Category: I’ll Wait for You on a Spring Day (Page 2 of 2)

I’ll Wait for You on a Spring Day

Chapter 3 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 3


When he returned to the apartment, Song Zexu was standing in front of the balcony. The evening sun was just right and his back was facing Li Chou. As if he heard the door knock, he

moved a little and asked in a low voice, “Are you back?”


Li Chou nodded at first, but then realized that Song Zexu couldn’t see him, so he responded and asked, “You’re probably hungry, right? What do you want to eat?”


Song Zexu didn’t answer this question. He turned around, put one hand on the balcony door, and took two steps forward, lest he bump into it. Li Chou walked over to help him but the moment his fingertips touched the other’s arm, he was avoided.


Song Zexu shook his head and said, “I can walk on my own.”


To prove that he can do it, although he walked slowly, he did finally reach the sofa.


Song Zexu sat down and said, “Can you make noodles?”


“Yes.” Li Chou replied, “Would you like clear-broth noodles?”


Song Zexu nodded.


Li Chou was still holding the bouquet of roses in his hand. He separated the roses and put them in the vase on the coffee table.


Song Zexu also smelled the strong fragrance of flowers. He sniffed and said, “There are flowers today.”


Li Chou gave a “Mm” and said, “The roses haven’t found a home yet.”


In fact, because the price of roses is high, they are usually hard to sell. Li Chou knows that Song Zexu likes roses, so he brought a bunch back today to coax him with it. Seems like his idea really succeeded and Song Zexu liked it very much.


Li Chou smiled and walked into the kitchen.


Li Chou rarely had any memories of home. His parents only kept this apartment. Before he was sixteen, he lived with his uncle in the next city. His cousin was getting married so it was not suitable for him to live together with them anymore, so he went back to Yunzhen.


Li Chou’s academic performance was not very good. He knows that he is not good at studying. After returning to Yunzhen, he opened a flower shop. His business is good and his flower shop could maintain its own livelihood.


Before, he didn’t know how to cook, as he suddenly came back. He asked his aunt on the phone how to get some ingredients and his aunt also carefully told him.


Fortunately, although Li Chou’s life experience is pitiful, it is not as miserable as most protagonists in novels. Although his parents died young, his uncles and aunts were very good.

They loved him dearly and called him several times to ask him to go back after he moved but Li Chou declined their offers because he didn’t want to bother their family anymore.


The clear soup noodle recipe was taught to him by his aunt. His aunt likes to prepare the soup base with fried eggs. She said that the soup base is rich in protein and will be more delicious and fragrant with this method.


Li Chou fried an egg before adding it into some boiling soup. It is better to use thin noodles for clear broth noodles.


Li Chou heard in an interview on the show that Song Zexu likes to eat light food, so there are not many soup base ingredients that fit this criteria.


He added a little chopped green onions and then put the fried egg into Song Zexu’s bowl.


Li Chou usually cooks one portion, but as there are now two people, he wasn’t able to control the portion amount and always either cooked too much or too little.


Song Zexu took a bite of the fried egg and suddenly thought of something. He asked Li Chou, “Do you like flowers very much?”


Li Chou stuffed a mouthful of noodles into his mouth, chewed twice and replied, “Yes, flowers are very beautiful.”


Song Zexu nodded and said, “There are so many flowers in your house. I can always smell the fragrance of all kinds of flowers. Is it a hobby? Or…”


For some reason, Li Chou felt a little shame from these words. He lowered his eyes, fiddled with the noodles in the bowl and explained carefully:


“I opened a flower shop, because I want to sell flowers in this life, so I can be beautiful in my next life. I am too ugly, so I want to accumulate some blessings and look better in my next life.”


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Song Zexu laugh. He looked up and saw Song Zexu raised the corners of his lips: “What is the sense in that nonsense?”


Li Chou was stunned and immediately lowered his head. His face turned red and he began to feel shy. Of course a good-looking person would not have such thoughts, but he is ugly.


Li Chou’s voice became very soft, as if rebutting, but he had no strength and no sense of threat: “It’s not nonsense, it’s just wishful thinking…”


Song Zexu also knew that he might have hurt Li Chou’s, so he became serious and said seriously: “But I think you must be a good looking person. “


As if he was afraid that Li Chou would not believe him, he looked at Li Chou and said firmly, “Really.”


Li Chou looked at Song Zexu. Because the other party couldn’t see him, he didn’t even know where he was. He was facing the refrigerator door with a very affectionate expression.

His perseverance made Li Chou smile, and he said, “I believe you.”




It’s now summer school holiday, and the streets were a little noisy. Li Chou’s flower shop is open directly opposite a middle school and some children who fall in love early always like to come and buy bouquets of flowers for their girlfriends before then going home together. At this time, Li Chou’s flower shop business improved.


After Li Chou sent away the last child who bought flowers from him, he welcomed the distraught Lin Xiaomin.


Speaking of Lin Xiaomin, some time ago she went on a date with that teacher all day long and her whole soul was stolen so she booked two gifts to be made by Li Chou.


After praising the red roses, she booked another month’s worth of gypsophila.


Li Chou asked her worriedly at the time: “The teacher really likes flowers so much? Where did he put them when you gave him so many flowers? In the end, did he not throw them away?”


Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaomin said indifferently: “He distributed the flowers to the students and let them make dried flower bookmarks.”


Li Chou: “…” 


That was not a waste, but this person was really rich and Li Chou could earn enough money from her pocket this month and it would be enough for his expenditures the next month too.


Lin Xiaomin lay prone in front of the bar and sighed deeply.


Li Chou was busy wrapping flowers and ignored her.


The elder lady sighed again and deliberately said “Oi”.


Li Chou didn’t look at her.


Lin Xiaomin was dissatisfied and walked up to Li Chou casually. She said, “Brother Chou, I feel sad.”


Then Li Chou raised his eyes to look at her and asked, “What’s the matter?”


Lin Xiaomin wrinkled her face and cried: “The teacher is going back for summer vacation. He has to be a tutor there and will not stay in Yunzhen. I have to bear with it without him for two whole months.”


Lin Xiaomin grabbed Li Chou’s arm: “Brother Chou, what do you think I should do?”


Before Li Chou could speak, she said again: “Do you think I should go to the city to look for him if I miss him? I can’t stop thinking about him.”


Li Chou pursed his lips. He felt that Lin Xiaomin was too proactive. Although people who fall in love are like this, liking each other is more important. Li Chou thinks that one-sided love is not good and this love will become unbalanced. She may not be rewarded even if she sacrifices a lot. 


But he couldn’t tell Lin Xiaomin at this time. The girl was very much in love. He could only comfort her and say, “Then you have to restrain your love a little bit.”


He didn’t dare to ask those words: “Why do you have to go to him instead of him to you?”


“Hey, how about this?” Lin Xiaomin suddenly thought of something, and she asked Li Chou: “Brother Chou, can you send these flowers to the city?”


Li Chou was taken aback, then looked at Lin Xiaomin, his eyes widened: “Lin Xiaomin, you don’t mean to…”


“Yes.” Lin Xiaomin clapped her hands, “The teacher likes the flowers from your shop very much. I’ll send a bouquet to him every day. When the teacher sees the flowers, he will

think of me.”


Li Chou: “…”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 2 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 2




“Next reporting on entertainment news: Recently, popular male artist Song Zexu’s studio’s website posted that Song Zexu will stop working indefinitely. The reason is unknown…”


Li Chou picked up the remote control on the tea table and turned off the TV. He looked at Song Zexu who was sitting on the sofa staring at the TV and said, “Don’t look, let’s eat first.”


Song Zexu moved his body and nodded slowly.


Li Chou bit his lip, feeling a little happy that he could really be in the same room with Song Zexu.


Song Zexu was injured so he could only eat some plain porridge specially made by Li Chou.


He filled a bowl of porridge from the pot and then walked up to Song Zexu before squatting down.


“Open your mouth,” he said.


Song Zexu did not react for a moment, before he then opened his mouth.


Li Chou scooped up a spoonful of porridge and put it into his mouth, saying: “I’m not very good at cooking, and a famous celebrity like you may not like it since you’re used to delicacies from all around the world, but for now, you can only eat this so let’s just not be picky.”


Song Zexu let out a muffled “Mm” and didn’t say much.


Li Chou kept squatting on the ground to feed him porridge.


Fortunately, Song Zexu had a good personality. He didn’t have the airs of a big celebrity and he really finished a bowl of porridge without making a fuss. When Li Chou asked him if he wanted  seconds, he shook his head.


“Okay then.” Li Chou said, “The doctor said you shouldn’t eat too much.”


Li Chou put the bowl on the coffee table and pulled out a napkin from the napkin box to wipe Song Zexu’s mouth.


Song Zexu’s lips are full and beautiful. There was a poll on the Internet that counted the most beautiful parts of male artists. Song Zexu’s lips were voted the most and according to reliable professionals in the industry, many female artists also praised Song Zexu’s soft lips, as they were very easy to kiss.


When Li Chou saw the vote at the time, he actually had some doubts about the claims of those female artists, but now he thinks it is true.


Zexu’s lips really looked soft and kissable.


Li Chou stood up and threw the paper towels into the trash can. He was about to go to the kitchen to wash the bowls, when Song Zexu beside him suddenly said his first sentence of the day.


It was probably because he hadn’t spoken for a long time, but his voice was slightly hoarse: “What’s your name?”


Li Chou was stunned for a moment. He then looked back at Song Zexu, his voice a little joyful because Song Zexu actually took the initiative to talk to him. He said excitedly:

“I… My name is Li Chou.” 


In the end, he suddenly realized that his name was ugly[/mfn]Yea, his name is literally ugly 李丑(Lǐ chǒu)[/mfn], so he didn’t dare to say more.


But Song Zexu didn’t seem to notice his embarrassment. He smiled lightly, with a joking tone in his words: “Li Chou?”


Li Chou’s face was slightly red. He lowered his head and his eyelashes flickered, “Because I look like…”


Li Chou thought about it and decided not to use the terrible word “ugly” to describe himself. After hesitating for a while, he continued: “I’m a little hideous.”


After speaking, there was a moment of silence in the air and Li Chou didn’t dare to look at Song Zexu. Even though he knew that Song Zexu was temporarily injured due to brain damage and was blind so he couldn’t see his face now and he doesn’t know what he looks like.


He still didn’t want to lie to Song Zexu.


To his surprise, Song Zexu laughed again.


“How come?” Song Zexu looked in the direction where Li Chou was and he curled his lips, “My intuition tells me that you must be a very good person without looking at you.”


Li Chou was caught off guard.


Even long after Song Zexu had left Yunzhen, Li Chou would always recall his feelings at that time.


Just like the soon-to-expire sparkling water on the counter that was finally bought at a low price, he had bought it, expecting it to have already been out of gas, even if he especially hoped to drink it. After shaking it a few times, he lightly pulled the tab, and the sparkling water popped open with a crisp sound.


Even if it was cheap and about to expire.




Song Zexu didn’t tell Li Chou why he was lying on the beach covered in bruises at that time and Li Chou didn’t ask much.


He knew Song Zexu’s character. If he didn’t say anything, no one would be able to pry his mouth open.


However, Song Zexu made a strange request. He told Li Chou not to tell anyone that other people were there.


At first, Li Chou didn’t understand it very well. Although Song Zexu’s injury was not serious, the ability of the hospital in this small town is limited. If he goes back, he’ll be able to receive better treatment and his sight can be restored earlier.


Song Zexu seemed to sense his doubts, he explained: “Sometimes blindness may not be a bad thing.”


Li Chou then shut up.


Song Zexu lived in Li Chou’s house. Li Chou’s house was a small apartment left by his parents. It was small and had only one bedroom.


It was impossible for him to mistreat Song Zexu, so the bedroom was reserved for him.


When Song Zexu was an artist, he was very busy and he had to get up at four or five in the morning every day to put on makeup. Now this burden was gone, but his body’s biological clock had not gotten used to it, so Li Chou sometimes heard the sound of Song Zexu bumping into heavy objects in the bedroom when he was still sleeping.


Around this time, he would get up from the sofa and go to the bedroom to ask Song Zexu what he needed.


In fact, he did not need anything. Song Zexu just woke up early.


Li Chou is the kind of person who can’t go back to sleep after waking up. After a few times of tossing and turning, Li Chou would wake up and he would go to work in the flower shop in the morning energetically.


When Lin Xiaomin came to pick up flowers that day, Li Chou was lying on the bar and fell asleep. Lin Xiaomin was shocked. She patted the bar and called Li Chou: “Brother Chou! What’s the matter with you? Did you steal a cow last night?”


Li Chou woke up and he rubbed his face and eyes. When he saw Lin Xiaomin. He said “ah”, and asked, “How are you doing today? It’s still so early?”


“How is it early?” Lin Xiaomin had a look of disbelief, “Brother Chou, what are you doing still sleeping now? This is odd.”


You must know that everyone in town knows that Li Chou is a diligent and kind-hearted child, but it is a pity that the heavens does not have eyes for such a good child and made him so ugly.


“Last night, I stayed up late watching a show.” Li Chou lied. He stood up and went to fetch Lin Xiaomin the bouquet he tied together yesterday.


The confession between Lin Xiaomin and the teacher was quite unexpected. Lin Xiaomin said that when she went to confess to the teacher head-on that day, the teacher was very scared.

He would see a bouquet of flowers on the desk every day when he came to school, but it was never signed with the gifter’s name. As such, he always thought it was a gift from a student and he didn’t expect it to be her.


The teacher did not refuse her confession. He said that this kind of thing should always be taken seriously. After all, it is a lifelong event, so one has to think about it and start with dating first.


Lin Xiaomin knew that people in big cities really liked this, so she agreed without saying a word. She then turned around and ordered flowers from Li Chou for the next two weeks.

“It’s called romancing and that’s what people in big cities like,” she said.


She ordered a bouquet of fire roses, dazzling red.


Li Chou handed the flower to Lin Xiaomin. Lin Xiaomin took it and sniffed it with a satisfied expression on her face: “This flower is really fragrant.”


“It should be okay if it doesn’t smell good.” Li Chou smiled. In fact, he has always wanted to ask Lin Xiaomin something. Most men probably didn’t like flowers like this flashy. Was she sure that teacher really likes it?


But he didn’t ask. After all, there are exceptions. For example, doesn’t he like flowers too?


When Li Chou came home that night, he specially brought back a bouquet of roses.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 1 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 1




When Li Chou saw Song Zexu being interviewed by the media on TV, his heart began to pound. He put down the flowers in his hand and walked to the TV


He stood and stared at the person on the screen.


Song Zexu just finished filming a movie a few days ago. In order to warm up in advance, the media came to interview him for the past two days. He was enthusiastic when facing the reporters.


Song Zexu answered all the questions the reporter asked that had nothing to do with the movie without a hint of change in his expression.


Song Zexu made his debut as a child star but his acting career in the past ten years has been tepid until he was photographed with a popular actor half a year ago. After that, a hot scandal of him and Xiaohua coming out of the same hotel broke out. Around the same time, he also appeared in a movie and happened to catch up with Xiaohua’s popularity as his acting skills were also up to the mark. With that, also managed to win the award for the movie he was in. So after working hard for more than ten years without anyone knowing him, just because of the scandal, in a short period of time, he became a household name known by all within half a year.


Of course, this included Li Chou.


On the screen, Song Zexu is smiling at the camera. He has typical, round, peach blossom eyes with a tear-shaped mole below them. Probably because of the lighting in the scene, his eyes seem to be glowing and just by looking at the camera, he looked very affectionate.


Such a face was all too easy to fall in love with.


The interview ended five minutes later and the TV began to broadcast commercials. Li Chou just stood there for a long time before going back to arranging the flowers.


When Lin Xiaomin entered the store, Li Chou had just finished tying up the roses she had ordered. Seeing Lin Xiaomin, he gave her the bouquet and said, “You’ve just arrived in time. I’m finished with the bouquet.”


“Really?” Lin Xiaomin said with a smile, “That’s really a coincidence.”


Lin Xiaomin is one of the most beautiful girls in Yunzhen. Many boys chase after her, but she is highly-educated and looks down on the boys in the small town as she wants to go to university and look for a boyfriend in the city. Some time ago, a male teacher from a big city came to Yunzhen Middle School. This fascinated Lin Xiaomin. This girl from Yunzhen had a strong personality. As such, she took the initiative to launch an offensive and would send him flowers every day. So far, she has always ordered from Li Chou. There were a dozen bouquets of flowers today.


Due to this, Li Chou also managed to break through this month’s turnover. Something he hardly managed to do.


Lin Xiaomin took out her mobile phone from her pocket to scan the QR code and pay for her order.


She might’ve hit a wall with her conquest, as such, Lin Xiaomin is obviously not in a positive mood today. She usually leaves the store to go find that teacher directly after paying, but today she took a stool and sat down.


She put the flowers on the table and lay down on the table listlessly. With a really depressed expression, she asked, “Brother Chou, do you think I have any chance? It’s been so many days, but every time I look for him, he avoids me. Am I that scary? I’m only pursuing him to be my boyfriend…”


Li Chou has never chased anyone before, let alone experienced any romance. However, basing his knowledge on the dog-blood drama series performed by Song Zexu, he thought about it and replied: “I think you might as well just grab him and directly ask him if he wants to be with you. If he wants to, then he will fall in love. If he doesn’t, then just say goodbye.”


Lin Xiaomin seemed to think that what he said made sense. She nodded, stood up and held up the bouquet of flowers, “Yes, let’s do it this way. I shouldn’t waste my youth.”


After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry.


Looking at her back, Li Chou couldn’t help but smile, thinking that this should be the spirit of a young girl in love.


Li Chou didn’t receive any commissions in the past two days, so he closed the shop directly and got off work.


Someone died in the sunset sea some time ago, so it is now not open to tourists, fearing that there will be another accident. There was a patrol going from house to house every night for a while. Aunt Wang from the fruit shop next door fanned Li Chou with a cattail fan while Li Chou locked the store door. She reminded him, “Chou, it’s your turn to go to the beach tonight.”


Li Chou responded with an “ah” and replied, “I’ll remember it.”


Aunt Wang smiled, pointed to a basket of watermelons with her fan and said, “Auntie wants to give you a melon to eat. If you sit on the reef, facing the sea breeze, it’ll be very beautiful.”


“Thank you, Auntie.” Li Chou also smiled as he went to pick the melons unceremoniously. Before leaving, he said, “Aunt, I will give you some new flowers tomorrow. They can help revitalise you, though I can see that you have a lot of energy and spirit.”


“Really?” Aunt Wang was successfully coaxed. She touched her face and smiled.


The beach is not very far from here. It is 15 minutes by foot. In recent years, Yunzhen has been developed for tourism and its ancient city and Sunset Sea are the most popular locations. 


However, there was a drunk tourist who ran to the beach. He slipped and fell into the sea. After being swept away by the waves, his body floated back several days later, which caused panic among many tourists. Due to this, they now send people to watch the beach every night so no more accidents occur.


The sea breeze was strong at night, but it looked cool in the sweltering summer. Li Chou climbed onto the reef with a watermelon in his arms. He looked at the moon floating atop the sea for a while before lowering his head and used the knife on his keychain to cut the watermelon apart.


The watermelon from Aunt Wang was juicy and a stream of red melon juice flowed out from the opening. The salty sea breeze was wrapped in a fresh and sweet taste of melon. Li Chou was salivating and he couldn’t wait to take a bite.


The waves suddenly got bigger, with every wave bigger than the last, accompanied by the howling sound of the sea breeze. Li Chou just ate the melon quietly like that while watching the sea and time passed just like that.


He only needed to sit for two hours but Li Chou usually sat for three hours. Compared to other people, he was lonely. He seemed to have a small world of his own. He always closed himself up, and no one could get him out.


Fortunately, the melons he picked were not big. There was less than half left and Li Chou thought he could just finish eating them when he suddenly heard a bumping noise.


It was dark at night, so he couldn’t see anything clearly. After, there was another sound of lapping waves. Li Chou thought that he might have heard it wrong, it could’ve been the bottles thrown by tourists into the sea that were swept onto the beach by waves.


Li Chou didn’t care too much, so he ate the last mouthful of melon and took out the plastic bag that was packed in advance. He threw the melon rind in and jumped off the reef stone.


When he was walking back, there was a slight groaning sound from behind. Li Chou felt that he had heard it right this time. So he didn’t hear wrongly after all.


He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the beach.


When the camera reached the far right, he saw a dark figure lying there. Looking closely, the figure was still moving, as if he was calling for help.


Li Chou was startled and ran to save him.


He hurriedly ran to the man. Li Chou shone the flashlight on the man. When his eyes landed on the other’s face, his pupils shrank suddenly and his chest began to violently beat. The surrounding waves were noisy, but Li Chou could clearly hear his own rapid heartbeat.


He crouched down in disbelief and touched the man’s face.


The other party was not unconscious, but he was indeed seriously injured, bleeding from his forehead. The dark red blood looked very terrifying in the moonlit night.


He clearly had his eyes open, but his eyes looked very empty. He looked at Li Chou with a more bewildered expression.


Li Chou swallowed his saliva, pursed his lips, and called him gently, even cautiously: “Song Zexu, is that you..?”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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