Day: September 23, 2024

Chapter 35 – Closed Off

Chapter 35: Closed Off


The pillow still held some warmth, but Long Ling was nowhere to be seen. At that moment, Su Muluo’s mind was nearly blank.


The despair and pain from the dream were like a cold, sticky snake coiling around him. His heart pounded uncontrollably, almost suffocating him with intense unease.


Where had his dragon gone?


Why wasn’t he by his side?


Su Muluo got up, desperate to find Long Ling. He felt like he was suffocating under the weight of his anxiety and fear.


Just then, the door to the room opened, and Long Ling appeared in the doorway. Seeing that his Phoenix was awake, he was first surprised, then quickly walked over.


“Phoenix, why did you get out of bed without shoes?”


Long Ling took in Su Muluo’s expression and furrowed his brow, realizing that his departure had made his Phoenix anxious.


He was about to soothe him with gentle words and explain where he had been when Su Muluo suddenly embraced him.


Long Ling: “……”


In the chilly night, his Phoenix was only wearing a thin garment, silently burying his soft face into his shoulder, seeking warmth.


This kind of dependence was heart-melting but also felt a bit off. Long Ling’s hand moved to stroke Phoenix’s slender back, noticing that his Phoenix was trembling slightly.


Immediately, Long Ling felt an intense pang of sympathy. He gently patted Su Muluo’s back and whispered softly in his ear, “I didn’t leave. I just went out for a bit, but I’m back now. Don’t be afraid.”


Su Muluo remained silent, keeping his face buried in Long Ling’s shoulder, unmoving. Long Ling’s embrace was wide and strong, and he could feel himself enveloped by his dragon’s presence—a very tangible warmth.


This warmth gradually eased all the restlessness and anxiety in his heart, calming his rapid heartbeat, making him feel like his soul had returned to his body, and he was alive again.


Long Ling stroked Su Muluo’s hair and whispered comforting words. After a while, he felt his Phoenix’s body relax bit by bit, and he sighed in relief.


At the same time, a question arose in his mind.


Why did his Phoenix react so strongly?


The look just now clearly showed he was too scared to speak… but what had happened to make his Phoenix so frightened?


“Phoenix,” Long Ling carried Su Muluo back to bed, pulling the soft blanket over him, “What happened? Did you have a nightmare?”


Su Muluo didn’t speak, just looked up at him with wide eyes.


His dark eyes, like gemstones submerged in cold water, were stunningly beautiful even in the night. But as he quietly looked at his dragon, there was an unspoken sense of grievance.


Long Ling fell silent, feeling that in Phoenix’s eyes, he might seem like a scoundrel who went out to seek pleasure in the dead of night, leaving his beautiful Phoenix at home, completely ignoring him. He felt both heartbroken and guilty, saying, “I won’t leave Phoenix alone again. It was my mistake this time. I promise that Phoenix will see me every time he opens his eyes from now on, okay?”


“…… It’s not your fault,” Su Muluo gently shook his head and said softly, “I just had a nightmare.”


Long Ling had an intuition that the dream wasn’t simple. He gathered Phoenix’s slender fingers in his hand and said gently, “What was the dream about?”


Su Muluo didn’t respond.


He no longer wanted to recall the contents of the nightmare or the heart-wrenching pain of losing the most important person in the dream.


Su Muluo silently snuggled into Long Ling’s chest, thought for a moment, and then transformed back.


A soft little phoenix landed on Long Ling’s chest, silent, trying to burrow into his clothes.


But because the clothes were soft and not easy to penetrate, the little phoenix got stuck halfway through, wriggling… and then stopped moving.


Long Ling: “!”


So cute!


He was overwhelmed by the cuteness!


He gently cupped the little phoenix in his hands.


The little phoenix wasn’t too pleased. Its feathers were messy and even puffed up more. It lowered its head to tidy its beautiful feathers and looked around.


Although it had lost quite a few feathers over the past days, it had also grown many new ones. And perhaps it was Long Ling’s illusion, but those new feathers seemed more beautiful and shinier than the old ones.


The dragon and the phoenix gazed at each other for a few seconds. The little phoenix chirped.


Time to sleep.


Long Ling’s eyes showed a smile. He lay down, gently placed his phoenix on the bed, and transformed back into the black dragon.


Just like before, he wrapped his phoenix in his embrace. The little phoenix curled up on him and slowly fell asleep.


The next morning, Su Muluo opened his eyes.


The hotel room was dim. He was nestled in a man’s chest, the man’s arm dr4p3d around his waist, holding him close.


Su Muluo remained silent, then looked up to meet the man’s dark golden eyes.


Long Ling smiled slightly and said, “Phoenix, good morning.”




Su Muluo looked down lazily, as if nothing had happened, and continued to doze.


Long Ling was momentarily stunned, then a wave of uncontrollable joy surged in his heart. He rubbed his face against Su Muluo’s, saying in a sticky voice, “Phoenix, aren’t you going to push me away?”


Su Muluo remained silent.


Long Ling’s long fingers buried themselves in Su Muluo’s hair, his voice deep and laced with amusement, “From now on, I’ll hug Phoenix to sleep every night. Phoenix isn’t allowed to refuse.”


Su Muluo still didn’t say anything.


Long Ling was almost overwhelmed with happiness, even wanting to spin around while holding his Phoenix. But seeing that Phoenix was still sleepy, he gently stroked his back and asked, “Phoenix, what did you dream about last night? Can you tell me?”


Su Muluo slowly lifted his gaze to glance at him, then buried his head again.


What he had dreamed about last night… was his dragon, covered in blood, lying in his arms with an uncertain fate.


The dream had been so vivid, it felt as though it had actually happened. Even now, remembering it left him with lingering fear.


Had he really lost, or nearly lost, his dragon thousands of years ago?


Was the wound on his dragon’s abdomen left from then?


Su Muluo remained silent, but his heart was tightly constricted, filled with a tearing pain.


He remembered there was a strange man beside him at that time. He didn’t know who that man was, but instinctively, he felt disgust.


Did that man hurt his dragon? Why hadn’t he been able to stop it or protect his dragon back then?


…He was truly useless.


The room was quiet. Long Ling looked down and saw his Phoenix silently clenching his fingers, the tips whitening from the force.


His gaze darkened slightly as he held Su Muluo’s hand, his knuckles pressing firmly against those slender fingers, their hands locked together.


“Alright, I won’t ask anymore,” Long Ling said softly, “Don’t think about it anymore. It’s all in the past. There’s no need for us to dwell on it.”


“I won’t leave Phoenix again, not even for a step. So just focus on me.”


Su Muluo looked up at those dark golden eyes filled with gentle affection, remained silent for a while, and softly murmured, “Mm.”


As long as his dragon was still by his side now, that was enough.


Phoenix nestled deeper into the warmth of the man’s embrace, thinking.


He would never let his dragon get hurt like that again.




Lin Chengcheng noticed that something seemed off about his boss and his boyfriend today.


Although they were still walking together as usual and there was no particularly unusual behavior between them… something just seemed wrong.


Lin Chengcheng was walking through the forest with a black cat, pondering this, and covertly observing the couple ahead.


He knew his boss’s boyfriend was particularly fond of clinging to his boss, never leaving his side, and his boss enjoyed the clinginess. Their relationship had always been very close.


But now, watching them still inseparable, he felt their aura seemed to have changed somehow… it seemed more subtle, more ambiguous?


It was as if nothing had changed, but everything had… making people blush just by looking.


“What’s going on?” Lin Chengcheng couldn’t help but ask the black cat, “Elder, do you know what’s up with them?”


Feng Xuan shook his head and chuckled, “Young master is still too young. You’ll understand when you grow up.”


Lin Chengcheng: “……”


That was essentially saying nothing.


Meanwhile, Su Muluo overheard Lin Chengcheng and Feng Xuan’s conversation but didn’t point it out. Instead, he glanced at Long Ling beside him.


Long Ling immediately looked hopeful and said, “Does Phoenix want a hug?”


Su Muluo replied, “I don’t need a hug from you.”


Long Ling responded with a simple “oh,” reached out to take his hand, and Su Muluo didn’t pull away, allowing him to hold it.


Long Ling then smiled with pleasure, thinking how adorable his Phoenix was today.


The fact that Phoenix allowed him to hold him while sleeping, let him change his clothes in the morning, and accepted all his affectionate gestures without refusal, made him happy.


He really liked Phoenix.


However, amid his joy, he also wondered about the dream Su Muluo had last night. His Phoenix had had fragmented dreams about the past before, and last night was probably similar.


But this time, it was likely not a good dream.


Long Ling held his Phoenix’s hand, watching his beautiful profile, lost in thought.


After a while, he would still need to ask Fenghuang about it… However, it seemed that Fenghuang hadn’t inquired about why he went out last night.


Although he wanted to give Fenghuang a surprise, if Fenghuang asked later, it was better to tell him the truth.


Half an hour later, a small house appeared among the layers of dense forest. As they rounded the house, a sprawling settlement of the Bird clan came into view.


Feng Xuan said, “We’ve arrived.”


This morning, guided by Feng Xuan, they had taken a flight to another city, transferred to a bus, and then walked for several hours through the mountains, finally arriving at the Bird clan’s territory.


The area was nestled deep in the mountains and forests, where the Bird clan had lived for a thousand years. Most of the houses were built with wood, intertwined with vines and covered by leaves, creating a simple yet warm and inviting scene.


Feng Xuan’s message had been delivered earlier, and some members of the Bird clan were already waiting at the entrance.


They first bowed respectfully to Lin Chengcheng and then turned to Su Muluo. When their gazes landed on his face, there was a clear expression of awe in their eyes.


Long Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Bird clan members immediately felt a surge of fear. They quickly composed themselves and, with even greater respect, said, “Thank you, sirs, for returning our young master and elder. However, it is inconvenient to speak here. Please follow us.”


As they walked, Lin Chengcheng couldn’t help but look around in awe. This was his first time at the Bird clan’s place, and he found everything to be novel. However, he was also worried if there were any people from the Grand Elder’s faction here, so he voiced his concern.


Feng Xuan reassured him, “Don’t worry. The Bird clan has now split into two factions. The Grand Elder’s faction is several kilometers to the east, and we have several high-grade magical barriers here. Even the Grand Elder would find it difficult to get through.”


He paused and added, “The people here have come because of your father and are willing to follow you.”


Lin Chengcheng was taken aback. He hadn’t fully realized the responsibility of being the tribe leader until he heard Feng Xuan’s words. A profound feeling welled up inside him.


The Bird clan’s territory was built around Lin Chengcheng. At first glance, the entrance resembled a small village, but as one walked inside, it became clear that the full scope was impossible to grasp.


After walking a bit longer, they finally reached their destination—the highest area of the Bird clan’s buildings.


“Please wait here for a moment, sirs, and young master,” Feng Xuan said. “I need to return to my body. It might take some time.”


Su Muluo didn’t respond, but Long Ling said, “That’s fine.”


Soon, Bird clan members took Feng Xuan, who was in black cat form, away and invited Su Muluo and the others to sit, serving them with a variety of exquisite tea and snacks.


Although Lin Chengcheng had already had breakfast, the aroma of the snacks made him hungry again. He took a bite and his eyes lit up, “Delicious!”


Long Ling picked a piece of pastry and offered it to Phoenix’s mouth, “Do you want some, Phoenix?”


To avoid Lin Chengcheng hearing the word “Phoenix,” the question was asked in a lowered voice. However, even though it was addressed to Su Muluo, he seemed not to have heard it. He kept his head down and remained silent.


Long Ling frowned. He had noticed something odd about his Phoenix after entering the Bird clan’s territory.


Could it be that the Bird clan members had done something to his Phoenix?


“What’s wrong?” Long Ling asked, holding Su Muluo’s shoulder. “Phoenix, open your eyes and look at me.”


“…” Su Muluo reluctantly lifted his eyelids and mumbled, “A little sleepy…”


Long Ling’s eyes grew cold, and he immediately turned his gaze to the Bird clan members waiting nearby. His icy stare made them, who had only minor demon powers, collapse to the ground, trembling uncontrollably with fear.


Lin Chengcheng, who was chewing on a piece of pastry, froze in place. Although he wasn’t directly affected, he could sense a heavy, oppressive force in the air, leaving him momentarily immobilized and struggling to breathe.


At this moment, Su Muluo grasped Long Ling’s sleeve and weakly said, “It’s not their fault… Don’t scare them.”


He had only started feeling sleepy after arriving at the Bird clan’s territory, but it wasn’t because the people here had done something to him—it was an issue with himself.


Something here seemed to be affecting him… Could it be that Phoenix relic?


Su Muluo wanted to understand it all, but his mind was foggy, unable to think clearly. Leaning on Long Ling, he mustered his remaining consciousness and said, “I’m going to sleep… Don’t blame them.”


Long Ling fell silent, holding his Phoenix close, suppressing his demonic aura, and instructed the Bird clan members, “Prepare a room for us. No one is allowed to disturb us until we come out.”


Those few people of the bird clan nodded repeatedly as if they had narrowly escaped death. Moments later, Long Ling carried his phoenix and entered a gorgeously decorated room.


At this moment, there were only the two of them in the room. Long Ling gently placed Su Muluo on the bed, and as soon as he released his hand, a feather fell from his palm.




Silently, he picked up the feather and held Su Muluo’s hand, wanting to stay by his side. In his sleep, Su Muluo also held onto his arm and gently rubbed against it.


Then a few more feathers fell.


Long Ling paused his motion of stroking Su Muluo’s hair, shocked as he watched several feathers fall onto the bed. Soon, a few more followed.


—Su Muluo had only been asleep for a short while, waking up again after just a few hours.


He opened his eyes, still feeling drowsy, his mind a bit foggy… Then he saw countless feathers under him, while Long Ling silently tidied up beside him, trying to arrange them neatly.


As he arranged them, he even started playing a stacking game.


Su Muluo: “…”


Su Muluo quietly watched his dragon, and when Long Ling met his gaze, he felt a pang in his heart, immediately putting down the feathers and raising his hands innocently, saying, “It wasn’t me.”


Su Muluo remained silent.


“Really,” Long Ling emphasized, “these are all from the phoenix while it was sleeping. I didn’t touch any of them.”


After saying this, he saw his phoenix looking increasingly resentful. He thought for a moment and added consolingly, “But don’t worry, Phoenix, it’s not that many. I counted, only seventeen.”


Before he finished speaking, he watched helplessly as another feather fell from his phoenix.


“Ah, now it’s eighteen.”


Su Muluo: “…………”


Without a word, he pulled the blanket over his head, effectively shutting himself in.


Straight into self-isolation.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 1 – What tattoo did you get? Peppa pig?

“You have arrived at your destination. The target is on the left side of the road. Thank you for using XX Navigation.”

The mechanical female voice in the phone ended abruptly. Zhong Weishi stood on the wide overpass, looking completely bewildered.

In front of him were two escalators that had stopped running. To his left was the path he had just come up, and to his right and behind him were stairs leading both up and down.

He turned around and counted: there were a total of seven different paths branching out, extending in various directions across the road.

Was this a fvcking overpass or an octopus?

Who the hell designed this road?

Is this what people do?

At this moment, it was the rush hour, and a massive crowd surged onto the overpass like a swarm of zombies,clamouring loudly and incessantly moving.

Below him was a constant stream of traffic.

Based on the sweet navigation prompt, his options were either to retrace his steps or jump off the overpass.

It really killed a directionally challenged like him.

Zhong Weishi opened the walking navigation again, but a small line of text popped up when he searched for his destination: You are too close to the destination to use navigation oh~

… fvck.

Suppressing his frustration, Zhong Weishi closed the app and dialed Qiangzi’s number.

Qiangzi’s full name was Huangfu Qiang. He had a surname straight out of a Mary Sue romance drama, but was stuck with a first name that was only slightly better than Tiezhu, truly embodying the phrase, “wasting a good hand of cards.” 1The humor lies in the contrast between the grand, aristocratic surname “皇甫” (Huangfu) and the simple given name “强” (Qiang). The name “强” is slightly better than “铁柱” (Tiezhu, meaning “Iron Pillar”), which is used as a humorous example of a basic, unsophisticated name. This mismatch suggests that despite having a prestigious surname, the ordinary first name makes it feel like he’s wasting a good opportunity, like playing a great hand of cards poorly.

Qiangzi quickly picked up: “Ge, when are you getting here? We’re just waiting for you.”

His voice was raspy and slurred, a clear sign that he was smoking.

“I fvcking…” Zhong Weishi was too embarrassed to admit that he’d been wandering back and forth on the overpass for nearly half an hour and still hadn’t found the place. “My phone’s about to die. Come out and pick me up. I’m on an overpass that looks like an octopus.”

“Oh, just take the western path down about ten meters and you’ll be there. The shop has a small entrance. I’ll be at the door waiting for you,” Qiangzi said with a cigarette in his mouth as he leisurely headed downstairs.

West side.

If he knew where the west side was, would he have wasted his phone bill?

Zhong Weishi stood in the middle of the overpass, spinning in a circle in every direction. He didn’t spot any tattoo shops, but he did see a women’s lingerie store. The floor-to-ceiling windows were spotless, and a row of female mannequins stood at the entrance, striking seductive poses with bizarre makeup.

“I see a lingerie store, something like My Eternal Love Lolita,” Zhong Weishi said with wrinkled brows.

“What?” Qiangzi was just as confused and emphasized loudly, “The west side ah. Walk a few steps west, and you’ll find it.”

What a dog day.2It’s like saying “Seriously, this is all messed up.”

Zhong Weishi raised his voice. “I’m not a fvcking compass! How would I know where west is?!”

Huangfu Qiang never expected his Shi-ge to have such a unique level of IQ. It proved that the universe was fair—good-looking people often only had their looks going for them.

But fearing for his life, Qiangzi only dared to remind him gently, “Just look up and face the direction of the sun, and then…”

Before he could finish, the call ended abruptly with a curt “Oh.”

As Zhong Weishi retraced his steps, he cursed under his breath. Who knew he’d circled this place four or five times already and still hadn’t found that “best tattoo shop on the whole street, where people travel dozens of kilometers just to get inked” that Qiangzi had talked about.

He thought to himself, for such a renowned shop, it ought to be at least a bit bigger than a public restroom, right? But all he could see around him were small eateries and milk tea shops.

“Hey! Ge!” Qiangzi waved at him next to an electric scooter. “Over here!”

Zhong Weishi turned around, walked over, and glanced at the sign: Paris Glamour Boutique Menswear.

Inside the transparent display windows were summer collections of men’s t-shirts, pants, and… various knock-off CK underwear.

The male mannequin near the entrance was wearing cartoon underwear with a SpongeBob SquarePants pattern.

Sexy was an understatement.

At the mannequin’s feet, Zhong Weishi spotted a small black sign, roughly the size of a palm. There was crooked handwriting on it: Tattoos, eyebrow tattoos, ear cleaning, haircuts, and manicures on the 2nd floor.

… The range of business was quite comprehensive.

“Did you get yours done?” Zhong Weishi looked him up and down, noticing no change on his arms.

“Not yet. Waiting for you to do together.” Huangfu Qiang hooked an arm around his neck, leading him inside. “I just picked out a design with a lot of artistic flair. A blood-red rose. The boss says he can make it 3D.”

“What the hell?” Zhong Weishi was somewhat speechless. “Why don’t you just go all out and get it in 5D? That’d be more exciting.”

Just last night, Huangfu Qiang had suddenly called, saying he received a private job. The client was from a promising company with a clear business direction, and the job was supposedly simple. By the end of the conversation, it turned out they wanted him to collect debts.

“We’re a legitimate debt collection service, nationwide. No success, no charge. Absolute integrity.” Qiangzi had passionately declared over the phone.

“Not going!” Zhong Weishi refused without hesitation.

“Come on ah! How could we do this without you taking the lead! Out of all of us, you’re the only one who’s played a thug! You play your roles so convincingly. We need to learn from you!” Qiangzi was practically shouting with enthusiasm.


Zhong Weishi, a long-time stand-in actor on the edge of the entertainment industry, had played everything from eunuchs and palace maids to guards, corpses, thugs, and perverts—none of which lasted more than ten seconds on screen.

But anyhow, it’s also considered to have a colorful acting experience.

Playing a street thug? Not a problem at all.

But was he really the kind of guy to be motivated by money?

Debt collection was something he had only ever seen on TV.

Getting caught would mean… not getting beheaded, but definitely being dragged to the police station for questioning.

His acting career couldn’t afford such a stain!

“You can get a 3,000-yuan commission per job. I’ll split it with you half and half.”

“Deal! It’s settled, then.”

There was no crown on his head, so why should he be afraid to bow down?

Before this, Qiangzi had worked as an internet café network administrator and had never been involved in such a magically twisted side gig.

In his understanding, debt collection was all about scaring people and strength in numbers, so he roped in Zhong Weishi and a few brothers to boost morale.

The first step to playing the part of a thug, of course, was to smoke, get a perm, and get a tattoo.

Though the shop had a small entrance, it was surprisingly spacious inside. The decor was simple but stylish, exuding understated luxury. The cashier’s counter was a large solid-wood desk, and the middle-aged owner sat with his legs crossed, watching a movie. The table was equipped with an entire tea set, and a spiral redwood staircase led to the second floor.

When someone walked in, the owner reflexively looked up.

He froze for a moment.

The young man standing at the entrance was around 24 or 25, and the first impression he gave off was simply stunning.

His skin, contrasted with the person next to him, looked especially fair. His facial features were sharply defined, with soft bangs partially covering his brows and a pair of classic standard peach blossom eyes.

Normally, a face like his with those eyes should be charming and approachable. However, his slightly raised brows gave him an air of cool indifference and casual aloofness.

Even in a simple hoodie and sweatpants, his tall and lean figure was impossible to hide.

“Xiao Qiang, is this your friend ah?” The owner, who knew Huangfu Qiang, casually asked.

“Yeah, I came with him to get a tattoo.” Qiangzi grinned.

“What do you want to get?” The boss looked at Zhong Weishi, sensing that he had more guts than Huangfu Qiang. He introduced with great interest, “We have tattoo artists here who graduated from design academies. Besides the usual stuff like the Azure Dragon and White Tiger, we can design a one-of-a-kind, full-body piece for you. The latest trend is 3D mechanical tattoos—vibrant colors, with a striking, three-dimensional effect…”

The boss lifted his t-shirt to reveal his own tattoo, proudly showing it off. “How about this? Pretty visually impactful, right?”

Zhong Weishi suddenly narrowed his eyes.

—On the man’s pale belly was a large peony, symbolizing wealth and prosperity, with a peac0ck spreading its feathers across his waist.

It was definitely a strong impact.

The design was incredibly lifelike, almost identical to the “Peony of Wealth” cross-stitch hanging on display at the embroidery shop downstairs from his apartment!

Meeting the boss’s eager and expectant gaze, Zhong Weishi coldly and decisively asked, “Do you have any temporary tattoo stickers?”

Boss: “…”

Qiangzi: “…”

“Just pick a design yourself,” The boss said, pulling out a thick stack of temporary tattoo stickers from behind the counter.

Right on top was a pink Peppa Pig sticker in various poses and styles, which seemed to be quite trendy these days.

One of them even had wings and a fairy wand, looking oddly cute.

Seeing how his friend’s gaze lingered affectionately on the pigs, Qiangzi quickly pulled him aside. “I already said I’m treating you ah! Don’t worry about the money! How are you going to intimidate people when we go to collect debts later? How are you going to scare people with four or five blow dryers? Or… are you afraid of the pain?”

Zhong Weishi wanted to ask what exactly made his garish blood-red rose any better than a few pigs ah. Honestly, the whole thing was just ridiculous.

But Zhong Weishi couldn’t be bothered to dampen his enthusiasm. After all, Qiangzi had been talking about getting a full-sleeve tattoo since childhood, and it had taken him years to finally muster up the courage.

“I really don’t want a tattoo.” Zhong Weishi said seriously.

He wasn’t an idiot. He wasn’t about to mess around with Qiangzi over some sketchy side gig. Forget the 3D peonies and roses—even if it were mythical creatures like qilins or phoenixes, he had no interest.

He didn’t want to cover his body with those kinds of random things.

His body wasn’t just his alone.

Huangfu Qiang stared at him for a moment, then seemed to understand. “Alright, then just get a sticker. Pick whichever design you like, I’ll buy it for you.”

Casually, Qiangzi slipped away the Peppa Pig family pack from the top of the pile. He didn’t want his friend to become the city’s most handsome lunatic.

In the end, Zhong Weishi picked one of the Four Evil Creatures from ancient mythology: Qiongqi.

It had the head of a tiger and the body of a lion, with sharp claws and teeth, paired with wings. Its savage maw was open wide, and its entire body seemed engulfed in a sinister flame. The design stretched from his chest all the way to his arm.

It actually looked pretty cool. Combined with Zhong Weishi’s natural roguish air, it made him look every bit the part of a thug—just as long as you don’t look closer.

“Is this thing waterproof?” Zhong Weishi touched the tail of the Qiongqi tattoo on his arm. His hand came away clean, without any smudges.


“As long as you don’t scrub it too hard, it’ll last about ten days,” The boss said.

Ten days should be enough.

It’s just a debt collection job. If they can’t do it, they could just raid the person’s house.

Not paying back what you owe? It’s against him.

“Oh, by the way,” Zhong Weishi said, pulling on his hoodie, “What’s the deal with the guy who owes the money ah? Have you done your research and visited him over the past few days?”

As a seasoned Internet café network administrator, Huangfu Qiang had a wide circle of friends across various fields. He quickly received 999+ tidbits of information when he asked in his gaming group.

“Er’Gou, full name Zhang Gou, in his late 30s. He roams all over Yucheng. Apparently, he puts on airs, looks pretty decent, and has been seeing a divorced woman named Li Yuqin. She lives in the Qingfeng Garden over in the southern district, and Er’Gou visits her often.”

Qingfeng Garden was an older complex near the city center. Over the past decade, property prices have skyrocketed; a unit of about a hundred square meters could cost around three million.

Most of the residents there were rich people.

“Does that woman have any family? Should we just wait for her at her house to block her?” Zhong Weishi thought that seemed a bit inappropriate.

“Yeah, I heard she got divorced a long time ago and lives alone. If worse comes to worst, we can just ask her directly for the money. After all, she’s the one supporting that gigolo,” Huangfu Qiang replied.

“…” So to deal with one woman, he was turning himself into the most eye-catching lunatic on the whole street.

Zhong Weishi was genuinely worried about his bro’s intelligence.

By the time Huangfu Qiang finished with that flashy 3D blood-red rose, it was already past eight in the evening.

They hadn’t even gotten the money yet, and Qiangzi had already overspent by fifteen hundred.

Zhong Weishi felt a pang of sympathy. He hadn’t expected that temporary tattoo sticker would cost a hundred!

But Qiangzi was unfazed. “Ge, look at it this way: this thing lasts for ten days, so it’s just ten yuan a day. Just skip a pack of cigarettes, and you’re good.”

“Forget it.” Zhong Weishi decided to let it go. “It’s not my money anyway.”

Qiangzi: “…”

As they bid farewell to the tattoo shop owner, he reminded them, “When you shower, don’t scrub too hard. What comes off isn’t dirt; it’s money.”

“…Got it,” Zhong Weishi replied.

The tattoo artist handed him a business card. “Welcome to come by often! I think your back would be perfect for a tattoo of the Mona Lisa’s smile. I designed it myself; it’s different from Da Vinci’s but it’s equally satisfactory.”

Zhong Weishi wanted to retort, Why don’t you just fvcking say Along the River During the Qingming Festival,3Handscroll painting by the Song dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan. wouldn’t you make more money?

But Qiangzi beat him to it. “Definitely, definitely! I’ll come by at the end of the year when I get my bonus.”

“…” A broken Internet cafe actually has a bonus?

After being distracted for a couple of seconds, Zhong Weishi realized that his focus seemed to be off.

Huangfu Qiang also handed a business card to the tattoo artist.

With a white background and bold red letters, it was eye-catching.

Xicheng Express Debt Collection Team: Construction payments, triangular debts, extramarital affair investigation collection, legal debt collection, nationwide service, no success, no fee. Welcome to call: xxx. Project Manager: Huangfu Phantom.

“Feel free to contact me. We also offer small loans—just provide a photo of your ID or a copy of your household registration. No collateral needed…” Qiangzi began to promote his new business.

Sitting on Qiangzi’s electric scooter, Zhong Weishi held his new business card between his fingers, feeling a mix of emotions. “What the hell is this Phantom? Is that the second child of your Huangfu family that accidentally strayed away back then?”

“My stage name. Doesn’t it sound more mysterious?” Qiangzi chuckled as he snatched the card from Zhong Weishi’s hand.

After dinner at a roadside stall, Qiangzi began to fret about his image again. “Ge, now that I’m getting a tattoo, should I also dye my hair? I’m thinking that trendy cool purple, with a layer of stylish gray on top. I’ve seen a bunch of students at the internet café with that color—it really suits their skin tone and makes them look lively…”

Zhong Weishi couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s because those people have fair skin that complements the color. You have an unmistakable Mongoloid race complexion. What’s the difference between making it like that and putting a potted flower on a shit?”

“…” Qiangzi endured the humiliation and quietly added a bowl of beef rice to his order. “He’ll pay later.”

Author’s Note:

This is a lighthearted and sweet story. The main character will appear in the next chapter. Additionally, the work was completed in 2019 and has many shortcomings; I hope for your understanding.

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