Month: August 2024 (Page 3 of 5)

Chapter 26 – I’ll Support You

Chapter 26: I’ll Support You


When Feng Xuan spoke these words, not only Su Muluo but even Long Ling fell silent.


After a few seconds of awkwardness, Feng Xuan said, “What’s wrong? Did I excite you too much?”


“No,” Su Muluo replied calmly, “You probably have the wrong person.”


Because he had used a spell, the surrounding customers couldn’t hear their conversation at all. Otherwise, with Feng Xuan’s recent outburst, there would be a lot of strange and curious looks coming their way.


Feng Xuan’s expression softened, and he said kindly, “It’s alright. You were just born at that time and probably don’t remember the events of the past. As long as you’re willing to return with me, I’ll explain everything to you slowly.”


Su Muluo thought it wasn’t necessary. When he was just born, this elder’s ancestors might still have been in their eggs, so there was no need for any more talk. He released his demonic aura directly.


Feng Xuan intended to say something more, but suddenly he felt a wave of demonic power crash over him. It was as if he were standing at the base of a tsunami, looking up at a towering, imposing pressure.


In an instant, Feng Xuan’s face changed drastically. His muscles tensed up to the limit, and he could even hear his bones clattering in fear. 


His soul seemed to be screaming, trembling uncontrollably, while he looked at the young man before him with disbelief, feeling an overwhelming fear rise from deep within.


The descendant of Feng Hen, who was just over twenty years old, couldn’t possibly possess such demonic power…


Moreover, the young man must be holding back, otherwise, he would have collapsed and been trembling on the ground by now…


Su Muluo didn’t want to put Feng Xuan in a difficult position. Seeing his changing expressions, he withdrew his demonic aura and casually poured him a cup of coffee.


Feng Xuan seemed to have walked through the gates of death. After his tensed muscles suddenly relaxed, he felt extreme weakness and exhaustion. His hand holding the coffee was trembling, and only after finishing the cup did he gradually calm down.


It was only then that he realized how foolish his actions had been.


As a bird tribe elder with nearly five hundred years of demonic power, he was considered an upper-level figure in the demon realm. Until now, no demon had ever exerted such pressure on him—such confidence was shattered today.


The aura of the young man before him was terrifyingly powerful. His demonic power must have exceeded five hundred years… Could it be six hundred years, or seven hundred years?


… No, it might even be a thousand years.


Cold sweat silently soaked through Feng Xuan’s clothes. Even though the shop had heating, he felt a chill.


In the demon realm today, there were only three beings with over a thousand years of power, who had long been hidden from the world. If this young man were one of those thousand-year-old demons, then he had mistakenly thought of him as a private descendant of the bird tribe, hoping to have him return to revitalize the bird tribe…


For a moment, Feng Xuan suddenly wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.


As the coffee cup reached the bottom, the bird tribe elder remained silent. Su Muluo lightly tapped the table and said, “I’d like to ask you a question.”


“!” Feng Xuan immediately snapped back to reality and said, “Please go ahead.”


Su Muluo asked, “Why did you think I was a private descendant of the bird tribe?”


“…” Feng Xuan fell silent for a few seconds and awkwardly said, “I have known Feng Hen for many years and can sense the aura of those related to him by blood. That day at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, I detected a similar aura on you.”


Su Muluo didn’t show it on his face but was slightly surprised inside. He didn’t know Feng Hen and rarely interacted with the bird tribe. Why would their auras be similar?


Could it be… Feng Hen has some bloodline of their Phoenix clan?


This doubt flashed through his mind but was not voiced. Instead, he said calmly, “You probably made a mistake. I’ve never met Feng Hen.”


Feng Xuan said, “Yes, it was indeed my mistake. I apologize for disturbing you.”


Only those with the same bloodline would have similar auras. As far as he knew, Feng Hen had no connection with those three thousand-year-old demons… If there had been a connection, the former clan leader wouldn’t have died in the ice prison for no reason.


Since the misunderstanding was cleared up, Feng Xuan wanted to leave quickly. However, just before he left, Su Muluo remembered something and asked, “Even if you wanted to investigate my address, why did you send people to attack me?”


Feng Xuan was stunned and said, “What?”


Su Muluo replied, “A few days ago, I was attacked by your people from the bird tribe.”


“……Impossible!” Feng Xuan exclaimed in shock, “I only instructed my people to find you and told them to stay in the shadows. They were not supposed to act against you!”


At that time, he still thought of this person as the descendant of Feng Hen, the future leader of the bird tribe. How could he send people to attack him?


Feng Xuan’s response was unexpected for Su Muluo, who fell into deep thought. At this moment, Long Ling snickered and said, “Is that so?”


The cold laugh made Feng Xuan shiver. He quickly asked, “Could you describe what those bird tribe people looked like? Any specific features?”


Su Muluo thought for a few seconds and said, “They were wearing black hoodies and had their hoods up, so I couldn’t see their faces. That’s all.”


Feng Xuan nodded and said, “Please wait a few days. I will investigate immediately. Once I find out, I will definitely come back and give you an explanation!”


After saying this, he saw Su Muluo nodding without any objections. He felt like he had been granted amnesty and left in a hurry.


After Feng Xuan left, Su Muluo glanced at Long Ling and said, “You don’t always have to be so fierce with people.”


This dragon had been like this right after hatching, extremely fierce, even spitting fireballs at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


Long Ling looked innocent and said, “I wasn’t fierce with them. It was they who had other intentions towards my Phoenix.” After saying this, he snuggled up to Su Muluo and added, “I really like Phoenix.”


Seeing him taking advantage of him again, Su Muluo immediately put on a stern face and said, “I don’t like you.”


On the first day, this dragon had seen him feeling a bit unaccustomed and had restrained himself. But it wasn’t long before the dragon’s true nature was revealed, frequently coming over to take advantage of him.


It was utterly annoying.


Long Ling looked at Su Muluo’s sullen face and thought his Phoenix was both soft and cute, and he really wanted to take a bite.


But now the Phoenix would definitely not let him take a bite. Long Ling thought for a moment and changed the subject, “Did Phoenix know these people before?”


Su Muluo shook his head. “I don’t know him.”


Long Ling asked, “Then why does Feng Hen’s aura resemble that of a Phoenix?” He squinted slightly and added, “Could it be that the Phoenix had a little birdling outside without me knowing?”


Su Muluo was confused. “?”


He gave Long Ling a smack on the head and said, “You’re the one who would have a little birdling!”


Long Ling laughed and took Su Muluo’s wrist, rubbing his fingertips against it gently. He asked, “So, does he have Phoenix blood?”


“Possibly,” Su Muluo said, “so I want to investigate it.”


Feng Hen was the former clan leader of the bird tribe and died in the ice prison due to defection. Although it was decades ago, decades are not long for demons, and an investigation could still be conducted.


However, there hadn’t been any reports of a demon with Phoenix bloodline before, or it would have caused a stir. To be cautious, Su Muluo decided to have someone look into it.


He took out a piece of paper, wrote a few lines on it, and folded it into a paper crane. He let it flutter gently into the air.


The paper crane flew magically into the sky, wobbling slightly as it moved forward before vanishing from sight.


Long Ling watched the paper crane and said, “The Phoenix is sending love letters to others right in front of me.”


Su Muluo ignored him. Just then, another customer ordered a coffee, so he pushed the clingy dragon away and went to prepare it.


In the evening, when the coffee shop closed, Su Muluo stepped outside and was immediately hit by the cold wind.


It’s so cold, why is it so cold today?


As he thought about this, he suddenly felt a coat on his shoulders. He looked up to see Long Ling taking off his outerwear and draping it over him, then closing his fingers around Su Muluo’s hand and saying, “Phoenix is dressed too lightly; you’ll catch a cold.”


The warmth of the man’s palm spread slowly from their touching skin. Su Muluo was momentarily stunned, suddenly recalling how in the Mirror of Origin, his dragon had also removed his coat and held the silver-haired Phoenix’s hand…


Then he heard Long Ling’s next words: “Otherwise, Phoenix could just snuggle into my arms; they’re warm too.”


Su Muluo: “…”


He expressionlessly snatched the dragon’s coat away and continued walking alone.


Long Ling quickly caught up and took Su Muluo’s hand. Su Muluo initially tried to shake him off, but the warmth of Long Ling’s hand was very comforting. He paused for a second, symbolically struggled, and then stopped resisting.


Long Ling happily held Su Muluo’s slender fingers and asked, “When will the Phoenix make me a feather bracelet?”


When he was a little black dragon, the Phoenix had promised him a feather bracelet, and he remembered it well.


Su Muluo thought for a moment and said, “Tonight.”


Long Ling’s eyes lit up. “Phoenix is the best!”


He tried to nuzzle closer to Su Muluo, but Su Muluo, always wary, managed to avoid him.


Back at the rental apartment, Su Muluo appreciated the warmth of the room, while Long Ling quickly went into the bedroom and took out the feathers hidden under the pillow.


He had been keeping the Phoenix’s feathers he cherished under the pillow, like hidden treasures, and now there were four of them.


However, making a bracelet didn’t require so many feathers. Su Muluo let Long Ling choose, and Long Ling, after some deliberation, picked the most beautiful one.


Su Muluo asked, “Can you return the other three to me?”


Long Ling immediately took the other three feathers and ran away.


Su Muluo: Tsk.


Taking his feathers and taking advantage of him, how rude.


What use is this dragon?


Even though he thought this casually, he still carefully made the feather bracelet for his dragon.


When they went to the mall before, Su Muluo had specifically bought some beautiful weaving threads. With the feathers being long, he connected the feathers end to end with the weaving thread, adding two polished jade beads as embellishments. Since the thread was long, it could wrap around the wrist several times, and when worn, the feathers appeared white, soft, and with a faint, beautiful luster.


In no time, the feather bracelet was finished. Long Ling clearly loved it and refused to take it off once he put it on.


He happily walked around Su Muluo, suddenly hugging him. “I like Phoenix the most!”


Su Muluo remained calm and said, “I don’t like you.”


Long Ling buried his head into Su Muluo’s shoulder, rubbing against him. “Phoenix wouldn’t dislike me. Phoenix even made me a bracelet.” His smile grew, and he added, “This is the first gift Phoenix has given me.”


Su Muluo only realized this upon hearing him. In the past eighteen hundred years, his dragon had been in the egg, and even after becoming a little black dragon, he couldn’t give any gifts. So this feather bracelet was indeed the first gift he had given his dragon.


Long Ling looked at the feather bracelet in his hand, finding it beautiful, as pretty as his phoenix, and said happily, “I want to give the phoenix a gift too.”


Su Muluo tilted his head and asked, “What are you going to give?”


Long Ling thought for a moment and said, “It seems like people here usually give rings when they’re courting someone… Does the phoenix like those sparkling rings?”


Su Muluo asked, “You mean diamond rings?”


Long Ling nodded and looked at his phoenix with anticipation. “If the phoenix likes them, I’ll give you a diamond ring.” That way, he could also use the opportunity to court his phoenix!


Su Muluo had already seen through his little scheme, and with a slight smile, he said, “Although I’m not particularly fond of them, I’m curious about one thing.”


Long Ling felt a bit disappointed when he heard Su Muluo didn’t like diamond rings. “What does the phoenix want to ask?”


Su Muluo asked, “Do you have money?”




Long Ling fell silent.


Su Muluo continued, “A diamond ring is quite expensive, it costs several hundred thousand.”


Long Ling remained silent.


Su Muluo added, “When I first came to the human city, I saved up my first bit of money by selling feathers. It seems like you can’t even sell feathers.”


Long Ling: “…………”


Long Ling remained silent for a long time, seemingly struggling to come to terms with the fact that he had no money at all. After a while, he suddenly said with a sigh, “I can sell scales.”


His tone was filled with helplessness, sadness, and resentment towards this money-driven world.


Su Muluo couldn’t help but laugh, gently patting his head and saying with affection, “Be good, let me take care of you.”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 12 – I will pick some peaches to nourish the sick beauty.

Chapter 12 – I will pick some peaches to nourish the sick beauty.


Facing Zhao Qi’s skeptical expression, Xiao Shiqing responded calmly, “Don’t believe me?”


Zhao Qi was about to shake his head when he saw Xiao Shiqing’s expression darken, and immediately changed his tune. “Since the Prime Minister says so, then I can only choose to believe you.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly. “Your Majesty seems quite reluctant.”


Zhao Qi couldn’t help but speak frankly. “After all, the Prime Minister isn’t as skilled as General He.”


“He Changzhou is indeed one of the top experts in Great Jing; he is quite formidable,” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “but what use is that if he isn’t by Your Majesty’s side?”


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened. “He’s not by my side? But I clearly asked him to stick close to me.”


“Your Majesty might want to check for yourself.”


“Alright,” Zhao Qi shifted slightly in Xiao Shiqing’s embrace and asked tentatively, “then… could the Prime Minister let me go now?”


As soon as the words were out, Xiao Shiqing unceremoniously withdrew.


Zhao Qi stood up, brushed off the dust from his clothes, cleared his throat, and called out, “Changzhou?”


Xiao Shiqing’s brows lifted slightly.


“Really not here…” Zhao Qi said, “Old Jiang?”


Not even Jiang Dehai was present? Where had everyone gone, leaving him alone here?


Zhao Qi looked around, feeling that something was off. After thinking for a while, he said, “This room doesn’t seem to be the one I was sleeping in before.”




Zhao Qi was taken aback, his eyes filled with confusion. “Can you explain?”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze shifted slightly. In the past, he would never have had the leisure to explain his actions to Zhao Qi. Now, even as he stared directly into Zhao Qi’s eyes, he still didn’t want to explain.


How could he explain? That he had used Zhao Qi as bait to lure out the remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang in the capital?


Indeed, his plan was foolproof. He had prepared a decoy similar in age and built to Zhao Qi, and the entire Mu Yang Temple was under his control. The remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang couldn’t escape his watchful eye. But He Changzhou had said something true; he had indeed used the young emperor and the Empress Dowager.


Xiao Shiqing hesitated for a moment before speaking in a deep voice. “There is a reason for my actions.”


“Oh…” Zhao Qi realized that further questioning might yield no answers and changed the topic. “So where did Changzhou go?”


“He is busy.”


“Busy with what—”


Xiao Shiqing replied coolly, “Does Your Majesty find it impossible to live without asking so many questions about He Changzhou?”


Zhao Qi was taken aback and grew angry despite his usually good temper. “Why does the Prime Minister say this? He Changzhou is mine; can’t I ask about him?”


“No,” Xiao Shiqing said decisively. “It’s still far from dawn. Your Majesty should continue sleeping.”


Zhao Qi puffed up. “I won’t sleep. What can the Prime Minister do about it?”


“What can I do?” Xiao Shiqing asked slowly. “Does Your Majesty really want to know?”


Meeting Xiao Shiqing’s gaze, Zhao Qi’s courage vanished in an instant. “I suddenly feel a bit sleepy…”


Xiao Shiqing nodded in satisfaction. “Go to bed, and don’t fall out again.”


In the main hall of Mu Yang Temple, Empress Dowager Wen was discussing Buddhist matters with Master Yuan Tong by candlelight. Speaking of her only son, Empress Dowager Wen expressed mixed feelings. “Since the Emperor’s illness has improved, I’ve finally felt a great weight lift from my heart, but…”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “Empress Dowager, if you have any concerns, please share them with me. I will do my utmost to help you.”


Empress Dowager Wen glanced at the full moon outside and said, “One of my worries is the Emperor. Though he has recovered, he seems like a completely different person.”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “May I inquire if this change in the Emperor is good or bad?”


“It’s certainly for the better. In the past, the Emperor was fond of wine and women; now he enjoys eating and sleeping. Previously, he spent all his time researching odd things and kept a number of mysterious beauties in the harem. Now, he hardly visits the harem and spends most of his time in the Yonghua Palace, eating and sleeping…” Empress Dowager Wen lowered her voice. “Master, could it be that the Emperor has fallen under some kind of spell?”


Master Yuan Tong smiled gently. “Even if he has, it is a good spell. The Emperor’s change benefits mother and child, the nation and its people. This is a blessing for Great Jing. There is no need for the Empress Dowager to worry about the reasons behind it.”


Empress Dowager Wen sighed lightly. “You’re right, Master. I’m just afraid that his change might raise suspicions among certain people.”


“It seems that your second concern is these ‘certain people.’”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded. “When the late Emperor was gravely ill and the throne had to be chosen early, the Xiao family supported me and the Emperor. On the surface, it seemed they were close to me, but in reality, it was because the Xiao family and I were easier to control. If Zhao Tong were sitting on the dragon throne now, would Xiao Shiqing still have such power, covering the sky with one hand?”


Master Yuan Tong replied, “Empress Dowager, the Emperor has long passed the age of ruling on his own. With this change, it seems to be heaven’s will to place the throne in the Emperor’s hands at this moment.”


Empress Dowager Wen gave a bitter smile and said, “I also wish for him to become a true emperor. But first, the emperor has always been clueless about court affairs and lacks interest; second, Xiao Shiqing would absolutely not agree to the emperor taking over the administration himself.”


Master Yuantong, holding his prayer beads, paused slightly and said, “Your Majesty, in this old monk’s view, there might be a turning point, but it must be approached gradually and not rushed.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s eyes lit up, “You mean…”


Before she could finish, hurried footsteps were heard from outside. Empress Dowager Wen stood up and asked, “What’s happening?”


A guard replied, “Your Majesty, it’s just the rotation of the Imperial Guards.”


Empress Dowager Wen skeptically asked, “How could a routine rotation cause such a commotion? Where is General He?”


The guard showed a troubled expression, “The general is…”


Empress Dowager Wen sensed that something was wrong and demanded sharply, “Where is He Changzhou? Didn’t I assign him to protect the emperor?!”


“General He is attending to other urgent matters,” Xiao Shiqing walked over calmly and bowed to Empress Dowager Wen, “Greetings, Empress Dowager.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s pupils constricted suddenly, “Prime Minister? Wasn’t I supposed to have you stay in the court? Why are you here at Muyang Temple?”


Xiao Shiqing replied calmly, “I received a confidential report indicating that remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang are hiding in Muyang Mountain, attempting to harm the emperor and the Empress Dowager, so I came to provide protection.”


“Broken Pulse Gang?” Empress Dowager Wen was alarmed, “What about Qi’er? Is he safe?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “The emperor is asleep and knows nothing; General He is leading elite troops to capture the assassins.”


Empress Dowager Wen felt slightly reassured, seeing Xiao Shiqing’s composed demeanor, and said, “Look at me, I’m all flustered, unlike the calm Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing gave a slight nod, “You flatter me, Empress Dowager.”


“But,” Empress Dowager Wen’s smile diminished slightly, “Since this concerns the emperor’s safety, just thinking that there are thieves so close to the emperor makes me very anxious.”


Xiao Shiqing continued smoothly, “Indeed, I was negligent, and I am willing to accept punishment.”


“Shiqing, don’t joke with me,” Empress Dowager Wen changed to a more intimate term, “I have always regarded you as a foster son; how could I bear to punish you?”


Xiao Shiqing seemed to understand Empress Dowager Wen’s thoughts and said, “I am frightened.”


“However, with so many state affairs recently, both you and I want to handle everything ourselves but are overwhelmed,” Empress Dowager Wen continued naturally, “The Longevity Festival is next month. At that time, princes from various regions will enter the capital, and envoys from other countries will come. There will be a lot to manage. I was thinking, since the emperor will be nineteen after the Longevity Festival, it’s time for him to start learning to manage the state affairs—what do you think, Shiqing?”


Empress Dowager Wen was prepared for Xiao Shiqing to disagree, but unexpectedly he just smiled and said, “That’s fine.”


Empress Dowager Wen was stunned, thinking she had misheard, “What?”


“Let the emperor learn to handle state affairs,” Xiao Shiqing smiled and said, “I will personally teach him.”


Zhao Qi had slept through the night, and the next day everything seemed normal as if nothing had happened. Jiang Dehai’s head was swollen, and the attending guard said he had accidentally fallen and lost consciousness, so they carried him off to rest.


Zhao Qi knew that Xiao Shiqing was definitely hiding something from him, but he couldn’t do anything about it, so he preferred to remain a happy layabout.


For the next two days, Empress Dowager Wen stayed at the temple, observing the fasting and praying. Zhao Qi also attended a Buddhist lecture once. However, after Master Yuantong had only spoken a few sentences, Zhao Qi became so drowsy that he fell asleep by the fifth sentence.


An hour later, he yawned as he walked out of the Dharma hall. Empress Dowager Wen asked, “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”


“No, it’s because Master Yuantong is too formidable,” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Even if I slept for three days and nights, I would still fall asleep immediately listening to him.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled meaningfully, “You can only sleep a little longer now.”


“What do you mean, Mother?”


Empress Dowager Wen said, “You’ll find out when you return to the palace.”


After that, Zhao Qi stayed in the back room, passing the time. Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou were busy with something, and he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of them.


In the yard of the back room was a solitary peach tree. Though the blossoms were not impressive, it bore many small peaches. Zhao Qi happened to pass by and saw a young eunuch picking peaches from the tree and asked curiously, “It’s only a few months into the year; how are there peaches already?”


Jiang Dehai explained, “Your Majesty may not know, but this peach tree at Muyang Temple bears fruit around this time every year. It’s quite rare. There’s also a folk saying that the early peaches from Muyang Temple can cure all ailments and extend one’s life. That’s why many people in the capital spend a lot of money to seek these peaches each year.”


“Really?” Zhao Qi was astonished, “Lack of education is truly frightening.”


“Who says it isn’t? If it were really so effective, the monks at Muyang Temple wouldn’t age and suffer from illnesses.”


Zhao Qi was slightly surprised, “I didn’t expect you to be quite insightful, eunuch.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled and said, “I don’t deserve the title of ‘wise.’ I just think that eating early peaches is much like praying to gods and worshipping. It’s all about making oneself feel better. When one feels at ease, the illness will naturally recover faster.”


Zhao Qi clapped and praised him, “Impressive, impressive, very impressive.”


When it came to illness, Zhao Qi immediately thought of Rong Tang. Since Rong Tang didn’t want the peach blossoms, how about a few small peaches?


Zhao Qi walked over to the tree. The young eunuch on the tree quickly climbed down when he saw him. Zhao Qi said, “Don’t move. Pick a few more before you come down.”


The young eunuch asked, “Which ones does Your Majesty want?”


Zhao Qi pointed to one of the peaches and said, “Look at that one; the tree trunk is long and wide, just like that peach, which is small and round.”


“What’s small and round?”


Hearing a familiar voice, Zhao Qi turned around abruptly, “Changzhou?!”


“Your Majesty,” He Changzhou smiled, “I haven’t seen you for two days. Have you missed me?”


Zhao Qi stopped directing the eunuch and pretended to be angry, “How dare you ask? Where have you been these past two days?”


He Changzhou had a hint of fatigue in his eyes, “The Prime Minister got a lead on the whereabouts of the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair in the capital. I was ordered to go and deal with the bandits.”


Zhao Qi responded with a “Oh,” and said, “So it was that traitor… The Prime Minister borrowed you for that. How did it go?”


He Changzhou replied, “We captured and killed the leader of the Broken Pulse Gang on the spot, and over a hundred people were taken alive. The case has been handed over to the Ministry of Justice, which will surely track down the gang’s scattered strongholds. Your Majesty, you needn’t worry.”


Zhao Qi patted He Changzhou’s shoulder, “Well done. You must be tired; go rest quickly.”


“It’s not urgent.” He Changzhou glanced at the peach tree, “Does Your Majesty want to eat some peaches?”


“No, just pick a few to play with.”


“Shall I pick them for you?”


“Eh?” Zhao Qi hadn’t reacted yet when He Changzhou picked him up by the legs, and Zhao Qi could now reach the small peaches.


“Can Your Majesty reach them?” He Changzhou asked.


“Yes,” Zhao Qi twisted off a peach, “There are more over there. Move a little to the left!”


He Changzhou complied, “Your Majesty, with so many small peaches, what do you plan to do with them?”


Without hesitation, Zhao Qi said, “Take them back to the palace and give them to Rong Tang.”


He Changzhou asked, “…Your Majesty, could you repeat that?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep




Chapter 43

       Pei Qing walked into the room and reached out to gently close the door before continuing towards the window.

       Zhan Weiyang remained in the position of kneeling by the bed but straightened his back. His red, tearful eyes, along with his head, followed Pei Qing’s movements.

       Until Pei Qing walked to the bed and sat down, stretched out a hand to Zhan Weiyang, and said, “Come on, Yangyang, get up.”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his hand and placed it on Pei Qing’s palm. Then, he was pulled up from the ground and stood in front of Pei Qing.


       Before Pei Qing finished speaking, Zhan Weiyang lifted his legs and sat on Pei Qing’s legs, hugged him tightly, and whispered, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing was stunned for a moment, then put his hands around his waist and whispered, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s voice was very aggrieved, and he spoke in a low voice to Pei Qing’s ear, “Are you ignoring me?”

       Pei Qing’s palm fell on Zhan Weiyang’s back and patted it gently, “When did I ignore you?”

       Zhan Weiyang spoke with a nasal tone, saying, “You are just upset.”

       Pei Qing said, “I’m not.”

       Zhan Weiyang stopped talking and sat quietly on Pei Qing’s legs, hugging him tightly.

       After a while, Pei Qing thought Zhan Weiyang was crying, so he leaned back a little, and stretched out his hand to hold Zhan Weiyang’s jaw, wanting to see his face clearly. However, he only saw that his eyes were still red, and the tears did not really fall.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him for a while. He leaned forward slightly, put his forehead against his forehead, and said, “I don’t know what to do.”

       Pei Qing originally wanted to ask him what he couldn’t say and why he wasn’t willing to say it clearly, but in the end, he didn’t want to force him too much, so he just said, “If you don’t know what to do, come to gege. gege will help you.”

       Zhan Weiyang said softly, “Really?”

       Pei Qing told him, “Really, there is no problem in this world that gege can’t solve for Yangyang, do you believe it?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say whether he believed it or not, but he couldn’t help the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile, struggling between tears and laughter.

       Pei Qing patted his back and said, “Alright, you’re not sad anymore, are you?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       When Pei Qing half-lay down on the bed, Zhan Weiyang still turned over and climbed on his legs, stretched out his hands to hug his neck, and leaned in his arms.

       Pei Qing put one arm around his back, patted his head with the other hand, and asked, “If Yangyang becomes a tree in the future, will he have to live on the balcony forever?”

       Zhan Weiyang seemed to think about it seriously and said, “The balcony can get sunlight.”

       Pei Qing said, ‘Hmm’ and then asked, “What if it gets dark? Aren’t you scared to be alone on the balcony?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “There are other trees.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Have you become good friends with those trees?”

       Zhan Weiyang was asked and thought for a while before answering him, “Not yet.”

       Pei Qing continued to ask, “Then can you communicate now?”

       Zhan Weiyang grabbed the hem of Pei Qing’s pyjamas with his fingers and whispered, “Not yet.”

       Pei Qing said ‘Oh’, as if a little regretful, “I was going to ask you to ask them a question for me.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at him, “What is it?”

       Pei Qing said, “Ask them why they turned Yangyang into a tree?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “It’s not because of them.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Then what is it because of?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “It’s my stuff.”

       Pei Qing looked down at him, “What’s yours?”

       Zhan Weiyang pointed to his head, “The stuff inside my head.”

       Pei Qing touched his head, “Yangyang, is there something so powerful in your head that it can turn you into a fortune tree?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly became confused, “I don’t know.”

       Pei Qing said, “You said something is deducting your points. How many points do you have now?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him alertly.

       Pei Qing said, “If you don’t want to tell me, forget it. It doesn’t matter.”

       Zhan Weiyang then said in a muffled voice, “38.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “What’s the full score?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “100 points.”

       Pei Qing said, “My Yangyang is so silly. He only got 38 points out of 100. What should we do?”

       Zhan Weiyang also felt very melancholy, “I don’t know.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Is there any way Qing gege help you get some extra points?”

       Zhan Weiyang frowned in distress, “I don’t know.”

       Pei Qing patted him on the back, “It doesn’t matter. If you don’t know, then you don’t know.”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly sat up with his hands on Pei Qing’s shoulders. He looked straight at Pei Qing. After looking at him for a long time, he leaned over and kissed Pei Qing lightly on the lips. It was so light that Pei Qing didn’t even feel the weight of his lips pressing on his.

       Then Zhan Weiyang’s ears turned red, and he shrank his neck and said, “I’m sorry.” His upper body leaned forward, his pyjamas fell down, and his protruding collarbone and thin chest were clearly visible in the wide neckline.

       Pei Qing lowered his gaze and asked him, “Why do you say sorry?”

       Zhan Weiyang was still embarrassed, and his ears were red all the way to his neck as he said, “I shouldn’t kiss you.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Why shouldn’t you kiss me?”

       Zhan Weiyang stared at Pei Qing’s collar, avoiding eye contact, “In the TV dramas I’ve seen, it’s always the men kissing the women.”

       Pei Qing’s hand slipped to his waist, gripping his slender frame. Knowing he shouldn’t say certain things but unable to hold back, he asked, “So you’ve only seen people kissing like that in TV dramas. Do you know of any other ways to kiss?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head somewhat strangely. His world was too simple. Except for Chen Youyou showing him a video once, there was no other way to see it, and no one would tell him.

       Pei Qing asked him, “Do gege want me to teach you?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded, “Okay.” After he said that, he moved closer, trying to touch Pei Qing’s lips again.

       But Pei Qing suddenly put his hand between the two of them, laughed self-deprecatingly, and said, “Forget it, I shouldn’t teach you these.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him in confusion.

       Pei Qing’s gaze became a little complicated. He patted his waist and said, “Go down.”

       Zhan Weiyang could keenly perceive Pei Qing’s emotional changes, but he couldn’t figure out what caused this change, so he could only ask anxiously, “What’s wrong?” He thought Pei Qing was angry with him.

       Pei Qing said, “Nothing, it’s almost time to go to bed.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked cautiously, “You won’t teach me anymore?”

       Pei Qing smiled and said, “I shouldn’t teach you these.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t understand, “Why?”

       Pei Qing said, “Because I don’t think it’s right for me to do so.”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t understand.

       Pei Qing said, “It’s okay, go to sleep, Yangyang.”

       Zhan Weiyang reluctantly got off Pei Qing. He lay down, waited until Pei Qing turned off the light, and then he leaned close to Pei Qing’s ear and said, “I think you can teach me.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Why do you want to learn this?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t know, I just want to kiss you.”

       Pei Qing opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He had a lot to say to Zhan Weiyang, but he felt a little bit speechless at this time. In the end, he just reached out and patted Zhan Weiyang on the back and said, “Good night.”

       Zhan Weiyang was completely disappointed. He retreated and rested his head on his pillow, staring in Pei Qing’s direction unwillingly.

       Pei Qing couldn’t sleep. Just now, he suddenly felt that what he had done was not good. It was not good for Zhan Pengcheng, Zhan Weiguang, himself, and, most importantly, for Zhan Weiyang.

       How should he define the relationship between him and Zhan Weiyang? Zhan Weiyang was simply dependent on him, and unconsciously wanted to get close. Kissing on the lips might not have necessarily meant anything; Zhan Weiyang’s understanding hadn’t reached that point. Yet he himself couldn’t control his own actions. Given the extent of Zhan Weiyang’s dependence on him, no matter what he did, Zhan Weiyang might have happily accepted it. But what if it had been a Zhan Weiyang who had never drowned in the past?

       Pei Qing opened the quilt with some irritability, put on slippers and walked out of the bedroom.

       At that time, Zhan Weiyang hadn’t fallen asleep yet. When he heard Pei Qing get out of bed, he instantly wanted to reach out and grab Pei Qing. However, the System, which had already been bothering him this afternoon, couldn’t hold back any longer and coldly started deducting his points again.

       The moment he heard that he had been deducted two points, Zhan Weiyang shrank back in fear, covered his head with the quilt, opened his eyes wide, looked up in the dark, and couldn’t help trembling.

The author has something to say:
How many points have been deducted? I should remember correctly…

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Chapter 2

       The music was switched off, and the only sound in the room was the fat man’s rough snoring. The changing images of the MTV on the screen reflected on Ah Zhou’s face, blurring his expression. He held a cheap mobile phone and typed a series of familiar numbers on the keypad, but his finger hesitated over the dial button. After a while, there was a knock on the door. He quickly put his phone into his pants pocket and stood up.

       It was the room attendant who came to pick up Fatty Zhang. Ah Jie, who happened to take over, also arrived, so he returned to the staff dormitory.

       Though it was called a dormitory, it was actually just a low building next to Lihao’s, only about five hundred meters away. Each small compartment was packed with three sets of bunk beds, accommodating six people in total. Each floor shared a restroom at the end of the corridor. Since it was free, the accommodation was always full. Young boys gathered here, playing cards, smoking, and making noise. The cramped rooms were cluttered with shoes, socks, and clothes thrown about, and even with the windows open, the air was still filled with a strong smell of sweat.

       At this time, except for the two people on the night shift, the other three were already asleep, snoring slightly. Ah Zhou went in quietly, knocking over something in the darkness and making a soft sound. He casually wiped his face with the towel hanging by the bed and fell on his own bed. He couldn’t sleep for a long time and couldn’t help but take out his mobile phone. He looked at the numbers for a long time. Finally, he pressed ‘Cancel’ and threw it aside.

       Nothing could be done.

       A surge of powerlessness completely surrounded him.

       Mother, Jiahui, Minran… The longing grew crazily in his heart, yet he didn’t even dare to reach out. He felt like a rat hiding in a hole, struggling to survive.

       As the night grew darker, everything became quiet. He lay in a daze as if he hadn’t had a good sleep for a long time, and he was living the life of a walking zombie every day without end.

       He dreamt again of the past. In midsummer, after the rain, the sky was clear, and the air was filled with the fresh scent of grass and wet soil. The old man napped in a reclining chair under the eaves while the big dog lay obediently by his side. His father and three uncles chatted in the garden, laughing heartily at some joke someone had told. His mother chatted with an aunt while handing him a peeled apple. Jiahui, wearing a white dress and a small crown, tiptoed over, covering his eyes from behind with her little chubby hands, asking him to guess who she was. Minran, with a slingshot in hand, called out his name and ran over, insisting on pulling him to play. And then there was that person…

       “Yichen, do you want to eat the apple?” He heard his own young voice.

       A slightly young and handsome face turned to him, with a smile in his bright eyes, as gentle and soft as moonlight.

       “I’ll share half with you.” He handed it over.

       Suddenly, the person’s brows furrowed, shifting from surprise to coldness. There were no words, no movement; those black eyes were as cold as ice, sharp enough to seem as if they could see through everything.

       But the apple in his hand had somehow turned into a gun—cold and heavy. “No, this isn’t right…” In his panic, he tried to throw it away, but it wouldn’t come off. He looked up in terror, only to see numerous black gun barrels pointed directly at him.

       His heart trembled suddenly, and he woke up, sitting up from the bed and gasping for air.

       It turned out to be a dream.

       The cold sweat on his body almost soaked his clothes. Fear followed him from nightmare to reality.

       How much longer would he have to endure? How much longer could he hide? What would happen if he was caught?

       He didn’t dare to think about it.

       How on earth did it get to this point? He curled up on his side. The name tag with ‘Ah Zhou’ written on his chest glowed light green in the dark.

       He gave a bitter smile. The name was truly fitting—he now felt like a small boat lost at sea, fearful of the tumultuous waves that might come at any moment and hoping for a safe harbour that might never appear.

       The old man was right. He really was no match for that man, and he had never been better than him since he was a child. Just because of his stupid dissatisfaction, he was instigated and flattered with ulterior motives, and he became arrogant enough to want to replace him. In the end, in just three months, he was forced into a desperate situation where he was betrayed by his family and had to hide out and work as an inconspicuous waiter in Lihao.

       Yang Lin arranged this for him. His father’s former subordinates were his last resort, and he promised to send him abroad secretly. However, ten days had passed since the last contact, and the person Yang Lin sent to pick him up still did not show up. Every day was like torture, and there was nothing to do but wait. He felt that if he continued like this, he might go crazy.

       After spending the night in a daze, he ordered some takeout to fill his stomach. Ah Zhou stayed in the dormitory all day and started the night shift at ten o’clock in the evening. As soon as he arrived at the private room he was responsible for, he heard Ning ge’s call in his headset.

       Luo Ning was the human resources manager. He always had a serious look and was very strict with Lihao’s employees. He had fired many people because of their shortcomings. Ah Zhou thought that the whole Fatty Zhang incident had happened yesterday, and he was mentally preparing himself for the consequences. However, what he received instead was a notice of his own transfer to a higher floor.

       “Why?” He was very surprised.

       “Someone on the tenth floor has resigned, and now we are short of people.”

       “I mean… why me? My ability to work is not outstanding, and I heard that waiters above the fifth floor must undergo professional training.”

       “You follow Da Hua, he will lead you.”


       “What, you don’t want to?” Luo Ning looked up at him, “Not many people refuse a salary increase.”

       At Lihao, the servers received a basic salary in addition to commissions based on the amount spent in the private rooms. Ah Zhou, who was currently working on the third floor, was responsible for four smaller rooms, where the service revenue for a single night amounted to only a few thousand yuan. In contrast, if he were transferred to the tenth floor, he would be assigned to a luxury room with two to three colleagues, where the spending could reach ten thousand yuan or more per night, naturally doubling his income. Lower-level servers would do anything to move up, often flattering Luo Ning. Xiao Ding had even tried to bribe him, but Luo Ning refused. It was a pity that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was not good for Ah Zhou. He lowered his eyebrows and said, “I am too timid. I am afraid I will make mistakes and make the guests unhappy.”

       Luo Ning’s lips curled up, “Really? I think people who dare to charge extra money to their guests must be brave.”

       His heart skipped a beat, and his face turned a little pale. As expected, this matter had indeed not gone unnoticed.

       “If this kind of incident—adding orders secretly while the guests are drunk—gets exposed, not only will you be fired, but you’ll also have to pay for all the ordered items. Whether I expose it or not depends on your attitude. Think carefully.”

       With that being said, there was no way out for him. He pursed his lips and said, “Which room on the tenth floor am I in charge of?”


       “I’ll go over now. Thank you for the promotion Ning ge.”

       The elevator stopped on the tenth floor, and as the doors opened, the surroundings brightened. The hallway was lined with golden silk carpets, and the electronic wall displayed blue wave-like light patterns guiding the way to various private rooms. The guests for Room 3 had not yet arrived, so Da Hua, who was in charge of this area alongside him, led him around the room. Akin to a presidential suite, the room was equipped with all the necessary facilities. There was a small stage for entertainment performances with a space reserved for live music, and a silver pole stood tall. The room’s open-concept design allowed for an unobstructed view of the inner bed and the bathtub positioned by the window. The luxury of the space carried a subtle air of sensuality, making it convenient for guests to enjoy a variety of intimate services.

       “How about it? It’s much better than the third floor, isn’t it?” Da Hua glanced at him, “Working on this floor is no different than working downstairs. You need to have sharp eyes, quick hands and feet, and you have to keep your mouth shut no matter what. Whatever you do inside has nothing to do with us, so don’t make a fuss and don’t act around, do you understand?”


       “The guests are scheduled to arrive at eleven. You should prepare yourself first, cheer up, and fix your hair—it looks messy.”

       “Oh.” Ah Zhou responded but didn’t actually move. While Da Hua stepped out to get the fruit tray, Ah Zhou sat down in the middle of the circular sofa, looking at the empty little stage. A faint, self-mocking smile appeared on his lips.

       He was no stranger to this place. There was a time when he loved to hang out here, getting drunk with his buddies, drinking a lot of wine and hugging a lot of women. One time, he drank too much and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. When he woke up, he saw Jiahui’s crying face, and he never came here again after that.

       He didn’t want her to cry.

       But he knew she would definitely cry if he left without saying goodbye.

       Ah Zhou frowned a little irritably. Seeing Da Hua come in, he immediately stood up and pretended to wipe the clean coffee table.

       “Someone is looking for you outside.” Da Hua said, “Please deal with it as soon as possible. It will be bad when the guests come.”

       He responded, not surprised to see Tang Shaocheng standing outside the door, and greeted him politely.

       “I heard you were transferred here. I wanted this room, but it’s a pity it’s been booked today.”


       “Then I can see you on this floor more often from now on, which is good.” The man smiled.

       “The guests will be coming soon.” It was a clear hint for him to leave.

       “Why don’t you go to East Lake with me tomorrow? You’ll be bored if you stay in the dormitory all the time.”

       Ah Zhou initially didn’t want to agree, but fearing that the man would keep pestering him and draw unwanted attention, he reluctantly complied. He knew that moving to this floor increased the chances of running into someone from his past, so he had to be extra cautious. After sending off Tang Shaochen, he immediately lowered his head and returned to his post outside room 1003, waiting to greet the guests.

       Around eleven o’clock, the buzzer vibrated, indicating that the guests had arrived. The sound of staggered footsteps came from the direction of the elevator, getting closer and closer.

       Ah Zhou raised his head slightly and saw the person clearly from under the burgundy bangs. He suddenly stiffened and even stopped breathing.

His name the Zhou in Ah Zhou (阿舟) means boat

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Chapter 25 – Revitalizing the Bird Clan!

Chapter 25: Revitalizing the Bird Clan!


Su Muluo twirled the little black dragon around his finger like a keychain, swinging it back and forth.


The little black dragon, feeling neglected as his phoenix was busy picking out clothes, let out an unhappy “squeak.”


Su Muluo continued to ignore him.


The little black dragon began to wriggle and twist.


After a while, the little black dragon managed to untangle itself and slipped off Su Muluo’s finger with a swift “whoosh”—only to be caught immediately by Su Muluo.


In a quiet corner of the mall, Su Muluo poked the little dragon in his palm and asked, “Will you take advantage of me again next time?”


The little black dragon, hugging a feather, rubbed its soft little horns against Su Muluo’s fingers, making pitiful sounds.


No, I won’t. The phoenix is the best.


Su Muluo rubbed its little horns and laughed, “Always acting cute.”


Then he tried to take his feather back.


The little black dragon hugged it tightly.


Su Muluo: “?”


He tugged at the feather, but it wouldn’t budge. He glared at the little black dragon.


The little black dragon: “Squeak.”


I want it!


This phoenix feather was even more beautiful than the previous ones, more delicate and soft, carrying a fragrant scent filled with the phoenix’s essence.


Really liked it.


The little black dragon looked at Su Muluo expectantly, its dark golden dragon eyes sparkling, tail swishing back and forth.


After a few seconds of eye contact, Su Muluo let go.


Forget it, since his dragon liked it, he could have it.


Though he felt a bit heartbroken.


The little black dragon cheered: “Yippee!”


It then transformed into human form, smiling with curved eyebrows, and rubbed its face against Su Muluo’s cheek, “The phoenix is so nice, I love the phoenix the most.”


The movement was swift, and before Su Muluo could react or dodge, it was done.


Su Muluo: “…”


He expressionlessly patted Long Ling.


Long Ling happily put the feather away. Even if he got hit, it was gentle. Besides, the phoenix gave him a beautiful feather, which made the black dragon very happy, even wanting to hug and kiss the phoenix.


However, kissing was definitely impossible. If he dared to kiss here, the phoenix would explode and beat him up, then throw him out.


Thinking about it felt tragic.


The two of them continued shopping around the mall, with Su Muluo buying several outfits for Long Ling, along with some daily necessities.


By noon, they passed by a hotpot restaurant. Su Muluo stopped immediately, enticed by the aroma wafting out.


Long Ling asked, “Does the phoenix want to eat hotpot?”


Su Muluo: “Yes.”


Although he had made it at home before, it was different from the restaurant, and he was looking forward to the taste.


Long Ling had no objections and entered the hotpot restaurant with his phoenix. Su Muluo ordered a mandarin duck pot, remembering that Long Ling, when he was still a little black dragon, couldn’t handle spicy food, so he turned the clear soup pot towards him.


Unexpectedly, Long Ling pouted, “I don’t want to eat clear soup.”


He then moved from across the table to sit beside Su Muluo.


Su Muluo: “? Sit back.”


Long Ling didn’t move, “I want to eat spicy food too.”


“I can turn the spicy pot to your side,” Su Muluo pushed him, “Don’t sit next to me.” And so close!


“No,” Long Ling said, looking like he was doing it for Su Muluo’s sake, “Phoenix also wants to eat spicy food, if I turn it to my side, it won’t be convenient for you to reach.”


Su Muluo: “…”


The table isn’t that big, you can easily reach it!


He felt this dragon just wanted to take advantage of him. But he was sitting against the wall, and the only way out was for Long Ling to move, which he wouldn’t… for now, he couldn’t change seats.


Long Ling happily held Su Muluo’s hand, Su Muluo glanced at him and stayed silent.


The dishes were quickly served, the table filled with beef, tripe, duck intestine, enoki mushrooms, and various meats and vegetables. Long Ling dipped a piece of beef in the spicy pot and placed it in Su Muluo’s bowl.


“For the phoenix.”


Su Muluo took a bite.


The next second, he exclaimed, “So spicy!”


This hotpot restaurant was a Chongqing hotpot place, and Su Muluo had chosen medium spicy for the broth, thinking he could handle it. But he was instantly overwhelmed by the spiciness.


Long Ling immediately handed him the iced lemon water from the table. Su Muluo took a big gulp, finally feeling a bit relieved.


Though extremely spicy, the hotpot was delicious, making people want to keep eating. Su Muluo sipped the lemon water in small gulps, watching Long Ling eat a piece of tripe he had just cooked in the spicy broth.


He stopped, wanting to see Long Ling’s reaction to the spiciness.


But Long Ling’s expression didn’t change at all. He didn’t seem to feel the spiciness and even started cooking some beef for Su Muluo.


Su Muluo: “?”


Shocked, he asked, “Aren’t you feeling the heat?”


Long Ling looked at him, “Not at all. Is this really spicy?”


Su Muluo: “Didn’t you used to not be able to eat spicy food?”


Long Ling dipped the cooked beef in the clear broth and placed it in Su Muluo’s bowl, “But I can now.”


Su Muluo: “…”


His plan to see the dragon cry from spiciness fell through. Silently, he ate the piece of beef.


By the end of the meal, Su Muluo’s lips were red and slightly swollen from the spiciness. Long Ling frequently turned to look at him.


Su Muluo, puzzled, asked, “Why are you staring at me?”


A hint of amusement flickered in Long Ling’s eyes, “The phoenix’s lips are red, like they’ve been kissed.”


Su Muluo: “?”


Long Ling: “I want to kiss.”


Su Muluo: “???”


Su Muluo snatched the beef from Long Ling’s bowl.


After a moment of silence.


This was only the second day he’d been with Long Ling. Although he found Long Ling awkward the first day, by the second day, everything felt natural.


It must be because this dragon was shameless and always took advantage of him!


Thinking this, he poked Long Ling.


Long Ling obediently let him poke, watching his phoenix, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.


After lunch, they returned to their rented apartment.


“Maybe we need to rent a new place,” Su Muluo said as they entered, “There’s only one bedroom here, which isn’t very convenient.”


Long Ling didn’t like the sound of that, “Isn’t one bedroom enough?”


Su Muluo glanced at him, “Oh, so you like sleeping on the sofa.”


Long Ling: “…”


That’s not what he meant!


He wanted to sleep with the phoenix!


Long Ling felt a bit glum. Su Muluo laughed, “Come work with me this afternoon.”


He had closed the coffee shop yesterday, and if he didn’t open it this afternoon, they wouldn’t have any income for two days.


Long Ling agreed, “Then the phoenix must stay with me all the time. I need to guard the phoenix.”


Su Muluo: “I don’t need you to guard me; nothing will happen to me.”


Long Ling insisted, “No, what if the phoenix suddenly gets sleepy?”


Su Muluo fell silent.


Indeed, he had forgotten about that.


However, he had been less sleepy the past few days, only feeling sleepy at night now. Maybe in a few more days, this problem would go away.


In the afternoon, Su Muluo and Long Ling went to the coffee shop. When they arrived, they saw a few cats sitting obediently at the employee lounge door, neither meowing nor wandering.


A boy came out of the lounge, holding a bag of trash filled with the cat food cans from the day before. He intended to take out the trash, but upon seeing Su Muluo, he greeted, “Good afternoon.”


Then his gaze shifted to the man in black beside Su Muluo.


Qiansui: “…”


In the next instant, Qiansui transformed into an orange cat and dashed into the lounge corner with a “whoosh.”


Su Muluo looked at Long Ling, “Did you scare him?”


Long Ling, looking innocent, “How could I?”


Su Muluo knew that while Long Ling had never liked Qiansui, he wouldn’t deliberately make things difficult for him. After examining Long Ling for a few seconds, he realized it was Long Ling’s strong demon aura that had frightened Qiansui.


“Conceal your aura; it’s too conspicuous.”


He remembered that when he first became human, he also had trouble controlling his aura, often scaring the little demons around him and attracting big demons with ill intentions. Only after learning to fully conceal his aura did he avoid unnecessary trouble.


Long Ling tilted his head, and a few seconds later, Su Muluo felt his aura completely retract, no longer detectable.


Qiansui slowly emerged from the lounge, “meowing” softly, and led the other cats back inside.


After a while, the coffee shop opened. The customers who came in were very surprised to find that the shop had a new employee. He was cold and handsome, but his gaze was extremely gentle when he looked at the young shop owner.


At two in the afternoon, a young man with earrings walked into the coffee shop. As soon as he entered, he said, “Boss! I took my cat, Doumi, to get vaccinated today. It was so well-behaved. Let me show you some photos!”


He had adopted the black cat from the shop last time, named it Doumi, and couldn’t wait to share pictures of it with Su Muluo. However, before he could take out his phone, he felt a cold, sharp gaze fall on him. He looked up and saw a handsome man in black standing beside Su Muluo, looking at him indifferently.




The young man silently put his phone away and said, “A special coffee, please.”


Su Muluo replied gently, “Sure.”


After the young man found a seat, Su Muluo turned to Long Ling and said, “Why are you being so harsh to the customers?”


Long Ling lazily rested his chin on Su Muluo’s shoulder and said, “He’s too close with Phoenix.”


Su Muluo asked, “How do you see that?”


“I don’t care. He’s too close,” Long Ling said. “Phoenix can only be close to me, not to others.”


Su Muluo met his gaze and didn’t notice the content of his words because he suddenly realized how close the dragon was to him. He immediately tried to push him away.


—But Long Ling grabbed his wrist, his arm naturally wrapping around Su Muluo’s waist, half-embracing him.


Su Muluo: “?!”


His reaction was swift. He quickly cast a spell to create an illusion so that other customers would still see them as they were before, without anything unusual.


Then he said, “Let go!”


“No,” Long Ling’s eyes narrowed with satisfaction as he nuzzled Phoenix’s soft black hair. “Phoenix is soft. I like holding Phoenix.”


Su Muluo: “???”


How did it escalate to this level so quickly?


This was too much!


So he said very coldly, “If you don’t let go, I’ll tie you up.”


Long Ling paused slightly.


Su Muluo continued, “I’ll also take away the feathers you hide under the pillow.”


Long Ling: “!”


Long Ling immediately and obediently let go, saying, “Phoenix is the best.”


Su Muluo sneered and ignored him.


After a while, the young man finished his coffee and left. Shortly after he left, a man came in.


Su Muluo’s gaze fell on him, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.


He had seen this person before at the Bureau of the Extraordinary. It was Feng Xuan, an elder of the bird clan.


A few days ago, he had been attacked by the bird clan. Although the attack wasn’t hostile, more like a test, now it might not just be a test.


Long Ling also recognized Feng Xuan and said, “Phoenix, you don’t have to deal with him. I’ll handle it.”


Su Muluo felt that Long Ling’s “handling” might mean throwing the other person out without a word. But instead of directly driving Feng Xuan away, he wanted to know why the other person had come, so he said, “No rush, let me ask him first.”


As soon as Feng Xuan stepped into the coffee shop, he sensed something was wrong.


As an elder of the bird clan for many years, with profound strength and many experiences, he had a keen intuition for danger.


Seeing the young shop owner and the man beside him, alarm bells rang in his heart, and he immediately wanted to leave.


Although these two had no demonic aura, they made him feel a sense of fear, especially the man in black, who seemed like a beast emerging from the depths of hell, ready to devour people in an instant.




Cold sweat appeared on Feng Xuan’s forehead, but he didn’t leave. Instead, he slowly walked to the counter.


Su Muluo said, “Is there something you need, Elder Feng?”


He got straight to the point, his tone calm, but it startled Feng Xuan again.


At least there was no hostility in his words. This made Feng Xuan secretly relieved, feeling that this beautiful young man was approachable. So he directly said, “I’m here to find someone.”


After seeing this young man at the Bureau of the Extraordinary, he had remembered his appearance and released the bird clan’s scouts in Lincheng. Within a few days, he found this coffee shop and immediately came over.


Su Muluo said, “There shouldn’t be anyone you know here.”


“There is,” Feng Xuan stared at him and said, “I’m looking for you.”


Su Muluo raised his eyebrows slightly. For a moment, he even thought Feng Xuan had recognized his identity as Phoenix, but he quickly denied it.


In the past eighteen hundred years, only his dragon and the old rabbit demon knew his identity. The old rabbit demon would never betray him, and with Feng Xuan’s strength, he couldn’t possibly see through his true form.


So Feng Xuan couldn’t be looking for him because he’s Phoenix. There must be another reason.


Long Ling, hearing this, also coldly stared at Feng Xuan. For a moment, Feng Xuan felt like the Grim Reaper’s scythe was hanging over his neck, cold sweat soaking his clothes, but he still stood straight, maintaining his composure.


“Fifty years ago, Feng Hen, the bird clan leader, ascended to stabilize his position. He married the daughter of the great elder,” Feng Xuan said. “Later, Feng Hen fell in love with a human woman and ran away, abandoning the bird clan… The great elder was furious and brought Feng Hen back, imprisoning him in the ice prison.”


Su Muluo said, “Wait, what does this have to do with you looking for me?”


Feng Xuan said, “You’ll know soon.”


Then he paused and continued, “A few days later, Feng Hen was found dead in the ice prison, causing a shock in the bird clan. Some believed the great elder killed Feng Hen, while others thought Feng Hen committed suicide out of guilt. Since that day, the bird clan split into two factions, constantly fighting.”


Long Ling lazily held Su Muluo’s hand, lightly pinching his fingers. Su Muluo tried to pull his hand back but was held tightly, and he slapped Long Ling in anger.


However, he remained calm and said, “I’m not from the bird clan. Telling me this is useless.”


Feng Xuan shook his head and continued, “Because of years of conflict, the bird clan has no leader and our status in the demon world has declined, unlike before. The wolf clan has coveted us for many years. If this continues, the bird clan might soon be conquered… So, at this time, someone must step up, take over the position of clan leader, and end this chaos.”


Su Muluo thought he was going to continue talking about the bird clan’s future development. He was ready to patiently listen, but then he saw Feng Xuan looking at him expectantly, slapping the table excitedly, and saying:


“And you are the one I’ve been searching for years—


“You are Feng Hen’s illegitimate child from twenty years ago, the only bloodline of the former clan leader, the most suitable heir for the bird clan, and our only hope!”


Su Muluo: “…”



T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 180 – Jian Sheng’s Major (Extra 5.1)

Chapter 180 –  Jian Sheng’s Major (Extra 5.1)


Jian Sheng’s initial impression of Fei Yuhan was not good.


To be precise, it was very bad. He found Fei Yuhan to be arrogant and condescending, and he simply didn’t like him at all.


“This semester’s top student is Fei Yuhan again.”


“This year’s most popular person in the school is also Fei Yuhan.”


“Wow, did you hear? Brother Han…”


Almost half of the school’s students were fans of Fei Yuhan, while the other half were his die-hard followers. As a non-fan, or rather, an anti-fan, Jian Sheng felt absolutely nothing about him.


Until one day—


“Jian Sheng, come over here.”


The homeroom teacher’s voice called from outside.


Jian Sheng hesitated for a moment before standing up and walking outside. He saw the teacher looking at him with a worried expression. Startled, he walked up to the teacher and respectfully said, “Teacher.”




The homeroom teacher sighed and said, “Jian Sheng, your grades for this class assessment aren’t very good.”


Jian Sheng was well aware of this. He understood what the teacher meant. His academic performance was average, and to be honest, his physical fitness was lacking. Among the beastmen, who generally had good physical qualities, he, as a human, was indeed dragging the class down.


“I don’t want to pressure you,” the teacher said, pushing his glasses up. “This time, you just need to pass. I know your foundation is weak, so you need to spend more time practicing.”


Jian Sheng nodded obediently. “Thank you, teacher. I understand.”


He knew that he shouldn’t complain about his difficulties; overcoming them was the right thing to do.


Because he had a perfect score in cultural subjects, he skipped some classes to train in the gym when there were fewer people. The gym had a running track, and to quickly improve his endurance, he ran lap after lap until he reached his limit.


Sweat dripped down his face and fell to the ground. His fair face flushed red as he lay exhausted on the floor, unsure of the time or place.




The sound of the electric door opening caught his attention.


Jian Sheng was surprised. He had checked, and no one was supposed to be here this early. Could it be the teacher checking the equipment, or the administrator?


The footsteps were unhurried, like a graceful hunter walking in its territory. Finally, the footsteps stopped in front of him. Exhausted, Jian Sheng looked up with difficulty and met a pair of teasing eyes.


Fei Yuhan raised an eyebrow. “What a coincidence.”


“What are you…”


Fei Yuhan glanced at him. “Taking a nap here?”


Jian Sheng blushed with anger. “No, I’m just resting for a while.”


How could this guy be so sharp-eyed? It was infuriating.


“Is that so?” Fei Yuhan’s gaze turned indifferent. “Keep it up.”


Jian Sheng didn’t want to respond. He slowly got up, but his legs gave out, and he fell back down. He heard a faint chuckle, not mocking but definitely directed at him.


Jian Sheng was annoyed. “What’s so funny? You people with strong physiques wouldn’t understand.”


Fei Yuhan’s smile faded. “What does this have to do with physique? You’re using the wrong method. No matter how hard you try, it’s futile.”


Jian Sheng was confused. “?”


“Your physical condition is poor. You shouldn’t waste time on long-term endurance training. Instead, you should choose more skill-based events,” Fei Yuhan said. “For example, simulated combat machines, shooting, dodgeball—these are all events that can help you score in the physical test. Otherwise, with your running speed, you won’t pass even if you train for ten years.”


Jian Sheng, who had been furious, suddenly felt his anger dissipate and even found some sense in Fei Yuhan’s words.


Jian Sheng humbly asked, “So, what should I do?”


Fei Yuhan sneered. “How would I know?”




“Go ask your teacher.” Fei Yuhan wasn’t in a charitable mood. “Even if you’re not smart, you shouldn’t be dumb enough to not ask questions, right?”


Jian Sheng choked, his gratitude quickly extinguished. Just when he thought Fei Yuhan was being nice, it turned out to be wishful thinking.


However, with the suggestion in mind, Jian Sheng promptly discussed his idea with the teacher, asking if he could change his physical test events or adjust his training strategy. Surprisingly, the teacher agreed quickly and offered substantial help.


After half a month of training, Jian Sheng’s results improved to a passing level. Even the homeroom teacher remarked, “I didn’t expect it. You have real talent for these events. I see you in a new light now!”


Jian Sheng smiled slightly. “Thank you, teacher.”


Looking at his passing grades, Jian Sheng felt a bit dazed. His dream had always been to become a policeman or a soldier to protect his family. But after starting school, he realized how difficult it was. His physical abilities couldn’t keep up, and he had to work a hundred times harder than others in academics just to stay on par.




He had actually considered giving up.


It was Fei Yuhan who pointed out another path. If one road doesn’t work, change your approach.


Do what you’re good at.


Staring at his report card, Jian Sheng fell into deep thought. Suddenly, he realized that the person he wasn’t very familiar with, and whom he didn’t have a good impression of, had resolved his long-standing dilemma.


Next time they met, he’d properly thank him. At least, he thought, he should sincerely say thank you.


“What? You’re changing your major?”


“Really? Why not continue with the physical test?”


“Class monitor, don’t be discouraged. I heard you passed the physical test this time. If you keep trying, you’ll make it.”


Jian Sheng shook his head. “I’m planning to apply for the research department at Phoenix Station. My academics are strong, and they’re recruiting interns next year. I want to give it a try.”


His friend was shocked. “But didn’t you want to join the Dragon Clan?”


“I want to try what I’m good at. Knowing when to give up is also important,” Jian Sheng said. “In every field and position, if you work hard, you can shine. I want to see if I can do it.”


“Even getting into Phoenix Station is tough,” his friend said. “You can apply to other research places too. If you only apply to Phoenix Station, you might miss other opportunities and regret it.”


Jian Sheng didn’t seem to mind. “If I don’t try, that’s when I’ll regret it.”



Ten months later


Phoenix Station’s research department welcomed its only intern. The department head said, “Your first task is to observe and record health data indicators and design health wristbands for the new recruits of the Dragon Clan.”


Jian Sheng was full of enthusiasm: “Senior, I will definitely complete the task.”




The senior handed over the documents and a car pass: “These are the mission files for this batch of new recruits, and you will be responsible for following up and collecting their information. Go on, do your best.”


The eager newcomer took the files and eagerly opened the first page. The face that appeared was handsome, and next to it were three large characters: Fei Yuhan.

T/N: Hope you enjoyed the side stories as much as I did!!! Just 2 more chapters before this series is really over~

Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 61 – The fierce creature is as thick as a waist

Chapter 61


The celestial lords had never seen the Demon Lord’s appearance, but the moment Si Lan’s face was revealed, they felt a strong surge of demonic energy. Instantly, they guessed that Si Lan was the Demon Lord.


Within the celestial pool, mist and steam swirled around. Haowei had one hand resting on Si Lan’s waist, while the other hand was placed on the back of Si Lan’s neck. Si Lan’s hands were loosely wrapped around Haowei’s neck, their posture incredibly intimate.


Even the most clueless of the celestial lords could understand what this scene meant.


They had heard from the Divine Phoenix clan that Haowei had been acting closely with someone from the demon clan recently. They wondered just how close they could be, but they never imagined they would be sharing a bath in the celestial pool.


For a moment, the crowd was speechless, staring in stunned silence at the scene before them.


Si Lan deliberately leaned on Haowei’s shoulder, curling his lips into a provocative smile at them.


Initially, he didn’t want to put Haowei in a difficult position, so he transformed back to his original form and hid himself well. But hearing how they talked about him, he thought, why not go all out and see what Haowei would do.


Haowei pressed Si Lan’s head back down, casting a spell to erect an invisible barrier behind them, blocking the celestial lords’ view. Inside the barrier, Haowei looked down at Si Lan, noticing his slightly pouting and angry expression. He felt both annoyed and amused.


“Why did you show your face?”


“Are you afraid people will know about our relationship?” Si Lan’s heart sank a bit as he reached to push away the hands clasped around his waist, but he couldn’t budge them.


Haowei said, “They shouldn’t see you like this.” His tone dropped slightly at the end, carrying a hint of coldness.


It really was a waste to let those celestial lords see.


He himself had only seen it a few times, and he hadn’t had enough of the sight yet.


“If you dislike them, you can simply use your wings to swat them away like last time.”


Si Lan responded with an “Oh” and a half-smile, “They are your subjects. If I swat them away, wouldn’t that just confirm their belief that the demon clan is unruly?”


Haowei heard the sarcasm in Si Lan’s words and couldn’t help but lower his head, his lips brushing against Si Lan’s earlobe as he spoke softly, “They spoke nonsense. Punishing them is only right.”


“I’m not from the Celestial Realm, so how is it ‘only right’?”


Haowei’s fingers slowly tightened around Si Lan’s waist, his breath lowering until it almost touched Si Lan’s lips. “You are my empress. You can punish them however you like.”


Si Lan froze at the words “empress,” his ears turning an odd shade of red. He lifted his head to speak, but Haowei kissed him, swallowing his words.


Haowei’s kiss consumed every breath Si Lan tried to take, leaving him unable to speak. His body leaned back involuntarily, feeling the invasion of the other.


Since neither of them were wearing clothes in the bath, their skin pressed tightly against each other, feeling every texture of the other’s body. Their hearts pounded wildly.


Haowei’s dragon horns began to emerge on his forehead, and his dragon tail appeared uncontrollably. The huge white tail stirred the water, wrapping around Si Lan’s body. Si Lan was startled, the “ah” in his throat turning into muffled sounds.


Outside the barrier, although the celestial lords couldn’t see anything, they could vaguely hear the sound of splashing water and saw a white, silver-scaled dragon tail rise from the water, slapping the surface.


The celestial lords exchanged looks, their faces showing shock or collapse.


Though the Emperor was young, he was steady and focused on cultivation, becoming a god-king at a young age. The celestials took pride in having such an emperor, but they were stunned when a “bastard child” suddenly appeared, with the mother’s identity unknown. This revelation caused quite a stir among the celestials. They never expected their seemingly aloof and celibate emperor to have a child out of wedlock.


After finally coming to terms with the emperor having a child, they now witnessed the emperor entangled with the Demon Lord…


Before they could lament, enormous golden wings emerged from the celestial pool, creating an unstoppable gale that blew them out of Yuqing Palace.


A voice faintly called out, “You said I could swat them away.”




Si Lan retracted his phoenix wings arrogantly, sitting on Haowei’s dragon tail. The once cold silver scales were warmed by the hot spring water, feeling comfortable against his skin. His face was still flushed, and his eyes misty from being kissed breathless.


Haowei moved his tail, the tip draping over Si Lan’s shoulder like a scarf, slowly drawing him closer.


Haowei explained, “They were likely deceived by the Divine Phoenix clan, which is why they spoke of you that way.”


“Heh, perhaps they inherently think that of me and the demon clan,” Si Lan said, understanding that being with Haowei would likely face many obstacles. Ultimately, the degree of these obstacles depended on Haowei’s stance.


Haowei replied, “I will find a way to remove their prejudices.”


Si Lan glanced at Haowei, recalling their first meeting, “You seemed to have a prejudice against me as well back then.” At that time, Haowei wouldn’t even talk to him.


Haowei’s face stiffened slightly, “Did I? It must be my nature.”


He had indeed been biased against Si Lan initially, thinking he was foolish and too merciful to his enemies, unsure of how to maintain his position as the Demon Lord.


However, as they spent time together, Haowei realized Si Lan was neither foolish nor overly merciful. He simply wanted to face everyone and everything with a more optimistic and hopeful attitude, striving to live well.


In his childhood, he had experienced the tragic death of his mother and the early demise of his father, yet he still maintained a positive and beautiful attitude towards life. Such optimism must have been inherited from Jun Li.


Seeing Haowei deny it, Si Lan didn’t expose him. Instead, he yawned. “I’m tired. I want to rest.” The fierce presence pressing against his waist forced him to feign sleepiness. He couldn’t imagine the scenario of merging with that gigantic thing, so he always found excuses to evade at critical moments.


Privately, he even considered being just spiritual lovers with Haowei, at most engaging in a divine connection. Because in reality, he was truly afraid; he once discovered that the fierce object was thicker than his waist.


He didn’t know if Haowei couldn’t control his dragon form when aroused or what, but each time he transformed, the fierce thing was terrifyingly large, making Si Lan’s legs tremble.


He even thought that if worst came to worst, he could be on top. Lost in his wild thoughts, he didn’t notice that Haowei had scooped him up horizontally and carried him back to the bed.


The bedchamber had a unique scent of burning incense. After sniffing it a few times, real sleepiness came over him, and he lay on the brocade mat, closing his eyes comfortably.


After Si Lan fell asleep, Haowei used his divine sense to communicate with the celestial lords who had been blown away by Si Lan, instructing them to accept their punishment. He then attended to some official documents before lying down beside Si Lan to sleep.


Little did they know that while they slept, the immortals in the Ninth Heaven couldn’t sleep at all. In such a short time, everyone knew that the Emperor and the Demon Lord had bathed together and had done intimate things.


This matter quickly alerted the Divine Mother. The last time the Divine Mother was disturbed was when Haowei suddenly had a bastard child.


In Yuqing Palace.


Surrounded by celestial attendants, the Divine Mother slowly descended, her elegant and noble face barely concealing her smile.


She had heard that Haowei was bathing with someone in Yuqing Palace during the day, and that person was from the demon clan. She hurried over, not even hearing the latter half of the celestial’s sentence clearly—”It’s bad enough that it’s someone from the demon clan, and a man at that, but it’s the infamous Demon Lord known for his curse on spouses.”


When the celestial attendants in Yuqing Palace saw the Divine Mother appear, they all knelt to salute her.


“Greetings, Divine Mother.”


“Where is His Majesty?”


“His Majesty is still resting.”


“Resting with that person?”


“Yes…” the attendant hesitated.


The Divine Mother’s smile deepened immediately. Ignoring the attendants’ attempts to stop her, she directly pushed open the bedchamber doors and walked in.


She was eighty thousand years older than Haowei. Tawei was her son, born when she was thirty thousand years old, and Haowei was born when Tawei was nearly fifty thousand.


Therefore, even though Haowei was already an adult, in her eyes, he was still a child and not subject to so many formalities.


Inside the bedchamber, Haowei awoke the moment the Divine Mother pushed open the door and cast a spell to lower the curtain, hiding Si Lan’s figure.


In the instant the curtain closed, the Divine Mother had already sneaked a peek, seeing a beautiful person with loose black hair and a high nose bridge.


This beauty’s lips were slightly swollen, as if bitten by something.


Suppressing her laughter, the Divine Mother said, “Haowei, aren’t you going to introduce this young lady to me?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 60 – Underwater teasing

Chapter 60


The fox demon finished speaking and leaned closer to examine the portrait again. The person in the painting had a cascade of black hair flowing behind them, with an enchanting and affectionate expression. At first, she couldn’t recognize who it was, but upon closer inspection, she started to feel that this woman was none other than that bald donkey?


Yet, the man beside this woman in the painting, the fox demon recognized at a glance—it was Yu Wuxia.


She couldn’t help but cover her mouth, pointing at the portrait, and looked up at Haowei, “How could you depict such a painting when Yu Wuxia hates that bald donkey so much? Isn’t this insulting Yu Wuxia?”


Haowei and Si Lan remained silent.


The two couldn’t bear to tell her that this portrait might have been painted by the very Yu Wuxia she was referring to.


Haowei glanced again at the figure in the painting and asked, “Are you sure this woman in the painting is Immortal Jiaheng?”


“Yes, she was deliberately depicted as a woman,” the fox demon muttered as she recalled, “Looking at it like this, the appearance of this bald donkey’s long hair bears a resemblance to several of my sisters.”


Si Lan and Haowei exchanged glances, suddenly understanding something.


Initially, when this fox demon seduced Yu Wuxia in the Immortal Hall and wasn’t killed by him, it might not have been because Yu Wuxia harbored desire for her, but because she bore some resemblance to Immortal Jiaheng.


As for the other female demons later on, they probably bore some resemblance to Immortal Jiaheng to varying degrees.


They hadn’t previously considered the relationship between Yu Wuxia and Immortal Jiaheng in this way. One reason was that Immortal Jiaheng had an elderly appearance and was tens of thousands of years older than Yu Wuxia. Another reason was that Immortal Jiaheng had long been respected across the Six Realms, and placing romantic sentiments on such a revered monk seemed like tarnishing his reputation.


However, they hadn’t expected that this most unlikely speculation would turn out to be the correct answer.


Haowei rolled up the scroll and put it into his spatial pouch. “Where is Yu Wuxia now that he has fallen into the demon path?”


“Yu Wuxia is in the Floating Pagoda Hall, a palace he established himself. However, it was later destroyed by that bald donkey, and then I was sealed in Linglong Mountain, knowing nothing,” the fox demon said, her eyes darting around as she tentatively continued, “Why are you so curious about Yu Wuxia’s affairs? Has Yu Wuxia done something…”


Having been trapped in the demon-sealing cauldron for these days, the fox demon had thought over many things. Although these two in front of her hadn’t disclosed their identities, she couldn’t sense their aura at all, realizing their cultivation was much higher than hers.


Two people with such profound cultivation had been asking about Yu Wuxia all along, indicating that Yu Wuxia must have caused a big stir.


Haowei did not respond to the fox demon’s question. He picked up the demon-sealing cauldron, intending to seal her back inside. Seeing that she was about to be enclosed in the ethereal cauldron once more, she hastily pleaded in a coquettish tone, “Immortal Lord, whatever you want to know, this servant will tell you everything. Can you let me breathe some fresh air a little longer, Immortal Lord… Ah…”


Before the fox demon’s finger could touch Haowei’s body, she was already sucked into the demon-sealing cauldron. Thinking she was now inside the cauldron and that no one outside could hear her, her sweet voice instantly turned sharp and biting, teeth gritted as she muttered, “Pah, looks like a widower, just like a man who’s lost his wife.”


Haowei remained silent.


Si Lan raised an eyebrow inquisitively.


Firefly Illusion Technique was on the verge of collapsing. The disciples of the Immortal sects who had fallen into the illusion beneath the sacred altar were slowly waking up. Haowei and Si Lan decided to leave the sacred altar first.


The Immortal of Parinirvana had already learned that Immortal Jiaheng hadn’t died, so the subsequent handling of affairs would be left to the Thirty-Three Heavens to decide.


These past few days, Haowei and Si Lan had been under great mental strain, traveling from Mount Gushu to the Thirty-Three Heavens without proper rest.


Haowei brought Si Lan back to the Yuqing Palace, intending to eat, bathe, engage in intimacy, and then sleep. However, just as they were bathing, a group of celestial beings gathered outside the hall.


During this period, Haowei had rarely been in the Celestial Realm. Even when he returned, he stayed only for a few days before leaving again. The celestial beings had accumulated a pile of matters for him to handle. Despite knowing he was currently bathing, they still came looking for him.


Haowei rubbed his temples. He had just spent a lot of effort persuading Si Lan to bathe together with him, and their bodies weren’t even fully wet when this group arrived.


He was about to instruct the attendants to send them away when Si Lan spoke up, “Why not see them first? What if there’s an urgent matter?”


Haowei managed affairs across the Five Realms, inevitably encountering major events. Besides, even if these matters weren’t resolved today, they would still need attention tomorrow. It was better to handle them sooner rather than later.


After speaking, Si Lan cleverly restrained his demonic aura, transforming into a small “wild chicken” floating like a doll in the wisps of steam. Unless one looked closely, his figure was practically invisible.


Seeing Si Lan take on this tiny form, Haowei found it exceedingly adorable. He gently propped up Si Lan’s small body from the hot spring water with his hand. Si Lan stiffened for a moment, then pushed away Haowei’s fingers and glided into the mist with a flick of his wings.


Haowei smirked faintly. “Let them in.”


Upon receiving the order, the celestial beings hurried inside, kneeling around the hot spring pool. “Greetings, Your Majesty.”


Haowei had his back to them, arms resting on the edge of the pool rocks. His voice carried an inherent authority, calm yet commanding, “What urgent matters do you have that require you to disturb Us in such haste?”


Perhaps due to the moisture in the air, his voice, besides its authoritative tone, also carried a deep, magnetic quality that sounded particularly pleasing as it mingled with the rising steam.


Si Lan, who was diving in the water, heard this and pursed his small beak.


Not bad for putting on airs.


“Your Majesty, please intercede for this old minister. The flowers and plants I painstakingly cultivated were trampled to pieces by Lord Rixiao’s mount, the great water buffalo!” Yuanmo Immortal Sovereign rushed in first, covering his face with his sleeves as he tearfully complained, genuine or not.


Rixiao Immortal Sovereign defended himself nervously, “It’s not a water buffalo, it’s a battle rhino.”


Haowei sighed inwardly as he rubbed his temples. He never expected they would barge in on him even while he was bathing, just for matters concerning flowers, plants, and animals. He spoke in a stern voice, “Rixiao, about your mount…”


“Your Majesty, it’s not a water buffalo, it’s a battle rhino,” Rixiao Immortal Sovereign argued persistently. More concerned about his mount being mistaken for a water buffalo than the complaint itself.


Haowei fell silent for a moment. “Regardless of what it is, you failed to discipline it properly, leading to the destruction of Yuanmo Immortal Sovereign’s flowers and plants. You should compensate him.”


“Your Majesty, I’m willing to compensate him, but he needs to stop calling my battle rhino a water buffalo,” Yuanmo Immortal Sovereign retorted coldly. “It was originally a big water buffalo. Just because it’s covered in armor and flies in the sky, does that mean it’s no longer a big water buffalo? What’s the point of calling it a battle rhino? Has it ever seen a battlefield?”




Seeing the two about to argue again, Haowei interrupted them. “Enough. Yuanmo, refrain from ridiculing Rixiao’s mount in the future. Rixiao, compensate Yuanmo for his losses promptly. This matter is settled. If you two are not satisfied, you may argue outside and refrain from disturbing Us again.”


The two exchanged glances, still disgruntled, before leaving in a huff.


Haowei cast a sidelong glance at the immortal lords behind him. “If you have trivial matters concerning flowers and plants, there’s no need to waste my time.”


The immortal lords fell silent.


After a moment of hesitation, one of the lords stepped forward and said, “Your Majesty, a few days ago, Prince Er of the Jing River caused torrential rain in the mortal realm due to drunkenness, neglecting his duties for a full twelve hours. This resulted in eight cities being submerged, causing great suffering among the people. My palace has received countless complaints demanding punishment for Prince Er. However, although he is not a Dragon King, he has close ties with the East Sea. Punishing him may have widespread implications. Your Majesty’s decision is needed.”


Haowei asked, “Prince Er of the Jing River is…”


“He is the second son of the Chief of the Blue Shrimp Clan.”


Si Lan, who had already started to leave, heard this and turned back. His head surfaced, his two wings lightly paddling like oars.


Suddenly, Haowei remembered that Si Lan had mentioned before that the Blue Shrimp Clan of the Jing River was responsible for wiping out the Quze family. His voice turned cold, “Handle it as it should be. There’s no need to favor the East Sea.”


“Yes,” the lord replied and retreated.


After hearing the gossip, Si Lan was about to leave again but was caught by Haowei gripping his wings. He dared not struggle, fearing the immortals behind him might notice something amiss. He stiffened as Haowei pulled him close.


His back pressed against Haowei’s chest, but his front was restrained by the other’s distinctively fair fingers, almost like a hostage, tightly held in place.


“Your Majesty, Queen Phoenix has sent a confidential message, stating that Princess Quyu and Princess Zhuju have both been attacked consecutively by the Demon Sovereign Si Lan. She suspects that the Demon Clan is planning to attack the Phoenix Clan, and requests Your Majesty’s intervention on behalf of the Phoenix Clan.”


Si Lan…


His head, still groggy from soaking in the hot spring, suddenly snapped alert.


He hadn’t expected the Phoenix Clan to have such thick skin, preemptively accusing him of planning to attack them.


Tsk tsk.


Thinking back to yesterday on Gushu Mountain, the Phoenix Clan must have realized the depth of his relationship with Haowei and didn’t dare to accuse him directly. Instead, they found a few unsuspecting immortal lords to step forward on their behalf.


“Your Majesty, the Phoenix Clan has deep ties with the late Emperor Taiwei and the Divine Lord Chiyu. When the Demon Clan bullies the Phoenix Clan, they are bullying us. Heaven cannot stand idly by.”


“The recent chaos in the mortal realm and the slaughter of ten thousand spirits on Yingzhou Island were both orchestrated by the Demon Clan. Now they provoke the Phoenix Clan in Heaven. It seems they intend to break the truce agreement between Heaven and the Demon Realm soon. Your Majesty, Heaven must be vigilant.”


Two more lords stepped forward to speak up for the Phoenix Clan, their words resolute and convincing, as if they had witnessed the Demon Clan’s actions firsthand.


Inwardly, Si Lan couldn’t help but sneer. These lords were distorting facts and reasoning to goad Haowei into confronting the Demon Clan. If they didn’t play fair, why should he? He’d resort to any means necessary.


With this thought, he glanced up through the misty haze at Haowei. Haowei’s head was slightly tilted back, his jawline clear but his expression obscured. Si Lan couldn’t resist a mischievous and indulgent urge.


To tease him. To playfully tease him.


The lords couldn’t gauge Haowei’s current mood, continuing, “Your Majesty, it is said that the Demon Sovereign Si Lan practices forbidden dark arts. Every decade, he conducts a widespread selection of concubines, not sparing even men. By the second day, all those sent to his chambers turn into dried corpses.”


Meanwhile, the demon sovereign they spoke of now slowly slid down within Haowei’s embrace, coming to rest against Haowei’s lower abdomen.


Just as Haowei was about to reach out to lift him, the demon sovereign suddenly transformed into human form, almost submerged in the water, only revealing a fair face, pressed against Haowei’s lower abdomen.


When Haowei lowered his head, his gaze met a pair of dark, watery eyes. Before he could speak, his body tensed, a rush of heat climbing from his lower abdomen.


Si Lan stared at him unwaveringly, his eyes intense, long lashes curled with a hint of moisture, a touch of red in their depths, making his gaze alluring and provocative.


The fair complexion framed by flowing hair behind him accentuated his allure, his full lips now gently touching Haowei’s lower abdomen, leaving a warm sensation. Haowei’s breath caught, his hand instinctively touching Si Lan’s nape.


Si Lan’s kiss slowly disappeared under the water, occasionally letting out a bubble or two.


Haowei’s eyes reddened, his throat moved, suppressing the tense emotions and strange pleasure.


Si Lan was angry.


But this was quite an effective way to vent his emotions.


At that moment, a voice from behind continued heedlessly, “The late Emperor once said that the Demon Realm would become a major threat to Heaven in the future. Perhaps now is a good opportunity to bring the Demon Realm under control, apart from that Demon King.”


Haowei murmured softly, curling his fingers slowly, whether in response to the lord behind him or to Si Lan’s actions in front of him.


Upon hearing this murmur, the lords grew bolder, “Your Majesty, there have been reports of you appearing together with members of the Demon Clan on Linglong Mountain, behaving intimately. You must tread carefully. The demons are cunning and treacherous; some are skilled in seduction magic. Don’t let yourself be deceived or make mistakes.”


As soon as the lord finished speaking, a voice tinged with water and mist suddenly emerged, “Oh, skilled in seduction magic, you say?”


Si Lan’s hands rested on Haowei’s shoulders, his face slowly emerging from in front of Haowei. Perhaps just emerged from the water, his features were veiled with a thin mist, lips almost dripping blood-red, more alluring and dazzling than a beautiful ghost. His half-closed eyes now held a mocking smile, watching them.


The lords stood dumbfounded at the sight of him, as if they had seen a ghost.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.

Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.


As evening approached, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen’s carriage arrived at the foot of Muyang Mountain. The abbot and the senior monks of Muyang Temple had long been waiting there.


Muyang Temple had been a royal temple since the Chen Dynasty. From its founding to the present day, it had been standing for hundreds of years, enduring several changes in dynasties. The temple was serene and ancient, surrounded by lush trees. The air inside was filled with the scent of sandalwood, and the walls and pillars were covered in cracks. The deep and resonant sound of the temple bell made Zhao Qi feel as if his soul was being purified.


Since the death of the late emperor, Empress Dowager Wen had begun to practice Buddhism and had been acquainted with the abbot of Muyang Temple for many years. She waved off the formalities and smiled at the abbot, saying, “Master Yuan Tong, it’s been years. I hope you’ve been well.”


…That title sounds a bit familiar?


Master Yuan Tong responded, “Amitabha. Empress Dowager, you look radiant and joyful. It seems that the long-standing worries have been resolved. I offer my congratulations.”


“Indeed, nothing escapes your wise eyes, Master,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a smile, glancing at Zhao Qi beside her. “I have come here to fulfill my long-held wish.”


He Changzhou asked quietly, “What is the Empress Dowager’s wish? Does His Majesty know about it?”


Zhao Qi looked up at the sky. “I don’t know anything.”


He Changzhou stroked his chin. “I’m a bit curious.”


“I advise you not to be,” Zhao Qi said expressionlessly. “Curiosity killed the cat.”


Master Yuan Tong made a gesture of invitation. “Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, please follow me into the temple.”


Zhao Qi deliberately slowed his pace and asked the two elders following Master Yuan Tong, “May I ask what your Dharma names are?”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Zhong Tong.”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Shen Tong.”


Zhao Qi: “…” He realized that the original author of The Boundless Great Jing was quite lazy, even too lazy to come up with decent names for minor characters.


Zhao Qi followed Empress Dowager Wen into the main hall. Master Yuan Tong handed them incense sticks. Zhao Qi took one, lit it, and, following Empress Dowager Wen’s lead, held it high, made a bow, closed his eyes, and paid three respects to the Buddha’s golden statue.


Zhao Qi opened one eye and saw Empress Dowager Wen looking devout, her lips moving in silent recitation.


Though Zhao Qi didn’t believe in Buddhism, since he was here, he silently made a wish: “Buddha, please bless my mother with good health and long life; let me reign smoothly as emperor, with fewer people who dislike me and fewer who wish to harm me; and lastly, bless the people of the world with peace and prosperity, and for the Great Jing Dynasty to be stable and prosperous. Amen—no, Amitabha.”


After the worship, they handed the incense stick to Master Zhong Tong, who placed it in the incense burner.


Master Yuan Tong said, “The vegetarian meal is ready. Please proceed to the dining room in the back to enjoy it.”


“There’s no rush; I’m not hungry yet,” Empress Dowager Wen said. “Qi’er, the temple’s divination is always accurate. Would you like to draw a fortune stick?”


Zhao Qi was quite interested in drawing a fortune stick. “Sure.”


A young monk stepped forward with a divination container. Zhao Qi shook it casually, and a wooden stick fell out, which He Changzhou picked up.


He Changzhou said, “Not bad, it’s a good fortune stick.”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi leaned closer, standing on tiptoe. “Let me see!”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled and said, “You can’t tell much just by looking at the stick. Master, please bring out the divination text.”


Master Shen Tong asked, “May I ask what Your Majesty is inquiring about?”


Empress Dowager Wen answered before Zhao Qi could speak, “Of course, it’s about the offspring of the royal family.”


Zhao Qi muttered silently to himself: I’m not.


Master Shen Tong smiled and said, “Then let me offer my congratulations to Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager first.” He handed the divination text to Zhao Qi.


Before Zhao Qi could examine it closely, Empress Dowager Wen eagerly snatched it away, “‘To be enjoyed by the ancestral temple, to be protected for future generations’….” She couldn’t stop smiling, “Indeed, it’s a good fortune! Wonderful, excellent!”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “What do you mean?”


He Changzhou replied, “It means that in the future, His Majesty will be able to enjoy the ancestral sacrifices, and His Majesty’s descendants will preserve the legacy left by His Majesty.”


Empress Dowager Wen held Zhao Qi’s hand with a smile and said, “Your late father had few children, with only two sons and three daughters among the dozens in the harem. I was worried you might end up like your father, but it seems my fears were unfounded.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The Emperor is still young. In the future, he will surely have as many sons and daughters as Emperor Gaozu!”


Zhao Qi showed a look of disdain. “I don’t want that.”


He Changzhou laughed upon hearing this. Jiang Dehai looked confused, not understanding what he had said wrong. Empress Dowager Wen scolded, “What nonsense are you talking? Having more children is a blessing.”


Zhao Qi knew he probably couldn’t agree with Empress Dowager Wen on this issue, so he decided not to argue. In his view, having two children, one son and one daughter, was quite sufficient. Anything more would be hard to manage. Plus, as a well-educated and virtuous young man, he had no intention of expanding his harem. It was likely he would only marry one empress in the future, as having more would only cause him to worry about his wife.


Later, the group went to a side room for a vegetarian meal. The meal at Muyang Temple was exquisitely prepared, without any meat, which was perfect for Zhao Qi, who had just recovered from motion sickness. Zhao Qi ate two bowls in one go and felt quite full, reclining like a salted fish and yawning.


Seeing this, Empress Dowager Wen said, “Qi’er, if you’re tired, go rest in the side room. I still need to talk to Master Yuan Tong later.”


Zhao Qi stood up, “Then I’ll go back first. Mother, you should rest early too.”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded, “General He.”


“I’m here.”


“This place is different from the palace; you must be meticulous in everything.”


He Changzhou lowered his eyes. “Rest assured, Empress Dowager.”


He Changzhou personally escorted Zhao Qi back to the side room. Zhao Qi, exhausted from a day of bumping around, collapsed onto the bed as soon as he entered the room. Jiang Dehai stood beside him with a warm towel and advised, “Your Majesty, please wipe your face before you sleep.”


Zhao Qi closed his eyes and replied, “I don’t want to.”


Jiang Dehai looked awkwardly at He Changzhou. “This…”


“Give me the towel,” He Changzhou said, “You can leave.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated. “You’re a general. How can you do this?”


He Changzhou smiled faintly, “Even if I were just a minister, I would still be the Emperor’s servant. Besides, it was the Emperor who asked me to attend to him.”


Jiang Dehai was startled by the remark about ministers being servants of the Emperor. Although it was true, the mention of Lord Xiao made it clear that only General He would dare to speak this way.


“General, you are right,” Jiang Dehai forced a smile. “I will wait outside. Call if you need anything.”


He Changzhou nodded, “Go on.”


Zhao Qi had already fallen deeply asleep. He Changzhou casually wiped his face a couple of times, thinking he had managed the strength well, but he actually ended up smearing Zhao Qi’s face red. Despite this, Zhao Qi showed no signs of waking up, only slightly frowning and mumbling something.


He Changzhou covered him with a blanket, watched him for a while, and gently brushed his delicate eyelashes. He thought that this little sleepyhead was too adorable. Unfortunately, no matter how cute Zhao Qi was, in Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, he was merely a tool to be used.


That night, when the little emperor was drunk, He Changzhou carried him back to Yonghua Palace and then went to the Administrative Hall, where Prime Minister Xiao was waiting.


“The influence of the Broken Pulse Gang has long been entrenched in the Central Plains. Although their occasional disturbances are minor, I have lost patience dealing with them,” said Xiao Shiqing.


He Changzhou asked, “What does the Prime Minister intend to do?”


“At the end of the month, the Emperor and the Empress Dowager will leave the palace for Muyang Temple and stay there for a few days,” Xiao Shiqing said indifferently. “Broken Pulse Gang’s people probably already know about this. Since the Emperor and Empress Dowager rarely leave the palace, they will certainly take action.”


He Changzhou immediately understood, “You want to draw them out?”


Xiao Shiqing lowered his head and looked at the memorials, noncommittal.


He Changzhou, incredulous, said, “But these are the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. Are you really willing to risk their safety?”


“I don’t undertake tasks without confidence,” Xiao Shiqing said.


“And what if something goes wrong?”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyes. “There is no ‘what if.’”


“Even if it’s the Emperor, the Empress Dowager has a deep debt of gratitude to the Xiao family. Are you really willing to be so heartless?”


Xiao Shiqing replied casually, “Is it that the Empress Dowager owes the Xiao family a mountain of gratitude, or is it the Xiao family who owes the Empress Dowager?”


He Changzhou was at a loss for words. “What the Prime Minister says is truly cold-hearted. If the Empress Dowager hears this…”


“Do you think she’s unaware?” Xiao Shiqing interrupted. “The Empress Dowager and I understand each other well.”


He Changzhou was left speechless.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “According to reports from our spies, the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair is in a hidden place near the outskirts of the capital, and they intend to capture Zhao Qi to threaten me and the Empress Dowager. We just need to follow them, and we’ll be able to capture them all.”


“And then?” He Changzhou asked. “When will this be? After the Emperor has fallen into their hands?”


Xiao Shiqing was indifferent. “If you’re unwilling, I can assign this task to someone else. However, I vaguely recall that General He’s own uncle was killed by the Broken Pulse Gang. Don’t you want to avenge him?”


He Changzhou took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll follow the Prime Minister’s plan.”


He Changzhou poured himself a cup of tea, and before he had finished it, he heard Jiang Dehai’s deliberately lowered voice: “General He, a Deputy General surnamed Xu said he has important matters to report to you.”


He Changzhou opened the door, and Deputy General Xu was standing there. Upon seeing him, Xu knelt and saluted: “General.”


“What’s the matter?”


Deputy General Xu said: “I’ve captured a sneaky sweeping monk outside the Empress Dowager’s chamber. I suspect he’s from Broken Pulse Gang.”


Jiang Dehai was startled: “Broken Pulse Gang? Are they the remnants of the previous dynasty trying to restore it?”


“Yes,” He Changzhou’s expression grew serious, “Where is the Empress Dowager now?”


Deputy General Xu replied: “The Empress Dowager is still in the front hall, offering her respects to Buddha.”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment, “It seems that Mu Yang Temple isn’t a safe place after all.”


“How could that be!” Jiang Dehai said urgently, “Before the Empress Dowager and His Majesty arrived, hadn’t you already checked everyone and everything in the temple?”


“There may be some that slipped through the net,” He Changzhou said, “Where is that sweeping monk? I need to interrogate him personally.”


Deputy General Xu responded: “I’ve locked him up in an empty guest room. Please follow me.”


He Changzhou said: “Lead the way.”


“Wait, General!” Jiang Dehai stopped him, “If you go, what about His Majesty?”


He Changzhou said: “I will send reliable people to protect His Majesty. Don’t worry.”


“But His Majesty only trusts you!”


He Changzhou’s eyes showed a hint of hesitation, “If we don’t quickly get to the bottom of this suspicious person, we won’t be able to ensure the safety of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. These are my trusted aides; I trust them.”


Unable to stop him, Jiang Dehai watched as He Changzhou hurriedly left. He opened the door and looked inside—the Emperor was still sound asleep.


The temple was even quieter and more desolate at night than during the day. A group of armored palace guards walked in formation, saying to the guards on duty: “We’re changing shifts. We’ll take over here for the rest of the night. You can go get some rest.”


Jiang Dehai, stationed at the guest room door, grabbed one of the guards and asked: “Has there been any news from General He?”


The guard shook his head, “Not yet. You must be tired too, so hurry and get some rest. We’re here now.”


“No, I must stay here—” Jiang Dehai’s words were cut off as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. His vision went black, and he lost consciousness.


“Why not just kill him?” another guard asked.


“Leave him alive to inform that traitor surnamed Xiao. Stop wasting time and get in there to take the person away.”


The group entered the room, lifted the sleeping Emperor from the bed, and left.


Zhao Qi wasn’t very still in his sleep. He tossed and turned, and the bed in the guest room wasn’t as large as the dragon bed, so he rolled to the edge of the bed.


When Xiao Shiqing entered the room, Zhao Qi’s body was half hanging off the bed, about to fall.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened. He quickly walked to the bed just as Zhao Qi turned, and Zhao Qi fell off the bed—


The noise was loud enough to wake even a pig. Zhao Qi opened his eyes and saw a handsome face enlarged before him, thinking he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and asked uncertainly: “…Prime Minister?”




Zhao Qi was bewildered. How did he end up in Xiao Shiqing’s arms? Wait, wasn’t he in Mu Yang Temple?


Zhao Qi blinked and asked: “Why is the Prime Minister here?”


Xiao Shiqing’s face was cold as he replied: “To protect you.”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi was confused, “Aren’t I being guarded by General He?”


Xiao Shiqing’s lips curled into a sarcastic smile, “He’s not capable.”


Zhao Qi: “…He’s not capable, but you are?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 42

       Zhan Weiyang was scared.

       He didn’t know how to answer Pei Qing’s question. There were some buzzing noises in his head, which tortured him. So he held the water bottle with both hands and buried his head lower and lower.

       Pei Qing stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the back of Zhan Weiyang’s neck and asked, “Yangyang, what’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang remained silent for a long time and said, in a muffled voice, “I can’t answer you.”

       Pei Qing asked him again, “Is it that classmate of yours? The one called Xie Ling just now?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his head, and it was difficult to hide the surprise on his face.

       Pei Qing took back her hand and said, “Yangyang, is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

       Zhan Weiyang seemed flustered and helpless. He dug his fingers into the plastic water bottle, almost deforming it, and finally said, “I don’t have any.”

       Pei Qing repeated the question, “You really don’t?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head, “Really don’t.”

       Pei Qing fell silent and looked at him for a long time without saying anything.

       Zhan Weiyang was flustered. He secretly glanced at Pei Qing and then turned his head to continue drinking water in small sips.

       Pei Qing said to him, “You rest here. I’m going down to get some air.” After saying that, he stretched out his hand to open the car door.

       Zhan Weiyang subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab Pei Qing, but his fingertips only touched the hem of Pei Qing’s clothes and finally retracted powerlessly.

       After waiting for less than half an hour, Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong also came back.

       Zhan Xiusong looked particularly disheveled for some reason. His clothes were stained in large patches that couldn’t be patted clean, his glasses were crooked on his nose, always tilting slightly to the left, and there was a bit of a scr4p3 on his right cheek near the bridge of his nose.

       After the two of them got in the car, they didn’t say anything, especially Zhan Xiusong, who looked very depressed and unhappy.

       “Xiusong?” Pei Qing looked at him in the rearview mirror, “Are you okay?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “I’m fine.” His tone was a little aggrieved and stubborn.

       Pei Qing then glanced at Zhan Weiguang. Zhan Weiguang didn’t say anything, only giving a quick look. So Pei Qing didn’t ask any more questions.

       Later, when they returned, Zhan Weiguang told Pei Qing privately that Zhan Xiusong accidentally fell down, which was nothing. Sometimes, it was inevitable when exercising. Unexpectedly, Xu Fengwen laughed at him for being fat, saying that the whole ground was shaking when he fell down.

       Afterwards, the joke lingered on. When Zhan Xiusong jumped up to shoot or grab the ball, Xu Fengwen would exaggerate and say that he shook when Zhan Xiusong landed, which greatly affected Zhan Xiusong’s mood for playing.

       Zhan Weiguang felt annoyed. He stopped playing after saying a few words to Xu Fengwen and called Zhan Xiusong to leave.

       After dinner, Zhan Xiusong obviously hadn’t gotten out of his depressed mood, and he went back to Zhan Weiyang’s room and closed the door.

       Zhan Weiyang went up to the second floor and wanted to go into his room to take a look, but found that the door was locked from the inside. He raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but he felt that he didn’t want to talk to Zhan Xiusong, so he hesitated and didn’t knock.

       He went to Pei Qing’s room, raised his hand and knocked on the door, then put his ear to the door. He didn’t hear any sound from inside, so he knocked again but still didn’t hear Pei Qing say come in. He had to open the door himself and found that the room was quiet and no one was there.

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t know that Pei Qing was in Zhan Weiguang’s room at this time, he just retreated disappointedly and walked towards the large balcony on the second floor.

       On the balcony, his flower pot was still alone in a row of large flower pots with lush green plants, and it looked lifeless because of the lack of life growing in it.

       Zhan Weiyang walked over, afraid of crushing the flower pot, and dared not go in. So he could only sit cross-legged next to it, stretch out his arms to hold the edge of the flower pot, and gently lean his forehead against it.

       It was not that he didn’t want to answer Pei Qing’s question. For a moment, he wanted to tell Pei Qing everything, but he had a terrible intuition that if he said it, his points would definitely be deducted. He didn’t know how much it would be deducted, and it would be bad if his points were all deducted.

       Although he knew his journey would end in this flowerpot, he couldn’t bear to leave Pei Qing now. He just thought could it be a little later? As long as he followed the rules obediently and the System didn’t deduct his points too quickly, he could stay by Pei Qing’s side for one more day.

       From childhood to adulthood, Zhan Weiyang had never met anyone who was so patient with him except his father and grandmother. Moreover, Pei Qing was different from his dad and grandmother; Pei Qing understood what he was thinking, something his dad and grandmother no longer did.

       Zhan Weiyang felt sad and despondent.

       Pei Qing was in Zhan Weiguang’s room. He came here for Zhan Weiyang. He walked to the window and found that from this angle of Zhan Weiguang’s room, he could see the balcony on the second floor and saw Zhan Weiyang sitting on the balcony forlornly hugging a flower pot.

       “Yangyang—” Pei Qing paused here, “Have you felt that he has not been in good spirits lately?”

       Zhan Weiguang was lying on the bed with one leg propped up, playing on his phone. Upon hearing this, he looked up, somewhat surprised, and said, “What?”

       Pei Qing leaned forward slightly, crossed his arms and lay on the window, looking at Zhan Weiyang’s figure, “Did he tell you about any deductions or that he would become a fortune tree?”

       “Fortune tree?” Zhan Weiguang was confused, “What fortune tree?”

       Pei Qing suddenly realised that Zhan Weiyang had probably said those words only to him. Perhaps it was because he trusted only Pei Qing, or maybe he simply didn’t want to talk about it with anyone else. At that moment, Pei Qing hesitated, unsure whether he should continue discussing it with Zhan Weiguang.

       He felt that Zhan Weiyang was in a bad state today, but he was not Zhan Weiyang’s guardian after all. He hoped to attract Zhan Pengcheng’s attention, and it would be best to find a doctor to talk to Zhan Weiyang and find out what the problem in his mind was. It was just that he noticed Zhan Pengcheng’s resistance last time, so he chose Zhan Weiguang this time.

       Zhan Weiguang had already gotten off the bed and walked to Pei Qing’s side and just happened to see Zhan Weiyang downstairs from the window.

       “Do you know why he cherishes his flower pot so much?” Zhan Weiguang suddenly grasped the point at this time.

       Pei Qing looked at him and hesitated for a long time before saying, “What I just said, he said he’s going to turn into a fortune tree.”

       “Why a fortune tree?” Zhan Weiguang found it difficult to understand.

       “The point is not what kind of tree it is,” Pei Qing said, “the point is why he thinks he will become a tree?”

       “He— Just often has some strange thoughts,” Zhan Weiguang leaned against the window and looked at Zhan Weiyang’s back with Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing asked, “Does it last long?”

       Zhan Weiguang replied, “Not necessarily. Sometimes he forgets when he’s distracted. Why does he think he will turn into a tree?”

       Pei Qing said, “I don’t know. I thought you would know.”

       “He doesn’t tell me anything. How can I know!”

       Pei Qing looked at him, “He thinks you treat him badly.”

       Zhan Weiguang laughed sarcastically, “What more could I do to be good to him?”

       Pei Qing didn’t want to continue discussing this topic with Zhan Weiguang. They were brothers who grew up together and had their own way of getting along. He had no right to interfere. He was just worried about Zhan Weiyang’s current situation. After a while, he asked Zhan Weiguang, “Do you think he can get out of this state on his own?”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I don’t know. He has always seemed normal in front of me; this is just how he is. Back in elementary school, he became attached to a cup. He had to use that cup for drinking water, carried it in his backpack every day to school and brought it back home. One time, my dad accidentally broke it and couldn’t find an exact replacement. He went to great lengths to buy one that looked very similar, but it still didn’t satisfy him. He didn’t drink water all day, and my dad almost cried out of frustration.”

       “What happened next?” Pei Qing asked.

       Zhan Weiguang continued, “Later, I got impatient and grabbed him and forced him to pour water from my cup into his mouth. He almost choked, then I said, ‘You’re done. You’ve drunk from my cup.’ I didn’t know what he was thinking, but he suddenly stopped making trouble. My dad scolded me for this.”

       Pei Qing looked out the window in silence, and after a long while, he said, “Uncle was probably just too anxious.”

       Zhan Weiguang said in a nonchalant tone, “It’s okay, you don’t need to try to persuade me. I know my dad better than anyone. I don’t have any particular feelings about it. As long as it has nothing to do with Zhan Weiyang, he’s pretty good to me. But once it involves Zhan Weiyang, he doesn’t have any boundaries himself, so how can he be concerned about his attitude towards others?”

       “I’m sorry,” Pei Qing said sincerely, “Can I ask you a question, where is your mother?”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “Divorced, gone.”

       Pei Qing was a little surprised.

       Zhan Weiguang’s tone remained nonchalant and indifferent, “I’ve heard that other people’s mothers can give up everything for their children. Maybe my mom is different from other mothers. She argued with my dad a lot over Zhan Weiyang, and later, she couldn’t handle the stress and didn’t want to stay in this family anymore, so she left.”

       Pei Qing never expected it to be like this. He asked, “Was it because of Yangyang’s drowning incident?”

       Zhan Weiguang nodded, “When Zhan Weiyang nearly drowned, both my dad and I were there. I got into a scuffle with some other kids, and my dad came over to separate us so he didn’t notice Zhan Weiyang. By the time someone else found him, he had already stopped breathing, and his heart had stopped.”

       As he reached this point, Zhan Weiguang’s tone grew sombre. He looked at Pei Qing and said, “This is a lifelong pain for my dad. I don’t know if he hates me, but I know he hates himself. My mom also hates him. They took Zhan Weiyang everywhere to see doctors, visiting all the good hospitals in big cities, but it only ended in this result. My mom couldn’t stand it anymore, started arguing with my dad obsessively, and grew dissatisfied with everything the family did. Eventually, she pushed herself to leave.”

       Pei Qing took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly; the sound sounded like a sigh, carrying a sense of powerlessness over the past and the future.

       He felt that he could understand Zhan Pengcheng’s mentality, and he feared that this guilt would never fade away in his lifetime.

       Pei Qing raised his hand, covered his face and rubbed it gently, feeling somewhat exhausted.

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I’m sorry to tell you about these messy things in my family.” 

       Pei Qing said, “It’s what I want to know.”

       Zhan Weiguang crossed his arms in front of his chest, “Actually, you’re really a good person. I rarely see someone so patient with Zhan Weiyang. Even my dad, though he seems very accommodating on the surface, sometimes is obviously just perfunctory to Zhan Weiyang. He says, ‘okay, okay’ but doesn’t really follow through. No wonder Zhan Weiyang likes you.”

       Pei Qing didn’t speak.

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I’m sorry to bother you. I don’t think you need to worry too much about Zhan Weiyang’s strange thoughts. Maybe after a while, he’ll be fine. Otherwise, you could just smash the flowerpot into pieces, let him be upset and cry for a while, and he might come to terms with it by the next day.”

       “Better not,” Pei Qing said. “Let’s keep it for him.”

       When Pei Qing came down from upstairs, he saw that Zhan Weiyang was no longer on the balcony. He walked over to lock the balcony door and then went back to the room.

       As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhan Weiyang kneeling on the floor, his body sprawled by the side of the bed, staring blankly with red eyes. Upon seeing him return, Zhan Weiyang immediately raised his head like a startled rabbit, looking at him with reddened eyes.

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