Day: October 27, 2023

Chapter 13 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 13


The next day, they didn’t continue with the previous day’s filming. Instead, they focused on Tang Xiyan and Wen Gu’s scenes. Qu Di noticed that Yang Ji didn’t show up.


Yang Ji’s assistant did come for a moment but left after talking to the director. 


Due to Tang Xiyan’s injury, the director rescheduled his bedridden scene. He just had to wear a white coat and lie under a blanket while Wen Gu delivered his lines.


This scene took place indoors, and Qu Di, along with others, watched from outside. Shu Yi was dressed in costume and stood nearby with a small fan in his hand.


Qu Di discreetly created some distance between them. Shu Yi seemed oblivious to this and started a conversation.


“I heard you’re not from Y City.”


“Well, I’m from P City,” Qu Di replied.


“P City has the sea, right? I went there a couple of years ago for an ad shoot. It’s really beautiful, and the air is good. By the way, you must be great at swimming since you’ve lived by the sea.”


Qu Di blushed a bit and admitted, “Actually… I don’t know how to swim.”


“Oh?” Shu Yi looked surprised, then laughed, saying, “I thought people who lived by the sea would definitely know how to swim.”


“I didn’t grow up there, and I’ve never been to the seaside. I… uh… I lived in the mountains when I was a kid. I only moved to P City with my mother when I was a bit older.”


“I see.” Seemingly understanding that Qu Di wasn’t very interested in this topic, Shu Yi changed the subject. “So, did you graduate from Rong University? There aren’t many options for universities related to this field in P City.”


“Yes, I studied screenwriting at the university.”


Shu Yi glanced at Tang Xiyan in the distance and asked, “Then why did you become an assistant? From what I know, most screenwriting graduates either study abroad after graduation to improve their credentials or use connections to get into the industry directly.”


Qu Di didn’t avoid the topic and said, “People say that graduating equals unemployment. Right after graduation, it’s a bit tough to find work in screenwriting. So, I thought I could learn and gain some experience as an assistant. It might help in the future.”


That was the truth. In the current industry, without connections, even if you had exceptional talent, it was challenging to get recognized.


Shu Yi pondered for a moment and said, “If you don’t mind, you can show me your scripts. I’ve been in the industry for many years, and I can give you some feedback. And… if it’s suitable, I might be able to help you find an investor.”


Qu Di couldn’t believe his ears. He was about to grab Shu Yi’s sleeve but thought better of it, considering Shu Yi’s expensive outfit. He asked, somewhat hesitantly, “Is that for real? But… wouldn’t it be a bit troublesome for you?”


After all, they were on vastly different levels in the industry. Qu Di was just an ordinary assistant.


“It’s just a small favor, and right now, the market is so frenzied. Good scripts are too rare, and I don’t want to see good scripts buried. Plus, if you succeed in the future, just remember to look me up.”


“Are you serious?” Qu Di was a bit incredulous. He was aware that, even if his work was adapted into a film or series, he might not be able to afford someone of Shu Yi’s caliber.


Shu Yi gave him a serious look and spoke with a low, emotional tone, “I’m not joking. If it’s your script, I genuinely want to be a part of it.”


Qu Di was taken aback and couldn’t help but feel moved. He even felt Shu Yi’s hand on top of his head, patting him twice, as Shu Yi’s magnetic voice softly whispered, “Consider this my reward.”


He stood frozen in place, unable to comprehend what this meant. He didn’t have the confidence to tell himself that Shuyi had taken an interest in him.


“What are you staring at?!” Tang Xiyan took the small fan from his hand and only then realized it was out of battery. “Tsk, didn’t you charge it last night?”


“What?” Qu Di snapped back to reality, checking the fan, and indeed, it was out of power.


“I think I forgot… There were too many things last night, and the hotel has spares. Shall I go back and get one now?”


“Forget it, I’m not that fussy.” He grabbed a big bottle of water. “What were you thinking just now? I called you several times, and you didn’t respond.”




Tang Xiyan looked at his slightly flushed ears and muttered, “Why do you look like you’re in heat?”


He often used crude words like these, but this time, it seemed like he had poured gasoline on a fire in his heart. Qu Di, acting out of character, gave his arm a punch. “Stop saying nonsense, I’m just… a little hot.”


He didn’t know that this reaction, which seemed rather suspicious, actually diverted Tang Xiyan’s attention. 


“You hit me so lightly. Haha, not even as strong as some Omega I’ve seen before! Need me to teach you a thing or two?” He began playfully throwing punches.


“You need to put more effort into it; otherwise, how can you hurt someone? Hey! Are you even listening to me?”




Thanks to his intervention, Qu Di’s thoughts were extinguished by his silliness, and he looked at him with a perplexed expression.




Tang Xiyan might have touched on the wound on his back, which made him stop.


“I told you not to move.” Qu Di tugged at Tang Xiyan’s clothes, trying to see his wound, but Tang Xiyan clutched his collar tightly.


“There are so many people here! Do you have to lift my clothes?”


“I just wanted to check the wound.”


“I know it myself, I’m fine!”


Just as he said that, someone passing by calmly said, “You’re bleeding.”


Tang Xiyan: …


All the ointment provided by Yu Zhiyuan had been given to Tang Xiyan. He had promised to take his medicine and apply it on time, but the reality seemed to be different.


Tang Xiyan argued, “How can I reach my back to apply the ointment? Are you out of your mind?”


“You can call me. Didn’t I tell you to contact me if you need anything?” They both lived in the same hotel, so it was convenient. “If that’s not possible, you can ask the people in the next room for help.”


Tang Xiyan suddenly asked him as if he had heard a joke, “Are you serious?”


His neighbor was the prominent figure in the entertainment industry, a big brother, and the next one was Yang Ji, whom he didn’t get along with. And beyond that was Wen Gu, an Omega. It didn’t seem appropriate at all.


Qu Di had forgotten that they weren’t in their college dorms anymore, and they had just started getting to know each other. It wasn’t easy to ask someone to come over in the middle of the night to apply ointment.


“What about your medicine?”


Tang Xiyan honestly said, “I didn’t bring it.”


“… Such artists are really worrisome.”


“Did you take your medicine?” Dr. Yu specifically mentioned that he had to take the anti-inflammatory drugs, or he would have problems with inflammation.


“I did.”


Next, Tang Xiyan had another scene to shoot, and the hotel wasn’t too far from the set. Qu Di took his room key card and went back to fetch it for him. He quickly arrived at the hotel, greeted the receptionist, and headed straight to the 53rd floor. Wen Gu was in room 5315, while Tang Xiyan was in 5316.


When Qu Di passed by Wen Gu’s room, he noticed that the door wasn’t properly closed; it was slightly ajar. He knocked on the door and called out, “Is anyone there?”


However, there was no response from inside. He was about to close the door when a cleaning lady stepped out of Tang Xiyan’s room. It seemed like Tang Xiyan had ordered room service, but both of them were startled.


Qu Di smiled at her, nodded, and closed the door on his way out. The cleaning lady pushed her cart away, and when she turned the corner, she glanced back at Qu Di, who had used his key card to enter the room. She didn’t ask any questions; after all, she was accustomed to seeing various assistants and managers accompanying big celebrities.


Tang Xiyan had invited Wen Gu and Shuyi to have dinner with him today, and he suggested, “I saw a nearby Hai Di Lao 1A very famous hotpot branch restaurant! restaurant. How about I treat you to some takeaway hot pot? We can have it in my room.”


It had been a while since he had finished shooting so early. Tang Xiyan was excited to order takeaway, and he and Qu Di began making selections. Fifteen minutes later, Qu Di glanced at the total, and he had ordered nearly a thousand yuan worth of food…


He advised him, “Don’t eat too much tonight.” The food here was quite expensive…


“We are three men plus a female beta. This little food won’t even fill the gaps between our teeth!”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 13 – Suicide to redeem love debt

Chapter 13


Since that day, Lou Yu announced his seclusion for meditation and no longer received guests.


Si Lan didn’t know what kind of emotions Lou Yu had after realizing the misunderstanding with the Moth King. Lou Yu was always one to keep a straight face, and you couldn’t tell anything unusual from his appearance.


But he vaguely felt that Lou Yu’s aura had lowered significantly.


Lou Yu sat on the jade stone by the hidden stream, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in his cultivation. Days passed while he remained motionless, deeply focused, but perhaps a bit too focused.


Si Lan noticed that as Lou Yu continued his meditation, his complexion worsened, and his spiritual energy became unstable. Faint traces of demonic energy flickered in his forehead. Si Lan suspected that Lou Yu’s spiritual core was tainted by a malevolent force. If he continued this way, it could ruin his cultivation.


“Lou Yu…”


Si Lan shouted, but he couldn’t change the past that had already occurred.


Suddenly, Lou Yu coughed up blood, his face turned deathly pale, and the malevolent energy invaded his spiritual core, causing his inner energy to go haywire.


He had broken the rules of his emotionless cultivation practice – the heartless Dao.


His previous cultivation was now backfiring, as if a wild beast was rampaging through his internal organs, meridians, and vital energy pathways. It sought to tear his flesh apart. If he didn’t regain control soon, he would fall into demonic cultivation.


“Lou Yu…”


Si Lan’s heart leaped into his throat. After the heartless Dao was shattered, if he couldn’t regain control of his inner energy, he would fall into demonic cultivation, leading to a reversal of blood and energy flow. In severe cases, it could even lead to death.


Though he knew Lou Yu couldn’t hear or see him, Si Lan continued to chant incantations and guide Lou Yu in his cultivation.


Lou Yu slowly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and rose from the ground. He resumed his meditation, his eyes closed.


After some time, the chaotic energy around him gradually subsided, and a hint of color returned to his pale face.


Si Lan sighed with relief. He initially thought that Lou Yu had not been moved, but now he realized that Lou Yu had been enduring his feelings. Centuries of cultivation had nearly been lost.


“More devoted than me,” Si Lan suddenly mused, with a touch of self-deprecation. “I lost three wives and was just heartbroken for a few hundred years. My cultivation is still intact.”


The little white dragon in his arms perked up and cast a cold, indifferent glance at Si Lan.


Si Lan suddenly realized what he had said and chuckled awkwardly, explaining, “Although I married three wives, I only met them once, and I never touched them.”


After saying that, Si Lan couldn’t help but mutter to himself in his heart that he was explaining things to a little white dragon who probably had no idea what a wife was.


After finishing his meditation, Lou Yu’s face was as white as paper. He appeared like a lifeless body, devoid of expression, as he left the Xuan Ling Sect.


Si Lan had no idea where he was heading, but in his current state, he would be vulnerable on the road. Even ordinary cultivators could pose a threat to him.


Si Lan followed closely behind Lou Yu and watched as he arrived at the Sacred Demon Valley.


The raging fire had burned for three full days before finally subsiding. The demon valley now resembled a massive, sunken ruin, covered in nothing but dust.


Si Lan saw Lou Yu leap down to the valley floor.


Lou Yu lightly waved his sleeve, and the dust on the ground dispersed. In the corner, a purple barrier became visible, inside of which lay Zhong Mu, dressed in a red wedding gown.


A sword was impaled through Zhong Mu’s chest, and her eyes were gently closed. Her enchanting and glamorous face, now peaceful as a child, appeared like a breathtaking painting.


Lou Yu stepped gently into the barrier and touched Zhong Mu’s face.


At that time, when he thrust the sword into her, what was he thinking?


Did she hate him?


Did she resent him for not trusting her?


Did she blame him for not giving her a chance to explain?


Lou Yu stared fixedly at Zhong Mu’s face, and he slowly pulled the sword from her chest. He had heard the Moths’ words earlier, knowing that using the Cleansing Dragon Branch on the sword and stabbing it into their hearts would seal them.


However, when he pulled out the sword, Zhong Mu in his arms didn’t awaken. Instead, she gradually turned into dust and dissipated in the wind before his eyes.


His calm expression faltered as he reached out to grasp the dust, but his efforts were in vain.


“How could this be?”


He had thought that pulling out the sword would break the seal, and Zhong Mu would come back to life. But why did her body disintegrate like this?


Lou Yu was in despair, as if he were making his last struggle. He clung tightly to the head of the person in his arms.




Don’t disappear, don’t leave.


If you really hate him, you should work hard to survive, and you should seek revenge from him!






He shouted the name of the person in his arms over and over again, but unfortunately Zhong Mu’s body still disappeared, leaving not even a trace of him.


He hurriedly used the soul-searching bracelet to search for Zhongmu’s soul, but there was no trace of Zhongmu in the six realms and five elements.


How so?


The Dragon fruit juice inserted into Zhong Mu’s heart can obviously only seal Zhong Mu’s soul, but why is Zhong Mu’s soul now scattered?


No body, no soul.


Lou Yu couldn’t bear it for a moment and vomited blood. Then he picked up the sword in his hand and slashed around like crazy. Wherever the sword energy hit, bursts of dust were stirred up, and the entire Demon Valley was shrouded in ashes. .


Si Lan’s line of sight was also blocked, and he subconsciously called Lou Yu’s name.


“Lou Yu! Calm down!”


At this moment, Lou Yu’s qi and blood attacked his heart, his inner breath was disordered, and he vomited blood again.


He didn’t understand why Zhong Mu was so distraught?


He had no intention of killing Zhong Mu completely, he just wanted to seal him away forever.


“Zhong Mu…”


Lou Yu covered his heart and knelt on the ground.


It started to rain heavily, and the raindrops washed Lou Yu’s face, making it look even paler.


He suddenly remembered the tears that Zhong Mu shed at the last moment, and the wind blew across his eyes…


He couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and touched his eyes.


It seemed that he had never even said a sincere word to Zhong Mu, but Zhong Mu had already left him forever.


Master once said that his life has been so smooth that he has never experienced regret, but once he experiences it, it will be unforgettable and heartbreaking.


For the first time in his life, he had doubts about his cultivation method.


Afterwards, the seeds of doubt destroyed the worldview he had built up over hundreds of years.


He obviously killed monsters and maintained order in the world, but why did he lose the person he loved most? Too painful to live?


The whole figure seemed to have been crushed into pieces and turned into mud.


I can no longer find a complete place.


Is this the fruit of the Great Dao’s cultivation method?


Si Lan wanted to comfort Lou Yu, but the hand he stretched out passed through Lou Yu’s body. He saw Lou Yu lying on the ground, curled up together in pain.


The heavy rain is still falling, and the whole world has become gloomy and gray.


Si Lan’s eyes were also red, thinking that if he could appear at Lou Yu’s side at that time and comfort Lou Yu, Lou Yu would not be so sad.




Lou Yu suddenly spoke, as if talking to himself out of thin air, but looking at him, he looked like he was having a conversation with someone.


Si Lan was shocked and followed Lou Yu’s line of sight, but saw nothing.


“Is it because he doesn’t eat raw meat that his cultivation is weakened and his soul is gone?”


Lou Yu stood up from the ground, lowered her eyelids, and blood-colored tears fell down drop by drop.


His Zhongguan has no reincarnation, no afterlife, and has disappeared from this world forever. He destroyed it with his own hands.


“I just want Zhong Mu now…”


He never knew what it felt like to love, he just felt that he must choose the most correct path. But this path made his life worse than death.


In the first half of his life, he promised Taoism, but in the second half of his life, he regretted it and only wanted Zhongmu.


He wanted to be selfish for once.


Si Lan didn’t know who Lou Yu was talking to. He looked around and saw no one at all. The Demon Valley at this moment is like a bloody mouth, full of weird and bizarre meanings.


Si Lan felt inexplicably horrified, as if there was a big hand invisibly controlling them. Just when he was suspicious, he saw Lou Yu in the heavy rain without any hesitation, directly drew his sword and killed himself, and blood sprayed out instantly.


“Lou Yu…”


The scene in the Demon Valley came to an abrupt end, and Si Lan and Xiao Bailong were instantly freed from the illusion of the Purification Curse. The fake building jade in front of him moved his eyelids slightly, and he was about to wake up.


Seeing this, Si Lan quickly probed into the opponent’s spirit, only to see that the spirit was completely deserted, with only a black evil controlling the body.


Since he couldn’t find any information from Jialouyu, he cast a spell to leave and returned to the banquet without anyone noticing.


But he couldn’t calm down at the moment. He held the wine glass to try to calm down, but the slightly trembling wine still betrayed his emotions.


Although he only experienced the Demon Valley incident from the perspective of a bystander, those scenes were flashing in his mind now. The Demon Valley was burned to the ground, the soul of the Moth King was destroyed, and Lou Yu committed suicide…


Scene after scene, the information conveyed was so complicated that he had so many thoughts in his mind, but he had nowhere to say it. He unconsciously opened his mouth, revealing a hint of bitterness.


Everything in the world is determined by fate, and it is never up to anyone.


The last stage of Lou Yu’s tribulation period was the love tribulation. Lou Yu once thought that the love tribulation came from his junior sister Yun Lan, so he thought about killing demons outside to avoid the love tribulation. However, he never thought that at that time, the love tribulation was in the catastrophe. It started when he killed the demon.


Si Lan sighed, closed his eyes, and put his fingers between his eyebrows.


The last scene in the Purification Curse shows Lou Yu talking to an invisible person.


What did that person say that made Lou Yu willing to commit suicide?


Is he the same person who controls Lou Yu’s body now?


Si Lan was lost in thought when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.


“Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”


It was Xie Li’s voice.


Si Lan suspected that he was hallucinating, so he turned around and saw a small dumpling in green robe breaking into the banquet and shouting loudly. The little dumpling looked left and right, and when he saw Si Lan, he ran towards Si Lan with excitement on his face.


“…” Si Lan.


It turned out to be Xie Li! After Xie Li died, Qu Ze followed suit.


Xie Li threw himself into Si Lan’s arms and murmured softly, “Oh, Your Majesty, I miss you.”


Thought Si Lan was fake, but craving a feast was real.


Xie Li was young and always eager to join in the fun. He used to tag along at various occasions like weddings and other worldly matters in the demon realm. However, this time, Si Lan had gone out for a feast without informing him. Once he found out the location, he immediately rushed over.


After all, there was nothing more important than feasting.


Si Lan could only helplessly massage his temples and then looked at Qu Ze, “How did you both get here?” Qu Ze was usually quite diligent, but this time, he had made a mistake and allowed Xie Li to come to such a dangerous place.


Qu Ze quickly bowed and admitted his mistake, “My Lord, I failed to watch over Xie Li properly. Please, punish me.”


At this point, Si Lan didn’t want to impose further punishment. He just sighed, rubbed his temples, and said, “Qu Ze, please take care of Xie Li.” Now that they were here, they probably couldn’t leave.


Fortunately, Qu Ze had a relatively high level of cultivation, and even with just one arm, his combat power in the demon realm was second only to the twelve peak lords. Si Lan felt relieved entrusting Xie Li to his care.


Qu Ze respectfully acknowledged the order.


“Uh, why is it all drinks? Where’s the food?” Xie Li grumbled, grabbing Si Lan’s belt with one hand, trying to climb into Si Lan’s lap. However, in the next moment, Xie Li’s consciousness suddenly heard a threatening voice.


“Stay away from him.”


Xie Li raised his head and saw a small white dragon with golden eyes glaring at him with anger.


“Or I’ll turn you into a pig’s head.”


The little white dragon squinted its eyes, but its mouth didn’t move; it only transmitted its voice directly to Xie Li’s ears.


Xie Li shivered, realizing that his true form was a beautiful brown jade, invisible to others. How did this little white dragon know? And he even threatened to turn him into a pig’s head!


Frightened, Xie Li quickly climbed down from Si Lan’s lap. With his heart pounding, he cast a fearful glance at the little white dragon and dared not demand food any longer.


The little white dragon, seeing Xie Li had yielded, retracted its head.


Clumsy and unruly, without any manners.


How did the Demon Lord educate his disciples, after all?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 65

       Suo Yang never thought about the possibility of getting married.

       In the past, he used to think that the country wouldn’t allow it. From the day he realized he was gay, the option of ‘marriage’ disappeared from his world.

       Later, when he met Zhou Mo, he realised that there was another way to start a family with a lover, and that was registering marriage abroad. Although it was not recognised back in the country, at least one would be psychologically satisfied.

       But even then, he didn’t think he would meet someone with whom he could get married.

       He was not a person who paid attention to rituals. He always felt that a certificate was just a psychological comfort. As long as two people truly love each other, so what if they didn’t have the certificate?

       However, at this moment, facing Shen Huiming, his worldview was wavering crazily.

       “Huiming…” Suo Yang stared at him, his lips trembling when he called his name.

       Shen Huiming looked up at him, “Do I need to give you some time to think about it properly?”

       He said, “Suo Yang, I won’t force you or rush you. I proposed on impulse, but I also promise that I sincerely don’t regret it. You don’t have to say yes on impulse. I also respect any decision and choice you make.”

       Suo Yang looked at him and couldn’t help but feel touched.

       The person in front of him always seemed to know how to make himself irresistible and always knew how to take the initiative to pave the way for him.

       Shen Huiming didn’t force everything. He just worked hard and waited for Suo Yang to take the initiative to turn to him.

       How could he refuse such a person?

       Just like back then, he knew that the cufflinks in his pocket were secretly put by Shen Huiming, but he still couldn’t refuse the other party’s request to meet. He knew that after that date, the relationship between the two would change drastically, but he still couldn’t refuse the other party’s date invitation.

       He couldn’t refuse Shen Huiming, just like he couldn’t refuse fate.

       Suo Yang raised his hand, held it with Shen Huiming’s, and pulled him up.

       “I’ve seriously considered it,” Suo Yang said, “Let’s get married.”

       What does it mean to get married?

       For them, in such an environment, as long as they stayed in this land, same-sex marriage had no substantive meaning, but that was not what they wanted.

       Suo Yang no longer hoped for what he couldn’t get. Call him negative or pessimistic. For him, ‘marriage’ only meant the determination of two people to be together for a lifetime, nothing more.

       Although Shen Huiming kept saying that he was just being impulsive, Suo Yang knew the other person’s character very well. He was impulsive but never hasty. Shen Huiming was telling him that he was ready to grow old with him.

       So, what reason did he have for not agreeing?

       After all, he also hoped that when he was seventy or eighty, he could still swim in the lake with Shen Huiming in the summer and skate in the winter.

       Suo Yang said, “I thought about it seriously and couldn’t find any reason not to agree.”

       Shen Huiming stood up, their fingers clasped together, and he asked, “Is there a reason for agreeing?”

       “Yes.” Suo Yang said, “We love each other. This reason is enough.”

       Maybe without today’s accident, they would have had such a conversation someday in the future, but no one knew when that ‘someday’ would come.

       Anyway, the ending was still the same, so it was not a bad idea to advance the plot.

       “Let’s go home.” Suo Yang said, “I’m a little hungry.”

       There were still faint traces of tears on Shen Huiming’s face, which made Suo Yang want to tip-toe and kiss him right now.

       Suo Yang took out a tissue, wiped Shen Huiming’s face carefully, and said with a smile as if coaxing a child, “This little face has cried until it’s all smudged.”

       Shen Huiming laughed out loud and hugged each other again.

       When they left the airport, the snow fell even harder. Suo Yang was worried and did not let Shen Huiming drive. The two took the airport bus back.

       “By the way, I almost forgot something.” Shen Huiming said, “Call Zhou Mo. He is scared.”

       Speaking of Zhou Mo, Suo Yang sighed.

       He called Zhou Mo before he came out. The other person was on his way to the airport. He turned around and went home after knowing that Suo Yang was fine.

       Suo Yang could tell that the other party was not in good condition, and after hanging up the phone, he sent Cheng Sen another message.

       “He was greatly affected by what happened in the past, right?” The two of them were sitting on the bus. Shen Huiming shook Suo Yang’s hand hard as he spoke.

       After all, he was not on the plane at the time. Even if he asked countless people who had experienced it personally about the situation at that time, he could not truly empathize with it.

       Everything was like this. Without personal experience, it was impossible to evaluate it truly and objectively. Some people might think that since they landed safely anyway, nothing was dangerous. However, even for one second before landing, the people on the plane were also experiencing a thrilling game, and the object of their game was fate.

       So, when he asked about Zhou Mo’s condition, he was actually asking about Suo Yang.

       Post-traumatic stress disorder. Shen Huiming has heard of such a disease.

       “Actually, Zhou Mo also likes this profession very much,” Suo Yang said. “I still remember the first day we put on the flight attendant uniform. He would ask anyone he saw if he was handsome. At that time, we both bet on who can fly long enough to upgrade to first class first.”

       Shen Huiming held his hand and listened to him quietly.

       “But he stopped flying before he had enough.” Suo Yang smiled, “Suddenly, I remembered that someone told me today that he felt that Zhou Mo had gone to enjoy life because he found a rich husband. “

       He looked down at the hands held by the two of them and smiled, “Rumours are really scary.”

       Zhou Mo and Cheng Sen met in economy class. At that time, Zhou Mo had not flown long enough to go to first class, and Cheng Sen was just a small business owner who had just started his career and was still worrying about his own business. Back then, Cheng Sen didn’t wear suits worth tens of thousands of yuan and couldn’t afford to fly first class at several times the regular fare. However, Zhou Mo still chose to be with him. After about a year of being together, Cheng Sen’s business started to take off, and he began to accompany Zhou Mo on trips during his free time.

       “People always make a major life-changing decision because of a certain incident,” Suo Yang said. “It’s not easy for Zhou Mo.”

       He turned to look at Shen Huiming, “But don’t worry too much about me, I’m fine.”

       It was snowing heavily outside, and it was so warm in the car that it made one want to sleep.

       Suo Yang leaned lightly on Shen Huiming’s shoulder, breathed a long sigh of relief and said, “It’s so good to be by your side. I can finally take a break.”


       Because of this accident, Suo Yang and his entire crew were given a few extra days off.

       Suo Yang didn’t mind this, and Shen Huiming was happy because Suo Yang’s days off meant they could spend more time together.

       On the first day of Suo Yang’s days off, Shen Huiming let the other party sleep in and didn’t disturb the other party. He just left a note asking the other party to get up and remember to eat. The last signature was: Your husband.

       Suo Yang got up and saw the note on the pillow next to him. Holding it in his hand, he read it, and his eyes curved into a smile.

       He lay on the bed, holding the note to the sun, feeling that life could not be better than it was now.

       When he got up, he looked at his phone. Zhou Mo sent a message last night, asking him to have dinner together. He had already fallen asleep at the time and didn’t see it until later.

       Suo Yang replied to Zhou Mo after washing up and then went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

       Zhou Mo called, “Let’s have lunch together?”

       “Okay,” Suo Yang sat at the dining table and asked worriedly, “Are you okay?”

       Zhou Mo smiled, “I was really scared about you at first, but my husband took good care of me, and I am now resurrected with full health.”

       Suo Yang heard him laugh and breathed a sigh of relief, “At work?”

       “No, I just got up.” Zhou Mo said, “Give yourself a day off today. Even a model worker must have some rest time!”

       The two made an appointment to go to a restaurant where they often meet for lunch. Suo Yang said, “I have something very important to tell you.”

       “How important?” Zhou Mo asked, “Have you finally decided to change careers?”

       Suo Yang smiled, “No, I haven’t flown enough yet.”

       “Tch, I thought you were scared after what happened yesterday.”

       He was indeed a little scared, especially when he discovered that the candy he had put in his pocket was missing. Although he knew he shouldn’t, he couldn’t help but think that this might be a warning of disaster.

       But fortunately, he was indeed overthinking.

       Afterwards, Suo Yang thought that the candy Shen Huiming gave him might have been a negotiation with God on his behalf. God liked the candy so much that he decided to pamper the people on the plane.

       It was a bit funny, but he felt happy just thinking about it.

       Zhou Mo said, “Apart from this, I really can’t think of anything that is ‘very important’ to you.”

       Suo Yang smiled softly.

       “Could it be that your parents finally decided to meet you after seeing the news?”

       Suo Yang was silent for two seconds and then said, “That’s not it.”

       Zhou Mo snorted, “Forget it. Let’s stop the guessing game. You can tell me when we meet later.”

       After hanging up the phone, Suo Yang sat there eating breakfast and thinking about Zhou Mo’s words.

       Would his parents see the news about this accident too?

       Would they care if they saw it?

       Suo Yang sighed. It was undeniable that he still hoped that he could ease up a little with them, even if it were just a phone call during the holidays.

       No matter how indifferent family members were, they were still family members.

       He picked up his phone and sent a message to Shen Huiming: I made an appointment with Zhou Mo for dinner at noon. Are we going to your parents’ place together in the evening? I brought them gifts from Berlin.

       The two started making out as soon as they entered the house last night, and Suo Yang didn’t even have time to unpack his luggage.

       After eating, he opened his suitcase, put a change of clothes into the dirty clothes basket, and took out gifts for Shen Huiming and his parents.

       Of course, there were also some for his own parents.

       For so many years, Suo Yang would bring gifts to his parents every time he went out, but he had never given them out.

       Shen Huiming called, “Are you coming over this afternoon? Or should I go find you after you get off work?”

       “I’ll come find you when you get off work,” Suo Yang said, “Huiming, come home with me in two days. I want to see if I can untie the knots I’ve had for so many years.”

The author has something to say:
Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-06-05 06:00:50~2020-06-06 06:03:55~

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Chapter 73 – An illegitimate child?

Chapter 73 – An illegitimate child?


The voice on the other end of the phone, Jian Luo, hesitated for a few seconds. 


The persistent voice of Jiang Jiang came from the phone, “Hello, Luoluo, are you there, hello…?”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, but in the end, a smile slowly gathered in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Laughter surged uncontrollably within him, and he shook, lifting his face to meet the red eyes of Lu Shifeng.




The smile abruptly stopped, and Jian Luo turned away, maintaining his suspicion. “Why would they have such guesses? No matter how you look at me, I’m a human, right? Can a dragon have a human as their son?”


Jiang Jiang explained, “It’s not impossible. The relations between different races are like this. Dragons originally took human forms, and there have been cases of aliens giving birth to humans when we still had reproductive abilities. Plus, someone confirmed that they smelled the scent of a cub on you, and you’re only 20 years old, isn’t that a child?”




He had to admit, the logic was sound.


Jian Luo hesitated. “You don’t believe it, do you?”


There was a suspicious silence on Jiang Jiang’s end, and after a while, he said, “Luo Luo, actually, I’ve always thought that the Marshal wouldn’t harm a human, but I never thought you could be his son.”


Jian Luo replied, “No…”


“Are you not a clone?” Jiang Jiang suddenly got excited, and his tone became cautious. “Then who is your mother? Are you viviparous or oviparous? Does Marshal Lu really have a partner?”


Jian Luo could only laugh and cry. Just as he was about to answer, the communicator was taken over, and Lu Shifeng’s voice sounded low, “He’s not my illegitimate child.”


In Jiang Jiang’s daze, the call was disconnected.


Jiang Jiang was dumbfounded, looking at the disconnected communicator in his hand. He slowly began to ponder a question: Although he denied the illegitimate child issue, did he not deny having a partner and a son? Or… was he overthinking it?


On the other side, the call ended. Jian Luo remembered Jiang Jiang’s words and couldn’t stop laughing. “Calling me your son, what were you thinking? Hahaha, I’m your son, what should I call you, grandpa? Hahaha…”



The car fell silent, with only Jian Luo’s merciless laughter remaining. 


The driver in front couldn’t help but sweat for this guy. He dared to joke with Lu Shifeng, who had once not even been born, and not only was he born, but he was also so brazen in front of him.


Jian Luo raised his head and met Lu Shifeng’s seemingly smiling eyes. His laughter got stuck in his throat.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Why aren’t you laughing anymore?”


Jian Luo cleared his throat and said, “Well, it’s not that funny, really.”


“Is that so?” Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, and a faint, almost imperceptible smile crossed his handsome and refined face.


Jian Luo pretended to be in pain, clutching his stomach. He moaned, “Oh… it hurts.”


Lu Shifeng leaned lazily against the chair. Jian Luo’s weight was insignificant to a powerful dragon. A hint of barely noticeable amusement appeared on his face.


Jian Luo continued to act, not making a sound for a while. He silently opened his eyes and saw Lu Shifeng’s teasing gaze. He felt like he couldn’t keep up with the act anymore.




Lu Shifeng said, “No more acting?”


Jian Luo pouted. “Not fun anymore.”


Jian Luo was genuinely curious about some online comments, so he quietly accessed the StarNet and began browsing through the page’s information.


As expected, it was quite lively. The top trending topic was:




When it came to the scent of a cub, most Dark Star beings wouldn’t be mistaken, especially when it came to the scent of a child. The discussion was also quite fervent:


“It must be the Marshal’s.”


“They both have the scent of the Dragon Clan, so it must be the Marshal’s, right?”


“Are you all sure it’s his son? What if it’s his partner?”


“If Lu Shifeng is mated with a human, I’ll eat my hat.”






There were many agreements below. Jian Luo’s mouth twitched. Did he and Lu Shifeng really lack chemistry to this extent? Why should he have chemistry with Lu Shifeng anyway?


He continued scrolling, and there was an explanation below:


“I’d rather believe this is a newborn cub.”


“Yes, otherwise, if it’s a partner, their lifespan would be too short.”


“And humans are too fragile.”


Jian Luo’s gaze gradually darkened. He touched his chin and looked at Lu Shifeng. “Do you think my belly is full of dragons, or could there be a human baby?”


Lu Shifeng was also reading the messages and raised an eyebrow when he heard Jian Luo’s question. Jian Luo swore that he detected a hint of disdain for his intelligence in that one look.


After a while, Lu Shifeng said, “You’ve had an ultrasound.”




Right, he had.


The car continued its journey to the military base, and Jian Luo was famished. Someone handed him a Sacred Dragon Fruit, and when he looked at the fruit placed in front of him, he used to find it very appetizing, but now it seemed tasteless.


Lu Shifeng sat across from him and asked, “Why aren’t you eating?”


Jian Luo honestly replied, “I don’t know what’s wrong, but I find it too greasy.”


The room fell silent.


Calculating the days, the dragon egg in his belly had been there for five or six months. If he calculated correctly, it was time for the first signs of pregnancy. Each race had different reactions to pregnancy, and Jian Luo’s reaction turned out to be the worst possible result—loss of appetite.


Lu Shifeng sat across from him, raised an eyebrow, and said, “What do you want to eat?”


Jian Luo thought seriously, “I want to eat spicy noodles.”




The room fell into silence again.


Fortunately, the Marshal wasn’t too worried. “Human food?”


Jian Luo nodded. He didn’t know why, but suddenly, he really wanted something spicy, and he wanted it now. “Yes, human food.”


Lu Shifeng considered it. “I’ll have someone buy it.”


Jian Luo suddenly felt frustrated. “You can’t buy it.”


Lu Shifeng looked at him, appearing puzzled. “Where can’t you buy it?”


“It’s not available.”


Jian Luo suddenly felt irritated. He sighed. “Forget it, I’m tired, and I want to sleep.”


He wanted to get up and go past the table and chairs.


But as he passed by, Lu Shifeng grabbed him. “If you don’t eat, what about the baby in your belly…”


Jian Luo was already frustrated, and this question triggered him. “Baby in my belly? I haven’t eaten for one night, what’s wrong with that? Will it starve to death? Don’t I have the freedom to do this?!”


The words tumbled out without thinking.


As the words fell, Jian Luo immediately regretted them. After his fierce outburst, he cautiously stole a glance at Lu Shifeng’s face. He found that the Marshal still had the same deep and calm look in his red eyes, as if no emotion could sway him, including now.


For some reason, seeing Lu Shifeng made Jian Luo’s anger dissipate.


Forget it. What’s the point of making a fuss? It wasn’t his fault that there were no hot and sour noodles. Everything he ate, drank, and lived in belonged to someone else. He was just a temporary guest. Was there any need to make a scene?


Jian Luo sighed, “I’m sorry.”


After some thought, Jian Luo decided to yield to reality. He turned around, “Let me try Sacred Dragon Fruit again. Maybe I’ll suddenly start to like it?


He took a step, but Lu Shifeng grabbed his wrist. The man said in a calm voice, “If you don’t want to eat, then don’t.”


Jian Luo was stunned. “But won’t that starve the dragon cubs?”


“He can skip a few meals,” Lu Shifeng glanced at Jian Luo’s stomach, “but I heard that it’s very painful for humans to skip two meals.”


Jian Luo choked, “I’m… I’m okay.”


He thought that they would fall into silence, but he had underestimated Lu Shifeng’s determination. “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo watched him walk towards the door, a bit out of sync, and stammered, “Where are we going? Where are we going?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t look back, “Moonlight.”


At eight o’clock in the evening, when Moonlight was bustling and busy, a luxury car parked at the entrance, and Lu Shifeng got out first.


Jian Luo followed and said from behind, “I don’t really want to eat meat right now.”


Lu Shifeng told him to follow, “Tell your request to the head chef, let them make it for you.”


As everyone knew, Moonlight never made custom dishes. Even if the king of heaven came, they wouldn’t accommodate personal tastes. You could order from the menu, but the dishes couldn’t be adjusted to your preferences, and even the emperor didn’t receive such treatment.


Following Lu Shifeng inside, Jian Luo suddenly remembered something. “Um, can I ask you something?”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Go ahead.”


“They said I’m your son,” Jian Luo scratched his head, “so if someone asks later, should I admit it or not?”


Lu Shifeng froze in his tracks.


Jian Luo quickly added, “I don’t mean anything by it. I just want to make sure.”


Lu Shifeng had gradually gotten used to the peculiar way humans thought. He looked at the somewhat embarrassed Jian Luo and smiled slightly, “It seems you’ve accepted your new identity quite quickly?”


What the hell with this new identity!


Jian Luo immediately retorted, “I haven’t accepted anything!”


Even if he agreed, Su Liang didn’t know if he could accept it. Who wanted to be father and son with their child’s dad? That generational gap was terrifying to think about!


Lu Shifeng’s smile grew stronger. He paused and said, “If someone asks about you later, just say that.”


Curious, Jian Luo leaned closer, “Say what?”


Because of his curiosity, he was standing quite close, and after hearing the answer, his eyes gradually widened, “Can you really say that?!”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 88 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 88


The first day of the preliminaries ended quickly, and the number of participants was halved as many contestants returned home with their belongings packed. Among those who successfully advanced, in addition to the famous star players from previous years, there was a group of newcomers who caught the intense attention of the media due to their outstanding performance.


That night, the exclusive forum for the Bounty Tournament witnessed a frenzy of new threads. Soon, every participant who had performed remarkably in the first round had a dedicated thread of their own. Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen undoubtedly deserved this special honor, but unfortunately, with so many groups and scattered viewers, their popularity still lagged behind those already famous star players.


As for Yan Hebin, who barely made it to the 20th place in the group, he had no outstanding highlights throughout the event and remained a typical low-key qualifier. Yet, for this aloof overachiever, it seemed he preferred staying out of the limelight and not attracting too much attention.


Lu Jingning had already explained the matter of the bug-like man to Wen Ye and the others. Both of his senior brothers made speculations similar to his own, believing that the bug-like man was most likely after the rewards of this tournament.


One thing was certain: this mission had to be successful.


Lu Jingning felt the need to gain deeper insights into his future opponents. After finishing dinner, he propped himself up on the table and started operating the terminal.


He first entered Bai Chen’s topic thread without hesitation, but after scrolling through it, he found that the so-called “revealing information” in the top post was just close-up shots, leaving him speechless, and he exited the thread.


Then, he randomly clicked on several popular topic threads and inadvertently ended up in Wen Xingchen’s post.


Unbeknownst to him, Lu Jingning was immediately captivated by the handsome figure in the top picture.


As he read through the comments, his eyes scanned the replies one by one:


Comment 4: Ah ah ah, this guy is so handsome! I feel my heart fluttering!


Comment 6: OMG, his movements are so swift and decisive. I seem to see the unparalleled Bai Chen.


Comment 7: Where’s Starforge Entertainment? Why aren’t they promoting him? This person has both talent and looks; he’s amazing!



Comment 33: Can you all stop for a moment? Don’t you see he’s a student from the Empire’s top military academy? Why talk about promoting him? He doesn’t need it.


Comment 34: I don’t care whether he needs it or not; I’ve fallen in love!


Comment 35: Can someone get me his contact information? I want to follow his star blog! Ugh, what a breathtaking Alpha!


Comment 87: Does this handsome guy have a partner? I want to date him! I’m young, beautiful, and gentle!



Lu Jingning: “…”


As he continued reading, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the fangirling posts. He intended to exit the thread, but the host kept updating new refined pictures, and he was unwilling to leave. He ended up scrolling through the entire thread.


After a moment of silence, Lu Jingning returned to the top comment and saved each picture one by one. In his mind, he couldn’t help but grumble, “What’s the use of having a crush? Even if he’s exceptionally stunning, he’s already mine! Give it a rest!”


Just as Wen Xingchen passed by, he saw Lu Jingning deeply engrossed in operating the terminal. He couldn’t resist walking over, leaning down, and softly asking, “What are you doing?”


Lu Jingning was so focused on admiring the newly saved pictures of his boyfriend that he didn’t notice anyone approaching. Startled by the voice, his heart skipped a beat.


Feeling a bit flustered, he involuntarily fumbled with the terminal and accidentally pressed a nearby button, causing the images to be displayed in full view.


The clear image that appeared in front of them was the final frame of Wen Xingchen, standing over a defeated opponent with an indifferent expression. The way his clothes fluttered slightly in the chilling wind added a unique charm to his familiar face.


Wen Xingchen unexpectedly saw his own image, and he couldn’t help but pause for a moment. But quickly, a faint smile appeared on his lips, and he looked at Lu Jingning with a teasing gaze, asking, “What? You can’t get enough of me even when I’m right here?”


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but blush.


It was absolutely impossible for him to admit that he was fangirling. At this moment, he staunchly replied, “Who’s interested in looking at you? I’m just collecting evidence!”


Wen Xingchen raised an eyebrow, “Evidence?”


“Yeah, evidence!” Lu Jingning maintained a stern expression, showing all the photos he had collected in front of Wen Xingchen. He was straightforwardly the first to accuse, “You told me to take it easy before the match, but what about you? You already attracted so many genuine fans after the first preliminary round. I thought you wanted to keep a low profile, Wen-ge?”


Seeing Lu Jingning’s act of trying to cover up, Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but find him cute. Rather than exposing him right away, he cooperatively said, “Indeed, I was wrong. So, what do you think would be the best way to handle it?”


Even though it seemed like Lu Jingning had the upper hand, he couldn’t shake the feeling that things weren’t so simple when he looked at Wen Xingchen’s expression.


After a brief pause, Wen Xingchen seemed to have thought it through and sincerely suggested, “As compensation, how about I let you give me a kiss?”


Lu Jingning: “???”


What kind of compensation was this?


Before he could react, in the blink of an eye, Wen Xingchen had already reached out and pulled him in.


Their gazes met as they came close, their eyes just inches apart.


Wen Xingchen teased, “Do you really want to punish me? Hm?”


The lazy tone in his voice was incredibly alluring.


Lu Jingning was momentarily stunned by Wen Xingchen’s unexpected move, and in the next moment, various idioms sprung up like bamboo shoots in his mind.


Bewitching charm, deliciously enticing, captivating like a fox… and not to mention, “You don’t kiss, you don’t kiss.”


Without any hesitation, Lu Jingning tilted his head back and, before Wen Xingchen could speak again, firmly pressed his lips against his.


Wen Xingchen had only intended to play with him, but he hadn’t expected Lu Jingning to actually kiss him. For a moment, his body stiffened in surprise.


Lu Jingning noticed the short pause and, satisfied, used his fingertip to trace his lips, as if savoring the taste of the perfect kiss.


Smugly, he asked, “How does it feel to sell your charm, Wen-ge?”


Wen Xingchen’s expression flashed subtly, and he leaned closer, saying, “It feels good. I want to sell some more.”


From Lu Jingning’s perspective, Wen Xingchen’s collar had opened slightly due to his position, revealing a clean and sexy neck, full of tempting allure.


Perhaps inspired by the earlier topic thread, Lu Jingning’s gaze shifted from the partially exposed charm, and in a sudden realization, he unexpectedly took out his terminal.


Before Wen Xingchen could react, a series of virtual camera shutter sounds rang out as Lu Jingning took several pictures.


With a sense of contentment, Lu Jingning thought, “That’s right, he’s right here. Why would I want someone else’s second-hand pictures? Perfect, I’ll just keep these photos as my secret stash!”




Even Wen Xingchen hadn’t expected that his private photos would be exposed in this situation. He suppressed the corner of his lips and wordlessly leaned down, sealing Lu Jingning’s lips with his own, kiss after kiss.


Lu Jingning didn’t anticipate that Wen Xingchen would get angry and take direct action. Feeling a mix of irritation and amusement, he tried to push him away, but with each affectionate peck, the passion was stirred, and he couldn’t help but melt into the warmth of Wen Xingchen’s embrace.


After a long while, Wen Xingchen released him and looked down at Lu Jingning with sparkling eyes, chuckling, “What’s the use of hiding photos? Isn’t the real person much better than those pictures?”


Lu Jingning’s reddened face “tch”ed, giving a haughty smile, “I don’t mind!”


Wen Xingchen didn’t argue back and just teased, “Alright, your willingness is the most important thing.”



Everyone noticed that Lu Jingning seemed to be in a very good mood after the first match.


He often stayed quiet, hugging his terminal for quite some time, which was a sight they had never seen before.


However, as the second round of the preliminaries was about to begin, Wen Ye reminded him to check the groupings for the next match. Lu Jingning and Bing Yunlin had conducted a thorough investigation of the bug-like creature known as Bai Chen. The feedback they received indicated that although it belonged to the insect race’s army, its specific rank remained unknown, and the information had been encrypted. Not the best news.


The insect race’s energy system differed from the human information molecule system. Male insects were scarce and physically weak, usually staying on the mother planet for reproduction. On the other hand, female insects had undergone a long process of evolution and had several different forms. Bai Chen, as a female insect, seemed to be a highly advanced warrior, if her appearance was any indication.


Most importantly, Bai Chen was in the same C-zone as Lu Jingning, which meant they were very likely to encounter each other in the upcoming matches.


After the reminder, Lu Jingning finally stopped indulging in his fantasies and entered his personal code on the tournament website to check the grouping for the second round.


The results showed that Bai Chen wasn’t in his group, but he noticed another name that was somewhat stubborn — Lan Yuanzhou.


Thinking of Lan Yuanzhou’s unwavering determination to challenge him, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but feel a headache.


His gaze swept across the rules of the next match and lingered on the words “team mode” for a moment. He rubbed his chin and said, “Big brother, you’re pushing me to this point…”


The author has something to say: Wen-ge is willingly selling himself, ah!


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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