Month: June 2024 (Page 6 of 8)

Chapter 132 – I Can't Save Everyone

Chapter 132 – I Can’t Save Everyone


Jian Luo finally relaxed on the way back.


Sitting in the cart, he both scolded Ao Tian to behave and talked to the boy driving the cart. “The marshal seems to have a lot of power.”


The boy replied warmly, “Our planet is divided into the north and south, with four tribes in total. The marshal is the leader of the strongest tribe, responsible for leading us to greater strength and prosperity, with absolute authority.”


Jian Luo had guessed as much.


“He seems fair,” Jian Luo said sincerely. “He seems like a wise leader.”


The boy said, “The marshal is usually very fair.”


There was a subtle implication in his words.


Jian Luo wanted to ask if there were times he wasn’t fair, but he swallowed the question, deciding it was better to keep quiet.


The snow began to fall again.


The young boy said, “I thought we could have a good year this year, but the vegetation was cut down, and now life will be difficult again.”


Jian Luo looked up at the sky. In this world, things often don’t go as planned, and everyone is struggling to survive, without exception.




He shivered from the cold.


The dragon, Ao Tian, who had been cautiously peeking out, was startled by the sudden sneeze and quickly retreated.


A large cloak fell from above onto Jian Luo’s head. Lu Shifeng, now left with only a thin outer garment, sat beside Jian Luo, his back and spine straight, seemingly unaffected by the cold wind.


Jian Luo asked, “Aren’t you cold?”


Lu Shifeng’s thin lips moved slightly. Under the wind and snow, he remained motionless: “Dragons aren’t afraid of the cold.”


So impressive.


Jian Luo glanced silently at the three little ones in his arms, deeply doubting whether these three could really be dragons.


Lu Shifeng seemed to read his mind and explained, “They are still young. Their scales are not their armor yet, but their weak spot.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


It was a simple statement, but he understood it immediately. The flying snow drifted through the air, and the icy wind was bone-chilling and painful.


Jian Luo patted Long Ao Tian’s head and said softly, “Parents will become their armor.”


He would do everything to protect his children.


No one could hurt them, no one.



Upon returning, the tribe held a meeting.


Regarding the deforestation, everyone offered their opinions, and Jian Luo shared his thoughts.


“I think we should try artificial cultivation,” Jian Luo suggested. “They’ll bring the grass back, and Miu You hasn’t left yet. We can set up feeding points to keep Miu You from leaving until the snowstorm passes and then replant.”


The chief found the idea feasible.


Of course, others had different concerns:


“The Wenye tribe can also provide food; they have sunlight.”


“It won’t be that simple.”




Jian Luo didn’t say more. After all, he wasn’t a savior. All he could do was offer his opinion; the feasibility and difficulty of the solution weren’t something he could determine.


In their time of crisis, Lu Shifeng said, “Isn’t there a market?”


Everyone was stunned.


As they hesitated, Lu Shifeng continued, “Can’t your market trade items?”


Though it was winter, it didn’t mean there was no trade. Among the four tribes, some were poor while others were wealthy, and some struggled while others thrived.


The chief said, “Our resources are scarce; I’m afraid we have nothing valuable to trade.”


Jian Luo thought, “We have sweaters. I’ve seen many girls knit very well.”


They still had time to give gifts to their lovers, hmph.


Jian Luo’s suggestion was like waking up from a dream. Indeed, sweaters were rare items, and high-ranking tribes would likely appreciate them.


The chief nodded approvingly. “It’s feasible.”


After speaking, he gratefully looked at Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo. “You two are truly benefactors of our Karls tribe. If there’s anything you need, just ask, and we’ll do our best.”


Lu Shifeng nodded slightly and led Jian Luo back.


Back in the room, Jian Luo took off the cloak, and the three little ones, seemingly stifled, began to bounce around once released.


Long Ba Tian, being smart, came over to Jian Luo to have his clothes taken off. Jian Luo unbuttoned his coat, saying, “It seems you really don’t like wearing clothes.”


Lu Shifeng watched Jian Luo from the side. “You don’t have many clothes either.”


“Ah…well,” Jian Luo looked down at himself. He hadn’t brought any clothes when he came, so he was dressed quite casually. He looked up at Lu Shifeng. “Do you think it looks bad?”


Another strange point of persistence added.


Lu Shifeng picked up Long Ao Tian to change his bandage. “I haven’t bought you anything.”


Jian Luo was stunned, taking a moment to react. Could it be that mentioning the market made Lu Shifeng realize he hadn’t bought anything for him, so he wanted to make up for it?




This was also cute.


Jian Luo sat leisurely and deliberately said, “Oh, right. You see, their partners buy them nice clothes and lots of good food and fun things.”


Lu Shifeng paused and said, “What do you want? I’ll bring it back for you tomorrow.”


Jian Luo quietly watched him. After a while without a response, Lu Shifeng looked up, meeting Jian Luo’s smiling eyes. He sat on the bed, the warm yellow light gently falling on his shoulders, while outside, the snow floated down softly. Jian Luo spoke softly, “Just kidding.”


Lu Shifeng’s red eyes deepened.


“I don’t like those things,” Jian Luo said. “I can buy those myself. I just want you to come back safely every day.”


Holding his sleeping sister and a drowsy Long Ba Tian, he patted the dragon cub’s head and whispered, “I’m already very happy now.”


He had never asked for much, just a place to call home and live an ordinary life. He used to think having enough to eat and drink was hard, so he wanted to be rich and successful. But now, he had tempered his desires, finding the most precious thing was an ordinary life.

Although such a precious peaceful life would never last long for him.


The next day


“Luo Luo!”


There was a shout from outside the courtyard.


Jian Luo was teaching Long Ao Tian and the others math. Hearing the noise, he went out and saw a woman from the neighboring house at the door. He asked, “What’s wrong?”


The woman said, “The Military Leader is here. I heard he’s looking for you.”


Jian Luo frowned, recalling the man he met in the valley, tall and imposing, looking quite formidable. Why would he be looking for him?


Jian Luo asked, “What does he want?”


The woman shook her head. “I don’t know, but he said he wants to discuss cooperation with you. I heard it might be related to witch stones.”




Jian Luo was shocked. He was indeed interested in witch stones but avoided making it public for fear of trouble. Even his research was done secretly with Lu Shifeng’s help. How did the Military Leader know?


Jian Luo asked, “What kind of cooperation?”


“I’m not sure,” the woman said tentatively. “Maybe you should go and see?”


Jian Luo had children at home, and Lu Shifeng was out hunting. He couldn’t trust others with the dragon cubs, so he said, “Wait for my brother to come back first.”


The woman said, “I’ll let him know.”


Jian Luo replied, “Thank you.”


Since the incident with Wenye, Jian Luo had been extremely cautious about everything. After returning to the room, he locked the door.


Long Ao Tian sensed his father’s tense breathing, not understanding what was wrong. His wings had improved recently, and the healing wounds itched, making him want to rub against things. Now, he wobbled toward the table corner.


Jian Luo said, “Long Ao Tian!”


The black cub shrank his head.


Worried that the wounds would reopen, Jian Luo sighed and picked him up. “Daddy will spank you if you keep this up.”


Long Ao Tian rubbed against him, seeking affection.


As Jian Luo was thinking, there was a knock on the door again. Without turning around, Jian Luo said, “Auntie, I already told you, I can’t go now. We’ll talk when my brother comes back.”


There was a pause outside, then a man’s voice: “Mr. Jian, I’m the Military Leader. I heard you were inconvenienced and wanted to chat.”




For a moment, Jian Luo’s hair stood on end. In his panic, he squeezed the black cub’s paw too hard, making it yelp in pain.


Jian Luo quickly released his grip. “Sorry, sorry.”


The cub’s cry was heard outside. After a moment of silence, the Military Leader said, “Mr. Jian, don’t be afraid. If you distrust me, we can talk like this.”


Jian Luo gathered the three cubs in his arms, warily looking at the door. “What do you want to talk about?”


The Military Leader said, “I know you need witch stones.”


“Witch stones have the effect of neutralizing magnetic fields, countering radiation, ultraviolet rays, and even post-war pollution.” The Military Leader continued, “For centuries, to fend off foreign covetousness, we isolated our planet, willing to lag in technology rather than expose our treasures. Otherwise, we’d face disaster.”


Jian Luo said, “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”


The Military Leader chuckled, “No, I didn’t come to ask for your secrecy but for cooperation.”


Jian Luo was puzzled. “Cooperation?”


“Our planet is the largest source of mystical stones, a resource that is both abundant and inexhaustible.” The Military Leader’s voice carried a tone of confidence. “If you agree, I am willing to establish a partnership, providing you with an exclusive supply of these stones for free.”


Jian Luo was no fool; he knew there was no such thing as a free lunch. “What do you want in return?”


The Military Leader was direct: “Dragon scales.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 131 – Sending to Dragon Valley for Training

Chapter 131 – Sending to Dragon Valley for Training


Jian Luo was shocked by the red dragon blood, but his concern for the injured cub quickly took over.


“Are you hurt?” Jian Luo held him carefully. “Let’s go inside so Daddy can check.”


Standing up, he saw the younger two following with their short legs. Realizing they had done something wrong, they behaved well. Jian Luo brought them inside to check Dragon Ao Tian’s injury. Though there was no specific preparation, they had an emergency kit.


Opening the box, he took out a cleaning swab and gently wiped Dragon Ao Tian’s wings. The swab quickly turned red, confirming the red blood. Jian Luo put the swab aside and examined the little wing.


Dragon Ao Tian whimpered softly.


Jian Luo frowned. “Does it hurt?”


The little dragon, hurt for the first time since birth, had managed to avoid injury even while hunting lame chickens. Yet now, he had a bloodied wing over a seesaw fight.


Dragon Ao Tian’s head drooped as he whimpered pitifully.


Jian Luo sighed. “No more mischief next time, understand?”


The little sister climbed onto the table, curiously observing her brother’s wound but not daring to get too close.


The younger brother, being practical, produced a piece of cake Jian Luo had made the day before. Apparently, the little one had hidden it somewhere and was now offering it to his big brother.


Dragon Ao Tian excitedly chirped at the sight of the cake.


Jian Luo said, “Hey, don’t move!”


He held the little dragon by the scruff. “Daddy is applying medicine!”


Dragon Ao Tian’s wet eyes stared at Jian Luo. In that moment, the little dragon spoke in a tender voice, “Daddy…”


Jian Luo was stunned.


Dragon Ao Tian wiggled his short legs, whining, “Eat cake, eat cake.”




This troublesome kid.


Jian Luo set him down and reached for the medicine, only to notice the red blood turning blue


—sky blue, clean and beautiful.


Jian Luo muttered, “What’s going on?”


Jian Luo wrapped a bandage around the little wing and prepared to make a big pot of bone soup tonight. If that didn’t help, he’d ask Lu Shifeng to check if the injury was serious. He was most worried about a broken wing since the medical facilities here couldn’t treat dragon bones.


Evening came.


As the sun set, Lu Shifeng returned home.


Jian Luo took his snow-covered cloak and hung it near the fireplace to dry. He then said, “They fought today, and a wooden board fell on them. Can you check if it’s serious?”


Turning around, he noticed the three little ones circling Lu Shifeng’s feet. Their happiest moment each day was waiting for their dad to come back, as Lu Shifeng would always bring some small toys from outside, such as a lame prey for them to practice hunting or some interesting stones and fruits.


Even the injured Ao Tian wasn’t behaving. Despite its wing being wrapped in cloth, it still chirped and hopped around.


Lu Shifeng picked Ao Tian up by the scruff of its neck and examined the wing. “It’s fine.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. It was my carelessness today. I’ll be more careful next time. They really don’t let their fights affect their relationship.”


Lu Shifeng gave Ao Tian a fruit and then tossed the dragon aside. “It’s fine. Fighting is also a way to learn. After experiencing pain, they’ll know how to protect themselves better next time. Dragons aren’t born strong. They become powerful through countless battles. Once they’re older, they can be sent to Long Valley for training.”


Jian Luo felt a lump in his throat.


He was deeply moved by the fact that these little ones had such a tough father. He knew the dragon cubs would face great pressure in the future as pure-blooded descendants of the Dragon King, a title that carried immense weight.


That’s why Jian Luo hoped to pamper them as much as possible before they returned to the Dark Star, allowing them to have a somewhat normal childhood.


Ao Tian took a bite of the fruit and then crawled over to offer it to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo hesitated. “Is this for Daddy?”


Ao Tian chirped indistinctly, “Eat.”


“Thank you.” Jian Luo took a small bite. Remembering the issue with the mystical stones he mentioned earlier, he said to Lu Shifeng, “I’m interested in the stones they have here. Can you bring one back for me? I want to see if I can have it tested in the lab to help solve Earth’s environmental problems.”


Lu Shifeng readily agreed and asked, “Are you worried about radiation?”


Jian Luo nodded. “Yes.”


“Phoenix Stage is developing radiation-dissipating equipment,” Lu Shifeng said. “You can discuss it with Lord Zhan. The mystical stones might also be of help to him.”


“That would be great.”


Life was tough, but it was always moving in a better direction.


The next day, he indeed received good news. A woman from the neighboring village told him, “Someone saw traces of Miyou1A type of wild creature from this place in the forest yesterday. They must have come to eat the plants. This is really rare. We haven’t seen Miyou in winters before!”


Jian Luo was also happy. “Then when the smaller prey arrive, your life will improve a lot.”


The woman was very grateful. “Luo Luo, thank you.”


Jian Luo waved it off. “It’s nothing. We should be the ones thanking you for taking us in.”


Although everything wasn’t easy, things seemed to be going smoothly, and this winter didn’t seem so hard after all.


Just as Jian Luo thought life was peaceful, a sudden change came.


While walking the dragon cubs, he noticed the villagers moving hurriedly. Yesterday, most faces were relaxed, but now they were all covered with a layer of gloom.




Jian Luo saw a girl he had talked to before and asked, “What’s going on?”


The girl replied, “Didn’t we leave the vegetation intact? Miyou indeed came, and some prey followed. Injured men from the tribe who couldn’t hunt large beasts were able to try hunting smaller ones. We thought good days were coming. But this morning, we found that all the vegetation was gone.”


Jian Luo was stunned. “How could that be?”


“We don’t know,” the girl said, looking troubled. “They said it might be people from the opposite tribe because Miyou came to our side. Their forest isn’t deep, and they don’t even have large beasts. Now, with the small prey gone, they’re…”


Jian Luo understood.


Although his plan helped this tribe temporarily, it was a disaster for the Wenya tribe. They never lacked food and didn’t store it. When the small prey disappeared overnight, Wenya panicked.


The girl tried to comfort Jian Luo. “The chief has called everyone back and contacted the other side to gather in the valley to discuss. Thanks to Brother Lu, we have fewer casualties this year. If a fight breaks out, we might not be at a disadvantage.”


Jian Luo still frowned.


As he hesitated, a dragon cub poked its head out from his embrace and chirped. Jian Luo turned around to see Lu Shifeng standing behind him, wrapped in his cloak, having just returned.


Lu Shifeng walked up to Jian Luo. “Why are you standing here foolishly?”


Jian Luo spoke up. “Will you go because of the vegetation issue?”


He had some PTSD about wars. The image of Lu Shifeng injured still lingered in his mind. Although he knew it was inevitable, he was very worried.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you want me to go?”


Jian Luo was caught off guard.


This made it difficult for him to decide. On one hand, he worried Lu Shifeng might get hurt if a fight broke out. On the other hand, he felt indebted to the tribe for their care during their stay.


Jian Luo was torn. “I…”


Lu Shifeng told him, “Many things can’t be solved by avoiding them. The pain of regret lasts longer than the pleasure of avoidance.”



Jian Luo suddenly felt less conflicted. “Let’s go.”


He wasn’t very mature in many ways. Although Lu Shifeng didn’t teach him patiently, he always pointed him in the right direction when he was confused.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you want to go?”


Jian Luo was extremely curious because he had connections with Wenya, and the vegetation issue was his idea. If he couldn’t be there, his curiosity would kill him!


Jian Luo hesitated. “Is it okay for me to go? Will I be a burden?”


Lu Shifeng said, “No, there won’t be a fight.”


“Really? How do you know?”


“They wouldn’t dare.”


In this world, only Lu Shifeng could say such arrogant and confident words and make people believe he was right!


Jian Luo went inside to get a coat and a warmer. He also put little clothes and hats on each dragon cub before setting off. When they arrived, they saw a group of people under a tree, including Wenya and that young man.


They used to be on the same side, but now they were opponents.


However, Jian Luo was surprised to see a neutral party present. The people in the middle were tall and looked formidable.


Wenya spoke first. “Military Leader, please be fair. Our two tribes have always minded our own business. But this year, Kars’ tribe used tricks to lure all the prey from our forest. Isn’t this trying to starve us?”


Kars remained calm. “We were just hunting reasonably, not targeting anyone. Prey goes where it wants. On the contrary, you broke the agreement by entering our forest and cutting our vegetation without permission. How do you explain that?”


Neither side backed down.


The marshal, who seemed to be an arbitrator with high authority, said to Wenya’s husband, “Bus, you shouldn’t have entered their forest without permission.”


Bus replied, “Sir, we were forced to. Without prey, the village will soon run out of food.”


The Military Leader shook his head. “Finding food is your own responsibility. The gods don’t favor anyone. Wrong is wrong. Go back and return their vegetation. If this happens again, I will consider redividing the forest boundaries.”


Bus and Wenya looked grim.


The Military Leader had great power and influence, ruling over several tribes. If they angered him, no one would be spared.


Wenya looked up and saw Jian Luo not far away. Their eyes met, and her gaze twisted.


Jian Luo had a bad feeling, but both sides had already dispersed. He had no way of knowing what Wenya was planning, but he instinctively felt danger.




Before the Military Leader left, Wenya approached him.


The Military Leader said, “I’ve made my decision. Further discussion is useless.”


“You misunderstand,” Wenya smiled. “I’m not here about that. I’m here to report important news.”


She knew that although the Military Leader had great power, he had a well-known weakness. His child was disabled. Everyone in the tribes knew that a disabled person couldn’t inherit the Military Leader’s position. For years, the Military Leader had sought a remedy in vain. Now, she was bringing the opportunity to him.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 130 – Blood inheritance

Chapter 130 – Blood inheritance


Jian Luo’s mood was indescribable, like a thousand alpacas running through his mind.



Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo, his lips slightly parted. “Did you teach her that?”


Jian Luo hurriedly took the sister down, nervous that she might say something else that could send him to the afterlife.


Holding the little dragon, Jian Luo said, “It’s a misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding. Kids say the darndest things!”


Sweating, Jian Luo sternly told the little girl, “You can’t say that about daddy, understand?”


The little silver dragon looked at Jian Luo with big, confused eyes, not understanding why he was so upset. Feeling wronged, she started to whimper.


Jian Luo panicked. “Hey, hey, why are you crying?”


The black cub and the second cub, sitting by the brazier, watched the drama unfold.


Jian Luo comforted the child and shot a reproachful look at Lu Shifeng. “It’s your fault for making her cry.”


Lu Shifeng: “…”


The little silver dragon quickly calmed down after being given a treat. She was very smart and knew when to stop, learning from Jian Luo to read the room.


Seeing the child not crying anymore, Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng, feeling guilty. “The food’s still on the stove. I’ll go check.”


Lu Shifeng said, “I’ll help you.”


Jian Luo nodded hastily. “Oh, okay.”


They went to the stove. The fire was fueled by a special type of branch that burned steadily and strongly with little smoke, though it was tricky to light. Jian Luo had gotten good at it and told Lu Shifeng, “Try lighting one.”


Lu Shifeng rarely managed to light the fire, trying several times without success.


Jian Luo said, “You need to lift it a bit and then light it from the stems and leaves.”


Following Jian Luo’s method, Lu Shifeng succeeded quickly. When Jian Luo first tried, it had taken him multiple attempts. He looked at Lu Shifeng and sighed, “Impressive.”


After putting the firewood into the stove, Lu Shifeng glanced at him. “Didn’t you say I was stupid?”




There was no escaping this.


Jian Luo felt that since he and the kids relied on Lu Shifeng’s efforts outside, he couldn’t hurt his feelings. After some thought, he decided to sacrifice a bit.


Thinking of this, Jian Luo said, “It’s not that I’m dissatisfied with you. You misunderstood. Actually, this is…”


Lu Shifeng looked up at him.


Jian Luo had a sudden inspiration. “Actually, it’s a term of endearment!”




Lu Shifeng’s red eyes quietly watched Jian Luo, the fire burning in the stove. He asked, “Really?”


“Yes, yes!”


Jian Luo had to elaborate, “You know, couples always have some special quirks. Terms of endearment, like calling someone a little dummy or a little fool, are similar to me calling you stupid.”


Oh heavens, oh earth, please forgive him!


Lu Shifeng frowned. “Really?”


Jian Luo coughed lightly. “But don’t mimic this. These nicknames aren’t used often, especially now that we have kids. Don’t set a bad example.”


Lu Shifeng fiddled with the matchstick. “Then, I have a question.”


Jian Luo said, “What?”


“Who came up with this endearment?” Lu Shifeng’s gaze fell on Jian Luo. “Was it me?”




There was a moment of silence in the air.


Jian Luo truly understood what it meant to dig his own grave. Admitting that he came up with it himself was too embarrassing!




Given Lu Shifeng’s personality, he wouldn’t come up with such an endearment.


Thinking of this, Jian Luo had to swallow his pride and admit, “I came up with it.”


Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrows, watching Jian Luo with interest. His delicate face, slightly chubbier from staying at home, was round and fair, his cheeks tinged with a blush from either excitement or embarrassment. His lively, sparkling eyes seemed to glow.


In truth, Lu Shifeng knew Jian Luo was lying.


But strangely, he found it amusing. He finally began to understand why his future self would like Jian Luo—because he was so different from him, because he was spontaneous, because he didn’t play by the rules, because he was full of life, like a dazzling sun that couldn’t be ignored.


Lu Shifeng’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He spoke, “Jian Luo.”


Jian Luo: “Hmm?”


“You had a child with him.” Lu Shifeng asked, “Was it because you loved him?”


He used “him” instead of “me.”


Jian Luo was momentarily stunned.


He had always tried to avoid thinking about this question. He admitted to feeling some attraction and fondness for Lu Shifeng. After all, he was just an ordinary person, and anyone would be moved by someone as perfect as Lu Shifeng, who was both gentle and generous.


But he couldn’t lose his sense of direction. If he were still a young and inexperienced boy, he could be capricious, but not now. He had grown up and learned to understand.


Therefore, Jian Luo said, “Oh, we’ll just get by. We can’t divorce anyway.”




Lu Shifeng fell silent.


The next day.


The sun was shining brightly, and most of the men in the village had gone hunting. The women were also getting ready to work.


Jian Luo, as usual, was playing with the kids in the yard when a neighbor lady came over and said, “Luo Luo, the chief heard your suggestion. He thinks it’s feasible. This year, we won’t harvest the grass and see if the honey hunters come.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Sure, the Wenya tribe harvests early every year. If the honey hunters come here for food, smaller prey will follow, reducing the need to hunt deep in the forest.”


The woman nodded repeatedly. “Yes, yes.”


In the yard, Jian Luo was building a simple seesaw. The dragon cubs were getting more mischievous, quickly getting bored of the yard, and it was too cold and dangerous outside. To keep them entertained, Jian Luo made some toys himself.


The woman said, “We have to get busy.”


Jian Luo asked casually, “What are you going to do?”


“Mining,” the woman said. “Sometimes large beasts come to attack the village out of hunger, but they fear the shaman stone. Mixing this stone powder with water and spreading it around the village can keep the beasts away.”


Jian Luo said, “That’s impressive.”


The woman smiled. “It’s not bad. This has been passed down for generations. Our village is remote, and we can only rely on this method. The shaman stone can purify the air, making it harder for beasts to find the village.”


Jian Luo responded, “That’s great. Go ahead, I won’t hold you up.”


The woman acknowledged and left.


Jian Luo didn’t think much of it at first, but after a while, he realized that this stone might be useful on Earth too.


Earth villages also struggled with beasts in the winter snow!


Recently, he had ordered radiation-proof covers from the industrial planet. If they also had this stone, the villages would be much safer. Moreover, if the stone could purify the air, could it also neutralize Earth’s residual radiation?


The more Jian Luo thought about it, the more excited he became.




Dragon Ao Tian’s cry came from nearby, sounding displeased.


Jian Luo snapped back to reality, realizing the seesaw was almost done. He said, “Okay, okay, Daddy will finish it for you.”


He worked quickly, and soon the seesaw was complete.


Jian Luo let them play on the seesaw while he pondered. He decided to ask Lu Shifeng to bring a shaman stone for him to examine later that night.




Another cry came from a dragon cub. Jian Luo turned to see the three had started fighting again because the seesaw could only accommodate two while there were three of them. The dragons’ innate competitiveness and possessiveness were showing.


Jian Luo exclaimed, “Don’t fight!”


But he was a bit late. One dragon rolled off the seesaw, bumping into the stacked wooden planks, which fell, burying the three dragons beneath them.


In an instant, Jian Luo’s heart broke. He rushed over, pulling the planks away. Some had splinters that pricked his hands, but he didn’t care. When he finally cleared the planks, he saw a surprising sight.


Though the three had been fighting, at the moment the planks fell, Dragon Ao Tian had protected his younger siblings with his wings. The other two had curled up under him.


Jian Luo’s heart ached with a mix of anger and concern. He picked up Dragon Ao Tian. “Didn’t Daddy tell you not to be naughty? Next time, I’ll let your Dad punish you!”


Dragon Ao Tian whimpered in protest.


Jian Luo noticed something sticky on the little dragon and hesitated. He touched it, finding it was red blood. His mind buzzed. It wasn’t like Lu Shifeng’s or Yin Hui’s blue-tinged blood.


He had heard from the priest that dragon blood was blue.




Jian Luo’s heart sank. Could there be something wrong with his child?

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 129 – Your dad is so stupid

Chapter 129 – Your dad is so stupid


Their house was a bit secluded, so they had to walk a while to get down. As Jian Luo slowly approached with the dragon cubs, the group in the square was dividing the game.


Next to Lu Shifeng stood a short-haired girl, shyly talking. She offered him a piece of clothing. “I made this myself.”


Just as Jian Luo was about to approach, he stopped in his tracks.


Lu Shifeng, expressionless, said, “I don’t want it.”


“The fabric is really good.” The girl tried to hand him the clothes. “I’ll make one for your brother too in a couple of days. I know it’s hard for you to take care of them alone, so don’t be polite with me. I do this willingly.”


Jian Luo, standing aside, didn’t know whether to come out or not. While he was still pondering, he found himself already out in the open.


The girl turned her head, surprised to see Jian Luo.


Jian Luo walked over slowly, smiling at the girl. “Oh, giving a gift?”


The girl, a bit shy, nodded slightly, obviously having feelings for Lu Shifeng.


Jian Luo raised an eyebrow. “Looks pretty good. Must have taken a lot of effort?”


The girl, bashful, said, “Not really. I hope Brother Lu doesn’t dislike it. I just saw him working hard every day and wanted to help out a bit.”


Jian Luo casually took the scarf and looked at it, clicking his tongue. “What a pity.”


Curious, the girl asked, “What’s a pity?”


Jian Luo returned the scarf, whispering a few words into her ear. The girl’s expression shifted from admiration to shock and disbelief, finally leaving her looking blank. She glared at Lu Shifeng and ran away.


Jian Luo waved. “Take care!”


The girl ran off without looking back. In the sunset, it might have been her lost first love.


Once she was gone, Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo. “What did you tell her?”


“Hmm?” Jian Luo, feeling justified, said, “Just the truth.”


Lu Shifeng pressed, “What truth?”


“That you can’t be relied on.”




There was a brief silence.


After a while.


The empty space echoed with Jian Luo’s pleas for mercy. “I was wrong.”


“Are you angry?”


“Hey, I really know I was wrong. Cub, come here, do something cute.”


“What do you want to eat? I’ll cook something delicious for you?”


After his bold words, Jian Luo felt the cold glare of Lu Shifeng, the proud and aloof marshal, who ignored him for the entire day. Only after dinner, when his anger subsided, did his attitude improve.


Jian Luo made a cup of hot tea and brought it out, seeing Lu Shifeng sweeping snow outside. The house was warm with a brazier, and the heated bed was quite luxurious for the tribe. Lu Shifeng never allowed a shortage of such things, fearing for the fragile health of humans and young dragons.


Jian Luo went out to stand by the railing. “They want to build a snowman. It might not snow tonight, so don’t sweep it all away.”


Lu Shifeng stopped sweeping and came back.


Jian Luo handed him a cup of hot tea. “This is ginger tea I made. It helps keep the cold away. Try it.”


Lu Shifeng drank it all in one gulp.




The weather here was indeed cold, and it was getting colder, much more extreme than Earth’s weather. The coldest weather on Earth might reach -70 degrees, but here it was already -100 degrees and might get even colder, according to the locals.


Jian Luo wasn’t the type to complain. He said, “I noticed the clothes here are all made of leather. Sometimes, when it’s really cold, people wear multiple layers. Doesn’t that make it hard to move?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t need it, as the dragon scales could resist extreme cold. Even wearing a single layer of clothing was a sign of respect for the weather.


But the tribe’s people were different.


Lu Shifeng said, “The technology here is lagging, and it’s a remote part of the star system.”


Jian Luo nodded. “I’ve noticed fewer people are going out to hunt lately.”


“A lot of injuries and accidents happen,” Lu Shifeng said, looking at the snow-covered village. “Winter will only get colder.”


Jian Luo seemed thoughtful.



On the other side.


The hunters from Wenya’s tribe had returned.


Their forest had more small animals, many of which didn’t need to hibernate, making hunting easier and reducing casualties. This was one reason they were stronger than the other tribe.


The chief said, “This year, the Kars tribe had fewer casualties.”


Wenya was surprised. “Why?”


“The dragon is too fierce,” the chief sighed. “Even the large beasts are no match for the dragon. Though he mainly hunts for himself, others following him can still benefit.”


Wenya felt a bit worried.


Their tribe thrived partly by exploiting the Kars tribe’s resources. If the Kars tribe could get through this winter with fewer casualties, it would be hard to maintain their advantage.


Wenya frowned. “Didn’t they say they were just staying for a while? Why haven’t they left? I suspect they’re spying for the Kars tribe, acting as undercover agents. Also, you know our kids got sick recently and haven’t recovered. We’ve hosted them for so long, and they didn’t even give us a dragon scale…”




The cup shattered into pieces on the ground.


The chief said, “Enough. Don’t say more. We can’t afford to provoke the dragon. They’ll leave eventually. The Kars tribe may rely on them for now, but not forever. In the end, they’ll still be our defeated enemies.”


Wenya fell silent.



The next day.


Jian Luo got up early and took the dragon cubs to build a snowman.


The woman from the neighboring house came out and saw them. “Oh, Luo Luo, playing with the kids?”


Jian Luo smiled. “Yes, are you heading out?”


“Yes,” the woman, tall and kind-looking, said. “The men are out hunting, so we women go to the forest to gather some hibiscus grass. In winter, when there’s no meat, we can eat the grass.”


Jian Luo was intrigued. “What’s that?”


The woman explained patiently, “It’s a type of plant. Not only do people like it, but animals also love to eat it.”


Jian Luo nodded thoughtfully.


The woman sighed. “It’s a pity there aren’t many prey here. Otherwise, we wouldn’t need to eat this. In the neighboring tribe, they use hibiscus grass to feed their pets in winter.”


Jian Luo’s interest was piqued. “Why is there less prey in our forest? I’ve been to both forests and didn’t notice much difference.”


The woman had a lot to say about this.


She stopped by the fence and said, “The reason there are more small prey over there is because of creatures called honey beasts. They live underground and come out to forage in winter. They are a favorite for many small predators, creating a food chain.”


Jian Luo asked, “Why don’t they live here?”


“Because of the sun,” the woman pointed to the sky. “Honey beasts like the sun, and our area is shaded. In summer, the trees block the sunlight, and in winter, there’s little sun.”


Jian Luo pondered. “Is there no other reason, like food?”


The woman shook her head. “In winter, they might eat fish or grass roots.”


Jian Luo countered, “Do they eat hibiscus grass?”


The woman was stumped. She hadn’t considered that. They always harvested the grass at the beginning of winter, not leaving any for the honey beasts.


Jian Luo smiled. “If there’s food, the honey beasts might come over, regardless of the sun.”


The woman couldn’t refute.


“And the sun issue,” Jian Luo continued, “If you can get through winter, it’s not like you’re short of food in summer, right?”


Sometimes, an outsider’s perspective clarifies things. What seemed complex to the locals was simple to Jian Luo. His gaze silently conveyed:


Is this so hard?


After a moment of silence, the woman said, “I’ll discuss this with the chief!”


Jian Luo waved. “Take care.”


After sending her off, Jian Luo continued watching the dragon cubs build a snowman. Unlike others who made simple snowmen, Long Aotian and his siblings were making a dragon.


Their technique was poor, resulting in a creature resembling Godzilla more than a dragon.


Jian Luo laughed. “So ugly.”


The dragon cubs stopped and looked back at Jian Luo with hurt eyes. Long Aotian even let out an aggrieved cry.


Jian Luo quickly corrected himself. “It’s beautiful, really beautiful!”


Satisfied, the cubs wagged their tails and continued their “Godzilla” project with newfound confidence.


Jian Luo helped out. “The dragon horns look better with ice.”


The cubs were smart, rolling a large snowball and hollowing it out to shape Godzilla, refining it slowly. While other kids made snowmen, his cubs were artists.


Jian Luo murmured while helping, “If only your dad were as quick-witted as you. He’s as dumb as a rock.”


Taking advantage of the fact that the kids couldn’t talk, Jian Luo often vented about Lu Shifeng.


After a while, they finally finished their Godzilla. Jian Luo took the three cubs for a bath. By the time they were done, it was getting late, and Lu Shifeng had returned.


Jian Luo said, “Go wash up and clean them too. I’ll cook dinner.”


Worried, Jian Luo added, “Wipe them gently, and let them play by the brazier for a while to keep warm.”


As he spoke, he handed the cubs to Lu Shifeng. “They can’t talk yet, so they don’t know if they’re cold. Be careful…”




A small dragon’s voice came, though not clear.


Jian Luo paused.


It was the youngest sister. He hadn’t expected her to be the first to speak!


Excited, Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng, “Did she just call you? She’s so smart.”


Lu Shifeng nodded calmly. “Some dragons learn to speak before they fully transform. It’s normal.”


Jian Luo proudly said, “It’s because I talk to them every day.”


As Jian Luo was boasting, the little silver dragon on Lu Shifeng’s shoulder moved. She looked up at Lu Shifeng, her voice soft and slightly unclear, but understandable: “Daddy is dumb as a rock.”



There was a moment of silence.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 128 – Extramarital Affair

Chapter 128 – Extramarital Affair


Seeing the frightened look in the little dragons’ eyes, Jian Luo suddenly realized that these little ones were no longer the same as they used to be. They were already very smart cubs and could understand what adults were saying!


Ah, darn it.


He should have avoided this.


But at this moment, explaining to the cubs that their father was actually their father seemed inappropriate.


With this in mind, Jian Luo could only force himself to look away. It was fine not to look away, but as soon as he did, he met Lu Shifeng’s eyes.


The teenage version of Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow at him, meaning obvious.


For some reason, Jian Luo felt that Lu Shifeng seemed to be gradually regaining his former aura, how to say it specifically, anyway, it was kind of intimidating.


He blinked hard, trying to convey to Lu Shifeng the meaning of “let’s talk about it later,” but Lu Shifeng just smirked, making his scalp tingle.


Jian Luo shivered.


But fortunately, he had a big heart and believed in the principle that there is always a way out of difficulties. So, even if Lu Shifeng was strong, Jian Luo believed that as long as his face was thick enough, it would be fine!


The teenager responsible for picking them up said, “It’s almost winter here.”


Jian Luo could feel that the environment here was really different from the Dark Star. The seasons here were somewhat similar to Earth, with rapid and obvious changes. When he first arrived here, the first rain should have been at the end of autumn. And now, it had been almost a month, showing clear signs of winter, and the wind was bone-chilling.


Jian Luo asked, “How do you all survive the winter?”


“We usually store meat,” the teenager replied. “Because the territories of several tribes are different, the forest we are in actually has abundant resources, but this forest is quite dangerous, with many ferocious beasts inside. Unlike another tribe, their forest has many tame prey, so their resources are easier to obtain.”


Jian Luo was still very clever, “During winter, large beasts mostly hibernate, and they become more ferocious.”


The teenager nodded, “You’re right. So our tribe has a hard time every winter.”


Jian Luo looked at him with pity. The poor people on this planet didn’t even have instant noodles, such a heavenly tool. But now that it was winter, hunting became more difficult, the cubs’ bodies were weak, and not long ago, because of the recent rain, the temperature had dropped even lower. His weakest sister went out and came back with a fever. Jian Luo didn’t really want Lu Shifeng to take the children out.


With this in mind, Jian Luo asked, “Does it snow here?”


The teenager probably didn’t expect Jian Luo to ask this question, but he still answered honestly, “Yes, it does. It’s coming soon. In a few days, it will be the big snow day.”


Jian Luo nodded with some worry.

A group of people soon arrived at that tribe. Upon entering, they saw houses of varying heights, similar in orientation to the other tribe’s, also spherical in shape, but looking more rundown. There were fewer people inside the entire tribe.


The young man said to him, “Most of the people have gone out hunting. Hunting will be even more difficult after the big snow, and most of the animals will retreat into the mountains to hibernate. Everyone wants more security before the big snow arrives.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The young man led them to choose a house, “This is a sheltered spot, relatively warm. Since you’re also with children, why not stay here?”


Jian Luo was very grateful, “Thank you.”


The young man also showed full respect to Lu Shifeng. He said, “I’ll bring some food for you later.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Just bring a portion. You’re short on food; there’s no need to be too generous.”


The young man was taken aback. He didn’t expect Lu Shifeng to be so understanding. He bowed deeply before leaving.


Jian Luo looked around the house, “Everything is quite complete.”


The beds were all covered with blankets, and some daily necessities were new. It could be seen that the owner of the house had put some thought into welcoming them. Although they were just some inexpensive items, it was still more attention than they received elsewhere, clearly showing more care.


Lu Shifeng said, “Sit here. I’ll go get a brazier.”


Jian Luo let the little dragons out of his pocket, “Lie on the bed. Don’t run around. It’s getting cold outside.”


Long Ao Tian sneezed.


Jian Luo used to be very nervous, but after being with the children for a long time, he wasn’t so jumpy anymore. He checked his sister’s temperature and felt much better, so he started heating water to give them a bath later.


Jian Luo asked Lu Shifeng, “They won’t transform into their human forms during winter, right? It’s too cold.”


Lu Shifeng brought in the brazier with charcoal and placed it inside. The charcoal emitted a scattered warmth, gradually warming up the somewhat cold room. He lowered his head to adjust the direction, saying, “It’s still early. Dragon transformations usually occur after one year.”


Jian Luo felt relieved. But soon, he felt a bit regretful. He really wanted to see what the little dragons looked like in their human forms. He was so curious.


“Ah.” Jian Luo burned the fire while asking him, “Do you think the children will resemble you or me?”


After arranging the charcoal, Lu Shifeng stood up. He hung his coat on the rack and said lightly, “Aren’t I your brother?”




Jian Luo paused in his actions, pursed his lips. This man really held a grudge, as always. He needed to coax him sooner, or else the grudge might escalate once his memories returned.


With this in mind, Jian Luo put on a pleasing smile and quickly said, “It was because of the circumstances at the time.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Is that so?”


“Of course, of course.”


“Wasn’t it because I was young?”




It was precisely because of that, everyone thought it was an elopement.


But how could Jian Luo honestly admit to that? He tried to divert the topic, “Don’t overthink it. You’re older than me. How could I not know?”


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly for a while, his gaze making Jian Luo a bit uneasy.


After a while.


Lu Shifeng surprisingly nodded, “Hmm, that’s good.”




It was a bit strange.


After a while, the young man brought the meat. He rubbed his hands and said, “Remember not to go out at night. It’s cold outside. It’s better to stay inside.”


Jian Luo thanked him.


The harsh atmosphere of the impending winter infected him. Even Jian Luo, who wouldn’t normally worry, looked at Lu Shifeng, “Will everything be okay this winter?”


Lu Shifeng was bathing the little dragons in the inner room while saying, “You and the children should stay indoors more. You don’t need to worry about the food.”


Jian Luo said hesitantly, “Winter will be tough. Don’t push it. If necessary, we can manage for a month. Don’t go to dangerous places.”


Lu Shifeng turned his head to look at Jian Luo.


Jian Luo stammered, “What are you looking at?”


“I’ve always thought,” Lu Shifeng said meaningfully, “Do you have any misunderstandings about the Dragon Clan?”




I don’t! Even though… But Jian Luo really wasn’t that worried. He had seen the adult Lu Shifeng kick down walls rumored to be of high thickness and bulletproof. Although he was injured and weakened, it didn’t mean these predators became stronger. Maybe they were really scared of those fierce beasts, only the little ones on the bed would tremble at the sight of a chicken.


Jian Luo thought about taking more photos now, recording more videos. When the little ones grew up and became the menacing Dragon Overlords, he could bring out the chicken-killing pictures…





The next day.


Having stayed in this tribe for two days, gradually understanding the living habits and environment here, Jian Luo discovered some yarn from others. The people of this tribe used yarn to tie things, but Jian Luo found that some yarns were soft in texture and could be used to weave things.


He borrowed a bunch of yarn and spent a day in the house, knitting mini clothes for each little dragon.


At first, Long Ao Tian refused to put on the clothes. The black dragon wailed and complained, his legs flailing in the air, showing how aggrieved he was. He didn’t even show his claws in fear, just whimpering and begging.


Jian Luo said softly, “Don’t make a fuss. Once Daddy helps you get dressed, you can go out and play in the snow.”


In the past few days, snow has slowly begun to fall. The kids were extremely excited, spending all day at the window watching, but due to their weak health, Jian Luo didn’t dare to let them out.


Now, with a little sweater, at least they could go out and have a look.


After buttoning up the sweater, Jian Luo smiled. “It fits quite well.”


The black cub wore a gray-black sweater. Jian Luo even made a hat with two holes for the dragon horns to stick through.


Jian Luo said, “Walk a few steps?”


Long Aotian staggered forward, letting out a dissatisfied cry at his daddy. He didn’t want to wear clothes!


Jian Luo dressed the other two cubs, who didn’t struggle, and then picked up all three of them. “Come on, Daddy will take you out to see the snow.”


Since coming here, due to the weather, they rarely went outside. The three dragon cubs were going crazy being cooped up. Luckily, it was noon with good sunlight. The snowy landscape sparkled under the sun, driving the dragons, who loved shiny things, wild with joy.




The black cub excitedly wagged his tail, affectionately rubbing against Jian Luo’s face, forgetting all previous grievances.


Jian Luo placed him on the railing. “You can only play for a while, okay?”


It was the first time the three little cubs had touched snow, and they were ecstatic, causing a commotion. Previously cooped up indoors, they had been listless, but now they were full of energy.


Jian Luo watched them from the side, when suddenly he heard voices not far away. It seemed a group of people had returned from hunting. Most of the time, Lu Shifeng hunted alone, but gradually, people from the tribe realized it was safer to follow him. So now, everyone followed this seemingly young man.


Leading the group was Lu Shifeng in a black trench coat. Amid the white snow, his black figure was striking. Despite being young and not very tall, his aura was imposing, making him stand out among the crowd.


Jian Luo picked up the cubs. “Your dad is back. Let’s go greet him.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 127 – My Husband Had an Accident

Chapter 127 – My Husband Had an Accident


Jian Luo ignored him.


In truth, he wasn’t very concerned about rumors and gossip. In the broadcasting industry, as a public figure, he faced criticism and praise every day. If he couldn’t get used to it and digest it early on, it would be difficult to endure.


Fortunately, he had always been carefree. Even if there was something unpleasant, he could quickly put it behind him.


Turning a corner, they arrived at their doorstep. Jian Luo went inside, and Lu Shifeng was repairing the fence at the courtyard gate. Seeing him return, Lu Shifeng said, “The soup in the pot seems to be ready.”


Jian Luo exclaimed, “Great!”


The little dragonling in his pocket crawled out. They were almost a month old now, and the growth rate and abilities of the dragon race were amazing. Many things they could already understand, they just couldn’t speak yet. Jian Luo had set three rules for them: they couldn’t come out of his pocket when they were outside, only when they returned home or went hunting, or when their dad was around.


Now that they were home, the sturdy Long Ao Tian was the first to jump out.


Jian Luo put down his younger siblings and said softly, “Go wash your faces. Dad will serve soup in a while.”


The two little dragonlings were happy to hear there was food. They were already able to take care of themselves to some extent. Hearing their dad’s words, they obediently went to wash up.


Jian Luo checked the pot and indeed, it was ready to be served.


Lu Shifeng said, “I’ll serve it.”


Jian Luo hesitated, “Huh? No need, I can do it.”


Lu Shifeng didn’t pay attention to Jian Luo’s latter remark. He took the ladle and filled the bowls, then set them aside on a stone slab to cool.


Jian Luo had to step back a few steps to make room for him.


After Lu Shifeng had served the bowls for everyone, Jian Luo whispered from behind, “Were you not satisfied with the portions I served earlier?”


Lu Shifeng glanced sideways, “No.”


Jian Luo asked, “Then why…”


“It’s too hot.” Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo’s hand, “It’ll scald.”



Jian Luo choked up.


Actually, he had served it before, but yesterday he was absent-minded while serving, and as a result, he got scalded a little. He swore, it was really just a small burn, and it didn’t hurt for long, but the human skin turned red in a fit of drama.


Lu Shifeng didn’t say anything at the time, and Jian Luo thought he didn’t mind, but unexpectedly, he was waiting here. It was truly… truly complex emotions. The longer they spent together, the more Jian Luo realized that General Lu was really not good with words. He was a man of action, preferring to quietly do everything well.




The little dragon finished washing its face and crawled onto Jian Luo’s leg from the stone slab.


They liked to come to Jian Luo for a little pat before meals. Jian Luo didn’t know what principle this was, but perhaps it made their meals taste better.


Jian Luo patted Long Ao Tian’s head, “Still hot, don’t rush.”


Long Ao Tian seemed to understand vaguely and started digesting the new words. Jian Luo picked up all three of them and put them on the table in the room, then took out a wooden mole-catching device made by Lu Shifeng for them to play with.


Lu Shifeng said, “Jian Luo, come out with me.”


Jian Luo turned his face to look at him, as if he had anticipated that Lu Shifeng would speak, yet also seemed to have been waiting for this day. Without asking any more questions, he followed Lu Shifeng outside.


Lu Shifeng stood on the steps at the door and said, “I’ve contacted His Majesty.”


Jian Luo felt a mixture of emotions but didn’t know what to say, so he just nodded, “Um, are we going back?”


“What’s wrong?” The younger version of Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly, “Are you not happy?”




Jian Luo dryly responded, “Happy.”


In fact, he didn’t care where they went because nowhere was home for him. Everywhere had many inevitabilities waiting for him to accept. The words of Silver Ash were not entirely trustworthy, but they couldn’t be completely distrusted either. He believed in Lu Shifeng, believed he wouldn’t harm the children, but he didn’t believe in Dark Star.


He would rather find a quiet mountain village to live in with the children than let them go back and face those things.


Lu Shifeng said, “They are pure-blooded dragons. Even if they return to Dark Star, their status will be extremely noble, and they won’t be bullied.”


Jian Luo forced a smile, “Yeah, I know.”


But what about the Dragon King?


What about the noble status? He rarely saw Lu Shifeng smile.


For a moment, he suddenly understood what the Queen had said:


“No matter how powerful, Lu Shifeng, as powerful as he is, can only become the Dragon King?”


Perhaps this sentence wasn’t ironic but rather sorrowful. Everyone lived in the world, and everyone had their constraints. He did, and so did Lu Shifeng. Everyone did. Who didn’t eat meat and drink broth?


But for now, Jian Luo asked, “How long will it take for them to arrive? Your injury isn’t healed yet.”


Leaning against the railing, Lu Shifeng’s adolescent body seemed to have matured over the past half month, taller and more imposing. He could even retract his dragon horns now. “It will heal soon.”


Jian Luo nodded.


Lu Shifeng answered his previous question, “This planet is quite far from Dark Star, and locating it is difficult. If it’s fast, probably about half a month.”


Jian Luo had a bad premonition, “And if it’s not fast?”


“About a month.”




Overall, Jian Luo was an optimist. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. He could quickly digest any worries and remain cheerful.


Lu Shifeng said, “Pack up, we’ll leave here tomorrow morning.”


Jian Luo was stunned, “Leave now?”


Didn’t the people from Dark Star say they would take some time to arrive?


Although he didn’t want to stay here anymore, he even thought living on the mountain would be fine, even though it was a bit dangerous.


Lu Shifeng said, “This planet has more than one tribe. To the south, there’s a slightly weaker small tribe. We’ll go there.”


Jian Luo instinctively felt nervous, “Will they accept us?”


Lu Shifeng looked at him, and when those blood-red eyes quieted down, it made people subconsciously nervous. Just as Jian Luo thought he had asked the wrong question, Lu Shifeng lifted his hand and gently rubbed his head, “Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything.”


Jian Luo lowered his head, his eyelashes trembling slightly. His heart beat a little unsteadily, but he forced himself to stay calm, “Oh, oh… the food should be cooled by now. We can eat.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Okay.”


As soon as they pushed open the door, they saw three dragons squatting in a row by the wall, without a hint of shame for not being caught. Long Ao Tian even let out a plaintive cry, as if blaming Dad for locking them up.


Jian Luo chuckled helplessly, “The dragons may be small, but they have big tempers.”


Long Ao Tian grumbled incessantly, muttering all day long. However, because he couldn’t speak, no one knew what he was saying. But he seemed to enjoy it, pestering his parents first, then bothering his younger siblings. Fortunately, his younger siblings were relatively quiet, so having an older brother who was noisy actually made them more active.


After packing up for the night, they prepared to leave the next morning.


The chief of the tribe hurried over when he heard the news. He said, “You’ve been living well here. Why leave?”


Even Wenya was there.


Wenya came over and grabbed Jian Luo’s hand, reluctant to let go, “Luo Luo, why are you leaving? I can’t bear to part with you.”


Jian Luo pulled back his hand, took two steps back to keep his distance from her.


The chief kept asking Lu Shifeng, “Sir, are you dissatisfied with our tribe? Or has someone offended you? Just say it, we can rectify it. Whoever you’re not satisfied with, we’ll make sure they don’t appear in front of you.”


Lu Shifeng stood straight, his body exuding an extraordinary aura despite his youth, making people not dare to underestimate him. He raised an eyebrow and said lightly, “Rectify?”


The chief nodded.


The power of the high-ranking nobles was unimaginable, and the chief had only recently learned that the black dragons of the dragon race were extremely rare, only the pure-blooded ones had them.


Although they had fallen from grace, who could guarantee they wouldn’t rise again?


Lu Shifeng chuckled coldly, a rare smile, but when his lips curled up with malicious intent, it sent shivers down people’s spines.


After saying his piece, he left with Jian Luo, leaving the chief bewildered in the wind. Beside him, Wenya said, “Where can they go?”


The chief was uncertain, “We only have two tribes here. They probably have to go to the tribe over at Kals.”


Wenya sighed in relief, “It’s okay, their tribe is much worse than ours. Let them go.”




The leader looked at her with disappointment, “This is now. If he returns to the Dragon Clan and they show a little favor to Kars, what does it matter to us on this planet?”


Jian Luo felt a bit aggrieved, “They eloped from the Dragon Clan. How dare they go back?”


The leader exclaimed, “Do you know that only pure-blooded dragons have black and silver, and only the descendants of the Dragon King will give birth to pure-blooded ones!”



On the other side,


Jian Luo sat on a beast resembling an elephant.


It’s quite amazing on this planet. Their animals are all large in size, but many are gentle. Moreover, most of them have good relations with the people of the planet. Even in their tribe, every household raises animals.


The one responsible for picking them up was an adult man. It seemed like he had known that Lu Shifeng would come, so they came to pick them up shortly after they left the village.


During the journey, he sat quite close to Jian Luo and curiously asked, “Um, are you and Mr. Lu brothers?”




Jian Luo didn’t expect everyone to think that the child wasn’t Lu Shifeng’s.


But it’s also good. For example, last time, just because of Wenya’s relationship, everyone thought he and Lu Shifeng eloped. This time, why not just admit to being brothers, to avoid suspicion?


With this in mind, Jian Luo said to the young man, “Yes, that’s right, he’s my brother.”


The young man nodded, “Then what about your husband?”


After all, he saw Jian Luo with a child.


Because they left the tribe for a new place, the three little ones were curious again. So, they all ran to the front and sat on the mount’s head to look at the scenery.


Jian Luo didn’t expect to have to switch on his acting skills again, adjust his expression, sighed, and said with some sorrow, “It’s a long story. These little ones have had a hard time. When I gave birth to them, my husband had an accident. We have a home we can’t go back to temporarily, so we can only stay here for the time being.”


He hadn’t finished speaking, but the young man had already imagined the rest.


The young man showed a sad expression and comforted Jian Luo, “It’s all in the past.”


Jian Luo just made a sound of agreement. When he turned his head, he met the gaze of the three little ones. The cubs looked at him with a somewhat frightened look, the most mature second eldest even seemed to be pondering something, and the most straightforward Long Ao Tian turned his head and glanced at Lu Shifeng not far away with a hint of surprise.


Author’s note: Little Dragon: Turns out our life is so tragic, fatherless in childhood, sob.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? LSF really be showing some fatherless behaviour smh, abandoning his cubs and wifey like this… sigh

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 126 – Apologies, Luo Luo

Chapter 126 – Apologies, Luo Luo


Looking at the woman in front of him, Jian Luo briefly wondered if he was hallucinating due to exhaustion.


Wenya said, “Is it okay, Luo Luo?”


Jian Luo’s hand on the door frame involuntarily tightened. He forced a smile, not a very pleasant one. “Wenya, our situation is evident to you. The three children are not even a month old. The eldest had a fever not long ago. He’s the healthiest among the three, but I was weak when giving birth, and they have poor constitutions. They’re still too young. It’s not that I don’t want to help; it’s just that the children are too young.”


Wenya pursed her lips, hesitating. “But it’s just a scale; it won’t do any harm.”




Jian Luo didn’t feel like explaining to her anymore. He changed the subject. “Wenya, if you’re worried about your child, how about I ask my partner to get you some herbs?”


Wenya’s expression turned somewhat unpleasant.


Jian Luo was about to close the door. “Is there anything else?”


“Luo Luo, aren’t you being too stingy?” Wenya was straightforward. “It’s just a small favor. Children grow quickly, don’t dragon scales grow back quickly too? Besides, you’re living in our house. You know how we’ve treated you. You don’t think we haven’t shared anything good with you, do you?”



Jian Luo stood his ground. “Scales don’t grow back at will. Do you know the pain of a nine-tailed fox losing its tail? Forcing off dragon scales is akin to cutting off fingers. Wenya, I respect you, but do you think it’s appropriate for you to come here and pressure me into harming my children?”


Wenya was left somewhat speechless by Jian Luo’s words. She actually knew that her request was a bit excessive. Dragon scales were invaluable, rarely seen on the interstellar trade market. There had been rumors of a dragon scale auction over a decade ago, where a single scale fetched billions. There were even legends that grinding scales into powder had the power to revive the dead.


Such a treasure, who wouldn’t want it? Even she hoped her child could live a long life. Moreover, scales would grow back, so why be so stingy?


Wenya said, “Luo Luo, I know you’re in difficulties. How about this, whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. You and your partner have fallen to this point; there must be some hidden troubles. We’ve treated you well, haven’t we? You’re living in our house, you…”


Jian Luo narrowed his eyes.


Just as he was about to speak, someone approached from the other end. Lu Shifeng returned from hanging the laundry and saw Jian Luo arguing with someone at the door.


Although the young version of Lu Shifeng didn’t have the imposing aura of the adult Field Marshal, he still carried some arrogance and pride from his youth. While he learned to restrain it as he grew older, the arrogance of his youth was like wild grass, evident just by standing there, exuding hostility.


Lu Shifeng asked Wenya, “What’s the matter?”


Initially aggressive, Wenya became somewhat intimidated upon seeing Lu Shifeng. She awkwardly averted her gaze. “You’re back.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”


Wenya hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should speak. In fact, she didn’t want to mention her request for dragon scales. Before coming, her husband had warned her not to provoke Lu Shifeng.


Even a fallen dragon couldn’t be easily offended.


She just thought that Jian Luo was a good person and easy to talk to, so she came to try her luck. Just as Wenya was about to speak again, Lu Shifeng’s voice sounded sternly, “Your husband took the golden seal. He could buy your entire tribe with it.”


Wenya suddenly looked up.


Lu Shifeng’s face remained indifferent. “If you need dragon scales, let him come and talk to me in person.”


With that said, he turned to Jian Luo. “Let’s go eat.”


Jian Luo was originally standing on the side watching the excitement, but suddenly he was called out. He nodded, “Oh… alright.”


Wenya stood in place and was directly ignored. Her expression was a bit ugly, but she still tried to remain calm. She spoke gently to Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, I was also a bit anxious because of the child’s illness. If I offended you, please don’t take it to heart. I’ll leave first.”


Jian Luo didn’t pay attention to her and went straight into the house.


The three little ones in the house were originally playing on the bed, but now they were huddled together sleeping. The eldest, Long Ao Tian, was sprawled out, sleeping on his back, while the second, Hei Zai, was more gentle, leaning against his older brother with his legs resting on him as he slept.


The youngest sister curled up into a small silver ball and slept beside her two brothers.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but laugh and cry, “They haven’t eaten yet.”


Lu Shifeng said, “They’re tired from the day.”


“What should we do then?” Jian Luo looked at the food, feeling a bit troubled. “Wait for them to wake up to eat?”


Lu Shifeng walked over and lifted the sleeping Long Ao Tian. “They’ll eat after waking up.”




Little Long Ao Tian blinked his red eyes in confusion, feeling extremely wronged to be forcibly pulled out of his dreams, and grumbled as he twisted in the air.


Lu Shifeng tossed him back onto the bed. “Wake the others up.”


Black Zhuai rolled over on the bed, fully awake now. Children sleep and wake quickly when they’re young. In no time, Black Zhuai was energetic again. He didn’t need anyone to call him; he went to wake up his younger siblings with his dragon horn.


Jian Luo sighed, “It’s time to eat.”


The dragonlings couldn’t understand much, but they understood this sentence. Initially a little annoyed at being awakened, upon hearing these three words, they all seemed to be filled with energy as if injected with chicken blood. Their little wings flapped behind them, but due to the high kang, they couldn’t get down by themselves, and their wings couldn’t fly, so they could only anxiously turn in place.


Jian Luo never asked Lu Shifeng how long it would take for dragonlings to fly.


He remembered that Lu Shifeng seemed to have learned to fly very late, although he didn’t know why. But Jian Luo didn’t want to ask. He could see through the faces of the dragon clan that day, and he didn’t know if those people had caused any pain to Lu Shifeng, but he would never become salt on his wounds.




A delicate sneeze brought Jian Luo back to reality.


It turned out Lu Shifeng had brought the little dragonling over. When they were just born, their dragon scales were soft, but now they were a little harder. Black Zhuai rubbed against Jian Luo’s head, feeling a bit cool to the touch.


Jian Luo rubbed his horns and gently massaged the little head. “Let’s eat.”


This meal wasn’t eaten very peacefully.


At night, when the little dragonlings were all asleep, Jian Luo sat by the kang, watching over them. The moonlight outside brought a slight chill.


Lu Shifeng came out from the inner room and looked at Jian Luo, speaking in a deep voice, “Why aren’t you sleeping?”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts. He casually took a small blanket and covered himself, leaning against the kang, and lowered his voice, saying, “I’m worried…”


Lu Shifeng knew what he was worried about.


Jian Luo said, “I’m thinking, will they have any bad intentions towards the dragonlings.”


He used to think Lu Shifeng was overly cautious about the people of this tribe, but now he felt that Lu Shifeng was right, and it was his own lack of vigilance. If it weren’t for Wenya’s wake-up call today, he might still be immersed in his own world.


Lu Shifeng approached a bit, then suddenly opened his hand, letting Jian Luo see what he held.


Jian Luo looked closely and smiled, “What’s this?”


Lu Shifeng: “Hand warmer.”


Jian Luo knew this thing; Wenya also had one. It was very warm because postpartum women generally couldn’t touch anything too cold. The hand warmer was thin and could be worn on the hand, seamlessly blending with the skin, almost without obstruction, yet protecting the hand well.


But it was very precious.


It was said that its raw materials were found deep in the mountains, and it was not easy to find. Its function was somewhat redundant, only needed by postpartum women for a period of time, so very few people were willing to go to the trouble to get one.


“Where did you get it?” Jian Luo asked.


Lu Shifeng placed the item in his hand and said casually, “Made it myself.”




Jian Luo wanted to say why he went through so much trouble, and also wanted to thank him, but a myriad of emotions gathered in his heart, and in the end, he couldn’t say a word. He felt his nose tingling. In a foreign land, with dangers everywhere, encountering someone willing to go to trouble for him was truly heaven-sent.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly, “Don’t you like it?”


Because Jian Luo’s expression seemed sad.


“I like it.” Jian Luo put it away, smiled at him, and a graceful smile bloomed on his clean and clear face, his eyes shining with tears, like fragmented starlight, obviously without makeup, yet captivating: “I really like it. Thank you.”


For a moment, Lu Shifeng felt like his heart skipped a beat, and after savoring it, there was a tingling sensation, a desire to give him everything in the world, just to keep him smiling.


Then, the expression on the little straight-faced guy’s face remained serious, indifferent, as he merely grunted.


Jian Luo said, “You should rest soon. When you’re healed, we can think of something else. I see Wenya is quite wary of you, so she probably won’t dare to do anything for the time being. During the day, when you go hunting, I and the little ones will go with you. It’ll be safer that way.”

Lu Shifeng nodded, “Okay.”


He suddenly felt… jealous of his grown-up self, but also a bit angry because that person wasn’t a qualified husband, at least Jian Luo didn’t have a partner’s mark.



The next day.


The matter of the dragon scales seemed to have been temporarily glossed over, yet it also seemed unresolved.


Wenya didn’t come to find him again, and Jian Luo also began to deliberately distance himself from the people of this tribe. No one could underestimate a father’s determination to protect his children. He watched over the children attentively, his vigilance heightened to the maximum.


The attitude of the people in the tribe also inexplicably changed all of a sudden.


The place where Jian Luo’s family dried clothes was occupied by others, and the place where miscellaneous items were piled up was also filled with things by others. The people of this tribe liked to keep pets, and these pets were completely unrestrained, often causing damage to Jian Luo’s repaired fences. The originally friendly villagers suddenly seemed to have changed their faces, making it somewhat unbearable.


Even when walking on the road, Jian Luo could see a group of people casting strange looks at him, whispering and pointing:


“They must have eloped…”




“Definitely, otherwise why not return to Dark Star, instead of coming to our small planet.”


“Tsk tsk…”


At times like these, Jian Luo would cover the dragonlings’ ears, even though they couldn’t understand, he didn’t want them to absorb such malicious energy.


On the path, Jian Luo saw the teenager who had raised the crow that day.


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, waved to greet him, but the teenager’s eyes seemed to dodge, and he even took a step back.


Jian Luo frowned slightly and didn’t approach further.


They passed each other on the path, and just as they were about to part ways, the teenager spoke up, “Luo Luo… I’m sorry.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 125 – Give Me Some Scales

Chapter 125 – Give Me Some Scales


This story, others didn’t know, but Jian Luo himself was dumbfounded.


Although the little dragons only understood half of it, they still felt the strong sense of horror from Lu Shifeng’s expressionless story. The youngest sister had crawled into Jian Luo’s arms, trembling.


Only Long Aotian and Long Batian, the two Hei Zai hatchlings, seemed quite excited. They used to feel drowsy when listening to stories like Snow White, but as soon as they heard about war, about those exciting scenes, even though Lu Shifeng’s storytelling was dry, even though they might not understand it at all, their tails started wagging!


After the three fell asleep, Jian Luo was quite worried. He felt that childhood education was important, so he pulled Lu Shifeng aside and said earnestly, “They are still young. Could you tell them some…”


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly, as if silently asking.


Jian Luo choked up a bit, but insisted, “Could you tell them some stories suitable for children?”


“They like it,” Lu Shifeng said calmly.




Jian Luo persisted, “It’s because they are young and don’t understand.”


“The dragon clan is naturally a warrior race,” Lu Shifeng said lightly. “It’s innate, unrelated to stories.”


Jian Luo choked.


Lu Shifeng even continued, “They were weak a few days ago. Starting tomorrow, they can go out into the wild to practice hunting.”


Jian Luo was dumbfounded, his voice trembling. “They… they’re not even a month old.”


He knew that children shouldn’t be spoiled, and he didn’t want them to become overly reliant on their father, but… but! Going out to hunt before they were even a month old, wasn’t it too early? If he wasn’t sure the children were Lu Shifeng’s, Jian Luo would have doubted if he was the real father.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “The dragon clan is born to hunt. They can crawl and roll around from an early age. Age is irrelevant.”




Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, then said, “Then… can I go with you tomorrow? Will it be troublesome?”


He really couldn’t rest assured about the children. Long Aotian was still too young. This silly child couldn’t even catch a bug at home, let alone fight his brother. If they went out, he might fall into a pit all at once, especially since Lu Shifeng wasn’t clear about the severity of things.


Really, those who hadn’t gone through the hardship of pregnancy couldn’t understand. As a mother, he tried not to favor his children too much. On this point, he was making concessions.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly and said in a deep voice, “It will be difficult to walk.”


“I don’t mind the hardship!” Jian Luo said hurriedly.




Lu Shifeng added, “You just gave birth.”


“So I need to exercise!” Jian Luo insisted. “Staying at home every day will make us all stupid.”


Finally, Lu Shifeng nodded.


Although he no longer mentioned whether the children were really his, they still slept in separate rooms. Firstly, because the kang bed wasn’t big enough, and secondly, because Lu Shifeng might still feel uncomfortable with same-sex relationships, so they didn’t sleep together.


As Lu Shifeng was about to leave, Jian Luo called out, “Wait.”


Lu Shifeng paused.


Jian Luo brought out a blanket from the house. “The weather on this planet is quite cold these days. I heard from Wenya that it’s already winter. The temperature outside is low, and you still have injuries. Don’t overdo it. If you’re worried about us, I’ve asked someone to prepare a vine bed in the inner room during the day. You can sleep there.”


Although Lu Shifeng didn’t say anything, Jian Luo occasionally found out that this person often kept watch near their small house at night. Separated by distance and race, Lu Shifeng remained extremely vigilant, staying outside almost all night while Jian Luo and the children slept. Even during the day, he wouldn’t stray too far, even when hunting.


Although he had lost his memory, he really did protect Jian Luo and the children well, doing everything he could, and even more. 


Lu Shifeng said, “The dragon clan doesn’t need as much sleep as humans…”


“I know,” Jian Luo said, handing him the blanket. “But it’s not good for you to endure like this. Your injuries haven’t healed yet. If you don’t rest properly, do you plan to never recover your memory in your lifetime? If that’s the case, let me consider having a second child.”




Lu Shifeng fell silent, took the blanket, and went to rest in the inner room.


Jian Luo sighed as he watched his back. He really found out that some people’s sense of responsibility wouldn’t change even if they lost their memory. He wouldn’t abandon his own clan, nor would he fail to protect anyone he wanted to protect. Perhaps from the time Lu Shifeng and Silver Ash went their separate ways in their childhood, he could already see a glimpse of it — some people are naturally true kings.



The next day.


Today was a day for everyone to go out together. Jian Luo took the three dragons up the mountain to climb.


The Hei Zai was excited, looking around with its small head, chattering incessantly. Even after being happy on its own, it still used its little claws to tease its younger brother. However, the second one was much more steady than him. He was more cautious. His amber eyes vigilantly scanned the surroundings, reacting to any movement or sound.



Seemingly stable, yet tightly clinging to the elder brother, he complained while maintaining a righteous stance.


The youngest sister sat on Lu Shifeng’s shoulder, feeling completely secure. As they walked, Lu Shifeng, who was at the forefront, somehow managed to grab a half-dead wild chicken. Its leg was injured, making it unable to run fast, and its eyes were blinded, resembling a lost fly.


Lu Shifeng threw the chicken on the ground and said to Jian Luo, “Let them down.”


Jian Luo complied.


Despite Black Brat’s initial interest, the bug-catching enthusiast turned timid upon encountering the mountain wild chicken. Seeing the nearby distressed chicken, twice his size, the sheltered Black Brat’s scales stood on end in fright!


Lu Shifeng pulled Jian Luo back, letting them handle it themselves.


Jian Luo felt a bit worried. “Is everything okay?”


“Can’t even handle a chicken?” Lu Shifeng smirked coldly. “Then he might really be Silver Grey’s son.”




Indeed, it’s you.


Watching from behind, Jian Luo noticed the three little brats momentarily stunned but quickly regaining composure. As the chicken charged, they skillfully dodged, rolling on the ground several times.


Then, upon realizing their father was missing, they panicked for a moment before finally hiding in the bushes, acting sneaky like puppies.




Jian Luo fell into silence.


In the universe, the renowned Dark Star was a term representing the strongest, the most prosperous, a fortress impregnable and terrifying to enemies, a place of revelry and opulence.


Because the Dark Star was home to the universe’s mightiest warrior race, the Dragon Clan, capable of tearing through stars with their impenetrable scales, colossal bodies, and overwhelming strength, placing them at the pinnacle of power, unmatched by anyone.


And then—


The next Dragon King, now on an unknown hillside, was frightened out of his wits by a chicken.


Slowly, Jian Luo began to see the interesting aspects of these three. Despite Black Brat’s skittishness, they had organized themselves. The youngest sister was clever, swiftly analyzing the chicken’s injury and using a tool to throw a stone at it first.


The second brat remained composed, swiftly devising a battle plan upon realizing the situation, dividing tasks, with the sturdiest eldest taking the lead in the attack.


Finally, with their combined efforts, the unfortunate chicken met its demise.


All three were in a sorry state, covered in dust and chicken blood, likely injured from their falls. But Jian Luo barely had time to feel sorry as he watched them excitedly dancing around, wanting to drag the chicken home together.


Jian Luo suddenly felt a pang of emotion.


Back home, the children were happy, but something seemed lacking. Perhaps Lu Shifeng was right. If one truly loves their children, they should let them run free, let them grow freely. Love is tender and gentle, but it should also be nurturing.


Lu Shifeng said, “You can go out.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his reverie, sighing. “Back to bathing them again.”


“There’s a river over there.” Lu Shifeng pointed. “Let them wash themselves.”


Jian Luo chuckled wryly. Truly a father’s words.


As they returned, they encountered many hunters from the tribes returning. Over these days, they had become familiar with each other, and seeing Jian Luo’s family, everyone greeted them in passing.


Jian Luo waved back, everyone in high spirits.


The rhythm of life, rising with the sun and resting with its setting, had gradually made Jian Luo forget about the Dark Star, the pressures of survival, and the responsibilities weighing on him. He even felt a bit numb, thinking that if they could continue like this with the three children, it would be great.


After they returned, Lu Shifeng took the children to bathe while Jian Luo started cooking.


Many passersby would stop and watch, drawn by the aroma of the food, unable to resist. Though Jian Luo’s cooking differed from their dietary habits, it was incredibly fragrant.


Today, as the children had worked hard, Jian Luo decided to cook a more abundant meal to replenish their energy. He steamed the rice first, then began stir-frying the vegetables. The chicken the children had hunted today could be used for a chicken and mushroom stew; there were many edible mushrooms in the mountains, and he had gathered quite a few today.


“Having your meal?”


“Smells delicious.”


“Indeed, very fragrant. What did you use?”


Every time he cooked, it attracted many people. Jian Luo was patient and would always share some of the food if he made extra. When travelers came by, he would patiently explain cooking methods. He had always been friendly to the villagers, believing that since he lived among them, he should contribute in some way.


When the food was almost ready, Jian Luo called out, “Dinner’s ready!”


Lu Shifeng came out after changing into clean clothes, telling Jian Luo, “I’m going out to hang the laundry. I’ll be back soon.”




Since he wasn’t there, Jian Luo began to set the table and brought the food in, asking the children to stop playing and come to the table.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


A knocking sound came from outside.


Jian Luo set down the food and went to open the door. To his surprise, the visitor turned out to be Wenya, a woman with a graceful demeanor standing outside. She said to Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, sorry for coming to you so late. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”


Jian Luo politely responded, “No, have you had dinner? Would you like to join us?”


“No, thank you.” Wenya smiled faintly. She stood outside, wearing only a single piece of clothing, looking somewhat tired but fortunately quite robust herself. “It’s because my child seems to be sick, and I thought of asking you for help…”


Jian Luo was taken aback. “But I’m not very skilled in medicine?”


“I mean…” Wenya glanced inside, where the three children had just finished bathing and were now playing on the bed. She withdrew her gaze and said, “Your children, are they dragons?”


Jian Luo’s heart sank, sensing something amiss.


He had previously considered that something like this might happen and had mentally prepared himself, but he hadn’t expected it to happen so soon and so suddenly.


Wenya’s smile became somewhat awkward. “My child has a high fever. Despite taking medicine, the fever hasn’t subsided. You know children can’t afford to wait. Besides, my child isn’t in good health. I heard that dragon scales can cure all illnesses. I don’t need much, just a few scales from you.”




Jian Luo felt his head buzzing suddenly.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 124 – Filial Piety

Chapter 124 – Filial Piety


He never expected Wenya to think like this, and there was also a question that aroused his curiosity, forcing him to ask, “Um, why didn’t you consider the possibility that the child might be his?”


Under Jian Luo’s perplexity, Wenya looked at him and slowly said, “You didn’t live together.”

It makes sense.


Since they arrived, he and Lu Shifeng hadn’t slept together again. The dog man lost his memory and actually unilaterally demanded to live separately.


At first, he was slightly uncomfortable, but because there were cubs around, he felt more fulfilled sleeping alone, so he didn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore.


But sometimes, like when he wanted to drink water at night, or when his leg was pressed while sleeping, he would think of Lu Shifeng at inappropriate times.


Sometimes he would laugh at himself while looking at the empty bed, not becoming a princess but still developing princess syndrome. Actually, this wasn’t a bad thing. It gave him a chance to see himself clearly and also helped him wean off Lu Shifeng. It’s quite good.


Wenya said, “But you don’t have to be too restrained. The customs of our tribe are very open. If you want to be together, just be together. Haha, after all, being pregnant for so long, you guys must have been holding it in for a long time, right?”




No, not really.


Jian Luo cooked the meal, and Wenya always brought some ingredients with her. This time she brought the edible lingzhi from their mountain. Jian Luo’s method of handling it was to cook it in a pot to ensure balanced nutrition. Fortunately, he controlled the heat well, turning off the fire at the right time so it wouldn’t be overcooked but still ensured the penetration of nutrients.


Jian Luo served a bowl of soup for Wenya. “Be careful, it’s hot.”


Wenya said to him, “You should drink too. This is nourishing for your qi and blood. Just gave birth, your body is the weakest now.”


Jian Luo didn’t drink much himself; he mainly wanted to save some for the cubs. He felt fine himself, mainly because the cubs were relatively weak, so he wanted them to eat more supplements. As for himself, he felt okay.


After finishing the meal, Wenya left since there were still children at home.


Jian Luo began to feed the three little cubs. The eldest, Hei Zai, was originally feverish, but now the fever had mostly subsided, and he had regained his original vitality, especially curious about the arrival of two more siblings.


Just as Jian Luo finished serving the meal, he turned around to see Hei Zai and his brother fighting again. Jian Luo’s hand holding the soup trembled slightly, and he shouted, “Long Aotian!”


Hei Zai paused for a moment, then continued to use his small teeth to bite his brother’s horn.


The second eldest was also a black cub, but his color was slightly lighter than the eldest, and his eyes were a platinum color, exactly the same as Jian Luo’s eyes. The personality of the second eldest was different from the eldest. He was naturally smarter, often learning things after just doing them once, and he had a calm and quiet disposition.


The reasons they often fought were quite simple: Hei Zai went to play with his brother, but his brother ruthlessly rejected him, which made Hei Zai angry and caused a quarrel.


But one good thing was that the fighting never involved their sister. Little Silver dragon preferred to sleep. Most of the time since hatching, she had been sleeping. Although she wasn’t boring, her favorite thing to do was to wake up and act spoiled to Jian Luo.




Hei Zai was picked up by someone. Lu Shifeng looked down at him, and the two stared at each other. Lu Shifeng said to him, “If you keep causing trouble, you’ll be grounded.”




Although Hei Zai didn’t understand, it didn’t stop him from feeling intimidated.


If there was one person these little cubs were most afraid of, it was undoubtedly Lu Shifeng. No matter how fierce the fight was or how mischievous they were, Lu Shifeng, was always able to discipline them.


Jian Luo relaxed when he saw that the fight had stopped and asked Lu Shifeng, “Back?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Starting from two days ago, because universal currency couldn’t be used, the adolescent Lu Shifeng resorted to the most traditional and primitive way of making money—hunting.


Although he was injured, he still had his skills. He often brought back some lingzhi and other herbs from the mountain, as well as some nutritious game. Generally, Jian Luo would keep the ones suitable for eating, and the excess would be exchanged for things with people from the tribe.


Lu Shifeng handed the processed meat to Jian Luo. “Today’s catch.”


Jian Luo took it naturally. “You go take a bath first. I’ll steam the rice. Take the eldest and the second to bathe. The sister is still sleeping; I’ll bathe her at night.”


Lu Shifeng bent down and picked up the two black cubs that were about to fight. Holding them by the scruff of their necks, they obediently followed, like two little chicks being carried away. At first, Jian Luo would worry and ask Lu Shifeng to be gentler, but later he found out that the dragon cubs weren’t so fragile; they had thick skin and were durable. So he just went along with it.


Jian Luo put the meat on the cutting board and started thinking, “What to eat?” 


Because Lu Shifeng hated eating grilled meat, Jian Luo generally didn’t simply grill it. Instead, he would stir-fry it, make meatballs, meat paste, or something else. Now he had used up most of his stored seasonings, so he needed to be a bit frugal.


Jian Luo noticed from the corner of his eye that Lu Shifeng had also picked some other plants. Among them were some large leaves that looked similar to lotus leaves. Since today’s meat included chicken, why not make lotus leaf chicken? It didn’t need many seasonings, just a simple preparation.


“That’s it.”


Jian Luo squatted down to handle the ingredients. He found that this man Lu Shifeng was really considerate sometimes. Because he couldn’t touch cold water after giving birth, Lu Shifeng would always prepare the meat for him before handing it over. If there was a need for cold water at home, Lu Shifeng would first fill the basin with water and then leave after putting the scoop in.




Reasonable and justified.


Speaking of which, since he came over, he and Lu Shifeng haven’t slept together anymore. The dog of a man lost his memory and unilaterally demanded separation.


At the beginning, he was slightly uncomfortable, but because Jian Luo was still there, he felt more fulfilled sleeping alone, and he gradually adapted.


But sometimes, like when he wants to drink water at night, or when his leg is pressed while sleeping, he would inappropriately think of Lu Shifeng.


Sometimes he would look at the empty bed and laugh at himself. Not becoming a princess but still developing princess syndrome. Actually, it’s not a bad thing, it allows him to see himself clearly and also to quit Lu Shifeng. Quite good.


Wen Ya said, “But you don’t have to be too restrained. Our tribe is very open-minded. If you want to be together, just be together. Haha, after all, you’ve been pregnant for so long, you must have endured a lot, right?”




No, it’s fine.


Jian Luo cooked the meal, Wen Ya always brings some ingredients over. This time, she brought edible lingzhi from their mountain. Jian Luo’s way of dealing with it was to cook it all in a pot to ensure balanced nutrition. Luckily, he managed the heat well, turning it off at the right time to avoid overcooking and ensure nutrient penetration.


Jian Luo scooped a bowl of soup for Wen Ya. “Be careful, it’s hot.”


Wen Ya said to him, “You should drink too. This is good for replenishing qi and blood. Just gave birth, your body needs it the most.”


Jian Luo didn’t drink much himself; he mainly wanted to save it for the kids. He felt fine, but the children were weaker. He wanted them to have more supplements. As for himself, he felt okay.


After finishing the meal, Wen Ya left since there were children at home. Jian Luo started feeding the three little ones. The eldest, Hei Zai, was originally feverish but now he was much better. He was especially curious about his two new siblings.


Just as Jian Luo finished serving the meal, he turned around to see Hei Zai and his brother fighting again. Jian Luo’s hand trembled slightly as he held the soup and called out, “Long Aotian!”


Hei Zai paused for a moment, then continued to nibble on his brother’s horn.


The second one was also a Hei Zai, but his color was lighter than the eldest. His eyes were the same color as Jian Luo’s, platinum, identical to Jian Luo’s eyes. Unlike his brother, he was naturally smarter, learning things quickly, and had a calm and steady temperament.


Their fights usually stemmed from simple reasons, like when Hei Zai wanted to play with his brother but got coldly rejected, leading to a quarrel.


However, the good thing was that their fights never involved their sister. Little Silver Dragon preferred sleeping. Most of the time since hatching, she spent sleeping. Though not boring, her favorite thing was to wake up and act cute to Jian Luo.




Hei Zai was picked up by someone. Lu Shifeng looked down at him, the big and the small facing each other. Lu Shifeng said to him, “Another tantrum and it’s timeout.”




Although Hei Zai didn’t understand, it didn’t stop him from feeling intimidated.


If there’s anyone these little ones fear the most, it’s undoubtedly Lu Shifeng. No matter how fierce the fight is or how mischievous they are, Lu Shifeng handles all sorts of disobedience.


Seeing that the fight had stopped, Jian Luo finally relaxed and asked Lu Shifeng, “Back?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Starting two days ago, because universal currency couldn’t be used, the young version of Lu Shifeng resorted to the most traditional and primitive way of making money—hunting.


Though he got injured, his skills were still intact. He often brought back lingzhi, spiritual herbs from the mountains, and some nutritious game. Jian Luo would keep what was suitable for eating and exchange the rest with the tribe for other things.


Lu Shifeng handed the processed meat to Jian Luo. “Today’s catch.”


Jian Luo took it and said naturally, “You go take a bath first, I’ll steam the rice. Take the eldest and the second with you to bathe. The sister is still sleeping, I’ll bathe her tonight.”


Lu Shifeng bent down and lifted the two Hei Zais still preparing to fight from the ground. Holding them by the nape, both little ones obediently followed like chicks being carried away. Initially, Jian Luo would worry about them being handled too roughly, but he later found that dragon hatchlings were not that fragile. They were tough and durable, so he let it go.


Jian Luo placed the meat on the cutting board and began to think. What to cook? Lu Shifeng hated grilled meat, so he usually didn’t simply grill it. He’d stir-fry, make meatballs, or something else. Now, his stock of condiments was running low, so he needed to be frugal.


Jian Luo noticed Lu Shifeng had also picked some other plants while out. Among them were some large leaves, similar to lotus leaves. Since there was chicken in today’s catch, why not make lotus leaf chicken? It didn’t require many condiments, just simple preparation.


“This will do.”


Jian Luo squatted down to prepare the ingredients. He found that Lu Shifeng could be very considerate at times. Because Jian Luo couldn’t touch cold water after giving birth, Lu Shifeng always prepared the meat before handing it to him. If there was a need for cold water, Lu Shifeng would first fill a basin and then use a ladle to scoop it out before leaving.

Every little detail, damn it.




From the bathroom, a Hei Zai crawled out from Lu Shifeng’s shoulder. The little dragons had all taken a bath, smelling fresh. They were ecstatic at the scent of meat, especially Long Aotian, who, as the eldest, was even more unrestrained, impatiently whining.


Jian Luo served the rice. He noticed that apparently only Dark Star had rice to eat. Due to the presence of a human cultivation base, they had special rice, while the staple food here was a kind of sticky glutinous rice that felt unpleasant in the throat. However, in these special times, there was no room for pickiness.


Lu Shifeng threw the two little ones aside and came to help Jian Luo with the bowls and chopsticks. He said, “You go ahead, I’ll get them.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Okay.”


The dishes on the table were simple today. There was a pot of well-stewed lingzhi soup, with some meatballs added by Jian Luo. The meat was delicious, and the lingzhi effectively removed any fishy smell, making the soup less greasy.


In the middle of the table were two lotus leaf chickens.


The rest was just two ordinary home-cooked vegetables. Although not as sumptuous as those on Dark Star or during their travels, the dishes on the table were steaming and full of earthly flavors, without anyone feeling dissatisfied.


Jian Luo pointed to one of the chickens in the middle and said, “You have this one.”


Then he cut the other chicken into equal pieces and distributed them to the three eagerly awaiting hatchlings. The little dragons loved meat, and now was the time for them to grow. Jian Luo put a lot of effort into their diet, trying his best to give them the best. There were only two chickens, and he distributed them fairly.


Jian Luo ate while holding his bowl. During his pregnancy, he had gained a lot of weight and loved to eat. Now that the children were born, he didn’t have much of an appetite. Usually, he would eat nutritious vegetarian dishes to lose weight. As he was eating, a chicken leg fell from above.


Jian Luo looked up unexpectedly and met Lu Shifeng’s gaze.


Lu Shifeng said, “Eat.”


Jian Luo wanted to say he had eaten a lot of meat with Wen Ya during the day, so he shouldn’t eat too much at night. He still needed to lose weight. “No need, you eat.”


Lu Shifeng’s gaze had a hint of complexity, his tone firm. “No need to save. I’ll take care of other things. Eat.”




Did you misunderstand something?


Jian Luo was puzzled by his gaze. To avoid hurting his feelings, he could only eat the chicken leg quietly, while also thinking about exercising outdoors tomorrow. It wouldn’t do to keep gaining weight like this every day.




The coquettish cry of the dragon resounded in his ears, bringing Jian Luo back to reality.


Looking at the plate in front of him, Jian Luo suddenly found an extra piece of meat. Upon closer inspection, it was Long Aotian, who had climbed onto the table and was squatting obediently in front of him. The little dragon had grown bigger, about the size of a bowl. Seeing Jian Luo not moving, he nudged the plate with his head, whining.


Jian Luo was speechless. “Is this for me?”


The ruby-like eyes of the Hei Zai looked at him, clear and pristine, as if everything was written inside them.


Jian Luo’s heart melted instantly. He patted the little dragon’s head. “Thank you.”


He thought it would end there, but then, just as he finished eating the chicken leg, the second one struggled to push his plate over. He was still too small, so the weight of the plate was a bit much for him. Smartly, he called his sister for help. From Jian Luo’s perspective, there was a plate with a large piece of chicken on top, and behind it were two dragons, one black and one white, huffing and puffing as they pushed the plate.


Finally, the plate reached Jian Luo.


The two little dragons were out of breath, squatting next to the plate. Seeing Jian Luo still not moving, the second one urged him with a cry. The little one’s voice was always tender, sounding like a kitten scratching.


Jian Luo tentatively asked, “Do you want to eat together?”


Hei Zai hummed twice, looking serious.


The youngest sister came over and hugged Jian Luo’s hand. She was very clingy, unlike her two brothers. She always liked to hold something, especially her father.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but smile as he patted the heads of the three little dragons. The meal was lively, and now it was time for the three children to sleep. To make them speak early, Jian Luo told them a bedtime story every night.


Tonight, Jian Luo suddenly had an idea and pulled Lu Shifeng over. “You tell a story tonight.”


Before, Lu Shifeng’s prenatal education stories were always about naval battles, but now that they were in their teens, he would tell stories about dragons!


Lu Shifeng and the three little ones on the bed stared at each other silently for a while. Then Lu Shifeng asked, “What story?”


“Just an interesting story!” Jian Luo gave him a hint. “Folk tales, anything will do! Can you do it?”


Lu Shifeng seized the point. “Folk tales?”


You can teach a young man, indeed. Jian Luo smiled and sat cross-legged, waiting eagerly for the story. 


Lu Shifeng seemed to have made up his mind. Sitting by the bed, he pondered for a moment before beginning, “A long, long time ago…”


Here it comes, that familiar taste!


Jian Luo listened attentively, eager for the story.


“The dragon clan is weak, but their scales have healing effects. Normally, if there are some dragons who are not ambitious and disobedient at this time, their scales will be removed…”


Author’s Note: The little dragons were deeply moved and cried out loud after hearing this.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 123 – Did You Two Elope?

Chapter 123 – Did You Two Elope?


There was a hint of awkwardness in the air.


Under the light, the little silver dragon sparkled. Unlike his two older brothers who immediately looked for food after hatching, this little guy paid great attention to his cleanliness. He ignored everything else and started licking off the dirty parts of his remaining eggshell. Sitting in the red shell, he was extremely well-behaved.


Jian Luo said, “I think this might just be an accident.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow at him. “For example?”


“For example…” Jian Luo racked his brains. He tentatively suggested, “Maybe the ink ran out halfway through dyeing?”


There was a chill in the air.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly. Jian Luo’s smile froze on his face. Lu Shifeng’s expressionless face told him that it wasn’t a very funny joke.


Jian Luo coughed lightly and blurted out, “Anyway, it’s yours. If you don’t believe it, you can do a paternity test.”


Lu Shifeng spoke slowly, “Both Silver and I are genetic replicates. Our offspring could be black or white.”


Only then did Jian Luo remember this aspect. His eyes lit up. “So, you mean…”


Lu Shifeng said, “Even if the child is Silver’s, you don’t need to worry. He’s not here now, but every dragon has the obligation and responsibility to take care of the hatchlings. I won’t abandon you two (Jian Luo and the kids). If it’s mine…”


Jian Luo cursed him inwardly for being a blockhead but had to follow up, “If it’s yours, then what?”


“If it’s mine, I’ll take full responsibility. I’ll raise them and…” His teenage voice sounded unusually mature and steady. Looking at Jian Luo with a resolute expression on his delicate face, he said, “I’ll take care of you too.”


Listening to his words, Jian Luo’s slight resentment dissipated. Although he knew that the words of a scoundrel might not be reliable, and although he hadn’t planned to rely on anyone, although…


Just as Jian Luo was lost in thought, Lu Shifeng added another question, “Are we legal partners?”


Jian Luo: “Huh?”


“Since you’re carrying my child.” Lu Shifeng’s red eyes stared at him unblinkingly, already planning to have Jian Luo move in. He asked, “Does that mean we’re together?”


“…I can’t accept that.”


In fact, this statement was like a bucket of cold water poured over Jian Luo from head to toe.


He didn’t know what to say. They were just a one-night stand bound together by an accidental child. Even if the child was his, they didn’t have a formal legal relationship. They could only be considered familiar strangers.


They were destined to be strangers.


This realization made him suddenly fall silent. He sat quietly by the bed, sinking into a long silence.


Lu Shifeng looked at him. The gleam of excitement in his red eyes gradually dimmed. He lowered his gaze, subconsciously avoiding further questioning. Even he didn’t know what he was avoiding, just looking outside, he said, “The medicine is ready, I’ll bring it in.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and hurriedly said, “Okay.”


He took a few steps forward to see the newly hatched dragon. The second one had already eaten its shell. Now full, it looked at the world with its eyes. When Jian Luo approached, the little one hesitated for a moment, then started walking toward Jian Luo. Its legs were not fully developed yet, staggering every three steps, and its body was as small as a fist. It swayed because it was exerting itself, making little grunting sounds. Though it was tough, its goal was clear: to walk to Jian Luo.


Seeing the little one struggling, Jian Luo wanted to reach out and pick it up, but Lu Shifeng spoke from behind, “Let her walk on her own.”


Jian Luo paused.


“No one will spoil her,” Lu Shifeng rarely explained to Jian Luo. “She needs to walk more to strengthen her leg muscles.”


Jian Luo quickly withdrew his hand and continued to watch the little dragon.


The little silver dragon was much calmer. After licking herself clean, she obediently started gnawing on her shell without crying or fussing, completely different from her older brother.


Lu Shifeng picked up the black hatchling and gave him the medicine.


The little black one was still asleep. Suddenly being picked up, the whole dragon was confused. Its wet red eyes opened, and seeing the villainous person holding it, it immediately started crying. Perhaps because it was sick, its dragon heart was fragile. Its cries were full of grievances and a hint of whimpering, flapping its small wings behind it.


Jian Luo wanted to help, but the two younger ones below were attracted by the older one’s voice. The little sister also whimpered, and even the second one, who had been crawling towards Jian Luo, echoed a couple of times. The tender cries of the hatchlings sent shivers down one’s spine.


Jian Luo quickly picked up the black hatchling and glared at Lu Shifeng. “He’s sick, be gentle!”


Lu Shifeng: “…”


Once back in his father’s arms, the little black one stopped crying. But it still whimpered as if it were reporting something. Jian Luo touched its slightly warm horn and said gently, “You can’t sleep, you need to take your medicine.”


Lu Shifeng handed the medicine bowl to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo started feeding the hatchling with a small spoon. He thought it wouldn’t be difficult, but he didn’t expect the medicine to be so bitter that the hatchling refused to drink it, taking one sip and then spitting it out.


Jian Luo was at a loss. He was getting anxious. “Baby, drink your medicine.”


The little black dragon buried its head in Jian Luo’s arms, turning its back to the medicine bowl. Even though it was small, it could taste the bitterness. It refused to drink!



Jian Luo was at a loss.


Lu Shifeng sat down beside him. “Let me feed him.”


Jian Luo got a headache every time Lu Shifeng spoke. When there’s danger, a father is the best shelter, but when there’s no danger, a father is the biggest danger. Based on his understanding of Lu Shifeng, if the hatchling didn’t eat, his solution would definitely be force-feeding.


The child is still so young, is that appropriate?


After thinking it over, Jian Luo suddenly remembered that he still had some dried fruits that could be eaten. He quickly opened the storage space and indeed found the last bit of dried fruit. The only problem was that the pieces were a bit large and needed to be cut into smaller pieces. So Jian Luo put the medicine bowl aside, tore the dried fruit into small pieces, and then fed them to the hatchling.


The little black dragon bit into the dried fruit with a chirp, sweet and delicious, then was forced to drink a mouthful of bitter medicine by its father.






Under Jian Luo’s coaxing and cajoling, the dragon finally finished drinking the soup.


The sick hatchling looked a bit droopy. After drinking the medicine, I felt sleepy again. Jian Luo didn’t force it, so he put the little one on the bed and then went to check on the other two.


When he looked, he suddenly widened his eyes in suspicion. “Where’s the second one?”


He was crawling just now. How did he disappear after Lu Shifeng fed the eldest one medicine?


Lu Shifeng casually replied, “On your leg.”


Jian Luo lowered his head and unexpectedly met a pair of amber eyes. Somehow, the little guy had crawled onto his leg and was sitting there obediently. He was also a pure black dragon, but a bit smaller than the black hatchling. He was well-behaved and quiet. Seeing that Jian Luo finally noticed him, the little dragon opened his mouth and made a soft cooing sound, gentle and slightly coquettish.


Jian Luo’s eyes softened. He touched the little dragon’s head, and the sleeping little girl curled up into a small white ball. She subconsciously held onto Jian Luo’s finger and rubbed against it with her head, showing dependence and obedience.


Jian Luo’s heart softened. He said, “We still need to find a way to improve their health. Porridge alone won’t be enough.”


He was a man of action.


Since Lu Shifeng was injured and they couldn’t return temporarily, the best result had to be created under limited conditions.


Once he made up his mind, he would act. After a simple conversation with the young man from yesterday, Jian Luo understood that hunting was not his thing. However, he could use his own skills to try to make money.


Jian Luo decided to help improve the tribe’s cuisine.


He found that this tribe’s culinary culture was even worse than that of Dark Star. At least Dark Star had a variety of pastries and snacks, but here, it was just meat cooked every day, either boiled or roasted.


Jian Luo quickly targeted the tribe leader’s wife, Wenya. She had just given birth and was at a time when she had high food demands and was interested in food. Most importantly, going to her place could get them many nutritional supplements.


So Jian Luo was very grateful for his habit of liking to store spices in the storage space. He fried meatballs with a little oil, cooked vegetables with eggs and existing ingredients, used the last bit of elf dried fruit for decoration, balanced the greasiness of the meat with vegetables, and sent it over in the name of friendship. Wenya came knocking on his door in the afternoon.


Wenya sincerely said, “I’ve never had such a satisfying meal in my life!”


Sometimes, if a friendship couldn’t be built over one meal, it would be built over two. Under Jian Luo’s intentional actions, Wenya had already shared her thoughts with him.


The only thing that troubled Jian Luo a little was Wenya’s gossip nature.


“How did you end up here?” Wenya asked. “To be honest, at first glance, your clothes looked very noble. Those fabrics are only found on big planets.”


Jian Luo hesitated slightly.


He and Lu Shifeng’s identities couldn’t be publicized. To be honest, over the years, Lu Shifeng had made many enemies in the interstellar world. Jian Luo didn’t know how many enemies Lu Shifeng had made, but there were definitely more than a few. Now that Lu Shifeng was seriously injured, acting low-key was the best option.


With this in mind, Jian Luo’s cooking hand paused slightly. He lowered his gaze and said with some sorrow, setting up the scene, “It’s a long story…”


Wenya’s heart sank.


“You’ve seen my situation, carrying these children.” Jian Luo casually picked up the black hatchling playing with bugs nearby and sighed. “If it weren’t for circumstances beyond my control, who would want to end up in a foreign land…”


Jian Luo always left his words halfway, leaving the rest to the imagination.


Looking at Jian Luo’s pitiful figure and thinking of how they landed here out of nowhere, along with Lu Shifeng’s appearance, Wenya covered her mouth in surprise. She leaned closer, lowering her voice, “I understand, I understand. But the one you’re with, he’s really handsome. And so young too. It’s normal to elope with such a fresh piece of meat. Are you two being chased?”


Jian Luo: “Huh?”


“I get it, I get it,” Wenya gave him a determined look. “But he’s not bad either. Although this child isn’t his, I’ve seen him take care of you quite well these past few days. You made the right choice!”


Jian Luo’s hand holding the spoon trembled slightly.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


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