Category: I’ll Wait for You on a Spring Day (Page 1 of 2)

I’ll Wait for You on a Spring Day

Chapter 13 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 13 Song Zexu’s Reply


On the page…


To Li Chou:


Hello, Li Chou. It’s Song Zexu.


It’s a pity that I finally found out that you actually like me in this way. I am very grateful, I believe it will be like what you said, “After selling flowers in this life, I’ll be more beautiful in the next life”


You’ll definitely look beautiful in your next life.


But in my heart, you have always been good-looking.


In my opinion, one’s inner beauty is better than outward appearance. Even though I have not seen you before, I still remember living in your apartment, as well as your sweetness and gentleness.


There seem to be a lot of flowers in your apartment, and the first thing I always wake up to is the sweet fragrance of flowers. During that time, I was always happy. If I didn’t have to continue my career, I think I’d love to spend the rest of my life in that place.


At that time, I only knew that you were the owner of a flower shop, but I had never been to your flower shop. Now the flower shop is run by your friend Lin Xiaomin and her husband.


A few years ago, her husband unfortunately passed away in a landslide after volunteering as a teaching assistant in the forest. Now she and her daughter take care of the store. Her daughter is named Dodo. She is very beautiful. She said she missed you very much and I do too.


I’m going to hold my first concert in my life this year. I’ll make sure to include my 18-year-old album and your favorite song “Spring” in the finale. This song will be just for you.


Sending you back some of your sincere and passionate love. I have received your love and I hope you do too with mine.


May you be safe in another world.


Li Chou.


I’ll be waiting for you in spring.


Song Zexu


May 4, 20xx


T/N: And that marks the end of “I’ll wait for you on a spring day”! Thanks for making it this far~ Do check out the other collection of Bad End Stories for Bad End month that’ll be sure to leave you reaching for more tissues!


Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 12 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 12 Li Chou’s Confession Letter


On the letter


To Song Zexu:


When you open this letter, I don’t know if you’ll still remember me. My name is Li Chou. I saved you after you were injured in Yunzhen.


It’s quite surprising that I was able to muster up the courage to write you a letter. You have probably forgotten that our first meeting was a long time ago. 


At that time, you were still not popular and were going to an audition. I happened to meet you when I went shopping in the city.


You gave me the feeling that you are the same kind and gentle man everyone could see on TV. This may be a bit exaggerated, but you are really good-looking. Because I look ugly, I have received a lot of disgusted stares since I was a child. Generally, everyone would dislike me when they see me, but you talked to me, we got along well and it was really comfortable talking with you.


Perhaps it is because of this that I will come to like you so much later.


I was actually very pleasantly surprised when I accidentally rescued you. After all, it was you, my favorite person, but then I got a little flustered, because I was wondering what happened to you to end up with sas many bruises as you did. I was worried until you finally woke up.


Then you woke up, you said you couldn’t see. At that moment, I was sweating profusely. What should I do? You were an actor, what would you do if you couldn’t see?


Fortunately, the doctor said it was only temporary blindness. Later, you lived in my apartment and found out that you were my idol.


In fact, I really like you. I want to be the one to be with you, but there is a huge gap between us and I know it’s impossible.


To be honest, I have had a crush on you for a long time and no one can hold their excitement after being alone together in a room with their crush, but I can’t expose myself. Knowing that you hate extreme fans. I really want to be forceful and I really want to push you down, but just thinking about it, I dare not to.


It’s almost early morning now, the summers in Yunzhen are very hot. You must not be used to it. You don’t belong here and will be leaving tomorrow, so my secret crush is going to be buried in my heart again. I don’t know when you will see this letter. You are so busy, maybe you will never see this. Don’t worry, it’s alright. If you see this, I just like you and I will only continue to support you silently instead of being a threat to you.


You have to remember:


I’ll love you forever.


Li Chou


July 3, 20xx


T/N: Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 11 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 11 Li Chou’s Diary (Unfinished)


The first year of diary writing after returning to Yunzhen




[Saturday, July 15, 20xx is sunny]


Today a customer asked for white platycodon. I don’t know how I ended up giving them a white rose, but the customer got angry and told me to be more serious next time.


[Light rain on Monday, July 17, 20xx]


Aunt Wang next door gave me a sweet watermelon today. It’s so big, I feel like it will take me several days to eat it. I’ll let her come to the store to pick a bunch of flowers tomorrow.


[Overcast on Thursday, August 3, 20xx]


My aunt called me back to the city again, but I thought it would be too much to bother them. I heard that my cousin has already found a girlfriend.

It seems that I am being superfluous, so I better not delay it anymore and wait until the Chinese New Year to go back.


[Overcast on Monday, August 7, 20xx]


Today is the beginning of autumn. It is a bit cold. A customer has ordered a month’s worth of red roses for his girlfriend. I am so happy, but it is a pity that I am too ugly. Even if I’m looking for a girlfriend, no one will fancy me.


I should earnestly sell my flowers.


[Sunny Tuesday, August 15, 20xx]


Today I met a girl named Lin Xiaomin. She is very beautiful and a lot of boys chase after her. She has a very good personality, even if she is a little crazy haha. She came to my store to buy a lot of flowers. I was a little envious.


[Rain on Saturday, August 26, 20xx]


Lin Xiaomin came to the flower shop again. She bought several bouquets of white roses and she said she likes white roses the most. It seems to be because of her mother.

Hmm, I don’t know what flowers my mother likes.


[Sunday, September 3, 20xx]


The middle school across the street has started its classes. Are all kids romantic? Several of them came to the store to buy flowers, so I didn’t know whether to sell it to them or not.

It seems that I also had puppy love when I was studying, but no one paid attention to it.


[Overcast on Saturday, October 21, 20xx]


The sunset sea at the end of autumn is still so beautiful, it’s a pity that there are no maple leaves in Yunzhen.


[Saturday, November 4, 20xx is sunny]


Today, I cooked noodles in clear soup and made too much. Fortunately, there was my aunt. Although the food was not as delicious as my aunt’s and it was barely edible.

My aunt said that if I do it a few more times, I will become proficient, so I’ll wait two days before preparing it again.


[Rain on Saturday, November 18, 20xx]


Today I went to the city to buy flower seeds. They are so expensive. Why are the prices of flowers so high recently? I can’t afford them anymore and I forgot to check the weather forecast report. I almost got so many flower seeds wet, it’s too miserable for me.


[Sunday Xiaoxue, December 24, 20xx]


It’s Christmas Eve. Let me just say, so many people came to buy flowers suddenly. Lin Xiaomin gave me two Christmas fruits and bought some flowers before twelve o’clock.

I gave her two lollipops that I made myself, hehe, she said they were delicious~


[Sunday heavy snow on December 25, 20xx]


It’s so cold. Lin Xiaomin’s suitor came to the store and bought a lot of flowers. He’s really rich, but Lin Xiaomin and I complained about the boy’s attitude.


She doesn’t like him.


Year 2 prior in Yunzhen:


[Overcast on Wednesday, January 24, 20xx]


Today is the Laba Festival[/mfn]Celebrated on the 8th Day of the 12th month in the Chinese lunar calendar. Regarding the enlightenment of the Buddha[/mfn]. I boiled half a pot of Laba porridge. I forgot to set a timer and in the end, the porridge was mushy. I barely filled a small half bowl and drank it.

Uncle sent Laba garlic, which is delicious.


[Snow on Thursday, February 8, 20xx]


It’s still early in the north and I went back to my uncle and aunt’s house. My cousin and his girlfriend seem to be breaking up, but my cousin didn’t seem very sad. I asked him why and he said that it is unrealistic for girls to chase celebrities every day. How could such handsome celebrities fall in love with ordinary people?


I thought to myself that my cousin is very handsome. Is it possible for such a big star to be more attractive? My cousin showed me a picture of that big star. I think I have seen his ad and um… seems to be prettier than my cousin.


[Overcast on Wednesday, February 21, 20xx]


A film and television base has been built in the city. I heard that there will be stars coming to shoot movies. I want to go and see them. I don’t know when they will come.


[Sunny on Monday, April 16, 20xx]


I went shopping in the city today and I met a celebrity. He looked very hardworking and he looks good, but I haven’t seen him on TV.


He shouldn’t be very popular yet, but he has a good personality. Unlike me who is so ugly. No one paid attention to him, but he actually thinks that I was trying to audition, how could it be possible?


He will definitely succeed in the audition and will definitely become popular in the future.


[Sunny Tuesday, May 1, 20xx]


The children on May Day are all on holiday. Yunzhen has developed a tourism industry. There are a lot of foreign tourists. A lot of flowers were sold today, which is really good. I feel a little rich.


[Sunny Wednesday, July 4, 20xx]


It’s so hot these days, I want to go to the sea!!!


[Light rain on Tuesday, July 24, 20xx]


It finally rained, but the air was so stuffy. I bought an electric fan, ah, it was cool at last, I listened to the rain while blowing cool wind, and then tied some flowers. They are too beautiful.


[Sunny Friday, August 17, 20xx]


It’s Qixi Festival[/mfn]Celebrated on the 7th Day of the 7th month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It’s like traditional valentine’s day.[/mfn] and Lin Xiaomin seems to have a boyfriend now. Recently, there is a photo circulating in her circle of friends. He is not bad, very handsome. A handsome man and a beautiful woman look very cute together.


[Sunday, September 1, 20xx]


The students have started school again so there are many people at the door of the store. I heard that the third year of senior high school is preparing for the college entrance examination in two weeks and many parents are worried.

I went to Aunt Wang’s store to buy fruit. There were lots of children. Aunt Wang was very busy, hahaha.


It would be nice for them to buy some of my flowers to make their bedroom fragrant too!!


[Overcast on Thursday, September 27, 20xx]


I went to see the Sunset Sea again today. There are a lot of people who come to travel these days. It seems that the National Day is coming. When there are more tourists, they will buy some flowers.


I want to make more money and become a rich man!!!


[Sunday light rain on October 14, 20xx]


It’s a bit cold these days, so I need to put on some thick clothes…


[November 5, 20xx Monday sunny]


Huh? Today, I think I saw an actor in an online drama who looks familiar. It seems to be the one in the city before. It turns out that his name is Song Zexu.


Wow, he’s doing well, I knew he could do it. He’ll be a great actor in the future.


Year three back in Yunzhen:


[Snow on Sunday, January 13, 20xx]


I’m really afraid of the cold. It snowed as soon as I got out of the apartment. It’s really cold. Fortunately, it didn’t snow too much. I have to go to my aunt’s house quickly or I won’t be able to leave if the snow is too heavy.


That’s it, my aunt cooked a lot of Laba porridge. I heard that my cousin brought his girlfriend to celebrate the New Year this year. It’s a bit cramped. I can’t lose face.


[Monday, January 14, 20xx is cloudy]


Back home, my cousin’s girlfriend is very polite and gentle and she is very polite at the dinner table. She will be very happy marrying my cousin. Uncle said that she’ll soon have to wrap big red envelopes. My aunt also likes her very much.


My cousin is getting married, and I don’t even have anyone I like.


[Overcast on Thursday, February 14, 20xx]


Why did I dream of Song Zexu?!


[Sunday, February 17, 20xx]


Is Song Zexu busy? It seems that I haven’t seen him except in that web drama…


[Sunny Saturday, March 16, 20xx]


Lin Xiaomin told me that she has a friend who likes chasing 18th-line artists, and two years ago, she crowdfunded that artist to release an album.


My friends are rich too.


[Sunday light rain on April 7, 20xx]


I went to burn some paper for my parents[/mfn]Chinese culture. We burn paper money as offerings to the deceased.[/mfn]. I don’t know if they are doing well in the afterlife. I need to burn more money and buy more delicious food.


[Sunny on Monday, May 13, 20xx]


I just found out that Song Zexu was the artist that Lin Xiaomin said her friend crowdfunded. I really want that digital album so I went to the online market to find it.


It’s so expensive, what should I do? I want to buy it.


[Sunny Wednesday, May 15, 20xx]


Let’s bite our tongue and buy it. I can eat dirt for the next few days.


[Monday, July 15, 20xx is sunny]


!!! Song Zexu has a scandal. Does he have a girlfriend?



[Overcast on Friday, August 16, 20xx]


I came to Song Zexu’s variety show today. He doesn’t look like he has a girlfriend at all. He is single. Hmph, he seems to like roses. I saw a fan give him a bouquet that he likes very much. There are a lot of roses in the store, I will give him the same next time.


I really like him.


[Saturday, September 7, 20xx is sunny]


I have played Song Zexu’s “Spring” many times on repeat. I am yearning for that kind of life. The springtime is full of vitality and the mountains and plains too.


I have watched all of Song Zexu’s program interviews many times. I hope he is prosperous, but not too tired.


[Overcast on Sunday, December 22, 20xx]


During the winter solstice, I ate dumplings. I cooked them with leek stuffing and made dumplings in sour soup. They were delicious. Li Chou, Li Chou, you are really amazing.


I don’t know if Song Zexu will eat dumplings, he seems to have joined a group a few days ago.


Year four back in Yunzhen:


[Snow January 24, 20xx Friday]


Today on New Year’s Eve, I just found out that my cousin broke up with his girlfriend again. The woman’s family disagreed so there were four of us again at the dinner table.


The braised fish cooked by my aunt is really amazing. My aunt asked me if I have a girlfriend. I dare not say that I don’t like girls now.


[Sunny Thursday, March 12, 20xx]


Arbor Day[/mfn]A secular day of observance in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees.[/mfn] is here. I planted a small sapling in front of the store. I wonder if I can see it grow into a towering tree.


[Sunny on Thursday, May 7, 20xx]


Lin Xiaomin must be in a daze. Recently, a male teacher was transferred from the middle school across the street. She was fascinated by him immediately and she started ordering flowers from me.


God, her persistence is so scary.


[Overcast on Thursday, June 4, 20xx]


Has Lin Xiaomin caught up with the male teacher today?




[Sunny Wednesday, June 15, 20xx]


Oh my god, it’s really Song Zexu. I rescued Song Zexu. Am I crazy? I’m not crazy, am I?


[Sunny Tuesday, June 21, 20xx]


Song Zexu still got up very early this morning and woke me up again. He said he wanted to go to the bathroom, so I helped him to the bathroom and stood by the toilet.


He seemed a little embarrassed so I asked him what was wrong. He said don’t look at me and I realized that he was shy.


I exited the bathroom and after a while I heard the toilet flushing. Then he came out of the bathroom a minute later, and he said to me: “Sorry, I’m bothering you again.”


I looked at his reddish cheeks and I was a little lost in thought for a while. I said, “It’s okay, I should go to work now too.”


Song Zexu asked me what time it was.


I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only four o’clock in the morning, but I was afraid that Song Zexu would feel sorry, so I said, “It’s already seven o’clock and the sun is already out.”


Song Zexu said “Oh” without any doubt, but I saw that his expression was a little absent-minded and he said after a while: “I’ll have to wait a long time for you to get back, and it’s even after the sun has gone.”


I was startled and suddenly thought: “Does Song Zexu want to go back?”


That’s right, he didn’t belong here in the first place. He is a big star and he’s always wanted to shine on the big screen.


Although I was very disappointed, I still smiled and was about to ask him when he was going to leave, but Song Zexu suddenly said: “But sometimes seeing the sun is not necessarily a good thing.”


I always feel that there is something in Song Zexu’s words, but I am too ashamed to ask. I am afraid that he will find it too offensive and I am stuck thinking about what is it.


What do you mean?


[Light rain on Friday, June 24, 20xx]


The weather was bad today, it was raining all day and I felt a bit cold. I was afraid of infecting Song Zexu. After getting off work, I went to the vegetable market to buy a fish and boiled it for a while in a pot. I filled a bowl of soup for myself, and left the fish to Song Zexu.


Song Zexu only ate a little bit. He said he didn’t like fish. I clearly remember that Song Zexu said in an interview that he loves fish the most. Turns out it’s fake.


I couldn’t help coughing while washing the dishes, and when Song Zexu found out he brought me a cup of hot water with his own hands, and said that I should eat the medicine in time


I was a little surprised, Song Zexu was so considerate. I was a little happy, I really wondered if it was a dream.


It’s good to take the medicine for seven days, and it’s good to not take it for more than a week. I don’t like taking medicine, so I only drank the water from Song Zexu in the end.


Song Zexu is really nice, I like him very much.


[Saturday, July 2, 20xx is sunny]


Today Song Zexu borrowed my mobile phone to make a call. He asked me to dial a number for him. He was calling from the balcony. When it got through, I heard his manager’s voice, but I couldn’t hear what he said on the other line. I had a hunch that he was leaving soon. He probably told his manager to pick him up. Although I should have expected such a day, I was still so sad and a little bit reluctant.


But at least I had him to myself for a short time, so I should be satisfied.


That is, it would be nice if time passed a little slower.


[Overcast on Tuesday, October 4, 20xx]


I’m going to Song Zexu’s fan meeting tomorrow. I almost didn’t get a ticket. Luckily, there is Li Xiaomin. Her relatives are so amazing.


Thinking about it, I’m still a little excited. I don’t know if Song Zexu still remembers me and about that letter… I don’t know if he saw it? Even if he saw, he wouldn’t care, right? There are so many people who like him, how could he notice me who is ugly?


Song Zexu seems to be a little thinner. I saw his interview yesterday and his face was a lot smaller yesterday. He must not be eating well. When he was at home, he never ate much, so the company should treat him better. It’s not good to be too thin, or else he won’t be able to keep up with his nutritional needs.


In fact, I really want Song Zexu to come to Yunzhen again, to see the sunset sea under the afterglow of the setting sun as the golden sea is rippling, or sit on the Grandpa’s fishing boat and go out to the deep sea to play, but forget it. He won’t come. He will definitely hate my face when he sees it.


I can only imagine a little.


T/N: Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 10 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 10 – Years later.


“Mr. Song, there are so many letters in your bookcase, are they all from your fans?” The assistant helped Song Zexu tidy up the bookcase next to the desk in the bedroom. 


He was a little dumbfounded by the amount of letters Song Zexu received, it must be too much.


“Yeah, my fans are very cute. They write me letters very seriously and I will occasionally read the letters when I’m taking a break.” Song Zexu explained.


He opened the closet. He planned to move recently and wanted to pack up all the things that were going to be moved to his new home.


He has had a very full work schedule in the past two years and he hasn’t been home for a long time. Most of the clothes in the closet were worn by him before. He was going to take only a few and leave the rest.


When he was picking up a piece of clothing that was hanging on the inside, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something in the pocket. He reached into the pocket and took the item out.


It was a rose red envelope with some dried flowers on the edge, but it seemed that the flowers had been left for too long and it was cracked.


Song Zexu felt that the envelope was made very special and he was a little interested, so he opened it to look inside.


The letter paper was a little yellow, but he read the beginning first.


[To Song Zexu: After I wait for you to open this letter, I don’t know if you will still remember me. My name is Li Chou. I saved you after you were injured in Yunzhen…]


Song Zexu tried his best to search for this person named Li Chou in his mind and he seemed to have a little memory of when he was injured. There seemed to be a person named Li Chou who

saved him, but he was blind at the time and couldn’t see, so he didn’t have too deep a memory.


Song Zexu continued to read and found that this was actually a confession letter.


Li Chou wrote how excited he was when he rescued Song Zexu and how much he liked him.


At the end of the letter, Li Chou even wrote a sentence.


[I’ll love you forever.]


It’s a very simple confession letter, but Song Zexu doesn’t know why he thinks this letter is heavy, maybe it’s because it was from a person who had a long crush on him.


Song Zexu suddenly thought about it. It seemed that he had forgotten to contact him again. He only wanted to ask his agent to give him some money as thanks.


However, for some reason, Song Zexu wanted to see him again, this man who secretly loved him.


The next day, Song Zexu drove to Yunzhen.


He vaguely remembered that Li Chou’s apartment was in front of a park, but he couldn’t find it after searching for a long time. Later, he saw a flower shop.


He went in and asked the boss: “Hello, do you know a man named Li Chou?”


The owner of the flower shop was a woman. When she heard Li Chou’s name, she raised her head from the bar and looked at Song Zexu, and asked, “How do you know Li Chou’s name?”


Song Zexu didn’t know how to describe his relationship with Li Chou. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he could be called his savior, so he said: “He saved me. “


Upon hearing this, the woman sneered, “That’s right. Li Chou loves saving people so much, it  even took his own life.”


She looked at Song Zexu and said, “You are late. Li Chou has been dead for several years, after he was swept away by the sea to save a child. Not even a dead body was recovered.”


She touched her daughter beside her again and muttered in a low voice, “You didn’t even get to look at your goddaughter.”


Song Zexu was taken aback. He didn’t expect such a big change. He opened his mouth, but was unable to speak for a while.


The woman seemed to feel that he looked familiar. She looked at him carefully and suddenly asked, “Are you Song Zexu?”


Song Zexu let out an “ah” without denying it.


The woman took out a diary from the drawer of the bar, handed it to Song Zexu and said, “Although I know you may not care about a secret long-time crush, I still hope you can take a look at what Li Chou left behind.”


Song Zexu took it and found that it was Li Chou’s diary.


He read it and every time he read it, he felt a little shocked. At the beginning, Li Chou did not reveal about his own crush, only relying on watching some interviews or variety shows to see how he was doing. After that, he went to some filming locations to meet him before later accidentally rescuing him.


Li Chou wrote a sentence on the title page of his diary.


[Some people fall into the abyss but cannot wait for their savior]


In Li Chou’s unfinished diary, he hoped that Song Zexu could watch the sunset sea at least once. Song Zexu’s eyes were hot when he looked at that page.


He has never had a crush on anyone and he doesn’t know what it’s like to have a crush on someone. It’s just that he’s a little sad now that someone had loved him fervently.


He asked the woman, “May I ask how to get to the Sunset Sea?”


The woman looked at him and gave him directions.


Ten minutes later, Song Zexu arrived at the Sunset Sea. He remembered that he had been lying on that reef to watch the sea with Li Chou, but he hadn’t had this feeling before.


Now looking at the sunset sea, he really felt that this sea is beautiful.


Song Zexu sat on the reef, looking at the sea under the setting sun. The sun was shining brightly on the sea, Song Zexu seemed to see Li Chou sitting next to him as he spoke: “Look, I didn’t lie to you, the sunset over the sea is super beautiful.”


The sun was dazzling and Song Zexu couldn’t see Li Chou’s face clearly, but he thought he must be very good-looking, his smile was like a spring breeze blowing over the waves of the sea. He suddenly started to sing Li Chou’s favorite song “Spring”.


Finally, he said to Li Chou, “Yes, it’s so beautiful.”


Unfortunately, you will never see it again.


[Selling flowers in this life, to be beautiful in the next one]


I’ll be waiting for you in spring.


——End of the full text——


T/N: Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 9 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 9




At the beginning of August, Li Chou saw Song Zexu again on TV. The Song Zexu that appeared on the new drama launch conference was much better than the one who was stuck in the apartment every day.


Yes, he seems to be born to be on the big screens, shining brightly in front of the cameras.


His complexion looked much better, but Li Chou noticed that he would subconsciously try to avoid flashes while he was being photographed. Li Chou thought that it probably still hurt and that it was too early for him to return to work. What should he do if something were to happen to his eyes? He regrets that he didn’t let Song Zexu get his eyes fixed earlier, but this was not something for him to decide.


He can’t help it either.


Lin Xiaomin took the time to go back to Yunzhen at the end of the month. She and that teacher have registered for marriage. The girl who used to be hot and passionate was now gentle. When she came to see Li Chou, she was wearing a white canvas dress and Li Chou almost didn’t recognize her.


Lin Xiaomin walked into the shop with a bouquet of dried flowers at the entrance of the flower shop and asked, “Boss, how much is this?”


Li Chou subconsciously raised his head to look at the bouquet of flowers. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Lin Xiaomin holding the flowers after quoting the price. 


Laughing, he said, “I’ll give it to you for free.”


“Yo, that’s great.” Lin Xiaomin smiled.


“What else?” Li Chou helped her wrap the bouquet of dried flowers with star lights, “Long time no see. Why did you suddenly want to come back?”


“I came back to tell you.” Lin Xiaomin approached Li Chou and whispered in his ear, “I’m going to be a mother soon.”


Li Chou froze in place at first. His heart then jumped out of his body. He couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth and looked at Lin Xiaomin’s lower abdomen.


There is already a little life in it.


“Can I touch it?” Li Chou looked at Lin Xiaomin and asked cautiously.


“Okay, you will be their godfather in the future.” Lin Xiaomin said.


“I can’t be a godfather. I’m so ugly, I’ll scare them away.” Li Chou squatted down and gently touched Lin Xiaomin’s stomach. 


There was something really moving. What a wonderful feeling.


“You always say such self-deprecating words every day. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful. My child will not despise you. He will like you very much.” Lin Xiaomin said.


“Then… I hope so too.” Li Chou moved his lips.


It’s a pity. No one expected Li Chou’s time to be so short that he didn’t even have time to see this child.


During the National Day in October, many tourists came to Yunzhen. The tourism sector of Yunzhen is developing very well. Sunset Sea was reopened in September.


More patrolmen were added at night, and they were always paying attention to avoid any accidents from happening.


On the 4th night, the son of the Lin family was supposed to be on patrol, but he drank with his friends at noon. He lay down at home and fell asleep. His mother thought he wouldn’t be able to patrol so she changed the shift for Li Chou, who was supposed to be on patrol on the 5th.


Li Chou had to get up early to go to Song Zexu’s fan meeting the next day. He managed to get the tickets, so he didn’t want to change shifts at first. However, he was too embarrassed to say no to the old man, so he bit the tongue and agreed.


After Song Zexu left, Li Chou seldom wrote diaries about Song Zexu. Perhaps because he was going to see Song Zexu the next day, Li Chou worked hard and brought the diary to the patrol room.


It was the third month after Song Zexu left and Li Chou started writing again.


[Tuesday, October 4, 20xx, overcast]


[I’m going to Song Zexu’s fan meeting tomorrow. I almost did not get a ticket, fortunately my friend Lin Xiaomin managed to get one. Her relatives are so amazing,


Thinking about it, I’m still a little excited. I don’t know if Song Zexu still remembers me. That letter… I don’t know if he ever saw it? Even if he saw it should, he wouldn’t care, right? There are so many people who like him, how could he notice me who is ugly?


Song Zexu seems to be a little thinner. I saw his interview yesterday and his face was a lot smaller. He must not be eating well. When he was at home, he never ate much too, so the company should treat him better. It’s not good to be too thin and he won’t be able to keep up with his nutritional needs.]


At this point, Li Chou stopped writing. The sea tonight seems to be a bit frighteningly angry. The waves were getting higher and higher and they were roaring. Li Chou looked out of the window and found nothing unusual, so he lowered his head and continued writing.


[In fact, I really want Song Zexu to come to Yunzhen again to see the setting sun under the afterglow of it all as the golden sea is rippling, or to sit in Grandpa’s fishing boat and go to have fun in the deep sea, but let’s forget it. He won’t come and he will definitely hate my face when he sees my appearance.


I can only imagine a little…]


Before the diary was finished, Li Chou suddenly heard a cry for help outside. He immediately put down his pen, stood up and walked out of the patrol room. There was a man on the beach.

A woman was running and she was at a loss. When she saw Li Chou, she ran over with tears in her eyes and said to Li Chou, “Please, save my daughter. She seems to have been swept into the sea. I just saw her coat float away at sea.”


Hearing this, Li Chou’s expression became serious. The night was too dark and the chances for  a child who’s fallen into the sea at rising tide was now very good. But if the girl has just been swept away, maybe she hasn’t drifted away, so as long as he swims fast and is lucky, maybe he’ll be able to save her.


Li Chou quickly took protective measures for himself. While doing this, he said to the woman that he will go to the sea to find her first and told her to go to the wall of the patrol room and dial the emergency number above now.


After saying that, Li Chou walked towards the beach. He had to find the little girl quickly or he would really lose her.


“Hurry up, don’t be stunned.” Li Chou looked at the woman who was already a little scared, “Don’t worry too much, I will definitely rescue your daughter.”


“Thank you.” The woman cried and ran to the patrol room.


It was the first time Li Chou swam into the sea at night. The sea water was cold at night, but it was okay in Yunzhen, which was like summer all year round. The sea water was turbulent and

he couldn’t see clearly at night. Li Chou swam nearly 100 meters and didn’t find a trace of the little girl. Seeing that the moonlight was about to be hidden under the clouds, Li Chou felt a little desperate in his heart. He felt that he might really not find the little girl.


The woman hurried into the rescue room, but just after pressing the phone number, she heard her daughter calling her. She looked out the window and saw her daughter standing behind the reef.


She hurried out to hug her daughter and scolded her: “Where did you go, child? I thought you fell into the sea.”


“I accidentally threw the coat mummy bought into the sea. I was afraid that mummy would scold me so I didn’t dare to say it, but I couldn’t find my mother just now so I was scared.”The little girl said pitifully.


“You are mad at mom? Do you know how worried mom was just now?” After the woman finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that she had sent a patrolman to go looking for her daughter.


She looked into the sea. The tide was so strong now, could the patrolman come back? What if he dies, the woman feels a little scared and ran into the patrol room and dialed for the emergency services.


Li Chou felt that he couldn’t exert all his strength. He didn’t know how long he had been swimming and he didn’t know where he had swam to. He was gradually panting hard. The soles of his feet were as heavy as lead and the sea water was pouring into his mouth. Li Chou struggled to open his eyes and the moon seemed to be gone.


He suddenly wondered if he would never see Song Zexu again. He seemed a little regretful. He finally bought a ticket, but he couldn’t go.


He won’t be able to see Lin Xiaomin’s baby anymore. She is due four months later, so he won’t be able to hear her call him her godfather. As for the little girl in the sea, he didn’t manage to save her. If the little girl is alone at the sea, how scared she must be.


However, he was also tired and he couldn’t swim anymore.


Li Chou closed his eyes slowly, letting his body sink into the cold seabed.


Then he died in the sea he loved most.


T/N: Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 8 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 8




The street lamp at the entrance of Li Chou’s apartment stopped working after it rained continuously for a week. There was still a little light in the past few nights, but it was completely dark now. As the night wind blew, it disturbed the green leaves on the trees and made a rustling sound.


In the faint moonlight, Li Chou took out a piece of letter paper, laid it flat on the desk and looked up at the cold moon outside the window. Before he could start writing, he heard Song Zexu sound asleep on the bed behind him.


Before Song Zexu went to bed, Li Chou poured him a glass of milk and now he was sleeping very peacefully. His breathing was a little heavier than before.


After getting along with Song Zexu for so many days, Li Chou found that Song Zexu did not sleep very well. Sometimes he would fall asleep very early, and sometimes it would be late in the night. Even if it was very late at night, he wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink.


The agent told him today that Song Zexu had to drink a glass of milk before going to bed to soothe his nerves, so Li Chou bought the most expensive cow milk in the supermarket.

Unexpectedly Song Zexu actually fell asleep early after drinking it.


In addition to this, the agent also told him that Song Zexu will go back tomorrow and he has already contacted the best eye hospital in the city. This was about his eyes, so he couldn’t afford to drag it on any longer. After all, there’s work to be done.


Song Zexu’s suspension of work for no reason caused there to be an uproar when the studio released the official news and the company was in chaos. Song Zexu was now a top artist for them, if they lost him, it means that the company’s cash cow is gone. The company didn’t dare to call the police, so they could only use their connections as much as possible to find him, but they couldn’t find him.


If Song Zexu hadn’t called his manager, they would have planned to call the police in a few days, fearing that he was killed.


But fortunately, he was fine.


Li Chou said to his agent: “But can you give me half a day tomorrow, I want to take Song Zexu to see the sea.”


The agent thought for a while and replied, “I have no problem with that. Just ask Song Zexu.”


Li Chou said “Yes” and asked Song Zexu after he came back.


Song Zexu hadn’t left the apartment for a long time and he didn’t even remember that he was picked up from the seaside.


Although he didn’t know what the sea meant to Li Chou, Li Chou was his savior after all, so he agreed.


The hot summer wind came in through the window’s tiny gap and fell on Li Chou’s face, finally bringing him a little cool air. Li Chou picked up the pen, buried his head and wrote on the letter paper:


[To Song Zexu:]


It was a long night and Li Chou finished the whole letter, adding a sentence at the end.


[I wish you a safe life.]


After a pause, Li Chou wrote a few more words.


After he finished writing, he folded the letter and stuffed it into the rose red envelope that he thought Song Zexu would like after deliberating on it for a long time from the shelf in the supermarket in the afternoon.

——Because Song Zexu likes red roses.


After putting the letter in, he passed the dried roses he made before.


Finally, he walked out of the bedroom, put the envelope in Song Zexu’s coat pocket in his suitcase and then went back to the bedroom to lay down on the bed.


This is the last night he will be sleeping with Song Zexu.


Li Chou closed his eyes and tapped Song Zexu’s hand tightly for the second time.


For the last time.




Li Chou likes the Sunset Sea during sunset time the most. Just like the name Sunset Sea, the afterglow covers half of the sky, as the orange light reflected on the surface of the sea blended with the dark blue. The waves of the sea came and went as the sea breeze fell lightly, refreshing the heart of the onlookers.

“This place is very comfortable.” Song Zexu looked at the setting sun and said, His eyes were not very sensitive to strong light stimulation and would hurt, but he doesn’t feel that way when looking at the setting sun by the sea. He could see the orange light around the edge of his sight.


“That’s right. I like sitting on the reef at dusk and watching the sea the most.” Li Chou said in a gentle voice, “Summer in Yunzhen is too hot, but with the sea breeze, it is a little cooler.”


Song Zexu gave a soft “Mm” and said regretfully, “It’s unfortunate I can’t see it.”


Li Chou knew what Song Zexu meant. When Song Zexu got his eyes healed, he would go back to work and probably wouldn’t come back to Yunzhen or the sunset sea in Yunzhen. Song Zexu may have seen many seas and he doesn’t care much about this one, so it is impossible he will take the initiative to come back to see the sea again.


Li Chou thought that he had forgotten his own position after a long time.


Li Chou lay back on the reef and there were birds flying by in the sky. He sighed suddenly.


Song Zexu also lay down and he turned to look at Li Chou. As if guessing his worry, he asked with a smile: “What’s the matter?”


Li Chou knew that Song Zexu was asking jokingly, but he still blushed. He looked at Song Zexu, moved his throat, and his voice was hoarse:


“I’m already a very restrained fan. If I become an extreme, I won’t let you go.”


Song Zexu smiled. Without making a sound, he said: “Yes, you are a very qualified fan, I wish that all fans are as sensible as you are.”


After a while, Song Zexu raised his eyebrows and said to Li Chou, “You hid me very well. In fact, the day you rescued me, I was just attacked by some violent people.”


Song Zexu recalled that day and did not feel good. He was going to participate in the recording of a very important program, so he came out of the hotel.


There was a black car parked at the door as usual and he thought it was for an appointment from his assistant, so he got in the car directly.


But as soon as he sat down, someone covered his mouth and he smelled a strange scent before falling unconscious. When he woke up, he found himself thrown into the wilderness. He didn’t know where he was, but there were voices beside him. He laid still, afraid of being discovered by them and then vaguely heard them talk about wanting a certain actor on a show. At that time, he knew that these people were fans of that actor and because he was on the show, that artist would definitely not be chosen.

But Song Zexu didn’t know that artist at all, he only heard from his assistant that the actor’s methods were not savoury and that his hands were not clean in the acting industry.


One of them was sensitive and found out that he woke up before using a hammer to hurt him. When Song Zexu woke up again, he was in the hospital.


Li Chou felt his fingertips tremble a little. He couldn’t imagine that Song Zexu would encounter such a thing, if he hadn’t been looking at the sea that day, Song Zexu, who was thrown there would only be left waiting for the high tide at night, only to be swept away by the sea. How terrible that would’ve been.


How could they take human life so lightly?!


Li Chou felt pained and his heart ached. Song Zexu, whom he liked so much, was treated so badly like this by those stinky maggots. The feeling of suffocation pooled and lingered in his stomach. He wanted to vent, but he didn’t dare in front of Song Zexu.


He could only say in a trembling voice, “Fortunately, you’re safe now.”


Song Zexu was more accepting than him. He closed his eyes and said in a very relaxed voice, “At least they didn’t throw me into the sea directly, leaving me a way out. As long as I am alive, the company will not give up on me. These past few days can be regarded as a vacation for myself, but ah, if I don’t go back, I really won’t be able to catch up with my dreams.”


“But…” Li Chou didn’t know what to say for a while. He only knew that Song Zexu was not a simple person, but did not expect the reality to be so cruel.


Artists are like commodities, if they fail to realize their maximum value, they will be rejected by the industry.


Li Chou closed his eyes, pursed his lips, held his breath, and then slowly let it out. Tilting his head, he wanted to say something to Song Zexu, but when he opened his eyes, he found Song Zexu appears to have fallen asleep.


The birds flew away, leaving only the sound of the waves.


Li Chou moved closer to Song Zexu, so close that he could clearly see a small mole on Song Zexu’s ear. He had never noticed that Song Zexu had a mole on his ear and Li Chou felt a little turmoil in his heart, as if he knew a secret that no one knew.


He thought, maybe among Song Zexu’s fans, he is the only one who knows that he has a mole on his ear and he is the only one who has seen it.


The sun was playing hide-and-seek on the horizon, hiding itself bit by bit. The hot summer day was slowly ending as the hot and dry day turned into the cold air after dusk.


The wind, accompanied by the wet and salty sea breeze, can be clearly heard.


Li Chou’s heart thumped and he pursed his lips, mustering up the courage to approach Song Zexu’s ear. Tentatively but firmly, he opened his mouth amidst the sound of the rolling waves. He said: “Song Zexu, I like you.”


This is the first time Li Chou dared to confess directly, but he was destined not to get an answer.


The only response to Li Chou was Song Zexu’s light breathing after falling asleep.


T/N: Hey there! You might’ve noticed that there are many updates this month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 7 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 7




In the past few days, there has been non-stop rain. Even the air was humid. Originally, summers in Yunzhen were dry. After it rained, it became hot again. Occasionally, a gust of refreshing cool breeze can be felt through the window alongside with the damp wind of  midsummer.


News of a certain popular niche was broadcasting on the TV. It is no exaggeration to say that the entertainment industry is changing quickly. Song Xexu dominated the news headlines half a month ago, but it was replaced by someone else in the blink of an eye.


Song Zexu was isolated from the outside world for half a month, far away from the Internet and his career, being really carefree in Li Chou’s apartment, so much so that he almost forgot about his own life.


He was still an artist.


He tilted his ears to listen to the news on TV and couldn’t help laughing when the news said that he had forgotten his original intention to be the best.


Li Chou was pricking dried flowers next to him. When he suddenly laughed, he felt a little creeped out and looked up to watch the news on TV, only to find that it was the newbie celebrity who he’s seen in advertisements some time ago. He looks quite honest, but he didn’t expect him to be in a relationship.


Li Chou blinked slowly and said, “It might be a bit hard to tell, but he has a partner.”


“It’s just hype.” Song Zexu said to him, “I guess there is a new movie coming up, so they’re trying to create some gossip around it. I have worked with him before and it sounds great.”


“The kid talks like he has no talent and is not suitable for the entertainment industry, but he is very hardworking. I hope he can make some achievements in the future.”


Li Chou let out an “ah” and realized what he said was too one-sided. However, it is hard to discern between truths and lies in the news of the entertainment industry, so ordinary people don’t really think twice about accepting them.


“So that’s how it is.”


Song Zexu said “Mm”: “The company seems to be operating normally as usual.”


It was the same kind of hype that helped him gain some popularity in the first place. He is most familiar with this way of becoming popular, but he doesn’t really want anyone doing the same thing. After all, his popularity is all due to luck and a good foundation laid before too. He hasn’t made any bad movies, that’s why a few of them became popular after he himself became popular.


It’s not necessarily the case if someone else did the same thing. Others might even face backlash and it’s not good to be harmed by the other party.


Li Chou made an “oh” and began to tie the dried flowers silently again.


He dried some flowers a few days ago. Some customers like dried flowers. At the request of customers, he will prepare a batch of dried flowers every month and then sell them.


Sometimes the profit of dried flowers can be more than that of real flowers, after all, they can be stored for longer.


He tied a bunch of blue baby’s breath and put it in a vase on the coffee table. Li Chou is a romantic and likes to place all kinds of flowers at home.


The fragrance of flowers always puts him in a good mood.


The original plan for the remaining flowers was to tie them up and take them to the flower shop for sale. However, the rainy season has caused it to be humid for the past two days, and the dry flowers will have a different texture due to the air humidity. 


As such, Li Chou’s batch is softer than before and the weather forecast says that it will rain in three to five days.


Sigh, he sighed softly, he was thinking of how to remedy it.


“What’s wrong?” Song Zexu asked after hearing his sigh.


Li Chou didn’t want to bring up his own negative emotions. He didn’t want to trouble others, especially if the other party was Song Zexu, whom he liked, so he said: “It’s okay, I can handle it myself.”


“Really?” Song Zexu looked at Li Chou, “Did you just lie to me?”


During this time, Song Zexu was able to discern where Li Chou was very keenly through his voice and he no longer faced the TV or the wall like before when he would face the walls and even refrigerators after Li Chou spoke.


Li Chou: “…”


In the end, Li Chou still gave in: “It’s because of the weather these few days, the dried flowers that I originally made may not be very long-lasting, so I can only lower the price for them.”


“So that’s the case.” Song Zexu sighed like Li Chou a few minutes ago. He thought for a while and asked, “How much are these flowers? I’ll buy them.”


Li Chou was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect Song Zexu to buy his flowers and he felt that this was not good as he seemed to be taking advantage of others, so he immediately shook his head. Remembering that Song Zexu couldn’t see, he quickly opened his mouth and said, “How can I give you flowers of poor quality?”


“It’s okay.” Song Zexu smiled, “My manager likes flowers very much, so I’ll just give them to him later.”


“Really?” Li Chou was a little surprised. He doubted the authenticity of Song Zexu’s words. He remembered that Song Zexu’s manager was a man.


Would him, of all people, like his flowers? But after thinking about it, he felt that people in the entertainment industry always liked fancy things, which is normal. Besides, he could give a discount, so he said, “Alright then.”


After he finished speaking, he realized belatedly that Song Zexu seemed to mean that he was going back.


Li Chou looked into Song Zexu’s eyes and for a moment he thought, how could he keep Song Zexu by his side forever?


As soon as this thought came out, he slapped himself hard in his heart. How could he be so selfish? Song Zexu’s eyes were already swollen.


As it’s been too long, and he was afraid there will be some sequelae if he delays it any longer. If he really loses his sight because of this, there will be unimaginable consequences. The entertainment industry still needs Song Zexu. His talent and hard work should not be confined to this small town of Yunzhen. He should be allowed to shine bright like the sun.


He belongs on the big screens.


Li Chou breathed out lightly. At this moment, the most he can do is pray for Song Zexu to stay by his side for a little longer. After all, when he leaves In the future, he would never be able to live in the same apartment as Song Zexu like now.


He will never lie in the same bed with him again.




On the eighteenth day of living together with Song Zexu, Li Chou wrote his diary at the beach.


[Saturday, July 2, 20××, sunny]


[Today Song Zexu borrowed my mobile phone to make a call. He asked me to dial a number for him. He was calling on the balcony. When he got through, I listened in.


It was his manager’s voice, but I couldn’t hear what he said on the other end. I had a hunch that he was leaving soon. He probably told his manager to pick him up. Although I should have expected such a day, I’m still so sad and a little bit reluctant.


But at least I had him for myself for a short time, so I should be satisfied.


That is… it would be nice if time passed a little slower.]


Today’s diary entry is very short and Li Chou didn’t know what to write. He seems to have a lot to say to Song Zexu, but as soon as the tip of his pen touches the page, leaving a drop of ink, he doesn’t know what to write again.


Li Chou looked up at the sea and he suddenly thought, Song Zexu hadn’t seen the sunset sea before. The first time he saw Song Zexu, the other party was injured and already blind. He may have heard the sound of the sea, but he may not have seen such a beautiful sea.


He wanted Song Zexu to let him take him to see it before he leaves.


What Li Chou didn’t expect was for the agent to be so quick. When Li Chou returned home, he saw a man wearing sunglasses standing at the door of the apartment building.


Li Chou has seen this man standing next to Song Zexu on the news many times. He is the one who made Song Zexu famous step by step.


Li Chou knew that he would always come to him, so he simply walked over by himself. He stood in front of the manager, calmed down his breathing and said to him, “Hello.”


The agent raised his hand and flipped the sunglasses, revealing one eye. He looked Li Chou up and down, then raised his eyebrows. Looking at Li Chou, he asked: “You’re the one who saved Song Zexu?”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 6 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 6




On the twelfth day of being together with Song Zexu, Li Chou had just entered the flower shop in the morning when Lin Xiaomin came to him from behind.


Lin Xiaomin was carrying a light pink, Hello Kitty suitcase and a plain white backpack on her back. She deliberately put on light makeup and came to tell Li Chou that the teacher will not come to teach in the town next semester, so she will go to the city to find him and stay in the city.


Li Chou understood Lin Xiaomin’s character. He also expected that she would definitely go to that male teacher in this situation and he couldn’t interfere with other people’s love life and could only offer a few words of advice: “Remember to call me when you arrive. I know you like him very much, but I don’t know how much he likes you. Don’t like him too much, if that teacher bullies you, give me a call and I’ll go find you.”


Li Chou remembered that Lin Xiaomin had asthma, so he said, “Oh, by the way, remember to take your medicine at all times.”


The girl was finally going to meet her beloved. Lin Xiaomin smiled sweetly. She didn’t care about Li Chou’s nagging, there were pink bubbles all over her head, and she said: “I know that, besides, who can bully me?”


“That’s right, you are so fierce.” Li Chou picked out a bouquet of relatively expensive white roses from the shop and gave it to Lin Xiaomin, saying, “These flowers are a farewell gift, I wish you find your own happiness.”


Lin Xiaomin took the initiative to ignore Li Chou calling her fierce and took the white roses. She thanked him and then suddenly thought of something. She took off her backpack and took out a beautifully packaged gift box. She handed it to Li Chou and said, “Open it and have a look.”


Li Chou took the gift box, opened it in response, and was startled when he saw what was inside. He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Xiaomin in surprise, and said: “Where did you get it?”


Li Chou was really surprised that Lin Xiaomin was able to get Song Zexu’s autographed album.


When Song Zexu was 18 years old, he released an album at the request of his true fans. At that time, the album was very cheap. After Song Zexu became popular, these albums went out of print. When Li Chou went online to collect it, the price of the non-signed version had already reached five figures, and the signed version was even more expensive.


The price was sky-high, and it was very rare, so Li Chou gritted his teeth and accepted a non-signed copy.


It’s hard to imagine how much it would’ve cost Lin Xiaomin to help him get the signed version.


“Be happy.” Lin Xiaomin raised her eyebrows, “I finally got it and I’m afraid you’ll miss me if you don’t see me around after I’m gone.”


Lin Xiaomin stuck out her tongue and continued: “My friend’s sister is an old fan of Song Zexu. I heard that Song Zexu has suspended work indefinitely. She was not happy and then climbed the fence to Tan Jing, so I bought this album from her. It is so expensive, but our friendship is priceless, so be happy. “


“I’m happy.” Li Chou smiled, “Thank you so much.”


“Here, here.”




Li Chou returned home with the album at noon, and he put the album in the CD case in the drawer of the bedroom desk, but because he liked listening to the title song in Song Zexu’s old album, the CD was put directly into the CD player. This was so he would be able to listen to the song whenever he then turned on the CD player.


After playing the entire album, he went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and after a while he heard Song Zexu calling him from outside.


Li Chou wiped his hands on his apron, poked his head out from the kitchen and asked, “What’s wrong?”


Song Zexu asked him, “Did you see my notebook?”


Song Zexu was bored at home during this time so he writes songs, draws or paints casually. Although he still couldn’t see, he could vaguely see some light and sometimes see the little outlines of the things he painted.


In the beginning, he used Li Chou’s rough notebooks from when he was studying. But later, Li Chou felt that he shouldn’t be writing songs so casually, so he deliberately went to the stationery store and bought the most expensive notebook for Song Zexu.


Li Chou recalled carefully. He seemed to have seen it on the desk just now, so he said, “It should be on the desk in the bedroom.”


“Thank you.” Song Zexu walked towards the bedroom.


Li Chou responded and went back to the kitchen to cook.


Song Zexu could almost walk on his own these days after Li Chou put away all the sharp and angular things in the house. Song Zexu touched the wall and walked to the bedroom by himself. Fortunately the apartment is not big, so Song Zexu only travels between the bedroom and the living room, sometimes going to the balcony to stand for a while, but Li Chou also took protective measures for that.


While cutting the carrot, Li Chou always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn’t recall, so he cut the carrot into two halves before cutting the carrot a second time.


At that time, Li Chou dropped the knife and ran towards the bedroom. As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he heard a low-pitched, magnetic singing sound from the room.


Li Chou covered his face and cursed silently in his heart. He really miscalculated. He usually didn’t put the CD player directly on the table, but he just so happened to have cleaned it up at that time. He forgot when Song Zexu was out of sight, so he didn’t expect that Song Zexu might touch the CD by mistake when he went to find the notebook.


Coincidentally, he also put it in and turned it on.


“Uh…” Song Zexu stood there in a daze.


After a while, he tentatively asked, “Is this… my song?”


“…Yes.” Li Chou hurried over and turned off the CD player, ending the embarrassing singing, “It’s your song.”


Song Zexu was a little surprised. He asked: “Don’t you like Tan Jing? How come there is my album…”


As if thinking of something, Song Zexu opened his mouth wide and said, “Li Chou…do you like me?”


Obviously Song Zexu meant if he was his favorite artist, but Li Chou’s ears heard something different.


His cheeks became hot and Li Chou clenched his fists tightly. He lowered his head, hesitating on how to answer Song Zexu’s words.


“Huh?” Song Zexu suddenly laughed, “You don’t dare admit it?”


“No…” Li Chou spoke, he was so ashamed and was really embarrassed, “I like you very much.”


He knew that even if he used this to express his love for Song Zexu directly, he was afraid that Song Zexu would just think that he meant that he liked him like a fan towards their favorite idols, and he didn’t dare desecrate that sincere feeling.


“I thought I didn’t have any male fans?” Song Zexu smiled at Li Chou and he said in surprise, “This album is from when I was just turned into an adult. It’s been many years, I didn’t expect you to have it.”


“Actually, you also have a lot of male fans.” Li Chou said. He had been to Song Zexu’s new drama launch conference before. The boys at the scene howled loudly and even frightened him. He was quiet for a moment and spoke again: “I collected this album after I became a fan of yours. I like the songs in it very much.”


“Which song do you like?” Song Zexu was a little curious.


“Spring,” Li Chou replied and smiled. His tone became more relaxed, “There is no spring in Yunzhen, and it’s like summer for all four seasons, so I yearn for the feeling of spring breeze blowing as life blossoms again, like in the song.”


“And… it’s really nice to listen to.”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 5 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 5




Song Zexu felt bored at home these days and always wanted to go out in the evening. There happened to be a park for the elderly behind Li Chou’s apartment. After dinner, Li Chou took him around.


The old people in Yunzhen didn’t know Song Zexu. They only thought that he was some relative of Li Chou and seeing that Song Zexu was good-looking, they even played matchmaker for him and told him about their daughters who are very beautiful and talented. Even asking him to meet them.


Before Song Zexu could say anything, Li Chou excused himself and said, “Uncle Zhang, you should give up. He already has a girlfriend and is just waiting for his eyesight to heal. After that, he’s going back to get married.”


“Already have a girlfriend?” Uncle Zhang clicked his tongue and said, “It’s such a pity, it seems that I’m still a step too late.”


“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Song Zexu said first this time, “I’m blind and I need someone to take care of me. I can’t burden a girl from a good family.”


After he realized that Song Zexu is blind and would actually burden his daughter for the rest of her life, uncle Zhang sighed and said: “Youngster, try to live a good life.”


Song Zexu responded, “I will.”


The park for the elderly is a place for old people to chat in the evening. Li Chou doesn’t know who first spread the word that a good-looking blind man came to his house recently but some old people with disabled girls wanted to come and play matchmaker. Li Chou previously evaded this by saying that Song Zexu had a girlfriend, but he still couldn’t stop the people who came to see Song Zexu at his house. After that, he secretly told everyone that in fact, his preference is for men and then no one came to bother him again.


It was also because of this that no old people came to chat with Song Zexu when he went for a walk in the park again.


At first Song Zexu didn’t know what was going on, but later Li Chou explained the reason to him very apologetically.


Song Zexu was not angry. He felt that this would just reduce the interference from the outside world, but Song Zexu did not go to the park after a few days of strolling, because there were actually a few old men whose sons were gay, and they asked him if he was a top or bottom.


Li Chou couldn’t laugh or cry when he knew about it. He tried to hold his laughter when he was eating, but Song Zexu still heard it.


With the rice in the bowl, that pretty face became a little annoyed at this moment and he asked, “Is it really that funny?”


Li Chou sat up straight away, covered his mouth, tried to hold back a smile, and said, “Not anymore.”


Song Zexu let out an “oh” and started picking at the rice in his own bowl.


Li Chou put a piece of braised pork in Song Zexu’s bowl and said, “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, I should have known that those old men and women were talking so much, yet, I still “spread rumors” about you and caused you so much trouble.”


“It’s not really a problem.” Song Zexu smiled, “It’s not as much trouble as I faced being an actor.”


“c0ckroaches would be thrown inside the takeaway you ordered or you’ll be chased by cars when you went to the set. Even if you and your friends booked the same hotel by coincidence, there will be many rumours of you.” Song Zexu said, “Like me and Bai Lin, we really have nothing to do with each other.”


Bai Lin was the rising actress who was rumored to have an affair with Song Zexu back then.


He paused, then said, “Bai Lin has a lover.”


Li Chou was a little surprised that Song Zexu would explain this to him. He was startled and felt a little sympathetic to Song Zexu’s previous experiences, but his heart also jumped up.


With a little chuckle, he said, “You don’t actually need to explain this to me.”


“It’s okay, I was just chatting and you definitely won’t spread it.” Song Zexu said, “Oh, by the way, do you have any favorite stars?”


Yes, it’s you.


But how could Li Chou dare to say that. This happened when the TV in the living room was showing an advertisement for an actor named Tan Jing, so Li Chou said casually: “I like Tan Jing.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chou saw Song Zexu frowning and an alarm bell went off in his mind. He suddenly remembered that Tan Jing and Song Zexu were rivals.

Right, how did he forget this one?


Li Chou covered his face, cursing in his heart why he was so stupid.


But what he didn’t expect was for Song Zexu to actually say to him: “Then I’ll find him and ask him for an autograph to give you if I have a chance.”


Li Chou was stunned and said “Ah”, a little embarrassed. It was too hard to explain, so he had to say, “Okay.”


At the end, he added another sentence, “Thank you.”


“But.” Song Zexu reminded him with a little worry: “His private life is very chaotic, you should probably stop liking him.”


Li Chou was silent for a while, and said, “I’ll try.”


Song Zexu let out a “Mm” and continued to eat.




On the tenth day of being together with Song Zexu, Li Chou took out the diary he had brought back after getting off from work while Song Zexu was asleep. He placed it in front of the desk and started journaling.


[June 24, 20××, Friday, light rain]


[The weather is not good today, it was raining a lot. I felt a bit cold and was afraid of infecting Song Zexu. After getting off work, I went to the vegetable market to buy a fish and boiled it for a while in the casserole. I filled a bowl of soup for myself and left the fish to Song Zexu.


Song Zexu only ate a little bit. He said he didn’t like fish. I clearly remember that Song Zexu said in an interview that he loves fish the most. It turns out it was fake.


I couldn’t help coughing while washing the dishes and when Song Zexu found out, he brought me a cup of hot water with his own hands  and said that I should eat some medicine.


I was a little surprised. Song Zexu was so considerate. I was a little happy. I really wondered if it was a dream.


It’s good to take the medicine for seven days, but not good to take it for more than a week. I don’t like taking medicine, so I only drank the water from Song Zexu in the end.


Song Zexu is really nice, I like him very much.]


On the tenth day of being together with Song Zexu, Li Chou had the opportunity to share the bed with Song Zexu. He closed the diary and put it on the top of the desk.


It would be more convenient for him to take it back to the flower shop the next day, so he took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed gently.


Song Zexu said that he caught a cold because he couldn’t sleep well on the sofa and since he caught colds easily, he should sleep on the bed with him for a quick recovery.


When Li Chou heard Song Zexu say this, his heart almost stopped beating and he asked cautiously, “Is it okay?”


“Why not?” Song Zexu was a little puzzled, “This was originally your bed.”


Li Chou just couldn’t believe that he could have such an opportunity.


Li Chou clutched his chest, he was so lucky.


Because of the rain during the day, there is no moon outside. The shadows of the trees are mottled, with occasionally a gust of wind blows and makes a slight noise.


Song Zexu’s breathing was shallow and he couldn’t sleep well with the light turned off, so Li Chou bought him a small night light. At this time, through the weak light, he could see Song Zexu’s trembling eyelashes in his sleep. He did not know what he dreamed of as he frowned slightly.


Li Chou lay down beside him, listening to his breathing. He gulped and carefully put his hand under the quilt to hold Song Zexu’s hand.


Song Zexu’s hands were slender and thin, with distinct joints to the touch. Li Chou secretly interlocked his fingers. He knew that he might only have this one chance for an hour tonight.


Just let me enjoy it.


My favorite person, he thought.


Please forgive me for being so greedy.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 4 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 4


After Li Chou wrapped up the dried flowers to be sent today, he placed a shipping order in the store. He then put the flowers by the bar and waited for the courier to come.


Afraid that the real flowers would not be fresh when sent to the city, Lin Xiaomin changed all the roses she had ordered into dried flowers.


It will take twenty minutes for the courier to arrive. When he was free, Li Chou turned on the TV and took a diary out from the drawer of the bar.


Li Chou’s memory is not very good and he is particularly forgetful. It’s not a disease, he simply can’t remember things well and he suffers particularly because of this.


When he first opened the store, he lost a lot of money because of this and later developed the habit of writing a diary.


Before meeting Song Zexu, the diary was full of how much money he made every day, what flower seeds he wanted to order the next day, or what kind of flowers the customer ordered, but after discovering Song Zexu, it became what commercials Song Zexu made, what interviews he accepted, and what TV dramas he acted in.


But after he rescued Song Zexu back home, the diary became the first day, the second day, and the third day when he was with Song Zexu…


Today is the seventh day.


Li Chou paused, and wrote in his diary:

[Tuesday, June 21, 20××, sunny]


[Song Zexu still got up very early this morning and woke me up again. He said he wanted to go to the bathroom, so I helped him to the bathroom. As he stood in front of the toilet bowl, he seemed a little embarrassed. I asked him what was wrong, and he said don’t look at me. Only then did I realize that he was shy, so I exited the bathroom and after a while I heard the toilet flushing. He came out of the bathroom a minute later, and said to me: “Sorry for bothering you again.”


I looked at his reddish cheeks, and I was a little lost for a while and said, “It’s okay, it’s time for me to go to work too.”


Song Zexu asked me what time it was.


I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only four o’clock in the morning, but I was afraid that Song Zexu would feel sorry, so I said, “It’s already seven o’clock, and the sun is already out.”


Song Zexu said “Oh” without any doubt, but I saw that his expression was a little absent-minded. He said after a while: “I have been waiting for you for a long time, even after the sun has gone.”


I was startled, and suddenly thought: “Does Song Zexu want to go back?”


That’s right, he didn’t belong here in the first place, he is a popular celebrity and he always wants to shine on the big screen.


Although I was very disappointed, I still smiled and was about to ask him when he was going to leave, but Song Zexu suddenly said: “But sometimes seeing the sun is not necessarily a good thing.”


I always feel that there is some other meaning in Song Zexu’s words, but I am too ashamed to ask. I am afraid that he will find it too offensive and I am entangled in thinking: What is it?

What do you mean?]


In the diary entry of the seventh day with Song Zexu, Li Chou ended the diary with a question mark. He thought about it and didn’t know when he would get the answer.


The moment the diary was closed, the doorbell rang and the courier came in from the outside and took away the flowers wrapped by Li Chou. At the same time, Li Chou stuffed the diary back into the drawer.




Watermelons are cheap in summer. When the store closed at night, Li Chou went to Aunt Wang next door to buy two small ones. It was time for him to go to the sea again today.


He would eat one first and then go back and bring one for Song Zexu.


The summer in Yunzhen is extremely hot, even if the sea breeze is blowing, it can’t take away the sweltering heat. As the wet and salty sea waves hit the beach, one’s ears would be filled with its whistling sound.


Li Chou’s eyes were fixed on a spot on the beach. Just seven days ago, there was a wounded man lying there. Li Chou couldn’t even imagine that.


As for who that person was, he didn’t even dare think that he could’ve spent so much time with him and for as much as an entire week.


Li Chou closed his eyes and fell back on the reef. The stars in the sea at night were always bright at first glance and half a bright moon hung in the sky. He gently let out a sigh as he suddenly remembered the first time he met Song Zexu.


At that time, Song Zexu’s reputation was not as good as it is now. At that time, he was still a person who had to nod and bow all day to audition for a small web drama.


Li Chou has just opened a flower shop and he had to do many things by himself, such as place order for the flowers he buys, decide on the flower seeds and flower pots he wants to buy.


It is said that the flower varieties in Yunzhen were not diverse, so Li Chou went to the city at that time.


He met Song Zexu who was reciting his lines on the side of the road on the way after shopping for flowers.


Song Zexu was good-looking and tall and he was the type of person who stood out and could be spotted at a glance in the crowd.


As such, Li Chou was fascinated by him all at once.


The city has developed well in recent years, and a film and television set has also been built. Many TV dramas will come here to shoot scenes. Song Zexu seemed to be preparing for an audition that day. At noon, under the sun, he was sweating and reciting his lines.


Maybe it was because he didn’t have time to have a good meal at noon. He put a container of white rice next to himself and when he was hungry, he would take two bites without any water at all.


Li Chou knows that some entertainers in the entertainment industry are very hard-working. He heard that some popular ones perform surgery to cut out half their stomachs in order not to feel hungry or else that they won’t be able to make a movie that lasts more than 20 hours.


Closing his eyes, he had never seen Song Zexu on TV, so he didn’t expect that an unknown artist would do such a thing in private.


Song Zexu seemed to have almost finished memorising it, so he stopped and sat casually on the stone steps beside him. He put the script book upside down on the ground, and suddenly sighed.


After taking a breath, he turned his head and saw Li Chou inadvertently. He smiled and said, “Are you here for the audition too?”


Li Chou looked around and was a little surprised after making sure that he was asking him. He touched his face, shook his head violently and said, “I don’t know. I’m just passing by. There’s no way, after all, I’m so ugly.”


“You’re not ugly.” Song Zexu looked at him, his eyes curved, “An actor does not have to be good-looking, right?”


“You are so good-looking, even if I really auditioned, I would be rejected.” Li Chou walked to him and sat down beside him.


In fact, it’s quite strange. Li Chou is a very bad conversationalist. He doesn’t socialize with others when he can to avoid unnecessary trouble, but that day he really wanted to chat with Song Zexu, maybe because he was the only one who did not dislike his appearance


A connection was made for a short time.


Li Chou asked Song Zexu: “You seem to memorize your lines quickly and act well. Are you a rookie actor who just debuted?”


“No.” Song Zexu shook his head, “I’ve been acting for many years and I’m considered a child star, but I’m just not popular.”


When Song Zexu said this, his eyes suddenly dimmed and he looked very depressed. Thinking about it, he has acted for so many years. If no one knew of him yet, it would be really frustrating.


Li Chou couldn’t empathize with him at that time, but he felt that Song Zexu would definitely be popular. He looked so hard-working, and hoped that his hard work would pay off. After all, dedication will always be rewarded, so he patted Song Zexu on the shoulder and said: “You have worked hard. I believe that one day I will see you on the podium, after you become popular all over the country.”


This is the first time Li Chou encouraged a stranger. He used to be the one who needed to be encouraged.


It is not much, but it is precisely because of his prior experiences that he knows that when a person is frustrated, any words of encouragement will surely comfort the other party at that time.


He didn’t really think that Song Zexu would be so popular one day.


Before the audition that day, Song Zexu thanked Li Chou and said he would try his best to let him see him on the podium.


Later, it seemed that he still did not pass the audition. In fact, that web drama had originally decided on a male lead, however, just to maintain the facade of”fairness”, they had gotten some random people to audition for it.


However, many problems broke out after that drama aired and fortunately Song Zexu did not act in it, otherwise it would be a bad record on his history.


The wind and waves at sea became stronger and Li Chou was snapped out of his memories. He thought, fortunately, Song Zexu’s efforts really paid off.


He also got to witness with his own eyes, him standing on the podium.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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