Day: September 12, 2024

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister...well, half of it.

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister…well, half of it.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened as he said with a half-smile, “What General He said doesn’t count. Whether or not he comes to my side depends on what the Emperor decides.”


He Changzhou held Zhao Qi’s arm and asked, “So what does the Emperor say? Does he want to stay with me or go with the Prime Minister?”


At this moment, Zhao Qi could only sing a song for himself: Little Emperor, do you have many question marks? Why is it that others are happily living their lives while you are constantly forced to make meaningless, inexplicable choices? Last time it was between Xiao Shiqing and Rong Tang, and this time it’s Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou. Will the next time be between He Changzhou and Rong Tang?


Both of these men are important officials of the court, and Zhao Qi will need to rely on them in the future. He can’t afford to offend either. After much hesitation, Zhao Qi weakly said, “I choose neither.”


“Not acceptable,” Xiao Shiqing said. “You must choose.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Prime Minister, you’re pressuring the Emperor again.”


Xiao Shiqing’s dark eyes glinted, “General He, is the military camp so idle that you keep coming to the palace every few days? If you have nothing to do, I can give you an assignment to travel to Western Xia.”


Western Xia is a small vassal state of Da Jing, located far to the west. A round trip would take at least half a year.


He Changzhou’s face darkened, and his tone turned colder, “As the Prime Minister and head of the Cabinet, you can assign me tasks, and I have no reason to refuse. But even if I were to go to Western Xia, I would not let the Prime Minister bully the Emperor today.”


Xiao Shiqing laughed, “Bullying the Emperor?” He looked at Zhao Qi. “Have I bullied you?”


The two men were at odds, and the others dared not make a sound. Zhao Qiao looked at Prime Minister Xiao, then at General He, and then at the Emperor caught in the middle, suddenly feeling like he was watching a harem drama.


Zhao Qi looked mournful, “Alright, stop arguing. I admit my mistake—Changzhou, please let go of me.”


He Changzhou hesitated for a moment before releasing his grip. Zhao Qi approached Xiao Shiqing, lowered his head, and said softly, “Prime Minister, I was wrong.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression softened slightly, “Where did the Emperor go wrong?”


Zhao Qi took a deep breath, “I shouldn’t have let the beauties help me with copying characters.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “It’s good that the Emperor sincerely regrets it. However, there must still be a punishment.”


He Changzhou said, “How the Emperor should be punished is not for the Prime Minister to decide. The only person who can punish the Emperor is the Empress Dowager.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Fine, then the Emperor can accompany me to see the Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi knew that even if it came to the Empress Dowager, she would likely side with Xiao Shiqing. “Let’s not bother her.”


He Changzhou looked resigned, “Emperor, you needn’t be afraid. We are on the same boat now. I will help you.”


Zhao Qi turned to him, “Forget it. One should bear the consequences of their own actions. Let’s not add to the trouble.”


He Changzhou: “…”


“So, Prime Minister, how do you plan to punish me?” Zhao Qi asked. “Continue copying characters?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “You need to practice writing. Just complete the characters that others had copied for you before.”


Zhao Qi asked doubtfully, “Is that all?”


“Not quite,” Xiao Shiqing said. “The Emperor’s harem is filled with many low-born beauties who do not understand right from wrong and might have a tendency to mislead the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up, “Does the Prime Minister intend to expel them from the palace?”


He Changzhou: “Hmm?”


Zhao Qiao gasped, unable to help but say, “That’s too harsh!”


Xiao Shiqing looked at Zhao Qi’s eyes, which were bright and clear, as if expecting something. Before the words left his mouth, Xiao Shiqing changed his mind. “Expel half of them.”


…Just half?


Xiao Shiqing noticed the disappointment in Zhao Qi’s eyes and sneered, “If there’s another time, you won’t be able to keep the other half either.”


Zhao Qiao thought Xiao Shiqing’s punishment was extremely severe and couldn’t help but speak up for Zhao Qi, “Prime Minister, as the ruler of the country, the Emperor only has a little over twenty beauties in his harem. That’s too few. Even a local official’s family has more consorts!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Brother, do you have a misunderstanding about what ‘few’ means?


“The Emperor is now at a prime age, and if the Prime Minister expels half of them, who will be responsible for the Emperor’s bedchamber pleasures in the future? Prime Minister, will you take responsibility?”


You’re the one at a prime age, and your whole family is at a prime age! Zhao Qi wanted to cover Zhao Qiao’s mouth, “Please just go back to your fief, really.”


Zhao Qiao indignantly said, “Emperor, don’t be afraid. My brother and General He will definitely help you seek justice.”


Xiao Shiqing didn’t even bother to look at him, “Overestimating oneself.”


He Changzhou said slowly, “Actually, the Emperor is indeed at fault in this matter. It’s only reasonable for the Prime Minister to impose a punishment, and I have no objections.”


Zhao Qiao: “???”


Zhao Qi: “…” So much for being on the same boat. This boat is sinking too fast!


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “As expected of General He—Does the Emperor have anything else to say?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi said. “Since we’re expelling the beauties, let’s start with those who still have relatives and are financially well-off. Their lives won’t be too difficult after leaving the palace. It would be best to give each of them some silver as a token of appreciation for their company.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “Alright. However, Rong Tang is also one of them. Does the Emperor want to let him go?”


Zhao Qi hadn’t considered this and was momentarily stunned, “This…”


Xiao Shiqing smiled faintly, “The Emperor should consider it carefully.”


Zhao Qi hesitated to release Rong Tang from the palace mainly because, in the original story, the dog emperor ultimately fell into Rong Tang’s hands and was tortured beyond recognition after being corrupted. Zhao Qi was unsure of Rong Tang’s current feelings towards him. Although Rong Tang seemed less cold towards him on the surface, he couldn’t be sure of Rong Tang’s true intentions—he might already have a thousand ways to torment him planned out.


After much thought, Zhao Qi decided to wait and observe. Just in time, the Prince of Huai was about to arrive in the capital. According to the original plot, the Prince of Huai would go to great lengths to meet Rong Tang in the palace and inform him of his plans to raise an army. Zhao Qi could use the Prince of Huai to test Rong Tang. If Rong Tang opposed the Prince’s plans, Zhao Qi would release him. If Rong Tang still wanted his life regardless of everything, then he would deal with that when the time came.


Half of the beauties in the harem had left, and the remaining ones were orphans with no relatives, like Jiang Bao’er. Besides her good looks and a bit of talent, she had nothing else and would be left to drift into the world of pleasure.


Some of the beauties allowed to leave the palace were those who had been forcibly brought in by the dog emperor, so naturally, they were overjoyed to return to their families. Others, who had entered the palace with the hope of rising to prominence, were now unwilling and discontent to be expelled. Among them was Miss Shangguan, who was closest to Jiang Bao’er.


On the day of departure, Jiang Bao’er saw Miss Shangguan off. Miss Shangguan, while wiping her tears, said, “When I first entered the palace, I thought I would bear the emperor’s child and become a concubine or something. But now, two years in, the emperor hasn’t even touched me, and now I’m being expelled from the palace. What kind of fate is this!”


Jiang Bao’er, with red-rimmed eyes, said, “Sister, stop saying that. The emperor is no longer the same as before. Not only you and I, but even now he doesn’t visit the harem for ten days or half a month. Even when he does, it’s just to go to the Drunken Book Study. Today it’s you being expelled, and tomorrow it might be me.”


“Sister, you have no parents. How will you make a living after leaving the palace?” Miss Shangguan said, “You must not sit idly by and wait for the emperor to expel you!”


Jiang Bao’er, with tears in her eyes, replied, “I’m just a small male pet, and a rough one at that. Besides waiting to die, what else can I do?”


Miss Shangguan thought for a moment and said, “If you could bear a child for the emperor, wouldn’t you be able to stay in the palace for a long time?”


“Sister, what nonsense are you talking? I’m a boy!”


Miss Shangguan said, “Listen to me. There’s a eunuch by the name of Xiao Xiazi beside the emperor, who is from my hometown and with whom I have a good relationship. Last time, he told me an interesting thing—he said the Fourth Young Master from the Ninth Prince’s family gave the emperor two special birthday gifts…”


Upon hearing this, Jiang Bao’er’s expression became serious. “Sister, say that again. What is the name of the medicine that makes men pregnant?”


Miss Shangguan confirmed, “It’s called Chang Xiangsi.”


After the beauties had left the palace, Zhao Qi walked around the harem and found it much quieter. Unconsciously, he ended up at the Drunken Book Study, where he smelled a strong medicinal aroma and saw Jin Ning boiling medicine in the courtyard.


Zhao Qi approached her and asked, “Is this medicine for Rong Tang?”


Jin Ning, focused on boiling the medicine, did not notice Zhao Qi’s arrival. She was startled by his sudden question and let out a scream. “Your Majesty?” She quickly knelt and saluted, “This servant pays her respects to Your Majesty.”


“Get up, get up,” Zhao Qi said. “Is Rong Tang’s health not improving again?”


Jin Ning shook her head. “Replying to Your Majesty, the young master’s condition has improved recently, but the imperial physician said the medicine cannot stop. It must be taken three times a day.”


“…This isn’t a medicine pot; it’s a medicine barrel, isn’t it?” Zhao Qi looked at the black, murky concoction in the pot and asked, “Is the medicine ready?”


“Replying to Your Majesty, it’s almost done.”


“Then take it to him.”


Rong Tang was in the study organizing ancient books. Hearing someone knock, he said, “Just leave the medicine there.”


Jin Ning said, “Young master, the emperor is also here.”


Rong Tang turned around and met Zhao Qi’s gaze, giving a slight nod. “Your Majesty—cough.”


“Didn’t you say it was getting better? Why are you coughing again?” Zhao Qi said. “Hurry and drink the medicine first.”


Rong Tang took the bowl and drank a sip, slightly frowning. Seeing this, Zhao Qi asked, “Is it very bitter?”


Rong Tang looked up at him. “Why don’t you try it, Your Majesty?” He then handed the bowl to Zhao Qi.


He intended to show Zhao Qi that the question was meaningless. However, Zhao Qi hesitated for a moment and really took the bowl. “Alright, I’ll try a sip.”


Rong Tang: “…”


Jiang Dehai, upon hearing this, quickly said, “Your Majesty, you shouldn’t drink the medicine casually!”


Rong Tang said, “It’s just some tonic medicine; drinking a sip or two won’t hurt.”


“Then I’ll give it a try.” Zhao Qi was curious about the taste of the medicine. He took a small sip, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth, causing his facial features to contort. “Sugar— I need sugar!”


Jiang Dehai: “Quick, get some candied fruit!”


Zhao Qi loved snacks, and wherever he went, eunuchs carried small treats behind him. Zhao Qi quickly grabbed a piece of candied fruit and put it in his mouth, finally alleviating the unbearable bitterness. He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Rong Tang, you drink such bitter medicine every day. It’s really not easy.”


Rong Tang said, “You get used to it.”


“This one is very sweet. Do you want to try it?”


Rong Tang hesitated for a moment before accepting the candied fruit and tasting it.


“How is it? Sweet?”


Rong Tang nodded. “Sweet.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “If you like it, I’ll have someone send some to the Drunken Book Study later.”


Rong Tang, unusually, did not refuse. “Hmm.”


“You can eat it, right?” Zhao Qi asked. “Don’t throw it away like the peach blossoms I sent you before.”


Rong Tang lightly coughed. “I won’t.”


Zhao Qi’s smile became even brighter. Perhaps he was being overly sentimental, but he really felt that Rong Tang’s attitude towards him had changed significantly compared to before.


Rong Tang, keep it up. If your aversion to me decreases a little more, I’ll be able to release you from the palace!


Thinking about leaving the palace, Zhao Qi said, “Have you noticed that there are fewer people in the harem?”


Rong Tang replied, “Hmm.” He didn’t care much about others; it was Jin Ning who told him.


Zhao Qi popped another piece of candied fruit into his mouth and said slowly, “Regarding your departure, I’ve thought about it for a long time. I know you don’t want to stay in the palace any longer, but I have my concerns.” Zhao Qi continued, “I’m reluctant to part with you for now, so please stay with me a little longer. After the Longevity Festival…” Zhao Qi paused, thinking it was better not to say uncertain things just yet.


Rong Tang looked at him quietly for a long time before saying, “Alright.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 49

       After class, Chen Youyou noticed that Zhan Weiyang was daydreaming. It wasn’t just daydreaming; during the morning self-study session, when the teacher wasn’t in the classroom, Chen Youyou turned around to look at Zhan Weiyang a few times and found him smiling foolishly.

       Actually, Chen Youyou wanted to tell Zhan Weiyang about the incident with Xie Ling yesterday. Although he gave the bicycle to Xie Ling yesterday, he felt a little guilty. Originally, he wanted Zhan Weiyang to give Xie Ling a ride. Then the two of them would get to know each other as Zhan Weiyang helped Xie Ling change the tyre. As it turned out, Zhan Weiyang ran away directly, and Xie Ling’s bicycle was still broken there without anyone to take care of it. The more Chen Youyou thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt.

       He couldn’t help but want to urge Zhan Weiyang to help Xie Ling fix the bicycle, but he saw Zhan Weiyang in a daze all morning.

       Before Chen Youyou had time to speak, a boy from the next class suddenly called Zhan Weiyang’s name at the back door of the classroom.

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly came to his senses and turned his head to take a look. He stood up and walked towards the back door, curiously asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

       The boy threw a bicycle key to him and said, “Xie Ling asked me to give it to you.”

       Zhan Weiyang was puzzled. After taking the key, he found that it looked familiar. He thought about it and said, “Oh.”

       The boy had left.

       Zhan Weiyang returned to his seat and asked Chen Youyou, “Isn’t this the bicycle key you lent me yesterday?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Yes.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked him, “Why is it with Xie Ling?”

       Chen Youyou did not answer directly but thought for a while and said, “Do you, want to accompany, him to fix the bike, the tyre?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly remembered, “Oh right, his tyre is broken.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Yeah. I, gave it, to him yesterday.”

       Zhan Weiyang panicked, “What should I do? We broke it for him.”

       Chen Youyou reached out and grabbed Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders, shaking him hard, “So you, must go to, accompany him, to fix it!”

       He shook Zhan Weiyang so hard that he disturbed Zhan Weiyang’s deskmate. The little girl said impatiently, “Do you guys have a problem or something?”

       Chen Youyou withdrew his hand and said to Zhan Weiyang, “You, can do, whatever you want.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very distressed. Later in class, he kept thinking about this problem. When class was over, he pulled Chen Youyou and accompanied him to the bike shed, and the two found Xie Ling’s bike. They saw that the bike was still in there, and the rear tyre was still flat.

       Chen Youyou squatted down and pinched the tyre.

       Zhan Weiyang stood and thought seriously. After a long time, he said to Chen Youyou, “I have thought of a way.”

       Chen Youyou looked at him incredulously.

       After lunch at noon, Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou went outside the school to find a bicycle repairman. They used the excuse that their own bicycles were broken and they could not ride out, so they asked the guard to let the man in.

       The repairman brought tools and new tyres. When changing the tyres, Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou squatted beside and watched.

       Chen Youyou couldn’t help but be curious, “Isn’t this your chance to get close to Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang supported his face with his hands and said, “I don’t understand why I should get close to Xie Ling.”

       “Huh?” Chen Youyou was very confused.

       Zhan Weiyang stared at the front and suddenly leaned close to Chen Youyou’s ear.

       Chen Youyou immediately understood that something was to be said to him in secret, so he quickly moved closer and then heard Zhan Weiyang say, “I’m in love.” This was said sweetly and shyly.

       “What?!” Chen Youyou stood up in shock and yelled so loudly that the repairman dropped all the tools in his hand.

       Zhan Weiyang put his finger to his lips, “Shh—-“

       Chen Youyou squatted down again, this time very close to Zhan Weiyang. The two of them were close to each other, almost pushing Zhan Weiyang down. The shock in his eyes had not yet subsided, and he asked, “Who is it?”

       Zhan Weiyang hugged his knees with his arms and said, “It’s me.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Nonsense! Who are, you with?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and refused to tell him.

       Chen Youyou asked him, “You don’t like Xie Ling anymore?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Chen Youyou didn’t want to pursue this matter further. He was more interested in something else. He raised his hand and bumped Zhan Weiyang, “Who is it?” After saying that, he added, “Boy or girl?”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t say anything.

       Chen Youyou said, “You’re annoying.” Keeping people on edge!

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly blushed. He raised his hand to cover his face and whispered to Chen Youyou, “I kissed him.”

       This news was like a bolt from the blue for Chen Youyou. He hadn’t expected that at seventeen, he would still be a virgin while Zhan Weiyang would be the first to date and kiss someone. Chen Youyou’s tone became a bit sour as he asked, “Who is it?”

       Zhan Weiyang smiled and shook his body left and right but didn’t say anything.

       At this time, the repairman had already changed the bicycle tyre and stood up to pack up the tools.

       Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou didn’t continue talking. The two of them sent the repairman out of the school and then returned to the classroom together.

       Walking to the door of the classroom, Chen Youyou grabbed Zhan Weiyang, “What about Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s expression suddenly became solemn.

       Chen Youyou looked at his face, “W-what happened?”

       Zhan Weiyang whispered, “There’s a lot that I gave up.”

       “Huh?” Chen Youyou was confused all afternoon. He felt that Zhan Weiyang was leading him to run around, and he didn’t understand what had happened.

       Zhan Weiyang’s tone became sad, “Chen Youyou.”

       Chen Youyou said, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang turned around and faced him, saying, “I dare not tell him, but I will tell you secretly, okay?”

       “Tell me, what?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I will become a tree in the future, and you have to come to see me often. I only have you as a friend.”

       Chen Youyou frowned.

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and picked his fingers, “I know I shouldn’t do this, but I can’t help it.”

       Chen Youyou felt puzzled all afternoon.

       When school was over, the boarding students went to the cafeteria for dinner, and the day students went home, leaving Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou in the classroom.

       Zhan Weiyang said to Chen Youyou, “I have a System.”

       Chen Youyou’s face was full of confusion, “Huh?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I must court Xie Ling; otherwise, my points will be deducted. And when all the points are deducted, I will become a tree.”

       Chen Youyou’s expression changed from incomprehension to disgust, and finally said, “Are you crazy?”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little unhappy and said, “I’m not crazy. Can’t you listen to me carefully?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Then?”

       Zhan Weiyang continued, “That’s it, but I have someone I like more now, I can’t play two boats, I can only choose one.”

       Chen Youyou looked at him in confusion.

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I hesitated for a long time. This is not an impulsive decision. Even if I have to become a tree in the end, I want to be…” He lowered his voice and finally whispered, “Be together.”

       After that, he saw Chen Youyou staring at him without saying anything, so he said, “I only told this secret to you. You are my best friend.”

       Chen Youyou said, “So?”

       Zhan Weiyang grabbed his hand: “If one day I become a tree, you can’t forget me.”

       Chen Youyou finally said, “Crazy.”

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