Day: October 15, 2023

Chapter 3 – It's hard to escape from the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 3


Y City, the headquarters of Tangyi Performing Arts Company.


Tang Chaobai looked at the earnings for this quarter, then handed the documents to his assistant. “File these.”




The assistant walked to the door but was stopped by Tang Chaobai. “By the way, how’s the production team doing?”


“I’ve already informed the producers and the director. They agreed to keep the second male lead role for Xi Yan. But he needs to come over for a costume test. Also, there’s a new actor in the company who successfully auditioned for the role of the male fourth lead. The shooting is scheduled to start around August, and they asked if you’re attending the launch ceremony?”


Tang Chaobai usually didn’t get involved in such matters. With the company investing in so many films and TV shows every year, he couldn’t attend every launch ceremony or premiere. However, this time was different.


“Go ahead. Tell them I’ll attend.”


The assistant nodded. He wasn’t surprised. Over the years, he had learned that Tang Chaobai, who was normally reserved, was quite indulgent with his troublesome younger brother. This was obviously a deliberate move to support Xi Yan.


“And tell Xi Yan’s manager to keep him from going out for a while. We don’t want any trouble.”


Outside, very few people knew that contemporary idol singer Xi Yan was actually surnamed Tang and was the second young master of Tangyi. Xi Yan had grown up as a free-spirited person. Even with him becoming a public figure, Tang Chaobai still had to help clean up after him from time to time.


The assistant also had a headache. How could the Demon King of the World stay home for two months? Not to mention his manager; sometimes even Tang Chaobai couldn’t keep him in check.


After the assistant left, Tang Chaobai received a bank deduction message for a card he rarely used, showing a charge of over 5,000.


Not long after, a photo was sent to him, a picture of a pair of earrings.


Fang Yingying: “Do you like them?”


Tang Chaobai: “They look great.”


Fang Yingying: “I wanted to buy you a watch too. What style do you like?”


Tang Chaobai actually had a lot of watches, many of them sent to him by brands. He wasn’t lacking in that department, and this time, he used his rarely used card.


Tang Chaobai: “Any style is fine.”


Fang Yingying: “Hehe, I’ll buy you one then. I just saw a handbag that’s really nice, but it’s a bit expensive.”


Her intentions were clear, and Tang Chaobai couldn’t miss them. However, he had more than enough money for this, and this girl had saved him that day. He wasn’t going to be stingy about this amount of money.


Tang Chaobai: “If you like it, buy it. You might need to wear something a bit less ordinary when you debut.”


Fang Yingying: “Thank you, Big Brother Tang!”


Fang Yingying put her phone away, her high heels clicking as she walked into a luxury brand handbag store. “Wrap up the bag I saw earlier.”


“Sure, Miss. Will you be paying with a card or cash?”




Qu Di came from a unusual family. His mother had remarried, and he had a stepfather and a 10-year-old Alpha stepsister named Wan Yunong. Unlike Qu Di, Wan Yunong excelled academically from a young age and didn’t need her parents to worry about her. She was truly a child from another family, and her presence made Qu Di, a beta, even less noticeable in the household.


In fact, Qu Di’s stepfather treated him fairly well. He provided for Qu Di to finish his college education and didn’t mistreat him in terms of food and shelter. However, he couldn’t bring himself to be close to Qu Di. Qu Di didn’t blame him. He had arrived at this family when he was twelve, a relatively awkward age when it was difficult for his stepfather to know how to get close to him.


After graduation, he had originally planned to return home and discuss his plans to go to Y City with them. However, when he got home, he found that no one was there. Even the table had gathered some dust, indicating that they had been gone for at least a week. He called and found out that his stepfather, a civil servant, was on a business trip, and his mother had gone with him.


“We’re in H City now, and Yunong is at her grandmother’s place. Do you need anything?” His mother hadn’t attended his graduation ceremony and hadn’t even inquired about it. It seemed she had genuinely forgotten.


“Mom, I’m going to Y City in a couple of days.”


There was a brief silence from the other end. After a while, his mother’s tone was unexpectedly gentle. “You… graduated?”


“Yes, I received my diploma a few days ago.”


“Go ahead, try your best. And take good care of yourself. Oh… I don’t have much to give you, but I do have some money. I’ll transfer it to you, and you can use it.”


Qu Di suddenly felt a lump in his throat. “Mom, you don’t have to. I still have some money left from my part-time job, enough to get by.”


“Don’t be polite. Over there isn’t like here; it’s a big city, and you’ll have expenses. What can you do with that little money?”


“Okay, thanks, Mom.”


“Alright, let’s not talk anymore. He’s calling me. If you need anything, send me a message.”


The person on the other end called for her, and she hung up.


Qu Di looked around the empty house, and a tender place in his heart was touched. His mother still cared for him, and he was grateful that he had family.


Two days later, Qu Di packed his few belongings and set off for Y City. Before boarding the plane, he received a message from Qi Shan.


For the past few days, Qi Shan had been bombarding him with messages. At first, Qu Di would respond, but eventually, he stopped paying attention. If it weren’t for work, Qi Shan might have come to the airport to kidnap him.


“Would you like to reconsider? This place is quite good too.”


“Competition in City Y is fierce. You’re just a script writer; why do it there?”


“Qu Di, say something, don’t just stay silent.”


Qi Shan always thought that Qu Di wanted to go to City Y for that scoundrel Yang Ji. She thought it was too impulsive. Was it worth going to such lengths for someone like him?


But only Qu Di knew he wasn’t doing it for someone; he was doing it for himself. City Y was the most developed place economically and the center of the entertainment industry in the country. There were opportunities everywhere, it depended on whether you could seize them.


He wanted to prove to Yang Ji that with talent, he would establish himself in this city one day. Today, what he called choices were just a joke.


As soon as the plane landed, Qu Di found the place he had previously arranged online. He and Yang Ji had withdrawn the deposit for that room. He happened to rent a place over here. After paying three months’ rent with his own money, he had only his mother’s ten thousand left.


If it wasn’t for the money his mother sent him, he might have starved as soon as he arrived here. He was indeed too optimistic, coming here with no preparation at all.


He was munching on a piece of bread while browsing some job postings online when he received a message from Qi Shan.


Qi Shan: [Tangyi Hiring a personal assistant.docx]


Qi Shan: [I got this from my dad. Why don’t you give it a try? The benefits are pretty good.]


Qi Shan’s family was relatively affluent. Her father was a well-known local car dealer, and she had some insider information. She was currently working as an assistant for variety show planning at a TV station, arranged by her father.


Qu Di: [Thank you, I’ll take a look.]


Qi Shan: [You finally replied to me? My goodness, if it weren’t for me sending you this, would you leave me talking to myself forever?]


Qu Di: [I just got off the plane and got back to where I’m staying. Sorry.]


Qi Shan: [Humph, I’ll forgive you.]


Qi Shan: [How’s your place? Take a photo and show me.]


Qu Di looked up at the flickering lights and silently finished the last bite of his bread.


Qu Di: [It’s not bad, but definitely not as good as your villa.]


Qi Shan: [It’s late; you should get some sleep. Work can wait.]


Qi Shan knew that Qu Di was the type to keep his good news to himself. She didn’t want to pry into his life if he didn’t want to share.


The next day, Qu Di submitted several resumes, including the position of a life assistant at Tangyi. Although he had strange feelings toward Tangyi because of Yang Ji, he couldn’t be sure he would be chosen. After all, they were only hiring one person, and who knew how many people would be competing for the job.


Two days later, at Tangyi headquarters.


Tang Chaobai’s assistant brought a stack of resumes to his office. “Mr. Tang, I’ve picked out the better candidates from these, a total of ten. Please have a look.”


Tang Chaobai, this rich young man, had already driven away three assistants, and his manager was almost at his wit’s end. This time, besides finding him an assistant, the main task was to keep an eye on Tang Chaobai and report on his life at any time.


In other words, it was to keep an eye on him.


Tang Chaobai flipped through a few pages and eventually pulled out one. “What about this one? Has his background been checked?”


The assistant was somewhat surprised. This person was a recent graduate, and while he was outstanding, he had the least experience among them.


More than eighty percent of the applicants had come because of the name Tangyi. Many of them were devoted fans, and the ones who were not betas have already been eliminated in the first round.


“His background has been checked. He’s from City P, and his family background is a little odd, with his stepfather working in a government position. They are relatively well-off. He just moved to this area recently, probably to find work.”


Such people were common. After graduating, they came to big cities with enthusiasm to “fulfill their dreams.”


“But… he has no experience at all.”


“With no experience, he will be easier to mold. Besides, don’t you think he looks kind of naive?”


“Naive…??” The assistant looked at the ID photo. Well, he didn’t look that bad… The young man smiled somewhat green, exuding the fragrance of sunshine, obviously an unworldly kid.


“I don’t need someone too clever.”


The assistant understood. As an artist’s assistant, many times, he would know a lot of things. Given the relationship between Tang Xi Yan and Tang Chaobai, if he wanted to find an assistant who was actually a monitor, he had to figure out a way to make him appear mute to the outside world. And someone with no background, no experience, and seeming naive was just the right fit.


He handed the resume to Tang Chaobai. “You arrange a second interview for him. If he passes, we’ll have someone train him.”


To excel in this job, the first thing was to learn how to endure Tang Xiyan’s harsh words, and training was undoubtedly essential.


That day, Qu Di had just finished an interview with a company. It was a scorching summer day, and as he walked down the street, he was about to buy a bottle of water for himself when he received a call from Tangyi’s HR department, informing him that his resume had been approved and scheduling an interview at the company.


Qu Di was in a daze for a while before he reacted.


“I… I have time now.”


“Can we schedule the interview for tomorrow afternoon?”


“Sure, thank you.”


“My number is…”


That evening, Qu Di bought himself a small cake with a rich layer of cream and fresh fruits on top. Although he hadn’t crossed any major hurdles yet, he decided to treat it as a reward for himself.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 3 – Devil Marriage Contract

Chapter 3


Probably sensing the murderous intent, Si Lan, who was half-asleep, restlessly turned over.


Haowei looked at Si Lan and said, “No need. He is still useful to me, and I plan to stay by his side for a while.” He needed Si Lan’s blood to heal his spiritual injury and to investigate the secret of the Flame Serpent.


The Flame Serpent had gone mad in the Demon Realm, and he suspected that the mysterious person who had injured him during his Heavenly Tribulation was from the Demon Realm, perhaps even the current Si Lan.


Thinking about this, Haowei narrowed his eyes and stared at Si Lan with a dangerous expression.


If it turned out to be Si Lan’s doing, he would pluck his feathers and stew him in a pot.


Seeing Haowei’s expression, Yuwudao couldn’t help but feel worried.


Initially, Haowei had transformed into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old youth, then into an eight or nine-year-old child, and now he looked like a five or six-year-old. If this continued, who knew what he would become…


Moreover, after spending some time with Haowei, Yuwudao had noticed that when he transformed into a child, not only did his magical power weaken, but his mental age also decreased.


Yuwudao’s expression was conflicted, and after much hesitation, he finally told Haowei about the decrease in mental age and advised him to be cautious in the Demon Realm.


Haowei seemed almost incredulous and stared at Yuwudao with a frozen expression.


Has he decreased in mental age?


How was that possible?


Yuwudao sensed Haowei’s increasingly gloomy expression and quickly found an excuse to leave, taking away a drop of Si Lan’s blood and a feather without giving Haowei the opportunity to reprimand him.


“…” A Haowei with decreased mental age.


Si Lan, who was half-asleep, felt like he heard someone talking, and in a half-dreamy state, he felt something cold sliding over his skin, making his body shiver lightly. He subconsciously tucked the cold object into his arms, hugging it tightly.


When he was a child, his mother used to wrap her large wings around him, providing warmth.


The small creature suddenly stiffened in his arms, not moving and not struggling.


Si Lan had slept for two full days and nights before waking up. When he woke up, his head was still spinning, and he felt quite weak.


This wine was a bit too strong.


He couldn’t help but complain to himself, and as he sat up from the bed, he glanced at the fresh bloodstain on his wrist. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly took out the small creature from his embrace.


Looking at the white bundle in his palm, he froze for a moment.


It wasn’t a dream!


He had actually soaked the Heavenly Emperor’s son!


The small white dragon was now lying limp, with two pink dragon horns sprouting from its head, and four plump little claws emerging beneath its white and silver scales. Its tail had split into several segments, and it now had a somewhat dragon-like appearance.


Si Lan reached out to sense its spiritual energy and found that its internal energy had become much more stable, and its breathing had become rhythmic. He couldn’t help but marvel at its remarkable recovery ability.


Indeed, a true dragon, capable of self-healing.


But he had completely forgotten why he had slept for two days and why there was fresh blood on his wrist.


He remembered that he had found this little white dragon on Qiongsha Island, and according to the words of that diviner, it was supposed to be his destined one…


He hesitated for a moment, as he compared the size of the small white dragon to himself. He was over a thousand years older than it, and he was of the same generation as its father, or even its grandfather.


Wouldn’t that make him a cradle robber, going for a sprout?


A somewhat embarrassed and awkward expression appeared on his face.


This didn’t seem very ethical.


But this small white dragon was the Heavenly Emperor’s son. If he marries it in the future…


He didn’t know what he was thinking, and his eyes showed a slight flicker.


Suddenly, he felt that having a husband who was over a thousand years younger than himself wasn’t a big deal.


“Being young has its advantages,” Si Lan said with a hint of a smile.


When the small white dragon woke up, it happened to meet Si Lan’s “deeply affectionate” gaze, and its golden eyes widened in inexplicable fear. It instinctively coiled its tail and tried to escape.


Si Lan, quick to react, caught the little white dragon’s two front paws and exclaimed, “Little one, you’re awake!”


The little white dragon looked at him with a blank expression.


“You can’t speak, can you? Right, you haven’t fully formed yet,” Si Lan mumbled to himself. He took some wild fruits from his storage bag and offered them to the little white dragon, looking eager, “Would you like something to eat?”


The little white dragon, upon hearing this, shifted its gaze to Si Lan’s wrist, instinctively swallowing its saliva.


Over the past two days, it had managed to recover quickly by drinking some of Si Lan’s blood.


Seeing it looking at the wild fruits, Si Lan mistakenly thought it was interested in them and said, “I knew dragons are herbivores…”




The ignorant Demon Lord.


Faced with Si Lan’s eager gaze, the little white dragon had no choice but to accept the wild fruits. However, its eyes remained fixed on Si Lan’s wrist throughout.


After successfully feeding it, Si Lan looked at Haowei with affection all over his face. He was actually a bit apprehensive about snakes, especially ones that were long and boneless. However, the small white dragon was pure white, with glossy scales, making it look rather cute.


He smiled and bent down, “You need to grow up quickly so we can form a bond in the future.”


The little white dragon’s expression froze upon hearing this, as it suspected it had misheard. A bond between the two of them?


At that moment, Si Lan suddenly reached out and rubbed its head. It struggled to get free but found that not only was its head being rubbed, but its pink dragon horns and four small claws were being vigorously rubbed as well.


“So adorable, I should have caught a dragon and kept it as a pet a long time ago,” Si Lan mumbled to himself.


Because they were so close when he spoke, his breath and warmth reached the top of the little white dragon’s head, as if it could penetrate its cold dragon scales and vividly touch its flesh and bones, caressing its dragon skeleton, causing the entire dragon to become soft in an instant.


The color of its golden eyes gradually solidified into a reddish-gold, and its silver scales turned into a pale pink, emitting a faint pink halo.


Si Lan stared at the pink halo in astonishment and said, “So you’re a color-changing dragon!”


“…” The little white dragon.


Si Lan picked up the small white dragon, full of excitement, and curiously examined it, wanting to know how it changed color.


He fiddled with the small white dragon’s body, trying to find out, much to the dragon’s annoyance. It quickly curled up and covered its sensitive areas with its claws, glaring at Si Lan with an angry expression.


The rude Demon Lord.


Where was he looking?


If it hadn’t been injured, it would have poked out the wild chicken’s eyes and turned it into a one-eyed chicken!


Si Lan was amused by the small white dragon’s actions. It was just too cute.


A dragon so small, and it even knew how to be shy.


He bent down, pinched the two dragon horns of the small white dragon.


These two dragon horns were pink and plump, and they looked adorable. Si Lan had been wanting to pinch them for a while.


Once he held the little white dragon’s dragon horns, its back suddenly tingled, and waves of excitement flowed rapidly through its body, making its dragon form even pinker.


The little white dragon, with its red eyes full of anger, extended its claws to kick Si Lan. However, because its claws were too short, it couldn’t reach Si Lan.




Seeing this, Si Lan laughed even harder, and his laughter filled the entire cave.


He hadn’t expected that dragons, in their infancy, would be so silly and cute.


The little white dragon’s self-esteem was hurt, but it didn’t want to reveal its true form. It reluctantly averted its gaze and turned its back to Si Lan.


Quze’s voice suddenly came from outside the door, “Your Majesty, Xuanling Sect has sent an invitation.”


Si Lan immediately extended his hand and used magic to open the stone door.


The small white dragon, which had just stuck out its teeth, missed the target and almost fell out of Si Lan’s arms. It quickly used its two front paws to clutch Si Lan’s clothes tightly.


Quze bent down and walked in against the light, handing the invitation to Si Lan. Then, he stood respectfully to the side and stole a glance at Si Lan’s chest.


The little white dragon, having retracted its teeth, wagged its tail and noticed Quze’s inquisitive gaze. It blinked at him, feeling like it had received an odd look.


The invitation from Xuanling Sect was a marriage proposal from the Sect Leader Lou Yuqing.


Over five hundred years ago, Si Lan had met Lou Yuqing in the mortal realm.


At that time, Lou Yuqing was the top disciple of the Xuanling Sect, a once-in-a-millennium genius in the cultivation world. He was exceptionally talented, handsome, and possessed unparalleled charm, making countless female cultivators swoon. However, Lou Yuqing practiced the heartless Dao of apathy, dedicating himself to his cultivation and ignoring matters of love. This caused the hearts of many female cultivators to ache, and they wept in sorrow.


So why would Lou Yuqing suddenly propose marriage now?


If it were someone else, it might have been a case of love triumphing over the hero, but this was Lou Yuqing. Si Lan knew him well, and he was absolutely unlikely to harbor romantic feelings for anyone.


The more Si Lan thought about it, the more he found it suspicious and suspected that there was more to it than met the eye. He decided to visit Xuanling Sect first.


However, he had a hot potato in his hands at the moment.


Si Lan looked at the little white dragon and poked its scales.


This little thing now seemed to have no life-threatening issues.


“Hey, little one, do you know how to get back to the Heavenly Realm?”


The little white dragon heard Si Lan’s question but was annoyed and merely flipped its two dragon whiskers, not responding.


It didn’t want to talk to its blood food bag in human form.


“Oh, I forgot, you can’t talk, and you probably don’t remember the way either. Well, forget it, it’s not a big deal to have you with me.”


Si Lan decided he would keep the little white dragon with him. He planned to wait until the celestial soldiers and generals came looking for him, then return the dragon to them.


In the meantime, he would create some opportunities for them to be alone together, laying the foundation for their future bonding.


The little white dragon wanted to climb out by peeling away Si Lan’s clothes but, upon looking up, saw the close proximity of Si Lan’s pure white throat and the fragile blood vessels beneath it. It couldn’t help but swallow its saliva and gave up on struggling.


It still wanted to stay by his side and continue to recover.


“Quze, contact me if there’s anything important.”


After speaking, Si Lan’s figure transformed into a green light and disappeared within the Seven-Stringed Cave.


Quze acknowledged with a “Yes, Your Majesty” and watched the direction where Si Lan had vanished. He remained motionless for a long time, his clear and calm eyes gradually darkening.


Behind Quze, a massive snake head slowly materialized out of thin air. Its body seemed to have been severed from the neck, leaving only the head.


Irregular blue-green scales covered its entire head, and two huge vermilion eyes resembled gaping maws, embedded in its terrifying and monstrous face.


A hoarse and beguiling voice echoed throughout the cave.


“You’ve done well. He’s been lured to the Xuanling Sect.”


Quze remained silent, clenching his only left hand.


Since he could remember, he had only had one arm, a source of mockery and bullying.


But he had always considered himself somewhat fortunate to have been taken as Si Lan’s disciple. He believed that with enough effort, he could become as outstanding as others. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could never measure up to others, not even a six-year-old Xie Li.


It wasn’t until the appearance of the snake head that he learned that it was his revered Master Si Lan who, when he was born, severed his right arm and ruined his talent.


“Quze, he will pay the price for his cruelty toward you.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 1 – Su Muluo

Chapter 1: Su Muluo


At dawn, early autumn.


Su Muluo ascended the dim and narrow staircase of the old building, following the landlord to the fifth floor, where the apartment he intended to rent was located.


The apartment was not large, with one bedroom and two living rooms. The furniture was somewhat outdated, but still serviceable, and it came with a small balcony. In the afternoons, sunlight streamed in through the balcony, brightening most of the living room.


“The location here is a bit off the beaten path, but it’s quiet, not noisy, and you can move in with just your bags. Look, the furniture is still in good condition!” the landlord enthusiastically recommended. “The rent is two thousand, and if you go elsewhere, you won’t find such a good deal.”


Su Muluo looked around and felt that everything seemed fine. He replied, “Then, I’ll take it. Thank you.”


No contract needed to be signed. He paid a month’s rent upfront, along with a one-thousand-yuan deposit. Su Muluo handed three thousand yuan in cash to the landlord, who was taken aback and said, “Don’t you use WeChat or Alipay?”


Su Muluo replied, “I’m sorry, don’t you accept cash?”


“I haven’t seen cash in a long time… Well, it’s okay,” the landlord accepted the stack of money with one hand and handed the keys to Su Muluo with the other. “Here are the keys. Keep them safe. Rent is due on the 5th of each month, and you can contact me through WeChat if you need anything.”


Su Muluo nodded slightly as he took the keys. Afterward, the landlord couldn’t help but take another look at his new tenant.


The new tenant appeared quite young, in his early twenties. While he was friendly when dealing with people, his demeanor exuded an air of cool detachment, as if he were an untouchable snowflake atop a mountain, inherently noble. Apart from that, he was rather handsome, especially with those deep, ink-colored eyes, like gemstones that had been polished by ice-cold springs, radiating indescribable beauty.


He’s really good-looking… I’ve never seen anyone this good-looking before.


The landlord thought this way but noticed that Su Muluo turned his head and glanced at him. 


Quickly, the landlord coughed and left, pocketing the cash.


After bidding farewell to the landlord, Su Muluo surveyed his new home. It was located on the outskirts of the city, in an old residential complex with some history. The nearest bus stop was a twenty-minute walk away. In recent years, in the rapidly appreciating housing market of Lincheng, the rent here was considered quite affordable.


However, Su Muluo’s choice wasn’t solely due to affordability but rather because the landlord didn’t require identification or a signed contract for renting the place. After all, he had just arrived in the human city, and he was an undocumented wanderer.


After a thorough inspection of the house, Su Muluo sat down on the sofa, took out his luggage, and checked its contents.


It was called luggage, but in reality, it was just a few simple sets of clothes for changing, all purchased by an old rabbit spirit he had known for many years in the mountains. He also had several thick bundles of cash, meticulously wrapped in white paper. The old rabbit spirit had exchanged these for him, using feathers that Su Muluo had given him to find someone willing to do the exchange.


He had known the old rabbit spirit for almost three hundred years, starting from when the little white rabbit had transformed into a small rabbit spirit and now into an old rabbit spirit. However, Su Muluo didn’t think the rabbit spirit was really that old, considering that he was still in his prime years.


Su Muluo was a phoenix. If you counted the time inside the egg, he was already five thousand years old. Without counting the egg’s time, he was only eighteen hundred years old. However, in any case, he was much older than the old rabbit spirit.


But the old rabbit spirit didn’t see it that way. He said to Su Muluo, “You’re a phoenix, and I’m just a rabbit. How can a rabbit’s lifespan compare to a phoenix’s? Besides, you’ve been in the mountains for over a thousand years. Aren’t you curious about the human city?”


At first, Su Muluo had no intention of leaving the mountains. He thought life there was quite good. It was only when the old rabbit spirit came down to the mountains and brought many novelties supposedly invented by humans that he began to develop some interest in the outside world.


“Life in the mountains is always the same. Even a phoenix can become a recluse if it stays there too long,” the old rabbit spirit said. “And look at your egg; it’s been so many years, and there hasn’t been any movement. Maybe you’re just getting tired of life here and don’t want to come out.”


Su Muluo felt that the old rabbit spirit made a lot of sense. After pondering in his nest for several nights, he decided to pack his feathers and take his egg into the city.


Yes, as a phoenix, he had an egg, but this egg wasn’t his own; it housed his partner—a dragon.


A thousand and eight hundred years ago, when he was just born, a small fluffy phoenix, this dragon egg, had been by his side. He was born with the memories of the Phoenix clan, knowing that the Phoenixes and Dragons had a history of intermarriage. This dragon egg was his marital partner. Thus, for so many years, he had kept the egg with him.


However, a thousand and eight hundred years had passed, and the dragon egg remained smooth with no sign of hatching.


Thinking about it, Su Muluo placed the dragon egg on the table. The table was smooth, but the egg wasn’t stable, so it rolled a bit and ended up back in his palm.


Su Muluo stared at the dragon egg in his hand and asked, “When will you hatch?”


The dragon egg remained silent, knowing it couldn’t answer.


Su Muluo placed the dragon egg back on the table, and again, it rolled in a circle, finally returning to his palm.


Although it hadn’t hatched, Su Muluo knew that this dragon egg had its own consciousness. It clung to him persistently, always wanting to be near him. Even if he placed it at a distance, it would silently roll back to him.


Then, it continued to cling.


It didn’t seem like a very dignified dragon.


A hint of a smile flickered in Su Muluo’s eyes as he tapped the dragon egg with his finger. “Never mind, I won’t ask you. I need to go out shopping.”


He planned to buy some daily necessities at the nearby supermarket. Before coming here, the old rabbit spirit had given him a crash course on modern knowledge for three days and nights, emphasizing that he should go to a supermarket for shopping. If he was unsure about the directions, he could use a magical box called a “phone” to check.


The old rabbit spirit had also helped him acquire a phone, so Su Muluo took out the phone and, not very proficiently, started searching. After a while, he realized that the closest major supermarket to this neighborhood required a half-hour bus ride. So, he decided to fly there, after all, he was a phoenix, capable of flight, and with a bit of invisibility magic, he didn’t need to worry about being seen by people.


Three minutes later, the phoenix touched down, carrying his dragon egg, and entered the supermarket like a regular person.


The supermarket was vast, filled with all sorts of intriguing products. Su Muluo glanced left and right, and suddenly, his gaze was fixed on a neatly arranged row of duck eggs.


“…,” he took out his dragon egg and compared it to the duck eggs for a few seconds, astonished to find that there didn’t seem to be much difference.


“Could it be?” Su Muluo exclaimed, “Are you not a dragon but a duck?”


The dragon egg: “?”


Su Muluo: “It’s slightly whiter than them. Are you a white duck?”


The dragon egg: “???”


The dragon egg rolled around in Su Muluo’s hand and appeared quite annoyed.


Su Muluo couldn’t help but stifle a laugh and quickly reassured it. “Alright, alright, you’re not a duck. Let’s not ask you anymore. I need to go shopping.”


He decided to buy a few duck eggs and placed them in his cart, planning to compare them at home later.


Next, he bought some meat and vegetables. As he walked past another section, his peripheral vision caught the diverse range of snacks on the shelves. He came to a sudden stop.


A few minutes later, the phoenix exited the supermarket with several large bags of snacks. Outside the supermarket, the bustling street was visible, and not far away, there was a café. Su Muluo paused briefly and glanced inside the café.


The café was nearly empty, and a sign reading “For Sale” was posted on the glass window. Due to slow business, the owner had slouched in a wicker chair, face buried in a book, sound asleep.


Next to the owner, a plump orange cat lay sprawled, its aqua-blue eyes fixed on the street outside. Su Muluo locked eyes with the cat for a few seconds and then continued on his way.


This place had some spiritual activity, but it was a minor spirit and posed no threat to people.


Five minutes later, Su Muluo returned to his rented house, sorted and stored his purchases, and, when he took out the duck eggs, he couldn’t resist comparing them to the dragon egg.


Then, he murmured, “Could it be that dragons and ducks share a bloodline?”


The dragon egg: “…”


The dragon egg was about to explode with anger and even bounced up in Su Muluo’s hand.


Su Muluo nearly burst out laughing, quickly restrained himself, and stroked the egg. “Alright, alright, there’s no blood relation. You’re not a duck.”


The dragon egg sulked, refusing to come out of his pocket and see the duck eggs outside.


Su Muluo allowed it to sulk and took out one of the duck eggs to prepare for a fried egg for lunch. He carefully put away the remaining duck eggs, fearing he might accidentally mix them up with the dragon egg and cook it.


However, when it came to cooking, he had no idea how to do it.


Su Muluo took out his phone once more and began searching online.


The dragon egg rested calmly in Su Muluo’s pocket, but after a while, it sensed that its phoenix was moving around and seemed to be handling various pots and pans… then came a “ka-ching” sound, the noise of the gas stove igniting.


Then, a loud “bang.”


The kitchen exploded.


The dragon egg: “…”


It didn’t know what had happened outside, but it felt its phoenix’s actions were frantic. It seemed like a plate was even shattered during the chaos. Afterward, something was hastily stuffed into its pocket.


It was a plump, round duck egg.


The dragon egg: “…”


It glared at the duck egg in its pocket for several seconds, discovering that the duck egg was anything but smooth and refined, unlike itself. It was suddenly filled with disgust.

So, he tried to push the duck egg, wanting to push it out of his pocket, not allowing it to compete for space with the dragon egg.


But the pocket was soft, making it difficult to exert force. Before the dragon egg could successfully eliminate the duck egg, a long and fair hand reached in and took both of them out of the pocket.


Su Muluo had been a little startled earlier when he accidentally activated the electric stove and didn’t know how to turn it off. Then, he wasn’t sure if it was the stove’s fault, but it suddenly made a loud noise, causing him to drop a plate and spill oil.


Fortunately, the kitchen didn’t actually explode. He quickly cleaned up the mess. Suddenly, he remembered that when he was in a panic, he had stuffed the duck egg somewhere… into his pocket.


Now, in his palm, he held two eggs that were nearly identical, smooth and round, and even in size.


“…,” Su Muluo fell silent for a moment and asked, “Which one are you?”


The dragon egg: “…”


The dragon egg was about to explode with anger again.


As a form of revenge, it remained perfectly still.


Su Muluo: “…”


Oh no, he genuinely couldn’t tell them apart.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 1 – Nine Thousand Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1: Nine Thousand Years of Cultivation


Before entering the world of novels, Gu Ruoqing worked at a kindergarten. He had a cool and reserved personality, rarely spoke, had a handsome appearance, and always wore a white shirt, standing quietly on the side and prefered listening to talking.


However, Gu Ruoqing had a problem.


Whenever the children in the kindergarten saw him, they would start crying, one by one, the latter always sadder than the one before.


Not only that, while crying, the children would run over to him with their little short legs, pleading for him to hold them.


He would pick one up, and another would cry even louder. When he comforted the second one, a bunch of others would cry and crawl into his arms.


Helpless, Gu Ruoqing had to ask his colleagues why he couldn’t make the children stop crying.


The female teacher looked at him, surprised for a moment, then smiled and said, “Mr. Gu, you still don’t know?”


“They are just trying to act cute in front of you.”


Gu Ruoqing had never understood this logic. Whenever someone cried in front of him, he couldn’t resist being soft-hearted.


And at this moment, it was the same.


Dressed in white, standing like a refined bamboo, in front of him was a boy wearing the attire of a sect disciple. He was pitifully sobbing, wiping his tears with his sleeve.


Yu Yangsheng had an excellent figure, delicate and handsome features. His long eyelashes fluttered like butterflies, making him even more pitiable when he cried.


If it weren’t for a few disciples on the ground, whom he had beaten into pig heads, Gu Ruoqing would almost believe that Yu Yangsheng was the most wronged person in the world.


Gu Ruoqing sighed.


Although he had taught at a kindergarten for a few years before, he had never encountered such a difficult student.


Only in front of him would Yu Yangsheng behave like a sweet, wronged kitten, crying pitifully.


But Gu Ruoqing could guarantee that as soon as he turned his back, Yu Yangsheng would immediately turn around, grab someone by the collar, and start the second round of fighting, beating them up fiercely like a ferocious young wolf.


“Yu Yangsheng, why are you fighting at the sect again?”


“Shizun… I didn’t… they started it first…”


Nonsense, do you think I’m blind?


Yu Yangsheng cried while sneakily raising his eyes to look at him. Gu Ruoqing frowned, his expression seeming a bit displeased.


“Yu Yangsheng, return to the Cold Clear Pavilion and… copy some scriptures…”


[System: Friendly reminder! The villain’s current corruption level is 20%. Please, dear brother, be cautious about controlling the index~]


“Shizun meant to say…Practice… practice with Shizun a few combat moves.”


With that, Gu Ruoqing waved his sleeve and left for the Cold Clear Pavilion without looking back.




The group of children present were still in disarray in the wind.


Practice… a few moves?


What moves?


What is the Immortal Shizun Gu planning to do?


Did he want to punish him by making him copy scriptures or go straight for the kill?


The atmosphere instantly became tense, and the children around looked at Yu Yang with sympathy and a hint of schadenfreude in their eyes.


On the other hand…


Following the motto, “As long as I walk fast enough, shame can’t catch up with me,” Gu Ruoqing briskly made his way back.


Finally, he stopped midway, unable to help but find a corner to support his forehead.


Oh God, what cringy things did he just say…


Transmigrating into an ancient novel is really tough.




Speaking of which, this is actually a cultivation novel called “Nine Thousand Years of Immortal Dao.”


Gu Ruoqing’s role in it is the heartless antagonist, the Demon Lord who kills without even blinking.


Ancient sages once said that if there’s a good-looking child in a male-focused novel who suffered from bullying in their childhood, that child would inevitably become a blackening-type villain boss in the future.


At this point, facing the villain, you have three choices.


The first choice is to rescue them from succumbing to evil by building up goodwill.


The second choice is to say that it’s not my business and stay out of it.


The third choice is to confront the villain, ending the threat once and for all.


All three paths seem plausible.


Unfortunately, the ancient sages also said that if you happen to be an esteemed Shizun of cultivation, congratulations, your life will be full of poetic legends.


Because whether you save them or not, as long as the blackening villain is there, and they will be the first to target you.


Gu Ruoqing, the most respected elder of the Qingyun Sect and the number one Immortal Shizun in the cultivation world, had been in the gardening profession for a hundred years, nurturing countless disciples.


He had a tall and slender figure, silvery waist-length hair, a cold and distant demeanor, and a look that seemed detached from the mundane world. Furthermore, his spiritual power was as vast as a river and ocean, giving rise to legends of a “heaven-sent immortal.”


Among Gu Ruoqing’s disciples, the most famous one was undoubtedly the most ferocious Demon Lord of the demon realm in a millennium, Yu Yang.


In the original story, Immortal Shizun Gu was a person deeply versed in Laozi’s true teachings, who practiced the principles in his life.


He tried all three options and ended up being tormented to death by the blackened villain he had brought back with his own hands.


Here’s how it happened:


In Yu Yang’s childhood, Gu Ruoqing chose the first option—rescue. While descending from the mountain one day, he stumbled upon Yu Yang who was close to his deathbed. Unable to stand by, he lent a helping hand, saving the future Demon Lord when he was just a child, bringing him to the Qingyun Sect and taking him as his disciple.


This was the first wrong decision he made, failing to eliminate the helpless Yu Yang while he had the chance.


As Yu Yang grew into his youth, Gu Ruoqing chose the second option—ignoring him. After taking Yu Yang as his disciple, he frequently secluded himself for unknown reasons, no longer personally engaging in teaching, instead instructing the senior disciples to manage the sect’s affairs and mentor the junior disciples.


This was the second wrong decision he made, thinking that brotherhood and camaraderie within the sect would prevent bullying among fellow disciples.


Yu Yang, hidden from his sight, roamed free, indulging in mischief.


Gu Ruoqing had believed that by saving the child, he had done the right thing. Little did he know that ignorance could be equally bad.


Later, during a confrontation, Yu Yang discovered that the monsters they were hunting were, in fact, his own mother. After killing her with his own hands, he learned about his true heritage. This revelation shattered his sanity, awakening his demonic bloodline, and he became the Demon Lord, wreaking havoc on the world.


During Yu Yang’s adulthood, Gu Ruoqing chose the third option— to eliminate the threat by killing him. When Yu Yang threatened to kill the male protagonist, Yun Qianqiu, and activated a world-destroying formation, Gu Ruoqing arrived in the nick of time, saving the female protagonist and confronting Yu Yang with a sword.


As the sect Shizun and an elder in the cultivation world, Gu Ruoqing was highly skilled, eventually impaling Yu Yang’s heart with a sword.


Yu Yang stared at him with resentment in his eyes, as if he wanted to devour him, but in the end, he descended into the abyss of a wailing underworld.


This was the third wrong decision that Gu Ruoqing made. It was also the one he regretted most in his life.


He had killed the child he had once brought back with his own hands.


Though the world hailed him as virtuous and praised his selflessness, Gu Ruoqing only looked at the bloodstains on his sword in silence, wanting to wipe them away but retracting his hand.


After that, Gu Ruoqing chose to seclude himself, never appearing in the world again in his lifetime and passing away peacefully, his hair white as snow, his handsome appearance preserved for centuries, and he no longer yearned for the mortal realm.


Gu Ruoqing stood at a high point, giving a solemn salute to the people below. He turned around, and his figure disappeared from the sight of everyone for the last time.


From then on, there was no Immortal Ruoqing, and the world mourned together.


From then on, there was no Yu Yang, and the world was at peace.



You might think it’s all over now, but at the time, everyone thought the same.


Little did they know that not even a divine and demonic chasm could keep Yu Yang suppressed underground. Three years later, Yu Yang made a contract with an ancient demon and was resurrected, even more corrupt than before.


As soon as he appeared, he forcibly brought Gu Ruoqing out of the cave, then imprisoned him in the demon realm for more than a decade, subjecting him to relentless torment and humiliation.


Finally, he had his fill, strangled Gu Ruoqing to death, whipped his corpse, and presented it to the male protagonist, who had become the Heavenly Emperor at that time.


The divine and demonic war occurred once again, ending with the demon killing his own Shizun before he met his demise.




The connection between Gu Ruoqing and this frustrating novel lies in his name.


Because he shares the same name and surname as the Shizun in the book, out of curiosity, Gu Ruoqing casually opened this extremely popular cultivation web novel one weekend.


The story was fine all the way to the end, but after reading the extras, Gu Ruoqing’s face turned cold, and he gave it a terrible review.


It was incomplete and heart-wrenching – a bad ending.


The main story of “Nine Thousand Years of Immortal Dao” actually ended with Gu Ruoqing killing Yu Yang.


The shocking twist that occurred later can be traced back to an online novelist who was compelled to eat because of their book.


After “Nine Thousand Years of Immortal Dao” was serialized, its clicks and collections made it skyrocket to the top of the charts. However, when it suddenly concluded, it became the most criticized cultivation novel on various forums.


The reason for the criticism was mainly due to one question: Have you ever seen a cultivation novel where, in the final battle, the antagonist boss, who is a minor character as a Shizun, is killed by the protagonist’s Shizun in a completely inexplicable manner?


The crucial point is that the author had been building up resentment towards this antagonist boss from the third chapter. By Chapter 1,033, when the male protagonist finally prepared to settle scores with the antagonist boss and deliver justice—


“Only to see Elder Gu Ruoqing of the Qingyun Sect descend from the sky. With a flash of his sword, he pierced it into Yu Yang’s chest.


Yu Yang stumbled backward, filled with boundless hatred, glared at Gu Ruoqing, but eventually fell into the abyss of the divine and demonic chasm behind him.”


In the end, the male protagonist, Yun Qianqiu, only administered a final blow to the antagonist and then ascended, unifying the three realms, bringing the story to a close.


On the night of the conclusion, readers across the internet collectively felt betrayed.


Hundreds of thousands of words of buildup and vengeance, but when the characters finally died, there were only two paragraphs, each containing just one sentence.


Tens of thousands of book fans bombarded the author’s private messages, filled the comments sections, and pinned posts on forums, passionately requesting the author to resurrect the antagonist and have him fight the protagonist for hundreds of rounds before finally meeting his end under the protagonist’s sword.


Unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion, the author finally wrote a first extra—fulfilling the readers’ desires for the antagonist to resurrect and taking vengeance on Gu Ruoqing, by tormenting him in the demon realm, strangling him, beheading him, and whipping his corpse.


When Yun Qianqiu, who had ascended to become the Emperor of the Immortal Dao, saw his Shizun being tormented to death by the Demon Lord Yu Yang, he was naturally furious. This led to another battle between the immortals and demons, with Yu Yang’s soul finally dispersing. Some readers were finally satisfied at this point.


But then someone pointed out that Gu Ruoqing’s fate was too miserable!


As an esteemed elder of the Qingyun Sect, a peak figure in the world of cultivation, he was both Yun Qianqiu’s Shizun and the one who raised Yu Yang from a young age. Righteous and powerful, he had every reason to kill the antagonist, but the extra portrayed Yu Yang’s cruelty towards Gu Ruoqing.


The discussion continued, with some arguing that Yu Yang, the antagonist, was actually an inspirational character who overcame adversity, and his extreme personality could be understood.


Others believed that Gu Ruoqing’s sudden character twist was abrupt, and the author was shifting blame onto him, making Yu Yang more sympathetic, and Gu Ruoqing’s fate should have been different.


There were also those who thought the author had dug a big pit with Gu Ruoqing’s character and failed to fill it, and readers demanded that the author resolve the issue. Fanfictions of the novel proliferated.


Of course, the straight male readers complained that the male protagonist, Yun Qianqiu, was unfairly treated, and it was unfortunate that such a well-liked male lead had the lowest popularity.


Amidst all the debates, some became die-hard fans while others became critics, and opinions on Gu Ruoqing’s ending were divided.


But Gu Ruoqing just took off his glasses, put down his phone, rubbed his temples, and prepared a PowerPoint presentation for the kindergarten children’s performance the next day.


Although the character with the same name and surname as him in the novel is a revered immortal Shizun, in reality, he is just a preschool teacher.


Apart from their coincidental name similarity, the two individuals should have had no connection.


However, as the second day arrived, Gu Ruoqing, dressed in white, stood on a high platform, looking at over a thousand cultivation disciples bowing to him in the square.


Yet, in his mind, he was still thinking about the PowerPoint presentation for Children’s Day.


How did it feel to transmigrate after leaving a scathing negative review?


Absolute regret, he absolutely regretted it.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 48 – I’m Back (II)

       Xu Ye thought that going to bed meant doing it, but Chu Yu just held him and kissed him for a while and said, “Go to sleep.”

       The room darkened, and a warm yellow wall lamp in the corner gave off a faint light like a firefly. His naked body was sunk between the soft mattresses, and the only sound in his ears was the steady breathing of the other person. Xu Ye kept his eyes open, watching the man before him, who had closed his eyes to sleep, illuminated by a faint glimmer.

       In his twenty-eight years of life, he never thought that one day he would keep such a person in his heart, trust him wholeheartedly, rely on him without any fears, and willingly surrender everything.

       It was a strange feeling, like a comet that had travelled alone for a long time and finally changed its trajectory due to strong gravity and fell to the solid surface. To be accepted, to be tolerated, and never again to have to walk alone with secrets he was too ashamed to reveal.

       Xu Ye was looking at the man quietly, but unexpectedly, the man suddenly opened his eyes. He panicked, quickly closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep. Chu Yu chuckled and said, “After staring at me for so long, you’re closing your eyes now?”

       Xu Ye couldn’t pretend anymore; his eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes. The dim light hid the blushing embarrassment on his face, and he murmured, “Master, I didn’t mean to disturb your sleep, I’d better turn around.” He said it awkwardly, truly turning to the side and earnestly shifting a bit toward the edge of the bed.

       The man didn’t speak; Xu Ye only felt the bed move, and then the arm stretched out from behind, wrapped around his waist and pushed him back. When his back pressed against that warm and solid chest, the touch on his back made Xu Ye freeze completely.

       The skin-to-skin contact was completely unobstructed by clothing. Both of them were naked, his back and Chu Yu’s chest, his waist and hips and Chu Yu’s lower abdomen, fitting together closely.

       Xu Ye was a little incoherent, “Master, you…”

       “Shh—” The breath behind his ear softly brushed the back of his neck, slightly warm. A warm hand was placed on Xu Ye’s waist, and his slightly bent body was fully embraced. Chu Yu’s voice was soft and gentle, like the feathers of a young bird, soft and fluttering behind his head. “Close your eyes, relax your body, feel the frequency of my breathing, and then adjust your rhythm.” The man’s voice has a hypnotic magic that makes people easily addicted, “I will be behind you and hold you until you fall asleep.”

       The gentle voice lingered in his ears like a breeze, and his chest’s slow and similar rise and fall was like a tide, gently caressing every tiny gravel on the beach. Xu Ye leaned back slightly, relaxed his tense body, and gently closed his eyes.

       There was no erotic embrace, just comfort and companionship.

       The night was dark, and everything was silent.

       In this way, he sank little by little into the dream of the deep sea.

       He waited for Xu Ye to sleep peacefully. Chu Yu raised his hand and gently stroked the scar on his forehead. In the past ten days, he had simultaneously pacified and ruthlessly wiped out the rebel forces that Song Wanhua had set off in the Black Eagle Organisation. The enemies who were involved in the underworld were naturally not easy to handle. He himself was attacked several times, and several of his bodyguards were killed or injured. The moment he rushed back under the stars and saw Xu Ye crying, he suddenly felt that all his suffering was worth it.

       Under the gorgeous sceptre lay splattered blood, echoed agonizing screams, and lurked ugly desires. Once grasped, no matter how burdensome, it could not be easily relinquished. Yet, this was his way of protecting Xu Ye.

       No one could touch his weakness easily.

       Xu Ye moved uneasily in his deep sleep. Since that accident, he often woke up in the middle of the night and curled up unconsciously when falling asleep. This self-defensive posture stems from his deep inner insecurity. The impact of that incident on Xu Ye was not as light as he made it seem. The fear of dying still lingered in his subconscious, coming out to cause trouble from time to time. And Chu Yu’s departure made the situation more serious until it was impossible to sleep.

       The man kissed his naked back, hugged him tightly, and whispered comfortingly, “I’m back…”

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Chapter 47 – I’m Back (I)

       The sound of gunshots pierced the silence.

       Xu Ye watched helplessly as the bright red blood spread little by little on the warm chest, resembling enchanting flowers blooming on a white shirt. In the boundless darkness, Chu Yu looked at him with sorrowful eyes. A strong wind suddenly rose, breaking the silhouette into tiny red fragments scattered and lost to the unknown. A harsh, soundless scream echoed, and despair rose like an engulfing tidal wave, swallowing him whole.

       He woke up in a cold sweat, and it took him a long time to break free from the nightmare. He took a few deep breaths to calm down as if he wanted to expel the suffocating air stuck in his chest.

       A small night light left in the room gave off a bright yellow light. Xu Ye got up and opened the window. The late autumn night wind was blowing a bit cold. He sat quietly by the window with his clothes on, looking at the night sky covered with clouds and moon, and closed his eyes tiredly.

       Ten days. It had been such a long time since Chu Yu left. It was like he had disappeared from the world out of thin air without any news. Even though he casually mentioned going to handle some trivial matters, Xu Ye understood in his heart that these matters were dangerous enough to keep him from being able to focus on himself. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left himself alone at the Chu family’s main base. The atmosphere in the main house was also very tense. Xu Ye could see many solemn-looking people entering and leaving here every day. The eldest son Chu Qin, and the third son Chu Xuan almost never came back. All the battles were going on where he couldn’t see, and the only thing that floated on the surface was Golden Eagle’s stock price, which changed from high to low.

       Xu Ye began to suffer from insomnia, and even when he was tired enough to fall asleep, he would suffer from nightmares. In his dream, he lost Chu Yu again and again. The nightmare tormented him, almost dragging him down. Two days ago, he had no choice but to ask the old man’s personal doctor to prescribe sleeping pills for him.

       It was like returning to the days before he met Chu Yu, feeling anxious and suffocated. The old house was located in Donglin, so he ran to the construction site every day, followed by a bunch of bodyguards. After eating two mouthfuls of rice every day, he put down my chopsticks and devoted himself to work as if this would prevent him from thinking about that man.

       The sleepless nights are particularly unbearable. Xu Ye glanced at the medicine bottle on the table and sighed helplessly. Just as he was about to get up and take medicine, he caught sight of a figure in the courtyard downstairs and was stunned.

       The moon emerged from the clouds, and its clear and bright light fell silently on the man, blurring his outline. No one knew where the stars were hidden. In the quiet night, even the wind became quiet.

       Xu Ye’s eyes became moist. He stood by the window of the second-story building, and the man looked up at him and said with a tired look, “Did you miss me?”

       “…No.” Xu Ye replied innocently, but the water in his eyes could no longer be held back and slipped from the corners of his eyes.

       “Liar.” Chu Yu smiled, “What are you crying for? I’m back, right?”

       The moment he went upstairs and hugged Xu Ye, who was wearing pyjamas, the man’s body and mind, which had been tense for many days, finally relaxed. This familiar and warm feeling was what he had been missing. He unconsciously tightened his arms and hugged the person in his arms tighter.

       His jaw sharpened, waist narrowed–how did Xu Ye become so thin in just a few days? Chu Yu’s gaze swept over the scattered documents and the open computer on the table, landing on the conspicuous medicine bottle at the bedside. Frowning slightly, he released him and asked, “What medication are you taking?”

       Xu Ye was a little stiff, hesitated for a while, and said hesitantly, “I couldn’t sleep well at night. I went to see a doctor, and he said…”

       “You now rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, don’t you?”

       “Master…” Xu Ye was like a rabbit whose tail was caught, looking at him in panic and confusion.

       That expression made him feel distressed and angry. When he thought that this was how he had been living for the past ten days, the fire in Chu Yu’s heart completely burned. “I’m away for just ten days, and you’ve turned yourself into this.” He threw his coat on the chair, took out his belt, and said coldly, “Kneel down.”

       Xu Ye knelt down silently after hearing the order.

       “Tell me who you are.”

       “I am your slave.”

       “Tell me your rights.”

       “All my rights come from what you have given me.”

       “Tell me your duty.”

       “To make you happy…” When he said these four words, Xu Ye lowered his eyes and looked at the ground.

       Suddenly, a sharp and swift wind brushed past the ears, followed by the crisp sound of a thick belt hitting the ground. Xu Ye trembled all over and raised his face in panic.

       Chu Yu’s deep eyes were like the vast and cold night, but they were also quiet, soft and gentle. He stared at the person kneeling on the ground and asked, “Do you think I will be happy if you make yourself like this?”

       Xu Ye’s eyes trembled, his nose felt sore, and he said, “I was wrong, Master, forgive me…”

       “There’s more.” The man pinched his chin and forced him to look up at him, “What should be the first thing you do when you see me come back?”

       Xu Ye was stunned for a while before he remembered the ‘rules’ the man had set before and replied with some embarrassment, “Go to the door to welcome and greet proactively.”

       “What did you just do?”

       Xu Ye was a little aggrieved but didn’t dare to defend himself, so he could only say in a low voice, “I was wrong.”

       Chu Yu sat on the edge of the bed, tossing the belt aside. When used, this thing would leave welts on the skin, and he couldn’t actually use it on Xu Ye. “Today, I’ll give you a chance to make amends. Start over.”

       Xu Ye stood up and approached him, closed his eyes and put his lips towards him. Seeing that he didn’t respond for a long time, he opened his eyes in embarrassment and called softly, “Master.”

       “Is this the extent of your passion for me?” The man looked at him with a smirk, “Take off your clothes, get into bed.”

Chapter 47 & 48 have the same title for some reason and I don’t really know why. For now I’ll just put I & II after the title

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