Day: October 25, 2023

Chapter 11 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 11


“Shu Yi, wake up. What are you doing here?”


Shu Yi squinted at him, his face very close and almost touching Du Qi’s: “Who are you?”


Qu Di felt a bit uneasy, avoiding direct eye contact and speaking hesitantly: “You… Why are you here? Where is your assistant and manager?”


Shu Yi looked a bit confused. He stood up, leaning on the wall: “Siyi… Siyi… Take Liumeng back! I can go back by myself.”


He swayed as he spoke, took his room key from his pocket, and turned to find his room. His speech was a bit slurred, perhaps due to being intoxicated. It was somewhat odd.


Qu Di wasn’t sure how to handle this situation. He couldn’t just leave Shu Yi like this, so he decided to take him back to his room. It didn’t seem like a big deal.


Qu Di approached him and held Shu Yi’s arm: “Come this way… I’ll take you back to your room.”


But the intoxicated Shu Yi was stubborn and didn’t want to listen. He insisted on going in the opposite direction: “My room is over there… I need to get back to read the script… Tomorrow…”


Qu Di had to coax him: “Alright, go back and read the script. The script is this way.”


“This way?”


They ended up dragging each other into the elevator like this. Shu Yi seemed tired, and he rested his head on Qu Di’s shoulder, almost falling asleep. Qu Di breathed a sigh of relief, surprised by how noisy Shu Yi had been while drunk.


They arrived at the room, and Qu Di took Shu Yi to the bed. After helping him take off his shoes, Shu Yi suddenly sat up, blinking at Qu Di.


Qu Di didn’t know what Shu Yi was up to and asked cautiously, “Shu Yi, are you okay?”


Shu Yi suddenly asked, “Do you want to practice acting with me?”


After saying this, he got out of bed barefoot and rummaged through the cabinet. Finally, he found a script and casually flipped it open to a page, then began reciting his lines.


Qu Di was still puzzled: “…”


Shu Yi continued, “Within the four seas and nine continents, only you dare to openly defy me, Gu Yuelin! Are you dissatisfied with your time on the border, or do you think Xu Ziming has lived too long!”


Shu Yi recited his lines with great enthusiasm, and he didn’t spare the appropriate vocal inflections. It was hard to believe that a drunk person was saying these lines.




After waiting for a long time without a response, Shu Yi, now slightly annoyed, walked up to Qu Di and said, “Your turn!” He opened the script and pointed to the lines below. “You need to say this.”


Qu Di hesitated for a moment and then stumbled through the lines, “I… um… My father is a founding hero, and I am now the General of the Nation. Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”


“Ah…” Shu Yi became a bit impatient and flipped a few pages. Frowning, he said, “Why haven’t you memorized your lines? This won’t do… Let’s try this scene. The lines are just two sentences. If you don’t perform well, I might have you replaced.”


Qu Di hadn’t had a chance to read what was written, but Shu Yi suddenly turned around, pushed him down on the bed, and tossed the script aside. Shu Yi’s hand reached for Qu Di’s waist, and he used his other hand to lift Qu Di’s chin, revealing a disdainful smile. “I told you that you’d be mine sooner or later.”


Though Qu Di knew it was part of the script, his heart skipped a beat. They were too close, and Shu Yi’s breath, with a hint of minty pheromones, was spraying onto his face. His expression and movements were filled with irresistible charm, as if he were a blue rose blooming in the dark night, tempting him to pluck it. He was captivated by Shu Yi’s bright black eyes and even forgot to resist.


Shu Yi watched him like this, and a few minutes later, he abruptly buried his face in Qu Di’s neck, not moving at all. The room instantly fell silent, with only the sound of the humidifier and Qu Di’s thundering heartbeat.


Qu Di gently pushed Shu Yi off him, placed him on the bed, covered him with a blanket, and quickly left.


The humidifier in the room continued running. A few minutes later, the person who had been sound asleep a moment ago suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and rubbed his throbbing temples. He was surprisingly calm for a drunk person. He glanced at the script that had been thrown on the bedside table but now lay open. He couldn’t help but smile. This was an interesting turn of events.


After leaving the room, Qu Di rushed downstairs. He needed to calm down. He had even experienced an illusion, feeling surrounded by the refreshing scent of mint. He felt trapped, with no way to escape.


That night, Qu Di couldn’t sleep. This resulted in him being in a bad mood the next day. When he went to wake Tang Xiyan up, he even went to the wrong floor.


When they arrived on set, Shu Yi was already in the makeup chair, and Qu Di wondered how he had sobered up so quickly after getting so drunk the previous night.


Seeing them, Shu Yi greeted them naturally, “Good morning.”


Tang Xiyan yawned and sat down, “Morning.”


Qu Di stood quietly, not saying a word. But Shu Yi looked at him and asked, “Qu Di, why do you look so tired?”


He found a random excuse, “Well… maybe I just… couldn’t sleep well last night.”


Tang Xiyan interjected, “We told you to change rooms, but you refused. Look, you’re suffering now.”


“Qu Di, were you the one who helped me back to my room last night?”


Surprised to be singled out, Qu Di straightened his posture and struggled to speak fluently, “Uh… I saw you on the wrong floor, and it was my floor… Then… you were drunk, so I helped you… no, I escorted you back… and then I went back.”


Tang Xiyan noticed that Qu Di was sweating and found it strange, “Why do you look so nervous?”


Shu Yi felt embarrassed, “Is it because of something I did when I was drunk last night? If so, I apologize. I only vaguely remember seeing you, and I really don’t remember anything else.”


“No… It’s just… I briefly looked at the script.”


“Haha.” Shu Yi laughed, “I knew something was off when I found my script neatly placed on the bedside. I’m really sorry for the trouble. You shouldn’t have had to deal with it.”


“No problem, it was just a small effort.”


It seemed that Shu Yi didn’t remember anything, which was a relief for Qu Di. He could treat last night as an accident, and as long as Shu Yi didn’t say anything, no one would know.


Shu Yi looked at him with a odd expression.


The shoot went smoothly


 for the first two days with almost no issues. Shu Yi and Wengu were professionals, so they were top-notch. What surprised Qu Di was that Tang Xiyan’s acting was surprisingly good. At least, from his perspective, there were no major issues. Even the director expressed clear appreciation for him, saying he should consider switching to acting full time.


After another scene was wrapped up, Qu Di realized that they would be working late into the night again. Shu Yi had just finished the scene where he received an award in the capital, so he had to wear that heavy, hot suit of armor again. The scene involved many people, and there were even some disobedient horses, so what should have been a few minutes of shooting took up an entire afternoon. When the director finally said “cut,” everyone on set let out a collective sigh of relief.


“Take a break, we have two more scenes later.”


The schedule on set was tight, and it looked like they would be working well into the night again. Qu Di walked over to help Tang Xiyan off his horse, handed him some water, and held an umbrella to shade him. “It’s cold water; it will help you cool down. Let’s go sit over there for a bit.”


Tang Xiyan was drenched in sweat. His clothing was soaked and clung uncomfortably to his skin. The armor was too heavy, and there was a bit of pain in his back. His throat was parched, feeling like it might catch fire.


“Y… You…” He started speaking, only to realize his voice was hoarse, as if something was stuck in his throat, making it difficult to speak.


After taking a couple of sips of water, he said, “You should have some water too. Look at your cracked lips; it’s as if you’ve been filming.”


Qu Di reached out to touch his own lips and realized they were indeed somewhat chapped. He had been standing in the sun for too long, and his face had turned red.


“I’ve had some water already.”


Tang Xiyan sat down under the shade of the umbrella, and Qu Di found a small fan to give him. “Take a break for a bit. After you’ve eaten, we’ll continue filming. How about I get some boxed meals for both of us?”


Qu Di brought back some boxed meals after a while. However, when he returned, he couldn’t find Tang Xiyan. He thought Tang Xiyan might have gone to change his clothes, but when he went to look for him, he found that Tang Xiyan had developed blisters on his back from the armor, and they had even burst. The director wanted him to go to the hospital for treatment, but Tang Xiyan refused.


“I told you I don’t…”


Qu Di approached, draping his light jacket over Tang Xiyan. “Come with me to the hospital.”


Tang Xiyan wanted to protest, but the pain in his back flared up when someone touched him, making him wince. He had to stop talking. Qu Di gave a reassuring look and said, “Come with me. We’re going to the hospital.”


Tang Xiyan almost said something, but when he saw Qu Di’s gentle and stern expression, he couldn’t bring himself to argue.


“Qu Di, hurry up and persuade him.” The director saw Qu Di and looked relieved. This star from Tangyi Entertainment, the one Tang Zong introduced, was a big deal, and he didn’t dare to say anything loud in front of him.


Tang Xiyan took off his coat, revealing his bare upper body. He was still wearing black cotton pants for the shoot.


“Don’t listen to them. It’s just a few blisters. Put some ointment on them, and you’ll be fine… Ah…” The person applying the medicine accidentally used a bit too much force, causing Tang Xiyan to cry out in pain.


Qu Di, who had been applying the medicine, called the driver of their company car to come pick them up.


“I said I don’t…”


Qu Di dr4p3d his light jacket over Tang Xiyan and said, “Come with me. We’re going to the hospital.”


Tang Xiyan was about to say something, but when he saw the firmness in Qu Di’s eyes, he couldn’t find the words.


“Qu Di, please persuade him.” The director looked relieved to see Qu Di. Tangyi Entertainment had a big influence in the entertainment industry, and he didn’t want to upset anyone.


When Qu Di returned, he brought Tang Xiyan to the hospital. The blisters on his back had burst, and he was in a lot of pain. The director had wanted him to go to the hospital, but Tang Xiyan had been reluctant. However, seeing Qu Di’s concern, he gave in.


At the hospital, Tang Xiyan was treated for his injuries. Qu Di stayed by his side, feeling a sense of responsibility.


As they left the hospital, Tang Xiyan spoke up, “Thank you for taking care of me today. I’m really sorry for causing you so much trouble.”


Qu Di replied, “It’s no trouble at all. I’m here to assist you, and making sure you’re comfortable and well is part of my job.”


They returned to the set, and filming continued. Tang Xiyan was unable to wear the armor due to his injuries, so the scene was adjusted. Qu Di kept an eye on him to make sure he didn’t overexert himself.


In the following days, the shoot continued without major issues. Qu Di was impressed by Tang Xiyan’s professionalism and determination. He saw that Tang Xiyan was putting in a lot of effort to give a great performance, and it earned him respect from the crew.


Despite the challenges, they managed to make steady progress on the production. Qu Di had his hands full assisting Tang Xiyan and ensuring that everything went smoothly.


After another successful day of filming, Qu Di felt a sense of accomplishment. He was grateful to be part of this project and to work with talented individuals like Shu Yi, Wengu, and Tang Xiyan.


However, the demands of the shoot and the long hours were taking a toll on everyone. Qu Di had already noticed signs of fatigue in himself, Shu Yi, and Tang Xiyan. They were pushing themselves to the limit to bring this story to life on the screen.


As they wrapped up another scene, Qu Di found Tang Xiyan and handed him a bottle of water. “You’ve been doing great, but don’t forget to stay hydrated. It’s been a long day.”


Tang Xiyan accepted the water and took a moment to catch his breath. “Thanks, Qu Di. I appreciate your support.”


Qu Di smiled, “You’re welcome. We’re a team, and we’re in this together.”


The days on set were intense, but they were also rewarding. Qu Di knew that this experience would stay with him for a long time. As they continued their journey through the world of filmmaking, Qu Di couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in his role as an assistant. He was contributing to the success of this project and learning valuable lessons along the way.


The production continued, and Qu Di was committed to doing his best to assist the cast and crew in any way he could. He was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he was part of something special.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 11 – The Immortal is trapped in love

Chapter 11


Luo Yuqing gazed back at him with deep eyes, “Xuan Zhi.”


Luo Yuqing, whose courtesy name was Xuan Zi.


So he didn’t exactly lie to him.


Zhong Mu suddenly smiled, “Xuan Zhi, it’s my first time walking this long as a human. My feet hurt a bit. Will you carry me?”


“…” Luo Yuqing.


“…” Si Lan.


Not only did this Moth King look like a child on the outside, but his behavior was also childlike. One moment he was complaining, and the next he was acting cute…


But Luo Yuqing, the cold-faced demon, probably wouldn’t fall for this.


However, in the next instant, Si Lan saw Luo Yuqing bend down and pick up the Moth King. He widened his eyes, doubting if he had seen it correctly. Did Luo Yuqing actually carry someone like a princess?


In front of his beautiful junior sister, wasn’t Luo Yuqing always indifferent?


Zhong Mu’s arms naturally wrapped around Luo Yuqing’s neck, and his lips lightly touched Luo Yuqing’s neck, exhaling warmth.


Luo Yuqing, however, maintained a stoic expression, as if he hadn’t sensed Zhong Mu’s intentions.


Si Lan followed the two of them, watching the scene with mixed emotions. Unconsciously, he stroked his dragon horns and said, “The most unforgettable image for Luo Yuqing, how could it be these?”


The dragon’s horn was gripped, and his face was filled with anger.


An impolite Demon Lord.


Luo Yuqing’s most unforgettable memory was not these images but the person in this scene.


Luo Yuqing’s death was probably related to the current Moth King.


But if it remembered correctly, half a year ago, the Earth Immortal had reported this matter to it. The Moth King of the Holy Domain’s Demonic Valley was pierced through the heart by a cultivator’s sword, and his soul was destroyed.


All the other demonic creatures in the Holy Domain’s Demonic Valley were burned to ashes.


It didn’t mention what happened to the cultivator.


Inside the cocoon…


Luo Yuqing placed Zhong Mu on a white jade platform, and Zhong Mu suddenly asked with curiosity, “Are you considered a strange person among humans?”


Luo Yuqing raised his eyelids and replied, “Why do you ask that?”


“Because you have no expression, unlike other humans who always have fear on their faces,” Zhong Mu reminisced.


“…” Luo Yuqing.


That was because when they saw you, their faces would naturally show fear.


“Have you not asked me… I want to hear you ask me…” Zhong Mu’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as he tilted his head and smiled.


Luo Yuqing hesitated about whether to kill Zhong Mu, but then he remembered what his Master had mentioned. Zhong Mu was not afraid of normal injuries.


Luo Yuqing put away the whip in his sleeve and slowly approached Zhong Mu. “Well, I ask you.” Reluctantly, he spoke with a husky and magnetic voice, which strangely sounded sexy to Zhong Mu’s ears.


Zhong Mu looked at him steadily. “If all humans were as good-looking and had such a pleasant voice as you, I wouldn’t be willing to eat them.”


“…” Luo Yuqing.


“By the way, do you have a wife?”




“So… what kind of person do you like?” When Zhong Mu asked this question, there was a hint of nervousness in his tone.


He was hinting something to Luo Yuqing, not knowing if this handsome human could understand.


Luo Yuqing met Zhong Mu’s gaze and slowly replied, “No one.”


Zhong Mu’s disappointment inched onto his face, but he still reached out and embraced Luo Yuqing, resting his chin gently on Luo Yuqing’s shoulder.


Having no one might not be a bad thing.


“Will you stay in the Demonic Valley with me? Otherwise, I might have to give you to those moths outside to eat.”


Zhong Mu sounded like he was threatening Luo Yuqing, but also like he was casually speaking, his tone flat.


Luo Yuqing lowered his head and saw Zhong Mu’s long, thick eyelashes resting against his forehead, making Zhong Mu’s fair skin even whiter.


If Luo Yuqing hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that the young man in his arms was just a delicate young noble, not the ruthless Moth King.


He hadn’t had a chance to reply when Zhong Mu, after his threat, fell asleep heavily in his arms.


Luo Yuqing looked at him, furrowing his brows in thought. He was probably wondering why the Moth King trusted him so much. Wasn’t he afraid of what Luo Yuqing might do while he slept?


Luo Yuqing’s hand hesitated in mid-air, unsure whether to hold him or push him away. Eventually, he let his hand drop and leaned back against the white jade platform, lost in thought.


Without his cultivation, he was starting to feel a bit tired and soon drifted off to sleep.


Si Lan, seeing that both of them were asleep, emerged from the corner and watched his slumbering friend with mixed feelings.


Luo Yuqing was now a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and this physical body was just a vessel for him… So even if the body perished, Luo Yuqing wouldn’t die.


So, the only person who could kill Luo Yuqing would be someone with a higher level of cultivation than him. During this time, Si Lan had observed the Holy Domain’s Demonic Valley and found no such person.


As for the Six Realms, the Four Realms of humans, ghosts, spirits, and demons, there were hardly any individuals who could match Luo Yuqing. The relationship between the two higher realms, the gods and immortals, and the cultivation world was always close, so it was highly unlikely for a Nascent Soul stage cultivator to be killed inexplicably.


In the Demon Realm, Si Lan was revered, and he would never harm Luo Yuqing.


“So, who exactly killed you?”


Si Lan stared at Luo Yuqing’s face, muttering to himself. Just as he was completely puzzled, the scene in front of him changed once again.


Shortly after Luo Yuqing fell asleep, the Moth King got out of bed and went to another room.


The room was filled with a strong smell of blood, nauseating. After a while, there were sounds of bones breaking and chewing in the room, particularly clear in the dark night.


Si Lan vaguely understood what was happening but chose not to follow.


He covered the little white dragon’s ears, fearing that it might be a bad influence.


At that moment, Si Lan saw that Luo Yuqing had also awakened at some point. Luo Yuqing walked through him, following the sounds directly to the door. His face turned ashen as he grasped the doorknob, his fingers turning white.


Zhong Mu was sitting in a pool of blood, likely hearing Luo Yuqing’s footsteps approaching. He turned, facing Luo Yuqing, and suddenly smiled.


The smile was candid, innocent, yet eerie and seductive.


Luo Yuqing instinctively took a step back, a look of reluctance in his eyes.


Zhong Mu stood up and suddenly threw himself into Luo Yuqing’s arms.


“You’re awake.”


“Don’t touch me,” Luo Yuqing said coldly.


Zhong Mu’s body trembled, and he bit his lower lip, “You don’t like me eating…”




Zhong Mu seemed childlike, sighed, and said, “Then I’ll become a vegetarian.”


Luo Yuqing heard this and coldly remarked, “Can moths even be vegetarian?”


“We can maintain a vegetarian diet, but it affects our bodies and cultivation. Eating meat regularly ensures our strength.”


Luo Yuqing lowered his eyelids, his expression inscrutable. “I don’t like you this way.”


Zhong Mu struggled with his thoughts, then raised his head, looking at Luo Yuqing pitifully. “How about I have meat every ten days? Would that be acceptable?”




“But if I don’t eat this, I…”


Seeing Luo Yuqing’s unyielding expression, Zhong Mu sighed, “Alright, I won’t eat it. How about this, can you smile at me? No, from now on, you have to smile at me every day, okay?”


As he said this, his tone slightly flirtatious.


Luo Yuqing remained silent for a while and finally said, “Hmm.”


“Then you can start by smiling once…”


Luo Yuqing seemed somewhat hesitant and tried to smile, but he didn’t quite know how. So, he awkwardly stretched his lips into a smile, which made Zhong Mu burst into laughter.


“You smile like this…”


Zhong Mu tiptoed, reached out to lift the corners of Luo Yuqing’s eyes and lips, and said, “Both your eyes and mouth need to move together to make a real smile.”


Luo Yuqing tried to smile tentatively, his eyes deep, and a gentle smile on his face.


Zhong Mu stared at him blankly, then burst into laughter and buried his head in Luo Yuqing’s chest, holding him tightly.


But Zhong Mu didn’t see the fleeting grimace that crossed Luo Yuqing’s face.


In the following days in the illusion, Luo Yuqing was constantly looking for ways to get rid of Zhong Mu. He was secretly restoring his cultivation while trying to persuade Zhong Mu not to allow the moths to eat humans.


So, the entire Demonic Valley turned into a place of vegetarian moths, which led to their dissatisfaction.


Si Lan had an instinct that Luo Yuqing couldn’t stay in the Demonic Valley any longer, not out of fear for his life, but for his emotional well-being.


Luo Yuqing practiced a heart-based cultivation path, so even if he got married, had children, and led a normal life, it wouldn’t affect his cultivation. The only thing that could impact him was emotional attachment.


Si Lan was afraid that if Luo Yuqing kept calculating and planning, he might eventually calculate himself into a corner.


But Luo Yuqing showed no intention of leaving.


In the illusion, Zhong Mu was blissfully unaware of any impending danger. He was busy preparing for his upcoming wedding with Luo Yuqing.


Following human customs, he decorated the once dark Demonic Valley with red lanterns and banners, filling the entire valley with a festive atmosphere.


On the day before the wedding, a group of servants tried to capture Luo Yuqing with the intention of devouring him. They didn’t want to see the Moth King played with by a human.


When Zhong Mu found them, Luo Yuqing was already severely injured. His right arm had been bitten, and blood was flowing profusely.


Zhong Mu immediately transformed into his true form and rushed to save Luo Yuqing. He grabbed Luo Yuqing and used his wings to attack the servants, sending them flying. They lay on the ground, spitting blood.


The servants were not Zhong Mu’s match, and they lay injured on the ground. Still, they refused to give up and wanted to attack Luo Yuqing.


“King, even if you kill me, today, I will kill this human!”


“King, we will never allow you to be with a human!”


They all kneeled on the ground, willing to die in order to threaten Zhong Mu. Even if they couldn’t kill Luo Yuqing today, they would do it tomorrow. Even if they died, other servants would continue their mission.


Zhong Mu was infuriated and used his magic to transport them beneath the Soaring Dragon Tree.


Zhong Mu pointed to the enormous tree and threatened, “If you kill him, I will destroy the Soaring Dragon Tree. If you’re not afraid to die, then neither am I. We will die together.”


The servants were shocked by this threat, their faces full of disbelief.


Zhong Mu was willing to destroy the entire Demonic Valley for a human?


He’s gone mad!


Hearing this, Luo Yuqing raised his head and looked at the Soaring Dragon Tree, his eyes gleaming.


This strange tree seemed different from the rest of the Holy Domain’s Demonic Valley.




The servants wanted to say something more, but at that moment, Luo Yuqing suddenly fainted from his severe injuries. Zhong Mu hastily caught him.


“Don’t say anything more. My mind is made up.”


Zhong Mu finished speaking and, carrying Luo Yuqing, vanished in the blink of an eye.


Luo Yuqing had suffered numerous injuries, with the most severe being the chunk of flesh torn from his right arm, causing blood to flow continuously.


Zhong Mu helped stop the bleeding and used magic to stabilize Luo Yuqing’s injuries. Likely because he had exerted too much inner energy to save Luo Yuqing, Zhong Mu’s face turned slightly pale as he leaned against Luo Yuqing’s chest.


When Luo Yuqing woke up from his unconscious state, he found himself looking into Zhong Mu’s unusually pale face. Zhong Mu was sleeping lightly, his breath falling gently on Luo Yuqing’s chest.


The area under his touch seemed to swell and throb.


Zhong Mu’s voice became softer as he asked, “How are you?”


Luo Yuqing nodded gently.


Zhong Mu raised his head, his gaze fixed on Luo Yuqing. They were close, just inches apart, their breaths mingling.


Zhong Mu suddenly tugged at the corner of his lips, closed his eyes, lowered his head, and kissed Luo Yuqing’s lips. Luo Yuqing didn’t push him away.


Countless white lights appeared out of thin air, forming a barrier around them, tightly enveloping the two of them.


Inside the barrier, there were sounds of love and pleasure.


Si Lan hadn’t expected to witness such a scene. He stood outside the barrier, feeling a bit awkward. Instinctively, he covered the little white dragon’s eyes, and then, recalling something, he also covered the dragon’s ears.


“No peeking, and no eavesdropping!” Si Lan warned the little white dragon.


The little white dragon remained silent.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 64

       No one was injured.

       This only meant that both passengers and crew members returned to the ground safely.

       When Zhou Mo heard the news, he almost broke down and hugged Cheng Sen, bawling his eyes out. He didn’t know what Suo Yang was like when he was on the plane, nor what his mood was like, but today’s incident had taken him back to a few years ago, to his last flight.

       Zhou Mo was in the economy class at the time. After learning about the landing gear failure, just like this time, they began to hover over the city. He and all his colleagues explained the situation to the passengers, calmed everyone’s emotions, and ensured that they would land safely.

       However, accidents always happen when people were unprepared.

       A passenger asked Zhou Mo for water. When Zhou Mo turned around to get him water, he was suddenly kicked in the waist. At that time, he was kicked hard in the waist, and his head hit the inner wall of the cabin.

       At that time, Zhou Mo had just gotten engaged to Cheng Sen, and he was still wearing a ring on his finger. When he was dizzy, and his back hurt so much that he couldn’t move, he burst into tears looking at the ring.

       Call him a deserter, call him irresponsible. He resigned after that.

       There were many reasons, but that incident completely triggered his idea of changing careers.

       This incident might seem easy to talk about, but for Zhou Mo, it was a memory of pain and fear. No one knew how scared he was when he was lying there, unable to move.

       Will Suo Yang be afraid?

       Will Suo Yang encounter difficult passengers?

       As a friend and former colleague, Zhou Mo hoped that Suo Yang would be luckier than him.

       The airport was still bustling with people.

       The plane landed smoothly, sliding on its belly and smoking.

       All passengers were evacuated immediately, followed by the crew.

       Fortunately, no irreversible accidents occurred in the follow-up, and Suo Yang’s suspended heart could finally find some relief.

       When he stepped on the solid ground again, he felt as if he was stepping on clouds, and everything was so unreal.

       The candy in his pocket was gone, but it didn’t matter. He could still ask for it from Shen Huiming.

       Suo Yang couldn’t wait to turn on the phone and call Shen Huiming directly.

       Shen Huiming’s hands were trembling as he waited outside. He was still standing far away from the crowd and some distance from the exit, but he knew that his Suo Yang would be able to see him as soon as he walked out.

       To outsiders, Shen Huiming didn’t seem to be with those emotionally distraught passengers or their relatives. On the surface, there was no sign of anything unusual about him.

       However, when his cell phone rang, it took him a long time to successfully take it out of his pocket.

       His hands were shaking, and his palms were sweaty. He couldn’t do the simple act of picking out the phone out of his pocket.

       When Shen Huiming saw the name of the caller, the words ‘Suo Yang’ were like a letter from the gods, and he almost couldn’t breathe.

       “Suo Yang.”

       Suo Yang walked out with everyone. He couldn’t go to see Shen Huiming immediately. There were many things to deal with later, so he could only let the other party continue to wait.

       “I’m fine.” Suo Yang’s nose felt a little sore when he heard Shen Huiming’s voice. He said softly, “It’s just…the candy I brought is missing.”

       Shen Huiming burst out laughing. After laughing, he was a little choked up.

       “It’s okay, I still have a lot at home.”

       “Okay, where are you? A coffee shop?”

       “At the international arrivals exit.” Shen Huiming asked, “Will it be long before I see you?”

       “It may still take some time. You can go to the coffee shop and wait for me,” Suo Yang said, “I’m fine, don’t be afraid, don’t worry.”

       Although Suo Yang said this, Shen Huiming was still uneasy. He had to see the other party with his own eyes to believe that his Suo Yang was really fine.

       “I’ll be waiting for you.” Shen Huiming said, “I miss you.”

       Shen Huiming’s words, ‘I miss you’, suddenly made Suo Yang feel a little uncomfortable. The reason for the discomfort was simply that he had made his lover worried.

       He looked back at their plane, and the light smoke made his heart skip a beat.

       Shen Huiming waited for a long time. He went to the coffee shop to wait obediently and did nothing. He just kept looking in the direction where Suo Yang would come.

       People were coming and going over there, but Suo Yang was nowhere to be seen.

       Until it got dark and it started snowing again.

       When Suo Yang came over, Shen Huiming fell asleep on the table. He had waited too long, his mood was always tense, and he was too tired.

       As soon as he walked into the coffee shop, Suo Yang looked at the familiar location, and his eyes turned red immediately when he saw that Shen Huiming, a good little boss, was in the coffee shop and fell asleep.

       He felt sorry for Shen Huiming, but at the same time, he felt fortunate.

       Do people have to experience some life-and-death moments before they can better understand the meaning of life?

       In the past, Suo Yang always felt that the most important thing in his life was flying, but now, in addition to flying, he also wanted to grow old together with this person.

       He walked over and carefully stroked the other person’s hair.

       Shen Huiming didn’t sleep soundly. Suddenly waking up, he looked at the person in front of him in a daze. After coming back to his senses, he abruptly sat up and pulled the person into his arms.

       The chairs in the coffee shop were overturned, and the only two customers around turned to look at them.

       Shen Huiming held Suo Yang tightly in his arms as if he wished he could become one with his own flesh and blood.

       Suo Yang felt some warmth on his neck. He raised his hand and patted Shen Huiming’s back gently.

       This man cried because of himself.

       Suo Yang raised his head and looked at the roof of the airport, but he still couldn’t control it, and tears still fell from the corners of his eyes.

       No one wanted to cry.

       At this time, they should hold hands to celebrate and shout ’Long Live Life’.

       However, Shen Huiming couldn’t say a word now, and he couldn’t even say Suo Yang’s name properly.

       Even though he was not on the plane, he felt like he was surviving a disaster.

       As for Suo Yang, he had experienced more serious emergencies than this, but he had never been so eager to land safely as he was today. He had to come back well and see Shen Huiming properly.

       Since he lost contact with his family a few years ago, he had almost no worries anymore. He regularly transferred money to his parents’ account and regularly inquired about their situation. Everything else seemed not to matter.

       But now, he finally understood how important it was to continue living well.

       They hugged like this for a long time until Shen Huiming finally calmed down.

       When he let go of Suo Yang, the collar of Suo Yang’s shirt was already wet with his tears.

       “I hugged you too tightly. Did it hurt you?” Shen Huiming straightened up and rubbed the tears on Suo Yang’s face with his fingers.

       Suo Yang picked up the tissue on the table and wiped his eyes, “No, I like it.”

       Shen Huiming looked at him and couldn’t help but hug him again.

       Not enough hugs.

       How could there be enough hugs?

       God knows how scared he was today. He didn’t dare to think or guess. He didn’t dare to predict whether it was a good outcome or a bad outcome. He suppressed all thoughts in his heart, just waiting quietly, guarding. There were moments when he felt like Suo Yang had turned into a wisp of smoke and drifted away from his embrace.

       He couldn’t allow this to happen. He had to keep him by his side.

       “Suo Yang.” Shen Huiming said into his ear, “I love you.”

       Suo Yang’s tears had stopped originally, but when she heard Shen Huiming’s words, they started to flow again.

       “I love you too.”

       The two of them rarely talked about the word love but more often expressed it in actions. They both felt that no matter how much they said it, it was better to show it properly. Words alone were not enough to convey love.

       But at this moment, they also realised that conveying love was not enough without the support of words.

       “I love you.” Shen Huiming took a deep breath and sniffed the scent of Suo Yang vigorously.

       “I know,” Suo Yang stroked his back, “Huiming, let’s go home, take a bath and have a good sleep.”

       They were all too tired.

       Suo Yang had just experienced a ‘battle’ in which he exhausted all his courage and strength, and so did his lover, except that they were not on the same battlefield.

       “Okay, let’s go home.” Shen Huiming still hugged him and didn’t let go. “I’ll call my parents later and tell them that we have something to do tonight and won’t be going back.”


       “Let’s rest another day, and we’ll go see them again.”

       “It’s all up to you.”

       The two of them just hugged each other tightly in the airport coffee shop regardless of other people’s opinions. Two grown men, crying without any concern for their appearance.

       After changing his clothes and preparing to go home, Song Kai wanted to drink a cup of coffee to calm down. He walked over from a distance and saw the two people hugging there. He walked at full speed and then even stopped altogether.

       They were several meters apart, and although he couldn’t see their expressions clearly, they knew without looking that what Suo Yang said to him was true.

       Even if you get tired of living, he won’t get tired of me.

       Song Kai smiled, turned around and left.

       He didn’t feel like buying coffee anymore and just went home.

       Suo Yang didn’t see Song Kai at all. He couldn’t see anyone except Shen Huiming now.

       He clearly said he wanted to go home, but Shen Huiming just hugged him and refused to let go, as if he had no intention of leaving at all.

       Suo Yang simply stayed with him, placing his palms on Shen Huiming’s back, feeling his heartbeat and breathing.

       “Suo Yang.” After a while, Shen Huiming suddenly called Suo Yang’s name.

       “Yeah, I’m here.” Suo Yang responded softly, rubbing the other person’s face at the same time.

       “Let’s get married too.” Shen Huiming closed his eyes, and his tone finally returned to its usual calmness, “Although I’m sorry that there are no flowers, no ring, nothing prepared, and I seem to be in a bit of a mess, I’m proposing to you right now, so marry me.”


       Suo Yang had never thought about this.

       Shen Huiming let go of Suo Yang, their eyes met, and he slowly knelt down on one knee.

       “Maybe it’s because today’s accident caused me to act on impulse,” Shen Huiming raised his hand and reached out to Suo Yang, his palm facing up, waiting for the other party to hold him, “But even if it was on impulse, I will never regret it. “

       “Huiming…” Suo Yang looked at him, and his heartbeat started to beat very fast.

       “Let’s get married, go to Berlin, in the same church as last time, the two of us, and let God be our witness.”

The author has something to say:
Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-06-04 12:25:20~2020-06-05 06:00:50~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Even though this is so romantic and heartwarming but Suo Yang had just got into a very traumatic flight from BERLIN tho… I mean… hopefully not right away, right? Right??

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and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
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Chapter 71 – A fledgling at first

Chapter 71 – A fledgling at first


Jian Luo sighed heavily and said, “Look, everyone is queuing up. Why are you in such a hurry? We still need your help with our stall.”


“Since you have your mom, you don’t need me,” Jian Sheng, now completely irresponsible when it came to his idol, replied, “How about I go first, and you join me later, bro?”


Because of the class teacher’s invitation, Su Liang accompanied Jian Luo. As a mother, she was quite considerate and good at taking care of people.


Whenever a friend was thirsty or hungry, she always noticed it first. Even though the dark star students might have some initial reservations about humans, most of them quickly let go of their prejudices after getting to know Su Liang.


Jian Luo thought for a moment and said, “Alright, let’s go together.”


Jian Sheng was thrilled, “Yeah!”


He was basically dragged along by his younger brother. As Lu Shifeng’s number one fan, Jian Sheng was extremely interested in everything about his idol. While walking, Jian Luo chatted with Lu Shifeng.


He sent a message, “How come there are still some covers left outside?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “That’s unusual. Damaged ones should be collected uniformly and not left outside. Why?”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to tell him about the covers being used as attractions at the flea market by the kids. After some thought, he casually said, “Oh, it’s nothing. It just crossed my mind. By the way, I heard you’re pretty famous in school. Many people admire you and think you’re amazing.”


He thought Lu Shifeng would be a bit conceited. Little did he know that Lu Shifeng replied, “It seems Mr. Jian has a different opinion?”


Jian Luo felt cornered. In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, he said, “No, not at all. I know you’re amazing, but we see each other every day, right? My admiration is all in my heart.”


Every day? Lu Shifeng disagreed, “It’s been two days since we last met.”



Why calculate so precisely!


Following Jian Sheng, Jian Luo walked up to the stall. There was already a long line ahead. He replied to Lu Shifeng while waiting, “I can go back today. The flea market will end soon. Will you come to pick me up later?”


Most of the time, it was Secretary Jin who picked him up. Jian Luo didn’t have much hope, so he just said it casually. However, Lu Shifeng agreed readily, “Give me a specific time, and I’ll be there.”


Jian Luo was slightly surprised at first, then agreed, “Alright.”


After the chat, he turned his attention back to the things on the stall. He also heard the class president of this class maintaining order in front, “One touch per person. If you want to take photos, you have to buy something.”


People of various races had come, and young ones tended to seek security by attaching themselves to powerful races. This was one of the reasons why the alien students liked to attach themselves to nobles. Weak individuals would feel safe and happy when they relied on powerful ones.


For young children, the textbooks contained the achievements of several generations of Dragon Kings. Lu Shifeng’s remarkable feats were even being adapted into idol dramas. To the alien students, the Dragon King might be like Ultraman and Power Rangers that Earth kids admired—a source of unspoken pride.


Jian Sheng said, “Lu Shifeng is amazing. He’s my favorite among all the Dragon Kings. At first, many people didn’t think much of him, but he eventually succeeded through his own efforts. He has indestructible scales and unparalleled leadership. I heard his dragon body is even larger, and one tail can destroy enemy warships.”


Jian Luo remarked casually, “Scales might not be as indestructible as you think; he can get injured.”


He had just said it casually, but Jian Sheng vehemently disagreed, “No way! Marshal Lu won’t get hurt!”


Another kid behind Jian Luo joined in, “…”


Jian Luo sighed and turned to meet the gaze of another one of Lu Shifeng’s fanboys. Feeling somewhat defeated, he nodded, “Yeah, what you said is right.”


The other fanboy chimed in, “How tough are Marshal’s scales? Are they colder than ice?”


Jian Luo casually replied, “No, I don’t think so. His scales should be quite warm.”


“Really?” Jian Sheng innocently asked, “Aren’t dragons cold-blooded creatures? The books say that their scales only warm up when they’re being affectionate with their mates. Otherwise, they’re usually cool. Is that what you mean, bro?”




Jian Luo gradually widened his eyes.


Jian Sheng looked puzzled, “What’s wrong?”


“No… nothing.” Jian Luo felt like he had been schooled by a kid today, “Is that really what the books say?”


Jian Sheng nodded, “Of course!”


They continued to browse the items in front of the stall, but many things here seemed overpriced and not worth it.


Jian Sheng, always straightforward, commented, “Aren’t these items priced much higher than the market rate?”


The person in charge of the stall replied, somewhat defensively, “What? How are these expensive? After buying them, you can get up close with the things Marshal has used. You’ll profit, you know?”


Jian Sheng frowned.


Although they also bought things to get freebies, the situation was entirely different from this. Their items were priced based on their actual value, and the cakes were edible. It was still reasonable, but here it was a complete rip-off.


A kid behind them stood at the stall, pointing at a toy ball and asked softly, “How much is this?”


The salesperson said, “It’s 50 star coins.”


The child looked at the ball in silence, then finally said softly, “I only have 40. Can I buy it?”


“Of course not! We don’t haggle.” The salesperson placed their hands on their hips, “If you don’t have enough money, go wait over there. Don’t block others from buying.”


Jian Sheng watched for a while and spoke up, “Isn’t this ball damaged? I remember a brand new one costs only 45.”


The salesperson’s face turned slightly red, and they replied sternly, “Where is it damaged? If you don’t understand, don’t make baseless claims!”


This attitude was somewhat hard to accept.


Jian Luo found it quite amusing and asked Jian Sheng, “Did you buy anything?”


Jian Sheng held a clock he had just picked, “Yeah.”


Jian Luo suggested, “Let’s go take a look at the legendary covers together.”


The two of them waited in line for a while and finally reached the stall. They saw the legendary covers, which were golden and gleaming with a metallic sheen.


Jian Sheng exclaimed, “Wow, they’re so cool.”


The squad leader with the protective cover in his hand enjoys watching these inexperienced people: “Be careful, don’t touch it.”


Jian Sheng looked at it with great interest.


In just a few seconds, the squad leader urged them, “Hurry up and leave after you’re done. Don’t delay the others.”


Jian Sheng was surprised, “So fast?”


The squad leader was a bit impatient, “What else do you expect?!”



Jian Luo looked at a group of students not far away who were enduring unfair prices, and finally spoke, “This protective cover isn’t from Lu Shifeng.”


As soon as these words fell, silence filled the surroundings. Everyone’s gaze turned towards him, indicating their astonishment. This statement was no small matter. They had bought so many things, and the reason they all bought in was to see General Lu’s protective cover. Did he just say it wasn’t real?


The squad leader’s reaction wasn’t pleasant either. She was somewhat annoyed, “What nonsense are you talking about?! This was worn by General Lu during the battle on Planet A in the first month!”


Jian Luo remained calm, “Lu Shifeng doesn’t like gold. His equipment is generally black. Even if it’s not, it wouldn’t be gold.”


This was the first time someone had put forth such a novel claim.


People looked at each other, unsure of how to react.


The squad leader, seeing that everyone was silent, grew angry, “What do you know? You’re a human. How would you understand the preferences of our Dark Star General? Do you think we snatched your class’s business? Of course, this is Lu General’s protective cover. Would I lie to you?”


With her imposing manner, others started to believe her a bit.


“Does General Lu really dislike gold?”

“I don’t know.”

“But no matter what, humans are more knowledgeable, right?”


Jian Luo didn’t want to argue with her, but since she was being confrontational, he had no choice. Despite the girl’s defiance, Jian Luo remained calm and raised an eyebrow, “Humans use the internet too. Don’t they check? Since you claim it’s Lu Shifeng’s, do you know that he always engraves his name on his protective equipment? Yours should have it too, right?”


The squad leader was taken aback.


Although she was also a fan of Lu Shifeng, she hadn’t seen this video and didn’t dare to refute Jian Luo, fearing that she might say something wrong and expose herself.


But it didn’t matter; she wouldn’t let Jian Luo inspect it.


With this in mind, the squad leader asserted confidently, “Yes, what’s the matter?!”


Jian Luo’s lips curved into a faint smile, and he spoke slowly, “I’m really sorry. I haven’t watched that video, and I made up the part about the engraving.”



A hushed silence fell over the crowd.


All the students stared dumbfoundedly at the cunning adult. Some of the quicker ones realized they had been deceived.


“Isn’t this not General’s protective cover at all?”

“Are you lying?”

“I want a refund.”

“Yeah, you sold it so expensive; do you think we’re fools?”


The children’s remarks pierced the squad leader’s pride. She didn’t have much confidence to begin with, and now she was completely flustered. The item had been given to her by the robotic butler, and she didn’t know if it was real. She was already someone who couldn’t back down easily, and now, being publicly humiliated, she had to muster her courage to save face.


With this in mind, the squad leader decided to take drastic action. She raised her head defiantly and said, “This is definitely real. If you don’t believe me, you can use a Soulstone to test it!”


The crowd exchanged puzzled looks.


Jian Luo didn’t know what this thing was, so he lowered his voice and asked Jian Sheng, “What’s a Soulstone?”


Jian Sheng quickly explained, “It’s a stone used to test spiritual power and combat ability. You don’t need to do it in front of the owner. You just need to ignite it and confirm the connection with the object, and it will display the object’s spiritual power value. General Lu’s spiritual power value is very high. We can just test it!”


Jian Luo heard about this for the first time. He seemed to understand and said, “I see.”


In fact, all the evidence he mentioned was fabricated on the spot. The real reason he was so certain it wasn’t Lu Shifeng’s item was because he had personally seen General Lu’s protective cover when he returned from the battle on Planet A in the first month, and it was black. However, he couldn’t reveal this, so he had to keep up the act.


“Let’s go ahead and test it,” Jian Luo said. “I’m looking forward to it.”


The squad leader hadn’t expected Jian Luo to be so confident. Initially, she had just made a casual remark, but now, being unable to back down in front of her class, she had to double down.


With this in mind, she raised her head and stubbornly declared, “This is definitely real. If you don’t believe me, you can use a Soulstone to test it!”


The crowd exchanged puzzled looks.


Jian Luo didn’t know what this thing was, so he lowered his voice and asked Jian Sheng, “What’s a Soulstone?”


Jian Sheng quickly explained, “It’s a stone used to test spiritual power and combat ability. You don’t need to do it in front of the owner. You just need to ignite it and confirm the connection with the object, and it will display the object’s spiritual power value. General Lu’s spiritual power value is very high. We can just test it!”


Jian Luo heard about this for the first time. He seemed to understand and said, “I see.”


In fact, all the evidence he mentioned was fabricated on the spot. The real reason he was so certain it wasn’t Lu Shifeng’s item was because he had personally seen General Lu’s protective cover when he returned from the battle on Planet A in the first month, and it was black. However, he couldn’t reveal this, so he had to keep up the act.


“Let’s go ahead and test it,” Jian Luo said. “I’m looking forward to it.”


The squad leader hadn’t expected Jian Luo to be so confident. Initially, she had just made a casual remark, but now, being unable to back down in front of her class, she had to double down.


Other students chimed in:

“We demand a test.”

“Yeah, we want to test it.”

“You have to prove it’s real.”


The squad leader clenched her teeth and decided to take a gamble. The students behind her said, “Bring the Soulstone!”


Seeing that it was getting serious, quite a few kids gathered around. Although this place was somewhat remote, the crowd was growing because of this incident.


Jian Luo leaned against the stall, calmly watching the drama unfold.


Before long, the Soulstone arrived. It was a red stone placed on a tray, gleaming under the sun. Everyone was waiting for the moment the Soulstone would be ignited, especially to see how it interacted with the protective cover.




The flame flickered in the air as the squad leader cautiously lit the Soulstone. Everyone held their breath, anticipating the moment when the red smoke would envelop the protective cover.


The red smoke slowly began to burn from the Soulstone, gradually spreading in the air, and the entire stone started to glow. This was indeed a reaction that only occurred in the presence of pureblood dragons.


The squad leader’s eyes lit up, and she proudly said, “See? I told you!”


As she spoke, the red smoke encircled the protective cover and then seemed to disdainfully move away. It swirled in the air like a dog sniffing around, and finally, with a burst of enthusiasm, it rushed towards the onlookers, particularly targeting Jian Luo, who was standing to the side.


In the wide-eyed gaze of the crowd, the smoke from the Soulstone hit Jian Luo’s abdomen like an affectionate puppy.


Jian Luo was taken aback. He had been lazily leaning against the stall with no reaction, but the smoke from the Soulstone came too quickly. He had no time to dodge, and everyone was astonished at what happened in the blink of an eye.


The air fell silent for a moment.


After a while…




A piercing pain radiated from his abdomen. Jian Luo’s face turned pale. This familiar pain was something he had experienced only once before in Peace Paradise. The dragon reaction forming in his abdomen was even more intense than the last time. Jian Luo suddenly doubled over, half-crouching on the ground, his face devoid of color.


This sudden turn of events left all the children in a panic.


Just when they didn’t know what was going on, suddenly, a somewhat immature but rapidly forming dragon aura began to emanate. It was the distinct unease unique to Dark Star hatchlings. In an instant, it covered the entire school. The flea market was quite large, composed of numerous classes, and everyone was bustling around, but the scent of the beast was very sensitive, and the children were no exception. It happened in almost an instant—


Everyone stopped what they were doing, collectively turning their heads to look in the same direction.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 86 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 86


Lu Jingning enjoyed this chaotic battle mode because it meant he could skip the hassle of attracting monsters and focus on indiscriminate attacks. As the chaos settled, almost all the participants, except for those who had left the starting area at the beginning, were killed.


After casually tossing away the guy he had used as a weapon, Lu Jingning felt extremely satisfied with the points he had earned. As he patted the dust off his clothes, he set off towards the next base.


The audience finally reacted and quickly checked the list of eliminated players to make sure they didn’t find the blue-haired celebrity’s name. They all heaved a sigh of relief. 


He’s safe!


They knew their husband couldn’t be easily defeated!


The blue-haired celebrity’s name was Lan Yuanzhou, a well-known bounty hunter in the industry. As the camera followed him, it was evident that he was moving incredibly fast. In a blink of an eye, he reached the first base and swiftly tagged in, earning himself 10 points. However, the leaderboard numbers continuously updated, and one person jumped to 30 points, taking the top position with an absolute advantage.


Lan Yuanzhou realized something had happened and looked interested as he glanced at the person’s name on the leaderboard—Lu Jingning. He didn’t recognize the name; it must be a newcomer.


In just a short period, more than 20 people were eliminated, leaving some who had managed to gain a few points from killing others, giving them a chance to advance if the remaining participants failed to score.


Lan Yuanzhou calculated in his mind and knew he had secured his qualification. He whistled lightly and continued to the next base, preferring to earn more points by capturing bases rather than fighting.


As the camera followed Lan Yuanzhou, the barrage exploded with messages:


“Ah ah ah, my husband is so handsome! I want to have his babies!”


“The way my husband runs is like a romance novel.”


“In such a brutal and bloody scene, my Zhouzhou is like a clear stream.”


“Wow, he can participate in this bounty competition so elegantly. He truly lives up to the Alpha I chose!”


“Zhouzhou is mine! Others, put away your knives!”



Although such barrage messages seemed out of place in a bounty competition, the live broadcast staff didn’t underestimate the man on the screen. Lan Yuanzhou might have an extravagant and flamboyant appearance, but those who knew him well understood that he was a naturally S-class pheromone holder and had undertaken countless bounty missions. If he decided to fight seriously, he would be an absolute menace.


The broadcast staff then noticed something interesting in other areas and quickly switched the camera to another participant.


Just when the audience was enjoying Lan Yuanzhou’s performance, a head of dazzling blond hair flashed across the screen. They immediately recognized the violent Omega from earlier.


If it were any other person occupying Lan Yuanzhou’s screen time, they might have complained, but Lu Jingning had built up their curiosity so much that they could temporarily endure not seeing their husband.


Indeed, their husbands were still the priority, so they would climb over walls just for a few seconds!


Like Lan Yuanzhou, Lu Jingning’s background rapidly retreated. Surprisingly, the changes in his surroundings didn’t seem any slower than Lan Yuanzhou’s. It even felt faster.


Could it be that this Omega’s speed was comparable to Lan Yuanzhou’s? That’s impossible, right?!


As the absurd thought flashed through their minds, the audience instinctively wanted to dismiss it. However, some keen observers noticed that the vegetation behind the two participants seemed unnaturally similar.


Although the preliminary competition map was just a simple wilderness, the vegetation was distributed according to different bases. In this case, there was only one possibility—the two of them had arrived near the same base at the same time.


As expected, at a crossroad closest to the base, the two of them met face to face.


At the same time, the barrage was completely overwhelmed by colorful exclamation marks. To add more fun for the audience, the league organizers allowed viewers to choose from seven colors of exclamation marks depending on their level of appreciation for the content.


At this moment, a big spender launched a hundred deep-sea torpedoes, along with a series of rainbow-colored exclamation marks, which stood out among the barrage.


Lu Jingning had previously seen that one of the bases had already been claimed by another contestant, so he chose to abandon it and head to another base where no one had attacked yet. To his surprise, someone else made the same choice.


Even more surprisingly, it was the blue-haired celebrity from before.


Lu Jingning’s gaze swept over the guy’s eye-catching eyeshadow and stayed there for a while, but he didn’t say anything.


Wen Ge, I’m sorry.


It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be low-key. It’s just that the Alpha in front of him had a somewhat, uh, aggressive appearance, to the point where it made him feel like his self-esteem was threatened.


Damn, he’s even more flamboyant than me. Can’t he show a bit more of an Alpha vibe?!


Lu Jingning grumbled in his mind and took a few more glances at that face.


Forget it, no need to use pheromones. Let’s not draw too much attention this early in the competition. And who knows, this Alpha might be even more intrigued if I remain low-key.


What Lu Jingning didn’t know was that at the same time, Lan Yuanzhou had a similar thought.


This was an Omega, and a pretty good-looking one at that.


Let’s skip using pheromones; he didn’t want his fans to think he was bullying others. So, both of them halted their steps, and the next second, they faced each other directly.


In the bounty competition, where interests were paramount, they had no prior relationship, so there was nothing to say or greet each other about. It was better to communicate with their fists.


Lu Jingning soon discovered that this blue-haired celebrity wasn’t the soft cushion he had imagined. After a few collisions, his eyes gradually lit up.


Wow, so this is the skill of a star player? Indeed, quite interesting!


On the other hand, Lan Yuanzhou seemed surprised too. Initially, he didn’t consider this newcomer Omega much of a threat. He even held back slightly during the attack, thinking that 60-70% of his strength would be enough to eliminate his opponent easily.


However, after several attempts, he couldn’t find an appropriate opening. Every time it seemed like he was about to hit the other person, they would casually evade, leaving him unable to use his full strength.


This situation indicated one thing: the Omega on the other side was even faster than him?


This was completely unexpected for Lan Yuanzhou. The casual expression on his face slowly faded away as he became more focused.


Meanwhile, in the live broadcast, the audience was left in shock. No one expected this Omega to face Lan Yuanzhou head-on rather than running away. Moreover, they seemed evenly matched in strength?!


If some people thought Lu Jingning’s actions were reckless due to overconfidence, their jaws were now wide open, ready to swallow a whole egg. This Omega was extraordinary!


Since the virtual map in the preliminary competition didn’t provide any weapons, the two relied solely on their bare hands. Lan Yuanzhou was more accustomed to using soft weapons like beam whips, and close combat wasn’t his forte. Yet, he found himself continuously forced to retreat by Lu Jingning’s relentless attacks.


Lan Yuanzhou’s forehead slightly creased. At this point, he couldn’t accept the excuse of being “not good at close combat.” Hand-to-hand combat primarily depended on the body’s strength, and he was being outmatched by an Omega. Although he didn’t know the other’s background, it was hard for him to accept this fact.


As Lu Jingning prepared to strike again, Lan Yuanzhou decided to strengthen his defense and endure the attack this time. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, adopting the most effective position to withstand the force. With his strength, he could almost endure a head-on blow from a heavy mech.


However, even in this stance, when Lu Jingning’s fist swung toward him, he was still sent flying several meters back. He came to a stop only after his feet sank deep into the ground.


Lan Yuanzhou felt a slight tingling sensation in his arms. He hadn’t expected the opponent’s strength to be so powerful, and his surprise was evident in his expression.


But in the blink of an eye, a rare trace of battle intent appeared in Lan Yuanzhou’s eyes. He abandoned any thought of underestimating his opponent and prepared to go all out in the fight. However, just as he raised his head to respond…


He saw neither the opponent’s victorious expression after landing the hit nor their figure. All that remained in his field of vision was the back of someone who was dashing gleefully towards the base, like a flash of lightning, disappearing in an instant.


For the first time, Lan Yuanzhou, fully aware of the live broadcast, failed to maintain his idol image and muttered with a heavy tone, “Damn?!”


After the tentative attack, Lu Jingning had grasped the opponent’s strength well. Considering this man’s formidable defense, although it wasn’t impossible to eliminate him, it would require expending much more pheromone energy than was worth it. Just 2 points… it was a waste of effort. Choosing to occupy the first base for 10 points was a much better option.


Lan Yuanzhou concluded that playing with him was no longer worthwhile. They would meet again if fate allowed it.


Author’s Note: Lan Yuanzhou, are you surprised? Unexpected, isn’t it?


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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