Month: October 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Chapter 7 – Your Employer

“fvck, it’s still fvcking there.” Zhong Weishi exclaimed in surprise, eagerly leaning in to tap the avatar.

The fluffy and soft hair lightly touched someone’s cheek.

It was a bit itchy.

Gu Lizhou touched his cheek and shifted the phone a little farther away.

From a distance, it looked like the two of them had their heads huddled together.

The lighting in the last video was a bit dim, but it was clear that the background was a huge shopping mall. The colorful ground lights beneath flickered on and off.

Zhong Weishi turned up the volume.

His phone was a classic model—no longer in production.

Nothing worked but if put out, it was NB.

A booming dance track, mixed with crackling static, echoed sharply in the quiet hallway.

“In my hand, the rose has burned to ashes,

In front of the girl, people come and go…

Sincerity, real intention, true love, true feelings are rare,

It’s not a crime for a man to be penniless.

Will you choose Chen Shimei1Chinese opera character and a byword in China for a heartless and unfaithful man. He was married to Qin Xianglian, also translated as Fragrant Lotus. Chen Shimei betrayed Qin Xianglian by marrying another woman, and tried to kill her to cover up his past. or become a butterfly, flying in pairs…”

There was even a bit of a tongue-twisting rap in the middle, but Zhong Weishi only caught two lines clearly.

Love, love, I ask you.

What the hell is it!”

When he looked up, he noticed that even the pretty boy was laughing.

The camera first focused on a woman’s chest, then panned down her curvy figure.

“Damn. What the hell is this pervert filming?” Zhong Weishi’s hand slipped, and he almost accidentally liked the video. “How the hell did your mom end up with this kind of person?”

Gu Lizhou’s tone was cold, “I don’t know.”

Zhong Weishi continued scrolling through the videos.

Most of them were candid shots taken in public squares, with a clear focus on attractive women—those with good looks, graceful figures, and talent for dancing.

Eventually, Zhong Weishi came across a video of Li Yuqin. She stood out in the center of the square like a crane among chickens, happily spinning and leaping in her dance.

“I’ve got to admit, your mom’s dance moves are pretty good,” He remarked, almost tempted to double-tap for a like.

Gu Lizhou handed the phone back. “Although these filming locations aren’t all the same, we might be able to deduce his current residence using the ‘circumference theory.’”

“The what theory?” Zhong Weishi was completely lost.

Gu Lizhou briefly explained, “Draw markings on all the squares that appear in the videos on a map. Then, take the distance between the two furthest locations as the diameter and draw a circle. If nothing unexpected happens, Er’Gou’s usual activity range will be within that circle.”

“You’re that sure?” Zhong Weishi was deeply skeptical.

“If it were you, and you went out at night to dance in a square, where would you go?” Gu Lizhou asked.

“I don’t dance in squares,” Zhong Weishi shook his head.

“Assuming you dance,” Gu Lizhou said.

“Then why don’t you assume you dance?!” Zhong Weishi stretched his neck.

Gu Lizhou replied calmly, “If it were me, it’d definitely be near my house—someplace I could walk to or get to by electric scooter. It’s more convenient that way.”

“You some kind of criminal investigator or something ah?”

Gu Lizhou shrugged, “Some theoretical common sense.”

Though this guy deserves a spanking, Zhong Weishi had to admit there was some logic to the theory. So, he sent the clue to Qiangzi and the others.

[Huangfu]: Holy crap, NB ah ge! You actually found him! I’m gonna go follow him right now.

[Wei-ge]: I think this circumference theory makes a lot of sense.

[Da Fei]: Genius!

Zhong Weishi noticed Gu Lizhou still watching his screen, with a smile lingering on his face, so he replied: Don’t rush to praise just yet—we still don’t know if we’ll actually find him.

Gu Lizhou withdrew his gaze and continued, “Besides his residence, we might also be able to predict his next filming location based on these spots. You should keep an eye on the areas around your neighborhood where people gather to dance.”

Zhong Weishi responded with an “oh” and turned to head home. It wasn’t until after he finished gathering his laundry, closed the door, and sat down at his small desk by the window to reply to messages that he suddenly remembered—he was still connected to Gu Lizhou’s phone hotspot.

The point was that the hotspot actually hasn’t been disconnected!

When he looked up, he saw a pair of eyes staring at him through the half-open window.

Just then, a breeze blew past outside the window, lifting the curtains, and causing the face outside to flicker in and out of view, startling him.

Zhong Weishi pushed the window open and poked his head out. “What are you doing just standing there? You scared the hell out of me.”

“You live here?” Gu Li Zhou asked.

“Yes, why?” Zhong Weishi couldn’t figure out why this man was so curious.


Noticing that Gu Lizhou was eyeing his room, Zhong Weishi grew defensive. “I have a roommate.”

“Oh.” Gu Lizhou folded his arms and kept looking at him. “What kind of work do you do?”

“Acting ah.” Zhong Weishi was stunned—never in his life did he expect to have a man chatting him up through a window. He added in shock, “My friend works in loans and debt collection, so sometimes he looks for us to help out.”

Gu Lizhou nodded thoughtfully, “Is it the first time?”

His stiff attitude and suspicious tone sounded like a police officer conducting a routine interrogation after catching some prostitutes.

“What exactly do you do?” Zhong Weishi asked.

Gu Lizhou: “Your employer.”

Chapter 75 – Strange reversal

Chapter 75


Haowei reached out to fasten Si Lan’s belt, his face tense as he asked, “What’s he doing here?”


“He was scared after the incident at Linglong Mountain last time and couldn’t sleep at night, so he came here to sleep with me.” Si Lan sat up from the bed, but after this disturbance, any trace of sleepiness had vanished.


Haowei’s expression remained dark. “He’s already grown up. Why is he still sharing a bed with you?”


Before Si Lan could reply, Xie Li, still nestled under the covers, mumbled in protest, “Even you, Your Highness, sleep with the Emperor.”


“…” Haowei fell silent.


Si Lan stifled a laugh and gently patted Xie Li’s shoulder under the blanket. “Enough, Xie Li. Go to sleep. It’s still early.”


“Mmm.” Xie Li hugged Si Lan’s thigh from under the covers, his body curled up, forming a shape on the bedsheet that Haowei found annoyingly conspicuous, like a plump and bothersome maggot.


Si Lan communicated with Haowei through spiritual sense, “You go rest in the next room. I’ll stay with Xie Li tonight.”


“Or wait until he falls asleep and then come find me,” Haowei replied gravely, his eyes meeting Si Lan’s with an implicit meaning.


Si Lan’s face turned slightly red as he teased, “What’s this? Are you also haunted by psychological shadows from Linglong Mountain?”


“…” Haowei remained silent.


Haowei had originally wanted to say that he had rushed tirelessly from the mortal realm to the Demon Realm just to see him, wanting to spend more time together. But seeing the faint dark circles under Si Lan’s eyes, he simply said, “Forget it. You should rest early too.”


Instead of going to sleep in the adjacent room, Haowei stood under the eaves, gazing into the distance towards the Peak of Drifting Clouds. The quiet night enveloped him completely. He listened to the sounds of turning over and breathing from the palace, a faint smile curling his lips.


After Quze finished his meditation, not finding Xie Li in his room and thinking Xie Li might have come here to find Si Lan, he hurried over. Under the eaves stood a tall and graceful figure, exuding an extraordinary aura. Even without seeing the person’s face clearly, Quze already knew who it was.


Quze didn’t expect Haowei to stand under the eaves, standing there all night, keeping watch over Si Lan.


Quze stood on the other side of the main hall, also keeping vigil throughout the night.


The next morning, Si Lan suddenly felt short of breath, a dull ache in his chest. In a semi-awake state, he had a dream where Yu Wuxia was choking him, smiling as he informed him that the Five-pointed Nine-sky Formation had already been activated, and the Six Realms were destroyed; now all living beings had turned into identical monsters.


He woke up abruptly, gasping for breath. When he lowered his head, he realized Xie Li was sprawled across his chest, pressing on his chest and making it hard to breathe.


Xie Li himself was sound asleep, lips parted, leaving a puddle of drool on Si Lan’s inner robe.


“…” Si Lan sighed helplessly, gently setting Xie Li aside and not bothering to put on his outer robe, lazily stretching as he walked out.


Pushing the door open, he saw a figure in white standing under the eaves.


Not knowing how long he had been standing there, a faint layer of dampness had settled on his shoulders. His handsome face was veiled by the faint morning mist. Upon hearing the door open, his long lashes fluttered before he turned his head to look at him.


“You didn’t sleep all night?” Si Lan exclaimed in surprise.


“I closed my eyes for a while.” Haowei noticed Si Lan had only come out in his inner robe and cautioned, “Be careful, it’s chilly.” He intended to dr4p3 his own clothes over Si Lan’s shoulders, but recalling the cold morning dew that had soaked through his clothes, he instead took Si Lan’s hand and led him inside.


On the bed, Xie Li was still deeply asleep, turning over.


Haowei glanced at Xie Li with a deep look in his eyes, mentally noting Xie Li’s presence, then quietly helped Si Lan into his clothes. Si Lan’s gaze fell and he noticed the other’s Adam’s apple, slightly protruding on his neck, rising and falling with his speech.


Haowei’s Adam’s apple was more prominent, prompting Si Lan to unconsciously reach out and touch it.


Haowei’s breath caught, his eyelids lowering. “What’s wrong?”


“It’s hard,” Si Lan poked at it with his fingertip.


Haowei’s throat moved, his swallowing action somehow unexpectedly sensual. He grasped Si Lan’s wandering hand and placed a silver-white scale into Si Lan’s palm.


Si Lan was momentarily stunned, pinching the scale and examining it. The scale was translucent like jade, shaped like a leaf, exceptionally beautiful.


He tentatively asked, “Could this… be your reverse scale?”


“Mm.” Haowei’s voice lowered slightly.


As Si Lan touched the scale, he felt a faint coolness between his fingers. Glancing back at Haowei, he noticed an odd expression on his face, a blush creeping up from the roots of his ears.


When he brought the scale up to his nose to sniff, the blush on Haowei’s ears seemed to erupt like a volcano, spreading lava over his entire face, reddening his skin and even tinting his eyes with a hint of crimson.


“Si Lan.” Haowei suddenly spoke up, as if afraid Si Lan would do something strange.


Puzzled, Si Lan asked, “What’s wrong? Why are you blushing?”


Haowei tried to explain, “Just feeling a bit warm.”


Si Lan glanced at the scene outside the window. It was deep autumn, with heavy morning dew. How could it be warm? Suspicious, he asked, “Is there something wrong with this scale? Is it really your reverse scale?” Otherwise, why would his face inexplicably turn red?


“Of course. I wouldn’t lie to you.”


Whenever Haowei needed to emphasize his tone, he would use “I” instead of “me,” as if highlighting his noble status. Such a noble status naturally wouldn’t tell lies or do dishonest things.


Si Lan continued, “Oh, you didn’t lie to me. But why are you blushing nervously?”


“This isn’t nervousness.”


“Then what is it?” Si Lan asked, still fingering the scale.


Haowei glanced at the scale, the corner of his mouth subtly tensing. His voice involuntarily lowered, “It’s really just hot weather.”


“…” Si Lan.


Forget it, he didn’t want to ask anymore, and he didn’t want to say anything else.


Si Lan walked to the window, held up the scale in the bright light, and continued to examine it. It didn’t seem much different from any other scale. Why was this one considered a reverse scale?


Behind him, Haowei, seeing his reaction, parted his lips, his face nearly blushing to the point of bleeding.


Si Lan murmured to himself, “I think I’ll carve this scale into an accessory and wear it around my waist.”


Seeing Haowei still silent, Si Lan asked, “What do you think?”


Haowei lowered his voice and said, “Since I’ve given this thing to you, you can handle it however you want.”


Si Lan noticed that Haowei had been acting strangely since he received the scale. When Si Lan asked him about it, Haowei refused to say anything more, so Si Lan didn’t press further.


He carved the scale into the shape of a floating immortal crane, drilled a hole through it, threaded it with red silk, and wore it around his waist. When he showed it to Haowei, Haowei blushed and said, “It looks good.”


Beaming with delight, he plucked a rainbow feather from one of the tail feathers and gave it to Haowei. Holding the feather, Haowei suddenly recalled an ancient record about “Yujia,” one of which mentioned that when Yujia met his beloved, he would pluck rainbow feathers from his tail and give them to the other person until he was bare.


The image of that bird with its tail completely bare couldn’t help but make him smile involuntarily, and he reached out to ruffle Si Lan’s hair.


Meanwhile, they were discussing the details of the alliance between the Demon and Celestial Realms, while in the shadows, those dark and twisted figures were also beginning to stir.


The Phoenix Clan feared that after the alliance between the Demon and Celestial Realms, they wouldn’t be able to handle Si Lan, so they were scheming to sabotage the union.


Ju Zhu privately believed that one reason Haowei was interested in Si Lan was because he mistakenly thought Si Lan’s true form was a Divine Phoenix. If Si Lan’s true identity as a mere chicken were exposed, Haowei would never accept marrying someone who was just a chicken.


Even if, by some chance, Haowei truly loved him and accepted him as a chicken, the Heavenly Mother and other celestial beings would not agree and would surely try to stop the marriage.


At that time, the Phoenix Clan would bring up how Si Lan had harmed the Phoenix Clan and injured two princesses, ensuring that this chicken would meet a miserable end.


If the Heavenly Realm didn’t support Si Lan, it would be much easier for the Phoenix Clan to deal with him secretly.


“Auntie, when do we expose that chicken?” Qu Yu couldn’t wait to ask.


Before Si Lan appeared, the most suitable person for Haowei in the Six Realms was Qu Yu.


Even the Heavenly Mother had intended to bring Qu Yu and Haowei together, so Qu Yu had long positioned herself as Haowei’s supporter, often visiting the Jade Palace and trying to please Haowei with soups and congees. However, she never expected to be intercepted halfway by such a lowly and humble chicken.


Such a lowly creature, not even worthy of licking the Phoenix Clan’s toes, how dare it snatch her beloved? How dare it overshadow their Phoenix Clan?


Ju Zhu leaned against her high seat, her hand propping up half of her face, slowly scraping her cheek with her long, golden nails, and sneered, “We must make sure he faces eternal damnation at his proudest moment, never to rise again.”


“That means I’ll follow Auntie’s lead in everything,” Qu Yu chuckled.



Si Lan suddenly sneezed, awakening from his drowsiness within the misty hot spring pool. Feeling like someone had been talking behind his back, he nudged Haowei beside him with his foot. “Were you muttering about me just now?”


Haowei, half resigned and half indulgent, replied, “I can’t help but think of you.”


Si Lan smirked, his hands resting on the pool rocks, feeling the warm mist enveloping him. Haowei mentioned that although he wasn’t visibly injured, his cultivation had declined significantly, and his spiritual energy was weakened. He advised Si Lan to soak more in the hot springs to recuperate.


After a few days of soaking, Si Lan indeed felt much more comfortable.


However, strangely, he hadn’t seen Haowei reveal his dragon tail in the hot spring pool again. Previously, whenever Haowei bathed, he would always flaunt his huge dragon tail, as if deliberately showing off, and even used it to help Si Lan “scrub.”


Now he seemed more reserved, which made Si Lan feel something was amiss.


Could it be that his charm had waned? Was that why Haowei could control himself?


Through the damp mist, Si Lan discreetly observed Haowei.


After Haowei said those words just now, he closed his eyes again, quietly soaking in the bath. The misty steam formed faint ripples on his face, slowly descending along his eyebrows, eyes, and nose.


Si Lan’s gaze lowered, lingering on Haowei’s muscular and well-defined chest, making him swallow nervously. Why not try, to see if his charm had truly diminished?


Si Lan pretended to casually get up, causing a splash of water. Haowei looked up at the sound, and as Si Lan bent his knees to step out of the pool, he slipped suddenly and fell into Haowei’s arms.


Haowei swiftly embraced his waist, his voice deep, “Careful.”


Si Lan, seizing the opportunity, clasped the back of Haowei’s neck, causing Haowei’s body to stiffen.


“Ah, I feel so dizzy. Maybe I’ve been in the bath too long and feel a bit unwell.”


Upon hearing this, Haowei reached out to touch Si Lan’s head. His skin was a bit warm, but not feverish, and when he checked Si Lan’s spiritual energy, he still didn’t notice anything wrong, so he advised, “Next time, don’t get up so suddenly.”


“Mm,” Si Lan nodded, resting his head on Haowei’s shoulder. The breath from his nostrils gently brushed against Haowei’s ear, and Si Lan noticed Haowei’s ears turning slightly red.


It seemed he could still make him shy.


But how…


Lost in thought, Si Lan shifted slightly, and Haowei’s slightly hoarse voice sounded in his ear, “Are you doing this on purpose?”


“Huh?” Si Lan blinked innocently at Haowei.


Even though Haowei’s eyes were obscured by steam, they were still as dark as ever, staring unwaveringly at his face. Seeing his innocent look, Haowei said with a hint of concealment but deliberately coughed lightly, trying to appear composed, “Don’t move.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Si Lan felt something was wrong and his face turned slightly red.


But strangely, Haowei’s dragon horns were exposed on his forehead, but still no dragon tail. Normally, Haowei would show his dragon tail first, then his dragon horns.


Si Lan tentatively asked, “How come you didn’t show your dragon tail today?”


Haowei pursed his lips, his earlobes almost dripping with blood, his voice distinctively tinged with concealment but deliberately coughed lightly, trying to appear composed, “You complained last time that the scales on the dragon tail were too cold, so I stopped showing it.”


Si Lan nodded faintly, his gaze wandering over Haowei’s face for a moment before gradually drifting downwards, separated by the rippling water surface. “But I suddenly feel like seeing your dragon tail.”


Haowei’s voice suddenly became hoarse. “Don’t joke around.”


“…Huh? How is that joking?”


What could possibly be wrong with looking at his dragon tail now?


Haowei seemed about to pull Si Lan down, but Si Lan stubbornly refused to budge.


The warm steam raised the temperature around them by a few degrees, intensifying the fragrance emanating from Si Lan.


Haowei’s breathing became erratic, his grip on Si Lan’s hand unconsciously tightening, leaving bruises.


A misty haze enveloped them, like soft silk sticking closely together, their slightly heavy breaths mingling.


Haowei looked at Si Lan with red eyes. “Are you really not coming down? Don’t blame me if you don’t come down.”


“Haowei, do you… not like me anymore?” Si Lan suddenly asked with a heavy tone.


Before, it was always Haowei who was clingy, but now it seemed like Si Lan was the one unwilling to let go of Haowei.


Haowei was momentarily stunned by this question, his expression momentarily blank. Had he unintentionally made Si Lan feel this way? Did he seem like he didn’t like him?


He hoarsely replied, “Of course not.”


“Then why won’t you let me see your dragon tail? You used to… deliberately show it when I was bathing.”


Upon hearing the complaint in Si Lan’s tone, Haowei’s heart felt like it was being crushed and kneaded into a ball, unable to resist pulling Si Lan into his arms tightly.


He hadn’t shown his dragon tail lately because…


After a moment of contemplation, his ears turned red as he coaxed Si Lan, “Then I’ll show you my dragon tail.”


As he spoke, silver scales slowly emerged from Haowei’s waist downwards. Unlike before, it didn’t intentionally grow several times larger, but this time it matched Haowei’s figure.


Si Lan lowered his eyes to examine it and found nothing unusual. He had thought there might be a problem with why Haowei didn’t want to show his dragon tail…


Could it be that he was overthinking it?


Just as he was about to turn around to take a closer look at the dragon tail, Haowei suddenly adjusted his head.


“Si Lan, I originally planned to wait until the day of our covenant… but since you’re so eager, then…”


He whispered the last four words in Si Lan’s ear.


“…” Si Lan.


“Haowei… Haowei… Mmm…”


Amidst the faint steam from the hot spring, Si Lan’s voice occasionally echoed.



After what felt like an eternity, he tried to say something to Haowei, but not even a complete word came out.


In a daze, he thought to himself, how foolish he was. Just for a reversed scale, he had sold himself out.


As he drifted into unconsciousness, his head plunging into the water, he suddenly realized that Haowei had been maintaining his lower body in the form of a dragon…


How could this be so despicable?


And it was with this glance that Si Lan noticed something unusual.


The silver scales that had previously covered another part of him were gone…


How could they… be gone?

T/N: Two… more… chapters…!

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 6 – I, am a Decent Person

Gu Lizhou had been a little hesitant, wondering if calling out to him so abruptly might be a bit too forward. After all, the other person might’ve already forgotten him. However, the word “again” from the other party made him want to continue.

He pointed at the wall full of small advertisements and asked, “Did you post these?”

“How could I? Do I look like that kind of person?” As soon as Zhong Weishi finished speaking, he spotted a refreshingly out-of-place missing person notice amid the ads for “genital enlargement surgery.”

With a heavy “ai” he lazily admitted, “Yeah, I posted them. What’s the problem?”

Gu Lizhou stifled a laugh and crossed his arms. “Is this how you guys look for people?”

“What’s the problem?” Zhong Weishi countered.

Gu Lizhou sneered, spreading his left hand. “Hand me your phone.”

“What for?” Zhong Weishi instinctively reached for his pocket, suspicious that the man might take advantage of the darkness of the night as a cover to steal his phone and run.

“To help you find someone,” Gu Li Zhou said indifferently.

Zhong Weishi looked at him suspiciously, “How?”

“By using your brain.” Gu Lizhou hooked up his fingers. “Give me the phone.”


Look at that NB1牛(niú) 逼 (bī) – equals to fvcking awesome in English. attitude—he could blow a rhino up to the sky with it.

Zhong Weishi had seen shameless people before, but never anyone this shameless.

Suppressing the urge to kick him down the stairs, Zhong Weishi fished out his phone and handed it over, ready to poke holes in his boasting.

Gu Lizhou flipped the phone so the screen faced him. “Unlock.”

“I’m telling you, calling won’t help. My friend tried countless times, and it just gives a busy signal.” Even as Zhong Weishi said this, he unlocked the phone anyway.

Who knows how many years the phone case had been used? The printed design was almost worn down to a solid black.

There were seven pages of apps in total, mostly games and video software. Each time he flipped through a page, the phone lagged a little.

Seeing him tapping away at the screen as if searching for something, Zhong Weishi couldn’t help but lean in. “Don’t go snooping ah. I’ve got a lot of little secrets in there.”

Gu Lizhou lifted his eyelids and gave him a knowing smirk as if something had come to mind.

Zhong Weishi didn’t need to guess to know what he was thinking. “Not the kind you’re imagining. I, am a decent person.”

Gu Lizhou didn’t believe it at all. “If you can’t reach him through WeChat, try other apps. There are so many ways to communicate these days, you’re bound to find something that works. Why is your phone disconnected from the internet?”

“Oh, the service was cut off,” Zhong Weishi said.

That night, he had planned to leech off the upstairs Wi-Fi to top up his phone bill. But when he opened WeChat, he found he only had 25 yuan—just short of the minimum required to recharge. So, he decided just to make do until next month.

Gu Lizhou asked, “Your service got cut off, and you’re not topping it up? What, are you planning to display this crap for an exhibition ah?”

Zhong Weishi wanted to save face, so he stuck out his neck and said, “What’s wrong with not topping up? Can’t I just use it to check the time?”

Without another word, Gu Lizhou turned on the hotspot on his phone and connected it to Zhong Weishi’s.

Zhong Weishi couldn’t help but grumble, “Why are you using my phone when you have yours?”

Gu Lizhou straightforwardly replied, “I don’t want to download Kuaishou.”2A short video social media platform where users can create and share their content in a convenient and simple way.

“Oh…” Zhong Weishi dragged out the sound, then frowned and asked, “Then, why do you think I’d have Kuaishou on my phone ah?”

Gu Li Zhou said without lifting his head, “Temperament.”

Zhong Weishi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He never thought he’d one day hear something like that from someone else.

The truth was, he did have Kuaishou on his phone, but that was only because Qiangzi, trying to mimic some kind of eating broadcast trend last year, had begged him a thousand times to download the app and help boost his presence.

He would never forget that sunny afternoon when he finally found Qiangzi’s livestream. Qiangzi was sitting in the back of a tricycle, with a vast golden wheat field as the backdrop.

Inside the tricycle sat a huge rice vat, large enough to fit two Sima Guangs, filled with fiery red chili oil and instant noodles.

Qiangzi, grinning ear to ear, basked in the joy of the harvest as he spoke to the screen, “Today, I’m taking on the instant noodle challenge! There are 100 packets of noodles here, and since I like my food spicy, I bought the spicy beef flavor and added two jars of Lao Gan Ma. If you like this, follow me oh!”

That day, Qiangzi summoned almost every brothers in the internet cafe to come online and send him gifts, driving the viewership into the four digits.

It was like the whole place was in a state of flux.

It felt like he was peaking the moment he debuted.

Qiangzi used both hands to shovel noodles into his mouth, devouring them like a king, his sheer presence oozing from the screen.

That was also the first time in Zhong Weishi’s life that he’d ever tipped a streamer.

By the time Qiangzi had eaten half the vat, he couldn’t stop hiccupping, clutching his round belly, so stuffed he could no longer speak.

As expected, Qiangzi ended up wrecking his stomach.

That very night, he vomited and had diarrhea, eventually needing to go to the hospital for a three-day IV drip. When Qiangzi’s mother came to bring him some food, he took one look at the noodles and directly threw up.

From that point on, he developed a strong aversion to eating live streams.

“I downloaded it and forgot to delete it,” Zhong Weishi concluded.

Gu Lizhou believed his lengthy explanation, especially since the only streamer in his follow list was one called “Big Stomach King Huangfu.”

The last post on that account was from June of last year.

He resisted the urge to click and witness that heart-wrenching eating show.

What surprised Zhong Weishi, though, was that after Gu Lizhou entered a string of numbers into the search bar, an ID actually popped up.

The avatar was Er’Gou.

Chapter 74 – Yu Wuxia is dead

Chapter 74


At the moment when the skeletal figure collapsed, the surrounding barrier vanished.


The wound on Yu Wuxia’s heart, originally pierced by Tian Dao’s tail, ruptured again, spilling countless fresh blood. Yet he seemed unaware, trembling as he approached “Great Eternal Immortal,” his arms shaking, bending down to cradle the vague mass of flesh and blood in his embrace.




After embracing “Great Eternal Immortal,” Yu Wuxia’s emotional response was unusually calm and silent. Hunching over, his eyes hollow and lifeless, he stared blankly at the bundle in his arms, the pain penetrating so deep that only numbness remained.


Tears silently welled up in the corners of his eyes, mingling with the fresh blood of Great Eternal Immortal.


Silan stood up from the ground, silently observing the scene before him.


At this moment, Haowei broke through the first layer of formations and arrived. He glanced at Silan, furrowing his brow as he asked, “Are you alright?”


The death of Great Eternal Immortal dealt a massive blow to Yu Wuxia. His qi and blood were in disarray, his cultivation greatly diminished, causing the barriers and formations he had set up to tremble and weaken.


Quze also emerged from the barrier, hastily asking Silan, “Your Excellency, are you alright?”


“I’m fine.” Silan shook his head, looking towards Haowei, lowering his voice. “How did you create such a vivid illusion? The person in this illusion seemed unbelievably real.”


Originally, he had discussed strategies with Haowei, estimating that Yu Wuxia would continue to use him to activate the formation. Thus, he quietly traced Haowei’s aura when Yu Wuxia took him away, using it to search for Great Eternal Immortal’s whereabouts.


He had planned to find Great Eternal Immortal and persuade him to intervene and stop Yu Wuxia from bringing about destruction. If he couldn’t find him, he would resort to illusions to deceive Yu Wuxia.


However, Silan had not expected the illusion to be so remarkably lifelike.


Haowei fell silent for a moment, his lips tightly pressed together as he slowly spoke, “Silan, after finding Great Eternal Immortal, he said even he couldn’t convince Yu Wuxia to stop.”


“So?” Silan asked, puzzled.


“So Great Eternal Immortal decided to let things return to dust, using the cruelest methods to force Yu Wuxia to relent.”


Silan turned incredulously, his gaze falling on the skeletal remains and indistinct flesh in Yu Wuxia’s arms. His eyes inexplicably reddened, intense emotions churning within him.


He staggered a step, his breath slightly quickened. “So, that was the real Great Eternal Immortal?”




The Great Eternal Immortal also said that ordinary illusions couldn’t deceive Yu Wuxia.


In the past, female demons from the demon realm had deliberately taken on the appearance of The Great Eternal Immortal to get close to Yu Wuxia. Yet with just a glance, Yu Wuxia saw through them all.


Therefore, unable to use illusions, Great Eternal Immortal had to come in person to sever this master-disciple bond.


Silan was momentarily speechless. He had never expected that the method to break the formation in the end would lead to Great Eternal Immortal sacrificing himself, body and soul.


With the collapse of the formations, the floating scriptures and prayer beads in midair all disappeared, gradually replaced by the real world.


They seemed to have wandered in another world for a long time, only to open their eyes and find themselves still at Linglong Mountain.


After the formations dissipated, Song Chengsong and the three others also appeared in the cave. They immediately walked towards Silan, silent and wide-eyed, all staring at Yu Wuxia, covered in blood.


Yu Wuxia held the bones and flesh in his arms, wrapped in a kasaya darkened by blood. His face was now devoid of color, as pale as paper, his head half-lowered, his black eyelashes concealing his expression.


Step by step, walking without knowing where to go.


Si Lan reached out as if wanting to say something to him, but Hao Wei stopped him. Hao Wei shook his head at him, and so Si Lan said nothing, only watching Yu Wuxia disappear into the dense forest.


In the next moment, a sudden sound of bells and drums echoed from the sky, as if coming from the Thirty-Three Heavens. The bell sounds pierced through the clouds, crossed over the mountains, causing myriad creatures of the Six Realms to scream and howl.


“Whose funeral bell tolls?”


“For Yu Wuxia.”


Even though Yu Wuxia had long fallen into the demonic path, when he passed away, the bells of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ding in the Thirty-Three Heavens still rang for him.


When he ascended, the bells welcomed him into the Thirty-Three Heavens.


When he passed away, the bells escorted him into the cycle of reincarnation.


Such treatment, perhaps not even the Immortal of the Good Ending could enjoy.


Si Lan gazed into the depths of the forest and murmured, “Is Yu Wuxia exchanging his life to resurrect the physical body of the Immortal Jiāhéng?”


“Yes, after Yu Wuxia fell into the demonic path, he should have learned some dark arts.”


For a moment, Si Lan didn’t know what else to say.


Between these master and disciple, entangled for thousands of years—owing each other, loving and resenting each other, and in the end, even death was like this: I die for you, you live for me.


With this continuing, how could dust return to dust and earth to earth?


Golden Immortal light burst out from the forest, startling flocks of mountain birds into flight. Strangely, these birds circled around the golden light, unwilling to leave. Occasionally, sounds of wild beasts emanated from within, low growls like that of a tiger.


After the golden light in the forest dispersed, a thin, black-striped yellow fur tiger slowly emerged from deep within the woods.


This tiger…


Si Lan parted his lips and met the tiger’s eyes, memories flooding back to the illusionary phase, recalling the scene when he first encountered the tiger in the woods.


Immortal Jiāhéng had originally attained Immortalhood standing on the tiger; the tiger was his true form. Now, he had lost flesh and bones, passed away and vanished, though revived by Yu Wuxia’s sacrifice, his cultivation was nearly eighty percent diminished, only able to take the form of a tiger.


The tiger slowly walked up to everyone, and from its mouth, it spat out a grayish-brown object resembling a stone, which upon closer inspection, revealed to be a relic.


It must be the relic left behind on Yu Wuxia’s body after his death.


Si Lan and Hao Wei glanced at each other, and then Si Lan clasped his hands together respectfully, saying, “Immortal Jiāhéng, we owe the successful breaking of the Five-Point Nine-Heaven Array to your efforts. Now that Yu Wuxia has passed away, we need not handle this relic anymore; we entrust it to you, Immortal.”


The tiger nodded, picked up the relic, and walked away.


Hao Wei watched where the tiger disappeared and said, “That relic will regain human form in a few years. In this lifetime, this master and disciple pair can cultivate together without such tragic ends.”


Si Lan pondered for a moment and said thoughtfully, “Shouldn’t I remind Immortal Jiāhéng not to cultivate the Buddhist path in the future?” Otherwise, he and Yu Wuxia would never be able to be together.


Hao Wei twitched his mouth slightly, seemingly helpless. “No need. The golden light emitted from the forest earlier was Immortal Jiāhéng dispersing his own Immortal Qi. Those birds in the forest were chasing after the light to devour the Immortal Qi.”


Immortal Jiāhéng could easily have chosen not to disperse his Immortal Qi, but he still did so. Perhaps it was to completely start anew with Yu Wuxia.


So whether Immortal Jiāhéng had a hint of emotion, it’s hard to say.


Si Lan had thought that after parting ways with Yu Wuxia, they might never meet again, but he didn’t expect to see Yu Wuxia, who had already taken on human form, and the tiger again ten years later.


Yu Wuxia retained memories from before.


Si Lan didn’t know what conflict had occurred between Yu Wuxia and the tiger. In the fields, the tiger ran ahead, and Yu Wuxia chased after him.


At that moment, Si Lan was flying in mid-air, faintly hearing Yu Wuxia’s threatening voice directed at the tiger.


“If you ignore me when I speak, then I’ll say something, and then kiss you until you talk.”


“… ” Si Lan.


Wasn’t this the method he had originally taught Yu Wuxia to pursue Immortal Jiāhéng? Back then, Yu Wuxia had been mocking and laughing cynically, but secretly, he had actually put it into practice.


Si Lan couldn’t help but feel speechless and amused. Seeing how determined Yu Wuxia was in “pursuing” someone, he figured he must still have a chance. He should have trusted him from the beginning, listened to a few more of his ideas; otherwise, by now, he would have already caught the tiger.



Linglong Mountain, the Five-Point Nine-Heaven Array had dissipated.


The Six Realms still appeared calm, as if nothing had happened, and naturally, they had no idea how much effort had been put into breaking the array.


Si Lan couldn’t resist teasing, “Hey, it seems no one knows I’m a world-saving hero.”


Hao Wei smiled, “Do you need us to give you a banner?”


“A banner is not substantial enough. How about you guys from the Heavenly Realm give me your most precious treasures?” Si Lan grinned broadly.


Hao Wei’s lips twitched, lowering his voice so only they could hear, “The Heavenly Realm’s greatest treasure is me.”


Si Lan gave him a sidelong glance, his eyes implying, “How shameless can you get?” He used to think Hao Wei was just arrogant, but after getting to know him better, he realized he was also quite narcissistic and thick-skinned.


Si Lan hmphed softly, saying nothing, squinting at the sky.


At this moment, the sky seemed to clear, revealing a deep and vibrant blue, with a ray of sunlight piercing through thick clouds.


Si Lan thought to himself that after so many cycles of reincarnation, he had finally completed his mission this time. Initially, he had been deceived into thinking he was being asked to unify the Six Realms, only to find out it was all about suffering and hardship.


“Are you alright?” Hao Wei still seemed concerned, afraid that the activation of the array might have harmed Si Lan.


Shaking his head, Si Lan replied, “I felt uncomfortable at first, but I’m fine now.”


With that said, Si Lan gathered his two disciples and two protectors, intending to return to the Demon Realm. Just then, a fox demon emerged from the corner.


She had remained silent in the corner at first, but saw everything that needed to be seen. Though she felt shocked in her heart, there was also a hint of long-standing understanding.


However, her expression remained unpleasant.


Si Lan asked her, “What are you planning to do now?” This fox demon might have once fed on human essence in the past, but having been sealed for over three thousand years, she had also atoned for her sins.


He and Haowei had no intention of dealing with her further.


She smiled bitterly and replied, “When I was sealed in Linglong Mountain before, I always thought that once I got out, I would travel the Six Realms and Five Paths. However, now that I am truly free, I find that I have grown accustomed to life in Linglong Mountain. I intend to stay here from now on.”


Si Lan nodded slightly, politely saying “Take care,” and turned to leave. As he did, he heard the fox demon muttering behind him.


“I’ve always known, actually. He doesn’t love Qingniao, nor does he love me. Qingniao, that fool, thought that dying without regret would earn her an immaculate heart forever, but in reality, when she died, he didn’t even spare her a glance. And during my three thousand years of imprisonment here, he never once thought to come and save me, nor did he even bother to visit me.”


So she had long known that Yu Wuxia didn’t love her, but she was unwilling to accept it.


Because only by deceiving herself could she silently endure three thousand years of being sealed. Ironically, the place she now desperately wanted to escape had become the only place she found familiar.


Si Lan sighed deeply, thinking of a phrase: “In this world, what is love that compels one to risk life and death for?”


When Yu Wuxia was deeply mired in the swamp because of the Great Immortal Jiaheng, there were also those who became mired in it for her sake.


But in matters of love, how many could truly find fulfillment?


“Are you all alright?” Si Lan asked Xie Li and the guardians beside him.


Song Chengsong immediately replied, “Lord, we’re fine.”


Xie Li had initially wanted to reach out and hold Si Lan’s hand, but after glancing at Haowei, she timidly withdrew her hand, sniffled softly, and said, “Lord, I… I have something.”


“What’s wrong?” Si Lan bent down, smiling at Xie Li.


“It was too scary… sniff… Lord, I saw so many monsters.” Xie Li spoke with a pout, her eyelashes still wet with tears, looking silly and cute like a small bun.


Si Lan couldn’t help but feel both amused and exasperated.


Xie Li was after all the child born of a relationship between the border guardians and the demon Jiuying. How could she be so fragile? It was one thing to fear demons, but even her fellow monsters? Sigh…


Could it be that he had spoiled her?


Like a delicate little bundle.


Thinking of this, Si Lan glanced at Quze. Quze still had a stern face, his eyes as dark as ink, resembling an unyielding demon. It seemed he had also been spoiled by him, rarely smiling or speaking, behaving like someone who believed everyone owed him money.


Si Lan rubbed Xie Li’s head, comforting her, “Don’t be afraid, all those monsters have been taken care of by me.”


Xie Li nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She leaned against Si Lan’s thigh, rubbing her head against it and discreetly wiping away her tears. Haowei, observing quietly beside them, furrowed his brow slightly but said nothing, not wanting to disturb their deep master-disciple bond.


The group returned in full force to Zhuyun Peak.


Si Lan felt that this battle was the most exhausting one he had fought. If they hadn’t successfully found the Great Immortal Jiaheng, he might have truly died in that formation.


Luckily, Haowei had successfully found the Great Immortal Jiaheng.


I have to say, he had absolute trust in Haowei. Before Haowei appeared, he would contemplate and plan things on his own. Since Haowei appeared, he subconsciously began to consult him first whenever something happened, becoming somewhat lazy.


Upon their return, Haowei insisted on examining Si Lan’s body and spiritual state to ensure everything was fine, then instructed Si Lan to rest in the sleeping chamber.


There was a disturbance in the Heavenly Realm, and Haowei was summoned back. Si Lan was left alone to recuperate in the sleeping chamber.


At night, just as Si Lan was about to sleep, he noticed Xie Li standing at the door with a small pillow, peering at him surreptitiously in the moonlight.




“Res… respected… Lord…” Xie Li whispered softly, “I’m still a bit scared.” Normally, when Xie Li was scared, she would go to Quze, but tonight, after being frightened awake by a nightmare, she went to Quze’s room only to find it empty.


So she came to Si Lan.


“Come in.”


“Thank you, Lord.” Xie Li quickly climbed onto the bed with her small pillow, crawled under the blanket, and clung to Si Lan’s arm.


“Lord, Senior Brother has been only focused on cultivation recently and hasn’t paid attention to me.”


“Your Senior Brother is probably preparing for tribulation, so he’s been cultivating in seclusion all this time.” Si Lan calculated the dates; Quze’s tribulation was approaching. If successful, he would ascend like a carp leaping through the dragon’s gate and become a celestial dragon.


“Oh,” Xie Li murmured again, then softly asked, “Will Senior Brother become even stronger after the tribulation?”




“Um, then when will I be as tall as Senior Brother? Every time he picks me up, it’s like holding a little chick.” Xie Li’s voice grew quieter as she continued, ending with a yawn, nearly falling asleep.


Si Lan glanced sideways at her delicate face and smiled, “Soon, in about two hundred years, you should be able to catch up to him.”


“…” Xie Li.


Si Lan gently patted Xie Li’s shoulder, soothing her to sleep. Before long, Si Lan himself succumbed to drowsiness and closed his eyes to rest.


Curled up, Xie Li buried her head deeper under the blanket.


After dealing with affairs in the Heavenly Realm, Haowei rushed to the Demon Realm to find Si Lan. Seeing that the candles in Si Lan’s sleeping chamber had already gone out, leaving only faint moonlight spilling into the room, Haowei quietly entered with a spell.


His gaze fell upon Si Lan’s face, carrying a subtle and hard-to-detect tenderness. He sat down by the bed, gently stroking Si Lan’s temple with his fingers.


Si Lan reached out and held his hand, not opening his eyes but murmuring, “Haowei…” Even though he was too tired to open his eyes, he already knew who had come.


The familiar scent of each other had long been deeply ingrained in their hearts.


Haowei’s lips curled into a deeper smile, leaning close to Si Lan and whispering softly in his ear, “Hmm, it’s me.”


Si Lan leaned towards him, a sense of relief evident in his eyes and brows.


Haowei’s gaze darkened slightly as he bent down slowly, planting a warm kiss on Si Lan’s forehead, tracing down past his nose and brushing lightly over his lips. Every time they were intimate like this, Haowei could smell that fragrance, teasing his heart.


He cleared his throat and kissed Si Lan’s lips again, unable to resist deepening the kiss.


Si Lan was left dizzy from the kiss, almost breathless. His mind cleared a bit as he opened his eyes, looking at the enlarged face before him, murmuring softly, “Haowei.”


Haowei held Si Lan’s jaw, his eyes deep and sharp in the dim light.


Si Lan felt like prey, locked in by a hawk, about to be devoured. His breath caught slightly, chest rising and falling. Meeting Haowei’s gaze, he closed his eyes as Haowei kissed his left eyelid, his eyelashes fluttering slowly downward.


“Si Lan.”


Haowei lifted his chin, forcing him to look up, lips seemingly seeking Haowei’s own, meeting them eagerly. Haowei’s kiss descended slowly onto Si Lan’s lips.


The two lost themselves in the kiss, immersed in a world filled only with each other’s breath. Since leaving Linglong Mountain, it had been a long time since they had been this intimate, now feeling a sense of rekindled passion.


Haowei’s breath was also slightly erratic, his large hand patting Si Lan’s waist, fingers deftly undoing his inner garment, revealing his fair skin.


His eyes darted around, breath turning hotter. As he moved closer to the bed, he suddenly heard a gasp.


Instantly, he recoiled, flipping open the bedsheet to face a pair of wide eyes staring back at him.


“…” Haowei;


“…” Si Lan.


He had been half asleep earlier and completely forgotten about Xie Li sleeping in the bed.


Now realizing that Xie Li had witnessed their intimate embrace just moments ago, Si Lan blushed deeply.


Haowei’s expression darkened, contemplating how to silence Xie Li.


This little jade pendant spirit was becoming more and more troublesome.


Xie Li timidly pulled the sheet over his head, mumbling, “You… you don’t need to mind me. I… I didn’t see anything, nor… did I hear anything.”


“…” Si Lan.


“…” Haowei.

T/N: Three… more… chapters left (apart from the side stories aha)!!!!

There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 5 – An Old Sow Wearing a Bra—One Trick After Another

Gu Lizhou was at the hotel, packing his luggage and getting ready to take a shower. When he saw the message, he immediately called his mom.

“That kind of person is obviously a scammer, how could you still believe them ah?”

“He seemed so sincere when he spoke. He didn’t really seem like a scammer ah…”

Gu Lizhou sighed. He finally understood why elderly people can get deeply trapped in pyramid schemes. Even someone as educated as his mom could be so easily fooled.

“An old sow wearing a bra—one trick after another.1This was the literal translation. It means someone who is continuously scheming or using tricks which often implies that their schemes are outlandish or unsuitable for them—much like the absurd image of a sow in a bra. If you give them money now, they’ll definitely come up with ways to ask for more. When you’re free, you should read more social news. There are countless stories of scams like this.”

“Then what about the money I already lost?” Li Yuqin said pitifully.

“Didn’t you already report it to the police? They’ll investigate and open a case. Investigations take time, so don’t be anxious.”

Gu Lizhou thought that if worse came to worst, he’d cover the lost money himself to spare his mom from any more stress.

“In short, don’t trust those people, okay?”

“Oh.” Li Yuqin responded with some disappointment.

In her view, those people didn’t seem like bad guys at all. In fact, they were even a bit cute.

If they really were scammers, it meant she had a terrible sense of judgment.

Seeing how sincerely they discussed plans in the group chat, she felt a bit bad. So, she sent a 500-yuan red envelope as a token of goodwill, thinking that if they were scammers, she’d just consider it her way of doing charity.

[Perfect Marriage]: I’ll send more once you make some progress.

Ever since Huangfu Qiang added Auntie into the group chat, he created a smaller four-person chat where he was currently giving an impassioned speech on video.

“Don’t look down on this 500 yuan. Even a fly’s worth of meat is still meat. Since she’s willing to give, it means she trusts us! Let’s have faith, determination, and perseverance to help her recover the 300,000 yuan she lost.”

If it weren’t for the fact that Zhong Weishi was staring at familiar faces on the screen, he might have thought he had accidentally wandered into some sort of pyramid scheme himself.

“What’s our slogan?!”

“The strongest in the Xicheng District—”

Before the sentence could be completed, the screen suddenly froze. Except for Zhong Weishi, who had no idea what the slogan even was and remained blank-faced, the other three were frozen in grotesque expressions, baring their teeth.

Bad signal?

Zhong Weishi raised his phone and moved closer to the window.

The network was completely disconnected.

What the hell?

Returning to the bed, Zhong Weishi realized that even his computer had lost its connection.

He tried calling Qiangzi’s phone.

“Your phone service has been disconnected.”


During the time when Zhong Weishi had lost contact with everyone, Huangfu Qiang took the photos provided by Li Yuqin to a print shop and had a stack of missing person posters made.

“Zhang Gou, male, 38 years old, from Zhangjiagou Village, speaks with a non-standard Mandarin accent, left home after a family argument and hasn’t returned since… Any information leading to his whereabouts will be greatly rewarded. Contact number: xxx.”

Gu Lizhou stood in front of a telephone pole by the apartment entrance, staring at the missing person poster, feeling conflicted.

This definitely seemed like the kind of thing only those retards would come up with.

Could they really be looking for someone?

[Cao Zhiheng]: Have you arrived?

[Useless Yet Awake]: Downstairs.

Gu Lizhou looked up at the old apartment building.

Over thirty years ago, he was born here and lived with his grandparents.

From kindergarten to elementary school and then middle school…

As far as he could remember, his parents were always busy, only coming home during the Chinese New Year or any holidays.

He always looked forward to the New Year.

He couldn’t remember the exact day, but one time his parents both came home and took him out to a fancy restaurant for dinner.

Before they had even eaten much, his father suddenly announced with a grim expression, that he was divorcing his mother.

That was the first time he understood what it felt like to be struck by a bolt from the blue.

No one enjoyed that meal.

The harmonious family that everyone envied was split in two.

At the top of the apartment building, the large pendulum still hung, with a second hand over a meter long, moving slowly like an elderly person, ticking forward bit by bit.

Coming back here now felt like he had traveled through time.

He still remembered that when he was a child, the clock on the roof would chime “dong, dong, dong” at noon every day.

Times had changed. The elderly members of his family had passed away, and the house was sold to someone else.

He hadn’t been back here for about ten years.

The stairwell was still narrow and dark, with barely any light even during the day. The peeling walls were plastered with crude small advertisements.

“Three-minute painless abortion,” “Genital enlargement surgery, make your partner scream nonstop,” “Guaranteed cure for gonorrhea and syphilis,” “Personal mortgage loans,” “Quick processing for college and vocational diplomas”…

Still that familiar smell..

Cao Zhiheng’s home used to be just a couple of doors down from his, on the third floor, apartment 303.

As Gu Lizhou walked upstairs, he noticed that all the lights in the stairwell were broken.

“Why hasn’t anyone fixed the lights?” He asked, turning off his flashlight as he stepped out of the stairwell.

Cao Zhiheng, leaning against the corridor wall with a handful of melon seeds, replied, “These old apartments are all rented out to migrant workers now. I guess there’s no money in it, so the property management ran off long ago.”

Seeing Gu Lizhou glance towards apartment 301, Cao Zhiheng casually asked, “Wanna check it out?”

“Is anyone living there?” Gu Lizhou asked.

“Probably not at the moment. The landlord rented it out to two young guys, but I haven’t seen one of them in a long time. Maybe he moved out; I’m not too sure.”

As they spoke, the two had already wandered to the doorway of 301.

Back in the day, to guard against thieves, the whole building had a uniform design: security gates and barred windows. Standing at the entrance felt like visiting someone in jail.

The layout of the apartments was equally simple: entering the front door led to the dining room and living room, with the master and secondary bedrooms on the right side. All the rooms together formed a big square.

The tenants of 301 hadn’t completely drawn their curtains, and through a small gap, Gu Lizhou could see the interior.

The living room was filled of old furniture.

When he was a child, his family was poor, and the sofas and chairs were custom-made by an old village carpenter in the countryside, painted with a coat of red varnish to make them look festive.

He’d heard those pieces were part of his grandmother’s dowry.

As their lives gradually improved and his parents moved into a new home, the old furniture was left behind in the old house.

Gu Lizhou was relieved to see that the tables and chairs were still intact, and the entire living room was reasonably tidy.

The corridor acted as a balcony, and the weather was nice today. As far as his eye could see were bed sheets, duvet covers, and clothes hanging to dry.

Among them, his eyes fell on a black tank top that looked awfully familiar.

The crew neck of the shirt had stretched into a V-neck, and next to it hung a pair of men’s underwear with a cartoon elephant printed on the crotch. A pair of plain black “Anima” brand sweatpants flapped in the wind.

The person’s sense of style was utterly perplexing.

An image of a certain retarded individual vaguely appeared in Gu Lizhou’s mind, but he figured he was probably overthinking it.

Black tank tops were everywhere.

“Do you know the person who lives here?” Gu Lizhou asked as he turned to walk back.

“Nope. I just happened to run into him twice on the subway and saw he was also headed to the film studio. He looked pretty young. Not sure if he’s even old enough to be working,” Cao Zhiheng said.

Gu Lizhou let out an “oh” and didn’t continue the conversation.

Cao Zhiheng was a prop master specializing in the film and television industry. He excelled in painting and carving, having inherited the trade from his father. Now, he was a somewhat well-known sculptor in the industry, with many directors competing to have him on their sets.

The ninety-plus square meter apartment was packed with various finished and half-finished products, leaving Gu Lizhou with no place to stand when he entered.

“Have your parents moved into their new place already?” Gu Lizhou asked.

“Yeah, they moved last year.” Cao Zhiheng shifted things from the sofa to the floor, clearing a spot for him to sit.

Gu Lizhou picked up a wooden sculpture nearby and fiddled with it casually. “Then, why didn’t you move out with them? This building’s practically a condemned D-Class structure. I just saw a crack in the stairwell wall wider than my finger.”

“It’s not that bad,” Cao Zhiheng chuckled. “I’ve gotten used to living here, and I’m too lazy to move. Plus, it’s closer to the film studio.”

“If it’s far, just drive.” Gu Li Zhou said casually.

“Traffic jam ah, and no available free parking. I can’t afford to pay for parking. An electric scooter’s way better,” Cao Zhiheng said, handing him a yogurt from the fridge.

As Gu Lizhou looked around the familiar little room, his eyes unintentionally fell on a woman’s jacket.

“You’ve been seeing someone, huh?”

“Yeah,” Cao Zhiheng smiled. “Yes ah, been dating for over half a year.”

“Very good,” Gu Lizhou nodded with a smile. “We should have a meal together sometime.”

“What about you?” Cao Zhiheng asked.

“Not interested,” Gu Lizhou replied without hesitation.

Cao Zhiheng narrowed his eyes.

His childhood friend had been single for over 30 years. In the past, he could use the excuse of being too busy with work, but now he wandered around like a ghost, showing no interest in women. It inevitably lets people’s imagination run wild.

“Are you not interested in dating, or are you just not interested in women ah?”

“Neither.” Gu Lizhou shrugged his shoulders.

After some casual chit-chat, a thought suddenly crossed Cao Zhiheng’s mind. “You know who I saw at the film studio the other day?”

“Who?” Gu Lizhou raised his eyes.

“Cui Sheng.” Cao Zhiheng’s expression changed.

Gu Lizhou’s movement to unscrew the bottle cap paused.

His fingers instinctively tightened, and the bottle deformed under the pressure.

With its fake smile concealing malice, Cui Sheng’s face surfaced in his mind again.

“Thank you all for choosing to support and believe in me. I will prove through my actions that you haven’t misplaced your trust. Good and evil will eventually be repaid. God is watching…”

Good and evil will eventually be repaid

How laughably ironic.

Gu Lizhou’s nails almost dug into his flesh as it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room, his frustration threatening to explode.

Those words echoed in his mind, and a burning sensation rose in his chest.

The very thought of it made him feel sick.

“That s/ut is currently making a movie, “Storm”, working with Director Gu Chuan…”

“Enough.” Gu Lizhou coldly interrupted, his voice sharp. “I don’t want to know these things.”

Cao Zhiheng froze for a moment, feeling a bit awkward. “Sorry about that.”

Gu Lizhou lowered his head in silence for a moment. “I’m not blaming you. I just don’t want to hear that person’s name.”

“I get it.” Cao Zhiheng patted his shoulder and changed the subject. “How’ve you been lately? Looking for a new job?”

“No,” Gu Lizhou shook his head. “I don’t even know what else I can do. What’s the point of living anyway?”


He’s hit the bull’s-eye again.

Cao Zhiheng quickly tried to comfort him. “Come on, you’ve made plenty of money, bought a car, a house, and you don’t need to worry about food and clothing. Don’t overthink it.”

Gu Lizhou sighed quietly, stretching out lazily on the sofa. “But life feels pointless ah. Every day is just eating and waiting for death. What’s the difference between me and a useless person?”

“Man, you don’t know how lucky you are. Plenty of people would envy your life,” Cao Zhiheng hooked an arm around his neck. “If things really feel that bad, why don’t you come with me? Help me with some carving work and drop it off at the sets. There are plenty of beautiful actresses on the crews.”

Gu Lizhou glanced at him but didn’t say anything.

“How about it ah?” Cao Zhiheng turned to look at him. “I’m telling you, all your problems come from having too much time on your hands. Get busy with me for a few days, and I guarantee you’ll sleep like a baby, forget all your worries.”

“Really?” Gu Lizhou chuckled.

“Absolutely ah!” Cao Zhiheng slapped him on the shoulder. “It’s settled, then ah. You stay here with me for a while, and I’ll pay you at the end of the month.”

“How much will I get?” Gu Lizhou asked.

“Depends on your performance.” Cao Zhiheng said.

When Gu Lizhou left Cao Zhiheng’s place, the sky had already darkened significantly.

He had originally planned to stay a few days before heading back to City B, but for some reason, he impulsively agreed to stay longer with Cao Zhiheng.

However, thinking about it, it didn’t really matter. Anyway, he was a salted fish,2Similar to a couch potato or a slacker. it was the same anywhere. Maybe having some company would improve his mood.

Gu Lizhou turned on his flashlight, illuminating the stairs in the dim corridor.

After taking just a couple of steps, he heard hurried footsteps coming from the darker part of the hallway below.

He stopped somewhat cautiously.

Crashing into view was a tall man, devouring a box of takoyaki with his head down, clearly wolfing down his food.

From his vantage point, Gu Lizhou looked down at the man’s head and found the hairstyle somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t quite make out his face from this angle.

His line of sight moved along with the man.

Just as they were about to pass each other, a sudden realization flashed in Gu Lizhou’s mind, as if a light had gone off.

“Hey—” He couldn’t recall the name of the guy in the black tank top.

Zhong Weishi was lost in his own thoughts, and the sudden call startled him so much that his soul seemed to tremble.

The takoyaki he had just picked up slipped from his grasp, rolling down the steps. Zhong Weishi was furious.

“Shit, you scared me…” He turned his head, the curse dying in his throat as soon as he recognized the person. “Why is it you again?”

Chapter 4 – Our Shi-ge Has a Smoking Hot Body

Gu Lizhou stood on the balcony, making a call to an old friend from Yucheng. As he glanced around, he noticed the troublemakers from earlier, arms slung around each other, heading outside.

The residential area had a large green space with many side paths. He saw the guy in the tank top raise his hand and point left, only for the other three to forcibly drag him to the right.

Once the call connected, Gu Lizhou switched to speaker mode and placed his phone on the flower rack on the balcony.

“I arrived in Yucheng this morning.”

Cao Zhiheng’s voice came through, “That was fast ah. Where are you now? Want to come hang out?”

“As it should be ah. I’ve been waiting for your invitation,” Gu Lizhou replied with a chuckle.

Cao Zhiheng was Gu Lizhou’s childhood friend. The two had known each other since kindergarten, back when the Gu Family lived in a small house less than 100 square meters in the countryside of Xicheng District.

After his parents divorced, Gu Lizhou moved to City B with his father and rarely returned.

As they grew older, his visits became even less frequent. Thankfully, their childhood friendship endured; even after years apart, they could chat without any awkwardness or distance.

While Gu Lizhou was arranging a meet-up time with Cao Zhiheng, he spotted the four retards in the distance, stacking themselves like a human pyramid under a large tree.

“Da Fei, is your waist still holding up?” A’Wei glanced down at Da Fei’s hair whorl.

“Still… still okay.” Da Fei’s head was pressed against the tree trunk, his molars clenched. With every word, he felt more of his strength drain away. “Just don’t… don’t, don’t talk to me.”

A’Wei, perched on Da Fei’s shoulders, clung to the thick tree trunk. “Push me up a bit more! I’m almost there! I can hear the birds chirping!”

Zhong Weishi stood nearby, recording the scene with malicious glee. He could laugh about this for a whole year.

Meanwhile, Qiangzi had somehow found a tree branch and handed it to A’Wei. “Here, Wei-ge, stab it with this!”

Da Fei was so anxious he was about to start stomping his feet. “No, no, what if the bird eggs fall and break?”

Qiangzi gritted his teeth and prepared to step on A’Wei’s shoulders to take it to the next level. “I’ll climb up and grab them. Da Fei, hang in there a bit longer!”

“Hey hey hey, I can’t I can’t…” Da Fei shouted, his voice cracking as his knees slowly began to buckle.

Qiangzi patted Da Fei’s back, encouraging him, “The word ‘can’t’ shouldn’t exist in a man’s dictionary! You can do it!”

Zhong Weishi couldn’t help but laugh. “Jiayou,1To cheer someone up. Da Fei, hang in there!”

Meanwhile, the security guard on patrol who had been feeding stray cats with his food bowl looked up and saw the bizarre scene. He ran over, shouting, “Hey, hey, hey—Those guys over there! What’s going on! What’s going on!”

Gu Lizhou watched as the human pyramid they had built collapsed with a thud. The three retards fell flat on their backs, rolling and scrambling on the ground.

The guy in the tank top leapt over the flowerbed like Hurdler Liu Xiang,2A former Chinese 110 meter hurdler. He is an Olympic Gold medalist. his tousled hair flying in the wind as he led the charge.

The skinny guy who fell at the end, lost a slipper while running. He hesitated about going back for it, but before he could decide, his retarded teammates dragged him away from the scene.

He glanced back every three steps forward.

The security guard uncle picked up the lost flip-flop, cursing under his breath, “Don’t let me see you guys again!”

Gu Lizhou laughed so hard that his voice reached Cao Zhiheng on the other end of the phone.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Nothing, just some psychopaths who escaped from the hospital.” Gu Lizhou licked his lips and slowly walked back into the living room. “Then, I’ll come find you when you’re free.”

Li Yuqin placed the dishes on the table and called out from the living room, “Lizhou, let’s eat.”

The meal consisted of three dishes and a soup, all lightly flavored—just the type of food Gu Lizhou used to love.

“Try the chicken soup, see how it tastes,” Li Yuqin said as she served him a bowl of rice.

Gu Lizhou took a spoonful, his smile gentle. “It’s quite good.”

Mother and son hadn’t seen each other for nearly two years, so a bit of small talk was inevitable. Most of it was Gu Lizhou listening as his mother talked about recent events.

Li Yuqin had previously run a beauty salon and a café, but both were transferred because they weren’t making enough money. Now, she spends her days idle at home.

“Running a business isn’t as easy as you think,” Gu Lizhou put down his chopsticks. “You’re at retirement age anyway, so don’t waste your energy on pointless things.”

“But it’s so boring being alone,” Li Yuqin sighed softly.

Gu Lizhou looked at her, wanting to say something but hesitating.


It had become quite meaningless.

To be cruelly stripped of what one loves and aspires to is like losing direction in life.

It might seem like nothing was missing, but it felt as though the soul had been hollowed out, leaving no motivation for anything.

Days like this, he had fallen into that same emptiness, and he could deeply relate.

“What about you, are you still writing now?” Li Yuqin asked.

Gu Lizhou shook his head. “No, there’s no point.”

Li Yuqin didn’t know how to comfort him, so she placed a shrimp in his bowl. “Eat more. Let the past stay in the past. Life still goes on.”

“Mn.” As Gu Lizhou peeled the shrimp, something suddenly came to mind. “Is there a large pharmacy nearby? I forgot my medication.”

“You can even forget ah.” Li Yuqin looked at her son with concern, wondering whether it was just a coincidence or if the side effects of those Western medications were getting worse. “Have you been to the hospital recently?”

“Mn.” Gu Lizhou nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. Really.”

“That’s good,” Li Yuqin smiled faintly. “Honestly, I don’t have any big wishes anymore. I just hope you can be a little happier.”

Gu Lizhou smiled too. “I know.”

“Then, how long are you staying this time? Do you want to move in with me for a few days? I can tidy up the room next door, and we can go to the supermarket this afternoon to buy a new bedding set,” Li Yuqin asked, her eyes full of anticipation.

“No need to go through all that trouble,” Gu Lizhou replied, lowering his head to politely decline. “I’m just out for a stroll, and my things are at the hotel. In a couple of days, I’ll go stay with my friend for a bit.”

Li Yuqin let out an “oh” and didn’t insist.

When he was young, Li Yuqin was too busy with work to take care of her son, so they weren’t close. After the divorce, they barely saw each other, and their relationship grew even more distant.

Gu Lizhou never initiated heart-to-heart conversations with her. Even when he was forced, he only offered a few words, like squeezing toothpaste.

She felt helpless but had grown used to it.

As Li Yuqin got up to clear the dishes, the phone on the dining table buzzed twice.

Her phone didn’t have a password, and the WeChat interface automatically lit up.

The message came from a group called “Xicheng District’s Express Debt Collection Team.”

Gu Lizhou curiously went over and scanned it.

There were only five people in the group, including his mom. Judging by the profile pictures, it was the same bunch of psychopaths from earlier.

[Huangfu]: Auntie! I forgot to ask earlier, do you have any recent photos of Er’Gou? I want to print them out and ask around the neighborhood.

[Wei-ge]: Actually, it doesn’t matter if they’re recent. As long as you have some, that’s good enough.

[Da Fei]: Exactly!

The group chat was added when they were chatting in the living room earlier. Gu Lizhou had initially thought it was just a joke, but it turned out these guys were serious.

The police couldn’t even find this person, and they expected to?

Gu Lizhou snorted and moved his eyes away.

“Why hasn’t she replied?” Qiangzi stared at his phone for a long time. “It’s been ten minutes! Even if I fvcking searched with my feet, I’d have found something by now. Maybe there are no photos?”

Da Fei, who had lost one of his “glass slippers,” propped his leg on Qiangzi’s lap, trying to get his attention. “Maybe she hasn’t seen it yet. No need to rush.”

Qiangzi pulled out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to each of them, but when he went to light it, he realized he didn’t have a lighter.

Zhong Weishi touched his pocket. “Damn, it seems like I dropped mine in the neighborhood too.”

A group of people returned all the cigarettes in their hands.


“Qiang-ge,” Da Fei wiggled his toes. “Can I get reimbursed for my lost slipper?”

Qiangzi clumsily changed the subject. “Speaking of which, shouldn’t we come up with a concrete plan to capture Er’Gou?”

A bunch of people were all doing this kind of thing for the first time, and after pondering for half a day, they were still completely clueless.

“I’ll leave the matter of finding someone to you,” Zhong Weishi patted his shoulder. ““I still have to shoot a movie, so I don’t have time to fool around lately. Once you find him, I can take care of cornering him.”

“Do you have a movie to shoot?” Qiangzi looked up skeptically.

Zhong Weishi felt as if an arrow had pierced his heart and gritted his teeth. “I’m the second male lead this time.”

Da Fei’s eyes widened with excitement, as if witnessing his wife and newborn being wheeled out of the delivery room. “For real, ge! Second male lead ah! You’re gonna make it big! Is it too late for me to hug your thigh?”

Qiangzi: “Which episode do you die in?!”

Zhong Weishi’s face hardened. “This time it’s a proper second male lead role—I won’t be dying.”

Technically, it was true he was the second male lead, but in reality, he was just the body double for the second male lead.

The second male lead was a swimmer, and the director, impressed by Zhong Weishi’s physique and graceful diving form, decided to keep him on.

“You went to be a nude double for someone la?” On the bus, Da Fei was utterly shocked, unable to believe that his Shi-ge had fallen to the point of selling his body.

“Shh!” Zhong Weishi wished he could sew his mouth shut. “It’s just the upper body, nothing below.”

“Actually, being a nude body double isn’t shameful ah,” A’Wei chimed in. “It just proves that our Shi-ge has a smoking hot body.”

Zhong Weishi rolled his eyes. “Don’t describe it blindly if you don’t know how to. Is that how you describe a guy?”

Da Fei pondered seriously for a moment. “Graceful curves.”


They returned home around 3 p.m. Zhong Weishi threw his tank top onto the bed and glanced down at the Qiongqi tattoo on his body, the tail of which had rubbed off partially.

Washing it off seemed like a waste. After all, it had cost him 100 yuan and was his first ever tattoo in his life.

But if he didn’t wash it, he would suffer OCD. The sight of the ruined tattoo was getting under his skin.

He hadn’t noticed it earlier at his friend’s place, but now he saw that Gu Lizhou had left two blueish finger marks on his forearm from when he’d grabbed him.

The hand had a really strong grip.

In the end, he grabbed a black marker and colored in the missing part of Qiongqi’s tail, deciding to keep it for his upcoming audition as a thug who attacks the lead character with a knife.

Maybe he’d even get some screen time on TV.

While waiting for his instant noodles to cook, he logged into a housing rental website on his ancient, eight-hand laptop to see if there were any listings for shared apartments.

A new message appeared in the upper right corner, and he clicked on it with a moment of excitement, but it turned out to be an advertisement.

He roughly calculated his expenses. Rent plus utilities, would run over 2,000 yuan per month. Adding in daily costs, he would need to earn at least 100 yuan a day just to scr4p3 by, let alone save up for any acting classes.

At this rate, he figured he might need to find a new place and a new roommate soon. The thought left him irritated.

He hated moving. It was time-consuming, exhausting, and expensive.

This apartment building was old, but it was conveniently located close to the film production base. Because of its age and less-than-attractive appearance, the rent was relatively cheap.

He casually scrolled through a few listings online. Rooms along the subway line were going for around 2,000 yuan a month for a single unit—completely out of his budget.

The phone on his desk buzzed constantly, still notifications from the debt collection group chat.

It looked like Qiangzi was really planning to challenge the impossible.

[Huangfu]: Auntie, it’s like this. For us to take the job, we need an upfront payment. If we don’t succeed, it’ll be refunded to you. If we succeed, you’ll just need to pay the remaining balance.

[Perfect Marriage]: Yes, how much do you need?

[Huangfu]: Half should do it—5,000 yuan.

[Perfect Marriage]: I don’t have that much money in my WeChat, I’ll let my son transfer it to you.

Moments later, the system pinged with another message: “Worthless Yet Awake” had joined the chat.

The WeChat name was blunt and crude, yet somehow seemed to carry some kind of deep meaning that wasn’t clear.

It feels very cultured.

Zhong Weishi curiously clicked on Gu Lizhou’s avatar to take a closer look.

It was a cactus in a pot.

…The peculiar taste of an old man.

Suddenly, he found that the WeChat name wasn’t so special after all.

[Perfect Marriage]: Son, do you have money in your WeChat account? Help me pay the project’s startup fee.

Immediately afterward, a new message popped up from the system.

“Worthless Yet Awake” has left the group chat.

Chapter 8

       Whether it was men or women, kissing seemed pretty much the same.

        This was Chu Yunhan’s only thought. He was leaning on the leather sofa, staring at the strange scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window in a daze. This was Sheng the fifth’s residence in K City. It was a small villa with a private courtyard and was very clean. Sheng the fifth promised him that in another week, he would take him back to J city after he had settled his affairs. J City was the Sheng family’s territory; once there, he would finally be completely free.

       He had not been to J City many times, and he had only been left with a fragmented impression that the air quality was not very good and was a bit dry, the food tasted a bit strong, and the girl was pretty.

       If he had to stay there for the rest of his life… As he thought of this, he was a little irritated. The remote control in his hand kept changing channels, but he didn’t know what to watch, so he finally threw it aside. He called Jiahui and was relieved to hear that his mother had been taken back to Zhou’s home. Although his grandfather had already retired from politics, his connections and authority remained intact. Having his mother stay with the Zhou family was much more reassuring for him than leaving her in Chu Yichen’s hands.

       “Yunhan ge, what’s going on between you and Yichen ge? Can you tell me now?”

       “I had a fight with him… things got tense, so I want to get away for a bit. Don’t look for me; when I’ve figured things out, I’ll come back on my own.” He really didn’t have the face to admit that he had set a trap to deceive Chu Yichen, so he could only be vague about it, “Take good care of my mom for me, spend time with her when you can, and remind her to take her medication on time. Tell her I’m busy and can’t come back for the time being.”

       “Okay, I got it.” Jiahui was a little sad, “You don’t have to worry about Auntie. But you and Yichen ge, can’t you have a good talk? It would be good if you both could compromise a little. You two were so close when you were kids; how did it come to this?”

       Chu Yunhan had no way to answer. Perhaps that was just how life was—one wrong step led to another, and once a rift formed in a relationship, it became nearly impossible to mend. After he hung up the phone, he lay back on the bed, pulling a pillow over his head in frustration.

       A rift was a rift, after all, and Chu Yichen didn’t regard him with any importance anyway. Living with nothing? Ha, he refused to give that person the satisfaction.


       Sheng the fifth was really busy these days, leaving early and coming back late. Knowing that Chu Yunhan wouldn’t be able to accept it for a while, he didn’t rush to do anything. He slept next to Chu Yunhan every night, occasionally cuddling and kissing. Chu Yunhan used to hold girls like this, but now, as he was in the girl position himself, he found everything awkward. But he could only force himself to adapt. He heard that there was no sign of anyone from the Chu family, so he couldn’t help but curse in his heart, thinking that Chu Yichen probably wished he would just disappear and stay far away.

       After four days of peaceful life, Sheng Ming called at noon and said he would pick him up later to have dinner with him. Chu Yunhan felt bored staying in the house, so he naturally agreed. He was in the living room when the door opened, “I’ve changed my clothes, where are we going tonight…” Before he could finish his words, he was held down by several strong men who rushed in and dragged him into a Mercedes-Benz.

       “Who sent you here? Where is Sheng Ming?” Chu Yunhan, who was sandwiched between the two people in the back seat, was very uneasy.

       No one responded.

       He asked again, “Where are you taking me?”

       Still no one responded.

       No matter who these people were, they must had no good intentions in picking him up in this way. Chu Yunhan was worried and suddenly reached out to grab the gun from the waist of the man next to him, but another man pressed the gun against his back. At this time, the person in the front seat said coldly, “We are just following orders and don’t want to hurt anyone. Please don’t embarrass us, Young Master Yun.”

       Chu Yunhan knew he couldn’t escape, so he reluctantly sat back down, feeling anxious. When he saw the familiar scenery on the roadside and the Chinese-style buildings getting closer and closer, he lowered his head in despair. Accompanying him back was Bai Xiao, who must have suffered a lot and was covered in injuries.

       Hei Yu, who came to greet them at the door, bowed and said, “Young Master Yun, Young Master and the guests are waiting for you inside.” After that, he added in a low voice, “The Young Master said that you should judge for yourself what should be said and what shouldn’t.”

       Chu Yunhan smiled bitterly. He originally thought that the Sheng family was so powerful that even if Chu Yichen found out his whereabouts, he would not be able to do anything to him under the protection of the Sheng family or that the two sides would go back and forth to give him a chance to escape. Who would have expected Chu Yichen to have the ability to have the Sheng family take the initiative to deliver the goods to his door in just a few days?

       His legs felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead. As he stepped into the main hall and looked around, his gaze fell on Sheng Ming, who was standing there. At that moment, Sheng Ming’s gaze was fixed on him as well. Their gazes met, revealing mutual reluctance and desolation. Sheng the Fifth, who had long desired him and thought he could finally fulfil his wish, now felt deeply frustrated as he found himself powerless to keep him by his side. On the other hand, Chu Yunhan saw Sheng the Fifth as a lifeline, only to have that lifeline snap and find himself dragged back into captivity, feeling regretful. Their exchanged looks were like those of a pair of estranged lovers.

       “Chu Yunhan.” A voice sounded, interrupting the silent exchange between the two. Chu Yunhan’s eyes followed the sound, and he shuddered when he bumped into the man sitting on the mahogany scholar’s chair. In Chu Yichen’s eyes seemed to lie an impending snowstorm; merely meeting his gaze made one feel an unbearable, bone-chilling cold.

       This time, he was afraid he was really going to die.

       Seeing his expression, Chu Yunhan sighed in his heart.

       Besides Chu Yichen, there were two other people sitting in the main hall. One had slightly gray hair and a beard, about sixty years old. There was also a very young man, only in his twenties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looking gentle and elegant. At this moment, he stood up, walked towards her, stretched out his hand, and said, “This must be Yunhan. I’m Shen Mo. Nice to meet you.”

       Chu Yunhan had never seen this person before and shook hands with some confusion.

       “Is your head hurt?” the young man asked, looking at the bruises on his forehead.

       “A bump. It’s not serious.”

       “That’s good.” He smiled. This man looked fair and handsome, and his smile seemed to have a spring breeze blowing on it, which makes people feel very comfortable. He turned around and said, “Uncle Sheng, Yichen, since everyone has returned safely, this matter can be considered resolved for now. Next, we should sit down calmly and discuss things. I will mediate between you two. What do you both think?”

       Chu Yunhan was a little surprised. A young man announced that he would be the mediator between the Sheng family and the Chu family and seemed determined to convince both parties. Where did this calm confidence come from? While he was standing, Chu Yichen and Sheng Weiyong also stood up, which showed that this person’s identity was extraordinary.

       “With the Young Third Master as the mediator, this Yichen naturally has no objections.” the man said slowly.

       “Naturally, this Sheng has no objection either. My son’s actions have disturbed Elder Shen and troubled the Third Master. I am truly embarrassed. Whatever punishment or apology is deemed necessary, I will fully comply without any objections.”, Sheng Weiyong’s attitude was very cooperative.

       “Uncle Sheng, it is true that Fifth Brother was at fault from the beginning. Even if there were some minor grievances, it was never justified to block the road, kidnap someone, and cause injury. If someone were to treat the Sheng family brothers this way, you surely wouldn’t let it go either. So it’s understandable that Yichen was angry and ordered your warehouse to be lit, wouldn’t you agree?”

       Chu Yunhan was startled. This guy Chu Yichen actually set fire to the family’s warehouse?

       “The Young Third Master is right,” Sheng Weiyong said sternly, “I have been negligent in disciplining him; this kid has become accustomed to the lawlessness and has done such a thing; it’s really a shame for me.” After saying that, he shouted angrily behind him, “You little bastard, why don’t you get over here and apologise properly?!”

       Sheng Ming frowned and walked slowly to Chu Yunhan, looking slightly apologetic, “I should apologise to you. This time, it was my lack of foresight.” He paused and said, “You don’t need to say anything; this is all my fault. I admit it. I’m sorry.”

       His words carried a hidden meaning, concealing his true thoughts between the lines.

       Chu Yunhan understood. The ‘lack of foresight’ mentioned by Sheng the Fifth referred to not taking him away in time, and the phrase ‘no need to say anything’ was to make him keep silent and let him bear the responsibility of the matter. It was as if it was really just the fifth son of the Sheng family who was so audacious that he kidnapped the eldest young master of the Chu family.

       But this was clearly not the case. He was just the one he turned to for help, a passing bard. Even if he took advantage of the situation and made a request to him, it was a fair transaction and there was nothing to blame. The tenderness in Sheng the Fifth’s eyes made him feel guilty and he wanted to speak. When he caught a glimpse of Chu Yichen’s expression out of the corner of his eye, his heart trembled.

       That look was telling him to shut up.

       What would happen if he told the truth? How could he explain being held in confinement? Bringing up his involvement in Grey Wolf’s rebellion would do no good for him or the Chu family. What’s more, Chu Yichen also set fire to the Sheng family’s warehouse. That man took action without leaving any room, and the Sheng family was estimated to have suffered heavy losses. Sheng Weiyong thought his son had made a mistake and robbed him, so he didn’t care. If he revealed that he asked the fifth for help at this time, the Sheng family would definitely not give up and would only intensify the conflict. At this point, it was impossible for the Sheng family to take him in, so it was pointless to say anything.

       Chu Yunhan’s lips moved, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He looked at Sheng the fifth with gratitude in his eyes and gave a slight ‘hmm’ as a response.

       Shen Mo coughed lightly and spoke again, “Yichen, Uncle Sheng, and the Fifth Brother have both apologised, so it’s time for you to cool down as well. Your two families are like the old man’s right-hand men; if things get out of hand, it won’t look good for anyone, and it would be a disgrace to his reputation. He’s sent me here to ease the tension and hopes that both of you will consider the old man’s face and take a step back. The person is back safely, and the goods, well, if they’re burnt, they’re burnt—let’s just take this as a way to get to know each other’s boundaries better. In the future, there will be times when the two families need to cooperate, so don’t let this affect your relationship. Let this matter pass and be forgotten, okay?”

       These words were said in a flawless and impartial manner, and Elder Shen was even brought up to give pressure. Chu Yichen took the lead and said to Sheng Weiyong, “Chairman Sheng, burning down the warehouse was a rash decision on my part, and I hope you can be magnanimous and not take it to heart. As for the losses, I’m willing to compensate at full value.”

       “No need.” Sheng Weiyong waved his hand with the demeanour of a true leader, “Just like Young Third Master said, what’s burned is burned. After all, this matter was Sheng Ming’s fault. I hope Chairman Chu can forgive us.”

       The handshake and reconciliation brought satisfaction to all. The grand drama had come to an end.

       Chu Yunhan stood in the middle, suddenly feeling a sense of emptiness. These people seemed like illusory backgrounds, with no real connection to him. He felt like a speck of dust, floating in this bleak world with no place to return to.

       Chu Yichen saw off the Sheng family and Shen Mo, then looked at Chu Yunhan. After a moment of silence, he instructed his bodyguards, “Take him to my room.”

Just how selfish this guy can be? We’ll never know…

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Chapter 26 – I was kissed...?

Chapter 26 – I was kissed…?


Zhao Qi’s wrists were bound together, forcing him to rely on his legs for strength. He desperately wanted to kick Rong Tang away, but he couldn’t control the force properly. If he didn’t apply enough force, it would be ineffective; if he applied too much, he might accidentally injure the beautiful man in front of him.


“Be responsible, be responsible. I will take responsibility for you,” Zhao Qi coaxed, “I’ll find a famous doctor to treat your condition, I’ll let you out of the palace, and I’ll make amends with your family… Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you, alright?”


A trace of clarity flashed in Rong Tang’s eyes, but it was quickly drowned by the man’s inherent desire. “It’s too late.”


“It’s not too late! How is it too late? I…” The hot fingertips lifted Zhao Qi’s chin, and as he looked at the face drawing closer to his own, Zhao Qi’s mind was occupied with another man.


That’s right—the man who caused all of this was Zhao Qiao!


He officially announced in the name of the emperor that Zhao Qiao was dead, completely and utterly dead, with the grass on his grave already three meters high.


Zhao Qi thought of a hundred ways to deal with his younger brother, and with Rong Tang’s face now so close, he suddenly turned his head. A kiss, tinged with the scent of medicine, landed on his cheek. Then, he heard Rong Tang let out a soft laugh and slowly move his hand to Zhao Qi’s waistband.


With that, Rong Tang could only restrain one of Zhao Qi’s hands. Seizing the opportunity, Zhao Qi used his knee to push against Rong Tang. Rong Tang, already weakened, had expended a lot of effort to suppress Zhao Qi, and the sudden push made him grunt in surprise.


Taking advantage of the force from his elbow, Zhao Qi rolled to the side and shouted, “Old Jiang—Jiang Dehai, come save me!”


Rong Tang’s eyes turned red at the corners. “Zhao Qi…”


The door was slammed open with a bang, and Zhao Qi felt as though he had grasped a lifeline. “I’m here!”


A tall figure came through the layers of curtains. Upon seeing the newcomer’s face, Zhao Qi was so moved he almost cried. “Changzhou…”


He Chengzhou’s entire presence radiated a chilling aura, his face darkened frighteningly, a sight Zhao Qi had never seen before.


He Chengzhou looked at the two people on the bed, lifted Zhao Qi into his arms with one hand, and drew his sword with the other, pointing it straight at Rong Tang.


The medicinal scent around them turned into the fragrance of fresh grass, and Zhao Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, clutching He Chengzhou’s collar tightly. “Quick, go find a doctor, and also bring Zhao Qiao to me!”


He Chengzhou seemed to ignore Zhao Qi’s words, staring at Rong Tang. “Rong Tang, do you know what you’re doing? Forcing the emperor is a death sentence.”


Zhao Qi’s head ached, “He Chengzhou, have you lost your mind too? Put the sword down! Rong Tang has been drugged and is not in his right mind. The immediate priority is to neutralize the drugs in his system…”


Rong Tang clutched his chest and coughed violently a few times before slowly saying, “Forced? I don’t need that.” He lifted his gaze to Zhao Qi, “Because he was originally, mine.”


He Changzhou twisted the hilt of his sword, the blade edging closer to Rong Tang’s throat, with a smirk at the corner of his lips. “You seem to be mistaken. You are the emperor’s person, but the emperor belongs to everyone. No one can possess him alone.” He Changzhou paused and repeated, “No one.” His words seemed directed both at Rong Tang and at himself.


Rong Tang smiled faintly, “I can.”


He Changzhou’s eyes narrowed, “Just you?”


Zhao Qi, unable to tolerate it any longer, interjected, “Can you stop dragging this out? He Changzhou, I’ll say it again, put down the sword and go find the imperial physician and Zhao Qiao.”


He Changzhou hesitated.


“If you won’t go, then let me go! I’ll find them myself!” Zhao Qi tried to wriggle free from He Changzhou’s embrace, muttering, “This is just like a performance. Are fewer lines going to kill you? Do you have to be so pretentious? Don’t you know that villains die from talking too much…”


He Changzhou finally sheathed his sword and pushed Zhao Qi back into his embrace. “I will listen to the emperor.”


Rong Tang clenched his eyes shut, enduring the pain.


Zhao Qiao had prepared the grand gift for Zhao Qi but did not leave the palace. Instead, he stayed in the palace, waiting for Zhao Qi to “enjoy” his gift and then summon him for praise. When the eunuch came to fetch him, he was somewhat surprised. “The emperor is finished so quickly?” No wonder; having a great beauty by his side for years without being able to touch him, it was understandable that he would be eager to take advantage of the opportunity.


Zhao Qiao, feeling delighted, arrived at Yonghua Palace and was surprised to see Zhao Qi rushing towards him. “This humble one has only done his duty; the emperor needn’t—”


“Slap!” Zhao Qi delivered a hard slap to Zhao Qiao’s face, leaving him utterly stunned.


Zhao Qiao covered his cheeks with his hands, terrified, “Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi seized Zhao Qiao by the neck, “Where’s the antidote?!”


Zhao Qiao’s face turned red and his neck bulged as he choked, “W-What antidote?”


“The antidote for the long-lasting longing drug!” Zhao Qi increased his grip slightly, “If you give it to me now, I might still spare you!”


Zhao Qiao rolled his eyes and said with difficulty, “Your Majesty, there is no antidote for spring drugs. The person is the antidote… Your Majesty, I am going to be strangled to death by you—”


Zhao Qi released him, coldly saying, “Very well, you can die.”


“Your Majesty!” Zhao Qiao fell to his knees with a thud, clutching Zhao Qi’s dragon robe and trembling, “Please spare me, Your Majesty! I truly don’t know what I did wrong to anger Your Majesty so much…”


“What did you do wrong?” Zhao Qi, fuming, asked, “Tell me, who instructed you to give Rong Tang the longing drug?”


Zhao Qiao confessed honestly, “It was me. I thought that since Your Majesty likes Young Master Rong so much, even if I can’t have his heart, at least I could have his body. So I—”


Zhao Qi nodded, “I will send someone to burn paper for you every Qingming Festival from now on. Goodbye, Xiao Qiao—take him away!”


“Innocent! Your Majesty, I’m innocent!” Zhao Qiao, frightened, had tears and snot all over his face. “I didn’t force Young Master Rong to take the drug; he did it voluntarily! If Your Majesty really executes me, it’s too tragic! I’ll use my blood to write the word ‘tragedy’ on Your Majesty’s leg!”


Zhao Qi frowned, “What are you saying?”


“Innocent—I’m innocent!”


Zhao Qi grabbed Zhao Qiao by the front of his robe, “Stop howling. I don’t want your head for now. Tell me what you just said—Rong Tang did it voluntarily?”


Zhao Qiao, sobbing, said, “Your Majesty, I originally sent a little eunuch to drug Young Master Rong. But somehow, Young Master Rong saw through it. He found me, asked me what the longing drug was, and after I told him, he took the drug himself. I couldn’t stop him—”


Zhao Qi was stunned, “Really? I don’t believe it.”


Zhao Qiao raised his hand, swearing to the heavens, “If this humble one lies to Your Majesty, may the heavens strike me with five thunderbolts! If Your Majesty doesn’t believe it, I am willing to confront Young Master Rong directly!”


Zhao Qi was perplexed, “But… why did Rong Tang do this?”


He Changzhou, who had been silent, spoke up, “What exactly is this longing drug you’re talking about?”


Zhao Qiao wiped his tears and explained, “It’s a spring drug I brought back from the Eastern Seas. In addition to its usual effects, the longing drug can cause hallucinations, making one believe that their beloved is right beside them…”


He Changzhou pondered, “So, does that mean after taking this drug, whoever the person sees becomes their beloved in their mind?”


Zhao Qiao hesitated, “Y-Yes, I suppose so.”


Zhao Qi still couldn’t understand why Rong Tang did this, but he was more concerned about the immediate issue. “Without an antidote, what will happen to Rong Tang…” He glanced towards the inner hall, “He must be suffering greatly now.”


Zhao Qiao said, “Your Majesty, if you don’t want to help, find someone else to assist him. After all, it’s just a spring drug. A few releases should resolve it.”


Zhao Qi shook his head, “No, Rong Tang has always been reserved and virtuous; he certainly wouldn’t want that.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Not necessarily. Rong Tang is from a distinguished family. At his age, it’s not uncommon to have a few maidservants in his quarters.”


Zhao Qi gave him a sidelong glance, “You’re also from a distinguished family, around the same age. Could it be that…”


He Changzhou, stepping on his own foot, was momentarily choked, “I’m different from him—”


At that moment, a young physician came out of the inner hall. Zhao Qi quickly approached and asked, “How is Young Master Rong?”


The physician replied, “Your Majesty, the chief physician said that if there is no antidote for the emotional poison, he will try acupuncture and cold therapy. It might be effective.”


“Then try that,” Zhao Qi said. “Do your best. If it doesn’t work—”


The physician trembled, bracing himself for words like “If it doesn’t work, bring your heads to me” or “All of you will be buried with him.” To his surprise, Zhao Qi simply said, “If it doesn’t work, think of another solution.”


The court physician continuously declared it was true.


After a restless night, Zhao Qi was both physically and mentally exhausted. Jiang Dehai, seeing his tired state, said, “Your Majesty should rest for a while. I’ll stay here and keep watch.”


Zhao Qi gave a wry smile. “My bed is occupied. Where can I rest?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “I’ll have someone prepare a side chamber for you right away.”


“No need,” Zhao Qi said. “I don’t feel like sleeping.”


“You must sleep, even if you don’t want to,” He Changzhou said. “Your Majesty still has to attend the morning court tomorrow. If you fall asleep on the Dragon Throne due to exhaustion, Prime Minister Xiao will be angry. You don’t want to see how frightening he can get when he’s angry, do you?”


Zhao Qi shuddered. “Then I’ll just take a short nap. Wake me up in half an hour.”


He Changzhou said, “I’ll accompany you.”


Zhao Qiao weakly said, “Your Majesty, what about me?”


“You?” Zhao Qi replied, “You stay here and write a confession. Only when Rong Tang’s matter is resolved can you get up.”


Zhao Qi and He Changzhou went to the side chamber. Zhao Qi was too lazy to change his clothes and simply lay down on the bed, sighing, “With a younger brother like Zhao Qiao, how could I not be driven to death?”


He Changzhou tucked him into the blanket and covered him properly.


Zhao Qi said, “I can manage myself. You can leave now.”


He Changzhou didn’t say anything, but his gaze at Zhao Qi was filled with half grievance and half sorrow.


Zhao Qi noticed He Changzhou’s strange behavior. Lying under the blanket, he asked, “What’s wrong with you?”


He Changzhou rested his chin on his hand and complained, “Your Majesty only thinks about Rong Tang and never asks when I arrived or why I came.”


Zhao Qi slapped his forehead. “Oh right—weren’t you practicing troops in the suburbs these days? Why did you come back suddenly?”


He Changzhou sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back with both hands behind him, and said, “Because I missed Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi remained expressionless. “Oh.”


“Does Your Majesty miss me?”


“A little bit.”


He Changzhou seemed very pleased. “What does Your Majesty miss about me?”


“I miss when you will get the military salaries sorted out.”


“……” He Changzhou fell silent for a while before asking, “Why doesn’t Your Majesty want Rong Tang?”


Zhao Qi pulled his blanket tighter. “I’ve said it before; I don’t want to force him.”


He Changzhou laughed. “But just now, it was clear that Rong Tang was the one forcing Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi mumbled, “I’m going to sleep…”


He Changzhou hugged Zhao Qi through the blanket. “If Your Majesty doesn’t say, I won’t let you sleep.”


Zhao Qi’s temples throbbed. He pushed the head close to his face away. “Have you all collectively been possessed? Why does no one let me have peace?”


He Changzhou nuzzled Zhao Qi’s palm. “Your Majesty, tell me. I really want to know.”




He Changzhou asked, “Has Your Majesty stopped liking Rong Tang?”


Zhao Qi gave up and shouted loudly, “Yes, that’s right. I’ve changed my heart!”


He Changzhou pressed further, “Then who does Your Majesty like now?”


Zhao Qi, with affectionate eyes, said, “Who else could it be? It’s all my countless subjects of Da Jing!”


He Changzhou: “……”


“All people in the world are my children. I love them dearly,” Zhao Qi said. “You are one of them too. Come on, call me ‘father’ so I can hear it.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 55

       In this late autumn weather, it was quite a happy thing to sit in a grilled fish restaurant and eat fish around a grill plate with the charcoal fire still burning.

       Pei Qing sat next to Zhan Weiyang, casually putting some fish and vegetables on his plate. He watched as Zhan Weiyang focused on eating, revealing a small section of his clean, fair neck.

       Chen Youyou sat opposite them. While stuffing food into his mouth, he said vaguely, “My mom, doesn’t allow me to eat this, because she says, it’s making my body hot.”

       Pei Qing smiled, “If you eat too much, your body will get hot. You can drink more water.”

       Chen Youyou nodded.

       Zhan Weiyang put down his chopsticks and looked up at Pei Qing, “Why are you in our school?”

       “I came to pick you up from school and treat you to dinner,” Pei Qing said with a slight smile.

       Chen Youyou said, “Then, you can come often.”

       Pei Qing nodded and said, “No problem. Whenever you want to go out for food, just contact me, and I’ll pick you up.”

       Chen Youyou hurriedly said, “Okay.”

       But Pei Qing noticed that Zhan Weiyang didn’t answer.

       Zhan Weiyang still seemed a little absent-minded. He picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and put it into his mouth. As soon as he swallowed it, he was choked by the chilli and couldn’t help but cover his mouth and cough.

       Pei Qing picked up the water cup and handed it over, saying, “Drink some water.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly took it and drank a sip of water, but his face was still red from coughing.

       Pei Qing handed him a tissue to wipe his mouth. Zhan Weiyang’s eyes were also a little red. He wiped his mouth carefully, rolled up the tissue and threw it into the trash can beside the table, then looked up at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing asked him, “Are you happy at school recently?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked a little confused. Chen Youyou didn’t pay attention to this and concentrated on looking for the lotus root slices he liked in the baking tray.

       Pei Qing picked up his water cup, drank slowly from the straw, and asked Zhan Weiyang, “No one bullies you in school, right?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       Pei Qing asked, “How was the midterm exam?”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his face away nervously, grabbed the chopsticks with his right hand in a panic, and pinched the edge of the table with his left hand.

       Pei Qing smiled and said to him gently, “It doesn’t matter. I won’t blame you whether you do well in the exam or not. What can’t you tell gege?”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and was silent for a long time, then raised his head and leaned close to Pei Qing’s ear. He put one hand over Pei Qing’s ear and whispered, “I didn’t do well in the exam.” After that, he looked at Pei Qing with some guilt.

       Pei Qing then leaned close to him, lowered his voice and said, “It doesn’t matter.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him.

       Pei Qing continued, “It doesn’t matter whether you do well in the exam or not. We just need to find out why you didn’t do well.”

       Unexpectedly, Zhan Weiyang immediately replied, “Because there is something wrong with my head.”

       Pei Qing was stunned by what he said. When he reacted, he immediately raised his hand and put it on Zhan Weiyang’s head, saying, “Who said that? Don’t talk nonsense.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t even have the mood to eat. He stared at the smoking grill in front of him silently, and his chopsticks didn’t move for a long time.

       Pei Qing helped him pick up a lot of meat and vegetables and put them on the small plate in front of him. Seeing that he didn’t move his chopsticks, he said, “Do you want me to feed you?”

       Zhan Weiyang picked up the chopsticks and ate without much appetite.

       Although Chen Youyou was eating, he also noticed the conversation between the two of them. Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, he chose to remain silent and only secretly glanced at them from time to time.

       Pei Qing didn’t say anything else. He waited until Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou had almost finished eating and everyone slowed down, then suddenly asked Zhan Weiyang, “Have you lost all your points?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him suddenly, his face pale.

       Chen Youyou was also stunned for a moment and looked at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing turned to Chen Youyou and asked, “Youyou, do you know how many points Zhan Weiyang has deducted?”

       Chen Youyou was completely unprepared and said in a daze, “No, I don’t know.”

       Pei Qing continued, “He said that when his points are deducted, he will turn into a tree. Did he tell you?”

       Chen Youyou had almost forgotten about this matter. When Pei Qing suddenly mentioned it, he suddenly remembered it and said, “Oh— I remember, he said this.” He was a little unsure of what Pei Qing meant and couldn’t help but look at Zhan Weiyang’s expression when he spoke.

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head vigorously at him.

       Pei Qing asked, “What is he being deducted for?”

       Zhan Weiyang was still shaking his head at Chen Youyou, and Chen Youyou didn’t dare to continue. He hesitated and wanted to answer that he didn’t know, but “I, I—” Pei Qing interrupted him before he finished speaking.

       Pei Qing said, “I just invited you to dinner today, can you bear to lie to me?”

       Chen Youyou’s eyes widened, thinking about what he should do. Pei Qing had not only invited him to dinner but also drove him home and gave him his coat. If he didn’t answer Pei Qing, he would truly feel uncomfortable. He could only look at Zhan Weiyang and say, “Isn’t this your older cousin? Is there anything you can’t tell him?”

       Zhan Weiyang wanted to stop him, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Pei Qing say in a deep voice, “Yangyang.” He then glanced at Pei Qing nervously, unable to speak.

       Chen Youyou said, “He, said he has a S-system, in his head.”

       “What?” Pei Qing didn’t understand for a while.

       Chen Youyou had to repeat, “A System.”

       “What System?” Pei Qing frowned slightly.

       Chen Youyou couldn’t remember too clearly at the moment, but he did recall that Zhan Weiyang’s previous pursuit of Xie Ling seemed to be related. He said, “It’s some sort of, a dating System, you must t-talk to that person…” He spoke more and more quietly because he saw that Zhan Weiyang was really anxious.

       Pei Qing patiently asked, “Who?”

       Chen Youyou was embarrassed and said, “Older cousin, don’t, treat me like this… Y-you look at Zhan Weiyang.”

       Pei Qing turned his head and saw Zhan Weiyang staring at Chen Youyou with red eyes.

       He was a little helpless, and after hesitating for a while, he could only say, “Alright then, I won’t ask you anymore.”

       Chen Youyou breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed the cup on the table and drank a big sip of water. He looked at Pei Qing and then at Zhan Weiyang. He really wanted to leave, but he was embarrassed to do so.

       Pei Qing stretched out a hand and pressed it on Zhan Weiyang’s shoulder.

       Zhan Weiyang then turned his eyes away and looked at him with a somewhat pitiful and aggrieved expression.

       Pei Qing gently pinched his soft neck with her hand, soothing his emotions, and said, “It’s nothing, be good.”

       Zhan Weiyang’s chest rose and fell twice.

       Pei Qing asked them, “Have you eaten? Let’s go after you’re done.”

       Chen Youyou immediately replied, “I’m done!”

       Pei Qing came directly from the company today and did not drive. They left the mall, where they had dinner and stood on the roadside to call a taxi for Chen Youyou.

       Pei Qing sent Chen Youyou to the car, bent over, and said to him through the open car door, “Be careful. Send a message when you get home.”

       Chen Youyou nodded, but he couldn’t help but look at Zhan Weiyang, and he found that Zhan Weiyang didn’t look at him.

       Pei Qing stood up straight, raised his hand to close the car door, and the taxi quickly took Chen Youyou away.

       Only Zhan Weiyang and Pei Qing were left.

       Zhan Weiyang was a little scared for some reason, and he subconsciously turned around and wanted to hide.

       Pei Qing reached out and held his shoulders, pulled him back, made Zhan Weiyang face him, and said, “Do you want to tell me yourself?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t look at him.

       Pei Qing continued to ask, “Who do you have to date?”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing let go of his hand, and after a while, he sighed softly and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Are your points almost all gone?”

       Zhan Weiyang seemed a little nervous and nodded.

       Pei Qing said, “When you become a tree, you will never be able to talk to me again. Are you still unwilling to tell me now?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his head and looked at him palely.

       Pei Qing said to him, “If one morning, I wake up and go into your room, I only see a fortune tree lying on the bed, and I don’t know why. Do you think it’s fair to me?”

       Zhan Weiyang said in a panic, “No, I will bury the soil in the flowerpot myself.”

       “So you really don’t want to tell me anything before you get into the flowerpot?”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and didn’t speak.

       After a long time, Pei Qing noticed something was wrong. He bent down and looked closer at Zhan Weiyang and found that he was crying.

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t make a sound but just shed tears silently. When he found that Pei Qing looked at him, he raised his red eyes, wiped the tears on his cheeks with his fingers, and said, “I can’t bear to leave you.”

       At that moment, Pei Qing couldn’t tell what he felt, but he felt that his whole heart softened with sourness. He reached out and hugged Zhan Weiyang in his arms, saying, “Don’t be afraid. You won’t leave me.”

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Chapter 15

       Qian Xiaoke felt that he was a little crazy. He followed Jiang Tongyan and whispered, “Lu Xun1Chinese writer and literary critic said that if you don’t explode in the movement, you will perish in the movement.”

       He looked at the lake and began to think that he should just take Jiang Tongyan with him to die together.

       Just as he was thinking about the feasibility of this, Jiang Tongyan stopped in his tracks.

       “Hey, you are still there?”

       Qian Xiaoke: “Hehe.”

       Jiang Tongyan asked him calmly, “Why aren’t you leaving?”

       Qian Xiaoke was really unhappy at this moment and turned away from him with a sad face.

       “I thought you left just now.” Jiang Tongyan walked over pretentiously and approached him, “Do you want to take a walk with me so much?”

       “Say less.” Qian Xiaoke said, “I’m afraid that you will be thrown into the lake from here.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him and smiled, “Seriously, why didn’t you leave by yourself?”

       He wanted to say: Could it be that you really can’t bear to leave me?

       Of course not. Qian Xiaoke was not reluctant to part with him but reluctant to part with the time he had spent!

       Qian Xiaoke said, “You must have never heard of this word before.”

       “Huh? What word?” Jiang Tongyan asked, “Devoted? Loyal? Inseparable? Dependent through life and death?”

       “… Do you know what ‘sunk cost’ is?” Qian Xiaoke said proudly, “You definitely don’t know.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him in confusion.

       “This is a word that often appears in the economic field,” Qian Xiaoke was so proud that his tail was almost raised, and he felt that he was very handsome now. “It means that I have wasted so much time, energy and physical strength on you, and these are all costs. In order not to let my costs go to waste, I have to bite my teeth and persevere to the end. Do you understand? Read more books.”

       “…” Jiang Tongyan looked at him incredulously and then smiled, “Little friend, the same words are given to you. Read more books, and don’t start to interpret things by yourself when you only know a little about everything.”

       He smiled slightly, “Also, a friendly reminder from Big Brother: in investment, we always have to exclude the interference of sunk costs and pay more attention to opportunity costs. Do you know ‘opportunity cost’? Have you heard of it?”

       “Ah?” Qian Xiaoke was dumbfounded.

       Jiang Tongyan rolled his eyes and suddenly slapped Qian Xiaoke in front of him, “Snap! Go hit your fly!”

       Jiang Tongyan, who had ridiculed Qian Xiaoke, was in a good mood and decided to spare this uneducated little fool.

       “Okay, I’m done relaxing.”

       Qian Xiaoke’s eyes lit up immediately, and he no longer wondered what Jiang Tongyan meant by what he just said, “Going home?”

       “Going home?” Jiang Tongyan narrowed his eyes and smiled, “You want to take me home? Why are you so vulgar and wretched?”

       “…”Qian Xiaoke felt that thanks to the subway security check he now went out without a machete, or else Jiang Tongyan would definitely die a horrible death here today!

       “Just joking.” Jiang Tongyan raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Let’s go, gege is in a good mood. I’ll give you a ride back.”

       Sometimes, a word could save a person.

       After Qian Xiaoke heard his words, his waist and legs were no longer sore. He could run directly to the park’s gate in one breath and stop a taxi along the way.

       However, just when the two of them were about to reach the gate of the park, Jiang Tongyan touched his pocket and said, “fvck, where’s my wallet?”

       Qian Xiaoke was shocked and felt that something was wrong.

       He turned around, “Don’t tease me.”

       “I’m not teasing you.” Jiang Tongyan’s mobile phone and wallet were gone.

       It was already dark at this time. The two looked back in the direction they came from. There were not many people walking.

       “My mobile phone is gone too.”

       “… In the prosperous and peaceful times, how could such a thing happen under my nose?” Qian Xiaoke said, “It must not be a thief; it must be you who lost it.”

       Jiang Tongyan: “…I didn’t say there was a thief.”

       Now, Qian Xiaoke was a little panicked.

       Although he really wanted to complain, it was really troublesome to lose a wallet. Qian Xiaoke lost his wallet once when he was in college. After that, he had to apply for a new ID card and report the loss of his bank card. It was so troublesome.

       Jiang Tongyan came back from abroad, so he probably has more documents. If he lost them, it would be quite troublesome.

       Qian Xiaoke was exhausted, both physically and mentally, but he still said, “Let’s go back and look for it. Maybe it fell on the ground.”

       Jiang Tongyan glanced at Qian Xiaoke, hesitated momentarily, and then said, “Forget it.”

       “Forget it?” Qian Xiaoke was shocked, “Are you tricking me again?”

       Of course not.

       Jiang Tongyan’s mobile phone and wallet were really missing, but he looked at how tired Qian Xiaoke was. He didn’t have the heart to let the other party continue to entangle with him, and he was not sure whether it was worth it. What if he was exhausted after searching for a circle but found nothing? Wouldn’t it be a big loss?

       “There’s only a few hundred dollars in my wallet. With what had been spent, my wallet wasn’t worth much.”

       “…”Qian Xiaoke was speechless. He thought was this something worth being happy about?

       “What about your cell phone?” Qian Xiaoke said, “You don’t want it anymore?”

       “You can buy another cell phone. The card inside is a spare card I bought when I returned here.” Jiang Tongyan was shy and embarrassed to say that he didn’t want anything in order not to tire Qian Xiaoke to death, “Let’s go back first.”

       Qian Xiaoke stood there looking at him, and after a long time he squeezed out a sentence, “It’s good to have money.”

       It was good to have money. You could just throw away such an expensive wallet and you could just ‘buy another one’ without even looking for your cell phone after losing it.

       Qian Xiaoke smacked his lips and felt like he had just chewed a lemon.

       “Are you sure?” Qian Xiaoke said, “It’s troublesome to lose these two things.”

       “It’s okay,” Jiang Tongyan said, “I used that cell phone specifically for returning to China. I didn’t keep any important things in it.”

       Qian Xiaoke pouted, still a little uneasy.

       “Let’s go, let’s go, what time is it.” Jiang Tongyan actually felt a bit regretful. Losing things that day served as a lesson for him—he should have avoided playing tricks on people in the future.

       He raised his hand to stop a taxi, but was suddenly pushed down by Qian Xiaoke.

       “What’s wrong with you?” Jiang Tongyan asked, “Did you lose your wallet too?”

       “I suddenly thought of something!” Qian Xiaoke’s eyes widened, “You don’t have any money now.”


       “No mobile phone either.”


       “Then why did you take a taxi?” Qian Xiaoke glared at him, “Do you have money to pay for the taxi fare?”

       “Don’t you have money?” Jiang Tongyan was too lazy to tease him, “Let’s take a taxi back first, I’ll pay you back another day.”

       Qian Xiaoke was almost shocked to death by this sentence.

       He, Qian Xiaoke, had a principle in life, that is, he would never lend money to others even if he died!

       He could have his head cut and blood flow; it didn’t matter how close or distant he was. There was no way he would lend money!

       What’s more, for someone like Jiang Tongyan, who could basically be defined by anything but the relationship they have, borrowing money was even less of an option. The only history they have together was lying in the same bed, questioning life for a few hours, eating spicy hotpot together, and spending over an hour in a park. They had no real connection, and it was very likely that this person could just run off to another country one day. If he lent this kind of person money, it would be giving him an opportunity to exploit and kill him!

       Yes, for Qian Xiaoke, having his money taken away was just the same as killing him!

       Qian Xiaoke was not stupid, he would not do such a thing.

       “You won’t do that?” Jiang Tongyan said, “I have plenty of money, I don’t need your little bit.”

       “Who knows?” Qian Xiaoke said very cautiously, “Life is always unpredictable. What if you go bankrupt tomorrow?”

       “… Buddy, can’t you hope for something good for me?”

       Qian Xiaoke was in pain now, because he suddenly realised that if he was unwilling to pay for the taxi first, then they had only one way to go, that was to say, his few hours today were really like a 10,000-ton ship that had sunk.

       Qian Xiaoke stood under the street lights in the autumn night, looking at Jiang Tongyan, who was half a head taller than him. He felt as if he was watching his Titanic sinking into the sea, but he could do nothing about it. He couldn’t help but feel sad.

       “Hey, what are you thinking about?” Jiang Tongyan looked at the person in front of him and felt that this little guy’s thinking was really jumpy and even a little scary.

       “First, I’m not called Hey.” Qian Xiaoke pouted, “Second, what I think has nothing to do with you.”

       He took a deep breath with grievance, feeling heartbroken and miserable.

       “Okay, whatever you want.” Jiang Tongyan wanted to stop the car again, but was stopped by Qian Xiaoke.

       “Chairman Jiang.” Qian Xiaoke said, “You can’t do that.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him in confusion.

       “Forget about taking a taxi. You know our current financial situation,” Qian Xiaoke said, “I can lend you money to take the subway.”


       “Yes, subway.” Qian Xiaoke really couldn’t bear to leave Jiang Tongyan alone here without money, but he couldn’t pay for the taxi fare himself. This was the best he could do. He could barely afford the eight yuan subway fare. If Jiang Tongyan didn’t pay him back in the future, he wouldn’t lose too much.

       Qian Xiaoke was exactly the kind of meticulous, frugal, and calculating young man of the new era who excelled at managing his resources with precision.

       Jiang Tongyan asked him, “Aren’t you tired?”

       “I am tired,” Qian Xiaoke said, “but I am willing!”

       He grabbed Jiang Tongyan’s wrist and dragged him to the nearby subway station, “Let’s hurry up. Life is short, and we’ve already wasted too much time. In these prime years, we should seize every moment!”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at the back of Qian Xiaoke’s head with a smile and let him pull him forward.

       He smiled and said, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

       “No nonsense.” Qian Xiaoke regretted it but thought about it again. This is also an important lesson in life: “Teacher Jiang, I have waited for you for too long!”


       Jiang Tongyan could see that this kid was crazy.

       However, this little madman was also very interesting.

       Jiang Tongyan was being pulled forward by him, feeling the chilly wind and watching as the hair on the back of this guy’s head was blown into a spiky mess. The smile in his eyes seemed to reach up to the moon.

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