who asked you not to intervene then?”

       “You dug a pit for me, and it’s my fault if I don’t jump in?” Fang Mingyan teased, “Aren’t you afraid that one day I’ll dig a pit for you out of a whim?”

       “If you dig a pit, there’s no way he’ll avoid it. But if I will be pulling him along, at least he won’t fall too hard,” Chu Yu said with a faint smile. “Last time, he got involved and made a mess, but considering the outcome was not too bad, could you do me a favour and not hold it against him?”

       Fang Mingyan smiled wryly, “Do you all see me as that petty? It looks like I really need to adjust my external strategies.”

       A few people talked and laughed as they took their seats. The man scanned the red-coloured boiled fish on the table, raised his eyes to look at Zhuo Yue, who was pouring wine for the guests, and an incomprehensible smile floated on his lips. He typically preferred mild flavours and rarely did the table feature such richly coloured Sichuan cuisine. It was obvious today’s meal prepared by the Old Zhao was intended for someone specific.

       Zhuo Yue’s eyes met his, his face reddening, and the corners of his lips curling up.

       After the meal, they chatted leisurely for a moment. Qin Mu checked his watch and stood up, saying, “I’m satisfied with food and drink, it’s time to get down to business.”

       “Let’s go to the study room.” Fang Mingyan let Zhuo Yue prepare some tea and take the guests to the study room. Seeing that they were about to discuss serious matters, Zhuo Yue prepared to leave after making the tea, but heard the man call out to him, “Zhuo Yue.”

       “Sir.” He stood quietly by the door, awaiting instructions.

       “Come and sit down,” Fang Mingyan stood behind the desk, one hand resting on the large leather chair.

       It was his designated spot for work. Zhuo Yue walked over somewhat bewildered, their eyes meeting again before he sat down.

       Qin Mu opened the folder, took out a stack of documents, and placed them on the table with a solemn expression. “Mr. Zhuo Yue, today I am here on behalf of Mr. Fang Mingyan to handle the contract agreement between you and him. Chu Yu, Xu Ye, Sima Jun, and Xia Ran present here will act as witness collaborators for your signature on these documents, ensuring their validity. I will now proceed to explain each document in detail. Please listen carefully.” He placed several sheets of paper neatly in front of Zhuo Yue. “The first document covers all of Mr. Fang’s assets, including businesses, financial investments, deposits, debts, real estate, vehicles, and more. To give you a clear overview, I have evaluated the fixed assets, and below is the total sum of his entire estate.”

       “Sir…” Zhuo Yue began hesitantly, rising from his seat and looking at his master uneasily. “You don’t need to tell me all this, I…”

       “Sit down.” The man’s eyes were deep, and there was an unquestionable forcefulness in his tone, “Do not interrupt until he has finished.”

       Zhuo Yue reluctantly sat back down, feeling overwhelmed as he looked at the pile of complex documents in front of him.

       Qin Mu continued, “The second document details Mr. Fang’s various investments and the operational status of his enterprises over the past five years, presented in graphical form for easier understanding. The third document lists individuals with economic relationships with Mr. Fang, including employees, partners, debtors, and more. The fourth document covers all members of Mr. Fang’s family, including distant relatives with whom he has dealings. The fifth document details Mr. Fang’s personal health condition, based on a checkup conducted one month ago. All economic aspects in these documents have been notarized by qualified institutions, ensuring there are no falsehoods or omissions.”

       He paused briefly, “Next, I need to explain the authorization documents. Mr. Fang Mingyan has already signed two documents. The first authorizes you as his agent in emergencies. Should he become incapacitated, and unable to express his wishes clearly, you will have the authority to make decisions on his behalf. This includes managing his assets, making personal health decisions, and exercising his voting rights on boards. The second document is a joint ownership agreement, stating that all his assets will be held jointly with you, and designating you as the primary heir to his estate. These documents will take effect upon your and the witnesses’ signatures.”

       He placed a pen on the documents. Zhuo Yue sat with his head bowed, tears welling up in his eyes. When he raised his eyes again, they were filled with tears. His long lashes trembled as he stared deeply at the man standing beside him, as if imprinting this person in his heart and soul, unable to suppress the overwhelming emotions surging within. The surging feelings in his heart could no longer be suppressed and flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

       Fang Mingyan gently touched Zhuo Yue’s tear-streaked face, his voice low and tender. “Zhuo Yue, a vow is more than just a promise. It signifies my commitment to give you everything I have and to spend the rest of my life with you. To me, you are my Sub, my partner. I won’t hide anything from you. I will share everything with you. As you belong to me, I belong to you.”

       “Sir, thank you for everything you’ve given me ……” Zhuo Yue glanced at the documents on the table, pursed his lips, and said as if he had made up his mind, “But I don’t want to sign these documents.”

       Fang Mingyan was stunned, and the others were also taken aback.

       However, he stood up, knelt before the man, “Master, I love you deeply. This love isn’t based on economic foundations, so those precisely calculated figures and detailed complex documents mean nothing to me. I yearn to understand you, to know your family and friends, to be your lifelong companion hand in hand. But I don’t want it to be through this method, reading from paper, stipulating in clauses, authorizing each other, and having others witness… I don’t want you to keep accommodating me, or to be with me in ways that can’t see the light. It’s not fair to you.” He paused for a moment, straightened his back, and said, “If there comes a day when we need to sign for each other, I hope neither of us will need to produce that authorization form, and we can simply write our names in the space for the family.”

       The man furrowed his brows slightly, “Zhuo Yue, you understand why I chose to make a vow. Our marriage is too risky for you. Your fans won’t accept it, your career will be restricted, and you’ll lose many opportunities you desire.”

       Zhuo Yue lifted his head and looked at him with wet eyes, “Besides myself, I have nothing else to give you. Apart from you, I have nothing else to lose.” His body tensed with nervousness, his fingers behind his back clenched into a fist, palms sweaty. Summoning courage, he spoke with a slightly trembling voice, “To me, you’re more important than anything. I want to follow and accompany you in a way that can be seen in the light, so whenever you turn around, you’ll see me.” Here, Zhuo Yue grew even more nervous and excited, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. He urgently asked, “Master, would you… marry me?”

       Upon hearing this earth-shattering final sentence, Xia Ran burst out laughing with a “pfft,” immediately followed by a series of coughs and sniffs to cover it up. Xu Ye was completely dumbfounded, Sima Jun and Qin Mu stifled their laughter as they looked towards Fang Mingyan, even Chu Yu couldn’t help but smirk.

       Fang Mingyan was left in stitches by Zhuo Yue’s sudden unexpected proposal, raising an eyebrow as he said, “You want me to marry you?”

       Zhuo Yue’s face turned completely red, whispering, “No… I, I was just too nervous earlier, Master, what I meant was…”

       While apologies were still pending, the onlookers had already started to disperse.

       “Let’s go, let’s go, we have nothing to do here anymore. They should discuss how to get a bride now,” Sima Jun teased, pushing Xia Ran towards the exit. Xia Ran couldn’t even speak anymore, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, clearly on the verge of laughter-induced insanity.

       Xu Ye, on his way out, stifled a laugh and said to Zhuo Yue, “You’ve got guts. If you’re marrying him, I’ll prepare the betrothal gifts for you.”

       Chu Yu, who rarely joked, added, “Count me in.”

       Qin Mu tidied up the documents briefly and remarked, “Though they might not be needed, Chairman Fang, remember to pay the commission fee on time. You know how persistent lawyers can be.”

       Once everyone had left, Fang Mingyan looked coolly at the person kneeling on the ground and said, “Marry me, hmm?”

       Zhuo Yue froze all over, awkwardly calling out, “Master…”

       The man lifted his chin, squinted his eyes, and said slowly and deliberately, “I am the Dom, you are the Sub, so I will be the one marrying you. I am the invader; you are the receiver, so I will marry you. I command and you obey, so I will marry you. Do you understand?”

       Zhuo Yue raised his eyes and smiled, “Master, are you proposing to me?”


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Chapter 152 – Let's Go Home

Chapter 152 – Let’s Go Home


Lu Shifeng halted his steps and looked at him.


The reporters’ incessant chatter suddenly ceased involuntarily. It wasn’t for anything else; Lu Shifeng’s imposing aura made people instinctively refrain from moving carelessly. When stared at by those blood-red eyes, one would feel a sense of oppression, a formidable pressure.


The journalists’ words were stuck in their throats, and one hesitantly said, “Um, that…”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze, sneered coldly, and walked away.


Passing through this area, they entered the military’s territory. It was solemn and quiet, devoid of reporters. The new deputy officer, a short blonde Dragonkin, asked in a low voice, “Do you need someone to manage the area outside in case Lu Shifeng gets surrounded again next time?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “No need.”


After a pause, Lu Shifeng added, “Coordinate with Secretary Jin. Have her send people to follow Jian Luo and ensure his safety.”


The deputy officer affirmed, “Understood.”


Jian Luo, who was considered fragile and in danger, had already finished breakfast. He returned to Paradise. Today, he needed to arrange his medical examination. He arrived relatively early but was surprised to find many people waiting for him at the village entrance.


Looking from afar, it was bustling with people.


Jian Luo paused for a moment, then walked over. His gaze swept over the crowd as he asked, “What’s going on?”


The villagers exchanged glances and finally spoke up:


“Luoluo, are you okay?”


“We’ve heard about what happened.”




Previously, most villagers in Paradise hadn’t truly regarded Jian Luo as a leader. They believed he couldn’t handle responsibilities and lacked the ability to lead them out of the village. After all, Jian Luo was just a young man in his twenties.


But it was this young man who liberated humanity. He dared to defy the Dark Star people, he saved that young girl, he dared to stand up and question the marriage laws for everyone. He had courage and initiative, far surpassing the countless others who had lived idly in Paradise for so long.


Under the gaze of the crowd, Jian Luo said calmly, “I’m fine.”


“No need to worry about me. I’m okay.” Jian Luo stood there, composed and natural. He didn’t seek recognition nor did he play the victim. He simply said, “It’s just something I had to do. Thank you all for your concern.”


He hadn’t expected to gain such popularity through this incident.


But now he had other things to attend to. He found Director Wang and said, “Is everything sorted out regarding the statistics I asked for?”


Director Wang seemed to just realize and immediately responded, “Oh yes, I was just about to discuss that with you!”


Not long ago, Jian Luo had asked Director Wang to pay attention to the list of humans who wanted to move to the Sky City and those who wished to stay. Moving to the Sky City was a rare opportunity, with the Dark Star supporting employment. Many businesses and enterprises were offering quotas for accommodation, which meant the Agricultural Center would inevitably lose some people. Hence, accurate statistics were crucial.


Director Wang handed him the list. Jian Luo was mentally prepared, but he found that apart from those applying for education, there were hardly any other applicants.


Jian Luo: “What’s going on?”


“We’ve all discussed this.” Director Wang glanced at everyone, “Luo Luo, didn’t you mention wanting to start a food processing factory? Now’s the time we need manpower, why shouldn’t we go.”


Not long ago during a meeting, Jian Luo had mentioned his plans for a food processing factory. The plan had been in place for a long time, with a site already chosen. He hoped interested individuals would volunteer, and there would also be a branch factory on Earth. Skilled workers would have the opportunity to transfer there.




Just two words, heavy as a boulder.


All wanderers abroad yearn to return home, without exception.


And now someone had handed them an opportunity, telling them they could go back to build their own homesteads, return to their mother planet, create wealth with their own hands, and — not have to depend on others.


Director Wang smiled, “Many were hesitant before, but this morning, all the lists were finalized.”


They couldn’t confine life to a young man in his twenties, but Jian Luo’s display of responsibility and commitment gave them hope.


How many chances does life offer?


They remembered, they once were a united and vigorous people. Success was ideal, but even failure acknowledged was better than a lifetime of being unable to stand tall.


The people of the Dark Star looked down on humans, but humans couldn’t afford to look down on themselves.



After finalizing the lists, Jian Luo began assigning tasks. After a chaotic start, he finally learned efficiency:


“Director Wang, please take you and a few key personnel to visit the factory. Arrange for experienced individuals to go first.”


“I’ve allocated funds to build a primary school. Submit the available land plots in the village to me by tonight.”


“Print out the labor contracts for the factory. Arrange for people to come in the afternoon to sign, with the list sorted out.”


“Prioritize the physical examinations at the research institute for the younger adults. Jian Sheng will come over to pick them up. I’ll be available in two hours…”


Throughout the day, he kept the pace frantic. By late afternoon, returning from the research institute, he could finally attend to his last engagement.


“Knock knock.”


Jian Luo tapped on the door of the old locust tree.


A somewhat aged voice from inside said, “Come in.”


Jian Luo entered with a pot of small fruit wine and two small dishes, seeing the old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner sleeping under the tree. He approached, “Checking up on you?”


The old medicine practitioner opened his eyes, “Oh, bringing wine.”


Jian Luo handed it over, “Fruit wine from the elves, prolongs life.”




The old medicine practitioner had no other hobby than drinking. He tasted it and sighed softly, “Stuff from outer space, still can’t get used to it.”


Jian Luo sat down beside him against the tree, “Next spring, I’ll find some peach blossom trees on Earth and make peach blossom wine.”




The old medicine practitioner’s eyes flickered. He set down the elf fruit wine, “Can people still live there?”


Jian Luo said, “I’ve found a purifying mineral. Recently, there’s news that the mutated animals born there are becoming normal.”


The old medicine practitioner didn’t speak, but his excitement was evident from his expression and breath. His hands even trembled a bit as he said, “When are we going?”




The old medicine practitioner sat in his chair, bathed in the evening sun. His voice was hoarse and aged, “Old bones like mine, even in my last years, I want to rest on the soil of Earth.”


Jian Luo said, “You’re doing well.”


The old medicine practitioner chuckled, “Naturally, I still want to drink peach blossom wine.”


After chatting for a while, they finally got to the point. Jian Luo didn’t beat around the bush and said directly, “I do have a request.”


“Go ahead.”


“I’d like to invite you to return to Earth for research and development.”


The old medicine practitioner wasn’t surprised at all, “Earth’s herbs.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Last time I collected some and compared them with yours, finding medicinal properties. Jian Sheng informed me today that Earth’s qualifications have been verified as a planet conducive to reproduction and propagation, endowing all creatures born there with similar abilities. But I believe, not only humans benefit, Earth’s herbs surely have medicinal effects too.”


There was one more thing Jian Luo didn’t mention.


One of the medical reports indicated a substance crucial for conception within human bodies called Neomycin. Its origin was unclear, but Neomycin could perfectly integrate with effective genes from the Dark Star, simplifying conception.


According to the test results, Jian Luo’s Neomycin level was 100%.


Apart from him, the highest among other humans was only 10%, which was already considered high; normal values hovered around 5%. This explained past intermarriage issues where no pregnancies occurred, with Neomycin being the critical factor.


Jian Luo said, “There’s something I need to be honest about regarding my body, it’s grown on vegetables since childhood.”


The old medicine practitioner looked up.


“So I hope you can go to Earth, bringing Jian Sheng and other research teams, to tackle the challenge of producing Neomycin from Earth’s plants.” Jian Luo paused, adding, “It’s just a request.”


The old Chinese doctor slowly reclined in his chair, “Aren’t you afraid that the Dark Star people will cure the illness and then turn against us?”


He didn’t refuse Jian Luo’s proposal, nor did he say he couldn’t do it. Instead, he questioned the core of the issue, after all, if Earth really had value, why would the Dark Stars help humanity?


If the mother planet were to be invaded again, humans would have no more utility. Destruction would be their only fate.


Jian Luo chuckled, “But you forget, centuries ago, without the Dark Stars, humanity would have long been extinct. As the history books say, when you receive a drop of kindness, you should repay it with a gushing spring. Our ancestors taught us to repay kindness. Moreover, I believe a planet that extends a helping hand to a weaker race in times of crisis is worth taking a chance on.”


The courtyard fell silent.


The old Chinese doctor sat on his rattan chair, half dozing, seemingly lost in thought. A smile slowly crept onto his aged face, “I never expected, at my age, to be taught by a young man.”


Jian Luo was humble, “I dare not, sir. Your considerations are thorough. I still have much to learn.”


The elderly man picked up a nearby spirit fruit wine and took a sip. He gazed at the sunset and sighed, “The Earth’s sunset must be even more beautiful.”


Jian Luo followed his gaze toward the light.


Every star system has a luminous sun, some large, some small, but their internal structure and texture are the same. Logically speaking, they are all the same, but those wanderers who cannot return home will always feel that only their homeland’s sun is the largest, roundest, and brightest.


Humans have been away from home for too long, so long that many have forgotten what their own rising sun looks like.


After a while,


The old Chinese doctor withdrew his gaze and said, “These old bones should go home.”


Jian Luo felt a faint anticipation in his heart and softly asked, “Do you mean…”


“Going home,” the old Chinese doctor’s aged face broke into a gentle smile, “Arrange a place to stay and assemble a team for me. I’m going back to see the sun.”


Author’s note: I made up Neomycin. If it’s offensive, I apologize.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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Chapter 151 – Division of Property

Chapter 151 – Division of Property


His actions were not small, even attracting quite a bit of attention.


A waiter exclaimed, and a crowd gathered around. Originally just bystanders, ready to watch the excitement and then leave, they unexpectedly found two humans when they approached. This made many people unable to move on. Since the liberation of humans, many have become interested in this race.


The waiter came over, quite imposing: “Sir, we do not allow physical conflicts here.”


Seeing that the other party was human, her attitude was not very friendly. However, upon recognizing who the other person was, she first froze, then noticeably softened her stance. She walked over and said, “Perhaps you’ve encountered some problem?”


Jian Luo glanced sideways at her.


On the other hand, the vampire across from him was furious: “Mr. Jian, I respect you as a human, but I never expected such behavior from someone educated in Eden.”


Qingqing was also stunned: “Brother Jian, what’s going on?”


“Mr. Phil,” Jian Luo did not put down the cup in his hand. He said, “Let’s meet directly at the police station.”


Originally, everyone present just wanted to watch the excitement. No one expected Jian Luo to speak out, which was quite shocking.


Even the proud vampire who was about to curse was stunned.


Phil’s arrogance froze on his face. Vampires were already proud, and being publicly exposed made him feel embarrassed and awkward under the gaze of so many people. It was as if he was being humiliated in public, though he had never imagined Jian Luo would notice him.


“What powder?” Phil pursed his lips and suppressed his dissatisfaction. “This is between me and Qingqing. What concern is it of yours?”


Qingqing was taken aback.


The young girl was still confused, but she heard this conversation vaguely. She looked down at her cup, suddenly realizing, “Phil, did you put something in my drink?”


Phil suspiciously averted his gaze.


Under everyone’s gaze, he said, “It’s just an enhancer, no big deal. I could just marry you if it comes to that!”


Phil didn’t think he was wrong.


As a noble, he could have whatever he wanted. Being with a human like Qingqing was already a step up for her. Moreover, he had no interest in such a weak race. It was just that humans seemed obedient lately, which gave him a sense of novelty. Of course, it would be even better if he could have a child with her.




He absolutely had not thought about marrying Qingqing.


Keeping her as a mistress was enough. If they had a child, he could marry her later. Unfortunately, this woman refused to cooperate. Humans were just too complicated. If she really wanted to be reserved, how could she have approached him?


Thinking of this,


Phil said, “Qingqing, for your sake, I won’t pursue this further. It’s late. You should go back with Mr. Jian.”


Jian Luo glanced at Qingqing.


The girl’s eyes slowly turned red, her expression momentarily heartbreaking. But soon, she covered it with a cold smile. Qingqing took a step forward, under Phil’s somewhat arrogant gaze, and slapped him hard—




The crisp sound of the slap echoed through the hall.


A bright red handprint appeared on the arrogant noble’s face. He looked at Qingqing almost incredulously. The girl withdrew her hand and said to Jian Luo, “Brother, let’s go.”


And they left. Phil stood alone in place, enduring the scrutiny of everyone’s gaze. Those eyes, filled with disdain, sympathy, and curiosity, felt like sharp thorns piercing into him, causing a pain akin to being publicly executed.


The vampire clan was ultimately a race that valued prestige. Today, being splashed with water and slapped by humans, how could Phil endure it?


“If you have the guts, go to the police station!”


Watching Jian Luo’s figure walking away, Phil sneered, “The law protects the Dark Stars. Without the human clause, what if the Marriage Law changes? Why shouldn’t I check the quality in advance? Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Even if you go, you’ll come back to apologize to me.”


Jian Luo paused in his steps.


Phil saw the human turn back, his ink-black eyes staring at him relentlessly, as if freezing him in place with their chilling gaze.


Just as Phil thought he was about to do something, Jian Luo’s lips curled into a cold smile, lightly opening, “Trash.”




Under Phil’s incredulous gaze, the two walked away.


Walking down the corridor, Jian Luo’s tense expression made Qing Qing very nervous. She glanced sideways several times, wanting to speak but afraid to.


Jian Luo said, “Let’s go to the police station.”


Qing Qing was anxious, “Forget it, bro. That’s the Dark Star’s police station. They won’t care about us.”


Jian Luo fell silent.


Although they both looked down on Phil, it had to be said that what Phil said was true. When one lives under someone else’s roof, one must submit to their rules. He suddenly deeply understood Lu Shifeng’s words, “The weak have no right to speak.” The Marshal had told him more than once that Dark Star was a place where the strong preyed on the weak. To live well, one had to become strong.


“Jian Luo.”


A voice came from not far away.


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see Lu Shifeng standing nearby. The man walked towards him with long strides, his gaze falling on the gap where Qing Qing and Jian Luo stood too close, calmly pushing Qing Qing aside and standing beside Jian Luo.


Qing Qing: ?


Lu Shifeng looked down at Jian Luo, “Why aren’t you coming back?”


Jian Luo’s mood was complicated. Seeing Lu Shifeng made him realize he had stood the Marshal up. He hurriedly said, “Something came up. Sorry for making you wait.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at Qing Qing again, his voice deep, “It’s fine.”


Qing Qing felt chills run down her spine from the Marshal’s intense gaze. He said it was fine, but why did his eyes seem so terrifying?


Jian Luo’s emotions were in turmoil. He tugged at Lu Shifeng’s sleeve, wanting to quietly suggest they should end today and go back first. Lu Shifeng, sensing the movement, naturally thought Jian Luo wanted to hold hands, so he reached out and held the restless little hand at his side.


Jian Luo: ?


Qing Qing widened her eyes, unable to believe how suddenly romantic it was.


Jian Luo’s hand was enveloped by another warm palm. With Lu Shifeng standing beside him, he felt an overwhelming sense of security. His complex emotions vanished, his entire focus captured by the warmth of that hand.


“Um… um,” Jian Luo felt flustered, “Let’s go back first.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his head to look at him.


Jian Luo quickly explained, “It’s not safe for a young girl to be out alone. Let’s take her home first.”


Lu Shifeng remained indifferent. Whether the human girl was safe or not was none of his concern. His pleasant evening had been ruined just because a woman wanted to go home?


Realizing this, Lu Shifeng lifted his eyelids and glanced at Qing Qing.


Qing Qing: !


She felt murderous intent.


Jian Luo also felt embarrassed and quickly said, “Next time, I’ll leave work early in a couple of days, and we’ll come out more often.”


“Come out more often.”


Lu Shifeng keenly grasped the point. Jian Luo’s proposed plan satisfied him.


Men who had been pacified were always more accommodating. Lu Shifeng relieved the pressure on Qing Qing, saying, “Alright, let’s go.”


Jian Luo sighed with relief. As Lu Shifeng led him away, seeing Qing Qing stiffen, he comforted her, thinking she was afraid, “Don’t worry, Brother Long is very good.”


Qing Qing: …


That’s just for you, isn’t it?


The group soon returned to Peace Paradise. Jian Luo didn’t plan to go home tonight, mainly because there was no one at home. Su Liang was helping with the children of the Dragon Clan, and his younger brother was working at the research institute. He also couldn’t rest assured with the little ones, so he planned to rest with Lu Shifeng back at the Dragon Clan.


After returning to the Dragon Clan, Jian Luo glanced at the sleeping children before preparing to rest and wash up. He had thought this horrible day was finally over, but he didn’t expect things to get even worse.


“Luo Luo!”


Early in the morning, there was shouting outside.


Jian Luo was in the middle of washing up. After brushing his teeth, he walked out and opened the door to see Su Liang standing there with three children in his arms. When they saw Jian Luo, they crawled into their father’s arms on their own, rubbing affectionately and chattering. Especially Long Ao Tian, who almost rubbed Jian Luo all over.


Su Liang said, “What were you doing yesterday? Everyone is talking about you online.”


Jian Luo frowned, “Me?”


He sensed something was wrong and opened the Star Network. Sure enough, at the top of the trending list was the hashtag #MarriageLaw#.


It turned out someone had filmed yesterday’s events and posted them online. Now, the netizens had something to gossip about early in the morning, eagerly joining the discussion:


“The Marriage Law is out?”


“Humans have such explosive tempers, actually resorting to physical violence.”


“I don’t think this situation is such a big deal. Was it really necessary to get so worked up?”


“I agree.”


Most Dark Stars didn’t see any issue with the incident. Unlike humans with their feudal and conservative views, they had little interaction with humans in Paradise over the years and preserved their own values.


The clash of these two races’ perspectives was imminent.


“When it comes to feelings, it’s mutual consent. If she accepted the dinner invitation, isn’t that agreement enough?”


“Yeah, it’s really strange.”


“The part about not dividing property is spot on. Humans don’t even have assets to split.”


People discussed fervently, with the first draft of the Marriage Law released by the authorities, along with the incident at the hotel, sparking heated debate. Most Dark Stars expressed support.


Jian Luo scoffed coldly after browsing through many comments.


Closing the page, he said to Xiu Liang, “Nothing important. Let’s go have breakfast.”


Xiu Liang noticed that Jian Luo seemed to have matured a bit and could keep his composure. This was reassuring for her. She had noticed since their return to Dark Star, Jian Luo’s state was gradually improving.


The two returned to the dining table and found that Lu Shifeng was not there.


Secretary Jin said, “The Master is conducting military guidance in the B star system today. He left early in the morning, around four, and instructed not to disturb you.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Got it.”


Although it was a four o’clock schedule, by the time Lu Shifeng arrived at the military shipyard, it was already dawn. At the same time, there were quite a few reporters waiting around the perimeter. This was more of a familiar scenario, as there were usually many media gatherings wanting to take photos. However, the theme this time was clearly different.


They shouted from the sidelines:


“How do you view yesterday’s events?”


“Are you and Mr. Jian planning to marry soon?”


“What are your thoughts on the property division in the Marriage Law?”


After all, Lu Shifeng owned a lot of property, much more than those noisy nobles. He held the entire wealth of the Dragon Clan in his grasp.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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