Category: Most Eligible Widow-Bachelor in the Six Realms (Page 8 of 8)

Most Eligible Widow-Bachelor in the Six Realms

Chapter 7 – The origin of the Snake Mother

Chapter 7


The Little White Dragon twiddled its whiskers and didn’t respond.


Si Lan hadn’t expected the Little White Dragon to answer, but its actions still made him chuckle.


Despite its young age, it had such a cold, aloof disposition. He figured that when it grew up, it would be quite a handful.


Si Lan lifted the Little White Dragon’s two horns and said, “As a dragon, you should be polite and not frown so easily.”


The Little White Dragon subconsciously extended its leg to kick Si Lan, but its limbs were too short, and it couldn’t reach him. Si Lan couldn’t help but smile, and his heart softened.


He decided to use a combination of encouragement and authority, so he took out a colorful feather from his storage pouch and handed it to the Little White Dragon. “Here, I only have three of these colorful feathers on me. This is one of them, very precious. I’m giving it to you as a gift. If you behave well, I’ll give you the other two.”


“…” The Little White Dragon.


A colorful feather…


They say that when birds of courtship give a beautiful feather to each other, it’s a sign of affection.


So, is this bird implying something?


The Little White Dragon scowled, but the other person’s attitude was so firm that he simply stuffed the feather into its arms. It reluctantly hugged it with its tiny paws.


As soon as Si Lan couldn’t see, it promptly tossed the feather away.


Si Lan quickly tidied himself up a bit and carried the Little White Dragon with him to find Lou Yuqing at Song Qing Pavilion to inquire about the snake mother’s matter.


However, the disciples of Song Qing Pavilion informed Si Lan that Lou Yuqing was busy preparing for tomorrow’s wedding and had no time to see him.


Si Lan had a gut feeling that Lou Yuqing was deliberately avoiding him. Thinking back to the scene he saw of Lou Yuqing last night, most of Lou Yuqing’s face was hidden in the shadows, not very clear, but his aura was still unique and unmatched. He was definitely the real person.


He wondered what was bothering Lou Yuqing and why he was acting so strangely.


The giant plant, Thorned Orchid, which was sprawled on Xuanling Mountain, now glistened with red flowers under the sunlight, emitting a brilliant red glow.


These flowers looked even more vibrant than the ones that had bloomed yesterday.


Si Lan sniffed the air delicately, detecting not only the faint scent of flowers but also a lingering trace of a snake-like odor.


At this moment, Xu Yili and a group of disciples came over, carrying a cloud-patterned bronze tray with items for the bridal chamber. They gently covered them with red silk.


Upon seeing Si Lan, Xu Yili and the others immediately bowed, “Greetings to Master Si.”


Si Lan suddenly thought of a way to approach Xu Yili and asked if he could accompany him since he wasn’t familiar with Xuanling Mountain and was considering taking a stroll in the vicinity. Xu Yili was a warm-hearted person, so he readily agreed and handed over the items to the other disciples, leading Si Lan on a tour.


“Master Si, I’ve been at Xuanling Mountain for over ten years, and I’m extremely familiar with every plant and stone here. You’ve found the right person for guidance.”


Si Lan smiled, “That’s good.”


The two of them walked down a stone staircase, following the unique terrain of Xuanling Mountain. The area was abundant with lush trees and vibrant flora, with an unusually high presence of wildlife.


After walking for a while, Si Lan casually asked, “The last time I saw your Master, he was entirely focused on cultivation. I didn’t expect him to suddenly marry.”


Xu Yili scratched his head, “Perhaps Senior Lan of Yunlan touched Master’s heart after all…”


Si Lan knew about the relationship between Lou Yuqing and Yunlan. Yunlan’s father was Lou Yuqing’s master, the former head of Xuanling Mountain, and Yunlan and Lou Yuqing had grown up together. Yunlan had admired Lou Yuqing from a young age, but Lou Yuqing had shown no romantic interest in her.


When the former head of Xuanling Mountain was on his deathbed, he entrusted Yunlan to Lou Yuqing, hinting at a marriage promise, but Lou Yuqing only said he was born for the Dao and had no consideration for love.


The former head of the mountain breathed out his last before closing his eyes forever.


After taking the position of the new head, Lou Yuqing secluded himself for several decades to sever any romantic feelings Yunlan had for him.


Si Lan chuckled, “Has something happened recently that made your Master change his mind?”


Xu Yili suddenly glanced around, ensuring there were no eavesdroppers, before saying, “It’s probably because Master had an experience in the Sacred Domain Demon Valley. When he returned, his priorities had shifted.”




Si Lan was surprised and curious, and even the Little White Dragon poked its head out from his collar, listening to the gossip.


Xu Yi lowered his voice and said, “Well, in order to fulfill the wishes of our ancestors, our Master has been hunting down the three major demons that threaten humanity. The first two demons were relatively easy to deal with, but this third one, the Holy Domain Moth King, is causing some trouble.”


With a sigh, Xu Yi continued, “Ah, three months ago, after our Master jumped into the Moth Valley, he lost contact with the outside world. When he returned, it was as if he had changed completely. It didn’t take long for him to propose the idea of marrying Senior Brother Yun Lan.”


Si Lan had heard about the three major demons from Lou Yuqing before, but at that time, Lou Yuqing mentioned it in the context of overcoming the ordeal of love and avoiding Junior Sister Yun Lan, saying he had been hunting demons outside. What on earth happened in that demon valley to make Lou Yuqing give up his ruthless path?


Si Lan was perplexed and furrowed his brow. As they walked halfway up the mountain, a cluster of Téng Yīng flowers danced in the wind and came towards them. Si Lan reached out to catch the vines and gazed at them, saying, “The Téng Yīng flowers seem to be blooming more vigorously than yesterday.”


Xu Yi smiled and replied, “Yes, the flowers are getting better day by day. Maybe it’s because of the good Feng Shui of Xuanling Mountain.”


Si Lan neither confirmed nor denied this, but during their conversation, he discreetly checked for the presence of the Serpent Mother’s aura. Unfortunately, the entire Xuanling Mountain seemed to be saturated with the scent of the serpent clan, making it impossible for him to detect the Serpent Mother’s presence.


He could only continue walking while observing possible locations where the Serpent Mother might be held captive.


He remembered asking Xu Yi about the Charming Serpents last night, and Xu Yi seemed genuinely unaware of why they attacked the Xuanling Sect. So, he tentatively asked, “I’ve heard that Charming Serpents are usually led by a Serpent Mother. When they attacked Xuanling Gate last night, it seems we didn’t spot the Serpent Mother.”


Xu Yi looked bewildered and said, “Is that so? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Serpent Mother.”


Si Lan observed Xu Yi’s expression and concluded that he genuinely didn’t know about the Serpent Mother’s captivity in the Xuanling Sect. This meant that the other disciples of the sect were probably also in the dark.


What was Lóu Yù, in secret, doing behind the entire Xuanling Sect’s back?


As they passed by several locations, Si Lan casually asked questions, but he found nothing unusual.


Dusk had quietly descended over Xuanling Mountain, enveloping the entire place in a faint twilight. Si Lan was growing anxious as he hadn’t discovered anything yet. However, just when he was in deep thought, the small white dragon in his arms suddenly emerged.


With its four tiny pink paws, it scuttled through the grass towards a waterfall up ahead.


The waterfall was located on the left side of Xuanling Mountain, cascading down from steep cliffs. The stream was very shallow, with layers of yellowish stones in the water. The setting sun’s rays shimmered on the surface, creating a beautiful display.


The small white dragon crouched by the stream, drinking water.


Si Lan suddenly remembered that he had been so focused on feeding the small white dragon Immortal Fruits these past few days that he had forgotten to give it water. He felt a bit guilty about it.


He bent down, intending to remind the small white dragon to drink slowly, but his gaze fell on the stones in the stream, and he suddenly froze.


At first glance, the pile of stones in the middle of the stream seemed no different from the ones on the side. However, upon closer inspection, he realized that these small stones were connected, forming a dense and orderly pattern. This seemed to be the entrance to a hidden passage, cleverly disguised as a stack of stones.


Si Lan remained composed. After the small white dragon had finished drinking, he picked it up and thought to himself that this little creature was quite resourceful, even in something as simple as drinking water. Bringing it to Xuanling Mountain had been a good idea.


Xu Yi, who had been cautious earlier, now felt more comfortable around Si Lan and asked, “Master Sì, what kind of snake can change color in your arms?”


“Oh, it’s a chameleon snake,” Si Lan made up a response, not revealing the true identity of the small white dragon to avoid unnecessary trouble.


Upon hearing “chameleon snake,” the small white dragon ground its teeth.


“Xu Yi, it’s getting late. You should go back and attend to your tasks. I’ll take a walk by myself.”


“Sure, Master Sì, if you need anything, just call me.”




Red banners fluttered in the wind on Xuanling Mountain, and red lanterns lit up along the ridges, resembling a dragon of joy, creating a festive atmosphere across the entire mountain.


Tomorrow was the wedding day, and most of the preparations were complete. Many early arriving guests had also made their way to the mountain.


After wandering around the mountain for a while and confirming that no one was following him, Si Lan used a spell to conceal his presence and approached the waterfall. He ran his fingers along the stones in the middle of the stream, making sure it was a stone door, and then used magic to pry it open.


At the moment the stone door moved, the waterfall suddenly stopped, and the stream froze, creating an eerie scene, as if it had been subjected to a petrification spell.


Inside the stone door was a narrow, winding passage that extended into darkness, seemingly endless. Si Lan didn’t hesitate and jumped in.


As the stone door closed behind him, the world instantly became pitch black.


Faint sounds of dripping water could be heard from all around, creating a mysterious and somewhat eerie atmosphere in the otherwise silent space.


Si Lan conjured a small flame and flew it ahead to provide some illumination.


The stone passage was surrounded by huge rocks, and the dim light revealed a network of intricate patterns on the surface of these rocks, giving them an eerie appearance.


After walking for some time, he suddenly reached a fork in the road, with tunnels leading in all directions.


He was unsure which path to take when the small white dragon in his arms tugged at his collar and flew towards the left path.


In this left direction, there was a distinct scent of snakes, stronger than in the other three directions.


Si Lan quickly grabbed the small white dragon and said, “Little one, don’t wander around!” This place was strange, and caution was essential.


As expected, as he approached the next corner, an unfamiliar presence suddenly emerged, and a powerful strike of palm wind aimed for Si Lan’s head.


Si Lan moved aside just in time to dodge the attack and quickly circled behind the assailant, pinning him against the stone wall.


The assailant was an ordinary cultivator in the Yuán Yīng stage.


“Don’t kill me! Are you here for the treasure too?” the man hurriedly begged for mercy, turning his head with a fawning expression.


Si Lan scrutinized him. The man wore a white robe over a blue Taoist robe, had a thin build, and a crafty-looking face with sunken eyes, giving him a somewhat cunning appearance.


Si Lan released his grip, maintaining his composure, and replied, “Hmm.” Although he didn’t know what the man meant by “treasure,” he pretended to understand, ensuring that he didn’t make any mistakes.


“I’m a cultivator from the Tiān Jí Sect, Song Guang. May I ask, friend, what’s your name?” Song Guang inquired.


Si Lan spontaneously provided a false name, “Luo Ting.”


“Luo Fellow Daoist, it seems you’re a kind-hearted person. How about we team up to steal this treasure and cultivate together?” Song Guang proposed.


Si Lan felt the small white dragon in his arms shift and gently patted its back, trying to calm it. He responded, “Sure, Sòng Fellow Daoist. May I ask how you learned about the treasure here?”


Song Guang lowered his voice and spoke in a secretive manner, “A few days ago, I infiltrated the Charming Serpent Clan while hunting demons. I overheard it accidentally from an elder of the Charming Serpents. It seems the Sect Leader Lou Yuqing achieved his current strength at a young age thanks to this treasure. Haha, the Xuanling Sect had been boasting about Lou Yuqing being a once-in-a-millennium genius, but he’s nothing more than an opportunist.”


Si Lan neither confirmed nor denied this information. As Song Guang continued to speak, it became clear that the Serpent Mother had sent a dream to the Charming Serpent elder, revealing that the Xuanling Sect had imprisoned her to access the Golden Orb Immortal Box.


This mysterious treasure was hidden within the Immortal Box, which had been safeguarded beneath Xuanling Mountain for centuries.


As they continued walking, Song Guang suddenly asked, “By the way, Luō Fellow Daoist, how did you know the treasure was here?”


Si Lan pointed ahead, changing the subject, “Look over there!”


Song Guang immediately turned around and saw a massive circular platform at the end of the stone passage. It resembled an ancient sacrificial altar, adorned with peculiar runes on all sides. Four chains descended from different directions, suspending a massive iron cage.


Inside the cage, a green serpent lay motionless. Runes were affixed above its head, rendering it motionless like a wooden sculpture.


Si Lan and Song Guang cast spells to levitate and observed the green serpent.


Song Guang exclaimed in surprise, “Could that be the Serpent Mother?”


Si Lan nodded. The serpent before them had an elliptical head, a thicker tail, vivid and colorful patterns on its body, and a brown gem adorning its forehead, all signifying its identity and status – a member of the Charming Serpent Clan, the Serpent Mother.


Si Lan gently waved his hand, causing the seal on the Serpent Mother’s forehead to instantly vanish.


In the next moment, the Serpent Mother slowly opened her eyelids, revealing two large black eyes, like pearls, which turned to focus on Si Lan and Song Guang.


Excited, Song Guang stepped forward and eagerly asked, “Serpent Mother, do you know where the Golden Orb Immortal Box is hidden?”


The Serpent Mother ignored Song Guang’s question, instead slowly rising, swaying her tail, and causing the cage to creak.


Looking down at Si Lan, she asked, “Who are you?”


“I’m Luo Ting,” Si Lan calmly told a lie.


“Are you working with that old Daoist?” she inquired.


Si Lan heard the term “old Daoist” being used to refer to Lou Yuqing for the first time. “No, that Lou… Old Daoist, why did he capture you?”


“He’s a madman! He caught me and deliberately lured my clan members to rescue me, intending to use their blood to nourish the Téng Yīng flowers… I can’t let my clan members die trying to save me again…” The Serpent Mother suddenly became emotional, swaying her tail as if trying to break free from the cage.


However, her core was sealed, and the cage was covered in runes. As she struggled, silver beams of light fell from above, and she let out a howl of pain.


“Don’t move! Si Lan glanced at the runes on the cage and was contemplating how to free the Serpent Mother when Song Guang interrupted.


Song Guang impatiently approached, “Luō Fellow Daoist, the longer we stay here, the more dangerous it becomes. Our top priority is to find the Golden Orb Immortal Box.”


As he spoke, Song Guang greedily looked at the Serpent Mother.

The Serpent Mother gasped for breath, tears welling up in her eyes due to the pain. She said, “I don’t know where the Golden Orb Immortal Box is!”


“I distinctly heard your elders talking about it. Lou Yuqing captured you to unlock the seal of the Golden Orb Immortal Box,” Song Guang’s face grew darker, thinking the Serpent Mother was deceiving him. He suddenly grabbed the cage and asked, “So why couldn’t you possibly know where the Immortal Box is?”


Si Lan extended his hand to stop Song Guang’s action, but he was too late.


When Song Guang touched the cage, it triggered a mechanism. With a loud rumble, the cage plummeted rapidly, and the circular platform beneath their feet suddenly split open, absorbing the cage before seamlessly closing.


Strange sounds echoed from the walls of the cave. Black mist seeped out of the cracks, gradually coalescing into a terrifying face, resembling a faceless beast with a gaping mouth. It lunged at Si Lan and Song Guang.




The black mist was a Mist Demon, and it could rot the skin upon contact. More and more black mist emerged from the cave walls. Simultaneously, other mechanisms were triggered, sending countless silver arrow-like lights rushing toward the two.


Si Lan hurriedly chanted a spell, his figure transforming into a green radiance, as he swiftly left the circular platform.


However, Song Guang was accidentally hit in the shoulder by one of the arrows, and he let out a cry of pain, falling to the ground. Seeing this, Si Lan grabbed Song Guang’s clothes and pulled him away.


As the black mist advanced and the silver lights closed in, Song Guang couldn’t keep up. The tunnel ahead had a narrow path that could accommodate only one person at a time.


Si Lan directed the wounded man to go ahead while he created a protective barrier at the tunnel entrance. However, the black mist was fast, and it soon caught up.


Just as it was about to reach them, Song Guang suddenly placed a rune above Si Lan’s head, freezing Si Lan’s body in place, attempting to use him as a shield against the mist.


“Sorry, Luō Fellow Daoist. I’ll repay this life-saving favor in the next life,” Song Guang said with a grin. After saying this, he turned and tried to run away. However, just a few steps later, he suddenly let out a sharp cry of pain.


“Ah… Ugh…”


In the darkness, the Supreme Immortal in purple robes and a jade belt appeared, holding a long sword and slowly advancing towards Song Guang against the light.


“You… you… you…”


As Song Guang saw the face of the approaching figure clearly, he was overcome with fear and despair, falling to the ground.


The black mist closed in from all sides, and a pair of hands emerged from the dense fog, gripping Song Guang’s throat. The skin that came into contact with the black mist quickly rotted away.


Song Guang struggled in agony, but he couldn’t break free. He desperately turned his neck, trying to seek help from behind. However, the figure of Si Lan, who had been fixed at the tunnel entrance, had suddenly disappeared.


Song Guang was left stunned and bewildered. What was happening? Where was Si Lan?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 6 – Devil's Food and Sex

Chapter 6


Si Lan was now determined to kill the serpent. In this wilderness, there were no beautiful maidens to be found. 


Moreover… he glanced at the little white dragon beside him, wondering if it was just his imagination, but the dragon’s face seemed a bit grim at this moment.


To avoid leaving a bad impression on his future husband, Si Lan took out two wild fruits and coaxed the little white dragon to eat them on the side.


Then, Si Lan used magic to bind the seductive snake and threw it into a corner. The snake cursed with its leaky mouth, so he added another seal to keep it completely silent.


Afraid that he might do something inappropriate, he set up a barrier around himself, not allowing anyone to see what was happening inside and not permitting anyone to enter. Then, he sat cross-legged on the bed, working on purging the seductive poison.


Seductive poison wasn’t truly a poison in the conventional sense. It trapped people in an illusion, making them sink into a hallucinatory dream from which they couldn’t escape until their spirit was depleted and they perished.


Si Lan felt that this kind of death was a bit cruel, especially when it was to protect his non-existent pure reputation. So, he fervently recited a purification incantation in his heart.


As his body temperature gradually rose, tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His senses seemed to be heightened by hundreds of times, making even the subtle movement of the air around him excruciatingly clear, tormenting his nerves.


As the sweat flowed more and more, he used magic to remove his green robe, wearing only a white inner garment. The sweat had already soaked through it, clinging tightly to his body.


Suddenly, his mind was filled with fleeting virtual illusions, but they disappeared as quickly as they came. After a few times, he began to relax slightly, thinking that he had overcome the poison’s influence. However, in the next moment, his thoughts were invaded by seductive illusions.


He saw three incredibly beautiful and seductive women, dressed provocatively and behaving in a flirtatious manner, captivating the soul.


His expression remained unchanged as he closed his long eyelashes. His hands quickly performed a secret technique, causing the three women to immediately vanish.


However, in the illusion, three handsome and well-built men appeared.


“…Si Lan.”


Did the illusion think he wasn’t interested in women, so it replaced them with three men?


He closed his eyes, intending to use the secret technique again, but he couldn’t lift his arm, as if an invisible force was restraining him, and his willpower was on the verge of giving in.


The three men got closer, and he had to lower his head and hold his breath while reciting the purification incantation more rapidly. Suddenly, a delicate touch brushed against his neck, making his heart skip a beat. He unconsciously opened his eyes and saw the exceptionally handsome men teasing and seducing him in an exaggerated manner.


He frowned, his expression stern, and with all his strength, he raised his arm and chanted, “Break!”


The three men instantly turned to dust and vanished.


He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had broken free from the illusion. However, the mist around him still obscured his vision. At this moment, another tall and handsome man in white appeared in the mist.


Will it ever end?


Si Lan was almost infuriated, glaring at the man with a sinister look.


As the mist dissipated, the man’s face was fully revealed.


Si Lan was slightly startled, and the hostility in his eyes was gradually replaced by amazement.


The man had a cold and haughty countenance, his gaze imperious, exuding an air of superiority, as if nothing in the world could affect him. He had a broad shoulder, a slim waist, and a tall and graceful figure. As he approached Si Lan, the mist around his feet dissipated, leaving a faint, elusive glow swirling around him, making him even more mysterious and alluring, like an unattainable god, tempting beyond reason.


Well, this one actually fits Si Lan’s aesthetic.


But at the thought that he would have to strike down this man with a palm, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel a pang of reluctance.


The man approached him, standing tall and looking down at Si Lan, his eyes inscrutable. Si Lan lifted his head to meet the man’s gaze, his ears involuntarily reddening, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

The illusion was too real.


He couldn’t bear it.


He quietly clasped his hands, intending to cast a spell to scatter the other person, but he saw his slender right hand touching him. His heartbeat couldn’t help but accelerate, and he momentarily forgot to move his hand away.


The man’s hand fell on his cheek, and there was a warm touch on his fingertips.


At this moment, Si Lan seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, badump badump badump. Just when he was at a loss, the other party’s hands suddenly pressed down on several acupuncture points on his body. A warm and cool sensation immediately spread along the acupuncture points to all aspects of his body, slowly calming down the accumulated heat in his body.


He raised his head to see what the other person was doing, but the illusionary world in front of him suddenly intertwined with the real world. His consciousness was already on the verge of reaching its limit. After returning to the real world, he couldn’t hold on anymore and fainted backwards.


Fortunately, an arm caught him in time and he didn’t crash to the ground.


Haowei lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping person in his arms. The white undershirt was soaked with sweat and stuck to his body, outlining his narrow waist and slender legs. A faint fragrance oozed from his sweat, a sort of fruity smell.


He frowned and avoided looking at him while he put one hand on Si Lan’s waist, and helped Si Lan go to bed to rest. However, when he touched Si Lan’s waist, he could really feel the slender lines and the damp sweat between his fingers.


Haowei froze for a moment and his breathing became disordered for a moment but he quickly adjusted himself and helped Si Lan to the bed.


Si Lan seemed to be murmuring in his sleep, with his full lips slightly open. Haowei’s eyes couldn’t help but fall on the two bright reds buds on his chest in front of him. His mind suddenly recalled the previous scene of Si Lan kissing his forehead, and his face quietly tightened.


This demon lord, despite being frivolous with him, actually wanted to form a contract with him.


You are so courageous.


Haowei narrowed his eyes, and when he turned his head, his eyes accidentally glanced at Si Lan’s lower half of his body. He was stunned, with shame and anger rising on his face.


How shameless.


Even after escaping the illusion…


But soon, Haowei realized that this was the charm poison at work. Simply rescuing Si Lan from the illusion wasn’t enough; it was necessary to completely remove the residual poison from his body. Otherwise, the poisoned person would continue to experience these symptoms.


Haowei couldn’t help but sigh, feeling a bit disgusted. In the end, he extended his hand to cover Si Lan’s acupoints, using his cultivation to help detoxify him.


Haowei had nearly recovered, but this time, breaking into the illusion to save Si Lan and detoxify him once more weakened his internal energy. He might turn into a child again soon.


Thinking about this, Haowei’s fingers brushed Si Lan’s neck, and his gaze darkened.


So, now that he’s just taking a bit of his blood to replenish his body, it shouldn’t be too much to ask. After all, he has lost so much cultivation to save him.


Haowei slowly leaned down, suddenly biting into Si Lan’s neck.


The opponent’s vulnerable major artery is right in front of him, with veins visible beneath the white skin. Above his line of sight are the slightly red corners of the lips and the tip of the nose.


Haowei’s brow moved inexplicably, and he suddenly realized what fruit Si Lan resembled, like a ripe peach just plucked from the water.


Clear in color, shining brightly.


Si Lan, in pain from his dreams, emitted a faint moan and instinctively grasped the person’s clothes in front of him, as if struggling for breath, making his breathing rapid.


Soon, intermittent sounds came from between their lips, faint as a mosquito’s, leading to all sorts of wild thoughts.


In no time, Haowei blushed and lifted his head.


Shameless demon lord.


He’s just drinking his blood; what’s with all the moaning…


In a corner, the charming snake witnessed the entire process, dumbfounded.


It had originally thought that the “Little White Snake” by Si Lan’s side, just like itself, was a normal snake demon. It never imagined that this “Little White Snake” could not only take on human form but also effortlessly remove charm poison.


Charm poison is no ordinary toxin; even if a heavenly immortal were to be afflicted, they would have to endure it. So, who exactly is this Little White Snake?


The charming snake’s eyes revealed fear. At this moment, from its perspective, it suddenly saw Haowei leaning down, his ear close to Si Lan’s, and they seemed to be intimately entangled.


Afterward, strange sounds came from behind the bed curtains.




The charming snake felt like its worldview had collapsed. What… What were these two people doing on the bed?


Why were they making moaning sounds?


At this point, Haowei seemed to be turning, and the charming snake, in fear, quickly closed its eyes, pretending to be dead.


After a rustling noise, there were no more strange sounds from the bed.


It was a long time before the charming snake dared to cautiously open its eyes and look toward the bedside.


Inside the room, two sets of even breathing intersected. At the bedside, the Little White Snake curled up and slept soundly.



Si Lan had slept heavily, and when he woke up, he felt disoriented. His body ached all over, as if it had been crushed by a heavy stone.


He sat up from the bed, his head momentarily fuzzy. Then, memories of the scenes from the illusion last night flooded back to him, culminating in the image of the beautiful man reaching out to touch his face…




A faint blush crept onto Si Lan’s face as he was lost in thought. However, at that moment, he felt a strange pain in his neck. He went to a bronze mirror and saw a row of bluish-purple bite marks on his neck.


He blinked, then confirmed it several times. Indeed, it was a row of bite marks!


Moreover, from the shape of these bite marks, it was clear that the other person had good teeth!




Who on earth had bitten him for no apparent reason?


Was it the man in white who had held his head? But wasn’t the man in white just an illusion?


Si Lan furrowed his brow, looking around the room. He saw the Little White Dragon lying on the bed, sleeping, and the charming snake in a daze in the corner. Everything appeared normal, with no trace of the man in white.


He had set up an array around him last night. If someone had actually broken into the array to save him, their abilities must have surpassed his own.


But there was no one like that on Xuanling Mountain…


He rubbed the bite marks on his neck, creating a large red area that made his skin look like it had been roughly sucked by someone.


Realizing this, he quickly stopped.


He figured that after breaking out of the illusion last night, he was utterly exhausted and forgot to close the bed curtain, so he might have been bitten by some creature with a mouth somewhat human-like.


The reason he didn’t suspect the Little White Dragon was because the bite marks looked like they were made by an adult man, which didn’t match the small, sharp teeth of the Little White Dragon. Moreover, given the Little White Dragon’s cultivation, it wouldn’t have been able to break into the illusion to save him.


When the Little White Dragon opened its eyes, it saw Si Lan trying to rub the bite marks away with his hand, and its gaze shifted away.


It had exerted a bit too much force last night, which is why the bite marks were somewhat deep.


“This is really strange,” Si Lan shook his head.


Fortunately, there were no marks on other parts of his body; otherwise, he would have suspected that the creature might have been a lascivious disciple.


Seeing the Little White Dragon awake on the bed, he approached and smiled affectionately, gently poking the dragon’s belly.


The Little White Dragon immediately curled its tail and glared at him.


An impolite demon lord.


How could he casually touch such a private part like his belly…


Si Lan asked with a smile, “Little one, did you see anything strange last night?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 5 – The Poison Creates Illusions

Chapter 5


“Congratulations, Your Excellency, for bringing the beautiful bride!”


“Hurry, hurry, escort Your Excellency to the bridal chamber. A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold!”


Si Lan stood in front of the brightly lit palace door, momentarily dazed before being pushed into the room by the demon soldiers.


He lowered his head and saw himself wearing a bright red wedding gown. The doors and windows were covered with the character for “happiness,” and the table was adorned with red dates, peanuts, and longans.


Something flashed through his mind, but he couldn’t grasp it.


Why was he here?


And why was he getting married?


He had no memory at all.


He walked forward slowly, peering through the vermilion curtain, and saw the bride, dressed in phoenix coronet and rosy robes, sitting on the bed. The inner chamber was dimly lit, with the fragrance of spring lingering in the air, and an alluring charm in the atmosphere.


Hesitating for a moment, he lifted the beaded curtain and approached slowly. “Lan Lan?”


There was no response from the person on the bed. As he got closer, he realized that the bride’s figure was unusually tall, more like a man.


He tentatively lifted the bride’s veil, but her face was veiled in a mist, concealing her beauty. He only faintly sensed a trace of an unfamiliar scent emanating from her.


At this moment, the bride suddenly stood up and, with an unusual tone, as if intentionally strangling her voice, asked, “Husband, am I beautiful?”


“Yes, yes. You’re indeed beautiful…”


“Then, husband, won’t you give your wife a kiss?”


Si Lan looked at the bride who was taller and broader than him, staying silent.


Was this bride Lan Lan’s reincarnation or someone else?


He had found Lan Lan’s fourth reincarnation once, but the fourth reincarnation retained memories from the previous three lifetimes. As soon as she saw him, her attitude changed dramatically, and she wouldn’t allow him to get close.


Lan Lan said that she would never be enchanted by him again in this lifetime. She already had a loving husband, and he should let go of his hopes.


The husband mentioned by Lan Lan was her first-life husband who had passed away early.


He was an honest and loving man who cared deeply for Lan Lan.


Later, when the two of them got married, Si Lan had also sent gifts. So, the bride in front of him wasn’t Lan Lan. Who could she be?


Si Lan racked his brain but couldn’t figure out who he was marrying this time.


“Husband, do you despise me? Why won’t you kiss me?” The bride’s tone was full of bitterness.


Si Lan heard the forlorn voice and quickly smiled apologetically. Out of courtesy, he tiptoed and leaned in to kiss the bride. However, he had no idea where the bride’s mouth was.


Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his tiger’s mouth. He stopped the kiss and saw two small bloodstains in his hand.


Just as he was about to inspect it, the bride became impatient, reached out, and hugged his waist, lifting him onto her.


Si Lan: “…”




The bride was impatient, bringing her veiled face close to Si Lan.


Si Lan frowned, looking conflicted, and instinctively leaned backward, feeling an inexplicable aversion to the kiss.


A bright red, agile tongue suddenly extended from the bride’s mouth, heading towards Si Lan’s cheek. But as it was about to touch him, a sharp pain surged from the flesh between his thumb and index finger.


In pain, he raised his hand and, “accidentally,” slapped the bride.


In an instant, the surroundings shattered, and the red bridal chamber turned into a room on Xuanling Mountain. The bride in front of him transformed into a gigantic mouth.


A massive black snake held him, its mouth gaping, fangs menacing, and the snake hissed loudly.


Si Lan’s face twisted in fear. It turned out that this beautiful lady was a giant snake!


As the gaping mouth lunged towards him, Si Lan quickly drew his Xuanxin whip and struck the snake’s fangs. The snake screamed in pain and tightened its body, attempting to strangle him.


He immediately recited an exorcism spell, and the whip handle emitted a blue light, piercing the snake’s neck.


The snake instantly loosened its grip, falling to the ground, writhing in pain. In a moment, the snake’s body rapidly shrank, becoming a tiny serpent about two inches long, lying motionless on the ground.


Si Lan thought it was dead and approached, but the tiny snake suddenly leaped towards his eyes.


He blocked it with his hand, and the snake bit his elbow, injecting venom into him.


He quickly used magic to stop the venom’s spread and then grabbed the snake’s neck, reaching into its mouth and pulled out its two long fangs.


Blood sprayed out instantly, accompanied by the snake’s cries of pain.


Watching this, the little white dragon, who had been observing, instinctively clenched its two fangs in its mouth.


“Who sent you?” Si Lan squeezed the snake’s throat.


This little snake could use its eyes to cast enchanting illusions, indicating it was from the snake-charming clan. It was quite skilled, having reached the level of speaking.


Unfortunately, it was uncooperative and refused to speak.


Si Lan slapped it again, sending it flying against the wall.


It spat out blood, trembled a few times, and lay motionless on the ground. This time, it had genuinely fainted.


Outside the room, there was a piercing, ear-splitting scream that echoed through the sky, like a magical curse, making one’s heart race.


Si Lan couldn’t care less about the enchanting snake. He immediately pushed open the door to check the situation.


Under the moonlight, Xuanling Mountain was enveloped in a nauseating scent of snake blood, with scattered fragments of the snake-charming clan members’ bodies, a horrifying scene.


The crimson snake blood gathered together, forming a river of blood that slowly flowed towards the peculiar plant.


The great battle had ended, and all the snake-charming clan members were annihilated.


On the mountaintop, the Purple Robed Immortal stood alone, with a sharp sword in hand, and in an instant, the snake-charming clan’s corpses dissipated into smoke.


Only the strong stench of blood in the air testified to the massacre that had just taken place.


Si Lan’s expression turned serious as he immediately cast a spell and flew towards the Purple Robed Immortal on the mountaintop.


In the shadows, Lou Yuqing’s face wasn’t very clear, but her eyes were unusually dark. When she saw Si Lan arrive, she seemed to deliberately keep her distance, turning slightly to the side.


“Lou Yuqing, why did these snake-charming clan members attack Xuanling Sect?” Si Lan asked.


“Snake-charming clan members harm the common people and have always been our mortal enemies at Xuanling Sect,” Lou Yuqing replied in a calm voice, devoid of any emotion.


Si Lan felt that something was amiss. From the battle just now, it was evident that the fighting capabilities of the snake-charming clan were like eggs hitting a rock when compared to Xuanling Sect. Even if they were enemies, the snake-charming clan wouldn’t willingly throw themselves into such a deadly situation. Furthermore, Xuanling Sect had killed all the snake-charming clan members, leaving no survivors, a behavior not typical of cultivators.


“Si Lan, get some rest. Don’t let these filthy creatures disturb your peace of mind,” Lou Yuqing said indifferently before turning and leaving.


Si Lan wanted to say more, but Lou Yuqing had already walked away, denying him the opportunity to speak.


He watched Lou Yuqing’s departing figure and sighed heavily.


Their relationship had really become distant.


Lou Yuqing’s attitude used to be far from this cold…


He floated in the air for a while, lost in thought. Suddenly, he remembered something and was frightened. He quickly used magic to return.


“Little one!”


He had forgotten about the little dragon’s existence!


He pushed open the door, frantically searching for the little dragon but couldn’t find it anywhere.


Could it have been eaten by the snake-charming clan members already?


He turned pale with worry and was about to interrogate the snake-charming clan members on the ground when something fell from the room’s ceiling, hitting him on the head.


He caught the object and saw that it was a partially bitten wild fruit. He looked up and found the little white dragon perched on the ceiling beams, gazing down at him with its golden eyes.


He breathed a sigh of relief, cast a spell, and brought the little white dragon into his embrace.


“Thank goodness you’re okay, little one.”


The little white dragon nonchalantly flicked its whiskers.


What an immature Demon Sovereign.


If it weren’t for its fear that directly killing the snake-charming clan members would prevent Si Lan from escaping the illusion, it would have already dealt with them.


At this moment, one of the snake-charming clan members in the corner woke from unconsciousness. After observing the situation, it attempted to crawl away quietly. However, as it reached the door, it was suddenly slammed shut with a loud bang.


A sinister voice came from behind, “If you try to leave through that door, Xuanling Sect will tear you apart.”


The snake-charming clan member turned, hissing with a menacing look, trying to intimidate Si Lan. But the words that came out of its mouth were incomprehensible.


It suddenly remembered that its two fangs had been pulled out by Si Lan and closed its mouth, embarrassed.


Si Lan held the little white dragon and used a spell to make the snake-charming clan member’s body levitate, bringing it in front of him.


He grabbed the snake’s neck and pressed for answers, “What’s the grudge between the snake-charming clan and Xuanling Sect?”


The snake remained silent, its eyes filled with hostility.


Si Lan didn’t expect this little snake to be so stubborn. He reached out and patted its belly. “I suddenly remembered, I haven’t had dinner yet tonight.”


He then cast a spell to create a small fire and used some bamboo leaves to wrap the snake tightly, leaving only its head exposed.


“Little one, have you ever eaten roasted snake with bamboo leaves?” Si Lan asked the little white dragon, which yawned and remained silent.


Si Lan was used to its indifference and continued talking to himself. “Roast the snake slowly until it’s about seventy percent cooked, then sprinkle some seasoning. At around ninety percent cooked, you open the bamboo leaves. By that time, the fragrance of the bamboo leaves will have been infused into the snake meat, making it fragrant and tender.”


The snake-charming clan member shivered upon hearing this. Its eyes were full of fear as it looked at the intense flames beneath it.


The bamboo leaves had turned black, and the rising heat was suffocating, making it hard to breathe. The snake-charming clan member couldn’t help but screech in terror.


“You hypocritical cultivators, just get on with killing me! I’m not afraid!”


“You’ve got it wrong; I’m not a cultivator.”


“If you’re not a cultivator, then why are you conspiring with them?” 


Si Lan heard this accusation and furrowed his brows. He had never heard someone say that he was conspiring with the cultivators. In the past, they had always accused him of conspiring against the cultivators.


“Are you really not a cultivator?” The snake-charming clan member sniffed the air, failing to detect the aura of a cultivator around Si Lan. Even Si Lan’s spiritual energy seemed elusive to it.


This person’s magical power was far beyond its own.


“Okay, can you now tell me why you attacked Xuanling Sect?” Si Lan inquired.


“Why should I tell you?” The snake-charming clan member, despite revealing its intentions when it spoke, remained stubborn, raising its head.


Si Lan pointed at the area beneath the snake-charming clan member. “If you don’t tell me, you’ll get charred.”


“Ah…” It screamed in panic and struggled to escape. However, Si Lan pressed it back down.


It extended its snake tongue, and Si Lan’s expression shifted as he reached out to grab its tongue. It suddenly remembered something and was terrified. It shivered, trying to speak but slurring its words. “I… I’ll talk, just don’t pull out my tongue!”


Si Lan released its snake tongue and waved his hand, causing the fire beneath it to disappear instantly.


The snake-charming clan member


 hastily tore the bamboo leaves apart. Its belly was already charred, and tears welled up in its eyes as it began to speak, “Half a month ago, our Snake Mother was captured by Lou Yuqing and imprisoned in Xuanling Mountain. We attacked Xuanling Mountain multiple times to rescue Snake Mother.”


“Snake Mother? Why did Lou Yuqing capture Snake Mother?” Si Lan’s expression grew serious as he listened to the snake-charming clan member’s words, trying to determine the truth behind its story.


“I don’t really know. All I know is that this Lou Yuqing is a hypocrite, with a heart as vicious as a beast’s. He’s been exterminating our snake-charming clan…” The snake-charming clan member choked back tears as it spoke.


The snake-charming clan had launched two rescue missions to save Snake Mother, but both had failed. They were planning a third attempt with the entire clan, and if that failed, they would face extermination.


Si Lan understood Lou Yuqing’s character. He knew that Lou Yuqing was not a hypocrite with a vicious heart.


On the contrary, Lou Yuqing was benevolent, wholeheartedly focused on cultivation, and one of the few Immortal Sovereigns who could distinguish right from wrong and had no prejudice against demons and monsters.


Si Lan felt that there must be a misunderstanding.


He thought for a moment and decided that he would talk to Lou Yuqing to get to the bottom of the snake-charming clan’s situation after daybreak.


“By the way, you bit me earlier. Is there any lingering effect?” Si Lan knew about the snake’s venom, that it wasn’t lethal, but he wasn’t sure if there were any side effects.


Upon hearing this, the snake-charming clan member’s eyes flickered. “Well, you already have a lingering effect…”


“…” Si Lan took out a bronze mirror and realized that his tongue had extended, and he was making a hissing sound from his mouth. No wonder he felt like something was off while speaking.


He asked with an expressionless face, “Are there any other symptoms?”


The snake-charming clan member lowered its head. “Our snake-charming clan’s venom, also known as snake venom, as the name suggests…”


“…” Si Lan felt something was amiss now. His body temperature was abnormally high, and he initially thought it was due to the fight, causing his nerves to overreact.


“So, how do I get rid of this snake venom?” Si Lan asked.


“Find a beautiful lady.” The snake-charming clan member replied nervously.



T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 4 – Xuanlingmen in danger

Chapter 4


Si Lan suddenly felt a tingling sensation at the tip of his nose. He adjusted his azure robe, muttering, “Little one, are you talking behind my back?”


Little White Dragon twitched at the corner of its mouth, ignoring Si Lan.


Throughout the journey, its gaze had been hovering around Si Lan’s skin.


The person before it not only had remarkably fair skin, so pale that the blue veins were clearly visible, but also had no strange odor like that of a wild chicken. Instead, a faint fragrance emanated from him, making it ravenously hungry.


Its injuries had been healing quickly for the past two days, thanks to the daily bloodsucking sessions it had with Si Lan. However, today it hadn’t had a single drop of blood, and it was starting to get impatient.


Just as it was about to extend its fangs, Si Lan suddenly descended from mid-air and landed on the ground. It stumbled out of Si Lan’s embrace, and Si Lan quickly caught it.


Its two still-extended fangs bumped against Si Lan’s bone, causing a sharp pain that made stars dance before its eyes. It twisted its head, glaring fiercely at Si Lan.


Foolish Demon Lord!


However, Si Lan smiled tenderly and stroked Little White Dragon’s head. “Does it hurt? Don’t reach your fangs out so carelessly next time.” After saying this, he furrowed his brow and examined the two fangs seriously. “Could it be that you’re too young and haven’t learned to retract your fangs yet?”


“…” The Little White Dragon.


Si Lan affectionately patted Little White Dragon’s head. His young husband was still so inexperienced, unable to do anything. His responsibilities were getting a bit heavy.


The two of them had landed at the foot of Xuanling Mountain, where the human world and the cultivation world met. People bustled along the streets, and the bustling atmosphere lingered.


In the distance, Xuanling Mountain towered majestically, like a colossal mountain god, guarding this peaceful land.


On the mountain peaks, ethereal immortal palaces were nestled among the clouds.


A peculiar plant enveloped Xuanling Mountain, occupying one-third of its mass. On its stems and roots, clusters of red flowers bloomed, layer upon layer, densely packed, stretching from the clouds to the foot of the mountain, resembling a winding river of blood.


Si Lan had never seen such a strange plant and couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.


When he turned his head, he found that Little White Dragon was also curiously staring at the plant. After a while, Little White Dragon squatted at his feet, staring intently at a wild grass in a stone crevice.


Si Lan recognized this wild grass.


Si Lan cleared his throat, bent down, and said, “This is Luo Yu grass. It has strong vitality and can live for decades…”


Before he could finish his sentence, a black boot happened to step on the Luo Yu grass, crushing it.




“May I ask if you are Lord Si Lan?” The owner of the black boots extended a respectful greeting, excitement in their voice.


Si Lan looked up and saw a cultivator in a purple and white robe. Behind him, dozens of similarly dressed cultivators followed. Si Lan nodded slightly.


“Lord Si Lan, I am Xuyi, a disciple of Xuanling Sect. We have come to welcome you on behalf of our Sect Master.”


Si Lan didn’t expect that he and Little White Dragon had just arrived at Xuanling Mountain, and Lou Yuqing had already detected his presence. It seemed that Lou Yuqing had made significant progress in his cultivation.


“Please lead the way.”


Little White Dragon, on the other hand, immediately lay back on the stone steps, seemingly fascinated by something again.


Si Lan picked up Little White Dragon, who was furious about being disturbed, waving its dragon claws in protest. Si Lan paid no attention to its struggles and tucked it into his arms.


Xuanling Mountain had a total of 678 steps. Typically, cultivators would fly on their swords, but Si Lan expressed his desire to enjoy the scenery along the way. Therefore, Xu Yili and the others accompanied him, explaining the sights and customs of Xuanling Mountain.


As he got closer, he noticed that the strange plant on Xuanling Mountain, with its red flowers in full bloom, emitted a peculiar fragrance, tinged with a faint scent of blood. However, this blood-like odor was not human blood; it was the blood of snakes.


“That plant is…”


“It’s the Tengying Flower that our Sect Master brought back from Shacha sea. Lord Si Lan, don’t be deceived by its appearance; it’s only a little over half a year old,” Xu Yili explained with a friendly smile.


Si Lan exclaimed in amazement, repeating, “Only a little over half a year…”


“Yes, our Sect Master said that Tengying can protect Xuanling Sect. At first, we disciples didn’t believe it, but some time ago, the snake clan from the Demon Realm attacked Xuanling Sect for no apparent reason. Thanks to Tengying’s help, we managed to repel the snake demons,” Xu Yili recalled the incident with a shiver. “When we regained our senses, the ground was covered in snake blood.”


Si Lan paused; he had been in seclusion and wasn’t aware of this significant event outside.


“Why did the snake demons attack Xuanling Sect?”


Xu Yili shook his head. “We don’t know.”


Si Lan didn’t say anything more, and Little White Dragon in his pocket seemed mysteriously quiet, likely tired of playing.


Upon reaching the mountaintop, Lou Yuqing didn’t come to meet Si Lan personally but had his disciples show him to a room for rest.


Si Lan couldn’t help but feel somewhat melancholic. In the past, when he came to Xuanling Sect, Lou Yuqing would immediately greet him. Now, he was treated like any other guest and assigned to a room. It seemed that after several decades apart, their relationship had grown distant.


In the evening, while Si Lan was meditating cross-legged, his stomach suddenly rumbled with hunger.


Xuanling Sect hadn’t sent any food, probably assuming that he was fasting and didn’t require a meal.


Si Lan opened his storage pouch. He had been in a hurry this time and only had a few wild fruits left inside.


Calling for Xuanling Sect disciples to prepare a meal for him in the middle of the night would be inappropriate. So, he decided to find something to eat outside. He pushed open the door, unsure which direction to go, when he suddenly heard voices ahead.


It was already late at night, and there were still people awake.


Si Lan approached quietly.


“On such a cold night, the Sect Master actually has us guarding the Demon Lord outside…” a purple-robed woman wearing a black wooden crown complained with a disgruntled expression.


Xu Yili hastily signaled for silence. “Shh, don’t complain.”


“Hmph, I’m going to say it. I don’t understand why the Sect Master invited him over. Won’t this make the cultivation world suspect that we, Xuanling Sect, are colluding with the demon race?”


“I heard that the Sect Master owes a life debt to Lord Si Lan.”


“But even so, we shouldn’t invite him openly. Besides, he has a bad reputation in the Demon Realm, having killed three wives on his wedding day. It’s bad luck.”


“What does luck have to do with it? Killing his own wives is one thing, but it doesn’t mean he’ll do the same to our Sect Master’s wives…”


“How can it not have anything to do with it? Killing wives is killing wives, there’s no distinction…” the woman in purple robes grumbled and leaned against the wooden door.


The door wasn’t very sturdy, and with a snap, it fell down, crashing to the ground and raising a cloud of dust.


In the hazy dust, Si Lan’s figure gradually became visible in the moonlight.


The woman in purple robes turned around, caught off guard when she saw Si Lan’s face. She was instantly dumbfounded, her face turning pale.


Xu Yili also stared with wide eyes, unable to speak for a moment.


The atmosphere became quite awkward, so awkward that Si Lan felt he should be hiding underground at this moment, not standing on the surface.


He envied the fallen door for a moment.


For a long time, no one spoke. Si Lan had to break the silence, “The moonlight is beautiful tonight.”


Xu Yili and the woman in purple robes looked up at the sky but didn’t see the moon, only a sky full of stars.


The atmosphere became even more awkward.


Xu Yili quickly regained his composure and apologized, saying that his junior sister was outspoken and would arrange for disciples to bring food to Si Lan immediately.


Si Lan graciously accepted and turned to leave.


As he closed the door, he faintly heard Xu Yili scolding the woman in purple robes.


The woman wasn’t convinced. “I didn’t do it on purpose, and everyone outside is saying the same things about him…”


Si Lan sighed softly and lay down on the bed.


Lying flat seemed to help alleviate his hunger.


“Little one, are you hungry?”


He reached into his pocket and realized that Little White Dragon had been sleeping soundly since the afternoon.


He checked its spiritual aura and, finding nothing wrong, felt relieved.


“Little one, are you going to take hundreds of years to grow up?”


If that were the case, he would have to bear the “infamous” label for centuries.


Life as a demon was challenging.


“Little one, you need to grow up quickly.”


Once it grew up, they would form a bond. By then, no one would call him a “wife-killer.” At that point, the mighty and domineering Heavenly Emperor would be his father-in-law. Even if his reputation as a wild chicken were revealed, no one would dare to mess with him.


Si Lan had already started daydreaming about the future when a hissing sound from outside interrupted his reverie. It sounded like footsteps, or perhaps scales scraping against tiles, and it startled him from his pleasant thoughts.


He thought it might be Xu Yili bringing food, so he didn’t think much of it and got up to open the door.


A massive blood-red eye spanned the doorway, with the iris narrowed into a black line, the white of the eye bloodshot.


Before Si Lan could react, the moment he opened the door and met the blood-red eye, he was already pulled into an illusory world.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 3 – Devil Marriage Contract

Chapter 3


Probably sensing the murderous intent, Si Lan, who was half-asleep, restlessly turned over.


Haowei looked at Si Lan and said, “No need. He is still useful to me, and I plan to stay by his side for a while.” He needed Si Lan’s blood to heal his spiritual injury and to investigate the secret of the Flame Serpent.


The Flame Serpent had gone mad in the Demon Realm, and he suspected that the mysterious person who had injured him during his Heavenly Tribulation was from the Demon Realm, perhaps even the current Si Lan.


Thinking about this, Haowei narrowed his eyes and stared at Si Lan with a dangerous expression.


If it turned out to be Si Lan’s doing, he would pluck his feathers and stew him in a pot.


Seeing Haowei’s expression, Yuwudao couldn’t help but feel worried.


Initially, Haowei had transformed into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old youth, then into an eight or nine-year-old child, and now he looked like a five or six-year-old. If this continued, who knew what he would become…


Moreover, after spending some time with Haowei, Yuwudao had noticed that when he transformed into a child, not only did his magical power weaken, but his mental age also decreased.


Yuwudao’s expression was conflicted, and after much hesitation, he finally told Haowei about the decrease in mental age and advised him to be cautious in the Demon Realm.


Haowei seemed almost incredulous and stared at Yuwudao with a frozen expression.


Has he decreased in mental age?


How was that possible?


Yuwudao sensed Haowei’s increasingly gloomy expression and quickly found an excuse to leave, taking away a drop of Si Lan’s blood and a feather without giving Haowei the opportunity to reprimand him.


“…” A Haowei with decreased mental age.


Si Lan, who was half-asleep, felt like he heard someone talking, and in a half-dreamy state, he felt something cold sliding over his skin, making his body shiver lightly. He subconsciously tucked the cold object into his arms, hugging it tightly.


When he was a child, his mother used to wrap her large wings around him, providing warmth.


The small creature suddenly stiffened in his arms, not moving and not struggling.


Si Lan had slept for two full days and nights before waking up. When he woke up, his head was still spinning, and he felt quite weak.


This wine was a bit too strong.


He couldn’t help but complain to himself, and as he sat up from the bed, he glanced at the fresh bloodstain on his wrist. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly took out the small creature from his embrace.


Looking at the white bundle in his palm, he froze for a moment.


It wasn’t a dream!


He had actually soaked the Heavenly Emperor’s son!


The small white dragon was now lying limp, with two pink dragon horns sprouting from its head, and four plump little claws emerging beneath its white and silver scales. Its tail had split into several segments, and it now had a somewhat dragon-like appearance.


Si Lan reached out to sense its spiritual energy and found that its internal energy had become much more stable, and its breathing had become rhythmic. He couldn’t help but marvel at its remarkable recovery ability.


Indeed, a true dragon, capable of self-healing.


But he had completely forgotten why he had slept for two days and why there was fresh blood on his wrist.


He remembered that he had found this little white dragon on Qiongsha Island, and according to the words of that diviner, it was supposed to be his destined one…


He hesitated for a moment, as he compared the size of the small white dragon to himself. He was over a thousand years older than it, and he was of the same generation as its father, or even its grandfather.


Wouldn’t that make him a cradle robber, going for a sprout?


A somewhat embarrassed and awkward expression appeared on his face.


This didn’t seem very ethical.


But this small white dragon was the Heavenly Emperor’s son. If he marries it in the future…


He didn’t know what he was thinking, and his eyes showed a slight flicker.


Suddenly, he felt that having a husband who was over a thousand years younger than himself wasn’t a big deal.


“Being young has its advantages,” Si Lan said with a hint of a smile.


When the small white dragon woke up, it happened to meet Si Lan’s “deeply affectionate” gaze, and its golden eyes widened in inexplicable fear. It instinctively coiled its tail and tried to escape.


Si Lan, quick to react, caught the little white dragon’s two front paws and exclaimed, “Little one, you’re awake!”


The little white dragon looked at him with a blank expression.


“You can’t speak, can you? Right, you haven’t fully formed yet,” Si Lan mumbled to himself. He took some wild fruits from his storage bag and offered them to the little white dragon, looking eager, “Would you like something to eat?”


The little white dragon, upon hearing this, shifted its gaze to Si Lan’s wrist, instinctively swallowing its saliva.


Over the past two days, it had managed to recover quickly by drinking some of Si Lan’s blood.


Seeing it looking at the wild fruits, Si Lan mistakenly thought it was interested in them and said, “I knew dragons are herbivores…”




The ignorant Demon Lord.


Faced with Si Lan’s eager gaze, the little white dragon had no choice but to accept the wild fruits. However, its eyes remained fixed on Si Lan’s wrist throughout.


After successfully feeding it, Si Lan looked at Haowei with affection all over his face. He was actually a bit apprehensive about snakes, especially ones that were long and boneless. However, the small white dragon was pure white, with glossy scales, making it look rather cute.


He smiled and bent down, “You need to grow up quickly so we can form a bond in the future.”


The little white dragon’s expression froze upon hearing this, as it suspected it had misheard. A bond between the two of them?


At that moment, Si Lan suddenly reached out and rubbed its head. It struggled to get free but found that not only was its head being rubbed, but its pink dragon horns and four small claws were being vigorously rubbed as well.


“So adorable, I should have caught a dragon and kept it as a pet a long time ago,” Si Lan mumbled to himself.


Because they were so close when he spoke, his breath and warmth reached the top of the little white dragon’s head, as if it could penetrate its cold dragon scales and vividly touch its flesh and bones, caressing its dragon skeleton, causing the entire dragon to become soft in an instant.


The color of its golden eyes gradually solidified into a reddish-gold, and its silver scales turned into a pale pink, emitting a faint pink halo.


Si Lan stared at the pink halo in astonishment and said, “So you’re a color-changing dragon!”


“…” The little white dragon.


Si Lan picked up the small white dragon, full of excitement, and curiously examined it, wanting to know how it changed color.


He fiddled with the small white dragon’s body, trying to find out, much to the dragon’s annoyance. It quickly curled up and covered its sensitive areas with its claws, glaring at Si Lan with an angry expression.


The rude Demon Lord.


Where was he looking?


If it hadn’t been injured, it would have poked out the wild chicken’s eyes and turned it into a one-eyed chicken!


Si Lan was amused by the small white dragon’s actions. It was just too cute.


A dragon so small, and it even knew how to be shy.


He bent down, pinched the two dragon horns of the small white dragon.


These two dragon horns were pink and plump, and they looked adorable. Si Lan had been wanting to pinch them for a while.


Once he held the little white dragon’s dragon horns, its back suddenly tingled, and waves of excitement flowed rapidly through its body, making its dragon form even pinker.


The little white dragon, with its red eyes full of anger, extended its claws to kick Si Lan. However, because its claws were too short, it couldn’t reach Si Lan.




Seeing this, Si Lan laughed even harder, and his laughter filled the entire cave.


He hadn’t expected that dragons, in their infancy, would be so silly and cute.


The little white dragon’s self-esteem was hurt, but it didn’t want to reveal its true form. It reluctantly averted its gaze and turned its back to Si Lan.


Quze’s voice suddenly came from outside the door, “Your Majesty, Xuanling Sect has sent an invitation.”


Si Lan immediately extended his hand and used magic to open the stone door.


The small white dragon, which had just stuck out its teeth, missed the target and almost fell out of Si Lan’s arms. It quickly used its two front paws to clutch Si Lan’s clothes tightly.


Quze bent down and walked in against the light, handing the invitation to Si Lan. Then, he stood respectfully to the side and stole a glance at Si Lan’s chest.


The little white dragon, having retracted its teeth, wagged its tail and noticed Quze’s inquisitive gaze. It blinked at him, feeling like it had received an odd look.


The invitation from Xuanling Sect was a marriage proposal from the Sect Leader Lou Yuqing.


Over five hundred years ago, Si Lan had met Lou Yuqing in the mortal realm.


At that time, Lou Yuqing was the top disciple of the Xuanling Sect, a once-in-a-millennium genius in the cultivation world. He was exceptionally talented, handsome, and possessed unparalleled charm, making countless female cultivators swoon. However, Lou Yuqing practiced the heartless Dao of apathy, dedicating himself to his cultivation and ignoring matters of love. This caused the hearts of many female cultivators to ache, and they wept in sorrow.


So why would Lou Yuqing suddenly propose marriage now?


If it were someone else, it might have been a case of love triumphing over the hero, but this was Lou Yuqing. Si Lan knew him well, and he was absolutely unlikely to harbor romantic feelings for anyone.


The more Si Lan thought about it, the more he found it suspicious and suspected that there was more to it than met the eye. He decided to visit Xuanling Sect first.


However, he had a hot potato in his hands at the moment.


Si Lan looked at the little white dragon and poked its scales.


This little thing now seemed to have no life-threatening issues.


“Hey, little one, do you know how to get back to the Heavenly Realm?”


The little white dragon heard Si Lan’s question but was annoyed and merely flipped its two dragon whiskers, not responding.


It didn’t want to talk to its blood food bag in human form.


“Oh, I forgot, you can’t talk, and you probably don’t remember the way either. Well, forget it, it’s not a big deal to have you with me.”


Si Lan decided he would keep the little white dragon with him. He planned to wait until the celestial soldiers and generals came looking for him, then return the dragon to them.


In the meantime, he would create some opportunities for them to be alone together, laying the foundation for their future bonding.


The little white dragon wanted to climb out by peeling away Si Lan’s clothes but, upon looking up, saw the close proximity of Si Lan’s pure white throat and the fragile blood vessels beneath it. It couldn’t help but swallow its saliva and gave up on struggling.


It still wanted to stay by his side and continue to recover.


“Quze, contact me if there’s anything important.”


After speaking, Si Lan’s figure transformed into a green light and disappeared within the Seven-Stringed Cave.


Quze acknowledged with a “Yes, Your Majesty” and watched the direction where Si Lan had vanished. He remained motionless for a long time, his clear and calm eyes gradually darkening.


Behind Quze, a massive snake head slowly materialized out of thin air. Its body seemed to have been severed from the neck, leaving only the head.


Irregular blue-green scales covered its entire head, and two huge vermilion eyes resembled gaping maws, embedded in its terrifying and monstrous face.


A hoarse and beguiling voice echoed throughout the cave.


“You’ve done well. He’s been lured to the Xuanling Sect.”


Quze remained silent, clenching his only left hand.


Since he could remember, he had only had one arm, a source of mockery and bullying.


But he had always considered himself somewhat fortunate to have been taken as Si Lan’s disciple. He believed that with enough effort, he could become as outstanding as others. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could never measure up to others, not even a six-year-old Xie Li.


It wasn’t until the appearance of the snake head that he learned that it was his revered Master Si Lan who, when he was born, severed his right arm and ruined his talent.


“Quze, he will pay the price for his cruelty toward you.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 2 – True Dragon Destined Person

Chapter 2


Si Lan lay lifeless in the Seven-Stringed Cave for several days.


On this particular evening, the exact time unknown, a sudden commotion reached the cave from outside.


Initially, he had no intention to pay any heed, but as the commotion grew louder and more intense, he had to hold his breath and listen. It turned out that someone had come to cause trouble at the Zhuyun Peak. Feeling stifled, he used his magic to fly out and see what was happening.


Atop the Zhuyun Peak, heavenly soldiers dressed in black armor stood on auspicious clouds, holding long silver spears. Their imposing presence suggested that they intended to attack the Zhuyun Peak.


Since Si Lan had been recognized by the diviner as a husband-repelling person who could only have male partners, everyone at the Zhuyun Peak, young and old, had been scared away.


Now, only his one-armed disciple Quze and his six-year-old junior disciple Xie Li remained. They stood with outstretched arms, attempting to obstruct the heavenly realm’s people.


Si Lan landed between the two and asked, “What’s going on?”


“Your Excellency, the people from the heavenly realm want to search the Zhuyun Peak,” Quze and Xie Li, upon seeing Si Lan, hid behind him.


Si Lan noticed that both of his young disciples had pale faces. He couldn’t help but frown and look at the heavenly general, “Oh? The heavenly realm wants to search my residence?”


During his father, Si Shaoxun’s generation, the two realms of heaven and demons had signed a truce agreement. These years, there had been no conflicts. Now, with the heavenly realm suddenly searching his dwelling, it was a clear provocation to the demon realm.


The leading heavenly general saw Si Lan’s appearance and, while less arrogant, remained somewhat unyielding. “Demon Lord, we’ve come to the demon realm on orders to find the Young Prince. Please cooperate.”


“The Young Prince? The Heavenly Emperor’s son?” If Si Lan recalled correctly, Emperor Haowei had been at the top of the Six Realms’ Bachelor Ranking just half a month ago. How could he have a son so quickly?


“Yes, it’s a long story. The Young Prince was bitten by a Flame Serpent some days ago and ended up in the demon realm. We detected his presence near the Zhuyun Peak.”


“Impossible, if someone from the heavenly realm were at the Zhuyun Peak, I would have sensed their presence.” Si Lan rejected it without hesitation.




“Are you trying to use this imaginary Young Prince to provoke us intentionally?” Si Lan’s expression grew darker, and his aura intensified.


With Emperor Haowei recently conquering the dark creatures, Si Lan’s upper demon realm out of the six others was the only one still outside his control. It was possible that the Emperor planned to use a fictitious Young Prince to frame his demon realm and justify an attack.


The more Si Lan thought about it, the more it made sense.


Searching for someone on false pretenses to create a real conflict.


The chief officer, seeing Si Lan’s unfriendly attitude, hurriedly explained, “Your Excellency, we truly didn’t have such intentions. Haven’t you seen a boy about four feet tall?”




“What about a small white dragon, about seven inches long?”


“None of that either!” Si Lan suddenly raised his voice. “If I saw them, do you think I would keep it a secret?”


“Well… That’s good. We’ll take our leave then.” The heavenly general, apparently convinced by Si Lan’s confident stance, felt he wasn’t lying and left in haste, riding on clouds.


Si Lan watched them depart, his expression unchanged.


It wasn’t until Quze approached that Si Lan’s legs gave way, and he collapsed onto Quze’s shoulder.


“Your Excellency?”


“Hurry, help me to the wine cellar!”


That small white dragon, could it be the same as the white snake he had soaked in wine?


He felt the world spinning, and everything went dark.


If that small white snake was truly the Young Prince, the Emperor’s son, had he inadvertently soaked the royal blood in wine? [/mfn]He wanted to make snake wine with the snake he found…[/mfn]


Oh no!


What has he done!


Si Lan rushed to the wine cellar and, after rummaging through everything, finally found the white jade bottle.


Inside the bottle, the small white dragon coiled its body, resting peacefully on a pile of Chinese wolfberries and Chinese angelica. It looked serene.


Si Lan wondered if three days of soaking had affected it in any way.


Si Lan tentatively shook the white jade bottle, making the small white dragon dizzy. After a few revolutions, it extended its tail, which supported the bottom of the bottle. Its head swayed back and forth in mid-air.


Suddenly, it opened its eyes and, through the transparent white jade bottle, gazed directly at Si Lan.


Si Lan’s heart skipped a beat.


Its eyes seemed to capture one’s soul. Its golden eyes were resplendent, and the irises sparkled like stars. Si Lan couldn’t help but think of the sea in the Land of the Unfettered, with its dazzling and captivating beauty, much like those eyes.


At that moment, the small white dragon burped, releasing a series of bubbles.


Si Lan quickly removed the bottle stopper, and a rich aroma of wine instantly filled the air. This wine was made from barley on the Western Isle and took a hundred years to produce just two or three bottles, making it extremely precious.


Si Lan didn’t want to waste it. He took a few sips before carefully pouring out the small white dragon and cradling it in his palm.


The small white dragon had a low body temperature, and its body trembled gently. Even its snow-white silver scales trembled slightly.


Si Lan gently tucked the small white dragon against his chest to keep it warm. He examined its spiritual energy and found it to be in disarray, with excessive exhalation and insufficient inhalation.


He recalled that the heavenly soldiers had mentioned this little creature being bitten by a Flame Serpent.


Though he wasn’t the one responsible, if anything happened to the small creature in the demon realm, the Heavenly Emperor might not spare the demon realm.


Si Lan felt a chilling sensation thinking about it and immediately infused spiritual energy into the small white dragon, aiming to stabilize its condition.


However, to his surprise, the small white dragon didn’t improve; instead, it became aggressive. Its dragon scales stood on end like blades, its golden eyes emitted a fiery, crimson light, and it struggled violently. It resembled a small beast in a fit of rage.


Si Lan reached out to soothe it, but the small white dragon suddenly coiled around his arm and, seizing an opportunity, viciously bit his wrist.


Its sharp teeth pierced his flesh.


Si Lan grimaced in pain as he felt his blood being sucked away from the wound.


This little creature was actually draining his blood?


Was it a vampire?


He contemplated swatting it away but decided against it. After all, he had soaked it in wine for so long and had almost eaten it. Having it take a little blood could be seen as compensation.


Once the small white dragon finished drinking his blood, it seemed to become more comfortable. Its body stopped trembling, and its raised silver scales slowly receded. It closed its eyes and instinctively crawled up Si Lan’s arm to his chest, where it felt the warmth and coziness, curling up to sleep peacefully.


Si Lan stared at the bulging spot on his chest and couldn’t help but twitch his lips.


This little creature was certainly unapologetic.


Xie Li gazed at the small white dragon with a pale face. “Your… Your Excellency, is it really the Heavenly Realm’s Young Prince?”


Si Lan reluctantly nodded.


Though he didn’t want to admit it, it seemed likely that this was the case.


“Your Excellency, how should we handle it?” Quze asked with a serious expression.


“I’ll try to heal it first. If that doesn’t work, I plan to…” Si Lan’s words abruptly stopped, and his expression became grave.


Both Quze and Xie Li, hearing this, became apprehensive and watched Si Lan closely. But then Si Lan added, “I plan to dispose of it.”


Quze and Xie Li exchanged glances, realizing that unfortunate circumstances could lead to chaos in both realms, even when drinking cold water could cause trouble.


Si Lan hadn’t expected that the snake he picked up by the roadside would turn out to be the Emperor’s son.


Now that he had the little creature in his hands, if something happened to it, no matter how he explained, the Heavenly Emperor might hold him accountable. To avoid making life miserable for the demon realm, he decided to either cure it or eliminate it.


Perhaps it was the effect of the wine he had just drunk, or the blood loss had left him weak, but Si Lan’s head was spinning. He instructed his two disciples not to divulge the matter of the small white dragon and then fell into a drowsy sleep, planning to deal with the creature’s condition after resting.


While Si Lan was lost in slumber, the small white dragon woke up two hours later.


The moment it opened its eyes, it saw Si Lan’s fair chest heaving up and down, which bewildered it.


Beneath the scales lay warm, delicate skin that allowed it to clearly feel the texture. When it extended its tail and accidentally touched a certain raised point on his chest, the small white dragon’s movements froze, as if it had been electrified.


Subsequently, in a fit of embarrassment, it squirmed out of Si Lan’s clothes, and its fierce gaze was locked onto the man in front of it.


Who was this rude person?


How could he treat it like this?


Si Lan was sleeping soundly and was completely unaware that he had caught the dragon’s attention.


The small white dragon, with a cold expression, gazed at Si Lan’s body, which had a pitch-black hair and was wearing a simple blue shirt with a white collar. Although he was asleep, his attractive features were still visible.


He was a reasonably good-looking, but rude, person.


The small white dragon’s gaze shifted down to Si Lan’s wrist, where the wound had already closed but had yet to scar.


It remembered that it had lost control of itself and, in a state of extreme aggression, had suddenly smelled a sweet scent. It had instinctively followed that scent, not realizing that it was the man’s blood.


It was strange. His blood not only stabilized its internal condition but also alleviated its injuries.


With this in mind, the small white dragon bent down to examine the secret of his blood. However, when it caught the sweet scent, it couldn’t resist biting him once more.


By the time it realized what had happened, it had already taken several sips of blood.


Si Lan remained asleep, blissfully unaware of the situation, but the small white dragon felt satiated and transformed into a six or seven-year-old child. It wore a white robe with a brocade pattern, and its hair was neatly tied up with a black jade crown. Its delicate, precious facial features were quite conspicuous for its age.


However, the childish face displayed an unusually composed expression, which appeared slightly comical.


The small white dragon conjured an eight-pointed star formation out of thin air, and soon, a physician dressed in a black robe appeared within the formation – it was Yu Wudao.


Upon seeing the small white dragon, Yu Wudao immediately approached and respectfully bowed, “Your Majesty.”


The small white dragon nodded slightly.


He wasn’t the crown prince of the heavenly realm, but the Heavenly Emperor Haowei himself.


Seven hundred years ago, during his advancement to the “Divine Emperor” realm, he had been deliberately sabotaged by a mysterious figure, leaving him with a spiritual injury. Every now and then, his internal energy became erratic, his magical power weakened, and in severe cases, he would even lose control of his consciousness and turn into a child.


At the time, he had just subdued the Underworld and Demon realms, but there were still many demons and monsters who refused to yield. He feared that revealing his condition would lead to unrest in the Six Realms, so he had kept it a secret.

But what he hadn’t expected was that half a month ago, he had appeared as a child in the Ninth Heaven and was accidentally seen by the talkative Heavenly Star Lord Tianyu.


So in less than half a day, the entire Ninth Heaven knew about a boy who looked exactly like the Heavenly Emperor, even the Heavenly Mother, who had been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, was alarmed by this and came out of seclusion to inquire about the child.


“They say that the child is about six or seven years old?”




“And he looks exactly like you?”




“Everyone says he’s your illegitimate child?”




He kept silent, afraid that the Heavenly Mother would worry, and in the end, he didn’t tell her the truth, tacitly accepting that the child was his illegitimate son.


Later, he came up with an excuse, saying that he sent the child to Xingchuan for training, which quelled everyone’s curiosity and curiosity.


This time, he found the aura of Black Calamity on the Flame Serpent in the Demon Realm, the same as the aura of the mysterious person who had disrupted his Heavenly Tribulation back then. He chased the Flame Serpent all the way to Qiongsha Island, just caught it, but then his spiritual injury suddenly recurred. His mind lost control instantly, shrouded in extreme aggression, and he wanted to destroy everything.


When he regained some consciousness, he found that the Flame Serpent had been torn into pieces, and its inner gall had been swallowed into his stomach.


The inner gall was cold, which only made his internal energy more chaotic. He was afraid of getting into trouble and planned to fly back to the Ninth Heaven to recover, but he lost consciousness again.


And somehow, he ended up here.


Thinking of this, Haowei looked at Si Lan and said, “Yuwudao, go and find out what this person’s true form is.”


Although Haowei had discovered that Si Lan’s true form was a wild chicken with phoenix feathers when he drank his blood earlier, chicken blood couldn’t possibly have such effects.


Yuwudao then noticed the man lying behind Haowei and asked, “Is this person the Demon Lord Si Lan?”


“Yes, his blood is useful for me,” Haowei said succinctly.


Upon hearing this, Yuwudao was initially taken aback and then said with great joy, “Your Majesty, since the Demon Lord’s blood is useful to you, why not just consume him…”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 1 – The Demon Lord's Cultivation

Chapter 1


Si Lan found himself inside an egg.


To start the story, it all began with a text message he received on his phone.


【I am the Path of Heavenly Cultivation. Send money to me, and I will help you unify the Six Realms. Bank account number: xxxx.】


He was half asleep and decided to play along by sending a small amount of money to the scammer. But when he opened his eyes, he was inside this egg.


He referred to it as a chicken egg, rather than a duck, goose, or dinosaur egg because he could always hear the clucking sounds of a mother hen around him.


His chicken mother was diligent and gave him “lessons from outside the egg” every day.


From the chicken mother’s incessant chatter, he roughly understood the world he was in. It was divided into six realms: Gods, Immortals, Demons, Monsters, Ghosts, and Humans, further classified into the five elements of Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, and Earth.


He wasn’t particularly interested in the history of these six realms or their cultivation techniques, but he did remember all the strange stories.


Therefore, even as he remained a gooey mess inside the egg, he already knew about the many mysteries and eight trigrams of the Six Realms and Five Elements.


For example, the Heavenly Fairy Yu Hua once had an online romance that led her to meet a powerful cross-dressing Demon King. Upon meeting, Yu Hua discovered that the Demon King was even more imposing than she was, and this encounter traumatized her, making her fear men and leaving her with deep psychological scars.


Another example was the divine bird Zhu Xiao, who, despite her delicate and beautiful appearance, loved to practice with a war hammer instead of a sword. She did this because her mother, on her deathbed, told her that men would affect her sword-drawing speed. So, in front of her mother, she took up the meteor hammer and said, “Mom, rest assured, I won’t practice the sword anymore.”


Yet another example was the wild chicken named Luo Hui on the Flat-Top Mountain. While other chickens were busy hunting for bugs all over the mountain, Luo Hui understood the importance of class transcending. She saved a Nine-Heaven Divine Phoenix and, in gratitude, forced the Divine Phoenix to marry her.


The Divine Phoenix refused, so she used a clever tactic: she cooked raw rice into a ready meal, then presented the egg, successfully marrying him.



It goes without saying that the wild chicken named Luo Hui is his chicken mother, and the egg is Si Lan.


Not long after Luo Hui became a mother and the Divine Phoenix, Si Lan’s father, Si Shaoxun, suddenly fell into darkness.


The Nine Heavens’ lavish lifestyle that Luo Hui dreamed of suddenly vanished as she was forced to follow Si Shaoxun into the war-torn Demon Realm. Fortunately, Si Shaoxun quickly defeated the Demon Lord Chu Shanjun at the time, united the twelve peaks of the Demon Realm, and was crowned the Demon Emperor.


And then, Si Lan was born.


In theory, a child born of a Nine-Heaven Divine Phoenix and a wild chicken should at least be some sort of divine bird. Unfortunately, Si Lan inherited 100% of Luo Hui’s traits and was a plain brown chicken with no resemblance to a Divine Phoenix.


That day, Luo Hui, watching Si Lan hatch from the eggshell, jumped into Si Shaoxun’s arms and tearfully said, “A Divine Phoenix ruling the Demon Realm, exuding dominance, but a wild chicken ruling the Demon Realm? That’s just absurd. So, in order for our son to one day rightfully inherit your position, I want to conceal his true identity and claim he’s a young Divine Phoenix.”


Si Shaoxun remained silent for a while, then pushed away Luo Hui’s clammy hand and said, “Fine.”


She was overjoyed and used an illusion technique to transform Si Lan instantly from a wild chicken into a Divine Phoenix.


However, Si Lan felt that whether he was a Divine Phoenix or a wild chicken, it was good as long as he could crow. There was no need to fuss over it so much.


Unfortunately, he was just a little chick at the time, and his attempts to voice his objections came out as “cluck, cluck, cluck.”


His mother thought he was hungry and tossed a fat earthworm in front of him.




He didn’t succeed in his objections. The only time he managed to object was when it came to naming.


His mother hoped he would grow up to be someone who would correct his mistakes and have consistent words and actions, so she named him Si Guoyi.




He stretched out his chubby chicken claws and gestured a large cross in the air.


His mother vaguely understood what he meant, “Do you want to choose your own name?”


He nodded his little head, and his mother smiled.


“Alright, then you can pick your own name when Si Guoyi grows up.”




In the days that followed, Si Lan, like other little chicks, spent his early days in the Demon Realm on the Zhuyun Peak, almost forgetting his origins from the future.


Sometimes, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he even felt that his past life as a human was just a dream.


Just as Zhuangzi dreamt of being a butterfly[/mfn]A famous historical poem about life being a  dream.[/mfn], now Si Lan was a chicken dreaming of being human.


When he reached the age of one hundred and twenty, it was time for his transformation, and he took on a human form.


On that day, he looked at himself in the mirror. His new human form was identical to his previous human appearance, with some resemblance to his father.


It was then that he suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen his father in a long time.


His mother and his father, with their eight hundred schemes, had an eccentric marriage that had provided much gossip in the Six Realms over the years.


Some said that his father didn’t love his mother, that he was infatuated with the Divine Phoenix from Cang Mountain, but his mother had intervened, causing him a lifetime of unrequited love and misery.


They also said that his father didn’t love him, that his existence was the only stain on his father’s otherwise flawless life, so his father hadn’t paid much attention to him over the years.


Later, when his mother was injured by a divine miracle and on her deathbed, he held her in a rainstorm, trying repeatedly to heal her wounds, but they wouldn’t close.


The heavy rain washed away the blood, creating a river of crimson.


Finally, his father, Si Shaoxun, appeared, treading on the river of blood.


He expected his mother to complain, to be angry, but instead, with her last breath, she begged his father to ensure that his true form would never be exposed.


Si Shaoxun, in front of his mother, revealed his true form, personally severed his own phoenix wings, and attached them to Si Lan’s back.


His mother finally closed her eyes in peace. He didn’t understand why his mother was so insistent on hiding his true identity, but since it was her wish, he made an effort to do so.


For many years, he only consumed Divine Dew and Jade Elixir, wore Cloud Brocade and Flashing Silk, and landed on Qingtong Greenwood, carefully playing the role of a Divine Phoenix.


He also focused on cultivation and quickly became one of the top demon cultivators in the Demon Realm.


Later, when Si Shaoxun passed away, he thought of giving him his phoenix feathers, but he didn’t want to see his father in a vulnerable state. So, he politely declined, saying it was to allow his father to leave with dignity.


After his mother’s death, he harbored resentment toward Si Shaoxun for some time, until he discovered that the usually emotionless Si Shaoxun, on the anniversary of his mother’s death, lay under the large wutong tree on the Zhuyun Peak, complaining while hugging a wine jar, “You never really loved me. All you wanted was a powerful man to lay a powerful egg.”


He didn’t know whom to pity more at that moment.


In the end, he buried his parents together under the wutong tree.


In that year, he had just turned 120 years old, which was equivalent to a human child of seven or eight years old, and both his parents had left him.



At the age of 200, Si Lan reached adulthood. But in the same year, Chu Shanjun, the Demon Lord who had once been driven into hiding by his father, sent him a challenge.


He didn’t care much about the title of Demon Lord, but it was his mother’s lifelong wish for him to ascend to that position, so he couldn’t just give it away.


He accepted Chu Shanjun’s challenge but was tricked by Chu Shanjun during the battle, suffering severe injuries and falling into the mortal realm. This marked the beginning of a heartbreaking love that would span three centuries.


It was called heartbreaking because every ending was tragic.


The tragedy didn’t befall him; it befell his savior in the mortal realm, a woman named Lan Lan.


In the first life, Lan Lan saved him when he was severely injured, and she offered herself to him.


He thought that perhaps this was a pattern for men in his family; his mother had used a similar plot on his father. He agreed to Lan Lan’s proposal but insisted on first defeating Chu Shanjun. However, while seeking revenge against Chu Shanjun, he ended up severely wounded and unconscious.


When he woke up, fifty years had passed in the mortal realm.


Hastily, he went to the mortal realm to find Lan Lan, but she had already married someone else and had been a widow for many years. Lan Lan, however, was a person of honor, and when she saw him, she suggested continuing their past marriage agreement.


So, he picked a lucky day, sent a group of demons with drums and gongs to fetch the bride, and she arrived in the Demon Realm. On that day, the new bride had just arrived in the Demon Realm when a sudden gale arose, the earth shook, and the septuagenarian bride was blown onto a tall tree, where she breathed her last.




Because of this, he was depressed for many years. Later, he found Lan Lan in the second life, and their story continued.


However, this time, during their wedding night, after they had drunk from the ceremonial cups, Lan Lan inexplicably suffered from alcohol poisoning and passed away.


Upon investigation, it was revealed that while Lan Lan was a carp demon, she had a serpent lineage in her ancestry, and the ceremonial wine was mixed with male fern liquor.




Another hundred years passed, and he found Lan Lan in the third life.


This time, he decided to skip the traditional wedding proceedings and went straight to the wedding night. That night, just as he was about to discuss the meaning of life with his new bride, the bride unexpectedly encountered the inevitable Heavenly Thunder Tribulation that all demons faced.


The small bridal chamber was suddenly filled with lightning and thunder, and the bride was struck down in front of his eyes.




From then on, his reputation as the husband who killed three consecutive brides spread throughout the Six Realms.


Whenever the marriage rate in the Demon Realm was low or marital discord was high, news would spread that he was looking for a new bride, and demon realm girls would eagerly line up. Even widows would remarry, bringing peace to the Demon Realm.


At first, he didn’t care about these rumors because he believed he was cursed when it came to wives. His second and third wives were both reincarnations of Lan Lan, so technically, he only caused the death of one person, Lan Lan.


It wasn’t until the rumors reached an absurd level, with the palace maids blaming their headaches, stomachaches, and even irregular menstrual cycles on him, that he realized the problem had become serious.


He seemed to have become something extraordinary!


Unable to sit still, he decided to consult the divination expert, Bu Yigua.


On a sunny day, he gathered his guards, the twelve peak masters of the Demon Realm, and a group of brave and skilled warriors, and they all went to Qiangjue Mountain to see the divination expert and clear his name.


On that day, the divination expert told him, “Your fate is destined to be with a man. If you marry a woman, you will harm her.”


The divination expert also said, “That person’s fate and ill omens are connected to you.”


It sounded like he had said something important, yet said nothing at all.


Because, being demons, they all had some ill omens in their fate.


So, he cautiously asked, “Does that mean ten thousand male demons in the Demon Realm are my destined ones?”


The divination expert’s expression stiffened slightly, “You’re quite imaginative…”




“Never mind, I’ll be kind once more. According to the shell’s guidance, your destined one will be near Tianming Star in the near future.”


Tianming Star was in the center of the five directions, pointing to the Qiongsha Island in the Demon Realm. Qiongsha Island had been overgrown with weeds and desolate for thousands of years.


Why would his destined one be there?


He hesitated for a moment, then thanked the divination expert and flew to Qiongsha Island alone.


The reason he went alone was that his guards, the twelve peak masters, and the warriors had all scattered and fled upon hearing that he was destined to be with a man.


Even Song, the right guard who had been paralyzed for over a hundred years, was scared and ran off, carrying his wheelchair, saying as he fled, “Your Majesty, I can serve you with my life, but not my body!”




Tsk tsk.



Qiongsha Island.


He had searched for half a month, but unfortunately, during this time, he hadn’t found his destined one, or even a living creature that could breathe. After his third round of searching today, he still had nothing to show for it, so he put away his shiny phoenix wings and landed on a grassy field.


He hadn’t been fasting, and he still had his appetite. However, the Jade Elixir and Divine Dew in his storage bag had been consumed the previous day, so he had to find some food.


After searching for a while, he only found a small, limp, wrinkled, and almost sun-dried white worm. Perhaps he was a little lightheaded from hunger, as this unattractive worm suddenly looked appealing to him.


However, even though his true form was a wild chicken, he had never eaten insects in all his life…


Just as he hesitated, his stomach betrayed him with a loud growl.


Never mind, he thought. I’ll just eat something to calm my hunger now, and then I’ll have the strength to fly back later.


He had no intention of staying in this godforsaken place.


After searching for so long without finding his destined one, he suspected that the divination expert had deceived him.


He opened his mouth and placed the small white worm inside. Just as he was about to chew, the worm suddenly started struggling in his mouth, and he quickly spat it out.


After falling to the ground, the worm slowly changed, growing to the size of an adult male’s thumb, about seven inches long, entirely white but with a dull luster.


Si Lan hadn’t expected this little white worm to be a spiritual creature that could change its form!


Unfortunately, this spiritual creature was now running out of breath.


He picked up the small white worm, which was covered in white scales and had a tail like a thorn, and guessed that it might not be a worm but a small white snake.


Chickens don’t usually eat snakes; it goes against their nature.


But chickens do play around with snakes, and that doesn’t seem to be a problem.


So, on the way back to his palace, he bought some wolfberries and angelica, along with the small white snake, and brewed them into wine, which he stored in a white jade bottle before placing it in the wine cellar.


This trip to Qiongsha Island hadn’t been entirely in vain.


Upon returning to Zhuyun Peak, Si Lan announced that he would enter seclusion for an indefinite period. He did it not because he needed to cultivate but because the revelation from the divination expert that he was fated to be with a man had thrown the entire Demon Realm into chaos. People were reluctant to leave their homes, and this was severely impacting productivity.


To appease the demons, he declared an indefinite seclusion period, which, in reality, meant he would be sitting in the Seven-Stringed Cave, reading books and passing the time.


After reading all the books, Si Lan unexpectedly felt a bit sentimental.


Unknowingly, he had lived his demon life for over a thousand years, experiencing some ups and downs, as well as enduring the winds of gossip. While it hadn’t been full of excitement, it had been quite stable.


He had gone from being an ordinary demon cultivator to becoming the Demon King of the Demon Realm. According to the books, his life should be coming to an end.


However, he didn’t know that the real story about him was just beginning.

T/N: Hey there! Here’s a completely new series! AND OMG AM I IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY I HAD TO PICK IT UP AAAAA

I had such a blast translating this, hope you love dragons and phoenixes (or chickens lmao) cuz, oh my gosh I almost died of cuteness while reading about the ML. I almost exploded/ imploded asdfghkl


ANYWAY; it’s about to be one hell of a ride, I’m surprised no one’s translated this yet! It’s an absolutely must-read if you love dragons and funny stuff. The situations are all just so absurd.


If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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